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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A25708 Apophthegmata aurea, regia, Carolina apophthegms, I. Theological, II. Moral, III. Political / collected out of the imcomparable Eikōn basilikē of His Most Glorious Majestie King Charls [sic] the First.; Eikon basilike. Selections. Charles I, King of England, 1600-1649.; Gauden, John, 1605-1662. 1649 (1649) Wing A3560A; ESTC R331 29,607 56

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Peace and Loialtie pag. 147. line 26. I never thought anie Bishop worthie to sit in the Hous of Peers who would not vote according to his Conscience p. 148. 16. The Government of the Church by Bishops hath of all other the fullest Scripture-Grounds and also the constant practice of all Christian Churches p. 148. 24. The want of Government the Church can no more dispens with in point of well-beeing then the want of the Word and Sacraments in point of beeing 150. 1. Proud usurpers against true Episcopacie by Popular heaps of weak light and unlearned Teachers seek to over-laie and smother the pregnancie and autoritie of that power of Episcopal Government which beyond all equivocation and vulgar fallacie of names is most convinceingly set forth both by Scripture and all after-Histories of the Church p. 152. 8. In Religion Scripture is the best Rule and the Churches universal Practice the best Commentarie p. 152. 30. Not onely in Religion but also in right Reason and the true nature of Government it cannot bee thought that an Orderlie Subordination among Presbyters and Ministers should bee anie more against Christianitie then it is in all Secular and Civil Governments where p. 153. 3. Paritie breed's Confusion and Faction p. 153. 8. Good Order is no more inconsistent with true Religion then good features are with beautie or numbers with harmonie p. 153. 10. Ministers have as much of the principles of Schism and division as other men pag. 153. line 19. It was not the favor of Princes or ambition of Presbyters but the wisdom and pietie of the Apostles that first settled Bishops in the Church p. 153. 27 Tyrannie becom's no Christians lest of all Church-men p. 154. 10. The whole stream of examples and practice of the Church or Testimonies of Histories run's so for Episcopacie that there is not the least rivulet for anie other p. 155. 5. The necessitie of times and affairs rather excuseth then commendeth som late Reformed Churches for their incomformitie to all Antiquitie p. 155. 12. It is no point of wisdom nor Charitie where Christians differ to widen the differences p. 155. 27. The Desertors of Episcopacie will appear the greatest enemies to and betraiers of their own interest pag. 157. l. 14. Presbyterie is never so considerable or effectual as when it is joined to and crowned with Episcopacie p. 157. l. 16. All Ministers will finde as great a difference in point of thriveing between the favor of the people and of Princes as plants do between beeing watered by hand and by the sweet and liberal dews of heaven p. 157. 19. The tenuitie and contempt of Clergie-men wil soon let them see what a poor carcass they are when parted from the influence of that head to whose Supremacie they have been sworn p. 157. 24. SOM MEN's zeal for Bishop's Lands Houses and Revenues hath set them on work to eat up Episcopacie which is no less sin then sacrilege or robberie of God of that portion which devout mindes have thankfully given again to him in giveing it to his Church and Prophets p. 160. 23. The abuses of Episcopacie deserv to bee exstirpated as much as the use reteined pag. 164. line 13. The Revenues of the Church becom the object of secular envie which seek's to rob it of all the encouragements of Learning and Religion p. 165. 8. I would rather with Constantins cover the errors of the fathers of the Church with silence and reform with meekness then expose their Persons and sacred Functions to vulgar contempt p. 166. 5. The Counsels of unreasonable men have brought forth and continue violent confusions by a precipitant destroying the antient boundaries of the Churche's peace thereby letting in all manner of Errors Schism and disorders p. 166. 11. Our Sins somtimes prevail against the justice of our Caus. p. 173. 6. Personal and private sins may oft-times over-balance the justice of Publick engagements nor doth God account every Gallant man in the worlds esteem a fit instrument to assert in the way of War a righteous Caus. The more men are prone to arrogate to their own skill valor and strength the less doth God ordinarily work by them for his own Glorie p. 173. 15. The event or success can never state the justice of anie Caus nor the peace of men's Consciences nor the eternal welfare of their Souls p. 173. 24. A Godlie Prince desire 's that all his Subjects may join true Pietie with the sens of their Loialtie and bee as faithful to God and their own souls as they are to their Prince that the defects of the one may not blast the endeavors of the other p. 176. 23. Different events are but the Methods of Divine justice by contrarie windes to winnow us that by punishing our sins hee might purge them from us and deferring peace hee might prepare us more to prize and better to use so great a blessing p. 178. 3. The inevitable fate of our sins was no doubt such as would no longer suffer the Divine Justice to bee quiet wee having conquered his patience are condemned by mutual conquerings to destroie one another p. 178. 29. Those Victories are still miserable that leav our sins un-subdued flushing our pride and animateing to continue injuries p. 179. 8. God somtimes for the sins of our Peace bring's upon us the miseries of War and for the sins of War denie's us the blessing of Peace p. 181. 5. The good Laws established and the Religion settled ought to bee the first Rule and standard of Reforming p. 182. 12. Where the Scripture is not so clear and punctual in precepts there the constant and universal practice of the Church in things not contrarie to Reason Faith good manners or anie positive command is the best Rule that Christians can follow p. 184. 19. The specious and popular Title of Christ's government Throne Scepter and Kingdom which certainly is not divided nor hath two faces as their Parties now have at least also the nois of a thorough-Reformation these may as easily bee fixed on new models as fair colors may bee put to ill-favored figures p. 185. 14. Publick Reformers had need first act in private and practise that on their own hearts which they purpose to trie on others for Deformities within will soon betraie the Pretenders of Publick Reformations to such private designs as must needs hinder the Publick good p. 187. 23. The right method of reforming the Church cannot consist with that of perturbing the Civil State nor can Religion bee justly advanced by depressing Loialtie which is one of the chiefest Ingredients and Ornaments of true Religion for next to Fear God is Honor the King p. 187. 30. Christ's Kingdom may bee set up without pulling down the temporal Kingdom of Princes nor will anie men in impartial times appear good Christians that approve not themselvs good Subjects pag. 188. line 7. Christ's Government confirm's the Kings doth not overthrow it p. 188. 13. Christian Patience know's how to serv
of the King but will rather bee as enterchangings of Love Loialtie and confidence between a Prince and his People p. 247. 2. The Publick interest consist's in the mutual and common good both of Prince and People p. 247. 18. Wee must not starv our selvs becaus som have surfeited on wholsom food p. 247. 25. A Crown is not worth takeing up or enjoying upon sordid dishonorable and irreligious terms p. 248. 5. The Mask of Religion on the face of Rebellion will not long serv to hide som men's deformities p. 250. 5. Religion to their God and Loialtie to their King cannot bee parted without both the sin and infelicitie of the Subject p. 250. 13. There are but few steps between the Prisons and the Graves of Princes p. 251. 22. The envie or emnitie of som men make's their own lives seem deadly to them while the Prince enjoie's anie part of His. p. 252. 2. A King live's in nothing temporal so much as in the love and good will of his people p. 253. 19. No Law of God or man invest's Subjects with anie Power of Judicature without their Sovereign much less against Him p. 256. 5. Som men must pretend Justice to cover their perjurie p. 256. 10. Nothing make's mean Spirits more cowardly-cruel in manageing their usurped power against their lawful Superiors then this the Guilt of their unjust usurpation p. 256. 24. No Concessions of a Prince can ever satisfie or abate the covetous Ambition of som men p. 257. 8. Kings are exposed to as manie dangers beeing the greatest Patrons of Law Justice Order and Religion on Earth as there bee either men or Devils which love confusion p. 257. 23. God will not suffer those men long to prosper in their Babel who build it with the Bones and cement it with the blood of their Kings p. 257. 28. I am confident they will finde Avengers of My death among themselvs p. 258. 1. God will not suffer them to go unpunished whose confederacie in sin is their onely securitie p. 258. 15. The sharp and necessarie Tyrannie of My Destroiers will sufficiently confute the calumnies of Tyrannie against Mee p. 260. 15. Good Subjects know how to excuse the Princes failings as a man and yet to retein and paie their dutie to Him as their King there beeing no Religious necessitie bindeing anie Subjects by pretending to punish infinitely to exceed the faults and errors of their Princes p. 260. 23. They cannot hope long to enjoie their thumbs toes who have under pretens of pareing others nailes been so cruel as to cut of their chiefest strength p. 261. 9. Those undertakings of men are manie times lifted up to Heaven in the prosperitie and applaus of the world whose rise is from Hell as to the injuriousness and oppression of the design The prosperous Windes which oft fil the sails of Pirats do not justifie their Piracie and Rapine p. 262. 15. I look upon it with infinite more content and quiet of Soul to have been worsted in My enforced contestation for and vindication of the Laws of the Land the Freedom and Honor of Parliaments the Rights of My Crown the just Libertie of My Subjects and the true Christian Religion in its Doctrine Government and due encouragements then if I had with the greatest advantages of success over-born them all p. 262. 22. It is verie strange that Mariners can finde no other means to appeas the storm themselvs have raised but by drowning their Pilot. p. 264. 21 FINIS
esteem the Church above the State the Glorie of Christ above Mine own and the salvation of men's Souls above the preservation of their Bodies and Estates p. 105. 25. Violent motions wch are neither Manlie Christian nor Loial ought not to shake or unsettle the Religion of anie man who know's what Religion mean's 106. 8. The proper engine of all Faction is Force the arbitrator of beasts not of reasonable men much less of humble Christians and Loial Subjects in matters of Religion p. 106. 12. Men prone to have high conceits of themselvs care not what cost they lay out upon their opinons 106. 17. God's justice and Man's follie will at length bee discovered through all the films and pretensions of Religion in which Politicians wrap up their designs 108. 3. The less caus wee have to trust to men the more wee have to trust to God p. 108. 24. Pious simplicite is the best policie p. 108. 30. In things which are of no cleer moral necessitie but disputable and controverted among learned and godly men Oaths can hardly bee made and enjoined with that judgment and certaintie in ones self or that charitie and candor to others of different opinion as Religion require's p. 111. 9. Religion never refuse's fair and equable deliberations yea and dissentings too in matters onely probable p. 111. 16. The enjoining of Oaths upon people must needs in things doubtful bee dangerous as in things unlawful damnable and no less superfluous where former religious and legal engagements bound men sufficiently to all necssarie duties p. 111. 19. None that have once true touches of Conscience will endeavor to carrie on the best designs much less such as are apparently factious and ambitious by any unlawful means pag. 112. line 28. Wee ought not to prefer ambiguous dangerous and un-autorized Novelties before known and sworn duties which are indispensable both to God and the Prince p. 113. 3. Later Vows Oaths or Leagues can never blot out those former gravings and characters which by just and lawful Ooaths were made upon their Souls p. 113. 10. Confederations by waie of solemn Leagues and Covenants are the more to bee suspected becaus they are the common road used in all factions and powerful perturbations of State and Church p. 113. 14. Formalities of extraordinarie zeal and pietie are never more studied and elaborate then when Politicians most agitate desperate designs against all that is settled or sacred in Religion or Laws p. 113. 19. Every man soon grow's his own Pope and easily absolv's himself of those ties which not the commands of God's Word or the Laws of the Land but onely the subtiltie or terror of a Partie cast's upon him p. 114. li. 2. No man's Lawful Calling can engage him against the Church the Prince or the Publick peace p. 116. 3. A pious Prince ought to bee forward to carrie on all due Reformations with mature judgment and a good conscience in what things hee shall after impartial advice bee by God's Word and right reason convinced to bee amiss p. 116. 21. Bishops and Church-men with their Lands and Revenues as the fattest Deer must bee destroied the other Rascal-Herd of Schisms Heresies c. beeing lean may enjoy the benefit of a Toleration p. 117. 5. I see while the breath of Religion fill's the sails Profit is the Compass by which factious men steer their cours in all seditious commotions pag. 117. lin. 11. Pharaoh's Divinitie and Joseph's true pietie abhorr'd to sell the Priest's Lands p. 118. lin. 2. I esteem it My greatest Title to bee called and My chiefest Glorie to bee the Defendor of the Church both in its true Faith and its just Fruitions equally abhorring Sacrilege and Apostasie p. 118. 11. I had rather live as My Predecessor Henrie the third somtimes did on the Churche's Alms then violently take the bread out of Bishops and Ministers mouths p. 118. 16. I think it no less then a mocking and tempting of God to desire him to hinder those mischiefs whose occasions and remedies are in our own powers it beeing every man's sin not to avoid the one and not to use the other p. 119. 10. There are waies enough to repair the breaches of the State without the ruins of the Church p. 119. 16. No Pretensions of Pietie and Reformation are sufficient to absolv Subjects from the observation of those just moral and indispensable bonds which God's Word and the Laws of the Kingdom have laid upon their Consciences nor engage them to any contrarie practices p. 120. 2. Nothing violent and injurious can bee Religious p. 120. 6. God allow's no man's committing Sacrilege under the zeal of abhorring idols p. 120. 7. Sacrilegious designs ought not to have the countenance of Religious Ties p. 120. 9. It is hard for a man that hath not innocencie and God's protection to stand out against those stratagems and conflicts of malice which by falsities seek to oppress the Truth and by jealousies to supplie the defect of Real causes p. 122. 6. Popular Preachers think it no sin to lie for God and what they pleas to call God's Caus. pag. 127. line 15. Differences of persuasion in matters of Religion may easily fall out where there is the sameness of dutie allegiance and subjection p. 129. 10. Different professions in point of Religion cannot take away the communitie of Relations either to parents or to Princes p. 129. 16. A truly-humble Christian will so highly prize his persecutions as rather not to bee relieved then bee revenged so as to bee bereaved of that Crown of Christian patience which attend's humble and injured Sufferers p. 132 4. A crown of Christian Patience attend's humble and injured Sufferers p. 132. 7. God is the onely King of men's Consciences 133. 27 It is no newes to have all Innovations ushered in with the name of Reformation p. 138. 5. Praier and devotion is the Soul's more immediate convers with the Divine majestie p. 138. 15. The Liturgie was exactly conformed to the doctrine of the Church of England and this by all reformed Churches is confessed to bee most sound and Orthodox p. 139. 15. Constancie abate's nothing of the excellencie and usefulness of a wel-composed Liturgie p. 139. 29. In the use of constant Forms not the words but men's hearts are too blame p. 141. 2. A man may bee verie formal in the most extemporarie varietie and verie fervently-devout in the most wonted expressions p. 141. 4. Constant Forms of Praier are not more likely to flat and hinder the Spirit of Praier and devotion then unpremeditated and confused varietie to distract and lose it It is impossible for a Prince to preserv the State in quiet unless hee hath such an influence upon Church-men and they such a dependence on Him as may best restrein the seditious exorbitancies of Minister's tongues who with the keies of heaven have so far the keies of the people's hearts as they prevail much by their Oratorie to let in or shut out both
God in Honor and dishonor in good report or evil p. 196. 20. God is a Christian's chiefest Guard and his Conscience both his Counsellor and Comforter p. 198. 5. The integritie of Conscience is the onely jewel worth keeping p. 200. 1. A man lose's himself while hee let 's out his hopes to others p. 201. 26. I care not much to bee reckoned among the UNFORTUNATE if I bee not in the Black List of IRRELIGIOUS and SACRILEGIOUS PRINCES p. 202. 4. The Golden Rule and bond of perfection in Praier and other holie duties consist's in that of mutual Love and Charitie p. 208. 16. I hold it beeter to seem undevout and to hear no men's praiers then to bee forced or seem to complie with those petitions to which the heart cannot consent nor the tongue say Amen without contradicting a man's own understanding or belying his own soul p. 209. 19. In Devotions I love neither profane boldness nor pious non-sens but such an humble and judicious gravitie as shew's the speaker to bee at once confiderate of God's Majestie the Churche's Honor and his own vileness both knowing what things God allow's him to ask and in what manner it becom's a Sinner to supplicate the Divine Mercie for himself or others p. 209. 26. I am equally scandalized with all praiers that sound either imperiously or rudely or passionately as either wanting humilitie to God or charitie to men or respect to the dutie pag. 210. line 5. The light of understanding and the fervencie of affection I hold the main and most necessarie requisites both in constant and occasional solitarie and social devotions p. 210. 23. I had rather bee condemned to the wo of Vae soli then to that of Vae vobis hypocritae by seeming to pray what I do not approve p. 211. 16. It is infinitely more glorious to convert souls to God's Church by the Word then to conquer men to a subjection by the Sword p. 212. 8. Confusion in Religion will as certainly follow every man's turning Priest or Preacher as it will in the State where every one affect's to rule as King p. 213. 14. In the enforced not neglected want of ordinarie means God is wont to afford extraordinarie supplies of his gifts and graces p. 214. 20. Former sins may bee seen in the glass of the present terrors and distractions p. 225. 14. See the hand of Divine Justice they that by Tumults first occasioned the raising of Armies must now be chastned by their own Armie for new Tumults 225. 16. Hardly can men bee content with one sin but add sin to sin till the later punish the former p. 225. 22. Whom the Laws cannot God will punish by their own crimes and hands p. 227. 1. Fatal blindness frequently attend's and punishe's wilful p. 227. 21. Men shal not bee able at last to prevent their sorrows who would not timely repent of their sins p. 227. 23. God's constancie is seen in the world's varietie and changes p. 229. 20. They cannot want enemies who abound in sin nor shall they bee long undisarmed and undestroied who with an high hand persist to fight against God and the clear convictions of their own consciences p. 230. 6. God can and will exalt and perfect a true Christian by his sufferings which have more in them of God's Mercie then of man's crueltie or his Justice p. 231. 3. Pietie will make a Prince prosperous at least it will keep him from beeing miserable nor is hee much a loser who loseth all yet saveth his own soul at last 233. 27. The cup of afflictions wee must look upon as Gods physick having that in healthfulness which it want's in pleasure p. 234. 7. A Prince ought to bee well grounded and settled in Religion that it may bee judiciously his own and not other men's custom or tradition which hee professe's p. 234. l. 18. The fixation of the Prince in matters of Religion will not bee more necessarie for his Soul 's then his Kingdom's peace p 234. 20. The Devil of Rebellion doth commonly turn himself into an Angel of Reformation p. 234. 29. Unless a Prince bee settled in Religion hee shall never want temptations to destroie Him and His under pretension of Reforming matters of Religion p. 235. 7. Religion seem's even to the worst of men as the best most auspicious begining of their worst designs 235. 11. Everie one hath affectation by seeming forward to an outward Reformation of Religion to bee thought zealous hopeing to cover those irreligious deformities whereto they are conscious by a severitie of censuring other men's opinions or actions p. 235. 15. A Prince must take heed of abetting anie Factions or applying to anie publick Discriminations in matters of Religion contrarie to what is in His judgment and the Churche's well settled p. 235. 22. The King 's partial adhereing as Head to anie one side gain's Him not so great advantages in som men's hearts who are prone to bee of their King's Religion as it loseth him in others who think themselvs and their profession first despised then persecuted by Him p. 235. 26. Nothing ought to seem little or despicable to You in matters which concern Religion and the Churche's peace so as to neglect a speedie Reforming and effectual suppressing errors and Schisms What seem at first but as an hand-breadth by Seditious Spirits as by strong windes are soon made to cover and darken the whole Heaven pag. 237. line 11. A true Christian is not much solicitous what wrong hee suffer's from men while hee retein's in his soul what hee believ's is right before God p. 239. 12. A Prince ought alwaies to keep up solid Pietie and those fundamental Truths which mend both hearts and lives of men with impartial favor and Justice p. 241. 1. A Prince ought to take heed that Outward circumstances and formalities of Religion devour not all or the best encouragements of learning industrie and pietie p. 241. 5. As the Wo●● is not less cruel so hee will bee more justly hated when hee shall appear no better then a wolf under sheep's-cloathing p. 242. 6. A Power to forgive My enemies is a greater Argument of God's love to Mee then anie prosperitie can bee p. 243. 29. The true Religion established in the Church of England is the best in the world not onely in the Communitie as Christians but also in the special notion as Reformed keeping the middle waie between the pomp of superstitious Tyrannie and the meanness of fantastick Anarchie p. 245. 22. The Protestant-Religion established in England neither give's such Rules nor ever before set such examples as the late War against the Church the Laws and the Prince p. 246. 15. Counterfeit and disorderlie Zeal ought not to abate our value and esteem of true Pietie both of them are known by their fruits the sweetness of the vine and figtree is not to bee despised though the brambles and thorns should pretend to bear figgs and grapes thereby to rule over
the Trees p. 246. 24. God somtimes punishe's a people with continuance in their sin and suffer's them to bee deluded with the prosperitie of their wickedness p. 247. 30. Keep You to true Principles of Pietie Virtue and Honor You shall never want a Kingdom p. 248. 8. My Conscience I thank God is dearer to Mee then a thousand Kingdoms p. 251. 2. In Prosperitie wee should not bee wholly strangers to the contemplations of Mortalitie those are never unseasonable since this is alwaies uncertain Death beeing an Eclips which oft happeneth as well in clear as cloudie daies p. 252. 5. It is the greatest glorie of a Christian's life to die daily in conquering by a lively faith and patient hope of a better life those partial and quotidian deaths which kill us as it were by piece-mea● and make us over-live our own fates p. 253. 9. A Christian ought not to think that life too long or tedious wherein God give's him anie opportunities if not to do yet to suffer with such Christian patience and magnanimitie in a good Caus as are the greatest honor of our lives and the best improovment of our deaths p. 254. 6. In point of true Christian valor it argue's pusillanimitie to desire to die out of weariness of life and a want of that Heroïck greatness of spirit which becom's a Christian in the patient and generous susteining those afflictions which as shadows necessarily attend us while wee are in this bodie and which are lessened or enlarged as the Sun of our prosperitie move's higher or lower whose total absence is best recompensed with the Dew of Heaven p. 254. 13. The assaults of Affliction may bee terrible like Sampsons Lion but they yield much sweetness to those that dare to encounter and overcom them who know how to over-live the witherings of their Gourds without discontent or peevishness while they may yet convers with God p. 254. 24. Our greatest conquest of death is from the power and love of Christ who hath swallow'd up death in the victorie of his Refurrection and the glorie of his Asscension p. 258. 20. Charitie is the noblest Revenge upon and victorie over My Destroiers p. 258. 28. As the greatest temptations to sin are wrapped up in seeming prosperities so the severest vengeances of God are them most accomplished when men are suffered to complete their wicked purposes p. 259. 13. God's Mercie will more then infinitely recompens what ever by man's injustice Hee is pleased to deprive us off p. 260. 2. God's righteous judgment will confute their fallacie who from worldlie success rather like Sophisters then sound Christians draw those popular conclusions for God's approbation of their actions p. 261. 30. God's wise providence oft permit's manie events which His revealed Word the onely clear safe and fixed rule of good Actions and good Consciences in no sort approv's p. 262. 5. I shall bee more then Conqueror through Christ's enabling Mee for whom I have hitherto suffered as hee is the Autor of Truth Order and Peace for all which I have been forced to contend against Error Faction and Confusion p. 263. 16. If I must suffer a violent death with My Saviour it is but Mortalitie crowned with Martyrdom where the debt of death which I ow for sin to nature shall bee raised as a gift of faith patience offered to God p. 263. 22. The trophees of My Charitie will bee more glorious and durable over them then their ill-managed victories over Mee p. 264. 6. I look upon the temporal destruction of the greatest King as far less deprecable then the eternal damnation of the meanest Subject p. 264. 15. It is better for us to bee dead to our selvs and live in God then by living in our selvs to bee deprived of God p. 265. 16. To contend with death is the work of a weak and mortal man to overcom it is the Grace of God alone who is Almightie and Immortal p. 265. 26. Apophthegmata Carolina II. MORAL IT is no strange thing for men left to their own Passions either to do much evil themselvs or abuse the overmuch goodness of others whereof an ungrateful surfet is the most desperate and incureable diseas p. 30. 29. Unjust hatred and jealousies are able to pervert Acts of greatest Indulgence p. 32. 8. Manie men are seldom of one minde and oftentimes the major part are not in the right p. 34. 4. Sure it cease's to bee Counsel when not Reason is used as to men to perswade but Force and terror as to beasts to drive and compel men to assent to whatever tumultuarie patrons shall project Hee deserv's to bee a slave without pitie or redemption that is content to have the rational Soveraigntie of his soul and libertie of his will and words so captivated p. 34. 18. I do not think My Kingdoms so considerable as to preserv them with the forfeiture of that freedom which cannot bee denied Mee as a King becaus it belong's to Mee as a man and a Christian owning the dictates of none but God to bee above Mee as obligeing Mee to consent Better for Mee to die enjoying this Empire of My soul which Subject's Mee onely to God so far as by Reason or Religion hee direct's Mee then live with the title of a King if it should carrie such a vassalage with it as not to suffer Mee to use My reason Conscience in what I declare as a King to like or dislike p. 34. 27. I shall never think My self conscientiously tied to go as oft against My Conscience as I should consent to such new proposals which My Reason in Justice Honor and Religion bid's Mee denie p. 35. 30. Error and Passion is a shadow of Reason and must serv those that are destitute of the Substance p. 36. 25. Sure that man cannot bee blameable to God or Man who seriously endevour's to see the best reason of things and faithfully follow's what hee take's for reason the uprightness of his intentions will excuse the possible failing of his understanding If a Pilot at sea cannot see the Pole-star it can bee no fault in him to steer his coursby such stars as do best appear to him It argue's rather those men to bee conscious of their defects of Reason and convincing arguments who call in the assistance of meer force to carrie on the weakness of their Counsels and proposals p. 36. 28. I can bee content to recede much from My own Interests and Personal Rights of which I conceiv My self to bee Master But in what concern's truth justice the rights of the Church and My Crown together with the general good of My Kingdoms which I am bound to preserv as much as morally lie's in Mee here I am and ever shall bee fix't and resolute nor shall anie man gain My consent to that wherein My heart give's My tongue or hand the lie nor will I bee brought to affirm that to men which in My conscience I denie before God pag. 37. 30. The
merits of a deserving Ladie would serv her for a protection among the savage Indians while their rudeness and barbaritie know's not so perfectly to hate all virtues as SOM MEN'S subtiltie doth p. 41. 27. This comfort I shal enjoie by the safetie of My Queen in the midst of My personal dangers that I can perish but half if Shee bee preserved p. 42. 12. Common Civilitie is in vain exspected from those that dispute their Loialtie p. 42. 27. It cannot bee safe for anie Relation to a King to tarrie among them who are shakeing hands with their Allegiance under pretens of laying faster hold on their Religion p. 42. 29. Such is the rudeness of SOM MEN towards their Superiors that they make up their want of justice with in humanitie and impudence p. 43. 4. Afflictions make virtues shine with greater lustre as stars in the darkest nights p. 43. 7. A True wife love's her husband not his fortunes bear's a sympathie wth him in his Afflictions p. 43. 7. Such is the ingratitude of SOM MEN that they scornfully lift up themselvs against those of whose bread they have eaten and been enriched with their bountie p. 43. 16. SOM think to satisfie all obligations to dutie by their Corban of Religion and can less endure to see then to sin against their Benefactors as well as their Sovereigns p. 43. 22. It was a policie necessarie to som men's designs to drive the Queen out of the Kingdom lest by the influence of her example eminent for love as a Wife and Loyaltie as a Subject Shee should have converted to or reteined in their love and Loialtie all those whom they had a purpose to pervert p. 43. 29. It is the most glorious victorie when no disdain nor emotion of passion transport's us by the indignitie of ill carriage to do or saie anie thing unbeseeming our selvs or unsuteable to that temper which in greatest injuries best becom's a Christian as coming nearest to the great example of Christ pag. 47. line 18. Clemencie is a debt which wee ought to paie to those that crave it when wee have caus to believ they would not after abuse it since God himself suffer's us not to paie anie thing for his Mercie but onely praiers and praises p. 50. 13. They confess their known weakness as to Truth and Justice who choos rather to contend by Armies then by Arguments p. 53. 25. To binde a man's self to a general and implicit consent to whatever shal bee desired or propounded were such a latitude of blinde obedience as never was exspected from anie freeman not fit to bee required of anie man much less of a King by his own subjects p. 76. 21. The goodness of men's intentions wil not excuse the scandal and contagion of their examples p. 90. 19. Som kinde of Zeal count's all merciful moderation Lukewarmness and had rather bee cruel then counted cold and is not seldom more greedie to kill the Bear for his skin then for anie harm hee hath don The confiscation of men's estates beeing more beneficial then the charitie of saving their souls or reforming their Errors p. 94. 14. Misconstructions of Actions are prone to finde more credulitie in men to what it fals and evil then love and charitie to what is true and good p. 95 27. Hee that is conscious to his own depth of wickedness is loth to believ anie man not to bee so bad as himself p. 96. 14. 'T is Kinglie to do well and hear ill If I can but act the one I shall not much regard to bear the other p. 96. 17. Roial bountie embolden's som Men to ask and act beyond all bounds of modestie and gratitude p. 100. 16. I thank God I never found but My pitie was above My Anger p. 123. 14. Between the malice of My enemies and other men's mistakes I put as great a difference as between an ordinarie Ague and the Plague or the itch of Noveltie and the leprosie of disloialtie p. 125. 25. As Liars need have good memories so Malitious persons good inventions p. 125. 30. My patience will better serv Mee to bear and My charitie to forgive then My leisure to answer the manie fals asspersions which som men have cast upon Mee p. 126. 5. Libertie in the Popular sens is to do what everie man liketh best p. 132. 11. I wish repentance may bee the onely punishment of evil-doers p. 145. 21. God's Mercies are full of varietie and yet of constancie p. 145. 30. Gods spiritual perfections are such that hee is neither to bee pleased with affected Novelties for matter or manner nor offended with the pious constancie of our Petitions in them both p. 146. 10. That Constancie is the Caus of formalitie is a fallacie p. 147. 1. A little moderation may prevent great mischiefs p. 157. 29. Pride attend's prosperous and repineings follow disastrous events p. 180. 4. 'T is a pious ambition to overcom each other with Reason Moderation and self-denial p. 180. 29. Monuments and Inscriptions of the dead serv but to put posteritie in minde to thank God for that clearer light wherein they live p. 185. 25. The greatest experiments of Virtue and Nobleness are discovered in the greatest advantages against an enemie and the greatest obligations are those which are put upon us by them from whom wee could least have exspected them p. 190. 14. The freedom and secresie of private papers command's a civilitie from all men not wholy barbarous nor is there anie thing more inhumane then to expose them to publick view p. 190. 21. Secret impressions of shame and dishonor attend all unworthie actions have they never so much of publick flatterie and Popular countenance p. 194. 18. God blest the modest respect and filial tenderness which Noahs sons bare to their father nor did his open infirmitie justifie Cham's impudencie nor exempt him from that curs of beeing servant of servants which curs must needs bee on them who seek by dishonorable actions to pleas the Vulgar and confirm by ignoble acts their dependance upon the People p. 194. 24. Reason is the divinest Power I shall never think My self weak'ned while I may make full and free use of that No eclips of outward fortune shall rob Mee of that light what God hath denied of outward strength his Grace I hope will supplie with inward Resolutions not morosely to denie what is fit to bee granted but not to grant anie thing which Reason and Religion bid Mee denie p. 199. 21. No restraint shall ensnare My Soul in sin nor gain that of Mee which may make My enemies more insolent My Friends ashamed or My Name accursed p. 202. 7. They have no great caus to triumph that they have got My Person into their Power since My Soul is still Mine own Nor shall they ever gain My consent against My Conscience p. 202. 11. What they call Obstinacie I know God account's honest Constancie p. 202. 16. Should I grant what som men desire I should
then they finde to do by undoing so much as they finde well don to their hands Such is Som men's activitie that they will needs make work rather then want it and chuse to bee doing amiss rather then do nothing p. 26. 2. Good Subjects will never think it just or fit that their Sovereign's condition should bee wors by His bettering theirs pag. 26. line 29. The Common-wealth is kept in tune by preserving the Laws in their due execution and vigor wherein the Princes interest lie's more then anie man's p. 27. 7. More then the Law give's a just Prince disire's not to have and less the meanest Subject should not p. 27. 12. I still counted My self undiminish'd by My largest Concessions if by them I might gain and confirm the love of My people p. 27. 21. Som men's ambition will not give their fellow-subjects leav to enjoie what their Prince intend's for their good p. 27. 3. A Prince is easily persuaded that hee cannot grant too much or distrust too little to men who beeing professedly his subjects pretend singular pietie and religious strictness p. 28. 14. A Prince's suffering som men to go up to the pinnacle of the temple is a temptation to them to cast him down headlong p. 30. 14. Better it is to bee forced to sea by a storm though unprovided of tackling and victual then venture splitting or sinking on a Lee shore p. 33. 8. Tumults resolv to take the boldness to demand anie thing and not leav their Governors the libertie of their reason and conscience to denie them anie thing 33. 14. A Prince is not bound further to agree with the Votes of his Council then hee see's them agree with the will of God with his just rights as a King and the general good of his People pag. 33. lin. 30. Though a Prince bee desirous to give all just content to his People yet SOM MENS hydropick insatiableness hath learned to thirst the more by how much the more they drink whom no fountain of roial bountie is able to overcom so resolved they seem either utterlie to exhaust it or barbarously to obstruct it p. 34. 8. As to the desires of men God enjoineth us to trie all things by the touchstone of Reason and Laws which are the Rules of Civil Justice and to declare our consents to that onely which our judgments approve p. 39. 9. The unthankful importunities and tumultuarie violence of SOM MENS immoderate demands ought not to betraie a resolved Prince to that degenerous and unmanly slaverie which should make him strengthen them by his consent in those things which hee think's in his conscience to bee against the Glorie of God the good of his subjects and the discharge of his own dutie in Reason and Justice p. 39. 23. 'T is among the wicked Maxims of bold and disloial undertakers That bab actions must alwaies bee seconded with wors and rather not bee begun then not carried on for they think the retreat more dangerous then the assault and hate repentance more then perseverance in a fault p. 47. 1. 'T is the best policie with patience to bear what wee cannot remedie p. 47. 15. Apostasie unto Loialtie som men count the most unpardonable sin p. 48. 30. Superstitious sourness in matters of Religion so darken's the judgment that they cannot see anie thing of sin and Rebellion in those means they use with intents to reform to their Models what they call Religion who think all is gold of pietie which doth but glister with a shew of Zeal and fervencie p. 49. 22. Sir John Hotham a notable monument of unprosperous disloialtie teaching the world by so sad and unfortunate a spectacle that the rude carriage of a subject towards his Sovereign carrie's alwaies its own vengeance as an unseparable shadow with it and those oft prove the most fatal and implacable executioners of it who were the first imploiers in the service p. 50. 20. Is there no waie left to make Mee a glorious King but by My sufferings p. 54. 1. It is a hard and disputable chois for a King that love's his people and desires their love either to kill his own Subjects or to bee killed by them p. 54. 4. Miscarriages in Government may escape rather through ill Counsel of som men driving on their private ends or the peevishness of others envying the Publick should bee managed without them or the hidden and insuperable necessities of State then anie propensitie a Prince hath of himself either to injuriousness or oppression p. 54. 15. The hazards of war are equal nor doth the Cannon know anie respect of persons p 54. 29. Unnatural motions seem to manie men rather the production of a surfet of Peace and wantonness of mindes or of private discontents Ambition and Faction which easilie finde or make causses of quarrel then anie real obstruction of Justice or Parliamentarie privilege p. 55. 8. The sole exposeing a man to the publick odium is enough to ruine anie man before his caus bee heard or tried p. 56. 17. The greatest guilt of those which were voted and demanded as delinquents was this that they would not suffer themselvs to bee over-aw'd with tumults and their patrons nor compelled to abet by their suffrages or presence the designes of those men who agitated innovations and ruin both in Church and State p 57. 5. Sovereign Power in Subjects seldom agreeth with the stomaches of fellow-Subjects p. 68. 21. I desire not to bee safer then I wish My People p. 69. 5. They who are conscious to their own evil merits and designes will needs perswade the world that none but Wolvs are fit to bee trusted with the custodie of the Shepherd and his flock p. 69. 13. Factious distractions must needs follow the manieheaded Hydra of Government which as it make's a shew to the people to have more eies to foresee so they will finde it hath more mouths too which must bee satisfied and at best hath rather a monstrositie then anie thing of perfection beyond that of right Monarchie where counsel may bee in manie as the senses but the Supreme Power can bee but in one as the Head p. 70. 25. The Hearts of Subjects the greatest Treasure and best Ammunition of a King p. 72. 26. I cannot buy My peoples peace and My own safetie at too dear a rate save onely with the parting with My conscience and honor p. 75. 1. Som things which a King might approve yet in honor and policie are at som time to bee denied to som men lest hee should seem not to dare to denie anie thing and give too much encouragement to unreasonable demands or importunities p. 76 15. No man seek's to limit and confine his King in reason who hath not a secret aim to share with him or usurp upon him in power and dominion p. 78 5. A just Prince ought not so much to look at number and power as to weigh Reason and Justice p. 83. 17. Tumults are the Hounds
that attend the crie and hollaw of those Men who hunt after factions and private designs to the ruine of Church and State pag. 83. 22. Sudden and vast desires of change must bee imputed to those few who armed themselvs with the manieheaded and manie-handed Tumults p. 85. 15. It is the resolution of a good Prince that nothing of Passion or Peevishness or List to contradict or vanitie to shew his Negative power shall have anie Biass upon his judgment to make him gratifie his will by denying anie thing which reason and conscience command's him not Nor on the other side to consent to more then Reason Justice Honor and Religion persuade Him to bee for God's glorie the Churche's good His people's welfare and His own peace p 85. 28. A good Prince will studie to satisfie his People but will never for fear or flatterie gratifie anie Faction how potent soever for this were to nourish the diseas and oppress the bodie p. 86. 10. The Interest of a Prince lie's as much in the common welfare of His Subjects as som men's doth in their perturbations who think they cannot do well but in evil times p 91 11. A pious Prince look's upon the effusion of his Subject's blood as exhausted out of his own veins p 96. 30. It cannot but seem either passion or som self-seeking more then true zeal and pious discretion for anie forreign State or Church to prescribe such medicines onely for others which themselvs have used rather successfully then commendably not considering that the same physick on different constitutions will have different operations that may kill one which doth but cure another p. 101. 26. Men jealous of the justifiableness of their doings and designs before God never think they have humane strength enough to carrie their work on seem it never so plausible to the people what cannot bee justified in Law and Religion had need to bee fortified with Power pag. 107. line 4. Inconstancie attend's all mindes engaged in violent motions p. 107. 11. In vain do men think to build their Pietie on the ruines of Loialtie Nor can those confederations bee durable when subjects make bankrupt of their Allegiance under pretens of setting up a quicker trade for Religion 108. 6. All Reason and true policie will teach subjects that their chiefest interest consist's in their fidelitie to the Crown not in their serviceableness to anie Partie p. 108. 18. Som men have so much of the serpent's subtiltie that they forget the Doves simplicitie p. 109. 2. Ambitious mindes never think they have laid snares and gins enough to catch and hold the vulgar credulitie for by such politick and seemingly-pious stratagems they think to keep the populacie fast to their Parties under the terror of perjurie p. 112. 1. No after-Contracts devised and imposed by a few men in a declared Partie without the consent of the Prince and without anie like power or precedent from God's or Man's Law can bee ever thought by judicious men sufficient either to absolv or slacken those moral and eternal bonds of dutie which lie upon all subject's consciences both to God and their Prince p. 112. 11. Illegal waies seldom or never intend the engageing men more to duties but onely to Parties Therefore it is not regarded how they keep their Covenants in point of Pietie pretended provided they adhere firmly to the Partie and design intended p. 114. 13. Unjust it is both in the eie of Reason and Religion to deprive the most sacred emploiment of all due encouragements p. 118. 3. The worst effects of open hostilitie com short of the designs of the stratagems and conflicts of Malice which by falsities seek to oppress the Truth and by jealousies to supplie the defect of real causses p. 122. 13. A good King can more willingly lose his Crowns then his Credit nor are his Kingdoms so dear to him as his Reputation and Honor Those must have a period with his life but these may survive to a glorious kinde of immortalitie when hee is dead and gon a good name beeing the embalming of Princes and a sweet consecrating of them to an eternitie of love and gratitude among Posteritie p. 122. 15. When our eies are blinded with the mists of suspicions wee are soon misled into the percipices of actions p. 123. 4. A Good Prince is too conscious to his own affections toward the generalitie of his people to suspect theirs to him p. 124. 7. The sens of the injuries don unto his subjects is as sharp as those don to a Prince himself p. 124. 20. I had rather prevent My peoples ruine then rule over them nor am I so ambitious of that Dominion which is but My Right as of their happiness p. 125. 13. I had rather suffer all the miseries of life and die manie deaths then shamefully to desert or dishonorably to betraie My own just Rights Sovereigntie p. 125. 20. Som look so much at the goodness of the end propounded that they consider not the lawfulness of the means used nor the depth of the mischief plotted and intended p. 127. 29. No men were more willing to complain then I was to redress what I saw in reason was either don or advised amiss p. 131. 18. The nois and ostentation of Libertie an usual artifice to withdraw peoples affections from their Prince to innovateing designs p. 132. 9. Libertie in the popular sens is to do what everie man liketh best p. 132. 13. The divinest libertie is to will what men should and to do what they so will according to Reason Laws and Religion p. 132. 15. The bounds of the Laws good men count their Ornament and Protection others their manacles and Oppression p. 132. 30. It is not just anie man should expect the reward and benefit of the Law who despiseth it's rule and direction loseing justly his safetie while hee seek's an unreasonable Libertie p. 133. 3. They are the best preservers of true Liberties who allow themselvs the least licentiousness against or beyond the Laws p. 133. 9. It is impossible those men should bee really tender of their fellow-subjects Liberties who have the hardiness to use their King with so severe restraints against all Laws both divine and humane p. 133. 13. Proud and arrogant activitie seek's to hatch everie egg of different opinion to a Faction or schism 133. 23. Never were anie Princes more Glorious then those whom God hath suffered to bee tried in the fornace of Afflictions by their injurious Subjects p. 134. 30. 'T is no wonder if men not fearing God should not honor their King p. 135. 21. God hath graven such characters of divine autoritie and Sacred Power upon Kings as none may without sin seek to blot them out p. 135. 27. The pride of those that studie Novelties can hardly allow former times anie share or degree of wisdom or godliness p. 138. 12. Slight and easie is that Legerdemane which will serv to delude the Vulgar pag. 144. line 8. No
manie Tyrants over them from whom I praie God deliver them whatever becom's of Mee p. 204. 11. The evil policie of men forbid's all just restitution lest they should confess an injurious usurpation 207. 2. The sins of a Prince have the aggravation of his condition the eminencie of his place adding weight to his offenses p. 218. 29. The sins of the People are so far the Princes as hee improoveth not the Power given him by God to his Glorie and his subject's good p. 219. 2. Som little practice will serv that man who onely seek's to represent a part of Honestie and Honor p. 223. 14. A King cannot bee so low but Hee is considerable adding weight to that Partie where hee appear's 223. 18. Better to swim down a stream then in vain to strive against it p. 223. 24. Impossible it is for lines to bee drawn from the center and not to divide from each other so much the wider by how much they go farther from the point of Union p. 224. 1. Such as wil adventure on a King without anie Commission but that of Will and Power to take his Person into their custodie must not bee thought overmodest or timorous to carrie on anie design they have a minde to p. 225. 5. Power is above all Rule Order and Law p 226. 14. Wee are much more happie to bee subject to the known Laws then to the various wils of anie men seem they never so plausible at first p. 228. 10. Vulgar compliance with anie illegal and extravagant waies like violent motions in nature soon grow's wearie of it self and end 's in a refractorie sullenness People's rebounds are often in their faces who first put them upon those violent strokes p. 228. 14. The waies of Peace consist not in the divided wils of Parties but the joynt and due observation of the Laws p. 229. 15. Sins expose a people to God's justice their riches to other's injuries their number to Tumults and their Tumults to confusion p. 230. 13. Wee must not measure a Caus by the success nor a mans judgment of things by his misfortunes p. 231. 28. A Prince that hath begun and spent som years of discretion in the experience of troubles and exercise of Patience hath an advantage of wisdom above most Princes p. 232. 6. Pietie and all virtues both Moral and Political are commonly better planted to a thriving in troubles as trees set in winter then in warmth and serenitie of times or amidst those delights which usually attend Princes Courts in times of peace and plentie which are prone either to root up all plants of true Virtue and Honor or to bee contented onely with som leavs and withering formalities of them without anie real fruits such as tend to the Publick good for which Princes should alwaies remember they are born and by providence designed p. 232. 9. Flatterers are as inseparable from prosperous Princes as flies from fruit in summer whom adversitie like cold weather drive's awaie p. 232. 29. I had rather you should bee Charls le Bon then le Grand good then great p. 233. 4. The best Government and highest Sovereigntie a Prince can attein to is to bee subject to God that the Scepter of his Word and Spirit may rule in his heart p. 233. 18. The true glorie of Princes consist's in advancing God's Glorie in the maintenance of true Religion and the Churche's good also in the dispensation of civil Power with Justice and Honor to the publick peace p. 233. 22. A Prince ought so to order affairs in point of Power that hee need not to fear or flatter anie Faction For if ever hee stand in need of them or must stand to their courtesie hee is undon The Serpent will devour the Dove Hee may never exspect less of Loialtie Justice or Humanitie then from those who engage into Religious Rebellion Their interest is alwaies made God's under the colors of pietie ambitious policies march not onely with greater securitie but applaus as to the populacie Hee may hear from them Jacobs voice but hee shall feel they have Esau's hands p. 236. 5. The settled Laws of the Kingdom are the most excellent Rules a Prince can govern by p. 237. 24. Ingenuous Libertie consist's in the enjoiment of the fruits of industrie and the benefit of those Laws to which subjects themselvs have consented p. 238. 4. A Princes Prerogative is best shewed and exercised in remitting rather then exacting the rigor of the Laws there beeing nothing wors then Legal Tyrannie p. 238. 15. I cannot learn that lesson nor I hope ever will you that it is safe for a King to gratifie anie Faction with the perturbation of the Laws in which is wrapt up the Publick interest and the good of the Communitie p. 239. 3. A Prince ought seriously to consider the former Real or objected miscarriages of his Predecessor which might occasion troubles that hee may avoid them p. 239. 27. A Prince ought not to repose so much upon anie mans single Counsel fidelitie and discretion in mannageing affairs of the first magnitude that is matters of Religion and Justice as to create in himself or others a diffidence of his own judgment which is likely alwaies to bee more constant and impartial to the interests of his Crown and Kingdom then anie mans p. 240. 1. A Prince must beware of exasperateing anie Factions by the crosness and asperitie of som mens Passions humors or private opinions imploied by Him grounded onely upon the differences in lesser matters which are but the skirts and suburbs of Religion p. 240. 10. Favors and rewards must bee distributed to all men by the Prince with an equal eie and impartial hand as Hee finde's them for their real goodness both in abilities and fidelitie worthie capable of them p 241. 8. As a Prince need 's no palliations for anie Designes as other men so Hee ought to studie really to exceed in true and constant demonstrations of goodness pietie and virtue towards the People even all those men that make the greatest nois and ostentations of Religion so Hee shall neither fear anie detection as they do who have but the face and mask of goodness nor shall Hee frustrate the just exspectations of his people who cannot in Reason promise themselvs so much good from anie subject's Novelties as from the virtuous constancie of their King p 242. 13. None are greater Oppressors of the estates Liberties and consciences of the People then those men that entitle themselvs the Patrons and Vindicators of them onely to usurp Power over them p. 242. 30. The sin and follie of the people will sufficiently punish them in due time p. 243. 6. When ever Acts of indemnitie and Oblivion shall bee desired and accepted let them bee granted not onely as Acts of State-policie and Necessitie but of Christian Charitie and Chois p. 243. 20. Parliaments in their right constitution with freedom and Honor wil never injure or diminish the greatness