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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A31739 The Character of popery 1688 (1688) Wing C2022; ESTC R24810 4,116 2

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THE CHARACTER OF POPERY POPERY is a Catholick Shamm for it cheats those that tamper with it of their Understandings and their Senses their Consciences and their Souls An Ecclesiastical Juggle the cunning Knave 's Mask and the filly Bigot's Creed Jacob's Ladder revers'd or the Debauchee's En●gine which he doubts not but if well oyl'd will at last carry him to Heaven For 't is a Project that offers at saving Men and their Sins together nay in many Cases to make their Sins meritorious of Salvation A Blendure of Ambition and Covetousness dress'd up in a long Mantle of Hypochrisie call'd Saint Peter's Cloak A false Bait managed by a crafty sort of Fisher-men that pretend to angle Souls for Heaven but design only to catch Gudgeons and grasp Earth and its Advantages Jingling the Keys of PARADISE on purpose to amuse the Croud and to get Opportunities to pick their Pockets 'T is a strange Farrago of Errors and Impostures A Gallimawfrey composed of contradictory Ingredients The highest Superstitions and yet the rankest Prophaneness Subtilties of the finest spinning and most gross Absurdities It makes its God and then eats him It teaches all its Votaries to Pray without either understanding the Words or yet devout Attention of Mind To Fast with a Luxurious Dinner of Fish Wine and Sweet-Meats that Heliogabalus and other choicest Heathen Gluttons would lick their Lips at It cries up MARRIAGE for a Sacrament and yet at the same time barrs its Sacred Clergy from it because it will defile them It boasts its self to be the sole Keeper and Interpreter of the Scriptures and yet avows that they are corrupted and unintelligible And so at once proclaims her own perfidious Negligence in not preserving the Sacred Oracles and her monstrous Uncharitableness in not giving Us an Authentick Explication It pretends an Infallible Knack of deciding all Controversies yet cruelly suffers her Brats to spend their Times in endless Quarrels witness the Brawls between her Franciscans and her Dominicans her Jesuites and her Jansenists her most Christian and most Catholick Doctors We may therefore call it a Rope of Sand held together meerly by Interest and Force A Babel-Building erected by diligent Fraud and aspiring Pride upon the Plains of drowsie Ignorance and easy Credulity and cemented not only with the Tears but the Blood of thousands of Innocents A devouring MONSTER begot in the dark by an incestuous Mixture of Impudence the Son with Ignorance the Mother Suckled by PHOCAS with the Milk of REBELLION and Blood-Royal and Rocked to Sleep by Pope BONIFACE in the Cradle of a universal Bishoprick where doting MONKS sung Lullabies to it with a multitude of lying Legends and feigned Miracles The French Usurper King PEPIN and his Son gave it a new Coat and Pope HILDERBRAND taught it to go High-Lone and trample on the NECKS of EMPERORS and KINGS 'T was always very fond of Babies to play with and cryed and scratcht most filthily till it had got Pictures and Images set up in Churches which from Lay-men's Books quickly became their GODS The School-men provided it Rattles of Distinction and abundance of Elder POT-GUNS to divert it self and amuse the World with The Conventicle of TRENT found it sick of the Rickets but applying altogether the Italian Physick set it again upon its Legs though with a Head swell'd bigger than before Yet ever since it hath been languishing in a Consumption to palliate which Fifty Thousand Fathers of the Society are always busy with Cordials and Paint to keep up its Spirits and Complexion The DIET it delights in is Aurum Potabile and the Blood of MARTYRS The Inquisition is its Right-Leg and Sophistry its Left and with these Two Supporters it bestrides the World. To express its Essence and full Latitude in one word you must call it ANTI-CHRISTANISM whether you take Anti to signifie against for or instead of as the Greek Tongue hath it or whether you take CHRIST to denote peculiarlty our Blessed Saviour or more generally his Vicegerents or more largely his Saints or Catholick Church who all enjoy the Unction of the Holy One. For as this Mock-Religion most impudently pretends its POPE the greatest Rebel and Enemy to GOD and CHRIST under Heaven to be Vice-God or Christ's Vicar or Lieutenant upon Earth and that he has a Plentitude of Power in Christ's stead to Rule the Universal Church Under which forged Commission and kind Sembleance nothing can tend more against the Person Honour Merits Offices and whole Gospel of CHRIST nothing be more degrogatory to the just Rights and Veneration due to Sovereign Earthly Princes nor yet any thing be more pernicious to or destructive of Sincere Christians than his Tripple-Crown'd TRAYTOR's Doctrines and Practises For Popery by its Doctrine of Transubstantiation will have the Body of Christ to be without the Proprieties of a true Body and consequently taking away the Humane Nature it denies the Person of our Mediator It Invades his Royal Office by assuming his Incommunicable Titles by undertaking to Rescind and make void his LAWS Absolving Man from his Duty to God by Dispensations and from the Penalty which Sin hath made his due by Indulgence so Bellarmine tell us That the Pope hath a Power to make Sin to be no Sin. And the Council of Latereran That the Pope has all Power over all Powers as well of Heaven as of Earth Faciendi peccatum non peccatum Con. Lat. Sess 10. supra omnes potestates tam Coeli quam Terrae It Blasphemes the PRIESTLY Office of Christ whereby at one Oblation of himself he satisfied for all Sin Heb. 10.11 1 Jo. 1.7 For as if the same was Insufficient Popery appoints an innumerable Company of Shaveling Priests whose daily business is pretended to offer up Christ afresh or a propitiatory Sacrifice for the Quick and the Dead in their Wicked and Idolatrous Mass It also undertakes to Purge away Sins by other Medicines besides his precious Blood. And sets up a Multitude of other MEDIATORS and INTERCESSORS It opposes Christs Prophetick Office by adding a multitude of Traditions and Inventions as necessary to Salvation to be received with the same Reverence as the Word of God. It exalts it self above all that is called God in the World For its POPE Crowns and Uncrowns Emperours with his Feet and Treads upon them as one would do upon a Viper Takes upon him to Depose KINGS and PRINCES to give away their KINGDOMS to discharge Subjects of their Allegiance and Oaths and to justifie their Rebellion against or Assassinations of their Soveraigns To speak Truth POPERY is the Debauchment of all RELIGION For by Substituting it self under the Christian Name it hath Subverted the innate Sense and Worship of the Deity and maintains Tenets and imposes Practises which the wiser sort of Heathens always blush'd at And at the same time it hath suppressed and depraved and counterfeited Divine Revelations so that the Principles both of Natural and Revealed Religion being thus Corrupted It