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A79716 A declaration and warning to all the members of this Kirk, from the Commission of the General Assembly. Together with a postscript, appointing a solemn day of Thanksgiving the twenty fifth of May 1649, for the utter routing of the strength of the rebels army in the north of Scotland. Church of Scotland. General Assembly. Commission. 1649 (1649) Wing C4208; Thomason E556_2; ESTC R205745 5,885 12

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lies upon us to be faithfull in our station therefore as We have already given warning unto those men that unlesse they do speedily des●st from their evill way and repent that We will proceed against them with the dreadfull sentence of Excommunication so We doe now declare that this being a crime so Atrocious that if any shall hereafter joyn with them We will be necessitated impartially to proceed against them with the highest Censures of the Kirk that such drosse may be purged out from amongst Us and that others may learn to fear We know that these men labour to shadow their attempts against Religion and the Cause of GOD under the pretext of self preservation and their being debarred from publick trust and the respect which they owe to his Majesties greatnesse the priviledges of the Parliament and Liberties of the Subjects But We know no cause why they should have feared danger from these to whom God hath committed the power of the sword in the Land sufficient security being offered unto them for their lives and Estates the obliging themselves not to disturbe the Peace of the Kingdom That they are debarred from trust is that which their own misdemeanors and treachery by betraying of their former trust hath justly procured on their part and necessitated upon the part bo●h of State and Kirk unlesse they would have resolved after so many sad and dear bought experiences of backsliding and unfaithfulness of these men to be so blinde and foolish as again to tempt God to the overturning of his Cause and exposing the Kingdomes to ruine Neither will any who hath eyes to discern look upon them but as the Kings Enemies and the Enemies of his Throne For as they by their perverse counsels and wicked combinations and conspiracies did harden the King his Royall Father unto the continuing of the afflictions and troubles of these Kingdoms So we cannot but think that if they and others of their way should cease to raise calumnies against those who are truly Loyal to his Majesty and to suggest evil Councels to the prejudice of Religion and the peace of his Kingdoms to entertain him with hopes of Armies for carrying on their wicked designes but that his Majesty should in a very short time be setled upon his Throne in peace with all the splendor and greatness that is due to him And who wil beleeve that these men are for the Priviledges of Parliament who these many years past have pleaded and fought for an Arbitrary and illimited power that ought not if we will beleeve them though acting never so unjustly be resisted by any Or can it be thought that they are for the Subjects liberty who in the few months time that GOD permitted them to prevail and use so horrible oppressions over the Lords people in their consciences persons and estates Most of those who have now made Insurrections and their adherents are no other then those who opposed the Cause of GOD and the work of Reformation from the beginning Neither are their principles wayes and ends any other then have been owned and promoted by the malignant party in these Kingdoms these many years past Of this We desire to give warning to all men in the land that none may be deceived in partaking with them in their sins lest they be partakers of their plagues We do exhort all the LORDS people to be strong in the LORD and in the power of his might and as to adhere unto the Covenant and work of Reformation so to cleave to those whom GOD hath intrusted with the Government and publick affairs in the Land that their hands may be strengthned in the performance of all publick duties which they mind with so much faithfulnesse and care These are they whom the LORD was pleased to honour to be the Instruments to begin the great Work of Reformation in this Kingdom who have been faithfull in the midst of many difficulties and temptations in promoting of it in both Kingdoms whose endevours have been attended with blessings and success from Heaven Neither is the cause which they now own defend any other then that which they have owned and defended against the Popish Prelaticall and Malignant party these ten years past and are ready to maintain and defend against all enemies whatsoever both on the right hand and on the left And therefore we hope that all that love Religion and Covenant will be obedient unto all their lawfull commands and cordially and actively further and promote the present Levy and chearfully and patiently bear the lengthning of necessary burthens without which We can never preserve that which the Lord hath wrought amongst Us nor our selves and if any injustice or oppression hath fallen out or shall hereafter fal out in executing of publick orders for Levies or maintenance as We are confident that those whom it concerns will take speedy and effectuall course for reparation of the same so shall We according to our vocation endevor to have the same redressed and remedies provided for the time to come We know no cause why any mans hand should fail or his heart faint the LORDS hand is not shortned that it cannot save nor his ears heavy that he cannot hear He hath done great things for us and will never fail us nor forsake us Our troubles shall help to refine us but not to destroy us they shal not overturn the work of Reformation but put more lustre and beauty upon it and shall give unto us more pregnant evidences of the power and goodness of the LORD and set him high upon the Throne of his Glory A. Ker. EDINBVRGH 12. May 1649. Postscript Containing the Causes of a solemn Thanksgiving to be kept upon Fryday the 25. day of this instant WIthin a short time after that we had resolved and concluded thus to Declare and give warning concerning the Insurrection in the North VVee received certaine Intelligence by an Expresse sent of purpose from thence that upon Tuesday last at Balvenie upon Spey side by a party of an hundred and twenty horse commanded by Lievtenant Generall Leslie to attend these fields under the conduct of Colonell Ker Lievtenant Colonell Hacket Lievtenant Colonell Strachen the Lord hath defeated the most considerable part if not all the strength of the Rebels in the North to the number of twelve hundred of whom betwixt sixty and eighty are killed near eight hundred taken prisoners and amongst those the now L. Rae with his most considerable officers and many considerable gentlemen and officers of the name of Mac-kenȝie Which as it is a great and most seasonable mercy that carries upon it a lively impression of the power and goodnesse of the Lord so doth it engage his people to acknowledge and bear Testimony to the same before the sons of men And therefore having now for along time past had thoughts of a publick thanksgiving for the many mercies bestowed upon and deliverances wrought for the Land Wee conceive this day of salvation to be a fitting opportunity wherein the Lords people should make mention of his loving kindnesse and exalt his Name by publike thanksgiving and praise for all the great things which he hath done for them especially for these which follow 1 That as the Lord since the beginning of the worke of Reformation hath alwaies gone before his people and visited them with most seasonable deliverances in the day of their difficulties and distresses so also that of late when all the power of the Kingdome both in Judicatories and Armies was come into the hands of Malignant and dis-affected men the Lord was pleased to preserve in this Land having been over them in a piller of direction and protection a remnant in the Parliament to dissent from and protest against the proceedings of the greater part tending so much to the pr●●i●●●●●e of Religion and the worke of God and that h● directed and enabled his servants of the ministry to beat ●o free and faithfull Testimony in their Sermons W●●●●●● and Declarations against that unlawfull Eng●gement and put it in the hearts of many of his people to petition against it and to refuse to concur therein notwithstanding of their great suffering 2 That whilst the Malignant and dis-affected party in the Land were in the height of their strength and pride of their power God was pleased to break their horn and to scatter them and bring them down and to put it in the hearts of his people to come forth for their own defence against the remnant of their Forces and so to dispose that after that Malignant party at Stirling had shed blood yet things were concluded in a peaceable way and both their Armies and the Civill power gotten out of their hands and put into the hands of those that have beene honest and faithfull in the Cause from the beginning 3. That the Lord was pleased to give unto us in such a period of time a Parliament consisting of so many able and faithfull men who did walk so straightly in all things concerning Religion and his Majesties Government and made so many pious and laudable Acts for the suppressing of prophanitie and iniquity and advancing Piety and Righteousnesse in the Land 4. That the Lord hath disappointed and defeated so many secret Plots and devises tending to the undermining of his Cause especially that at the Isle of Wight so prejudiciall to the Covenant and the Vnion betwixt the Kingdoms 5. That the Lord hath been pleased at such a time when all the Malignants of the Kingdome were hatching new devices and strengthening themselves at home and expecting Forces from abroad by so small a number and in so unexpected a way to defeat so many of them and give such victory and salvation to his People without so much as one being killed on our side 6. That the LORD was pleased to direct and assist both State and Kirk in giving so seasonable full and harmonious Testimony against the proceedings of the Secturies in England A. Ker. FINIS