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A26579 Covnterpoyson considerations touching the poynts in difference between the godly ministers and people of the Church of England, and the seduced brethren of the separation : argvments that the best assemblies of the present church of England are true visible churches : that the preachers in the best assemblies of Engl. are true ministers of Christ : Mr. Bernards book intituled The Separatists Schisme : Mr Crashawes questions propounded in his sermon preached at the crosse / examined and answered by Henry Ainsworth. Ainsworth, Henry, 1571-1622? 1642 (1642) Wing A809; ESTC R19104 173,009 159

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this sin cleaueth fast vnto these priests euen to this day who cannot endure to haue their portion spoken against but thinke all too little that they inioy when as for discharge of their functions in teaching the people the most conscionable among themselues haue complayned to the Parliament that the word of God is negligently fantastically profanely and ●●thenishly preached and all the land knoweth that many ministers preach not at all Whereas these ministers tel vs of diuers congregations that haue publikly professed their repentance for their former idolatry it is well if so it be God giue them grace to goe forward in wel doing But they tell vs not of any congregation that professeth repentance for their present idolatrie or that renounceth the communion of the other impenitent and profane parishes which they should also doe if they would be the sonns and daughters of the Lord almighty Nay we know that if any among them doe this they ar excommunicated ipso facto out of the church of England by force of their canons anno 160● Finally whereas these Ministers doubt not to affirme that the whole land in the parliament held in the first year of her Maiesties reigne did enter into a solemn couenant with the Lord for renouncing of Popery and receiuing the Gospel First they set not downe what couenant the Parliament then made nor how they renounced Popery and therefore that is to be iudged of when it shall more particularly be produced Secondly if then the Parliament house so did it is commendable in them but that the whole communialtie of the realm can be sayd to doe it with them I vtterly deny For howsoeuer all subiects are and ought to submit to the good ciuill lawes there enacted and obedience may be inforced by the sword if any man resist yet in cases of conscience euery man must liue by his own faith men must gladly receiue the word out of which all religion must be gathered all Kings and kingdomes submitting vnto the lawes and ordinances in Chr●sts Testament if they would haue blessing and saluation by him And as the honourable in the Parliament could not be baptised for the commons so neyther could they repent or couenant with God for them but the people must yeild their own willing consent which they neuer did but were and still are compelled by law and penalty to be of the church and religion established Which how well they haue brooked let the testimonies of the ministers before alleged and the irreligious walking of many thowsands euer since manifest For now our land is a reprouch to the idolatrous Papists for the multitude of Atheists and Machevillians that are therein The second thing which these Ministers say we obiect against the whole body of their assemblies is That they communicate together in a false and idolatrous outward worship of God which is polluted with the writings of men vid. with read stinted prayers homilies Catechismes and such like To which they giue this answer First it is euident by the word that the church hath vsed and might lawfully vse in prayer and Gods worship a stinted and set forme of words And here ●hey allege Num. 6 23.24 Deut 26.3.15 Psal. 22. 92.1 Chro. 16.8.36 Luk. 11.2 Very strange it is that after so much time and consideration men that professe to be ministers of the Gospell should giue such an answer The thing obiected against their worship made of the inuention of the man of sinne was in the first answer to Mr Gifford who shut his eyes and would not see th' abominations of the same shewed in sundry particulars as the Romish fasts feasts and holy dayes Comminations Rogations Purifications c. blasphemous hereticall collects c. which after were more plainely refuted These and the like evils conteyned in their Leitourgie translated out of the Massebook and imposed vpon their parishesr being by Mr Barrow blamed now come these ministers and tel vs of Psalmes that Dauid made of formes of blessing and prayer that God and our Lord Christ prescribeth to his church and these must countenance and bear our all the popish trash that is in their seruice booke But it would farr better haue fitted their estate and worship if they had cited the Popes in sted of the Patriarches Prophets and Apostles who were altogether vnacquainted with this Rom●sh seruice For howsoeuer Dauid made many Psalmes yet not he but Pope Damasus as writers say ordeyned Glory be to the Father c. to be added vnto them and they to be sung by tournes as the church of Engl. yet vseth and Pope Vitalian to make vp the musick brought in the Organs Yea the foresayd Damasus inioyned Hierom to make an order of seruice for churches and appoynt what prayers should be sayd on euery day and how many Psalmes c. which being done the Pope commanded al churches should vse that order and none other And a much like exploit was performed by the Archbishop of Cant. and his brethren in K. Edwards days as Mr Fox reporteth for the seruice now vsed still in Engl. Agayne for the particulars who framed the Anthemes Responds Collects and Kyries that are sayd at mattins neyther Prophet nor Apostle but as some say pope Gregorie I. and Pope Gelasius And the same Pope Gregory put k the Pater noster into the masse and commanded it to be sung and Pope Mar●us I would haue the Nicene Creed sung after the Gospell Pope Anacletus thought it fit the priest and people should salute one another another in seruice time and therefore appoynted the one to say T●● Lord hear●th 〈◊〉 and the other to answer And with thy spirit Pope 〈◊〉 put i● at the Sacrament O lamb of God that takest away the sinns of the w●rl● h●u● mercy on vs Pope Symmachus●d added the hymme Glory be to G●d on high and the other Popes b●ought in their parts and patched together the●r Letani● Leitourgie out of which the English seruicebook is taken Likewise for the fasting dayes and holy festiu●ties though the Apostles appoynted them not yet the Popes did Telesohorus woulde haue the Lent to be fasted and Pope Calistus the fowr times in the year or Imbring dayes Pope Syluester 1. added the Wednesdayes Frydaye● and Satur●ayes weekly and Pope Innocen● 3. put vnto the former almost all the Apostles eues The Saincts and Angels were also beholding to these Reuerend fathers for hallowing their dayes For generally all the Saincts found such fauour with Pope Boniface that they had not only a catholik holy day giuen them called All-hallomes but a famous Temple in Rome once ded●cated to all the D●uils and called Pantheon was turned by this holy Father into the name of Maria rotunda and consecrated to the hono●r of the B Virgin‘ and all martyrs Pope Felix 3 mad holy the day
Testament of Christ. Secondly because this church hath not the Lawes and statutes of Christ for to gouerne the same for although they haue the holy Bible among them yet are not the ordinances therein written practised or suffred to be practised in these assemblyes As for an instance the way and meanes which Christ hath appoynted for repressing of sin that enemy which his scepter alway beateth down namely first priuate admon●tion Secondly with witnesses Thirdly by telling the Church and then if the sinner be not reclaymed casting him out or deliuering him to Satan by the power of our Lord Iesus Christ giuen to euery congregation this holy and orderly walking is vnknowen this power is wanting in all these Parishes who cannot excommunicate any person be he neuer so profane wicked or blasphemous But contrariweise ●ll must repayr to the Bishops Chancellors or Commissaries courts where things are handled and judged according to their own lawes and canons and not by the rules of Christ. Thirdly because the people of this church were and are euen by the confession of our aduersari●s of all sorts of people as well wicked as Godly and sins of al sorts doe abound and reign among them that if the good lawes of the common wealth did not repre●se them there would be no liuing in peace among them Such profane worldly people are not the subiects of Christ his kingdome is not of the world neyther is it for the open wicked but for the repentant and beleeuing for the poor in spirit the meek the merciful the persecuted for rightiousne● sake not for persecuters haters cōtemners of the truth If thus it should be then were Christs kingdome diuided in against it selfe and so could not endure be perpetuall as the scripture sayth it shal be For both by the oracle of God Gen 3 and by experience we learne and see there is continuall warr between the womans seed and the serpents Christians and the Antichristians the children of God and the children of Belial or impiety so that the hauing of such sinfull in the church is the bane and ruine of Christs kingdome and religion The couenant made with the howse of Dauid on whose throne Christ sitteth for euer is an euerlasting couenāt perfit in all poynts sure but the wicked shal be every one as thornes thrust away because they cannot be taken with hands but the man that shall touch them must be defended with yron and with the shaft of a spear and they shall be burnt with fyre in the same place Finally this Church wanteth Christs power agaynst Syn Satan and ●ntichrist if any would deal against sinne and synners he hath no w●y but by complaint to the Antichristian spirituall courts for the ciuill magistrate punisheth civilly and not with ecclesiasticall censure which is the power and scepter whereof we speak and if those courts refuse to censure the sinner as they seldome cast out any except it be for wel doing or not appearing at their Summons there is no redresse of any evil among them As for ecclesiasticall matters and the many abuses and abominations that are in the church ministery worship ceremonies c. the Priests and people of the parishes are in bondage to the Prelates in seruile subjection to theyr vngodly decrees censures and cursing Canons no spirituall Christian power haue they against this tyranny but are fayn to seek to the arme of flesh the Prince and Parliament for redresse who if they refuse or neglect to help them then remayn they vnder the Prelates Antichristian yoke still as hath now appeared by their practise these many yeares But if they had Christ for their King his truth his word would make them free he would make them also Kings and Priests vnto God his Father that howsoeuer the supressing abolishing of this vnruly hierarchie with their many abominations is to be left vnto the Magistrate who onely hath power from God to execute this vengeance yet every man should deliuer his own sowl absteyning from errour false worship superstition popish thraldome all other evill whatsoeuer though with affliction bonds banishment c. and stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made him free without yoke of thraldome For he will reign in the midds of his enemies Satan and sinne he hath subdued as for himselfe so for all his people and subiects whome he hath redeemed out of all Satanean and Balylonian bondage that sinne should reign no more over them But if they forsak this fredom take vpō them th' yoke of Antichrist his seruāts they ar to whom they obey Which this church doing to the Antichristian Prelates whome they acknowledge for their spirituall Lords receiuing and obeying their hests and canons reteyning and nourishing such as be enemyes and rebells against Christ and remayning in spirituall bondage cannot be sayd to haue Christ for theyr King and Lawgiuer Therefore the Church of England is not the true Church of God THE summe of all that which hath beene sayd is this That Church which hath not Christ for th' Head Mediator Prophet Priest King of the same hath not God his Father for God of the same because the Father and the sonne are one Ioh. 10 ●0 and whosoeuer hath not the Sonne hath not the Father 1 Ioh. 2 23.3 Ioh 9. But the Church of England hath not Christ for the head Mediator Prophet Priest or King of th' same as by the former Arguments hath ben proued Wherefore it hath not God the Father for God of the same and consequently is not his Church THat church which is not the true church of Christ and of God ought not by any true Christian to be continued or communicated with but must be forsaken separated from a true church of God sought and ioyned vnto wher Christ and saluation by him may vndoubtedly be had Because we are willed to absteyn and separate from the false church 2 Cor 6 1● 17 Reu. 18 4 Hos 4.15 Isa. 48 20. Ier 51.45 Zach. 2.6 7 1 Cor 10.20 1 c. We are willed also to seek and ioyne vnto a true church Deut. 12 5 Song 1.6 Ier 50 4 5. Isa 65 9. Psal. 26 5.6 87 2 5 6 Act 2 47. But the church of Engl. is before proued not to be the true church of Christ and of God Therefore it ought to be separated from a true church sought for and ioyned to of such as would be saued THose Ministers which haue and execute the ministery of a fals church are not the true ministers of Christ consequently not to be heard or obeyed as shepheards of our sowles Because the ministery of a false church must needs be false also seing the church hauing no interest in Christ can haue no interest in a Christian ministery Besides Christ hath giuen his ministery to his own church onely
beleeue to be saued by him alone and by this colour men continue in transgression and idolatrie stil. which is as if a theef dronkard whormaister blasphemer or other vicious liuer being blamed by the lawes of God which condemne these sinnes should say These are petty faults I confesse but they are not fundamental for the onely fundamentall truth and ground of all Gods law is Loue and that is the fulfilling of the law Rom. 13.8 9.10 Gal. 5.14 1 Tim. 1.5 Now this foundatio● I hold for I professe to loue God aboue al and my neighbour as my s●lfe on which ground as Christ sayth the law and prophets doe depend and this I doe howsoeuer I cannot keep my tongue from swearing lying and ●i●auldrie nor my hands from picking and stealing nor my body chast c. yet my hart is good I loue God and my neighbour and hope to he saued as well as the precis●st puritan of them all And now what will these ministers say to the●r profane parishioners if thus they pleaded for doe not themselues thus plead for the trans●reossins of the first table and violating of the testament of Christ in their own false ministery idolatrous rites ceremonies and forged worship But as euery true Christian hart knoweth that such profane ruffians howsoeuer they say they loue god yet in deed they hate him and howsoeuer the s●mme and end of all the Law is Loue onely yet that loue implyeth obedience to every particular precept and he which breaketh the least commandement and teacheth men so shal be called the least in the kingdome of heauen as Christ sayth so know they likeweise or should know that such superstitious idolaters false and Antichristian Prelates and priests howsoeuer they boast of true fayth yet by theyr works they deney it and although Fayth in Christ be the foundation of Christian religion yet in im●lieth necessarily obedience vnto the ordinances of his Testament euen whatsoeuer is commanded them therein and as the curse is denounced against all the transgressors of Moses law in any part thereof so they shall not escape vengeance that wilfully despise the law of Christ or any part of his testament confirmed with his precious blood And if thus we vnderstand not and interpret those scriptures which sum vp al christianity in Christ we must needs confesse that many false churches euen Rome it selfe is a true church seeing they doe professe such generall grounds of Christ as by playn evidence of scripture seem sufficient vnto saluation as appeareth by Council Trident. Se●s 3. compared with Rom. 10.9 Act. 8.37 38. 1 Ioh. 4.2 Mark 16.16 also Rhemes testam annot on 1 Tim. 2.5 wher they professe Christ by nature to be truely both God and man to be that on eternall priest and redeemer which by his sacrifice and death vpon the crosse hath reconciled us to God and payed his blood as a full and sufficient ransome for all our sinns c. How beit that these ministers stumble no more at that we professe let them know we hold euery generall head and ground of doctrine more necessary to be known then ech particular branch of the same an error ouerthrowing a whole ground of religion to be much more wicked then that which ouerturneth but a part thereof Also that many of Gods church are ignorant of sundry particular doctrines of the Gospell yea all of vs in some for none is perfect yet that in some generall grounds ignorance is damnable and further that the wilfull and obstinate refusall or contempt of the least evident truth of the Gospel is deadly and damnable of it own nature Neyther see we how we should beleeue otherweise vnlesse with the Papists we think some sinns veniall some mortall As for Mr Barrowes words from Ioh. 16.13 which also these ministers mistaking doe mislike it is evident by his own writings to the contrary otherwhere that he meant not so erroniously as they collect But that promise made to the Apostles he applieth vnto all the members of Christ by proportion though not in like measure Which that it may be done we learne of the Apostles themselues in other like cases 2 Cor. 4.13 from Psalm 116. Heb. 13.5.6 from Ios. 1 Psal. 118. c. Their last reason is from the approbation of all the known churches in the world which acknowledge this church of Engl. for their sister and give vnto them the right hand of fellowship This poynt is handled before in this treatise pag. 9. c. 48 51. c. vnto which places I refer the reader Many scriptures and reasons these ministers allege from the primitiue churches examples that reioyced for and saluted one another of and of the comfort that a church may haue in the communion and approbation of other churches All which we grant and d●e obserue how fast ●hey can cite scriptures for things that we deny not But they say nothing for the controuersie between them and vs. which consisteth of these 3. poynts 1 whither a people may not separate from euill and professe and walke in the truth vnlesse or vntill other churches allow them 2. whether it be a necessary and vndenyable argument that whomsoeuer other churches approue they are true churches and so must be esteemed of all men 3 and whither the reformed churches at this day doe approue of the church of England in all or any of the differences for which we s●parate from them The first of these is proved by all Gods commandements which require euery man particularly to refrayn all evill and doe that which is good Exod. 20. The second is disproued by themselues in their writings against the Papists who pressed them with such reasons Let councels sayth Mr Whitaker be esteemed as they deserue let their decrees be examined by Gods word and if they agree let them be receiued for that agreement if not let them be reiected for the contrary To this agreeth their own Bishops Articles ano 1562. Art 21. and also their Apoligie before alleged in this trea●ise and finally Mr Bernards own counsel though perhaps he knew no more then Caiaphas what he sayd saying See into the glasse of the word by thine own sight without other mens spectacles c. For the latter poynt we know the reformed churches as their constitution and writings shew are for vs and against them of which see before pag 10 c. and it shall hereafter be further confirmed if these ministers will deny it Hitherto of the reasons alleged by the godly ministers wherein how they haue proued and setled their first position let the godly wise judge Next follow their answers to the obiections made by vs. And these they make two First that their church of Engl. was not gathered by such meanes as God in his word hath ordeyned and sanctified for the gathering of his Church Secondly that they communicate together in a false