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A19602 The estate of the Church with the discourse of times, from the apostles vntill this present: also of the liues of all the emperours, popes of Rome, and Turkes: as also of the Kings of Fraunce, England, Scotland, Spaine, Portugall, Denmarke, &c. With all the memorable accidents of their times. Translated out of French into English by Simon Patrike, Gentleman.; L'estat de l'eglise. English. Hainault, Jean de.; Crespin, Jean, d. 1572.; Patrick, Simon, d. 1613. 1602 (1602) STC 6036; ESTC S109073 532,147 761

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Garrisons dyed at Antwerpe The Estates of Holland and the vnited Prouinces that they might more establish and make strong the Common-wealth which they had already instituted and begun published a new Edict against those that rashly go into the Prouinces and Cities of the aduerse faction or should come out of them into theirs also against the Iesuites against such as were in the Vniuersities subiect to the king of Spaine and against those who were preferred to promotions vnder the oath of the mainteinance of the Romane religion Further it was decreed that all the fauourers and adherents of the pernitious and bloudie sect of the Iesuites should be excluded out of all the confederate Prouinces and that by no meanes they should be againe remitted It was likewise enacted that none of the same Sect whether borne in the same Prouinces or a Stranger do at any time come into these vnited Prouinces either by Sea or land vpon paine to bee taken for an enemie and so to be presently executed although in this case he come with testimoniall by Letters Furthermore that within the space of two moneths they depart out of these Prouinces nor returne againe into them during the present warres vnlesse in that space they go to the Gouernour and Magistrate and satisfie them in euery point and renounce their oath and fealtie to the K. of Spaine Besides that all his subiects beware that after the publishing of this Edict they doo not frequent any schoole of the Iesuites in Belgia Of the Academies they determined that none inhabiting the Prouinces should studie in any of the Vniuersities which are subiect to the king of Spaine willing also that within sixe moneths after this Edict published they should depart from those Vniuersities Against those that haue sworne to maintaine and vphold the Romish religion and to othersome that were promoted to dignities this punishment was set downe that heereafter they should haue no dignities officies or publike ministeries in the confederate Prouinces Whosoeuer after sixe moneths next comming shall be preferred vnder the oath of the defending the Romish errors and superstitions and that they haue alreadie got this promotion or in sixe moneths after shall get it and are now admitted to offices or shal be hereafter admitted shall first desire that they may be absolued from this oath and in that stead shall sweare alleagiance to their Countrey and shall vtterly renounce and abiure the gouernment of the K. of Spaine And this absolution of oath and exaction of the new to bee made before a Iudge to whom full power thereof and authoritie is giuen If they doo not appeare and satisfie this Edict they shall not execute their offices Those that doo not obey they shall presently depart the Countries which if they doo not the first moneth they shall bee fined at discretion the second time the penaltie shall bee doubled but if at the ende of three moneths they shall bee found to stay within the confederate Prouinces they shall bee banished for euer The 24. day of August the Cardinall came to Antwerpe where hee was receiued with great pompe And the next moneth following the English Nauie and certaine shippes of the Hollanders and Zelanders returned out of Spaine richly laden In Hungarie the Christians recouered against the Turke the Citie of Hattawan where except some fewe they put all to the sword On the 20. day of September the Turkes laid siege to Agria by which the way lieth open into Transiluania Bohemia Morauia and Silesia and with faire words and promises desired them to yeeld but the gouernours of the Citie for that by reason of the continuall battailes they could not possibly any longer hold out set fire on the Citie and got them to the Castle The Turkes then entered and through couetousnesse of the spoyle saued most of the houses Then did the Emperour of the Turkes request them to yeeld but they denyed it and brauely resisted the fierce assault made against the Castle In the end beeing so farre ouermatched they were constrained to their great griefe and losse to yeeld vp the Castle where the Gouernours and diuers Captaines were in most cruell maner put to the sword for the slaughter which they made of the Turkes at Hattawan Maximilian leauing off this came downe with an Army consisting of 60000. horse and foote The Christians then marched towards Agria where the Emperour of the Turkes was The first encounter was with light skirmiges but when the maine battaile was ioyned the Christians got the better part and hauing slaine certaine thousands of the Turkes they put the rest to flight and were maisters of their Tents But whilest they too greedily entended the spoile the enemie recouered his scattered troupes and vpon the sudden killed a number of the Christians in their Tents the rest beeing daunted with this vnexpected ouerthrowe betooke themselues to flight This so amazed the Christian Hoste that they were all dispearsed and Maximilian himselfe accompanied with a small number came to Caschoccia Thus the victory that was thought happy in the beginning sorted to this vnluckie end King Phillip determined to marry his daughter to Cardinall Albert and for her dowry giueth the Prouinces of the lowe Countries On Sonday the 8. of August great triumph was made at London for the good successe of the two Generalls and companies in Spaine the winning sacking burning of the famous Towne of Cadiz the ouerthrow and burning of the Spanish Nauie and other accidents The 29. day of August the Duke of Boloine arriued in England and came to the Court at Greenwich and there by her Maiesties oath confirmed the league of amitie and peace betwixt the two Realmes of England and France and shortly after souldiers were sent ouer to aide the French in their wars against the Spaniards Presently vpon the departure of the Duke of Bulloine the right honourable Gilbert Earle of Shrewsburie was sent Embassador into France to take the oath of Henry the fourth the French King for the confirmation of the said league as also to inuest the King with the order of the Garter I. Stowe This Sommer arriued heere an Orator from the King of Polonia and had audience at the Court then at Greenwich whose Oration was in Latin the which was presently most learnedly eloquently answered by her Maiestie in the same language In the Parliament at Roane the reformed Churches desired free exercise of their religion throughout the whole kingdome of France wherefore concerning the controuersie of the two Religions in the Parliament at Paris these Articles following were set downe 1 First that an heretike fallen and by name excommunicated by the holy Sea shall not loose the right of the crowne 2 That he is a lawfull king sent and appointed of God 3 That the Church cannot depriue him of this right nor generally any Princes of their dignities or succession of their kingdomes for any heresie whatsoeuer 4 Nor release their subiects of their alleagiance to
all the family of the dead Dauid George of whom we haue spoken before some also which were not of his family but adherent vnto his Sect were adioyned before the Senate of Basill after information taken of the pernitions Sect which the said Dauid George had alwaies held whilest he liued The Advower declared vnto them that the Seigniorie was dulye enformed that they withdrewe themselues into the Castle of Binningen not as they which were persecuted for the Gospell as they falsly said but for the Sect of Dauid wherewith they were alreadie spotted Eleuen were appointed prisoners out of them to draw the truth The most part examined by the straightest Inquisition confessed the truth of the matter which finally obtained pardon The first of May the Ministers Rector professors and Maisters of the Vniuersitie of Basill hauing all with one voyce condemned the poynts of doctrine professed by Dauid George the Senate beeing fully informed of all proceeded the 13. of May to the indyting and condemning of Dauid George that is that all his writings as full of impietie and mortall poyson also his body or his bones and all that which remained in his graue should be burnt with his Image which was found in his house liuely representing him and that generally all the goods of so wicked a man in what place soeuer they were found should be confiscated and adiudged vnto the Seignorie This sentence was proclaimed according to the custome of the place and all the forme of lawe and of the ordinances of the Towne was obserued in the execution thereof The life maners and death of such pernicious men admonish vs to watch diligently least being deceiued with any beautifull appearance we allow not euill for good and contrary and so fall into the snares of the diuell A peace as hath bene said being concluded betwixt Henry King of France and Phillip King of Ppaine enemies of the Gospell tooke their opportunitie to persecute such as they called Lutherans Commissions were dispatched to go through all the Prouinces of France to attend while the conditions of peace were accomplished King Henry by his Letters Patents on the second of Iune sent to all Bailiffes and Stewards to aide the said Commissioners with power to assemble as they call them ban and arrierban that is as I take it we vse to say tag rag and the Prouost Marshals and their Archers straightly forbidding the sparing of any either vsing any dissimulation or winking at any otherwise that they themselues should be first punished The Cardinall of Lorraine charged a great number of the Councellours of the Parliament of Paris to be fauourers of heretickes And this was vpon the occasion of a deliuerance they made of certaine prisoners for the Gospell by a simple banishment out of the kingdome And did so much that the Mercuriall was held at the instance of the kings Proctor general wherin a great part of the Councellours were of aduise that by an holy and free Councell all matters of Religion should be remedied rather then by persecutions The King Henry being at this Parlament and hauing heard Anne de Bourge Councellour reasoning caused him to be staied prisoner with other Councellors And the 19. of Iune a Coniunction was directed to certaine Iudges to make theis proces During the marriage Feastes of the daughter of Fraunce and the last of Iune King Henry imploied himselfe all that morning in the examinations of as well Presidents as Councellors of the said Parliament and other prisoners and their companions which were charged with the like doctrine When he had dined because he was one of the sustenants at the solemn Turney which was made in the streete of Saint Anthonie he entered into the Listes And after hee had broken good store of staues as brauely as was possible as he was cunning and a valiant man at Armes running against Montgommery the sonne of Captaine Lorges a strong Souldier they encountred so rudely that bursting ther Launces the King was attained with a counter blowe so right in the vizard that the shiuers entred into his head and the blowe was as suddaine as violent so that his braines were wholly astonished without finding either succour or comfort And whatsoeuer any could doo with sending Phisitions and Surgions on all sides yea from Brabant by King Phillip nothing profited Insomuch that eleuen dayes after namely the 10. of Iuly 1559. he expired and finished his dayes in great dolour hauing raigned 12. yeares three moneths and ten dayes To the Christian Readers Hauing gathered from diuers Histories of our time a sort of the most memorable things happening about religious matters and the state of this world since the yeare 1559. vntill this present yeare 1581 and perceiuing that this volume handling the Churches affaires was deliuered vnto the Printer I haue also giuen these my remembrances following to the same Imprinter to ioine thē vnto the former that you may haue a whole briefe and summary from that time of Christ vntil now There remaineth that considering the wonders of God especially in the conduction gouernment of his Church we should pray that it would please him to cause vs to see more more the effect of that promise so precious that he wil be with his vntil the consummation of the world and that we may remaine firme in the profession of his truth vntil the last sigh maugre all the forces of Sathan of Antichrist and of their complices So be it Francis the 2. of that name of the age of 15. yeares fiue moneths succeeded his Father Henry In the beginning of his kingdom the Churches of his realme florished vnder the crosse hauing the fauour of certain Princes and great Lords yet in such sort as the faithfull endured much in sundry places that same yeare 1559. The Church of Paris was one of the chiefe but it was exceedingly molested by slanders and subornations of certaine Iudges and especially of an Inquisitor called Demochares they were charged the Thursday before Easter they procured a great assembly of men women mayds about midnight where after they had preached eaten a cochon in lieu of the paschall Lamb the lamp which gaue them light put out euery one committed wickednes with other Chals Cardinall of Lorraine gouernour of the king who had espowsed Mary Steward Queene of Scotland the said Cardinals Niece impaired made things worse by imputing vnto them of the religiō all the pollutions of the auncient heretikes Insomuch that during the raigne of Francis there was nothing but imprisonments robbing of houses proclimatiōs for banishments executions of them of the religiō with cruel tormēts notwithstanding amongst such tempests they discōtinued not their preachings other exercises of Religion although also many were burned at Paris executed in other places Amōgst which are not to be forgotten Nicholas Guerin Marin Marie Margarite le Riche called the Lady de la Caille a yong Carpēter Adrian Panssi Marin Roussean Giles
to the Princes Army arriued vpon the marches of Limosin where an hotte feauer tooke him and carried him out of the world the 11. day of Iune leauing for Commander of his troupes Wolrad Count de Masfeld who brought his Army nigh to the Princes foure daies after this accident and performed greatly his due with the other Lords that accompanied him in all the rest of this warre hereof is a witnesse that which happened in the encounter which was the 25. of that moneth at what time if a great ruine had not come the Army of the Catholicke Romanes had bene ouerthrowne yet they loft a great number of their auantgard and afterward the Princes got many places in Poictou Although the Princes were strong yet they neuer ceased to demaund peace but their Herauld was not suffred to carrie their request vnto the king so warre was continued and the Princes besieged Poiters where they lost time and many people by diseases happening in their Campe. Whilest things were thus confused in Fraunce and Flaunders the Emperour Maximilian the 18. day of August suffered the Lords and Gentlemen of the Archduche of Austrich to enioy a free exercise of Religion in their Townes Villages and Castles after the doctrine of the confession of Ausbourge The 27. of the same moneth Cosme de Medices Duke of Florence was created and after solemnly proclaimed at Rome great Duke of Thuscane by the declaration of the Pope Pius the fift The Parliament of Paris condemned the Admirall as guiltie of treason who notwithstanding was of great authoritie in the Princes Army couragiously acquiting himselfe of the charge he carried without any apprehension of the daungers wherevnto he was still subiect by murderers and poisoners which were daily sent to sley him One of which who had once bene his chamberlaine was put to death for the like attempt by the sentence of the Princes Lords and Captains of the Army the 21. of September After the one Army had long time sought the other finally they encountred in the plaine of Montcontour the third of October and there was a generall battaile wherein after great losse of both sides but more of the Princes especially of their Lansquenets and a part of their French footemen the field remained vnto the Catholicke Romanes which made great triumphes thereof through Europe But in lieu of following their victory they stayed vpon the siege of the Towne of S. Iohn d' Angeli which was yeelded to them by composition at the end of certaine weekes during which time the besieged occupied themselues so well that the Catholickes lost many thousands of men and that of the most resolute of their troupes by meanes whereof the Princes had meanes to reassure theyr people to gather in their forces and to prouide for the affaires of warre so that the Catholickes found themselues againe to begin The sixteenth of Nouember the Duke of Alua caused to bee published in the lowe Countries certaine Letters of absolution and pardon of the king of Spaine for such as were absent and would returne into their houses but this deceit serued for nothing but to bring in birdes too much alreadie tamed with the too much violence of so bloudie a Fowler The 24. there was discouered in England a coniuration or rebellion of certaine Earles which would haue planted Poperie in that Kingdome But the Queene prouided there so well for all things that their forces remained wholy vnprofitable The third of December S. Iohn d' Angeli was yeelded by composition Sansac other Catholick Romanes were shamefully chased from before the Towne of Vezelay in Bourgongne after great losse of his brauest souldiers to the number of 150. The rest of the yeare passed in diuers exployts of warre heere and there to the great hurt of both parts and to the ruine of the kingdome In the beginning of the yeare 1570. the Princes and Lords of the Religiō of the kingdome of France desiring peace had diuers negotiations about it but at that time nothing was concluded but warre continued the Churches then being very desolate The Theologians of the Countrey of Saxony being then in great contention for the intelligence of certaine Articles of Christian doctrine namely of Iustification of free will of good workes of things indifferent and of the presence of the body and bloud of Iesus Christ in the Supper By occasion whereof they assembled themselues in a Towne of the Duchie d' Aumale called Zeruest where by the stepping in of a certaine Doctor of Tubingue called Iames Andrew a man then very renowmed in all Almaine through the Prouinces whereof hee had not ceased certain yeares to runne to cause that monstrous opinion of the vbiquitie of Christs body to be receiued by the meanes whereof the errors of Nestorius and of Eutiches auntient heretikes and their complices are againe renewed there was made a certaine agreement which after was reiected and controwled by diuers Theologians Heerevpon afterward happened greater troubles which euen at this day doo endure by the practises and slaunders of that vbiquitarie Doctor Whilest the Christians contended with their voyces with their writings and blowes of sworde in diuers places of Europe and that the Westerne Antichrist sought by all meanes to maintaine his tyrannie the Antichrist of the East did what hee could by meanes of Selim Soliman his successor the Turke to encrease his domination For Selim sent his Embassador who arriued the 27. of March at Venice and denounced warre against the Venetians if they refused to yeeld him the I le of Cyprus Which they refusing there was preparation for warre on both sides The 4. of Aprill the Ministers of the Churches of Lithuania and Sathogitia comprehended in the kingdome of Polongne held a Sinode in the Towne of Sendomire where they agreed vpon certaine Articles touching the Mediatorship of Iesus Christ and the holy Supper to the end they might all agree in one concordance of doctrine During this time the troubles of France continued The Electors Palatin and of Saxonie assembled at Heidelberge with certaine Princes and great Lords of Almaine for to honour the marriage of Duke Cassimere who espowsed Elizabeth daughter of the Duke of Saxonie sent large Letters to the king to exhort and induce him to enter into a pacification About the end of Iune the king of Polongne and the Muscouite made a truce for three yeares The Muscouite was then sore troubled with extreame famine In the moneth of Iuly the estates of the Empire were assembled at Spire to prouide for the affaires quietnesse of Almaine The Emperor was there in person with his two daughters Marie and Elizabeth which were affianced vnto the kings of Spaine and France vnto which they were sent In the moneth of August the Duke of Alua put to death in the Towne of Antwerpe a great number of souldiers of the garrison of Valenciennes for a mutinie against
encreated the rage of the people against them of the Religion And although the Priests in the meane while filled well their powches by such an inuention making the people beleeue that the Catholicke Romane Religion began now to flourish againe in Fraunce yet their deuise was soone after discouered and the tree remained destroyed but euen then when it flourished some said that God had shewed to all mens eyes the innocencie of such as were slaine and that by such a token hee assured his Church that it should not perish as the persecutors pretended but that it should florish vnder the crosse against all hope of men as that Tree florished extraordinarily Moreouer certain weekes after le Sieurs de Briquemald de Caragues excellent men which had done great seruices to the Crowne the one by Armes and the other in affaires of iustice were in hatred of the Admirall and of Religion hanged strangled within Paris in the presence of the king himself his mother his brethren They maintained euen to the last sigh the innocency of the dead Admiral and of them of the religiō shewing a singular cōstancy in their deaths Certaine yeares after they were iustified by the Edict of Henry the third the next king and their names declared honorable as also the before mentioned massacre was cōdemned disavowed But men cōtented not themselues thus to haue imbrued the towne of Paris with blood but in like sort were all of the Religion handled at Meaux in Brie at Troys in Champagne at Rouen at Orleans at le Charite at Burges at Lyons at Romains in Dauphine at Thoulouse at Bourdeaux with so barbarous disloyalties and cruelties that scarce our posteritie will beleeue it In few dayes with them of Paris were slain more then thirty thousand persons olde and yong of all quallities men women and children as bookes in Print do shewe euery day The King of Nauarre and the Prince of Conde were constrained to abiure Religion The Parliament of Paris published a diffamatorie arrest and iudgement against the Admirall whose bodie was taken from the gibet and so secretly buried that his enemies could not finde it out Many persons forsooke Religion some vpon infirmitie others vpon despight so that so hard a proofe discerned the false from the true Christians Rochell Sancerre Nismes in Languedoc Montaubon in Querci and a fewe other Townes in the kingdome after diuers consultations maintained themselues and kept the exercise of Religion which put the authors of the murthers and confusions into a new paine as shall be touched hereafter Amongst so many troubles commencements of greater sorrowes a new Starre appeared in heauen as great as the day Starre nigh the Starre Cassiopec of the figure of a Lozenge This beganne the ninth day of Nouember at night It stirred not from the place the space of three weekes It was thought to be like the Starre which appeared to the wise men which came from the East to worship Iesus Christ in Bethlehem straight after his birth This Starre appeared in seuen the space of nine moneths or thereabouts Hereof were many discourses made by diuers learned men Concerning the lowe Countries after the Princes retrait aboue mentioned the waight of the warre fell vpon Holland and Zeland whither the Duke of Alua sent the Captaine Montdragon with twentie Ensignes of Wallons which to the great astonishment of euery one got the I le of Suitbeuerland and constrained the Princes troupes to leuie the siege before a Towne called Tergoes In the meane while the Duke marched with his Armie and the 21. of Nouember tooke and spoyled Zutphen a Towne in Holland And to feare others and drawe them to yeeld the sooner without delay all manner of cruelties were executed by the Spaniards and Wallons in that Towne Frideric de Toledo the Dukes sonne and Lieutenant marched from Zutphen to Narden which is an other litle Towne wherof the Inhabitants at the yeelding of themselues the 30. day of Nouember were so cruelly handled against the rights of reddition and of war amongst people of any humanitie that men might iudge that this sacking and spoyle with that of Roterdam were the onely motiue and cause of the rising of other Townes which then were vpon the point to returne vnder the yoake After the taking of this Towne the Army drew straight to Harlem the Inhabitants whereof determined to defend it rather then submit it selfe vnto the mercy of people without mercy Indeed they bore themselues valiantly and sustained diuers assaultes with the aide of certaine souldiers which were sent them by the Prince and kept good defence vntill the 13. of Iuly the yeare following In the yeare 1573. the Townes of Rochel Sancerre were cruelly handled assailed and bearen by the Catholick Romans but with a diuerse issue As for Rochel being well garded and defended the newes also of the report that the Duke of Anion should be king of Polongne were cause that Rochel was deliuered and obtained peace yea and remained with her priuiledges They of Sancerre hauing beene troubled with an horrible and grieuous famine the space of certaine moneths receiued some fauourable dealing by the comming of the Polonian Embassadors which then came into Fraunce to conduct away their new king These things ended in the moneth of Iuly to the confusion of the Catholicke Romanes which lost more then twentie thousand men before Rochel Some Churches then began to respire and many tooke againe good courage to redresse some portion of so many ruines Warre was also kindled in Holland especially at the siege of Harlem where the besieged men and women executed maruellously their duties but not being able to be succoured oppressed also with famine finally they yeelded themselues the 13. of Iuly at the discretion of Frederick de Toledo who drowned hanged beheaded more then two thousand souldiers The Burgesses escaped death by the payment of a great summe of money which they straight disbursed In the moneth of April before they of Flushing obtained a memorable victory ouer the Army of the Duke of Alua and cast into the sea a great number of Spaniards After the taking of Harlem Frederic besieged Alemar a Towne nigh therevnto resoluing with himselfe to make a goodly butchery of the Burgesses if they could obtaine it But he was constrained to leaue his siege after great losse The Prince on the other side found meanes to obtaine the strong Castle of Rameken and the Towne of S. Gertrudenberghe They of Linchuse ouercame the Nauall Army of the Count de Bossu and tooke him prisoner the 12. day of October whilest Leiden was besieged of the Spaniards The second day of September the Duke of Alua forsooke the lowe Countries making his iourney through the Franche Counte Sauoy and Piemont to embarke himselfe at Genes and so to saile into Spaine carrying with him an infinit bootie from the lowe Countries which he left in great heate of warre betwixt the hands
of the Lorde and was consumed with vermine and died miserably because hee yeelded no glorie vnto God and so the persecution ceased Heere is a second mirrour of Gods iudgement against such as oppresse the Church Saint Paul after his conuersion returned fiue times to Ierusalem At his last beeing there hee recited the Historie of his Ministerie in the assembly of the Elders of the Church His preachings were greatly spread abroad neither ceased hee to plant the Gospell wheresoeuer he went as it appeareth in the Acts. He preached at Rome by the space of two yeares although he was a prisoner Where before there was an assembly of the faithfull as the Epistle to the Romanes witnesseth Philippe the Apostle preached in Samaria where there was a Church which retired thither after the death of Saint Steuen In Azote the Church assembled from thence it went into the Maritine Townes Peter the Apostle also preached the Gospell in many Townes as is at large seene in the Historie of the Acts. Origine in his Tome vpon Genesis saith it seemeth that Peter preached in Pontus Galatia Asia Bithinia and Cappadocia to the dispearced Iewes There was also a Church in Babilon as he himselfe witnesseth in the fist of his first Epistle In Phinicia and Siria in Tyre Sidon Serentia Silicia Pamphilia Pisidia Attalia Lycaonia Also in Pontus Galatia Cappadocia Asia Bithinia Misia and Phrigia Vnto these did S. Peter write The seuen Churches of Asia are named in the Apocalips namely Ephesus Smirna Pergamus Thyatirus Sardis Philadelphia and Laodicia Aboue all the Church of Antioche was most famous where the Disciples were first called Christians Some say this was the thirtie and eight yeare after Christ others fortie Paul and Barnabas remained there one whole yeare Acts. 11. and 13. Saint Iohn the Apostle and Euangelist after hee had preached the Gospell through all Asia he finally retired into the Towne of Ephesus where he remained many yeares From thence the Church might easily spread it selfe into Europe which was nigh therevnto Now we see the beginning of the Kingdome of Christ and as it were a renewment of the world About the yeare 42. the vengeance of God fell vpon Pilate For after the Iewes had accused him of too great crueltie Lord Vitellius then Gouernour of Siria commaunded him to goe to Rome to answere the accusations that were to bee laid against him But as hee was in the way hee died Tiberius as Iosephus reciteth in the eighteenth of Antiquities Chapter fiue Eutropius in his seuenth booke saith that Pilate was nipped and pinched with so great anguishes because Caligula troubled him that striking and beating himselfe with his owne hands he sought to destroy himselfe See Eusebius in his 2. booke Chap. 7. This same yeare it is held that Saint Mathew writte his Gospell in Iudea The same yeare the Tetrach ship of Herodes was deliuered to Agrippa and a great discomfiture now the second time was made of the Iewes in Babilon See Iosephus in the last Chapter of his Antiquities Claudius the fift Emperour was chosen to the Imperial dignitie the aforesaid yeare and raigned fourteen yeares and nine moneths Herodes Agrippa the yeare 15. and the third of Claudius held the Kingdome of Iudea of the gift of Caligula and Claudius Beeing departed from Rome to come to Ierusalem hee thought good to make a shew to the Iewes that he loued their Religion and after to gratifie the high Priests he put to death certaine of the faithfull At this time Churches were gouerned by the Apostles which were instructed in the schoole of the sonne of God and therefore there is no gouernment to be compared to this Yet in this time the dwell had his instruments in Churches gouernment that is to say false Apostles and false bretheren Euen alreadie wrought he the secret of Iniquitie by his Antichrist 2. Thessa 2. and 1. Iohn 2. and 4. There were Heretickes Titus 3. Dogges Philip. 3. Wolues and men speaking peruerse things Acts 20. People which were neither hotte nor colde Apoca. 3. If at this time Sathan had such license how bolde thinke we will he be now that they are gone Amongst them which now gouerned the Church some were giuen Apostles to visit Churches Their charge was to sowe the Gospell throughout the world They had no place assigned Besides the twelue Paul and Barnabas are called Apostles Acts 14. Epaphroditus is called the Apostle of the Philippians Philippians 2. Andronicus and Iunia are called notable amongst the Apostle Romanes sixteene Prophets are they which had the gift not onely to Interpret scripture but also to apply it to the true vse S. Paul preferreth Prophecie before all other gifts Euangelistes hadde an office which came nigh vnto the Apostleship The difference was onely in the degree of dignitie Of this estate was Timothie and his like which succoured the Apostles 2. Timoth. 4.5 Philip is called an Euangelist Act. 21. b. 8. Doctors were for the conseruation of the puritie of Religion that the holy doctrine might bee kept and published Saint Luke ioyneth Prophets with Doctors Acts. 13. a. 1. Priest signifieth Auncient not for that they were of an age but because age commonly hath with it more wisedome experience and grauitie Vnder this name are comprehended as well Pastors as such as were ordeined for the Regiment of the Church S. Peter calles himselfe Priest shewing thereby that it was a common name Deacons is a general name of seruice but is taken for such as had the charge to dispence the Almesses Actes 19. a. 22. Ministers or seruants are called Adioints or such as accompanied the Apostles in their viands Timothie and Erastus ministred to S. Paul Act. 19. a. 22. Bishop and Priest was then one same name and office Saint Hierome in his Epistle to Euagoras witnesseth it But afterward whilest Schismes endured one was chosen from amongest the Priests and set in the most principall place and called Bishoppe or Superintendent And therefore the office of Bishoppe was after helde to bee higher then the Priests Saint Paul commaunded Titus to place in euerie Towne Priests or Bishoppes Titus 1. a. 5.6.7 See Acts 20. f. 28. With the good seede which was all ouer as is said dispersed there beganne also heresies to be cast into the Lords field The first and most pernitious were the Simoniaques The originall whereof was Simon Magus borne in a Towne of Samaria which Iustin calleth Triton and Eusebius Gitton a man exercised in Letters who by his Arts enchaunted many in Samaria before Philip had conuerted them As is recited in the Acts. Chap. 8. After S. Peter had discouered his wicked Hipocrisie hee went away in such despite that making a mingle-mangle of the dreames of Philosophers and Painims with the religions of the Iewes and that which he learned of the Gospell he corrupted and transferred to his owne person that which was spoken of Iesus Christ of the holy Ghost and of the saluation of man
Church of Reate in Italie euen then falling vacant he would not consecrate the Bishop who was chosen there vnlesse hee would first acknowledge that the Emperour should approoue his election But see what followed after As soone as he was come to Rome he beganne to thinke that the right and preheminence giuen to Charlemagine and his successers might bring with it many mischiefes therefore taking the greater hardinesse by the softnesse and benignitie of Lewis thought it good to abolish such a right and there vpon pronounced that the Popes election ought to be in the power of the Cleargie of the Senate and of the Romane people yet fearing to prouoke the Emperours anger against him he added this Interpretation namely that it should be very lawfull for them to elect the Bishop of Rome without the authoritie of the Emperour but that it should not be lawfull to consecrate him without the Emperours presence or his Embassadors So by this meanes for a certaine time were the Emperours kept from the election of the Pope Yet because Stephen occupied not the seate past eight moneths hee could do litle of that hee forethought to encrease his authoritie But he died in his accustomed superstition Anno domini 817. Pascal first of that name a Romane Monke following the traine of Stephen his predecessor was chosen Pope by the Cleargie and people of Rome without the consent of the Emperour And as the Emperour complained of this election Pascal subtilly purged himselfe by his Embassadors sent thither By tract of time this subtill and malitious Pope seeing there was daunger if he longer deferred to augment his authoritie so straungely enchaunted the Emperour Lewis insomuch as he bare great honour to the Romane Church that he consented to remit into the hands of the Cleargie and the people the right of electing of the Pope which had beene giuen before to Charlemaigne and also that hee should by his Letters confirme all Donations made by his predecessors although they were made of things acquired by vniust vnlawfull violence This hee did as one ignorant of their cautelous and deceitfull dealings and sealed them with his seales But after he had Crowned at Rome Lotharie his sonne Emperour to the end that by that meanes he might more easily compasse that which he sought he did so much by treason and secretly that Theodorus and Leon officers of the Emperours house which faithfully held their maisters part had their eyes put out and after their heads cut off by the meanes of certaine mutinous and seditious people And although he were accused to the Emperour as well for the sedition which had bene stirred as for the murder against their persons committed after he had assembled a Sinode of a certaine number of Bishops he purged himselfe by oath Notwithstanding he accused of treason them which were slaine and pronounced that by good right they had bene slaine declaring them to be absolued which murthered them Behold the holinesse of these holy Fathers in their kingdome of perdition Pascal honoured with a most magnificall Sepulchre in the Towne two thousand bodies if he faile not in his account of Saints before dead which were buried in Church yardes He builded all new the Temple of S. Praxides and set in it the bodies of S. Cecilie Tiburcius Valerian Maximian and other Martyrs also of S. Vrbain and other Bishops He reedified some Churches which were like to fall with great age Lewis vpon great deuotion he had to the Apostolike Sea bestowed vpon the people and Cleargie of Rome the power to choose the Pope and the Bishops which authoritie belonged to the Emperours But hee reserued this prerogatiue that the Pope beeing chosen hee should alwaies send to the Emperours to confirme amitie Naucler The Emperour also ratified the donation made to the Pope of Rome by his predecessors and signed it with his owne hand and his three children tenne Bishops eight Abbots and fifteene Earles The Copie of these Letters are in Volateran in the third booke of his Geographie Pascal then tarried not long after to commaund vnder paine of excommunication that none should presume to receiue an Ecclesiasticall Benefice of a Lay-man whosoeuer hee be Supp Chro. Great signes and maruells happened in this time In Saxe a great Earthquake so that many villages as Vrsp saith perished by fire In diuers places it raigned stones amongst haile which slew men and beasts Naucler Eugenius Pope second of that name borne at Rome ruled three yeares A Schisme rose vp in the Church and there was great discord amongst the Cardinalls some choosing Sozimus but finally Eugenius obtained the Papacie for he had in him great appearance of holinesse At this time a Peace was confirmed betwixt Leo Emperour of Constantinople and Lewis the Romane Emperour Naucler The King of Denmarke named Hariolus cast out of his Kingdome by the children of Godfrey came for succours to the Emperour Lewis and obtained helpe to be restored into his Kingdome Chron. Sigeb Translation of holy bodies Now was translation of the bodies of many Saints from Italie into Almaine France and England Fascic temp This was all the Religion of this time Michael Emperour of Constantinople sent Embassadors towards Lewis Debonaire to vnderstand his opinion towching the Images of Saints namely whether they should keepe them or reiect them Lewis sent them to Pope Eugenius to heare his opinion Bonif. Simoneta This Emperour Michael sent to Lewis the bookes of the Hierarchie of S. Denis Chro. Sigeb Lotharie King of Italie came to Rome and was royally receiued of Pope Eugenius hee reformed the estate of the Towne and all Italie and ceased all partialities and appointed at Rome Magistrates to do right to the people Naucler Blond Valentine second of that name Cardinall and Deacon a Romane gouerned at Rome onely fortie dayes an eloquent man Bonif. Simoneta Organes became first in vse in France about this time by a Priest called Gregorie who learned his cunning therein in Greece See the Hist of France Gregorie Pope fourth of that name a Romane ruled at Rome 16. yeares This Pope would neuer accept the Popeship vnlesse first the Emperour would approoue his election and therof he was certified by an Embassage which the Emperour sent to Rome to examine the said election Naucl. and Abb. Vrsp The Sarrasins with the Souldan of Babilon came into Rome and of the Church of S. Peter made a stable for horses and wasted Pouille Calabria and Sicilie and pilled and spoiled all where they went Chron. Euseb and Naucler Naucler saith that in the Councell held at Aixle Chapele vnder this Pope the yeare of Christ 830. there was ordained a meane and rule for Monkes Nunnes Canons and others to liue in There was also ordained that euery Church should possesse rents and reuenewes that so Priests might haue whereon to liue and so to keepe them from applying themselues to any prophane thing or dishonest gaine Prebendes were ordained
the like Luther denieth it and saith that the bodie of Iesus Christ is within the bread wine and that it entreth into the mouth The Saxons follow Luther and Swisses Zuinglius Of long time hath Sathan with his darke cloudes obscured the doctrine of the Supper and now by contentions and debates hee also seeketh to take away from men the true taste thereof The sedition of peasants remained not only in Almaine but spred it selfe also in Lorraine nigh to Sauernes Duke Anthonie accompanied with his brother Claude de Guise and of some of the French troupe which were at the Iourney at Pauie fought with them and slew a great number keeping not his promised faith vnto them The Sorbonist Doctors of Paris whilest their king was in draue out of France Iames Faber d'estaples partly vpon enuie and partly vpon suspition of Religion The King aduertised hereof made the cause to be staied vntill his returne Frederic Duke of Saxonie dyed and Iohn his brother was his successor Carolostadius writ against Luther vnto whom hee answered at large The Pope Clement whilest the King was a prisoner writ Letters vnto the Parliament of Paris greeuously to persecute the Lutherans Touching the seditions of the peasants multiplied in diuers places See the Historie of Sleidan Luther taketh a Nunne to wife whereby he receiueth many reproaches at his aduersaries hands In Ianuary a peace was made at Madril in Spaine betwixt the King and the Emperour vpon condition aboue all to bandie himselfe against the Turke and the heresie of Luther The King after he had seene his two children as hostages returned into France The Emperour espowsed in Spaine Isabel the daughter of Emanuel and sister to Iohn king of Portugall The Turke departed from Belgrade and hauing passed from Danubie and Sauo hee drew strait into Hungarie and bad battaile vnto king Lewis who died in the fight and his wife Mary the Emperours sister saued her selfe with swift running Iohn Sepuse Vaiuoda de Transiluania after being allyed with the Turke against Ferdinand was appointed king of Hungaria as his vassall and Tenant Whilest they debated their rights by dint of the sword there fell out a very damageable warre both for them and their neighbours Francis king of Fraunce returned from Spaine allyed himselfe with the Pope the Venetians to defend Italie by sea and land against the Emperour and to recouer the kingdome of Naples and published a writing whereby he shewed his reasons And the Emperour caused to be published an other to the contrary Swisse infected with Anabaptists At Saint Gaull one of that Sect before his Father and Mother and others his Parents cut off his brothers head saying hee had beene so commaunded of God by reuelation Ioachim Vadian a learned man Consull of the said Towne with other Iustices incontinently caused the head of the said paracide Anabaptist to be cut off They of Berne made knowne to their next Bishops their disputations touching the reformation of Religion and publish Articles Bourbon willing to passe for the Emperour into the kingdome of Naples tooke his way towards Rome which he got by assault Bourbon was there strooken with a Bullet as he scaled the wall and there left his life The Towne was pilled the sixt day of May. Clement was besieged a long time with his Cardinalls in the Castle of Saint Angelo And finally the seuenth moneth after hee was deliuered by his raunsome of 40000. ducats after some The birth of Phillip the Emperours sonne was this yeare 1527. The King of France hauing made a league with the King of England sent into Italie the Lord de Landrece to succor the Pope he tooke Alexandria and after Pauie The seuenth of Ianuary they of Berne held disputation wherein Zuinglius Oecolampartius Bucer Capito Blanrer had by the holy scriptures surmounted and vanquished such as were of the aduerse partie Finally they confirmed by the authoritie of the Magistrate through all theyr lands the said Articles abolished the Masse and threw downe Images and Aultars The Kings of England in France demaunded of the Emperour many things by their Heraulds The King of Fraunce his children offering siluer for them He of England first three hundred thousand skutes for the borrowing of fiue hundred thousand of interest because the accords made betwixt them in the yeare 1522. had by him bene violated and broken Finally three yeares pension which by paction betwixt them the Emperour was bound to pay him that is to say 133000. skutes by yeare If hee refused their Heraulds were to denounce warre At Strasbourge by the Popes aduise euery man assembled in his Tribe The Masse was laide downe vntill the Papists should shew by the holy scripture that it is a seruice agreeable vnto God It may then lie downe long enough For contrary it is wholy opposite vnto the Supper of Iesus Christ Sedition at Basil betwixt the Burgesses and certaine of the Senators for the cause of Religion The Burgesses hauing taken Armes cast downe the Images in Temples which was the cause that the Senate agreed to what they demaunded yea and that twelue Senators which fauoured Papistrie should be deiected out of the Senate And that from thenceforth when any question fell out to ordain any thing concerning the common wealth that a Councell of 200. should be called therevnto to haue their aduise therin The Masse then was abolished through all their Seignorie and Images publikely burned as the Instruments of Idolatry Vpon a Wednesday which the Papist call Ashwednesday the Idolls were burnt at Basil Lantrec being dead and Andrew Danre of Genoua reuolted the French King began to hearken vnto peace Margarite the Emperours Aunt and Loyse the Kings mother assembled at Cambray and dealt for a peace in the moneth of August in this sort The Emperour left to the King Bourgongne if he engendred any male childe of his sister The King gaue for the deliuerance of his children to the Emperour twentie hundred thousand Skutes the debt of England being comprehended therein The Article againe is added to extirpate the Lutherans The Emperor returning from Genes and arriuing at Ausbourge denounced vnto the Protestants that they should let their preaching cease and goe to Masse with him They refused both he one and the other shewing there was no reason to constraine them to do it vnlesse the cause were debated The 24. of February after he had sworne namely that he should all his life defend the honour dignitie of the Romane seate he is with great pompe magnificence crowned Emperour at Boulogne Ellenor the Emperours sister and the Kings spowse came from Spaine into France with the Kings two children Frauncis and Henry after they had bene foure yeares in hostage in their Fathers place The Pope Clement and the Emperor besieged the Florentines because they set out of their Towne such as were of the house of Medices In the ende Ferrand de Gonzague brought them to composition and
I say not Father Take to thy selfe now the treasures the Tapistries and the Prouince of Mustapha and gouerne it at thy pleasure Is it possible I should fall into thy spirit infamous man without all humanitie against all right to put to death so valiant a person as neuer was nor shal be the like in the house of Ottomās Ha ha I will take good order that thou shalt not impudenly vaunt glory that thou hast done the like to me And straight drew his dagger and strooke it so farre into his owne bodie that he fell downe dead vpon the earth Which so soone as his Father knew he made a maruellous mourning and yet left not to seize vpon all his goods which caused a tumult in the Campe of Mustapha but it was nothing in regard of that they did after they knew of his death In such sort that Solyman to the great danger of his life was constrained to chase away Rostan and to dispoile him of all his honours and dignities This death came wel for the Christians whose great enemy Mustapha was who tooke great delight in sheading their blood It brought also such great displeasure vnto the Turkes that therevpon followed amongst them this prouerbe Gietti Soltan Mustaphat That is all we thought on is ended in Musthapha For they thought that he would haue enlarged their Empire which they looked for at no other hand The French tooke Verceil in the Countrey of Turin but seeing they could not keepe it they spoyled pilled it and retyred Edward King of England being in his mortall bed in the moneth of May Northumberland caused one of his sonnes to espowse Iane Suffolke the Kings cousin This King of the age of 16. yeares dyed the 6. of Iuly to the great damage of Christian Religion So soone as Mary was peacibly Queene of Englande at her arriuall at London she caused to be tooke out of prison the Duke of Norfolke and the Bishop of Winchester a pernicious man and made him Chauncellor The Emperours Hoast after it had raced Terouane marched into Artois and there in the moneth of Iuly forced Hesden which the king of France had a litle before taken There was slaine Horace Fernese the husband of the kings bastard daughter and a great number of Gentlemen prisoners A battaile in Saxonie vppon the Riuer of Visurge betwixt the Duke Maurice and the Marquesse Albert wherein Albert was vanquished and Maurice victorious strooken with a bullet whereof he dyed two dayes after A deare victorie bought with death Michael Seruet de Ville-neuisue a Spaniard a pernicious hereticke hauing of long time written execrable things against the Trinitie proudly maintained them at Geneua after long detention the participation of the Councell of the Churches and faithfull Common-wealths of Suecia finally in the ende of October was condemned by the Lordes of the said Towne to be burned aliue The hardnesse of his heart was such that being vpon the wood hee would neuer confesse Iesus Christ the eternall sonne of God but only the sonne of Dauid and the sonne of the eternall God In England by the decree of all the Bishops of the kingdome then assembled the Edicts and statutes of the deceased King Edward concerning Religion were defaced and made voide and the Popish doctrine approued and allowed Albert agreed with Augustus the brother of Maurice by meanes of the King of Denmarke and of the Elector of Brandebourge Iane Suffolke Queene of England as is said by King Edwards testament and the three sonnes of the Duke of Northumberland were declared culpaple and condemned of Treason Iohn Alasco a Polonian Gentleman with a great number of the French and Flemish Churches flying from England did wander and stray a certaine space of time into Denmarke and Saxonie seeking a place to dwel in But they were euery where refused not only of a place of habitation but also they were commaunded to get them out yea in winter time not suffering them to remaine in their hauens The cause of this inhumanitie and inhospitalitie was their difference for the doctrine of the Supper of the Lorde whereof we haue before touched Finally a place was allowed them in East Friseland in the Towne Emden where a Church was open for them and granted by the Countesse of the said Emden a true Christian Princes Ferdinand being at Vienna reiected the supplication of the Estates of his Countrey which demaunded to permit the administration of the Supper of Iesus Christ whole vnder both kindes Iohn Fredericke Duke of Saxonie after his deliuerance from captiuitie agreed with the Duke Augustus and he acquited to him and his heire Males the Electorship the Country of Misne and the Townes where the Mines be yet he held vnto himselfe the name and Armes of the Elector The 20. of February Sibille of Cleues wife of the said Iohn Frederic dyed at Vinaine Eleuen dayes after the said Frederic also deceased happily in his Country amongst his children and other friends and the same day that he dyed was borne vnto the Elector Augustus a sonne named Alexander Thomas Wiat an Englishman conspired and rose vp against the Queene of England because of the straunge marriage she enterprised with Phillip the Emperours sonne On an other part of the kingdome Henry of Suffolke gathered people against her The one and the other were declared enemies of the Commonwealth taken and at diuers times beheaded The 12. of February Iane Suffolke King Edwards cousin germaine instituted heire of the kingdome by his testament was with her husband beheaded After them was made a great butchery of heads at London and Westminster where the Queene then was Elizabeth also her sister was imprisoned vpon her suspition Sienna was besieged by the Pope and the Duke of Florence Peter Stosze which defended it made a sallie vpon them and ouercame a great number of their people Charles Duke of Sauoy spoyled of the greatest best part of his Countrey dyed leauing Emanuell Philebert his sonne heire King Henry about the end of Iune tooke Bouuines Dinan Marienbourge Bius and wasted all the Country besieged Renty vpon the Marches of Artois but the Emperour comming and skirmishing together the king departed in the moneth of August remouing his siege from thence The Kings Armie in Tuscane which Strosze conducted was surprised by the Imperialists and for the most part ouerthrowne Phillip the Emperours sonne arruied the 19. of Iuly in England the 24. following the marriage was made betweene him and the Queene at Winchester The Marquis Albert chased from his Country withdrew into Lorraine and after to the king of France The Emperour caused a Fort to be builded nigh the place where Hesden was Cardinall Poole in a full assembly of all the Estates of the kingdome of England commenced the 12. of Nouember was restored into his dignities goods and honours of which he was depriued by King Henry the eight
The Historie of the reuoult of England To the ende the Lord may be knowne in his iudgements which daily happen and that he which is to day aloft may take heed hee fall not let vs harken vnto that infamous revoult of England and see how they returne to their first vomite The Wednesday the 28. of Nouember of this yeare the Parliament of England was assembled and in the presence of King Phillip and Queene Marie the Cardinall Poole expounpounded his Legation and exhorted them to the holy seate of the Pope shewing them how greatly bound they were to God who now enlarged vpon them his diuine grace prouiding for them such Princes as they had After he declared vnto them how the holy Father the Pope vsed towards them his benignitie and clemency by him his Legate greatly thanking them that they had receiued him and placed him in his Country and Nobilitie whereof he had bene long depriued and that therefore he held himselfe more bound to procure they might be restored into the Ecclesiasticall Court as his desire was This vile Apostate of the truth calleth that stinking Court of Rome the celestiall Court After he had thus spoken be withdrew himselfe to the end to giue respet vnto the Lords of the Parliamēt to resolue thervpon what to doo The Chauncellour of England straight tooke the Cardinalls wordes and shewed how they had cause to thanke God who had raised them vp such a Prophet out of their owne seed to procure their saluation as the reuerend Legate did Insomuch that all with a common accord concluded to cōsent vnto the vnion obedience of the Romane church The Thursday following they ordained to agree vnto that which the Cardinall had saide so that vpon a common accord they presented a supplication wherein they prayed the King and Queenes maiesties as heads of the kingdome that they would pray the Popes Legate that they might haue absolute remission of their sinnes and errours promising to make voide all such lawes as they had before established against the authoritie of the Romane seate whervnto they would sweare neuer to contradict The King sent the said supplication to the Legate and the day after assembled the Parlament in the place where the king and the Queene with the Cardinall Legate were set And the Chancelor rose vp with great reuerence an high voice vttered the resolutiō made by the Lords of the Parliament praying in the name of all that they wold accept the supplicatō written in Latin tongue shut sealed by the said Chancellor The supplication being opened by the Legate was deliuered vnto the Chancellor to publish hee red it with an high voice and that done demaunded of all them of the Parlament if their wills were according to the tenor thereof and they all answered yea Vpon this the King Queene rose vp and presented the said supplicatiō to the Legate who red it then presented he the Bulles of his Legation which were red also to make appeare vnto them the authoritie hee had from the holie Father to absolute them That is to say to plunge them into the deepe pit of hell That done the Reuerend made them an Oration in their own language shewing penance which pleased God and that the Angell of Paradice reioyce more at a sinner repenting his sinnes then of ninetie nine iust persons and vpon that brought for his examples cōtrarily drawne to furnish out his impudencie falsly abusing the word of God After he had ended he rose vp and the King and Queene fell vpon their knees before him calling vpon God and the holy Saints that hee would pardon the penitent people of England the authoritie of whose person he representeth Then the Legate pronounced a generall absolution which done they all departed with the King the Queene and the Legate towards their Chappell where was sung Te Deum and after the saide Legate had made his triumphant entries hee yeelded all power and authoritie to the Bishops the first Sunday of Aduent as they call it on which day the Bishoppe of Winchester an other Apostate of the truth made a Sermon after a solemne Masse taking for his Theame Nunc tēpus adest de somne surgere that is It is now time to awake As if before in the time of the Gospell vnder the raigne of king Edward of England they had still slept But that awaking shall be deare sold vnto all such Organes and Instruments of Sathan which haue caused so many murders and bloudshead of Gods children since that time in the Realme of England See the booke of Martyrs A more horrible vengeance of God cannot come to a Countrey then when God withdrawes his light therefrom Ferdinand sent out of their Countrey 200. Ministers of the faithfull in the kingdome of Boheme Touching the true Martyrs of the Lord executed this yeare in England vnder the tyranous raigne of Queene Mary and the disputations held betwixt the Popish Doctors and them of the true Religion See the fourth part of the bookes of Martyrs A Iourney of the Empire was held at Ausbourge and although fewe Princes came thither Ferdinand made a long Oration the fift of Februarie of two principall poynts The first of Religion by reason whereof he said all the disorder and destruction of Almaine happened and that it might be remedied by disputations and communications of Theologians as once had beene begun The second was to helpe and succour the afflicted estate of the warre past and punish such as made the troubles Melancton and other learned people by their Letters comforted the Ministers of the Churches of Boheme which were dispersed ouer Misnia Casal a Towne nigh vnto Po was taken by the French vnder the conduct of Brisac the 3. of March Marcel second of that name a Tuscan by Nation called before Marcel Ceruin succeeded and was borne in a place called the Monte Pelicien in the territories of Florence Of a Cardinall of the title of the holy Crosse in Ierusalem was created Pope by the common consent of all the Cardinalls which were in the Conclaue the 9. day of Aprill 1555. The day following he receiued the Pontificall ornaments in the Church of Laterane but he would not change the name that he receiued at his baptisme Being come vnto the Papacie he was an enemie vnto the Gospell as before he was Pope you may see he was euer In his youth he had some litle profited in humane Letters and so kept the schooles Afterward as Paul the third had created Cardinall Alexander Farnesius the sonne of Peter Lewis his bastard sonne hee gaue his this Marcel for a Schoolemaister Certaine time after the Cardinall Alexander leauing there the studie of Letters applyed himself altogether to handle the affaires wherein as well he as also Paul his grandfather serued themselues with Marcel who was their Secretary The Bishoppricke of Nichastre being vacant hee was made Bishop of that Church yet he alwaies liued
le Gourt Phillip Parmentier Peter Millet Iohn Befferoy Peter Arondeau M. Anne du Bourge a man of great pietie very learned a Councellor in the Parliament of Paris The death of this last man was especially amōgst others noted because of the qualitie of his person his constancy astonished also many of his enemies who notwithstanding left not to cōtinue as wel in Paris as in other Parliaments of France in that remainder of the yeare 1559 in al the yeare following during which the French Church before being hid because of persecutions began to shew it self Insomuch that in all Prouinces thoughout the kingdom they of the religion had Sermons openly the zeale of some surmounting the crueltie of others In this same yeare 1559. in the moneth of May the Lord triumphed ouer Antichrist in the cōstancy patience of many Christians executed to death for the witnesse of his truth in the kingdome of Spaine by the practises of the officers of the Inquisition wherof it shal not be impertinent briefly to touch About an 100. yeares ago that Ferdinand and Isabelle kings of Castile established that Inquisition against the Iewes which after baptisme kept their cerimonies Certaine yeares after the Monkes assailed by the doctrine of the Gospell did so much that it was cōuerted practised especially against such as they could discouer to be neuer so litle aduersaries of the Romish traditions For the better establishing of this tyrannie and to lift it vp aboue the King and the Councell of Spaine the Spanish Theologians made thē belieue that the holy Inquisitiō could not erre and for the exercise thereof they had Iudges officers in the most part of the Townes of the realme which alwaies had a watchful eye to bridle all the world But ordinarily they espied the richest the learnest such as of little began to become great for they desired bootie of some they feared y e knowledge of others and the last are odious least they should make head against the Inquisitiō They espied marked very nigh these 3. sort of people that if there came any word out of their mouthes it shuld be noted thogh they spake no word yet would the Inquisitors finde meanes enough against such as worshipped them not sufficiently for after they had shut them in prison they would keep them there a long time without speaking vnto them and at leisure inuent Rymes against them In the meane while no man durst sollicite nor speake for the prisoners If the Father shewed to haue any care of his childe hee was straight imprisoned as a fauourer of heresie No person could haue accesse to any prisoner which was in any dungeon or other obscure place neither might hee write but besides the misery and horror of the prison the prisoners endured a thousand outrages and menaces and after blowes with whips and diuers other the greatest iniuries that can be imagined Sometimes they are suffered to escape by infamy and from some high place they are shewed vnto the people During their imprisonment their processes and their Inditements goe not forward in course of lawe and for ordinarily a prisoner shall be so kept vp tormented two three or foure yeares and if there be any thing done therein there are none but the Inquisitors their officers and executioners that know any newes of them After one hath tortured and beaten them the space of many moneths he that will haue his life he must diuine and gesse at his accusor If then the accused can diuine the name of his accusors and what is the accusation in firmely and strongly denying that which is imposed and laid to his charge and after great protestations to be an hartie and a very affectioned seruant and subiect of the Popedome his life being so saued yet he is not thereby set at libertie but after hauing endured infinit pouerties miserie which they call their penance they are let goe but yet in such sort as they make him weare a kinde of coate of yealow colour called Sambenito which is a publike infamy vnto him and all his race But if contrary the prisoner be an ill diuiner after diuers tortures he is condemned and cruelly burnt They that constantly maintaine the truth of the Gospell are so vngently tormented and cruelly handled that the punishments of the greatest Tyrants which were in the time of the Primitiue Church were nothing in comparison vnto these But then assoone as many persons of high and base condition in sundry places of Spaine beganne to see the light of the word of God the Antichrist his subiects straight discouered certaine assemblies insomuch that the Inquisitors imprisoned a great number of them whereof some were put to death the 21. of May in the presence of the kings sister their gouernesse in her brothers absence of Dom Charles Prince of Spaine and of many great Lords which deliuered their oaths vnto the Inquisition namely the Gouernesse and the Prince to maintaine against all This done with great solemnities the faithfull remaining constant were burnt aliue namely Augustine Cacalla late the Emperour Charles the fifts Preacher Francis de Biuero Priest of Valledolid the brother of Augustine Blanche and Cōstance de Biuero their sister Alphonsus Peres Priest of Valence Christopher del Campo Christopher de Padille Antonio de Huezvelo Catherine Romaine Francis Errem Catherine Ortegne Isabella de Strade and Iann Velasque Many other men and women were then condemned to diuers honourable amends as they call them and to remaine prisoners a certaine time In the moneth of September following the Inquisitors of Siuil caused to be burnt Iohn Ponceus de Leon sonne of the Count de Bailen a Gentleman amongst all Spaniards commendable because of his great pietie constancie and doctrine Iohn Gonsolue Theologian of Siuile Isabelle de Vacine Mary de Viroes Cornelie Mary and Iane de Bohorques Ferdinand de Saint Iohn Iulian Fernand and others in great number For three yeares before a goodly Church was raised and set vp at Siuile which being discouered by the spies of the Inquisition very nigh eight hundred persons were imprisoned insomuch that after that the tormentors did no other thing but hang strangle and burne men and women yet notwithstanding many verie liuely tasted the doctrine of the Gospell and forsooke Spaine the more freely to serue God some flying into England others into Almaine to Geneua Likewise all the Monks of the Couent of Saint Isodore nigh Siuile forsooke their habit and their Country and saued themselues at Francford two of which namely Iohn Leon Iohn Fernand were taken in a Port of Zeland brought againe into Spaine and put to death In this same yeare the Estates of the Empire were assembled at Ausbourge to handle affaires of Religion and it was agreed that things should remaine peaceable and the funerall of obsequies of the Emperor Charles the fift were then made The Embassador of Othon Henry chiefe Elector assisted
vnto the people The 18. day of May Charles the ninth of that name sonne of Henry de Valois and of Catherine de Medicis was sacred king at Reimes in Campagne and soone after crowned at S. Denis in France The Churches of his kingdome to the eye-sight flourished to the preiudice whereof was made an Edict called of Iuly notwithstanding which they maintained themselues with great testimonies of the blessings of God In the meane while the king of Nauarre the first Prince of the bloud next vnto the kings brethren sent for Peter Martyr and Theodore de Beza to be at the disputation of Poissy which were sent thither by the Lords of Zurich and Geneua The 24. of August the Prince of Conde was recōciled by the King and his Councell with the Duke of Guise who vpon the Princes words which he spake on high I hold him and them for villaines which haue caused my imprisonment answered I beleeue so it nothing toucheth me Soone after the gouernmēt of the kingdome during the kings minoritie who was then but ten yeares old an halfe was cōfirmed to the queene mother In the meane while the deputies of the Churches and certaine other Ministries with safe conduit arriued at Poissy presented vnto the king a request for the order of the disputation and also the confession of their faith who with good countenance receiued thē promising to communicate their requests vnto his Councell make them an answere by his Chancelor In the beginning of September many requests were presented to set forward that which was begun and finally the 9. of the said moneth in the presence of the King Prince Lords and notable persons of the kingdome of France as wel of y e one as the other religion Theodore de Beza in the name of all the French Churches after publike inuocatiō of the name of God made long oration cōprehending a summary of all the Christian doctrine held preached by the Ministers of the reformed Churches and his oration finished he presented their cōfession of faith which was receiued deliuered into the hands of the prelates to prepare themselues to answer it But they opposed themselues only against two Articles of that oratiō The one of the Supper and the other of the Church and pronounced their answere by Charles Cardinal of Lorraine who had for his maister Claude Despence a Doctor of Sorbone who once shewed some seed of religion This answere hauing bene made certain daies after the oration the Ministers prayed that they might reply straight way but it was deferred to an other day and audience was giuen them but not so notable as the first thē fel there out a sharp disputation which began an other time after a third oration Then entred into conference fiue of the Romane Churches side with fiue of the reformed Churches who after a long disputation vpon the matter of the Supper retired without according any thing assuredly Frō the end of this moneth vntil the end of this yeare diuers leagues factions were made against the Churches seditiōs were stirred at Paris and in other places against the Christians assembling to heare the word of God the kings councel being occupied to prouide by some Edict against the mischief to come to procure rest for the kingdome About this yeare died Shuvenckfeld a very pernitious heretike who by his wicked doctrine greatly endamaged the Churches of Almaine The summe of his principall errours was to reuiue and renew againe the heresie of Eutiches For hee maintained that the humaine nature of Iesus Christ ought no more to be called a creature but we must think that it is at this day swallowed vp by the diuine nature by that meanes cōfounding the two natures Vpon this foundation so badly placed he established other mōstrous opinions the fault was in not wel cōsidering the vniō of the two natures in Christ and the communicatiō of the properties But these opinions are not dead with him but contrary haue bene renued promoted by such who will needes at this day haue the the humaine nature of Christ infinit In the moneth of Ianuary which was then 1591. because they then began the yeare at Easter and at this present we begin it the first of Ianuary an assembly was made of the most notable persons of all the Parliaments and other renowmed people besides the priuie Councellors which decreed and set foorth that notable Edict named of Ianuary which permitted free exercise to them of the Religō through all the kingdome of France prouiding good securitie for all people and rest for the Common-wealth Many thought that hereby the Churches should haue rest when soone after newes arriued of the massacre of Vassi committed by Francis the Duke of Guise who in his owne presence caused 42. persons of the Religion to be slaine and a great number others to be wounded being all assembled to heare the word of God This was the beginning of the ciuil warres of France For the Duke of Guise and his partakers tooke Armes on the one side The Prince of Conde the Admirall and others meaning to maintaine the Royall authoauthoritie the Edict of Ianuary and the Churches that were vnder the protection and defence thereof opposed themselues against them by Armes also and the war began through all the kingdome where infinit cruelties were exercised in diuers places against them of the Religion as the history of our time maketh mention Many Townes Fortresses were besieged carried away by assaults sacked spoiled more cruelly thē by the most barbarous people in the world diuers encounters bloodie battailes namely that of Dreux wherein the two chiefe Captaines of both partes remained prisoners many of the Nobilitie and souldiers as well Straungers as French were slaine Churches dissipated and dispersed in most part of the Prouinces and a maruellous desolation in infinite Families Maximilian the Emperour Ferdinands sonne was declared king of the Romanes the 14. day of Nouember and sixe daies after he was crowned two moneths before he was crowned king of Boheme Peter Martyr borne at Florence an excellent Theologian and professor of Theologie at Zurich where he writ bookes full of great and sound doctrine died the 12. day of Nouember being then of the age of 63. yeares The ciuill warre continued in France notwithstanding the taking of the Prince of Conde and the Constable The Duke of Guise hauing laid siege before the Towne of Orleance being kept by them of the Religion was wounded in the shoulder with a Pistoll shot the 18. day of February and died certaine dayes after in great torments By this meanes Orleance was deliuered a peace concluded the moneth following the Edict of Ianuary abolished in the most part of the Articles to the great disaduantage of them of the Religion which notwithstanding tooke hart and in the quarters maintained themselues in their accustomed order In the moneth of Iuly
of Lewis Requescens great commaunder of Castile a man in appearance of soft condition but no lesse fellonious and cruell then his predecessor in that gouernment Iohn de Austriche made warre in Barbarie about the ende of this yeare and got Tunes builded a strong Citadell betwixt Tunes and the Goulette to resist the Turkes after hee withdrew into Sicilie The great Commander meaning to driue away the Prince of Orange incamped before Middelbourge in Zeland armed a puissant Fleete about 80. vessels and the 24. of Ianuary 1574. made saile towards Zeland but his Army encountred the Princes Army In so much that after a long combat where that Commaunder commaunded not but looking ouer the Dikes to iudge of the blowes with more assurance he sawe the Spaniards ouerthrown with his Wallons wherof some were drowned others carried away prisoners and almost all their vessels lost They of Middelbourg wayed with the siege and all hope which they had of succours turned into dispaire they yeelded themselues a moneth after In the beginning of February the warre waxed hotte in Barbary betwixt the Spaniards Moores and Turkes The 18. of the same moneth Henry Duke of Aniou arriuing from France in Polongne made his entrie into Cracouia and was crowned three dayes after with accustomed solemnities About this time the Venetians beeing tyred with warre entred an accord with Selym whereat the Pope and the King of Spaine were not content Fraunce entred into new troubles They tooke them to Arms in Normandie and Poictou The king in great hast retired himselfe from S. Germaines to Paris From that time followed great chaunges in France there then seeming to be no more any question of Religion but of the estate a thing notwithstanding of longer discourse then I need now set down seeing it i● handled in particular bookes depending vpon the history of this time The warre continued in Holland and the Spaniards encamped before Leyden but they were constrained to leaue their siege the 23. day of March to goe meete the Duke Christopher son of the Elector Palatin the Counties Lodowick and Henry de Nassan brethren which came downe in the strength of winter towards Mastriche with a good number of footmen and horsemen These Lords being aduertised that the Spaniards came to finde them aduanced themselues and encountred in a field of thornes called Morkerheide where the Lansquenets crying after siluer refused the combat insomuch that the Lords were vanquished and slaine all three vpon the fourth day of April Ioachim Camerarius a learned man amongst all the Almaine an inward and familiar friend of Phillip Melancton dyed at Leipsic beeing of the age of 74. yeares the 17. day of Aprill The 21. day died Cosme de Medices Duke of Florence and great Duke of Thuscane leauing a sonne vnto whom the state and tytle of great Duke was confirmed by the Pope The great Commaunder thinking to haue gained all by the ouerthrowe of the Count Lodowick caused a generall pardon to bee published in the Towne of Antwerpe the 23 of Aprill but none came for it so that the war continued Yet three daies after this publication the Spanish souldiers kindling a mutinie for want of their pay entred into the Towne of Antwerpe by the fauour of the Castle constraining the Burgesses to furnish them the summe of foure thousand Florents to bring this to passe they vsed great insolencies They constrained also the Gouernor and the Wallon souldiers to auoyd the towne with intent to gorge themselues the more at their ease They also set farther off the ships which had the guard of the Hauen The Princes Nauie hauing discouered these Ships got quickly hold of them and carried them away in the Commaunders view whilest he and his souldiers tooke their pastime in sacking of Antwerpe The Spaniards prceiuing that during their absence Leiden was not againe victualled returned to besiege it the second day of May and held it closer then before for in diuers places they made Forts to the number of 22. vpon large and deep dikes the most part invnited and strengthned with 2. or 3. Canons The eleuen day of May a great part of S. Markes Pallace at Venice was burned and two daies after a great number of houses at Venice with a notable losse for many Marchants There happened as much at Bruxels in Brabant the 24. of the same month and the fire tooke hold of certaine Gunpowder which was in a Tower which by the ruine thereof greatly endamaged all the Towne and slew 15. persons A great warre was then in France especially in Poictou and in Normandie Gabriel Counte de Montgommeri hauing with a fewe men sustained the siege and diuers assaultes in the Castle of Danfronc yeelded it by composition but he was reserued and carried prisoner vnto Paris where not long after by decree of the Parliament his head was cut off In the meane while the Duke of Alencon the kings yongest brother and the king of Nauarre were as prisoners in the Court and the Churches languished vnder so many confusions The last day of May Charles the ninth King of France dyed of the age of 34. yeares in the wood of Vincennes leauing his kingdome much indebted and maruellously full of broyles Henry of Valois the third sonne of Henry the second born in the yeare 1551. the 21. of September beeing in Pologne when his brother Charles dyed and vnderstanding the newes of his death departed secretly that kingdome and tooke possession of that his mother had kept for him He passed through Venice so into Piedmont where he visited Margarite the Duchesse his Aunt who dyed soone after and arriuing at Lyons in the beginning of September hee caused certaine Edicts to be published against them of the Religion who stood vpon their gard seeing their new Prince threatned them so openly A litle before his comming Henry Montmorency Marshal de Danuile and gouernor of Languedoc entred in cōference with the principals of the Religion least that prouince other nigh therevnto might come to ruine and destruction by ciuill warres and to procure some rest for France The Prince of Conde retired into Almaine The king descended into Languedoc hauing failed to take Liuron a smal Towne of Dauphine About the end of this yeare died Charles Cardinall of Lorraine one of the chiefe instruments of the troubles and confusions of France To come vnto the affaires of the low Countries The siege of Leiden hauing continued all the Sommer with appearance of extreame confusion for the besieged the third day of October following it was refreshed and victualled by the prowesse of a fewe souldiers conducted by Boisot Admirall of Holland beeing helped with the Sea-floud which the Prince by the meanes of pearcing of certaine Dikes and sluces opening had caused it to come farre euen nigh vnto the Towne The Spaniards after they had fought a litle seeing the water began to
the Estates the 12. day of February The next morning the Spaniards forsooke the Castle of Vtrich according to the accord and the 20 of March folowing they which were in the Townes and Citadell of Antwerpe came out with their bootie The Almaines remained in the towne vnder the Colonels Foncquer and Fronsperge attending paiment the 2. of April the Spaniards came out of Mastricht Iohn de Austria made his entry into Bruxells by the 1. of May and tooke his oath according to the statutes of the Countries the eleuenth of Iune hee went to Malignes where hauing performed that he came for hee retyred vnto Namur and laide hold of the Castle the 24. of Iuly the Estates hauing discouered the drifts and practises of Iohn de Austria stood vpon their guardes and discouering what hee went about against them got the Castle of Antwerpe and constrained the Almaines quickly to dislodge seazing diuers places and dismanteling the Citadell or Castle of Antwerpe ioyned it to the Citie of Antwerpe the 28. of August and in the moneth following caused their iustification to be published taking armes for theyr defence calling the Prince of Orange to their succours Who arriued in Antwerpe the eighteenth day of September and fiue dayes after at Bruxells being of all receiued with great ioy hee was after the 22. of October chosen Gouernour of Brabant About the same time was there trouble at Gaunt and Groine which after was appeased Genebrardus Mathias Archduke of Austria the Emperours brother being called to be Gouernour of the lowe Countries made his entry into the Towne of Antwerpe the 21. of Nouember and the 17. of December he accepted the gouerment of the countries vpon the conditions proposed vnto him by the Deputies of the Estates The Churches of Holland and Zeland florish they of other Prouinces of the low countries begin to hope well Stephen Bathori King of Poland this yeare made warre vpon the Dantzick but after certaine encounters a peace was accorded vpon conditions Sebastian King of Portugall sent Peter d'Alascoua Embassador to Phillip King of Spaine with commaundement to treat of three point that is for aide in the action of Affricke for the marriage of his daughter and for enterview The Embassador obtained all three the promise of marriage with one of his daughters when she should come to yeares that the Catholick king should goe to Gradalupa to meet with K. Sebastian and as for succours he should furnish men gallies to vndertake the enterprise of Alarache the which was spoken very coldly Philip confirmed the succors of men gallies so as the Turke should send no mē into Italy and that they should vntertake Alarache in this yeare the whole being referred vnto their enterview at Gradalupa In the Parliament held at Blois Pierre d' Epinac Archbishop of Lyons rose vp and before them all declared his reasons touching the Cleargie the Lord of Senscey spake for the nobilitie and Versoris for the common The two first by a multitude of reasons wonderfull speeches concluded that it was most fit and conuenient that there should be but one Religion in the realme The third shewed that the people wholly desired the revnion thereof so it might be done by peaceable and quiet meanes without warres But the Cleargie and Nobilitie after many difficulties caused the Parliament to breake vp so that vnder the ashes of the last warres which as yet were hot there might be found the sparkes of a great fire For after many messages although in vaine sent by the King to the Protestant Princes the warre began again for the Prince of Conde rose vp in arms and swore not to leaue them vnder whose protestation was placed Deo victricibus armis vntil he had brought the realme into her former splendor dignity But the reasons that perswaded peace to the King got the vpper hand of those that desired warre and therevpon an Edict of peace was made at Poitiers with great contentment on both parts and the Prince of Conde the same night he receiued it caused it to be published by torch-light although with lesse aduantage on his side then the first for it restored the exercise of the Catholicke religion in the places where it had beene prohibited it suffered mens consciences to be free yet without publike exercise but onely in the Townes and places whereas then it was openly preached and to Gentlemen of qualitie and degree in their owne houses yet there was some difficultie in the execution and obseruation of this peace which the conference at Nerae betweene the Queene mother and the King of Nauarre soone auoyded but the wound not well healed did still bleede by means of the furious disorders of those that were his chiefe doers but the yeare one thousand fiue hundred eightie one it was wholly ioyned and drawne into a scarre See the Historie of France Syr Martyn Forbisher tooke his voyage by sea about the the end of May towards the North and West discouering vnknowne Countries and came againe rich laden into England about the end of September following The Pope forasmuch as this intended warre by Sebastian was attempted against Infidels opened his spirituall treasures graunting the Bull of the Croisada which till that time was not brought into the Realme The ninth of Nouember there appeared in the Zodiaque in the signe of Libra neare vnto the station of Mars the goodliest and greatest Comet that hath bene seene in many ages the which hapning in the progresse of this warre amazed many who looking to examples past said it was a signe of vnhappie successe and that comming frō a corrupt aire it did endamage the delicate bodies of Princes And for as much as the auncient Captaines with their diuines did interpret it to good not for that they beleeued it but to incourage the souldiers the Portugall likewise taking it for a fauour said that this Comet spake vnto the King saying Accometa which is to say in the Portugall tongue Let him assayle them not hauing any such beliefe but for flattery fearing more the Kings choler by reason of his rough inclination then the heauens Ieronimo Conestaggio After the sixt Edict of pacification in France the King hauing published certaine ordinances in regard of policie sollicited much the Prouinces of his Country to get mony of them wherevpon followed great discontentment In the meane while the souldiers being dispersed in many places and yet hauing weapons in their hands gaue them of the Religion to thinke they could not long continue in quietnesse yet the Churches maintained themselues in diuers places About the end of March the Towne of Geneua had great alarums many troupes appearing in diuers places to haue surprised it but their comming being discouered and the towne holding her selfe vpon her guards there followed no exployts of warre The Queene mother made diuers progresses through the Realme of France to maintaine said she the publike repose and so
all that yeare passed in doubtfulnesse in regard of the Churches and the estate of France Warre began in Flaunders in Brabant betwixt Iohn de Austria and the Estates he gained a battaile the last day of Ianuary and after he got Giblon Louaine Arcscod Tiltmond Diest and Sichem and in this last handled most discourteously the officers of the place The 8. of February the Towne of Amsterdem by capitulation with the Prince the estates of Holland revnited themselues with the other Townes of the Countrie vnder the Princes gouernment The estates at the same time sent their Embassador to the Imperiall iourney where they shewed the iustice of their cause and demaunded succours The Duke Cassimire prepared himselfe with an Army the Queene of England also promised to furnish them with men and money Cassamire by the counsell of Imbysa Consull of Gaunt and Borhutus was requested by those of Flaunders to take the Earldome vpon him came to Gaunt where he found Petrus Dathenus and others the chiefe of the congregation by whom the Citizens being stirred vp thrust out all the Masse Priests and Monkes out of the Citie and put their goods into their treasurie to serue afterwards for the necessary vse of the Common-wealth and by a booke set forth by them they drew others to the free libertie not onely ciuill but also to a libertie of conscience and religion From thence Cassamire in the beginning of the next yeare came to the Queene of England for money to pay his souldiers Alexander Farnese Prince of Parma the sonne of Octauius the Nephewe of Peter and Pope Paulus the 3. his Nephewes sonne was created Duke of Parma by the King of Spaine D. Chytraeus The Iesuites and certaine Friars were thrust out of Antwerpe in the moneth of May as then Phillits a Towne yeelded it selfe by composition to the Spaniard Kempens was besieged taken by the estates A noble encounter hapned betwixt thē and Iohn de Austria who had the worst the first of August In the moneth of August a free exercise of the reformed Religion was permitted in Antwerpe by Mathias Arch-duke chiefe Generall and Lieftenant of the Prince of Orange and the authoritie of the estates So the libertie of Religion was proclaimed vpon these conditions that the reformed should not hinder or trouble either by themselues or others the rights and exercises of the olde Religion nor should offer any iniurie reproach or violence to any one for the diuersitie in Religion that they should obey the political Magistrates beare the like taxes impositiōs with other Citizens that they shuld haue no Sermons but in such places as the Magistrates appointed that the Ministers should swear to preach nothing scandalous or seditious in their Sermons that no man shuld spoile any holy place or breake any Images nor should sell any ballads or libels reproachful to the other religiō c. These the Gouernor the Deputie of Brabant the Praetor Senate of Antwerpe promised to receiue into their charge and patronage This libertie of religion they of Gaunt with the Hollanders and Zelanders embraced To the which a litle after the States of Geldria condiscended But the Hannonians Artesians taking in very ill part that the Catholick Roman religion which they professed at Bruxelles they would constantly retaine before the Emperror the King of Spaine and other Princes should now be left and abolished of thē of Gaunt in whose Citie their protestation was made seperated themselues frō the other estates who had changed their religion by bookes published accused them of their inconstancie and periurie And therein protest that they wil be faithful maintainers defenders of the Catholick Romane faith and true liegemen to the king if he would conserue their priuiledges These were presently called Malcontents who forthwith made war vpon them of Gaunt deadly hating them for this change They of the reformed religion at Antwerpe desired to haue their religious exercise which they obtained with fewe Churches namely the Chappell of the Castle the Temple of the Iesuits of the Iacobins S. Andrewes and halfe of the Friars Certain daies after the Protestants of Ausbourge obtained also certain tēples The Emperor the King of France sought to make some agreement betwixt the parties but it came to nothing On the other side Cassimere hauing soiourned in the Countrey of Zutphen certaine time for the muster of his people being in number 4000. footmen 6000. horsmen came into Brabant and ioyned with the Estates the 26. of August Iohn de Austria died of the pestilence in his campe nigh Nance the 21. of Octob. Alexander Prince of Parma succeeded him in his charge The Malcontents made war vpō the Gauntois vnder the conduct of Sieur de Montignie the Cardinall of Granuell his brother This league did after maruellously hinder the proceedings of States affaires and vnder that ouerture the Spaniards who could not long haue stood do hitherto maintaine themselues The 20. of Nouember the Towne of Deuentry yeelded it selfe by composition vnto the Estates Mathew Hamond by his trade a ploughwright three miles frō Norwich was conuented before the Bishop therof for that he denied Christ to be our Sauiour For this and many other heresies he was condemned in the Consistorie and burned in the Castle ditch of Norwiche About the end of the yeare they of Alenson forsooke the Estates to draw into France The Prince of Orange appeased the troubles which hapned at Gaunt Almaine was then in quiet in regard of ciuill affaires but greatly troubled by the practises and factions of certaine Disciples of Brencius the father of the Vbiquitaries whereof after followed many disputations without any conclusion of the mater They which desired a truce of peace in the Church attended no other thing by the sollicitation of so many wandering spirits but some great troubles in both the politicke and Ecclesiasticall estates if God be times remedie not the same by the wisedome of the Princes and States of the Empire At this time the Irish men rebelled in diuers parts of that kingdome pretending the libertie of Religion and complained to the Pope taking for their leader the Earle of Desmond Onrake and some other of the sauage Irish affirming that if they were aided they would easily drawe the whole Countrey from the Queenes obedience The Pope did communicate this with the Catholicke King exhorting him to vndertake this action as most godly and to succour this people the which they resolued to do But for as much as the Queene of England did seeme in words friend vnto the King and did as the Spaniards supposed couertly vnderhand assist the Prince of Orange in Flaunders against him the King would likewise walke in the same path and make a couert warre against her They concluded to assist this people in the Popes name but secretly at the Kings charge To this effect they leuied certaine footemen in
entertain hold the people in a vain hope of deliuerāce but all this while famine made warre against the Parisians Gregorie 14. before called Nicholas was borne at Millaine his fathers name was Frances Sfondrate of an auncient wealthy family He was elected Pope in the place of Vrbane The 8. day of Ianuary he instituted a Iubily and commaunded it to be published Anth. Cicca After this he made Gcnerall of the Churches army Count Sfondrate his nephew and sent him with an army into France to the maintenance of which warre he contributed fiue hundred thousand ducats besides other 40000. poundes of his owne He created his nephew Duke of Mount Marian the which state for that the great D. of Florence for his conspiracies and rebelliō against the church was put to death was now void by confiscation and therfore the Pope said he might bestow it where he thought good A great dangerous tumult hapned at Cracouia the king himself being there vnder the name of religion chiefly by certaine schollers who egged on by their maisters the Iesuites assaulted violently such houses where the exercise of religion different from the Popes were celebrated This was soone appeased by the magistrates but the third night when they thought all had beene quiet they gathered their companies together and set fire on the house D. Chytraeus The Princes Romane Catholicke Lords which were the Kings partakers perswaded with him to frame himselfe to the exterior profession of the religiō and by the D. of Luxembourg who had before made a voyage vnto Rome in their name they practised with the Pope to that end On the contrary side the Protestant Lords beseeched the king to haue them in remembrance who were so faithfully imployed for him Other of his Councel pressed vpō him to prouide for his peaceable subiects as wel of the one as of the other religiō Also that he wold preuent the new attempts of the Pope and his adhaerents against France And these sollicitations begat an Edict for the vpholding of the two religions in his kingdome D. Chytraeus An act was made by the high Court of Parliament at Chalouns and at Tours against the Popes Bulls his Nuntio and his Legate in France This likewise was proclaimed We haue proclaimed and do proclaime Pope Gregorie the 14. of that name an enemy to the common peace to the vnion of the Romane Catholike Church to the King and to his roial state adhearent to the conspiracie of Spaine a fauourer of rebels guiltie of the most cruell most inhumane and most detestable parracide traiterously committed on the person of Henry the 3. of most famous most Christian and most Catholike memorie Christian Duke of Saxonie Prince Elector died of the age 31. yeares D. Chytraeus Gregorie the 14. fell now sicke of a quotidian Feuer hee was also troubled with a continuall flix and the stone whereof he dyed and was buried in the Chappell of the Gregories in S. Peters Church Hee sate in the seate ten moneths and as many dayes and it was vacant 15. dayes Anth. Cicca In this time there was a great dearth through the most part of Italie and other Christian Prouinces after which followed a great plague There dyed in Rome from August 1590. vnto the end of August the yeare following 1591. threescore thousand Idem Innocent the 9. before called Antonius Fachiuertus Cardinall of the 4. holy Crownes He was borne at Bononia and before hee was Cardinall by Pope Gregorie made Patriarke of Ierusalem Fredericus Wilelmus Duke of Saxonie and Iohannes Georgius Elector and Marquesse of Brandebourge had the Protectorship of Christians sonne these no further vrged his mandates concerning Religion and recalled home many Ministers of the Church and Superindents who had not obeyed them and therefore banished by him a litle before his death D. Chytraeus The Duke of Guise by a cord which was giuen him wherwith sliding downe out of a window escaped out of prison and fled to the Lord de la Chastre The great Chancelor of Poland Zamoscius rebelled against his leige Lord with an Armie of 30000. men Pope Innocent the 9. being 70. yeares of age and hauing ruled two moneths odde dayes dyed So that in the space of fourteene moneths 4. Popes dyed Sixtus Vrban Gregorie and Innocent and it is to be thought the most or all of them dyed of poyson For Brazuto is not dead that giueth them poyson This Brazuto killed 6. Popes with poyson as it is to be read in the life of Damasus The seate was vacant one moneth and a day Edmond Coppinger and H. Arthington conferring with one of their sect called William Hacket they offered to annoint him king but Hacket taking Coppinger by the hand said You shall not need to annoint me for I haue bene already annoynted in heauen by the holy Ghost himselfe then Coppinger asked him what his pleasure was to be done Goe your way both said he and tell them in the Citie that Christ Iesus is come with his Fanne in his hand to iudge the earth Which they did in diuers streets crying also repent England repent and in Cheapeside got vp into a Cart and preached how this Hacket represented Christ that they were two Prophets the one of mercy the other of iudgement sent and extraordinarily called by God to assist him in this great worke and were witnesses of these things For these misdemeanors and spreading of false prophecies as also for his traiterous words against the Queenes Maiestie Hacket was hanged But Coppinger dyed in Bridewell and Arthington long after was reserued in the Counter in Woodstreete in hope of repentance I. Stowe Hippolitus Aldobrandinus Cardinall was elected Pope by the name of Clement the eight When Sebastian King of Portugall went with his Armie into Affrica hee requested hostage of Muhameth to whom hee deliuered his sonne Mulei Xeques him Sebastian sent Magaza but they both being slaine in the battaile of Alcazar 1578. Xeques was sent into Spaine and brought vp vnder King Phillip At the last this yeare hauing before by degrees perswaded to become a Christian was baptised with his kinsman other of his Nobles in the most famous Monastery of S. Laurence and vowed euer after to continue true Christians Genebrardus The 16. of Ianuary Cassimere Duke Palatine to the great sorrow and discomfort of the Church of Geneua departed this life Ladislaus King of Hungarie and Boheme died of the age of 18 yeares This yeare Amurathes Emperour of the Turkes prepared for warre against the Christians The cause was this The truce taken was yet kept betweene the Emperour and the Turke to the great quietnesse of both their subiects But in the meane season a peace was concluded betweene the Turke the Persian Wherefore many of the Turkish Bass●es perswaded their Emperour to make war vpon the Christian and so forthwith he dispatched a puissant Army into the confines of Hungary The Emperour
Rodolphe although hee had this opinion that Amurath would deny that the truce was broken by him notwithstanding knowing that it is the Turkes custome not to restore those Cities which they had once taken maketh all the power he can to resist his Forces M. G Belg. William Lantgraue of Hesse a most wise vertuous learned Prince being 70. yeares of age departed this world William Duke of Brunswicke the sonne of Ernestus a Prince of most sincere Religion dyed likewise leauing behind him seuen sonnes whom he had by Dorithie the daughter of Christian the third King of Denmarke D. Chytraeus At this time deceased likewise Iohan 3. King of Suetia the Father of Sigismond the 3. King of Poland As the Leaguers were promised great things by the Estates of Paris and the partakers of Spaine held it for a most certaine troth that the Duke of Parma would returne yet the third time with puissant Forces to doo some notable exployt thereby to couer the shame of his two former voyages and so to assure the K. of France to King Phillip or to the Princesse his daughter But death cut off the thred of his life together with his enterprises the 2. of December 1592. His bodie was carried to Parma and buried without any great solemnitie in the litle Chappell of the Cappuchins with this Epitaphe Alexandr Farnesius Belgis diuictis Francis obsidione leuatis vt humili hoc loco cadauer eius reponeretur manaauit 3. nonas Decem. 1592. Et vt secum Mariae eius coniugis optimae ossa iungerentur Genebr The Senate and the people of Rome caused his statue to be made and set vp in the Capitoll M. G. Belg. After much conference commings goings Letters and answers frō the deputie on each side the supplications of those which desired in such sort that the king who since he withdrew himselfe from the Court of France for 15. yeares before had made open profession of the reformed religion cōtrary to the aduice of his Ministers went to see heare Masse sung in the Cathedrall Church of S. Denis the 25. Sunday of Iuly where he was receiued of the Archbishop of Bourges and other Prelates with certaine peculiar ceremonies peculiar receiuing which was incontinently published throughout the Realme with diuers censures as well of the Catholicke nobilitie as also of those of the religiō wherof not one followed this example The Preachers belonging to the League publike priuately before after the truce their discourses at Paris other places were that the Masse which they sung before the king was but a deceit That the Pope should not recatholize him that it was lawfull for the people to rise against him his officers that it appertained to the Sorbonists to iudge whether the Pope ought to receiue him as King And if peraduenture hee should doo it neuerthelesse hee might be held for an hereticke and one excommunicate that it was lawfull for any particular man to kill him that should say he was vnited to the Catholicke Romane Church D. Chytraeus The Parisians and other Townes that held for the League desired that the King of Spaines daughter might be marryed to the Duke of Guise and so be crowned King and Queene of France Ernestus Duke of Pomerian a Prince endued with singular vertues most bountiful to the Churches Vniuersities departed this life leauing his successor Philippus Iulius of the age of seuen yeares who was committed to the custody and protection of Bogislaus Chytraeus In Poland the marriage of Sigismond the 3. king thereof and Anne of Austrich the daughter of Charles the Archduke was solemnized Idem In Belgia Maurice Count Nassau the sonne of William Prince of Orange and Gouernour of Holland tooke the Mount Gertrude a Towne well fortified bordering on the confines of Brabant and Holland when for three moneths he had besieged it and they by force and famine were constrained to yeeld although Petrus Ernestus Count Mansfeeld to whom after the death of the Duke of Parma the king of Spaine committed the gouernment of the lowe Countries labours in vaine by his forces to raise the siege At Aquisgrane the dissention in Religion raised great tumults but they of the reformed Religion had the worst The Turke spoyled and deliuered many Townes in Hungarie and Croalia but comming with his Forces to Gomorra he was most valiantly resisted He not only presecuted at this time the Christians but the Persians also vpon some cause vnkowne the truce being broken and inuaded them with two hundred thousand men where he made great hauocke sparing none After this the Christians had a notable victorie ouer the Turkes in Hungarie and did kill in fight put to flight more then fiue thousand of the Turkes Charles Guise Duke de Maine vnder the colour of restoring the Catholick religiō in France were confederate with the Pope and the King of Spaine against Henry the 4. K. of France and Nauarre therefore out of euery Prouince of the kingdome elected certaine Embassadors to holde a Parliament at Paris there to determine and set downe for a Catholike king Pope Clement the eight sent Phillip Cardinall of Plaisans And the King of Spaine his Embassadors At this time the King of France was againe excommunicated Afterward the Duke of Guise the sonne of him that was slaine by Henry the 3. being of the age of 25. yeares was nominated and elected King by certaine of the confederates but the Senat Parliament of Paris not admitting that any one should be King vnlesse he were of the blood royall he was not proclaimed neither would the Guise beare the citie thereof D. Chytraeus Vpon this the King of France as before is declared bare-footed with a candle in his hand went to the Temple of Saint Denis and being confessed to the Archbishop of Bourges and absolued of his heresie had solemne Masse and remoued the Preachers of his late professed Religion out of his Court. At Riga in Liuonia the Kings Commissaries amongst their affaires of the Estate vrged them for the restoring of the religiō to the same estate it was determined with king Stephen and the Churches likewise that the Iesuites should be againe admitted into the Temple of S. Iames and Mary Magdalen whom the yeare before the incensed Citizens had expulsed So by these meanes that the Senate and people of Riga should hold all the other Churches within the Citie and the suburbes with all the goods profits and reuenewes belonging to them But the Senate and Citizens refusing to entertaine the Iesuites as being most vnquiet turbulent spirits and the very brands of discord and sedition as also the better part of them desirous to keepe and continue in their Citie one onely religion of the confession of Augusta Or if they should altogether obey the Kings authoritie and the present necessitie of the time and fate thinking it better the secular authoritie as King Stephen had set it
downe to be admitted againe into the Cittie then the Iesuits the matter as then was left in suspence put ouer to the K. the Parliament of the realme But the Iesuits being importunate vpon the king the K. the yeare following sent one Iohannes Ostrouius into the Citie who instructed by the kings commandement demaunded that all those that were spoyled and eiected of the seditious communaltie might be put into possession of their Churches whose Oration was forthwith answered in the name of the Citie and the Senate by Dauid Hilcheuius theyr aduocate The 26. of August Peter Barrier alias Bar borne at Orleans was prisoner at Melena where he confessed that he was seduced by a Capuchin Friar at Lyons by the Curat Vicar of a certaine parish in Paris and also by a Iesuite closely to follow the king and to murder him with a two edged knife the which was found about him he further confessed that two Priests by him nominated were also come frō Lyons for the same intent and that he set himselfe the forwardest in the execution therof to the ende hee might get the greatest honour thereby For the which hee was executed At this time was the Duke of Nemours within Lyons from whence he would not stirre to goe to the Estates of the League although the Pope had giuen him commaundement the other chiefe Captaines thought it meet and his friends seruants desired him to goe he vouchsafed not so much as to send vnto them knowing that the Leaguers cast their eyes altogether vpon the D of Guise and that the D. de Maine his brother by the mothers side crost all his purposes and would worke all meanes for his death A certaine bold Friar of Lyons perceiuing well that this young Prince pretended to bring some new matter to passe within the League whereby he might at least haue some great hand in the gouernment by the aduice of two or three Councellors who were of his complices he compassed Lyons with many Fortresses which held on his side at Toissai Vienne Montbrison Chastillon de Dombres and other places Quilian forsaking him he bought it with a great summe of mony at the hands of the Lord of S. Iulian who was Gouernour thereof This done Lyon was inclosed as well by water as by land The Lyonnois did not withstand neither his prodigallities nor his Councellors nor his men of warre which forraged the plaine country receiuing the guerdon of their reuolt from the kings obedience In the end acknowledging themselues they rose vp against the D. of Nemours assisted by the presēce and counsell of the Archbishop sent by the D. de Maine and the 18. of Decemb. they tooke hold of Nemours who was seene three times at deaths doore committing him to close prison where hee continued certain moneths and at last escaping by cunning meanes spoyled of his succours chased from his Fortresses he went dyed farre from France in a litle Towne called Aueci scituate in Sauoy in the Country of Geneuois After the solemne funeralls of Henry the 3. late King of France were performed in the Cathedrall Church of S. Denis Henry the 4. King of Nauarre was publikely proclaimed king In the meane season the Popes Legat with the Embassador of Spaine vrged the election of the D. of Guise at Paris and cursed the K. of Nauarre for that he s oft had fallen and those Bishops with the Archbishop of Bourges by whom he had bin reconciled to the Church and absolued Likewise at Rome the Agents and Ministers of the K. of Spaine sollicited the Pope that he would confirne the excommunication pronounced by his Legate at Paris nor would admit any Embassadors from the hypocriticall king If he did they vowed as his Embassadors came in at one gate they would goe out at the other The 26. of Nouember the Duke of Neuers came to Rome sent by the K. of France for his absolution whom the Pope entertained with all kindnesse but a litle while after hee dismissed him not denying simply absolution to the K. but deferring it vntill he sawe more manifest signes of penitence D. Chytaeus The K. of France deliberated to assemble at Mante certaine of the chiefe Nobles of the Realme to take counsell of diuers matters at that time needfull The deputies of the reformed Churches were there present about the ende of Nouember whom the king caused to be called together the 12. day of the moneth following and hauing giuen them audience and heard the great sorrowe which they made vpon the infinite cōtradictions of his decrees and the complaints of the wrongs done vnto them through all his Prouinces hee answered that the change of religiō had not any way changed his affection frō them that he would redresse their griefes and make peace and concord among his subiects Hee receiued their Bills of complaints to haue them pervsed But these affaires were driuen to such length that the distance of many yeares hath buried all And the Captaines of the League hauing plunged the Realme into new miseries those of the religion almost in all parts of the kingdome continued as grieuous vnder the crosse as before Sigismond K. of Poland was perswaded to embrace that religion and seruice of God comprehended in his word the confessiō of Augusta as it had flourished in y e later time of Gostauus and the former daies of Iohn the 3. king of Poland and as it was receiued by the States of the land in the Councell of Vpsalem the yeare 1593. by a solemne testification for the confirmation and defence of the same religion hee voluntarily offered his oath which remaineth vpon record Chytraeus The same day that Sigismond K. of Poland and Vpsalem was inuested with the crowne of Suetia Iames the 6. K. of Scots had a sonne by Anne his wife the sister of Christian the 4. K. of Denmarke to whose christening the K. of France the Q. of England the K. of Denmarke Count Maurice H. D. Brunswic Vtricus Duke of Magapolis were inuited The 9. of April Ferdinādo E. of Darbie deceased at Latham Henry the 4. king of France and Nauarre was with great solemnitie crowned king at Chartres When the last yeare he sent to the Pope the D. of Neuers for absolution Pope Clement the eight then answered that hee stood in need of three fold benefite from the Apostolicke Sea first of absolution in Court of Conscience secondly in a lower Court of Conscience from publike excommunication thirdly in the Court of Rehabilitation as they say to the kingdome for the which before by reason of his heresies hee was held vnfit Paetrus Mathaeus Mathias Arch-duke of Austria was by the Emperour his brother chosen Generall of the Forces against the Turke and went to Vienna Idem The same time the Pope promised to send to the Emperour 5000. footemen and 500. horsemen for the leuying of which sixe Tents were gathered of the Cleargie throughout all Italie which amounted
theyr Princes 5 To withstand these sentences and that they do not bind the conscience 6 That they must looke into the actions of the Prince or his conscience 7 That by the Christian religion no order may bee appointed to the Salique lawe that the king be constrained to be a Catholicke 8 That an herelike by diuine grace is a Christian 9 That it is not lawfull to resist a Prince that is an heretike 10 That a Catholicke king may permit and suffer two religions in his kingdome 11 Not to punish heretikes nor to compell any to be Catholickes 12 To pray for those that are excommunicated as well the liuing as the dead and that publikely in Churches and to performe this the Cleargie to be bound vpon paine of departing the Realme 13. That Confessions may be reuealed for iustice sake This yeare Arnald Whitfeeld Chauncelor of the Realme in Denmarke came Embassator into England and Christian Barnice his assistant they had audience at the Court then at Tiballs Turnbaut is deliuered vp to Graue Maurice And this yeare Belgia was in reasonable guietnesse The States of the vnited Prouinces entered a mutuall league with the Queene of England and the King of France defensiue and offensiue against Phillip the King of Spaine their common enemie The king of France with often excursions and assailes had troubled and vexed the confines of Artesia and Hamonia The Cardinall Albertus being at Bruxells and thinking of repairing his Army found great difficulties for want of money for king Phillip refused to pay the Italian Merchants and those of other Nations their money who tooke monstrous vsurie of him so that he complained that by this meanes his kingly patrimonie his annuall reuenewes and extraordinary subsidies were consumed Yet that he might keepe his word and shewe himselfe to be of a good conscience he turned the controuersie into religion and appointed two of his and his sonnes Confessors to disswade these Merchants from taking this vnreasonable vsurie and to tell them what daunger their soules were in if they did not remit it in the meane season certaine of the creditors became bankerupt the rest by their example were afterward afraid to lend the King any money D. Chytraeus The Emperour Rodolphus promised Sigismond Duke of Transiluania new supplies of souldiers and money and with great solemnitie receiued him into the fellowship of the golden Fleece Maximilian againe was made Generall by the Emperour The Pope by his Embassador Iohannes Franciscus Aldobrandinus promised to send ten thousand Italians into Hungary at his owne costs and charges and made the D. of Mantua their Generall The higher Saxonie sent a thousand horsemen and the lower Saxonie as many Francouia Bauania Suenia and the other Countries Bohemia and Austria sent in their aide likewise These all marched towards Pappa the which after eight day siege they tooke from thence to Raba which yeeded without any assault but hearing that Mahomet Bassa was comming towards them and finding themselues too weake to bold out that place against them they went backe ouer Danubie into Scythia towards Gomorrha The Turkes eight dayes after besieged the Castle of Totes whilest the Christians Armie lay Idle which went downe to Watsia and there hearing that the Turkes came towards them they went to Strigonia Alphonsus Duke of Ferrara whom the yeare before gone the Emperour Rodolphus determined to make Generall of the Turkish expedition departed this life whose Dukedome Caesar Est bastard being in his life time appointed his heire and cessor presently possessed The Pope was much discontented with this and forthwith strooke Caesar with the thunderbold of excommunication and made warre vpon him Christian the 4. king of Denmarke was married to Anne the daughter of Ioachimus Fredericus Marquesse of Brandebourghe by the Archbishop of Magdebourghe This yeare dyed in the higher Germanie Iohannes Postius an excellent Poet and the chiefe Phisitian to the Count Palatine Graue Maurice made a bridge vpon Rhene Berke was besieged of him and yeelded within twelue dayes which hee fortified Syr Robert Cecill principall Secretary Maister Harbert Maister of the Requests Sir George Carewe Lieftenant for the Ordinance and others prepared for their Embassage into France and set sayle from Douer the ninteenth of February Syr Robert Cecill returned the fift of May out of France In the beginning of this yeare many Princes died Iohannes Georgius Marquesse of Bradenbourghe of 37. yeares died leauing behind him sixe sonnes and foure daughters The same moneth of Ianuary died Richard Count Palatine of Rhene at Sinouerne where he kept his Court. Him followed Theodorus the great Duke of Muschouia In the lower Saxonie died Henry Duke of Brunswicke and Luzemburge the sonne of Ernestus and Clare the wife of Bogislaus Duke of Pomerian The last of Ianuary Anne Queene of Poland the daughter of Charles Arch-duke of Austria departed this life This moneth the Pope Clement the 8. made warre vpon Caesar Est Duke of Ferrara for the Dukedome but the matter was taken vp and the Duke yeelded vp Ferrara vnto him but all the other Cities and Townes he enioyed and by the Emperour Rodolphus was created Duke of Mulina The Pope annexed this to the Popedome Sigismond Prince of Transiluania who hitherto had held out with an inuincible courage against the Turkes in the beginning of this yeare chaunged the course of his life and surrendred the Prouince of Transiluania to the Emperour Rodolphe and his heires least it should fall into the hands of the Turkes A peace was concluded betweene the Kings of France and Spaine in the lowe Countries at Veruini in the beginning of May Pledges sent into France from the Spaniard were Philippus de Croy Franciscus de Mendoza the Admiral of the kingdome of Arragon Charles Prince and Countie Aremberge Ludouicus de Velasco the Popes Embassadors that made the peace were Alexāder Cardinal de Medicis and Generall of the order of the Franciscanes Bonauentura a Sicilian The King of Spaines deputies were Iohannes Richardotus President of the Councell Iohannes Baptista and Ludouicus Verreiken the K. his Secretary in the lowe Countries Amongst the conditions of peace this was the chiefe That former iniuries and vnkindnesses forgotten these Articles of peace that were set downe in the yeare 1559 at Camerac betweene Henry the second king of France and Phillip the 2. king of Spaine might be kept The whole pacification was comprehended in 35. Articles and printed at Paris and Poloine Calice Capella Ardea and other Cities of Picardie were restored to Henry the 4. K. of France by the Spaniard The Queene of England perswaded the Hollanders to peace who notwithstanding preferred warre before a trecherous peace with the Spaniards Therefore Albertus Arch-duke going into Spaine to be married Franciscus Mendoza Admirall of Arragon chiefe Generall of the Spanish Forces hauing brought his Army to Rhene prepareth it against the Hollanders and the vnited Prouinces They of Aquisgrane two yeares before condemned by the sentence of Caesar