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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A83365 The Parliaments vindication of Iohn Pym Esquire from His Majesties exception against him. Occasioned from his speech delivered at a conference with both Houses Jan. 25. 1641 concerning licenses granted by His Majesties immediate warrant, to many of the chiefe commanders now in the head of the rebells in Ireland, for their transporting thither, since the ports were stopt by both Houses of Parliament, against all Irish papists. In which vindication are, 1. Mr. Pym his speech. 2. His Majesties message concerning his speech. 3. The Commons answer to the message. 4. His Majesties reply to the Commons answer. 5. The Commons answer to the reply. 6. His Majesties second reply. Ordered by the Commons House of Parliament, that Mr. Pym his speech, His Majesties message concerning his speech, the commons answer to the message, His Majesties reply to the Commons answer, the Commons answer to that reply, and His Majesties second reply, be forthwith printed together and published. H. Elsynge Cler. Parl. D. Com. England and Wales. Parliament.; Pym, John, 1584-1643. 1643 (1643) Wing E2152; Thomason E55_2; ESTC R22746 13,388 18

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over them And though it may be the Persons named by the House of Commons are Papists yet His Majesty at that time thought it not fit in respect of their Alliance in that Kingdome to such Persons of great power of whom His Majesty hoped well to discover any suspition of them the Lords Justices having declared by their Letters which Letters were not disapproved of by the Parliament here that they were so far from owning a publike jealousie of all Papists there that they had thought fit to put Armes into the hands of divers Noble men of the Pale of that Religion who made Professions to His Majesties Service and desired the same And since so great a trust reposed in some of the Lords of that Religion was not disapproved by the Parliament here His Majesty could not imagine it unsafe or unfit for Him to give Licences to some few to passe into that Kingdome who though Papists professed due Allegiance and Loyalty to His Majesty And therefore unlesse the first Affirmation of the House of Commons can be made good by some particulars His Majesty doth not know that His Ministers have failed in their diligence and faithfulnesse to His Majesty in this point or that His honour hath suffered so much by any Act of His owne as that it needs be vindicated for the time past by any other way then such a Declaration which He expects from this House as in Duty and Justice due to His Majesty The Answer of both Houses of Parliament to the Kings Message Sent to his most excellent Majesty March 16. 1641. May it please your Majesty YOur Majesties most humble and faithfull Subjects the Knights Citizens and Burgesses of the Commons House of Parliament having considered Your Majesties Reply to their Answer touching such Persons as have been licensed by your Majesty to passe into Ireland doe most humbly beseech your Majesty to believe that they shall alwayes with thankfulnesse and joy receive from your Majesty any satisfactory Answer to their just requests And as they hope they shall finde in your Majesty a readinesse to rectifie those things which have been done to their prejudice so will they bee carefull to remove all apprehensions of their actions or speeches which may seeme to cast any dishonour upon your Majesty For your Majesties better satisfaction concerning the positive affirmation that many of the chiefe Commanders now in the head of the Rebells after the Ports were stopped by order of both Houses have been suffered to passe by your Majesties immediate Warrant May it please your Majesty to consider that herein they have affirmed nothing but what they had cause to believe was true the grounds whereof they most humbly present to your Majesty The first ground is this that both Houses of Parliament having upon your Majesties commendation taken into their care the suppression of the Rebellion of Ireland had reason to be especially watchfull over the Ports because the Rebells abounding in numbers of men for the most part ignorant of the use of their Armes could by no meanes become dangerous or formidable to this Kingdome but by the accesse of Souldiers and Commanders wherewith they were like to be furnished either out of France or Flanders from both which places the passage into Ireland is speedy and easie through this Kingdome and thereof they could not choose but bee very sensible of whatsoever gave liberty or opportunity to such a passage as of a very hurtfull and dangerous grievance for prevention whereof they did upon the 7. of Novembeer agree upon an Order and restraine all passage into Ireland but upon due and strict examination by such persons as were trusted to make those Licences A second ground that the other Licence granted to the Lord Delvin and then acknowledged by your Majesties Answer were such both in regard of the persons to whom they were granted and the extent of the words in which they were granted as were apt to produce such an effect as is mentioned in that positive affirmation that is to open a way for the passage of Papists and other dangerous persons to joyne with the Rebells and to bee Heads and Commanders amongst them which is thus proved The Waarrant granted to Colonell Butler since the order of restraint by both Houses of Parliament did extend to all Ports of England and Scotland and did give free passage to himselfe and to his Company without any qualification of persons or limitation of number and this Colonell was himselfe a Papist had a brother in Rebellion and Generall of the Rebells in M●●ster was expected and very much desired by those Rebells who for a long time kept a Regiment to be commanded by him as we have been credibly informed The second was granted to a sonne of the Lord Nettersfield which Lord had foure sonnes in England since the Rebellion one of which is setled in England three others intended to passe into Ireland and were all dangerous persons being Papists bred in the warres in the service of the King of Spayne and one of them lately become a Jesuite The third to the Lord Delvin extends to himselfe and foure persons more unnamed that one of those who should have past with him is taken to be a Jesuit and another who calls himselfe Ploncket seems to bee a man of some breeding and quality and like to have been serviceable to the Rebells and to have done mischiefe if he had gone over The fourth to Sir George Hamelton and three others unnamed this Gentleman is likewise a profest Papist and may be doubted to be of the party of the Rebells one of that name being mentioned in the instructions of Sempill the Jesuit amongst divers other dangerous persons of the Popish party in Scotland and Ireland which instructions were found in a ship stayed in Cornwall which was going into Ireland with divers Jesuits Souldiers and others for the incouragement of the Rebells A third ground is this That by vertue and authority of these Licences severall persons have passed over which are now in actuall rebellion and joyned with the Rebells and some have commanded amongst them which is thus proved One Captain Sutton did by vertue and authority of your Majesties Licence imbarque at White-haven in the Company of Colonell Butler and was driven back by foule weather whereupon the Colonell stayed and went to Chester but that Captain reimbarqued himselfe in the same Bottome and passed into Ireland where he went into Rebellion with the Lord Dunsany and hath since obtained the place of a Colonell amongst the Rebells as we are very credibly informed Two of the sonnes of the Lord Nettersfield one a Jesuite and the other a Souldier passed into Ireland in December last both of them by vertue of your Majesties warrant as we have cause to beleive for that they went both together in one ship and the Licence acknowledged to be granted by your warrant must needs be granted to one of them seeing the other brother who
have meanes and opportunity to doe it Another Danger is from the Papists and ill-affected parties at home The Papists here are acted by the same principles with those in Ireland many of the most active of them have lately been there which argues an intercourse and Communication of Counsels They have still store of Armes and Munition at their disposing notwithstanding all our endeavours to disarme them they have a free resort to the City and to the Court they want no opportunities to consult together they have the same or greater Incouragements from above and from about them then ever in respect of the example and successe of the Rebels in Ireland and the great confusions and divisions which by their cunning and subtile practises are raised and fomented amongst our selves at home 3. A third danger is of Tumults and Insurrections of the meaner sort of people by reason of their ill vent of cloth and other Manufactures whereby great multitudes are set on work who live for the most part by their daily gettings and will in a short time be brought to great extremitie if not imployed Nothing is more sharp and pressing then necessity and want what they cannot buy they will take and from them the like necessitie will quickly be derived to the Farmours and Husbandmen and so grow higher and involve all in an equalitie of misery and distresse if it be not p●evented And at this time such tumults will be dangerous because the Kingdom is full of disbanded Souldiers and Officers which will be ready to head and to animate the Multitude to commit Violence with more strength and advantage and if they once grow into a body it will be much more difficult to reduce them into Order againe because necessity and want which are the causes of this disturbance will still increase as the effects doe increase A fourth danger is from the Rebells in Ireland not onely in respect of that Kingdome but in respect of this They have seazed upon the Body of that Kingdome already they abound in men of very able bodies they increase in Armes and Munition they have great hopes of supplies from abroad of incouragement here and are sure of good entertainment from the Popish Party so that they begin to speak already of the transporting themselves hither and making this Kingdome the seat of the Warre The Distemper which hath produced these Dangers is various and exceeding violent Whensoever nature is hindered in her proper operations and faculties distempers will necessarily follow The obstructions which have brought us into this distemper are very many so that we cannot wonder at the strength and malignity of it Some of the chiefest of these obstructions I shall endeavour to remember 1. The obstruction of Reformation in matters of Religion no Grievances are sharper than those that presse upon the tender consciences of men and there was never Church or State afflicted with more Grievances of this kind then we have been And though they are by the wisedome of this Parliament partly eased and diminished yet many still remaine and as long as the Bishops and the corrupt part of the Clergy continue in their Power there will be little hope of Freedome either from the sence of those which continue or the feare of those which are removed And of this obstruction my Lords I must cleare the Commons we are in no part guilty of it some good Bills have past us and others are in preparation which might have been past before this if we had not found such ill successe in the other Whatsoever mischiefe this obstruction shall produce we are free from it we may have our part of the Misery wee can have no part in the guilt or dishonour 2. The obstruction in Trade it is the Trade that brings food and nourishment to the Kingdome It is that which preserves and increaseth the stock of the whole and distributes a convenient Portion of maintenance to every part of it therefore such an obstruction as this must needs be dangerous the Freedome of Trade being so necessary the benefit so important as that it gives life strength and beauty to the whole body of the Common-wealth but I must protest the House of Commons hath given no cause to this Obstruction wee have eas'd Trade of many Burdens and heavie Taxes which are taken off we have freed it from many hard restraints by Pattents and Monopolies wee have been willing to part with our owne Priviledges to give it Incouragement we have sought to put the Merchants into Security and confidence in respect of the Tower of London that so they might be invited to bring in their Bullion to the Mint as heretofore they have done and we are no way guilty of the troubles the feares and publique dangers which make men withdraw their Stocks and to keep their Money by them to be ready for such sodain Exigents as in these great distractions we have too much cause to expect 3. The obstruction in the reliefe of Ireland It must needs bee accompted a great shame and dishonour to this Kingdome that our neighbours have shewed themselves more forward to supply the Rebells then we have bin to relieve our distressed brethren and fellow Subjects But I must declare that the House of Commons is altogether innocent of any neglect herein As soon as the first newes of the Rebellion came over we undertooke the Warre not by way of Supply and aide as in former Rebellions the Subjects have used to doe but we undertooke the whole charge of it and wee suffered not 24. houres to passe before we agreed to a great Levie of Money and Men to bee imployed against the Rebells even in a larger proportion then the Lord Justices and Councell there did desire and from time to time we have done all for the furtherance thereof though in the midst of many distractions and diversions but the want of Commissions for levying Men for issuing Armes and divers other Impediments have been the causes of that obstruction and I wish we had not onely found impediments to our selves but also incouragements to them Many of the chiefe Commanders now in the Head of the Rebells after we had with your Lordships concurrence stopt the Ports against all Irish Papists have been suffered to passe by his Majesties immediate Warrant much to the discouragement of the Lord Justices and the Counsell there and this procured as we beleive by some evill Instruments too neere his Regall person without his Majesties knowledge and intention 4 The obstruction in prosecution of Delinquents many we have already brought up to your Lordships divers others wee have been discouraged to transmit such difficult proceedings have we met withall such terrours and discountenance have been cast upon our selves and our witnesses those who have shewed themselves their friends and Patrons have found it the most ready way to preferment yea his Majesties owne hand hath been obtained his Majesties Ships imployed for the transporting of divers
of those who have fled from the Justice of the Parliament 5. A generall obstruction and interruption of the proceedings of Parliament by those manifold designes of violence which through Gods mercy we have escaped by the great and frequent breaches of Priviledge by the subtile endeavours to raise parties in our House and jealousies betwixt the two Houses 6. The obstruction in providing for the defence of the Kingdome that wee might be enabled to resist a forraigne Enemy to suppresse all civill Insurrections and what a pressing necessity there is of this the exceeding great decaies in the Navie in the Forts the manifold defects in the power of ordering the Militia of the Kingdome and meanes of furnishing them with Munition are sufficient evidences known to none better then to your Lordships and what endeavour we have used to remove them but hitherto without that successe and concurrence which we expected and where the stop hath been and upon what good grounds we may claime our own innocencie and faithfulnesse in this we desire no other Witnesses but your selves Lastly I come to the evill influences which have caused this distemper and I shall content my selfe to mention some few of those which are most apparant and Important 1. In the first place I shall remember the evill Counsels about the King whereof we have often complained Diseases of the brain are most dangerous because from thence Sense and Motion are derived to the whole body The malignity of evill Counsels will quickly be infused into all parts of the State None can doubt but we have exceedingly laboured under most dangerous and mischievous Counsels This evill influence hath been the cause of the preparation of Warre with Scotland of the procuring a Rebellion in Ireland of corrupting Religion suppressing the Liberty of this Kingdome and of many fearfull and horrid attempts to the subverting the very being of Parliament which was the onely hopefull meanes of opposing and preventing all the rest And this doth still appeare to be the most predominant evill of the time whereat wee need not wonder when wee consider how Counsellours have been preferred and prepared And herein I appeale to your Lordships own consciences whether the giving and the countenancing of evill Counsell hath not been almost the onely way to favour and advancement 2. The discouragement of good Counsell divers honest and approved Counsellors have been put from their places others so discountenanced as that the way of favour hath been shut against them and that of danger and destruction onely open to them 3. The great power that an interessed and factious Party hath in the Parliament by the continuance of the Votes of the Bishops and Popish Lords in your Lordships House and the taking in of others both out of the House of Commons and otherwise to increase their strength 4. The somenting and cherishing of a Malignant party throughout the whole Kingome 5. The manifold jealousies betwixt the King his Parliament and good Subjects whereby his protection and favour hath in a great measure been withheld from them their inclination and resolution to serve and assist him hath been very much hindered and interrupted we have often suffered under the mis-interpretation of good Actions and false imputation of evill which we never intended So that we may justly purge our selves from all guilt of being Authors of this jealousie and mis-understanding We have been and are still ready to serve his Majesty with our lives and fortunes with as much cheerefulnesse and earnestnesse of affection as ever any Subjects were we doubt not but our proceedings will so manifest this that we shall be as clear in the apprehension of the World as wee are in the Testimony of our owne Consciences I am now come to a conclusion and I have nothing to propound to your Lordships by way of request or desire from the House of Commons I doubt not but your judgements will tell you what is to be done your consciences your Honours your interests will call upon you for the doing of it The Commons will be glad to have your help and concurrence in saving of the Kingdome but if they should faile of it it shall not discourage them in doing their duty And whether the Kingdome bee lost or saved as through Gods blessing I hope it will be they shall be sorry that the story of this present Parliament should tell Posterity that in so great danger and extremitie the House of Commons should bee inforced alone to undertake those courses which are necessary for the saving of it and that the House of Peeres should have no part in the honour of those indeavours your great Estates and high degrees of Nobility giving you so large an Interrest in the good successe of them My Lords consider what the present necessities and dangers of the Common-wealth require what the Commons have reason to expect to what endeavours and Counsells the concurrent desires of all the people doe invite you so that applying your selves to the preservation of the King and Kingdome I may bee bold to assure you in the name of all the Commons of England that you shall be bravely seconded His Majesties Message sent to the House of Commons concerning Licences granted by his Majesty to severall persons to passe into IRELAND HIS Majesty taking notice of a Speech pretending in the Title to have been delive●ed by M● Pym in a Conference and printed by Order of the House of Commons in which it is affirmed That since the stop upon the Ports against all Irish Papists by both Houses many of the chiefe Commanders now in the head of the Rebells have been suffered to passe by his Majesties immediate Warrant and being very certaine of having used extreme Caution in the granting of Passeports into Ireland So that He conceives either this Paper not to have been so delivered and printed as it pretends or this House to have received some mis-information His Majesty would be resolved whether this Speech were so delivered and Printed and if it were would have this House to review upon what Informations that particular was grounded that either that may be found upon re-examination to have been false and both this House and his Majesty injured by it or that his Majesty may know by what meanes and by whose fault His Authority hath been so highly abused as to be made to conduce to the assistance of that Rebellion which hee so much detests and abhors and that He may see himselfe fully vindicated from all reflections of the least suspition of that kinde The Answer of the House of Commons YOur Majesties most loyall and faithfull Subjects the Commons now assembled in Parliament have taken into their serious consideration the Message received from your Majesty the seventh of this instant February and doe acknowledge that the Speech therein mentioned to be delivered by Master Pym in a Conference was Printed by their Order and that what was therein delivered was agreeable to the