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religion_n king_n prince_n subject_n 3,995 5 6.4954 4 false
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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A72347 Certayne sermons appoynted by the Quenes Maiestie, to be declared and read, by all persones, vycars, and curates, euery Sondaye and holy daye in theyr churches : and by her Graces aduyse perused & ouer sene, for the better vnderstandyng of the simple people : newly imprinted in partes accordynge as is mencioned in the booke of commune prayers.; Certain sermons or homilies appointed to be read in churches. 1559 (1559) STC 13648.5; ESTC S5209 110,375 188

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theyr owne braine of a blinde zeale and deu●tion withoute the worde of God And by mista●ing the nature of good workes man hath moste hyghi●● displeased GOD and hathe goen frome his wyll and commaundemente So that thus you haue hearde ▪ howe mache the worlde from the beginning vntyll Christe s●ime was euer readye to fall from the commaundemētes of GOD and to seke other meanes to honor and serue him after a deuotion founde oute of theyr owne heades how they did set vp theyr own traditions as high or aboue Goddes commaundementes whiche hath happened also in our times the more it is to be lamented no lesse then it did among the Iewes and that by the corruption or at the least by the negligence of thē that chiefely ought to haue preferred gods commaundemētes and to haue preserued the pure and heauenly doctrine left by Christ What man hauing any iudgement or learninge ioyned with a true zeale vnto GOD both not se and lamente to haue entered into Christes relygion suche false doctryne Superstition Idolatrye Hipocrisye and other enormities and abuses so as by lytle and litle through the soure leauen therof the swete bread of Gods holy worde hath bene muche hyndered and layed a parte Neuer had the Iewes in theyr mooste blyndnesse so manye Pilgrimages vnto Images nor vsed so muche knelyng kissinge and censynge of them as hath ben vsed in our tyme. Sectes religion amonges Christiā●en Sectes feined religions were neither the forty parte so manye amonge the Iewes nor more supersticiouslye and vngodlye abused then of late dayes they haue bene amonge vs. Whiche sectes and relygions had so many Hipocritical or feined workes in their state of religion as thei arrogantly named it 〈◊〉 their lampes as they said rāne alwayes ouer able to fatissye not only for theyr owne sinnes but also for all other theyr benefacto●s brothers and sisters of religion as mooste vngodly and craftely they had perswaded the multitude of ignoraunt people kepynge in diuers places as it were martes or markettes of merites beynge full of theyr holye reliques ymages shrynes and workes of ouerflowing abundance ready to be sold And all thinges which they had were called holy holy Coules holy gyrdelles holye Pardons Beades holy Shooes holy Rules and al ful of holines And what thinge canne be more foolyshe more superstitious or vngodlye then that men women and children shoulde weare a Friers coate to delyuer them from agues or pestilence or when they dye or when they be buried cause it to be caste vpon them in hope thereby to be saued Whiche superstition although thankes bee to God it hath bene lytle vsed in this Realme yet in diuer●e other realmes it hath bene and yet is vsed both amonge many both learned and vnlearned But to passe ouer the innumerable supersticionsenes that hath ben in straunge apparel in scilence in dor●itory in cloyster in chapter in choyse of meates and in drinkes and in suche lyke thynges let vs consider what enormities and abuses haue bene in the three chiefe pryncipal pointes whiche they called the three essencialles or three chief foundations of religion that is to saye obedience chastitie and wilful pouerty The th●● chiefe b●wes of religio● Fyrst vnder pretence or color of obedience to theyr father in religion which obedience they made them selues they were made free by theyr rules cano●s from the obedience of their naturall father and ●●ther and from the obedience of Emperour kinge al temporal power whom of very duety by gods lawes they were bound to obey And so the profession of their obedience not due was a forsaking of theyr due obedience And how theyr profession of chastitie was kept it is more honesty to passe ouer in scilence and let the world iudge of that which is wel knowē then with vnchast wordes by expressing of their vnchast life to offend chaste and godlye eares And as for their wilfull pouertie it was suche that when in possessions iewels plate and riches thei were equal or aboue marchauntes gentlemen Barons Erles Dukes yet by this subtile sophistical terme Propriū in communi that is to say proper in common they mocked the world perswading that notwithstandinge all their possessions riches yet they kept their vow and were in wylfull pouertie But for all theyr ryches they might nether helpe father nor mother nor other that were in dede very nedie poore without the licence of their father Abbot Prior or Warden And yet they mighte take of euerye man but they might not geue ought to anye man no not to theim whom the lawes of God boūd them to help And so through their traditions rules the lawes of God could beare no rule with them And therefore of thē myght be moost truely sayd Mat. 15 that which Christ spake vnto the Phariseis you breake the commaundementes of God by your traditions you honor God with your lippes but your harts be farre from him And the longer prayer they vsed by day by night vnder pretence or colour of suche holines to get the fauour of widowes other simple folkes that they might singe Trentals and seruice for theyr husbandes and frendes and admit or receiue thē into their prayers the more truely is verified of them the saying of Christ Woe be to you scribes and Phariseis Hipocrites for you deuour Widowes houses vnder color of long prayers therfore your damnation shal be the greater Wo be to you Scribes Phariseis Mat. 25 Hipocrites for you go about by sea and by lande ▪ to make moe Nouices and newe brethren and when they be let in or receaued of your secte you make thē the children of hell woorse then your selues be Honour be to God who did put light in the heart of his faithful and true minister of most famous memorye King Henry the .viij. and gaue him the knowlege of his word and an earnest affection to seke his glory and to put away al such superstitions and Pharisaicall sectes by Antichrist inuented and set vp against the true worde of God and glory of his most blessed name as he gaue the like spyryte vnto the most noble and famous princes Iosaphat Iosias and Ezechias God graunte all vs the kinges highnes faithfull and true subiectes to fede of the swete and sauory breade of Gods owne word and as Christ commaunded to eschewe all our pharisaicall and papysticall leauen of mans feyned religion Whiche although it were before God moste abhominable and contrary to Gods commaundements and Christes pure religion yet it was praised to be a moste godlye life and highest state of perfectiō As though a man myght be more godly and more perfecte by kepynge the rules traditions and professions of men then by kepinge the holye commaundementes of God And briefly to passe ouer the vngodly counterfeite religions let vs rehearse some other kindes of papisticall superstitions and abuses as of Beades of Lady psalters and Rosaries Other deui●es