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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
B04016 The declaration of the Lord Generall, the generall officers, and the rest of the officers and souldiers of the Scots armie. New-castle, 27 June 1646. Leven, Alexander Leslie, Earl of, 1580?-1661.; Scotland. Army. 1646 (1646) Wing L1813; ESTC R179638 4,153 12

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our willingnesse to allow off whatsoever hath been taken up by us And for that effect we desire the Accounts of the Army to be adjusted with the severall and respective Counties that what ever can be justly charged upon us may be discompted off any sums that shall be resting us in Arrear And if we knew any thing else that could serve to remove all Jealousies and Misunderstandings and beget a more full confidence of our uprightnesse we should with the same readinesse apply our selves to all the wayes that might conduce thereto But because his Majesties sudden and unexpected coming into this Army doth minister new occasion to us to give some Demonstration of our Constancy though we hope his Majestie came with reall intentions to satisfie the just desire of his Parliaments and compose these unhappy defferences yet lest it should bring in question the clearnesse and Integrity of our wayes whereof our Conscience bears us witnesse and our Actions shall be publike and reall Testimonies we do professe that his presence with us hath not begot any alteration in our minds in the least measure to estrange us from the wayes of our Covenant or alienate our Resolutions from going on zealously constantly and unanimously to set forward the ends therein exprest endeavouring so far as lyeth in our power to improve that Providence of his coming to us to the publike good and happinesse of both Kingdoms And as it is our earnest desire that his Majestie would no more suffer himself to be involved in the councels whereof he hath now so sad experience to the indangering of his Person Posterity and Kingoms so do we exceedingly wish that he would comply with the Councells of his Parliaments to the satisfaction of his good people and shal be carefull that nothing proceed from us which may give occasion to his Majestie to entertaine any secret confidence that this Army will give Assistance for advancing other Ends then such as are agreeable to our Covenant Conducing to the good of Religion the happinesse of the King and his Posterity and safety of the Kingdoms A Petition presented by the Lord Generall generall Officers and other Officers in the Scottish Armie May it please your Majestie WE your Majestes loyall Subjects and faithfull Servants The Lord Generall The generall Officers The Colonells and Captains in the Scottish Armie now in the Kingdom of England from the deep sence of the bleeding condition of these Kingdoms so prest with sad affliction through the unhappy differences between your Majestie and your Subjects from the true Affection and Zeal to the Reformation of Religion and your Majesties Person and Authority in defence thereof and in pursuance of that sacred Oath which we have taken with our hands listed up to the most high God Do make our humble addresse and tender this earnest Petition to your Majestie in our own name and in the name of all the inferiour Commanders and Souldi●rs under onr Charge That your Majestie in your Wisdom and Goodnesse may be pleased to take speedy course for settling Religion and Church Government in this Kingdom according to the word of God and example of the best reformed Churehes and bring the Churches in the three Kingdoms to the neerest Conjunction and Uniformity and for establishing the Priviledges and Liberties of your Kingdoms according to the desires of your good people We may not conceale our unfeigned Grief for that your Majestie hath not yet been pleased to Authorise and Signe the Covenant which we are confident would bring Honour to God Happinesse to your Selfe and Posterity and indeare your Majestie above measure to all your faithfull and loyall Subjects In the just defence whereof as many of them have already lost their lives so are we ready to sacrifice ours We must also pray your Majestie to compassionate the distressed conditions of your Kingdoms groaning under the heavie pressures of manifold Calamities occasioned by the continuance of this unnaturall Warre and to comply with the Counsels of your Parliaments that all differences being happily composed and the Armies in both Kingdoms disbanded We may return home in Peace or be disposed of otherwayes by your Majestie with the advice of your Parliament which may be most for your Majesties Honour and Service and the prosperity of these Kingdoms By his Majesties Command I Am in his Name to return this Answer to the Petition presented to him by the Lord Generall The generall Officers The Colonels and other Officers and Souldiers of the Scots Armie That his Majestie came to the Scots Armie with full intention of settling an happy Peace in those his Kingdoms and to satisfie the just desires of his good Subjects And likewise to comply with his Parliaments in all things which shall be for the good of Religion and the happinesse of his Subjects which he will alwayes preferre to all worldly interests And whensoever it shall please God so to blesse his Majesties endeavours as to settle an happy Peace in these his three Dominions his Majestie will be very solicitous to finde out some means of honourable imployment for so many gallant men as are imployed in this Armie At New castle the 27 of June 1646. Sic subscribiter Lanerik FINIS
THE DECLARATION OF THE LORD GENERALL The Generall Officers and the rest of the Officers and Souldiers OF The SCOTS ARMIE New-castle 27 June 1646. EDINBURGH Printed by Evan Tyler Printer to the Kings most Excellent Majestie 1646. The Petition of the Officers of the Armie to his Excellencie To his Excellencie the Earle of Leven c. The Petition of all the Officers and Souldiers under your Excellencies Command Sheweth THat whereas the Officers and Souldiers under your Excellencies Command Out of their zeale to the Reformation of Religion Their tender care to preserve and confirme the mutuall Amity and Confidence of both Kingdoms And their earnest desires to vindicate their Honour from reproaches and aspersions lying upon them Have thought it necessary to emit a Declaration of their Constancie and Integrity in the pursuance of the ends of the Covenant And likewise to supplicate his Majestie that he would be pleased to comply with the just desires of his Parliaments and take some speedy course for putting an end to our lasting Miseries by settling of Truth and Peace May it therefore please your Excellencie to represent our desires in this behalf to the Honourable Committee And that we humbly conceive the uprightnesse of our Intentions herein having nothing before our eyes but the good of Religion his Majesties happinesse and the Peace of these Kingdoms will procure a favourable acceptance of our endeavours A Declaration of the Lord Generall the generall Officers and the rest of the Officers and Souldiers of the Scottish Armie New-castle 27. June 1646. THe manifold Calamities and heavie Pressures the sad Afflictions lying upon these Kingdoms this time past and the great Effusion of Christian Blood occasioned by the continuance of this unnaturall Warre having so deeply wounded us And being earnestly desirous to give some evident Testimony of our Piety to God Loyaltie to our Soveraigne and Love to his Kingdoms That the constancie of our Affection to this Cause our Zeal to the Reformation of Religion and his Majesties Person and Authority in defence thereof and our firme Resolutions to pursue the Ends expressed in our Solemne League and Covenant may appear to the World We have thought it necessary in this juncture of Time when all means are essayed by the Enemies of Trueth and Peace to disparage our Proceedings by rendring suspected our best Actions and Endeavours to the begetting of misunderstanding and weakning the Union betwixt the two Kingdomes to Declare and make known that as we entred in a Solemne League and Covenant with our hands lifted up to the most high God with reall Intentions to promote the Ends thereof so doe we resolve God willing constantly to adhere to the whole heads and Articles of the same and and for no Earthly Temptation for no fear nor hope to fall away and violate our sacred Oath We doe likewise professe that nothing hath been with greater care and faithfulnes endeavoured by us then to preserve the happy Union and Brotherly Correspondence between the two Kingdoms as a principall meane of happinesse to both and shall continue the same care to avoid every thing that may tend to the infringement with a speciall regard and tendernesse to the interests of both Kingdomes for the strengthening of which Union and removing every thing which might obstruct the same as hitherto we have had no compliance nor keep Correspondence with knowne Enemies and Malignants so will we never hereafter give countenance or incouragement to any Person disaffected to the Parliament of either Kingdomes And that the integrity of our Intentions uprightnesse of our desires may be the more manifest we do declare that we do abhorre all Publike and Private wayes contrary to the Covenant and destructive to the happinesse of both Kingdoms We disclame all dealing with those that are Instruments of these unhappy troubles and impediments of Peace and with all such Persons who will not use all means and Indeavours and contribute their best Councells and advice for hastening an end to our lasting Miseries and procuring a sure and well grounded Peace And in particular we doe abominate and detest that execrable Rebellion of James Grahame utterly abjuring all maner of Conjunction with him and his confederates and with all other known Enemies or declared Traitors to either Kingdoms notwithstanding any insinuations to the contrary exprest in some Letters as is said to be sent by his Majestie to the Earle of Ormond in Ireland for we have none but single intentions and unfaigned desires of Peace renouncing all communion with whatsoever Designes and Practises contrived in the dark to the prejudice of Religion and Tranquility of these Kingdoms the only principles by which we move And as we came into this Kingdom at the earnest desire of our Brethren to assist them in the time of their great extremity in the pursuance of the Nationall Covenant not for any mercenary Ends nor to enrich our selves as is falsly and calumniously charged upon us by those that wish not well to us nor our Cause so shal we be most willing to depart and return home in peace with the same chearfulnesse and affection that we had when we came in Nor shall the matter of money or want of just Recompense for the service performed and hardship sustained be to us an Argument of our stay but leaving the consideration of these things to the wisdom and descretion of both Parliaments we shall so far deny our selves as not to suffer any private respects of our owne to retard the Advancement of the worke or prejudice the Publike good of both Kingdoms We cannot conceale but must acknowledge how sensible we are and have alwayes been of the many complaints presented to the Parliament of England against this Army and the heavy calumnies and aspersions lying upon us for having committed Insolencies and oppressed the people by taking of free Quarters offering our selves most willing and ready that whosoever amongst us have by their Misdemeanours Miscarriages or Inordinate way of walking Scandalized the Cause for which we have taken our lives in our hands or endeavoured to beget a Misunderstanding or foment Jealousies betwixt the Kingdoms we shall strive to discover all such and labour to bring them to publike Tryall and condigne punishment Not doubting but as we are zealous to vindicate our honour and reputation from Reproaches so the Parliament will likewise be pleased to have such favourable Construction of our proceedings as not willingly to harbour any thoughts which may lessen their respects to us and which are not suteable to the constant Tenour of our Carriage and Profession And we shall likewise desire that the manifold necessities and pressing wants to which we were many times reduced may not be forgotten and that the wayes and means appointed for our supply neither answered the expectation of the honourable Houses of Parliament nor satisfied our necessities so that for want of Moneys we could not alwayes discharge our Quarters Yet do we most freely declare