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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A39466 An exact abridgment of all statutes in force and use from the beginning of Magna Carta until 1641 / by Edm. Wingate of Grayes-Inne, Esq. ; with a continuation, under their proper titles, of all acts in force and use, untill the year 1666, and alphabetically digested under apt titles ; whereto is annexed four tables directing to the several matters and clauses throughout the said statutes.; Laws, etc. England and Wales.; Wingate, Edmund, 1596-1656.; Manby, Thomas, of Lincolns-Inn. 1666 (1666) Wing E906; ESTC R33346 579,794 810

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the Chancery in one case a Writ is found and in another case falling under like law and requiring like remedy there is found none the Clerks of the Chancery shall agree in making the Writ or the Plaintiffs may adjourn it untill the next Parliament and then the cases being written in which they cannot agree let them refer themselves to the next Parliament where by the consent of men learned in the Law a Writ shall be framed lest the Kings Court should fail to administer Justice to complainants II. West 2.49 13 E. 1. Pars inde Where the Law faileth lest Suitors should depart from the Kings Court without remedy Writs shall be provided in their cases III. Stat. 6 R. 2. Stat. 1.2 If in Writs of debt accompt and the like it shall be declared that the contract thereof was made in another County then is contained in the original Writ such Writ shall be abated Vid. Title Arrests Numb 4. Yarn I. Stat. ● H. 6.23 NOne shall export any Thrums or Woollen Yarn under colour of Thrums in pain to forfeit the double value thereof York I. Stat. 29 H. 6.3 All Letters Parents granted to Citizens of York to be exempt of the offices of Mayoralty Sherifwick Chamberlain Collector of Dismes and Quinzims and Citizen for the Parliament shall be void and the Citizen who purchaseth or taketh such exemption shall forfeit 40 l. to the King and Mayor and Citizens of York II. Stat. 34 35 H. 8.10 An Act for making of Coverlets within York and none shall be made to be put to sale in Yorkshire but onely in the Town of York together with divers other good provisions touching that subject For which see the Statute at large The New ACTS lately made at Oxon. Anno 17º Caroli Secundi Regis Abridged and here added by way of APPENDIX Non-conformists I. Stat. 17 Car. 2. Cap. 1. apud Oxon. ENacted That all Parsons Vicars Curates Lecturers and other persons in or pretending to serve in Holy Orders and all Stipendaries or other persons who have been possessed of any Ecclesiastical or Spiritual Promotion and who have not declared their assent and subscribed the Declaration mentioned in the ACT of 14 Car. 2. For Uniformity of Publique Prayers c. And shall not take and subscribe the Oath following I A. B. Do swear That it is not lawfull upon any pretence what soever to take up Arms against the King And that I do abhor that Trayterous Position of taking Arms by his Authority against his Person or against those that are Commissionated by him in pursuance of such Commissions And that I will not at any time endeavour any alteration of Government either in Church or State II. And all such persons who shall take upon them to preach in any unlawful assembly conventicle or meeting under colour or pretence of any exercise of Religion contrary to the Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom shall not at any time after the 24th of March 1665 unless in passing upon the Road come or be within five miles of any City or Town Corporate or Borough that sends Burgesses to the Parliament within England Wales or Town of Berwick upon Tweed or within five miles of any Parish Town or Place wherein he or they have since the Act of Oblivion been Parson Vicar Curate Stipendary or Lecturer or taken upon them to preach in any unlawful Assembly Conventicle or Meeting under colour or pretence of any exercise of Religion contrary to the Laws and Statutes of this Kingdom before he or they have taken and subscribed the said Oath before the Justices of the Peace at their Quarter-Sessions to be holden at the Division next to the Corporat on City or Borough Parish Place or Town in open Court which the said Justices are impowred to administer upon forfeiture for every such offence the sum of forty pounds one third thereof to his Majesty and his Successors the other third part to the poor of the Parish where the offence is committed the other third part to the person that will sue for the fame by Action of Debt Plaint Bill or Information in any Court of Record at Westminster or before any Justices of Assize O●er and Terminer or Goal Delivery Justices of the Counties Palatine of Chester La●caster or Durham Great Sessions in Wales or Justices of the Peace in their Quarter-Sessions no Essoin Protection or Wager of Law to be allowed III. It shall not be lawfull for any person or persons restrained from coming to any City Town Corporate Burrough Parish Town or Place as aforesaid or for any other person or persons as shall not first take and subscribe the said oath and as shall not frequent Divine Service established by the Law of this Kingdom and carry him or her self reverently there to teach any publique or private School or take any Boarders or Tablers to be taught or instructed by him or her self or any other upon pain of forty pounds for every offence to be recovered and distributed as aforesaid IV. Any two Justices of the Peace in the respective County upon oath to them of any offence against this Act which oath they are impowred to administer may commit the offender for six moneths without Bail unless before such Commitment he shall before the said Justices of the Peace swear and subscribe the said Oath and Declaration Provided That appearance to any Subpoena Warrant or Process whereby perso●al appearance is required shall not be construed an offence within this Act. Churches and Chappell 's I. An Act for uniting Churches and Chappels in Towns Corporate See 27 Car. 2. Cap. 3. Apud Oxon. Books and Printing I. Stat. 17 Car. 2. Cap. 4. apud Oxon. The Act for preventing abuses in Printing Seditions Treasonable and unlicensed Pamphlets and for regulating Printing continued in force untill the end of the first Session of the next Parliament II. And further That after the 26. of September 1665. every Printer within London or any other places except the two Universities shall reserve three printed Copies of the best and largest Paper of every Book new printed or reprinted with additions and shall before any publique sale of the said Book bring them to the Master of the Company of Stationers and deliver them to him one whereof shall within ten dayes after be delivered to the Keeper of his Majesties Library and the other two within the said ten dayes to be sent to the Vice-Chancellors of the Two Universities respectively for the use of their publique Libraries III. And the Printers in the said Universities respectively after the said 26th of December shall deliver one such printed Copy as aforesaid so new printed or reprinted in the said Universities to the Keeper of the Kings Library as aforesaid as also to the Vice-Chancellors of either of the said Universities for the time being two other such printed Copies for their publique respective Libraries And for default of so doing by the Printer or Master of the Company of Stationers
shall be void X. Stat. 1 H. 4.4 The Parliament holden in Ann. 11 R. 2. shall be holden and kept according to the purport thereof as a thing done to the great honour and common profit of the Realm XI Stat. 1 E. 4.1 An Act was made whereby was confirmed all Judicial Acts Exemplifications Concords Recoveries Process in Court c. made in the times of H. 4. H. 5. and H. 6. and all grants and letters Patents of divers things mentioned in the said Act made by any of the said three kings See the Statute at large XII The confirmation of divers particular Statutes See under their proper titles ☞ Conjuration Enchantment and Witchcraft * I. Stat. 1. Jac. 12. If any shall be convicted to have used any invocation or conjuration of any evil Spirit or to have consulted covenanted with entertained imployed fed or rewarded any such Spirit or taken up any dead person or the skin bone or other part thereof to have used in Witchcraft Sorcery charm or inchantment or to have used any of the said Arts to kill consume and lame any person they together with their accessaries before the facts shall suffer as felons without benefit of Clergie II. If any shall be convicted to have by Witchcraft Sorcery Charm or Inchantment undertaken to tell where any treasure or goods lost or stollen may be found or are become or to provoke any to unlawfull love or to destroy or hurt any cattel goods or person albeit the same be not effected they shall for the first offence suffer one year's imprisonment without bail once every quarter of that year-stand six hours upon the pillory in some open Fair or Market and there make open confession of the offence committed and for the second offence shall suffer as felons without benefit of Clergie III. But in these cases shall be no loss of dower or disherison of heir And a Peer being an offender shall be tried by his Peers ☞ Conspiracie I. Artic. sup Charta 10. 28 E. 1. Against Conspirators false Informers and imbraceors of inquests the King hath provided a Writ in the Chancery and the Justices of either Bench and Justices of Assize shall upon every plaint thereof award inquests thereupon without Writ II. Stat. 33 E. 1. Conspirators are such as bind themselves by oath or other alliance falsly and maliciously to indict and falsly to move and maintain pleas and such as cause children within age to appeal men of felony and retain men to maintain their malicious enterprizes And this extendeth as well to the takers as givers and also Stewards and Bailiffs who by their power maintain debates that concern not their Lords but other parties III. Stat. 7 H. 5. Whereas divers have been indicted for treasons and felonies supposed to be committed in places there being none such to be found every Justice having power to hear and determine such offences by the oath of twelve men whereof each shall have Free-hold within the County of the yearly value of 5 l. besides all reprises shall before Exigent inquire of Office whether there be indeed any such places or no And if there be no such place or places in the County where such appeals or indictments are made they and the process thereupon shall be void and the Indictors shall be punished by imprisonment fine and ransome at the discretion of the said Justices and if any Exigent be awarded before inquisition it shall be also void This Act to continue in force untill the next Parliament IV. Stat. 9 H. 5.1 The Stat. of 7 H. 5. shall continue in force untill the next Parliament after the King's return from beyond Sea V. Stat. 18 H. 6.12 The Statute of 9 H. 5.1 made perpetual because H. 5. dying beyond Sea some were of opinion it was expired Constable and Marshal I. Stat. 8 R. 2.5 The Constable and Marshall shall not have conusance of Pleas or suits which ought to be discussed at the Common Law II. Stat. 13 R. 2. Stat. 1.2 The Constable of England hath cognisance of things concerning Arms and Wars which cannot be discussed by the Common Law III. In this Court the Plaintiff shall plainly declare his matter in his Petition before the Defendant be sent for IV. When a Plea is commenced before the Constable and Marshall which may be tried at the Common Law the party grieved shall have a privy Seal to cause the Constable and Marshall to cease untill it may be decided by the King's Councel whether it may be tried there or at the Common Law Contra formam Collationis I. West 2.41 13 E. 1. If lands given to Abbies Priories Hospitals or other Religious Houses or to maintain a Chantery a light or Alms be alienated the King shall seize it and the purchaser shall lose both the land and his money II. If the house were founded by a Subject he shall recover the land by a Writ which see in the Statute at large III. If it were given to maintain a Chanterie a light or Alms and not aliened but the duty withdrawn two years together the donor or his heir shall recover it by Cessavit Conventicles 1. Stat. 16 Car. 2. cap. 4. The Stat. of 35 El. cap. 1. declared to be in force and further remedies against the dangerous practices of seditious Sectaries and other meetings in Conventicles under colour of exercise of Religion and the Act at large being upon continuance for 3 years after the end of this Parliament and to the end of the next session of Parliament after the said 3 years and no longer Conusance I. Stat. 9 H. 4.5 Where in Assizes and Pleas of land or rent within Franchises and ancient Demesne against certain persons the names of the Mayors Bailiffs or Communalties in Franchises and of the Lords or Bailiffs in ancient Demesne are therein also by collusion inserted supposing them also to be disseisors or tenants of the land and with purpose to exclude them from the conusance of the matter in Plea which by reason of their Franchises and Liberties ought to be discussed before them in such Assizes and Writs the Justices shall upon request first inquire by the same Assize whether they be indeed disseisors or tenants or whether their names be inserted by fraud as aforesaid II. If it shall be found by fraud the Assizes or Writs shall abate and the Plaintiff shall be grievously amercied notwithstanding there be others named therein who are in truth disseisors or tenants III. Stat. 8. H. 6.26 In Assizes or personal actions if the Defendant make default by collusion with purpose that Mayors Bailiffs or other Communalties or Lords and Bailiffs should lose their jurisdictions the Justices shall upon request inquire thereof by Assizes or inquests where both the Plaintiffs and the owners of such Franchises and Liberties may have their challenges And if collusion be found the Writs shall abate and the Plaintiff shall be amercied Copiholds I. Stat. 7 Jac. 21. Compositions made by Decrees in the Exchequer
remainder to such as the King by his Letters Patents or last will in writing should limit * IV. Stat. 1 El. 1. No forein Potentate or person shall exercise any power within any of the Queen's Dominions and all Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction is annexed to the Crown so that the Queen and her successors by Letters Patents may authorize any Subject born to exercise the same V. For the better observance of this Act every Ecclesiasticall person and every officer both Ecclesiastical and Temporal and all the Queen's servants are enjoyned to take the Oath following VI. I. A. B. do utterly testifie and declare in my conscience that the Queen's Highness is the onely Supreme Governour of this Realm and of all other her Highness Dominions and Countreys as well in all Spiritual or Ecclesiastical things or cases as Temporal and that no forein Prince person Prelate or Potentate hath or ought to have any jurisdiction power supremacie preeminencie or authority Ecclesiastical or Spiritual within this Realm and therefore do utterly renounce and forsake all forein jurisdiction powers superiorities and authorities and do promise that from henceforth I shall bear faith and true allegiance to the Queen's Highness her heirs and lawfull successors and to my power shall assist and defend all jurisdictions priviledges preeminencies and authorities granted or belonging to the Queen's Highness her heirs and successors or united and annexed to the Imperial Crown of this Realm So help me God and by the Contents of this Book VII He that refuseth this oath shall forfeit his Spiritual or Temporal promotion or Office during his life And every person before he be admitted to any such promotion or Office shall take the said oath before such persons as shall have authority to minister the same and in case he refuse it he shall be adjudged uncapable of such promotion or office VIII Every person suing Livery or Oustre le main doing homage to the Queen received into the Queen's service taking orders or degrees in the Universitie shall take the said oath the first three before the Lord Chancellor or Keeper of the Great Seal the fourth before the Ordinary or Commissary and the last before the Chancellor or Vice-chancellor or their Deputies IX Provided if any having a Temporal Office of inheritance shall at first refuse to take the said oath and yet doth afterwards take it he shall be restored to his office X. None shall affirm or maintain the power or jurisdiction of any forein Prelate or Potentate within the Queen's Dominions in pain to forfeit all his goods and chattels and if he be not worth 20 l. at the time of his conviction he shall forfeit all he hath and besides suffer one whole year's imprisonment without bail and here for the second offence he shall incurre a praemunire and for the third shall be adjudged guilty of High Treason but this offence must be prosecuted within one year after it is committed and if the offence be by preaching teaching or words onely the prosecution by indictment shall be within six months otherwise the offender shall be set at liberty XI If he be a Clergie-man beneficed upon the first conviction all his spiritual promotion shall be void XII A Peer of the Realm guilty of such an offence shall be tried by his Peers XIII No Act for any matter of Religion or cause Ecclesiastical made by this Parliament shall be adjudged any errour heresie or Schism neither shall any person to whom the Queen her heirs and successors shall give authority to execute spiritual jurisdiction have power to adjudge any matter to be Heresie save onely such as have been so adjudged by Can. Scripture or by one or more of the General Councils or shall be so adjudged by the Parliament with the assent of the Clergie in their Convocation XIV No person shall hereafter be indicted or arraigned for any of the offences made by this Act but by two or more sufficient witnesses to be produced viva voce to testifie the same XV. No person shall be questioned for relieving aiding or comforting any such offender unless it be testified by two witnesses at least that at the time of such relief c. he had notice of the offence committed XVI Stat. 1 El. 3. The Parliament acknowledge the Queen to be right heir to the Crown and promise to defend her and the heirs of her body in that estate XVII The limitation of the Crown contained in 35 H. 8.1 shall stand and remain Law for ever and all clauses of Statutes and other things heretofore passed against the same shall be void * XVIII Stat. 5 Eliz. 1. None shall maintain the jurisdiction of the Bishop or See of Rome within any of the Queen's Dominions in pain to incurre a Praemunire both they and their accessaries ☞ XIX Justices of Assize and Just of Peace in Sessions or any two of them 1 Qu. have power to hear and determine this offence and are to certifie such presentments into the King's Bench within 40 days after they receive them if it shall be then Term-time if not then the first day of the Term then next ensuing in pain of 100 l. The Justices of the King's Bench also as well upon such certificate as also before themselves have power to hear and determine the same offence XX. All persons appointed to take the Oath of Supremacie by 1 El. 1. and all other Persons taking orders preferred to any degree in the Universities School-masters publick and private all persons taking any degree of Learning in the Laws in the Innes of Court or Chancery all Attorneys Protonotaries Philizers Sheriffs Escheators Feodaries all persons admitted to any Ministry or Office belonging to the Common Law or other Law or Laws and all Officers and ministers of every Court shall take the said Oath verbatim before they be admitted to exercise their Office ministry or profession which Oath shall be administred in open Court unto the Officers and Ministers of Courts and unto such as belong not to any Court in some open place in the presence of a convenient assembly and before other person authorized to give it by common use commission or otherwise XXI Archbishops and Bishops have power to minister the said Oath within their proper Diocess XXII The Lord Chancellor or Keeper without further warrant may direct Commissions to tender it XXIII None compellable to take this Oath by this Act or that of 1 Eliz. shall refuse to take it in pain to incurre a Praemunire so that they be indicted or presented for such default within a year XXIV Every person having authority to tender this Oath shall within 40 days after the refusal thereof if it be then Term-time if not then the first day of the next Term certifie under his hand and seal the name place and degree of the person so refufing unto the King's Bench in pain of 100 l. And the Sheriff of the County shall impannel a Jury of the same County to inquire