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A11655 The protestation of the noblemen, barrons, gentlemen, borrowes, ministers, and commons; subscribers of the confession of faith and covenant, lately renewed within the kingdome of Scotland, made at the Mercate Crosse of Edinburgh the 22. of September immediatly after the reading of the proclamation, dated September 9. 1638 Henderson, Alexander, 1583?-1646.; Warriston, Archibald Johnston, Lord, 1611-1663. aut 1638 (1638) STC 21904; ESTC S100065 13,633 28

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THE PROTESTATION OF THE NOBLEMEN BARRONS GENTLEMEN BORROWES MINI STERS AND COMMONS Subscribers of the Confession of Faith and Covenant lately renewed within the Kingdome of Scotland made at the Mercate Crosse of Edinburgh the 22. of September immediatly after the reading of the proclamation dated September 9. 1638. Printed in the year of God 1638. The Protestation of the Noblemen Barons Gentlemen Borrowes Ministers and Commons c. WEE Noblemen Barons Gentlemen Burgesses Ministers and Commons His Majesties true and loyall Subjects that whereas our continuall supplications complaints articles and informations presented first to the Lords of His Majesties privie Counsell Next to His sacred Majestie and last from time to time to His Majesties Commissionar our long attendance and great patience this twelve moneth bygone in waiting for satisfaction of our most just desires Our zeale to remove all rubs out of the way which were either mentioned unto us or could be conceaved by us as hinderances of our pious intentions aiming at nothing but the good of the Kingdome and preservation of the Kirk which by consumption or combustion is liklie to expire delighting to use no other meanes but such as are legall and have beene ordinarie in this Kirk since the reformation and labouring according to our power and interesse that all things might be caried in a peaceable manner worthie of our Profession and Covenant Our Protestation containing a heartie thanksgiving for what his Majestie in his proclamation from his justice had granted of our just desires and our Protests and hopes for somuch as was not as yet granted All these made us confidentlie to expect from his Majesties royall and compassioned disposition towards this his native kingdome that a free generall assemblie and parliament should have beene indicted as the ordinare and most proper remedies of our greevances and did constraine us to renew our petition earnestlie intreating that His Majesties Commissionar would be pleased to represent unto His Majestie the condition of this Kirk and kingdome crying in an extreame exigencie for present helpe with the lawfulnesse of the remedies prescribed by his Majesties lawes required by us and presented to him in some particular articles which his Grace promised to recommend to his Maiestie and to doe his best indeavours for obtaining the same especiallie the first article that there might bee indicted a full and free generall assemblie without prelimitation either in the constitution and members thereof in the order and manner of proceeding or in the matters to be treated and if there should be any question or doubt about one of these or such like particulars that the determination thereof might bee remitted to the assemblie it self as the only proper and competent judge And now after so many suplications complaints articles and informations after our necessarie protestation expressing the humble thankfulnesse and continued desires of our hearts after so long expectation and so much dealing having with open ears and attentive mindes heard his Majesties proclamation it is our desire purpose and endevour so to proceede that we may upon the one part still be thankfull to God and the King for the least blinke of His Majesties countenance and the smallest crums of comfort that fall unto us from His Majesties royall hands beseeching the Lord yet further to enlarge his Majesties heart for our full satisfaction and rejoiceing to the honour of God the good of this kirk and kingdome and his Majesties never dying fame and glorie that his wife government zeal to the service of God may be a measure and patern of desires to all generations heereafter when they shall bee wishing for a religious and righteous King And on the other part that Christ our Lord the King of kings through our neglect or lukewarmnesse may want no part of his Soveraignitie and Dominion and that in our religion which is more deare unto us then our lives we deceive not our selves with that which can not satisfie and make up the breach of this kirk and kingdome or remove our feares doubts and suspitions of the innovations of religion This hath made us to observe and perceave that his Majesties proclamation doeth ascribe all the late distractions of this Kirk and Common-wealth to our conceaved seares of the innovation of religion and law as the cause and occasion thereof and not to the innovations themselves with which wee have beene for a long time and especially of late heavily pressed and grieved as if the cause were rather in apprehension and fancie then in realitie and substance That the service book and book of Canons are not so far discharged by this proclamation as they have beene urged by preceeding proclamations for this proclamation onely dischargeth the practice of them and rescinds the actes made for establishing their practise but doeth not rescinde the former proclamations namely that of the 19. of Februar at Stirling and that of the fourth of Julie at Edinburgh which give an high approbation to these books as fit meanes to maintaine religion and to beate downe all superstition and withall declares his Majesties purpose to bring them into this kirk in a fair and legall way and thus both our feares that they may be introduced heereafter must still remaine and the libertie of the generall Assemblie by such a declaration of his Majesties judgement is not a little prejudged in the mindes of so many as wisely consider and compare the preceeding proclamations with this which we now hear although others who looking upon one step and not upon the whole progresse run on rashly and neither considering what they are doing nor with whom they are dealing may bee easily deceived Qui pauca videt cito judicat a short sight maketh a suddaine judgement That it is declared in this proclamation that His Majestie neither intendeth to innovate any thing in religion or laws or to admit of any change or alteration in the true religion alreadie established and professed in this kingdome and withall this is interposed that the articles of Pearth are established by the acts of parliament and generall assemblie and dispensation of the practice only granted and discharge given that no person be urged with the practice thereof and consequently His Majesties intention for the standing of the acts of the Assemblie and Parliament appointing the articles of Pearth is manifest which is no small prejudice to the freedome of the generall Assemblie That while the Proclamation ordaineth all his Majesties subjects to be lyable to the tryall and censure of the Judicatories competent and that none of them shall use any unlimited and unwarranted power likewise that no other oath bee administred to Ministers at their entrie then that which is conteined in the Act of Parliament in both these articles the bishops are meaned who are only thereby for the present curbed against their exorbitancie and enormities in exercing their office but the office of bishops is thereby not only presupposed as it questionable but also so
in the yeere 1580 and afterward And reqyreth the Lords of privie Counsell to take such course anent the same and the generall Band of Maintenance of the true Religion and the Kings person that it may bee subscribed and renewed throughout the whole Kingdome with all possible diligence which cannot now be performed by us For although of late wee would have beene glad that our selves and other his Majesties Subjects had beene commanded by authoritie to sweare and subscribe the generall Confession of Faith against Popish errous and superstitions and now would bee glad that all others should joyne with us in our late Couenant and Confession descending more specially to the novations and errours of the time and obliging us to the defence of Religion of the Kings Majesties person and authoritie and for these endes to the mutuall defence everie one of us of another Yet can wee not nowe after so necessarie and so solemne a specification returne to the generall for the reasons following 1. No meanes have beene left unassayed against our late Confession of Faith and Covenant so solemnely sworne and subscribed For first wee were prest with the rendering and rescinding of our Covenant Next an alteration in some substantiall pointes was urged 3 a Declaration was motioned which tended to the enervation thereof and now wee finde in the same straine that wee are put to a new tryall and the last meane is used more subtile than the former That by this new subscription our late Covenant Confession maye bee quite absorbed and buried in oblivion that where it was intended and sworne to bee an everlasting Covenant never to bee forgotten it shall bee never more remembred the one shall bee cryed up and the other drowned in the noyse thereof And thus the new subscription now urged although in a different waye shall prove equivalent to the rendering of the Covenant or what of that kinde hath before beene assayed Like as the reasons against the rendering of the Covenant doe militate directly against this new motion 3. If we should now enter upon this new Subscription wee would thinke our selves guiltie of mocking God and taking his Name in vaine for the tears that began to be poured forth at the solemnizing of the Covenant are not yet dryed up wyped away the joyfull noyse which then began to sound hath not yet ceased and there can bee no new necessitie from us and upon our part pretended for a ground of urging this new subscription at first intended to be an abjuration of Popery upon us who are knowne to hate poperie with an unfained hatred and have all this yeere bygone given large testimonie of our zeale against it As wee are not to multiply miracles upō Gods part so ought wee not to multiplie solemne oathes and Covenants upon our part and thus to play with oathes as children doe with their toyes without necessitie 3. Neither would wee in giving way to this new subscription think our selves free of perjurie for as wee were driven by an undeclinable necessitie to enter into a mutuall Covenant so are wee bound not onely by the law of GOD and nature but by our solemne oath and subscription against all divisive motions to promove and observe the same without violation and it is most manifest that having already refused to render alter or destroye our Covenant nothing can bee more contrarie and adverse to our pious intentions and sincere resolutions than to consent to such a subscription and oath as both in the intention of the urgers and in the nature and condition of the matter urged is the readie waye to extinguish and to drowne in oblivion the Band of our union and conjunction that they bee no more remembred In this case we are called to lay seriously to our hearts 1 That wee have sworne that wee shall neither directly nor iudirectly suffer our selves to bee divided and with-drawne from this blessed loyall conjunction which consisteth not only in the generall Confession but also in our explanation and application thereof but on the contrarie shall by all lawfull meanes labour to further and promove the same 2. That our union and conjunction may bee observed without violation and so without mutilation of our application wee call the living LORD to witnesse as wee shall answere to Christ in the great Day c. 4. This new subscription in stead of performing our vowes would be a reall testimonie and confession before the World That wee have beene transgressours in making rash vowes that wee repent our selves of former zeale and fordwardnesse against the particulars exprest first in our Supplications Complaints and Protestations next abjured in our Covenant that wee in our iudgment prefer the general Confession unto this which necessarly was now made more speciall that we are now under the fair pretext and honest cover of a new oath recanting and undoing that which upon so mature deliberation wee have beene doing before This beside all other evills were to make waye and open a doore to the re-entry of the particulars abjured and to repent our selves of our chiefest consolations and to lie both against God and our owne soules 5. It hath beene often objected that our Confession of faith and Covenant was unlawfull because it wanted the warrants of publick authoritie and it hath beene answered by us that wee were not destitute of the warrant civill and ecclesiasticall which authorized the former Covenant And although wee could have wished that his Majestie had added both his subscription and authoritie unto it yet the lesse constraint from authoritie and the more libertie the lesse hypocrisie and more sinceritie hath appeared But by this new subscription urged by authoritie wee both condemne our former subscription as unlawfull because alleadged to bee done without authoritie and precondemne also the lyke laudable course in the like necessitie to bee taken by the posteritie 6. What is the use of merch-stones upon borders of Lands the like use hath Confessions of Faith in the Kirke To disterminate and divide betwixt Trueth and errour and the renewing and applying of Confessions of Faith to the present errours and corruptions are not unlike ryding of merches And therfore to content our selves with the generall and ro returne to it from the particulare application of the Confession necessarlye made upon the invasion or creeping in of errours within the borders of the Kirke if it bee not a removeing of the merch stone from the owne place It is at least the hyding of the merch in the ground that it bee not seene which at this time were verie unseasonable for two causes One is because Poperie is so pregnant and powerfull in this land as wee have learned of late The other because the Papists who upon the urging of the Service booke and Canons 〈…〉 of our returne to Rome will upon this our subscription aryse from their dispareing of us unto their 〈◊〉 presumption None of us will denye but the 〈◊〉
strongly established that His Maiestie declareth for the present his intention to admit no innovation therein which is more evident by the indiction of the Parliament warning all prelats to bee present as having voice and place in Parliament and by the indiction of the assemblie warning all archbishops and bishops for so are their diverse degrees and offices Ecclesiasticall here designed and supposed to bee present as having place and voice in the Assemblie contrare to the caveats acts of the Kirk and our declinator and thus a third and great limitation is put upon the generall Assemblie The Proclamation by reason of these many reall limitations and preiudices of the libertie of the Assemblie in the very points which have wrought so much woe and disturbance in this Kirk and Kingdome and wherein the libertie of the Assemblie is most usefull and necessarie at this time can neither satisfie our grievances and complaints nor remove our feares and doubts nor can not without protestation bee admitted by us his Maiesties subiects who earnestly desire that Trueth and Peace may bee established and that for the reasons following 1. TO keepe silence in any thing that may serve for the good of the Kirk whether it bee in preaching prayer or in proposing and voiceing in a lawfull Assemblie of the Kirk is against the word of God Esai 62. 6. Yee that are the Lords remembranceers keepe not silence and give him no rest till he establish and till hee make Ierusalem a praise in the earth 1 King 18. 21. Like the halting of the people betweene two opinions and their not answering a word when the LORD called them to give a testimonie Act. 20. 20. I have keeped backe nothing that was profitable unto you And againe 1 Cor. 12. 7. Math. 15. 18. Rom. 1. 18. Revel 2. 14. 20. and 3. 15 and therefore to keepe silence or not to medle with corruptions whether in doctrine sacraments worship or discipline in a generall Assemblie of the Kirk conveened for that end were the readie way to move the Lord to deny his Spirit unto us and to provoke him to wrath against our proceedings and might be imputed unto us for preiudice for collusion and for betraying our selves and the posteritie 2. This predetermination is against our supplications and protestations wherein wee have showne our selves so earnest for a free generall Assemblie contrare to every limitation of this kinde so far preiudging the libertie thereof is against the Confession of Faith registrated in the Parliament 1567. declaring that one cause of the councels of the Kirk is for good policie and order to bee observed in the Kirk and for to change such things as men have devised when they rather foster superstition then edifie the Kirk using the same and is against our late Confession wherein wee have promised to forbeare all novations till they bee tryed which obligeth us to forebeare now and to trye them in an Assembly by all lawfull meanes to labour to recover the former puriue and libertie of the Gospell to which this limitation is directly repugnant our libertie in agenerall assembly beeing the principall of all lawfull meanes serving to that end 3 This were directly contrarie to the nature and ends of a generall assembly which having authority from GOD beeing conveened according to the lawes of the Kingdome and receiving power from the whole collective bodie of the Kirk for the good of Religion and safety of the Kirke What-so-ever maye conduce for these good ends in wisedome and modestie should bee proponed examined and determined without Prelimitation either of the matters to be treated or of the libertie of the members thereof It beeing manifest that as farre as the assembly is limited in the matters to bee treated and in the members to bee used the necessarie ends of the Assembly and the supreme Law which is the safetie of the Kirk are as farre hindered and prejudged This limitation is against the Discipline of the Kirk which booke 2. chap. 7. declareth this to be one of her liberties That the Assembly hath power to abrogate and abolish all Statuts and ordinances concerning ecclesiasticall matters that are found noysome and unprofitable and agree not with the time or are abused by the people and against the acts of the generall assembly Like as the pretended Assembly 1610. declareth for the common affaires of the Kirke without exception or limitation it is necessare that there bee yearely generall Assemblies And what order can bee hoped for heere-after if this assembly indicted after so long intermission and so many grosse corruptions bee limited and that more than ever any lawfull Assembly of the Kirk was when it was yearely observed 5. It is ordained in Parl. 11. act 40. K. Iames 6. anent the necessare and lawfull forme of all Parliaments that nothing shall bee done or commanded to bee done which maye directly or indirectly prejudge the libertie of free voycing or reasoning of the Estates or any of them in time comming It is also appointed in Parl. 6 act 92. K. Iames 6. that the Lordes of Counsell and Session proceed in all civill causes intended or depending before them or to bee intended to cause execute their decrees notwithstanding any private wryting charge or command in the contrare and generally by the acts of Parliament appointing everie matter for its owne judicatorie and to all judicatories their owne freedome And therefore much more doeth this libertie belong to the supreme judicatorie ecclesiastick in matters so important as concerneth GOD'S honour and worship immediatly the salvation of the peoples Soules right constitution of the Kirk whose liberties priledges are confirmed Parl. 12. K. Iames. 6. Parl. 1. K. Charles for if it be carefully provided by diverse Acts of Parliament especially Parl. 12. act 148. K. Iames 6. That there bee no forstalling or regrating of thinges pertaining to this naturall life What shall bee thought of this spirituall forstalling and regrating which tendeth to the famishing or poysoning of the soules of the people both now and in the generations afterward 6. It were contrare to our Protestations proceedings and complaints against the late innovations And it might bee accompted an innovation and usurpation as grosse and dangerous to us and the posteritie and as prejudiciall to Religion as any complained upon by us to admitt limitations and secret or open determinations which belongeth to no person or judicatorie but to an Asembly Or to consent to and approve by our silence the same praedeterminations It were to be guiltie of that our selves which we cōdemne in others Wee maye easilye judge how the Apostles before the Counsell of Ierusalem the Fathers bee fore the Nicene Councell and our Predecessors before the assembly holden at the Reformation and afterwards would have taken such dealing That this Proclamation commandeth all his Majesties Subjects for maintenance of the Religion already established to subscribe and renew the Confession of Faith subscribed before
Confessionn of Faith registrated in the Acts of Parliament doeth by consequence containe this short confession and abjuration Yet were it not sufficient against Poperye to subscribe the one without the other how then shall wee thinke that the more generall Confession and abjuration at this time when the urging of such Popish books hath extorted from us so necessarie an application and doth still call for a testimonie to bee compleet eneugh without it 7. The Papists shall heereby bee occasioned to renew their old objection against us Annuas menstruas sides de Deo decernunt That our Faith changeth with the Moone or once in the yeere Other reformed Kirkes might justly wonder at our inconstancie in changing our Confession without any reall necessitie that in one the same yere it commeth forth larger more particulare then shorter and more generall and our Adversaries will not faile to traduce us as troublers of the peace of the Kirke and Kingdome without anye necessar cause 8. It will likewise prove a confirmation of their errour who think they maye both subscribe the Confession of Faith and receive the Service booke and Canons which is not onely a direct scandaling of them but also a readie waye to put a weapon in their hands against our selves who maintaine and professe that these and such other evills are abjured in the Confession of Faith 9. It wee should now sweare this Confession wee should bee obliged by our oath to maintaine Perth articles which are the innovations already introduced in the worship of God and to maintaine Episco pacie with the civill places and power of Kirkmen Because wee are bound to sweare this Confession by vertue of and conforme unto the Kings command signed by his sacred Majestie of the date September 9. 1638. These are the very words subjoined to the Confession and Band and prefixed to the Subscriptions and it cannot bee denyed but any oath ministred unto us must either bee refused or else taken according to the known minde professed intention and expresse command of Authoritie urging the same And it is most manifest that His Majesties minde intention and Commandement is no other but that the Confession bee sworne fot the maintenance of religion as it is alreadie or presently professed these two being coincident altogether one and the same not only in our common forme of speaking but in all His Maiesties proclamations and thus as it includeth and conteineth within the compasse thereof the foresaids novations and Episcopacie which under that name were also ratified in the first Parliament holden by his Maiestie And where it may be objected that the Counsellours have subscribed the Confession of Faith as it was professed 1580. and will not urge the Subscription in an other sense upon the Subjects We answere First the Act of Counsell containing that declaration is not as yet published by Proclamation Secondly if it were so published it behooved of necessitie either be repugnant to His Majesties declared Judgement and Command which is more not to sweare without warrand from Authoritie a fault although unjustly often objected unto us or else wee must affirme the Religion in the yeare 1580. and at this time to bee altogether one and the same and thus must acknowledge that there is no novation of Religion which were a formall contradiction to that we have sworn 3. By approving the Proclamation anent the Oath to be administred to Ministers according to the Act of Parliament which is to sweare simple obedience to the Diocesan Bishop and by warning all Archbishops and Bishops to bee present as having voice and place in the Assemblie They seeme to determine that in their Judgement the Confession of Faith as it was professed 1580. doeth consist with Episcopacie whereas Wee by our oath have referred the tryall of this or any other question of that kinde to the generall Assemblie and Parliament 10. This Subscription and oath in the minde and intention of authoritie and consequently in our swearing thereof may consist with the corruptions of the Service book and Canons which wee have abjured as other heads of Poperie For both this present proclamation and his Majesties former proclamations at Linlithgow Striveling Edinburgh The Lords of privie Counsell in their approbation of the same and the prelates and doctors who stand for the Service book and Canons Doe all speake plainly or import so much That these bookes are not repugnant to the Confession of Faith and that the introduceing of them is no novation of religion or law And therefore wee must either refuse to subscribe now or we must confesse contrarie to our late Oath and to a cleare Trueth that the Service booke and Canons are no innovations in Religion And although the present bookes bee discharged by proclamation yet if wee shall by any deed of our owne testifie that they may consist with our Confession of Faith within a very short time either the same books or some other like unto them with some small change may bee obtruded upon us who by Our abjuration if wee adhere unto it have fred both our selves and the posteritie of all such corruptions and have laide a faire foundation for the pure worship of God in all time coming 11. Although there be indeed no substantiall difference betweene that which Wee have subscribed and the Confession subscribed 1580. more then there is betweene that which is hid and that which is revealed A march stone hid in the ground and uncovered betwixt the hand closed and open betwixt a sword scheathed and drawn or betwixt the large Confession registrat in the Acts of Parliament and the short Confession or if we may with reverence ascend yet higher betweene the Old Testament and the New yet as to scheath our sword when it should bee drawne were imprudencie or at the commandment of Princes professedly popish in their dominions after the Subjects had subscribed both Confessions to subscribe the first without the second or at the will of a Jewish Magistrate openly denying the New Testament to subscribe the Old alone after that they have subscribed both were horrible impietie against God and treacherie against the Trueth Right so for Us to subscribe the former a-part as it is now urged and framed without the explanation and application thereof at this time when ours is rejected and the subscribers of the former refuse to subscribe ours as containing something substantially different and urge the former upon us as different from ours and not expressing the speciall abjuration of the evils supplicated against by us were nothing else but to deny and part from our former subscription if not formally yet interpretatively Old Eleazar who would not seeme to eat forbidden meat and the Confessors and Martyres of old who would not seeme by delivering some of their papers to render the Bible or to deny the Trueth may teach us our duetie in this case although our lives were in hazard for refusing this Subscription And who knoweth
but the LORD may bee calling His people now who have proceeded so farre in professing His Trueth at this time to such Trials and Confessions as His faithfull Witnesses have given of old that in this point also our doing may bee a document both to the succeeding ages and to other Kirks to whom for the present wee are made a spectacle 12. If any bee so forgetfull of his oath which God forbid as to subscribe this Confession as it is now urged he doeth according to the proclamation acquiesce in this declaration of his Majesties will and doeth accept of such a pardon as hath need to bee ratified in parliament And thus doeth turn our glorie unto shame by confessing our guiltinesse where God from Heaven hath made us guiltlesse and by the fire of His Spirit from Heaven hath accepted of our service And doeth depart from the commandement of God the practise of the Godly in former times and the worthie and laudable example of our worthie and religious progenitours in obedience whereof and conforme to which Wee made profession to subscribe for there is no particular Act required of us to whom the pardon is presented in this proclamation but this new Subscription allanerlie 13 The generall band now urged to be subscribed as it containeth many clauses not so fitting the present time as that wherein it was subscribed so is it deficient in a point at this time most necessarie Of the reformation of our lives that we shall answerablie to our profession be examples to others of all Godlinesse sobernesse and righteousnesse and of every duetie wee ow to GOD and man without which we can not now subscribe this Confession least we loose the bands to wickednesse seeme to repent of our former resolutions and promises and chose to have our portion with hypocrites professing and sweareing that we know GOD but in our workes denying him being abominable disobedient and unto every good worke reprobate 14. Since the narrative of the generall hand is now changed and some lines expressing at length the Papists and their adherents to be the partie from whom the danger to religion and the Kings Majestie was threatned are left out and no designation made of the partie from whom the danger is now threatred We are made either to thinke that our subscription at this time is unnecessarie or to suspect that we who have supplicated and entered in Covenant are understood to be the partie especially since the Lords of Counsell have in the act September 22. ratifiing the Proclamation found themselves bound to use their best endeavours that all his Majesties good Subjects may rest satisfied with his Majesties declaration since also we have beene although undeservedly challenged of disorders distractions and dangers to religion and his Majesties authoritie and since in the forsaid act and in the missive directed to his Majestie the Lords of Councell offer their lives and fortunes to his Majestie in repressing all such as shall hereafter prease to disturbe the peace of this Kirk and Kingdome which being expressed in a generalitie is by many applyed to us and interpreted of our adhereing to our Covenant We should therefore by our subscription of the Covenant as it is now conceaved both do directly against our owne mindes in condemning our selves wherein we are innocent and should consent to our owne hurt to the suppressing of the cause which we maintaine and to the repressing mutually one of us of another directly contrare to our former solemne oath and subscription 15. The Subscribing of this Confession by the Lords of his Majesties privie Counsell who by their place and high employment are publicke Peace-makers and by others who have not subscribed the late Confession will make the breach wider and the lamentable division of this Kirk more desperate then ever before some haveing sworne to labour by all lawfull meanes to recover the former libertie and puritie of religion and others maintaining that for puritie which is already established some believing and professing that the evils supplicated against are abjured in that Confession of Faith and others maintaining the Confession of Faith and these corruptions although for the present discharged by authority not to be inconsistent and beside this many divisions and subdivisions will ensue to the dulefull renting of the Kirk and Kingdome makeing way for the wrath and many iudgements of God often threatned by his faithfull servants which all the Godly ought to labour by all means to prevent 16. Wee represent also to the honourable Lords of privie counsell to bee considered That the Doctrine Discipline and Vse of Sacraments are sworn and the contrare abjured according to the Word of God and the meaning of the Kirk of Scotland in the books of Discipline and Acts of Assemblies And that in the Oath there is no place left to the generality of any mans conception of the true Faith and Religion nor to any private interpretation or mentall reservation For these and the like considerations In our own name and in name of all who will adhere to the late Covenant subscribed by us and sealed from Heaven We from our duetie to God our King our native countrey our selves and the posteritie least our silence import a satisfaction of our desires and a stopping of our mouth from necessarie supplication for things yet to bee obteined from His Majesties just and gracious disposition are constrained to declare and protest First That the cause and occasion of the distractions of the kirk and commonwealth are no wayes to be imputed unto us or our needlesse fears but to the innovations and corruptions of Religion which against the acts and order of this kirk and the lawes of the kingdome have beene pressed upon us the people of GOD and his Majesties loyall Subjects who although under great thraldome were living in peace and quietnesse labouring in all godlinesse and honestie to do our duety to God and man Secondly We protest that all questions and doubtes that arise concerning the freedome of the Assemblie whether in the constitution and members thereof or in the matters to bee treated or in the manner and order of proceeding be remitted to the determination of the assemblie it selfe as the only proper and competent iudge And that it shall be lawfull for us being authorized with lawfull commissions as at other times when the urgent necessitie of the Kirk shall require so in this exigence to assemble our selves at the diet appointed notwithstanding any impediment or prorogation to the contrare And being assembled against all qualifications and predeterminations or presupposals to propone treat reason vote and conclude according to the Word of God Confession of Faith and acts of lawfull Assemblies in all Ecclesiasticall matters perteining to the assemblie and tending to the advancement of the Kingdome of Christ and good of Religion Thirdly since Archbishops and Bishops have no warrand for their office in this Kirk since it is contrare both to reason and to
the Actes of the Kirk that any have place and voice in the Assemblie who are not authorized with lawfull commissions And seeing both in commoun equitie and by the tenor of this Proclamation they are made lyable to the tryall and censure of the Assemblie Wee protest that they bee not present as having place or voice in the Assemblie but as rci to compeere for underlying tryall and censure upon the generall complaints alreadie made and the partiular accusations to bee given in against them And that the warning given by His Majesties Proclamation and this our Protestation bee a sufficient citation to them to compeer before the Assemblie for their tryall and censure in life office and benefice Fourthly We solemnly protest that We do constantly adhere to our Oath and Subscription of the Confession of Faith and Covenant lately renewed and approven with rare and undenyable evidences from heaven of the wonderfull workeings of his Spirit in the hearts both of Pastors and people through all the parts of the kingdome And that we stand to all parts and clauses thereof and particularly to the explanation and application containing both our abjuration of and our union against the particular evils and corruptions of the time a duety which the Lord at this time especially craveth at our hands Fifthly We also Protest that none of us who have Subscribed and doe adhere to our Subscription of the late Covenant be charged or urged either to procure the subscriptions of others or to subscribe our selves unto any other Confession or Covenant conteining any derogation there unto especially that mentioned in the Proclamation without the necessary explanation and the application thereof alreadie sworn by us for the reasons above expressed And because as we did in our former Protestation appeale from the Lords of His Majesties Counsell so doe we now by these renew our solemne appeale with all solemnities requisite unto the next free generall Assemblie and Parliament as the only supreame nationall Judicatories competent to judge of nationall causes and proceedings Sixthly Wee Protest That no subscription whether by the Lords of Counsell or others of the Confession mentioned in the Proclamation and enjoined for the maintenance of religion as it is now alreadie or at this present time established and professed within this Kingdome without any innovation of religion or Law be any manner of way prejudiciall to our Covenant wherein we have sworne to forbeare the practise of Novations alreadie introduced c. Till they be tryed in a free Assemblie And to labour by all lawfull meanes to recover the puritie and libertie of the Gospell as it was established and professed before the foresaid innovations And in like manner that no subscription forsaid be any derogation to the true and sound meaning of our worthie predecessours at the time of their Subscription in the year 1581. and afterward Withall warneing and exhorting all men who lay to heart the cause of religion against the coruptions of the time and the present estate of things both to subscribe the Covenant as it hath been explained and necessarely applied and as they love the puritie and libertie of the Gospell to hold back their hands from all other Covenants till the Assemblie now indicted be conveined and determine the present differences and divisions and preserve this countrey from contrarie oathes Seventhly As his Majesties royall clemency appeareth In forgiving and forgetting what his Majestie conceaveth to be a disorder or done amisse In the proceeding of any So are we very confident of his Majesties approbation to the integritie of our hearts and peaceablenesse of our wayes and actions all this time past And therefore We Protest that we still adhere to our former complaints Protestations lawfull meetings proceedings mutuall defences c. All which as they have beene in themselves lawfull so were they to us pressed with so many grievances in his Majesties absence from this native Kingdome most necessarie and ought to be regarded as good offices and pertinent duties of faithfull Christians loyall Subjects and sensible members of this Kirk and Common-wealth As wee trust at all occasions to make manifest to all good men especially to his sacred Majestie for whose long and prosperous government that we may live a peacable and quiete life in all Godlinesse and Honestie We earnestly pray WHereupon a Noble Earle Iames Earle of Montrose c. in name of the Noble men Master Alexander Gibson younger of Durie in name of the Barons George Porterfield Merchant Burges of Glasgow in name of the Borrowes Master Harie Rollogue Minister at Edinburgh in name of the Ministers and Master Archbald Iohnston reader heereof in name of all who adhere to the Confession of Faith and Covenant lately renewed within this Kingdome tooke instruments in the hands of three Notars present at the said mercat crosse of Edinburgh being invironed with great numbers of the forsaid Noblemen Barons Gentlemen Borrowes Ministers and Commons before many hundred witnesses and craved the extract thereof And in token of their duetifull respect to his Majestie confidence of the equitie of their cause and innocencie of their carriage and hope of his Majesties gratious acceptance they offred in all humilitie with submisse reverence a copie thereof to the Herauld FINIS