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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03691 An ansvveare made by Rob. Bishoppe of VVynchester, to a booke entituled, The declaration of suche scruples, and staies of conscience, touchinge the Othe of the Supremacy, as M. Iohn Fekenham, by vvrytinge did deliuer vnto the L. Bishop of VVinchester vvith his resolutions made thereunto. Horne, Robert, 1519?-1580.; Feckenham, John de, 1518?-1585. 1566 (1566) STC 13818; ESTC S104234 173,274 272

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and vsed in the same sort his princely authoritie in refourming all abuses in all maner causes ecclesiastical These godly kynges claymed and toke vpon theim the supreme gouernement ouer the ecclesiasticall persons of al degrees and did rule gouerne and direct them in all their functions and in all maner causes belonging to Religion and receyued this witnes of their doinges to wyt that they did acceptable seruice and nothing but that whiche was ryght in Gods sight Therfore it foloweth well by good consequent that Kynges or Queenes may clayme and take vpon them suche gouernement in thynges or causes ecclesiasticall For that is ryght sayth the holy ghost they should than do wrong if they did it not You suppose that ye haue escaped the force of all these and such lyke godly kynges which do marueilously shake your holde and that they may not bee alledged against you neither any testimony out of the olde testament for that ye haue restreignes the proufe for your cōtentation to suche order of gouernement as Christ hath assigned in the Ghospell to be in the tyme of the newe Testament wherin you haue sought a subtyle shift For whyles ye seeke to cloke your errour vnder the shadowe of Christes Ghospel you bewray your secrete heresies turnyng your selfe naked to be seen of all men and your cause notwithstandyng left in the state it was before nothyng holpen by this your poore shift of restreynt So that where your friendes toke you before but only for a Papist now haue you shewed your selfe to them playnly herein to be a Donatist also When the Donatistes troubled the peace of Christes catholique Churche and deuided them selues frō the vnitie thereof as now you do The godly fathers trauailed to confute their heresies by the Scriptures both of the olde and newe Testament and also craued ayde and assistaunce of the Magistrates and Rulers to refourme them to reduce them to the vnitie of the Churche to represse their heresies with their authoritie godly lawes made for that purpose to whome it belonged of dutie and whose especial seruice to Christe is to see care and prouyde that their subiectes be gouerned defended mainteined in the true and sincere Religion of Christ without all errours superstitions and heresies as S. Augustine proueth at large in his epistle against Vincentius a Rogatiste in his epistle to Bonifacins and in his bookes against Petilian and Gaudentius letters Against this catholique doctrine your auncestours the Donatistes aryse vp and desende them selues with this colour or pretence that they be of the catholique fayth and that their churche is the catholique church Which shifte for their defence against Gods truthe the Popishe sectaries do vse in this our tyme being no more of the one or of the other than were the Donatistes and suche lyke of whom they learned to couer their horrible heresies vnder the same fayre cloke that the seculer Princes haue not to medle in matters of Religion or causes ecclesiasticall That God committed not the teaching of his people to kynges but to Prophetes Christe sent not souldiours but fishers to bring in and further his Religion that there is no example of such ordre founde in the Gospel or new Testamēt wherby it may appeare that to secular Princes it belongeth to haue care in matters of Religion And that as it semeth by that S. Augustine by preuention obiecteth against them they subtilly refused all proufes or examples auouched out of the olde Testament as ye craftely do also in bynding me onely to the new Testament which S. Augustine calleth an odious and wicked guyle of the Donatistes Let your friendes nowe whom ye wil seeme to please so muche when you beguyle them moste of all weigh with aduisement what was the erronious opinion thouching the authoritie of Princes in causes ecclesiasticall of the Donatistes as it is here rightly gathered forth of S. Augustine and let them consider wysely these foule shiftes they make for their defence And then compare your opinion and guylefull defences thereof to theirs and they must needds clappe you on the backe say to you Patrisas ▪ if there be any vpright iudgement in them demyng you so lyke your great grandsier Donatus as though he had spit you out of his owne mouth But for that S. Augustines iudgement and myne in this controuesie is alone as your opinion herein differeth nothyng at all from the Donatistes I wyll vse no other confirmation of my proufes alledged forth of the olde Testament for the reproufe of your guylful restraint thē Christes catholique Church vttered by that catholique Doctour S. Augustin against al the sectes of Donatistes whether they be Gaudentians Petilians Rogatistes Papistes or any other petit sectes sprong out of his loynes what name so euer they haue S. Augustine against Gaudentius his second epistle affirmeth saiyng I haue saith he already heretofore made it manifest that it apperteined to the kinges charge that the Niniuites should pacifie Goddes wrath whiche the Prophet had denounced vnto them The kinges whiche are of Christes Churche doo iudge moste rightly that it apperteineth vnto their cure that you Donatistes rebell not without punishement against the same c. God dooth inspire into kinges that they shoulde procure the commaundement of their Lorde to be perfourmed or kept in their kingdome For they to whom it is said and now ye kinges vnderstande be ye learned ye Iudges of the earth ferue the Lorde in feare doo perceiue that their authoritie ought so to serue the Lorde that suche as will not obey his will shuld be punished of that authoritie c. Yea saith y e same S. Aug. Let the kings of the earth serue Christ euē in making lawes for Christ meaning for the furtherance of Christes religiō How then doth kinges saith S. Aug. to Bonifacius against y e Donatistes serue the lord with reuerēce but in forbidding and punishing with a religious seueritie such thinges as are done against the Lordes cōmaundemētes For a king serueth one way in that he is a man an other way in respect that he is a king Bicause in respect that he is but ● man he serueth the Lorde in liuing faithfully but in that he is also a kinge he serueth in makinge Lawes of conuenient force to commaunde iust thinges and to forbidde the contrary c. In this therfore kinges serue the Lorde when they doo those thinges to serue him which they could not doo were they not kinges c. But after that this began to be fulfilled which is written and all the kinges of the earth shall worship him all the Nations shall serue him what man being in his right wittes may say to kinges Care not you in your kingdomes who defendeth or oppugneth the Churche of your Lorde Let it not apperteine or be any part of your care who is religious in your kingdome or a wicked deprauer of Religion This was the iudgement of S.
Augustine or rather of Christes catholique Churche vttered by hym againste the Donatistes touching the Seruice authoritie power and care that kynges haue or ought to haue in causes spirituall or ecclesiasticall the whiche is also the iudgement of Christes catholique Church now in these dayes mainteined and defended by the true mynisters of the same catholique Churche againste all Popishe Donatistes with the force of Gods holy woorde bothe of the olde and new Testament euen as S. Augustine did before Who to prooue and confirme this his assertion to bee true against the Donatistes did auouche many mo examples than I haue cited out of the olde Testament As of the kyng of Niniue of Darius Nabuchodonozor others affirmyng that the histories and other testimonies cited for this matter out of the olde Testament are partly figures and partly prophecies of the power duety and seruice that kynges should owe and perfourme in like sorte to the furtherance of Christes Religion in the time of the new Testament The Donatistes in the defence of their heresy restrayned S. Augustine to the example and testimony of such like order of Princes Seruice in matters of Religion to be founde in the Scriptures of the new Testament meanyng that it could not be found in any order that Christe lefte behynde hym as you also fantasied when you wrote the same in your booke folowyng yea going euen cheeke by cheeke with them But S. Augustine maketh aunswere to you all for hym and me bothe Who rehcarsing the actes of the godly kynges of the olde Testament taketh this for a thyng not to be denied to wytte That the auncient actes of the godly kinges mentioned in the Propheticall bookes were figures of the like factes to be doon by the godly Princes in the time of the newe Testament And although there was not in the tyme of the Apostles nor of long tyme after any kynges or princes that put the same ordinaunce of Christ in practise all beynge infideles for the most part Yeat the seruice of kinges was figured as S. Augustine saieth in Nabuchodonozor and others to be put in practice when this of 71. Psalme should be fulfilled and all the kinges of the earth shall worshippe Christ and all nations shall serue him c. As yet in the Apostles time this prophecy sayth he was not fulfilled and now ye kinges vnderstande be learned ye that iudge the earth and serue the Lorde in feare with reuerence VVhen the christian Emperours and Princes saieth this catholique father shall heare that Nabuchodonozor after he had seen the marueilous power of almighty God in sauing the three younge men from the violence of the fire walking therin without hurt was so astonied at the miracle that he him selfe being before this but a cruell Idolatour began forthwith vpon this wonderous sight to vnderstande and serue the Lorde with reuerent feare Doo not they vnderstande that these thinges are therefore writen and recited in the Christian assemblies that these shoulde be examples to them selues of faith in God to the furtherance of Religion These Christian rulers therfore minding according to the admonition of the Psalme to vnderstande to be learned and to serue the Lord with reuerent feare do very attētiuely giue eare and marke what Nabuchodonozor after said for he saieth the Prophet made a decree or statute for all the people that were vnder his ●beissance that who so euer shuld after the publicatiō thereof speake any blasphemy against the almighty they should suffer death and their Goodes be confiscate Now if the Christian Emperours and kinges doo know that Nabuchodonozor made this decree against the blasphemers of God surely they cast in their myndes what they are bounde to decree in their kingdomes to witte that the selfe same God and his Sacramentes be not lightly set by and contemned Thus farre S. Augustin By whose iudgement being also the iudgement of the catholique church it is manifest y t the order rule and gouernement in Ecclesiasticall causes practised by the kynges of the olde Testament beynge figures and prophesies of the lyke gouernement and seruice to be in the kynges vnder the newe Testament is the order of gouernment that Christ left behynde him in the Ghospell and newe Testament and so directlye confuteth your erronious opinion Nowe I wyll conclude on this sorte that whiche I affirmed namely that kynges and Princes ought to take vpon them gouernement in Ecclesiasticall causes What gouernement orde and dutifulnes so euer belongyng to any God hath figured and promysed before hande by his Prophetes in the holy Scriptures of the old Testament to be perfourmed by Christe and those of his kyngdome that is the gouernement order and dutifulnes set foorth and required in the Ghospel or newe Testament But that faithfull Emperours Kynges and Rulers ought of dutie as belongynge to their office to claime and take vpon them the gouernement authoritie power care and seruice of God their Lorde in matters of Religion or causes Ecclesiasticall was an order and dutifulnes for them prefigured and fore promysed of God by his Prophetes in the Scriptures of the olde Testament as S. Augustine hath sufficiētly witnessed Ergo. Christian Emperours Kynges and Rulers owe of dutie as belonging to their office to clayme and take vpon them the gouernement authoritie power care and seruice of God their Lorde in matters of Religion or Spirituall or Ecclesiasticall causes is the gouernement order and dutifulnes set forth and required in the Ghospell or newe Testament This that hath been already sayd myght satisfie any man that erreth of simple ignoraunce But for that your wilfulnes is suche that you delight only in wranglinge against the truthe appeare it to you neuer so playne and that no weyght of good proufes can presse you you are so slippery I wyll loade you with heapes euen of suche proufes as ye wyll seeme desirous to haue The holy Ghost describing by the Prophete Esay what shalbe the state of Christes Church in the time of the new Testament yea now in these our daies for this our time is the time that the Prophet speaketh of as S. Paule witnesseth to the Corinthians addeth many comfortable promises amongest other maketh this to Christes Catholique Church to witte Kinges shalbe Nourshing Fathers and Quéenes shalbe thy nources Nourishing Fathers saith the glose enterlined In lacte verbi In the mylke of the woorde meaninge Goddes woorde Lyra addeth This prophecy is manifestly fulfilled in many Kinges and Queenes who receiuing the Catholique Faith did feede the poore faithfull ones c. And this reuerence to be done by Kinges saith Lyra was fulfilled in the time of Constantine and other Christian Kinges Certainely Constantine the Emperour shewed him selfe to vnderstād his owne duety of nourishing Christes Church appointed by God in his Prophecy for he like a good tender and faithful Nourcefather did kéepe defende mainteine vpholde and féede the poore faithfull ones of Christ he hare them beinge