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A00685 Ane answer to ane epistle written by Renat Benedict the Frenche doctor, profesor of Gods worde (as the translator of this epistle calleth him) to Iohn Knox, and the rest of his brethren ministers of the word of God: made by Dauid Feargussone minister of the same word at this present in Dumfermling. Fergusson, David, d. 1598.; Benoit, René, 1521-1608.; Winzet, Ninian, 1518-1592. 1563 (1563) STC 10819; ESTC S117552 36,974 88

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aliquam facere quia in his que vult ei est pro ratione voluntas nec est qu●… e●… dicat cut ita facis ipse enim potest supra ●…us dispensare et de iniusti●…a facere iusticiam corrigendo iur●… et mutando nam pleitudinem obtinet potestatis ●…hese wordes are written in the firste boke of that ●…laiphemoꝰ wolome gather ed by one Raymond and called the decre talis of Gregorie the 9. in the 7. tytle and 〈◊〉 chapiter there o●… the tytle is called De translatione Episcopi the chapiter begin 〈◊〉 ▪ with this word Quanto These wor ●…es I did find in deid in many notable writers that writeth against your Pope but because I delyte not to make report much les to commit to writ any thing by here say and also that firste when I red them it appeared an incredible mat●…r to me that euer the Deuill culd so far ●…ind any man that he wold break furthe in this plaine blasphemie so grossie that all men may perceaue it I therefore deserred the writing of them vntill I did find out these same decretales wherein I 〈◊〉 these wordes before writtē and there●… toke boldnes to affirme that whiche I ●…d se and reid the inglish wherof is this 〈◊〉 neir as I could translate it It is said that the Pope hath a heauenly iudgemēt 〈◊〉 therefore changeth the natur of things applying the substance of one thing to an other and of nothing he can make something ād of the sentēce which w●…s noght ●…he can make it somewhat worth for in ●…ose things that he list his wil standeth ●…r reasone nether is there any man that ●…ay say vnto him why doeth thou so 〈◊〉 he may dispence with the Law and of ●…ustice may make iustice in amending 〈◊〉 changing the Lawes for he hath gotten the fulnes of power which of you ●…re so shameles as to stand in the defence ●…f these wordes or rather who seeth not ●…hat this is that same mouthe that the ●…rophet Daniel affirmeth should speak presumptions things this is the plesand doctrine that procedeth from this monster whose beginnig ye haue hard whose incres and grouth to the hight I coulde declare out of their own Histories if it were not tedious whereout of ye might easylie perceaue how fals●…ie antiquitie by them is applyed to their new forged reti gion in the deap dongeon of Sathans workehous and practised by them his members and Luftennēts hear in earth But when they find in our Congregations that thing vsed which Gods worde hath not taught vs then boldlie accuse vs of noualtie and vnto that tyme best it is to hold their peace list they be found ini●…st accusers As to the Doctors I nether contemp them nor yet do I builde my faith vpon them because they were but men and in their writinges many thinges a●…is to be found as Augustine indeid the verie best of them in my iudge ment testifieth in diuers places chiefly in his retractations in these wordes ●…re non possum nec deb●…o 〈◊〉 ●…ut in ipsis inato●…s 〈◊〉 ita multa esse in tam multis opus●…lis meis que posiunt iusto iudic●…o et nulla te meritate culpare Beholde freinde that Augustine doeth not deny that there be many thinges in his volonies that may by iust iudgement and without all temerite be found faut with Fynally because of all that hitherto ye haue written and I haue answered ye haue inferred no ●…rufe of Scripture but naked wordes of ●…our owne In this case I say with 〈◊〉 ●…uod de Scripturis nō habet auctor●… ●…adem facilitate contempn●…tur qua probatur That is to say that thing which hath not his authoritie out of the Scriptures als easylie as it is prouen als easylie may it be reiected Renats Epistle the Second Section THis a lytle I besech you take head and enter in your selues by dilegent reasoning putting away all mist of affection from you say I require you by ●…e mercy of God and Christ Iesus loue ●…owardes vs all where is it red in the holy write ather in old Testament or new that the masse that is the conswete Sacrifice of holy ●…irk is abhomination or any thing soūding to Idolatrie where or in an of so many Counsels holden in the Kirk of God where in any learned or tryed authorities Loke neuer treuly alledge the place it ye can which verilie neuer an of you could euer yet do I me●… uel therefore why ye affirme that doctrine with so great clamor with suche ardence as it is beleued yea with so great laboures to the perrell of so many Christiane soules and to your own I feare perdition contempning the prudent authoritie of all good and learned men which doctrine hath no certane probatiō except that ye wold think your owne expolition of the Scripture that repugneth manifestlie to all cūning mens yneugh for to conferme a new doctrine of Faith and Religion D. Feargussones answer ALl mist of affection set asyde ye require vs by the mercy of God and Christ Iesus loue towardes vs all to shew you where the masse is called abhominatione or Idolatrie in the old Testament or new whereunto we answer that when ye find this worde masse ather in the old or new Testament then shal we proue it to be Idolatrie This might serue you right wel for an answer 〈◊〉 should be also vnto you such a desyre 〈◊〉 am assured ye were neuer able to ac ●…plish But in the meane tyme vntill ●…d it list this might apeare rather to 〈◊〉 ●…hift nor an answer we say and 〈◊〉 affirme that wheresoeuer the ●…ture or the thing that is made is ●…shipped in the place of the Creator ●…maker of all that there is Idolatrie ●…mitted contrary to the cōmandiment ●…od who hath said thou shal worship ●…ord thy God hi onely shalt thow 〈◊〉 But in the masse there is worship●…read and wine corruptible Creatu●… the place of God the Father and ●…te his Sonne as ye can not deny ●…refore it followeth that the masse is ●…latrie this argument which I haue ●…f Gods worde als well old Testa●…s new whē ye haue refelled which ●…e ad grecas calendas then shall ye 〈◊〉 others Ye call your abhominable ●…e the conswete or wonted Sacrifice ●…oly Church the wonted Sacrifice of ●…r Malignant Synagoge of Sathan ●…onfesse it to haue bene euer since the ●…es of your Pope Agattho the firste whose orator Iohn the Bishop of Portu ens to haue bene the first that euer song or said a latine masse Platina the Popes own Gnato in his book ●…e vi●… Pontificum affirmeth in these wordes the Counsel being ended this wes the 6. general Consel holden in the year of God 681. that thankes might be giuen vnto God that of the two Churches had made one meaning the Greak and the Latine Church the octane of Pashe Iohn the Bishop of Portuens in the presence of
Ane answer to ane Epistle written by Renat Benedict the Frenche Doctor professor of Gods worde as the translater of this Epistle calleth him to John Knox and the rest of his brethren ministers of the word of God made by Dauid Feargussone minister of the same word at this present in Dumfermling Psalme 8. Out of the mouth of babis and sucklinges haste thou ordeyned strength because of thine enimies that thou mightest still the enimie and the auenger Imprinted at Edinburgh by Robert Lekpreuik Cum priuilegio 1563. The Prenter to the Reader AS that it wes long after this Epistle wes written and tranflated before it came to his handes that answered it So wes it long after it wes answered before it came to my handes to prent when therefore good Reader thou shal se so much tyme pas ouer betuix the trāslating and answering and betuix the answering and prenting impute it nether to his negligence that gladely wold haue answered it soner if it had comen to his handes or yet to myne that als gladely wold haue prented it but rather take in good worth bothe our laboures taken to thy confort whosoeuer thou be that readeth it to purge thy hart from error imbraice the treuth and beleue it to the glorie of God and thy Saluation in Christe Iesus to whose protectiō I cōmit the now and euer The Preface Dauid Feargussone vnto the Reader wisheth grace mercy and peace from God the Father and from our Lord Iesus Christ with y t spirit of righteous iudgement I Haue not interprised beloued brethrē in Christ Iesus to answer this Epistle as one more able so to do then the rest of my fellowes in office but rather driuen thereunto by the vncessant requeist of some zealous and godlie persones who broght it to my hādes for that purpose after that it had bene caried as a matter of great importance from one place to an other so at length translated by an certane Freir out of latine into Inglish in fauor of suche perso●…es as he thereby wold gratifie it wes ●…reatlie bosted of partlie therefore to sa●…ffie the reasonable requeist of the afore●…aid persones and also to stop the mouth of the aduersarie frome further braging but chiefly for the discharge of my conscience in the office whereunto God hath called me I haue occupyed my pen in answering as after followeth And althogh this pithles Epistle haue lytle or no strength to deceaue any that haue but meanly teasted of the treuth yet because it may be a peice of help to hold them stil in error that are as yet within it in my iudgement it wold not be past ouer in silence nether do I know whither any man hath vnto this hour answered it or not For asmuch as I se it a thing which all learned men will not onely laugh at and so contempe it as not worthy of answer but also iudge it suche a mater as they will spend no tyme vpon seinge that they may be better occupyed nor to āswer a foole accordig to his folie but list he est came him self wise in his owne cōceite I haue thoght good to write sumwhat in this mater vnto the which writing I haue added my name nor for vain ●…lorie God knowes but to this end one li●… that when the Reader shal find the reules of Rethorick transgressed and ornate Eloquence omitted no man be blamed but I allone moreouer if it shal hap pen that I be sumwhates longer then ye wold wishe werie not yet I beseche you to reid it to the end for certanely as I suppose no man is able fully to answer this ordorles confused Chaos without many wordes To the end therefor that ye may the better vnderstande the mater because this mans letter kepeth no certane ordor so far as the confusione of it will suffer I haue deuided it and that in four Sectionis first writing his wordes faithfully as they are translated and thereafter my answer Fair well deare brethren in Christe Iesus our onely confort and iudge with equitie Heir followeth Renats Epistle the first Section THE loue of Christ most cūing mē no small desyre of Saluation vnto you all con trinis me to warne and pray you frome the bottome of my hart that ye intruse not nor bring not in an strange doctrine and vncouth in the Church of God Aliene and inpertinent after the iudgemēt of all wise and good men to Gods word consuetude thereof ather for the fauoure of the people or for naine and trāsitorie glorie that is that ather ye may be estemed the more wise and cūning of some and receaued as they say in bothe their armes or els that ye may thereby get and gather to your selues riches What tempt ye I pray you to do what is I beseche you in Christ Iesu this your beginning loke I pray you how great is this your boldnes to professe a new doctrine against the antiquitie consent and vniuersalitie of Religion without any plaine testimonies or auctorities of holy Scripture or of Christiane Authores ancient and tryed in learning and godlines D. Feargussones answer IT wold appear at the first sight to i●… of small iudgement and learning that the cause that hes moued you to write were verray godly and charitable Forasmuch as ye say that the loue of Christe and the saluation of vs all hes contrined you thereto but when the mater is tried with treuth the contrarie will sone appear It will please you therefore to giue vs leaue a lytle to try what kinde of loue this is that hath moued you and what frute it bringeth furth and then I truste bothe ye and vthers if ye haue eyes to se shal easylie perceaue this loue to be preposterus and carnall I will say no wors til I haue better oportunitie and list that ye should think that we deale to austeirlie with you at the first I wold ye vnderstude that the Spirit of our God hath c●… manded vs in his Scriptures verray stratelie to be war of deceauers and not to harken to fals Prophets but rather to try the Spirites whither they be of God or not yea and suppose the Prophet shew a wonder or a myrackle if his doctrine be fals we are forbidden to credeit him If then we aught not to beleue him to be of God that workes mirackles If his doctrine persuade vs to Idolatrie how much les oght we to beleue that this is the trew loue of God that moueth you to write when as your doctrine and admonition tendis to nothing els through out this Epistle but to draw vs from the trew worshipping of oure God in Spirit and veritie to serue him according to manns inuention by Idoles and Idolatrie And althogh that I wold grant vnto you that this your loue were euen to Christ god ward without any hipocrysie yet I dar boldly say that it is als preposterous as Peters loue
a certane fall of the toun wall by which also Iohn the Duke of Bertanzie and diuers others were slaine In this tumult I say your holy father Clement lost a Carbunkle worth as sayeth the same Platyna sex thousand crounes Remember your self who are gatherers of riches Christ and his Apostles who had not so much as to rest their head vpō to pay their tribute nor gold nor siluer in possession we his ministers that suffereth affliction and penurie and whither this faute of couetousnes may iustly be ●…de to our charge or youres I bid you ●…ember your self againe yea and more ●…er I dar be bold to say that these same ●…o forenamed Popes had more riches 〈◊〉 all the Ministers of the Euangel in ●…tland and Ingland bothe are valze●… of in temporall gear at this houre ●…ither wes it Aristippus or Diogenes ●…t hunted for riches Diogenes that ●…d on erbes or Aristippus that wai●… on the Court of Dionisius So whi ●…r is it we Ministers of Gods worde ●…t liueth in penurie as I haue said ta●… vpon vs the indignation of Princes ●…ether with the hatrede of the People ●…speaking of the veritie ar nothīg els 〈◊〉 as shepe appointed to the slaughter ●…yring nothing for all these foresaides 〈◊〉 that we may be suffered to reteane the ●…w worshipping of our God and his ●…ist as we are taught in the Scriptu●… whither is it we or ye impudent and ●…meles shauillinges that hunteth for ●…hes we that speaketh the treuth frelie ●…ithout respect of persones or ye fals ●…tterers who for the mantenāce of your ●…lleis careth not to go to euerlasting dā nation It wes more lyke that baallcs chaplanis that eat at Iesabels table serued Mammō then Eliah ād the hundreth Prophets that for the tyrranny of this cruell Quene durst not walk abrode but were fed in caues by Obadiah Ahabes stewart vnder the ground But ye do well to charge vs with lies because ye haue nothing iustly to accuse vs of Ye ask of vs what we attempt to do we assure you by the grace of God to rute out supersticious and pestilent Papistrie and in place thereof to plant sincere and whol some veritie conteined in the booke of God Ye desyre vs to looke to our beginning God be preased we haue laide our compt long ago what this laubour wil cost vs or euer we begouth to put out handes to it nether commoned we with fleshe nor blood in this case Ye affirme that this is a great boldnes of vs to professe a new doctrine contrarie to antiqui tie cōsent and vniuersalitie of Religion hauing for vs nether Scriptures nor ancient Authors if this your affirmation were trew certanly our boldnes were to great It is an easie mater to you to speak so but ye will not find it so easy to proue It hath bene the wonted and ac●…stomed vse of Sathan from tyme to ●…me to sclander the treuth with noual●…e and deck falshead with antiquitie ●…nsuetude persuading men that the doc●…ine of Saluation is suche newfangled ●…tasie as neuer hath bene hard before ●…ny place Thus did the wise and cun●…ng Philosophers of Athenis call Pan●…s doctrine May we not knowe said ●…ey what this new doctrine is where●… thou speakest And certanly the rude ●…ultitude are easylie persuaded that it is 〈◊〉 for as sayeth Tertuliane Ueritas pe●…rina est in terris that is to say the veri●… is a stranger vpon the earth it is no ●…nder althogh a stranger be misknow 〈◊〉 so althogh the treuth appear vnto you 〈◊〉 be new doctrine that so lōg hath bene ●…ssaled vp in falshead I meruell not ●…ut I wolde ye knew that we teache no ●…her doctrine then is conteined in the ●…w the Psalmes the Prophets and the ●…uangel yea euen that same that S. ●…ohn testifieth to haue bene Ab initio ●…hat is from the beginning Moreouer ●…e offer vnto you with the aforesaid Ter ●…liane that the oldest religione whither oures or youres preuale Ye boste ●…uch of antiquitie but when the mater is tryed it will appear that ye haue lytle for you yea your moste precious geare oldest constitutions will appeare to be that thing that they are in veray deid to wit beggerly cerimonies inuēted by the foolhardy and rashe conceat of man with out the warrand of Gods worde or any exemple of that first or primatiue Church moste happely planted by the Apostles reuled by the holy Ghoste for long after the primatiue Church and many hūdreth yeares after that the word wes preached in Rome yea of poore preachers of the Gospel or Bishopes call them as ye list and then Archebishopes and last Patriarc●…es for be theis degries they ascended to the beastes saite there wes in Rome ●…st 66. in nomber or euer there wes a word that any man durste clame to him self the name of vniuersal Bishop or head of the Church after so many Boniface the thrid of that name obt●…ed of Phocas the traytor that slew his master Mauritius the Emperour togither with his wife and children of this bloody Iudas the ambicious beast Boniface obteined I say to be called the head of all Bishopes and the Churche of Rome the mother of all Churches and this wes done in the year of God sex hundreth and seuen or therby This long the Church of God ●…ked this monstrous head from whome 〈◊〉 the rest of his successors and you Papi●…s their members all poysone descen●…ed as frō the natural head of mans bo●…y ather good nutrimēt or euil humors ●…scendeht to the rest of the members ●…he visible head of your kingdome is no ●…der iudge ye then of the mēbers there●… and incres of the body For after that with great contention as sayeth Plati●… this mater wes granted by the afore●…d traterous vsurper of the impyre yet ●…d verie few for a long time acknowledg ●…his tytle of the head of the Church to ap●…rteane to any one earthlie mā but rather ●…ithstude it to the vttermost of their now ●…s and this chiefly did for the most part ●…l the Churches of Grecia and of the ●…ast lykewise did mony vther Churches ●…ntill that the strength of this beast wes ●…uch as at lenth compelled them tirranni ●…ally to cōmit fornication with her after ●…hat she had shaken of the zock of lawfull obedience to Kings and Empreours as their proud Decries whiche afterward I wil inter shal proue and had exalted her self aboue all that wes called God and so sat as one that promised vnto her self nether sorow nor wedowhead but rather cō●…innal prosperitie ād might do whatso euer she lyketh as these wordes followig Taken out of your own law shal testifie ●…apa dicitur habere celeste arbitrium et ideo c●…am naturam rerū immutat substānalia vnius re●… applicando ali●… et de nihilo potest aliquid facere et sententiam que nulla est