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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A07781 A notable treatise of the church in vvhich are handled all the principall questions, that haue bene moued in our time concerning that matter. By Philip of Mornay, Lord of Plessis Marlyn, gentleman of Fraunce. And translated out of French into English by Io. Feilde.; Traicté de l'église. English Mornay, Philippe de, seigneur du Plessis-Marly, 1549-1623.; Fielde, John, d. 1588. 1579 (1579) STC 18159; ESTC S107520 167,479 400

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for the ordinarie nourishment of his children The Latine Church to the end she might nourish them with huskes and shales hath hidden it from them buried it in the earth or if for shame she hau● sometimes deliuered it vnto them it hath bene altogether couered with poyson In stead that this worde shoulde haue directed vs to God for our saluation shee hath sent vs to men which are nothing but perdition yea to the sonne of perdition him self Whereas she should haue assured vs in the infinite merites of one Christ the infinite God the papacie hath turned vs to our own merits which merite nothing but hell and death The whole law was giuen to no other end but to make vs feele our sinnes to search the remedie thereof in the grace of Christ but contrariwise the Romane Church maketh vs to play the Iewes more then the Iewes promising vs saluation of our selues to the ende that making vs to search for it that wayes more feruently shee might therein shewe vs hell She hath receyued the deuill into the Lordes house she hath mingled in his bread of life death and into his cuppe she hath put poyson to conclude if through Baptisme which she hath notwithstanding many wayes profaned she enrouleth children to God as a mother yet is it certaine on the contrary part that through her false worships she nourisheth them vp to the deuil And as concerning saluation in Iesus Christ which is the necke that ioyneth the head with the body Iesus Christ with his Church it is so cut of by mans merits by the merits of Saintes by the Popes pardons and such other wickednesses that the life of the Church holdeth but by a very litle thread the which had bene straightway quite cut off Antichrist had so wel laboured therein had not God through his great mercy sent his seruants in time to represse him As long then as this threade remained there we deny it not the name of the Church no more then vnto a man the name of a man as long as he liueth what sickenesse soeuer he haue yea we are content to call her the spouse so that therewithall shee suffer vs in like maner to call her an adulteresse But we say that she is an heretical Church worse then al the Churches that euer haue bene a wife which prouoketh God to a diuorce a mother which nourisheth vp her children to the diuell and we pray God that he will vouchsafe to take her in childhood being defiled in her blood and that he will washe her in her olde age in the blood of his sonne that he will remember as he promiseth to Ierusalem Samaria the couenant made with her from her youth and that as he hath done alreadye in a good parte of her members it woulde please him to restore her againe to her first puritie and integritie See then as concerning the hereticall and impure Churches in doctrine whereof we mayntaine the Romane and Latine Church to be in the chiefest degree Concerning the Schismatical Churches whether they are plainely schismatical or whether heresie foloweth after a schisme as a feuer doth after a woūd heretikes schismatikes in this sense are all one Of Heretikes we haue spoken as before Of Schismatikes we make here two distinctiōs The cause sayth the Canon maketh a schismatike not the separatiō therfore we say that they which haue giuen others a iust occasion to separate thē selues from their corruptions are the schismatikes not they who haue taken it For this cause the Apostles were not schismatikes although they separated them selues from the Scribes Pharises cut themselues of from their assemblies But rather the Priestes Scribes which put them to death when they submitted them selues to verifie the comming of Christ amidst the Church we shall proue in his proper place that the selfe same in like maner is come to passe in our time of those which haue verified Antichrist in an open councill For the second we say that we must distinguish betwixt the author of a schisme those which followe it That the authors of Schisme forasmuch as they rent thēselues from charitie so by cōsequence from the body of Christ they may be cōpared to Dathan Core Abiram cutting themselues asmuch as in them lyeth out of the booke of life Concerning the others we say that they are the flocke of Christ but euil gouerned by their pastors and principally those which are borne vnder the Schisme forasmuch as neither of both are without blame neither can in any wise excuse themselues And therefore Dathan and his companions were swallowed vp and the congregation which cleaued vnto him was spared but in that it sawe the horrible punishmēt of those whom it had followed it was warned to separate it selfe for feare of the like In like maner Ieroboam his successors which through ambition had made a schisme in the Church were accursed and yet Samaria ceased not therefore at the least to be in the couenant of God neither by reason of her false worships halfe Iewish halfe heathenish To be short ambition the want of charitie wherof it proceedeth these make schismatikes therefore the poore people which do not holde thereof but are caried away with the faction of the mightiest as it were with a streame this although it be a separatiō yet properly it is not a schisme And euen as in factions which are made in a kingdome against the common wealth a good prince punisheth the Captaines through his clemēcie pardoneth the people who were let alone either to go through ignorance or in respect of their authoritie c. euen so it is to be presumed that the father of mercy doeth towards his poore children which for the most part do mourne vnder the ambition of the prelates are not partakers of their subtill coūcels This be simply spoken of the Schismaticall Churches that is to say which haue no notable heresies ioined with their schismes The like thing also may be foūd in the Churches of the heretikes for oftentimes the leaders of the Church are heretikes by their subtilties in certaine things not the people who vnderstand thē not contenting themselues with the simplicitie of the worde which alwayes is most true But we will speake of this more amplie in another place We wil conclude then that the workes of the pure Church are fayth and charitie the worde and the Sacramentes purely lawfully administred The markes of the impure Churches are whē therin they faile in part or be impure the which thing many times falleth out ordinarily together To be short howsoeuer it be when it hath no religion nor no doctrine nor no visible signes to distinguish it frō others We say that the Christian Churches haue their doctrine comprised in the olde newe Testament their Sacraments which are Baptisme the Supper that those which minister the one the other purely
world and these gay distinctions de congruo de condigno of congruence and condignitie which altogether destroy the comming of the Messiah And they haue gone so farre that the more deuout sort bought the merites of Fryers and Monkes which they called workes of supererogation that is to say that these Fryers had ynough to merite Paradise so as a man might not onely of himselfe be saued but he myght buye his saluation by the workes of another And yet notwithstandyng all this sinne is in such sort engrauen in man that it is felt in those that are most blockish and therefore the most part seeke yet the Physition and can neuer content themselues with it But behold an other craft of Antichrist to abolish the comming of the Messiah whereas they should onely be directed to Christ the onely Physition for sinners he directeth them to men and by litle and litle so well he acquiteth himselfe they are altogether directed to himselfe Iesus Christ sayeth vnto all Call vpon me He stretcheth out his armes to euery one he preuenteth vs with his mercie he draweth vs to him selfe as it were by strong hande In stead of shewing vs him the Pope sendeth vs to the virgine Marie and to Saynts and to their merites as though all they together in all their lyfe could deserue any thing but death or hope for any thing after their death but hel fire without the death of Iesus Christ our Lorde To this ende so shamelesse they were in this kingdome of darknesse that they corrupted the firste promise which God made to our Fathers concerning Christ to come which should bruse the head of the Serpent transferring it to the virgine Marie Also they attributed and applied to her al that which is spoken of the Father and the Sonne in Dauids Psalter In te domina speraui Miserere mei Domina Dixit dominus dominae meae Sede mater mea a dextris meis c. In thee haue I trusted O Lady Haue mercy vpon me O Lady The Lorde hath sayd to my Lady Sitte my mother at my right hand c. In such sorte that these blasphemies which they called Our Ladyes houres were the chiefe deuotion of those that were most deuout Howe seeing the virgine Marie was put in Christe his place I aske what remayned for him And if for bringing foorth a childe shee had accomplished the saluation of those that call vpon her why then what neede was there that he should deliuer himselfe to death for vs From the selfe same roote sprong the fourteene Saints that we must call vpon in the time of our necessitie the patrones of eche profession the Physitions for euery disease that we must woorship by vowes Pilgrimages and Offrings and their Images with censinges payntings and all kyndes of woorshppinges so that the Church of Rome had goddes not as the Iewish Church had according to the nomber of their Citties but almost according to the nomber of their citizens Whereupon the saluation of the worlde was parted amongst so many persons that the worlde knewe nothing of the onely saluation I saye of him who by his death had purchased lyfe for vs to witte of Iesus Christe our Lorde To helpe sinnes which are the diseases of the soule we had the merites of Sayntes both quicke and dead whereof a great nomber as Saynt Augustine sayeth is in hell or at least were in daunger to be there For remedy agaynst daungers of the bodye as sickenesses losses fyre shipwrackes stripes woundes prysons wee had Sayntes to looke to euery of these as had the Paynims one onely thing remayned to our Sautour That in the conclusion of prayer hee was by custome named without anie thinking vpon him as it were in the stile of a notarie What shall wee saye more of the abominable impietie that the popedome had brought in amongst Christians He founde out for vs a Saynt Frauncis as it were a newe Christe of whom menne haue taught these opinions bothe by preachyng and imprinted bookes sette foorth by their priuiledge That hee coulde saue all men that shall liue after him to the end of the worlde through his merits from euerlasting death That he that shal take the habite or apparel of Saint Frauncis hath the same vertue as to be clothed with Christ through Baptisme That to die or to be buried in his habite deliuereth from the paynes of purgatorie To be short cōparing Iesus Christ with him they make him in all things farre inferiour And to the ende women should not haue lesse priuiledge then men they haue taught that the virgine Marie by the merite of her virginitie might saue all women that should put their trust in her and that Saynt Claire came at the same time that Saynt Frauncis did to saue all those that should call vpon her to the ende of the worlde And what would haue bene the ende of these blasphemies if men had not resisted them Do we thinke there would haue bene any mention of Christ in our dayes I doe not tell you any fables The bookes that men made foure hundred or fiue hundred yeeres agoe are full of such like doctrine which hitherto they dare not disalowe These were the readings of the schooles and of the most notable chaires when Luther beganne to reueyle Antichrist And yet further beholde the absolution they gaue to their penitentiaries The passion of Christ and the merits of the blessed virgine Marie of Saynt Peter of Saynt Paul and of other hee Sayntes and shee Saintes of paradise be vnto thee in remission of thy sinnes wherby the Franciscane Fryers do inseparably ioyne Saynt Frauncis with Iesus Christ See then howe the Popes contrarie to the worde of God and vniforme doctrine of all the auncient Fathers haue taught the people the remission of their sinnes in Iesus Christ alone and him crucified who notwithstanding is so sufficient for our saluation that Saint Paul sayd he neither knewe nor would knowe any other thing But as the Pope and his supporters had turned away the people from Christ to the virgine Marie and from the virgine Marie to the Apostles and from the Apostles to olde Sayntes and from the olde Sayntes to newe whom they haue canonized according to their fantasie and after to their Temples Chappels Sepulchres Bones Relikes and Images Finally they haue gone so farre astraye that by litle and litle he drewe all to himselfe and by processe of time wholly put him selfe in the place of Iesus Christ our Lorde The bloud of Iesus Christ shed vpon the tree of the Crosse is the satisfaction for the sinnes of all those that beleeue in him This is the onely marke of all the olde and newe Testament But the Pope the contemner of all religion bare the worlde in hande that he was the treasourer of this great raunsome payde for our sinnes And that to be partaker thereof we must come vnto him And he will distribute this benefite to whom he thinketh