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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A03628 A funerall oratyon made the xiiij. day of Ianuary by Iohn Hoper, the yere of our saluation, 1549. vpon the texte wrytyne in the Reuelatyone of Sayncte Iohne. Ca. 14. Hooper, John, d. 1555. 1549 (1549) STC 13753; ESTC S109471 9,380 42

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denye not but they be blessed but it is in hope to come not wyth present Joye and felicytie for they muste suffre the paynes of purgatorye and so entre the place appoynted To the whyche obiectione S. Johne in thys place ansureth denyeth anye deferrynge of tyme betywyxe the deathe of a Christyane and hys acceptatione into the fruycione of God and sayth by and by not to go fyrste into purgatorye then aftre into heauen And so saythe Chryste hymselfe John 5. The same teacheth vs the parable of Lazarus soule streyghwaye vpō his death that was takē into Abrahams bossome Luc. 16. Where as ye maye learne the state of the soules departed And here S. John sheweth the cause why the soules that dye be not drawen through purgatorye nor passeth through no suche paynes to come to heauen Because sayth he they maye reste from there laboures that is to saye from the paynes dew for synne and from all other myseries of right annexed and layde vpon men for synne If the Christyane soules go into purgatorye they be not quyt from there labours but put vnto more laboures From a hote feuere into a hote fyre frome paynes tollerable to y e paynes y t be as there doctryne saythe as greuouse as the paynes of hell So the deathe of manne were not the ende of hys myseryes but the begynnynge Nether were not deathe as S. Paull saythe 1. Corin. 15. The laste enemye of manne but purgatorye were Nether were it trewe that he sayth Ebre 9. chapt That manne receyueth hys iudgemēt after hys death but after he is fyrste dead and then sufficyently purged in Purgatorye Wherof ye haue no Exāple in the newe Testamente nor in the olde ye haue neyther anye commaundemente to praye for the dead nor yet promyse that God wyll heare youre prayer when ye praye Who taughte you to bryng any religion into the churche of God withoute Goddes commaūdemente and the decrees of the vniuersall churche whyche is the churche of the Patriarches Prophetes and the Apostles whose fayth lyfe deathe and doctryne is oughte to be the grounde and foundacyon of Christiane relygyon as Saynct Paule wryteth Ephe .2 Neyther in the worde of God is there anye more mencyon then of two places y e ryght hād for the good in Christe the lefte hande for the ile Abrahās bosom for the one a place of ioye hel for the other a place of payne Let the aduersaryes of the truethe shewe by the scrypture whyche we esteme ful sufficient to make a perfecte man in all thynges a thyrde place and then we wil as we be bounde geue place vnto thē but sure we be the scripture Canonical which is suffycyent hathe no suche thynge but of this shalbe more spoken here after For in this texte I mene to teach not to dispute Lerne therfore here of S. Jhō to know y t al miseyries endythe wyth the christianes at there death seing the word of god putyth thē in ioy let not vs put them in payne Nor those that y e scryptures saueth let not vs condemne yf the scrypture say they be straight ways blessed y t dye in the lord let vs not putte thē vnder the curse of the painfull fyre of purgatory It is not the part of a good scoler to find fault at his maysters doctrine vntyl such time as he be better learned then hys mayster neyther before he hath or can lerne y e elemētes principles of gods law to ad vnto his masters ruls Nor to better y e thing y t is perfectly good of it self w t any wit of his which is perfectly naught Nor to say his masters doctrin is not sufficiēt whē al y e worlde knoweth the contrary For the best lerned men hath come out of his masters scole yet neuer added neyther diminyshed one iote to y t there masters taught thē Behold y e auncyent stole of the Patriarches Prophetes and the Apostelles whyche lyuyd vertuously and dyed holyly yet neuer added to the soules anye thirde place or paines of fyre but were cōtented with the two places that God had appointed one for the good the other for the Ile Wherefore it is my belyfe that the doctryne that sufficyd them sufficyth vs and the fayth that saued them in Christ sauethe vs. Excepte God be chāged and hath made newe wayes to heauen sence their deathe Eyther they arred and knewe not what was suffycyente to lede to eternall life or these dreamers of Purgatory arre For the one goeth as cōtrary in this article to the other as black is contrarye vnto whyte and the catholycke churche of Christ to the smerm and multytude of Antichriste and asfer from the priuatyue church of the Apostles as goddes worde is from the supersticion of man and the doctryne and life of S. Peter that was but a recorde of Christ and his doctryne Actu 1 from the life and doctryne of Boniface the eyghte whyche is wryten post sextum decretaliū better therfore it is to belyue with Saint Johne and the catholycke churche that the deade be at reste then with the scole of the gentles and multytude of men to iudge them in payne But let vs heare what more the holye ghost sayth vnto S. John Their worckes folow thē By thys texte we learne two thynges Fyrste howe these that dye in the Lord be not nor canne not be hurte by the obloquye and slaunderous reporte of ile spekers Seing the world for the most part accompted the verye christianes of God to be heretikes sedicious persones therfore saith y e holy ghost they depart hence with their owne workes which sayinge shoulde cause vs to beare stronglye the peruerse iudgement of y e world for the iudgemēt of God is iust and iudgeth not after the face but according to the truth Let al vs therfore lament bewail our sinnes past presently begin a better life and here after beware in Christ of the like falle thē let y e world say what it wyl The seconde doctrine here of Saynt Johne repugneth and ouerthrowethe the opynyon of manye ignoraunte and supersticious persones that whyles they yet lyue here them selues passeth lytle what faythe religyon or workes commaundyd by god they do but in the tyme of death they thinke to redeme all their synnes by other mennes workes after deathe with masse pylgrymayge perdones and othere Folyshe be they that sell this abhomynacyon but more foules be the byers seynge Christe ones caste suche sellers oute of the temple But those hathe the Pope and hys receyued in agayne wyth both handes And as Chryste beate them oute wyth scurges So the Pope and his adherences wyth whyppe and fyre betyth as manye as call the people frō thys merchaūdise and no meruel for he is Christes aduersarye Because therefore this erroure hathe so muche auayled in manye mennes conscyens that it is verye diffycyle to remoue it partlye because they that selie waxe ryche by the meanes partlye because the