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B00458 A defence and true declaration of the thinges lately done in the lowe countrey, whereby may easily be seen to whom all the beginning and cause of the late troubles and calamities is to be imputed. And therewith also the sclaunders wherewith the aduersaries do burden the churches of the lowe countrey are plainly confuted..; Libellus supplex Imperatoriae Majestati caeterisque sacri imperii electoribus, principibus, atque ordinibus nomine Belgarum ex inferiore Germania, Evangelicae religionis causa per Albani Ducis tyrannidem ejectorum in comitiis spirenibus exhibitus. English. Newcomen, Elias, 1550?-1614. 1571 (1571) STC 18441; ESTC S94277 61,500 152

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Ladie long in honor and prosperitie to serue our most gracious Queene whō God long defend to hys honor and the succour of hys Church and comfort of her owne conscience in not omittyng any thyng to the helpe of Gods flocke and sure remouyng of Gods enemyes dangerous practisers that as her present gouernement ministreth aboundance of good frutes so the tymes imminent and posteritie may find no lacke but for her good prouisions yeld her eternall thankefull memorie when God shall haue receiued her as hys faythfull seruaunt to eternall blessed kyngdome Your L. most humble Elias Newcomen THe same tempest most victorious Emperor and most noble Princes which now almost a whole hundred yeares hath troubled sundry partes of Europe hath now also at this time by most cruell tyrannie enforced vs being spoyled of our goods chased out of our natiue contreyes oppressed with sclanders of our aduersaries and tossed with all kinde of calamities to flée as most humble suters to your clemencie for succor For we suppose there is no man ignorant that long agoe Spaine and since also by litle and litle a great part of all Europe not onely hath flamed with inward contentions and tumultes but also hath in maner ben ouerwhelmed with most greuous storme of persecutions and tyrannie Wherby certaine idle men which in onely name and outward gesture professed a solitarie life seuered frō all gouernance of common weales and onely addicted to the preaching of the worde of God or quiet studie of holy scriptures haue begonne to créep into courtes of Kinges and Princes and couering their greedy affections with cloke of religion to minister such counsells wherby they might by their new deuised meane of Inquisition against heresie drawe to themselues from the ciuile magistrate the hearing and iudgement of the controuersies of greatest weight and importance And so by litle and litle they haue atteined not onely by searching and inquiring to become Lordes of euery priuate persons goods possessions houses and most secrete places yea and their wiues and children but also to bring the magistrates and Princes themselues in subiection to their authoritie In what places they perceaued their desires to be hindred either by the auncient libertie of the people or by the discretion of the Rulers and Princes straightway they charged such with forged sclander of heresie and rebellion and so greuously enflamed the hartes of Kinges and Emperors against their subiectes And by thys craftie meane they haue stirred vp ciuile dissentions tumultes of commonalties and oftentimes gréeuous warres whereby they haue brought most florishing contreyes into great displeasure and hatred of all kinges princes and nations and so drawen them to extreme calamitie This if any prouince in Europe hath euer felte surely our contrey namely that part of base Germanie that is subiecte to the most mighty king of Spaine hath and specially at thys time to their great destruction most miserably suffred For since that by the most false sclanders and other corrupt craftye meanes of the Spanishe Inquisitors thys countrey hath vnder pretense of heresie and impietie bene brought in greuous displeasure with the Emperor Charles the fifth of happye memorie and his sonne Philippe King of Spaine and Lorde of base Germanie and oppressed with most hainous Edictes about religion procured by guile and sclanderous report and so hath of their great truth and obedience to their soueraigne Lordes now more than fiftie yeares with incredible pacience borne the Inquisitors most cruell yoke and now at length after matters in other countreyes adioyning well settled to peace and quietnesse and the truth of the cause commonly disclosed hoped to finde some release of so great calamitie it is now come to passe that the aduersaries being greued to see them aspire to such libertie of religion as by thys time florished not onely in Germanie but also in Fraunce and many other places haue in strange maner and with most earnest endeuour trauailed not onely to frustrate the hope of the inhabitantes but also by bringing in a farre more greuous tyrannie to pull from them all the residue of their right and libertie that they had remayning and so to spoile such wealthy ones of their goods and such noble and mighty ones of their liues as they saw to be of habilitie to withstand their attemptes Therefore adioyning to them the Bishop of Rome and hauing obtained hys Bull they did by sondry sclanders and with extreme importunacie wreste from the King an Edicte agaynst all the Priuileges of the contrey agaynst their lawes ordinaunces and auncient liberties namely for the precise obseruing of the decrées of the Counsell of Trent and for bringing in of new Bishops that shoulde put in execution throughout the whole land a new forme of Inquisition farre more cruell than the very Spanishe Inquisition which was first inuented against Iewes and Mahometane Apostataes and so in short time should openly bring a most florishing and frée Prouince into the most dishonourable seruage of straungers and those most villanous and abhominable persons to torment at their pleasure the honestest and best men vpon suborning of any infamous informer or most corrupt witnesse with bondes with racke with gallowes and with fire to thrust the wealthy out of their possessions to subdue the magistrates them selues to their iurisdiction and to make themselues Lordes of all specially to destroy vtterly and with most exquisite tormētes to murder and roote vp all those that refused to obey the Bishop of Romes power and would haue their consciences subiecte to the onely worde of God contayned in the bookes of the olde and new Testament This matter geuing iust occasion to the Nobilitie that they exhibited supplication for staye thereof to the Duchesse of Parma Regent there for the King and in the same declared what calamitie would thereof vndoubtedly ensue and likewise whē the commonaltie hauing heretofore vsed their religion within their priuate houses and seing the same thereby subiecte to sclanders and enuie did now by laying it open in publike preachinges and assemblies to the indifferent iudgement and examination of all good men deliuer it from false and cauillous reportes it came to passe that the aduersaries hereupon tooke occasion by raising of sondry tumultes most hatefully to incense the King against the whole people as giltie of the most haynous crimes of heresie rebellion sedition and treason against God and the king And where his maiestie was fully determined to come into the lowe conteyr and him selfe in person to heare the cause and to end the whole matter according to right and equitie they partly by suttle crafty meanes and very traitorous practises purposely deuised for the destruction of the people of that contrey and partly by the importunate labour and impudent gredy endeuour of certaine persons and partly also by aduises and threatninges procured from forene partes euen in maner against his will brought hym to thys that being greuously incensed agaynst his subiectes sodeinly altering hys former
or generall assemblies of the estates of all the prouinces to be kept as it had ben vsed in his progenitors tymes and that he placed in gouernance Ecclesiasticall men and such as not only by the law of God the ciuile and canon lawes but also by the auncient custome of the contrey by sondry decrées of the Dukes of Burgundie were excluded from iudiciall offices and from bearyng ciuile rule in the common weale Finally to make them selues in easier way to that dominion that they had conceiued vnder pretense of stablishyng religion they with importunacie procured such rigorousnesse of edictes agaynst those that professed the doctrine of the Gospell as neuer any contrey neuer any citie neuer any common weale had sene before For they had fully persuaded hym as is also conteined in the expresse wordes of the edict that Luther whoe 's doctrine those dyd follow professed the Pelagian error set naught by all the holy fathers and doctors of the Church abolished all Magistrates ouerthrew all ciuile gouernance and politike order stirred vp the people to take armure made them apt to murder steale wast and destroy with fire and finally gaue euery one leaue to lyue as he lysted In the which Peter a Soto a Spaniard hys confessor one of the maisters of the Spanishe Inquisition not of the meanest sorte dyd further them verie much By the whiche persuasion they easilie inforced the Emperour Charles a prince otherwise by nature gentle and mercifull to decrée and without the assent of the estates to publishe and from tyme to tyme to renew most cruell Edictes and such as séeme rather to be written with bloud then with inke not that he ment to haue them executed with extremitie but that he hoped by the terror of this vnaccustomed crueltie to call the peoples myndes from the studie of of that religion which he in conscience accompted wicked of the which his hope and meanyng he gaue no smale profe in that exposition of the Edictes which he afterwardes set out wherin it was appoincted that the Magistrates should by all meanes possible somewhat mitigate the extreme immoderate crueltie of the former edictes but the good masters of the Spanish Inquisition did sone by their craft subtiltie suppresse that exposition and it came at length to that tyranie that they dyd not onelie execute the full rigour of the Edictes but they obserued also a new kynde of Inquisition not much vnlyke to the Inquisition of Spayne that thereby they might atteyne vnto the full authoritie of that office function which they had long before obteyned of the byshops of Rome Therfore in the yeare of our Lord God. 1550. when the kyng of Spayne was auctorised in Belgie with great and importunate sutes they obteined an Edict as concerning their Inquisition whereby they dyd vsurpe take vppon them so much auctoritie and power of the Citizens and inhabitans of the whole prouince as they thought sufficient for the subuertyng of the auncient liberties for the disanullyng of all their accustomed priuileges but the senators and the estates of Brabant with long ernest sute first stopped this their wicked enterprise and afterward the most noble princes Marie of famous memorie Quene of Hungarie with great fayth singular pietie with no lesse wisedome suppessed it For both when the Emperour Charles was at the counsels holden at Augusta she went vnto him and obteyned that the crueltie of the Edictes should be somewhat mitigated and that the whole name purpose of the Inquisition should be omitted and also many tymes after she stoutlie set her selfe agaynst the deceytfull dealynges and rashe attemptes of the Inquisitors and diuines in so much that at the length by their letters sent into Spayne she was accused of heresie before the Emperour But she alwayes bent her whole intent and purpose to kepe the people of Belgie in the Emperours good grace and fauour to her power to take awaie all the enuie and hatred wherewith they were oppressed of their aduersaries With the which her most mercifull and wise dealyng she so faythfully ioyned the hartes of the subiectes towardes their prince that they for her sake thought no burden to be refused in so much that in many thynges they dyd most willinglie preferre her gracious fauor and good wil before the right of their auncient liberties graunted by the lawes statutes of their progenitors For in all restraintes taskes tributes or leuies they shewed them selues at the first commaundement so obedient that the princes could desire nothyng which was not deliuered them with ful consent of al their good willes and that with spede So that almost for the space of ten yeares they dyd gladlie mainteyne that great doubtfull and most daungerous warre whiche was made against the most mighty kings of France they most willinglie bestowed the greatest part of the charges thereof the which by common bookes of accompt maie be proued to surmount the somme of xl thousand millions of Florence neither dyd they geue at any tyme so much as a smale suspicion of rebellion Although in the meane tyme neuerthelesse these good maisters of the Inquisition whyle Charles reigned by the coulered shew of the foresayd Edictes and in the begynnyng of kyng Philips reigne by the graunt of a new Edict bearyng with it the kinges auctoritie which they purchased by their subtell wiles craftie persuasions raiged most furiouslie in the most part of Belgie but especiallie in Flaunders Hannonie Artesia Turnete and Insule in many places of Holland robbyng spoiling and most butcherly murderyng the people with furious violence and extreme tyranny From the which they absteyned least that their deceypt and subtiltye beyng detected this foresayd commaundement wrested out by craft should by the kynges new letters pattentes be called in agayne Neither yet were they without their frendes in the Court which beyng daylie conuersant with the kyng dyd alwaies cloake and couer their crueltie and insatiable auarice with the vayle of godlie Religion At the length the kyng hauing ended his warre agaynst the French men and preparyng to take his iorney into Spayne his subiectes for their singular obedience and their most faythfull redynes in all affaires thought they might iustlie hope for some relesse frō their other burdens but cheflie and especiallie they perswaded them selues that they should haue the yoke of the Inquisition taken from theyr shoulders But the kyng was so farre from satisfiyng their expectation that he did not onelie not remit or mitigate the crueltie vsed to them before but also encreased and augmented the tyranny euen as though their peace other matters had bene for none other cause concluded but that they might the frelyer spoile poore men of their goodes and most cruellie torment their consciences For at that time especiallie the Inquisitors by their old accustomed deceyptes and by the fayned shew of settyng forward religion obteined of the kyng newe letters
yelded them selues vnto the fidelitie of the Norcarmyans whiche dyd besiege them many were stroken with the sword many were hanged many were burned and an infinite number of them by the insolencie of the souldiers shot through with dagges neither was there any thyng pretermitted agaynst them the whiche the furious rage of the souldiours vse to execute in the sackyng and subuertyng of Cities Many beyng terrified with these horrible examples of crueltie and perceiuyng them selues so deceiued to be defended frō the furie and rashnes of the souldiours neither by the publike promise agréements couenauntes or othes nor by the kynges maiestie Edictes or patentes and perceauyng their aduersaries to attempt and put in practise all kynde of hostilitie agaynst them with great power and warlyke force and that all the hope of remedy or helpe was cleane taken away for their aduersaries dyd now accompt them not onely as heretikes but also as seditious rebelles as perturbers of the common of the quiet ouerthrowers of churches and traytours to the kinges maiestie and although they by most manifest proues and by the open confessions of those which were giltie had proued their innocencie had of their own accord offered them selues to be tryed by the censures of equall iudges they did vnderstand neuerthelesse that they were accused vnto the king of these most horrible crimes they thought it best therfore to betake them selues to prayer to vowes to teares and supplications hopyng by their humble suyte iust purgation to pacifie the anger of the kyng vehemently builded agaynst them by the false cauils of their aduersaries They therfore put vp a bill of supplication wherby they might request the kynges clemencie testifieng their owne innocencie and the sclaunderous accusations of their aduersaries and especially cleare them selues of the destroying of the Churches prouyng them selues to be in no faulte and that no suspition of rebellion cā iustly be gathered vpon them most humbly protestyng also their fidelitie obedience due reuerence to be alwayes ready vnto the kynges maiestie in what things soeuer thus much onely crauyng at the kynges handes that they may haue frée libertie graūted them to professe their religion which they make subiect onely to the triall of the word of God that they may not haue their consciences greued or burdened with any kynde of authoritie for the whiche benefite in token of their thankefulnes and for due profe of their faithful obedience to his maiestie besides their ordinary giftes their accustomed tributes and all their other burdens they promise to pay vnto the kings Exchecker iij. hūdreth thousād Florences within a certeine time that they wil disturbe or destroy no churches but they will put in good sureties for the same that they will diligētly and carefully shew forth their obedience fidelitie and due reuerence in all poyntes All the Cities well neare doe geue vp to their Magistrates a bill of supplicatiō most humbly desiryng to shew foorth their diligence and fidelitie towardes their poore miserable Citizens in the furtheryng therof They do moreouer earnestly request the same thyng of the gouernesse nobles and bicause they would trye all maner of meanes whereby they might make manifest to all the world their true fidelitie towardes their kyng they sent also their letters and Embassadors to many of the princes of Germanie whom they iudged altogether not to abhorre from their religion most earnestly desiryng them that they would vouchsafe to entreate the kyng to be mercyfull to their innocencie if there were any place frée from the false accusations of their aduersaries and left vnto the kynges maiestie for equitie and mercy that they would with their humble suyte deliuer them from their heauy calamitie hangyng ouer their heades But when they perceiued that all these thynges dyd litle preuaile and that their aduersaries were more kyndled and cruell agaynst them interpretyng all thynges into the worst part as though by the great somme of money offred they had bostyngly auaunted their riches and power and that they went about to threaten the kynges maiestie myndyng to abuse the princes of Germany for to disturbe and withstand his will and pleasure and seyng also no place to be left for their purgation or humble supplication before their Magistrates that their eares their eyes thoughtes and cogitatiōs were made subiect to the accusations of theyr aduersaries they did at the length wyth most dolefull lamentation complayne vnto Brederodius other of the nobles the which by the commaundement of the Gouernesse had promised theyr fayth and fidelity to the perfourmance of the former contract that they were so iniustly and vnfaithfully dealt withal contrary to theyr publicke promise to theyr couenaunts graunted and performed by oth and they entreat them to performe that which they so faythfully promised by the commaundement of the Gouernesse and also the nobles Brederodius in the name of the other princes sending hys letters to the gouernesse desireth licence to speake with her but hauing the repulse he sent vnto her the complaintes of the people adding therewyth a byll of supplication of the nobles whereby they dyd complayne of so great and open iniurye and requested therewyth that they might performe theyr promise of defending the late agréement which they had so solemnly vowed vnto the people that no man be endamaged or hurt for hys religion or for the administration therof that the promised liberty of religion be graunted that the souldiours oures gathered contrary to theyr former promise and oth should be discharged and dismissed lastly that the common wealth should be gouerned according to equity and right and to the couenauntes whereunto they were sworne She in her aunswer maketh many doubtes and séeketh the fallacie of wordes saying that there was nothing graunted as concerning the administration of religion but only licence geuen for theyr preachinges and sermons but as for baptizing of children and the Lordes supper there was no mention made adding therfore that the people had first brokē theyr couenauntes Briefly she manifestly declareth that shee would no longer be bound vnto these couenaunts but for she perceaued her selfe to be of greater force that she would gouerne all things after her owne arbitriment and therwithall signified that Brederodius and the rest of the nobles which put vp that bill of supplication were the auctors of the sedition and therfore that she dyd accompt them as rebels and traytors to the kinges maiestie as enemies of the countrey and that the king would execute iust and condigne punishment vpon them as giltie of those haynous crimes and in the meane time she would vse her aucthoritie according as it should best please her These letters sent to Brederodius and the other confederate princes it can not be tolde how greatly they were astonished for they saw themselues most openly mocked and deceaued theyr fidelitie promised by oth to the people nothing estéemed themselues on the one part to be taken
of sense and reason whose vnderstandyng is so blynded that he beleueth that these good and well disposed persons doth séeke nothyng els but to kéepe the prouince of Belgie vnder the kynges authoritie to defend religion and mainteyne lawes seyng all their actions and doinges do openly pretend shew that they haue no other kyng no law or religion but their onely auarice and most beastly couetousnes they make a glorious pretence as though all the Belgians were Lutherans rebelles and traytors to the kyngs maiesty bycause forsooth they would not submit their neckes to the yocke of the Inquisition that is to say they would not willyngly and of their owne accord yeld vp them selues to the beastly lust and vniust tyranny of most pernicious persons But truly if they had their kyng for theyr enemy they would neuer haue so faythfully obserued their loyalty towardes him neyther would they so carefully haue retained all their cities townes and castels in hys fidelitie tuitiō neyther would they so faithfully haue geuē credite to the kyngs edictes the kynges name the kinges brode seale to the Gouernesse and in so doyng should neuer haue runne into so many so great calamities by their so light credulity neither should the Duke of Alba once haue set foote into these countryes for they had infinite occasions and oportunities offered them of dissanulling the kinges authoritie of alienating hys cities of striking league with other nations adioyning vnto them and of kéeping backe the Alban duke from the borders of theyr prouince And yet for all thys dare not the aduersaries affirme vnlesse they be most impudent that thys was once mentioned amongst them or spoken of But let it be so that they were rebels is it lawfull therfore for the King to violate hys faithfull promise to peruert the lawes both of God and man and to pollute all thinges both holy and prophane wyth thys vnaccustomed tyranny We read that in the time of our auncitors many of the cities of Flaunders dyd rebell agaynst Maximilian the most mighty king of the Romanes and the citizens dyd not onely openly refuse hys gouernement and deteyned wyth them for the space of eight yeares his sonne Philippe against his will but also did most cōtumeliously throw Maximilian himselfe into prison but afterwardes beyng ouercome by the helpe of Frederike the Emperour and other the princes of Germany they yelded thēselues agayne to hys authoritie then thys good prince Maximilian in thys so odious rebellion and hauing bene so iniuriously handled was so farre from doing any thing lyke vnto the Albane Duke that he not onely with great gentlenes receaued hys subiects agayne into his graces fauor but also with great clemency worthy of so great a prince restored vnto them agayne all theyr priuiledges and auncient immunities By the which hys vncredible lenitye he made the hole prouince most obedient in all pointes to hym and hys posteritie for euer But these men neuer remitted any tribute any subsedy or burden layd vppon the kinges most faythfull subiectes whose loyaltie towardes the King coulde neuer wyth any crime be attayned beyng alwayes obedient to the kinges commaundement who had offered vp by humble supplication all theyr riches and substaunce vnto the kings good will and pleasure desiring to haue nothing frée from the Kinges commaundement but onely a cleare conscience in religion the which they ought to kéepe vnpolluted vnto God alone And they humbly desired to redéeme the libertie of religion with an extraordinary and farre more gréeuous tribute then the Christians redéeme theyr religion of the Turke or the Iewes obtayne theyrs of the pope Yet notwithstanding these men I say spoyling those faythfull subiectes of all theyr riches forbid them the vse of fyre and water ayre land as if they were the most deadly enemies of all mankinde yet haue they God knoweth committed no offence but only geuen to light credite to the kings edicts which in manner were established as firme lawes neuer to be reuoked and so they simply beleuing the kinges letters and name kept diligently their sermons in the which there was nothing preached but the pure woorde of God and they dayly admonished to shew theyr obedience to the prince and his magistrates Yet these tyrantes doth with most horrible cruelty oppresse the hole prouince without respect either of the innocent or offenders and wyth most insatiable auarice spoyling them torment them wyth most barbarous tyranny Can any man now doubt what it is that these men haue hertofore laboured to bring to passe or whereunto they haue bended theyr mindes set theyr eyes and applyed theyr most reuening handes Or is there any man so blind that can not sée what hath bene the cause originall of these foresayd tumultes in Belgye or so blockish that he can not perceiue that these honest men I meane the good maisters and byshops of the spanish inquisition haue from the beginning onely gone about to alienate the kinges minde from hys subiectes and by euery small or none occasion to accuse them of rebellion that as they haue most furiously executed theyr tyranny in the kingdome of Naples Cycell and the countrey of Millen in new India and in the chiefest partes of Spayne so they might by some maner of meanes furiouslye rage in the lowe Germany and by litle and litle when occasion shall bee offered in highe Germany and that vnder the colour of defending the Popes religion they might oppresse the hole libertie of the citizens in Belgie take away theyr magistrates authoritie and violate the hole power of theyr lawes bring the kinges maiestie subiect to theyr authoritye and that they themselues might without law or order at their pleasure cōmaund what they wyll take what they lyste kyll whatsoeuer should offend them empty the rich mens coffers and make themselues lordes and gouernors of all thinges But if any man shall thinke that these thynges because they be present not yet throughly finished can not easily be iudged vpon let hym coniecture and take iudgement of thynges alredy past In the which we appeale vnto your maiesties most mighty Emperour and ye renowmed princes of Germany call to remembraunce what they haue heretofore done in Germany what with what fetches and counselles they haue wrought you shall perceaue truly theyr old artes you shall know these old Spaniardes you shall know these old Inquisitors for euē these be they which with their greuous cauils and sclaunders with the terror of the Popes name haue oppressed the most famous princes of Germany before Charles the v. which kyndled a most dolefull firebrand of ciuill dissention in the very bowels of hygh Germany and vnder the cloake of rebellion dyd set the Protestant Princes together by the eares beyng altogether ignoraunt of their trechery the which haue defiled all things in Germany with their wicked flagitious actes the whiche haue gone about to ouerthrow the liberties of Germany and lawes of the Empire and
the remnantes of the wicked Mahumetane and Iewish sectes The charge hereof was committed to the Freres of Dominikes sect whoe had wholly possessed the Kynges and Quenes hart eares with a great estimation of holinesse and wisedome and therewith was also geuen them full authoritie in all thynges that might seme requisite to so great a mater They supposing them selues to haue so obteined a most commodious occasion to aduance their owne power and dignitie persuaded the Kyng and Quene that for atcheuyng therof a most extreme and vnmouable seneritie was necessarie And as though the dealing with religion perteined not to the ciuile magistrate but properly belonged to Friers whoe as it were by a peculiar name called them selues religious men and to prestes they sayd it was necessarie that a new court of Inquisitors should be erected to whom not only the hearyng and determinyng of such maters but also the whole iugement of all religion whatsoeuer it were shold with full power be committed The well meanyng Princes which onely directed their intention by any way howsoeuer it were to auance the Christian fayth lightly gaue credit to those whom they thought to excell other men in purenesse of life and holynesse and therewith committed to those them selues that were the inuenters therof the whole power of the Inquisitors office to vse accordyng to their owne discretion Thereto was added the confirmacion of pope Sixtus the fowerth then byshop of Rome For he labored with all his endeuour and earnest affection not onely to stablish but also to aduance and magnifie the fower orders of Freres then lately sprong vp To which his purpose he saw the zele of the Kyng and Quene of Spayne to be a very fitt meane Wherfore by his authoritie which then was at the greatest that euer it was sins the world began and by his Bull he confirmed and ratified this new iudiciall throne and new kyngdome of Inquisitors So this power vpholden both by the Royall and papall authoritie in short tyme maruellously encreased And sithe there is no man whom the right order of religion concerneth not by this pretense they easily got to them selues the iurisdiction and iugement ouer all men of all estates and degrées And by this meane within short while after they began to be Lordes ouer all mens goodes possessions lyues and consciences till of vnmeasurable power arose in them pride and couetousnesse and consequently therof grew the hatred of all men agaynst them so as now woman thought them any longer tolerable Therefore by the counsell and meanes of certaine bishops and other of the clergie that were in great estimation and credit in Spayne which repined to be subiect to the dominion of the Freres it was procured that by the kynges authoritie the power of Inquisition was taken from the Dominicanes and geuen to the clergie and it was ordered that out of the byshops and other prestes shold be chosen the maisters of the Inquisition which shold in dede vse the trauaile and aduise of the Dominicanes but yet shold still reserue to them selues the soueraigne power of the Inquisitors office These either for that they had some feruent zele of religion or for that they cunnyngly cloked their ambitious pride partly with wonderfull opinion of holinesse partly by the fauor and power of Princes and men of great authoritie to whom they were ioyned in frendshyp kinne or alliance partly also by corrupt and secret deuises in short tyme auaunced this their new raised empire to so great a heigth that now they not onely vsed dominion at their pleasure ouer the commonaltie but also brought into subiection to the holy Inquisition all the liberty of all the people estates of the realme they brake priuileges and immunities they abated the dignitie of the Nobilitie whom they call The grand counsell with out whoe 's authoritie in time past nothing was decréed in Spayne finally vnder pretense of religion and seruice of God they vsurped to them selues soueraigne power ouer the kyng hym selfe and ouer the maiestie of the royall scepter all noble men and persones of any credit whom they thought in any wise able to hynder their enterprises they caused to be accused of heresie and cruelly killed them or defaced them with most reprochefull note of open shame such as shold remaine vpon al their posteritie and so made them infamous and of odious memorie for euer These deuises though to many men they semed strange and intolerable yet both bicause they were principally prouided agaynst the most hatefull enemies of Spayne and of Christian religion namely the Mores Mahumetanes and Iewes and also for that they bleared most mens eyes with the pretense of Gods seruice and opinion of holinesse and finally for that they not a litle auailed to the enrichyng of the kynges treasurie now greatly wasted with many warres to whoe 's vse the one moitie of the goodes of all persones condemned was employed they were daily more and more stablished by the earnest fauors authoritie and power of the most part of the mightiest persones and specially of the Kyng and Quéene them selues vntill the Arragonoyes whoe are the principall prouince of Spayne both in right of auncient libertie in nobilitie and largenesse of dominion openly resisted They when they nothyng preuailed with kyng Ferdinand by humble and lowly petition attempted by force and armes to kepe out this pestilence from their contrey for that they plainely saw that their libertie which they had receiued most large and incredible from their auncesters and hetherto kept inuiolate shold by this meane be destroyed and that themselues and all theirs shold be made subiect to the most dishonorable tyrannie of the clergie But they preuailed not For after many trobles much destruction and bloodshed they were compelled mawgre their willes and perforce as the residue of Spayne dyd to yeld their neckes to stoope vnder this yoke of Inquisition so that the same prouince than which in tyme past there was none of more fréedome is now in such case as at this day there is none to be found in more seruitude subiection By terror of which example and by great opinion of holinesse which the Inquisitors had gotten by the good successe in this case it came to passe that they subdued all Spayne vnto them without any further resistance But as the gredy desires of men are naturally vnmeasurable and vnsatiable this lust of dominion could not long be conteined within the boundes of Spayne though they be full large but still forsoth with the same plausible pretense of stablishyng religion they bent their mynde to enlarge their empire and promised them selues the rule of the whole world For there is scarcely any contrey which in short space folowyng they attempted not to make subiect to them euen by the same suttle meanes wherby they had daunted Spaine For they compelled both the chefe part of Italie and many islandes both of the Middland and Oceane seas and England it selfe though
patentes to all princes and magistrates of euery Citie by the whiche the rigouresnes of the former Edictes was not onelie openlie confirmed but also by the graunt of many thyngs contrary to the right and priuileges of their auncient liberties verie much encreased With these letters the Inquisitors beyng armed after the kynges departure spoyled the poore people beyng cleane beggered before of the remnaunt of their riches they depriued cities and townes of their priuileges they most cruelly murdered the chefe of the Citizens hauyng first spoyled them of theyr goodes destroying some with the burden of rheynes long emprisonment some by most cruell tormentes some by the gallowes some by sword some by fire burying some quicke and drownyng other yee that before their cause was pleaded and many tymes at midnight contrary to the accustomed maner of executing iustice And that nothyng should be wantyng vnto them wherby they might bring in this their holy Inquisition too the vtter abandonyng and subuertyng the liberties and priuileges of the whole prouinces commit the chefe auctoritie to straungers yea to those onelie whiche were Priestes and church men contrary to all the orders and decrées of the former princes and contrary to the kings couenaunt confirmed by othe whereby they might chalenge vnto them selues not onelie full power iurisdiction of all matters but also the soueraigne auctoritie ouer all mens goods riches wiues children yea ouer their lyues also might captiuate and make subiect vnto them selues the full power of all magistrates and set the same foorth to open sale at their pleasure they begyn with a new pollicie the old web of their Inquisition which they had compassed in their mindes but not as yet throughlie finished For when all the kynges nobles and counsellours were departed from him they perswaded him that it was necessarie for the maintenaunce of the catholike religion to appoinct new byshops which should be the Inquisitors of fayth The charge hereof was committed to Somnus a deuine of Louine he goyng to Rome with great diligence brought his matter to passe in short space as he desired he deuided the prouinces as he was commaunded by Granduellanus in the which he left not the power iurisdictiō of the princes of the empire vntouched so farre was he from lettyng the other byshops nobles to escape he made certein men byshops whiche had spent their whole studie and trauayle all their lyfe tyme in the administration of ciuill affaires whereof some of them for their wit and learnyng were accompted as fooles and others for their vnchast lyfe and odious crimes were famous with most notable infamie He assigned vnto Granduellanus the Archbyshopricke of Meclenia with the Abbacie of Afflegamensia the richest most wealthyest of all Belgie that is to say he gaue him the soueraigne auctoritie of all thyngs he appoincted to Viglius the Byshopricke of Gandauia but to hym selfe he reserued the byshopricke of Buscoducia and adioyned therunto many of the most wealthyest Abbayes the which were euident signes and tokens of the emynent calamities publike bondage he imparted to the rest as their office and chardge required but to euery one he obteined licence to appoint new prebendes in his cathedral Church they which should be bounde alwayes to serue and helpe the bishop in hys Inquisition throughout his Diocese wherof two of them were alwayes Inquisitors by office the rest should seaze vppon the goodes confiscate and serue for proctures to accuse the giltie and euery magistrate was bounde to aide euery one of these with his full power and force It was lawfull for straungers to attayne to these byshoprickes vnder whiche pretence the whole prouince might easelie and in short tyme be made subiect to the Spanyardes inuenters and maisters of this Inquisition And thus this straunger and vp starte Granduellanus borne of a base degrée and most obscure parentage with that slauishe secte of the Spanishe Inquisitors doth contrary to the whole libertie of the people contrary to the lawes of the Citie contrary to the priuileges of the prouince graunted confirmed by the kynges othe contrary to all former promises contrary to all rightes and customes of our progenitors contrarie to the makyng of lawes the foundations of olde Abbayes the iurisdiction of byshoprickes the priuileges and immunities of townes by force thrust vpon the prouinces of Belgie this newe creation of byshops He goeth about partlie with flatteryng promises partlie with fearefull threatnynges to induce many cities magistrates to applie them selues to his censure and iudgement and to some Cities he causeth byshops to be giuen them will they nill they The rest of the Cities a greate many in number do openly resist and thinke that the innouation of all these thynges so manifest contrary to the lawes of all antiquities to their old accustomed priuileges is not to be suffered Likewise many Abbayes but especiallie in Brabant because their Abbates beyng dead none was appointed to succede do resiste and greuously complaine to the rest of the byshops and estates of Brabant of so great and so manifest iniury But when they saw their doynges to be in vayne because Granduellanus did with great force withstand them they takyng vnto them the rest of the estates put vp a Supplication vnto theyr gouernesse for the abrogatyng of thys disordered order of byshops She denyeth her auctoritie to reach so far and referreth the matter to the kyng Therfore by by they send their Embassadours to the kyng into Spayne which with humble petition shuld require that his maiestie would not suffer their state and condition to be altered contrary to their old accustomed priuileges and to the lawes of their progenitors But with open denyall they haue the repulse Not long after doe the estates of Brabant vrge the gouernesse agayne and craue that their cause might be heard and iudgement giuen with equitie but there suite was all in vayne for she aunswered that it dyd nothyng belong vnto her The Magistrate of Antwarpe with many bils diuerse peticions dyd go about to stay this innouation of things He openly refuseth the byshops and besides that sendeth Embassadours into Spayne to the kyng They after much ado and long sollicityng of the matter obteined at the length licence to be exempted from the bondage of the new Byshops In the meane tyme Granduellanus neuer ceased by most subtill and craftye meanes and that openlye to atchieue and wynne vnto hym selfe the full power of gouernyng the common wealth couertly to remoue from all authoritie the gouernesse of Parmenia as one not expert inough in the Belgians affaires to ordeine and appointe Magistrates in euery Citie at his pleasure to breake of and disturbe the great Senate not long before appointed by the kyng and was called the noble counsell beyng the solemne assembly of the princes gouernors of the whole prouince whiche he
innumerable company And so cause them to be suspected and accused of heresie they dyd sée also that no man could escape or a voyde the tyranny of the Edictes bicause by them not onely they which were found gilty but all their neighbours frendes kinsmen acquaintaunce were lykewise punished by most horrible death vnlesse they of them selues would betray their most deare and familiar frendes To conclude they did lykewise sée that if they should cease leaue of from their purpose all hope of forgeuenes to be taken away and that for their great benefites and good will they should be rewarded not onely with great infamous ignominie with bondage and troubles of conscience but also with most extreme and cruell death The whiche truly the barbarous crueltie of the Spanishe Inquisition could neuer abyde for they thus thought and perswaded them selues that if they when for want of fauor auctoritie they could scarce execute theyr office of Inquisition dyd not omitte any kynde of crueltie would now become intollerable frée men seyng as that they haue for their defence and safegard the manifest and vnmoueable will of the kyng the auctoritie of the publike Edites the helpe industrie of counsellers a great increase of new bishops the glorious title of the councell of Trident the power of Magistrates the violence and force of Sergeauntes and souldiers redy to defend them in the executyng of their tyranny and therfore euery man was in most desperate feare Neither did any perswade him selfe except he were of the number of those Catchepoles and théeues to auoyde or put from his goodes and substaunce his wife and children yea from his owne head so great calamitie If there were any who for the great fauour they were in or for their great power and auctoritie might in this point haue persuaded them selues securitie as there were very few yet bicause they dyd playnly foresée that this tyranny continued would cause some tumultes or open rebellion they feared no lesse then the rest dyd the spoyle of their goodes and possessions with losse of their lyues In this great astonishment of all men heauines of the whole prouince Many of the chiefest and wealthyest marchauntes who perswaded them selues that their matter was in handlyng and that the wicked dyd séeke for their throtes or rather by their throtes their golden coffers bagges and iewels preparyng to flye It came to passe that many of the nobilitie beyng moued with the publike daunger and their owne perill both bicause the continuall complaintes and murmurynges of the people were dayly brought vnto them and bicause their houses and gorgeous pallaces beyng in the fieldes were subiect to the praye and spoyle of euery seditious tumulte thought it necessary with one consent to goe vnto the gouernesse and to make playne and open vnto her the miserable destruction and calamities which are incident and lyke to ensue to the kyng hym self to his louyng subiectes to his Cities and to his whole prouince if this his Edict should haue his full force and power therfore when they had made a league or agréement amongest them selues as concerning this matter and had promised that euery one of them kepyng their fayth and loyaltie to their kyng vnuiolated should séeke to the vttermost of their power the subuersion and ouerthrowe of this Inquisition and to cause the seueritie of the Edictes to be mitigated came together at Bruxels the v. of Aprill very neare thrée hundreth nobles Brederodes beyng their captaine They put vp vnto the gouernesse a bill of supplication in the which they required no libertie for them selues or the people no alteration of Religion neither did they by their auctoritie take vpon them to prescribe any thyng to the kinges Maiestie but briefly rehearsing the daungerous perils miserable calamities which dyd then hang ouer their heades they most humbly desired that the office of the Inquisitors so manifestly agaynst the kynges honour and the safety of the countrey might be taken away abrogated And that it would please the kyng and his counsell to deuise some other Edict for the mainteynaunce of Religion to the which al the inhabiters of Belgie of what state or condition so euer they were of should be bound to obey and that the execution of the Edictes might be so long stayed til such time as that the nobles and estates of the countrey after the maner of their auncetours accordyng to the custome of all well ruled cōmon wealthes might come together to the establishyng of them by the kynges auctoritie Moreouer they protested that if by the contempt and neglectyng of this theyr request the common weale hereafter should fall into any daunger they them selues were by any right not to be accused for it seyng they had satisfied their duety in forwarnyng the same this humble sute of the nobilitie was accompted iust and godly not onely of the rest of nobles but also of the gouernesse her selfe of all the Senate of the whole concourse of people so that by their common consent and open suffragies the Gouernesse agréed and promised to the vttermost of her power to get their request satisfied and that she would send her Embassadours to the kyng who should declare the whole matter vnto him and bring to passe if it were possible that their request should be graunted and there withall they appointed the Baron of Montygay and Marques Bergye to performe that legasie and in the meane tyme she promised that their should be a vacation and respite from the execution of the cruell Edictes and from the blouddy butchery of the Inquisition which she would faythfully performe commaundyng the same by her auctoritie set forth by writyng This chaunged all theyr sorow and heauy chere into an inspeakeable gladnes made them all to hope well In so much that not onely they which had determined to flye before dyd not onely chaunge their mindes but they which were gone all redy tooke counsell how to come home agayne These matters sore troubled the Cardinals substitutes the maisters of the Spaynish inquisition and the whole company of the byshops and catchpoles which had in their mindes already deuoured and swalowed vp the goodes and bloud of the noblest and richest men in the countrey And therfore they tryed all manner of wayes how they might recouer so rich a spoyle and so fat a pray which was by thys meanes by force pluckt out from betwéene their gréedy iawes they accused with most slaunderous cauilles the force of the noble men they go about to proue that it should be taken for a manifest signe of a rebellion towarde they affirme that the noble men séeke onely to rayse a tumult that thereby they might rushe in by force vppon other mens goodes that they might pay theyr debtes with other mens riches so craftely attayned yea that they did séeke the death of all priestes and sacrificers and the subuersion of churches and the ouerthrow of cities They fayned
much more the whych they so cunningly perswaded the Gouernesse that she leauing Bruxill the most auncient demeane and mansion of the Duke of Brabant neuer determined to flye to any defected city the which truely she would haue done if being perswaded by the noble men which they well knew the state of the countrey she had not comforted her selfe pluckt vp her courage But when they sée theyr manifold and shamefull slaunders disproued by the déed it selfe and by the modest behauiour of the noble men to take no place they merueylously dyd cry out and inuey before the Gouernesse agaynst the solemne and great assembly of the nobles against theyr league and society which they had made and when they did sée that al this could litle preuayle agaynst them they beat most vpon thys one poynt and they made thys the chiefe cause of theyr accusation that they dyd manifestly shew them selues seditious rebels when they required a frée lawfull assembly of noble men or graund parlament to be sommoned affirming that nothing doth more diminish the power and authoritie of a prince then the solemne metyng of the estates wherewith most mighty kinges and princes haue bene compelled to yelde to theyr order And truely all men do know that Granuellanus and Viglius were wont oftentimes to say that the king aboue all thynges had néede to take héed least the estates of the prouince be lycensed to make assemblies and general metinges according to the accustomed maner of their Auncytors the which kinde of gouernment Charles the fifte dyd dyligently obserue contrary to the custome of the former princes and dukes whereby he determined all thinges according to hys will and pleasure and therfore he cleane put down the generall méetinges and lawfull assemblies of all the estates holden at their graūd counsels and appoynted all thynges to be done and determined after hys and theyr arbitriment whome he would vouchsafe to take vnto hym They sayd the king should take the same order if he would haue hys dignity maytayned safely wythout appayring and that he shoulde hate nothing so much as the very mention of those frée assemblyes But when they perceyued them selues to profite nothing by thys meanes because all of them wyth one voyce did desire to haue a parliament and euery man vnlesse he were wythout sence or reason did easely perceaue the royall dignity could be mayntayned by nothyng so well as by these general and frée assemblies and they all knew that their care was for themselues and for theyr riches and not for the defence of the kinges honor for at the time of the parliament they should render vp theyr accomptes of the common treasurye what they had receyued and spent since the time they haue bene in theyr office and then were the actions of extortions and of the robberies of the common treasurye to be pleaded they thought it therefore best couertly by guile and crafty meanes to worke some sleight whereby they might vndermine the godly endeuour of the nobles and chief citizens whatsoeuer and cleare kéepe backe the appoyntment of these solemne counsels therfore subtelly they perswaded the Gouernesse that she shoulde call the estates of euery prouince seuerally and that she should suffer none to be of the counsell but such as she should chuse and call therunto And therfore as they gaue her counsell she caused most hasty and troublesome assemblies to be made of euery prouince seuerally by thēselues vnto the whych were sommoned to appeare onely they whych were chosen but they whom to haue bene there it had bene most requisite and they which by auncient right and of a long continuance were wont to be present were now cleane omitted Many were cōmaunded openly to depart and many to kéepe silence the time of deliberating the matter and taking counsell with theyr frends and wyth the rest of the estates of the prouince and gouernors of the people as the most auncient and certayne custome of such assemblyes hath euer before graūted is now from all of them indifferently taken away Moreouer the chiefest prouinces of all Belgie whose cause especially was then in handlyng as Brabantia Hollandia Phrisia Geldria Zelandia and the countreys of Lymburgye beyng made vnlawfull for any of them to come thether and thus the maner of mitigatyng these Edictes was referred to a very small company Wherof it is manifest that the most part were suborned and hyred for that purpose whose determination in outward shew semed to be much gētler but in the right meanyng and true vnderstandyng of it was crueller a great deale then the former Edictes In this one pointe it séemed to be more mercyfull bicause in stede of burnyng of them it appointed them to be trust vp vpon a gibbet or gallowes tormented with a racke chaynes And for the Inquisition substituted a visitatiō it did not confiscat the goodes of these whiche were fled but it so fetcht thē so circumuented them that a very foole might easely perceiue they sought nothing els but a more priuy entraunce to their old prescriptions and accustomed crueltie especially seyng the gouernesse did manifestly write vnto the gouernours and chief Iustices of euery prouince that as concernyng the kynges Edictes for religion they should well vnderstand that they ought nothyng to remitte or mitigate the seueritie of them no not although she her selfe should commaunde to the contrary And seyng the fury and madnes of the Inquisitors did no lesse outragiouslye robbe and spoyle then they were wont to doe and that without punishment or prohibition seyng as that the Monkes and preachyng Friers dyd not onely with most bytyng tauntes and spitefull reproches defame the chief and noble estates anymatyng harnising the rude people agaynst those Princes which put vp the bill of supplication also out of their pulpites did by name openly accuse them of disobedience disloyaltie and seditious treason and threaten them that the kyng would vtterly destroy them and put them to death And to conclude seing euery man dyd by most euident tokens perceiue and seyng they had it proued by many mens letters and talke that they sought nothyng els but by some meanes to delude and deceiue the people that from them gettyng ayde they might execute their tyranny not onely vppon the comminaltie but euen also vppon the chiefest of the Princes whosoeuer as if they were their deadly enemies At the lēgth notwithstandyng when they had determined what should be done they offer vp to the estates of Brabant the maner of their gouernement but in all the hast not lookyng for any aunswere they caused it to be published But whilest those thynges were a doyng the professors of the Gospell which had hetherto kept them selues in their priuate houses vpō hope that at length their muse beyng heard and the slaunderous cauilles wherewith they were defamed fully aunswered they should haue libertie for their religion which they were ready to defend with the worde of God in as
for rebellious traytors to the kinges maiestie and on the other side for periured persons which with their vaine promises had brought the people into a fooles paradise and made them subiect to the slaughter and butcherly fury of theyr aduersaries theyr confirmed couenauntes the kinges name seale and letters patentes to be of no force their former agréement by the which as by a bayte they were drawne into the net to be most manifestly deluded and that they were so far from hauing licence to cleare and purge them selues that they might not be suffred once to entreat or to make supplication for mercy and that they were openly taken for enemies enuironed about with souldiers so that there was no place for them lefte whereby they might escape by flying They being thus at their wittes ende not knowing which way to take were compelled at the length in all hast to muster theyr souldiers not that they ment to attempt any thing as enemies but that they might so long defend thēselues from the violence iniuries of theyr aduersaries vntill that they might either get equity for their cause or oportunitie to flie For if they would otherwise haue inuaded the kinges Cities there is no man so great a straunger or ignoraunt of the matters done in Belgie which doth not know that many cities sending theyr Embassadors did require theyr ayde and desired that it might be lawfull onely by the graunt and authority of Brederodius which was the captayne of the confederate princes to defend themselues by force of armes against the insolency and violence of theyr aduersaries The Valencenentians required to haue one of the nobilitie for theyr captayne Many other cities also being the chiefe amongest all the rest both for theyr power and authoritie and also for the number of theyr Citizens made the same request and many other also if they had so desired would haue submitted themselues to theyr auctority And yet notwithstanding they graunted not to any of them so much as by theyr woorde to yéeld to that they required except vnto the Buscoducentians there was one graunted the which should defende the Citie in the kinges name and of the confederate princes agaynst the insolency of the forreyne souldiers and should make the nobilitie a way if it fortuned to be shut vp all the rest wer refused not because it was a hard matter for them to kéepe those cities beyng already furnished with munition of warre especially if the prince of Aurice whome now the aduersaries do most shamefully be lye calling him the auctor of the whole sedition would but once but haue imagined so great an enterprise contrary to the wyll of the King and Gouernesse séeing that at hys féete almost the whole prouince did cast themselues downe with teares beséeching him to ayd thē against these violent théeues and murderers most periured tyraunts and that they might commit themselues all theyres into his power and iurisdiction He also might with a becke easely haue retayned in hys power not onely Hollande Zelande and the countrey of Truceland all which places he had in hys gouernment beyng of themselues as all men knoweth of hability to conquer the whole prouince but also Antwarpe Machlym Bustoduse and many other of the chéefest cities But that most godly Prince would not desire any thyng that shoulde séeme to impeache the Kinges authoritie but he gaue such godly counsels to the Gouernesse and to the other Cities the which if they might haue taken place would haue somewhat brideled the furious rage and couetous tyranny of the Spanish substitutes would haue retayned the whole prouince quietly and peaceably in theyr loyaltie towarde the king but he could neuer be perswaded to take armour himselfe or to geue license to the citizens to do the same The other confederate princes as neare as they could did obey hys auctority and folow his modesty but that they were compelled many times by violence and necessitie to take armes not to inuade or set vpon any cities or to do any violence but onely to withstand the violence and to defend themselues from the insolency of theyr aduersaries and to make themselues a way to escape by force if néede should require And these thynges truly which we haue reported were onely done before the duke of Aluaye hys commyng the whiche truly we haue thought it necessary more largely to expresse that all men may know how vniustly our aduersaries do deale with vs Although at their lust and pleasure they haue gouerned all thynges and oppressed vs full xl yeares with most extreme tyranny and the which at length by their crafty and subtill deuises haue styrred vp such greuous tempestes that therby they not onely mancypated and made bonde our selues our wiues and children but haue brought also the most florishyng prouince of Belgie into most doulfull calamities and beastly seruitude They do not yet for all this ceasse to accuse vs euery where vnto all Princes and people of Europe of most horrible crimes and to lay the faulte and occasions of all their couetous and mischieuous doynges vppon our neckes complainyng belyke because we would not with open bodyes and stretched out throates submitte our selues to their glaues and swoordes They are gréeued that we are safely escaped their handes and that we haue lost onely our riches possessions to be deuoured of their gréedy auarice that we haue not committed our lyues our wiues and children our soules and consciences to theyr lust tyranny and impietie Otherwise what is there that they can most especially lay agaynst vs can they obiect vnto vs the confederate societie of the princes let therfore the writynges of the conspiracie be read they truly though we should holde our peace would declare that they attempted nothing did nothyng nor once thought vpon any other thyng but onely whereby they might shew forth their loyaltie fidelitie and due obedience to their kyng onely that they might by the power and authoritie of the kyng withstād and suppresse the crueltie auarice and outragious couetousnes of many of the wicked But if their letters sealed and confirmed with their owne handes seales be of no credite yet let the effect of their doings be beleued for whilest all thyngs were as yet in safetie what was it which they went about dyd they not by supplication desire the kyng to disanull the vnbridled power of the Inquisition to mitigate the cruelty of the Edictes and other Edictes for the orderyng of Religion to be established by the kynges authoritie and decrée of the estates But verely here is the chief poynte of our aduersaries accusatiōs bycause forsooth they beyng frée men nobles louers of their countrey and desirous of peace faythfully addicted to the kynges maiestie durst be so bold by humbled supplication to require that the Edictes whiche were contrary to all equitie much impeachyng the kynges dignitie and disturbyng the common wealth brought in by errour and by false perswasion should
be made voyde and that there might be some lawfull assembly of the estates or Parliament holden for the good gouernement of the cōmon wealth Heare we appeale to you you most mightye Emperour of the Romaines and to ye all the famous Princes of the Christian Religion and by that onely and immortall God and by his sonne Iesus Christ in whose name we pleade our cause we humbly desire you to geue iudgement in this poynte whether we in this poynte so greuously offended or rather whether they doe not accompt our iust and wholy obedience of duetie in stede of great impietie Truly when the kyng was authorised Duke of Brabant he by solemne othe and faithfull couenaunt promised that he would paciently suffer most willyngly heare all their complaintes requestes or demaundes what soeuer the which should be put vp of the Byshops Barones Nobles Cities or Townes subiect vnto him either seuerally by them selues or ioyntly of them altogether and as often as they would shewe forth their burdens or great oppressions that it should be lawfull for them to do it without any daunger or offence and without doubting that he would be angry therewith and that he would neuer suffer any to be troubled for so doyng the which if it should chaunce to happen he promised to punish seuerely all those which may be founde giltie of that offence and at length after many other thynges he concludeth that if he shall doe or suffer to be done any thyng cōtrary to this oth and promise he desired forthwith his subiectes to be frée from their othe loyaltie vntill such tyme that he shall fully make them satisfaction in that poynte and in all other matters accordyng to this his promise Iudge ye therfore ye most renoumed and puysaunt Princes whether the nobles by puttyng vp of this their supplication haue iustly deserued to haue the kyngs so great and heauy displeasure agaynst them and their poor Citizens and frendes Although who is so voyde of all sence and reason and so ignoraunt of the affaires of Princes which doth not know that it is most profitable for kynges princes that their subiectes should moue them by humble supplication to prouide for the weale publike and the some ready and fit way should be taken for the good appointement and safe preseruyng of the common tranquilitie Who also is ignoraunt that these frée solemne assemblyes be not vsed in all prouinces and amongest all people but also accompted as the onely stay and remedy of all mischiefes and publike calamities and that no man hath at any tyme heretofore gone about to hynder such solemne méetynges but they which would robbe and spoyle the poore people of the right of their liberties of all their auncient lawes customes fréedome of their priuileges and dyd desire to rule all alone accordyng to their lewde lust and appetite and by right or by wrong to execute tyranny vpon their poore subiectes soules bodyes This truly is most manifest that in Germany all the whole maiestie and honor of their Empire is mainteyned by the due orderyng of their solemne parliamentes Niether hath there any wise man doubted but that in all the other prouinces of all Europe all the safety of the people and the dignitie of the prince hath onely bene preserued by these general assemblyes But in especially in low Germany It is most manifest that the case so standeth for in it the princes haue in all ages from tyme to tyme bene subiect to the power of the generall Parliamentes haue bene elected by them confirmed of them without whose assent and authoritie they neuer would decrée any thing and it is manifestly prouided and established by the priuileges of Brabant and customes of Flaūders that they neuer haue authoritie to do it hereafter But seyng by their mutuall assent and contract they be in force of couenauntes agréed vppon and hereafter to be taken for their cōmon law of the countrey It is of vndoubted credite that the kyng cānot violate or breake them without the assent and cōsent of the other parties Admit it be so the nobles haue offēded in this one pointe let it be accompted as wickednesse vnto them by humble supplication to shew the way how the common destruction of theyr countrey might easely haue bene auoyded Wherin I pray you dyd the poore comminaltie offended or without crime haue they deserued such great and accustomed crueltie vnlesse you will say it was bycause they gaue credite to the publike Edictes published in the kynges name confirmed with his broad seale and dyd thinke they might safely without all fraude or deceit hauyng for their defence this licence graunted by publike promise hauyng recourse to the hearyng of the Gospell preached for wheras they do accuse the people of takyng armes agaynst their kyng of ouerthrowyng of the images of Churches of bryngyng a new Religion their accusation is most vayne and slaunderous For as concernyng their takyng of armore there was no man which dyd abuse them agaynst the kyng or his dignitie but truly before the publike promise and othe was neglected before the kynges Edictes wherby the libertie of religion was graūted where violated before the couenauntes agréed vpō and the leage of their common tranquilitie was broken there was no mā went armed except it were for defence of him selfe agaynst the impudent violence of théeues and murtherers the open threatnynges of most wicked persons and that also was when they went out of the Cities to the sermons some of them tooke a sword some a staffe some a speare very few caryng dagges euen as one takyng his iorney into a farre countrey armeth him selfe to withstand the inuasions of théeues cutthrotes But afterwardes when in this pointe they were commaūded to be secure and that the gouernesse had geuē in charge that should hurt or indammage them as long as they kept them selues quiet by and by they at the commaundement of their Magistrates layd aside their weapons most willyngly committyng thē selues into their to the lawes of God man and to all their tuition safegard But at length whē contrary to the promised made contrary both priuileges they perceiued them selues to be ouercome of the souldiours the which had obteyned full licence to destroy them although they had committed them selues to the publicke fayth and with robberyes murders wastings rapes adulteries all kynde of wickednes to rage agaynst them as if they were enemies and traytors then at the length many of them begā to defend them selues with gates and walles frō the violent fury of their aduersaries Last of all when they perceiued neither publike libertie nor their wiues chastitie nor their consciences tranquilitie nor their owne lyues safely defended from their violēce by their gates and walles Many we confesse tooke vpon them armore not agaynst the kynges maiestie or any Magistrates but rather that they might defend their libertie graunted them by the kyngs Edict from
euen these be they at this day whiche do vexe and trouble the inhabiters of low Germany with the very same cauils before the foresayd Charles his sonne kyng of Spayne they haue deceiued them with the same artes and subtilties and oppressed with the same enterprises these be the authors inuentors of so great vnfaythfulnes these also be giltie of their crueltie auarice these were the ministers and workers of all their mischieuous boldnes For to whō is Granduellanus the Cardinall of the Germaynes vnknowen or who knoweth not the Duke of Alba both the which haue emprisoned the most noble princes of Germany ouercommyng them partly by violence and partly by their fraude and deceyte and haue slaundered them with most reprochful contumelyes These be the firebrandes of the whole world with the which the greatest part of Europe will most dolefully be set a fire vnlesse your authoritie wisedome and power do with spéede foresée so great a mischief these men therfore are onely to be accompted as the authors of all the tempestuous broyles seditions tumultes miserable calamities which haue happened in Belgye But if there be any man that doth not as yet vnderstand let hym remember the saying of Cassianus to whom these thynges shall profite let hym diligently consider not onely to whom this publicke calamitie of Belgy is now profitable but also if there be any hope that these thyngs will be profitable to hym hereafter Seyng we could not but perceiue that this daunger was iminent either by losse of our religion or by woundyng of our consciēce or by the greuous anger of our kyng or by the dolefull destruction of our countrey whiche way soeuer it would haue happened For they haue long ago hunted after their triumphes theyr ruledome and Empyre by any these occasions So that they neuer haue ceased by theyr subtill deuises to cause the subiectes to hate theyr kyng the kyng likewise to hate his subiectes and with gréedy mouthes stretched out eares they haue takē the lest suspition of tumults and rebellion and haue filled the kynges eares and mynde wyth theyr false tales odiously amplifying their receiued newes the which though it be so manifestly to all men that it néede no longer proufe yet it is most manifestly confirmed by the kynges Embassadors which was sent into Fraūce for he in his letters sent to the gouernours writeth on this wise their will aryse vnto the king great frute and commoditie by the incommodious tumultes of Belgy because by this occasion the kyng will bryng them to full obedience and subiection and reduce the state into that forme and order of gouerment vnto the which hys auncetors could neuer atteyne the which to bryng to passe the kyng hath vehemently desired of longe tyme and therein hath alwayes hetherto spent hys whole study and endeuour and that there was no man fauouryng the kynges maiesty would counsell him to let passe so noble occasion of the performaūce of this his woorthy enterprise c. By the which wordes it is manifestly declared that the Spanishe Inquisitors whiche in the name of the kyng doe cloake and couer all their desires haue sought and gone about heretofore to get any occasion whereby they might inuade Belgy spoyle it of all his riches and goodes and rule all thynges as should best be thought to their lust and pleasure So that no man can longer doubt frō whence these haue had theyr begynnyng seyng it is manifest who they are that haue long ago desired to reape the frutes of these our troubles it is also manifest that the Cardinall hym selfe in a great assembly of many men when it was obiected vnto hym that it was to be feared lest if the people should be any more oppressed they would make some sedition was not ashamed to aunswere that the kyng had no cause to feare But rather to wish for the seditious tumultes of his subiectes for by them the kynges power and maiestie was much encreased and the priuileges of the Cities liberties of the people very much restrayned and diminished Otherwise what is it that they should seeke for by so many examples of such vnaccustomed auarice rare crueltie would they make the people subiect to the kynges authoritie euery wise man séeth that then they take not the iust and right way to obteyne they purpose For the subiectes hartes are wonne and reconciled to their prince by gentilnes humanitie and Iustice not by terror feare or tyranny and euery man knoweth that the prince of Egmonde and an infinite number of others which haue bene alwayes euer were most earnest fauourers of the kynges name and authoritie they which neuer spared the sweate of their browes or bloud of their bodyes for to kéepe the whole prouince safe in the kynges subiection and whom the king for this cause hath alwayes very much regarded were notwithstandyng destroyed of them for an old hatred conceyued thorough an old enuie of theyr noble actes so worthely atchiued in theyr warres But peraduenture they séeke by this meanes vtterly to roote out the religiō of the gospell which they though the most part of them be of no religion fayne them selues so vtterly to deteste abhorre Truly they meane nothyng lesse for then what cause had they with such infamy reproch cruelly to put to death the foresayd Prince of Egmonde the Earle Hornam and many others which were both ignoraunt of this Religion and haue bene alwayes aduersaryes of the same why do they still execute such tyranny vpon those which be altogether of the Popes religion but most noble Princes they desire nothyng lesse their onely fetch is to establishe their kyngdome in Belgy that they may rule therein all thynges accordyng to their lewde lust pleasure and contrary to all equitie and right as they haue done heretofore in Cicell and in the kyngdome of Naples that they beyng loden with the riche spoyles of so wealthy a prouince may returne home and send others in their steade they which should draw them dry of all their iuyce and bloud there is one onely way to attayne to this purpose and that is their holy Inquisition the which by good right is termed after the name of Inquisitiō for by this they doe dayly inquyre and make search in the chéestes bagges coffers of the riche men in the bewty and bosomes of the virgynes and matrones in the throtes bowels and bloud and lastly in the soules consciences of all men by this they make them selues Lordes and Monarches of all thynges they make all the princes and the kyng him selfe subiect and obedient vnot them they haue vsed this meanes first in Spayne in the which by this arte of Inquisition they haue disanulled all priuileges and libertyes the which where before very great in Spayne they haue made subiect vnto them selues all the authoritie of lawes and the maiestie of the regall scepter they haue left onely a bare name and
betwene vs by name toung and continuall societie and that we let passe all ambiguyties Remember most mighty Cesar that Charles the fifth your fathers brother was lately chosē out of the middes of Flaūders to the gouernement of the Empire as though he had bene by nation a Germane and that Maximilian also your great graundfather did ioyne in alyaunce by mariage all the countrey of Belgy to the most noble and auncient house of Austrice And that Charles the Emperour not long before caused that whole prouince to bee accompted as one of the estates and limites of the Empire in the Parlament holden at Auguste all the estates and princes of Germany assentyng thereunto and that they might be in the sauegarde and defence of the Empire agaynst all violence and iniuries And that they by name haue bene sent as Embassadors to all the assemblyes of the Empire from the prouince of Belgye and that they haue payde tribute required of them for the repeilyng of the great Turke and that it is vntill this day controuersie whether the Duke of Brabant or the Byshop of Magdeburge should sit in hygher roomes at the assemblyes so that without all doubte the prouince of lowe Germany should not be accompted as Athenes from the Empire Do not you therfore contēne most mighty Emperour and ye noble Princes of Germany the humble suyte of vs your frendes requestyng your trust and ayde agaynst the outragious cruelty of those most proude and abhominable men We do not deny to be obedient to our kyng to obey hys commaundementes paye our tributes taskes and subsidies whatsoeuer to shewe our fayth and loyaltie towardes hym in all poyntes But in we most humble wise do desire that we may haue our conscience and Religion left vs fréely lest in that last iudgement we be found giltie of violatyng the fayth of Iesus Christ with an vngodly conscience and that we may by the good licence of the kyng defend and kepe the health of our soules And we by the Immortall God and by his onely sonne Iesus Christ whose name we professe in our publike religion pray beséech your Maiesties highnesses that we may defend our selues our wiues childrē riches but aboue all our conscience frō the pride of the Inquisitors frō the auarice of the new bishops frō the outragious lust of the most mischeuous ministers of the inquisition and rascall souldiers And if the frendly name of the Gorgnames can nothing moue you yet let that most straight bond wherwith we ar knit together in Iesus Christ whose members we boast our selues to be moue you let the duety you owe to all mankinde moue you let the doubtfull incertayne condition of mans estate moue you let crooked old men now wrapt in sorow moue you let miserable wydowes vnfortunate orphanes mournyng virgines let so greate and so huge a company of miserable men moue you who altogether driuen out of their houses throwne from their possessions depriued of the commodities of theyr countrey spoyled of al estimation violently plucked from the bosomes of their iust carefull parentes louing wiues and tender childrē wandring and scattred abroad in straunge countries not knowing what shal become of them do séeke wast resting places small cheare and libertie of theyr conscience But if no occasion shall be offered you to restore vs vnto our countrey agayne yet geue no eare to our aduersaries accusations nor place to theyr vnsatiable crueltie We know for a certainty that they will neuer cease to vrge you to depriue vs of all the humanitie and gentlenes wherewith you entertayned and cherished vs in your countries so that there be neyther ayre left to the liuing nor earth to the dead nor refuge to poore exiles But we pray you most noble Princes to regarde more the commaundement of God who commaundeth you to receyue straungers and poore banished men not onely wythin your gates or walles but euen in your houses and to cherish them wyth all humanitie then the commaundementes of a few spanish priestes which with the duke of Alba contend and labour to haue vs the throwne out of your Empyre Suffer not the feare and terror of the spanish name to be of more force wyth you then the name and frendship of the Germane For what should we speake of the agréement of our religion the which truely shoulde moue you not to suffer vs which be ioyned wyth you in the body of Christ in one profession of fayth in one baptisme to be by the lust of a few which haue no religion but theyr gréedy auarice banished lyke straungers and enemies lest that Christ the King of all kinges in that last day of iudgement take that done vnto hymself which is cruelly exercised agaynst vs being by hys frée grace and mercy vnited to his body and made his members for though they do pretende the difference of our religion there is no cause most noble princes why you should be moued For we which do with you acknowledge one God the Father of our Lord Iesus Christ true God and very man one holy Ghost and we which do rest our selues in the onely satisfaction of Iesus Christ and for hys sake are banish●● 〈◊〉 ●ar countrey spoyled of our goodes a●● appoynted as shéepe vnto the slaughter which acknowledge one church one woorde of God for the foundation of our health and lastly with you do looke for one resurrection from the dead and lyfe euerlasting geuen by the frée grace and mercy of God do not you thinke that we professe any other religion then that which you do But if we shall by the exposition of some woordes séeme to differ remember that the Apostles themselues and theyr disciples did neuer so fully agree but there was in some thinges a litle dissention Remenber that euen the auncient fathers of the primitiue church haue not onely left in theyr writinges errors but also in many places open contrarieties the which truely by the déepe prouidence and wisedome of God is not without great profite appoynted that we knowing the infirmitie of our owne wit may learne to forsake the iudgement of man and cleaue onely to the authority of the woord of God and not to peefer the auctority of man and our owne iudgment before the auctority of the word of God but to beare one an others burdens and with christian charity to couer and wisely to beare one an others errors and infirmities And yet notwithstandyng what discorde of Religion can there be amonst vs which do not onely embrace the onely word of God but also out of that worde take the forme of our fayth and all thinges which we vse in our religion For we truely do wyth most ioyfull hartes receaue and embrace the confession which our Auncytors deliuered vp to Charles the Emperour at Augusta And if we may geue our iudgement in any thing we subscribe in all pointes to the doctrine of those Diuines by whose labour that forme of theyr fayth was drawne
the rashnes of théeues and wicked souldiours neither was this done of all men but of a very few the whiche when they perceiued no there hope to escape but onely exile and seing the same also by the wickednes of their aduersaries to be shut vp from them they thought it best by force of armes to make them selues some way to escape by the which truly if they had not done and also if that the terror of Brerodius souldiours had not made theyr aduersaryes a litle doubtfull doubtlesse not one of them from so great a slaughter had escaped safe from the gredy iawes of their aduersaries They can neuer proue that any other or that these for any other cause dyd take vpō them armore before the commyng of the Duke of Alba although they had many and sundry oportunities and occasiōs offred them both to possesse many much and well fenced Cities and also to inuade and spoyle the kynges treasure and Excheker But they would commit nothyng wherof they might not with a safe conscience make rehearsall before God and all good men But if any in solent persons either haue gone about or done any other thyng or for some other purpose seyng their doinges were neither commaunded nor alowed by those whiche were the chief of the congregation let not so great a multitude of innocēt persons be punished for the insolencie of a few for it doth nothyng apperteine vnto vs what a few priuate men haue committed for to reuenge their iniuries taken before either of the Inquisitors or of the sacrificyng priests or of any other person Much lesse doth the ouerthrowyng of Images Idols apperteyne vnto vs for we will easely proue that it was done without the commaundement or consent of our Minister Elders or congregations vnlesse a few of ours perceyuyng the Magistrate to agrée therunto did thinke it likewyse lawfull for them to do the same although truly who soeuer they were that committed it they haue bene more then sufficiently punished for their offence for in place of one dead and blockish Image their hath bene aboue xxx liuely Images of God for whom the sonne of God dyd shed hys bloud murthered destroyed and burnt and in stede of one rotten blocke more then ten liuely bodyes yet the Images restored and renewed by their common charges As concernyng the new Religion wherof they accuse vs to bée authours euery man knoweth how farre our religion which we professe is from that kynde of newnes For besides that this religiō was deliuered vnto vs by Christ the antiquitie of all thyngs the eternall sonne of God by his profites Apostles and Martyrs from many ages it is manifest that aboue whole fifty yeares it hath florished in Belgie and bene set foorth in priuate méetynges and Sermons Neither was it at any tyme either by any lawfull iudgement or Edict rightly made cōdemned For what so euer iudgementes hath bene geuen agaynst the professours of this Religion the iudges them selues and Magistrates were compelled by the seueritie of the Edictes to confesse agaynst their will and with great strife of conscience to pronounce the same Yea they which were found gilty were not suffred lawfully to defend them selues but they had their mouthes stopped with a ball and theyr tounges cut out of their heades contrary to the true order of Iustice It is manifest also that all the Edictes whiche were made by Charles the Emperour and kyng Phillip are voyde and of none effect bycause they were made contrary to the lawes and statutes of the coūtrey without the counsel and consent of the estates of the prouince required in solemne assembly as they were bound by othe thereunto without whose assent nothyng accordyng vnto the custome and maner of their auncestors could be established and were also thrust vpō many of the Magistrates agaynst their will staiyng them selues vpon most vayne foūdations full of friuolous cauils by false vnderstādyng as we haue before declared by the euident playne wordes of the Edictes Therfore this religion can not by any maner of meanes be counted a new religion nor they the professors of the same seyng they were vncōdemned as yet by any lawfull iudgement accused of any cryme much lesse should they be estemed as the authors of sedition and tumultes of the people and causers of this great greuous calamitie But what néede we in so playne a matter to vse so many wordes séeing the case doth euidently shew it self and euery man perceyueth who ought to be accused as auctors of these turmoyles calamities We haue hertofore declared what was the meaning and intent of the spanish Inquisitors and priestes what counsell they haue taken what helpe and ministers they haue vsed by what meanes they haue espyred vnto thys tyrannicall gouernment and soueraigne authority in Belgye without any law or prescript Though these thinges peraduenture because of theyr great modestie and equitie which they vse in other prouinces may séeme to some not probable although truely they be dayly song in euery childes mouth yet if he way these present tymes if he sée the effectes of matters these theyr doinges and affayres and note this the vncredible tyranny of the Duke of Alba all which are most apparant to all mē he shall nothing doubt therein All they whom they did call rebels haue forsaken they countrey and although they might haue had good occasions and opportunities to kéepe some stirre yet they chose rather voluntary exile banishment and most extreame pouertie then that they would vexe theyr countrey with most dolefull warre But what haue they any thing for all thys mitigated theyr cruelty Haue they not after all these thinges brought to passe in Spayne by theyr deuises that the king which in a solemne assembly at Madride had sworne that he woulde in hys owne person reuenge the iniury which he thought himselfe to haue taken of hys subiectes at Belgye and for that cause made all thinges ready for hys iorney and had fully determined to take his sonne and the Quéene hys wyfe wyth hym should alter hys purpose agaynst his will and because they knewe hym by nature to be a Prince prone to all kinde of mercy and gentlenes to continue still in Spayne Haue they not substituted or sent an Embassador in hys stead the kings sonne and many of the nobles were vnwilling thereunto the Duke of Alba whom by hys nature and maners they well knew to be very fit for theyr purpose both by those thinges which he did in Germany by the order of hys whose lyfe but especially also by the deadly hatred and rancored grudge which he had of long time layd vp in hys stomake agaynst the Princes of Belgye for theyr valiaunt actes atchieued in the warres of Fraunce agaynst his will and meaning Haue they not committed vnto him the full power and auctoritie yea haue they no caused the kynges onely sonne lawfull heyre and Lord of the prouince of Belgye to end hys lyfe
shut vp in a most horrible prison because he was agaynst the sending of the Albane and dyd abhorre from the cruelty of the edictes sette out agaynst the religion bearing singuler fauour and grace towards the lower Germanes bruting abroad most vayne and diuers rumors of the cause of hys death What they haue done vnto the Quéene I had rather other men should imagine then that we should report This truely all men do behold how this theyr faythfull champion the duke of Alba doth behaue himselfe He commeth into a quiet prouince all those beyng thrown out or volūtaryly gone into exile whom he looked to haue had as hys aduersaries He is receaued most honourably of all men neyther was there any one found which with hys most redy obedience to the kinges legate dyd not testifie hys faythfull hart towardes the king But he out of hand ordereth them not as the kinges louing subiectes but as enemies and traytors equally raging and extending hys cruelty both vpon the professors of the Gospell and papistes compelling he constrayned the chéef Princes contrary to the aucthoritye of the lawes to the liberty of theyr priuiledges and chiefly contrary to the decrees and appointmentes of the sacred and famous order of the golden fléece of the brotherhoode of Burgundye to plead theyr cause in chaines and when they refused that kinde of iudgement as vnméete and to be suspected profering themselues redy to stand before equall Iudges he chopt of theyr heads the rest which by their godly and holsome counsels had defended the peace of theyr countrey and by theyr wisedome stayd the tumultes of the people and effusion of bloud he pronounceth as enemies and traytors to theyr king and their contrey and so compelleth them will they nill they by taking vpon them armour to try themselues vngiltie of so great treason The which theyr taking of armour done by them for necessities sake as godly men may iudge he hath since that time not only made as a iust occasion of slaundring vs with hys cauils but also as a goodly title of Iustice in executing hys tyranny and therupon forthwith he putteth in practise that which he had before determined Therfore he first put all the magistrates which were thought once to fauour iustice out of theyr auctority and place wyth great ignominy and reproch he substituted in theyr roomes contrary to theyr lawes and orders naughty packes abounding in all sinne and wickednes and he appoynted as be thought good a new senate house of Spaniardes before whome matters of lyfe and death should be pleaded the which for that cause should be called the bloudy senate and by that meanes he did depriued all the lawfull and ordinary magistrates of theyr iurisdiction and hearing of matters graunted to them by the lawes he filled the gallowes and the Iubbits full of the poore people conuicted of no other crime but of geuing credite to the kinges letters patentes to the gouernesse edicte and theyr graunted licences and to the magistrates consenting therunto and thereupon of hearing of sermons he destroyed many with the sworde he burned many aliue wyth a small fire he beheaded many before theyr causes we pleaded many he spoyled of all theyr goodes and possessions poysoned to death with the filthye stincke of the continuall prison But the vngodly persons whose whole lyfe had bene stayned wyth infamy being before as it is manifest bought out with money haue gaue them license to plead wyth theyr witnesses he cut out many of theyr tonges whome he put to death after least they should testifie of so great iniustice he burnt many of theyr tongues with a whot payre of tonges to some he tyed theyr lippes together through with an iron sharp on both sides others hauing theyr mouthes most beastly set awry with terror and anguish the matter and bloud dropping downe together he cruelly drewe to most pytifull slaughter He pretermitted nothing of Phalaris his tyranny neyther did he only wyth tormentes thus vexe the professors of the gospell but those also which most fauoured the popish religion and they which had endeuored with all theyr power that nothing should be moued agaynst the king As for those which could not behold the calamitie of theyr countrey but had for the auoyding of the present daūger conueyed themselues away he appoynted them a day of appearaunce and therwithall scarce staying for the day appoynted he rushed in vpon theyr goodes adiudging them confiscate to the kinges Exchequer not only spoyling poore widowes innocent orphauntes and very papistes of their dowry and patrimony but also deceyuing the creditors of all their iust debtes and lawful titles He conuerted the inheritaunce of innocentes from their kinsmen and alians to whom for the beheding or ciuill death of the right and next heyres they by law and right did appertayne most wickedly to hys owne vse and commoditie He tooke from cities and townes all theyr liberties lawes statutes priuiledges he ouerthrew all order of humanitie he clearely tooke away all duties of Christian charitye chiefly commaunded by the lawes of god For by edict he forbad that no kinde of mā whether he were their father sonne kinsman or whatsoeuer should shew any kinde of charitie to those that professed the Gospell or were banished for default of appearaunce at the day appoynted and thus he alienated and withdrew the mindes of children from theyr parentes of parentes from theyr children and of wiues from theyr husbandes In the towne of Traciet of Mosa he put a father to death because he had for one night lodged in hys house his owne sonne which had bene for a space absent before And likewyse he murthered an other well known citizen because he gaue the sixt part of a bꝪ of corne vnto a poore widow burdened with the kéeping of iiij children whose husband was before put to death for religions sake He bereaued also an other of hys lyfe because he sent hys fréend a little money ouer into England He compelled honest and chast matrones borne of worshipfull stockes by flight and voluntary exile to saue themselues and by begging to prouide meat for themselues and theyr children only because they receaued their husbandes into theyr houses He threw down many mens houses because they had receiued letters from theyr frends of their helth and welfare But what did spare the dead By hys Edict he straightly charged that whosoeuer dyed without shrift and auricular confession his goodes should be confiscate and hys body hanged on a Iubbit then the which what can be thought or inuented more cruell more contrary to all humanitie and Iustice séeing it hapeneth daily that many sodenly that haue no time to bethinke them of theyr former sinnes He placed ouer cities not souldiers but enemies and theues which might violently abuse the riches wiues children and liues of the citizens according to theyr euill lust and he graunted them licence to do what should please them fréely without punishment for was there