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A30029 A modest defence of my book entituled, Quakerism expos'd as also of my broad sheet : with a scheme of the Quakers yearly synod, and other books presented anno 1699 to the Parliament : and G. Whitehead's inside turn'd outward, by reprinting his ancient book Ishmael, &c. intirely, shewing thereby the Quakers ancient testimony of contempt of the Holy Scriptures and blasphemy against the blessed Trinity ... / by Francis Bugg. Bugg, Francis, 1640-1724?; Atkinson, Christopher. Ishmael and his mother cast out into the wilderness. 1700 (1700) Wing B5375; ESTC R19514 73,450 146

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Dead and Buried that he Rose again the third Day and Ascended into Heaven and there sits at the Right Hand of God making Intercession for us Sinners who lay hold on him by Faith and live in Obedience to him his Laws Institutions and Precepts in the Gospel left upon Record by the Four Evangelists Matthew Mark Luke and John and others of his Apostles in their Epistles And that we ought to Worship and Adore him together with God the Father and the Holy Ghost Three Persons and One God in the Unity of his Essence This is the Trinity in Unity of the Father Son and Holy Ghost which is One God blessed for evermore And this is that Common Christianity which I mean that the Quakers Principles are so destructive to Now the next thing I am to tell at the Prayer and Request of John Feild is Wherein and whereby their Principles are Destructive c. I. The Quakers deny Jesus of Nazareth who was Born of the Virgin and Suffered at Jerusalem to be the Son of God II. That they account him only a Vail a Garment an outward Vessel and can as their Books teach never call him Christ and that his Blood was no better than the Blood of another Saint III. They teach that their Sufferings are greater and more unjust than the Sufferings of Christ his Apostles and Martyrs in all Ages since For that as they teach the Sufferings of Christ and his Army of Martyrs were inflicted by a Law and in great part by the due Execution of a Law IV. That such are False Ministers who bid People believe in Jesus Christ as he is in Heaven above at God's Right Hand and that by Preaching Christ in Heaven the Devil gets his Work done on Earth V. They teach That G. Fox was their great Apostle which said thus of himself I am the Light of the World him by whom the World was made and doth inlighten every Man that cometh into the World VI. They teach That the Name Jesus and Christ belongs to every Believer as well as to the Head Christ that Suffered Died Rose again c. VII And thereupon they teach That he that hath the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the Dead is equal with God VIII And in coherence with this Doctrine their Prophet Sol. Eccles taught That Geo. Fox was a Prophet indeed And that as it was said of Christ He was in the World and the World was made by him and the World knew him not So it might be said of G. Fox as in the 5th Instance XI They teach That G. Fox was the Father of many Nations that his Being and Habitation was in the Power of the highest that he Ruled and Governed in Righteousness that his Kingdom is established in Peace and that of the Increase thereof there was never to be an End X. They teach That the Holy Scriptures are not the written Word of God but contrarywise that they are Dust Death Serpents Meat Beastly Ware but that their own Writings are the Word of God given forth by Divine Iuspiration and that they as such are of greater Authority than the Bible and thereupon read them in their Meetings for Divine Worship whilst they never read in any such Meeting this Fifty Year one Chapter of the Bible either in the Old or New Testament For they teach They are not the means to work Faith in the Heart but are a Rotten Foundation XI They teach That Circumcision is as much in force as Water-Baptism and the Paschal Lamb as Bread and Wine and their disuse of these two Ordinances for this Fifty Years shew that they reject them and allows not of them XII And touching the Doctrine of the Blessed Trinity they are so far from owning it as that they Damn them to the Pit of Hell as in G. Whitehead's Book Ishmael c. herein Reprinted may he seen Now John I having Replied to your Book A Defence of an Apology c. i. e. to the principal parts of it and shewed your Falacies and shallow Subterfuges as well as in some places answered your Request I rest desiring that your self and your People may Consider of it Repent of your Errors Retract and Condemn the same and Pray to God and the Nation to forgive you in which I shall join with you And in this you will have no cause to cry out of Persecution who am your Friend Fran. Bugg An Humble Address to His Majesty King WILLIAM III. over England c. by one of the Meanest yet most Dutiful Subject FRANCIS BUGG May it please your Most Excellent Majesty I Cannot but with great Joy and Comfort Remember your Majesties Repeated Assurances given to your Loving Subjects of your Majesties Care and Christian Zeal for the Protestant Religion as by Law established in this Kingdom by your many and repeated Speeches to your Parliaments and particularly by your late Gracious Proclamation consisting of two Parts In which your Majesties Pious Zeal has been abundantly manifest First Against Vice and Prophaneness and Secondly Against such Books as contain in them Impious Doctrine against the Holy Trinity and other Fundamental Articles of the Christian Faith and therein have given Encouragement to all your Loving Subjects to discover the Authors of such Books Wherefore in Obedience to your Majesties Royal Command as well as my Duty therein to God I have herein Reprinted one of the Quakers Books of which Geo. Whitehead is one of the Authors to the intent that your Sacred Majesty and the whole Kingdom may be presented with a Specimen of the Quakers Doctrine And do most Humbly Pray in the Name of the Church of England and other your Majesties Dissenting Protestants that such Care may be taken to suppress the same with others of their Books of the same Narure as to your Royal Wisdom shall seem meet And as it pleased God Almighty to give King Solomon Wisdom to Execute Justice so will he endue the King with an Understanding Heart to Judge who is in the wrong and to Punish accordingly And in this case let not the King Respect Persons in Judgment but if I be not able to maintain my Charge then let me bear his Majesties Displeasure and suffer what Punishment shall be due for the same But if I do make good my Charge then do as seems good in your Eye Thus with all Dutiful Submission do I Sign this my Humble Address this 13th Day of December 1699. Francis Bugg FINIS A Catalogue of Books wrote by Fran. Bugg 1. DE Christiana Libertate c. in 8 vo bound 2. The Painted Harlot stript and whipt c. 4 to 3. Reason against Railing c. 4 to 4. Innocency Vindicated c. 4 to never Answered 5. The Quakers Detected and their Errors Confuted c. 4 to 6. A Letter to the Quakers shewing their frequent Addresses to and Prayers for the late King Jam. II. and not to King Will. III. 7. Battering Rams against New Rome c. 4
we cannot for Conscience sake Fight Kill or Revenge either for our selves or any Man else Oh! no by no means this they could not be brought to and the Riddle I have unfolded in my Pil. Prog. c. 2d Edition p. 192 to 199. For as they yet never made one Publick Ad dress to His Majesty from thir Yearly Meeting that great and dangerous Body nor one Prayer that I could ever hear of either in their Books or in their Meetings nor ever yet wrote one Book in Favour of the Government But did all these in the late Reign But still there is one Clause in this Paper worth Notice i. e. ' As the King has been tenderly inclined to give Ease and Liberty of Conscience c. And I pray is it inconsistant with His Majesties Tenderness to give Liberty of Conscience to His Protestant Dissenters who hold the Fundamentals of the Christian Faith joined in the Association to preserve his Majesties Royal Person and Government And Pray heartily for him in their Meetings And to Curb and Restrain such as will doneither but hold such horrid Pernicious and Destructive Principles both to Church and State and even to Humane Society No sure God hath given him both Wisdom and Conduct and he knows how to make a difference and distingush between such as Subvert the Faith undermine Christianity and Damn the Ever-Blessed Trinity to the Pit of Hell and such who make it their Business to Instruct their People in the Fundamentals of Christianity as is well expressed in divers Laws particularly in that wherein is this Clause viz. Provided and be it enacted That no Quaker or Reputed Quaker shall by Virtue of this Act be qualified or permitted to give Evidence on any Criminal Causes to Serve on any Juries or bear any Office or Place of Trust or Profit in the Government any thing in this Act contained to the contrary in any wise notwithstanding And for this Clause all true Protestants have good cause to be Humbly thankful to God the King and the Parliament and that for more Reasons than I think meet here to enumerate But notwithstanding the Quakers Temporizing Paper above recited the King's Majesty as a Nursing-Father to the Church and Spouse of Christ and as a Zealous Defender of the Faith once delivered to the Saints put forth his Royal Proclamation from his Court at Kensington the 24th of Feb. 1697. which we have read both at Church and Courts of Judicature An Abstract thereof is as followeth viz. By the KING A PROCLAMATION WILLIAM REX WHereas we cannot but be deeply sensible of the great Goodness of Almighty God in putting an end to a Long Bloody and Expensive War by the Conclusion of an Honourable Peace so we are not less touched with a Resentment that notwithstanding this and many other great Blessings and Deliverances Impiety Prophaneness and Immorality do still abound in this our Kingdom and whereas nothing can prove a greater Dishonour to a well-ordered Government where the Christian Faith is professed nor is likelier to provoke God to withdraw his Mercy and Blessings from us and instead thereof to inflict Heavy and Severe Judgments upon this Kingdom than the open and avowed Practice of Vice Immorality and Prophaneness which amongst many Men has too much prevailed in this our Kingdom of late Years to the high Displeasure of Almighty God the great Scandal of Christianity and the ill and fatal Example of the rest of our loving Subjects who have been soberly Educated and whose Inclinations would lead them to the Exercise of Piety and Virtue did they not daily find such frequent and repeated Instances of dissolute Living Prophaneness and Impiety c. And whereas several Wicked and Prophane Persons have presumed to Print and Publish several Pernicious Books and Pamphlets which contain in them Impious Doctrines against the Holy Trinity and other Fundamental Articles of our Faith tending to the Subversion of the Christian Religion Therefore for the Punishing the Authors and Publishers thereof and for the preventing such Impious Books and Pamphlets being Published and Printed for the future we do hereby strictly Charge and Prohibit all Persons that they do not presume to Write Print or Publish any such Pernicious Books or Pamphlets under the Pain of our High Displeasure and of being Punished according to the uttermost Severity of the Law And We do hereby strictly Charge and Require all Our Loving Subjects to Discover and Apprehend such Person or Persons whom they shall Know to be the Authors or Publishers of any such Books or Pamphlets and to bring them before some Justice of Peace or Chief Magistrate in order that they may be proceeded against according to Law God save the KING For these and the like Reasons the Norfolk Clergy did Accept the Quakers Challenge did meet them at the time perfixed and there did endeavour to shew them their Errors and would have convinced them thereof and then had them Retracted their Errors and thereby to have merited the Indulgence of the Government and the Love of their Christian Neighbours But they refusing all this Labour of Love and Good Will boasting they were Protestants and so Recognized and with all boldness rejected all their Endeavours of Conviction upon which the Gentry in Norfolk some of which were there and many Justices of the Peace and others Signed a Petition as they also in the County of Suffolk have done waiting a seasonable Opportunity to present the same A Copy thereof excepting Names is as followeth viz. To the Honourable the Commons of England in Parliament Assembled the Humble Petition of the Justices of the Peace and Grand-Juries of the said County of Norfolk in Session Assembled in behalf of themselves and the Body of this County at large Humbly sheweth THAT We cannot without Resentment take Notice of the Growth and Daily Increase of a Sect of People among Us called Quakers and the Mischiefs and Dangers from thence threatning this Nation It is too observable with what restless Zeal their deluding Teachers and as may well be suspected many Romish Emissaries under their Vizar and Disguise daily ramble into all parts of these Kingdoms and boldly spread their Venemous Doctrine every where attempting to Infect and Shock the Minds of Weak and Unstable Protestants and Assuming to themselves Rules of Discipline Powers in Matters of Religion and Forms of Government repugnant to the Established Laws of the Kingdom contrary to the very Acts of Toleration and not allowed to any other Dissenters vouching in all their Practices Divine Inspiration for their Warrant and their Indulgence of the Government for their Indemnity How apparently their Blasphemous Books and Pernicious Principles tend to subvert the Fundamentals of Christianity and the undermining the Civil Government are sufficiently demonstrable The Publishing whereof by pretended Permission of Authority We humbly conceive to be of most dangerous Consequence We therefore obliged in Duty to God and Our Country do humbly pray That you