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A54576 A compendious history of the Catholick church from the year 600 untill the year 1600 shewing her deformation and reformation : together with the rise, reign, rage, and begin-fall of the Roman AntiChrist : with many other profitable instructions gathered out of divers writers of the several times, and other histories / by Alexander Petrie ... Petrie, Alexander, 1594?-1662.; Church of Scotland. General Assembly. 1657 (1657) Wing P1879; ESTC R4555 1,586,559 1,238

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Alex. Arbuthnot and James Lowson are appointed to consider of an order therein and to report their judgement 2. The first part is agreed unto and where are no Presbyteries the Commissioners are to continue for that effect as before 3. The Church hath named Commissioners 4. Ordaines to advise with the Clerk-Register upon an answer unto the Kings Letter 〈◊〉 5. Referreth the form to be conceived in writ by David Lindsay and Patrick Adamson betwixt eicht and nyne 6. It is agreed to be propounded The 7. is referred to the particular elderships and whensoever disputations may be had the Church thinks them good 8. The Acts of the assembly should be put into execution by the Presbyteries 9. Ordaines this article to be craved being first well qualified and so the 10. and 11. and 12. and also that the Church proceed against the violaters of the sabboth day and mantainers of them The 13. 14. are agreed 12. Because by the many divisions and deadly feades in all quarters of the realm not only is the word of God and true religion burdened with slanders but the Common wealth is enormly wounded and all good disciplin and order confounded ....... herefore the assembly enjoyneth certain persons in severall places to travell earnestly for reconciling the differing parties and to require them in the name of God to live in unity and peace as it becomes the members of one body ....... as they wold shew themselves sons of peace 13. The assembly gives commission to two Barons seven Commissioners of burghs and the Ministers of the Kings house and of Edinb with Ro Pont Da. Lindsay Pa. Adamson An. Melvin and seven others or any eight of them To present unto the Lords of the Art●cls of the Parliament such heads as shall be given unto them by the Church these heads and a supplication unto the King were read and allowed but are not in the Register only in Sess 22. ordaines a supplication to the King and Lords of the Articles that no Act be past in Parliament repugnant to the true word of God and namely concerning Bishops The Parliament began at Edinburgh October 24. where first was an Act ratifying all former Lawes and Acts made ●or the liberty of the true Church and religion presently professed within the realm and a particular enumeration of these Acts another Act for provision of Ministers and certain stipends for them at all parish-churches one against the dilapidation of the rents of Benefices that are provided to Ministers one that all Benefices of cure under Prelacies shall be given to Ministers only and all other gifts of them to be null one against blasphemy and oaths with penalties according to the quality of severall trausgressors one against them that passe in pilgrimage or superstitiously to wells chapells and crosses and the observers of papisticall rites one for explication of the Act against notorious adultery to wit it shall be judged notorious adultery where children one or mo are procreat betwixt adulterers or when they keep company bed together notoriously known or when they are suspect of adultery and thereby give slander and thereupon being duly admonished to abstain and satiffy the Church by repentance or purgation and contemptuously refusing are excommunicat for their obstinacy all and every one being in any of these three degrees are made lyable to suffer death Another Act was against all Papists practizing against the true religion by dispersing libels in praise of the Pope or seducing the people c. Observe 1. That in all time preceeding was no opposition or variance betwixt the King and the Church In the assemblies the Kings Commissioners consented unto their Acts and namely unto these concerning the Policy of the Church excepting that part de Diaconatu whereunto neither did all the Ministers consent and his Commissioner did consent unto the registring of the book of Discipline in the Register of the Assembly and the King appointed Commissioners to concur with the Deputies of the Assemblies in the constitution of Presbyteries before the framing and publishing of the second Confession of faith as at that time was not a Bishop in the church who was not subject unto the assemblies and presbyteries yea and they were emploied as deputies to procure and supplicate against the power of episcopacy But neither could the book of disciplin be established nor episcopacy be forbidden by Act of Parliament not for any respect of discontent against the book of disciplin or for any intention to restore episcopacy in the Church but meerly upon account of Civill interest and the main respect was the securing of possessions depending upon the title of Bishops 2. Observe that the first variance between the King and the Ministers was upon respect unto the Duke of Lennox and that was for two particulares one that when the Duke came into the country many Papists came also into the Country and Court and began to practize so that as Bishop Spotswood in The History Pag. 308. shewes the Papists assembling together in Paisley did in derision sing a Soule masse for the Ministers as if they and their religion had been utterly gone Wherefore the Ministers in their Sermons did regrate the countenance given to Papists in the Court and the dangers whereinto both the King and countrey were brought by the secret practises of the French John Dury and Walter Balcanquall were summoned to answer before the Counsell for this their liberty of speaking in their Sermons they obey and compear and alledge that the Counsell was not their Judge in such a cause The matter being notoriously known and regrated by many the Ministers were dismissed at that time In time of the Assembly as is before Walter Balcanquall had spoken again to the same purpose and when the gentle man was sent unto the Assembly but would not be the accuser and the Assembly would not proceed against the Minister without an accuser the King was not wel-pleased but knowing the difficulty to find an accuser would follow the business no more The other particulare is related in the now-named History Pag. 316. The See of Glasgow being then void it was suggested unto the Duke by some flatterers that he had a fair occasion presented to make himselfe Lord of the City and of the lands pertaining to that bishoprick if he would only procure a gift thereof to some one that wold make a disposition thereof to him and his heirs The offer was made to sundry Ministers who all refused because of the required condition at last the agents in this business fell upon Robert Mongomery Min. at Sterlin he was content to accept it Thereupon a gift was formed and a Bond given by him that how soon he shall be admitted Bishop he should dispone the lands Lordship and whatsoever belongs unto that prelacy to the Duke and his heirs for the yearly paiment of a thousand pounds Scots with some horse-corn and poultry The Assembly hearing of this bargain do charge this
Caspar Contaren Reynold Poole Peter Bembus and Frederik Fregosius who all were sensible that the Church needed some Reformation Then Martyr was restored to his liberty of preaching but could not enjoy it long time for he became dangerously sick and by the advice of Physicians the Superiors of his order seeing that the air of that City did not agree with him made him General Visitor of the Order In that Office he so demeaned himself that good men much commended his integrity constancy and gravity and others feared him yet durst not discover their malice Not long after in a publick Convention of that Order he was made Prior of a Monastery in Luca some consented unto this promotion out of love others thinking it would be his ruine because of an enmity between Florence and Luca. But he engaged the hearts of the people there that he was no less beloved then if he had been born among them In that Colledge were many learned men and hopefull youths and he took care that the younger sort were instructed in the three languages for which end he had Paul Lacisius of Verona to read Latine Celsus Martinengus to read Greek and Immanuel Tremellius the Hebrew and for Divinity he himself daily expounded the Epistles of Paul and every night before supper he expounded a part of the Psalms Very many of the City of the Senators and Nobility resorted unto his Lecturs and he preached publickly every Lords day The enemies of the trueth could not endure him and laid snares for him nor could conceil their malice When he was admonished by his friends he chused to leave them and went to Strawsburgh What fruit his teaching brought forth may be known by this that in one years space after his departure eighteen Fellowes of that Colledge left it and went into the Reformed places among whom was Celsus Martinengus afterwards Minister of the Italian Church in Geneva Hieron Zanchius Im. Tremellius c. Many Citizens also went into exile voluntarily that they might enjoy the trueth in safety Ex Vita ●e Martyris Another instance was in Bonnonia in the year 1554. the Popes Governours attempted to make innovations there which the people would not receive contrary to their former Lawes The Innovators said They were not tied to former Lawes but had authority from the Pope who is King of the Countrey and may change statutes and ordinances without consent of the people Against this tyranny both the learned men and the people opposed themselves and in the Monastry of the black Friers was a generall Convention where Thomas de Finola Rector of the University set forth this Position All Rulers whether Supreme or Inferiour may and should be reformed or bridled to speak moderatly by them by whom they are chosen confirmed or admitted to their Office so oft as they break that promise made by oath unto their subjects Because the Prince is no less bound by oath unto their subjects then are the subjects unto their Prince and it should be kept and reformed equally according to Law and condition of the oath that is made by either party Vicen●ius de Placentia sustained this Position And when all reasons that the Popes Governors could alledge were heard the Pope was fain to take up the matter and did promise not only to keep the liberty of the people but that he should neither abrogate any antient Statute nor make any new one without their consent The Histor of the Reformation of Scotland Pag 399 edit Edinburgh 1644. which was writen by Jo. Knox albeit somesentences have been added by another after him At that time John Craig a Scotish man who afterwards was Minister of Edinburgh of whom mention is made hereafter was a Monk and considering the common doctrin of justification by works did not approve it and shewed unto an old Monk his arguments in the contrary The old man said It is true as you say but be silent lest you fall into danger for the dayes are evill But such was the mans zeal unto trueth that he could not contain himself and for this and other things that he taught he was carried to Rome and cast into prison with many hundreds more in the time of Paul 3 but they all escaped that night of the Popes death when the Citizens broke up the prisons XLIX John a Lasco a Noble man of Poland intending to see other Nations went to Zurik there he was easily perswaded by Zuinglius to betake himself Reformation in Poland to the studie of Divinity and where as he might have been advanced unto honour in his native Countrey yet such was his love to Christ and hatred to Popery that he choosed to embrace that Religion which hath it's soundation upon the Word of God In the year 1542. he was called to be Pastor at Embden the next year Anna the widow Countess of Oldenburgh invites him to reforme the Churches there which he endeavoured with great diligence Afterwards Edward King of England sent by information of Cranmer for him to be Preacher unto a Dutch Church at London In the first year of Queen Mary he obtained leave to return beyond sea a great part of his Congregation went with him and Martin Micron another Preacher to Copenhagen but the King would not suffer them to stay within his kingdoms unless they would embrace the doctrine of Luther concerning the local presence of Christs body and use the ceremonies ordained by him For the same cause they were refused by the Hans-towns and Churches of Saxony At last that vexed congregation was received at Embden Then he would visite his own Countrey after twenty years absence there he found many affecting a Reformation but few Preachers The Popish clergy sought by all means to destroy him or to have him bannished and they accused him unto the King for an heretick The King said Though they called him an heretick yet the States had not decerned so and he was ready to cleare himself from such imputations In the year 1557. a Parliament was assembled at Warsaw there was great contention for Religion The Princes whom they call Vaivodes crave that the Augustan Confession should be established The Bishops strove against it so that the Princes could not obtain any liberty Nevertheless after the Parliament they caused the Gospel to be preached in their own Provinces without the Kings permission John á Las●o impugned the doctrine of the local presence and caused the trueth which the adversaries called Calvinisme to be received by many and unto this day that Church is miserably rent the King and most part are Popish many are Anabaptists few are Ubiquitaries yet a great many hold constantly the sounder Trueth L. When the Kings of Spain had subdued the Sarracens who had continued The Reformation in the Netherlands there some hundred years and expelled them out of the realm many of them not willing to leave the countrey fained themselves to be Christians and afterwards they were convinced to despise
and gray Friers but hearing of the sudden coming of the Lords he fled and the Monasteries were plundered before they came and God put such a fear into the adversaries hearts that they did all flee to Dumbar Then the Regent gave forth a Proclamation declaring that where as a seditious ●umult was raised by some of the Lieges under pretense of Religion she had made offer to call a Parliament in January next or sooner for establishing an universall Order and in the mean time to suffer every man to live at liberty of conscience But they reiecting all reasonable offers had by their actions clearly shewd that it is not Religion they seek but the vsurpation of the Crown as appeares by that they had received and sent messages from and into England and now have possessed the palace of Halirudhouse and the Mint-house Wherefore She commanded all persons to forsake them and live obedient unto authority or els they shall be reputed traitours to the Crown As also that party caused it be rumored that these Lords had conspired to deprive the Queen Regent of her authority and the Duke of his tittle of succession unto the Crown These rumors prevailed so that many began to shrink away Therefore they did clear themselves by their Letters unto the Regent and open proclamation unto the people declaring that these misreports had flowed from their enemies and were most false seing their intentions were no other but to abolish superstition which is contrary unto the Word of God and to maintain the P●eachers of the truth from the violence of wicked men And if She would use her authority to that effect they shall continue al 's obedient subjects as any within the realme Then the Regent trusting to gain some what by conference did offer a safe-conduct to any they pleased to send Two A Conference were sent to petition liberty of their consciences the removing of unable Ministers licence of publick preaching without molestation untill by a general Councell lawfully conv●●ned or by a Parliament within the realm all controversies of Religion shall be decided and to remove the French Souldiers These propositions were not pleasing yet made She no shew of dislike but using gracious words she craved to speak with some of greater authority and namely the Earle of Argile and Lord James For said She I still suspect there is some higher purpose amongst them than religion The Lords would not consent that these two should go unto her because one of her chief attendants was said to have bragged that before Michaelmes these two Noble men shall lose their heads This not succeeding it was agreed that sixe persons on each side should meet at Preston The first day nothing was concluded for the Queen seeming to yeeld unto the free exercise of Religion would have it provided that where she hapned to come the Ministers should cease and the Masse only be used It was answered This were to leave them no Church for the Queen might change the place of her residence and so could there not be any certain exercise of Religion The next day the Lord Ruthven and Pittarrow were sent with this answer As they could not impede her to use what Religion she pleased so could they not consent that the Ministers of Christ should be silenced upon any occasion much less that the true service should give place to idolatry wherefore they humbly crave as they had oft liberty to serve God according to their conscience and to remove the French Souldiers or els there can be no solide peace The Queen said She wished peace but gave a direct answer to none of the points At this time the Commons were scattered for want of victualls and Gentle men being constrained by lack of furnishing and partly hoping for a finall agreement had returned after so many months unto their dwellings but the Noble men resolved to abide at Edinburgh till matters were fully composed Now newes came that Henry II. King of France was dead This put the Lords in better ●●pe but made them more careless for as if there were no fear many w●nt home and they who remained lived secure without any watch But the Queen became more watchfull observing al occasions of advantage and hearing of the solitude in Edinburgh hasteth thither with her companies The Lords hearing thereof are doubtfull if they leave the town the Church which was then established in some measure would be cast down therefore with the small number they had they put themselves in order at Craigingat to impede the Frenches The Duke and Earle of Morton were conveying the Queen and would have composed things only that day they kept the parties from an open conflict The next day the Queen having lodged in Lieth prepared to enter the town at the West port and the Lord ●rskin who till then had been neuter and had the Castle threatned to play upon them unless they suffer the Queen to enter without trouble Hereupon after consultation it was thought safer to take an appointment albeit the conditions were not such as were wished than to hazard battell betwixt two such enemies After long talking five articles were penned which they craved 1. No member of the Congregation should The articles of appointment ●n Lieth be troubled in life lands or possessions by the Queen's authority no● any Judge for any thing done in the late Innovation till a Parliament which shall begin January 10. had decreed things in controversy 2. idolatry shall not be erected where it is at this day suppressed 3. Preachers shall not be troubled in their Ministry where they are already established nor stopped to preach wheresoever they shall chance to come 4. No bands of men of warr shall be layd in garrison within Edinburgh 5. French men shall be sent away at a convenient day and none other shall be brought without consent of the Nobility and Parliament These articles were granted and the Queen addeth 1. the members of the congregation excepting the indwellers of Edinburgh shall leave it the next day before ten a clock 2. they shall render the Mint-house at that time 3. the Church-men shall take up and freely dispose of the tyths and other profits of their Benefices until January the tenth The next day July 25. the Lords went to Sterlin The Duke and Earle of Huntley met with them at th● Querry-hols promising if any part of the appointment shall be violated they shall join New Policies all their forces for expelling the Frenches The Queen was thereafter more carefull then formerly to observe the conditions but went about many wayes to re●stablish the Masse and bring the favourers of Religion into contempt In Edinburgh she employeth the Duke and Huntley and Setoun to deal with the Magistrates to appoint some other Church for their preaching and let the Church of S. Giles be for the Masse They answer That were a violation of the articles The others reply The Queen will keep
that the Masse and the opinions which they teach the people concerning it be laid to the square of the first institution that the world may know whither their teachers had offended or not in that which they have affirmed whither the action of the Masse be not expressely repugnant unto the last Supper of the Lord Jesus whither the sayer of it commit not horrible blasphemy in vsurping The sayer of Masse is a blasphemer upon the offices of Christ Al. Anderson denied that the Priest takes upon him Christs office A masse-book was brought and it wat read out of the beginning of the Canon Suscipe Sancta Trinitas hanc oblationem quam ego indignus peccator offero tibi vivo Deo et vero pro peccatis to●ius Ecclesiae vivorum et mortuorum Then said the Minister If to offer for the sins of the whole Church be not the proper office of Christ only let the Scripture judge and if a vile man whom ye call priest proudly takes the same upon him let your own books witnes Al. Anderson said Christ offered the propitiatory and none can do that but we offer the remembrance It was answered We praise God that yee deny a sacrifice propitiatory in the Masse and we offer to prove that in moe than an hundred places of your Papisticall Doctors it is affirmed that the Masse is a sacrifice propitiatory But whereas ye alledge that yee offer Christ in remembrance we aske first Unto whom do yee offer him and next By what authority are ye assured of well-doing In God the Father falleth no oblivion and if ye will shift and say that ye offer not as if God were forgetfull but as willing to apply Christs merits to his Church we demand of you What power and commandement have ye to do so We know that our Master commanded his Apostles to do what He did in remembrance of him and plain it is that Christ took bread gave thanks brak the bread and gave it to his disciples saying Take eat ..... here is a command to take and eat to take and to drink but to offer Christs body either for remembrance or application we find not and therefore we say To take upon you an office which is not given unto you is uniust vsurpation and not lawfull power Then Alexander vseth some words of shifting but the Lords require him to answer directly Then said he I am better acquainted with philosophy than with Theology Then John Lesley then Parson of Vne and immediatly was sent by the Bishops and their faction to be agent in their business with the Queen and thereafter was called Bishop of Rosse was demanded to answer unto that argument After some litle pause he said If our Master hath nothing to say unto it I have nothing for I know nothing but the Canon-law and the greatest reason that ever I could find there is Volumus and Nolumus The Nobility seeing that neither the one nor the other would answer directly say Wee have been miserably deceived for if the Masse may not obtain remission of sin to the quick and to the dead wherefore were all the Abbeys so richly doted and endowed with our lands Hereby it is clear as also by what is written of the Parliament that the Papists had liberty to plead for their Religion and were required to say what they could not only with safety and assurance of protection but they did appeare and shew their weakness At that time the book of Discipline was not allowed nor reiected but delayd and thereafter it was approved by the Counsell for their own part but not authorised and some additions were noted and this provision expressely added That the Bishops Abbots Priors and other Beneficed men who had already adioined them unto the Religion shall enioy their benefices during their lives they upholding and sustaining the Ministery and Ministers for their part The issue of this provision was many Church-men gave away and sold their Manses gleebs tyths and other things to the prejudice of the Church so that the entertainment of Ministers was very small in many places nothing at all and the gleebs could hardly be recovered XIII At Edinburgh December 20. An. 1560. was the first Nationall assembly where conveened the Ministers and Commissionares from Shires The first assembly of the Church and Burghs about the number of 44. persons 1. They designe Ministers and Readers unto severall parishes throughout the Countrie 2. It was appointed that in time coming the election of Minister Elders and deacons shall be in the publick church and premonition to be on the sunday preceeding 3. It is found by the law of God marriages may be solemnized betwixt parties of the second or third degrees of consanguinity and others that are not prohibited by the word of God and therefore to desire the Lords and Estates to interpose their authority and make lawes thereupon 4. It is appointed that for punishment of fornication the law of God be observed and these shall make publick repentance which vse carnall copulation betwixt the promise and solemnization of their marriage 5. that earnest supplication be made unto the Estates of the realm and to the Lords of Secret counsell that all Judges ordinary and Judiciall Officers as Lords of the Session Shireffs Stewarts Balives and other ordinary Judges be professours of the trueth according to the word of God and all Ministers of the word to be removed from such Offices according to the Civill law 6. To supplicate the Parliament and Secret Counsell that for eschuing the wrath of the Eternall and removing the plagues threatned in His law Sharp punishment be ordained against idolaters and mantainers thereof in contempt of Gods true Religion and Acts of Parliament namely which say Masse or cause it to be said or are present thereat And a catalogue of their names is writen They appoint Comissioners to attend the Parliament if any shall be called with these supplications It is to be observed from the fift Act that Ministers of the word were forbbidden to be Judges in Civil causes which is against the former practise when Bishops and other prelats were Lords of Parliament and sat in Civill Courts No Parliament was called as was expected but a Convention of Estates was appointed to be in May before which time Papists resort to Edinburgh in great numbers and began to brag of their power The Commissioners which were appointed In a Convention of the Estates An. 1561. Papistry is again forbidden by the Assembly of the Church conveen May 17. An 1561. and draw up these articles to be presented unto the Convention that idolatry and all monuments thereof should be suppressed throughout the realm that the sayers maintainers and heare●s of the Masse should be punished according to the Act of Parliament 2. That c●rtain provision be made for maintenance of the Superintendents Ministers and Readers that Superintendents be planted where none are That punishment be appointed for
and the man made the matter so plain that all doubt was removed Then those Judges for this odious crime did deprive him of all function within the Church of Scotland and for his contumacy in not appearing before them did excommunicat him The author of the The Histor of Reformat saith this is recorded not only for a warning example unto others but likewise that the world may see what difference is betwixt the Church of God and the Romish Church seeing many of their Bishops and Priests yea and Popes are known to be guilty in such crimes and no way censured XVI The Papists at Easter An. 1563. began to say Masse more boldly than before namely John Hamilton Bishop of Santandrews the Prior 1563. Masse is practised of Whithern and many other priests monks This was offensive to many and therefore the Shirefs and others which had civill power especially in the West parts resolve that they will not complain to the Queen nor Counsell but execute former proclamations against the sayers of Masse and so some priests in the West were apprehended The Queen The Queē conferrech a I. Knox. was offended and sent for John Knox to come to her in Lochlevin and dealt with him that he would persuad the people and especially the Gentle men of the West Country not to punish any man for using what Religion they please John answereth If her Ma. would punish malefactors according to the lawes he could promise quietness upon the part of all which professe the Lord Jesus within Scotland but if she thought to delude the lawes he feareth some will let the Papists understand that they shall not be suffered to offend Gods Majesty without punishment When ●he Queen heard these and other words to this purpose she takes another course and directes summons against Masse-mongers in the straitest form with expedition to compeare on May 19 one day before the Parliament The Bishop of Santandrews the before named Prior the Parson of Saucher and others do compear At first the Bishop refuseth to answer before Civill Judges yet in end they all come into the Queens will and She designes them to severall prisons Then said some See what the Queen hath done the like was never done within this realm we doubt not but all shall be well Others fore spake things as it came to passe that it was but deceit and so soon as the Parliament is ended the Papists will be set at liberty and therefore advised the Nobility that they be not abused Many had their private business to procure in the Parliament especially the Act of oblivion and they said They might not urge the Queen at that time for if they did so she will hold no Parliament and what then may become of them and their friends but let this Parliament passe over whensoever the Queen craves any thing as She must do before her marriage Religion shall be the first thing that shall be established Much was spoken against A Parliament that politicall delay but in vain An act of oblivion was past of all things done in the publick cause from the year 1558. till September 1. in the year 1561 Manses and gliebs were appointed for Ministers adultery to be punished with death of both persons but nothing for establishing of admonition unto the Nobility Religion In time of this Parliament John Knox said in a Sermon before ma●y of the Nobility and other members My Lords I praise my God throgh Jesus Christ that in your presence I may powr forth the sorow of my heart yea yourselves shall be witnesses if I make any ly in things by past from the beginning of Gods mighty works within this realm I have been with you in your most desperat tentations ask your own consciences and let them answer before God if that I not I but Gods Spirit by mee in your greatest extremity willed you not ever to depend upon your God and in his name promised unto you victory preservation from your enemies if yee would depend upon his protection and prefer his glory before your lives and wordly commodities in your most extreme dangers I have been with you Santiohnston Couper-moore and the charges of Edinburgh are yet recent in my heart yea that dark and dolorous night when all you my Lords with shame fear left this town is yet in my mind and God forbid that ever I forget it What was my exhortation unto you and what is fallen in vain of all that ever God promised unto you by my mouth yee yourselves live and testify There is not one of you against whom death destruction was threatned perished in that danger and how many of your enemies hath God plagued before your eies shall this be the thankfulness that yee shall render unto your God to betray his cause when yee have it in your hands to establish it as you please Yee say The Queen will not agree with us Ask yee of her what by Gods word yee may justly require and if She will not agree with you in God you are not bound to agree with her in the devill Let her plainly understand so far of your mindes and steal not from your former stoutnes in God and he will prosper you in your enterprises But I can see nothing but a recooling from Christ Jesus that the man that first and most speedily fleeth from Christs Ensigne holdes himself most happy Yea I hear some say that we have nothing of our Religion established by law nor Parliament albeit the malicious words of such can neither hurt he trueth of God nor yet us that thereupon depend yet the speaker of this treason committed against God and against this poor common wealth deserves the gallowes for our Religion being commanded and so established by God is received within this realm in publick Parliament And if they will say It was no Parliament we must and will say and also prove that Parliament was al 's lawfull a Parliament as ever any that passed before it in this realm I say If the King then living was King and the Queen now in this realm be lawfull Queen that Parliament can not be denied And now my Lords to put an end to all I hear of the Queens marriage Dukes Brethren to Emperours and Kings strive all for the best gain But this my Lords will I say note the day and beare witnes hereafter Whensoever the Nobility of Scotland who professe the Lord Jesus consents that an infidell and all Papists are infidels shall be Head to our Soverain ye do so far as in you lieth to banish Christ Iesus from this realm yea to bring Gods vengeance upon the Country a plague upon yourselves and possibly yee shall do small confort to your Soveraigne This manner of speaking saith the History of Reformation was judged intolerable both Papists and Protestants were offended at it and some posted to give the Queen advertisement that Knox had spoken against her
undique et ano Etpene erupit qui tibi Carle cruor Non tuus iste cruor sanctorum at caede cruorem Quem ferus hausisti concoquere haud poteras III. So soon as Henry king of Poland heard of his Brothers death he Troubles of Henry ● returned privily and quickly and was crowned King of France He renewed the warres against the Reformed Church he took Mons Monmorancy and quartered him for Religion Nevertheless they increased in number for the Duke Alanchon the Kings Brother and the Duke of Condee joyned with them so that a peace was granted and proclamed with liberty of Religion in the year 1576 but that peace endured not long Then Henry king of Navar joyned with the Reformed again yet they were all in great danger in the year 1586. The Pope Sixtus 5. excommunicated the King of Navar and the Prince of Condee and declared them uncapable of the crown of France and ordered King Henry 3. to persue them with arms The King of Navar sent unto Frederik king of Denmark and unto the Princes of Germany for aid They sent their Ambassadors unto the King of France to interceed for the Protestants He returned answer that they should medle with his subiects no more then he did with theirs Wherefore those Princes assembled at Luneburgh where were also the Ambassadors of Navar England Scotland of the Duke of Pomer c. They concluded that the King of Navar should not be forsaken Chytrae Lib. 28. So they sent 5000. horse-men and 20000. foot but unhappily for the Guises and other confoederats in Liga aurea gave them the foil in Lorrain An. 1587. The next year Henry III. understood of the presumption and intention of the Guises and he called a Parliament professing that he would give the chief Commande of his Army against the Hugonots unto Henry Duke of Guise The man doubted of the Kings favor and yet upon those fair words he went unto the Parliament he was killed in his bedchamber and his body was first burnt then his asshes were thrown into Ligeris His brother Lewes a Cardinal was hang'd and his son with some Bishops were imprisoned Within twelve dayes the Queen-mother died through sorow for the death of the Guises Ibid. Behold how God then brought peace unto his Church They who before favoured the Guises secretly do then profess open rebellion against the King the Parisians create Charles Duke of Mayen and Brother of the Duke of Guise to be Governor of Paris and of the Isle of Francia the Sorbonists deny the kings authority and absolve all men from the oath of allegiance Many cities joyn themselves unto Duke Charles to wit Lions Roan Orleance Ambian c. The King assembleth the Nobility he proclames unto all his subiects pardon of all former trespasses if now they shall return into obedience and he threatneth loss of Goods and life if they return not Henry king of Navar craves pardon obtaines it and is made General of the Army against the traitors the Dukes of Mayen and Aumale in Aprile An. 1589. And the same sommer he granted by edict at Nantes Liberty of the Religion liberty unto the Reformed to assemble not only for exercise of their Religion in their churches but also for holding their Synods yearly and so to be free from the jurisdiction of Bishops Which liberty no king of France hath impeded untill this present time and unto all who were under the former Edicts of exile he restored their honors and goods upon their submission Then the followers of Duke Charles called the king an enemy of the Apostolical Roman Church and August 1. new style a Jacobin Monk having purchased leave to deliver a Letter unto the king stabbed him as he was reading the Letter in the belly with a poisoned knife the villan said he was commanded by an Angel to kill the tyrant and his death would bring peace into France The king feared not death at the first and immediatly dispatched Posts to all the chief parts of the realm giving them notice of what was done and exhorting them to constancy and loyalty as is due unto their Soverain Before midnight he apprehendes death and the next day he caused proclaim Henry king of Navar to be his heir After the Henry 4 King of France kings death the Peers of the realm then in the lieger require an oath of the king of Navar to defend the Roman Religion and he swore to maintain even to hazert of his life the Catholick Apostolical and Roman Religion within the kingdom of France and that he will make no change in the exercise thereof and for his own person he will obey the decrees of a godly and lawfull general or National Councel and promiseth to procure it with all diligence and he swear to permit no other Religion but what is already allowed untill peace being restored it shall be otherwise provided and he confirmed all the Officers of State On the other side these and the Ptinces of the blood the other Peers and many others acknowledge Henry 4. king of France and Navar and swear lojalty and fidelity unto him Then both he and they swear that they shall revenge the villanous murder of the late king and the disturbance of the realm against all the rebels Then the Duke Mayen being at that time called Duke of Guise and the king of Spain dealt with the Pope that the king of Navar should not be absolved from the former Sentence and that faction declares Charles Duke de Mayen king of France but the Senat of Paris not admitting that any should be king who were not of the blood royal he was not proclamed there In the year 1593. Henry 4. took his oath to defend the Roman Religion he wrot an abiuration of the doctrine of the Reformed Church and sent it unto the Pope then he received a pardon and the Popes blessing and was absolved in the Church of S. Denis by the arch Bishop of Bourges upon condition to embrace the Acts of the Councel of Trent and to cause them to be observed within his realms to hear Masse to choose Mary for his advocate before God to breed the young Prince of Condee in the Romish religion c. But though for earthly peace he professed Popery yet in the Parliament at Roan An. 1597. he gave liberty of Religion within his dominions One day he said unto a Noble man I saw you tooday at the Masse Yes said the other I will follow your Majesty The King replied But you shall not have the Crown of France for it IV. Some variances arose amongst them of the Augustan Confession The causes of variance amongst the Lutherans 1. Whereas in the year 1547. the● were pressed by the book called Interim to accept that article Good works are necessary unto salvation the Divines of ●itteberg for peace sake did yeeld unto it but those of Iena as being more wary thought good to wave that phrase
command from the King and his Counsellors to entertain Mongomery and untill he were countermanded by his Majesty he will not remove him The Church having considered his answer ordaines the brethren of the Ministry who shall go in commission to Perth as they see occasion there and the grief not remedied concerning his entertaining the said Robert To proceed and appoint speciall men that shall proceed further against him with the censures of the Church according to the Acts of the Gen. assembly To whom the Church gives their full power to that effect As also the Assembly gives their commission to John Erskin of Dun the Ministers of the Kings house Ro. Pont Ja. Lowson Tho. Smeton An. Hay Da. Lindsay An. Polvart Peter Blackburn Pa. Galloway Wi. Crysteson Da. Ferguson Ia. Meluin Th. Buchanan Io. Brand Pa. Gilespy Io. Porterfield Ministers and And. Melvin To repair toward the King and Counsell to be conveened at Perth July 6. and there with all reverence due obedience and submission to present unto his Majesty and Nobility the speciall grievances of the Church conceived and given to them in write and in their names to lament and regrate the same Craving in the name and fear of the Eternall God them and every one of them to be repaired and redressed To the glory of God and welfare of his Majesty and confort of his Church And if need be with humility to conferre thereupon inform and reason And what herein shall be done to report unto the next assembly Promising to hold firm and stable what soever their brethren in the premisses shall judge righteously to be done In Sess 7. A Supplication unto the K. against his absolute power is the tenor of the grievances thus Unto your Majesty humbly mean and shew your Gr s faitfull obedient subiects the Ministers of Gods word within your Ma s realm conveened in the Generall assembly at Edinburgh Juny 17. that where as upon diverse great evident dangers appearing to the wholl Church of God and professors of his true religion in this countrey finding the authority of the Church abrogate her censures contemned and violence used against some of our brethren without punishment thereof the like hath never been seen in this realm nor in any place where the truth hath been taught and received And fearing lest your Majesty for want of information neglect in time to provide remedy for the inconvenients likely to ensue thereupon We have conveened ourselves in the fear of God and your Ma s obedience and after diligent consideration of this present estate of the Church and enormities falling forth in the same With common consent thought necessary by our Commissioners to present and open unto your Gr. certain our chief weighty griefs without hasty redress whereof the Church of God and true religion can no way stand continue in this your country 1. That your Majesty by advice of some counselers is caused to take upon your Gr. the spirituall power and authority which properly belongs unto Christ as the only King and Head of his Church the Ministery and execution thereof unto such as bear office in the ecclesiasticall Government So that in your Gr s person some men prease to erect a new Popedom as if your Majesty could not be full King and Head of this common wealth unless the Spirituall alswell as the temporall power should be put in your hand unless Christ be bere●t of his authority and the two jurisdictions confounded which God hath divided which tendeth directly to the wreck of all true religion as by the speciall heads following is manifest for 1. Benefices are given by absolute power to unworthy persons intruded into the Office of the Ministry without the Church's admission directly against the lawes of God and Acts of Parliament whereby church-livings come into profane mens hands and others that sell their souls and make shipwreck of conscience for pleasure of men and obtaining some worldly commodity 2. Elderships Synods and Generall assemblies are discharged by Letters of horning to proceed against manifest offenders and to use the disciplin of the Church censures according to Gods word 3. Jo. Dury by act of Counsell is suspended from preaching and banished from his flock 4. Excommunicat personsin contempt of God and his Church are entertained in chief Lords houses namely R. Mong is authorized and caused to preach and brought to your Ma s presence which is a sore wound to the consciences of them that love your Majesty and know your upbringing and an heavy scandall to all Nations professing the true religion 5. An Act or deliverance of the Counsell is made against the proceedings of the Ministry with a slanderous narrative suspending simpliciter and disannulling the excommunication justly and orderly pronounced against Robert Mongomery a rebellious and obstinate offender and troubler of the Church of God and open proclamations made according thereunto 6. Contempt of Ministers and beating John Howeson out of the judgement-seat where he was placed Moderator of the Presbytery the cruell and outragious handling of him carrying him to prison like a thief by the Provest and Bailives of Glasgow and their complices and after complaint made no order is taken therein but they are entertained as if that had been good service 7. Displacing the M. of Glasg out of his roome which without reproach he hath occupied these many years and convocation of the gentle men of the country that to effect 8. Violence used by one of your own guard to pull him out of the pulpit the day of the Communion in presence of the wholl congregation and in time of Sermon nor fault found therewith 9. The officer of the Church was cast into prison in your Gr s presence and there was keept a long time for execution of Letters against a particular scandalons man 10. Ministers Masters of Colledges and Scholares of Glasgow in time of publick fast were by letters of horning compelled to leave their flocks Schools destitute and afterwards from time to time and place to place have been delayd and continued thereby to consume them by exorbitant expences and to wreck the churches Schools where they should bear rule and charge 11. The scholars of Glasgow were invaded and their bloud cruelly shed by the Bailive and community gathered by sound of the common Bell and stroak of drum and by certain seditious men enflammed to have slain them all and to have burnt the Colledge and yet nothing done nor said to the authors of that sedition 12. Hands shaken with the bloody murderers and persecuters of the people of God by gifts received and given 13. The Duk 's Gr. often promised to reform his house and nothing is done there 4. The lawes made for maintaining true religion and punishing the enemies thereof are not put to execution So that all things go loose and worse like to ensue Many other things there be that crave present reformation where with wee think
the presbytery alledging that they had not power to take away any action from them which was in process and not decided They made also a Visitation of the Colledges and made new canones concerning the election of the Rector and his continuance to be but for a year and the exemption Anothe● step was the vote in Perliament of all the Masters from the Church Session Concerning the next stepp unto Prelacy which was the vote in Parliament The Historicall Narration saith At the Parliament in December 1597. the workmen for Episcopacy the commissioners of the Assembly presented a petition in name of the church that Ministers may have vote in Parliament They had not commission to petition it either for the Church in generall or for Ministers in particulare It is true it was an old complaint of the Generall assemblies that others who had the Benefices of the Prelacies did vote in Parliament in name of the Church and therefore they petitioned that none do vote in name of the Church but they who shall have commission from the Church if there were any necessity that some must vote in name of the Church but that Ministers in particula●e should vote in Parliament was not petitioned The Assembly in October 1581. being required by the King to give some Overture how he shall not be prejudged seing they have damned the office of Bishops whereunto is annexed a temporall jurisdiction by whom the Prince was served by voting in Parliament assisting in Counsell contributing in taxations and the like Thretty Barons and Commissioners from Burrous and Ministers were appointed to consult apart upon it After consultation they returned to the Assembly with this Overture that for voting in Parliament and assisting in Counsell commissioners from the Generall assembly shall supply the place of Prelates as for exercing criminall and Civill jurisdiction the head Bailives may exerce it The Assembly allowed the Overture but did not determin to send commissioners for that effect When the same question was propounded by the Convention of Estates in Octob. 1582. answer was returned from the assembly that they would not consent any should vote but they who bear office in the Church and were authorized with commission from the Church but they did not determin whither Min. or Barons or Burgesses who were Elders The Assembly in May 1592. enjoined every brother to consider whither Minister may vote in Parliament in place of the old Prelates but no conclusion was resolved-upon So the Assemblies were never earnest for vote in Parliament but complained that the Lords which had the abbacies priories and Bishopricks voted in name of the Church by whom the Church was damnified in sufficient maintenance for the Service of God or answered to the King complaining for the want of the third Estate But the ground is not right that of necessity the Church must be an Estate of Parliament for by the Church is meaned either the Ministry only according to the Popish sense taking the Clergy only for the Church Ot the Ministry together with the commonality of Professors which is the right acceptation of the word Ministers may not lawfully sit as members in Parliament because the Parliament is a Civile Court or great Counsell conveened for making Lawes concerning rights of inheritances weights and measures forfeitures losse of limbs or life and the like whereof Ministers should not make lawes seing they are set apart to preach the gospell c And howbeit Church-affaires or matters of religion be somtime treated in Parliament yet it is a Civile assembly and their proceeding or sanction of such lawes is Civile If yee will comprehend all the p●ofessors or members of the Church under the name of the Church then all the subjects within the kingdom shall make but the third Estate or the wholl Country is but a part of the Parliament Moreover the subjects being considered materially they are the same persons both in the Church and Commonwealth but considered with diverse respects they are distinguished formally as citizens of the Kingdom their body is represented in Parliament as members of the Church they should medle only with things spirituall in their Judicatories and Councells The truth is None voteth in Parliament in name of the Church or as ecclesiasticall persons but only as Barons or in respect of the Baronies annexed to the Bishoprick abbacy or priory So that if prelates were not Barons the Church would have no vote I grant Ministers may be present at Parliaments but with the book of God in their hands if they be required in any doubt nor should the Estates make any Act eoncerning religion without the advice and consent of her representative Body but Ministers should not be members of that Court nor none other in name of the Church The Noble men who possessed the great How it was carried Benefices and so many others as they could move to assist them opposed this vote but by the Kings earnest dealing with sundries it was granted that so many as his Majesty shall provide to the office place title dignity of Bishop abbot or other prelate shall at all times have vote in parliament It was thought no honest man in the Ministry would accept these titles dignities and the Estates were the more liberall in their grant The consideration of the office was remitted to the consultation agreement of the King generall assembly but expressely without prejudice of the Jurisdiction disciplin of the Church in Generall or Provinciall assemblies presbyteries Sessions But what office of Bishop abbot or prior should be and not prejudiciall to the disciplin of the Church is hard to determin The Commissioners as if they had procured a great benefite to the Church sent their Missives to the presbyteries to inform them with what difficulty they had obtained this and what danger was in delay and therefore had anticipate the time of the Assembly and with the Kings consent had appointed it to be holden the seventh of March. Under fair pretenses the diets appointed by ordinary assemblies were altered and either anticipated to surprize men or prorogated till they had prepared persons or dressed purposes till at last the whole liberty of appointing any diet at all was reft out of their hands In the Missives they inform lykewise what order was taken for the Plat and provision of stipends to make the other point the more acceptable XXXVI Nevertheless the judicious and sinceerer sort of the Ministry 1598. discover the Mystery of iniquity lurking in this pretended benefite of Ministers-vote in Parliament at the Synode especially of Lothian and Fife about the end of February In the Synod of Fife David Ferguson the antientest Minister of Scotland had a discourse of the travell and paines taken by the Ministry to purge this Church from the corrupt estate of Bishops But now sayd he I perceive a purpose to erect it again I can compare the manner of bringing it in to
and Adoptive where they were not and on the contrary he produceth their testimonies where they do expressely deny that Christ is the Son of God by adoption and in this respect distinguish Christ's son-ship and the son-ship of the Elect. As for the testimonies of the Spanish Missal he toucheth them not as if that Missal were nothing Nevertheless hence we see that the Spanish Church at that time had a proper Missal and were not subject unto the Roman Church It is also worth the marking that whereas Elipant had alledged a testimony of the son of Sirach Alcwin lib. 1. saith When the testimonies of God's Prophets have failed unto thy perversness thou feignest a new Prophet speaking according to thy errour In Jesus the son of Sirach is that sentence which book blessed Jerom and Isidore do witness that without doubt it is reckoned amongst the Apocrypha that is dubious witness and it was not in the time of the Prophets but of the Priests when Ptolemeus Evergetes was King In lib. 2. neer the end he saith Holy Father raze raze quickly this opinion out of the Closet of thy heart lest the Lord who hath appointed thee to give Wheat unto his family find that written in the Table of thy heart and say unto thee I acknowledge not these Letters these words were not taught thee by the men to whom I said Go teach all Nations If we join these two testimonies we see that Alcwin did not acknowledge any book for Scripture nor any doctrine for truth which had not a warrant from the Prophets and Apostles In lib. 4. The original of these evils which begets the occasion of all impieties is this While the wisedom of the heavenly Teachers is weighed through the fault of miss-thinking men in their temerarious pride not according to the propriety of their meaning but is turned into other meanings after the will and pleasure of the reader and otherwise then the respect of truth carrieth and it is easie unto any who understandeth the Scripture rightly to find this by the Comments of all Hereticks that they are not afraid in their ungodly temerity and froward blindness to draw the most holy words of the Divine books into the similitude of their errour which kind of impiety and misery if thou Father Elipant hadst considered with a prudent mind and humble searching thou hadst never fallen from the unity of the Catholick peace into the pit of this errour In his book De virtut vitis which he writ at the intreaty of Wido a Count he exhorteth him to read the Scriptures diligently Ca. 5. saying The reading of the Holy Scriptures is the knowledge of divine blessedness for in them as in a glass a man may know himself what he is and whither he goeth Continual reading purifieth the soul breedeth fear of Hell and stirreth up the heart of the reader unto Heavenly joies He who desireth to be with God for ever should frequently read and pray for when we pray we speak with God and when we read God speaks with us The reading of the Holy Scriptures bringeth a twofold benefit because it instructeth the understanding and brinketh a man from the vanities of the World to the love of God Honest is the labour of reading and conduceth much to the purifying of the soul for as the body is nourished by fleshly meat so the inward man is nourished and fed by God's word as the Psalmist saith How sweet unto my tast are thy words O Lord even more then the honey and the honey-comb unto my mouth But he is blessed who reading the Holy Scriptures turneth the words into works Certainly all the Holy Scripture is written for our salvation to the end we may by them grow in the knowledge of the truth A blind man stumbleth oftner then he who seeth so he who knoweth not the Law of God sinneth through ignorance oftner then he who knoweth it Certainly this man would not have consented unto that Canon of the Councel of Trent which forbiddeth people to read the Scriptures But to the end that all should not be thought to be his which goeth under his name it is to be marked that in Par. II. is an Homily in festo omnium Sanctor which Quercitanus hath marked to be amongst the Sermons of Augustine but he had found it in a manuscript under the name of Albin but it can not be either Augustin's nor Albin's seeing that feast was afterwards appointed by Pope Gregory the IV. These books de Trinitate are written so clearly that Sixtus Senens in praefat Biblioth saith They were written by John Calvin and published in the name of Alcvine But Doctor James in The Corruption of the Fathers par 4. pag. 50. testifieth that antient copies thereof were in the Prince's Library at Saint James and they were Printed at Lions An. 1525. when Calvin had not begun to write Rich. Hoveden in The Continuation of Beda writeth That Charls the Great sent over into England the Acts of a Synod sent him from Constantinople for the adoration of images the which the Church of God utterly detesteth Against this adoration saith he Albinus writ an Epistle marvellously grounded on divine Scriptures and carried it with some Synodical Acts in name of the English Bishops and Princes unto the King of France 6. Ecbert King of the West-Saxons vanquished Merceland Kent Essex and Northumberland and then he commanded that land to be called Anglia and the inhabitants Angles or English men Tho. Cooper ad An. 796. CHAP. V. Of COUNCELS 1. FEw Councels were assembled in the beginning of this Century In France Carloman assembleth one which beginneth thus In the A Synod in France Name of our Lord Jesus Christ I Carloman Duke and Prince of France with the advice of the Servants of God and my Nobles in the fear of Christ have assembled An. 742. Febr. 19. the Bishops which are in my Kingdom with the Priests into a Councel and Synod these are Boniface Arch-Bishop of Mentz Burchard Bishop of Wirtzburg Reginfrid Guntharius and the rest of the Bishops with their Priests That they should give me counsel how the Law of God and religion of the Church many be restored Nota which in the daies of former Princes hath been shattered and fallen and how Christian people may attain the salvation of their souls and not perish being deceived by false Priests And by the advice of my Priests and Nobles We have ordained Bishops thorow Cities and set over them the Arch-Bishop Boniface who is the Legate of Saint Peter And we have ordained that Synods should be called every year that in Our presence the Decrees of Canons Rites and Laws of the Church may be restored and We restore unto the Churches the monies which hath been taken from them We have also discharged all the Servants of God from hunting and wandring in woods with Dogs and that they have no Hawks nor Falcons We have also Decrced according to the holy
the person of an High-Priest but plaiest the Tyrant under the Coat of a Shepheard we find thee to be a Wolf thou art called a Father but falsely and thou shewest thy self a Judas by thy deeds when thou callest thy self the servant of servants thou contendest to be Lord of Lords and according to the discipline of Christ our Saviour thou art the lowest of all the Servants of God's Church but in ambition thou runnest headlong whatsoever pleaseth thee is lawfull and thou art become a drone to Christians What remains but to call him the Antichrist whom the Romanists call the third Elias They conclude For these causes we with our brethren and collegues will neither stand at thy command nor acknowledge thy voice neither do we fear thy Bulls and Thunders c. Of his Primacy they say The Holy Ghost is the Authour of all Churches how far soever they be separated thorow the World the City of our God whose Citizens we are belongeth to the four airths or corners of Heaven it is larger then the City which the holy Prophets have called Babylon because she makes her god-head equal unto the Heaven and braggeth that she is eternal as if she were God having all wisdom and glorieth that she neither erreth nor can erre Ph. Morn in Myster pag. 175. Where also is another Epistle written unto the same Pope drawn out of the French Annals it concludeth thus We will in no way receive thy wicked sentence which is far from the zeal of uprightness unjust unreasonable and contrary to the Canonical laws yea with all the Synod of our brethren we despise and contemn it as unlawfull accursed and fondly pronounced and truly we will not communicate with thee who art a favourer and pertaker with accursed persons and despisers of holy religion we are content with the communion of the whole Church and society of brethren above whom thou exaltest thy self whom thou despisest and from whom thou separatest thy self by thy swelling pride Now we who have experience of thy craft and deceit and also know thy disdain and swelling dominion we yeeld nothing nothing at all unto thee nor thy pride whereby thou indeavourest to overwhelm us all at the pleasure of our enemies whom thou favourest and thou shalt know that we are not thy Clarks as thou vauntest of thy self but if thy pride would suffer thee thou shouldest acknowledge us thy brethren and fellow Bishops Hence it appeareth that they begun by experience to smell out where the Antichrist or the man of pride was 15. When the controversie was between Charls the Bald and the two A lamentation for the Church in her pretended head and remedy petitioned from Kings Kings of Germany for the division of Lorain or as Ph. Morn speaks for marches Luithpert Bishop of Mentz was so respected for his gifts of prudence and holiness that the Kings did refer the deciding of the controversie unto him When the Pope did begin to usurp more and more upon the Bishops of Germany Luithpert writ unto King Lewis thus The present cause permits me not to be silent any longer which if I forsake I cannot be excusable before our Lord Jesus Christ unto whom it appertains and I should be conyict of my promise made unto your Majesty if I sitting in the watch wherein I am set do see danger coming on you and with idle and unfaithfull silence I dissemble and becoming sloathfull I will seem an hireling rather than a Shepheard of the Church the Pastoral care of which unworthy I have taken upon me The dignity of the Church is grievously shaken and defaced in the Seat of Saint Peter even so that by a hid persecution the like hath not been heard not by Infidels or them who know not the Lord but by them ô how to be bewailed who should be guides and governours of the Church they indeavour to advance the doctrine of man above the word of God and the malady of the head if it be not prevented by timely and wholesom medicine must needs spread through the members Ye know the danger of God's people which is fearfully approaching neither can ye be ignorant that the Pastours at which the elements do tremble who should provide for the safety of the weak have left the path-way and themselves run into perdition and they open a ditch to so many as follow them Wherefore I exhort your wisdom who lovest truth and righteousness that according to the wisdom given unto you from above ye would deal with them which know the truth and love righteousness what way the scandals of dissension may be removed which the sower of Tares by his craft ceaseth not to spread and that peace and long wished for unity may be restored unto the Church and the help of watchfulness may be had in time lest foolish negligence give way unto the wounds for all the body of the Church is not yet wounded although the head be smitten with sores and several members seem to be diseased and therefore the infirm must be helped if they will accept of cure by those which are known to be whole and sound or they must be cutt off according to the command of our Physician lest the whole body perish Wherefore it seemeth unto me both necessary and expedient that the religious Prince Charls your brother be in time requested unto this purpose that as well he as the Priests of his Kingdom may meet with you and your Bishops and may be partners of the same work with you that when ye shall by the help of God return peaceably from your intended journy with one consent and common indeavour by the grace of God ye may restore peace and concord unto the Catholick and Apostolical Church according to orthodox doctrine Ph. Morn in Myster pag. 162. Observe here the estate of the Church at that time and that when the head is diseased the body cannot be readily cured but by common authority of Princes and Synods 16. Hincmar of whom I have made mention in Pope Nicolaus was many years Arch-Bishop of Rhemes upon several occasions he did solicit and flatter the Popes and at other times did practice and write against them as is to be seen in Baron Annal. tom 9. and the Cardinal doth accordingly allow The power of Provincial Bishops and disallow him In one of his Epistles he professeth that he had received a Palle from Pope Leo the IV not as a badge of subjection and he avoweth plainly that in doubtfull causes the Provincial Bishops should ask counsel from the Arch-Bishop neither should a Bishop go unto the Pope untill he advertize and confer with the Arch-Bishop neither needeth the Arch-Bishop await for judgment from the See of Rome so far as he hath certain decrees of Canons Laws and Councels And he did forbid his Nephew Hincmar to obey the Pope's citation when he summoned him to Rome In an Epistle to Pope Hadrian the II he quoteth a testimony of Pope Leo
Princes and they will sit as Monarchs now they give Laws concerning Civil things they do raise seditions and depose Princes now they lead Armies and impose Taxes now they have no care of religion unless some witness of the Truth dare open his mouth against the waxing errours or unless some ceremonies serve for advancing the Papal grandure or seem expedient to draw money unto their See as will be manifest especially after the year 1070. 2. HENRY the II. Duke of Bavier and Nephew of Otho the I. was chosen Bishops are States-men Emperour by the Princes Electours according to their new authority An. 1002. This was the first time that Bishops had a voice in the election of the Emperour and hence it came that they sit in the Imperial Diet and in some other Nations Bishops are Parliamentary Lords Henry was so distracted with wars against Robert King of France and then against Bodislaus King of Bohemia for the space of 10. years that he could not go to Rome After his Coronation there he conquered Calabria and Pulia unto the Empire from the Calisti that is the Deputies of the Greek Empire Shortly thereafter the Normans entred into Pulia and were partners with the Greeks against the Germans and thereafter became Lords of both Sicilies Henry gave his sister in marriage unto Stephen King of Hungary on condition that he would be a Christian He held a Synod at Frankford of which Dithmar lib. 6. and after him Ph. Mornay in Myster say A general Synod is assembled at Frankford and visited by all the Bishops on this side of the Alps Willegisus was Moderator and no word of the Pope In the year 1024. Henry fell sick and intreated the Electours that they would chuse Conrade Duke of Suevia or Franconia to be his Successour The two brothers Basilius and Constantine had now reigned 50. years together but Basilius was the worthier and had the greatest sway and died three years before Constantine who then did reign vitiously and before his death he ordained his son-in-law Romanus Argyropolus to be his Successour 3. CONRADE the II. was pronepnoy of Conrade the I. He was called Emperour and was not chosen for two years thereafter because of discord among the Electours and then were sundry Competitours as Conon Uncle of the late Henry And many did claim liberty upon occasion of the interreign He calmed all these troubles by his prudence and without blood-shed He went into Italy with a great Army and subdued Millain and at Rome was Crowned by Pope John the XXI with great applause of the people When he returned into Germany he was necessitated to go back into Italy because several Cities did revolt he inflicted severe punishments on the offenders and arriving at Rome he releeved Pope Benedict as followeth Then he did visit all the Lands of Italy belonging unto the Empire or Church without resistance and returned with Triumph into Germany where he thought to live in Peace but within few daies he died An. 1040. Romanus proved a most valiant Prince at first but following the waies of covetousness he was hated in the sixth year of his Reign his wife Zoë procured his death that she might marry Michael Calaphatus he ruled the Empire 7. years and defended it valiantly against the Sarazens in Asia in Syria and on the frontiers of Phoenicia After him Zoë married a fourth husband Constantine Monomachus he was a vitious man and the Sarazens prevailed in Asia the less After him and the death of Zoë her sister Theodora reigned two years so happily that great lamentation was for her death After her within three years were three Emperours to wit Theodora had named an old man Michael Stratiotes Isaac Comnenus rebelled against him and the people receive him but he was taken away by death and when he was sick he named Constantine Duca 4. HENRY the III. called The Black was chosen Successour to his father not without difficulty for the Pope and some Electors did alledge it is dangerous if the son did succeed unto his father but they yeeld for his valour He purchased great honour in subduing the King of Bohemia the Duke of Lorain and in restoring Peter King of Hungary against an usurper Andrew In his time were many Popes of no authority and their lands were taken by others without resistance Henry had wars with Henry King of France to him the Emperour presented to decide the controversie hand to hand that no more innocent blood might be spilt at a parley they do agree In the end of his Reign God sent on the earth for the sins of men famine sword and pestilence The Emperour through heaviness contracts sickness and caused the Electours to swear unto his son not yet baptized as King of the Romans and he died An. 1057. In Greece Constantine was so hated for covetousness that the Subjects would not make resistance against the Infidels conquering many Towns in Asia he died in his 7. year His sons were young and the Empress Eudocia took upon her the government Because the Infidels prevailed the Princes caused her to take Romanus Diogenes for her husband he proclaimed himself Emperour and went against the Sarazens and after divers chances was taken An. 1072. Axan the Sultan laid him at the foot of his Throne and stepped up and down upon his body and thereafter sent him home with promises of mutual alliance between their children The Greeks judge him unworthy of the Empire and Crowned Michael son of Duca He picked out the eys of Diogenes and made him a Monk The Turks still do prevail in the Eastern parts of the Empire therefore Michael was deposed in the 7. year and Nicephorus an old man was chosen Alexius Comnenus Michael's brother thrust him forth and reigned 27. years 5. HENRY the IV. was chosen successour to his father because he was so young and there was peace in the Empire the government was committed unto his mother Agnes by consent But the Princes began to be weary of a How to deal with the Popes womans government and would have him to take the power into his own hand while he was but young and then all was done as the Princes would but when he came to riper years he ranversed many of their deeds Vita Henr. in fascic rer On the other side they were offended and began rebellious attempts so that he was forced to take up Arms and especially against the Saxons He was neither unlearned nor peevish yet had so bad luck that whosoever took up Arms against him was thought to do religiously Guil. Malmsb. de gest Angl. lib. 3. He was given to venery but otherwise was wife religious eloquent liberal to the poor and would not willingly be subject unto any power He had continual jars and wars with the Popes through the wicked pride of Hildebrand By the way Princes may learn how to deal with the Popes he that stands in aw of their curse shall be a slave to their
embrace this shew of honor that for reverence of the Roman Church they might be the more respected in their own jurisdiction and sometimes the more easily advance themselves above their Competitors Sometimes the Popes sent Legates into other Diocies with such modesty that they had Authority to attempt nothing without concurrence of the Bishops or Synod of that Countrey Albeit these Legations were partly godly and at the worst were tolerable yet they were not potestativae or imperious but charitativae or exhortatory Nevertheless the Popes brought the Churches and Bishops into subjection by such means for afterwards they were sent onely for ambitious usurpation covetousness and worldly affairs The ordinary Legates at Picen Romandiola Bononia Ferraria Avenion and if there be any such others are Provincial Deputies Praetores or Vice-Roys The Nuntio's at the Court of the Emperor or of any King or Prince or State are Ambassadors or Spies for secular affairs The affairs of any Church that are gainful if they be of less account are reserved unto the judgement of the Nuntio yet not definitively but to be determined at Rome and things of more weight are reserved for the Court of Rome wholly In the mean time the power of Metropolitans and Bishops is neglected The ancient Bishops of Rome did severely enjoyn their Legates to acknowledge duly the inferior Bishops within their own jurisdiction but now they pass by the Metropolitans and draw all actions unto themselves and the Court of Rome Also their ambiton and avarice have so provoked some Nations that they will admit no Legate as Sicilie and France hath entrenched their office These particulars are more fully written by Spalatens de Rep. Eccles lib. 4. cap. 12. Of BRITANNY 1. AS I touched in the former Century England was oppressed by the Danes in England Danes so that Swan a Danish King did bear the Scepter of England and when he was a dying he left England to Harald Denmark to Canut and Nor way to Swan his three Sons Harald lived not long After him and the death of the unfortunate English King Agelred great contention was in England for the Crown some were for Edmond ●ronside the Son of Agelred and some for Canut After many bloody fights both parties agree to try the quarrel twixt them two onely in sight of both Armies they make the essay with swords and sharp stroakes in the end upon the motion of Canut they agree and kiss one another to the joy of both Armies ann 10. 6. and they covenant for parting the Land during their lives and they lived as br●thren Within a few years a Son of Edrik Duke of Mercia killed Edmond traitorously and brought his two Sons unto Canut and said God save our onely King Thereafter Canut reigned in England twenty years and all the Counsellors swear unto him By their advice he sent the two Sons of Edmond unto his Brother Swan King of Denmark willing him to put them out of the way He abhorring such a fact sent them to Solomon King of Hungarie where Edwin was married with the King's Daughter and left her soon a Widow and the other Brother Edward married Agatha the Daughter of the Emperor Henry III. It is written that Canut established Laws Ecclesiastical as well as Civil among which are these First All men should holily worship God onely throughout all ages they should most religiously hold fast the one rule of Christian Religion they should with due loyalty and obedience honor King Canut We further command that every one of each Order shall diligently and holily keep the Religion of his own Office and Function namely the Servants of God Bishops Abbots Monks Regulars and Nuns and square their life according to their prescribed rule Let them pray oft and much unto Christ both night and day for all Christian People And all the Ministers of God especially the Priests we entreat and command to obey God and keep dear chastity that they may escape God's wrath and hells fire seeing they know certainly it is not lawful for them to have fellowship with women for lust and who shall abstain from them let him have God's mercy and on earth the honor due unto a Thane Let every The beginning of Kn●ght ●●oa among Priests one pay his Tithes yearly Each one should prepare thrice a year at least to receive the Eucharist so that he may eat the same to wholesom remedies and not to damnation If any woman commit adultery to the open shame of the world let her nose and ears be cut off c. Spelman in Concil Canut died ann 1039. and his Son Hardiknut reigned four years and his Brother two years Then the Danes failed after they had been Kings of England twenty eight years and vexed it 255. years 2. After the death of Grim King of Scots Malcolm would not accept Troubles in Scotland the Crown until the Law which was made in his Father's time concerning Succession were confirmed with consent of the Parliament He was molested by the Danes and in token of his two victories two stones were set up in Anguise in two several places as yet bearing the name of their Captain Came. At that time Malcolm divided a great part of the patrimony of the Crown among his chief Captains so that from that time the Kings Revenues were small and therefore the Nobility gave unto the King the Wards and Marriages of their Sons if yong He which was so careful of Succession had no Sons Duncan King the Son of his eldest Daughter was killed by Macbeth his Cousen-German and Successor In a word while some strove for the ancient Liberty and others for the priviledge of Succession ten Kings were killed by their Successors until the year 1103. 3. When England was freed from the Danes they sent to Normandy Alteration in England inviting Edward the Confessor and Brother to King Edmund to come He fearing their inconstancy did refuse until they sent pledges to abide in Normandy and then was Crowned ann 1045. In his time was that Law made which concerneth the King's Oath at Coronation A King because he is the Lieutenant of the most High King was appointed to this end that he should regard and govern the earthly Kingdom and People of God and above all things his holy Church and defend her from wrongs and root out Malefactors from her yea scatter and destroy them which unless he do he cannot be justly called a King A King should fear God and above all things love him and establish his command throughout his Kingdom He should also keep nourish maintain and govern the holy Church of his Kingdom with all integrity and liberty according to the Constitutions of his Fathers and Predecessors and defend it against enemies so as God may be honored above all and ever had in minde He should establish good Laws and approved Customs and abolish evil and remove them all out of his Realm He should do right Judgement in
other was like a Criminal Court both which were different from worldly Courts in that the one had execution by the Authority of a Judge forcing men unto obedience and the other by the onely willingness of submitting parties which if they refuse to obey the Ecclesiastical Judge could do no more but commit the cause unto the judgement of God which as it pleaseth God shall be executed in this life or that to come And upon good ground was the name of Charity given unto the Ecclesiastical Judicatory because by it only was the defender moved to submit unto the Church and the Church to judge with so great sincerity of the Judge and obedience of the offender that there was no place left unto corrupt affection in the one nor of repining in the other and this great love made the punishment of chastising seem the more grievous even unto the chastiser so that in the Church was never any censure inflicted without great mourning of the people and greater of the Rulers and hence it came to pass that at that time the word mourning was used for chastising So St. Paul rebuking the Corinthians that they had not censured the incestuous man said And ye have not mourned that he that hath done this deed might be taken away And in the other Epistle I fear lest when I come I shall not finde you such as I would and lest I shall be wail many which have sinned already Now it seemeth the judgement of the Church as is usual in all Societies was ordered by some one which was President and propounded things and after deliberation gathered the suffrages which part seeing it is most convenient unto the most able and fit man without doubt was conferred on the Bishop But when the Churches were multiplied the propositions and deliberations were done by the Bishop first in the Colledge of Presbyters and Deacons which were called the Presbytery and there purposes were brought to ripeness that they might have the last stroke in the publique meeting of the Church This was yet the Custom about the year 250. as is clear in the Epistles of Cyprian who writing of them who had sacrificed unto Idols unto the Presbytery saith It is not his maner to do any thing without their advice nor without consent of the people and he writeth unto the people that when he shall return he will in their presence and according to their judgement examine the causes and merits and unto the Priests which by themselves had received some delinquents he writeth that they give account unto the people Because of the ingenuity and charity of the Bishops at that time it came to pass that all men almost did rest on their opinion and the Church when charity became cold and the charge that Christ had laid on them was carelesly performed left all unto the Bishop and ambition which is a slie affection and ready to creep into the heart with the shadow and shew of vertue did perswade the Bishops to accept it gladly But that alteration came not to the height till the persecutions were ceased for then the Bishops did as it were set up a throne unto themselves which became most frequent by the multitude of pleas with the accession of temporary riches And this form of Judicatory albeit differing from the former wherein all things were carried with consent of the Church did yet continue in the same sincerity And therefore the Emperor Constantine having tried the fruit of this Court in deciding controversies and how the vertue of Religion was able to discern many tricks and guiles which the Judges had not perceived made a Law that there should be no appealing from the Bishops sentence and the Judges should put them in execution Yea and when a cause was begun before the Secular Judge whatsoever was the state of it if either of the parties howbeit the other were unwilling did appeal unto the Bishop the cause without delay should be referred unto his consideration And then the judgement of the Bishop began to be Courtly and when he had the Magistrate to be the executioner of his Decree he taketh unto him the names of Episcopal Iurisdiction Episcopal Audience and such Titles Likewise the Emperor Valens thought good in the year 365. to enlarge this Court by giving unto them the inspection of the prices of things set forth to be sold which business was not acceptable unto the good and moderate Bishops for Possidonius reporteth that when Augustine had been taken up with such work untill noon and sometimes till night he called it Angaria a forced toil whereby his minde was distracted from things more properly belonging unto him and for these rusling broyls he left more useful things undone as neither did Paul go about these things which were not suitable to a Preacher but left them unto others Nevertheless when not a few of the Bishops did abuse that Authority that was granted unto them by Constantine's Law the same Law after 70. years was recalled by Arcadius and Honorius and it was ordained that Bishops should judge in causes of Religion onely and in Civil no other way but with consent of parties and also it was declared that they had no Court of Judgement This Law was little regarded in Rome because of the great power of the Bishop therefore in the year 452. Valentinian living in the City did renew that Law and caused it to be put in execution But the succeeding Princes did ratifie unto them again that power as Justinian did establish the Bishops Court and Audience and assigned unto them not onely the affairs of Religion but the Ecclesiastical faults of the Clergy and several powers over the Laicks By these degrees Correction which was appointed by Christ upon the account of Charity was turned to Dominion and was the occasion of losing the ancient reverence and obedience wherewith Christians were wont to regard their Bishops I know well that in words they will deny their Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction to be Dominion like the Secular but I cannot see what real difference they can shew Certainly St. Paul writing to Timothy and Titus sheweth a clear difference Let not a Bishop be given to lucre not a striker But now it is most usual to pay unto the Bishop the expences of Law and at his command to put into prison even as in Secular Courts But when the Provinces in the West were divided and the Empire was made up of Italy France and Germany and Spain became a Kingdom in these four Countreys the Princes made choise of Bishops to be their Counsellors and then by the confusion of spiritual and temporal power oh how the Authority of the Bishops Court augmented within 200. years they drew unto them all criminal and Civil power over the Clergy yea and over the Laicks in many particulars pretending that the cause is Ecclesiastical They they forge a mixt Judicatory wherein either a Bishop or a Magistrate which of the two shall first
words but they have done it wickedly as will appear hereafter 29. Gratian an Hetrurian and Monk of Bononia did out of the Canons The Canon Law of ancient Synods and decrees of Popes and sentences of Fathers and some forged writings of late Monks compile and amass the volume of the Canon Law which they call Decreta and Causae These were afterwards augmented by the Popes adding the Decretals and Extravagants and they are commented by the School-men Gratian took this work in hand in imitation of Lotharius the Emperor who had caused the Civil Laws to be digested into a method and he gathered these books so that by addition substraction or changing of a word or letter one or more he made all to serve the present times For example whereas Augustin de Doctr. Christ l. 2. c. 8. saith In Canonicis Scripturis Ecclesiarum Catholicarum quamplurium authoritatem sequatur inter quas sane illae sunt quas Apostolicae sedes habere epistolas accipere meruerunt Gratian Dist 19. c. In Canonicis hath them thus Inter quas Scriptur as Canonitas sane illae sunt quas Apostolica sedes ab ea aliae accipere meruerunt epistolas 2. In the sixth Councel at Carthage the Can. 165. saith Ad transmarina qui putaverit appellandum à nullo intra Africam in communione recipiatur This Canon speaketh absolutely and was made especially against appeals unto Rome But Gratian repeating it Caus 2. qu. 6. c. Placuit addeth Nisi forte Romanam sedem appellaverit 3. Pope Gregory lib. 9. epist 41. saith Scripsit mihi tua dilectio piissimum dominum nostrum speaking of the Emperor reverendissimo fratri meo Iohanni primae Iustinianae Episcopo pro agritudine capitis quam patitur praecipere succedi But Gratian Caus 7. qu. 1. c. Scripsit repeateth it thus Scripsit tua dilectio me reverendissimo fratri Iohanni pi Iust epis praecipere succedi 4. That common saying Petri successionem non habent qui Petri fidem non habent Gratian considering that hereby the succession of Peter might be called into question De poenit dist 1. c. potest saith Qui Petri sedem non habent Hear what a Papist judgeth of these Decrees Corn. Agrippa sometime Doctor utriusque Iuris in his Book De vanitat scient cap. 92. saith From the Civil Law hath flowed the Canon Law which may seem unto many to be very holy it doth so cover the precepts of covetousness and forms of robbing with the shew of godliness albeit very few things in it belong unto godliness religion or the worship of God besides that some things are contrary and fight against the word of God and all the rest are nothing but chidings pleas prides pomps gain or lucre and the pleasures of Popes which are not content with the Canons prescribed by the Fathers unless they do heap up Decrees Extravagants that there is no end of making Canons such is the ambition meer pleasure of Popes The School of Paris did openly detest and reprove this erroneous intolerable temerity I will not say heresie Out of these Canons and Decrees we have learned that the patrimony of Christ is Kingdoms donations foundations riches and possessions and that the Priesthood of Christ and primacy of the Church is Empire and Kingdom and that the sword of Christ is temporal jurisdiction and power and that the rock which is the foundation of the Church is the person of the Pope and that Bishops are not servants or Ministers of the Church but heads thereof and the goods of the Church are not the doctrine of the Gospel zeal of faith contempt of the world but tributes tithes offerings collects purples mitres gold silver jewels lands beasts authority it belongeth unto the Popes to manage battels break covenants loose oaths absolve from obedience and to make the house of prayer become a den of thieves so that a Pope may depose a Bishop without a cause he may dispose of other mens goods he cannot commit simony he may dispense against a vow against an oath and the law of nature nor may any man say unto him What doest thou yea and they say that for a weighty cause he may dispense against all the new Testament he may thrust down to hell a third part or more of Christian souls Agrippa in that place hath more of the matter and scope of the Canon Law and for instance I will name Dist 40. c. Si Papa If the Pope be found to neglect either his own salvation or his brethrens be unprofitable and slack in his office silent in that which is good hurtful to himself and all others yea though he lead with him innumerable people in troops to the first slave of hell yet let no mortal presume to finde fault with his doings And nevertheless in these Decrees we may finde not a few stops of Antiquity and some part of the doctrine and practise of the primitive Church even then remaining as I have touched in some places and more may be added as Dist 39. cap. 8. If as the Apostle saith Christ be the power of God and the wisdom of God and he which knoweth not the Scriptures knoweth not the wisdom and power of God then the ignorance of the Scriptures is the ignorance of Christ Dist 9. c. he saith from Augustine I have learned to give such fear and honor unto these books of the Scripture onely which now are called Canonical that I believe certainly none of their Authors could err in writing and if I finde any thing in them that seemeth contrary unto truth I doubt not but there is an escape in the Book or the Translator hath not attained the right meaning or that I do not understand it but I do read other books so that whatsoever was their holiness or learning yet I think it not true because they have thought so but because they could perswade me by other Authors or by the Canonical Scriptures or by probable reasons And Dist 8. cap. Si consuetudinem If you do object custom it is to be observed that the Lord saith I am the way the truth and life he saith not I am custom but I am truth and truly to use the words of blessed Cyprian whatsoever be the custom how old soever or common it be it must not in any respect be preferred unto truth and use which is contrary unto truth must be abolished Dist 16. c. Canones These that are called the Canons of the Apostles are known to be forged in the name of the Apostles by Hereticks although some good things be in them yet it is certain that they are not from Canonical or Apostolical Authority And c. Clementis All the Fathers do reckon the book of Clemens that is the travels of Peter and the Canons of the Apostles among the Apocrypha Dist 36. c. Si quis These be the two works of the high Priest to learn from God by reading the Scriptures and by frequent meditation
Charles his Marshal at Aretio and he had gotten possession of all Hetruria if at the call of the forenamed Henry he had not made such haste toward Rome where he was accepted by the Senator and many Romans and lodged in the Capitole Thence he and Henry went into Pulia where they were taken captive by Charles and after a year by the unclement instigation of Pope Clemens Conradine was beheaded contrary unto the Law of Arms. Many French men did speak against it but when they saw that the Pope's will must be obeyed these French appointed a certain man to be in readiness to kill the Burreo immediately after the beheading of Conradine lest he vaunt that he had shed the blood of a Prince And the Duke of Flanders with his own hand slew him which had given out the sentence All Christendom abhorred the fact especially Peter King of Arragon by Letter upbraided the Pope saying Thou art a worse Nero then Nero himself and more cruel then any Turk God suffered neither of the two to rejoyce long time for Clemens died within a moneth and albeit Charles lived some years yet he had continual wrestlings and misfortunes and died in sorrow P. Morn in Myster After this the house of Suevia failed and that through the malice of the Popes and many of their Cities became free The Princes Electors conveen at Frankford but could not agree in three years in the end they all confer their suffrages on Lewes Count Palatine to name one he nameth 7. RODULPH Earl of Habsburgh which had lately conquered Austria from the Crown of Bohem. Germany was all glad because they had suffered much enduring this inter-reign the space of twenty and two years Rodulph was Crowned at Aken but would not go to Rome pretending unto the Pope the difficulties in Germany but unto others he said as the fox unto the lion Omnia te advorsum spectantia nulla retrorsum He contented himself with Germany and that the Cities in Italy paid unto his Deputies but many did usurp and some bought their liberty and he gave unto Pope Nicolaus Ravenna and some other Cities He had wars with Othocurus King of Bohem who was killed in battel and Rodulph did agree with his Son Wenceslaus and gave him his Daughter in marriage He was held in singular estimation because he finding the Empire troublesome had procured peace and left it in peace An. 1291. 8. When Baldwin was chased out of Constantinople he had his refuge unto Charles King of Naples and contracteth his Daughter with his Son in stead of dowry he promiseth Constantinople if by the aid of Charles he can be able to recover it Charles thought by this means to attain unto the Monarchy of Julius Caesar and Augustus he was informed of the weakness of Constantinople and of the aid that he might have from the Italians and Germans remaining in Greece since the last conquest c. so he prepared to invade Michael Emperor of Constantinople is afraid of him and to hold him at home he perswadeth the King of Sicily and the Venetians to invade the Kingdom of Naples and he sent unto the Pope for his furtherance The Pope refuseth to assist him by any means unless he will come into agreement with the Church of old Rome whereunto Michael assenteth and sendeth Ambassadors to treat of the Articles which were comprised into three 1. That in the Letanies mention should be of the Pope and four Patriarchs 2. That it should be lawful unto any Greek to appeal unto old Rome as the older and more perfect Court 3. That in all things superiority should be given unto Rome At this time no mention was of the word filioque in the Creed Joseph Patriarch of Constantinople hearing of this concord left his See and entered into a Monastery The greatest number of Presbyters preached against it and exhorted the people to suffer martyrdom rather then to accept such articles so that a great stir was among the people and the Emperor was in greater fear of his people at home then of his forein enemy knowing that dangers at home are most perilous and he was brought into this strait by many of his Nobles either to perswade them of his assent or then avow them as enemies And first he calleth them together and sheweth unto them that he had attempted this concord with the Western Church not for desire of novelty but to prevent the present difficulty and it is wisdom to decline the greatest evil for if the enemy come against them the broken walls which now are begun to be repaired shall suffer greater evils and themselves with wives and children shall be slaves neither able to retain their ancient Laws nor Religion and therefore he had chosen to yield in lesser things for a greater commodity with these words some were moved and many were not wherefore he shewed violence some were clapt in prison for disobedience some were banished and all means were used whereby mens mindes could be tried they who had knowledge who were but few suffered all extremities couragiously others wandered into Peloponnesus Achaia Thessalie Colchis or wheresoever they heard of Christians Niceph Gregor lib. 5. After this he went to the Councel at Lions but his doings there were so ungracious unto his Countrey that he had no quietness and when he died his Son Andronicus though he loved and reverenced his Father yet because he had gone from the right doctrine of the Church would not suffer his body to be buried no not in a common place of burial onely he commanded that a few should cover it in the earth a little space from the leager where he died lest the body of an Emperor be torn of beasts Ibid. Immediately Andronicus sent his Edicts every where proclaiming the liberty of the Church again and restoring all who were banished or imprisoned or robbed for the cause of Religion and Becus the Patriarch left his seat privily and hid himself in a Monastery fearing still when and where the people would crush him and Joseph who was forced before to dimit is now restored But where alteration once entereth it is not soon calmed both Clergy and people were divided into factions for the conformers of Michael when they had no other to say against Joseph they objected that he had received his seat Arsenius the true Patriarch being yet alive and was therefore excommunicated by Arsenius The followers of Joseph alledged again that Arsenius was deposed in a free Synod by Authority of the Emperor as indeed Nicephorus Gregoras sheweth the same lib. 4 howbeit the ground of the deposition is justly questionable or rather unjust Joseph was glad for love of quietness to renounce his See and within a few days died and George or Gregory a Cyprian succeded unto him a learned and eloquent man the Emperor would not suffer him to receive consecration from any Bishop who had yielded unto the new Articles onely he was chosen and elected and the
bodily pains in this world which after their own sayings are far less and the Pope may go down to hell as another man and whereas he taketh upon him to absolve any man without inward repentance he extolleth himself above God This complaint is at length in the Act. Monim written by Io. Fox and these are the chief heads of it 11. In the twenty fifth year of King Edward the III. which was 1364. Laws against the power of the Pope Statutes were made If any procured from Rome a provision to any Abbey Priory or Benefice in England which is said to be in destruction of the Realm and holy Religion or if any man sued out of the Court of Rome any process or procured any personal citation upon causes whose cognifance and final discussion pertaineth to the King's Court these shall be out of the King's protection and their lands goods and cattels shall be forfeited unto the King The narrative of the Act sheweth the cause of it and the King and Commons of the Realm had oft complained that his Realms were impoverished by the Pope giving Benefices to strangers which never dwelt in England the King and Nobility were robbed of their right of patronage the cure was not served and the will of the first founders was not followed The King had oft complained but in vain therefore he resolved to make his Kingdom free from this bondage Morn in Myster pag. 480. sheweth that when Pope Gregory the XI heard of it he cried This enterprise is a renting of the Church a destroying of Religion and usurpation of his right and priviledge Wherefore he sent immediately unto Edward requiring him to annul these Acts. But when the Schism arose no Pope did insist in it until Pope Martin the V. sent more sharp Letters unto King Henry the VI. And he answered An Act of Parliament cannot be annulled but by another Parliament and he would assemble a Parliament within a short space for the same cause but he did it not saith Pol. Virg. Hist lib. 19. In the thirteeth year of Richard the II. this Act was revived in these words If any person within or without the Realm shall seek from the Court of Rome preferment to any Benefice of Cure or without Cure the preferment shall be null and the person shall be banished and his goods shall appertain unto the King and the same punishment shall strike against them which receive or entertain any such person As also it was ordained If any person shall bring or send any summons sentence or excommunication or if any shall make execution of any such summons sentence or excommunication against any person whatsoever shall forfeit all his lands and goods for ever and himself shall be imprisoned and incur the pain of death yea although such a person had obtained the King's licence for petitioning at the Court of Rome he shall sorfeit a years rent It is also observed that before the year 1367. the high offices in England Offices of State as the Lord Chancellor the Lord Treasurer the Lord Privy Seal c. were wont to be for the most part in the hands of the Clergy as also in Scotland until the Reformation but about that time the English Nobility procured that all these offices should be given unto temporal Lords 12. At that time God raised up John Wickliff a couragious witness of Iohn Wickliff truth he was Fellow of Merton Colledge and Master of Baliol Colledge in Oxford and Reader of Divinity there about the year 1370. He began first to oppose in questions of Logick and Metaphysick but such as strawed the way to other things which he intended When he set upon controversies of Divinity he protested publickly in the Schools that his aim was to bring the Church from Idolatry to some amendment In his book entituled The path-way to perfect knowledge near the end he sheweth what travel he had in translating the Bible into English he gathered many old Latine Bibles for saith he the late books are very corrupt and he conferred the translations with the ancient Doctors and common Glosses and especially he was helped by the late translation of Lyra in the old Testament and the fourth time he employed many cunning men at the correcting of his fourth translation Then he wrote that book which I have now named wherein he giveth the sum of every book of the old Testament with some general and useful observations He reckoneth the books according to the Hebrew and sheweth also some use of the Apocrypha for examples of piety patience constancy c. and denieth that they are for proof of faith In chap. 2. he saith The truth of the Gospel sufficeth to salvation without keeping the ceremonies made of God in the old Law and much more without keeping the ceremonies of sinful and unknowing men that have been made in time of Antichrist and unbinding of Satan as it is Apocal. 20. and he calleth it heresie to say otherwise In chap. 1. he saith Christian men and women old and yong should study fast in the new Testament for it is of full authority and open to the understanding of simple men as to the points that be most needful to salvation and the same sentence in the darkest places of holy writ is both open and dark which sentence is in the open places and each place of holy writ both open and dark teacheth humility and charity and therefore he that keepeth humility and charity hath the true understanding and perfection of all holy writ as Augustine proveth in his Sermon of praising charity therefore no simple man of wit should be feared unmeasurably to study the text of holy writ for they are the words of everlasting life as Peter said to Christ Iohn 6. and the holy Ghost stirred holy men to speak and write the words of holy writ for the comfort and salvation of meek Christian men as Peter in his Epistles and Paul Rom. 15. witness And no Clark should be proud of the very understanding of holy writ for that very understanding without charity which keepeth God's hests maketh a man deeper damned as Christ Jesus and James witness and the pride and covetousness of Clarks is the cause of their blindeness and heresie In chap. 10. Though Kings and Lords knew no more of holy writ then three stories of 2 Chron. that is of Jehoshaphat Hezekiah and Josiah they might learn sufficiently to live well and govern their people well by God's Law and eschew all pride and idolatry and other sins But alas alas alas whereas King Jehoshaphat sent his Princes Deacons and Priests to each City of his Realm with the Book of God's Law to teach openly God's Law unto the people ..... some Christian Lords send general Letters unto all their Ministers and Liege-men that the pardons of the Bishop of Rome which are open lies for they grant many hundred years of pardons after doomsday be preached generally in their Realms
Priests are worse than hypocrites since they are so far from hiding their wickedness before men that they openly avow it and they are permitted by their Prelates because they pay yearly some money unto their Officials And that the condition of the Church is more dangerous now than ever it was for in time of persecution were good men but now the Church hath liberty and decaies for want of zeal and knowledge c. Catol test ver lib. 19. 4. Felinus Accursius Petrus de bella pertica Bartolus Johannes Igneus and many other Lawyers are recorded to have testified against Emperours and Princes for their weakness in suffering Bishops to usurp the Temporal Sword and Dominion of Lands and Cities and against the imprudence of them who had given so many priviledges unto the Clergy by which the Popes and Bishops do inlarge their power and oppress the Laity At that time Volquin in a Sermon called the Monks Monsters a Monster said he is a head with two bodies or a body with two heads and such are Monks they are Monks and Lawyers or Monks and Courtiers c. And so are Priests and Canons who have many Benefices Prebendaries c. ibid. 5. Vincentius a Venetian was then famous in Italy for opinion of holiness He left some Prophecies against the Clergy which in the end of that Century were Printed at Paris with the Prophecies of some others In one he saith Antichrist is in the World in another he saith Antichrist shall be a Pope but to allay the word he adds a Pope not lawfully chosen We may now add Many Popes have not been chosen lawfully In another he saith If we speak of those who are called Religious there is not one in all the World that keeps his Religion as he should they are all become corrupt and scandalous yea they are the instruments of perdition who should be instruments of the salvation of souls Ibid. 6. When the Antipopes would not remove the Schism a Parliament was in Paris An. 1406. Septemb. 11. where Charls the VI. ordained That The Acts of France against the Popes none should pay Tithes to Pope nor Cardinals and if they attempted to exact them no former provisions should be acknowledged In the Narration of this Act it is said That the Deputy of the University did apply unto Pope Benedict these sayings Withdraw you from every Brother that walks inordinately And I know that after my deaarture Wolves shall come in amongst you not sparing the Flock And Because my Flock was spoiled and my Sheep were deavoured by all the Beasts of the Field having no Shepheard neither do my Shepheards seek my Sheep but the Shepheards seek themselves and feed not my Sheep therefore thus saith the Lord I will cause them to cease from feeding my Sheep and I will deliver my Sheep from their mouths and therefore all paiment yea and all obedience should be denied unto the Pope And so they promised for their own part Fascic rer expeten fol. 195. In February following was another Edict discharging the paiment of Annates and other things that were called Minuta servitia In January 1408. in presence of the King and Peers and people of the Realm and of the Embassadours of England Scotland Sicilia and Galicia John Cartehusius a Norman in the name of the University had a Sermon on Ps 7. His sorrow shall turn upon his own head c. There he deduceth six conclusions 1. Peter de Luna or Pope Benedict is an obdured Schismatick an Heretick and disturber of the peace and union of the Church 2. He should not be called Pope nor Cardinal nor named with any Title of Honour and who obey him are worthy of the punishment pronounced against the abettors of Hereticks ..... Wherefore the University with one consent do wish that neither the King nor any of the Realm would accept any Bulls from Peter de Luna that the University be commanded to publish the truth throughout the Kingdom that a Bull of Excommunication which was lately brought from him unto the King should be torn as injurious to his Majesty that the Bishop of St. Flora and M. Peter de Corsellis and Sancienus de Leu Dean of St. German in Altisiodore be apprehended and punished because they consulted with Peter de Luna and the University promised to shew weightier things concerning the faith and prove them before competent persons These petitions were all granted to the University Benedict hearing these things fled with four Cardinals into Spain In August all Prelates and Church-men were commanded to publish the Neutrality of the Popes in their several jurisdictions P. Morn in Myster pag. 516 518. And then he sheweth how France stood for the like Neutrality in the time of Pope Alexander the V. 7. At the same time Francis Zabarella a famous Lawyer of Padua wrote de Schismate where he spareth not to aver The followers of the Pope have corrupted the Canon Law with their Glosses nothing is so unlawful but they think it lawful unto them they have exalted the Pope above God himself whence hath flowed a deluge of evils the Pope draweth unto himself all the authority of other Churches and despiseth inferior Prelates unless God provide for the estate of the Catholick Church it is in danger but in a Councel remedy must be provided and the Papal power must be curbed since he is subject unto the Church for that power resideth not in the Pope but in the Church or in a general Councel representing her the Church neither can now nor at any time could transfer that power unto one man but the same remaineth wholly unto her the Church may depose a Pope it is a fond thing that they say commonly The Pope cannot be judged by men since he who is judged by the Church is not judged by men but by God The power of calling Councels belongeth unto the Emperor as is clear by the examples of Constantine Justinian Charls the Great c. The Emperor should be present in the Councel as was in Nice and others when matters of faith are treated in them Laicks if they be worthy and prudent may be present in Councels The Pope cannot hinder the calling of them since through want of them the Church hath fallen into so great mischief and Bishops usurp government as secular Princes Seeing the Emperor is the principal Advocate and defender of the Church he may and should ask account of the Pope's faith so oft as the Pope is suspected and he may proceed against him by Law Peter never had the fulness of power but unto him in the name of the Church the keys were given We are not obliged to obey the Pope but when he requireth just things we should not give unto him such honor as to equalize him unto God nor should adoration be given unto him which Peter refused Acts 10. Whereas it is said The Church cannot er it is not to be understood of the Pope nor of the
those which fled was Peter Pain who had been a hearer of Wickliff and then went into Bohemia and was sent unto the Councel of Basil where he argued for partaking of both elements and against the Civil Power of the Clergy William White being examined before William Bishop of Norwich An. 1428. did hold as he had also written that by Law Marriage was granted unto all persons of the militant Church but the Pope who is the Antichrist and his Counsellors which are the Clarks of Lucifer have abolished this Law to the undoing of the Priesthood after the loosing of Satan that is after the 1000. years from the incarnation Anno 3. of Henry the V. the Act was renewed against presentations unto Benefices to be purchased from the Pope but under colour of prejudice to the Incumbents in going so far for them but by this Act all presentations from the Pope were annulled An. 1439. under King Henry the VI. Richard Wiche was burnt the next year Eleanora Cobham Dutchess of Glocester was condemned to perpetual imprisonment in the Isle of Man and Robert only a Priest was condemned to death Philip Morice was excommunicated by Pope Eugenius and he appealed unto the General Councel 4. Richard King of England had made Truce with France for 30. years Troubles between France and England these being expired Henry the V. sent unto Charls the VII King of France An. 1415. claiming the Crown of France So Wars began Henry conquered a great part of France In the year 1419. Charls did dis-inherit his son Lewis and then the Kingdom was divided some cleaving unto Lewis who at that time was called King of Vierron because he lived there in Berry Charls agreed with Henry that Henry should take to wife the daughter of Charls and be proclaimed Regent of France and both should keep what they have and after the death of Charls the Crown of France shall remain with Henry and his heirs and that Henry with the Duke of Burgundy should pursue Lewis the Dolphin as an enemy of the Common-Wealth These two Kings died in one year Charls died first and Henry because his son was but eight moneths old ordained his brother Humphrey Duke of Glocester to be Protector of England and the Dukes of Bedford and Burgundy Protectors of France These two had continual Wars with Lewis Henry the VI. was Crowned King of England in the eighth year of his age and at Paris he was Crowned King of France in the tenth year of his age An. 1431. Five years thereafter the Duke of Bedford died and the Duke of Burgundy became an enemy to England then all things in France went backward from England but no cessation of wars untill the year 1475. when King Edward the IV. invaded France and then Truce was made for seven years at that time Lewis gave unto Edward 75000. crowns and 50000. crowns yearly during the Truce Henry the VII renewed the old claim An. 1487. Peace was made An. 1492. on condition that Charls should pay presently a great sum of money and then yearly 25000. crowns in the name of Tribute Tho. Cooper 5. At Saint Andrews Paul Craw was accused An. 1431. for following John Wickliff and Huss namely for denying that the substance of the Bread and Wine is changed or that confession is necessary to be made unto Priests or praiers unto Saints departed When he was condemned they did put a Bull of Brass in his mouth to the end he should not speak unto the people or they should not know for what he was burnt King James the I. then did set himself to reform the abuses that had crept into the Realm under the Reign of Robert the III. and his own captivity in England he made Laws against the disturbers of the common peace and against them who ride with more men then their yearly Revenues may sustain he punished Robbers and Rebels He considered the Clergy and saw that Benefices were not bestowed on learned men but as rewards done unto the Pope or a Bishop And he saw Monks abounding in wealth and more mindfull of their bellies than of books and the Churches served by some begging Friers which were hired by the Titulars to preach now and then and the Beneficed men did never see their Parishes unless it were to crave their Tithes When the King did publickly rebuke such enormities the Bishops answered and the Friers preached Church-men should be left unto the Pope and to God neither are they obliged to answer unto any prophane Magistrate When he could A glimps● of Reformation not amend the present possessours he would provide for the time to come At Saint Andrews he founded some Schools to be Seminaries of all Estates and to the end the Schools should be had in the greater estimation he honoured the Masters with competent maintenance and their meetings and disputes with his Royal presence He gave strict command that the Masters should recommend unto him the most diligent and worthiest Disciples on whom he might bestow the vaking Benefices and he had alwaies by him a role of the recommended Students Likewise he turbed the Monasteries and said King David who erected so many Monasteries was a good Saint to the Church but an ill Saint to the Crown Buchan lib. 10. With consent of all the Estates he made an Act that all the Subjects should be ruled by the King's Laws only In Parliam 3. and if any did fly or appeal from the King's judgment he should be accounted a Rebel and punished accordingly In Parliam 8. James Kennedy Bishop of Saint Andrews was then exemplary he caused all Parsons and Vicars to dwell at their Parish Churches for preaching the Word of God unto their people and to visit them especially in time of sickness He indeavoured to visit all the Parishes within his Diocy four times in the year and inquired in every Parish if they were duly instructed by their Parson or Vicar and if the Sacraments were duly administred if the poor were helped and the young ones instructed in the grounds of Religion Where he found not this order observed he punished the Delinquents severely to the end God's glory might shine throughout his Diocy Ex M. S. histor in Biblioth Edimb 6. James the III. King of Scotland ordained by Act of Parliament An. 1466. that no Commenda old or new should have place within the Realm and that none shall purchase nor accept any Commenda under pain of rebellion otherwise then for the space of six moneths And that no Pension new or old of any Benefice Secular or Religious be sought nor accepted from any person without or within the Realm under the same pain James the III. Parlia 1. Hence we may guess at the abuses of Commendaes and Pensions out of Benefices as certainly complaints have been made at that time against them Here by the way the Reader may inquire what a Of Commenda Commenda is and how it began This we may
Ernest Archb. of Magdeburgh was a dyng An. 1511. his Chaplain Clemens Schaw and two Franciscans were by him and one of the Franciscans said Famous Prince be of good confort wee will communicate unto your Highness not only all our good works but likewise of all the Order of the Minorites and without doubt when you have these you shall stand just and blessed before the throne of God Ernest answered By no means will I trust either in mine own works or in yours but the works of Christ only are sufficient Catalog Test. ver lib. 19. ex Cl. Schaw 11. John Picus Lord of Mirandula and Earle of Concordia was about that time admired for his learning his books began to be printed An. 1504. He wrote 900 Propositions which he defended in publick disputations at Rome amongst them were these following The true body of Christ is in heaven locally and on the altar sacramentally By the power of God one body can not be in diverse places at once Consecration is not made precisely by these words Hoc est corpus meum unless the antecedent words be added The Lord Jesus in the night he was betrayed ..... Neither the cross nor any image is to be adored with the worship of latria no nor as S. Thomas expresseth it The Doctours condemned these Theses And he wrote an Apologie defending them to be Catholick especially concerning the sacrament he said The body of Christ may be present without any conversion or annihilation of the bread He said May be and not is present to eschue their bonds without doubt he had spoken more plainly if he could have done it freely In an epistle unto the Emperour Maximilian An. 1500. he saith With such faith and piety as I can I beseech thee that with all diligence thou wouldest accomplish that thy most Holy purpose to restore the Christian Republick unto the antient liberty it is wasted by outward enemies and torne by inward and the sheepfold of Jesus Christ which was consecrated by his blood hath suffered and dayly suffereth farr worse from wolves under sheepskins then under their own colours Go-on then most worthy Caesar and excite Christian Kings by what means thou canst and shew thyself a faithfull servant unto Christ the King of all Kings who will quickly deliver his sheep as wel from outward enemies as from false shepherds In time of the conflict of the two Councells of Pisa and Lateran hee handled that question Whether in the cause of faith a Pope should be preferred before a Councell or contra and said according unto the Glosse of the Decree dist 19. c. Anastasius where it is said The Pope should in matter of faith seek a Councell and therefore the Synode is more than a Pope And he adds Wherefore the archdeacon of Bononia approving the glosse said It is dangerous to make our faith subject unto the pleasure of any man and so said Bernard What greater pride one man to prefer his judgement before all the world And when he had shewed his judgement that the greater number should be preferred before the lesser caeteris paribus he addeth But if the greater part would decern any thing against the word of God or against these things that should not be violat and a smaller number opposeth them wee should cleave unto the lesser number as in the Councell of Arimino and the second at Ephesus yea we should believe a Country man or an old wife rather than a Pope or a thousand Bishops if these bee contrary unto the Scriptures and the former follow the Gospell Likewise speaking of that question Whether the Pope and Councells may erre he saith It may be easily decided because he hath already shewed they may erre from the Scripture many Councels and Popes have fallen into heresy it oft hapneth that he who is accounted President of the Church hath not dutifully discharged his presidence and somtimes he can not be President at all seing it is recorded that in former time a woman was Pope and I remember of a learned man who in our age had attained great esteem of religiousness and taught albeit not altogether publickly that hee who was chosen Pope at that time was not Pope .... and I remember of another who was received and adored as Pope whom good and worthy men thought neither to be Pope nor that he could be Pope for he believed not that there was a God! and they did testify of his most wicked deedsin buying the papacy and exercising all kind of wickednes yea and they declared his most wicked words for it was affirmed that he confessed unto his familiar friends that he believed there was no God even since hee was ruler of the Papall See I heard of another Pope who in his time sayd unto his friends he believed not the immortality of souls and when hee was dead he appeared unto the same man and said that to his great losse and by everlasting fire he had found or knew that souls are immortall Ph. Morn in Myster This John had an oration in the Councell at Lateran before Pope Leo X. wherein he spake freely of a necessity of Reformation because of their corrupt manners their adulterate Lawes and canons their decaied religion even among the chiefest of them Godliness said he is almost turned into superstition righteousness into hatred or favour and men of all Estates doe sin openly so that vertue is oft blamed in good men and vice honoured in place of vertue especially by those who would have as it were the walls and hedges of their own crimes and strange insolency and contumacy unpunished These maladies these sores thou must heal o great highpriest or if thou refuse to cure them I fear lest he whose crown thou holdest on earth cut off and destroy the infected members not with fomentations but with fire and sword I think verily that He gives certain signs of his future medicine by pestilence famine and bloody warrs at such admonitions and heavenly thunders wee should have lifted up our ears unto repentance but wee rather loose them like the Moores which become deaf at the continuall noise of Nilus nor is it any marvell for Iohn Chrysostom thinks that all evill procedes from the Church and Hierom writes that he had found no man which had deceived the people but the Priests If thou wilt reforme and correct these things willing or unwilling thou shalt be thought by the Christian world to haue lifted up a standert of a full Reformation This thou o great high priest shouldest doe and none other on earth more then thou and if thou wilt not remember I pray thee that old Priest who was punished for not punishing the sin of his son for they who are set over others should not only be innocent themselves but resist the nocent and represse their wickedness And when he had shewed more particularly that the conversation of the clergy had very great need of Reformation he proves the same of their
and in this confidence I will never be ashamed for the oil of mercy is not kept without the vessell of assurance this is the confidence of man to mistrust himself and rely upon God to trust in our own works is not faith but unbelieff sins are remitted by the mercy of God and we should believe that sin can not be forgiven but by him against whom we have sinned and who can not sin and by whom only all sins are pardoned In the end when unto his lingring sicknes was added an hot fever he held the crosse in his armes saying Abide in mee ô sweet Saviour that I may abide in thee He took the sacrament in both kindes and repeating the same words he rendred his most glorious soul unto God who gave it So Ja. Thuan. hist Lib 21. and Pe Soave hist conc Tri. lib. 5. saith After his death Constantius Pontius was committed to prison for suspicion of heresy who was Confessor of Charles the Emperour in time of his solitariness and in whose armes he died This Pontius died in prison and Philip caused one to burn him in effigie and used such cruelty against his dead body that many were amazed and looked for no mercy from him who had been so merciless to that man whose infamy was not without the aspersion of his dear father II. FERDINAND II. assembled the Electours at Frankford and shewed the renuntiation of Charles this was accepted and he was received by them He sent for confirmation of the Romane Court Ere the Ambassadour was heard the Cardinals object The Imperiall seat can not vaike but by death or deprivation or eiuration and the last two belong unto the Pope only for as the Pope only can depose so eieration can be made before him only as for anything that had passed in Germany it was done by hereticks which have lost their power and therefore Ferdinand should purge himself in judgement and do pennance and send his Proctour with full power to renounce all that was done and he should submitt all unto the pleasure of the Pope only When the Ambassadour craved to be heard the Pope said Charles could not renounce but in his presence only nor can Ferdinand accept without his consent therefore he must satisfie within three months for such things as the Cardinals have to lay unto his charge So his Ambassadour was not heard Grisman advertiseth the Emperour who willed him to shew that if he were not admitted within three dayes he should make protestation that seing he had waited so long and could not be heard to the dishonour of his Master he will return that the Emperour may advise with the Electours what shall be most expedient unto the Imperial dignity Briefly Ferdinand could not be confirmed at Rome untill Pope Pius 4. Thuan. hist Lib. 21. An. 1559. Ferdinand held a Diete at Ausburgh where the Oratours of sundry Nations vere present and the Protestants did present their grievances to wit that albeit peace of religion was concluded confirmed by subscriptions seales yet the judges of the Chamber had enacted strict lawes in mixt causes against them and seing controversies do depend on religion they should be suspended conforme to the Articles of peace nor would the Popish Princes and Magistrates suffer their subjects freely to professe the Augustan Confession nor suffer them to sell their lands as the Articles do permitt that they may dwell in other territories but they imprisoned them or sent them away empty The other party wanted not replies The Emperour appoints another meeting when his Deputies shall hear both parties more fully The Protestants were content if a like number of Judges were chosen of both parties At that time they petitioned that liberty might be granted unto bb and clergy but it was not granted Ferdinand was addicted to Popery yet was not an enemy to Protestants Ere he was Emperour he was continually for warrs but afterwards he was desirous of peace He caused his son Maximilian to be chosen King of the Romanes An. 1561. and died An. 1564. CHAP III. Of diverse COVNTRIES IN the year 1516. Pope Leo X. under pretext to collect money for wars The occasion of the Reformation against the Turk sent indulgences through all Christendom granting pardon of sins both for guilt and punnishment unto all which would give money and extending this grace unto the dead if any would buy for them for his will was that for whomsoever the disbursment was made albeit they were in purgatory they should be free from their pain granting also liberty to eat eggs and milk on fast daies and to choose a Confessour unto themselves c. He began to distribute this harvest ere it was well sown giving unto certain persons the benefit to be reaped out of certain Provinces and reserving what pleased him for his own treasury Especially he gave the gain of Saxony and other parts of Germany about the seacost unto his Sister Magdalen and her husband Francis Cibo the base son of Pope Innocent VIII for recompense as he pretended of the charges the house of Cibo had sustained in the daies of Alexander VI. who was an enemy to the house of Medices and had chased Leo and others of that family out of Rome Magdalen living then at Genua agrieth with the B. Angelus Arembold and he proclaimed to give that power of selling these indulgences in Germany unto any which would ingage to bring up most money even so sordidly that none of credit would contract with him yet he wanted not merchants Pe. Soave in Hist. Conc. Trident. and he went into Denmark and Sweden Among these merchants was John Tecelius a Dominican who was once condemned by the Emperour Maximilian for adultery to bedrowned in the River at Ispruck but by intercession of Duke Frederik had escaped At this time returning into Germany he began to teach how great power he had from the Pope that albeit a man had defiled the Virgin Mary and had got her with childe he had power to forgive that sin for money and he had power to forgive not only sinnes already committed but whatsoever in one shall committ afterwards Shortly comes forth a little book under the name of Albert Bishop of Mentz commanding the pardoners to set forth these indulgences most diligently Joann Sleidan Commentar Libr. 13. It was the custom of Saxony that the Augustinians were imployed in the selling of Indulgences but Tecelius would rather employ the Dominicanes and they spent prodigally in taverns what others did spare from their necessaries to buy the pardons So the luxury of the pardon-mongers and the preaching of the Dominicans were scandalous to very many of all estates and the Augustinians took it ill that they were deprived of their priviledge Pe. Soave Iby II. MARTIN LVTHER was borne in Islebia a town of Mansfield The beginning of Martin Luther An. 1483. in the 22 year of his age he had finished his course of Philosophy in Erford
hear that he had written of free-will and such other idle questions trifles and of the Sacrament and such other things that are determined by the generall Councels Osiand in Epit. Lib. 1. Cap. 27. In March Luther publishes his answer unto the Censure of Colen and Lovan These writings are reported at Rome and some do charge the Pope of negligence that he provideth not timely against so great evils especially the Monks do grumble that he takes more pleasure in hunting gaming and musik and is careless of weightier things they tell him how arianisme might have been prevented if Arius had been Contplaints at Rome against Leo he knowes not what to doe at h is first appearing put out of the way as they did at Constance with Huss and Jerom. On the other side saith Pe. Soave Leo began to repent that he had medled at all with the business for he thought it had been better for him to have permitted the Monks to fight together so long as they both professed obedience unto him and not to have sided with either party to the offense of the other yea if he had not medled with it it might have evanished in a short time Nevertheless upon the continuall solicitation of some bb of Germany and the two Universities and especially of the Friers Leo was moved to yield So the Cardd Prelates Divines and Canonists were assembled and Leo commits the cause unto them They unanimously agree that so great impiety must be blasted with the thunder of a curse but the Divines and Canonists do vary in the manner Some said the curse must be given peremptorily others say A citation must precede The Divines say The A decree against Luther case is notorious by his books and publik Sermons The Canonists say Notoriousnes takes not away just defense neither by the law of God nor of nature and they had given a precedent in summoning him before Cardinal Cajetan Again the Divines say This cause doth concerne them only seing it is of faith Religion The Canonists say It concerneth them also seing it is a case to be judged After much jangling they fall upon a course to please both parties and distinguish between the doctrine person books let his doctrine be presently condemned a certain day be named wherein he may appeare and that may serve for a citation but for the books there was another variance some would have them go with his doctrine and some with his person And when neither party would yeeld unto the other a mid way was devised to please them both to wit the Books shall be condemned with the doctrine and be burnt when he is accursed And accordingly one decree is made for all therein he is not warned to appeare but that he and all adhering unto him shall abstain from these errours and burn the books within 60 dayes or els they are presently declared notorious and obstinate hereticks and also all men are charged that they keep not nor receive any of his books howbeit they containe not the condemned errours but flee from him and all his favorits or take his person and bring him up or chase him out of their dominions yea and whosoever shall receive him their lands also are made subject unto the curse of the Church The forenamed authour shewes what were the censures of this Bull men of understanding saith he did admire it first in the forme that whereas it should have been handled in the language of Scripture yet it was set forth in the style of a Court and that in such intricate prolixe sentences that it was hard to find out the meaning of it and as if it were a decree in case of a fee-farme namely in that clause Forbidding all men that they presume not to assert these errours was such polixity that between forbidding and preserve were 400. words at the least Others did marke that unto 41. positions that were condemned as hereticall scandalous false offensive unto the godly and seductive of the simple it was not shewed which were Hereticall which scandalous which false but by adding a word respective all was made uncertaine seing that Generall word determineth not the particulars and therefore some prudence or other authority is necessary to define these controversies And some did admire with what face it could be said that among these 41 propos●tions some were the errours of the Greeks condemned long ago Others thought it strange that so many positions of severall heads of the faith were condemned at Rome by the sole pleasure of the Cardinals and other Courtiers without the knowledge and suffrages of bb Universities and other learned men through Europe Now hear from Abr. Schultet how it was accepted in Germany Eccius brought it to Lipsia Marinus Caracciola Hier. Aleander to Colen Eccius is flowted in Lipsia the Bull was not received in Bambergh because as they said it was not legally intimated the Rector of Erford by a publick program exhorts the Students if they see that Bull set up in any place to teare it in pieces and oppose themselves unto the enemies of Luther So when Eccius came to Erford the Students went against him in arms and they threw the Bull being torne into pieces into the water Ulrik Hutten a noble man of Franconia did publish the Bull with interlineary and marginall glosses not without great reproach to the Popes honour Luther before he saw it had set forth his book De captivitate Babylonica wherein he professeth that dayly he saw more and more and he wishes that all his books concerning Indulgences were burnt and in place of them all he sets this one position Indulgences are the wickednesses of Roman flatterers And he wishes that his books were burnt in which he had denied that Papacy is of divine right and had granted that it is of humane right and for them he sets this Thesis Papacy is the mighty hunting of the Romane Bishop Then he teaches that the captivity of the sacrament of the altar is first that one of the elements is denied unto the people 2. that transsubstantiation is believed 3. that the masse is made a sacrifice And he acknowledgeth but two sacraments baptisme and the Lords Supper and he willeth that this book be accounted a part of his recantation When he had read the Bull he said At last the Bull of Rome is come of which some write many things unto the Prince but I despise it and will set myself against it as impious and altogether Eccian yee see Christ is condemned in it there is no reason named I am called not unto audience but to a recantation ye may see they are furious blind and madd ..... O that Charles were a man and would for Christ's sake set himselfe against these devils Then he wrote against the Bull calling it execrable excommunicates the authors of it maintaines all the condemned articles calleth the Pope the Antichrist and appealeth from him unto a Councell When
in this question Carolstade Zuinglius and Calvin were in some partdifferent and all were against consubstantiation both Luther Osiander and these others of that sort will not observe any difference among them in their doctrine But this difference among them gave occasion unto the Papists to insulte against them as also the marriage of Luther with one Catharin à Bora which had been a Nonne Indeed many both the friends and enemies of Luther were offended his friends not simply as if they had condemned marriage but in respect of the time when all Germany almost was red with the blood shed in the wars with the bowrs and especially Saxony was lamenting with many others for the death of the good Duke and Electour Frederik And his enemies wrote bitterly yea and impudently against him alleadging among other things that within few dayes after his marriage Catharin brought forth a son which was not true But afterwards Luther was much grieved when he heard that this friends were offended and especially that his enemies took occasion to raile against his doctrine for respect to his marriage in so much that as Melanchton writes to Camerarius he had need to be conforted Light dawneth in France An. 1523. XX. The Gospel began to be openly preached in France at Gratianople in the Dolphinate by Peter Sebeuilla in the year 1523. Zuinglius wrote as in epist Oecolamp Zuin. lib. 4. exhorting him to lift up his voice lyke a trumpet and sound forth the Gospell in France invitis omnibus puppis papis Who shall not make him ready for the battel saith he the prophet saith Where the Lion roareth who will not feare When Christ thundereth by his servants which of his enemies will not be afraid yea certainly fear hath overtaken them in all their tents they are so amazed and perplexed that they know not what course to take for if they begin ro kill the flock of Christ by their deluded Princes they fear that in so doing a door be opened to fall that way upon themselves But if they attempt to resist by Scripture their consciences tell them how they are guilty in wresting it and therefore they are cold and faint Why then fall we not on these cowards when we have the only and safe enough buckler of Gods worde He will beat down Antichrist with the breath of his mouth Christ is on our side who shall be against us albeit we are but lyke the vessell of Samos yet none can break us so long as God is with us and He will be with us according to the certain promise of his word where he hath promised to be with us untill the world's end and hath commanded us to fear nothing when we shall be brought before Kings or Princes for his sake for he will give wisdom and utterance which all the adversaries shall not be able to resist Why then do we linger Victory is at hand why will we not reap it ..... thou must wrestle not only with Antichrist but whith all the world if thou will advance into heaven these only can come thither who are careless of earthly things Therefore first of all thou must deny thyself and dy dayly but thou canst not do so by thyself therefore flye to the only mercy of God and begg of him that he would direct thy waies c. At the same time in Melda about ten myls from Paris was Bishop William Brissonnet he was a lover of truth and light he passeth by the Monks and sought learned men to teach the people so from Paris he calleth Jac. Faber William Fatell Arnold Gerard red they did teach the people with chearefull liveliness But the Bishops courage was soon abaited by terrible menaces of the Sorbonists Nevertheless religion was planted in the hearts of many and by the wondrous Counsell of God from the persecution of that one Church many Churches through France were planted for both the Teachers and hearers were spread abroad On May 20. An. 1525. Pope Clement wrote unto the Parlament of Paris the King was in Spaine shewing that he understood by Letters from Aloisia the Queen mother how the seeds of wicked heresies were beginning to spread through France and they had providently and prudently chosen some men to suppresse the fighters against the old religion and he by his authority approves them that were chosen for that effect for now all men should be diligent to preserve the common salvation when the malice of Satan and the rage of his souldiers have stirred such a broile seing this madness intendeth not only to confound religion but all principality nobility lawes and order ..... It was very acceptable unto him what they had done and he exhorts them to continue with the like courage c. The King was advertised by his Sister Margarit that they had driven Ja. Faber out of Erance he wrote unto the Parliament giving him a large approbation for learning and godliness as knowing that the man was admired even by the Spaniards and Italians therefore he willeth that they surcease from all action against him untill new advertisement XXI The wars of the Bowres in Germany was a sore hinderance for Insurrection of the Bowres a time unto the Gospell for the Papists in Germany said Those are the frutes of the new doctrin and of Luthers Gospell And Aloisia in France said In Germany is nothing but confusion and no acknowledgement of a Prince And this was the colour of the Popes bitterness in that his Letter A wicked follow had teached the people as Sleidan in Commente shewes more fully that the doctrine of the Pope and of Luther is alike wicked the Pope tieth mens consciences with hard lawes and bonds and Luther hath untied the bonds but hath declined to the other extremity in giving loose reyns nor teaches by the Spirit they may well contemne the Papall Decrees because they conduce not unto salvation and to attain salvation we must eschue all manifest sin as murther adultery blasphemy we must chastize the body with fasting and simple cloaths our countenance must be sad speak little and not have dressed haire This is to beare the cross and to mortify the flesh said he And when his hearers were thus prepared They must forsake the crowd of men and being separated think often of God who he is whether he hath any care of us and would have us to continue in this religion And if he will not give us a signe nevertheless we must continue and be instant in prayer yea and sharpely chide with him as not dealing with us sufficiently for seing the Scripture promiseth that he will give what we aske he doth not righly in not giving a signe unto them which would know him He said This expostulation and wrath is very acceptable unto God because thereby he seeth the inclination fervour of our mind and without doubt when he is entreated this way he will declare himself by some sensible signe and
voice of another This Church makes not lawes without the word of God therefore unto traditions of men which have the tittle of the Church we are not tied if they agree not with God's word Only Christ hath satisfied for the sins of the world therefore if any say there is another way of salvation or of expiating sin he denieth Christ It can not be proved by testimony of Christ that the body and blood of Christ are received really and bodily The rite of the Masse where Christ is represented offered unto the Father for the living dead is contrary unto the Scripture and contumelious unto the sacrifice that Christ hath offered for us We may pray unto Christ only as the Mediatour and Advocate of mankind with the Father It is not found in Scripture that there is any place where souls are purged after this life therefore prayers and all these ceremonies and yearly exequies that are bestowed on the dead and the waxecandls and torches and such other things do help nothing It is contrary unto Senpture to set up images or statues for use of worship therefore if any such be in a Church they should be removed Marriage is not forbidden unto any sort of men but for eschuing fornication it is commanded and permitted by the holy Scriptures unto every one and unclean and filthy single life becomes the order of priests least of any men When these Letters were divulged the people of Lucern Vran Suik Unterwald Tugy Glarea Friburgh Soloturn write unto Bern exhorting them to cease from that purpose and to remember their league as for them they will send none thither nor suffer any to come I. bidem XXV Nevertheless the day is keeped at Bern. None of the bb came nor sent Deputies came from Basile Schafuse Zurick Abbecella Sangall Mulh●se and Rhaetia their nighbours as also from Strawsburgh Ulma Ausburgh Lindaw Constance and Isna Among these were Zwinglius Oecolampade Bucer Capito Blaurer c. Among the Opponents the chiese was Conrad Treger an Augustinian he would not bring his arguments from the Scripture and Presidents of the Dispute would not permitt any other authority because it was so ordered by the publication wherefore Treger went away On the 26 day of January Progresse of Reformation An. 1528. year 1528. the Dispute was ended and then altars images and masses were forbidden in Berne the day and year of Reformation was Marked with golden letters in a publick place for memoriall unto posterity The like Reformation was at Basile Erasmus writes of it in Epist ad Andr. Cruci Episc Plocens dated Friburgh An. 1529. thus No violence was used against any mans person or goods only they sought a Burgher-Master as a chief enemy of Reformation and he escaped in a boat they break down all images in the churches c. Erasmus was present and as he writes he did admire that whereas it had been reported how S. Francis had smote a man with madness for scorning his five wounds and other div●or Saints had revenged some reproaching words yet none of them all did at that time revenge the contempt of their images Pe. Soave saith They of Geneve and Constance and other nighbours followed the example of Berne as also Strawsburgh after a publick disputation makes an ordinance to forsake the Masse or at least to leave it untill the maintainers of it will prove that it can stand with the worship of God and this they did saith he albeit the Senate of the Empire at Spira had by their Messenger forbidden them as not belonging unto them nor unto the States of the Empire to make any innovation in Religion but only unto a General or National Councell Yea and Italy saith he when for the space of two years there had been no Court in Rome and all these calamities under which they were lying were thought to be the execution of Gods judgement for rhe abuses of that government did gladly hearken unto a Reformation and in their private houses namely at Fuenza within the Popes territory they did preach against the Romane Church and the number of these whom others did call Lutherans but they called themselves Evangelici did increase dayly XXVI In March An. 1529. was a Diet at Spira the bb and their party 1529. thought to have severed the Elector of Saxony from the Cities in contemplation of the variance in the question of the Sacrament but on the other side they did perceive the craft of their enemies and disappointed them Then Ferdinand excludes the Deputes of Strawsburgh from sitting in the Diet they protest that if they be displaced which is contrary to the law and custom they will beare no part of the common charges So they were restored ro their place After much debating in cause of religion at last it was decreed thus They who have observed the Emperours decree let them observe it untill the Generall Councel these who have departed and can not change again for feare of Sedition let them continue and change no more untill the Councel their doctrine which teach otherwise of the Lords Supper than the Church doth shall not be received nor shall the Masse be abolished nor in such places where this new doctrin is received shall any man be hindered to go unto the Masse if he please Ministers shall preach according to the interpretation received by the Church referring all disputable questions unto the Councell Let all States keep common peace neither any take the defense of another's subjects all under pain of forfeiture This Decree was opposed by John Duke of Saxony George Marques of Brandeburgh Ernest and Francis DD. of Luneburgh the Landgrave and Count of Anhalt Aprile 19. they protest that they are not obliged to obey this Decree because it is contrary unto a former at Spire where with consent of all parties every man had religion permitted freely untill a generall Councell and as that was enacted with common consent of all so it can not be violate without the consent of all and whereas there hath been dissension for religion it was declared in the Diet at Norinbergh who have heen the causers thereof both by confession of the Bishop of Rome and by the grievances of the Princes and States of the Empire and no redresse is as yet made of these grievances ...... and there fore they will answer for this their protest both openly before all men and unto the Emperour himself and in the mean time till a General or National Councel be called they will do nothing that shall deserve just reproof Unto this Protestation some Cities did subscribe namely Strawsburgh Norimbergh Ulme Constance Ruteling The beginning of the wood Protestants Winssem Mening Lindave Campedon Hailbrun Isna Wisseburg Norling and Sangall This was the originall of that title Protestants which afterwards became so famous The Emperour was then in Italy and was not content with this Protestation as neither with the meeting of the Protestants at
frier John forrest was brought to Santandrews for saying Pa. Hamilton died a Martyr because they had not clear proof against him another frier Walter Laign was sent to confesse him he askes him in way of confession What is his judgement concerning Pa Hamilton Forrest answereth I think he was a good man and the articles might be well defended for which he was condemned This is sufficient evidence to condemn him unto the fire When they lead him out to be degraded he cried among the people Fie on falshood fie on false friers revealers of confession let never a man trust them after mee they are despisers of God and deceivers of men While they consult upon the manner and place of his execution John lindsay a gentle man waiting upon the Bishop said If yee will burn any more do it in a hollow cellar for the smoke of Mr Pa. hamilton hath infected all these on whom it blew Nevertheless he was burnt at the north side of the abbey that the hereticks of Anguise might see the fire The persecution goeth-on James Hamilton of Livinston brother of the Martyr and his sister Ca●herin were summoned to compear at Halirudhouse before the Bishop of Ross The King adviseth the gentleman not to appear he was condemned for not obeying Catherin was asked whither she believes to be justified by works She answered I believe no person can be justified by their own works John spence a Lawyer had a long discourse of the diversity of works of congruitie and of condignity c. The young woman saith Worke here work there what kinde of work is all this I know perfitly that no work can save mee but the works of Christ my Saviour The King laugheth at the answer and taking her aside persuades her to recant her opinion and by her example sundry others at the same time were moved to abiure their profession as Wi. kirk a priest Adam daes c. So soon as these were dismissed Normand gourley and David straton were brought to tryall Norman was charged for denying Mo are persecuted purgatory and that the Pope had any jurisdiction in Scotland David had been turbulent and was by conference with John Erskin of Dun becom another man and God had kindled in his heart such love to the knowledge of trueth that he oft prayd for spirituall courage if he shall be brought to suffer for Christ He was charged for maintaining that tyths were not due to Church-men He denied that he had said so but said he I send a fish-boat to the sea and they are so rigorous in craving the tenth fish that they can not be contented and I said If they will not believe how many fishes are taken go and see where they are taken yea and I gave order to my servants to cast the tenth fish into the sea And ●e was further accused of the same points wich Norman He was condemned with him and was offered to be spared if he would burne his bill which was then vsed as the signe of recanting but he would not So they were burnt together August XXVII year 1534 At the same time were summoned Alex Alesse Jo. Fife John macbee and one Macdowall they fled into England and thereafter into Germany the first two were Professours of Divinity in Lipsia the thrid was called Maccabeus and was Chaplain to Christian King of Denmark As the history of the Reformation shewes there were civil broils in the countrey and the persecution was interrupted untill the year 1538. and in the mean while the knowledge of the truth increaseth partly by conference of men about what had been done and partly by reading the New testament in English and partly by report of merchants and ●eamen telling what was a doing in other countries in the cause of religion The bb and their officialls accurse many for triffles and pecuniall causes the people contemn their excommunications therefore the bb would strengthen their sentences by civill autority and procure an act of Parliament against such who lay 40 daies under excommunication James 5. Parl. 4. Act. 8. III. The heat of persecution in England seemed but to begin in year 1527. The beginning of Reformation in England those who before were called Lollards were then called Lutherans great numbers were burnt whereby the King thought to promerite the Popes favour Behold how God brings light out of darknes When King Henry had been 20 years married he falles into the scruple whither his marriage was lawfull but who can tell whither he was so touched indeed or King Henry intends to divorce but a pretext in respect he had not a son or that he loved another woman Yet so it was he abstaines from her company and speakes of divorcement The Queen sendeth unto the Pope and complaines the King also sendeth and craves that the Pope would justify by the sacred word the former dispensation to marry or dissolve the marriage How this was carried in the Popes court none can declare better than an Italian and so Pe. Soave in Histor Conc. Triden hath it thus Pope Clemens in time of his distress had It is pleaded at Rome good hope if the Kings of France England shall continue in his grace and make disturbance unto Cesar in the Kingdom of Naples therefore he dispatches Card. Campegius into England and commits the cause unto him and the Card. of York The King was certified by letters from Rome that the cause shall be discerned speedily in his favours this was in the year 1528. But when Clemens considereth that the Emperours favour was more usefull unto him in recovering the City Florence in the year 159. he sent Francis Campana unto Campegius ordering him to burne his former Bull and proceed warily in that cause Campegius deviseth pretexts of delay and pretends difficulties The King observes his jugling and askes the advice of the Universities in Italy Germany France Some were against his mind and some for him especially the Parisians and many thought that they were moved by his gifts more than by weight of reason But the Pope whether willing to gratifie Caesar or fearing that by means of the Card. of York some what might happen contrary to his mind drawes back the cause unto himself The King being He marryeth without the Popes indulgence impatient and smelling the fraud forsakes Catharin and marrieth Anna Bolen in the year 1533. Nevertheless the plea is continued but slowly that if the Pope can he may both satisfie the Emperour and decline the offense of the King And then he touches not the point but some accessory articles especially he decerneth against the King that it was not lawfull for him by his own authority and without the Sentence of the Church to forsake the company of his wife When the king understood this in the beginning of the year 1534 he denieth obedience unto the Pope and chargeth all his subjects that they send no mony unto Rome nor pay
baptisme pennance and sacrament of the altar little or nothing differing from the Church of Rome 3. he declareth that the cause of our justification is the only mercy of the Father promised freely unto us for his son Christs sake and for the merit of his passion yet good works are necessary with inward contrition charity and other spirituall graces and good motions that is when wee have received remission of our sins or are justified we must give obedience unto God in observing his Law 4. he commandeth pastors to teach their people that images should not be worshipped and are but representers of vertue and good example and therefore no incence knieling nor offering should be done unto them 5. Saints are to be praised or Christ is to be praised in them for their graces and good example that they have left unto us but wee obtain all grace by the only Mediation of Jesus Christ and of none other 6. concerning ceremonies as holy vestures holy water bearing candles on Candlemes-day and some such others he admits them to be good so far as they put men in remembrance of spirituall things but so that they contain in them no power to remit or take a way sin c. There he addeth other iniunctions specially he causethto translate the Bible and commandeth all priests to have a Latine and English Bible lying open in their parish-churches that whosoever pleaseth may read them Then diverse images were demolished An. 1538 especially the most notable stocks of idolatry at Walsingham Worchester ... which had devices to role their ●ies and to stirre other parts of their body and many other false juglings wherewith simple people had been deceived all which was then made known and destroyed Jo. Foxe in Acts. In the same year followeth the ruine of all religious as they had been called houses by advice of the same L-Cromwell Lord of the privy seale So that all friers Nuns and sects of religion were rooted out of England to the number of 645. Abbeys priories and Nuneries and by Act of Parliament their lands did return to the heirs of the first Donours All that time Steeven Gardener Bishop of Winchester so dealt with the king by representing unto him the grudge of his subjects for rejecting the pope and for his dealing toward his wifes he had then married Anna Sister to the Duke of Cleve An. 1539. and for these his late doings that he persuadeth him for taking away suspicion of heresy to consent unto the burning of John Lambert yea Gardener prevaileth so that the king hearkned no more unto L. Cromwell but contrariwise he beheaded him and Walter L. Hungerford July 28 An. 1540. Tho. Cooper He made an Act discharging the Translation of the Bible made by W. Tindall and restraining the authorized Translation with many limitations An. 34. Henr. VIII It came then to passe that the estate of Religion seemed more and more to decay and popish injunctions were authorized establishing Transubstantiation vowes of chastity private Masses and auricular confession and forbidding communion in both kinds and marriage of priests wherefore some said Henry had forsaken the Pope but not popery and he annulled not those former Statutes Such was the craft of the venemous serpent But God raiseth up some good instruments for Thomas Cranmer archb of Canterburry resists Gardener and the Counsel of England was divided some were for the old Religion and some for the Reformed and Statutes of both sorts were in force So in one day at Smith field An. 1541. Gardener with his faction for refusing his articles caused burn three godly men Do. Robert Barnes Tho. Garret Will Jerom priests and Tho Cranmer with his side caused hang drawe and quarter other three Ed. Powell Ric. Fetherston Tho. Abell for denying the kings Supremacy and maintaining the Bishop of Rome's authority Jo. Foxe in Acts. A stranger beholding these said Good God how can men live here on the one side Papists are hanged and on the other anti-papists are burnt The people were brought marvelously into doubt of Religion All the number of them which suffered in England for maintaining Papacy which was called Treason wer 24 persons but of the other sort many were burnt and so many were imprisoned the same year that room could not be found in the prisons of London and many were kept in other houses by intercession of the L. Chanceller Audley many of them were given to the custody of Noble men where they were used favourably In that year Henry was divorced from his fourth wife by Sentence of his Clergy which did hate her for Lutheranisme as they spoke yet with her own consent and within a month he married Catherin Howard a brothers daughter of the house of Norfolk the next year she was accused of adultery with Tho. Culpeper and beheaded in the Tower with Jane Lady Rocheford as accessory unto her deeds After that Henry began to misse his good Counseller L. Cromwell and to perceive the scope of Gardener he wrote unto Archbisbop Cranmer to reforme pilgrimages and idolatry and he permits to eat flesh in Lent pretending a civill respect and the ben●fite of the people But bloodie Gardener ●easeth not from persecution and burnt in one fire Ro. Testwood Ja. Filmer Jo. Marbeck and Antonie pierson at Winchester An. 1543 and great numbers at Calice amongst whom was the abovenamed Alex. Seton The Commissioners of this bloody Inquisition were restrained by the Lords of parliament An. 1545 that no inditements should be received against any person but by the oaths of 12. men at least of honesty credite and free of malice Item that no person should be put in ward before his enditement were heard judged except at the Kings speciall command Item An. 35. Henr. VIII c. 16. it was enacted that the king should have full authority to appoint 16. of the clergy and 16 of the Temporalty to peruse and examine the canons constitutions and ordinances Provincial and Synodal and according to their discretions with his Royall consent to setle and establish an order of Ecclesiasticall lawes to be observed in time coming in all spirituall courts As these Acts did in some measure shew the mind of the King so Gardener ceaseth not yea he spareth not the godly Lady the Kings sixth wife and sent to apprehend her but by her wisedom and submission unto the King she was saved out of the butchers handes In a word Henry was much led by his Counsellers he died in January 1547. When he saw death approaching he nameth his son Edward to be his heire and failing him he appointeth the Crown unto Mary and failing her unto Elisabeth he appointeth 16. Counsellours as Governours of his son amongst whom were Th. Cranmer and Gardener but afterward he caused to blott out Gardeners name because said he he would trouble all the rest he is of so turbulent a spirit The chieff of these Counsellers was Edward Seymer Earle of Herford uncle to king
and propound unto the King the inconstancy of promises from an hostile king he needs not go into England for any benefite seing he hath enough at home they promise to give him yearly 30000 crowns from the Church and of them which are rebellious against the holy Father the Pope and his lawes he may make unto the Crown yearly above 100000 Crouns if he will authorize such a Judge as they would name to proceed against them Nor can there be any danger in arraigning them seing it is known that they do use the Bible in English they talk commonly of the Popes power they despise the Service of the Church they deny obedience unto sacred persons and are not worthy to live under a king By these persuasions the king gives-over his journey to York Wherefore king Henry was offended and prepares an Army against Scotland and James prepares another to inuade England In time of these levies the Cardinal gives unto the king a catalogue of above 300 persons whom in his inquisition he had appointed unto death but this bloody designe was stayd by that preparation and taken away by the death of the king For the sum of the warrs is when the Scots were past Solvay a gentle man Oliver Sinclare shewes his Commission to be Commander in chieff the Noble men refuse to fight under his command and were taken captives the water flowing they could not return and King James hearing of their overthrow died in sorow within 3. dayes on December 13. year 1542 leaving a Daughter Mary five dayes old to be his heire Then were various discourses what might be the issue of those warrs Every one talkes as he wisheth or feareth Henry calleth for the captives unto White-hall and shewes them how God had offered them a most fit occasion of firme concord if their Queen were contracted with his son They do promise to use their diligence so far as they could without prejudice of the kingdom and their own infamy and so were dismissed in January Buchan Histor Libr. 14. 15. Then the Cardinall had more than hope to be Regent he causeth a Priest Hen. Balfour to write as the Kings last will that he and some others should be Governours and the Queen Dowager favoureth him But these who loved not his Inquisition and others calling to mind the former difficulties of the kingdom in the like case chuseth and declareth February 10. James hamilton Earle of Arran who was one of these whom the Cardinal had appointed unto death and next heire of the ●rown to be Regent during the minority of the infant Queen He had two preachers Thomas Guilliam and John rough sound in religion according to these times The Card. was not content with the Regent nor his preachers he endeavoureth to molest him and to stay the preaching of the Word In March a Parliament was assembled thither Ralph Sadler Ambassadour from England comes for common peace and by the way to put in mind the former captives of their promises The Contract of promise was once concluded but the Qu. Dowager the Card. and the Prelates do so wilfully oppose it that with common voice of the most part the Cardinal was removed and shut up strait in a chamber untill the votes were asked then the marriage was concluded other conditions of peace were penned and pledges were ordained to be sent into England The Cardinal was convoied to Palkeith and there kept as in firme warde by intercession of the Queen he obtaines liberty to go unto Seton and afterwards was set at full liberty In the same The first P●blick step of Reformation Parliament the rigour of Acts against them who have English Bibles was taken off The Prelates did obiect that the Church had forbidden all languages in religion but three Hebrew Greek and Latine The Lords demande When was that inhibition made seing Chrysostom complaines that men will not use the sacred books in their own language The Bishops answer These were Greeks The Lords reply Christ commandeth that his Word be preached unto all Nations and therefore it should be preached in every language which the Nation understands best and if it should he preached in all tongues why should it not be read in all tongues In the end the best part prevailes and liberty was granted to read the Bible and to say prayers in the vulgar language This was not a small victory of the trueth and thereby many simple ones receive information Sundry treatises went abroad against the tyranny and abuses of the Church of Rome and many in forrein Nations praise God for the Regent At that time the New Testament was so unknowen unto the multitude of priests that they were not ashamed to say in their preachings That book was written by Luther Not long after the Abbot of Pasley comes out of France and prevailes so with his brother the Regent that Frier Guilliam and hindred again was put from preaching and went into England and John rogh went to Kyle and all godly men were terrified from Court Likewise the Card. hindereth the sending of the pledges into England and by his meanes and of his complices the Regent was persuaded to alliance with France Yea the craftly insinuations of the Card. and Abbot move the Regent to ren ounce the profession of the Gospell and submit himself unto the Pope Then every thing was done at the nod of the Cardinal many were persecuted of whom some fled and some were burnt as An. 1546. in February Ja. huncer Will. lambe Witanderson and Ja. rannelt burgesses of Sant Iohn stoun because they had eaten a goose on a fryday and a woman because in her travelling she would not call upon Mary John rogers a black ●rier who had faithfully preached the gospell unto many in Anguise and Merns was murdered in the sea-tower of Santandrews and then was thrown over the wall and a report was spred that he had broken his own George VVishart neck In the year 1544. came home that blessed servant of Christ George wishart one of great learning Zeal and modesty as I being young have heard of very antient men he had been Schoolemaster of Montros and there did teach his disciples the new testament in Greek for this fault he was delated unto the Bishop of Brechen in time of the persecution An. 1538. when he was summoned to appear he fled and after sixe years returnes with more knowledge of the trueth and with more Zeall He preached first in Montros within a private house next unto the church except one then in Dundie where by authority of the Card. he was prohibited to preach because the town was so ready to forsake the Word of God for boast of a man he foretold that a scourge was coming shortly upon them From thence he went to Aire and preached in the open fields at the church of Gastoun for he was hindered by the Bishop of Glasgow to preach in a Church There he is informed that within
Somerset that he had changed the lawes of the realme and had secret intelligence with forrein Ambassadours without their knowledge c. And for these causes he was beheaded in the Tower An. 1552. So variance entereth among them and coldness of Religion repossesseth many and some have written that the King was poisoned Certainly for a clearer manifestation of mens hearts the King was visited with long sicknes and died July 6. An. 1553. In time of his sicknes he aduised with his Privie Counsell who should have the government after him for albeit his Father had appointed Mary to succeed yet seing she is of a contrary religion and it is doubted of the lawfulnes of her birth and himself is of lawfull years he accounts it proper unto him to name his heire and the rather that it is to be feared that she will not only sub●ert religion but the realm shall be thralled to a stranger as Scotland is unto France After deliberation it was decreed to chuse Lady Jane daughter of the Earle of Suffolk and of Mary daughter of King Henry 7. So foure dayes after Edwards death Lady Jane was proclamed Queen by authority of the Counsel Many of the Nobility and people were much displeased not so much for love of Mary as for hatred to the Duke of Northumberland because Lady Jane was married unto his fourth son At this time Mary goeth into Norfolk and Suffolk and promiseth unto them of the Reformation that she shall change nothing in Religion as it was established by her brother They take her part She writes abroad for aid and carryeth her self as Queen The Counsell c●●v●e●ing at London sendeth som● forces under the conduct of Northumberland to apprehend her But then the Counsell perceiving the Mary the Pop●sh Queen overthrows all for a time inclination of the people and hearing that the Reformed of Norfolk and S●●folk were for her change their Sentence they cause proclaime Mary Queen and keep La. Jane in the Tower When these newes were brought into the Campe all men forsook the Duke but when they receive Letters from the Counsell in name of Queen Mary they take him and bring him to London Then he made open profession of Popery under hope to gaine the Queen's favour and liberty but was beheaded Ja. Thuan lib. 13. ad An. 1553. Cardinal Reginald Pool hearing at Rome that King Edward was dead hasteneth towards England hoping to have the Crown by r●g●t for he had pretensions or by marriage with Mary The Emperour inuites him to come into Germany by his way and entertaines him with great shew of honour untill by his Ambassadour he had finished a Contract of marriage betwixt his son Philip Mary and by the Queens patent he became archbishop of Canterbury Then another world was to be seen processions of joy were in Italy for regaining England u●to the Romane Se● Pe Soave in Co●● Trud. Gardener Tonstall and other Popish Bishops were a●vance● Cranmer Latimer Ridley and other Reformed Bishops were committed to prison and burnt reading and printing of English Bibles and of late book● were discharged the Supremacy of the Pope was ploclaimed the Latine ●as●● was u●ed the clause of prayer that God would deliver the kingdom from sedition and tyranny of the ●ishop of Rome was blotted out of the L●ta●● the Queen would not suffer her fathers name in publick prayers because he ●ad made aposta●y from the Church Ja. Thua lo. cit All temporaries tur● their clock● wicked men reioice good men are oppressed some fi●d ma●y were imprisoned some sterve in prison many hundreds were b●rn● in a word in no Kings time beeing free from wa●●e were so many killed as in the five years reigne of Q. Mary by beheading hanging burning racking and s●erving That cruel Bishop Bonner beholding how joyfully the Martyrs suffered said to one of them They call mee bloody Bonner a vengeance on you all I would fain be rid of you but yee have a delight in burning if I might have my will I would sew your mo●ths put you in sacks and drown you all Gods revenging hand was ●pon these p●rsecuters Gardener the archpersecuter being at dinner with the Duke of Norfolk and hearing that Bishop Ridley and Mr. Latimer were burnt at Oxford shewes no litle joy and by and by was so smitten none knowing how that he was carryed from table to a bed where he lay 15. dayes in such intolerable torments that in all that space he could voide neither by urine nor otherwise his tongue hangeth out and so died Do. Morgon who condem●ed Ferrare Bishop of S. Davies and vsurped his place was s●itten that when he would eat nothing went down but it bursted out again somtime at his mo●th and somtime at ●is nose Do Dunning the bloody Chanceller at Norwich was taken away suddenly the like befell B●rrie Commissarie of Norfolk c. Mary had her kingdom diminished by losse of Cales which eleven English kings had kept and the countrie was plagued with famine that the subiects were glad to eat ackorns she was never able to put the Crown on her husbands head of all things both he and shee was most desirous to have children but she had none once she was thought to be bigg with child but of what she was delivered it was known to few then Philip left her and she had neither the love of h●r subiects nor his company nor could marry another at last she was diseased some called it a tympany others call it melancholy because of her deep and continuall groanes she died November 17. An. 1558. and her cousine the Card. died within sixteen hours after her Jo. Foxe in Acts. Enduring her reigne La. Elisabeth was kept in the Tower Gardener and others sought her death often they accuse her of treason and would have stirred up King Phillip against her but he preserveth her not for any love to her person or religion but for reason of State lest she being taken out of the way and the Queen dying without children the kingdoms of Scotland England and Irland might be annexed unto the Crown of France by means of Mary Qu of Scotland next heire of ●ngland and at that time affianced to the Daulphin of France than which the Spaniard thought no thing could happen more adverse to his affectation of greatnes At first when She was locked up she was much daunted but being comforted afterwards she said The skill of a Pilot is not known but in a tempest and a true Christian appeares best in time of tentation In the year 1558. they condemne her to be beheaded and went to bring her to execution by miraculous providence she was preserved The lieutenant of the Tower will not give them credite and goeth to ask the Queen whether it was her will Mary saith Not and commandeth to set her at liberty And is proclamed Queen On the very day of Marie's death Elisabeth was proclamed Queen and so of a prisoner was acknowledged by
Counsell Nobility and Commons to be the only Heire and was crowned January 15 with many glad hearts all the Bishops except Owen Bishop of Carlile refuse to perform the solemnities of the Coronation because of her Religion At her coronation she did secure the kingdom by oath that she shall not marry a stranger nor would she make open declaration what doctrine she would follow only she set free all the prisoners for Religion many hundreds and promiseth that when she shall be established in her governement to establish religion by advice of Parliament and of learned godly men and causeth it be proclaimed that in the mean time none shall alter any ceremonies unless it be according to the rites of her own chappel and these were as it was ordered in her fathers time Speed Cambden She sendeth to make account unto the Pope of her assumption He answereth That kingdom was held in fee of the Apostolick See and it was her presumption to vsurp the name of Queen without his knowledge therefore she deserveth not to be heard unless she renounce her pretensions and submit herself unto his free disposition This soundeth harsh both to her and to the counsel therefore she will treat no more with him PeSoave in conc Tride Then knowing the difference of opinions in religion among her ●ubiects and willing to satisfie both parties according to reason she calleth a Parliament and by common aduice appointeth a Conference of eight persons on either side that after debating of reasons they might come to an happy agreement The persons were named the day appointed the questions were for the first concerning the vulgare tongue in Divine Service and the communion under both kindes order was prescribed that for avoiding heat of contention they shall not dispute by word but both parties shall write their reasons and give them in the first day and answers shall be prepared against the next day and all to be in English that every one may receive information Both parties were content But when the day was come the Papists alledge they understood not the ordinance concerning the disputation in write and they will dispute by voice only The second day they were pressed more instantly but as despising authority nor regarding their own credite or rather being convinced in their consciences they still refuse The third day both parties were required ●o produce their books and opinions All the Popish party excep the Bishop of Westminster plainly deny to let their books be read some spake unreverently even of excommunicating the Queen Sir Nicolas Bacon Lord Keeper and Nicolas archb of York were named by the Parliament to be Iudges of the Conference they take this carriage as a contempt both of Nobility and Commons as also of her Roiall Majesty Then the Bishops were required to give their oath of allegiance and Supremacy as in King Henry VIII time They refuse this also Wherefore the Bishop of Winchester who had shewed more folly than others was committed to the Tower afterwards he was set at liberty Boner Bishop of London who was the chief butcher in Mary's time was committed to the Marshall-sea some fled out of the Country and others were charged to answer before the Counsell some were confined not one more imprisoned and all the exiled bb and others in Q. Mary's time were recalled Franc. Mason Lib. 3. c. 1. A Parliament was held at Westminster where was much debate in matter of Religion and hote study on both sides In the goodness of God the Gospell had the upper hand the hope of the Popish falleth their rage is abated the supremacy of the Pope is denied the bloody Statutes of Q. Mary are repealed popish bb were deposed and good men put in their rooms the Masse is abolished altars are appointed to be removed and tables set for them the zeal of many pulling down the altars before that Act was approved Jo. Foxe in Acts. In a brief view behold the hand of God toward her afterwards 1. The king of France pretending right by his Queen Mary intended to inuade England but he was taken away II. Philip king of Spain sought her in marriage she abhorred that because he had married her Sister Therefore he sought to match her with Charles son of the Emperour Ferdinand but to the end he might bring the Nation to the house of Austria and because She refused he became her utter enemy yet to her greater glory 3. An. 1562. Arthur Pool of the house of York intended to bring an Army from France into Wales but he and his confederates were discovered before the execution of the plot and were condemned 4. As before the French king so again Philip sought ●ft that the Popes would accurse her that so he might have pretext to inuade her kingdom God hindered Paul 4. and Pius 4. from decerning it and more followes VI. In Aprile An. 1558. Walter mill priest of Lunan in Anguise was VValter m●ll martyr accused by the Bishop of Santan drews for leaving the Masse and that therefore he and John petrie priest at Innerkilor were condemned by the late Cardinal to be burnt wherever they should be apprehended Walter answered I served the Cure there before the Cardinals time 20. years with the approbation of all the parishoners but when the furious Cardinal persecuted mee and many more for the preaching of Godsword I was constrained to keep myself quiet and I went about reproving vices and instructing people in the grounds of Religion for which cause now I am taken When he was brought to triall in the Church before the Bishops of Santandrews Murray Briechin Caitnes the Abbots of Dumfermlin Lundors Balmerino and Couper and many Doctors of the University he looked so feeble partly by age and partly by hard usage that it was feared none could hear what he would answer yet he delivered his mind with such courage that his enemies were amased At first he kneeled to pray Andrew oliphant a priest said Sir Walter mill get up and answer for you keep my Lord here too long He continued yet praying and when he arose he said I should obey God more than man I serve a mighter Lord then your Lord is and whereas you call mee Sir Walter they call mee Walter and not Sir Walter I have been too long one of the Popes Knights now say what you have to say Oliphant asked What thinkest thou of priests marriage He answered I think it a blessed bond ordained by God approved by Christ and free to all sorts of men but yee abhor it and in the mean while yee take other mens wives and daughters yee vowe chastity and keep it not Oliphant sayd Thou sayst that there are not seven sacraments He answered Give us baptisme and the Lords Supper take yee the rest and part them among you Oliphant Thou saist the Masse is idolatry He answeres A Lord sends and calleth many to a dinner and when it is ready he tolleth the bell
God The faithfull Congregation in Christ Jesus in Scotland They wrote also to Monsieur Dosell entreating him to mitigate the Queen's wrath and the rage of the Prelats or els that flam which then began to burn might kindle so that when some men would it could not be slackned and they add that he declared himself no faithfull servant unto his Master the King of France if for the pleasure of priests he did persecute the subiects Likewise they wrot unto Captain Le Bourse and to all French souldiers in generall that their earand was not to fight against naturall Scots men nor had they such command from their Master and besought them that they would not provoke such whom they had found favourable in their great extremities The priests did suppress these Letters so far as they could and yet they were delivered unto the chief persons and came to the knowledge of many moe But the wrarh of the Queen was not appeased and the Priests push her forward against Perth where were but a few gentle men for the time they hearing of the intended extremity did writte unto all their brethren to come unto their aid Many were so readie that the work of God was evidently seen And because they would omit no d●ligence to declare their innocency unto all men they sent a Letter unto such of the Nobility who at that time were their adversaries in this manner A letter to the Nobility adversaries To the Nobility of Scotland The Congregation of Christ Jesus within the same desire the Spirit of righteous judgement Because wee are not ignorant that yee the Nobility of this realm who now persecute us employing your whol studie and force to maintain the kingdom of Satan of superstition and idolatry are yet divided in opinion Wee the Congregation of Christ Jesus by you uniustly persecuted have thought good in one Letter to writ unto you severally Yee are divided wee say in opinion for some of you think that wee who have taken this enterprise to remove idolatry and the monuments of the same to erect the true preaching of Christ Iesus in the bounds committed to our charge are hereticks seditious men and troublers of the commonwealth and therefore no punishment is sufficient for us and so blinded are yee with this rage and under pretence to serve the Authority yee proclame warr and desttuction without all order of Law against us Vnto you wee say that neither your blind Zeal nor the colour of Authority shall excuse you in Gods presence who commandeth none to suffer death till he bee openly convinced in judgement to have offended against God and his written Law which no mortall is able to prove against us for whatsoever wee have done the same have wee done at Gods commandement who plainly commands to destroy and abolish idolatry and all moniments of the same Our earnest and ●●ng request hath been and is That in open Assembly it may be disputed in presence of indifferent Auditors Whether these abominations named by the pestilent Papists Religion which they by fire and sword defend be the true Religion of Jesus Christ or not When t●is humble request is denied unto us our lifes are sought in most cruell manner And the Nobility whose d●ty is to defend innocents and to bridle the fury and rage o● wicked men were it of Princes or Emperours do notwithstanding follow their appetites and arm yourselves against us your brethren and naturall country men yea against us that be innocent and just as concerning all such crimes as belayd unto our charges If yee think that wee be criminall because wee dissent from your opinion consider wee beseech you that the Prophets under the Law the Apostles of Christ Jesus after his ascension his primitive Church and holy Martyrs did disagree from all the world in their daies and will yee deny but their action was just and all who persecuted them were murderers before God May not the lyke be true this day What assurance have yee this day of your Religion which the world that day had not of theirs yee have a m●●titude that agree with you and so had they yee have antiquity of time and that they lacked not nor have yee so much as they had yee have councells laws and men of reputation that have established all things as yee suppose but none of all these can make any Religion acceptable unt● God which only dependeth upon his own will reveeled to men in his most sacred word Is it not then a wonder that yee sleep in so deadly a security in the matter of your own salvation considering that God gives unto you so manifest tokens that yee and your leaders are both decli●ed from God For if the tree shall be judged by the frute as Christ affirmes it must bee then of necessity it is That your Prelates and the wholl rabble of their clergy be evill trees for if adultery pride ambition drunkenness covetousness incest unthankfulness oppression murder idolatry and blasphemy be evill fruits there can none of that generation which claim to themselves the tittle of Churchmen be judged to be good trees for all these pestilent and wicked fruits do they bring forth in greatest abudance And if they be evill trees as yee yourselves must be compelled to confesse they are advise prudently with what consciences yee can maintain them to occupie the room and place in the Lords vineyaird Do yee not consider that in so doing yee labour to maintain the servants of sin in their filthy corruption and so yee strive that the devill may reigne and still abuse this realm by all iniquity and tyranny and that Christ Iesus and his blessed gospell be suppressed and extinguished The name and cloke of authority which yee pretend will nothing excuse you in Gods presence but rather shall yee bear double condemnation for that yee burden God as if his good ordinances were the cause of your iniquity All authority which God hath established is good and perfect and is to be ob●jed of all men yea under pain of damnation B●t do yee not understand that there is a great difference betwixt the Authority which Distinguish between authority and the person is of Gods ordinance and the persons of these who are placed in authority The authority and Gods Ordinancss can never do wrong for it commands that vice and wicked men be punished and vertue with vertuous and just men be maintained but the corrupt person placed in this authority may offend and most commonly doth contrary to this Authority And is then the corruption of man to be followed because it is clothed with the name of Authority Or shall those which obey the wicked commandement of these that are placed in Authority be excusable before God Not so not so but the plagues and vengeance of God taken upon Kings their servants and subiects do witnes unto us the plain contrary Pharao was a King and had his authority of God who commanded
such as disobeied or contemned the Superintendents in their function 3. That punishment be appointed for the abusers and contemners of the Sacraments 4. That no Letters of Session or warrant from any Judge be given to answer or pay tythes unto any person without speciall provision that the parishoners retain so much in their hands as is appointed for maintenance of the Ministry And that all such as are given heretofore be called in and discharged 5. That the Lords of the Session or any other Judges proceed not upon such Precepts or warnings past at the instance of them which lately have obtained fues of Vicarages and Manses and Churchyards and that sixe a kers if so much there be of the Gleeb be always reserved to the Minister according to the appointement of the book of Discipline 6. That no Letters of Session nor other Warrants take place untill the stipends contained in the book of Disciplin for maintenance of the Ministers be first consigned in the hands at least of the principalls of the parishioners 7. That punishment be appointed against all such as purchase bring home or execute within this realm the Popes Bulls The Tenour of the Supplication was this Please your Honours and the Wisdoms of such as are presently conveened with you A supplication of Barons burgesses in Counsell to understand that by many arguments we perceive what the pestilent generation of that Roman Antichrist within this realm pretends to wit that they would erect their idolatry take upon them Empire above our consciences and so to command us the true subjects of this realm and such as God of his mercy hath under our Soveraine made subject unto us in all things to obey their appetites Honesty craveth and conscience moveth us to make the very secrets of our hearts patent to your Honours in that behalf whichs is this That before ever these tyrants and dumb dogs empire above us and above such as God hath subjected unto us that wee the Barons and Gentle men professing Christ Jesus within this realm are fully determined to hazard life and whatsoever we have received from God in temporall things Most humbly therefore beseeching your Honours that such order may be taken that we have not occasion to take again the sword of just defence unto our hands which we have willingly after God had given Victory both to your Honours and us resigned over into your hands to the end that Gods gospell may be publickly preached within this realm the true Ministers thereof reasonably maintained idolatry suppressed and the committers there of punished according to the lawes of God and men In doeing whereof your Honours shall finde us not only obedient in all things lawfull but also ready at all times to bring under order and obedience such as would rebell against your just authority which in absence of our Soverain wee acknowledge to be in your hands bes●eching your Honours with upright judgement and indifferency to look upon these few ar●icles and by these our Brethren to signifie unto us such answer again as may declare your Honours worthy of that place whereunto God after some danger sustained in his mercy hath called you And let these enemies assure themselves that if your Honours put not order unto them that we shall shortly take such order that they shall neither be able to do what they list nor to live upon the sweat of the browes of such as are not debters unto them Let your Honours conceive nothing of us but all humble obedience in God But let the Papists be yet once again assured that their pride and idolatry we will not suffer This Supplication was sent by the Master of Lindsay the Lords of Lochinvar Pharniherst and Whittengham Tho. Menzies Provest of Aberdien and Ge. Lovell burgess of Dundy The Lords and Counsell made an Act ordinance answering to every head of these articles and commanded Letters to be answered thereupon At this time Lord James Stuard had returned from France and brought Letters from the Queen praying them to entertain quietnes and to suffer nothing to be attempted against the Contract of peace which was made at Lieth till her own coming home and to suffer the Religion publickly established to go forward c. This second fall got Satan after he had begun to trouble the Religion once established by Law The Histor. of Reformat Lib. 3. That book closeth with these words The books of discipline have been of late so often published that we shall forbear to print them at this time hoping that no good man will ref●se to follow the same till God in a greater light establish a more perfite By these and many passages of the book it is cleare that at that time they did not judge it to be the constant rule of Disciplin in all time coming and so we will find that within few years the Assembly thought upon another Order XIV August 19. An. 1561. The Queen arrives at Lieth very many The Queens arrivall of all ranks come to congratulate her safe return much mirth was that week in Halirudhouse and Edinburgh On Sunday August 24. when preparation was for the Masse in the Chappell-Royal the hearts of the godly were stirred and some said openly Shall that Idol be suffered to take place again within this realm It shall not One carrying the candle was sore affrighted No Papist durst speak against them but Lord James took upon him to keep the Chappell-door when the Masse was ended the Priest was convoied betwixt the Lords of Coldingham Halirudhouse unto his chamber The next day the Queen comes into Privy Counsell Some were sent unto the Noblemen severally with these or such persuasions Alas will you chase our soverain from us She will incontinently return to her Galeys and then what will all Nations say of us may we not suffer her a litle while I doubt not but she will leave it if we were not assured that She may be won we should be as great enemies to the Masse as ye can bee her Uncles will go away and then we shall rule all at our pleasure would not we be as sorry to hurt the Religion as any of you would bee With these persuasions the fervency of many was abated and An Act concerning Religion an Act was made wherein her Majesty ordaines Letters to be directed and proclaimed that all the subjects should keep peace and Civil society while the Estates of the realme may be assembled and her Majesty shall have ●aken a finall order by their advice which her Majesty hopeth shall be to the contentment of all the Law bidding that none should take in hand privately or openly any alteration of the State of Religion or attempt any thing against the same which She hath found publickly universally standing at her arrivall under pain of death With certification that if any subjects shall come in the contrary he shall be held for a seditious person and raiser
of tumults and her Majesty commandes with advice of her Secret Counsell that none of the Lieges take in hand to molest or trouble any of her domestik servants or persons whatsoever come out of France in her Company at this time in word deed or countenance for any cause whatsoever either within her palace or without under the said pain of death This Act was proclaimed the same day and immediatly the Earle A publick Protestation of Arran makes publick protestation thus In so far as by this Proclamation it is made known unto the Church of God and members thereof that the Queen is minded that the true Religion and worship of God already established proceed forward that it may dayly increase Untill the Parliament that order may be taken then for extirpation of all idolatry out of this realm We render most hearty thinks to the Lord our God for her Majesties good mind earnestly praying that it may be increased in her Majesty to the honour glory of his Name and good of his Church within this realm And as touching the molestation of her Highness servants we suppose that none dare be so bold as once to move their finger at them in doeing their lawfull business and we have learned at our Master Christ's School to keep peace with all men And therefore for our part we will promise that obedience unto her Majesty as is our duty that none of her servants shall be troubled molested or once touched by the Church or any member thereof in doing their lawfull busines But seeing God hath said The idolater shall die the death Wee protest solemnly in the presence of God and in the eares of all people that heare this Proclamation and especially in the presence of you Lion herauld and the rest of your Colleagues maker of the proclamation that if any of her servants shall commit idolatry shall say Masse participate therewith or take the defence thereof which we are loath should be in her Highness company in that case that this proclamation is not extended to them in that behalf nor be a savegard nor girth to them in that behalf no more than if they commit slaughter or murder seing the one is much more abominable odious in the sight of God than is the other but that it may be lawfull to inflict upon them the pains contained in Gods Word against idolaters wherever they may be apprehended without favour And this our protestation we desire you to notify unto her and give Her the copy hereof lest her Higness may suspect an uproar if wee all shall come and present the same At Edinburgh day year foresaid This Protestation did some what exasperate the Queen and others following her in that point When the Lords of the Congregation as they were called came to the Town at Court cooleth zeal the first they were much offended that the Masse was permitted and each did accuse these that were before him but when they tarried a short space they were as quiet as others Wherupon Robert campbell of Kings-cleugh said unto the Lord Ochiltry My Lord you are come now and almost the last of all the rest and I perceive by your anger that the fire-edge is not off you yet but I fear that when the holy water of the Court shall be sprinkled upon you you shall become as temperate as others for I have been here now five dayes and at the first I heard every man say Let us hang the priest But after that they had been twice or thrice in the Abby all that fervency was past I thinke there is some inchantment where with men are bewitched And it was so for on the one part the Queen 's fair words still crying Conscience it is a sore thing to constrain Conscience and on the other part the persuasions of others blinded them all and put them in opinion that the Queen will be content to hear the Preaching and so she may be won and so all were content to suffer her for a time The next sunday John Knox in Sermon shewes what terrible plagues God had sent upon Nations for idolatry and one Masse is more fearfull unto him than if ten thousand enemies were landed in any part of the realm for in our God is strength to resist and confound multitudes if we unfainedly depend upon Him as we have experience heretofore but when we join hands with idolatry it 's no doubt but both Gods amiable presence and comfortable defence will leave us and what shall then become of us c. Some said Such fear was no point of their faith it was besides his text and a very untimely admonition The Writer of The history of Reformation addeth by way of anticipation that in December An. 1565. when they which at the Queens arrivall maintained the toleration of the Masse were summoned upon treason exiled and a decriet of forfeture was intended against them the same Knoxe recited these words in the audience of many and besought Gods mercy that he was not more vehement and upright in suppressing that idol for said he albeit I spake what was offensive unto some which this day they feel to be true yet I did not what I might have done for God hath not only given mee knowledge and tongue to make the impietie of that idol knowen but he had given mee credite with many who would have put in execution Gods judgements if I would have only consented thereunto But so carefull was I of common tranquillity and so loath to offend those of whom I had conceived a good opinion that in private conference with dearest and Zealous men I travelled rather to mitigate yea to slacken that fervency that God had kindled in them than to encourage them to put their hands unto the Lords work wherein I confesse unfainedly that I have done most wickedly and from the bottom of my heart do ask of my God grace pardon for I did not what in mee lay to have suppressed that idoll at the beginning After that Sermon the Queen sent for I. Knox and none being present except the Lord James and two gentle men in the end of the room said unto him That he had raised The Queen acused Io. Knox and his answers a part of her subiects against her mother herself that he had written a book against her just authority she meaneth the treatise against the Regiment of women which she had and would cause the most learned in Europe to write against it That he was the cause of sedition and great slaughter in England and that is was said to her All that he did was by necromancy John answereth Madam it may please your Majesty to heare my simple answers and first if to teach the word of God in sincerity or to rebuke idolatry and to presse a people to worship God according to his word be to raise subjects against their Princes then I can not be excused for it hath pleased
by our Master Christ Jesus we are taught in these words In vain Do they worship mee teaching for Doctrines the precepts of men So without respect of men those did cleave unto the Word of God and did iudge What soever is without the Word either in doctrine or religious worship or in Ecclesiastical discipline can not be accepted of God as service when he requires it not But England upon account that those who had been enured with Popish doctrine and superstitions might be the more easily allured to forsake that doctrine if the rites and discipline were retained and hoping as is hinted in the former part that by time a more perfect Reformation might be attained took this prudential course as it is called trusting especially that bishops and priests might be the more easily enduced to joyn with the Reformation So both in the Confession in King Edwards time and in the articles of the Convocation An. 1564. or according to the English Style 1563. they allowed liberty unto dissenting judgements and made large expressions and capacious words being loath to drive off from the communion any who differing in the branches meet in the main grounds of religion Those things that were retained upon such plausible motives had a twofold influence Such is the nature of humane corruption to wit 1. one superstition draweth-on another as a link of a chain If this may be used why not that 2. what was at first retained by way of toleration condescension was afterwards pressed upon mens consciences by authority that men must conform in practise of rites and to the opinion of Superiors or suffer punishment The first particular exception was made by the Papists against the The Head of the Church and Supream Iudge in al causes title The Head of the Church which was given unto King Henry and The Supream Iudge in causes Ecelesiastical which was given unto Queen Elisabet They excepted against this alwayes but the first that hath written of it was Harding in his pretended refutation of Englands Confession Bishop Jewell answereth him in his Defence of the Apolog. part 6. cap. 11. divis 1. saying Concerning the title The supream head of the Church wee need not search the Scriptures to excuse it For 1. We devised it not 2. We use it not 3. our Princes at this time claim it not Your Fathers first enrituled that noble Prince King Henry VIII with that unused and strange Style as it may wel be thought the rather to bring him into the talk and slander of the world Howbeit that the Prince is the highest Iudge and Governor over all his subjects whatsoever alswel priests as laymen without exception c. He insists at length upon this purpose as also Doct. Fulk against the Rhemists Annotations on Matth. 22. and others I shall add the Answer of Thom. Bilson sometime Warden of Wincester unto the Jesuits Apolog. Lib. 2. where the Iesuit or Philander saith You would have our faith and salvation so to hang on the Princes will and lawes as if there could be no nearer way to religion then to believe what our temporal Lord and Master list He answereth It is a cunning when you can not confute your adversaries at least to belie them that you may seem at least to say somwhat against them indeed your fourth chapter is wholly spent in refelling this position which we detest as much as you Philander replieth You begin to shrink from your former teaching He answereth in name of Theophilus You will never shrink from your former facing Did ever any man on our side affirm the Princes will to be the rule of faith have we not earnestly written and openly taught that religion must not depend on the pleasure of men Have not thousands here in England and elsewhere given our lifes for the witnes and confession of Gods Truth against Princes Lawes and Popes decrees In Spain France and Italy and other places at this day do we not endure all the torments you can devise because we will not believe what temporal Lords and Masters will your conscience knowes it is ttue that we say Why do you then charge us with this wicked assertion from which we be farther off then you For you hold opinion of Popes they can not err we do not of Princes Why do you Father your fancies upon us why do you purposely pervert the question heaping absurdities and alledging authorities against that which we do not defend Philander The oath which yee take yourselves and exact of others induces us thus to think of you for there you make Princes the only supream Governors of all persons in all causes aswell spiritual as temporall utterly renouncing all forrain jurisdictions and Superiority Upon which word mark what an horrible confusion followes If Princes be the only Governors in ecclesiasticall matters then in vain did the Holy Ghost appoint Pastors and Bishops to govern the Church If they be Supream then are they Superior to Christ himself and in effect Christs Masters If in all things and causes spiritual then they may prescribe unto the Priests and Bishops what to preach and which way to worship and serve God how and in what form to Minister the Sacraments and generally how men shall be governed in soul If all forrain jurisdiction be renounced then Christ and his Apostles because they were and are forrainers have no jurisdiction nor authority over England Theophilus VVake you or dream you That in matters of no less weight then your duty to God and the Prince you fall to these childish and pelting sophisms VVhat kind of concluding call you this Princes only bear the sword to command and punish Ergo Bishops may not teach and exhort Princes are not subject unto the Pope Ergo Superiors to Christ They may by their laws establish what Christ hath commanded Ergo they may change both Scripture and Sacraments No forrainer at this this day hath jurisdiction over this Land ergo Christ and his Apostles 1500. years ago might not preach the gospell Philand We make no such reasons T●eop The former propositions are the true contents of the oath we take the later are the very absurdities which you infer upon us fortaking the oath ..... Philan. Do you not make Princes supream Governors of all spiritual things Theoph. you reason as if we did but ourwords since you will rest upon words are not so Philan. What are they then Theoph. We confess them to be supream governors of their realms and dominions Philan. And that in all spiritual things and causes Philan. Not of all spiritual things and causes Philan. What difference between those two speeches Theoph. Just as much as excludes your wrangling we make them not governors of the things them selves but of their subiects which I trust you dar notwithstand Philan. I grant they be Governors of their subjects bur not in ecclesiastical things or causes ..... Theoph. Where we profess that her highness is the only Governor of
they would say Masse at Easter The Earle of Murray lamented this unto the Queen and shew what inconveniences shall follow if this be permitted After sharp reasoning it was promised that the like shall not be done again and for the same purpose order was sent to such places as were delated especially to the b. b. of Sant Andrews and Aberdeen that they should not say any Masse At that time the Queen was upon a purpose of mariage as in two years space she was twice married and thogh she never changed her mind to love religion yet upon many changes of her passions in that space of time she gave more way unto the petitions of the Church thereby to gain the affections of the subjects And though there were frequent alterations in the countrie somtrmes one partie prevailing in Court and somtimes another so that it came to lifting armes nevertheless the Church-men did still keep their assemblies Juny 25. An. 1565. conveen the Superintendents The IX Assembly Ministers and Commissioners of Shyres burghs John willock is chosen Moderator 1. The Assembly humbly requires the Nobility here present to solicite the Queen for execution of the lawes Acts lately made against the violators of the sabboth adulterers and fornicators And ordeines every Superintendent to supplicat for Cemmissions unto the Judges within their severall bounds giving them charge and power to execute punishment against the committers of these crimes 2. Others were sent unto the Queen to humbly supplicate as in former assemblies for abolishing the Masse for establishing the true religion ...... and to complain that some vaking Benefices have lately been bestowed by her Maj. on Noble men and Barons as a Benefice in Carrick was given to the Laird of Skeldrom And to supplicate that none be permitted to have office in schools Colledges nor Universities nor privatly or publickly to teach the youths but such as shall be tryed by the Superintendents and Visitors of Churches to be sound in the faith and able to teach Also for sustentation of the poore that all lands which in former times were doted unto hospitalls be restored to the same use and that all lands annuall rents and other emoluments pertaining any way to the friers of whatsoever order and annualrents altarages obites belonging then to priests be applied to the sustentation of the poor and of schools in the towns or other places where these things are to be payd And that such horrible crimes now abounding in the realm without any correction as idolatry blasphemy manifest breaking of the sabboth-day witchcraft and inchantments adultery incest maintaining of bordels murder reiff and other detestable crimes may be severely punished and Judges be appointed in every Province for execution there of and that by Act of Pa liament Lastly that some order be devised and established for ease of the poore laborers of the ground concerning their tyths which are oppressed by the Leasers of the tyths 3. Some gentle men in Kile crave that Ministers be sent unto them and they will provide them sufficiently as the Assembly shall ordain them 4. It is ordained that children shall not contract marriage without consent of their parents or in case of the parents unreasonably denying consent they shall make suite unto the Church to concurre with them in their lawfull proceedings 5. Whereas some Beneficed men in time of Papistry were permitted to keep their Benefice and now being converted take upon them the ministry in another congregation it is concluded generally that none should have two benefices or livings 6. It is ordained that Io. Knox shall receive the answers from the Commissioners which are now sent unto the Queen and he shall send these answers unto the Superintendents as also he shall advertise the faithfull of things necessa●y that shall happen before the next assembly which now is appointed to conveen Septemb. 25. at Edinburgh The four Gentle men and one Burgher that were appointed by the Assembly to present thir petitions unto the Queen went to Sainiohnstoun and delivered them The next day the Queen went to Dunkell and they follow when they had audience they humbly crave her answer She said Her Counsell was not there but she intends to be in Edinburgh within eight days and then they shall have an answer When these Commissioners had waited five dayes after the Queen came to Edinburgh the matter was proposed in Councell and at last it was answered by the Secretary The Queen's Majesties command is that the matter shall be reasoned in her presence which for the gravity there of can not be now concluded albeit her Majesties hath now heard more here of than ever before but with in eight dayes a great part of the Nobility is to be here and then they shall have a finall answer August 21. they receive this answer in writ To the first desiring the Masse to be abolished in the head members with punishment against the controveeners and the professed Religion to be established by Act of Parliament It is answered for her Majestes part That her Highness is no way yet persvaded in that religion nor yet that any impiety is in the Masse and therefore believes that her loving subjects wi●l not presse her to receive any religion against her conscience which shall be unto her a continuall trouble by remorse of conscience and there with a perpetuall unquietnes And to deale plainly with her subjects her Ma. neither will nor may leave the religion wherein she hath been brought up and believes the same to be well grounded Knowing that besids the grudge of conscience that she shall receive upon the change of religion that she shall lose the friendship of the K. of France the married Allya of this realm and of other great Princes her friends and confederats who take it ill and of whom she may look for their great support in all her necessities and having no assured consideration that may countervail the same she will beloath to put in hazard all her friends at one instant prayinig all her loving subjects seing they have had experience of her goodnes that she hath not in timepast nor intends hereafter to presse the conscience of any but that they may worship God in such sort as they are persuaded in their conscience to be best that they also will not presse her conscience As for establishing religion in the Body of the realm they themselves know as appeares by their Articles that the same can not be done by consent of her Majesty only but requires necessarily the consent of the States in Parliament and therefore so soon as the Parliament holds these things which the States agree upon among themselves her Majesty shall consent unto and in the mean time shall make sure that none be troubled for using Religion according to conscience So that none shall have cause to doubt that for religions sake mens lifes and heritages shall be in any hazard To the second article it is
and therefore wee are the more bold to exhort you to walk more circumspectly than for such vanities to trouble the godly For all things that may seem law●ull edifie not If the commandement of Authority urge the conscience of you and our brethren more than they can beare wee unfainedly crave of you that yee remember yee are called The light of the world and the salt of the earth All civill authority hath not the light of God shining always before their eies in their statuts and commandements but their affections favour too much of the earth and of worldly wisdom and therefore wee think yee should boldly oppose yourselves not only unto all that power that will or dar extoll the selfe against God but also against all such as dar burden the consciences of the faithfull further than God hath burdened them by his own word But here in wee hope yee will excuse our freedom in that wee have entred further in reasoning than wee intended and promised in the beginning therefore wee briefly return to our former supplication which is that our brethren who among you refuse the Romish rags may find of you the Prelates such favor as our Head Master commandeth every one of his members to shew one to another this wee expect to receive of your courtesie not only because yee fear to offend Gods Majesty in troubling your brethren for such triffles but also because yee will not refuse the humble request of us your brethren and follow-preachers in whom albeit appear no worldly pomp yet wee suppose that yee will not so far despise us but that yee will esteem us to be of the number of them that fight against the Romane Antichrist and travell that the Kingdom of Christ Jesus may be universally advanced The dayes are evill iniquity aboundes Christian charity alas waxeth cold therefore wee should the more diligently watch the hour is uncertain when the Lord Jesus shall appeare before whom yee must give account of your administration In conclusion once again wee crave favors to our brethren which being granted yee in the Lord may command us things of double more importance The Lord Jesus rule your hearts in true feare unto the end and give unto you and us victory over that conjured enemy of all true relgion ouer that Roman Antichrist whose wounded head Sathan by all means strives to cure again but to destruction shall hee and all his members go by the power of our Lord Jesus to whose mighty protection wee commit you From Edinburg out of the generall assembly and third Session thereof Decemb. 17. 1566. by your loving brethren and fellow preachers in Christ Jesus 3. The same day this Supplication was A supplication ac gainst Episcop all jurisdiction ordained to be penned and then sent unto the Lords of the Secret Counsell The Generall assembly of the Church .... Unto the Nobility of this realm which professe the Lord Jesus with them and have renounced the Roman Antichrist wish constancy in the Spirit of righteous judgement Seeing Sathan by all our negligences Right Honorable hath so far prevailed within this realm of late dayes that wee stand in extream danger not only to lose our temporall possessions but to be also deprived of the glorious Evangell of Jesus Christ and so our posterity to be left in damnable darknes wee can not longer contain ourselves nor keep silence lest in so doing wee might be accused as guilty of the blood of such who shall perish for lack of admonition as the prophet threatneth Wee therefore in the fear of our God and with grieff and anguish of heart complain unto your Honors yea wee must complain unto God and all his obedient creatures that that coniured enemy of Jesus Christ and cruell murderer of our dear brethren most falsly styled Archbishop of Santandrews is reponed and restored to his former tyranny for not only are his former iurisdictions as they are termed of the wholl bishoprick of Santandrews granted unto him but also the execution of judgement confirmation of testaments and donation of his Benefices as more amply in his Signature is exprest If this be not to ●ure the head of that venemous Beast which once within this realm by the potent hand of God was so banished and broken down that by tyranny it could not hurt the faithfull judge yee His antient ●urisdiction was that he with certain his colleagues collaterall might have damned of heresy upon probation as pleased him and then to take all that were suspect of heresy what they have judged heresy heretofore yee can not be ignorant and whither they remain in their former malice their facts travells declare openly The danger may be feared say yee but what remedy It is easy and at hand richt Honorable if yee will not betray the cause of God and leave your brethren which never will be more subject to that usurped tyranny than they will unto the devill himselfe Our Queen by lyke is not well informed She ought not nor iustly may break the lawes of this realm and consequently she may not set up against us without our consents that Roman Antichrist again for in a lawfull and most free Parliament that ever was in this realm was that odious beast deprived of all jurisdiction office and authority within this realm Her Majesty at her first arrivall and by diverse her proclamations afterwards hath expressly forbidden all other form and face of religion than that which she found published at her arrivall therefore she may not bring us the greatest part of the subjects of this realm back again to bondage till that al 's real a Parliament as justly damned that Antichrist and his usurped tyranny have given decision betwixt us and him If heer of and of other things which no less concern yourselves than us yee will plainly admonish our Soveraigne and without tumult crave justice only the tyrants dar not more be seen in lawfull judgement than the Owles in the day light Weigh this matter as it is and ye shall finde it more weighty than to many it appeares Further at this present wee complain not but humbly crave of your Honors a reasonable answer what yee will do if such tyrants devouring wolves begin to invade the flock of Jesus Christ within this realm under whatsoever title that bee for wee boldly professe that wee will never acknowledge other Pastors to our souls nor Judges to our causes And if for denyall thereof wee either suffer in body or goods wee doubt not but we have one Judge to punish them that uniustly trouble us but also an Advocate and strong champion in heaven to recompence them who for his names sake suffer persecution whose holy Spirit rule your hearts unto the end your L. L. answer yet again wee crave c. 4. Questions were proponed I a marryed man went to the wars in Denmark four years thereafter his wife joyneth herself in whoordom to another man and now these
established in all time coming concerning the wholl liberty of the patrimony of the Church and the due restoring of it unto the just owners according to the Word of God With certification to all and sundry of what estate or degree soever they bee that compeares not due advertisement being made unto them that they shall be repute heerafter as hinderers of this most godly purpose and as dissimulate brethren unworthy to be esteemed heerafter of Christs flock Seing God of his mercy at this present hath offered some better occasion than in time by past and hath begun to tread Sathan under foot And for the due requisition admonition in name of the eternall God to the effect foresaid of all and sundry the Brethren alswell in Burgh as Land the Church presently conveened in this Generall Assembly Giveth their full power commission unto their beloveds N. N. for the bounds of In verification heerof these are subscribed by the common Clerk of the Church in the Generall Assembly and second Session thereof at Edinburgh Juny 26. An. 1567. The Histor of Reformat Shewes that the Assembly wa● induced to write these Missives and Commissions by the Noble men who had risen in defence of the young Prince because the Hamiltons and others had declared themselves for the Queen and many were Neuters The assembly continued two days especially for their ordinary particulares 3. It is ordained that it is not lawfull that a man should marry her whom before in his wife's time he had polluted with adultery 4. A publick fast is appointed namely in Edinburgh July 13. 20. The Assembly conveens again Iuly 21. where were four Earls seven Lords many Barons and Commissioners of Burghs besids Superintendents and Ministers Many Noble men which by Missives were required to come would not but sent excuses that they could not repair to Edinburgh because there was so strong a garrison there but for the Church affaires they would not be any way deficient One of their Letters I transcribe because it coutaines not only their purpose in time coming but the sum of the other Missives Wee have received your writing dated at Edinburgh Iuny 26. shewing that albeit God of his goodnes hath sent the light of the Euangell of salvation within this realm to the great confort prosperity of all the faithfull and their posterity nevertheless Sathan with his Ministers at every light occasion hath frustrate in times bypast the Ministers of their life and sustentation the lame and impotent members of Christ also ftustrat of their livings lying in the streets both hungry and cold And the wholl flock of Christ Iesus within this realm continually threatned to be made sacrifices by the practises of the enemies as your writing containes at length for remedying the which yee desire us to be in Edinburgh the 21. of this instant at the Assembly of the Church where a perpetuall order may be taken for the liberty of the Church of God the sustentation of the Ministry and failed members thereof so that all the members of the Church might by sure union and conjunction be more able to gainstand the violence of the foresaid enemies for answer it is not unknown unto you how the Nobility of the realm are divided because the Queen's Maj. is holden where she is and that the town of Edinburgh where yee disire us to conveen is keept straitly by one part of the Nobility and men of warr of their retinue to whose opinion wee are not adjoyned as yet And therefore wee can not think ourselves sure to conveen the said day and place yee desire us to keep And also think maruell that the whole multitude of Protestants have been desired to conveen in such a place the matter standing as it doth Nevertheless wee shall be well willing for our own part to set forward at all times the light of Christs Euangell to be truly preached the Ministers thereof to be sustained and the surth setting of the policy of the Church in all sorts so far as it may stand by law even as wee have been in all times by past since it pleased God to open our eies and shew the light of his blessed word and thus we will comber you with no longer letter prayes God to have you in his eternal protection c. The Lords that were in Edinburgh hearing these answers gave upon July 23. unto the Assembly these articles where upon they had agreed 1. that the Acts of Parliament holden at Edinburgh August 14. An. 1560. concerning Religion and abolishing the Popes authority should have the force of a publick law and that Parliament be defended as a lawfull parliament and be confirmed by the first Parliament that shall conveen 2. That thirds or any more reasonable portion of Benefices shall be allowed for mantenance of the Ministry and that there shall be a charitable course taken concerning exaction of tiths from the poore Labourers moreover that nothing shall passe in Parliament till the affaires of the Church be first considered approved established 3. that none should be received in the Universities Colledges or Schools for instruction of the youth but after due tryall of capacity and hability 4. that all crimes and offenses against God should be punished according to His word and that there shall a law be made there upon at the first Parliament 5. As for the horrible murder of the late King husband to the Queen which was so hainous before God man all true Professors in whatsoeuer rank or condition do promise to striue that all persons should be brought to condigne punishment who shall be found guilty of that crime 6. They all promise to protect the young Prince against all violence lest he be murdered as his father was and that the Prince should be committed to the care of foure wise and godly men that by good education hee might be fitted for that High calling 7. They promise to beat down and abolish Popery idolatry and superstition with any thing that may contribute unto it As also to set up and further the true worship of God his governement the Church and all that may concerne the purity of Religion and life And for this end to conveen and take Armes if need require 8. And that all Princes and Kings heerafter in this realm before their Coronation shall take oath to maintain the true Religion now professed in the Church of Scotland and suppresse all things contrary unto it and that are not agreeing with it These articles were subscribed by all the Earles and Lords and many Barons and Commissioners of Burghs At the same time Commissioners were appointed to conveen and advise upon the assignation of the stipends of the Ministry lately assigned by the Queens Majesty and the payment thereof The next Assenbly is appointed to conveen Decemb. 25. at Edinburgh The renunciation of the Crown and Royall power by the Q●een in favor of the Prince her son with a commission to
At that time John Erskin Superintendent went to Aberdien according to his commission granted by the Counsell and Assembly in July by-past to visite the Colledge and he with others Ministers and Commissioners did summon the Principall Subprincipall and the Regents to compear and give Confession of their faith The Regent and Privy Counsell join with the Commissioners The parties compeare and refuse to subscribe the Confession of faith After two dayes conference they continue obstinat Wherefore by conjunct sentence of the Regent the Counsell and the Commissioners of the Assembly they all were declared dangerous persons and unmeet to have charge in any School or Colledge within the realm and are charged instantly to remove out of the Colledge The tenor of the sentence is I Jhon Erskine Superintendent of Anguise Merns having commission of the Church to visite the Sherifdoms of Aberdeen Bamf by the advice counsell and consent of the Ministers Elders and Commissioners of the Church present decern conclude and for finall Sentence pronounce that Mr Alex. Anderson sometime principall M. Andrew Galloway sometime Subprincipall Masters And. Anderson Tho. Austin Dunkan nory somtime Regents in the Colledge of old Aberdien are not to be reckoned Members of Christs Church and therefore secludes them and every one of them to teach privatly or publickly in time coming in that Colledge or in any other part within this realm and decerne them to remove forth of the said Colledge with all diligence that other godly persons may be placed there for upbringing the youth in the fear of God and good letters This our Sentence pronounced wee ordain to be published and intimated to the said persons and to the congregations of new and old Aberdien publickly the next Sunday the third of July instant In that year was great business both in England Scotl. for an intended marriage of Q. Mary and a rebellion in the North of Engl. But through Gods mercy all was discovered unto Q. Elisabeth and she preveened the danger by imprisoning the chief authors The Nationall Assembly conveens at Edinb July 5. Will. The VII Assembly crysteson Min. at Dundy is chosen Moderator When the Superintendents and Visitors of Churches had given account of their diligence it is ordained 1. That Alexander gordon somtime Commissioner of Galloway be charged to repair unto the next assembly to answer ......... And in the mean time the Assembly inhibites him to use any function within the church conform to the Act made against him July 8. 1568. 2. Adam bishop of Orknay was accused for not fulfilling the injunction apppointed unto him by the assembly in the place and month fore said 3. The Superintedent of the Isles was rebuked for accepting the bishoprik of the Isles without the knowledge of the assembly and for riding at and assisting the Parliament holden by the Queen's faction after the murder of the King 4. Whereas some persons guilty of capitall ctimes have been summonedby Superintendents and established Churches to compear before this assembly and these not compearing It is concluded that the Superintendents and Ministers shall proceed against them to excommunication inclusivè and to notify unto the Supreme Magistrat such as are already excommunicate for their offences 5. Certain articles were sent unto the Regent 1. That order may be taken for sustentation of the poor and a portion of the tith be appointed for that end And that the poor laborers of the ground may have liberty to lead their own tiths upon reasonable composition 2. that those who have plurality of Benefices may be compelled to dimitt all but one 3. That remedy may be provided against changing of benefices and selling them diminishing the rentalls setting lang tacks in defraud of successors and that all tacks set since the assumption of the thirds may be annulled with expresse inhibition of the like in time coming 4. That the iurisdiction of the Church may be distinguished from the Civill Concerning this last article an Act of the Secret Counsell is instantly delivered under the Secretary's hand that the persons named in the Act of Parliament shall conveen at the time of the next Exchecker and define or limite the jurisdiction according to Gods word and the said Act of Parliament 6. Seing it hath pleased God to move the hearts of the Superior powers and Estates to grant the thirds of Benefices unto the Ministers the Assembly give unto Superintendents and Commissioners of visitation power commission that every one of them within their severall bounds by advice and consent of their Synodall Conventions give to every Minister exhorter reader particular assignations ad vitam as they shall think the same most expedient And the provision and assignation to the Superintendents and Commissioners to be made by the Generall Assembly And that this Act may have full effect the Assembly ordaines a petition to be presented unto the Regent Counsell to interpone their authority that when the particular assignations are presented unto them letters may be directed at every mans instance in form of provision ad vitam c. 7. On July 9. this Letter was brought from the Regent unto the assembly as followes Seing wee can not be present at this assembly as our intention was wee thought it convenient briefly to give you in write signification of our meaning Of the which wee pray you take good consideration and accordingly give your advertisement Yee are not ignorant as wee suppose what hath been the estate of the Church of God within this realm both before wee accepted the burden of Regiment and since how first the thirds of Benefices were granted and the Ministry partly thereby relieved and sustained in such sort that nothing was laking which our travells could procure The first order indeed was sundry ways interrupted and broken but chiefly in that year when wee were exiled in England and all the Ministers that year were frustrat of their livings the estate of governement altering shortly at Gods pleasure and the King our Soveraigne Lord being inaugurat with the Crown of this Kingdom the first thing whereof we were carefull was that the true Religion might be established and the Ministers made sure of their sustentations in time coming Yee know at the Parliament wee were most willing that the Church should have been put in full possession of the proper patrimony and concerning the thirds wee did expede in our travells and there enlaked only a consent to the dissolution of the Prelacies Whereunto althogh wee were earnestly bent yet the States delayd and would not agree thereunto And since that time unto this hour wee trust yee will affirm that wee have pretermitted nothing that could advance the Religion put the Professors thereof in surety wherein all and the only defect was by the Civill troubles wherewith God hath suffered the Country to be plag●ed Now the matter being after so great rage brought to some stay quietnes it was convenient that wee return
other parishoners without proclamation of bans to have strength against John Row and him to underly the censure enduring the Church's will 2. No collection for the poore shall be gathered in time of Sermon nor administration of the Sacrament but only at the Churchdoor 3. If any Minister reside not at the Church where his charge is he shall be summoned before the Superintendent or Commissioner of the Province to whom the Assembly gives power to depose him and ordaines that they report their diligence unto the next Assembly 3. All Superintendents Commissioners of visitation shall proceed summarily against all Papists within their Province and charge them within eight dayes to join themselves unto the Religion presently established by learning the Word of God and then by partaking of the Sacrament and to give their oath and subscribe according to the Act of Parliament and Acts agreed-upon betwixt the Regent Counsell and Commissioners of the Church and if any shall refuse to proceed c. 4. All Bishops Superintendents and Commissioners of visitation shall be present the first day of the Assembly before noon and continue untill the end Under pain of losing half of their stipend for a year and nevertheless to continue in serving during that time 5. Concerning the desire of the Lord Regent to place some of the learned Ministers Senators in the Colledge of Justice The Assembly after long reasoning hath voted and concluded that none is able to beare these two charges and therefore inhibites all Ministers that none take upon them to be a Senator except Robert Pont only who is already entred by advice c. 6. Five articles are presented by the Superint Ministers of Lothian to wit 1. All the Actes of the G. Assembly should be copied and sent to every Exercise 2. Such matters as fall out betwixt the Synodall conventions and the Generall Assemblies shall be notified to every Exercise twenty dayes before the Generall Assembly and be reported by them 3. Such matters as are referred by the subordinat assembly unto the Generall shall be penned faithfully by the Superintendent 's Clerk and reported unto the Generall assembly by the Superintendent 4. that the Generall assemblies be frequented by the Nobility and Barons as in former times 5. Ministers who have not money to buy books may at this time have them lowsed unto them by the Collector and the prices of them to be allowed in their stipends The Assembly ratifieth all these as profitable 7. Bishops Superintendents and Commissioners shall without delay purchase Letters commanding all men to frequent preaching and prayers according to the order established in particular congregations And to charge the Inferior Magistrat to put into execution the Acts concerning the observance thereof and for execution of disciplin and punishing of vice 8. If a man passe out of the country and leaving his wife shall marry another woman and his wife shall marry another man in his absence both are adulterers unless the sentence of divorcement hath been pronounced by the Judge Whereas in these Acts mention is made of Exercise it is to be marthat at that time Prsebyteries or Classes as others call them were not erected but the Ministers of a burgh and circumjacent churches did conveen of their own accord on a certain day of the week in the burgh and did preach publickly in the Church per vices for mutuall edification and manifesting the increase of their gifts and this meeting was called The Exercise The Assembly The 25. Assembly conveenes at Edinburgh August 6. Here were many Earles Lords Barons some Bishops Superintendents c. Alexander Arbuthnot Principall of the Coledge of old Aberdien is chosen Moderator 1. The books of Bishops Superintend and Commissioners of visitation were produced and certain Ministers are appointed to examin their diligence in visitation John Douglas Bishop of Satandrews was accused for admitting a Papist Priest into the Ministry to whom the Superintend of Lothian had prescribed certain injunctions and he had not obeied them for not visiting nor preaching that half year for giving collation of a Benefice which was before bestowd on a Minister to another suspect of Popery for suffering the Exercise to decay through his default for admitting some to function in the Church who were unable and not examined namely some coming out of Mers Lothian for visiting by others and not by himself He answered unto the first he admitted not that Priest untill he had recanted Popery openly in the Church of Sa●tandrews The Assembly enjoynes the Priest to satisfy the injunctions prescribed in Lothian which he had not obeyd and in the mean time inhibites him to exercise any function in the Church To the next he answered He had preached personally where he did visite but ●or si●knes did not visite since the last Assembly And for other things he pretended ignorance or weaknes c. James Patoun B. of Dunkell was accused that he had accepted the name of a Bishop but hath not used the office of a Bishop he had not proceeded against Papists within his bounds he is suspect of Simony betwixt the Earle Argile and him concerning the profits of the Bishoprick yea and of perjury in that contrary to his oath at the receiving the Bi●hoprick he gives Acquittances and the Earle receives the silver Alex. Gordon B. of Galloway i● accused that he intruded himself into the office of the Ministry within Edinb he enticed the people to rebellion against our soverain Lord he refused to pray for our Soverain and approved another authority he being forbidden by the G. Assembly to have any intromission with the parishoners of Ha●●rudhouse yet compelled them to receive the Sacrament and caused pretended Balies and men of war to compell the poore people being sworn by solemne oath unto due obedience unto our Severain and his Regent and authority he had brok●n his oath by sitting in the pretended Parliament for disposs●ssing our Soverain of his royall Crown aut●ority he had given thanks publickly in pulpit for the slaug●ter of the Regent Mathew Earle of Lennox and exhorted the people to do the like ●●e was a perverter of the people not only before the Reformation but at sundry other times He answered He was free of all these by the Act of pacification It was replied The States had not absolved him a Bishop from the censure of the Church in talibus So he was ordained under the pain of excommunication to make publick repentance three severail Sundayes one in the Church of Edinburgh another in Hal●rudhouse and the third in the Queen's-colledge-church Robert Pont was accused that being Commissioner to visite Murray he resideth not there nor hath visited Churches these two years excep the chief four he hath visited once He alledgeth want of leisure because he was ordained to attend the Colledge of Justice Whereupon the Superintendent of Lothian moveth the question Whither it be lawfull by the Word of God that the administration of
publickly read I. In the beginning of the Conference it was thought good that a Supplication be penned by the Assembly concerning those that shall vote in Parliament in name of the Church This is appointed to be penned by John Row and Robert Pont and be brought unto the Assembly on Mooneday II. Concerning the Observations the Assembly proceeds as followes In Chap. 2. the 3. article is agreed-upon conform to the conference In Chap. 3. the 7. article is to be further considered the tenth article is thought plain in itselfe Concerning the advice what censure shall be put to non-residents the Church thinks meet a civill law be craved decerning the Benefice to vaik for not-residence In Chap. 4. the 9. article agreed conform to the conference and desiring the penalty of persons excommunicat to be horning or caption by speciall act of Parliament to be executed by the Treasurer or others whom it will please his Majesty to appoint In Chap. 5. agreed with the two supplications desired In Chap. 6. the perpetuity of the persons of the Elders agreed conforme Here the book of the Assembly wants two leafes Then is some what of visitation of colledges schools and hospitalls and the book wants other two leafes Then concerning commissioners of countries or Provinces and other two leafes are wanting The next assembly is appointed to conveen at Edinb Octob. 24. The historicall Narration saith All that could be obtained in this Parliament was a Commission to conferre upon the Heads of the book the Commissioners which sought the ratification of it took this for a shifting seing the book was before allowed in the conference except four particulares wherein was no difficulty and were now expla●●ed by the Assembly and therefore they craved that at last so many may be ratified as were agreed upon that was not granted for Morton was the chief leader in this Parliament In the assembly October 24. David Ferguson is chosen Moderator 1. The Noble men in the town are desired to be present 2. At The 36. Assembly the desire of the assembly came the Lord Chancelor the Earle of Montrose the L. L. S●ton Lindsay It was shewd by the Moderator what care and study the church had taken to entertain and keep the purity of the sincere word of God unmixt with the inventions of their own heads which their speciall care was to reserve unto the posterity and seing true religion can not continue long without good Disciplin in that part also they have employd their wit study and drawn forth of the pure fountain of Gods word such a discipline as is meet to remain in the church this they have presented unto the Kings M. with their supplication at whose direction certain commissioners were appointed to reason with these who were appointed by the church there the wholl matter being disputed it was resolved and agreed except a few heads and thereafter being presented unto the Lords of the articles that the same disciplin might take place and be established by acts lawes of the realm but their travells have not succeeded praying therefore the Nobility present alswell openly to make profession to the assembly if they will allow and maintain the religion presently established within the realm as also the disciplin and policy already mentioned and to labour at the Kings and Counsells hands for answer unto the Heads after following that is that his Gr. and Counsell will establish such heads of the policy as were already resolved and agreed-upon by the Commissioners and cause the others to be reasoned and put to an end and that his Gr. and Counsell will restore the church unto the act of Parliament concerning the thirds and that none vote in Parliament in name of the church but such as shall have commission from the church for that effect and that presentations of Benefices be directed to the commissioners of countries where the Benefices lye And to the end the matter may be the better and sooner exped that their Lordships would appoint a time convenient thereunto as they may best spare that such brethren as shall be named may wait upon their Honours The Noble men answered that some of them had made publick profession of the Religion heretofore and all now declair they embrace the religion and shall maintain the same to their power and in the other particulares they think that supplication be made unto the King and Counsell and they will insist with the King for his answer and they will shew them to morrow the time for that effect 3. The act of the preceeding assembly concerning the suspension of Benefices the Assembly otdaines it to stand in full strength untill the next Assembly 4. James boid Bishop of Glasgow being required to submitt according to t●e Act of the last assembly gave his answer in write as followes I understand the name office and reverence born to a Bishop to be lawfull by the Scriptures of God and being elected by the Church and King to be Bishop of Glasgow I esteem my calling and office lawfull and as for my executing of that charge committed unto mee I am content to endeavour at my utmost ability to perform the same and every point thereof and to abide the judgement of the Church from time to time if I offend in my duty Craving always a brotherly construction at their hands seing the charge is weighty and the claimes to be layd to my charge are to be examined by the Canon left by the Apostle 1 Tim. 3. as that place was pointed unto mee at my reception thereby to understand the duties of a Bishop As for my living and rents and other things granted by the Prince unto mee and my successors for serving that charge I reckon the same lawfull As to my duty unto the Supreme Magistrate in assisting his Gr. in counsell or parliament when I am craved thereunto my subjection compelles mee to obey it and it 's no hurt but good to the Church that some of our number be at the making of good lawes and ordinances in the doing whereof I protest before God I intend never to do anything but what I believe shall stand with the purity of the Scriptures and a well reformed country As also a good part of the living which I possess hath been given for that cause This answer was read and after voting is judged not satisfactory and therefore he is o●dered to return after noon with better resolution Here the books of the Assembly want two leafes and it appeares thaet asupplication was sent unto the King and Counsell by these imperfect words following Vices universally abounding within this realm may be punished and bridled and to insist with convenient diligence with his Ma. Counsell for granting the premisses And to reporte 5. All that are now or hereafter shal be deposed from the Ministry for their offenses shall be charged by the commissioners of the bounds to dimitt their Benefice .... and if they
disobey to proceed against them with censures of the church .... 6. Because Bihops are to be charged to remove the corruptions of that estate the particulares are named to wit 1. That they be content to be Pastors or Ministers of a flock 2. They shall usurp no criminall jurisdiction 3. they shall not in Parliament vote in name of the Church without commission from the Church 4. That they take not up for mantenance of their ambition and riotousness the emoluments of the Church which may sustain many Pastors and help the Schooles poore but be content with a reasonable living according to their Office 6. They shall not domineer over the particular Eldership but be subject unto it 7. That they usurp not the power of Presbyteteries 8. They shall not take further bounds of visitation than the Church committs unto them Withall they shall promise that if the G. Assem shall find any other corruption in that estate they shall be content to be reformed by the assembly according to the word of God VII Because many send their children over sea into places where superstition and Papistry is maintained Under pretence of seeking further learning And others of perfect age go away under the same pretense and become for the most part corrupt in religion It is ordained that the parents of these children or that heerafter shall send their chidren into such places shall be charged by their own Ministers to call their children home again with all convenient expedition Under the pain of excommunication And they who being of perfectage have gone or shall go into such places shall be charged in like manner to remove themselues out of these places Observe 1. how these lea●es of the books were taken away it will appear hereafter at the year 1587. 2. The historicall Narration shewes that James Bishop of Glasgow did not submit at that synod but at last he did yeeld and his submission in write was brought unto the next assembly As also Commission was given in that Octob. unto certain Ministers to charge Patrik Bishop of Santandrews for transgressing the tenor of his former submission and to charge him to forsake the corruptions of the estate of a Bishop in his person as they shall be particularly specified unto him and if he refuse after due admonitions to excommunicat him That commission was renued in July year 1579. to charge him de novo to quite the particular corruptions and to charge him with these offences 1. That having submitted unto the assembly he went thereafter and voted in Parliament 2. he gave Collation of a Vicarage having no power where the Vicarage lyeth 3. albeit he had consented unto all the Heads of the Policy but four yet he opposed it in the Parliament In a word all the Bishops were brought into subjection did submitt and quite the corruptions of that estate and obeyd the Act that was made against Bishops in Iuly 1580. In that assembly the Bishop of Dunkell who had been deposed before for not recovering a Tack made to the Earle of Argile was charged to dimitt his Bishoprick and report the losse of dilapidation of the rents Under the pain of excommunication So far there which for brevity I conjoin here Seing Bishops had never the allowance of the Nationall assembly and being intruded were subdued in this manner at that time how can any man say unless he be ignorant of the estate of the Church or petverse in mind that the only governement of the Church of Scotland was by Bishops and Superintendents when the second Confession of faith was subscribed to wit in the year 1581 XVI The assembly conveenes at Edinburgh July 7. year 1579. Thomas Smeton is chosen Moderator 1. John Duncanson the Kings Minister The 37. Assembly brings a Letter from his Ma. in these words Right trusty and welbeloved wee greet you heartily well Understanding of your present assembly at Edinburgh and for the rumors that pass of some things that are to be treated among you that may seem prejudiciall to that good order of government of the church and ecclesiasticall policy heretofore long travelled-in and hoped-for Wee have taken occasion to shew our mind in this behalf unto the Minister of our own house and some other of your number hapning to be present with us in this cause We have thought meetest to use them as our Messingers to carry our letter whereby wee will heartily desire and affectuously admonish you that in this our young age the time being subject to so many difficulties and imperfections to bestow your common care and good wills to entertain peace quietnes in Gods fear and Our due obedience forbearing any proceeding at this time that may touch matters heretofore not concluded by Our lawes or received into practise but whatever in the former Conferences touching the Policy of the Church was remitted to be reasoned and decided by Our States in Parliament let it rest without prejudging the same by any of your conclusions at this time seing Our Parliament now so shortly approaches and that Wee are well pleased and content that before the same such matters as are not yet fully reasoned may be further consulted upon and prepared to pass in form of lawes And the meetest for that work to be expressly emploid therein to the end the things conferred agreed upon may be presented to Our Estates to be approved in Our said Parliament and due execution to follow for the advancement of Gods true religion and the repose of you and other our good subjects the members of the church of God within our realm and for this cause that yee will not only be the authors and persuaders of common peace concord among all of your own function but among all other Our subjects generally as in the particular Churches where yee travell that some men too busy to work the contrary effects may find themselves disappointed and that Our wholl Estate by your exemple may be rather disposed to conform themselves to a godly peaceable course of living which wee are assured shall be pleasing to God and to us it will be most acceptable as yee may persuade yourselves of our willing inclination to set forward this action according to Gods will and word with all the diligence and good means that may be used and so looking to be informed of this Our reasonable request admonition Wee commit you unto the protection of God At our castle of Sterlin July 5. 1579. It was directed To our trusty and welbeloved the Ministers and others of the Church presently assembled at Edinburgh This Letter was humbly received read and ordained to be registred In answer after some dayes Commission and full power was given first unto ten Barons with all the Commissioners of Provinces and sixe other Ministers and such as shall be directed from the Burghs or the most put of that number To conveen where the Parliament shall hold two dayes before it's meeting
Presbyteries were ever aimed at and in some parts begun but this winter following with consent of the King and by his commission they were constitute through all the realm as followes in the next assembly 3. Wee have heard a complaint here of many Apostates come into the country and namely in the end is mention of Nicolburn he was a professor of Philosophy in S. Leonards Colledge and became a Papist At that time were found some dispensations sent from Rome permitting Papists to promise swear and subscribe and do what other thing might be required of them so that in mind they continue firm and vse diligence to advance privily the Roman faith These dispensations were shewd unto the King for remedy at first he gives order unto one of his Ministers John Craig to writ a form of abiuration of Papistry In obedience John Craig writes a Confession relative unto the former Confession which was wholly positive and abjuring all the corruptions of Rome both in doctrin and superstitious rites and wholl hierarchy together with a promise to continue in the obedience of the doctrin disciplin of this Church and to defend the same to our vocation and power all the dayes of our lifes under the paines contained in the law and danger both of body and soule And he addeth and seing many are stirred up by Satan and that Roman Antichrist to promise swear subscribe and for a time use the holy sacraments in the Church deceitfully against their own consciences minding thereby first under the externall cloak of religion to corrupt and subvert secretly Gods true religion within the church and afterward when time may serve to become open enemies and persecutors of the same under vain hope of the Popes dispensation devised against the word of God to his greater confusion and their double condemnation in the day of the Lord Jesus Wee therefore wil●ng to take away all suspicion of hypocrisy and such double dealing with God his Church protest and call the Searcher of all hearts to witness that our minds hearts do fully agree with this our Confession promise and subscription so that we are not moved for any worldly respect c. These words were added for the better tryall of Papists and the sincerity of professors This Confession was subscribed by the King his houshold January 28. 1580. or according to the r●ckoning of other Countries 1581. and a charge was given by the King March 2. and it was proclamed commanding Commissioners and Ministers to urge their parishoners to subscribe this Confession and to delate the Refusers unto the Ministers of the kings house that the K. and Counsell may take order with them and more of it followes In the mean time to-wit December 31 the Earle of Morton was challenged Januar. 18. he he was imprisoned at Dunbarton Juny 1. he was arraigned and condemned for that he knew the plot against the kings father and did not reveel it and the next day beheaded A rare exemple of humane frailty he who lately was Governor of the realm and in the preceding year wa● the object of the great Ones envy was brought so unexpectedly to such a death Before his execution he remembred what John Knox had said unto him and called him a true Prophet XVIII The Assembly conveens at Glasgow Aprile 24. year 1581. where 1580. The 40. Assembly was Will. Cuningham of Caprintoun commssioner from the king Commissioners from Synods c. Robert pont is chosen Moderator 1. Forsomuch as for purgation of the Ministry from unworthy persons in that function Order was taken in the last Assembly that all men whither Ministers or others should give up the names of scandalous Ministers as they will answer unto God yet by shortness of time no great effect followed Therefore as before the Assembly requires all men as they tender the glory of God and the wee ll of his Church that they delate and give up the names of such persons in writ tomorrow after noon c. The Originall Register wanteth the third and fourth Sessions 2. Whereas in the Assembly at Dundy in the Act against Bishops some difficulty appeared unto some brethren by the word Office what is meant by it The Assembly present consisting for the most part of them who were present and voiced in that Assemb to resolve men of the true meaning of that act Declares that they meaned wholly to condemn the estate of bishops as they are now or lately were in Scotland and the same was the determination of the Church at that time 3. The Kings Commissioner delivereth the Kings Letter together with certain rolls containing a form of planting particular churches and the number and names of the presbyteries with the names of churches within every Presbytery The Assembly appointes certain persons within severall Provinces to conveen tomorrow at sixe a clok in the morning to sicht these rolls and report c. 4. The Assembly having received from the King some demandes propounded in writ with the answers unto the Articles that were presented unto his Ma. by the Church and a Copy of a Letter to be directed unto Barons and Ministers for union and division of Churches with the names of the persons that were appointed to travell in that work And thereby understanding the godly and zealous mynde of his Ma. did praise God heartily the He had moved the Kings heart to have a care of his Church An● first entring into consideration of the Answers thought good to insist with the King and Counsell in these articles 1. That it would please his Ma. to appoint a Judge in Edinburgh to cognosce and judge of injuries don to Ministers in execution of their Office and to punish according to the quality of the crimes and appoint a Proctor for the Ministers injured 2. That an act of Parliament may be made concerning the deprivation of scandalous Ministers and the causes of deprivation to be expressed in the act 3. That the Benefices vaking may be disponed unto the Ministers where the Benefice vakes if they be able as it was agreed in the Conference at Sterlin Followes the tenor of the Kings propositions given by his Commssioner with this inscription Instructions to our trusty and welbeloved Willam Cuningham of Caprintoun directed by Us with advice of the Lords of the Secret Counsell Unto the Assembly of the Ministers of the Church conveened at Glasgow Aprile 20. 1581. You shall deliver Our Letter unto them and let them understand that such of their number as travelled with Us having desired Our answer unto their Articles sent from the Assembly in Dundy in July last Wee caused some of Our Counsell conferr with them at severall times in Octobe● last as also lately which all find the matter concerning the thirds of the Benefices mentioned in the first of these Articles as there required not to be the readiest means either to make the Ministers assured of their stipends or to make Us any reasonable
Cambo refusing the censure of the Church violating the Ks Lawes and practizing against religion may be summoned according to the law That the Abbot of Holywood have no licence to depart out of the country And concerning D. Chalmers a Papist II. The Provest of Dundy and the Laird of Coluthy his Mas. commissioners crave that breethen may be authorized with commission to treat and conclude in such particulars as his Majesty hath to propound The assembly answereth They have found by experience ●ota that commission given to conclude hath done hurt unto the Church And where they are bidden not to medle with novelties they intend none III. Sundry references from Synods and presbyteries are discussed as one against the Bailives of Santandrews for a scandalous Letter published by them in presence of the congregation March 17 Another from Glasgow where Gawin graham and his complices were excommunicate and then upon repentance crave to be absolved they are remitted to their own presbytery after evidence of their repentance to be absolved c. The assembly conveenes at Edinburgh October 10. Robert pont is chosen The 46. Assembly Moderator I. The assembly is thinn Provinces are marked which have sent none and commissiones wherein all the commissioners come not that order may be consulted upon to correct them II. When an Act is concluded in the Generall assembly and no just cause interveenes to make a change of it it shall not be lawfull for any particular brother to call it into question in another Assembly III. The Commission for visiting the Colledges is renued II II. Because Commissioners are appointed and somtimes they depart before they have gotten their commission It is ordained that the Moderator receive from the Clerk the extract of every commission and send it timously unto the brethren IV. Ordaines every presbytety to call before them the Beneficed men within their own jurisdiction and take account how they have observed the Acts of the Assembly concerning the disposition of their church-livings and a just report to be made unto the next Assembly by the Moderator or their Commissioners as they will answer unto God and his Church And whereas some old possessors of taks pretend some particular reasons why the Church should consent It is ordained that such exceptions shall be first examined by the presbytery of that place and then returned unto the assembly that the suit may be decided according to equity V. The process led by the presbytery of Santand against Aleson Pierson with the process led by the same presbytery against Pa. Adamson and the process of the Synod of Fife justifying the accusation led against the said Patrik is exhibited and continued VI. In Sess 5. a supplication is read and allowed to be sent unto his Majesty as followes Sir the strict commission wee have received from the Eternall our God when in this your Ma s realm wee were made watch-men of his people and the fear full threatnings pronounced against these who neglect to execute faithfully every part of their weighty charge compell us presently to have recourse unto your Majesty perceiving things to fall forth to the great prejudice of Gods glory and no small appearance of utter wreck of this Church and Common well unless some remedy be hastily applied most humbly therefore beseeching your Majesty to weigh diligently and consider these few heads which with all reverence and observance wee do present looking for a gracious answer and speedy redress thereof 1. It is a great grief to the hearts of all them who fear God to see apostates sworn enemies to Christ to your Gr. and all your faithfull subjects forfeited for their treason some also suspected and heavily bruited for the murder of the most noble person your umquhile Father impugners of the truth by word and writ continuing still in their wickednes and unreconciled unto the Church To receive from your Majesty the Benefit of pacification to the prejudice of faithfull Ministers whom they labour violently by that means to dispossesse 2. That others from their youth nourished in the Church of God and thereafter fallen back fearfully and becom open runagates and blasphemers of the truth and maintainers of idolatry and of the man of sin lieutenant of Satan and oppressors of Gods people and nevertheless are received into Court authorized and so far countenanced that they are become familiar with your Majesty whereby besids the grief of your faithfull subjects many are brought to doubt what shall ensue upon such beginning 3. That an obstinat Papist sent into the Country to practize against God and quietness of your Gr. estate and therefore as worthy of death was imprisoned at your Ms command with promise that he shall not escape punishment yet as wee understand was by indirect means let depart and no tryall made to find out the author of his delivery 4. That your Majesty seemes to have too much liking of the enemies of God alswell in France as some within this realm who have never given testimony of any good meaning either in religion or your Majesties service besides the irreligious life and dissolute behaviour of them which in your Ma s service have succeeded to men that were known zealous in Gods cause and faithfull to your Gr. from your tender age 5. Since your Majesty took the Government in your own hand many promises have been made to take order for preserving the Church of God and continuance thereof unto posterity yet after long and continuall suit nothing is performed but in place of redress the Church is dayly bereft of her liberties priviledges 6. The thirds are set in tacks for sums of money in defraud of the Church so that Ministers hereafter cannot be provided 7. Abbecies are disponed without any provision made for the Ministers serving at the churches annexed thereunto directly against the Act of Parliam 8. Church-livings are given to children and translated into temporall Lordships 9. There is no punishment for incest witchcraft murder abominable oathes and other horrible crimes so that sin encreases dayly and provokes the wrath of God against the wholl country 10. Oftyms your Majesty interpones your authority by Letters of horning to stop the execution of the Acts made in the Gen. assembly in matters belonging properly unto the Church and no way concerning the Civill estate 11. There is a sore murmur among your Majesty lieges and a lamentable complaint that the Lawes of the Country have no place and none can be sure of his life lands nor goods These things threaten a mis●rable confusion and the heavy hand of God to ensue Lastly wee most humbly beseech your Majesty to suffer us lament this great division among your Nobility and subjects the one part seeking by all means possible for their interess to persuad your Majesty to undo the other whereby continuall strife malice and rancor is fostered to the great danger of your Ma s person Whom God preserve unto his Church
of these propositions not with that addition Physicè probabiliter or the like Under the pain of the censure foresaid XI In Sess 16. His Ma s answers were returned from Sterlin 1. Understanding the first point to be meant of granting the benefit of pacification unto David Chalmers his Master and knowing that man to have been fotfeited only for that common action of his being at the field of Langside for which pardon was granted to so many he thought it no new or strange thing at the request of such as moved him to grant unto him the same benefit which many others had obtained yet no way intending to spare the due punishment of him or any other that may be charged or found guilty of the murder of his dearest Father or that are or shall be adversaries to the religion or impugners thereof against the lawes the execution of which he hath been is and will be willing to further 2. The second head being particularly mean'd of Fintry his M. wisheth the assembly to remember how he hath dealt in that matter and what testimoniall the Church of Edinb gave him nor hath his Majesty hindered the proceedings of the Church against him nor any other but mindeth to hold hand thereunto according to the lawes The third being meant of Wi. Holt an English man escaping out of the castle of Edinburgh his Majesty hath answered the Queen's late Ambassador and it is no strange thing to hear of a mans escaping but what they understand by indirect means of letting him depart his Majesty being specially informed thereof will after due tryall see the offenders punished according to their deservings The fourth head being very Generall his Majesty thinks the assembly will not judge it pertinent unto them to have vote in chusing his servants or to be too curious of the occasions of placing or removing them nor of the intelligence twixt him and other Countries for entertaining Civill peace from which no Princes or Common wealths abstain though being diverse in religion The 5. Head containing a generall complaint upon some specialls appearingly expressed in the matters following his Majesty wisheth the Assembly as they would be specially directly answered so to form their petitions forbearing particular exampls to ground their generall propositions and to remember that since he took the Government in his own person moe good lawes have been made for advancement of the Church and true religion then were before and the defect of the execution hath not been his default The sixth concerning the tack set to Seagy of certain victualls out of the superplus of the thirds which he had before in pension that is no new thing nor any way prohibited he could alswell content him with the pension as he had before free of all paiment of duty the necessary considerations moving to grant it are well enough known to many he is employd in publick service wanting the living whereunto he is provided in title during his father's life and his service is and may be necessary both to his Hi. and the Church For any thing that may be thought omitted in the provision of Ministers serving at the Churches annexed to Abbeys in the late disposition of them that is well supplied by the Act of Parliament The execution whereof is stayed these two years in their own default rather then any other way whill they have been craving their assignations continued as before and as yet have not answered his message sent by his Master of requests unto the Assembly at Santandrews Nevertheless his Ma. made choise of certain Barons and others of good qualification known to be zealous to the furtherance of that good work hoping to have had the assignations formed before the Assembly but being uncertain of the time appointed thereunto this year is doubtfull if they come to Edinburgh But if they come his Maj. shall sent them direction to proceed and also other things most needfull shall be resolved without delay Concerning the giving of church-livings to children and translating them to temporall Lordships his Majesty considereth his own losse and hinderance of his service there-in Whatsoever abuse hath entred before he accepted the government time and the approbations of these provisions by decriets of the Session have brought the matter unto that estate as it can be helped no other way but by the Parliament unto which when it shall be propounded his Majesty shall hold hand to have all possible reformation thereof The default of punishing vices mentioned in the. 9. head and of the provision of the poor and punishing vagabonds can not justly be imputed unto his Ma. who was ever willing to give commission unto such as the Ministers thought meetest to execute the same The. 10. head being generall his Majesty would be glad not only to have it explained but to hear all good advices that shal be offered for reformation of that which may be found amiss and how his lawes may have place and justice administred to the confort common benefit of all his good subjects The 10. head is also very generall as for that one exemple the removing of the Principall of Aberdien to be Minister of Santandrews his Majesty trusteth the assembly will not think that matter the substance being well considered to be either so proper to the Church or so improper unto the Civill estate but that his Hi. and Counsell had good ground and reason to direct his Letters as he did upon the generall respect of the north country wherein none was prejudged seing there was no charge containing power to denounce at the first but rather to do the thing required or compeare and show a cause in the contraty What is said before briefly of a process against Pa. Adamson is cleared by The Historicall Narration that he had a long and filthy sicknes and for curing it he had sought help of a witch and recovering health in some measure he in a preaching before the King declared against the Lords which lately had guarded the King and against the Ministry for which he was warned by the Presbytery of Santandrews and the witch with whom he had consulted and from the Presbyrery the cause was brought before the Synod of Fife In the Assembly the processe was found orderly deduced and he had been warned by the Synod apud acta to compear before the Generall assembly in October for contumacy in not compearing by the assembly he was suspended from the office of the Ministry and it was appointed that farther tryall should be taken of his life and corrupt doctrine But he pretending that he was going to the well of Spae for his health purchased from the K. security that during his absence the church should not proceed against him yet it was his purpose to stay in England and there to seek the advice of the most corrupt sort for the overthrow of disciplin in the Church of Scotland for he thoughr that the surest course to keep his Benefice At
King and Counsell the fast keept at Edinburgh at the feasting of the French Ambassadors generall fasts indicted through the realm without the Ks knowledge the usurping of ecclesiasticall jurisdiction by a number of Ministers gentlemen the alteration of the lawes at their pleasure c. And for satisfying good people strangers al 's well as subiects concerning his Ma s good affection towards religion certain articles were penned and subjoined to that Declaration to make it appeare that his Majesty intended nothing but to have a setled policy established in the Church But these things gave not much satisfaction and were replied-unto in pamphlets which dayly came forth against the Court and rulers of it ............ All this summer troubles continued the Ministers being dayly called before the Counsell and a great business made of their subscription to certain articles concerning their obedience unto the Bishops they who refuse had their stipends sequestrat which caused a great out-crying among the people and made the rebells to be the more favored The King to rid himselfe of these vexations did call the principall Ministers and having shewd that all his desire was to have the Church peaceably governed he willed them to set down their reasons in writing why they refuse subscription that he may consider them and satisfy their doubts They chuse rather to propound the same by word and after some conference were induced to subscribe the Articles this cause being added agreeing with the word of God So far there This clause gave occasion of contention for the Ministers did declare tha● they would be obedient unto the things that were commanded unto them according to the word of God and in this sense they would obey the Kings command But the adverse party took and expound ir as an acknowledgement that episcopall Jurisdiction was according to the word of God because it was said They submitted themselves unto episcopall jurisdiction in such things according to the word of God The causes of deposition of Ministers not having vote in Parliament were published in the Kings name among these was one the acceptation of the place of Judicature in whatsoever Civill or criminall causes as being of the number of the Colledge of Justice Commissary Advocate Court-clerke Notary the making of testaments only excepted And for not subscribing the band and obligation devised by act of Parliament for dutifull submission fidelity to our Soverain Lord and shew their obedience to their ordinary Bishop or Commissionare appointed by his Majesty to have the exercise of the spirituall jurisdiction in their diocy So the power of jurisdiction was proper unto the King and the exercise thereof was committed by him unto whom hee would as I have seen his Patent committing unto John Erskin of Dun who is there called our wel beloved Clerk and our Commissioner in ecclesiasticall causes that exercise within the diocy of Brechin Providing that his authority in any grave matter be limited and circumscribed to the counsell of thretteen of the most antient wise and godly pastors of the said diocy to be elected forth of the wholl Synodall assembly and allowed by Us with answer of our Privy Counsell or the most part of them And to make cleare the estate of the Church at that time I adde the substance of an epistle written then by Andrew melvin unto Divines abroad and is to be found in Vindicat. Philadelph pag. 54. It hath pleased the Lord so to blesse the endeavoures of his servants that they have undertaken according to what is prescribed in his word and to increase the Churches of Scotland with so great and so incredible felicity heretofore of his singulare bountifulness But alas when wee do not answere unto so great and rare grace bountifulness of God toward us with such thankfulness of hearts and performance of duties as became us behold through a marvellous yet just judgement of God Satan hath so blinded with ambition and avarice one thogh not of us yet a Minister of the word among us that forgetting as one saith decorisque sui sociûmque salutis he continueth uncessantly to confound heaven and earth and to disturb all things for when he had deserted his flock and without knowledge of the Church had creept into Court when he had not only in a most wicked manner entred into that false episcopacy rising again out of hell against which he had before foughten evermore but also had taken that dominion which he had in a Sermon and before a frequent Assembly after abjured and by his subscription at severall cimes had renounced when he had adioyned himselfe unto the sworn enemies of the Church and religion in a base slavishness and most vile cause when in doubtfull things and desparing of his health he had not only advised with witches and with tears begged their help ...... And also had plotted with the Machiavilian Courtiers and the Pop's emissaries against the life of a very godly and religious man for all which causes he feared rhe censures of the Church to be discharged from the Office of preaching he obtaines from his Royall Majesty a free Ambassage to go into other countries under color of seeking health but as experience teaches to vexe the Church ...... And so at London he carrying himself as an Amssassador had frequent consultations with the Ambassadors of France Spain and with the Bishops there for he abode there and intended not to go further he traduced the best subjects as seditious traitors and was altogether taken up with counsells by which the most learned and faithfullest preachers in both the Kingdoms are compelled now to be altogether silent and leave the Ministery or to provide themselves by flying exile or to suffer the inconveniencies of prison or against Duty conscience subscribe unto the ambitious tyranny of Bishops and the impiety of many rites From him came these Archiepiscopall Letters unto you and the brethren of Zurick wherein by his cunning craft of faining and dissembling he chargeth us with false crimes and accuseth the discipline of our Churches with many calumnies albeit he know very well and our conscience beare us witnes that it was our wholl care to ground our discipline upon the word of God so far as wee could Wee assure you that that good order of the Church which Adamson did first craftily undermine then openly impugne and at last revile as Papall tyranny as the mother of confusion and the cause of sedition was from the beginning of abolishing popery sought by our church out of the word of God and thereafter was allowed by the suffrages of the wholl Church and by degrees brought at last as we were able unto some measure of perfection by the blessing of God and three years since was approved sealed and confirmed with profession of mouth subscription of hand and religion of oath by the King and every subject of every Estate particularly ............ He hath persuaded the Kings Majesty and these
ordinary Offices warranted by the Scripture to wit Pastors Doctors Elders and deacons and the name of a Bishop should not be taken as it hath been in Papistry but is common to all Pastors or Ministers 3. It is lawfull and necessary at this time that Uisitation and the form thereof continue and other circumstances to be considered here after c. In Sess 7. some were appointed to confer with the Kings Commissioners upon the circumstances And in the same Sess the Kings Commissioners crave the resolution of the wholl Assembly Whither they will accept Bishops as they were circumscribed in the abovenamed Conference or if they will refuse Answer is delayd untill the next day that all the Conference be publickly read and immediatly it is voted and concluded that a Bishop is a speciall charge and function annexed to it by the word of God even the same that an ordinary pastor is In Sess 9. after reasoning it was concluded It is lawfull to the Gen. Assembly to admit a Pastor Bishop or Minister having a Benefice and presented by the King unto it Also that Visitation may be in the person of a Pastor and that the Gen. Assembly may send a man with such as the Presbytery shall adioyn unto him in Visitation In Sess 10. after conference had as said is the wholl Assembly declares that by the name of a Bishop they meane only such a Bishop as is described by Paul and in this sense they agree with the third Article of that Conference 4. It is agreed on the fourth article that a Bishop may be appointed by the Gen. assembly to visite certain bounds that shall be designed unto him and in Visitation he shall proceed by the advice of the Synodall assembly or such as they shall adjoyn unto him 5. In receiving of presentations and giving Collation to Benefices he shall proceed by the advice and vote of the Presbytery where the Benefice lyeth at least of the most part of the Presbytery and of the Assessors that shal be adjoined unto him Untill the time the Presbyteries be better established and the gener Church take further order And those assessors at the first time shall be named by the G. Ass 6. In Sess 11. He shall be subject in respect he is a Pastor as other Pastors are to be tryed in his life and doctrine by the Presbytery or the Synodall Assembly and because he hath commission from the G. Assembly in that respect he is to be tryed by them 7. If he admit or deprive without the consent of the most part of the Presbytery the deed shall be null and the doing thereof shall be a sufficient cause of deprivation of him 8. His power is to be ordinis causa nonjurisdictionis 9. Where they that shall be so called Bishops may not undertake the wholl bounds that of old was called a Diocy Commissioners shall be presented by his Ma. unto the Gen. assembly and admitted by them thereunto as the saids Bishops are to theirs and to be countable only unto the said assembly for their commission And the Bishop to have no power within their bounds more than they have within his boundes 10. The Commissioners being elected as said is have a like counsell and power in the execution of their office as the Bishops have 11. The Commissioners appointed to visit presbyteries or their particular Churches as the the presbyteties or Synods shall think good shall not prejudge the Presbyterie's peculiar Visitation 12. The same causes of life and doctrin shall deprive a Bishop or Commissioner that deprives a Minister The 13. article is agreed The Commissioners from his Majesty do protest that in respect the assembly hath cast down what was required in the Conference at Halirudhouse nothing done either in that Conference or in this assembly have any force or effect and namely that they have subjected the Bishops unto the tryall and censure of the Presbyteries Synods Because of this protestation the assembly immediatly directes Ja. Martine Ro. pont and Pa. Galloway to inform his Ma. concerning this matter In Sess 12. these brethren report that his Majesty will not agree that Bishops and Commissioners shall be otherways tryed than by the Generall Assembly The assembly j●dgeth it expedient in respect of the time that albeit it be reasonable that the tryall and censure of all Pastors should be in the Presbyteries where they remain nevertheless that the tryall and censure of such Pastors as the Generall Assembly shall give commission unto to Visite shall be in the hands of the said Assembly or such as they shall depute Untill farther order be taken by the Gen. assembly Unto this ordinance the Kings Commissioners do consent and so passe from their former protestation 14. Vhe Commissioners that before have received commission of Visitation shall continue in that charge for a year to come and thereafter as the Assembly shall judge expedient 15. In Sess 1● The Generall assembly gives full power commission unto certain brethren of every Province to summon before them respectivè at such day and place as they shall think expedient the Bishops and commissioners if they find occasion of slander to arise by them in doctrin life or conversation at any time before the next Generall assembly and to try and take probation thereof lead and deduce process against them unto the Sentence Exclusivè Remitting the finall judgement therein unto the Gen. assembly 16. It is agreed that where Bishops Commissioners make their residence they shall be Moderators in these presbyteries except Fife where by his Mas advice Robert Wilkie is continued Moderator of the presbytery of Santandrews untill the next Synod-VI In Sess 7. The Lord Maxwell compeares and declares that at his Ma s command he now appeares before the Assembly as he had given caution before the Counsell that he should compear before them this day and in respect of his obedience he protestes that his cautioner should be free he takes instrument upon his appearance and protestation The Assembly know not the cause of his compearance nor had any information from his Majesty therefore they order him to be present the next day after noon and they aske the kings Commissioners what the cause is The kings Commissioners do protest that Maxwel's Cautioner should not be free untill they return his Majest mind unto the Assembly In Sess 8. Compeares the Earle of Morton the Lord Maxwell and some others Maxwell was accused for hearing Masse The Act of the Privy Counsell was read for information of the Assembly Maxwell answered For his transgression he had answered the kings Law and he craves conference of learned men concerning the religion Certain Sentence against P. Adamson not examined yet annulled and why brethren were appointed to inform him VII In Sess 13. Concerning an appellation made by Pa. Adamson from the process and Sentence of excommunication pronounc●d against him by the Synod of Fife Pa. Galloway and John Duncanson had been
justly be thought it had been for the C●own and Kingdom 's good if they had continued so but as Bishop Spotswood Pag. 365. saith the temporalities formerly disponed which were not a few being all in the same Parliament confitmed and those that were remaining were in a short time begged from him no thing was left I will not say as he saith to reward a well deserving servant but to the Crown itself He sayth also in the preceeding page for example The Duke of Lennox his Agents possessed themselves in the Bishopriek of Glasgow as his Father had obtained before and Robe●t Mongomery being no more acknowledged did resigne his title in favor of William Erskin Parson of Campsie as followes See also what hath been in other Nations Irland was a free Kingdom by itself some thousands of years but when they received Diocesan Bishops immediatly their Kingdom was changed When Numidia received such Bishops they became slaves to the Mahumetanes Who ●xcluded the Roman Emperor from Rome and Italy the Bishop of Rome the Politicall rising of the one was the ruin of the other And since the other sort of Emperors have acknowledge their power to stand upon the power of the Roman B. they have but the shadow of an Emp. Hovv fond a thing is it to conceive that a K. or kingdom can not stand without Lordly Bs certainly it is a strange and new principle of State Objection 1. May not Bishops be good men Answer yea and some good men have been Bishops But 1. compare the number of good Bishops with the number of pro●d and ............ Bishops and compare the good they have done unto Kings and Kingdoms with what ill others have done unto Kings Kingdoms 2. In the example of Bishop Grindall see what hath been the practise of a good Bishop and what hath been his entertainment by others 3. Consider how a Lordship changeth manners as when Queen Elisabet gave unto a Minister a Patent unto a Bishoprick she said Tooday I have marred a good Minister 4. Consider not so much what may be but what usually comes to pass or rather what should bee according to the pattern prescribed by Him who is wisest 5. It may be answered unto this question by another Can he be a good man to whom the will of any man is the law of his conscience Ja. Nicolson Min. at Miegle received from Kings Iames in the year 1608. a Patent unto the Bishoprick of Dunkell and after that he was diseased in body for a long time and also grieved in time of his sicknes David Lindsay then Minister at Dundy and his brother-in-law went to visit him and Iames said unto him I give you may advice and see that you never forget it Bee never a Bishop if you be a Bishop you must resolve to take the will of your Soveraigne as the law of your couscience He said so with grief and from his own experience as I heard from two faihfull witnesses to wit his brother who was also a minister and his son Whether others have the like experiment I leave it unto consideration 6. Can be be a good man who undertakes ●o offices then he is able to discharge If he say that he will discharge them by his under Officers will he make his accouns unto God by his under Officers and by them go into heaven or hell but vvhere hath a Preacher a vvarrand to do so In the dayes of John Chrysostom that Human Episopacy was more Spirituall and far less Secular for it was not a Secular Lordship and nevertheless behold what he saith in Homil. 1. On the epistle unto Titus I can not admire sufficiently of them who are desirous of such burdens O the most unhappy and the mos● wretched of men considerest thou not what thou desuest c. I wish that all who are ambitious of episcopacy would read seriously what he hath written in that place and in the Morale part of the homily immediatly following Object 2. Seing Authority will have Bishops may not good men take Bishopriks rather then suffer other men to take them Ans 1. This is as if one would say If Authority will have men to make shipwrack of their consciences may not good men make shipwrack of their consciences rather then others 2. William Couper Minister at Perth was continually preaching against episcopacy K. James hearing of him thought the readiest way to shut up his mouth was to try him with a Bishoprick when the Patent was tendered unto Couper as a testimony of the Kings favor he sought the advice of John Hall then Minister at Edinburgh who smelling the others inconstancy said Take it take it another knave will take it 3. A Courtier said once unto K. James Sir you give Bishopriks unto men of whom some are unable to preach some are not prudent and some are scandalous The King answered as I have heard it oft reported by credible men What shall I doe no honest men will take one This answer holds firmly if they know what hath been said in the second fifth and sixth answers unto the preceeding objection XXIV In England after the Reformation good and many men did oppose A S●pplication to the Parliament of England against Episcopacy episcopacy I will not commend all that did oppose but posterity may know what hath been done About the year 1570. was great opposition against Bishops and their government and their superstitious rites as witnesseth an Admonition to the Parliament which came into my hand by the reprinting of it in the year 1642 and is worthy the reading the words are Seing nothing in this mortall life is more diligently to be sought for and carefully to be looked unto than the restitution of true religion and reformation of Gods Church it shall be your parts dearly beloved in this present Parliament assembled as much as in you lieth diligently to promote the same and to employ your wholl labor and study not only in abandoning all popish remnants both in ceremonies and regiment but also in bringing-in and placing in Gods Church those things only which God himselfe in his word commandeth because it is not enough to take paines in taking away evill but also to be occupied in placing good in stead thereof Now because many men see not all things and the world in this respect is marvelously blinded it hath been thought good to proferr unto your godly considerations a true platform of a Church reformed to the end that it being layd before your eies to behold the great unlikeness betwixt it and this our English Church you may learn either with perfect hatred to detest the one and with singular love to embrace and carefully endeavoure to plant the other or els to be without excuse before the Ma●esty of our God who for the discharge of our conscience and manifestation of his truth hath by us revealed unto you at this present the sincerity and simplicity of his Gospell Not that you should
charging them in the mean time to remain in warde within Edinburg untill the passing away of the first ships wherein they shall be entred and sent away And that it be denounced unto them that if they return at any time hereafter without your speciall licence the law shall be execut against them to death without any more process 2. That the Lairds of Fentry Glenbervy younger and other excommunicated Papists which shall be given up in writ may also be called before your Majesty Counsell and such things be laid unto their charge as they are culpable of according to the Acts of Parliament that the penalty thereof may be executed upon them and other apostates from the true religion which once they had embraced be called also and punished 3. That summons be presently directed against all receipters of Papists Jesuits Seminarie-priests and all traffiquers against true religion and likewise to summon witnesses by whose depositions they may be convict of the foresaid crimes and specially that such as are of the Estates and are culpable of apostasy or papistry shall no way be suffered but called and convict thereof and if they be apprehended for other crimes shall on no way be pardoned untill they have satiffied both your Majesty and Estates and also the Church And generally that all Noble men whatsoever without exception known to be entertainers of Papists or enterprising any thing against the true Religion shall be put presently in ward or exiled Concerning the planting of Churches this is our advice that Commissioners be directed from your Majesty and this Generall assembly into the north and south parts of the country to visite and plant Ministers where need requires for repressing Papistry and having Commission alswell from your Majesty as from the Church to call before them all that are suspected of perverting true religion or revolting from it and to do all other things for reformation of these parts And because this work can not proceed unless provision be made alswell to the Commissioners of the Church as Ministers to be planted in necessary places that certain persons be deputed from the Counsell and some of the Ministry To conveen with all expedition to sight the rols of the thirds that it may be considered what may be spared unto that effect and where these thirds have been abused to see how they may be reformed and that the Act made for discharging pensions out of the thirds and superplus and proclamation that hath passed thereupon may take full effect Likwise giving power unto these Commissioners to reform Colledges Schools and where the rents thereof have been abused to put convenient remedy thereunto and where it can not serve to see how it may be helped and that qualified men be placed in the roume of id●e bellies and to depose from the Ministry and from their Benefices all that shall be found unworthy or scandalous in life or doctrin alswell Bishops as others Lastly that it would please your Majesty take some solide order that the lawes made for punishing vice and Commissioners appointed thereunto may take some good effect And that order be taken with the poore that wander up and down the country without law or religion With this Supplication was also sent a catalogue of the Papists in every Province II. In Sess 5. Rob. Rollok And. Melvim To. Buchanan and Pa. Sharp are ordered to visite the Reply of Peter Blackburn unto the book of the Jesuire Ja. Gordon In Sess 14. They report that on the part of the Jesuir they have found much diligence and sophistry and they praise God for the Reply where in they have found solide judgement and great light to the praise of God and overthrow of the enemy In Sess 8. The Assembly directes the Minister of Disert to charge Patrik Adamson to compear personally and present his own petition In Sess 16. Patrik Adamson Bishop is convict of transgressing the Act of Conference and therefore deprived of his office of Commission and Thomas Buchanan is placed in his roome untill the next Assembly IV. The Assembly takes into consideration the process led against Robert Mongomery and the Supplication given-in by him and they declare that he may be admitted Pastor of a flock where he hath not been scandalous Providing that he be found qualified in life and doctrin V. In Sess 9. The Lord Chancellor craves that the Assembly would weigh whither James Gibson hath not offended the King not only in that he had spoken in Sermon these words following that he weened that James Stuart the Lady Jesabell and William Stuart had been persecuters of the Church but now he finds by experience that the King himself hath been the persecuter and as Jeroboam for erecting idolatry and permitting thereof was the last of his posterity so he feareth if he continue he shall conclude his race But also in that he acknowledging before the brethren of the Conference that he had offended his Majesty he promised to make satisfaction and had failed and broken promise James Gibson is called and compeares not Then the Chancelor craves that the Moderator put it to the vote of the brethren whither these words vvere offensive None offereth any reason in the contaary It is propounded eisdem terminis and is voted affirmativè these words were offensive In Sess 11. Because before noon Iames Gibson being present was summoned by the voice of the Moderator to be present after noon to heare his cause reasoned and as it was ●estified by sundy brethren then sitting by him that they heard him promise to compear and nevertheless compeares not The assembly declares him contumacious for not compearing nor sending any reasonable excuse of his absence In Sess 13. the Assembly judgeth James gibson to be suspended from the function of the Ministry during the will of the Church VI. These who were wont to compear before the Synodes to declare their repentance of adultery homicid or such crimes shall hereafter compeare before the Presbytery of their own bounds for ●hat end VII In Sess 1● All Ministers shall with all diligence travell within their parish with the Noble men Gentle men to subscribe the Confession of faith and report their diligence unto the next Assembly VIII In Sess 16. A generall fast is appointed to be keept the first two Sundayes of July for these causes 1. the universall conspiracies of the enemies of the truth to put in execution the bloody determination of the Councell of Trent 2. The flocking of Jesuits Papists 3. The defection of a multitude from the truth 4. The conspiracies intended against the same by great men of the Land maintainers of Iesuits and Papists 5. The coldness of all sorts 6. The wrack of the patrimony of the Church 7. The abondance of bloodshed adultery incests and all kind of iniquity whereof the particulare Churches have their experience For clearing the proceedings of the Assembly wee may learn 1. The occasion of their meeting from B
Spotswood P. 306. where he declares that in the end of the preceeding year many Icsuits and Priests he nameth ten of them came to deal with the Popish Noble men for assisting the Spanish Armada which was then in preparing to invade England if they shall land in Scotland for their hope was to find the King favorable because of the Queens proceedings against his mother and that he would joyn his forces with the Spanish for revenge of that wrong But the King considering his own danger if strangers set foot in in the ●sle and not trusting that the Spaniards would take such paines to purchase the Crown of England for him for that also was profered refused to give eare unto such motions But the Bishop as an aduersary of Assemblies failes in sundry particulars here namely that he saith This Assembly was called by the Ministers whereas the Letter that was sent unto the King saith expressly that they were conveened at his command and his Commissioners were present in the first Session and were Assessors in the Privy Conference as also the King gave the Noble men thankes for that they had conveened so solemly Then he saith Robert Bruce was chosen Moderator though he had not as yet entred into the Ministeriall function I know not what year he was admitted into the Ministry but he was not only a member of the Assembly in the year preceeding but was chosen an Assessor unto the Moderator vvhich certainly had not been done if he had not been an eminent Minister seing he vvas not Commissioner from a Province or Burgh but he never loved Bishops nor did the Bishops love him The vanity of some other particulares appeares by vvhat is vvritten out of the books of the Assembly ● Concerning Rob. Mongomery the Presbytery of Glasgovv vvas called to an account of their admitting William Erskin unto the Bishoprick of Glasgovv seing he vvas not a Minister but only titulare Parson of Campsy They ansvvered Seing church-men vvere not permitted to enjoy the Bishoprick as is said before they esteemed it better that he have the title than any other and he had given his bond to renounce the title if the Generall Assembly did not allovv his admission This vvas not allovved and they vvere ordained to persue him to renounce according to his bond and Robert Mongomery having renounced episcopacy before the Assembly was thereafter planted at a church in Cunigham Of Pa. Adamson and Ja. Gibson more followes After this Assembly the King intended an expedition into the West Marches against the Lord Hereis of whom the Assembly had complained but he came and offered himself unto the King and upon his p●omise to amend and surety given that he shall resort to Sermons and suffer nothing to be done in his Wardenry in prejudice of religion he was ●ent back to his charge At the same time the Lord Maxwell who had gotten licence to go into other countries and with assurance that he shall not return without licence having seen the preparation of Spain for invading England returneth by advice of some Scots Papists and landeth at Kirkudbry in Aprile and immediatly gathereth men The L. Hereis advertiseth the King Maxwell was charged to appear before the Counsell he disobeyd Wherefore the King went with such force as he could for the time against him he fled to sea and was brought back prisoner to Edinburgh In this sommer that Spanish Navy which had been some years in preparing and was called Invincible was overthrown by weak means of men and principally by storm when they were lying at anchor in the road of Callais So it pleased God to disappoint the attempts of Papists with great losse unto them and no harm unto this Island Before the report The 50. Assembly of this overthrow came the Assembly conveenes at Edinb August 6. Thomas Buchanan is chosen Moderator I. The Assembly considering the dangers imminent to the Church generally and specially unto the realm by the intended coming of Spainards as also the decay of religion by the rarity poverty of Ministers appointes that a fast be proclamed to morrow by the ordinary Teacher in the Church to be continued all this week II. Because universally throughout this realm there is no religion nor disciplin among the poore but many live in filthy adultry or incest and their children are nor baptised nor do they resort unto the preaching of the word Therefore Ministers shall make intimation and denounce unto all the poor that either be parishoners by birth or resort unto their parishes if they have woman children that they shew testimoniall of their mariage or els shall be refused of almes by all godly persons And that they exhort their parishoners to extend their liberality rather unto these that are of the household of faith and judge discreetly in giving almes unto others who have not such evidents as is said III. A citation was directed by the Moderator of the preceeding Assembly against Pa. Adamson called Bishop of Santandrews making mention that seing by an Act of the Presbytery of Edinburg it was ordained concerning the marriage of George Earle of Huntle his bans should be proclamed upon his subscribing certain articles of religion and under promise that he shall subscribe the rest before his marriage and inhibition was made unto diverse of the Ministry and namely to the foresaid Patrick that they should not celebrate the foresaid marriage untill the foresaid Earle had subscribed the Confession of faith contained in the Acts of Parliament With certification unto every one of them if they do so they should be called for disobedience to the voice of the Church Before the G. Assembly And notwithstanding the said inhibition the said Patrick hath proceeded to solemnize the said marriage upon Iuly 21 thereby disobeying the foresaid inhibition Now the said Patrick is called and for him compeares his proctor Tho. Wilson producing a testimoniall of his sicknes subscribed by Do. Robert nicoll and two of his Bailives and craves that they would not disquiet him in time of his sicknes This testimoniall is judged not to be sufficient IV. For somuch as since the late Act of annexation his Majesty hath transferred the right of patronage of sundry Benefices from himself unto Earles Lords Barons and others and hath annexed them to their lands of whom some have gotten confirmation in Parliament others have obtained them since the Parliament and a third sort hath gotten gift of the naked patronage to the evident hurt of the Church Wherefore it is thought expedient to entreat his Majesty by earnest sute that the said dispositions may be annulled in the next Parliament and in the mean time that it may please his Majesty to deny the disposing of patronages which remain as yet undisposed and that his Majesty would provide that the Commissioners and Presbyteries unto whom the Collation of these Benefices appertaineth be not processed nor horned or outlawed for not giving admission thereupon Inhibiting in
he hath committed apostasy and therefore to have incurred the censure of an apostate The next day he sendeth a supplication offering to subscribe the Confession of faith or within 40. dayes to passe out of the realm and to this effect craving to be freed from captivity The Assembly desireth a Bailive of Edinburgh present to take order with him according to the Act of Parliament and to set him free upon caution VI. Concerning the hainous murder of the Earle of Murry committed by the Earle of Huntly and his complices the Assembly gives order and strait command unto the brethren of the presbytery of Brechin who have already entered in process with him to proceed with concurrence of two brethren of each presbytery of Anguse and Merns against him for that cruell fact according to the acts of the Assembly VII Whereas an act was made in the last Parliament concerning deposed Ministers it is thought meet at the next Parliament or Convention of Estates To crave that because it hat been enacted that notwithstanding a Pastor be deposed yet the tacks and titles set by him shall stand It be now provided and added unto that Act that if the tack or title be set after the committing of the fact for which the person is deposed that such tacks factories or titles whatsoever shall be null or of none availl In the Parliament begun Juny 5. The four petitions of the Assembly were taken into consideration whereof the second and third were denied but for the first all former Acts of Parliaments for liberty of the true Church were ratified as also the Parliament ratifieth and approves the Generall assemblies appointed Act of Parliament concerning the disciplin of the Church by the Church and declares that it shal be lawfull to the Church and Ministers every year at the least and ofter pro re nata as occasion and necessity shall require to hold and keep generall assemblies Providing that the Kings Majesty or his Commissioners with them to be appointed by his Hieness be present at each generall Assem before the dissolving thereof nominate appoint time and place when or where the next generall assembly shall be holden and if neither his Ma. nor his said Commissioners be present for the time in that Town where the Assembly shal be holden in that case it be lawfull to the said Gen. assembly by themselves to nominate appoint time place where the next Gen. assembly shall be keept as they have been in use to do in time by past And also ratifieth and approves the Synodall or Provinciall assemblies to be held by the said Church and Ministers twice every year as they have been and presently are in use to do within every Province of this realm And ratifieth approves the presbyteries and particular Sessions appointed by the said Church with the wholl jurisdiction disciplin of the said Church agreed upon by his Majesty in Conference had by his Hieness with certain of the Ministers conveened for that effect of which articles the tenor followes Matters to he treated in the Provinciall assemblies These assemblies are constltute for weighty matters necessary to be treated by mutuall consent and assistance of brethren within the Province as need requires This Assembly hath power to handle order redresse all things omitted or done amisse in the particular assemblies It hath power to depose the office-bearers of that Province fot good just cause deserving deprivation and generally these Assemblies have the whol power of the particular Elderships whereof they are collected Matters to be treated in the Presbyteries The power of the Presbyteries is to give diligent labors in the bounds committed to their charge that the Churches be keept in good order to enquire diligently of naughty ungodly persons and to travell to bring them into the way again by admonition or threatning of Gods judgements or by correction It appertaines unto the Eldership to take head that the word of God be purely preached within their boundes the Sacraments rightly administred the disciplin entertained and ecclesiasticall goodes uncorruptly distributed It belongs unto this kind of assembly to cause the ordinances made by the Assemblies Provinciall Nationall or Generall to be keept and put in execution to make constitutions which concern TÃ’ PREPON in the Church for decent order in the particular Church where they govern Providing that they alter no rules made by the Provinciall or Generall Assemblies and that they make the Provinciall privy of the rules that they shall make And to abolish constitutions tending to the hurt of the same It hath power to excommunicat the obstinat formall process being led and due intervall of times observed Of particular Churches if they be lawfully ruled by sufficient Ministry Session they have power jurisdiction in their own congtegation in matters eccelesiasticall And decernes and declares the said Assemblies presbyteries and Sessions jurisdiction disciplin thereof foresaid to be in all time coming most just good and godly in the self Notwithstanding whatsoever Statutes Acts Canon Civill or Municipall lawes made in the contrair To the which and every one of them these presents shall make expresse derogation And so followes an abrogation of many Acts made in time of Papistry in favors of the Papisticall Church Also the 129. Act of the Parliament An. 1584. was annulled that it should in no way be prejudiciall nor any way derogatory to the priviledge that God hath given to the spirituall Office-bearers in the Church concerning heads of Religion matters of heresy excommunication collation or deprivation of Ministers or any the like essentiall censures specially grounded and having warrand of God's word Item then was annulled the act of that same Parliament granting commission to Bishops and other Judges constitute in Ecclesiasticall causes to receive his Hieness presentations unto Benefices to give collation thereupon and to put order in all causes ecclesiasticall which his Majesty and Estates foresaids declare to be expired in itself and to be null in time coming and of none availe force nor effect And therefore ordaines all presentations to Benefices to be directed unto the particulare Presbyteries in all time coming with full power to give collation thereupon and to put order to all matters ecclesiasticall within their boundes according to the disciplin of the Church Providing the foresaid Presbyteries be astricted bound to receive and admit whatsoever qualified Minister presented by his Majesty or laick patrones Lykwise an act that unqualified persons being deprived the Benefice vakes and the Patron not presenting the right of presentation pertaines to the Presbytery without prejudice of the tacks set before the deprivation Lykewise an Act concerning Manses and glebes at cathedrall and Abbey-churches Item an act ratifying approving all acts of Parliament Secret Counsell and all Proclamations made before against Jesuits Seminary-priests and receipters of any of them also decerning that in all time coming the saying of Masse receipting of
or in name of any of the Brethren 3. Because Mr Craig is old he craves that shey would give in liete five or sixe Ministers out of which he may chuse two to serve his house 4. Seing the standing of religion and the welfare of his Ma s person are so inseparably joyned that whosoever are enemies to the one are common enemies to both therefore let some be appointed in every Presbytery to advertise inform him diligenly for the more speedy remedy not only of whatsoever practises they can hear of Papists and the Spanish faction but of their receipters and of the practises of Bothwell whose wholl courses as they are directly against his person so they tend wholly to the subversion of religion With directjon also unto them to inform all the Barons and honest men tenderers of his Ma s wee fair to atrend and give inteligence of these practises as they can learn from time to time 5. That where is any port or landing place some brethren be specially appoinred to deal so with the Burghs that they take sufficient tryall according to the law made of all who shall come into or passe forth of this eountrey from whence they came whither they intend what is their purpose and so after good and sufficient tryall if there be any thing of weight importance that they fail not to acquaint his Majesty there with to the end he may the more readily discover all forrein or intestiue practises which are or shall be plotted against the estate of the present religion And this he craves to be done so faithfully as he hath good opinion of their earnest affection no less to the preserving of his person as to the defence of the common cause As also he promiseth to aid and assist you in all your good resolutions that may tend to the furtherance of peace and quietness with the advancement of true religion presently professed within this realm The humble answers of the assembly 1. Unto the first it is agreed according to the Act of Parliament which was delivered with the Articles 2. It is ordained by the wholl Church that no Minister utter from pulpit any rash or unreverent speaches against his Majesty or Counsell or their proceedings but that all their publick admonitions proceed upon just necessary causes sufficient warrant in all fear love and reverence Under the pain of deposing those that do in the contrary from the function of the Ministry 3. The Commissioners that are directed unto his Majesty shall nominate the Brethren and whom he shall chuse shall be admitted by the presbytery where his Majesty makes residence for the time The 4 5. are condescended unto and order taken as the Commissioners will give particular information V. No Colledge shali make disposition of their rents or livings by tack or any other title without the advice consent of the Generall assembly Vnder the pain of deposition of the persons disponing VI. For furtherance of the residence of Ministers it is appointed that all parishes shall build manses where are none or where they be ruinous upon their own expences or if they refuse after they are duly required not only shall they be judged the only cause of the Ministers not residence but it shall be lawfull unto the Minister his aires exequitors or assignayes departing to retain the possession of the Manse built by him if he build or repair the same upon his own expences ay and whill the Intrant Minister refound unto him or his foresaids the wholl expences at least so much as the Parish can not be moved to refound And that the presbytery at the Intrants admission take order for performing this providing that the expences exceed not 400. marks And the presbytery after the repairing or bigging of the Manse shall take exact tryall and account of the expences and give him their allowance to be registred in their books And likewise the Minister succeeding shall have ●he like title to crave of the Intrant after him the like expences ay untill the Parish shall outquite the Manse VII Commissioners are appointed to attend the Parliament with the petitions of the Assembly VIII As the books of Presbyteries are tryed in rhe Provinciall assemblies so the books of the Synods should be brought unto every Generall assembly for the better understanding of their proceedings Under the pain of the censure of the Church IX For remedying controversies among Ministers it is concluded that where any plea thogh in a civill matter ariseth betwixt two brethren if they be both of one presbytery they shall chuse what number they please thereof and the elected shall chuse an overman and they shall summarly decide and give Sentence which shall be irrevocable or without appellation And if they be of sundry presbyterics they shall chuse equall number out of them both and the elected shall elect an Overman and these shall give Sentence as said is without appellation And if any shall refuse this form submission he shall be held by the Church to be contumatio●s X. The Generall assembly by the authority given by God unto them dischargeth all and every Christian within the Church of Scotland from reparing to any of the King of Spain his dominions where the tyranny of Inquisition is used for merchandice negotiation or exercing of sea-faring occupation Untill the Kings Majesty by advice of Counsell have fought and obtained speciall liberty from that King for all his subje s to negotiat there without danger for the cause of religion Under the pain of incurring the censures of the Church untill the last Sentenee of excommunication The reader may judge of the fyve articles and the answers B. Spotswood saith the first two articles were savouring of discontent but he gives not a reason and he saith the King esteeming the second answer to be no restraint but rather to Minister an excuse to the unruly sort when they transgressed rejected it as not satisfying his demand whereupon the petitions of the Church against the Papists at the same time and against the erections of tyths into temporalities were not regarded And the merchants saith he offending at the Act made concerning them did petition his Majesty and Counsell for mantaining their liberty which was granted and nevertheless the Church proceeded in their censures till the merchants promised to surcease their trade with Spain how soon their accounts were made and they be payd of their debitors in these parts As for Bothwell he had fled into England when his treasonous attemps were discovered and when the English Ambassador did interceed for him the King said His offenses were unpardonable and to be abhorred of all Christian Princes In Juny he returned privily into Scotland and found rhe means to surprise the King within Halirud house and caused him subscribe articles which the King afterward did revoke in a Convention of the Estares as dis-honorable and made offer to grant the same upon a new
remove and hold out of his company all Papists and traffickers against the true religion and whatsoever persons shall be delated unto his Lp. to be corrupt in religion and that he shall receive and entertain within his family Archbald Oswall as his ordinary Pastor and failing him another godly Minister by advice of the Presbytery of Dumbar and that he make his family subject unto the word and disciplin 4. That he resort unto the publick hearing of the word in all places where he shall repair or have his residence and that he communicate when occasion offereth 4. That he make all his servants tennants subject to the disciplin of the Church where they remain 5. That he repaire all the ruinous churches within the Priory of Coudingam and provide sufficient livings for Pastors planted or to he planted at them according to the Act of Parliament and so of all Churches within his bounds so far as law and reason require 6. That he make ready payment to the Ministers of Chirnside Swintoun and Fisshak of their stipends according to their assignations and decreets if he be obliged thereunto by law 7. That he concur by his counsell credite and assistance for maintenance of the true religion publickly professed within this realm and the maintainers thereof against all who within the Country or without shall come in the contrary 8. That he neither receive maintain nor intercommone or have intelligence with the excommunicat Papist Lords Jesuites priests or trafficking papists nor solicite for them nor shew them favor directly nor indirectly in judgement nor out of judgemen● 9. That he neither argue nor suffer any arguing to be against the true religion or any point thereof in the places where he may inhibite it 10. That he employ himselfe carefully to apprehend and present to Justice Alexand. Macquirrhy and whatsoever Jesuits Seminary-priest and trafficking Papists that shall resort within his bounds and that he do nothing which may be found by the Minister appointed for the tryall of his behavior to be prejudiciall unto the true religion presently professed by the Generall assembly now convened And if he shal be found to contraveen any one of the foresaid points in that case he consent to be summarily excommunicate upon the notoriety of the fact And in testimony of his acceptation of these conditions that he subscribe these presents with his hand These articles being read severally he consenteth unto and in token of his acceptation of them all he protests that he doth it sinceerly and subscribes them earnestly craving that in respect of his repentance obedience the Church would relaxe him from the Sentence of excommunication In respect that Alexander L. hume hath so professed and subscribed the Generall Church gives commission unto whatsoever presbytery that shall understand of his contraveening of the said conditions To call him and try him in that contravention and convict him thereof if he shall be found guilry and the Sentence of conviction to be directed and sent unto the Presbytery of Edinburgh To whom the Church gives commission to pronounce the Sentence of excommunication summarily against him Then the action of his absolution is committed unto David Lindsay After exhortation unto sincerity and constant walking the said Lord is asked Whither he be sory in his heart for the offence he had committed and that he had deserved the Sentence and that he was separated from the Church so long time and if now he thirsteth earnestly to be joyned thereunto as a member of Christs body and doth promise as he shall answer unto God to continue in time coming a constant professor of the true religion presently and publickly allowed by the Church of Scotland to his lifes end and to shew the fruits of a true Christian in his life and remove all scandalous persons out of his company He answereth protesting before God it is his true meaning and he intendes to shew the same by evident effects in time coming The foresaid David gives thankes unto God and prayeth for increase of grace unto the penitent then solemly absolves him from the Sentence of excommunication and in name of the Assembly embraces him as a member reconciled unto the Church VI. In Sess 13. Because the King had conceived an offence as was made known unto the Assembly by some against John Ross a Minister The assembly ordaines that the Kings Ministers with other twelve shall conveen immediatly after the rising at this time in the present place and enquire the matter and handle it narrowly and thereafter bring it before the assembly publickly And so many of the Synod of Perth as are here present are warned to attend them when they shall be called In Sess 18. these brethren report their proceeding advice in write as followes 1. They have found that the people departed not out of the church before the end of the doctrine as it was reported unto his Majesty and that the Synod had pronounced no damnatory sentence against the young man but that they admonished him upon such causes and considerations following 1. That he delivered that doctrine at that time when rebells and enemies of the King were on the fields and so it might seem unto the people that the Church allowed Bothwells treasonable attempts and that the Assembly had placed him in that place to alienate the mindes of the people from his Ma s obedience 2. In respect of certain speaches delivered by him without a sufficient warrand so far as they could see or understand and namely that sentence pronounced against the House of Guise de futuro 3. In respect of the hard expressions concerning his Majesty which were thought to have craved greater years and more experience And all the brethren both of the Conference and of the Provinciall of Perth in one voice acknowledge that there is just cause of a sharper rebuke and threatning of heavy judgements out of that text than hath been or should have been uttered by him and what he uttered as he depones before God and upon his conscience he spoke it out of love seeking his Ma s standing and not of a preoccupied mind prejudged opinion or troubled affection but with his soul thirsting and seeking alwise his Ma s honor and wee l in God And therefore approve his wholl doctrine in that point as it hath been read and declared by himselfe in such heads as might seem most offensive And as concerning the admonition of the Provinciall of Perth and the causes moving them thereunto the brethren do reverence allowe their judgement in all things upon consideration as is before expressed Only concerning that sentence of the House of Guise de future because none of the brethren heard it and he himself professeth that to his remembrance he spoke it not nor had he such meaning at any time and confesses it a fault if any such word hath escaped him The brethren think that in that point if he hath spoken so he hath
failed having no just warrant And being minded to satisfy his Majesty in all respects so far as possibly can be done with a good conscience after earnest calling upon the name of God for assistance of his Spirit and after long advicement hath found it good that the admonition of the Provinciall of Perth be reverenced of the said Generall Assembly and that the Assembly at this time give further admonition to John Ross to speak at all time reverently and with such wisdom of his Majesty that he alwayes may have so clear warrant of his speaches as may fully satisfy his own conscience before God and have the approbation allowance of all his godly brethren And this admonition be extended to all young men of the Ministry yea and to all the Assembly This judgement of the brethren being read and considered is voted by the Assembly to be followed in all points The said John Ro●s is called-in and protests before God that whatsoever he spoke at that time he spoke it not of any respect to the traitors being then in the fields but in love to his Ma s weell and standing and so forth as is written above The Moderator in name and at command of the Assembly admonishes him and all the Assembly in the name and fear of God that in all time coming he and they all speak so reverently of his Majesty that they may have so clear warrant of their speaches that may fully sasisfy their own consciences before God and have approbation of all the godly and that his Majesty have no just cause of complaint or mislyking in time coming This admonition this said John acceptes with humble reverence VII In Sess 17. Androw hunter is delated to have deserted his flock and bruited to have joyned himselfe with the rebells of the King wherefore the Assembly presently deposeth him from the function of the Ministry ay and untill he shall satisfy the King and Church for that offence VIII In Sess 15. the assembly ordaines a fast to be keept within the presbytery of Edinburgh and other parts where advertisement can be made upon sunday next immediatly preceeding the Parliament and that his Majesty be entreated that Exhortation may bee according to the former laudable custom in the first day of Parliament and a thanksgiving at the conclusion thereof by some Minister and also that the said fast be made known unto his Majesty and entreated that he and his house would keep it It is also ordained that a generall fast be universally observed through the realm the two last sundayes of July coming because c. IX In Sess 18. Sir Rober Melvin of Murdo-Cairny and Alexander Hume of North-Berwick in name of the King present to the Assembly these their instructions 1. To protest that his Ma s royall priviledge set forth by act of Parliament be not prejudged in appointing the next assembly and to that effect that before their dissolving at this time they direct some of their number unto his Majesty to be resolved by him of the time place of the next meeting According to his Ma s proposition and their promise in the last Assembly at Dundy 2. That they will ratify and approve by Act of this present assembly their promise made to his Ma. in their foresaid Ass in any thing that any of the Ministry had to crave or ●omplain to his Majesty in any thing that they should do it by particular conference and not utter publickly in pulpit any unreverent speaches against his Ma s person Counsell or estate Under the pain of deprivation And for this cause that they will presently try and censure one of their number who hath contraveened the said Act and specially they will examine so many of their number as were present at the last Synod at Perth and charge them upon their great oath to declare what treasonable and unreverent speaches they heard John Ross utter in all their audiences and next whither they censured him for them thereafter or not and to desire them in his Mas name that according to the Synodall censure of him they will judge him as he demerits on the one part and his Ma s modest behaviour ever since that hath deserved 3. That they will excommunicat Andrew Hunter for bringing a scandall upon their profession as the first open traitor of the function against a Christian King of theyrown religion their naturall Soverain 4. That by Act of their assembly they will ordain every particular Minister within their charge to dissuade alswell by publick as private exhortation their flock committed to their cure from concurring with the treasonable attempts of Bothwell or any other traitors that raiseth ot shall raise up themselves against the lawfull authority placed by God in his Ma s person And specially that they shall narrowly take heed and not suffer any of their flock be seduced under color of religion or whatsoever false pretext to receive wages and becom souldiers for service of any persons excep they see his Ms warrant thereunto and namely of Both well who presently in sundry parts of this realm hath attempted the same 5. That in respect the time of Parliament is at hand and the occasion will suddanly serve for declaring his Ma s godly and honest intention in persecuting the Papists excommunicate Lords both by law and other ways therefore they will select one or two Commissioners of the discreetest wisest of every principall Presbytery and give them Commission to attend upon his Ma. at this time alsweell that his Ma. may have their good advice assistance in this good business no less concerning the estate of religion than the estate of his Ma s Crown and Countrey and lykewise that his Ma. may by their means direct and inform what he would wish to be don by all the rest of the Ministry as occasion shall from time to time present The humble answers of the Assembly unto these articles 1. The time and place of the next Gen. assembly is appointed by the advice of his Ma s Commmissioners according to the Act of Parl. to be at Montros the last tuysday of Juny come a year 2. The act made by the Gen. assembly at Dundy is ratified de novo and the particulare of Jo. Ross is resolved as his Ma. shall be informed more by the Commissioners of the Church 3. The Ass hath pronounced the sentence of deposition against An. Hunter untill he satisfy his Majesty and the Church 4. Every Minister is straitly commanded to dissuade their own flocks alswell by privat as publick exhortations from concurring in the treasonable attempts of Both well or other traitors to his Maj. c. As in the demand 5. A certain number is appointed to wait on his Maj. for satisfying the last article Against the Sentence of excommunication pronounced by the Synod of Fife against the Papist Lords B. Spotword P. 396. objecteth it was unlawfully done by them having no power And
is most properly a Pastor he that hath not received imposition of hands and hath received from Christ pastorall gifts and a call from a flock obeyth the call in feeding that flock conscienciously Or he that hath received imposition of hands and hath the charge of 100 or 200 flocks and they never seek him nor see him but he waites upon other affaires not belonging to a pastorall charge I grant in the Court of Rome and in the judgement of Satan a ceremony is better then substance But the question is Which of the two is the truest Pastor in the ballance of the Sanctuary Can any consciencious man think as the Court of Rome judgeth Another motive may be thought that since that Writer was guilty of perjury for many times had he subscribed that Confession abjuring Hierarchy and yet took a Prelacy one after another he could not speak nor write a good word of that disciplin into which he had sworn so oft nor of the maintainers of it but with some spight as appeares throgh all his booke which he calleth The History of the Church of Scotland but may rather be called The calumnies and railings against the Church of Scotland whereof he was an enemy and by which he was justly and solemly excommunicated in the year 1638. What is in that book of the faith doctrine or piety of the Church Many of these calumnies in this posthum book he had written before in a Reply ad Epist Philadelphi and it was told him in the Vindiciae that he had written against his conscience It is said Pag. 50. Why should one believe a man who makes not conscience of his words And Pag. 56. Whatsoever may have the shew of a reproach this ingrateson scrapeth together to spue it out against his Mother the Church In which words envy which appeares throughout vented it self wholly for what can be said or forged in a Narration more wickedly than to be silent in that which is good and to proclame what is evill or which may make a shew of evill And Pag. 67. Should not a Bishop whe though he were a Papist yet should at least have the shaddow of gravity be ashamed to fain like a brawling wife what all men know to be false And because in that pamphlet he had written as he doeth oft in this later book that the King applied himself contrary to his mind unto the will of the Ministers it was told him Pag. 59. What can be spoken more vilely and unworthily against the Royall honor then that he applied his will unto the wicked endeavours of his subjects and loosed the raines unto the boldnesse and crimes of wicked men But this is the imprudence by the just judgement of God of flatterers that when they wold most earnestly catch they do most offend So that in a word whosoever regardeth the honorable memory of K. James VI. or the credite of the Church of Scotland will not believe that book of lies and calumnies I return unto that Assembly I. The first three Sessions were taken up with the election of a Moderator and Clerk and one ordinance that Acts of every Assembly should be formed by certain brethren and be publickly read before the dissolving of the Assembly and be in-booked II. The 4. and 5. Sessions have some particulare references III. In Sess 6. The Commissioners that were appointed to deall with the excommunicat Earles report their diligence severally and that they submitt themselves unto the Church in all the prescribed articles The Assembly ordaines the same Commissioners to see the performance of their promises in all the articles so far as possibly can be performed for the time and after performance to absolve them from ●he Sentence of excommunication and to receive them into the bosom of the Church IV. In Sess 7. Notes in form of declaration of certain of the Acts of the G. Ass holden at Perth in Febr. last for explaining his Ms and the Assemblie's meaning for the satisfaction of them which were not acquainted therewith and which are ordained to be registred in the Acts of this present assemb 1. Concerning the lawfulness of the said Ass holden at Perth it 's declared that one of the reasons moving the brethren to acknowledge the lawfulnes of that Ass is found to have been that the Commissioners of the Church had accorded with his Maj. therein as is expressely set down in his Maj. Letters 2. The reason moving the Ass to grant the more willingly to the second article concerning the reproving his Maj. lawes was that his Maj s earnest constant affection to the religion and obedience to the word was evidently known unto the said Ass and that it was his Ms declared will intention alwayes to frame his lawes wholl Government according to the same for this cause the Ass agreeth to the said article 3. Concerning the article ordaining no mans name to be expressed in pulpit excepting notorious crimes c. the point of notoriety is further defined If the crime be so manifest and known to the world ut nulla tergiversatione celari possit 4. Concerning the Article ordaining that no convention of Pastors bee without his Ma. consent c. His Ma s consent is declared to be extended to all and whatsoever form of G. Ass or speciall permitted authorized by his law and as they have warrant in the word of God As being the most authentick form of consent that any King can give 5. Concerning the article of providing Pastors to Burghs It is declared that the reason thereof was is that his Majesty was content and promised that where the Gen. assembly findeth it necessa●y to place any person or persons in any of the saids townes his Majesty and the flock shall either give their consent thereunto or a sufficient reason of the refusall To be propounded either unto the wholl Assembly or to a competent number of the commissioners thereof as his Majesty shall think expedient V. Answers to the rest of his Maj s questions as they were propounded by his Majesty and his Commissioners in the present assembly 1. Concerning the propositions craving that before the conclusion of any weighty matters ●oncerning the estate of his Hieness or of his subjects his Ma s advice approbation be craved thereunto that the same being approved by his Ma. may have the better execution and if need require be authorized by law the assembly craves most humbly that his Ma. either by himselfe or his Commissioners in matters concerning his estate or the wholl estate of his subjects and others of great weight importance that have not been treared before would give his advice and approbation thereunto before any conclusion of the same And for the better obedience to be given to the like statutes in all time coming that his Majesty would ratify the same either by Act of Parliament or Secret Counsell as shall be thought needfull The which his Majesty promiseth to
their grievances And to give their advice unto his Majesty for avoiding any danger which may likely fall out in prejudice of the Church as also if his Majesty find him grieved or crave redress of any enormity done by any Mini. that they or any nyne of them shall sit and cognosce upon the matter with the advice of some of the discreetest of the presbtery where the offender dwelleth as they shall tkink expedient Finally with power to propound unto his Majesty at there conventions all the petitions both of the Assembly in Generall and of every member as shal be meaned unto them Concerning this part of their power to censure Ministers the King declares that howbeit it be generall yet he intends nor to trouble the Commissioners with any such causes unless first it be notoriously known that the Presbytery where the offender shall dwell hath both known the fact and hath altogether neglected the tryall of it or satisfyeth not his Majesty with the punishment of the offender XII In Sess 11. Forsomuch as the Commissioners of the last assembly had upon an earnest zeal which they did always bear to the good of the Church given-in certain articles unto the late Parliament in December concerning the liberty of the Church and specially had craved that the Ministry as representing the true Church of God within this realm and so being the third Estate of the realm might have vote in Parliament according to the laudable Acts constitutions made before in Parliament in favors of the freedom of the holy Church Which their travells endeavours proceeding upon a godly intention they now submitt unto the censure of the Assembly desiring the brethren to allow or disallow the same as they shall think most expedient to the glory of God and establishing true religion within this realm Whereupon the brethren being advised allowed the honest and godly intention of the Commissioners as conform agreeing with sundry acts of other assemblies in which it hath been found expedient that the Church should vote in Parliament Then the King willing to declare his good intention that he hath always to the establishing of the true Church of God declared that for the better performance thereof he had assisted the Commissioners in craving vote in Parliament which their suit albeit in some part and in a certain manner granted by the Parliament yet the aceptation thereof the form and all the circumstances of the persons were reserved to the Generall assembly to be accepted or refused as the Church shall think expedient And seing he had anticipated the appointed time of the Assembly and desired the brethren to conveen at this present time especially for the cause foresaid therefore he desireth that the brethren would enter into a particular consideration of all the points of the said Act and first to reason in publick audience Whither it be lawfull expedient that the Ministry as representing the Church within this realm should have vote in Parliament or not This question being debated in utramque partem● and thereafter voted the Assembly concludes that it is necessary expedient for the well of the Church that the Ministry as the third Estate of this realm in name of the Church have vote in Parliament In Sess 12. Concerning the number of Ministers who shall have vote in Parliament it is likeways concluded that al● many of them should be cho●en as were wont to be in time of the Papisticall Church to wit Bishops abbots priors 51. or thereby 3. After reasoning it was voted concluded that the election of these who shall have vote should be of a mixed quality and appertain partly unto the King and partly unto the Church 4 And because for shortness of time the brethren can not be presently resolved concerning the office of him that shall have vote in Parliament to wit de modo eligendi of his rent of the continuance of his office whither ad poenam or not of his name of the cautions for preservation of him from corruption and such other circumstances therefore the Assembly ordaines every Presbytery to be ripely advised in the particulare heads and then to convocat their Synods throgh all the Countrey upon one day which shall bee the first tuysday of Juny next and there after new reasoning upon these heads that every Synod chuse three of the wisest of their number who shall be ready upon his Majesties advertisement which shall be upon a months warning at the least to conveen with his Majesty together with the Doctors of the Vniversities viz. An. Melvin John Johnston Ro. Rolock Pa. Sharp Ro. Howy Ro. Wilky Ja. Martin at day place as his Majesty shall think expedient With power to them to treat reason and confer upon these heads and others appertaining thereunto and in case of agreement and uniformity of opinions to vote conclude all the questions concerning vote in Parliament but in case of variance to refer the conclusion unto the next Generall assembly XIII It is ordained that every presytery shall assemble themselves once every week in their full number at least so many of them as have their residence within eight myles to the place of their ordinary meeting 2. That every member of the presbytery study the text whereupon the Exercise is to be made 3. That a common head of Religion be treated every month in every presbytery both by way of discourse and disputation 4. That every pastor have a weekly exercise of instruction examination of a part of his congregation in the Catechism All these heads are ordained to be observed under the pain of incurring the censures of the Church XIV Concerning the protestation given by John Davidson for himself and in name of other brethren as he alledgeth protesting that this present Assembly is not free which his protestation he craved to be insert in the booke of the Assemblies It being enquired by the Moderator If any would adhere unto that protestation none was found that would adhere unto it nor was of his opinion there-in and therefore the brethren discharge the clerk to insert it XV. Because the question of summary excommunication for lack of time can not now be commodiously treated It is delayd unto the next Assembly and in the mean time all summary excommunication is suspended XVI Because a certain The number of members number of Commissioners from each Presbytery unto the Generall Assembly hath not been prescribed it is ordained that three of the wisest and gravest of the brethren at the most shall be directed from every presbytery and that none presume to come without commission except they have a speciall complaint And that the Clerk take heed to receive no mo in commission but three And that one be directed from eyery Presbytery in name of Barons and one out of every burgh excep Edinburgh which shall have power to direct two Commissioners VII Because it is reported that nothwithstanding the Acts made against
voter in Parliament shall give account Annuatim and lay down his office at the feet of the Assembly to be continued or altered as c. They communicate this device unto the King who set down the conclusion so and so it was written The Bb. did never attempt to annuall these cautions and so these being established by the Assembly with consent of the King were the grounds of deposing and excommunicating the Bb. in the Astembly in the year 1638. Then The historicall Narration sets down some pranks as he speaks of the Commissioners 1. The Ministers of Edinburgh were charged August 12. by the King and Counsell to depart out of the town all excep the two young men that entred last and discharged to preach within the Kings dominions because they would not professe unto the people that they were persuaded the Earle of Goury and his brother would have killed the King in Perth on the fifth day of August and persuade the people to believe it They profered to thank God for the Kings delivery out of danger to rehearse faithfully unto the people the history as his Majesty had delivered it and to speak nothing in the contrary But that was not accepted Not long after their places were declared vaking by the Commissioners of the Generall assembly September 5. they were charged to compear before the king and Counsell in Sterlin to hear further punishments decerned against them William Watson John Hall Walter Balcanquall and James balfour professed that they were resolved and were appointed to declair their resolution in other churches as was designed unto them and to confesse their error and incredulity Robert Rolock was departed this life in the year preceeding The Court said These were sent to make their repentance Robert Bruce professed that he was not yet resolved and craved time to try search He is ordained to depart out of the Country not to teturn into Scotland nor England without his Majesties licence and to remain in Airth untill he departe 2. The king with advice of the Commissioners of the Generall assembly calleth a meeting of two out of every Synod to be holden at Edinburgh in October to take order with the churches of Edinburgh and to consult with the Commissioners upon such things as were to be propounded unto the ensuing Parliament At this meeting the King was earnest to have others planted in the Ministers roomes of Edinburgh albeit they had declared their resolution as they were en●oined excep John Hall whom said the king I will take in my own hand It was answered That could not be done unless they were deposed by the Church or cutt off by some Civill Judicatory The king was so earnest that they said they would try the Ministers own minds whither they be content with transportation rather than suffer their churches to be destitute William Scot James Melvin and John Carmichell were directed to deal with them When these were gone unto the Ministers the king and commissioners propounded to name three to vote at the Parliament which is to be holden in November and obtained it to wit Peter Blackburn David Lindsay and Goerge Gladstanes were named without regard of the order and cautions concluded in the late Assembly The three that weresent forth knew nothing of the matter till the meeting was dissolved nor were the Churches of Edinb provided before the next Generall assembly 3. In the Parliament where Goury was forfeited these three which were named before did vote David Lindsay as Bishop of Ross Pater Blackburn as Bishop of Aberdien George Glaidstanes as Bishop of Caitnes In the Synod of Fife at Santand in February An. 1601. George Glaidstanes was accused and confessed that he had sitten in the Parliament and had answered as Bishop of Caitnes when he was called but said he it was against my heart nor would they name mee otherwise Such were the slight shifts they had when they were found guilty of any breach Da. Lindsay was rebuked in the Synod of Lothian in Aprile So soon were the cautions or Caveats contemned I have written of these Assemblies particularly the rather that they have never been in Print before And many either of malice or ignorance and some of both have published much venom against them And now I conceive that some may think Seing these Assemblies were confirmed by authority of the King and Parliament how left they off therefore I adioyn a continuation of them unto their End A Continuation of the History of SCOTLAND'S ASSEMBLIES I. THE Commissioners of the Assembly had a meeting with 1601. some other Ministers at Bruntelan in March year 1601 there they agreed to entreat the King for restoring the Ministers of Edinburgh unto their places and for a free Nationall assembly to determin all matters then in controversy The Commissioners promised to deal earnestly in both But how did they perform their promise saith the Author of the historicall Narration Concerning the first some of them said unto the King Sir They are out now blame not us but your self if ever they offend you again And in the other point an assembly was called but no controversy was handled At that time John Hamilton and Edmund hay two Jesuits came into the countrey the King understanding that they were factious and busy men sent forth a proclamation inhibiting them to remain under pain of treason and declaring that he would no otherwise judge of such who shall receive them but as the pursuers of his own life Nevertheless they were keept in the North parts untill after some years John Hamilton was apprehended and sent to the Tower of London where he died By the Kings proclamation the Assembly conveens at Bruntelan May 12. there the King was present and Commissioners John Hall is chosen Moderator I. A generall The 63. Assembly complaint was of the want of purity zeal and practise of the true Religion in all Estates which must end in papistry or atheism within a short space in the just judgement of God unless substantious remedies be provided in due time Nor can this malady be sufficiently cured unless the originall causes and speciall occasions thereof be riped up The Brethren were exhorted The causes of dection to think upon this weighty matter and the meeting is adjournied for two dayes Then the causes of this defection were judged to be 1. The just wrath of God for the unreverent estimation of the Gospell and for the sins of all Estates in dishonoring their profession 2. Want of diligence on the part of Ministers in discovering them who make apostasy into Papistry and negligence in executing the lawes and disciplin against them who are discovered 3. Want of Pastors at unplanted churches and displanting of churches by diminution of the thirds 4. Neglecting of towns and churches that are of greatest inportance to the interest of Religion or not planting them with qualified Pastors such as the Kings house the Prince's house the houses of
Huntly Erroll Anguse Hume Heres and the places of chief residence the town of Dumfrise and other places of the Nobility who are of great power 5. The hasty admission of Ministers before they be known to be of sufficient gifts and experience in these difficil times 6. The negligence of Ministers in advancing their knowledge by constant reading and meditation of the Scriptures and controversies of the time whereby they might be the more able to bring the consciences of their auditors to the obedience of the Gospell and convin●e the adversaries 7. The negligence of Ministers in not framing their conversation as patterns unto the people but conforming themselves excessively to the humors of men especially in their communications at table intemperance somtimes and in their light and prodigal vestures and of their families 8. The distraction of minds which is supposed to be among Ministers 9. The distraction of his Majesties minde against some of the Ministry 10. The advancing of men who are suspected in and known to be ill affected to religion unto honors Offices and credit in Court Counsell Session and other places of great importance 11. The desolation of the church of Edinburgh through want of Pastors 12. The continuall entertainment of the Lady Huntly Margarit wood and other professed and known Papists in his Maj s Court and company 13. The education of his Maj s children in the company of obstinat Papists 14. The negligent breeding of Noble mens children and the sending of them out of the countrey into places where Papistry is professed and that with tutors suspected in religion or not well confirmed in it 15. The impunity of Masters and owners of ships who bring into the Country Seminaries Jesuits with their coffers and books 16. The decay of schools for education of children especially in the country 17. That men who are challenged by the Presbyteries for their religion have continuall access to Court 18. The lately reconciled Papists are not prest to perform their Remedies promises The remedies of these evils are 1. A Generall humiliation is to be solemly keept in all churches on two sabboths of Juny next 2. The unplanted churches are to be recommended unto the K. whose authority only can accomplish that work 3. Nothing is more necessary then to have the houses and places above named wel provided with learned wise and godly Pastors and where the lack of provisions may hinder the present planting it is judged expedient in the mean whil that some Pastors be appointed to attend in these Noble men's families for 4. or 6. months alswel for finding out means of planting these places as for confirming and instructing the Noble men and their families The Presbyteries taking care to supply the absence of these Ministers from their particular flocks And severall Ministers were deputed to this effect 4. Petition is to be made unto his Majesty and Secret Counsell that who are known to deal with professed Papists more than the lawes do permit should be accounted as suspect in religion and not have the honor to be in his Majesties family Counsel nor Session 5. A supplication is to be made unto his Majesty and Counsell that all Papists men and women who are or shall be under censure for their religion be discharged from Court untill they have satisfied and bring from the Presbytery of the bounds a testimoniall of their obedience 6. For discovery of the adversaries of the true religion every Presbytery shall with all diligence write the names of all not communicants within their bounds and send them unto the Ministers of the Kings family being subscribed by the Moderator Clerk and the Minister of the parishon 7. The Presbteries where the lately reconciled Lords have their residence shall enquire whether they have performed the articles subscribed by them and urge them unto performance And if they refuse the Presbyteries shall certify the King's Ministers 8. Supplication is to be made unto the King and Counsell that when Noble men or others send their children out of the country their tutors be of known religion and be approved by testimoniall of the Presbytery and that their remaining abroad be in places where the true religion is professed or no restraint of it by the cruell Inquisition and that they shall not repair unto the exercise of the idolatrous religion And if their sons shall repair unto the countries where is restraint of religion the parents shall give caution that they shall not entertain them in that time And if their sons embrace another religion they shall not have honors nor Offices within the real● 9. Supplication is to be made unto the King and Counsell that Masters and owners of ships be inhibited to bring Jesuites Seminary-priests proclamed traitors ...... And to that effect that they set no passingers on land but at the common ports where they shall pr●sent the passingers unto the Magistrates 10. It is expedient to entreat the King for removing his daughter from the Lady Liuinston an obstinat Papist The King promiseth to bring her into his own family before November 11. The King nominates Noble men and the Assembly appoints some Ministers to meet Juny 1. to advise upon Overtures for advancing the locall provision of stipends especially unto the unplanted churches 11. Ministers are appointed unto the houses of the King Queen and Prince 12. Some Ministers are designed unto some unplanted churches in Nid●deal and the assembly ordaines the Commissioners to recommend unto his Majesty the provision of these churches II. A woman being charged by the Presbytery of Couper to satisfy for her adultery which was proved against her had produced a decreet of adherence obtained before the Commissaries of Edinburgh ordaining her Husband to adhere unto her and by consequence acquiting he● of adultery This question being referred unto the assembly the Presbtery is ordained to put their own decreet to execution notwithstanding the other decreet III. It is represented by sundry Ministers that there be some errors in the vulgar Translation of the Bible and in the meeter of the Plaln●s as also that sundry of the common prayers are not convenient for these times The Assembly ordaines some brethren who are acquainted with the Originall languages to employ their studies in sundry parts of the vulgare Translation and to shew their diligence at the next assembly and ordaines Robert Pont to revise the Psalms in meeter As for the common prayers it is ordained that none be altered nor deleted but if any Minister wold have any prayer as more convenient unto the time it should be first presented and allowed by the assembly IV. The Assembly ordaines the Commissioners to transplant James Balfour Walter Balcanquall and William Watson from Edinburgh into other churches and to plant other qualified Ministers in Edinburgh The Commissioners of Edindurgh protest 1. that they are free of the burden of the transportation of their Ministers 2. That the transportation shall not prejudge them hereafter but
that those may be reponed into their own places when it shall please his Majesty and the Assembly The King and Assembly consent V. It is ordained that in every Assembly hereafter those that shall be appointed Commissioners by the Assembly shall give account of their commission in the beginning of the subsequent assembly before other things be heard and their proceedings to be allowed or dis-allowed as the assembly shall judge of them VI. Commission is given to twenty four Ministers together with the Ministers of the kings House or any nyne of them to plant churches in burghes with power to transplant any Minister within the realm into the said burghes now vaking namely Edinburgh wherein they shall take the advice of the Presbytry there With power to judge of any offenses if it shall happen that his Majesty be offended by any of the Ministry and to take order there-in And also power to present the grievances and petitions of this assembly unto his Majesty and Counsell or Generall Convention of Estates or Parliament if any shall happen to bee c. VII Certain Visitors were designed to visit all the Shirifdoms particularly named unto them with power to try the Ministers in their qualification doctrin and conversation and whether they have wrong'd their Benefices To depose such as deserve deposition To plant Ministers where none as yet have been planted and to this effect to deal with the Tacks-men of every parishon for provision unto a Minister for the church And to report their diligence c. The next Assembly is appointed to be at Santandrews the last tuysday of July 1602. The Historicall Narration addeth Iames Melvin Minister at Kilrinny being detained by sicknes sent unto this assembly a Missive advising them to insist with his Ma. to yeeld unto the agreement of the Brethren at Bruntelan in March for repossessing the Ministers of Edinburgh and charging them as they will answer unto God to endeavour a redress of that wrong done unto the Church of Christ by Act of the Secret Counsell whereby the Ministers of Edinburgh were discharged to preach at any time in any part of the realm he adviseth to consider whether the proceedings of the Commissioners have been conform unto the conclnsions of the preceeding assembly or els it is not possible to hold out corruption And to lament the restraint of the freedom of Assemblies which now are made to depend upon licences Letters and proclamations whereas the Barons and the Burghs enioy thir severall meetings freely In end he layth down his part of the Commission at their feet as the Pioner doth his burden For it grieved him continually and now brought him into the danger of death Albeit he was not acquainted with their secrets yet it grieved him to sit somtimes among them even albeit ●e consented not unto their Sentences The King took this Letter out of the Moderator's hand and suffered it not to be read John Davidson sent another Letter to this purpose Should James John seek to sit the one at the right hand and the other at the left when Christ is going to Jerusalem to suffer death Is it time for Baruch to seek great things for himself whent the Lord is about to destroy what he hath planted and threatens his people with fearfull captivity is it time for us now when so many of our worthy Brethren are shamefully thrust out of their callings without all order of just proceeding against them boni malis demutantur and Papists Jesuits and atheists dayly flocking home are suffered countenanced and advanced to great roum● in the realm is it time for us of the Ministry to be inveigled and blindfolded with pretence of preferment of some small number of our brethren and that not to stand so much in the election of the Church as at the pleasure of the Court to have vote in Parliament to ride in foot mantles and to have the titls of Prelacies and so to make preparative in ourselves unto that Hierarchy as they call it which the Papists hope to enjoy with speed what is it but honorari intra palatium ad servitutem shall we brethren sliep still with Samson on Dalilah's lap till they cry The Philistins be upon thee he wrot more in this purpose and in the end he wished that they would not determin any thing de presenti concerning the new planting of Edinburgh in prejudice of their brethren not as yet displaced by any order for any promise de futuro as punishment of Papists seing those two can not stand together If reason find no place he exhorts them to remember that Melins optabilius est egregium bellum pace impia à Deo distrahente Bishop Spotswood addeth that he scoffing at the Kings doings said But Boniton is executed an infamous thief in the highest degree What is that to the cause of Religion whereof no question was moved is there no Papists nor favourer of Papists in Scotland but Boniton But the King is sound in religion what can the Papists do Being sound the danger were the less but there is nothing either in Church or king according to our Calling c. The king said There was treason in this Letter and for it the writer was committed to the castle of Edinburgh in the same month and afterward was confined to his parishon enduring his life In the Narration it is said also The Assembly began with little contentment to either party but the King to won the people because of the jealousy many had conceived for the fact at Perth in August protested with the tear in his ey that he would be serious for the Church and the liberty of the Gospell And for more satisfaction it was approved by Court and many of the Ministry which before was not only neglected but mocked at to wit to ripe up the causes of defection in all Estates from the purity and zeal in the practise of the true Religion and to advise upon the remedies So in this they had a tast of the wonted assemblies But there was small security in the chief directores and others of that side for neither were the chief causes layd open nor a right course taken for remedy The distraction among Ministers the cause and remedies thereof was not touched The King was so serious against the three Ministers of Edinburgh that for his satisfaction it was concluded they should be transported The generall Commission was renewed and almost all the same persons were authorized so that the plotters were not changed nor censured but others were put off and put in as they thought expedient About the end of the Assembly the King holding up his hand vowed to execute justice faithfully and to discredit all who shall attempt any thing against religion In the provinciall synod of Fife conveened at Kingorn in September they agreed upon some grievances to be presented unto the next Nationall Assembly to wit 1. That notwithstanding the Acts of Parliament
and generall assemblies and necessity of the time the time and place of the assemblies are altered without the knowledge of presbyteries and synods 2. Ministers are summoned before the Secret Counsell in prima in stantia for doctrin and discipline which is a great encouragement unto the enemies 3. All application of doctrin in the Exercise is condemned under pretence of an Act of the Generall assembly which Act would be sichted and clearly interpreted 4. The government of the chief affaires of the Church continues in the hands of a few under the name of a Commission to the prejudice of the liberty of the synods and presbyteries 5. The Doctors bearing an ordinary calling in the Church are debarred from the assembly 6. The Assembly takes no notice of the Cautions that were appointed for avoiding corruptions in the commissioners Voters in the Parliament 7. The absence of the Pastors of Edinburgh and alteration of the Ministry there which was the chief Watch-tower of our churches hurts greatly the cause of religion and encourages the enemies 8. There is distraction in opinions different from that consent of hearts which hath been in the Church and litle deliberation hath been or reasons heard whence it is that conclusions are made the half of the brethren almost gainsaying 9. The Land is defiled and the Church endammaged by the French Ambassadors Masse 10. Persons excommunicated for Papistry go publickly and peaceably 11. The Noble men lately absolved from excommunication for Papistry give no token of their profession of the truth but rather the contrary 12. The directions and Letters of apprehended Papists are keept up and not communicated unto the Watchmen that they may make faithfull warning to prevent danger 13. The disciplin of the Church against incest adultery and murder is not practized with holy severity as it becomes but frequent remissions of criminall persons for avoiding civill punishment 14. The remedies provided against imminent dangers in sundry meetings of the Church are not prosecuted II. The Assembly did by the Kings proclamation conveen at Holyrudhouse The 64. Assembly November 10. year 1602. there was the king and in case of his absence at any time his Commissioners the Treasurer Collector Controller Sir Patrik Murray and Ministers Before I touch the Acts It is to be marked that in the roll of the members is not the name of one Elder as also in the two proceeding Assemblies is no mention of any Ruling Elder either Noble or Gentle man nor Burgess It it likely that by the proclamation in December year 1597. they were all terrified This desertion was a grievous mutilation and weakning of the Assemblies but I have seen in time of the Bb. some Barons keep the former custom in the Presbyteries by sitting and voicing there 2. The historicall Narration shewes that when the votes were given at the election of the Moderator James Melvin protested as followes With all reverence unto your Majesty before I speak any thing in this assembly I must protest that seing it is conveened extraordinarily and not at the time appointed at the last assembly by your Majesties authority and it is keept here within your Majesties palace a place not accustomed heretofore for holding the assemblies of the Church Whatsoever shall be done here contrary unto the word of God or the former constitutions of the Church and the established disciplin which God forbid to be null and of no effect and that it may be remedied at the next ordinary assembly of the Church of Scotland Patrik Galloway was chosen Moderator The hour of meeting of the Privy Conference was appointed to be at nyne a clock and of the assembly to be at elleven and to sit untill four in the evening I. The Commissioners that were appointed to wait upon the Noble men were called to shew their diligence in summa they had done little or nothing George gladstons afterwards Bishop of Santandrews said that when he was upon his journey to visit the churches in Caitnes he went to the Earle of Huntly who said that he was upon his journey southward at the kings command and when he returned he would shew what scruples he had in the matters of religion Alexander Lindsay afterwards Bishop of Dunkell said The Earle of Errol was an ordinary hearer of the Word he professed to have no scruples in religion he had provided the churches within his bounds sufficiently and was ready to communicat upon occasion in any church where his residence was John Spotswood afterwards Bishop of Glascow and then of Santandrews said whereas he and James law were appointed to wait on the Earle of Anguse the King had commanded him to go into France with the Duke of Lenox and James law said Because these two were coniunct he could do nothing alone but he understood by the reporr of Brethren that that Earle resorteth not to the hearing of the word and he entertaines enemies of the religion John Carmichell who was appointed to wait upon the Lord Hume said he was not in the countrey And John Hall said he was appointed to wait upon the Lord Heress when he was in Edinburgh but he was a very short space there II. For the Commissioners that were appointed to attend the Plat for provision of stipends the Lord Collector said They had done nothing because the Presbyteries had not sent their answers unto his Majesties Letters without which they could not proceed The Assembly ordaines the Presbyteries to produce their answers tomorrow III. The Commissioners that were appointed to visit the Presbyteries had neglected their part Therefore it was concluded that hereafter such as shal be appointed Commissioners shall accept their commission in face of the assembly and give their oath to perform it faithfully Some of those Visitors had done nothing some were not present and they who had done somewhat were judged to have been superficiall IV. The generall Commissioners were ordained to shew their diligence the next day in writ V. For remedy of those negligences it was appointed first that certain other Ministers should attend those Noble men as also the Lords Maxwell and Semple and the Earle of Suderland and they should follow the Instructions that were prescribed and given unto them to wit 1 Yee shall address yourselves with all diligence to enter into the company and family of to remain with them the space of three months continually during which time your care shall be by publick doctrin by reading and interpretation of the Scriptures ordinarily after meals and by conference at all convenient occasions to instruct themselves in all the grounds of the true Religion and godliness specially in the heads controverted and confirm them therein 2. Take pains to catechize their families ordinarily every day once or twice at the least to bring them unto some reasonable measure of knowledge and feeling of religion before the expiring of the appointed time and that action should begin and end with prayer 3. Endeavour to purge
Justitiaries Moreover that Act of Parliament was repealed by another Act An. 1592. which derogates from the former in so far as it was prejudicial to the office-bearers of the Church in matters of religion heresy excommunication collation of Benefices deprivation of Ministers ecclesiastical censures c. As for the alledged contempt sedition that against the provision of the act of Parliament they had conveened and proceeded contrary to his Majesties express command intimated unto them by the Commissioners of the Church in their Letter and the Counsels Missive and by Laureston and against a publick charge of horning proceeding from the Secret Counsell and execut against them the day preceeding It was answered The act is no instituting law of assemblies but a simple approbation of them as they were appointed by the Church and in that approbation it is declared that it shall be lawfull to the Church to hold generall assemblies once every year and oftner as occasion shall require And the provision in the Act imports not a nullity of the foresaid liberty approbation but rather the contrary because it no way concerns the actions of conveening or holding but only the nomination of time and place and that not simply but upon condition of his Majesties or his Commissioners presence where the Assembly is holden nor is that simply or absolutly but coniunct with the Assembly and the same provision in the last part of it saith expressely It shall be lawfull unto the Church in case of absence of his Majesty and Commissioners by themselves to appoint time place of the next Assembly as they have been in use to do and consequently to assemble proceed without the presence or express consent of his Majesty or Commissioner And unto the Assumption these had his Majesties consent in the assembly at Halyroodhous An. 1602. where he consented that the next assembly should be at Aberdien the last tuysday of July in year 1604. and that diet was prorogued at his Majesties desire by a Letter sent to the Presbyteries and subscribed by his Commissioner Laureston and the late Moderator untill the first tuysday of July An. 1605. which day was keept by them at the direction of their presbyteries As for the Letters sent by the Commissioners of the generall assembly unto the presbyteries 1. It beares no command but advice 2. The imprisoned had a more authentik and evident signification of his Majesties will declared in the assembly and that diet was prorogued by his Majesties direction which was more authentik then an alledged discharge sent in an article unto the Commissioners 3. At that same assembly all power of prorogating o● altering time place of the assembly was taken from the Commissioners with his Majesties own consent for remedy of the grievances given-in to that assembly for the delayes and alterations made by them without advice of presbyteries synods where also it was ordained that the diets of the assemblies be keept precisely according to the Act of Parliament An. 1592. which is of greater force then the Letter of the Commissioners who had no power to discharge the ordinance of the assembly and the Act of Parliament and the continuall practise of the Church requiring a certain day and place but their Letter appointed neither time nor place which imports a plain deserting rather then continuation consequently it was a loss of that liberty confirmed by Parliament and therefore could not with save conscience be obeyed 5. Their advice was not to keep the fifth day but that assembly was begun and ended on the second day Their intention possibly was to discharge it simpliciter but neither did the Letter speak so not was it the duty of Ministers to quite their liberty As for the Counsels Missive they did conveen with Laureston's advice and their convention was sanctified by invocating the name of God before the Missive was presented unto them he met with them and presented the Missive unto them as lawfully conveened and required an answer of it it was read and considered and obeyed in all points excep the indiction of another day which for preservation of the liberty of the Church could not be omitted without perfidy What contempt is it to deny the request of the Counsell when the request imports so great a loss and is contrary unto the law As for his Majesties Commissioner's dis-assenting 1. He made no opposition to their sitting down but consented 2. He delivered the Counsel's Letter and willed them to read it to consider it and to answer it and removed himself for that effect 3. He acquiesced and was satisfied with their obedience unto the first part of the Letter and for the designing a new day he said he had no commission for that and therefore refused either by himself or with them to appoint a new day neither did they appoint any till after arguing he was forced to confess that they had reason to stick unto their point howbeit he could not consent for want of commission and till that he plainly said unto them It is thought yee shall never have a gen Assembly again As for the charge of horning alledged to be executed against them no intimation thereof was made unto them either by the Commissioner nor by the puresefant nor any other nor knew they any such as they are ready all to depone upon their oath 2. Laureston gave them not occasion to conceive such a thing by his speech for he said Albeit he might have used a charge yet he would rather use the Counsels Letter of request 3. The pretended execution and indorsation bewrayeth the forgery bearing that it was an open proclamation warranted by two witnesses who are Laurestons domestick servants whereas sundry honest men at the alledged time were in and about the market-place and yet none other can be found who heard such a thing 4. Why caused Laureston charge them upon the second day personally when they were dissolving without any mention of a charge the day preceeding 5. Though the execution were true yet it can not import the punishment contained in the libell seing it was not according to the Act of Parliament of Iames. 6. Parl. 11. year 1587. which beares that no Letters importing the tinsell of life or movable goods should be of force unless they be executed between eicht a clok in the morning and twelve noon at before famous witnesses but the indorsation of the pretended execution beares that these were executed between seven eicht in the evening 6. When they were charged personally upon the second day they obey'd presently as the Instruments taken in the hands of two Notaries testify The truth is this charge could neither bring them into the guilt of contempt or call their proceedings in question because they had done all that they did at that time therefore that other charge was forged as given at the cross of Aberdien the day preceeding and as it was given unto the Counsell by Laureston
the year 1541. S. 101 102. and again An. 1545. S. 116 m. 117 e Christ's Redemption is of the Elect 97. m The reasonableness of Redemption by Christ 294 295 348. b. 361 362. A Reformation of the Church was intended 223. b. 345. b. 359. m. 471. m. 501. m. 550. b. 553. m. 565. m. it was propounded 454. e. 470. m. 547. e. and it was pretended to be one of the causes in assembling the Councel at Constance 565. m. and at Basile 571. m. and at Trent S. 243. m. 245 b. many thousands were desirous of a Reformation 541 574. it was attempted in Scotland but stopped by all the Bishops except one 559. m. it was foretold 426. m. 474. m. 477. m. 479. m. 480. e. 530. b. 552. b. e. 553. m. S. 7. e. 8. m. 17. b. e. it was promised by Pope Adrian S. 37. e. by Pope Paul the III. S. 43. b. God made preparations unto the Reformation 527. m. S. 26. m. 31. b. 35. e. Reformation should be made according to the word of God 470. m The talking of Reformation was odious at Rome 541. m. S. 7. b 277. m. heads of Reformation propounded at Rome S. 44. m. the occasion of the Reformation S. 55. m. the progress of Reformation S. 64. m. 69. e. 70. b. m. 72. m. 77. e. 78. 81 e 89. e. 92. m. 94. m. 114. m. c. The cause of the difference in Reformation between England and Scotland S. 328 329. False calumnies raised against the Reformed S. 134. Religion seldom ariseth from Princes S. 228 330. b The distinction between Regulars and Seculars 227. e. 290. e. a contention between them and how it was ended 227 228. Reliques are superstitious 18 42 45 69. e Reprobation 260. m. 370. b Richard Armacanus opposeth the Friers 496. The Righteousness of man is imperfect 276 337 e The multitude of Rites was opposed 381. e Men should not be tied to follow any Church in Rites 25. e. S. 92. e Responsorium of the Mass 143. e Robert Bruce King of Scotland 493. his three advises before his death 495. m Troubles in Riga for the new Calender S. 311. A Letter of the Emperor Rodolph the II. shewing the condition of many Nations in Europe at that time S. 320. The Roman Church receiveth Paganism by degrees 15. e. 39. e. 42. b. 43 b. 46. m. e. 73. b. 75. b. 79. e. 81. e. 141. m. 142. m. 146. b. 347. m. her corruption is lamented 24. 25. b. 156. b. 231. b. 485. m. S. 20 21 29. e. 287. b. the Roman Church receiveth temporal Lands 22. b. 70 71. b. e the Roman Church is not the Mother of all Churches 55 84 85. nor head of other Churches 503 she hath departed from the primitive Church 212. m. 231. b. 367. e. 470. e. she becometh worse and worse 529. e. 485. m. 547. e. the Roman Church is called Babylon 330. e. 355. m. 358. e. 423. e. 426. m. 548. m. S. 2. e. 30. e The Bishop of Rome should not be called the Prince of Priests nor universal Bishop 363. m. 367. e. The Roman Church hath her Authority from Councels 437. e. 476 e. in Rome truth is the greatest crime 477. b. her estate is described in a Vision 481. e. and again 482. m. 544. e The Romans aim at their Civil Liberty 318. b. 319. m. 328. e. The first Holy Rose 459. b Russia becomes Christian 224. S How the solemn keeping of the Sabbath was revived in England S. 529. Many do speak but of two Sacraments 133. m. 331. e. 335. b How the Papists prove the number of seven Sacraments S. 256. m The Councel of Trent was afraid to define a Sacrament S. 256. m Many Sacraments were not of God 495. e. 547. e A Sacrament is not a Sacrifice 136. e. yet were so called for certain reasons 137 b. 272. e. the beginning and progress of the opinion of a Sacrifice in the Mass 137 139. None can offer Christ in a Sacrifice but he himself 217. m Our Sacrifice is but one and was once offered 217. e. 294. m. 349. e. the Papists profess to offer a Sacrifice but with some difference S. 221. The Saints hear not Prayers 344. b Salvation is of God only 215. b. 223. b The Saracens spoil Italy 11. b. 115. b. m. 116. m. 117. m. 119 m. 197. m. 202. m. Scanderbeg King of Epirus 524. The black Saturday S. 543. The Schism between the Greeks and the Latines 11. m. 129. b 259. The School-men their first age 416. e. their second age 417. b. the opposition among them 419 420. their third age 488. they despised the Scriptures and cried up Aristotle 488. Scotland became Christian 55. the Scots conquer the Pichts 185. the change of a circumstance in the Succession of their Kings was the occasion of much bloodshed 226 227 274. an Oration for the liberty of the Church of Scotland 378. the Scots despise a summons sent unto them by the Pope's Legate 449. m. after the death of King Alexander the III. was much trouble for the right of the Crown 450 452. the King forbiddeth to seek a Benefice from the Pope 560 561. how the Reformation began in Scotland S. 169 173 179. the first publick step of Reformation 182. another step 184. a third step of it 192. a protestation made in the Parliament in the year 1558. 194. a Supplication of the Nobility unto the Queen Regent 196. their Letter unto their Adversaries and Neutrals 198. another unto the Prelates 201. a parley between the parties 201. the conditions were broken by the Popish party 204. a Sentence of deposition denounced against the Queen Regent but not executed 210. she dieth repenting of her violence 217. the Religion is established by Parliament 219. the first Assembly of the Church 222. Queen Mary returning ratifieth the Religion by Act of Councel 224. two remarkable points concernin the providence of God in the Reformation of Scotland S. 352 353. the Office of a Superintendent in Scotland S. 218. m the power of Provincial Synods in Scotland S. 454. m. Presbyteries or Classical meetings ordained there S. 400 m. and more fully designed 407 e. 410. m. 413. m. Rules for ordering them 424. e. 448. e. the power of Presbyteries 454 e. the Order and Model of Synods S. 566 Rules for Visitation of Ministers S. 562. and of Congregations S. 562. and of Presbyteries S. 563. The Holy Scriptures The Scripture is God's Letter to be read of all men and the Book of Life 26. e. 104. b. 222 e. 253. m. 332. b. 487. b. 501. e. it is perfect containing all things necessary 27. e. 88. m. 95. e. 132. b. e 173. b. 335 e 435. e. it answereth unto every mans doubts 28. b. it should be read publickly for edification of the people 64. b. these Books were written from God 96. b. 214. b. 332. m. 333. e. 501. e. S. 22. m. the Writers of them could not err in
fellonious doctrine which robbed the Queens subjects of their law full liberty yet he was no competent Judge in this controversy and though he had a dead hand against offenders yet these doctrines though condemned by him took the priviledge to pardon themselves and were published more generally then before Th. Fuller in the Church hist lib. 9. XXXV The Synod of Fife meeting at Couper February 8. 3597. ordained every Presbytery within the bounds to direct two of their number to meet at Santand february 21. to confer and resolve with common consent upon the most solide answers unto these questions for strengthening the brethren They sent also some Ministers to supplicat the King not to hold that Convention which was appointed to be at Perth or at least to delay it untill the time of the ordinary assembly which is to be in Aprile and to shew unto him that no presbytery hath power to give commission unto any of their brether to call in question or put into doubt the determinations conclusions of the Generall assembly as also to supplicat his Majesty to relaxe the Ministers of Edinburgh from the horn and restore David Black to his own place They set down instructions limitations unto the Commissioners that were to be sent from the Presbyteries to Perth if the dyet shal be keept The Presbytery of Edinburgh and others did the like The brethren that were appointed by the Synod of Fife meet in Santandrews and resolve upon answers to the questions others also namely Pa. Galloway took paines there-in The Ministers come to Perth february 29 moe out of the north than were wont to be seen at any Gen. assembly Great paines was taken by Courtiers Politicians to divide them into factions they complain unto the Ministers of the North. that the South Ministers were seveer undiscreet arrogant and usurp the government of the wholl they commend the Ministers of the North as men of better disposition and more discretion and doubted not if they were acquainted with his Majesty they shall in short time see all matters brought to a good point Sir Patrik murray was diligent in making their acquaintance with the K. and they had accesse late at night and early in the morning The cheif of these wrought upon others comming from the North so they began to look bigg on their brethren and blamed the Ministers of the south namely as they were informed to speak the Popes of Edinburgh that they had not handled matters well and had almost losed the King Others how beit grieved at such speaches stood to their instructions both privatly and publickly so that the sitting of the Assembly was put off for two or three days James Nicolson had long conference with the King till midnicht and when he returned to his chamber he told James Melvin some of the Kings speaches insinuations mixed with threatnings and added I perceive the King will wreck himself and the Church both unless we look better about us and y●eld so fa● as wee may rather than lose all James Melvin perceiving him to be changed said I see no better resolution than as they have done in former times to seek God by prayer and discharge our duties faithfully committing the event unto God to whom the cause belongeth as ●or my selfe by Gods grace I will never yeeld ●o any thing contrary to what we have sufficiently warranted by his word and have possessed so long with so confortable frutes If wee passe at this time from the least point it will shake us loose disarm us of the trust we have in the equity of our cause and break that unity whereby we have stood so strong untill now On the third day the Ministers were 〈◊〉 Sir Patrick M●rray in the Kings name to resolve Whether they would hold the Assembly or not Peter Blackburn Minister at Aberdien ●●aintained that they might and James Melvin held the neg●tive The brethren seemed for the most part to encline unto the negative but by the persuasive speaches of James Nicolson and especially by the Kings authority many were induced to consent Commissioners from eight Presbyteries voted in the negative that the meeting could not be held for a Generall assembly and commissioners from elleven allowed it for an extraordinary Generall assembly ...... They which were in the negative acknowledged the meeting to be lawfull and that they came in obedience unto his Ma. but not as having the power of a Gen. assembly but rather to remitt the finall answer unto the Assembly it was a meeting of the Ministry upon the Kings missives sent unto them and others than Ministers should be members of the Generall Assembly according to the acts and practise of the Church and whereas the Moderator of the preceeding Assembly was wo●● to begin with exhortation and prayer and then a Moderator was chosen now by instigation of Courtiers David Lindsay Minister at Lieth took upon him the office of Moderator without election The former Clerck being defunct now another was not chosen nor taken sworn according to the former order So here order and unity was broken So for from the beginning of Section 34. I have written out of The Historicall Narration Now I returnt unto the book of the Assemblies I. In Sess 3. March 2. The Kings Commissioners do present the articles following with this preamble Seing the quietnes of the Church and the freeing of the same from slander which upon the contrary effects would necessarily follow is the chief Butt and end at which his Majesty shuteth in the conveening holding of this present Assembly Therefore and for avoiding fashions and longsom disputations whereupon diverse uncomely controversies and debates may arise his Majesty hath thought good to remitt the decision of a great number of the pretended questions to a better opportunity to be reasoned in the mean time by such as shall be authorized by commission to that effect and for the present shall content himself with the decision of these few articles following having made choice of none but such as necessity of time could not permitt to be delayd without great harm and slander to follow 1. That it be not thought unlawfuli either to the Prince or any of the Pastors at any time heerafter to move doubts reason or crave reformation in any point of the externall policy government or disciplin of the Church that are not essentially concerning salvation or is not answered affirmativè or negativè by any expresse part of the Scripture Providing it be done decenter in right time and place animo aedisicandi non tentandi 2. Seing the Civill Politicall government of the Church belongeth alanerly unto the King his Officers and Counsell and is no way pertinent to the Spirituall Ministry of the word that no Minister shall hereafter at any time medle with matters of the Estate in the pulpit or with any of his Maj. lawes statutes and ordinances but if any Minister shall think any of them
hurtfull to religion or contrary unto the word they shall privatly complain thereupon unto the King or his Counsell 3. It shall not be lawfull to the Pastors to name any particulare mans name in the pulpit or so vively to describe them as may be equivalent with their naming excep upon the notoriety of a crime this not oriety may only be defined by the guilty person being fugitive for the time or being condemned by an assyse or excommunicate for the same 4. Every Minister in his application shall have only respect to the edification of his own flock and present auditors without exspatiating upon other discourses no way pertinent to that congregation 5. Every particular presbytery shall be commanded to take diligent heed unto their Pastors doctrin and that he keep himself within the bounds of the premisses 6. That summary excommunication be discharged as inept and that three lawfull citations at least of eight dayes intervall betwixt every one of them preceed the Sentence 7. That no Session Presbytery nor Synod use their censures upon any but them that are resident within the bounds committed unto them otherwise their decreets and Sentences to be null 8. All summons shall contain a speciall ca●se and crime and none super inquirendis to be summoned quod est merè tyrannicum 9. That no meeting or conventions be among Pastors without his Maj. knowledge consent excep their ordinary Sessions Presbyteries Synods 10. That in all the principall townes Ministers be not chosen without the consent of their own flock and of his Majesty and that order to be begun presently in the planting of Edinburgh 11 That all matters concerning the rest of his Maj. questions be suspended unmedled-with either in pulpit or any other Judicatory whill first all his Hieness questions be fully decided specially that all matters emporting slander come not in before them in the mean time wherein his autority Roiall is prejudged highly but only in causes meerly ecclesiasticall 12. That seven or eight wise discreet Ministers be authorized by commission to reason upon the rest of the questions as opportunity of time shall serve 13. That they give commission to the Ministry of the North to be at a point with Huntly and if he satisfy them to absolve him For the better answering these articles the Assembly ordaines certain brethren chosen ●ut of every Shyre presently conveened to give their advice Overture upon them and thereafter to report them unto the Assembly These wer 21 in number of whom nyne wer Bishops thereafter In Sess 5. the brether being desired by the Kings Commissioner sent for that effect to repair unto the place where his Majesty and Estates were presently sitting to conferr on the foresaid Articles at his Maj. desire they went to the Counsell-house and there before any reasoning after his Majesty had discoursed of the things to be propounded protested in manner following Sir forsomuch as wee are come hither to testify our obedience unto your Majesty and to heare what shall be propounded by your Majesty unto us In all reverence we protest that this our meeting be not esteemed as if wee made our selves an assembly with the Estates or do submitt any matter ecclesiasticall either concerning doctrin or disciplin unto this Judicatory but after that wee have conferred and reasoned with your Majesty concerning the articles propounded unto us we must return to the ordinary place of our assembly there to reason vote and resolve in all these points according to the word of God and good conscience And this our protestation we most humbly crave may be admitted in your Maj. books of Counsell for eschuing inconveniente that hereafter may arise This protestation was ratified iterated and confirmed by his Ma. So after some reasoning upon the articles the brethren were dimitted In Sess 6. the same day they gave their answers agreeing simpliciter unto the first second fourth eight tenth elleventh unto the third with this addition that the notoriety be defined if the person be fugitive convict by an Assise excommunicat contumax after citation or lawfull admonition Unto the fifth with this change That he keep himselfe within the bounds of the word Unto the nynth with exception of visitations of churches admission deprivation of Ministers reconciling of enmities and such like Unto the twelth also and to that effect they appoint Ministers Ja. Nicolson Jo. Cauld●leuch An. Clayhills D. Lindsay Tho. Buchanan Ja. Melvin R. Wilky W. Couper Io. Couper Ia. Brison Ro. Rolock Pa. Galioway Io. Duncanson Ro. Howy To treat of the questions and report their advice unto the next Gen. assembly Referring the time and place of conveening unto his Ma. The sixth and seventh articles are refetred to the next gen assembly Concerning the 13. they give commission unto the Ministers of Murray and Aberdien Presbyteries to insist in conference with Huntly and they adioyn five Ministers out of Merns and Anguse and ordain them to report his answers to the articles given them in commission for his tryall II. In Sess 7. the articles for tryall of the Earle of Huntly are 1. That from the day of his compearance before the said commissioners he shall make his constant residence in Aberdien that he be not abstracted from hearing the word and ordinary conference enduring the time appointed for the same 2. That he be well enformed with knowledge to condescend in the principall grounds of religion affirmativè and the untruth of the errors contrary unto the same and that he be able to give a reason of his knowledge in some measure 3. That he be brought to a plain acknowledging of the Church within this Country and professe himselfe adioined to the same as an obedient member thereof and be content to hear the word to participate the sacraments and obey the disciplin of the Church as presently avowed by the K. and Estates 4. That he solemily promise by word and written band to remove out of his company wholl bounds under his power all Iesuits priests and excommunicat persons 5. That he swear and s●bscribe the Confession of faith in presence of all the Commission●rs 6. That he agree to satisfy in the church of Aberdien in most humble manner for his apostasy and there renew the foresaid promises and bandes in most solem manner 7. That he declare his grief and repentance for the slaughter of the Earle of Murray and promise to make assithment or satisfaction unto the party when it shall be accepted and declare his foresaid repentance and grief at th● time of his foresaid publick satisfaction 8. Because by occasion of service done to his Ma. in pursuing the said Earle by force and otherwise sundries in these parts have incurred his displeasure that he be content to remove all these occasions with such convenient diligence as these commissioners shall think expedient 9. for declaratiō of his sinceer adjoyning with us that he be content at their sight and advice of his best