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A92568 The laws and acts made in the first Parliament of our most high and dread soveraign James VII by the grace of God, King of Scotland, England, France and Ireland, defender of the faith holden at Edinburgh the 23. of April 1685, by His Grace William Duke of Queensberry ... His Majesties high commissioner for holding this parliament, by vertue of a commission uder His Majesties great seal of this kingdom, with the special advice and consent of the Estates of Parliament / collected and extracted from the registers and records of Parliament, by George Viscount of Tarbet ...; Laws, etc. Scotland.; Cromarty, George Mackenzie, Earl of, 1630-1714.; Queensberry, William Douglas, Duke of, 1637-1695. 1685 (1685) Wing S1252A; ESTC R42763 56,992 46

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THE LAWS and ACTS Made in the FIRST PARLIAMENT Of Our Most High and Dread SOVERAIGN JAMES VII By the Grace of GOD King of SCOTLAND ENGLAND FRANCE and IRELAND Defender of the Faith Holden at EDINBURGH the 23. of April 1685. By His Grace WILLIAM Duke of Queensberry Marquess of Dumfreis-Shire Earl of Drumlanrig and Sanqhuar Viscount of Nith Torthorwald and Ross Lord Dowglas of Kinmount Midlebie and Dornock c. Lord High Thesaurer of Scotland His Majesties High Commissioner for holding this Parliament by vertue of a Commission under His Majesties Great Seal of this Kingdom With the special Advice and Consent of the Estates of Parliament Collected and Extracted from the Registers and Records of Parliament by GEORGE Viscount of Tarbet Lord M c Leod and Castle-haven c. Clerk to His Majesties Council Registers and Rolls c. I7 R HONI SOIT QVI MAL Y PENSE DIEV ET MON DROIT EDINBURGH Printed by the Heir of Andrew Anderson Printer to His most Sacred Majesty Anno DOM. 1685. Cum Privilegio GOD SAVE KING JAMES THE SEVENTH LAWS and ACTS Made in the FIRST PARLIAMENT Of Our most High and Dread SOVERAIGN JAMES VII By the Grace of GOD King of SCOTLAND ENGLAND FRANCE and IRELAND Defender of the Faith Holden at EDINBURGH the 23. of April 1685. I. ACT For Security of the Protestant Religion April 28. 1685. OUR SOVERAIGN LORD with Consent of the Estates of Parliament Conveened Ratifies and Confirms all the Acts and Statutes formerly past for the Securitie Liberty and Freedom of the true Church of GOD and the Protestant Religion presently professed within this Kingdom in their whole Strength and Tenor as if they were here particularly set down and exprest II. A Declaration and Offer of Duty by the Kingdom of Scotland with an Annexation of the Excise to the Crown April 28. 1685. THE ESTATES OF PARLIAMENT now Conveened by His Majesties Soveraign Authority Taking into their Considerarion how this Nation hath continued now upwards of Two Thousand Years in the unaltered Form of Our Monarchical Government under the un-interrupted Line of One Hundred and Eleven Kings whose Sacred Authority and Power hath been upon all signal Occasions so owned and assisted by Almighty GOD that Our Kingdom hath been protected from Conquest Our Possessions defended from Strangers Our Civil Commotions brought into wished Events Our Laws vigorously Executed Our Properties legally Fixed and Our Lives securely Preserved so that We and Our Ancestors have enjoyed those Securities and Tranquillities which the greater and more flourishing Kingdoms have frequently wanted Those great Blessings we owe in the first place to Divine Mercy and in dependance on that to the Sacred Race of Our Glorious Kings and to the solid absolute Authority wherewith they were Invested by the first and fundamental Law of Our Monarchy nor can either Our Records or Our Experience instance Our being deprived of those happy Effects but when a Rebellious Party did by Commotions and Seditions Invade the Kings Soveraign Authority which was the cause of Our Prosperity yet so far hath Our primitive constitution and fundamental Laws prevailed against the Innovations and Seditions of turbulent Men as that these Interruptions never terminated but either in the Ruine or at least the Suppression of these who at any time did Rebel or Rise in Opposition to Our Government And since so many Ages hath assured to Us the great advantages which flow down to all Ranks of People from the happy Constitution of Our Monarchy and that all Our Calamities have ever arisen from seditious Invasions upon these Sacred Rights THEREFORE The Estates of Parliament for themselves and in name of the whole Kingdom judge themselves obliged to Declare And they Do Declare to the World that they abhor an● detest not only the Authors and Actors of all preceeding Rebellions against the Soveraign but likewise all Principles and Positions which are contrary or derogatory to the Kings Sacred Supream Absolute Power and Authority which none whether Persons or Collective Bodies can participat of any manner of way or upon any Pretext but in Dependance on him and Commission from him And as their Duty formerly did bind them to owne and assert the just and legal Succession of the Sacred Line as unalterable by any Humane Jurisdiction So now They hold themselves on this occasion obliged for themselves and the whole Nation Represented by them in most humble and dutiful manner to Renue the hearty and sincere Offer of their Lives and Fortunes to Assist Support Defend and Maintain King James the Seventh their present Glorious Monarch and His Heirs and lawful Successors in the possession of their Crowns Soveraignty Prerogatives Authority Dignity Rights and Possessions against all Mortals And withall to assure all His Enemies who shall adventure on the Disloyalty of disobeying his Laws or on the Impiety of Invading his Rights that such shall sooner weary of their Wickedness then they of their Duty and that they firmly Resolve to give thei● intire Obedience to His Majesty without Reserve and to concur against all His Enemies Forraign or Intestine And They solemnly Declare That as They are bound by Law so they are voluntarly and firmly Resolved that all of this Nation betwixt Sixty and Sixteen Armed and Provided according to their Abilities shall be in readiness for His Majesties Service where and as oft as it shall be His Royal Pleasure to Require them And since the Excise of Inland and Forraign Commodities granted to King Charles the Second of ever Blessed Memory by the 14. Act of the Parliament 1661 during all the days of his Lifetime and Prorogate by the 8. Act of the Parliament 1681. for Five Years thereafter will shortly Terminat And the Estates of Parliament Considering the usefulness of this Grant to Support the Interest of the Crown Do as the first Evidence of their Sincerity in the foresaid Tender of their Duty Humbly and Unanimously Offer to His most Sacred Majesty King James the Seventh their present Monarch and to His Lawful Heirs and Successors in the Imperial Crown of Scotland the said Excise of Inland and Forraign Commodities exprest in the said 14. Act of Parliament 1661 to be Collected in the manner prescribed by the said 8. Act of the Parliament 1681. for ever And His Majesty and Estates of Parliament by the force of this Act have United Annexed and Incorporated and Unites Annexes and Incorporats the same to the Crown of this Realm to Remain therewith in annexed Property in all Time coming And in respect that the alteration in the method of Collecting the Inland Excise from what it was by the Act 1661 to that prescribed by the 8. Act Parliament 1681. will require some time to Establish it in Collection THEREFORE His Majesty with Consent of the Estates Continues the Collection prescribed by the 14. Act Parliament 1661 for the said Inland Excise for Six Moneths from the first of May next allanerly III. ACT Concerning Citations in Processes
renew the same and insert the said Clauses in them betwixt and Whitsonday one thousand six hundred eighty and six or to take an obligement apart from the Tennent bearing these Clauses otherwise to remove summarly such Tennents as refuse to accept them on the saids conditions notwithstanding of any former Tacks which in this case are hereby Declared void and null And in case the Tennents will not immediatly Remove that the Master may commit them to Prison And it is hereby Statute and Ordained That if any Tennent shall refuse to renew his Tack enact himself or give Bond in the Terms foresaid he shall be lyable to pay to his Master an years Rent of the Lands set to him And this but prejudice or derogation to all former Acts of Parliament whereby Masters are obliged for their Tennents in the manner therein-specified XXV ACT Ratifying two Acts of Parliament and a Proclamation of Council anent apprehending of Rebels June 2. 1685. OUR SOVERAIGN LORD with Advice and Consent of His Estates of Parliament Ratifies and Approves the 124 Act Par. 12 of King James the sixth Entituled Act Anent the Duty of Sheriffs and Judges ordinary their Deputs and Clerks As also the 144 Act of that same Parliament Entituled Act fot punishing the Resetters of Traitors and Rebels in the whole Heads Clauses and Contents of them Together with a Proclamation by His Majesties Privy Council Dated the eight of July 1682. Entituled Anent the Discovery of persons in Arms and Apprehending of Rebels in the whole Contents thereof of which Proclamation the Tenor follows A Proclamation anent the discovery of persons in Arms and apprehending Rebells and Fugitives Charles by the grace of God King of Great-Britain France and Ireland Defender of the Faith To _____ Our Lyon King at Arms and his brethren Heraulds Macers of Our Privy Council Pursevants and Messengers at Arms Our Sheriffs in that part conjunctly and severally specially constitute Greeting Albeit by the blessing of Almighty God upon Our Royal Endeavours the many Attempts of His and our Enemies made most impiously under pretence of Religion and Zeal against the Laws of God of Nature of Nations and of this Our Kingdom designing the overthrow of Religion Government Liberty and Property have been frequently Disappointed and Defeated and their malice turned upon their own heads and that the many Acts both of Mercy and Justice exerc'd by Us conform to the Laws of God and the Kingdom and the great Prudence Vigilance Moderation and Justice of Our dearest and only Brother during his abode in and Government under Us of this Our ancient Kingdom have had such happy success as to bring Our good Subjects to further abhorrence of Fanaticks and their Impieties and most of these who were misled by the lying Spirit of some of their pretended Ministers are shrunk from these wayes whereof they are justly ashamed so that Our people are brought nearer to that Dutiful and Peaceable Deportment which becomes Christians and Subjects Yet some are so indefatigable in malice as to continue and stir up others to Disturb that Peace and Tranquillity which Our people may enjoy under Our Reign In so much as of late some Traitors Runnagates and Fugitives have Convocat towards the number of eighty with forbidden Weapons and in unlawful manner near to Tala-lin in the Shire of Peebles And the people in that Countrey have been so Defective in the Duties of Loyal Subjects or good Countrey-men as to neglect giving timeous notice of such Meetings or Actings either to Our Council the Sheriff of the Shire or the Commanders of Our Forces who were nearest to them and this neglect of theirs being not only a breach of Duty in them but of very bad example and dangerous consequence if practised by others on such Emergments We therefore by Our Royal Authority and also in conformity to the whole course of Our Laws particularly to the 144 Act of the 12 Parliament King James the 6. And 7 Act Parliament 1 King James 1. Do hereby strictly Require and Command all the Subjects and Inhabitants within this Our Kingdom whether in Burgh or Land upon Knowledge or Information that any number of men do Convocat unlawfully in Arms or appear in company in any place or where any one or two of such as are Declared Traitors or Fugitives from Our Laws on Treasonable accounts shall repair that they shall with all Diligence give Intimation therof to Our Chancellour and such others of Our Secret Council as shall be at Edinburgh As also without delay that they give Information to any Commander of Our Forces who shall be nearest to the place where the said unlawful Convocation or such Traitors and Fugitives are and to the Sheriff of the Shire Stewart of the Stewartry Bailie of the Regality or Magistrates of Burrows where the said Meeting or persons appear or are informed to be and that within the space of one hour at most for every three miles distance they are at the time from Edinburgh or from the nearest Commander of the Forces Sheriffs and other Magistrates foresaid And farder We do hereby Require and Command Our saids Sheriffs Bailies and Magistrates upon any such Information given to them that they call together competent numbers of Our good Subjects and with these do exact Diligence at the utmost of their power to Search seek and Apprehend these who are so met and to present them to Justice and to follow them until they be apprehended or expelled out of their Jurisdiction on and on their flight they are immediatly to acquaint the Magistrates of the next Shire whither they are fled who are hereby required to do the like Diligences and so from Shire to Shire until they be apprehended or expelled forth of this Realm And in case any hurt or skaith fall out in the Pursuit or in apprehending of these so unlawfully convocat the Actors thereof are to be free and unpunished in any manner of way With Certification that these whoever fails in their said respective Duties whether it be the Magistrats in not pursuance or Our other Subjects in not giving timeous Information within the space foresaid or in not rising with and assisting the Magistrats in their forementioned Duties they shall be held and repute as Disaffected to Our Government and Service and as Art and Part and connivers with them in their said unlawful Designs and Convocations and undergo the punishment due to these who were of the said unlawful Convocation by the Laws of this Our Kingdom And We hereby of new Intimat to all Our Subjects that whoever shall Intercommune with Reset supply shelter or give any comfort to any declared Traitors or Fugitives or who shall conceal reset or shelter any who do Convocat in manner foresaid that such Resetters or Assisters shall be proceeded against as if they were guilty of the Crimes whereof these Traitors and Fugitives are guilty according to the just rigor of Our Laws Our Will is herefore and We
Charge you strictly and Command that incontinent these Our Letters seen ye pass to the Mercat Cross of Edinburgh and the whole Mercat Crosses of the Head Burghs and whole Paroch Kirks of this Kingdom and other places needful and there in Our Name and Authority by open Proclamation make publication of Our Royal Will and Pleasure in the Premisses that none may pretend ignorance but give chearful and punctual obedience thereto The which to do We commit to you conjunctly and severally Our full power by these Our Letters Delivering them by you duely execute and indorsed again to the bearer Given under Our Signet at Edinburgh the eighth day of July One thousand six hundred eighty two years and of Our Reign the thirtieth and fourth year And Declares the same shall have the effect of an Act of Parliament And ordains the saids Acts and Proclamation to be put vigorously in execution XXVI ACT Concerning Adjudications for Fines June 2. 1685. OUR SOVERAIGN LORD with Advice and Consent of His Estates of Parliament Statutes and Ordains That all Adjudications and Apprysings Led or to be Led for Fines Imposed or to be Imposed by His Majesties Privy Council Commissioners of Justiciary or any other His Majesties Judges for the Crimes of Reset Intercommuning Concealing of Treason Conventicles Irregular-Baptisms Marriages or other Church Disorders or Irregularities where the Adjudication or Comprysing does not exceed or shall be restricted to Lands not exceeding the value of the Fines Imposed the Legal shall expire within year and day after Deducing of the Adjudication or Comprysing And it is hereby Declar'd that in case of Competition and Concourse of several Diligences within year and day betwixt the King or His Donator and a Creditor which by the Law comes in pari passu The King or His Donator shall be preferr'd and have His Election of His proportion of the Lands of which the Legal shall expire within year and day in manner foresaid That proportion not exceeding the sum contained in the Adjudication And it is hereby Declared That this Act is only to be extended to Adjudications for Fines already Imposed or to be Imposed betwixt and the next Session of Parliament XXVII ACT For Securing Sea-Passengers June 2. 1685. OUR SOVERAIGN LORD With Advice and Consent of His Estates of Parliament Statutes and Ordains That all Masters of Ships who bring Home any Passenger who is not a Sea-man and of his Ship-Company shall at his Arrival and before he suffer the saids Passengers to depart bring them before the nearest Magistrat that the saids Passengers may give account of themselves so as to free them of all suspition to the said Judge who is to secure them until they give such an account And also Forbids an Prohibites any Master of any Ship to export any Passenger who is not a Sea-man and of their Ship-Company until he bring the said Passenger before the next Magistrat to whom they shall give account of themselves in manner foresaid and the Master of the Ship shall have a Testificate of his so doing under the said Magistrats Hand and Seal before whom he compears for which he shall pay only half a Merk under the pain of such Fines and Personal Punishment as His Majesties Privy Council shall think fit to inflict on the Master of any Ship who contraveens this Law And this to continue during His Majesties Pleasure XXVIII ACT and COMMISSION For Plantation of Kirks and Valuation of Teinds June 2. 1685. FORASMUCH As His Majesties Father of ever blessed Memory out of His Royal Care and Zeal for the Reformed Religion within this Kingdom and the Maintainance and Provision of the Ministry and Churches thereof and the Peace of the Kingdom and for preventing and settling all Differences that did or might arise betwixt Titulars and others having Right to Teinds and Heretors concerning the Leading and Drawing of their Teinds And immediatly after His Attaining and Succeeding to the Crown Gave furth and emitted His Royal Declaration anent the Premisses and the other Particulars therein-specified And in pursuance of the ends foresaids divers Laws and Acts of Parliament were made in the Year of Our Lord 1633 His said Majesty being then present in His Royal Person and since divers Acts of Parliament and Commissions have been made given and renewed to that purpose and particularly by the 15 Act of the 3d Session of the 2d Parliament of K. Charles the Second His Majesties Umquhile Royal Brother of ever blessed Memory And His Majesty being resolved and desirous to prosecute so good a Work for the universal good of His Subjects and especially for the encouragement of the Ministers of the Gospel THEREFORE His Majesty with Advice and Consent of His Estates of Parliament Gives full Power and Commission to His Majesties Officers of Estate for the time being and to the Arch-Bishop of St. Andrews the Arch-Bishop of Glasgow the Bishop of Edinburgh the Bishop of Dunkell the Bishop of Galloway the Bishop of Isles the Bishop of Breichen the Bishop of Dumblane the Bishop of Aberdeen the Duke of Hamiltoun the Marquess of Dowglas the Earl of Errol the Earl of Marischal the Earl of Mar the Earl of Strathmore the Earl of Linlithgow the Earl of Southesk the Earl of Tweddale the Earl of Belcarras the Lord President of the Session the Lord Pitmedden the Lord Forret the Lord Reidfoord the Lord Boyne the Lord Drumcairn the Lord Balcaskie Sir William Bruce of Kinross Sir George Lockhart of Carnwath Sir Archibald Cockburn younger of Lantoun Hugh Wallace of Inglistoun Sir George Drummond of Miln-nab Charles Murray of Hadden Alexander Mill of Carrin Sir Alexander Bruce of Broomhall Sir Patrick Murray James Johnstoun Provost of Glasgow Mr. Robert Innes Writer to the Signet Sir George Skeen Provost of Aberdeen James Fletcher Burgess of Aberdeen John Dempster of P●iliver or any Eleven of them to be a Quorum whereof Two of every Estate to Meet and Conveen at Edinburgh the day of years and such other Place or Places Times or Diets as they shall appoint to value and cause be valued whatsoever Teinds great or small Parsonage or Vicarage within this Kingdom which are yet unvalued Declaring that where the Vicarage of any Paroch is a several Benefice and Title from the Personage the same shall be severally valued to the effect the Titulars of Ministers serving the Oure having right to the said Vicarage be not frustrated of the true worth thereof with Power to the saids Commissioners or Quorum foresaid to appoint Committees or Sub-Committees of their own number and to grant Sub-Commissions and to receive Reports from them and to approve or disapprove the same as they shall find just and to Rectifie whatsoever Valuations led or to be led to the enorm prejudice of the Titulars or the hurt and detriment of the Church and prejudice of the Ministers Maintenance and Provisions Providing always Likeas it is hereby expresly Provided and Declared That where Valuations are lawfully
rendered almost every mans life unsecure From all which just Resentments We judged it our Duty in all humility to Address to Your most Sacred Majesty and with all earnestness to Implore that the said Archibald Campbel late Earl of Argile that execrable Traitor should be for ever secluded from Your Majesties favour and that Your Majesty would be pleased to Declare that he his Family and the Heretors Ring-leaders and Preachers who have joyned with him in this Rebellion should be for ever Declared uncapable of Mercy and bearing any Honours or enjoying any Estate within this Kingdom and to Discharge under all highest pains all Your Majesties good Subjects to interceed for him or them any manner of way And that all such as shall interpose for their Restauration shall incur the pain of Treason and that Your Majesty would be pleased in Your Royal Prudence to Inquire who have been the Assisters and Abaters either at home or abroad of this Treasonable Invasion by which Your Majesties Government has been so highly injured and maliciously arraigned and this your Kingdom so Disturbed and Harrassed to the end Your Majesty may Declare Your high Displeasure against them and every one of them to the Terror and Example of others In Return of all which We the Estates of this Your Majesties ancient Kingdom Do hereby most Cordially and Sincerely Offer with our Lives and Fortunes to assist Your Majesty against this and all other Traitours their Adherents and Associats XXXVII ACT for the Clergy June 13. 1685. OUR SOVERAIGN LORD Considering how just and necessary it is and how much it imports the honour of His Government That the persons of the Arch-Bishops and Bishops and all others the Orthodox and Loyal Clergy be protected from the Sacrilegious Assaults Violence Outrages and Assassinations of Fanatical Impious and Bloody-men who to the scandal of Religion and Humanity do maintain the pernicious and horrid Principles of Rebellion Violence Murther and Assassination and to practise accordingly Doth with Advice and Consent of His Estates in Parliament Not only Ratifie and Confirm all former Laws and Acts of Parliament made for the Security or the persons of the Clergy particularly the fifth Act first Session second Parliament Charles the Second Fourth Act second Session second Parliament Charles the Seconds And fifteenth Act third Parliament Charles the Second But further His Sacred Majesty from His just abhorrence of and Indignation against all such horrid and inhumane Principles and Practices Doth with Advice and Consent foresaid of new Statute and Ordain That whatsoever person or persons shall be found guilty of Assaulting the Lives of Bishops or other Ministers or of Invading or Robbing their Houses or actually attempting the same shall be punished with Death and the Confiscation of all their Goods And if any regular Minister shall happen to be Assassinated or Murthered the Parochioners of that Paroch wherein he is Assassinated shall pay such sums as the Privy Council shall determine which sum shall be bestowed to the use and behove of the Wife and Children of the said Minister at the fight of the Privy Council and if he hath neither Wife nor Children It is hereby Declared to belong to the nearest of the said Ministers Kindred and the Legal and Conform Parochioners are to have relief and to be Re-imbursed by the Noneconform Parochioners or others who shall be proven to have had accession thereunto at the fight of the Privy Council And the Estates of Parliament make their humble Address to His Majesty for conferring a competent encouragement and Reward to such persons as shall make effectual Discoveries or shall apprehend any who commit any of the violences foresaid either upon Bishops or Ministers in their persons or goods respectively and if there shall shappen any Slaughter or Mutilation to be committed in apprehending such persons His Majesty with Consent foresaid Doth hereby Indemnifie the persons Imployed and all such as shall assist in apprehending of them and Declareth them free of all question or trouble for the same in all time thereafter And His Sacred Majesty being firmly Resolved to Conserve and Maintain the Church in the present State and Government thereof by Arch-bishops and Bishops and not to endure nor Connive at any Derogation from or Violation of it Doth therefore with Advice and Consent of His Estates Assembled in this Parliament Ratifie Approve and Confirm all former Laws and Acts of Parliament made and passed in the Reigns of His Royal Grand-father King James the Sixth His Royal Father King Charles the First and Royal Brother King Charles the Second of Glorious Memories Restoring the Church to its ancient and right Government by Arch-bishops and Bishops and Redintegrating the Estate of Bishops to the Exercise of their Episcopal Function and to all the Priviledges Immunities Dignities Jurisdictions and Possessions which was enjoyed by or by the Laws of the Kingdom was due to their Predecessors in the year 1637. And Ordains them to stand in full force as publick Laws of the Kingdom and to be put in execution in all points conform to the Tenor thereof as if they were herein all specially repeated and expressed And in pursuance of His Majesties Royal Resolution therein His Majesty with Advice foresaid Doth recommend to all His Ministers of State Lords of His Privy Council and all other Judges and Magistrats to take the Persons and Interests of the Loyal and Orthodox Clergy under their special Care and Protection That all Laws Acts and Statutes made in their favours may receive due and ready obedience from all His Majesties Subjects XXXVIII ACT Concerning the Registration of Writs in the Books of Session June 13. 1685. OUR SOVERAIGN LORD With Advice and Consent of the Estates of Parliament Considering That there have been in all Time by-past only three Offices of the Ordinary Clerks of Session and that the Erection of any moe of these Offices is unnecessary and may be prejudicial to the Leidges THEREFORE Statutes and Ordains That there be only three Offices of Ordinary Clerks of Session in time coming and that there be no moe then two Persons conjoyned in each of these Offices which shall remain intire in the full extent thereof without Alteration Division or Dismemberation of any part of the same And Statutes and Declares That they as Clerks to the Session and their Successors have the only Right to be Clerks as Deputs to the Lord Register to all Processes which are competent before the Lords of Session and to the Registrating and Extracting of all Writs Registrat in the Books of Council and Session and have right to all Priviledges Profites and Emoluments whereof the saids Clerks are in Possession And for the better securing of the Leidges both as to the Registration and Preservation of Principal Writs Statutes and Ordains That the Clerks of the Session keep an exact Register a part in every one of their Offices for Registration of all Writs and that they appoint one or two fit