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religion_n new_a old_a testament_n 3,965 5 8.0680 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A12161 The testimonie of a true fayth conteyned in a short catechisme necessary to all families, for the more knowledge of God, and better bryngyng vp of chyldren in his fayth and feare. Gathered and written for the benefite of Gods well disposed children, By C.S. Preacher. Shutte, Christopher, d. 1626. 1577 (1577) STC 22467; ESTC S114822 15,501 36

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THE TESTIMOnie of a true Fayth Conteyned in a shorte Catechisme necessary to all Families for the more knowledge of God and better bryngyng vp of Chyldren in his fayth and feare Gathered and written for the benefite of Gods well disposed children by C. S. Preacher ¶ Jmprinted at London nygh vnto the three Cranes in the Vintree by Thomas Dawson and Thomas Gardyner Anno Do. 1577. March. 10. ❧ The Testimonie of a true fayth Question IT is the duetie of a true Christian alwayes to be readye to render an account of his fayth to the ende it may appeare that he is not ashamed of Christ his Doctrine Let me therefore heare what thou canst saye of the principall poynts of Christian Religion Answeare There be three speciall parts therof the first is to know God and my selfe the second is the meanes wherby my saluation is wrought the third what helpes God doth further mee withall vnto lyfe euerlasting Question What sayst thou of the knowledge of God Answeare The same is of two sortes the one is vniuersall and knowen by the creation of heauen and earth wherin God offereth him selfe to be seene and knowen of me as the onely fountayne of all goodnesse who alone ought to be worshipped For his eternitie appereth in the making of the world his goodnes in preseruing the same his prouidence in the tokens whiche are seene and felt wherby what pleaseth his godly will commeth to passe and not by blynd fortune his wisedome in ordering of the things created hys ryghtuousnesse in deliuering the godly punishing the wicked hys mercy in paciently forbearing synners and calling them to repentance So that what may be knowen of God is manyfest in the things created which vniuersall knowledge taketh away al excuse from the vngodly whiche worshyp not God aryght but to me it is a ready way to bring me to the true worship of God. The other knowledge is special onely proper to the elect wherby through faith poured into my hart by the holy ghost I am assured that my saluation is wrought by Christ the Sonne of God by whome I am made the childe of God thorow grace and heyre with Christ of his kingdome which knowledge onely commeth of grace and so is giuē to me but it is restrayned from the wicked because of their sinne and hardnes of hart Question What sayst thou of the knowledge of thy selfe Answeare By creation I was made in Adam according to the Image of God I meane not any bodily shape for God is a spirit and without body in true rightuousnes holynes that is to say in al perfectiō and happines of nature both in ryght iudgement reason wyll strength In which happy state if Adam had continued both I and al his posteritie had bene blessed for euer Question How diddest thou fall from this grace Answeare My fall appeareth in that Adam who had thys blessing for me thorow the intisement of the serpent brake the commaundement of God in eating of the forbidden fruite and by the same depriued him selfe of his former happynes and brought synne death hel the wrath of God and all kynde of miseries into the world as iust punishmēts for his deserts In which his sinful act his pride disobedience lacke of fayth vnthankfulnesse to his creatour lyght credit to the Deuyll appeared In which offence both I and all his ofspring are wrapped in as much as in hym we all haue synned for he had the blessing geuen to keepe or loose for hym and his Wherfore I and al others descending of hym by him and in hym haue fallen from grace and are infected wyth hys corruptions conceyued in sin borne in eniquitie and by nature the children of wrath and vtterly vndone without the grace and mercy of God. Question How art thou restored to grace agayne Answeare My restauration commeth thorow the free mercy and fauour of God who after this my fall in Adam raysed both hym and me vp again with the comfortable promise of a Saueour who by his death shoulde pacifie the wrath of God and bring me into his fauour agayne by whose obedience I am made ryghtuous which my regeneration commeth thus to me whylest by the preaching of the Lawe I am brought to the feeling of my syns and raysed vp with the comfortable promises of the Gospell receyued by fayth My hart is lightned purifyed and gouerned by the holy Ghost my wil and mind reformed and the image of God renued agayne in me Question Shewe me what be the meanes wherby thy saluation is wrought Answeare The ordinary meanes commonly are two that is to say the word of God and fayth Question What is the word of God Answeare It is those Canonicall scriptures written by the spirit of God and commended to man both in the olde and in the new Testament wherin are conteyned all things necessary to saluation according to the which the Lord will haue all his religion measured without eyther addyng or dimishing Question How canst thou know the true Religion in so many opinions of the same as be in the world Answeare Fyrst I trye the religion taught me by the word of God and by his spirit geuen me to vnderstand the same Secondly I know thys spirit to be a ryght spirit because it confesseth Christ to be come in the fleshe that is to say ascribeth the whole worke of my saluation to him and to no other thing Thyrdly I expound one place of Scripture as it is not contrarye to another And thus I trye the truth making the worde of God to iudge and determine what I ought to folowe Question How is the worde of God deuided Answeare Into the Law and Gospell Question What is the Lawe Answeare It is the ten commaundementes of God requiring of euery one most pure perfect and perpetuall obedience promisyng saluation to them which fulfill the same threatning death and damnation to the transgessours thereof Question Rehearse the same to me Answeare 1 Thou shalt haue none other Gods but me 2 Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen Image nor the likenes of any thing that is in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath or in the waters vnder he earth thou shalt not bowe down to them nor worship them for I the Lord thy God am a ielous god visiting the iniquities of the fathers vpon the children vnto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me and shewe mercy to thousandes in them that loue me and keepe my commaundements 3 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vayne for the Lord will not holde him giltles that taketh his name in vayne 4 Remember that thou keepe holy the Sabboth daye sixe dayes shalt thou labour and do all that