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A30041 The Quakers set in their true light in order to give the nations a clear sight of what they hold concerning Jesus of Nazareth, the Scripture, water baptism, the Lords Supper, magistracy, ministry laws and government / historically collected out of their most approved authors, which are their best continuing books from the year of their rise, 1650 to the year of their progress 1696 by Francis Bugg, senior. Bugg, Francis, 1640-1724? 1696 (1696) Wing B5389; ESTC R29140 57,509 61

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the Writ given forth by his Majesties Command for calling the Synod as followeth This day being the 12th of February 1644. the King being then at Paris upon the most Humble Petition of his Subjects of the pretended Reformed Religion to permit them the calling and holding a National Synod desiring to gratify and treat favourably he said Subj●cts hath permitted and doth permit them the Convocation of a National Synod next at Charenton but with this condition that they treat in it of none other matters but of those which be allowed them and that the Commissioner whom his Majesty shall please to appoint be personally present in the said Synod as hath been decustomed In witness whereof his Majesty hath commanded me to issue out this Writ which he hath signed with his own hand and caused to be counter-signed by me his Councellor and Secretary of State and of his Commands Signed in the Original Louis And a little lower Phelippeaux Assoon as the Officers of the Synod were chosen the Lord Cumont Councellor for the King in his Council of State and Parliament of Paris deputed by his Majesty presented Letters Patents which did commissionate him to represent his Majesty in this Synod these being read were incerted into the Register of the Acts of this Synod as followeth Louis by the Grace of God King of Navarre to our trusty Councellor in our Council of State and Court of ●arliament gréeting We having granted our Subjects of the pretended Reformed Religion to hold a National Synod in the Town of Charenton near Paris on the 26th day of December next coming composed of all the Deputies of the Provinces of our Kingdom to treat of affairs concerning their Religion And being to make choice of a meet person and of approved fidelity to us who may precide in the said Assembly as our Commissioner and may Represent us in it we have commissioned and deputed you and we do commissionate and depute you by these Presents signed with our own hand to go unto the Town of Charenton and to sit in the said Synod there assembled and to Represent our Royal Person in it and to propose and determine whatever matters we shall give you in Command according to those Memoirs and Instructions we have now delivered unto you And you are to take héed that none other affairs be there debated but such as ought to be in those Assemblies And in case the Members of the said Synod should attempt to do any thing contrary thereunto you shall hinder them and interpose therein with our Authority and to give us speedy and timely notice of it that such course may be taken to prevent those inconveniencies which would arise as we shall judge most convenient for the doing whereof we give you Power and Commission and Special Commandment by these Presents Given at Paris the 28 of November in the Year of Grace 1644 and of our Reign the second Signed in the Original Louis And a little lower Phelippeaux The Speech of the Lord Commissioner unto the Synod together with his Propositions made in their Majesties Name c. Messieurs As it is a very great honour to me to be commissionated by his Majesty to assist in your Synod and to acquaint you with his Will and Pleasure so also have I a great deal of joy and satisfaction to behold this illustrious Assembly chosen out of all Provinces of this Kingdom and that I can tell you by word of mouth what was expresly charged and commanded me by the King and the Queen his Mother which is to assure you of their good will unto you and protection of you and of all your Churches and of the entire execution of the Edicts of Pacification so long as you continue your selves within the bounds of your duty subjection and fidelity which you owe unto their Majesties they being the Higher Powers set over you by God intrusted with the supream Authority and your lot and portion being the honour of obedience to them whereunto you stand obliged * * I am the longer in this recital that the Quakers may see and in seeing may learn to know both their place and duty both from Scripture and the Practice of the Martyrs and all true Christians thro all Centuries c. by your birth the dictates of your Consciences and the favours you daily receive from their Majesties and by all kinds of consideration both general and particular and observe it I beseech you as a singular mark of their Majesties favour unto you that there be of your Religion in the Kingdom † † It was their obedience to the Laws brought them to that dignity it is the disobedience of the Quakers and their antimagistratical principles which keep them out of all places of trust in the Government persons of the highest quality there be amongst you most noble and illustrious Dukes and Peers Mareschals of France Generals of Armies Magistrates and Judges in Soveraign Courts and their Majesties now this very day out of that great confidence they have in your Loyalty and Fidelity have granted you this Assembly at the very Gates of the Metropolis of this Kingdom in the very face and view of all France and of this infinite people of Paris vastly different from you in manners and humours inclination and religion who will be severe Witnesses and Judges over all your actions And that all things may be done in that order prescribed me by their Majesties I am in their Names commanded to acquaint you That all Ministers who are not natural born Subjects but Strangers are to be excluded this Synod and that none may assist to vote in it who hath not Letters of Deputation from his Provincial Synod and that during the time it be held you may have no communication with Foreigners or other suspected persons and forasmuch as your Assemblies are not by any legal constitution a Body Politick their Majesties have forbidden you to meddle in State Affairs * * Come G. W. look and learn you are strangers to these limitations you have the face to absolve his Majesties Subjects from their active obedience to the Laws which require them to pay Tyths to pay to Church Wardens Rates to take lawful Oaths to carry Guns c. by which 't is plain that as you increase the strength of the Nation will decrease or matters of Justice because your Synod hath no power to judge of such matters but only to treat of points of Doctrine and Church Discipline † † G. W. so do the Kings Laws forbid you but whether you like the French Protestants do regard those Laws I shall shew by and by no the Law what is the Law to you for as G. Fox did not heed a Cart Load of Warrants no nor do you a Waggon Load of Laws Moreover their Majesties do forbid you to print any Books in any place whatsoever concerning your Religion whieh are not attested i. e. Licenced by two
Meeting held in London the v. vi vii and viii ●●ys of the 4th month 1693. p. 2. Several other Epistles from for●ign parts as Barbadoes Maryland Pensilvania Virginia Scotland and Holland were read an Epistle from Amsterdam in Holland Ja. Dickinson and Tho. Wilson at this Meeting gave an account of their Travels in Barbadoes East and West Jersey Pensilvania Maryland Virginia New England North Carolina Rhoad Island Long Island Antego Nevis c. Four Epistles from Ireland one from the last year Meeting in Dublin another from Ulster Province another from Munster Province the fourth from Conought Province Meeting An account was given of Dantzick friends A Letter also from Jamaica that there are a People rais'd up and increased in Germany from among the Lutherans called Pietists by some called Quak●r● persecuted by the Duke of Saxony and the Priests several of our Friends Books have been spread amongst them Again p. 3. Friends appointed to view the ●ccounts report that they find they are truly stated and right kept and friends are again advised to bring up with them the t●tal sum of each Counties Collection Query did Wm. Crouch not forget the 5 l. he disbursed Again p. 4. the six friends of the City appointed and intrusted this Year with the accounts are William Crouch John Staploe William Macket William Chandler William Beech Nathaniel Marks Observation Reader A small Remark will serve 1st 'T is plain they hold a Correspondency with and receive Letters from Foreigners return Answers spread their Books into foreign parts pretending to spread truth as if the Scriptures were deficient 'T is also plain that they have a Fund or Bank and a yearly Tax collected to maintain their Teachers Travellers and Spies both at home and abroad see my Books Battering Rams against New Rome c. p. 14. New Rome unm p. 60. 'T is also plain that they have Common Bankers with whom the keeping of the Exchequer is intrusted their Names are W. Crouch J. Staploe W. Macket W. Chandler W. Beech Nath. Marks See W. R.'s Second Scourge for G. Whitehead c. on this Head SECT XIV French King YOu are not to meddle with State Affairs or matters of Justice Protest Nor will we debate about State Affairs or make any orders in relation to them The King and Parl. of England An Act of Parliament made the first year Gulielmi Mariae intituled An Act for exempting their Majesties Protestant Subjects dissenting from the Church of England from the Penalties of certain Laws c. Numb 308. Provided always that nothing herein contained shall be construed to exempt any of the pers●ns aforesaid from paying of Tythes or other parochial duties or any other duty to the Church or Minister nor from any prosecution in any Ecclesiastical Court or elsewhere for the same Quakers Yearly Epist p. 1. And therefore that all due and godly care be taken against the Grand Oppression and antichristian Yoak of Tythes that our Testimony born and greatly suffered for be faithfully maintained against them in all respects and against Steeple-house Rates as also against the burden and imposition of Oaths that Friends at all their Monthly and Quarterly Meetings be reminded to call for the Records of Friends Sufferings to see that they be duly gathered truly entered and kept and accordingly sent up to London as hath been often advised both of what Tythes are pretended to be due and for how long a time and the time when taken and by and for whom and what goods are taken by distress for non-payment and the value thereof as well of those not exceeding as those exceeding the sums or quantities of Tythes demanded it being a suffering in both for Truths sake They the said Monthly and Quarterly Meetings being in these particulars found defective and imperfect in divers Counties which is an obstruction to the General Records of Friends Sufferings and therefore the Monthly and Quarterly Meetings are desired to take more care for the future that all Friends Sufferings for truths sake may be brought up to London as full and compleat in all Respects as possibly may be A complaint being made that some that profess truth carry Guns in their Ships 't is therefore recommended to the Monthly and Quarterly Meetings to deal with them c. Observations Reader the disparity between the Quakers and the Christians in their practice behaviour gratitude and duty is obvious 1st The French King commands his Subjects not to meddle with State Affairs the Protestants with all complacency answer him no they do not desire it neither will they so much as make orders about State matters as not being their present station being Dissenters from the Religion by Law established Thus you see the harmony of the French King and his Subjects and so much for that next you see in the first year of his present Majesty he with the advice and consent of his Parliament indulged the Quakers the free exercise of their perswasion from the penalty of poenal Statutes but in the same Act for their Indulgence there is a clause as above told which ratifies and confirms the payment of Tythes and all Church dues as firm as ever In the next place you see what the Quakers say of it They tell you That Tythes are a grand oppression and not only so but which is worse an Antichristian Yoak yea such a yoak as that whoever receives or pays Tythes does therein deny Christ to be come in the Flesh by their doctrine And thereupon by this Epistle which is to go through England and Wales and elsewhere they warn their Disciples to maintain their Testimony against the payment of Tythes in all respects the like against Church-wardens Rates and withal stoutly to oppose the Imposition of Oaths Nay this is not all yet but being sat in state to hear the grievances of the Nation there is a Complaint come up to the yearly Meeting that some who profess truth as if there were none who profess truth but the Quakers carry Guns in their Ships Well they hear this Complaint but refer that business to the Country Sessions I mean their Quarterly Meetings for they have business of great moment and thus instead of thankfully enjoying the Governments kindness they are privately undermining it by alienating the Kings Subjects from their active obedience to the known Laws of the Land for this Epistle alias Edict is to go through England and Wales and elsewhere this elsewhere is through the world for as Rome is the Papists Metropolis whose Decrees reach to the ends of the earth where Papists live so is this yearly Meeting in London the Quakers Metropolis and from thence goes forth their Law which is obliging and binding as far as there are any Quakers And if any desire to stay until they be convinced Oh no! says W. Pen away with this loose plea for it is a dangerous principle and pernicious to the true Religion And which is worse The Examin
speedily it being by our Assent Robert Smith Rob. Letchworth Jeremy Rose Joseph Nun Edw. Wingfeild Robert Barber And thus much by way of Introduction Mildenhall Jan. 15. 1695. FRANCIS BUGG Sen. A Brief HISTORY of the Rise Growth and Progress of QUAKERISM SECTION I. THe first rise of Quakerism was in the year 1650. For George Fox coming to Derby and going into the Church to disturb the Minister was by the Justices committed to Prison for that and his other blasphemous principles and to this agree Edw. Burrough's Epistle on the front of Geo. Fox's Great Mist c. And this Justice Bennet was the first that ever call'd them Quakers This I can prove by other Books but you may read it in Geo. Fox's Journal p. 32. to 40. And that it may plainly appear with what principles the Quakers came into the world withal at their first entrance you may read a Copy of the Warrant by which they were justly imprisoned viz. To the Master of the House of Correction in Derby We have here sent you the Bodies of Geo. Fox and John Fretwell brought before us this day and charged with the avowing uttering and broaching divers blasphemous opinions which upon their examination before as they have confessed These are therefore to require you forthwith upon sight hereof to receive them the said G. Fox and J. Fretwell into your Custody and them therein safely to keep during the space of six months without Bail or Mainprize or until they shall find sufficient security to be of the good behaviour or be thence delivered by order from our selves Hereof you are not to fail Given under our Hands and Seals this thirtieth day of October 1650. Ger. Bennet Nath. Barton I was once minded to have set forth more particularly what principles they came into the world withal as I find them even by the Quakers themselves put forth in a Book stiled Saul's Errand to Damascus p 1 2. which tho they have in the same Book pretended to answer the said Petition yet I do positively affirm that their said Answer looks more like a Confession than a sincere Denyal As also the said Petition and their pretended Answer being with other their Time-serving Treacherous principles fully spoken to in that excellent Book lately put forth by a Divine of the Church of England entituled The Snake in the Grass or Satan transformed into an Angel of Light Discovering the deep and unsuspected subtilty couched under the pretended simplicity of the principal Leaders of the Quakers Printed for Charles Brome at the Gun at the West End of St Pauls 1696. containing about 600 pages insomuch that should I write after him to shew their facing about to every power even as the Weather-cock sometimes for the Parliament sometimes for the Rump sometimes for the Committee of Safety sometimes for the Council of State and then for Monarchy and to shew their encouraging Oliver against the Royal party it would be like lighting a candle at noon-day Their temporizing being so excellently set forth in the said Book yet that the World may see with what principles they prest into the world against all Rule Law and Government I may transcribe the said principles because by what follows it may be seen what foundation they went upon which was under pretence of magnifying the Light in themselves to deny Jesus of Nazareth to undervalue his death and sufferings contemn his Laws contained in the holy Scriptures despise his Ordinances revile Magistrates reproach Ministers In a word they not only by these principles hereto annexed but by their whole proceedings have not only verified what I have already said but manifested their principles to be Antiscriptural Antimagistratical Antichristian unreasonable and irreligious An Abstract of the said Petition is as followeth Saul's Errand to Damascus c. p. 1 2. To the Right Honorable the Council of State the Humble Petition of several Gentlemen Justices of the Peace Ministers of the Gospel and People within the County of Lancaster Humbly sheweth THat Geo. Fox and James Nailer are persons disaffected to Religion and the wholsom Laws of this Nation who have broached opinions tending to the destruction of the Relation of Subjects to their Magistrates Wives to their Husbands Children to their Parents Servants to their Masters Congregations to their Ministers particularly 1. Geo. Fox professed that he was equal with God 2. He professed himself to be the eternal Judge of the World meaning the Light in him 3. He said he was the Judge of the World still with the same Inuendo I suppose 4. He said he was the Christ the Way the Truth and the Life still meaning the Light This I can prove from his Writings extant amongst the Quakers 5. He said that whoever took a place of Scripture and preached from it was a Conjurer and his preaching Conjuration this is frequent in the Quakers Books yea an approved piece of Doctrine 6. He said the Scripture was Carnal yea Death Dust Serpents meat Beastly ware the Husk this G. Whitehead hath vindicated Thus much respecting Geo. Fox what is relating to Ja. Nailer is spoken to in the recited Book The Snake c. But G. Fox being their great Apostle and the founder of Quakerism I was willing to set down the principles upon which he set up and for which he was imprisoned as you see And the rather because Geo. Whitehead and his followers have published a Journal of his Noble and Ignoble acts of his disturbing Ministers of magnifying himself of his pretended Miracles and other deluding Charms on purpose to bewitch the people like Simon Magus his Predecessor Wherefore in this contest there can be no Neuters if God be God serve him if Baal serve him who can have patience to see the Name of God thus openly Blasphemed he that can is no Christian he has not zeal for God nor love to the souls of men The Papists will not have the Pope called Antichrist nor spoken disrespectfully of the Turk will not hear Mahomet blasphemed as we are Christians let us stand for Christ and the Christian Religion I have read how dangerous it is to foster Hereticks and shall England now become a nursery of Quakerism which spread itself like a Leprosie far and near even to Nations beyond the Seas And therefore since G. Whitehead c. have printed the Acts and Monuments of Geo. Fox which the poor silly ignorant Quakers run a whoring after as the Idolatrous Israelites did after the Golden Calf I am zealously concerned to unmask the head of this Foxonian Tribe of Quakers i. e. G. Fox and in a remembrance of what I was once my self and that for many years I can do no less And in this short Treatise I shall shew how Geo. Fox resembleth Simon Magus and Ignatius Loyola for the tree is known of the fruit SECTION II. SImon Magus lived in the Apostles time as saith S. Luke Acts 8.9 10. There was a certain man called Simon which in fore