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A77431 A brief discourse of the present miseries of the kingdome: declaring by what practises the people of England have been deluded, and seduced into slavery, and how they have been continued therein, and by what meanes they may shake off that bondage, they are now enthraled under. / Written by a lover of his country, for the good of all such who are not contented to be slaves, but desire to live free-men. Lover of his country. 1648 (1648) Wing B4583; Thomason E467_24; ESTC R205268 21,615 31

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course it might onely produce a Reformation but that was not the Parliaments aime for they indeavoured to throw the whole Kingdom into combustion especially the Church Government that must be destroyed that so they may therein frame a new Vtopian government agreeing with their phanatique zeale The people greedy of novelties willingly embrace entertaine these changes and with an easie credulity beleeve all scandalous reports that are by these mens factors and abettors raised to calumniate the Church they doubt not if these men tell them so but that there lurkes Idolatry in a Tipet or a Surplice and if these men incite the madde multitde thereunto they will presently disroable their Ministers of their decent vestments and for no other cause then that they are conformable to the established Government of the Church of England they will assist to drive them from their Cures and without any legall authority to divest them of what they are possest of by the Lawes of God and the Realme if any Inhabitant within those Parishes where these enormities were committed was so conscientious as that he would not adhere to these exorbitant courses he was sure to be presently branded with the name of Papist or at least Popishly affected and that alone was sufficient to declare that he was disaffected to the Parliament proceedings and must be presently new Christened by his Parliament god-fathers with the nick-name of Malignant and Delinquent And if this new named creature doth not forthwith seale up his lips and not dare to speake or mutter against those who prosecute these illicit acts a Messenger shal be ready to fetch him to the Parliament where in custody he shall attend at an extraordinary charge their honours leisure who by reason of the high and weighty affaires of the Kingdome cannot admit to hear so petty a complaint untill this poor Malignants purse growes empty and the Messenger hath sufficiently drained his pockets and then peradventure he will carry him before a Committee where he shall be examined upon captions gueres whereby he may entrap himselfe he shall neither know his accuser nor his accusation but he shall be told in generall that he is a notable opposer of the Parliament and for that he shall be sure to be committed to some Prison that so his example of punishment may terrifie others from daring presuming to be honest men With this manner of proceeding the most rationall men who discovered and disliked these practises were deterr'd from opposing them and those of the vulgar and ordinary ranke of people were perswaded by other arguments which were more prevalent on their understandings which was impunity and profit for they were informed that they should neither pay Tithes nor be be subject to Ecclesiasticall Courts by this they were engaged to take part with these new Reformers But as yet the Parliament durst not declare against the Common-Praier Booke for they thought the people were too well inclined to that forme of Worship to be suddenly deprived thereof And therefore they declare that they intend not to abolish the Booke of Common-Prayer but by authority confirme the use of it throughout the Kingdome and withall they tell the people that it is a scandall raised by the Malignant party to make them odious to report that they intended any such thing as to take away the Common-Prayer Booke onely there may be some things in it that may be fit to be reform'd which hereafter with the advice of an Assembly of Reverend Divines they meane to performe Yet at the same time they connive at such Ministers as leave it off and suffer scandalous pamphleteers to traduce that Sacred Lyturgie abstracted from the Scripture Composed by the most Reverend Learned and pious Divines and sealed by the bloud of Martyres By these Instruments they first undermine it and afterward when they have occasion to make use of their Scotch Brethren to Conquer the Kingdome then they are fitted with a packt Assembly that must declare against the Booke of Common-Prayer as Popish and Superstitious that so they may introduce a thing called a Directory that may bring them to a conformity with their Brethren in Doctrine Worship and Discipline Now give me leave to tell you by the way that these men who have so universally changed and altered the setled and professed Protestant Religion within this Kingdome abused the people with telling them that His Majesty by the advice of His evill Councellors and assistance of the Bishops meant to change and alter Religion by throwing a supposed infamy on His Majesty which they really intended afterwards to effect themselves as is manifest by the sequell for they have absolutely changed our Religion and His Majesty remaines a constant perseverer in the maintenance of the old established forme both of Doctrine Worship and Discipline and I will be bold to affirm that the Kingdome is almost if not altogether the unparallel'd president that have Rebelled against their King and fought and destroyed the Nobility and Gentry of their Kingdome because they will not consent to introduce the Religion and Laws of another Nation and of such a Nation as Scotland whose people for the most part are not yet civilized and for their rudenesse and poverty are the scorne and contempt of all Christendome This could not be that the gallant English should be so deluded but that for their sins God hath infatuated them to be seekers of their owne destruction This much by way of digression The Parliament now finding the people so apt to beleeve all that they suggest they begin to decline not onely against His Majesty in relation to Religion but also accuse Him of misgovernment in Civill affaires but like the rest they will not strike point-blanke at His Majesty but wound Him through His Ministers sides telling the people that He hath been misled by evill Councellors and thereupon they frame a Remonstrance which I may call an appeale to the people whereby they asperse and traduce His Majesty by enumerating all the pressures and supposed grievances wherewith the Subjects have been burthened since His Majesty came to the Crowne and they therein proceed so far as to accuse His Majesties intentions saying that He intended to put an Excise upon his people Every man imagined that they did this to declare to the world what Taxes the Subjects groaned under and no man could suppose that the Parliament would multiply and encrease these grievances and that they would impose an Excise upon the people and so would induce that into Act which they pretend onely was intentionally in His Majesty but time shewes us otherwise for now the little fingers of these Councellors are weightier in oppressing the Subjects then the loynes of His Majesties Councellors The Free-borne Subject must be imprisoned disseised of his Estate and no Legall cause shewne Taxes imposed all things managed by Arbitrary power and no appeale but to them that do the injustice this is part of the present misery we
fowlest impieties and the most irreligious practises the basis and foundation of all their structure publique faith they have prostituted like a common whore and taught her to pick the pockets of her fornicators Lying and perjury hath been the untempered morter they have dawb'd withall Murder Theft and Rapine hath been the chiefe materials they have wrought withall But lest you should imagine me too invective although I speake nothing but the truth I will give you my observations of the difference betweene the present and preceding times wherein if every indifferent understanding be not able to discover a remarkable disparity and how we are declin'd into a much worse condition then formerly we enjoyed I must conclude he wilfully shuts the eyes of his reason lest he should be made sensible of that ignorance he hath lived in or be found guilty of conniving at those plots and practices which during this Parliament have been used to ruine and destroy his Country It were enough to let you see the difference if I onely tell you the Kingdome before this Parliament enjoy'd peace and that it is now embroyled with a Civill War but I shall addresse my selfe more particularly to each mans understanding and in the first place I shall begin with our Religion which was so reform'd and setled in this Kingdome as that it was an honour unto our Nation a fear and terror unto the Romish party and the hope and wish of all Protestant Churches beyond the Seas that they might be rendred in a capacity to imitate us for we had excluded the novell introductions and superstitious fopperies of the Papists and yet retained a decency of order Divine worship in our Churches such as would not admit of parity to confound or fancy to disturbe the wel-composed harmony in the government of the Church That God who is the God of Order and is delighted in it as appeares by the consent and union in the Creation and disposing of all things was here served with Order and Reverence Humility was the Garment we put on when we entred into the holy places exprest by our humble Gestures and civill Comportment in the time and place of Adoration and each degree according to his eminency had that duty and respect payed him which was due according to the superiority of his calling from his inferior and subordinate Officers A remedy was provided for each inconvenience and no crime could escape unpunished unlesse by the corruption of the Judge and that nothing can prevent for whilst Jugdes are men some of them will still be wicked and corrupt and private passions and interests will lead them to connive at offences or to passe indirect and unjust Sentences according to their affections and relations We had as many eminent and learned men in the Kingdom as any Age ever produced and the Vniversities and Innes of Court as flourishing in their severall Professions as ever they were The Word and the Sword Religion and Justice were equally administred through the Kingdom each man knew where and how to pray according to the Patterne and Forme prescribed by our Saviour and to joyne with united hearts and voices in the most sacred and best composed Lyturgie of the world The first rudiments of Christian Religion were learned by heart by being only Auditors and Assistans at our Church service The Lords Prayer the Greed and the ten Commandements which are the principles of Christian Religion was a part of our Lyturgie and we are daily taught how to praise God for the benefits we had and did daily receive and how to pray unto him for the supply of our wants And sure on these two maine pillars of Praise and Prayer the structure of Religion is erected This was the Sacrifice we offered three or four times a day in our Cathedrals and at least as many times a week by injunction in our ordinary Churches and now this sacred Offertory which by Act of Parliament was Enjoyned by Ordinance is Abolished as if it were a crime to serve God in any other forme or method then the two Houses shall prescribe Instead of this Decency and Vniformity what confusion is introduced is obvious to every man how these divine Collects are enforced to give place to extempore Nonsence and the admirable composed Prayers extracted out of the most patheticall parts of the Scripture must be banished the Church whilst Heresies and Blasphemies are planted within the walls of the Church whereby whole Congregations are infected and become Separatists in their tenents Pious Religious and Orthodox Ministers are Voted out of their Free-holds and violently ejected because they will not be perjured and conforme to worship the Presbyterian Idol or the Independent Monster these novell Reformers would set up And in the Cures of these Reverend Divines for the most part ignorant Non-conformists and factious Schismatiques are placed by which they have new modell'd the Church and setled therein fit Chaplains for such Patrons who must instruct the people to believe nothing to be Orthodox Divinity but what they read unto them out of a Parliament Ordinance or a City Diurnall And if they can but continue the people in this slavish Ignorance to forget their duty to God and their Loyalty to the King and to submit by an implicite faith to the power of the Parliament then their great work is done for all their great labour is to keep up their Diana the Parliament and to keep the people from knowing that it is the Devill that utters those Oracles which are vented from that Shrine But sure the Bloud of those Martyrs who have suffered for good Consciences and have either dyed in Prisons or for want been starved abroad being unjustly robbed by these mercilesse men of all their Estates and Lively-hoods cry loud for vengeance and will one day awaken the patience of our long suffering God And draw down his revenging wrath on these counterfeit Zealots and impious Hypocrites who have indeed really no Religion but only make use of that sacred Cloak to disguise all their villany For what have these great Reformers done but introduced will-worship into the Church and Lawlesnesse in the Common-wealth For who can now discover the face of any Church in this Kingdome where every severall Congregation use a distinct forme of worship and where there is no Coercive power to compell Vniformity in Doctrine or to punish Deformity in manners The sacred Scripture is profaned and by the Liberty each man appropriates to himself to Interpret according to his own Fancy or rather to apply that divine writing to serve for the advancing his own designes the sense thereof is so inverted by these Scripturists who use it no other wayes then the Devill did to intrap circumvent their hearers so that those divine Oracles which were bequeath'd us to instruct us in the right way to Heaven are by these lying Prophets become by-paths that lead to destruction Our Lawes which are each Subjects Birth-right how
groane under but more of this in its due place The Parliament finding an inclination in His Majesty to reform all that is amisse and willing to comply with His Parliament in all that they can propose for the good of the people they grow fearfull that if His Majesty be suffered to comply with them so fast all that is amisse in the Common-wealth will be reform'd too soone and then there will be no worke for them but they must returne home and become private men againe which is contrary to their intentions for they resolve to Lord it over their fellow Subjects perpetually which they cannot doe unlesse they devolve the Kingdome into greater miseries and distractions by contriving a Civill War within the bowels thereof for the effecting of which they use all their art and industry to inslave the people by pretending that there is a Malignant party in the Kingdome of Papists and such as are Popishly affected who are machinating treacherous plots against them by destroying of this glorious Parliament which intends so much good to the Common-wealth and in the ruine of this Parliament to bury all hopes of future redresse of our grievances These feares and jealousies are fomented amongst the people by their active instruments who are especially those of the Clergy and these by their pretended sanctity of life easily gained credit amongst their simple auditors besides such as are divulgers of these reports are directed to insinuate that His Majesty hath a hand in these contrivances by which obliquity He must be represented as the object of the peoples fear who ought to be the protector of them and their Lawes and they the security of His Power and Person By this distrust of His Majesty being begotten and nourisht amongst the people His Majesties Person together with His Royall Consort and Children are exposed to all calumnie and reproach that so they may become contemptible Yet notwithstanding all these practises which were the contrivances of particular plotters in both Houses yet there was a party of honest able Gentlemen in the House of Commons and the Bishops and some Noble Lords in the House of Peeres that crost and thwarted the proceedings of this violent party How to remove these was now the great endeavour and the Bishops they must first be thrust out of the House of Lords and the better to effect this the people they must be stirr'd up to Petition the House of Commons that the Prelates who by their Votes in Parliament hindred the intended Reformation might by an Act of Parliament be excluded out of the House and their Votes taken away And to the end that these people might not erre in the forme or manner of Petitioning they had good friends in the Parliament that could penne their Petitions according to the sense of the House these Petitioners were commonly attended by a tumultuous rabble of the City and Suburbes who were summoned to meet together for that purpose and although they came together and flockt to the Houses more like an unlawfull assembly of riotous and mutinous persons who imperiously demanded rather then humbly Petitioned for what they desired and therefore for their manner of comming rather deserved to be reprehended then cherisht yet they were welcomed and thankt for their great care of the Common-wealth and encourag'd to draw together in such unlawfull assemblies The Bill being now formed for the excluding the Bishops out of the House they presse His Majesty to sign it and that they may worke Him thereunto they make use of all those Instruments about Him who are either afraid to be lasht by their exorbitant power or else are desirous to partake with them in their wayes and these who are truely the evill Councellors obtaine of His Majesty to passe this Bill I wish with my soule His Majesty had never been betrayed by these evil Instruments to doe so ill an act as to deprive the Church of that power next under Him should govern and protect it and by their consent to wholsome Lawes in Parliament preserve their flocks from the ravenous Wolves that have since devoured them I am no Lawyer to determine how essentiall a part of the Parliament the Bishops were but I believe they were one of the Estates that made up that great body and this I am sure is consonant to reason for if each Member of the Common-wealth be obliged to obey the Lawes made in that Convention because they consent unto them by those who are present at the making of those Lawes as being Persons chosen by them by whose Votes they oblige themselves I know no reason that the Clergy who are so eminent a part of the Common-wealth should not have fit persons by them chosen to sit and Vote likewise in the House by whom their consent unto all Lawes might be included And it will appear a strange irregular course in the opinion of foraine Nations and that which will be a dishonour and a disparagement unto this Kingdome that the doctrine and discipline of our Church is subverted and that we have in a manner a new Religion framed and no Clergy-man hath either an affirmative or a negative Vote in the composure an Assembly of Divines being pickt out and packt together by no lawfull authority and onely made use of to colour out and countenance the acts of those who are altogether Lay-men It will seem strange hereafter when these proceedings shall be maturely heard and debated that it should appear that a businesse of so high a nature as the dispossessing the Bishops of their just rights should be transacted and that those who are parties should be made their Judges to condemn without hearing those who are so eminently their Superiours both in degree and dignity but it is now too apparent to all the world what it was that provoked this violent and irregular prosecution the end being that these Reformers might rob the Church of that patrimony which the piety of their Auncestors had invested the Bishops withall And it will be well if the legislative power which these men exercise can secure them from being guilty of sacriledge and quit them at the dreadfull Tribunall from horrid impiety Those honest and able Noblemen and Gentlemen who were chosen and trusted by their Countries and whose tender consciences scrupled at these injurious and impious proceedings and according to the dictate of their reasons dissented from these unjust and irregular actions these were traduced amongst the people as members Popishly affected and not fit to continue in the Houses And to deter them the more the rabble scum of the people were brought down often to Westminster and there were taught to know those men that opposed their Faction and to revile them with scurilous and opprobrious language and so to menace them as they thought it not safe for them to stay longer in the Houses especially after they had with the like Tumults driven away His Majesty from White-hall the Protectour of them and
so soone parted as the foole and his money and therefore they must use some artificiall cunning suggestions to divorce the Citizen from his God And therefore first they sell him very cheape pennyworths of Land in Ireland and having once bit at that bait and disburst some money for that purchase it was easie to perswade him to shoot one arrow after another untill he be drawne by the perusall of a faire survey with the title confirm'd by an Ordinance of Parliament to buy the Mannor of Hell with the fishing of Styx and the ferry of Charon Else who would imagine that there could be a generation of Christian people so given over to worke wickednesse without any the least shew of legall title or justice for their warrant or security that could be induced to purchase other mens Estates nay to purchase that Land which the Religion and piety of our Auncestors conferr'd on the Church nay that these Sacrilegious villaines ravenous birds of prey can unplume the Sacred birds of Paradise and pride it in their feathers exposing the reverend Clergie naked to the frozen charity of these unchristian times Pride and plenty are the diseases of this City and War which by bloud-letting cures this sicknesse must doe it but there is a great deale of hazard in it the remedy being commonly worse then the disease for some time it kils in stead of curing and most times it so ruines and destroyes the fabrick and constitution of health that it leaves a weake miserable and consumptive body ever after In all ages of the world this hath been experimentally manifested and I wish it may not be prophetically now spoken of this City For all the flourishing and most famous Cities of the world when their pride and luxury had debaucht them into such sins as London is guilty of they have been at last miserably swallowed in the ruines of that War which their owne Rebellion first begot But the Parliament now had their ends which was to engage the City as deepely in this Rebellion as themselves for so they became masters of their Estates and so were enabled to manage and continue the War at their pleasures And truely it was no difficult taske for them to goe through with their undertaking for now being possest of the money banke the City mines they could do all things There the Army is now raised and wants nothing now but a popular Generall to conduct this Army Essex who being scorn'd laught at and contemn'd at Court amongst the Lords for his disability being angry at his slighting he was thought fit to be the man for upon his Fathers score no merits of his owne he was esteemed amongst the people besides he was bold and blockish so his confidence might lead him into action and his ignorance not discover their artifice that employ'd him By this he appear'd to be a fit subject for their election and rejection at pleasure and accordingly afterward they used him rejected him and scorn'd him when he had serv'd their turnes The Army being now rais'd and marcht both was done under the specious pretext of fighting for the King to bring Him to His Parliament and to withdraw Him from His evill Counsellors to reside with His great Councell who intended to make Him a GREAT and GLORIO10 S KING A Battaile is fought pretended for the King where His Majesty opposed them in Person and their undistinguishable bullets let flye against His Majesty the Prince and Duke of Yorke and yet all this was still pretended for the safety of His Person in this Battaile it pleased God to protect His Majesty that He came off with Honour and safety for He kept the field tooke divers Colours and some Cannon Yet this must be other wayes represented to the City and those who pretended to be in the Battaile but were indeed hid in Sawpits must be instructed to make ample narratives at the Guild-Hall thereby to gull the City with an opinion of a Victory lest they should be disheartned and so with-hold their contribution It is most true His Majesty lost gallant men there and it could not be otherwise for He had none but such in His Army and playing like a prodigall gamester gold to brasse it must of necessity follow that by the chance of War He must lose some of the Nobler mettall by adventuring it on that oddes But His Majesty went on with his designe and tooke Banbury which His enemies durst not attempt to hinder and from thence marcht towards London and having beaten the enemy at Branford might undoubtedly have pursued His successe into the City where certainely he had then a strong party to have assisted Him but His Party restrained Him being unwilling to expose that rich City to the fury and rapine of the greedy Souldier His Majesty therefore retreated unto Oxford where He might study that Logique which the Parliament had taught Him which was how Subjects might fight against their King for His preservation but finding not learning enough there to instruct Him in this strange and unheard of doctrine He takes the field againe and sometimes winnes and loses according to the hazard of Battailes Yet at last He grew so successefull that our Brethren of Scotland were call'd to the aid and assistance of their distressed friends here And now the solemne League Covenant was contrived and these accursed Traytors as they had abandoned their Loyalty so they must sweare to forsake their Religion thereby to engage the Scots to their assistance This accordingly they performe and so a Scottish Army is brought into the Kingdome hired by these miscreants at the price of their Religion to gnaw out the bowels of their native Country by the help of these and their money and by the evill conduct emulating pride and perfidious treacherie of His Majesties Officers they prevaile reduce the whole Kingdom to their obedience and at last purchase His Majesty who was fled to the false Scots for His protection and refuge and by them to the dishonour of their Nation be it ever spoken and with this Character of ignomy and infamy let them be branded to all posterity who had any share therein His Majesty was treacherously and basely delivered up into the hands of His Rebellious and disloyall Subjects who in so many severall Battailes had sought His life and therefore could not be imagined but that they would expose Him to contempt and as they have rob'd Him of His Liberty when they found it necessary or convenient for them would deprive him of his life also I have now brought the Parliament or rather they have brought themselves to the highest degree of power and Soveraignty I beseech every man seriously to weigh and consider by what meanes and instruments they have ascended to this Supreame height each step by which they have climbed have beene multiplied Treasons new in their invention unparallel'd in their condition sins of the blackest nature have been their props and supports the
miserably are they perverted what man can now be secured in his inheritance or possession being so enslaved and subjected to an Arbitrary power when by a Vote of the House of Commons we are dispossessed of all that we enjoy and if we plead our title and appeal to any Court of Judicature expecting Justice according to the known Lawes of the Land our proceedings are obstructed by some Order from the House of Commons or one of their Ordinances of which they have made so many that they know not what they have made and besides diverse of them are contradictory in themselves and by these without dispute we are debard of our legall Rights This is now our miserable condition that we know not what we may call our own or how to preserve those auncient Inheritances descended from our Predecessors for it is in the power of a Knave to stile an Honest man and a Loyall Subject either Malignant or Delinquent new termes in the Law invented this blessed Parliament and to informe this under-hand to a Committee where himself dares not publickly appear to avow his information or to be crosse interrogated concerning his accusation and this is sufficient to turne a man out of all his Estate expose his Wife and Children to beggary and no way left to repaire this injurious proceeding but by appealing to them that doe the wrong whence it is probable you may expect equall justice when your Judges have equally divided your Estate amongst them For Informers they share with Sequestrators Sequestrators they share with Committee-men and Committee-men they share with the Members of the House who are their great Masters that protect them against all complaints in the House of Commons thus the honest Country-man who knew no offence in maintaning his Allegeance which he was bred in and had sworn unto his King is taught by suffering to conforme to what he understands not nor his rulers declare not the inscrutable unlimitable Priviledges of Parliament from offending whereof he is no sooner cleared by submitting to a large Fine but that he is presently subject again to the like mischief if he obeyes the Law of the Land or the malice of his neighbour prosecutes him Rebels and Traytors shall be protected to rob and plunder by Ordinance of Parliament and honest men and Loyall Subjects shall be ruined and destroyed for adhering to the Established Religion and the known Lawes I will appeal to every honest Country-man whether he were not in a much better condition when he was unacquainted with the termes of Plunder Free-quarter and Contribution when he understood not the iniquity of a Sequestrator or a Committee but upon occasion of any injury done him had immediate recourse to the next neighbour the Justice of Peace where he complained and had redresse according to a known Law When he went to Church and knew how to Pray and had good life and manners taught him out of the Pulpit and not Parliament Orders and Declarations read every Sunday which he understands not when holy Feasts were kept and observed by which he was taught the History of the Church and Martyrologie of the Saints at which time Hospitality was observed and thereby Amity and Friendship maintained and continued amongst neighbours These were the blessings of peace what hath succeeded instead of this they have fresh in memory I need not particularize but I am sure they have according to the old proverb removed out of Gods blessing into the warme Sunne for I am sure they have changed Peace and Plenty into Warre and Poverty by which as they sowed they are assured to reap the unpleasant fruits of their labour I am confident if men are not mad and possest with such a spirit of Frensie as that they cannot discerne between Good and Bad False-hood and Truth Religion and Irreligion they must needs confesse that all they have done or acted for six or seaven yeares last past wherein they have complyed with the Parliament they have endeavoured to advance evill false-hood and irreligion thereby to destroy themselves and their Posterities and to make themselves slaves to the Arbytrary wills and powers of the usurped Authority of their fellow-subjects by which they are not masters of their own Estates but at the wills and pleasures of those they have set over them And let them ingenuously judge of their own actions and then they will confesse that they have wilfully perjured themselves in forfeiting their Allegiance to their Soveraigne for no profit or advantage to themselves but to render themselves in a worse condition of Slavery and Vassallage then ever they were in for now they are disposable at the wills and pleasures of their fellow-subjects as their absolute Vassalls and Slaves and can call nothing their own when they that is the House of Commons have a desire to call for it For this is a Maxime in our new reformed Government that all we possesse belongs to the State and that when the State bath occasion to make use of it all is at their disposall O happy Subjects what a blessed Government have you fought for no doubt the whole Christian world will admire your Ignorance but not follow your Example for that were to become fooles like you and from being Subjects free and happy under a gracious King to make themselves Slaves to their Fellow-subjects as you have done to M. Ash the Clothier M. Martin the Atheist M. Blackston the Pedler M. Birch the Carrier therest of the Reverend rabble of which the House of Comons is now composed Oh you Subjects of England if you have any sense of your own miseries entaile them not to your Posterities but at length rouze up your selves shake off the servile youk you have drawn in returne in zeal to your God his Worship in duty to your King and his Just Rights in love to your Country and your Legall liberty vindicate your selves from those aspersions which now lie heavy on you and make the King according to your Protestation a great and a glorious King your selves free from Slavery make the Parliament know they are but your Fellow-subjects trusted by you and that you will call them to an account wherein they have exceeded their Commission And when you dare to become so bolde as to call the Parliament to account for their past actions aske them whether you gave them any Authority to destroy the Church to extirpate Episcopacy roote and branch to abolish Common Prayer to exclude you from the blessed Sacraments of Baptisme and the Lords Supper to introduce a forme of Marrying and Burying into the Church fitter for Pagans then Christians to remove the Ten Comandements written with the Finger of God out of the Church and to place instead thereof their new-invented damned Covenant After them whether you gave them Authority to levy War against your King and to pursue Him and endeavour to kill Him because He would not perjure Himself by taking that Covenant