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A20596 The masque of the League and the Spanyard discouered wherein, 1. The League is painted forth in all her collours. 2. Is shown, that it is not lawfull for a subiect to arme himselfe against his king, for what pretence so euer it be. 3. That but few noblemen take part with the enemy: an aduertisement to them co[n]cerning their dutie. To my Lord, the Cardinall of Burbon. Faythfully translated out of the French coppie: printed at Toures by Iamet Mettayer, ordinarie printer to the king.; Masque de la Ligue et de l'Hispagnol decouvert. English L. T. A., fl. 1592.; Munday, Anthony, 1553-1633. 1592 (1592) STC 7; ESTC S100421 72,125 152

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shee defends her-selfe by Martyrs by Fayth Humilitie Obedience yea all the other Vertues and not by mortall Armes The Church is millitant but with what warre hurts and woundes euen those of her Spouse CHRIST IESVS who so giues Religion anie other Armes then those that Christ Iesus gaue to hys Church in stedde of aduauncing dooth ruinate it The Armes gyuen by GOD to a Christian are iustice in sted of a Corselet the Helmet of Health the inexpugnable Target of Equitie the Shield of Fayth the Sworde of the Spirit which is the worde of GOD. Heere-vpon Saint Paule sayth Let vs which are of the daie bee sober putting on the Breast-plate of Fayth and Charitie and the hope of Saluation for our Helmet For God hath not appointed vs to wrath but to obtaine Saluation by our Lord Iesus Christ. And to the Ephesians he sayth Finally my Bretheren be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might Put on all the Armour of GOD that yee may stande against the assaults of the deuill For wee wrestle not against fleshe and bloode but against Rulers against powers against worldly Gouernours of the darkenesse of this world against spirituall wickednesse in heauenly places For this cause take vnto you the whole Armour of GOD that yee may be able to resist the euill daie and hauing fynished all things to stand fast hauing your feete shodde with the preparation of the Gospell of Peace Aboue all taking the Shielde of Fayth where-with you maie quenche all the fierie Dartes of the Wicked Take also the Helmet of Saluation and the Sworde of the Spirite which is the Woorde of GOD. These Armes are commendable meete for a Christian and hee is forbidden to vse other materiall Armes where he goes for Religion and for hys conscience vvhich are no proper meanes to maintayne and defende them withall And nowe at thys instant comes to my memorie an example well worthie noting shewing that Religion ought not to be debated or prooued by corporall Armes The Hystorie is taken from the faythfull Corriualles of Spayne The Maister of Acantara D. Martin Ianes de la Barduba of the Portugall Nation entred in quarrell with the King of Granado about Religion and woulde make proofe of the trueth of his Religion by Armes Heereupon at the motion of a certaine Hermit vvho had promised hym victorie against the Infidell Moore King in despight of the King of Castile to whom he was subiect and had forbidde him to enter war on this occasion he brought an Armie to the Fielde gaue Battaile to the Moore King and there by the iust iudgement of God was worthily punished For there was he slaine and hys Armie vanquished driuen to flight by the Granadanes In thys case he vsed no manner of collour or pretence the trueth was that he tooke Armes for the maintenaunce of the Christian Religion and yet neuerthelesse was ouer-come Then thou that vnder cloake of Religion hast raised these Armes and perpetrated so manie sundry euils what thinkest thou will become of thee That it is not lawfull for a Subiect to Arme himselfe against his King for what pretence so euer it bee IS it not permitted thē sayst thou to bandie our forces against an hereticall Prince Albeit thou hadst such a one yet is it not for a Subiect to Arme himselfe against his King and that the Catholique Noble men which follow him may well gyue thee to vnderstand Tush this is nothing els but thy deceit it sits thee well to haue such a colloured pretext although thou hast no hereticall Prince For the good life and behauiour of his Maiestie with the desire hee hath to be better instructed without obstinacie if he were in errour as he is not exempts him from that infamous name and renowneth him wyth the most Christian King The tree is knowne by his fruite good reason then that thy barbarous actions shoulde shewe thee to be plunged in the bottomlesse depth of Atheisme For if thou didst beleeue in GOD or but loue him thou wouldest folow his word and obey thy Prince what euer he be in hys conscience he seeketh not to constraine thine He is a Christian most Christian King further of from the infidelitie and impietie that raignes in thee then thou or thy helpers are neere your tyrannous willes to despoile him of hys Crowne I would particulerly aunswer to all thy false inductions placed in a rancke vnder thys slye pretence if others better able then I had not doone it before mee wherein there is not anie thing forgotten This is to bee granted that a soueraigne Prince is not to be violate and hys Subiects are bound to obey him whatsoeuer he be without doing that which is contrarie to the honour of God If the King command me to goe to war in his seruice to mount my horse and to giue a charge vppon the enemies of his estate I will doe it most gladly and am bound in duetie so to doe If he commaund me to change my Religion I will not doe it neither is there any such duetie to be exacted on me But his Highnesse is so wise as he well knowes that his power tendeth not that way at his descretion and appointment remaines our bodies and goods the conscience onely appertaineth to God He can not force it and if perchaunce he should offer the meanes of constraint I would withstand him by sufferance and giue ouer force not resist againe by force I will change my Countrey to shunne this compulsion or I will dye in the defence of my Religion notwithstanding our good Kings thoughts are farre from this he wil not make warre against God to take from hym his kingdome which is our conscience soule he being inspyred with him and burning in the zeale of his loue Hauing deuided the French Empire with God thinkest thou hee will take from him his part or but enterprise vppon hys estate Hee is no Tyrant to doe so like thee that wouldest vsurpe and teare it altogether out of his handes but hee shall well enough defende thee thou hast a puissant and vnconquerable aduersarie against thee hee that with him hath part of this Empire And when thou hast presented all thy humaine forces those that thou hast gathered together of lost men and strange Spanyards equall in number with the Armie of Xerxes yet shalt thou not be able I will not say to fight but onely to hold head against our Alcides hauing hys Maister the most mighty King of Kings to be hys helper who holds him by the hand who in thys estate established him and the predecessours of hy srace for the space of sixe hundred yeeres and more commaundeth vs to obey him thou to thy extreame damage hast prooued hys force more then Herculean Hys Edicts and holy ordinaunces be obeyed and most expresly already proposed by manie pennes and sundry Doctors of diuinitie for our perfection which consisteth in the obedience due to
and remedie by the end and cutting off a Tyrant Likewise that it is more necessary to proceede against the crueltie of Tyrants rather by publique authoritie then by particuler wilfulnes or presuming But if any people haue right to prouide themselues of a King and that by them he is chosen for iust cause the King so established may by the people be supprest or his authoritie taken from him by them that created him King because so tyrannously hee abused the Maiestie royall Now are the people to bee iudged vnfaithfull in forsaking and subiecting thys Tyrant because before hee was neuer Gouernour of himselfe neither carryed that faithfull and honourable minde as is required in the office of a King Thus misleading and misgouerning his people hee deserues not that hys subiects shoulde keepe the promise they made and swore to him So the Romaines chased out of the Kingdome Tarquine the proude whome they had receiued as their King but because of the tyranny of him and his sonne they subiected thēselues to a lesser authoritie namely of Consuls In like case Domitian who succeded the most modest and debonnaire Emperours Vespasian his Father and Titus his brother because hee excercysed tyrannie hee was slaine by the Romaine Senate and by their decree were reuoked and annihillated all such things as he badly had established ordayned against the Romaines For this cause S. Iohn the Euangelist the beloued Disciple of Christ who was sent in exile by Domitian into the I le of Pathmos was recalled from thence and sent by the Senate to Ephesus But if any superiour Gouernour hath right to giue a King to the people he ought to regarde his dealing to yeeld remedie against the malice and wickednesse of the Tyrant Heereof Archelaus may remaine example who hauing begun to raigne in Iurie in the place of King Herod his father began to imitate him in wickednes and crueltie when the Iewes framed a cōplaint against him before Augustus Caesar then first his authoritie was deminished the name of King taken from him the moitie of his Realme deuided to his two brethren And because by thys meane hee could not bee kept from vsing tyranny Tyberius Caesar sent him in exile to the cittie of Lyons in Fraunce And if it bee not possible to haue humaine succour against a Tyrant let vs make our recourse to God the King ouer all who will help the oppressed in trybulation for it is in the power of God to conuert the heart of a Tyrant into mildnesse according to the words of Salomon Cor Regis in manu Dei quocunque voluerit inclinabit illud The hart of the king is in the hand of God he may turne it whether soeuer he will For he turned into meekenes the crueltie of King Assuerus who prepared to put the Iewes to death Hee likewise conuerted and changed the cruell King Nabuchodonozer that he became a Preacher of the diuine power saying Nowe therefore I Nabuchodonozer praise extoll magnifie the King of heauen whose works are al truth his wayes iudgement and those that walke in pride or arrogancie is he able to humble and abase But as for Tyrants they are reputed by him vnworthie of conuersion he will cut thē off or bring them into base estate according to the words of the Wiseman God destroieth the seates of proud Princes and setteth on them such as are meeke and humble in their sted Hee it is who seeing the affliction of his people in Egypt and hearing the cry of them ouerthrew the Tyrant Pharao with his Armie in the Red-sea It is he that not onely threw from the throne Roall the fore-named Nabuchodonozer who was become verie proude but also depriued him of the company of men and changed him into a beast Hys arme is no whit shortened but hee can and will deliuer his people from Tyrants For he promised to his people by the Prophet Esay that he would giue rest to the trauaile confusion and troublesome seruitude wherein they were before subiected And by Ezechiell hee saith I will deliuer my flocke from the mouthes of such sheepheards as doe nothing but feede themselues But to the ende the people may obtayne this mercifull benefit from God it is necessarie for them to leaue theyr sinne because that in vengeaunce thereof the wicked and vngodly by diuine permission get hold of the principalitie And God saith by the Prophet Osee I will giue thee a King in my furie and in Iob it is written that hee will suffer the hypocrite to raigne because of the sinnes of the people It is requisite thē to take way the fault to the end GOD may cease to punish vs by the meanes of Tyrants Hetherto Thomas Aquinus shewed the errour of such as lifted themselues against Princes albeit they were Tyrants and dyd intreate their Subiects cruelly Sayst thou then vnder this pretence of tyrannie that iustly thou mayst raise thee against the King to kyll him murder him by treason and so to take his estate from him For the first he is no Tyrant and though hee shoulde consent to make any tyrannous Act as therein thou saist most false yet thy wordes fauour of most abhominable errour and are condemned by the counsell of Constance who aboue all things would haue abolished and rased foorth such a pernicious doctrine That it shoulde bee lawfull to kill a Tyrant for any cause what soeuer it be They declared such people to be wicked erronious in fayth and manners reproouing and condemning them as Heretiques or scandalous preparers of the way to fraudes deceites dreames periuries and treasons Thys holy Sinode declared furthermore and ordained that such as obstinatly affirmed and maintained this doctrine were heretiques and ought to be punished according to the holie and Canonicall ordinaunces Then tell me Sorcerer art not thou an heretique hauing murdered not a Tyrant but a iust debonnaire lawfull King Art not thou an heretique to pursue the life and estate of his admirable successour whom thou art enforced to confesse account for a mightie generous and affable Prince gracious euen toward his verie enemies a conseruer of Religion although he make profession of that is contrarie to thee But thou fearest as it seemeth that beeing the heade of his Subiects hee wyll not change his Religion but rather his clemencie into rigour and seuerity thys proceeds but frō the fardle of thy malice As concerning the matter of Religion I haue thereto aunswered thee alreadie but for the alteration of his kinde nature into another more rigorous I am perswaded that he is established by GOD to doe iustice to the wicked Beside he is so soundly acquainted with mercy and gentlenes as hee will neuer from them degenerate but will pardon hys simple Subiects that gaue but consent to rebellion and were not authours or procurers thereof Dooth it then appertaine to thee to iudge thy Prince Men saith the
are allyed with such as thou callest Huguenotes for maintenaunce of the royall authority in the house of Burbon the most famous of the world Didst thou imagine them to be so mad after the slaughter of theyr most Christian King as to defend the cause of murderers And then when no question was to be made of the estate wouldest thou haue them falsely breake theyr bond to theyr naturall legittimate Prince to whō by dutie they owe all fidelity Thy tearme of Religion ought not hinder the assistance due to him by allegeance for the Prince is elected of God what is he thē that shal refuse be disobedient to the heauenly appointment And who hath made this alliance or coniunction of the Kings Catholique faithfull seruaunts together for the placing him in his estate but thy selfe Leaguer that didst betray and kill a most Catholique King to trans-fer the Crown whether thou pleasest Art not thou thy selfe leagued with certaine Protestants who euery day make a preaching in thine Army commit great indignities in the Churches which thou both knowest and beholdest But heereof I neede not make anie wonder for thou art content that thy zealous Catholiques shall spoile euen to the high Altare and yet not be sacriligious Thou pillest Churches our King vseth them as a defence for hys person so according to thy mallice inuetterated by nature thou immediatly turnest all hys good works into poyson as all things els likewise of thys vertuous Prince The Pope himselfe did he make any dyfficultie in matters of estate to cōsent heretofore with the Huguenotes by meanes of a certaine anuall pension for the conseruation of the Countie of Auignon which appertained to him The Emperour Charles the fift and Phillip hys sonne King of Spaine the source and support of the League did they find any fault in assembling their troupes and Armes composed of men of all religions for the ayde and defence of theyr busines Thou Sorcerer doost thou oppose to mee by the mouthes of thy false Prophets that Iosaphat was contented by the Prophet Iehu to ioyne in affinity with Achab And by the prophet Elizeus he was likewise vnited to Ochozias King of Israell he beeing giuen to do ill That King Asa for making a couenaunt with Benhadad King of Assiria was tempted That God by the mouth of Esay as also by the Kinges of Iuda sayd Euill be on you that walke to goe downe into Egipt and haue asked no question at my mouth but seeking strength in the ayde of Pharao haue knit your selues with the number of Egipt therefore shall the strength of Pharao be your confusion That in Ieremie we read the like words and how GOD commaunded hys people not to make any alliance with the Cananites Amorites and other Infidell Nations I aunswer to these arguments that the prohibition made to King Iosaphat reached no further then to himselfe particulerly because hee was ioyned with a King not onelie irreligious but also impious And Asa is reprooued because forgetting God he trusted in humane power whereto in lyke manner tendeth the reprehension of Esay But a Christian Prince that beleeueth in God may not hee according to occasion and time receiue the amitie and alliance of another Prince different in Religion especially in the affayres of the estate Said not Moises When thou cōmest neere to a Cittie to fight against it thou shalt offer them peace If then they aunswere thee againe peaceably and open the gates to thee then let all the people that is founde therein be tributarie to thee and serue thee Dyd not Iosuah receiue the Gabaonites into alliance which albeit hee had discouered their fraude and treason he woulde neuer after breake What sayst thou to the alliance Abraham made with King Abimelech Was not Dauid in such sort ioyned in amity with king Achis as himselfe was made of the Guarde to the person of the King Dyd hee not beare like amitie to Nahan King of the Ammonites allied himselfe with him Hys Sonne Salomon did not he the lyke with Hyram King of the Tyrians Of whom by the meane of alliance he receiued both matter and worke-men to build the Temple of God in Ierusalem It is not then vnnecessarie that Catholique faithfull Subiects should ioyne themselues with their naturall and legittimate Prince although he differ from them in Religion and with those also of contrary opinion in so iust a cause and if they should doe otherwise who doubts but they are to be attainted and conuinced of the selfe same crime as Rebels are What saist thou then now Wilt thou make the Law appertaineth it not to the King to do it who relieth on no bodie els but God Darest thou attempt against his Maiestie Darest thou yet oppose thy selfe against Gods annointed Hydra dooth more heads stil bud foorth hauing alreadie lost so many Who doubts but hell is called hell Thou hast murdered Henrie the third a Christian King and yet thy violence is not therewith pacified Thou hast striuen still doost daily striue to glut thy false and most cruell hart with the blood of our present King who hath been so kind and debonnaire to thee and beeing able to doe nothing by force thou hast recourse to Magique-artes and Charmes but the goodnesse of God is farre beyonde thy mallice and in pittie he wil not permit but that the King and his poore Subiects who suffer by thee so many abuses and enormities shall haue the vpper-hand in these waighty affayres and that it is his pleasure to let vs shortly see thy nose flatted to the earth wyth thy neck broken and neuer heere-after to be better then thou art as I am fully perswaded thou canst not be beeing clothed with such cruell passions and violent executions Spare not for vs still to lighten the warre with thy ambition that thou take to thee thy Spanish King Maister that thou bestow on him the supreame power that thou associate thy selfe with men of spoile and fit for the halter robbers theeues murderers such like and that all such are the most gratefull and welcomest guests to thee we expect no other but the ende of thee and them at the Fourca or Gallowes Thou braggest a little that thou hast some Gentlemen of good birth whose Fathers with the price of their liues did valiantly defende the crowne these hast thou in such sort inueigled by thy wicked wrappings enchaunting perswasions as their fault and themselues are alike and their crime of Lesae Maiestatis beares witnes of their vertue They Idoll-like honour thee and willingly are charmed with thy Siren perswasions thy sweet songs affecting blandishments because thou layest thy selfe wide open to theyr lightnes But I attende the time that according to the good nature they receiued from their Auncestors if any at all be left within them they comming to discouer how hidious thou art how false and full of
but by the doctrine proofe and good example which greatly wanteth in your false Apostles I beleeue there is not any Christian Catholique a faythfull member to the Crowne but would earnestly desire that the King enriched with such store of vertues required in so great a Prince as he is shold likewise be a Christian Catholique to the end that as we ought to haue but one King so wee might also haue but one fayth and Religion wherein as in the feare of God our Prince earnestly labours to haue vs liue Heereof not only the Philosophers and Christian Doctors but also Emperours are assured witnesses by many constitutions recited as well in the Ecclesiasticall hystories as also in the bookes of Theodosius Iustinian who greatlie trauailed to maintain the vnion of the Christian Catholique Church When there is vnitie in religiō in an estate who doubts but al things do prosper the better We desire without offending our selues against them that are contrary to our religion that they would louinglie become partakers with vs and not pursued to the death by the animositie wherwith the Rebels follow both them and vs subiect vs together vnder one selfe-same detection or Categorie VVe desire I say that according to the good and holy custome helde of olde the King should be sacred and annointed at his Corronation and take the oath of a Catholique Prince that is to maintaine the Catholique Church all the rights franchises and priuiledges thereof We know well that since the raigne of Clouis Fraunce hath beene constantly maintained in the Catholique Religion which is the same as say the Emperours Gracian Valentinian and Theodosius that was giuen and taught by Saint Peter to the Romaines and vvhich both holy Emperours Bishops and Councels haue euer since followed for which cause it is yet called Apostolique and Romaine We are not ignorant although some call vs heretiques because that acknowledging the Princes authoritie according as God hath commaunded vs we haue withdrawn our selues to his side that many great personages haue shewen as much by authority of the holy Scripture that the ancient Fathers and Doctors of the Church both Greekes and Latines that the Catholique Religion is the onely and true Religion which hath beene from the Apostles vnto this present by continuall succession alwaies taught preserued in the Romaine Church But we are certaine withall that through the vices which haue slipt thereinto by fault of the Pastours the estate of that Church hath much more neede of reformation thē others We know likewise that we are admonished by Iesus Christ and hys Apostles to liue in concord and vnity with God as S. Paule witnesseth in these words The God of patience and of consolation giue you the grace to know one onely thing amongst ye according to Iesus Christ to the ende that with one sole courage and with one mouth you may glorifie God his Father Religion is a constant vertue teaching the true adoration of God which is done with an intire spirit and the vnity thereof is figured by the garment of Christ Iesus wouen without a seame that it was not to be cut or deuided This is in truth a faire assembly of such as are knit in one brotherly vnanimity consent as well in religion as policie whereof the Prophet Dauid singeth beeing assured that to such God wil send blessings and lyfe euerlasting To this effect Plato and Cicero albeit they were both Pagans haue written That there is nothing more agreeable to the highest God that gouerneth the whole world than the assemblies of men that associate and meete together in selfe same will and affection There is but one Catholique Church sayth S. Paule which frameth all Christians of one minde and spirite concerning the doctrine whereof it were in vayne to dispute after so many auncient Doctors of the Church and religious Counsels We desire nothing more then that the King according to the most Christian tytle of hys Predecessors and his people shoulde be vnited in Christian Religion as for preseruing peace in his Kingdome he is declared the Defender and Protector of the Catholique Religion with protestations so oftentimes reitterated so to preserue it as his proper life Nor is he ignorant what Cicero sayth That Religion beeing troubled the whole Common-wealth is troubled because the disquiet and change that happeneth therein dooth nothing else but cloy the spirites of men with disorder and confusion whence proceedeth contempt of Gods true worshippe and hee beeing offended punisheth and afflicteth with diuers woundes and calamities the Countrey that is fallen into such a miserie This therfore his Maiesty wold fore-see by his wisdome desiring that Religion shoulde bee preserued euen as before God the gouernment of the estate is put into his hande God hath giuen vs such a one adorned with so many heroycall vertues as makes him admirable to all Nations of the world Would you then haue vs goe ranging about and vrge a beleefe contrarie to that we doe beleeue Is it possible we should doe so Faith is the gift of God and is not imprinted in mens consciences by stroakes of swordes or any other weapons it is necessary that the spirit of God should be in quiet all the harts of men especially of vs that are his subiects would herein dye and be consumed Of necessitie is it that this grace commeth from aboue and we can do no otherwise but pray to God for his Maiestie and that he will graunt vs to be still mindefull of our dueties hee is our King wee ought to obey him and he ought to preserue maintaine vs according to the Laws statutes of the Countrey as all other Kings hys predecessours haue doone But what shalt thou gaine by desiring the thing thou doost I beleeue that if the King were such a Catholique as thou wouldest haue him and for one Masse he should dispose himselfe euery day to heare two yet the Rebels would say no lesse of him then they did of the late King that he did it for hypocrisie and to be quiet in hys estate What can we else iudge seing their intent is to exterminate his life with all the generous and royall linage of Burbon to follow the seruice of a Stranger But as I haue sayde GOD hath euer-more preserued that race euen for sixe hundred yeeres and more to this present and yet by hys holy will stil continues it for the good quiet of this poore distressed kingdome These Armes that you haue taken against him ô Rebels will turne to your owne ruine and confusion seeing God forbids ye so to doe what-soeuer pretence ye make of Religion Religion should moue ye to pitty and not to rage to compassion and not furie to loue regard of your King and not to rancour or hatred to a naturall French-affection of hys seruice and not to an obstinate will to wound destroy and take his life from him if ye could Now say my Lords
THE MASQVE OF THE League and the Spanyard discouered Wherein 1. The League is painted forth in all her col●●●● 2. Is showen that it is not lawfull for a 〈…〉 Arme himselfe against his King for 〈…〉 tence so euer it be 3. That but few Noblemen take part with the 〈…〉 an Aduertisement to them cōcerning 〈…〉 TO MY LORD THE CARDINALL OF BVRBO● Faythfully translated out of the French 〈…〉 at Toures by Iamet Mettayer 〈…〉 Printer to the King PATERE AVT ABSTINE AT LONDON Printed by I. Charlewoode for 〈…〉 Smyth and are to be sold at his shoppe 〈…〉 West ende of Paules 1502. TO THE RIGHT vvorshipful Mistris Dorothy Edmonds one of the Gentlewomen of her Maiesties most honourable priuie Chamber All happinesse in this life and in the world to come hartily wished Your worships in all dutie to commaunde R. Smyth TO MY LORD TH● most honourable reuerende ar● religious Cardinall of Burbon Prince of the bloode MY Lord being d●●sirous to warrant a●● protect my selfe fro● the iniurie and repro●● of false French-mē v●●der your inexpugna●● shielde that are so great a Prince and Prela●● most faithfull to God the King the esta●● which by diuine grace is now though wi●● mighty and trouble-some trauerses in yo●● most noble and royall House your gener●●sitie and kindnes excusing me frō the tear●●● of ouer-bold prouoked me peraduentu●● some-what rashly hauing enterprised wit●●out your knowledge to addresse this d●●●course to you For this cause to with-stan● such as will immediatly cry nothing but 〈◊〉 re●ique vnder shadow of making passage to ●●th as being cloaked with the habit of holi●●es religiō betray God to whose seruice ●●ey are vowed in sporting with their swords 〈◊〉 the seruice of the deuill father of dissenti●● and author of blood-sheds and murders ●herby we may euidētly discerne that they ●●ue no part of religion but the habit that ●●y abuse their profession seeing that with●●t any feare of God or the Magistrate to 〈◊〉 great disgrace of Christian religion they ●●mbat for the earth with material Armes 〈◊〉 for heauen with spiritual forces I beseech good men that duly vnder this habit make ●●ofession of Christian Catholique religion 〈◊〉 to make a scandale of it seeing that kee●●ng this pure whitenes the humility sim●●●city of their forefathers not contending ●●●war otherwise then vnder the Ensigne of ●●rist Iesus they cannot heere sustaine any ●●derance protesting that hetherto I haue 〈◊〉 in Christian religion therein wil perseuere so long as God giues me grace As for the rest of my discourse touchi●● the prayses and Trophies of our victorio●● Prince the obedience which I haue pr●●ued by scripture his subiects owe him of d●●tie what-soeuer pretence the Leaguers o●●pose I thinke there is no one if he be not ●●uer passionate an Anti-catholique or Sp●●nyarde as are these zealous murderers a●● theeues of the rebellious vnitie that can will speake against it If there be any one 〈◊〉 hardy as dare produce any false inductio● on the behalfe of the rebellion of these fa●● French-men to beate down the estate roy●● or to vse any collour against your royal ho●●● which they attache with a false semblance 〈◊〉 shew of religion by estranging or stayni●● the French Nobility that stand in defence 〈◊〉 theyr King the sword of this great and ma●●nanimous Prince put into his hande by t●● highest puissaunce shall quayle by his ayd●● all such shyfts scourge the Rebels vp-hol● 〈◊〉 estate and preserue the florishing No●●esse that with so good hart doe follow his ●●ruice And if these Armes will deigne to admit ●●e assistance of the penne there are so many ●●rned and faithfull for his Maiestie as soone ●●ll dysprooue such false propositions God ●●ding whom my Lord I pray to preserue ●●d keepe you as an ornament and piller of ●●s Church the good of this estate so vexed ●●d afflicted by the Stranger as also the ma●●ging of his affayres which so neerely con●●rnes you for the seruice of his Maiestie From Toures the 27. of February 1592. Your most humble obedient and affectionate Seruaunt L. T. A. THE MASQVE OF THE League and the Spanyard discouered THE Tyrant of Spayne gaping and watching a long time for the inuasion of Fraunce and generall ruine of the French working to his own desire the disorders not long since and which yet continueth in all the estates of thys Realme Seeing likewise that the last of the house of Valois swayed the Scepter after the death of Monsieur his brother who was reported to be poysoned By his owne subtilty by the means of hys Agents Ambassadour and adhering Pencionars whom he hath drawn into a very great and high hope to his owne profit and their perdition hath raised a League and thereby engendred Monsters more horrible and hiddious then those that of old are sayd to be subdued by the valour of Alcmenaes Sonne It were needlesse to make further search for newe horrours in the depth of Lybia let mee rather question howe to banish hence the crueltie and barbarisme of these Scithians Gothes by nature these Moores Sarrasin Spanyards whose first Fathers had theyr originall from the Gothes and from hence thys League the mother of all mischiefe that is heer so louingly cherished had her beginning Thys Pandora hath so cast abroade her poysons out of her boxe as the ayre the earth and men beeing vnprouided of a counter-poyson yea very neere all things els are infected therewith It hath changed in many places the face of this fayre Monarchie into an Anarchie or many headed gouernment it hath ouerthrowne the throne and royall Authoritie violenced the Magistrates murdered the Prince peruerted all order and policie both diuine and humane It hath made Fraunce a den of theeues murderers robbers and spoylers such Monsters hath thys League prodigiously brought foorth among infinite of the very worst sort is ignorance malice deceit guile hypocrisie robbing theft incest feigned Religion all kinde of execrations murder sacrilidge and parricide thys Witch engendered by the terror and ambition of the Spanyards hath made a strange metamorphosis of a most beautifull estate But GOD the Authour of all good foreseeing in mercie such as he made choise of gaue courage to theyr harts to detest thys Scithia to flye from thys Lybia whose Monsters strangle liuing men as hath beene known and seene and so to come into a sweete ayre pure and not poysoned vnder the gracious Lawes of their naturall and legittimate Princes To worke this effect a meruaile amongst them esteemed of greatest meruaile it is his will and pleasure that out of a great euill shoulde spring and arise as great a good that from a most strange conspiracy of fellons murderers and parricides of theyr King should be raised and lifted to the Maiestie royal the man whose life this Sorcerer daily sought to abridge confound For heereon did he build and to this day doth builde all his arteficiall and pernicious deseignes thinking
and men of good behauiour So this olde Foxe seeing himselfe readie to succeede his forefathers hath practised and doth practise the like in the vsurpation of this Crowne hoping to make a bootie of it and to tyrannize therein at his owne pleasure but that our noble Prince makes him let goe his holde and surrender vp the estates he proudlie vsurpeth namely the Realme and estate of Nauarre sometime troden down by Ferdinand of Castile and Arragon one of thy Grandfathers This Ferdinand vsurped on D. Iohn of Albret the thirtie fiue King of Nauarre who espoused Katherine Sister to King Phoebus the thirtie foure who died without issue whereby she came to the Crowne in the yeere one thousand foure hundred eyghtie-three Then Henrie of Albret the second the Sonne to Iohn of Albret succeeded in the right of Nauarre the yere one thousand fiue hundred and seauenteene espoused Margaret of Fraunce the Sister to K. Fraunces the first Of this marriage came Ione whom Bertrand Helie calleth Charlotte who succeeded in the right of her Father the yeere one thousand fiue hundred fifty-fiue and was married to the most puissant and magnanimous Duke Anthonie of Vendosme of the most illustrious and royall house of Burbon whereof is left this Mars in earth Henrie the thirde of that name the true succeeder in the rights of Nauar now by lawfull succession the most Christian and most victorious King of Fraunce the fourth of that name These effects make knowne thy pretence to the verie ignorant thy disloyaltie thy ingratitude thy impietie in many places hath made the people wise they know that the dotage and simplicitie of men is the assured foster nurse of Tyrants The bountie and clemencie of our King towardes his Subiects yea euen his enemies hath from a great number taken away the frontlet of ignoraunce the Christian Catholique Religion florisheth more among his faithfull Subiects then els where obedience there maintaineth it where cōtrariwise such disobedience as thou vsest hatcheth nought els but rebellion breach of faith and lastly vtter ruine and confusion Thy Masque cannot hide thee from beeing noted for a most disloyall and infernall Furie thou hast brauely extolled thy selfe like a God thou hast smoothly beguiled the people wyth outward shewe of Religion and holinesse these make thee known for such a one as thou art that thou doost but lye when thou tearmest thy selfe a Christian and a Saint The mercinarie tongues of thy false Preachers with all theyr cosenages and impostures are other sophisticall wares of slender valewe in that they cannot maintaine thy health albeit they haue broken and altered the humours of a great number of thy folowers to make them like and conformable to thine owne Who sees not that the Sermons which thou causest them to make are Phillippicall Appologies and inuectiues Where is the Gospell of peace concord charitie and loue Where is the office christian brotherly kindnesse humilitie deuotion and obedience Where is the Christian catechizing or the exercise of Gods commaundements Thou by them prescribest a cleane contrary matter for thou hast hired theyr tongues to thunder foorth a Gospell of blood vengeance disobedience and rebellion such Trouch-men and Trumpeters of sedition haue learned of thee to speake so to distill into French-mens harts thy golden poyson whereof already the Rebels feele the bitter taste and deadly operation Thou hast thrust into theyr hands the flaming firebrande wherewith they haue circled the foure corners and very midst of Fraunce and all was wel neere lost without the succour of our Alcides who ranne to the water and would not suffer his House and Heritage to be consumed in the violence of thys fire They haue annimated the simple who now are wexen to be deuilish partakers and tearme themselues zealous Catholiques to the spoyle massacre and totall ruine of theyr Parents freends and Countrimen to receyue therefore in the end with them the earnest of diuine iustice on the Iibbets and Gallowes the spectacles and witnesses whereof are continually before theyr eyes for theyr notorious crimes and offences By these kindled fires hast thou already murdered one King and by the same pursuest him that now raigneth that he beeing slaine and all his race cut off the estate might be trans-ferred to thy selfe a horrible most lamentable case that Ecclesiasticall persons will pertake in such enormous foule deedes and treasons One Iohn de Prochite chiefe Authour of the conspiracie against the French-men in the Realme of Scicilie performed the same beeing disguised in the habite of a Gray Fryar and so sollicited and induced the Scicilians to the massacre of the French which by them was doone one euening in the Easter holy-daies So thou like these Prochites couered wyth the habites of penitence Religion diddest compasse thy villanie and treason against our late King whom thou murderedst by a Iacobine Monke or rather to tearme him righter A hoodded deuil so continuest against the Princes of his house and blood of whom thou hast sworne the destruction Thus by Monkes thou iniurest the estate which thou wouldest dismember and deuide among those Coniurers albeit thy craftie Authour pretendeth otherwise and thus are the faithfull subiects to the Crowne abused Vnder this Masque what impieties are cōmitted thorow all Fraunce by Monkish Souldiours who haue changed their former simplicity pouerty and humility into audacious trechery and presumption And because the Spanish hypocrisie the shadow of their Atheisme is one of the principall pillers of thy contriued conspiracie and that thou makest our men beleeue by the introduction thou hast made to the K. of Spaine who at thys day raiseth warre in the heart of Fraunce to destroy thee together with the King if he can after hee hath first serued hys owne turne with thee that these Moores are good Catholiques and theyr followers religious If any such were to be founde it were shame to deny it then looke a little on theyr deuotion and whether the Monachall rage kindled not a notable sedition in Lisbone in the yeere one thousande fyue hundred and nine when two bloodie Iacobines parted from theyr Cloyster with a Crosse in theyr hands a tricke at this day practised among our fyring Monkish Souldiours that beare a Crosse in the one hand and a sword in the other with Corslets on theyr banks vnder theyr ●owles as if Iesus Christ and warre-weapons agreed together when neuer was he seene harnessed or weaponed amongst hys Apostles and Disciples and so dyd they enflame the people against certaine that were newly conuerted to Christianitie that they altogether gouerned by their malice and enuie crying they were but dogs and heretiques slewe forthwith more then foure thousand thys beeing the principall spurre of thys mercilesse butchery that the sedicious might spoyle and make hauocke of the others goods The King who was named Emanuell beeing aduertised of this exceeding Massacre caused the two aforenamed plagues of the Cloyster and the Common-wealth to be
could alleadge so that Saule acknowledging his humanity by the demonstrations he had of Dauid at his comming forth of the Caue he fell into teares and thus spake vnto Dauid Thou art more righteous then I for thou hast rendred me good whereas I intended thee euill and thou hast shewed mee this daie the good thou hast doone me for asmuch as when the Lord had gyuen me into thy handes yet thou wouldest not kill me For who shall find his enemie and let him depart into a good waie wherefore the Lord will reward thee with good for that which thou hast done vnto me this day And nowe I beholde and knowe for a certaintie that thou shalt be King and the kingdome of Israell shall be stablished in thy hands Such were the words of Saule to Dauid beholding the humanitie Dauid had vsed towards him by which pardoning of hys enemy he aduaunced hym and was so farre of from beeing auenged as hee withdrewe himselfe from his right of raigning in the Kingdome which God had giuen him I cannot omit in thys case another deede of Dauid toward Saule The Ziphians being come to Saule in Gibea aduertised him that Dauid was hid in the Mountaine of Hachilah which was face to face before the Desert of Iesimon Then Saule renuing hys mortall enmity against Dauid accompanied himselfe with three thousand able men and pitched his Campe on the Mountaine of Hachilah Nowe Dauid dwelled in the wildernes and knew by hys espials that Saule was come neere him wherfore in the night hee came to the place where Saule had placed his Campe and hymselfe slept within the Fort hys Tents beeing pitched rounde about him and very neere him was Abner the sonne of Ner the chiefe Captaine of hys Armie Which Dauid perceiuing discended into that place with Abisay approched neere his enemy Saule when Abisay thus spake to Dauid God hath closed thine enemie into thy hand this day now I pray thee let me smite him once with my speare to the earth and I will not stirre a foote from thee wherto Dauid answered I will not haue him smitten for what is he can lay his hand on the Lords annointed and be guiltlesse And Dauid said furthermore So truelie as the Lorde liueth no harme shall be doone him but rather God shall smite him or his day shal come to die or he shall discend into battaile and there perish The Lord will keepe me from luying my hand vpon his holie and annointed but I pray thee onelie take hys Speare that standes at his heade and his Cruse of water and so let vs depart Thus Dauid contented hymselfe wyth thys brauado euer-more declaring hym to be no way excusable that should attempt any thing against the person of the King Let me say beside that Saule beeing slaine in the fight against the Philistines and Dauid hearing tydings of hys death was very sorrowfull and vsed meruailous lamentations commaunding him to be brought before hym that had cut off his heade who thought to delight hym with bringing the head of Saule saying that he had doone him to death when Dauid mooued with pitty and anger How is it quoth he that thou wast not afraid to lay thine hand on the Lords annointed Thy blood be vppon thine owne heade for thine owne mouth hath testified against thee saying I haue slaine the Lords annointed All the water of the Sea cannot then serue to wash the murderers of the late King neyther shall any of them be held excusable that pursue the life and estate of hys successour our vertuous and most valiant Prince But thou alleadgest the Prouerbe common among the barbarous Si ius violandum est regnandi gratia violandum est If right be to be violate for a kingdoms sake it is to be violate Wherfore then vsest thou the pretence of Religion and common-good to ouer-throw the most simple with these deceits Thys prouerbe is of Tyrants and Atheists who regard not that God is the reuenger of Kings and returneth euill to such as enterprise against theyr estates VVhat aduauncement receiued Absalon listning to the pernitious counsell of Achitophell and following it attempted against the person of King Dauid hys Father What happened to Adonia who thought to vsurpe the Realme against Salomon hauing deceiued the Mother of the King as very well it was made knowne vnto him afterward How is it chaunced to those who to the hard hap of Fraunce taking a morsell wyth the Spanish enemie and the trecherous League haue troubled thys estate Howe will it fall out with such who after beeing in fauour wyth the coniuration dyd by a Monke murder the late King let them not now stand doubting seeing that GOD is iust But to confute the colloured obiection of the Leaguers at thys day who say that the King is of a contrary Religion and thereby pretende an excuse for theyr conspiracie Haue they not read in the holy Scripture that Ieroboam king of Samaria had raiected the auncient Religion VVhat Prophet perswaded to make war against hym Hys Sonne dyed of disease because of hys sinne the ruine of his Realme was fore-told him but not executed by hys Subiects offenders against the Law of God Great euils befell to Achab the Realme of Israell for hauing brought in new Religion by the perswasion of Iezabell Daughter to the King of the Sidonites false Prophets were permitted the Altars were destroyed and the better sort of people put to death Neuerthelesse Elias the chiefe Prophet of that tyme albeit he was of wonderfull zeale yet did not hee cōmaunde that any one shoulde rise against the King The Prophets of God were hid in Caues an hundred in one place and an hundred in an other secretly nourished with simple breade and water the good men of behauiour afflicted on all sides and yet was none of them offended with the King or any enterprise prepared against hys person The Prophet onely shewed him his sinne and that GOD would punish it by drought three yeeres and a halfe but who euer read that hee incited any one to contend against his Prince Farre off from him was quae vim vi repelleret he willed none to repulse violence with violence and so to deliuer their Countrey but hearing that Iezabell sought for him to put him to death he referred vengeance to the hand of God only who sheweth himselfe a Reuenger when any one is vniustlie punished by the Magistrate whome no man is permitted to resiste with armes according as it happened to Achab and Iezabell For besides the death of many Prophets they caused righteous Naboth to bee murthered thereby vniustly to gette his Vineyarde and then our God who reserued the punishments heereof till conuenient time suffered Achab to endure such necessitie as hee ouerthrewe himselfe and was slaine As for Iezabell shee was throwne from the height of a Towre by her Eunuches rent in peeces with dogs her members
scattered in the vineyard of the innocent whose death shee had before sollicited Dyed not Athalia who put to death all the royall Children of Ochozias whereto withstood the high Priest Iehoiada that reserued Ioas in whom the reigne was afterward established and made peaceable But very true is it that when Ioas fell into forgetfulnesse of thys good turne hee consented to the death of Zacharia sonne to Iehoiada for which cause God suffered that he shoulde be slayne by hys owne proper seruants which notwithstanding none of the sacrificing Priestes nor Prophets woulde attempt or perswade considering that aboue all things the person Royall is to be reuerenced How many Prophets were in tymes past put cruelly to death by Kings who neuer excited any tumult against them but rather councelled and induced them to repentance Esay was parted through the myddest of the bodie with a Sawe by the commaundement of the King Manasses Ieremie was kept prisoner vnder Zedechias by the Gouernours of the Lande of Beniamin The three Children were cast into the midst of the fiery Fornace by the commaundement of Nabuchodonozer King of Babilon Daniel was two seuerall tymes cast out to the Lyons vnder the raigne of Pagane Kings Yet reade we not that these dyd so much as speake euill of the Princes Magistrates that gaue such sentence on them Looke then vpon our Sauiour Christ hymselfe the true example of iustice albeit hee knew the wicked intent of Pilate did he make any acknowledgement of hauing power from aboue Where dyd he commaund to force the cruell Magistrates albeit he could haue done it when himselfe pleased Moreouer did he not reproue the wish of S. Iames and S. Iohn who desired that fire might discend vppon Samaria because theyr entrance there was refused S. Paule albeit he were smitten before the Prince of the Priestes dyd he not freely say He knew not his greatnes when he reproued him For it is written quoth he Thou shalt not curse or speak euill of the Ruler of the people howe much lesse lawfull is it then to attempt any ill against hys person But still thou obiectest that the King is of a contrary Religion The late King whom thou dydst murder was not he a Catholique yet in thy bloodie passion hast thou not slaine him cōtrary to the will of God And shold it be that our King were of a contrary Religion and an enemie to the Lawes of God which hee is not but feares honours him cherisheth his subiects both of the one and other Religion would gladly pacifie hys Kingdome requires to be instructed if he were in errour is that sufficient cause for thee to kyll him whom GOD alone hath lifted to thys authoritie The contrary were more necessary rather as S. Paule sayth To ouer-come euil by dooing good so that our good works may serue to stop the mouthes of ignoraunt and foolish men whereby those may be confounded that esteeme Religion to be an enemy to the publique quiet For who doubts that Nabuchodonozer was not a man of pernicious opinion when hee destroyed the Temple ouerthrew the Altar pyld away the holy Vessels led captiue the people of Israell into Babilon and constrained many to worship the Image which he caused to be erected yet neuerthelesse so farre were these people from conspyring against him as Baruch the Scribe to Ieremie in the name of them wrote to the Iewes that remained at Ierusalem that they should pray for the life of Nabuchodonozer King of Babilon and Balthazar hys Son See Daniell himselfe was not he faithfull to Darius and Cyrus theyr successours Albeit he was a stranger and a Captiue found he not grace of thē for hys loyall seruice yet notwithstanding he was by nation a Iewe the other Gentiles he the seruaunt of God the other Idolaters he a Prophet of God the other blinded in al their doctrines I would haue all the Prophets alleadged find me but one that vnder any pretence whatsoeuer it were dyd at any tyme take Armes against hys Prince yet were they vsed but as vagabounds glad to lyue in Mountaines in sollitarie and desert places to escape and not to mooue persecution S. Iohn the fore-runner of our Sauiour Iesus Christ saw in his time Herode Idumean a counterfeit Iewe vsurpe the Realme of Galilee and Iurie he knew the Romaines to be Gentiles and Idolaters that they had by force not right depriued the people of Israel of theyr lybertie brought them to be tributarie ordained Gouernours after theyr owne minde and doone such things against the people of God as hee myght well complaine on and lament did he for al that purpose any thing to their preiudice or teach them to reuolt against theyr Empyre The Pharisies came to hym for counsell gaue he them any meane to mutinie against the Romaines The Souldiours and men of war came to hym sayd he any thing else to them but that they should remaine contented wyth their wages Dyd he say to them that the Romans ought not to raigne or because it was permitted that therfore they should rise agaynst them Moreouer Herodias molested him King Herode hated him because he was not a pleaser of theyr persons He knew wel that his death was plotted by Phillips wife dyd hee therefore animate his Disciples to sette themselues against her or Hered or dyd he practise any meane to escape Nothing lesse but willingly entred the pryson submitted hys necke to the Executioner offered himselfe to the death hauing good meanes by hys followers that day by day visited hym to rayse a mutinie among the people for his deliueraunce For how should hee haue prepared the Lords way if at that time and place hee had shewed himselfe impacient Hee was the fore-runner of hym that taught him to obey pay tributes doe the rest of hys dutie to the Princes of this worlde albeit they were Pagans and Idolaters That it should be so our Sauiour IESVS CHRIST dyd hee euer preach or permit that any one should styrre against Caesar he so much despised it as beeing demaunded if it were lawfull to pay hym tribute or no hee aunswered Giue vnto Caesar that which is Caesars and vnto God that which is Gods I say furthermore himselfe although he was poore yet paid he the Trybute for him and S. Peter commanding him to take out of a Fish a peece of money to dyscharge there-with his duetie Hee sawe the Publicanes and gnawers of the people to be exacters ransackers of poore soules vnder pretence of seeking the Romaine Princes right neuerthelesse he neuer did or would take occasion to murmur but himselfe haunted to the Publicans and dyd eate drinke wyth them He well noted the ambition of the Kings of the Gentiles saying they would stand vppon the tytles of gouerning yet did hee euer animate the people to chase them frō their seates He knew the cruelty of Herod the iniustice
of Pilate the auarice and hypocrisie of the Scribes and Pharisies notwithstanding he euer-more commaunded to obey them Dyd he find fault with the Scribes and Pharisies sitting in Moises chayre or that the people should not do what they sayd albeit theyr workes were very contrary Beeing brought before Herode dyd he murmure When he was bounde to be presented before the wicked Iudges as well Iewes as Pagans Did not he forbid S. Peter to vse the sworde yet neuerthelesse he knew himselfe to be innocent the other vile men he iust the other vniust he trueth it selfe the other full of lyes and corrupted by false witnesses He could with one word haue ouer-thrown them as sometime hee did the imperious Rulers he could haue past thorow the middest of them as he dyd in Nazareth hee coulde haue made the earth swallowe them as of olde the mutinous were with Dathan Corah and Abiram Notwithstanding to leaue an example to such as were his he esteemed it better to suffer and councelled rather to flye then vse violence against the Magistrate So other-whiles seeing his Disciples began to animate themselues against the Pharisies Let them alone quoth hee they be the blinde leaders of the blinde and so taught them rather to Arme themselues with pacience then to offer any violence He very often fore-told them That they should be brought before Kings Princes and Iudges for his sake Did he therefore bid them finde some meane to sette footing in the Realmes they entred to the end they shold cōplot and practise the death of the Lordes that there ruled Did he councell them after theyr entraunce into speech to aduaunce theyr complaints afterwarde Armes and then treasons Did hee euer aduise to vse humaine forces to such as had nothing but the two weapons in the time of their furie To take from any for such as had left their owne to lift such to the seates of the earth as war-fared onely but for heauen He told them that they should be happy when they endured persecution when they were afflicted and chased Did he ioyne hereto that they should be happy when they had murthered a King spoiled a faire Countrey prayed on all the goods of poore people massacred and killed all such as withstood them In what place of the Scripture canst thou finde one onely point for confirmation of such deedes Where canst thou shew that the Apostles made themselues heades of such enterprises From what word dost thou gather that the Subiects may bandye themselues against their Prince If we shall come to the Apostles wee shall read sufficiently howe they endured perpersecution by Tyrants yet shall wee not read that by corporall armes they offered rebellion The Apostle S. Peter was helde prisoner by King Herode the Armes of the Church was fasting and Prayer for his deliuerance The selfe same Herod put to death S. Iames the brother of S. Iohn yet did not the Church in any case mutinie against him S. Stephen was stoned by the wicked sentence with what Armes did he reuenge himselfe He knewe that the Prophet had sayd Leaue vengeance to me for I will doe it therefore he spake no euill but prayed to God for his persecutors Thys charity dyd hee learne of hys Maister Christ Iesus who kissing the Traytour Iudas called him friende and prayed vpon the Crosse for hys tormentors Likewise he had learned of him that he which sheddeth blood is the child of the deuill such as the Iewes were in following the desires of their fathers For quoth he the deuill your father was a murderer from the beginning And because that light and darkenesse Christ and Beliall God and the deuill are not alike Therefore our Sauiour gaue his Disciples manifestly to vnderstand that they ought to abhorre bloode and slaughter VVhich S. Paule well witnessed when he gloried not in temporall Armes but spirituall not in the honours of thys world but in afflictions for Iesus Christ in prisons fastings shyp-wracks hatred perrils on the way daunger of spoyles deceite of false bretheren and other persecutions assuring himselfe that these were the meanes whereby a Christian man was to be exalted Hee sayth he shall be hated and despised of the world Likewise He is as a sheep appointed for the slaughter Great difference is betweene the Apostles and the false Apostles at this day in seeking the meanes to surprize Kings gainst whom they no way practised any reuenge We endured persecution sayth Saint Paule yet were we not vanquished in that as witnesseth S. Iames That the persecution of our fayth moulded vs in patience whereby all the worke of a Christian is accomplished For thys cause he taught hys scholler Timothie to make prayers for Kings Princes and Gouernours to the end hee might liue peaceaably albeit such as then raigned in hys tyme were Pagans and Idolaters S. Peter enioyned the lyke to the Churches to honour their Kings acknowledging that they were established of GOD who ordained that all persons shoulde be subiect to the higher power He commaunded they should be obeyed and if any one offered to resist them he went against the ordinaunce of God Notwithstanding who ruled in hys tyme Was hee a Christian Prince or any King that looued true Religion Hee was a barbarous Nero inhumaine an Idolater the most cruell of all the worlde Dyd the Apostles resist his tyrannie by Armes although he was not theyr naturall Prince S. Paule reuerenced Agrippa and Felix he honoured Lithius the Proconsull he neuer lifted weapon against the Princes after he had rid himselfe of those Armes which at first he bare against Christ Iesus Of a Woolfe he became a Lambe of a blood-seeker peaceable of a sedicious humble and obedient of a mutiner soft and tractable thys chaunge hee made of himselfe after he was brought into the yoke of the Euangelicall doctrine On the contrary madly these false Apostles haue throwne off thys manner of life forsaken Christian Religion gyuen place to rebellion enemies to GOD the Church Princes sedicious robbers spoylers murderers and in all points lyke to the Prince of dissention For who-soeuer commeth into the Church is conducted by the Spirit of peace endureth all things rendereth good for euill and according to the words of Christ loueth his enemies doth good to them that hate him pray for them that persecute and afflict him surmounting the wicked not in euill but in good But he that is abandoned to the euill spirit is ruminating on bad thoughts prepareth traines for his brother and by force seeks to lay hold on hys enemy And in all these actions is not foūd any one more detestable against God and man then to rise against the person of a King or Prince to smite or murder him for he is hallowed and annointed of God of whom he representeth the maiestie though he be but a man and mortal as others are Thou vnder-proppest thy hatefull
came first the word of murder as whē one cōmitteth slaughter or such like crueltie by watching for spoile I knowe that dyuers other raised themselues against theyr Kings and Princes vnder the couerture of Religion but I deny that such murderers seeing necessarily we must so call thē were Christian Catholiques or that for the true faith they enterprised such massacres so oft and many times condemned in the holy Scripture Moreouer Alexander and Amurath were not Princes and Superiours to such as slewe them the other likewise were led by a sathanicall spirit euen as these murderers or Beduines were And the Anabaptists who within thys little while preached the aduauncement of the Kingdome of GOD teaching all Princes to crowde in with theyr feete likewise Then tell me Leaguer what remedy is left for thy euill What excuse can saue thee for thy late murder Thy leueying of al thy Armes and hostility against thy last Prince and hys so worthy successour our Alcides the restorer of the estate and the Father of hys Countrey Sayst thou he is a Tyrant or an Heretique if thou gyuest him these tytles it is onely but thy passion that leades thee because of the death of the Duke of Guyse hys brother for before their death the pernicious booke which thou didst cause to be imprinted in fauour of thy tyrannie intituled An aunswer of the true Catholique Frenchmen to the aduertisement of the English Catholiques for excluding the King of Nauarre from the Crowne of Fraunce published abroade in Paris since the Barricados exalted him and called him the enemy of heresie in the leafe 125. beside named hym the most religious and deuout of all the Kings of Fraunce or thorowe the worlde leafe fiue hundred seauentie-three and fiue hundred sixtie-one That he was verie foolish and a beast who shoulde imagine him to fauour an heretique leafe one hundred fortie-sixe and fiue hundred sixtie-two That the Catholiques ought to serue him faithfully and by all manner of good words to adore him leafe thirty How comes it to passe then thou art so suddainlie changed and gone so farre from thy dutie toward thy Prince by thee acknowledged so Catholique and voyde of all suspicion of heresie But if belying thy selfe thou wouldest notwithstanding tearme him to be a Tyrant lysten the resolution of Thomas of Aquine agaynst Tyrants Truely sayth hee if there be an excesse of tirannie it were much better to suffer for a time thys mys-gouerned tyrannie then in contending against it to be wrapped in many great dangers more full of griefe and trouble then the tyrannie it selfe For it may so fall out that they which make head against the Tyrant and lift themselues in reproofe of hym cannot get the vpper-hand and so by that meane the Tyrant shall be irritated and prouoked to become more cruell But if any one should goe beyond the Tyrant and vanquish him from the same successe often-times ensueth great discorde and dissention among the people eyther meane-while the presumption is offered against the Tyrant or after he is brought vnder for then the multitude deuide thēselues in diuers parts touching the qualitie and manner of theyr gouernement It happens also sometimes that when the people giue chase to the Tyrant by the ayde and Armes of any assistant the helper attributeth the power to himselfe and becommeth tyrannous likewise so that the feare to endure another considering what they did with him against the first presseth downe the people with a more troublesome and grieuous thought of seruitude For it falleth out by custome in tyrannie that the last is more insupportable then the first when the Tyrant giues not ouer hys predecessors extortions but himselfe following the mallice of hys own hart inuenteth new and farre more worse For this cause as oft-times els it happeneth in the Cittie of Siracusa each one desired the death of Dionisius the Tyrant yet a certain old Woman prayed continually for his health and desired that he might lyue after her The Tyrant beeing aduertised of the earnest prayer of thys olde Woman demaunded of her wherfore she did so and what was her meaning thereby whereto she thus aunswered When I was a young Mayden and our Countrey at that tyme had a verie troublesome Tyrant I desired hee might die when not long after he being slaine there succeeded him another farre beyond him in cruelty Then thought I we should be most happy indeede if we might behold likewise the death of him but he beeing deade the thirde Gouernour became worse then both the other Nowe therfore if you should die doublesse one more cruell would come in your sted and therfore I pray that we may keepe you still But if the excesse of tyrannie bee too intollerable some are of the opinion that it appertaineth to the vertue of couragious and valiant men to kill the Tyrant and expose themselues to the danger of death for deliueraunce of the people as of the like we haue example in the old Testament For Aioth gaue a stroke with his dagger in the belly of Eglon King of Moab who oppressed the people of God with exceeding great seruitude and killing him himselfe was made Iudge ouer the people But thys deede is not conuenable neither dooth it agree with the doctrine Apostolicall For S. Peter teacheth vs to be obedient not onely to good and ciuill Lords or Princes but also to the wicked and troublesome For this is most gracious when for the cause of conscience and loue of God any one endureth iniurie or suffereth vniustlie In thys case then when so many Romaine Emperours persecuted tirannously the fayth of Iesus Christ and a great multitude as wel of the Nobles as also the meaner sort were conuerted thereby to this fayth they were praised commended because they resisted not but endured pacientlie and with courage the death for the loue of Christ Iesus as we may see manifestly in the holy Legion of the Thebanes Shoulde we then rather iudge and esteeme that Aioth had kild an enemie then one that was a Gouernour of the people albeit he was a Tyrant By this reason we read in the old Testament likewise that they were put to death which killed Ioas King of Iuda although hee had left the seruice of God and the sonnes of them were reserued aliue according to the cōmaundement of the Law Now thys shall be dangerous to the people and theyr Gouernours if any one by particuler audaciousnes and presumption attempt the death of such as present the chiefe office although they bee Tyrants for often-times in such dangers the bad commeth sooner in place then the good and the Empire or signeurie of Kings is as burdenous and intollerable vnder the wicked as vnder tyrannie therfore according to the sentence of Salomon The wise King doth dissipate the wicked and vngodlie Then by the like presumption the losse of the King bringeth more daunger and damage to the people then profite
treades your state vnder his feete but you drawe your weapons to helpe him to his enterprise Knowe ye not that alteration in all things but chiefelie in these publique affaires is most dangerous Without wandring for farre fetcht examples Phillip de Commines deliuereth one of the Realme of England where thorow the partialities betweene the Houses of Lancaster and Yorke each aspyring to the Crowne dyed in eyght and twenty yeeres more then four-score persons all of the blood royall with the verie flower of the English Nobilitie and infinite other valiant men the onely and best Souldiours in all the Land The other Lords were thrust in prison or banished passing the remainder of theyr liues very miserably in strange Coūtries In the end the two Houses being vnited by the marriage of Henrie the seauenth with Elizabeth daughter to King Edwarde the fourth all these troubles ceased See the hurt that ensueth by such deuisions what more strange matter are wee then to expect in such a huge rebellion as this is of the Leaguers Find you it any way reasonable that the true and naturall successour of the Crowne shold endure any other to call his right in question by force of Armes to take it from him that is the most hardie valiant Prince on the earth and who hath learned to haue his Armour oftner on his bodie then the habit royall or the pompe and seruice that other Princes haue which lyue in quiet It is the common cause of all Monarchies to maintaine against the Subiects the estate of a iust and lawfull King and you beeing Noble-men that holde assuraunce of your noblesse goods and faculties of your King will not you maintaine the same against his Subiects and rebellious enemies The Lawe and custome of Fraunce receiued at the first establishing of the Kingdome dyd alwaies refer the Crowne to the next Male issue of the blood royall our Kings then heerin beeing giuen vs by nature mee thinkes there is no reason that any occasion shoulde remooue our estate The Crowne is seated in this so ancient illustrious and royall House of Burbon next succeeding that of Valoys discended of the linage of Orleance In the time of K. Charles the sixth thorowe the practises of the Duke of Burgundie who had made a League with the King of England against Charles Dolphine sonne to the King beside the exheriditation his Father made of him depriuing him of succession in the kingdome there was a certaine iudgment giuen against him in an assembly held at Paris wherby he was exiled banished the Realme beeing declared vnworthy there to succeede On this vniust iudgement he appealed to God and hys sword when the iustice of his cause beeing assisted by the inuincible power of GOD the Crowne was preserued for him and hee established with very wonderfull victories thorow all all his kingdome from whence hee chased the Englishmen beeing reconciled to the Duke of Burgundie and deceassed to the great griefe of all his Subiects leauing them in good peace quiet Whereby you may perceiue that albeit euery one was set against the true heyre to the Crowne yea the Father himselfe yet God in his admirable prouidence woulde not permit that the kingdome should be trans-ferred from the race and linage of S. Lewes neither is it to be doubted that his grace preuenting with the deuoire of all good and faithfull French-men but that it will be continued to all his posterity whereof this most famous and royall House of Burbon is the very neerest and onely heyre to the Crowne What cause then is there to prolong these ciuil warres troubles for the estate seeing we haue the legittimate successour Ah nothing els but absurd and monstrous ambition But some zealous Rebel tels me that he is an Heretique tush these are old stale lyes thys poynt if he were so seeing he demaundeth and offereth to be better instructed is not as yet discided To be an heretique as els where I haue said is obstinately to holde an opinion concerning Religion and rather to die then to forsake it Seest thou in our King any such headdie or obstinate resolution Howe many times hath hee giuen thee to vnderstand his ready will and intent Moreouer this is no argument and good consequent The King is not of our Religion therefore hee is dishabled from succeeding in the Crowne Thou argumentest very ill not like any good Logitian The debate thou vrgest for the Crowne makes a greater breach blemish into Christian religion then if willinglie thou didst consent giue him place as in dutie thou art bound to do seeing that right neither thou or hee can hinder from him to whom it appertaineth which thou hast neither eyes to behold or wit to conceiue If heerin thou mightst preuaile couldst thou be tearmed a good Christistian that flyes and abhors as a plague the ininfamous note of rebellion yea fosakes landes goods wife children and all to follow his King That tearme thou maist returne vpon thy selfe though now thou callest his Highnesse followers pollitiques and heretiques as pleaseth thee to baptise thē notwithstanding they are more assured of their fayth then thou art and better Chritians then any that take part with thee Of what Religion were our first Kinges of the Merouingians race vntill Clouis the fi●t king of Fraunce and first Christian King VVere they any Christians or knewe they what the name of a Christian was What were their subiects hauing receiued the Christian fayth Dyd they for thys cause refuse the obedience they ought in dutie Did they reiect chase or kyll them Ye shall not find one such poynt or anie History that maketh such mention But you Rebels that are too much at your case will not acknowledge your King who so many times hath protested to ye to preserue maintaine ye in your estates and in the Christian Catholique Religion vnder a shadow saist thou himselfe not beeing a Catholique Doost thou know the inward of his words purpose Is there any one can say that euer he falsified his fayth Hee hath sollemnely sworne to defende the Catholique religion as his proper life thinke then if it should be hindered although he neuer will goe against his owne commaundement thy selfe must be the onely cause therof Obey thē the King let the estate be brought againe into quiet and then thou maist assure thy selfe that when the King would alter any thing in Religion whereon I am perswaded he neuer so thinks he cannot do it nor is it any part of his intent You rather ought to pray to GOD with vs that he will graunt him grace stedfastly to embrace the Catholique religion to plant it heere mildly by reason and not force violence or fyre likewise to loue and esteeme so many valiant good French of contrary opinion that sell not as our zealous Leaguers doe theyr King and Countrey to the Spanyard It is not by blood and death to winne mens consciences
apprehended they that had excited this pittifull and bloodie Tragedie who by his commaunde were publiquely burned in Ebora and information beeing giuen against the other theeues and murderers about three-score and tenne of them were most iustly hanged At thys day in Fraunce it is heresie with the Leaguers to doe iustice on such like naughtie villaines when as theyr crimes trecheries and murders are as miraculous An obseruaunt Gray Fryar named brother Ferdinand de la Place wyth other that were hys zealous companions went so fast as he could to Madrill to the King of Castile there this impudent and bloody Monke perswaded him shamefullie to put to death certaine Christians whom he termed to be Apostataes which afterwarde was found to be most false So many abuses mischiefes hath beene committed by these counterfeit hypocrites these scellerous and hooded murtherers as not without cause in the yeere one thousand two hundred and threescore vnder the raigne of S. Lewes was the order of the begging Friars extolled to the third heauen for theyr profession yea they preferred themselues before all other in holinesse of life and stoutlie commended their voluntarie pouertie whereby they prouoked many Prelats against them and almost all men that were seene in Diuinity But Guillaume du Temple d' Amour a Doctor of Sorbonne being a man of better conscience then any at thys day of the same Colledge who create the like instruments of rebellion by their pernicious resolutions and defende the abhominable murder of the late most Christian and religious King with other more of great learning both dispised and disproued openly such Beggers alleadging that theyr pouerty was vowed without cause and that he would maintaine such manner of life to be but a pretext of Religion and onely fit for such beggers as desired to liue in loosenes and idlenes In the end neuerthelesse they got the vpper-hand in their cause by the iudgement of Pope Alexander and the Booke that this Doctor made which at thys day remaineth in the Librarie of Sorbonne was condemned But shoulde not thys Doctor haue highly aduantaged his cause if he had liued tyll now adding to his plea the impieties parricides all sorts of crimes smoothly hyd and couered for the present time vnder the habites of this holinesse Thou hast wretch brought in and practised another manner of people that are called Iesuites not beggers but such as make beggers of whom the scandalles are more secrete yet much more pernicious then of the other But why say I thou hast practised thys bad generation seeing thou thy selfe art not onely practised but begotten ingendred by them Howe now mee thinks I heare some one say belike then thys Alecto or accurssed League hath many Fathers Verie true the Spanish pride and ambition as I haue saide brought it into the world as a mishapen masse or lumpe but these turbulent Iesuites with the Rodemont of Mendoza haue so louinglie lyckt it as they gaue it forme composition and garments to decke it withall These thou esteemest fit for thy coniuration or els they are founde to be very necessarie members to thee cleaue these hypocrites for the particuler profit of themselues and of theyr Maister the King of Tyrants they being all of the Spanish Nation or at the least issued from Spaine For about the yeere one thousand fiue hundred and twentie-one Ignatius de Layola was the first founder of these Iesuites an obstinate enemy to the house of Albret which malice yet continueth in his seede at what time Pampelunae reuolted the affectionate friends to the royall House of Albret from whence descended the King by the late Queene Mother of most worthie memory with those of Foix as also the true heire of the Realme Henrie d' Albret tooke occasion by the retreit of the Garrisons of Pampelunae that sallied forth to succour the Gouernours of Castile by reason of the warres and deuisions then beeing to haue theyr secrete intelligences in Bearne and Fraunce In fauour of whom King Fraunces sent Andrew de Foix Lord of Asperraut the younger Brother to Odet de Foix Lord of Lautrech who gathering vnto him those of the faction of Grammont tooke the Castel of Saint Iohn at the foote of the gate Whereupon the Duke of Nagera Don Anthonie Manrique seeing himselfe so suddainly surprised and that the Citty of Pampelunae began to grow tumultuous secretly got forth thereof and withdrew himselfe into Castile leauing his house to the peoples spoyle Thys Layola then at the dislodging of thys Viceroy Manrique out of Nauarre remained in Garrison in the Castell of Pampelunae with other Souldiours belonging to the Emperour It so chaunced that the Castel was assayled by the people and the mouth of the Cannon directed by the assailants to a certaine place where by hap it met with thys Layola who had both hys feete brused in peeces with the stones that the force of the bullet droue out of the wall so that he fell downe from the height of the Castell beeing with-drawne was afterwarde preserued from death and hys hurts healed Then seeing himselfe thus maimed and vnapt for Armes he gaue beginning to thys good kinde of people Let vs not then account it strange that these men so desperatly applie themselues to remoouing of estates especiallie thys heere considering they are come of a Spanish Father a warriour a naturall enemy to this estate whom heerein they follow very perfitlie but not in change of lyfe For thys holy Father beeing thus metamorphozed could weare no shooes and therefore went bare-foote and came for followers first to Paris where beeing vexed by some and relieued by other-some his owne Maister Peter Fabri Diego Laynes Iohn Codury Claudius Gay Pasquall Brouet Fraunces Xauierre Alphonsus Salmeron Simon Rodrigues and Nicholas de Bonadilla students in diuinitie he raunged into the rule ordained by himselfe each making a vowe of perpetuall pouertie and chastity But to them alone I will not giue thys honour for many other haue trauailed in this high peece of worke as faithfull seruaunts and counsellers of so woorthie Fathers the bellowes of ambition abortiue sonnes of the Father of lyes bringing nothing hether but what they learne of him and marked with his marke to know them for his owne Thy face Sorcerer is writhen and like to that Sibillaes whom the Poets feigne to be the Mother of the Gods but thy Bawdes and Pandars haue made thee a false visage so faire as can be to entise young Lordes and Gentlemen to loue thee The draught of thy dissembled countenaunce to diuers of thy chiefe consorts hath brought immediat death yet seemed it so excellent as in theyr eyes it surpassed the auncient Marble portraite of Venus that wonderfullie enflamed men with loue Diuers Lords and Gentlemen haue been rauished with thy looks whom thou in the end hast depriued of life in sundry battailes and encounters to make them receiue due chastisement to theyr impudent dishonest
will to kill thys King as thou didst the last with the examples of Iaell and Iudith the first whereof kylled Sisera chiefe of the Armie to Iabin King of Chanaan he flying to saue hys life in her house and she perceiuing him a sleepe tooke a nayle of the Tabernacle and a hammer in her hand and so droue it thorow the temples of his head The other leauing the Cittie of Bethulia and brought into the Pauillion of Holophernes Captain of the Armie to Nabuchodonozer seeing hym drunke and a sleepe occasion presenting it selfe she cut off his head and brought it away in a bagge by her seruaunt These actes truly were very gracious in these Dames and worthy of great commendation in respect they attempted not against theyr King or Prince but against such as wold ouer-throw the estate royall of theyr Country and there-against opposed thēselues with all their strength Do these examples excuse thy villanie faith-breaking with thy King In those tymes Iabin Nabuchodonozer had no right ouer those people they came as strangers and enemies against them as at thys day thy aliens and confederate Leaguers come against our King against his estate and against his subiects and therefore were they so entertained by them But after that God had permitted that one of them should commaunde his people what was he that would not endure it paciently and as we haue said before did not vse prayers in Ierusalem for Nabuchodonozer Balthasar his Sonne I could stand long vpon the reasons and examples of elder times to testifie the obedience and reuerence that the first Christians bare to theyr Emperours and Kings they that were both Pagans Ethnicks acknowledging their dignity to be venerable albeit they would not follow theyr Religion Which hath beene approued by the Canons of auncient Popes and deliuered in theyr owne Decretalles as before me hath beene very well noted by the Authour of the Labyrinth of the League They all haue agreed that the pretence of Religion what soeuer it be coulde not giue any collour to a Christian man to mutinie and rebell against hys Prince to take his life from him and hys estate They ordinarilie pronounced this sentence Malumus occidi quam occidere that they loued rather to be kild then to kill For although they were vniustly afflicted by their Princes rather woulde they submit themselues to the death then lyft Armes against them Therfore not to grow tedious to the Reader by prolixitie I will cease from bringing in the auncient Ecclesiasticall Histories and testimonies of the Fathers considering that diuers other haue largely discoursed thereon Thou pretendest a collour of libertie and ease of the people but doost thou therefore bring any remedie Doost thou discharge them when thou pillest and ransackest the poore and burnest what-soeuer thou canst not cary away Thou wouldest call the King to iudgement according to the fable of the Woolfe and the other Beastes to the end that vnder the shadow of reason thou mightest vse violence and murder him Doe we reade of the auncient Prophets that they complained of exactions of their Princes and that thereon they grounded occasions to make warre against them All theyr care was to shew the Princes their faults and to admonish them of Gods vengeances not to prouoke the people and to incite thē to lift Armes against them And it is not to be doubted but such as gouerned in theyr time were well worthy of reprehension for which cause Esay in the beginning of hys prophecie thus deliuered his words to the people of Israell Thy Princes are wicked and companions of theeues they loue gifts altogether and gape after rewards As for the fatherlesse they helpe him not to his right neyther will they let the widdowes causes come before them Therefore saith the Lord God of Hostes the mightie one of Israell Ah I must ease me of mine enemies and auenge me on my aduersaries and set thy Iudges againe as they were sometime and thy Councellers as they were from the beginning and then shalt thou be called the righteous Cittie the faithfull Cittie Thus this good Prophet fore-told the iudgment of God against these Princes and the restoring of the good Iudges and Counsellours considering that the reprobate were the cause of the euill happened in Israell A little after he sayth My people thy Leaders deceiue thee and corrupt the way of thy foot-steps The Lorde shall enter into iudgement with the Elders and Princes of the people and shall say vnto them It is you that haue burnt vp my Vineyarde and the spoyle of the poore is in your houses The Prophet Ezechiell sufficientlie witnessed noted the vices of the Princes in his time saying they we●● as Woolues that rauished the pray that effused blood that they lost their soules and gaue themselues to auarice Hee brought in GOD speaking against their exactions and imposts and admonished them to keepe onely a iust ballance Amos calleth them Kine of Basan outragious to the needie oppressours of the poore Micheas deliuering them before God reprooueth them that they hated the good loued the euill they pluckt off the skinnes of the people their flesh from their bones Sophonia calleth thē roring Lyons all which tytles sufficiently testifie that the Gouernours and Iudges in theyr times were verie wicked Yet notwithstanding none of the Prophets although they beheld the people to sincke vnder the exactions as despoyled of all and brought into pouertie did at anie tyme vnder pretence of the Weale-publique counsell the people to mutinie or rebel against theyr Princes but rather vehemently perswaded them to pacience Callest thou in question any Pagans or of the doctrine of Mahomet or Heretiques who for maintenaunce and aduauncement of theyr deceitfull false opinions haue wickedly conspired against their Princes Alexander who was slaine by a Souldiour that prostrated hymselfe at his feet before the Cittie of Tauris Amurath the first King of that name in Turkie who after hee had discomfited the Despote of Seruia and Bulgaria was traiterously put to death by a slaue of Bulgaria who feigned that he came to saue his life King Sigibert enuironed with all his people who at the motion of Fredigonde was assailed and murdered by two aduenturous Gentlemen Certaine people of Phenicia holding the Law of Mahomet called murderers otherwise Beduines dwelling in hollow nookes of the most spacious Moūtains lyuing vnder a Lord whom our predecessours knew by no other name then the Auncient or Great of the Mountain they vnder imagination of a Paradise of pleasure which he had perswaded into theyr heades bare this marke on them that they made a sollemne vow to massacre all Princes they could lay holde on that were contrary to theyr sect and opinion By them was the County of Tripoli put to death Edward of Englande taken and many other great Lords who by them were either slain or held as prisoners From them
all detestation in the end wil set their feet on thy neck before they be swallowed in this depth altogether as already many of the better aduised are who find themselues drawne forth of thys Labyrinth euen as it were by the thredde of Ariadne An aduertisement to the small companie of Noble men that follow the League YOV Gentlemen of honourable minde byrth that make loue to thys deceitfull Courtezane good God! how are you abused Doe yee not behold that in promising she plucks from ye and in giuing she takes away Despoyling ye of your Noblesse renowne and honor See ye not that she cherisheth ye to the end to slack and weaken ye to your King and Countrey by making ye drunk with her vnlawful loue Know ye not the cunning of this withered Geryon that would separate and deuide ye in the end to triumph ouer ye Doe ye not yet discouer her mallice Haue ye yet your eyes sealed vp will ye not purge them of the powder of so many collours and false pretences as are thrown into them that yee might cleerelie discerne your selues to come into a good way The League you reuerence so much is like a Tree secretlie and subtillie planted in the midst of you the fruit whereof at the first beholding seemeth faire yet are they verie bitter and poysonable to poore Fraunce how happens it thē that they are so sweet and sauorie to you whose tastes are so fine delicate Know yee not that such Leagues confederacies and particuler associations of Subiects amongst themselues or with other Princes vnder what-soeuer pretence it be are forbidden by Monarches Yea the King of Spaine himselfe that thus beguiles yee hath by expresse Edicts inhibited his Subiects from thē yet shal this old Reynard by the same meanes spoile destroy you Are ye ignorant my Lords that there was no accusation more great against Lewes of Fraunce Duke of Orleance after he was slaine by the pollicies of the Duke of Burgundie then because he was allied and leagued with the English Duke of Lancaster Nor can yee defende your selues with the authoritie of the late most worthie Prince the Cardinall of Burbon whose integritie and holie zeale to Christian Religion the Maister whom you serue vnder the afore-named pretence of pietie and Religion abused And doubtlesse as much would he doe to this honourable vertuous religious Prince the Cardinall of Burbon his Nephewe if he did not well perceiue that so great a Prince and Prelate by his wisedome and most carefull fore-sight instructed by nature cōfirmed from his yongest tender yeeres by the vertuous documents hee receiued of Mounsieur de Bellozane a sharp sighted good Catholique most faithful Frenchman would discouer his fraude and coniuration and finde readie at his fingers endes what he entended to his King and all other of his blood It was not lawfull for that great Prince the late Cardinall of Burbon of praise worthy memorie so kindly and easily notwithstanding his authoritie to league himselfe or to giue any occasion or couerture of a League because it pertaineth to none but the King to doit or to commaund or consent to Leagues hee hauing the onely soueraigne authoritie But the enemies to the King the estate and his honour very easilie deceiue him vnder the colour of Religion the Weale publique You are capable of reason then conceiue what I say Forsake the error of thys vile kynde of people that are dulled and infected with this daungerous poyson defende your selues with this preseruatiue and consider that these Rebels haue their weapons in hande euen against you seeing they menace the estate which you ought and are bounde to maintaine and defende because thereon dependeth your Noblesse goods and liues The enemie hath diuers times receiued shrewd checkes but that your assistance and hostilitie relieued him had we your fidelitie with all the rest of this noble body soone should both the checke and mate be giuen him or rather this Hydra with so many heads shold be ouerthrowne and vtterly vanquished Abandon and giue ouer this Sorcerer vnwrappe your selues out of these snares if you bee wise and knit your selfe in a Gordian knot vnto your King our Hercules who holdes his armes wide open to receiue you courteouslie albeit ye haue so greatly offended Would ye by any badde deede of perfidie loose the name of Frenchmen heeretofore so admyred amonge strangers as that for the auncient Noblenesse of the French it was attributed by the Orientall Greekes before all the Latines and people of the West Can ye endure that the Spanyard who wold commaund euery where shall distaine your names and famous race Will ye let your selues loofe the naturall enfranchise and libertie so long time frequent among the auncient french before it was peece-meale rent by manners and opinions of strangers nowe when yee haue nothing left more deere then your honour and reputation Neuer thinke to make your selues great by that which you ruinate but think what shall become of you yours in such accidents The difficulties and occurrances that happen in an estate troubled with affaires of partialities are the moreful of dangers in that they depend on what may ensue and cannot easilie be referred to anie certain rule so that prouidence must there haue greater place thē knowledge But the humane spirit is so blinded with selfe-loue and dazeled with things present carrying shewe of delight as it imagines such pleasures ought alwaies to endure and little cares for ought may afterward come to passe the next way to vse speciall regard heereof is not to entertaine our thoughts with flattering desseignes or opinions So GOD who to himselfe hath reserued all power destributeth no otherwise his gyftes to men but that often-times hee ouer-throwes their determinations so soone as they are conceiued and some-times fore-seeing the scope of mens drifts conuerteth the enterprise to the ruine of the inuenter Then flatter not your selues concerning the part you take which is directlie against God against the estate and against your King and so cōsequentlie to the extirpation of al the French Nobilitie for the Stranger accompanied with a multitude of base peasants and groomes will loose and betray you to the Switzers If anie one of the wiser sorte that attendes on which side the winde will turne and now are halfe Spanyards nowe on the Kings side according to the occurrences shall say vnto me that I shew my selfe ouer passionate I aunswer him that in generall deuisions a man ought to take one partie for otherwise hee shoulde shewe himselfe to be faultie standing as a Neuter and so deserue the punishment ordained by Solon for such people As for me reason tels me that I faile not in taking and following the part of my King whom God hath lawfully and by the degree of succession giuen vs to gouerne and relieue this poore afflicted kingdome which doth nothing else but stagger beeing so extenuate and weake as if his Maiestie
to imagine it may any way redownde to your profit and aduantage be not I entreate you so easily deceiued What mis-fortune is it to Fraunce that heeretosore hath beene a refuge to other afflicted Nations a terror to the very proudest people that reigned in Greece in P●lestine and hath been renowmed thorowe Europe Asia Affrica hath astonied the Almaignes conquered the Gaules commanded in Italie often-times combatted the hardie English with-stood Emperours and other great Monarchies chased the Sarrasins of Spayne who neuerthelesse haue left behind them too many of their seede What mishap is it I say that Fraunce shold now be constrained to send for the succour of Strangers not to augment her glory to conquer from the enemy the auncient patrimony of the Crowne and thereby to erect Trophies of your victories according to the famous testimonies left by your Auncestors but to deliuer vp herselfe to them as a pray to expose to their pillage holy Temples Pallaces and Castels to giue them raunsome or rather to sell them her Gentlemen peaceable Cittizens Merchaunts handicrafts-men women children and sucking infants yea euen against herselfe to coniure so resolutely Behold the estate wherein you may now see thys poore King beggered well neere by the meanes of your League glyding vnder the species albeit a false pretence of Religion heere too long a time Will ye not my Lords by the accustomed fidelity of true French-men vnmaske your eyes see into what Labyrinth you are entred and ioyne in this most iust cause to recouer with your King the happy times that were in the raignes of K. Lewes the 12. Fraunces the first and Henrie the second whom your Fathers and Grand-fathers faithfully serued Who is the French Historian that now can say of the three estates of this Realme as Titus Liuius wrote of the good accorde of the three orders ordained in Rome Certainly saith he the Cittie of Rome is verie happie inuincible and eternall by her concorde the Knights are excellent men and worthy to be praised the people kinde and dutifull the mildnes and humanitie of the Senate onely conquers through the prompt and voluntarie obedience of the people The Antithesis heere is most apparent for Paris is brought into such estate as she may cal herselfe vnhappy neere her destruction The Ecclesiasticall persons that ought to maintaine this great Citty in peace concord they breath forth nothing but bloode and fire sowing no other seed but of dissention and perswading the people to force iustice and abuse the Magistrates Consider my Lords you that haue read Histories how discorde and partialitie the cause of sedition and troubles hath wrought the fall and vnfortunate end of most mighty Empyres and florishing Common-weales that strange enemies neuer brought them such misery and calamity as their own domesticall disquietnes where vnder the countenaunce of Weale publique liberty and such like pretences euen as the Leaguers do at thys instant they conspired and compassed the vniuersal ruine of the estate It hath been well noted from time to tyme that neuer was any florishing Cittie destroyed by an Armie of Strangers if first of all she nourished not ciuill warres in her owne bosome then must it needes follow that after long ciuill warre eyther her estate is changed or els by the stranger she is brought into a lamentable condition Doe not your selues heere beholde the like Paris is it not already and that very willingly in the Spanyards gouernement vnder collour of deliuerance seeing it remaineth now at hys deuotion O blinded French-men who for reiecting the sweet Lawes of peace abiure the fidelity you owe to your King to sheeld ye from the punishments due to your breach of fayth became Rebels murderers of the late King making recourse to your enemy who hath circkled you with his Armes that knowes right well how to raise his profit on your insolencies as already ye see what he hath doone Were it not better for you to acknowledge your faults and desire pardon of the King who naturally is inclined to mercy And you my noble Lords who through misgouernment haue suffered your selues to be carryed away with the passions of the League shall doe much better to reioyne againe wyth your King and heade you beeing as you are principall members of the estate whereby at once will be quenched sedition discorde warre partialities as also the stranger chased away who smiling in his sleeue at our deuisions by these bad affaires returneth himselfe good profit I beseech ye consider what Plato saith Ciuill war is nothing els but sedition a capitall pernicious plague to the Common-wealth which infecteth with the contagion thereof all the partakers therein and most commonly it proceedeth of couert and small occasions like vnto a pyning Ague which beeing not at the first perceiued and by medicines preuented consumeth the body by little and little to iust nothing This ciuill warre is then the more dangerous in that it is enterprised against the King and the estate vnder a false pretence which will cause if you open not your eyes God vouchsafe to holde strong hande with the true and holy intent of the King such ciuill spoyle among our selues as wee shall be made forreiners in our owne Country For thus will the Spanyard if he can deale with ye in the end set foote vpon your throates to rid himselfe of you and then will make warre on ye not as a freend or confederate but as an enemy both to one and other Not as a Protecter or Deliuerer as the foolish rebellious people vainlie tearme him but as a proude Vsurper and blood-thirstie Tyrant Can ye thinke his cōming into Fraunce is for any other intent If ye dreame on any other friuelous opinions ye but abuse your selues Preuent then in good tyme this slye deceitfull Spanyard beate backe his stratagemes with other of more honor for if ye with-hold your selues ouer-long from asswaging this discord which is daily and hourelie aduaunced by your mortall enemie that already leades yee with him as captiues in tryumph ye shall find it as hard to get any remedie or helpe as to heale the Feuer Ethique that hath got the maisterie in a languishing bodie This rebellion hatched so long time by the practises and deuises of the Spanyard who alreadie vaunteth that he hath yee in possession and as it were tyed fast in his snares is euerie hand-while mooued and enflamed as a fyre kindled in a thicke wood and as the one wyth the winde so the other with smooth shadowes sweet speeches and notorious trecheries is dispersed with such violence as the greater part of Fraunce is rent and mangled The rest that is left and abideth in obedience to the King receiueth wonderfull discommodities Notwithstanding they are resolued not to forsake hym or to participate with a thought of thys rebellion because they are not ignorant that GOD hath expresly commaunded in so many places as heer-tofore wee
Oligarchia which is the gouernment of the most mightie and factious And in the ende by vnbridled libertie in many places and Citties where the Rebels are you shall beholde not any Democratia or populer estate wel pollitiquely gouerned by the Lawes but rather a most miserable Olocratia an insolent domination of the multitude or rather a many headed Anarchia the oppression whereof is most horrible and pernitious For you knowe that the people either serue humbly or commaunde imperiously and tasting a little of the bayte of libertie exemption of taskes subsidies and charges in furie they reiect and throwe off the yoke of obedience to the King Superiours and Magistrates themselues weilding and managing the highest authoritie Then pretending an equalitie they practise nothing els but seditions mallice robberies spoyles insolencies and destructions wherevpon Plato thus spake very notably The whole Common-wealth shall decay and perrish when it is to be gouerned by Brasse or yron that is to say by foolish men such as are borne rather to serue and obey then to rule and commaunde For albeit that men are both the one and the other composed of soule and bodie and that in the soule is bestowen the seed of the diuinitie which ought to be receiued tilled and husbandred by reason to the ende it may bring forth fruite according to the seede yet is not the culture or husbandry in all men alike but there is found a great difference betweene their spirits so that in some it appeareth that the diuine seed poured and thrown into a barren field is eyther smoothered and lost or taketh so weake roote that it cannot prosper and increase Such is the varietie difference among men as some for the exercise of reason and vertue are more noble valiant and ●orne as it were to commaund others againe for their rusticitie and ignoraunce seeme more proper or aptly disposed to serue Therefore Plato helde this opinion that God in the creation of man did so distinguish and seperate their natures that such as were naturally apt and proper to commaund them in generation he formed as it were of fine gold such likewise as were meet and conuenient for theyr aide and assistance hee constituted not of so precious a mettal yet of pure siluer the third sort as labourers and work-men to attende on the other of a more grosse matter to wit brasse and yron GOD established Superiours to commaund and made the other to obey the one estate worthy of honor the other not to presume so high as the Potter according to the Apostles words of one selfe same matter maketh a vessell to honor and annother seruaunt to meaner things You see my Lords the trouble dysorder and vniuersall confusion of your partakers yet will ye follow them and giue thē your voice Will yee imploy your courage put on your Armour draw your swords for the defence of theyr vniust cause and to aduaunce the Spanyards vsurping Where is the vertue and honor which Trogus Pompeius in his time attributed to the French Nation when he thus spake of them They are sharpe hardie and valiant the first of them next Hercules who therfore was admirable reputed immortal reached the height of the inuincible Alpes they beeing not passe-able by reason of the cold and managed sundry battailes hauing vanquished the people of Pannonia vvhich at thys day are called Austria and Hungaria Ah open your eyes my Lordes and come to your Prince whom you ought to acknowledge consider what before I haue declared to yee out of the word of God to bring again the strayed rebellious people in obedience to their King Heerein ye may perceiue that a Subiect cannot find or pretend any occasiō to rebel against his King notwithstanding any cause what-soeuer it be But perhaps thou wilt tell mee that in the warre for the Weale-publique against King Lewes the eleuenth certaine of the chiefest sort entred Armes moued with a discontent against the King because they were not honoured and recompenced as their deedes had deserued yet he gaue to such as were vnworthy men vtterlie vnknowne of small acquaintance They reconciled themselues to theyr King and did not as these Leaguers doe who vnder collour of reconciliation troubled the estate in the ende bereft the King of lyfe And that which is most horrible to speak and scandalous to men of sound Religion they practised wyth an vnhappy Iacobine Fryar making him the instrument and Executioner of theyr accursed conspiracie and monstrous crueltie As for the other thou talkest of they only were but Male-content as they wel declared by their appointment and reconcilement with their King but these Leaguers breaking all order and pollicie diuine and humane after they had proditoriously by a trayterous Fryer or rather a very deuill of the Cloyster massacred murdered the late King would change the estate or as the truth is they would transport a stranger out of one house into another Haue not these Leaguers despoyled the good nature of the auncient French Nation vnnaturally to participate with the treason of the Spanyards And if they tearme themselues good French-men looke on their pernicious damnable complots against the King and the estate of Fraunce Doe they not apparantly be-lie Iulius Celsus who thus speaks of the French-men in his fift booke The French saith he are men sound and plaine no deceiuers or troth-breakers and by custome they will rather fight for vertue then for fraud malice treason or such like How can these Leaguers then by any right attribute vnto themselues thys faire and excellent French title seeing they are Rebels enemies to the Countrey and Traytors to the estate they should most labour to preserue Doe not all Nations of the earth detest the perfidie of Rebels against the Maiestie royal which is the image of the Diuinitie the King being Lieutenant Vicegerent of God in the kingdome which he hath put into his hande Haue not the Allemaignes good occasion at this present to call thē Schellums hauing in such sort dispoyled the naturall fayth of true French-men toward theyr King coniuring against him atempting his estate life Can they be so ignorant as not to know that the K. hath the soueraigne power next vnder God and that no subiect of his can take it from him without full condemnation of Crimen lesae Maiestatis in the highest degree a most horrible Traytor and more to be detested then if he had murdered his own Father See yee not also my Lords that God who is iust doth dailie pursue them with vengeaunce and punishment by the fidelitie of so many generous and magnanimous Princes of the blood royall of the house of Burbon that onely remaineth heyre to the Crowne besides with so many great Lords of Fraunce so many Gentlemē and all the good and loyall French-men You likewise that are issued of Fathers so vertuous and faithfull to the Crowne who for the
and Gentlemen if yet ye haue not sufficient manifestation that euen against Tyrants Religion cannot serue for anie cloake or collour The Spanyard hath not he declared so much who tearming himselfe in Fraunce Protector of the Catholique Religion hath not hee neuerthelesse suffered Paganisme in many places of Granado Andalozia and Arragon for the great profit hee got by it many yeeres together Will ye not yet bethinke your selues what good affection the Spanyards haue of old borne to the French Did they not no long time since kindly intreate thē at Florida where they pluckt out theyr eyes to make them die the more miserably Their drift is to bee Commaunders ouer ye and if you haue goods and faire wiues to put you and your heyres to death to possesse your wiues and your goods as they haue practised the like in Flaunders Naples Millaine and in euery place where they by force doe domineere It is the Crowne it is the Crowne that all this debate is for although we hauing as I haue proued a lawfull succeeder there cannot be gathered any occasion for such a debate VVhen heere-to-fore there happened anie such like strife they had recourse to the estates of Fraūce as it chanced after the death of Lewes the 10. called Hutin that the Crowne was adiudged to Phillip le Long his brother And after Charles le Bel to Phillip de Valloys his Cousin against Edward king of England who pretended the cause of his Mother the daughter of Phillip le Bel sister to the last three kings but there she had no right by force of the Salique Lawe which excludes the daughters of Fraunce from any succession It is now no question of holding the estates in this regard seeing no one maketh doubt but that the Crowne appertaineth to Henry of Burbon by whō for his race admirable perfections with his happy fortunes in war amidst so many trauerses the estate receiueth more honor being gouerned by such a king thē the King dooth of the estate which comes to him by succession as beeing the very neerest heire to the Crowne Then you braue Lordes and Gentlemen of Fraunce whose famous Grandfathers defended this Kingdome by their vertuous strength and made their glorie wondered at through the world spend not your valiant noble blood to your eternal destruction but as your spirits are rockes of far more excellent perfection so seeke such waies as are more worthy and cōmendable for ye To bring again this estate with the whole body of the Nobillity who haue euer stood with the King from whom through false impression your selues are dismembred into her former splendour honorable quiet Vnite your selues to your king your soueraigne Lord to extirpate this rebellion and chase hence your entertained euils the Spanyards your auncient and mortall enemies thereby to bring and re-establish this poore afflicted Realme into such peace and tranquillitie as all good mindes desire and is promised by your generositie force with the grace and blessing of God who I pray to open your eyes to let you wade no further in the loue of thys vnlawfull League that like a subtill Thais is prouided of a thousand baytes and sleights to catch yee withall But if ye continue in her seruice ye shall find your selues betweene two stooles wher-through as the Prouerbe is the taile falles to ground and too late repentance with most pittifull end will be the recompence of your pernicious pursutes and the dishonest pleasures you haue had with her Followe followe then the steppes of the most magnanimous and valiant Princes of the blood so many great Lordes Marshalles of Fraunce Dukes Earles Marquesses Barons and Gentlemen of marke the number wherof is infinite and innumerable al which expose them selues and their deuoire for the seruice of hys Maiesty the reliefe of the estate to preserue you if ye forget not your selues in your goods priueledges and immunities seeking nothing but the quiet and prosperitie heereof God giue them grace and you likewise to make some profit of this fore-warning to the end that wee hauing occasion more and more to bee thankefull to the King for his infinite bountie those faithful subiects that attend on him the celestiall fauour and assistance accompanying the Kings power your amendment and reconciliation may turne to the happie successe of these publique affayres the rest and re-establishment of thys disolate Kingdome FINIS A. M. * The King 〈◊〉 was 〈◊〉 by Iacobi● Fryar * Bia●● a na●● scorne● they 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 ●utward 〈◊〉 the ●●tenance ●edition murder 〈◊〉 the ex●●ples Two Iacobines the procurers 〈◊〉 foure tho●●sand and more to b● murdered Lisbone ●n obser●●●t Fryar ●●●swaded King of ●●stile to 〈◊〉 sundry ●●ristians ●eath ●●ming 〈◊〉 Apo●●●●aes * The dys●grace of 〈◊〉 begging Fryars by Doctor of Sorbonne Iesuits too ●roud to be ●eggers ●●ey rather ●ake beg●ers to ●aintaine ●●emselues A Spany●rd the first ●uthour of 〈◊〉 Iesuits ●lame ●●ning 〈◊〉 proud ●●nde of ●●le that 〈◊〉 whole ●●doms ●●ther by ●●ares * The 〈◊〉 coun●●●naunce this 〈◊〉 vn-holie League * An oth●● bragge a● dissembli●● shewe of these wick●● Cōfedera●● * The Frē●● against 〈◊〉 French ex●●cute the bloody 〈◊〉 of the Spa●nyards And is ●●●ewise in ●●glish by 〈◊〉 name of 〈◊〉 Spanish ●●●donie * A fitte ●●●ample of the Leaguers pro●ceedings 〈◊〉 Fraunce ●●at 〈…〉 to the 〈◊〉 black 〈◊〉 Son 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 3. ●ngland 〈◊〉 re 〈◊〉 thys ●●●lesse K. 〈◊〉 seate 〈◊〉 he had 〈◊〉 it * The S●●●nyards 〈◊〉 cōtinue deuotion their Go● * A Ca●●●logue of honest 〈◊〉 Span●●●ards such they 〈◊〉 still to th● day * Bloodie Spanyard murderer of Kings spoylers o● Commo● weales * No exam●●es allead●●d but 〈◊〉 of the ●●●cked Spa●●ards * Parmae● war but 〈◊〉 his owne profit and the King 〈◊〉 maister The holy 〈◊〉 is ●●ll it selfe * The bl●●dished 〈◊〉 of y e 〈◊〉 wherby t● deceiue 〈◊〉 world ●●hn 29. 〈◊〉 5. 〈◊〉 59. ● Thes. 5 〈◊〉 6. * True R●●ligion no● to be dec●●ded by th● sword 〈◊〉 the exam●ple * Religio● not to b● changed any constraint b●● to be 〈◊〉 stood by 〈◊〉 suf●●raunce God in i●●stice righ● the cause ●ath 10. 〈◊〉 23. 〈◊〉 13. ●ct 2 ●●ou 8. ●hat we 〈◊〉 to 〈◊〉 our 〈◊〉 and ●●●rebell any 〈◊〉 of cause * Deut. 17 * 1. Sam. 9 1. Peter 2 * 1 Sam. 1 * 1 Sam. 2 1. Sam 24 1. Sam 24 〈◊〉 26 1. Sam. 24. ● Sam 26. 1. Sam 3● 2. Sam 1 ● Sam 16 ● Kings 1. * 1. Reg. ●● * 1. Reg. ●● * 1. Reg. ●● * 1. Reg. ●● Kin. 19. Kin. 21. Kin. 22. Kin. 9. Kin. 22. * Epipha●us in hys bo●ke o● the lyues the Prophets * Dan 3 and 6. * Iohn 1 ● * Luke 9 Acts 23 Exod 23 Rom 12 ● Pet 2 〈◊〉 1 et 3. * Baru 3. * Heb 11 * Math 3. Iohn 1 Marke 1 Esay 40 * Math ● * Math ● * Luke ● 〈◊〉 18 ●ath 15 ●ath 10 * Iame●●