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A66892 The associators cashier'd proving by undeniable arguments, as well as by the testimony of their own mouthes, that the late endeavours of some restless spirits were, 1. to enervate monarchy, 2. to subvert the institution of English-parliaments, and usher in the power of the sword. Womock, Laurence, 1612-1685. 1683 (1683) Wing W3337; ESTC R20240 17,046 33

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all the continual endeavours of the Parliament to deliver His Majesty from the Councils and out of the power of the said D. yet his Interest in the Ministry of State and others have béen so prevalent that Parliaments have béen unreasonably Prorogued and Dissolved when they have béen in hot pursuit of the Popish Conspiracies and ill Ministers of State their Assistants And that the said D. in order to reduce all into his own power hath procured the Garrisons the Army and Ammunition and all the power of the Seas and Souldiery and Lands belonging to these thrée Kingdoms to be put inco the hands of his party and their Adherents even in opposition to the Advice and Order of the last Parliament And as we considering with heavy Hearts how greatly the Strength Reputation and Treasure of the Kingdom both at Sea and Land is Wasted and Consumed and lost by the intricate expensive management of these wicked destructive Designs and finding the same Councils after exemplary Iustice upon some of the Conspirators to be still pursued with the utmost devilish malice and desire of Revenge whereby his Majesty is in continual hazard of being Murdered to make way for the said D's Advancement to the Crown and the whole Kingdom in such case is destitute of all security of their Religion Laws Estates and Liberty sad experience in the Case Quéen Mary having proved the wisest Laws to be of little force to kéep out Popery and Tyranny under a Popish Prince We have therefore endeavoured in a Parliamentary way by a Bill for the purpose to Bar and Exclude the said Duke from the Succession to the Crown and to Banish him for ever out of these Kingdoms of England and Ireland But the first Means of the King and Kingdoms Safety being utterly rejected and we left almost in Despair of obtaining any real and effectual security and knowing our selves to be intrusted to Advise and Act for the preservation of His Majesty and the Kingdom and being perswaded in our Consciences that the dangers aforesaid are so eminent and pressing that there ought to be no delay of the best means that are in our power to secure the Kingdom against them We have thought fit to propose to all true Protestants an Vnion amongst themselves by solemn and sacred promise of mutual Defence and Assistance in the preservation of the true Protestant Religion His Majesties Person and Royal State and our Laws Liberties and Properties and we hold it our bounden Duty to joyn our selves for the same intent in a Declaration of our Vnited Affections and Resolutions in the Form insuing I A.B. Do in the presence of God Solemnly Promise Vow and Protest to maintain and defend to the utmost of my Power with my Person and Estate the true Protestant Religion against Popery and all Popish superstition Idolatry or Innovasion and all those who do or shall endeavour to spread or advance it within this Kingdom I will also as far as in me lies maintain and defend His Majesties Royal Person and Estate as also the power and priviledge of Parliaments the lawful Rights and Liberties of the Subject against all Incroachments and Vsurpation of Arbitrary power whatsoever and endeavour intirely to Disband all such mercenary Forces as we have reason to believe were raised to Advance it and are still kept up in and about the City of London to the great Amazement and Terrour of all the good people of the Land Moreover J. D. of Y. having publickly professed and owned the Popish Religion and notoriously given Life and Birth to the Damnable and Hellish Plots of the Papists against His Majesties Person the Protestant Religion and the Government of this Kingdom I will never consent that the said J. D. of Y. or any other who is or hath béen a Papist or any ways adher'd to the Papists in their wicked Designs be admitted to the Succession of the Crown of England But by all lawful means and by force of Arms if néed so require according to my Abilities will oppose him and endeavour to Subdue Expel and Destroy him if he come into England or the Dominions thereof and séek by force to set up his pretended Title and all such as shall Adhere unto him or raise any War Tumult or Sedition for him or by his Command as publick Enemies of our Laws Religion and Country To this end we and every one of us whose hands are here under-written do most willingly bind our selves and every one of us unto the other joyntly and severally in the bond of one firm and loyal Society or Association and do promise and vow before God That with our joynt and particular Forces we will oppose and pursue unto Destruction all such as upon any Title whatsoever shall oppose the Iust and Righteous ends of this Association and Maintain Protect and Defend all such as shall enter into it and the just performance of the true intent and meaning of it And lest this just and pious work should be any ways obstructed or hindered for want of Discipline and Conduct or any evil-minded persons under pretence of raising Forces for the service of this Association should attempt or commit Disorders we will follow such Orders as we shall from time to time receive from this present Parliament whilest it shall be sitting or the major part of the Members of both Houses subscribing this Association when it shall be Prorogued or Dissolved and obey such Officers as shall by them be set over us in the several Countries Cities and Burroughs until the next méeting of this or another Parliament and will then shew the same Obedience and Submission unto it and those who shall be of it Neither will we for any respect of Persons or Causes or for Fear or Reward separate our selves from this Association or fail in the Prosecution thereof during our Lives upon pain of being by the rest of us prosecuted and suppressed as perjur'd persons and publick Enemies to God the King and our Native Countrey To which pains and punishments we do voluntarily submit our selves and every one of us without benefit of any Colour or Pretence to excuse us In Witnesses of all which Premisses to be inviolably kept we do to this present Writing put our Hands and Seals and shall be most ready to accept and admit any others hereafter into this Society and Association SIR YOU have turned me to a hard Chapter for so it is to give you my opinion of the Association that lyes under so great debate I must tell you 't is a Riddle not easie to be deciphered The Assertors of it call themselves a Society * The Bond of one Firm and Loyal Society after the Protest And This Society at the end and twice for failing This Sir is the Distinctive Character of the Jesuites and you must imagine an Instrument of such a Make is full of Mental Reserves and Equivocations for seeing they have so auspiciously assumed their Title and Appellative
THE ASSOCIATORS CASHIER'D PROVING By undeniable Arguments as well as by the Testimony of their own Mouthes That the late Endeavours of some Restless Spirits WERE 1. To enervate MONARCHY 2. To subvert the Institution of English-Parliaments and usher in the Power of the Sword LONDON Printed for Walter Davis 1683. SIR SEEING they have published an Exact Collection of their Debates in the House of Commons I hope the Gentlemen will give us leave to make our Judgment on them And I cannot but observe that they thought themselves concern'd to be provided of such an Army as is design'd by the former Association To this purpose consider what is said p. 244. by Sir H. C. Jan. 7. 1681. Things are so out of order Mr. Speaker and such prevalent endeavours are used to unsettle them more that I am afraid not onely of our Religion but of the very Government and Being of the English Nation For if these things should occasion BLOOD while the French is so powerful He may easily have the Casting Voice and without that onely God knows what may be the end of such Confusions as some men endeavour to occasion But J. B. is more express and positive Sir saith he Will not all the Expedients that have been talked of or can be imagined leave us to contest with our Lawful Prince and that assistance which he is well assured of not onely from the Papists here but in Ireland and from France and Scotland I am afraid enough to make it a Measuring Cast And is the Protestant Interest so low that though our dangers be so great that instead of a Sword to defend our selves we must be content with a Sheath I am not for cheating those that sent me here I think it much more for the Interest of the Nation that we should have no Laws than such as will but Trepan us by failing us like rotten Crutches when we have occasion to depend on them I had rather lose my Life and my Religion because I were not able to defend it than be fool'd out of it by depending on such Laws I take it for granted that seeing the Exclusion-Bill is thought too much for us and such great endeavours are used to preserve the strength and Interest of that Party that we must either submit or defend our Religion by a sharp Contest and therefore I hope we shall not depend upon Laws that will tend to weaken us And 2. That the ASSOCIATION in the time of Queen Elizabeth would not serve their turn is clear p. 183.184 by the Speech of Sir W. J. in these words But I am perswaded Sir if this Association-Bill be made as it should be that we shall have no better Success with it than we had with the Exclusion-Bill For I am afraid that though we are suffered to brandish our Weapons yet that we shall not be allowed to wound Popery but rather do believe that they which advised the throwing out of that Bill will also do the same by this or dissolve the House before it come to Perfection For this Bill must be much stronger than that in Queen Elizabeths dayes That was for an Association onely after her Death but I cannot tell if such a Bill will secure us now the circumstances we are under being very different In Q. Elizabeth's dayes the Privy Councellors were all for the Queens Interest and none for the Successor's now most of the Privy Councellors are for the Successor's and few for the King 's Then the Ministers unanimously agreed to keep out Popery now we have too much reason to fear there are many that are for bringing it in In those days they all agreed to keep the Popish Successor in Scotland now the major part agreed to keep the Successor here All which must be considered in drawing up the Bill Hereupon Resolved That it is the opinion of this Committee that the House be moved that a Bill be brought in for an Association of all his Majesties Protestant Subjects for the Safety of his Majesties Person the Defence of the Protestant Religion and the Preservation of his Majesties Protestant Subjects against all Invasions and oppositions and for preventing the D. of York or any other Papist from succeeding to the Crown What Alliance this Resolution has to the fore-mentioned Association let the Reader judge Nay I have observed something farther out of the Arraignment of the E. of Shaftsb p. 34. which makes me highly confident that Seditious and Treasonable Piece was drawn up by a Club of Commoners or a close Committee of the H. of C. Headed by that Lord. I shall for proof transcribe a few particulars viz The Arraignment of the E. of Shaftsbury p. 34. Foreman Mr. Secretary I would ask you some questions If you did not know of a Debate in the Parliament of an Association Mr. Secret I was not present at the Debate but there was a talk in Town of an Association Foreman Did not you hear of it in Parliament Mr. Secret Indeed there was an Answer to a Message from the House of Commons that had something in it that did strangely imply an Association but this particular Association I do not remember to have heard propos'd Foreman Don't you remember in the House of Commons Sir it was read upon occasion of that Bill Mr. Secret I heard such a thing spoke of but at the reading of it I was not present to the best or my remembrance The Paper which was Seized in the E. of Shaftsbury's Closet by Fran. Gwin Esq one of the Clerks of His Majesties Most Honourable Privy Council and Read Novemb. 24. 1681. at the Old Baily before His Majesties Commissioners of Oyer and Terminer WE the Knights c. Finding to the grief of our Hearts the Popish Priests and Iesuits with the Papists and their Adherents and Abbettors have for several years last past pursued a most pernicious and hellish Plot to root out the true Protestant Religion as a pestilent Heresie to take away the Life of our Gracious King to subvert our Laws and Liberties and to set up Arbitrary power and Popery And it being Notorious that they have béen highly encouraged by the Countenance and Protection given and procured for them by J. D. of Y. and by their Expectations of his succéeding to the Crown and that through crafty Popish Councils his Designs have so far prevailed that he hath created many and great Dependents upon him by his bestowing Offices and Preferments both in Church and State It appearing also to us That by his Influence Mercenary Forces have béen levied and kept on Foot for his secret Designs contrary to our Laws the Officers thereof having béen named and appointed by him to the appparent hazard of His Majesties Person our Religion and Government if the danger had not béen timely foreséen by several Parliaments and part of those Forces with great difficulty caused by them to be Disbanded at the Kingdoms great Expence And it being evident that notwithstanding
't will be hard if you will not allow them to imitate something of their Practice The Body of this Monster has already been most accurately dissected by skilful hands and ingenious Lectures read upon every Member Vein and Muscle of it If you think there may be something yet in the Belly of this Trojan Horse that is worthy of your notice at your command I shall venture in to search it We the Knights They were influenced it seems by one of the other House in whose Custody this Instrument was found if he were not rather the crafty Contriver of it A person so well known there 's no need of any new Character to describe him How he has play'd fast and loose both with King and Subject needs no other instance to demonstrate than the shutting up of the Exchequer Having been at the head of so many Seditious Juncto's Trayterous Cabals Councils of State usurped and Tyrannical Jurisdictions you may very well conclude though he hath learn'd the Art of shifting sides he is not over-stockt with Loyalty If any insolency in his carriage has made him jealous that he is obnoxious to a high displeasure no wonder the discontents arising from such Reflections should prompt him to the courses he has taken 'T is natural for the wounded Deer to run into the common Herd for shelter And such is the Spirit of our little Heroe whatever stands in the way of his Ambition he 'll leave nothing unattempted to remove it Let Religion sink or swim among the States General Delenda Carthago is his Motto But let 's proceed We the Knights c. This c. is a fatal Character if we can remember that Et caetera-Oath which made such a hideous noise in the year 40. Thou art the curled lock of Antichrist Rubbish of Babel for who will not say Tongues are confounded in Et caetera Who views it well with the same eye beholds The old false Serpent in his numerous folds The Banes are ask'd and now the times give way Betwixt Smectymnus and Et caetera Something certainly is involved in the subtile twirl of this Dragons Tayl If they be True Protestants in the sense of these Associates they must be such as Protest against the present Church of England the Succession of the Crown and the Brittish Monarchy Here we have the very Spawn of the Presbyterian fruitfulness Independents Ranters Quakers with the rest of the Fanaticks which proceed from the Presbyterian by an equivocal Generation and without all doubt are comprehended within the bowels of this prodigious Character all Schismaticks Rebels Traytors Regicides Tyrants and Usurpers who by their own proper Names and Titles were by no means fit to be dignified or distinguished in such a Pious and Politick Association were cunningly and closely tyed up together with those Knights in the Gordian Knot of this c. And they say Finding to the grief of our Hearts the Popish Priests and Iesuites with the Papists and their Adherents and Abettors have for several years last past pursued a most pernicious and Hellish Plot to root out the True Protestant Religion as a pestilent Heresie to take away the life of our Gracious King to subvert our Laws and Liberties and to set up Arbitrary Power and Popery Here we have a Mask of zeal made up of a double pretence Pro and Con 1. For The Protestant Religion with the preservation of the Kings Life our Laws and Liberties 2. Against The Popish party and their Abettors But that we may not be perpetually bewitcht with these delusions it has been made apparent by a person of unquestionable knowledge and integrity * A short view of the Troubles c. 44. p. 588. That these great pretended Champions for the Protestant Religion the Laws of the Land the liberty of the Subject and priviledges of Parliament for these are taken in too in this Association made use of those specious pretences for no other end than to captivate the People and by that means get the power of the Sword into their own merciless hands And as that Worthy Author expostulates were not there certain Propositions read in their House of Commons P. 590. where this Association was first spawn'd which were found in Mr. Saltmarsh his Trunk near Hull First That all means should be used to keep the King and his People from a sudden Union Secondly To cherish the War under the notion of Popery as the surest means to engage the People Thirdly If the King would not grant their demands then to root him out of the Royal line and collate the Crown upon some body else So that they served themselves of Popery for a pretence and made the Priests and Jesuites but their stalking Horse while they aim'd at other Game If the Popish Priests and Jesuites have a Design to retrieve what has been taken from the Pope and that Church that depends upon him are not these Associators equally intent and zealous to make a spoyl and booty of those Church Revenues which are left Is not their Religion and keenest zeal fed upon the Church-lands which they have got into their possession And why do they stickle so earnestly against the Pope but to maintain that interest If you could secure their fears and jealousies in this point assure your self for the most part of them their Consciences are not so squeamish but the Mass would go down with them as easily as the Directory 'T is very well observed That the Rule for Doctrine Worship and Discipline in the Church of England at the Reformation A Vindication of the Primitive Church p. 275. was at first received with universal joy and approbation none but Papists opposing it But some time after some few discontented men under pretence of zeal against Popery took the part of the Papists against this Rule and it is observable saith that Author that as one faction grew up and gathered strength so did the other that ones right and left hand can hardly grow in evener proportion so that one would fancy that either they advanced by some secret Consent or were nourished from the same common Stomach It may be saith he from him that Ratavicini calls the Stomach as well as the Head of the Church the Pope Have not these pretended Protestants and Et caetera's been eager even to Sedition and Blood to throw down the Enclosure to Repeal those Laws and subvert that Church-Government which have kept out Popery ever since the Reformation Have they not given their Emissaries advantage by their Projected Toleration and Indulgence and shelter'd the Priests and Jesuites whom they pretend to Associate against in their own Conventicles Nay to come home to the business have not these men Rivall'd the Papists in their Treasons Have they not emulated them in their practices of Conspiracy and taken the Hellish work of Destruction out of their Hands and subverted both Church and State while they pretended the Popish party did pursue it For if