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A17345 Religions peace or A reconciliation, between princes & peoples, & nations (by Leonard Busher: of the county of Gloucester, of the towne of Wotton, and a citticen, of the famous and most honorable citty London, and of the second right worshipfull Company) supplicated (vnto the hygh and mighty King of great Brittayne: etc: and to the princely and right Honorable Parliament) with all loyalty, humility and carefull fidelity Busher, Leonard. 1614 (1614) STC 4189; ESTC S121938 38,867 38

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naturaly descended of him therfore beleving Kings may safly walke in the steps of their Father Abraham and with their swords defend their subjects against their adversaries and redeeme their bretheren out of the jawes of al devouring beasts and bloudy persequtors for they beare not the sword for nought And now also I desier those subjects of what degre soever that wold destroy their Kings and Governors for difference in Religion to consider that therin they justifye their Kings and Governors which destroy their subjects for difference of Religion For as it is sinne for Kings and Governors to destroy their subjects for difference of religion at the perswasion of their Bishops So is it sinne but in a higer degree for subjects to destroy their King and Governors for difference of religion at the perswasion of their Bishops and Ministers Therfore perseqution for difference in religion is a monstrous ād cruel beast that destroyeth both Prince and people hindereth the gospell of Christ and scattereth his Disciples that professe and witnes his name But permission of conscience in difference of Religion saveth both Prince and people for it is a meeke and gentle lamb which not onely furthereth and advanceth the gospel but also fostereth and cheris heth these that professe it as may bee seene by the permission of the Princesse Elizabeth and others that were permitted and fostered in Dutchland at that time Also permission of conscience is a greate and suerband and benefit to the King and State as may likewise bee seene in the same Princesse Eliza who if she had not beene permitted but had suffred death as the bloudy Bishops earnestly desyred then had not the Kingdom been so suerly not yet so purely kept ād preserved for his Mayesty ad his Royal issue as now it is the Lord be praysed therfore Further I beseech his right excellent Maiesty and parliament to obser that perseqution was the occasion that the Apostoliq Church was at first scattered and driven into the wildernis that is desert places of the world whether she fled to save herself from the rage and Tyrannye of Antichrist and his Apostles and Ministers the first Authors of perseqution vnder the Gospell Therfore his Majesty and Parliament may please to consider that so long as perseqution continue so long will the Apostoliq Church continue scattered and persequted into the secret places of this world and no mervayle for her faith and discipline is as offensive as odyous and as vnwelcom vnto Antychrist and his Bishops and Ministers now as it was then as their burning banishin hanging and imprisoning doe withnes even vnto this day And it is to be noted that as the Apostoliq faith and discipline in the Apostles dayes when through them true signes and wonders were wrought by the extraordinary gift and power of the Holy Ghost did let and hinder the mistery of iniquity wrought by Antychrist his Apostles and Ministers by whō the lyeing signes and wonders were done through the extraordinary spirit of Satan So now the Catholiq or Antichristian faith and discipline haveing gotten the vpperhand by her lyeing signes and wonders and by perseqution doe by the same let and hinder the mistery of Godlines wrought by Christ his Apostles and Ministers by whom the true signes and wonders were done without perseqution And it is well worthy to bee observed both of King Prince and people that the Bishops Ministers of Antychrist cannot abide nor endure the faith and discipline of the Apostoliq Church because it willbee the overthrow of their blasphemous and spirituall Lord ships and of their Antichristian and bloudy Kingdome And therefore are they so fyery hot and zealous for the Catholiq or Antichristian faith and disciplyne for by their faith they shew plainly that they are succeeded and descended from Antychrist VVho confessed not that the Messiah came in flesh and by their discipline or goverment they playnly shew they are Antichrists Bishops and Ministers who persequte with fyer and sword al degrees both King Prince and people that will not confesse their faith and obey their discipline And it is very plaine and easy both for King Prince and people if they wil not take vp religion oncredit and content them with the religion they were borne ād brought vp in as doe the papists to discerne who they be that teach the Apostoliq faith and discipline and who they be that teach Antychrists faith and disciplyne for the holy Apostle sheweth it to al men that wil give heed therto for he saith Dearly beloved beleeve not evry spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God for many false Prophets are gone out into the world which confesse not that Iesus Messiah came in flesh Hereby shal you know the spirit of God evry spirit that cōfesseth that Iesus Messiah came in flesh is of God and evry spirit that confesseth not that Iesus Messiah came in flesh is not of God but this is the spirit of Antychrist whom ye have heard how that he shold come now already is he in the world The same is the Antychrist that denyeth the Father and the Sonne whosoever denyeth the son the same hath not the Father The Apost meaneth such as deny Iesus to be Messiah the Lord that came downe from Heaven as Christ and they have taught such have not the Father but doe deny hem also as they have taught him and therfore Christ saith The tyme shal come that whosoever killeth you wil think that he doth God good service but these things they wil doe vnto you because they have not knowen the Father nor me the Father loveth such as beleeve that I came out from God thus faith Christ But Antychrist and his Ministers beleeve not this doctrine neither doe they thus teach Christ Iesus the Messiah And you may please to vnderstand that of this Antichrist or rather as the ●●riack of this false Christ came the Church of Rome whose bishops and Ministers teach not this doctrine ād as the Mother so the daughter also teacheth not this doctryne but will likewyse persequte both Prince and people that shall confesse that Iesus Messiah came in flesh as Iohn teacheth or that the Son of Man ascended vp where he was before or that he was glorified with his Father before the world was as himself saith or that he was the second man the lord from heaven or that he had and hath a heavenly body as Paule teacheth for these ād such like doctrynes doe the Church of Rome ād her daughters persequte with fyer ād sword being indued with the spirit of Antychrist By which Antychrist his Apostles and Ministers the Apostoliq Church was scattered and driven into the wildernes that is desert and secret places of this world evē by their bloudy perseqution The which stil they continue and raise against the members and witnesses therof who w●ere and
the scripture hath foretold 〈◊〉 it is to be noted that the scripture hath also foretold of the consumatiō 〈◊〉 abolition of this Antychrist the man of sin his mistery of iniquity with the● most of his arival or hyghest top of dignity he is come vnto and this shal be done by the spirit of the Lord in the mouth of his servants For when 〈◊〉 words of God be fulfilled then shal the servants of the lord prevaile by his word and spirit with ten kings that shal hate make the whore desolate which sitteth in the hearts and consciences of peoples multitudes nations and this whore is the woman caled the great Citty which reigneth over the Kings of the earth meaning the chur of Rtome by her false faith ād disciplin which is so fast setleds in the hearts and consciences of the Kings of the earth that they think they doe God good service in killing and burning his servants that do speak against her faith disciplyne that wil not bay any of her wares that is her Antychristian doctrines ād ordinances But as she hath had her exaltation and arival to the heyght and dignity of the 〈◊〉 Empire of Rome by the love of kings who have given their power and authority vnto her and who have fought for her against the Saints servants of Iesus So she shal have her consumation and abolition from that height and dignity by the hatred of kings who againe shal take their power and authority from her and therwith defend the peace and persons of the Saints servants of Iesus no● for religions peace wil use their power and authority against the bloudy perseqution of Antychrist and al his bloudy Bishops and Ministers ād so becom nursing fathers vnto the church of Christ And as it hath pleased God to give his Majesty peace round about as he did vnto King Cyrus in whose dayes the material Temple began to be repared which was a figuer of the spiritual temple So I pray it may please him also in the peaceable dayes of king Iames to begin to repayre the spiritual Temple the Apostoliq church scattered and dryven abroad into the wildernes of this world whose ca●ing and gathering together must be by the preaching of the word of God both to jewes and gentils and not by the sword of the kings of the earth as Antychrist and his Ministers have now along tyme perswaded and prevailed wherby not onely the jewes and infidels but also papists and other false Christians are hindred and deprived from the knowledg of the Apostoliq faith And it is be noted that David might not build Gods temple because he had spilt much blood which sheweth no blood ought to be spilt for the building of the spiritual temple 1. Cro. 28. 3. ergo peace in religion is a good meanes to make a vnity of religion among so many Christian sects And it is wel worthy consideration that as in the tyme of the old Testament the Lord would not have his offrings by constraint but of every man whose heart gave it freely so now in tyme of the gospel he wil not have the people constrayned but as many as receave the word gladly they are to be added to the Church by baptisme and therfore Christ commanded his disciples to teach al nations baptise them that is to preach the word of salvatiō to evry creature of al sorts of natiōs that are worthy and willing to receave it And such as shal willing and gladly receave it he hath commanded to be baptised in the water that is dipped for dead in the water ād therfore the apostle saith Els what shal they do which are baptised for dead if the dead be not raised why are they baptised for dead And therfore also he saith we are buried thē with him by baptisme c and it is to be wel observed that when Christ wold have preached the word of salvation to the gaderēs he did not compel them when they refused but finding them vnwilling to receave him and his word he turned from them without hurting thē also whē Iames and Iohn saw that som of the Samaritane● refused Christ they wold have commanded fyer from heaven to consume them as Elias did But Christ rebuked thē and said ye know not of what spirit ye are For the son of man is not come to destroy mens lives but to save them By al which it may please his Majesty and Parliament to take knowledge that Christ wil haue none consumed with fyer and sword for not heareing and not receaveing his word And that howsoever it hath bene the mynde of Antychrist to destroy mens liues for religion and therein haue not spared neither prince nor people yet it is not the mynde of Christ that princes should destroy their subiects nor yet that subiects shold destroy their Princes for difference in religion And therfore why shold Bishops perswade Princes and people and why shold king prince and people be perswaded by their Bishops and Ministers to be contrary mynded to Christ verily it is a notorious ād playne token of a false faith and discipline that is defended by fyer and sword the power and authority of Princes And they cannot be Christs Bs and preachers that perswade princes and peoples to such Antychristian tyranny and cruelty And it is very evident that those Bs and Mm which giue ouer men and women to the Magistrate to be perswaded by perseqution doe shew clearly that their doctrine is not good and that they want the word ād spirit of God ād therfore flee to the Magist sword for the forceing of them to their faith and disciplyne and as the wyne is not good which we are forced to drink so those doctrynes are not good which we are forced to beleeue But it may be by this tyme al those Bishops who vnfainedly feare God and truly love the king will haste and make speed to come vnto his Majesty for pardon acknowledging the truth of this booke confesseing their ignoraace and arrogance in the knowledge of Gods word and in compelling the people to heare the word preached and for impri burn bannis and hang for religion cōtrary to the minde of Christ ād also for stopping the mouthes of mē ād burning their books that preach ād wryte contrary to their myndes ād wils yea it may be they wil also confesse and say Oh most gratious king we beseech your Maiesty to shew vs mercy and to forgiue vs our spirituall pride and ambition in that we haue thus long vsurped the blasphemous titles of spirituallords and lords graces the which Tytles we now to the glory of God ād honor of the King do with Vntained hearts confesse to be due and belong onely to Christ himself and that the name and Tytle of spiritual lord cannot belong to any earthly Creature no not to the
did pul downe and destroy for they did not imprison nor burne nor hang nor yet caused to be bannished any of the kings subjects that would not worship them as these Idol Bishops doe And out of doubt these Bishops are greater Idols then the golden calfe Aaron made and offred vnto for the calfe did not persequte nor ver such as did not acknowledge it for their Lord as the Bishops doe neyther did the Calfe reygne and rule by force over the consciences of the people as these Idol Bishops doe Besides the Calfe was set vp in steed of Moses who brought the people out of Egypt and shewed them the wil of God but these Bbs are set vp in steed of Christ who have brought vs out of the bondage of hel and who sheweth vs his Fathers wil in his new Testament the which these jdol Bs wil not suffer vs to obey but in steed therof wil force vs to faldown worship and obey ther Father Antychrists wil and old testamēt which stinks in the nostrels of al reformed strangers that heare thereof as wel as in ours that have taken our flight from it Therfore these spirituall lords and Idol Bishops ought to be pulled downe and suppressed like the Abbots their lordly brethren though not sacrificed vnto the Lord in Smithfeild as the Godly king Iosias sacrificed the Idol Priests of the high places on the Altars therof And I doe verely beleeve that if free liberty of cōscience be granted that the spiritual kingdom of these Idol Bs will in tyme fal to the ground of it self as the jdol Dagon fal before the Arke for throug the knowledge of Gods word wil al godly people with draw themselves in al peceable and godly wise from the spiritual obedience of these spiritual lords and Idol Bbs and quietly betake themselves vnto the obedience of the onely spiritual lord Iesus Messiah But howsoever it be I shal be contented therewith and so I wish al others for we al ought to be content if we obtayne freedom of conscience and therefore to give god prayse cōtinualy that hath wroght so blessed a worke in the hearts of the King and Parliamēt for whō as the scripture teacheth we ought to make supplications prayers and intercessions that they may com to the knowledge of the truth and that we may lead a peaceable and quiet life in al godlines and honesty And vnto whō we ought to give by the law of God al earthly honor feare and reverence and willingly to paytribute and custō tax and tol so much and so often as it shal please his Majesty and parliam to appoint and gather by any officer or officers whatsoever For whom also and for the whole common wealth of al his Kingdoms we ought to be diligent and ready to hazard and lay downe not onely our goods but also our lives at al tymes and occasiōs For Christ hath onely set vs free from al ecclesiastical lawes and ordinances which himself hath not commanded in his last wil and Testament Yea from the ecclesiastical lawes and commandements of the old Testament how much more hath he set vs free from the ecclesiastical lawes and ordinances of Antichrist but he hath not set vs free from the Moral and Iudicial law of God for that the king is bound to execute and we are bound to obey and for want of the execution therof there are in our land many whores and whorekeepers ād many childrē murdered besides the death ād vndoeing of many persons about whores Wherfore I humbly desier that the Morall and and Iudicial low of God may be practised and executed of al degrees both high and low without respect of persons according the mynd of Christ For the Lord wil have that evry man shal love him above al and his neyghbor as himself and Christ saith as ye would that men shold do to you so do ye to them likewise Therfore as the king wold not have his subjects to take away his life because he is contrary to them in religiō So let not the king take away his subjects lives because they are contrary to the king in religion and as you wold not men shold force you to a religion against your consciences so doe not you force men to a religion against their consciences And as it is the duty of subjects to seeke the conversion of their king ād State by the word of God and not his and their destruction by fyer ād sword So it is the duty of the king and state to seek the conversion of of their subjects by the word of God and not their destruction by fier ād sword as the Pope and his Prelats doe teach whose vassals therin both Emperors and Kings as wel as people have bene a long tyme both to the destruction of thēselfs ād their subjects For who knoweth not that prelats and preists haue perswaded subjects to destroy their kings and princes as wel as kings and princes to destroy their subiects but 〈◊〉 pray thē both to take notice that the scrip saith he that destroyeth the Temple of God him wil God destroy Let not therfore kings princes nor subjects bee any longer perswaded to destroy one āother through the suttelty of Bs and their mi who most of thē onely seeke the security of their owne pōp and glory ād the stablishmēt of their spiritual thrones therin for so long as they may confirm that they passe not who perish whether king prince or people Againe therfore I humbly pray his Ma and par to repeale and make voyd al popish lawes and canons and to see the moral and Iucial law of god both firmly enacted ad carefully practised after the minde of Chr and then shal Christs spiritual throne be stablished in the hearts consciences both of king prince and people so as the Chu Christs spiritual kingdom shal increace in the knowledge of faith and obediēce therof with al loue peace ād charity one towards another And the cōmō wealth of his Ma King wil florish and prosper ād also his throne be constātly stablished both to him and his heyres through out al his dominions in a suer land of peace and love tho●e with and towards another to the glory of God and the cōfort of his Maj and of al his subjects ād also to a famous ād excellent glorious paterne of govermēt to al kingdōs natiōs ād contries round about as in the dayes of Salomō king of Israel For if the holi lawes of Gods word be practised and executed after Christs wil thē shal neither king prince nor people be destroyed for differēce in religion then Treason Rebelliō as wel as burn ban han and impri for difference in religion wil cease and be laid downe then shal not mē womē and youth be hāged for theft then shal not the poore lame sik and weake ones be stocked and whipped neither shal the poore stranger
no man to perish but would that al men come to repentāce but not by perseqution but by the word of reconciliation which he hath committed to his ministers And as kings and Bishops cannot command the winde so they cannot command faith as the winde bloweth where it listeth so is every man that is borne of the spirit You may forcemen to Church against their consciences but they wil beleeue as they did afore when they com there for God giueth a blessing onely to his owne ordinance and abhorreth Antychrists And kings are to thinck that they are men as well as Kings ād that Christ hath ordeyned the same meanes of faith for Kings which he hath for subjects and that subjects are Christs freemen as wel as Kings subjects Kings that beleeve are Christs Servants even as subjects are Kings servants and both are bought with a price therefore both ought not to bee the servants of men in matter of faith religion but Kings shal giue a greater account at the day of judgment then their subjects And to judge mē now for religion is to judge afore the tyme ād also to sit in the judgement seate of Christ to whom onely it belongeth yet not before the day appointed how much lesse to Kings and Bishops I read that Constantyne the Emperor called the greate wrought to the Bishop of Rome that he would not force and constrayne any man to the faith but onely admonish and commit the judgment to God Christes Kingdom is not of this world therefore may it not be purchased nor defended with the weapons of this world but by his word and spirit no other weapons hath he giuen to his Church which is his spiritual kingdom Therfore Christ saith He that wil not heare the church let him be to thee as a hethen a publicane he saith not bur ban hang or inpriso him that is Antichrists ordinance And though a man be an heretick yet ought he not to be bur but to be rejected after once or twise admonition that is cast out of the Church but as in the chur of Rome people of al sorts are by perseqution forced thereinto by the Bishops and ministers therof so it is in the Church of England also which sheweth that the Bs and min of Rome and Eng are of one spirit in gathering peopel to their faith and church which is the spirit of Satan who knoweth wel that his kingdom the false Church wold greatly decay if perseqution were laid downe seing himself cannot stand before the word and spirit of God much lesse his Bs and mi therfore he wil haue them for a name and shew to vse the word of God but indeed if the false interpretation and alledging of the scriptures wil not help then saith he constrayne them by fyer and sword or els if people haue liberty of consciēce they wil trye the spirits which of them is of god as the Apostle joh teacheth and then saith he the Prince as wel as people wil try all things keep that which is good and wil also prove themselves as the Apostle Paule teacheth whether they are in the Apostoliq faith or not And as the Church of Rome provoketh the Magestrats to peesequte to death such as are excōmunicated out of her so doth the Church of England provoke the Magistrats to persequte to death such as she excomunicate And as the Bs. and min of Ro wil perswade the prince and people to heare ād read none but themselves so doe the Bs and min of Eng also But the Bs ād min of the Apostoliq Church doe perswade al men to prove trye the Spirits whether they are of God which they cannot doe except they heare and read other mens doctrines as wel as the Bs ād their min neither can they if they would so long as the Bishops have power from the King and state to silence and imprison etc al preachers ād to burne al books which teach not their doctines Your Majesty and Parliament shal vnderstand that al those that confesse freely without compulsion that Iesus is the Messiah the Lord and that he came in Flesh are to be esteemed the Children of God and true Christians seeing such are borne of God and no man can say that Iesus is the Lord but by the holy Ghost therfore not to be persequted And as Abel killed not Cayne but was killed himself ād as Isaack ād Iacob did not persequte Ismael and Esau but was persequted of Ismael and Esau who ād Caine were figuers of al persequters so the beleeving doe not persequte the vnbeleeving nor the true chur the false but the beleeving and true chur are as they have beene most often persequted thē selves of whom Abel Isaack and Iacob were figures whose childrē are al beleevers and free mē that stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made thē free ād wil not be tangled with the yoke of bondage no not with cir-cumcision much lesse with the discipline and doctrijne of the Church of Rome whose Bs are able ministers of the fyer and sword both to Prince ād people as many Historyes doe lamentably witnes to theyr vtter infamy and overthrow Also if the beleving should persequte the vnbeleving to death who shold remayne aliue then none but the beleeveing shold liue in the world and the vnbeleeveing shold dye in theyr vnbeleeif and so perish for ever the Lord wil not that the beleeveing shold live to the destructiō of the vnbeleeveing but vnto theyr conversion edificatiō and salvation And by persequting of Prince and people to death because they wil not heare and beleeve is no gayning of soules vnto God but vnto the devill And whereas ignorant and wicked Bs. may thinck to wijn soules by killing Prince and people for religion they are deceaved greatly for therby they loose many soules viz their owne and the vnbeleeving their owne they loose because they wilfully breake the Lords Commandement that saith Thou shalt not kill meaneing such as are corporal malefactors and the others which dye in their vnbeleeif they confesse themselues are eternaly lost except they as som of their minist hold a redemption after this life And the Bs. shold know that error and heresy cānot be killed by the fyer and sword but by the word and spirit of God that is the onely weapons of Christs Bs. and Ministers and such onely Christs Ministers doe vse whose liues and conversations are so harmlesse holy ād gentle that therby and by their deaths ād sufferings they wynne many soules vnto god wherby they are knowen fro al false Bs. and ministers who like wolues and beares not like sheep and lambs make pray and devour both Prince and People that are not of their kinde if they bee able to Master them Besides may it please your Majesty and Parlia to vnderstand that the beleeveing man that hath an dnbeleeveing
perswade Prince and people to heare and beleeve the gospell by his● word and spirit and as Ambassadors for him to beseech both Prince ād people to be reconciled vnto God and not as Tyrants to force and cōstrayne them by perseqution Thirdly because through perseqution it wil come to passe that the Ambassadors of the onely spiritual Lord King Iesus may be persequted and inprisoned burned haged or bānished for deliuering the message of their gratious Lord sentearly and often both to Prince and people which to doe is a more heynous fact then to persequte the Ambassadors of the greatest King and Prince in the World for insteed of hereticks they shal as they have alredy burne bannish and hang the Ambassadors of the Lord Iesus Christ who doth choose out whom he pleaseth to beare his name before Kings Rulers for a Testimonial to them Fourthly because then we cannot say we have the liberty of the Gospell in our Land seing where that is there is no perseqution for any difference in Religion nor force●ing of the conscience to beleeve the gospel except by the word and spirit of God onely the which doe wound and kill the ●rrors of men and not their persons Fiftly because Christ came into the world to fave sinners ād not to destroy them though they be blasphemers seing the Lord may convert them as he did Saule after caled Paul and though they have difference in Religion or wil not heare nor beleeve in Christ that they may be converted yet ought you not to persequte them seing Christ rebuketh such and his Father sent him not into the world to condemne the world but to saue it be ye followers therefore of Christ and not of Antychrist in gathering people to the Faith Sixtly because then you shal not walke wisely towards thē that are without as the Scripture teacheth but shal offend also the Iewes and al other strāgers who account it Tyranny to have their consciences forced to religion by perseqution Seaventhly because if perseqution be not laid downe and liberty of cōscience set vp then cannot the Iewes nor any strangers nor others contrary mynded be ever converted in our Land for so long as they know a forehand that they shal be forced to beleeve against their consciences they wil never seeke to inhabit there by which meanes you keep them from the Apostoliq saith if the Apostoliq faith bee onely taught where perseqution is Eightly because if freedom of conscience be not set vp and perseqution laid downe then al the Kings subjects and al strangers inhabiting the Land that shal beleeve the Apostoliq faith must depart the land to som free contry or els abide the danger of burning bannishing hanging and imprisoning the first will bee a great impoverishing and weakning of our land besides a losse of the faithfullest subjects and freinds the secōd wil provoke the lord to wrath by spilling the bloud of his faithful servants Ambassadors and witnesses and also open the mouthes of al strāgers to speake yet more lamentably of the cruel and bloudy perseqution of our Land Ninthly because if perseqution contynue then the King ād State shal have against their wils many dissemblers in Authority and office both in court Citty and contrye yea no man of any degre shal know whether they are al faithful and true Christiās that are about him ād with whō he hath to doe seing most men wil conforme themselves for feare of perseqution although in their harts they hate ād detest the religiō wherto they are forced by law the which is very dangerous and hartful both to King and State in tyme of temtation from bejond the seas and in rebellion at home for they that are not faithful to God in their Religiō wil never bee faithful to the King and State in their alegiance specialy being tryed by a greate reward or by a myghty rebel but will to encrase their honors and reverennues conforme themselves and fome to save their honors Lands goods and lives wil yeeld and submit though against their wils even as they have done in case of Religion for through forceing men to Church by perseqution the true hearted subjects are forced out of the Land and out of the World som bannished others burned hanged and imprisoned to death Tenthly because then if there be many religions in the land as it is wel knowen there are it wil com to passe through the continance of perseqution that many religions wil be continued in the Church seeing al are forced to Church who bring their religions with them as wel as their bodies wherby al their devotion is against their consciences and all the Church is a confused Babel ful of every vncleane hateful bird even a hold of soule Spirits as the Scripture speaketh out of which the people of God are Commanded to flee least as of their sins they bee also pertakers of their plague And the Bishops the Authors of perseqution are very ignorant to thinke that when they have gotten people to their Church by perseqution that then they have gotten them to their saith and religion the which is nothing so for most people though contrary mynded to save life and goods wil dissemble their religion as for example the Iewes in Spaine and Portugale and the Papists Reformists and others in England but when they com hether or to som other free Citty or Country where praised be God is liberty of the gospel then they shew that before they dissembled to avoyd the cruel perseqution of our land Moreover the Bishops bewray great ignorance whē they perswade the King and Parliament to force Prince and people to Church by perseqution for if that bee the meanes to com to the Church of Christ then Christ hath taught vs to fle the meanes of salvatiō seing he hath taugt vs to flee perseqution the which the Bishops and their Ministers perswade to be a great meanes to bring men to the Church Indeed I confesse it is the onely meanes to bring Prince and people to the false Chur and therefore Christ teacheth vs to flee that meanes least through perseqution which is a great temtation we be constrayned to go the broad way which is the false Church that leadeth to destruction many goe in therat and no maxvaile for there m●●may be any thing except good Christians for besides Demas the worldlying and Hymeneus the blasphemer and many other sorts of indifferent Christians excommunicants covetous and profane persons there are notale rebels ād Traytors yea most cruel and desperate Traytors and Rebels as Digby Catesby Percy c whose buread and vnheard treathery wil never be forgotten which persons if they had not been forced to Church against their consciēces had never enterprised such horribel and hateful treason And the Bbs should vnderstand that it is preaching and not persequting that getteth people to the church of Christ
Christ hath injoyned Christians not by perseqution to force other mens consciences against their wils by the irritation of the Bishops of our Land Sixteenthly because perseqution doe cause men and women to make shipwrack of faith and good consciences by forceing a religion vpon thē even against their mindes and consciences and also doe send them quike to the devil in their errors if that be heresy for which they are hāged ād burned which to doe is a most vnChristian vnnaturall cruell and tyrannous deed and I am suer you would not bee content to be so dealt with all your selves but indeed the popish and Idol Bishops are the authors hereof against the people as wel as of other persequtiō against the princes For Antychristiā Bbs doe draw Kings ād Princes hereto against their myndes as may appeare by Edward the sixt that Godly King of famous memory who being vrged by his bloudy Bbs to subscribe to the burning of a womā caled Ioane Butcher he answered wil you have me to send her quick to the devil in her error but when his bloud thirsty Bs wouls have no nay he said againe to Bishop Cranmer I lay al the chaledg therof on you before God and Cranmer said he had never so much to doe in al his life as to procure it whereby I doe perceave that godly Kings are drawen to battel against the Saints by Antychristian Bbs and false Prophets who otherwyse would rule and reigne more agreable to the mynde of Christ Also herby may al men perceave that the counsel and Bbs could not satisfy the Kings consciēce by their perswasiō if they could have shewed him the word of God for burning that Christian it wold have prevailed with that godly King and he might then of faith have consented but his answer sheweth that he was not of their minde for al that they had said and therfore now if it please you to require of your Bishops warrant from the word of God for the persequting of Christians or for forceing Prince and people to church you shal find not one Bishop yea not all of them together though assisted with their Ministers wil be able to shew warrant from Gods word whereby to perswade your consciēces therevnto and whatsoever is not of faith is sinne and whatsoever is not from Gods word cannot be of faith Seaventeenthly because perseqution of Christians by Christians doe not onely justifye papists and teach the Iewes and Pagās to persequte Christians but also doe teach the papists and others that know not the mynde of Christ and once get the vpperhād to persequte those that persequted them yea it is a meanes as we have had lamentable experiēce to set such as are forced to Church against their consciences at deadly hatred against the King and State and vrgeth al them to treason and rebelliō that have not truly learned Christ who himself was persequted to death whose harmles crosse al true Christians must take vp ād whose gentle and humble steps they must follow ād walke in or els they cānot be his disciples nor sheepe of his pasture And nether can the papists be perswaded that perseqution is a sinne so lōg as they ād other Christians are also persequted by the protestants seing the papists doe build their perseqution on the same ground with the protestants but both sorts of Bbs doe erre grosly as shal be shewed Godwilling when they make their defence except heerewith their consciences be convinced to yeld as I wish they may for the salvation of their owne foules the peace both of Prince and people and the saftye of the King and State In the meane whyle it is to be observed that those Bbs ād Ministers which perswade the King and Parliament to burne bannish hang and imprison for difference of religion are bloud-suckers and manslayers and such it cannot be denyed caused Kings and Magistrats to be their excicutioners and tormentors in burning the Martyrs in former tymes even in the dayes of King Henry the eyght Queene Mary as the books of Acts Monumēts wil witnes if they be not burned and I aske the Bbs and their Mini if the martyrs should have obeyed the King and Queene rather thē have suffered death And now I must humbly and with al reverence doe beseech his Maje and parliament advisedly to consider among themselves whether the Prince or Princesse differing with the Church now in matter of cōsciēce and religion stablished by law in our land as the right noble Princesse Elizabeth did in Queene Maryes dayes doe not incurre the danger ad cruelty of the law now as that worthy Princesse did then seing that popish and cruel law standeth stil in force in most points of religion and who dare trust the Bbs and ther adherēts in such a case the matter lyeing in their hands Let it be supposed that the Princes heart should be moved by the lord to embrace the Apostoliq faith discipline shal he be forced to beleeve as the Bishops doe against his conscience shal he bee constrayned to submit to their goverment and discipline against his conscience shal he live in vexation and perseqution and in danger of his life by the Bishops and law stablished as the Princesse Elizabeth did yea it must bee thus with our right noble Prince except there bee partiality yea it will bee thus with his Princely person except those popish and cruel lawes be repealed and extinguished Wherefore I meekly intreate seeing death is most certaine though most vncertayne when that those Antychristian and Popish Lawes may bee dissimulled and made voyd in tyme least wee all lament and bewayle it when it wil bee to late And I pray your Majesty and honors to consider that Kings and Princes hearts are in the hands of the Lord as the Ryvers of waters to turne as he will And the scripture saith The ten hornes by which I vnderstand ten Kings shall hate the whore and make her desolate and naked Likewyse the Scripture saith to Abraham the Father of beleeving Princes as well as beleeving people Also I will make thee exceeding fruitful and will make Nations of thee Yea Kings shall proceed of thee Which Scripture doe also overthrow the judgment of those men that hould a Christian may not bee a King nor Magistrate Let such consider that the Lord here speaketh of Abrahams Spirituall seed and not of his naturall seed Because if it be vnderstood of his Natural seed then cannot Abraham be o Father of many nations seeing all Abrahams natural seed are caled Iewes and are but one nation of the Iewes so that the covenant of God could not be performed that said I wil make nations of the yea Kings ●●al proceed of thee Therefore it must be vnderstood of his spiritual seed of which may be Kings and Princes that are not naturaly descended of him as wel as people that are not
being made known many men may stumble and fal theron and so perish both bodies an● soules the which is more lamētable and as Roks in the seas the more they manifest thēself● the more furtherance in the way to the Heaven So errors in the world the more they manifest themselves the more furtherance in the way to heaven And you shal vnderstand that errors being brought to the light of the word of god wil vanish as darknes before the light of a torch evē as the chaffe before the winde cannot stand so error before truth cannot abide therfore it is no hinderance but a great furtherance to haue al erroneous Rocks in the haven to heaven made knowen and published And a greate and suer argument it is that those Bishops and Ministers have not the truth that publikly dare not dispute or wryte against error as may be seene in the Bishops and Ministers in Queen Maryes dayes which could not abide to have books written and printed of that which they caled error and heresy but caused that if any such were written both them and the Authors to be burned if they could com by them Therfore if permission of conscience and liberty of the gospel be not granted and burning lawes repealed then the Bishops and Ministers now may perswade and cause to be burned both the books and the Authors that have the truth in steed of heresy and heretiks even as their prede●ssors have done already and so shed more innocent bloud and also provoke the Lord to further wrath against the King and State It is not the gallosse nor the prisons nor burning nor bannishing that can defend 〈◊〉 Apostoliq faith indeed the King ād State may defend Reliōs peace 〈◊〉 their sword and civil power but not the faith otherwise then by the ●ord and spirit of God The dutch Princes and peeres say that force word gallosse in matter of Religion is a good meanes to spil bloud make 〈◊〉 vprere in the land but not to bring any man from one faith to another The ●agans wil not persequte one another for religion though as I read 〈◊〉 be aboue three thowsand sorts among them And you know both ●ing Henry and Queene Mary thought themselves defenders of the ●●ith and thaught they burned herericks and heresy when they burned 〈◊〉 and their books but now you see and must acknowledg that they ●ere persequtors of the faith insteed of defenders therof and also that 〈◊〉 through the instigation of their bloudy Bishops burned the word 〈◊〉 God and those that professed and wrought it insteed of heresy and ●●reticks And thus it wil be now if the Bishops and their Ministers ●ay haue their wils and therin they as their predecessors fullfill the ●ord of God in gathering Kings of the earth to the battell of the great day of ●od Almighty For they perswade Kings to force their subjects to re●●ave the faith and to bee of the Church whereas the Word of God tea●eth otherwise saying Faith commeth by heareing and hearein by the word 〈◊〉 God and not by the Kings sword And Christ saith Teach al nations 〈◊〉 force al nations and this teaching is to be vnderstood by the word ād ●●iting of the Prophets and Apostles of our Lord and Saviour Christ which is the Word of God For they that wil bee of the true faith ād ●hurch must be caled thervnto out of the World by the Word of God ●●every nation and not forced and constrayned in every nation as the ●●shop of Rome and al other false Bishops and Ministers have and 〈◊〉 perswade Kings Emperors and Magistrats And his Majesty and Parliament may please to vnderstand that so ●doe is to quench the Spirit of God in Christ Bishops and ministers and al●●● furstrate the precept of Christ which saith Preach the Gospel to evry 〈◊〉 besides it maketh their owne office ād functiō voyd they ought to preach instruct with al meeknes them that are contrary minded proveing if God at any tyme wil give them repentance that they may know the truth for the ministers of the Lord must not strive but be apt to teach gentle towards all men suffring evil men patiently telling Kings and Princes that the weapons of Christs Bishops and Ministers are not carnal as the weapons of all false and Antichristian Bishops and Ministers are but Spiritual mighty through God to cast downe holds casting downe evry high thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God bringing into captivity evry thought to the obedience of Christ Also if all within the land be forced to be of the church as the Bishops and their ministers would stil have it thē there would be no world in the land but al the land wold be the Church which is absurd and contray to the scriptures and great ignorance doe the Bishops and their ministers shew when they thinck the whole nation of people is the Church of Christ for there it cannot be said out of greate Brittayne the Lord added to the Church from day to day such as shold be saved seeing within the land there would be none without to be added Also within that land then would be no perseqution seeing the Church of Christ doth not persequte at al much lesse it self but the Ministers and members of that Church doe persequte one another and therefore it cannot be the spiritual Kingdom and Church of Christ but of Antichrist seeing it is devided against it self and persequteth one another and wil with her mother greate Babilon be consumed and condemned seeing as she they burne bannish hang and imprison one another which is no Christian but Antychrist an monstrous cruel woulvish and a tyranous part ano practise for Christ sent hi● Ministers as lambs among wolves not as wolves among lambs Againe I humbly and withal reverence doe beseech his right excellēt Majesty to give me leaue to put him in mynd of those things that do● concerne the glory of God the assurance of his owne salvation the stablishment of his throne and the benefit both of the Church of Christ and the common wealth of al his dominions And though as Iosias he find● by reading in the booke of the new Testament a great alteration of the Apostoliq faith change of the lawes ordinances of Christ within his dominions Yet not to be dismayed as Henry le grand but be encouraged a● Iosiah to labor and endevor the redresse therof according to the myn● of Christ in his new Testament And I doubt not but as Iaacob the Patriarch prevayled with God Men So shal Iaacob the King prevayle both wit● God men especially being his chief stuard by his new Testament Through the zealous reading whereof wil be found that Antychrist the king of the Catholiq faith and discipline caled the mistery of iniquity doth sit in the Temple of God even as
wyfe and the beleeveing woman that hath an vnbeleeveing husband cannot liue together as the scripture teachet for the salvation of the vnbeleeveing if they be persequted to death Indeed som therby are forced to comfesse with the mouth that which they beleeue not in heart and so are made true dissemblers in steed of true Christians wherby many men and womē are deceaved with dissembling husbands and wyves as wel as the King and State are deceaved with dissembling servants and subjects but the word of God if permission of conscience might be granted would procure vpright puer and vnfeyned husbands and wyves servants and subjects so that thereby neyther Prince nor people should be deceaved for al good shepherds wil devide and seperate and not force slay and persequte for if men and women be found hereticks they shal be seperated from the Church but if they be vnbeleevers they shal not be joyned vnto it vntil they be converted by the word of God much lesse forced Which conversion for ought we know may be at their death if not afore seing the Lord caleth som at the elevent hower so wel as at the first and not at the King and Bs. pleasures Kings and Magistrats are to rule tēporal affayers by the swords of their temporal Kingdoms And Bs ād Ministers are to rule spiritual affayers by the word and spirit of God the sword of Christs spirituall Kingdom and not to intermedle one with anothers authority office and function And it is a greate shame for the Bs. and Ministers not to bee able to rule in their Church without the assistance of the King and Magistrat yea it is a greate signe they are none of Christs Bishops and ministers of they were they would not be afrayd nor ashamed of their faith nor yet would they perswade Princes and people to persequte and force one another to beleeve them but would use onely the assistance of Gods word and spirit and therwith suffer their faith and doctryne to bee examined proved and disputed both by word and writing And he is a true Bishop who is vnreproveable ād that is able to stop the mouthes of his adversaries by Gods word and Spirit onely and whose faith and discipline agreeth with the Prophets Christ and his Apostles and maketh no contracictiō but al those Bishops that force Princes and peoples to receaue their faith and discipline by perseqution doe with Iudas goe against Christ in his members with swords slaues ād halberos who seing Gods word wil not help them betake themselues with al hast and hazard vnto the authoritie of the King and Magistrate I read that a Bishop of Rome would haue constrayned a Turkish Emperor to the Christian faith vnto whom the Emperor answered I beleeve that Christ was an excellent Prophet but he did never so far as I vnderstand command that men should with the power of weapons be constrayned to beleeue his law verely I also doe force no man to beleeue Mahomets Law Also I read that Iewes Christians and Turks are tollerated in Constantinople ād yet are peaceable though so contrary the one to the other If this bee so how much more ought Christians not to force one another to religion ād how much more ought Christians to tollerate Christians when as the Turks doe tollerate them shal we be lesse merciful thē the Turks or shal we learne the Turks to persequte Christians It is not onely vn merciful but vnnatural and abominable yea monstrous for one Christian to vex and destroy another for difference and questions of Religion and though tares haue ouergrowen the wheate yet Christ wil haue them let alone til harvest least whyle you goe about to pluck vp the tares you pluck vp also the wheat with them as your predecessors haue done who thought they had gathered vp the tares and burned them but you see now that they haue burned the weate in steed of tares Wherfore in al humility ād Christian modesty I doe affirme that through the vnlaufull weedhooke of persecution which your predecessors haue used and by your maiesty and Parliament is still continued there is such a quantity of wheate plucked vp and such a multitude of tares least behinde that the wheate which remayne cannot yet appeere in any right vissible congregation And now beloved soueraigne and Parliament I know that through ignorance you doe persequte as did also your predecessor●s Amend your lives therefore and turne that your sinns may bee put away when the tyme of refreshing shal come from the presence of the Lord who before hath shewed by the mouth of his holy servant Iohn that the woman meaning the church shold fleye into the wildernes for a tyme tymes ād half a tyme from the presence ād persecution of the Serpent And that the wynepresse shold bee troden without the Citty vntil ●loud came out of the wynepresse vnto the horse brydels by the space of a thousand and sixe hundred furlongs and thus he hath fulfilled it Now therefore I humbly beseeth you suffer not your Bishops and ministers any longer to perswade to force your subjects or any others to their faith and Church by perseqution neyther suffer them therewith to defend their faith and Church against their adversaries if they have not any thing from Gods word against vs let them yeld and submit themselves if they thinck they have any thing against vs let them betake themselves onely to Gods word both in word and wryteing for the whole Scripture is given by inspiration of God to that purpose and is profitable to teach to reprove to correct and to instruct in righteousnes that the Man of God may be absolute being made perfect vnto al good works With which Scripture and not with fyer and sword your Majestyes Bishops and ministers ought to be armed and weaponed And whosoeuer shall not heare the words of such Bishops and ministers then such Bishops ād ministers are commanded by Christ not to to imprison burne ban and hang them but to shake the dust of theyr feete against them for a witnes when they depart from them affirming that at the day of judgment it shal bee easier for Sodom and Gomorrha then for such persons And this com of Christ did his Bishops and ministers obey as you may read By which and by that which follow your gratious may and Princely and honorable Parliament may perceave the will and mynde of our Lord and Saviour Christ vnto whose mercy I commend you and to the word and wisdom of his grace which is able to build further and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctifyed Amen Your faithfull and loveing subject Leonard Busher Not Furbusher Certayne reasons against perseqution FIrst because Christ hath not commanded any King Bishop or Minister to persequte the people for difference and judgment in matter of Religion Secondly because Christ hath commanded his Bishops and ministers to
for the scripture saith Faith is by heareing heareing by the word of God and not by the sword of Princes and Magistrats as they perswade and practise And therefore the Bbs of our land are truly caled Antychrists for by their beastly and bloudy perseqution as wel as by their blasphemous titles erroneous doctrines and popish goverment may they justly be termed Antichrists Eleventhly because Christ forethou● that many false Christs and false Prophets shold arise deceave many yea if it were possible the very elect And the Apostle Paul did prophecy a departure from the faith And Peter said There shold bee false teachers now among the people and Iohn said the Kings shold give their power Authority vnto the beast vntil the words of God bee fulfilled therefore if perseqution bee not laid downe and liberty of the gospel set by you may persequte the true Christians in steed of the false as your predecessors have done for they are now like as they were then the smalest number and the false Christians are now like as they were then the greatest number and perseqution is a notable marke of the false Church and her Bbs and Ministers and therefore Christ wold have vs flee from it who overcame the devil ād his Ministers by the word of God and by a good meeke and gentle life whose steps his Bishops and Ministers ought to follow Twelvthly because perseqution of such as doe preach and teach Christ is a great hinderance to the liberty of the Gospell for thereby are the Iewes Turks and Pagans occasioned and encouraged to persequte likewyse all such as preach and Teach CHRIST in their dominions For if Christian Kings and Magistrats wil not suffer Christians to preach and preach the gospel of Christ freely and peaceably in their dominions how should you expect it of the infidels vnto whome Bs and Christian Kings and Magistrats ought to give a good exāple and not an evil as to burne bannish hangh and imprison peaceable and godly Christians that are no traytors nor theeves nor fighters nor māslayers nor perswearers nor drunckards nor whoremasters nor such like And the King and Parliament may please to permit al sorts of Christians yea Iewes Turks and Pagans so long as they are peaceable ād no malefactors as is aboue mentioned which if they be found to be vnder 2. or 3. witnesses let them be punished according to Gods word also if any be found to be willing lyers false accusers false ale●●dgers and quoters of the Scriptures or other mens wrytings as som mē willingly doe let them be punished according right and Iustice it is due desert ād no perseqution but let Gods word have his full ād free passage amongh them al even to the end of their lives in al bountifulnes long sufferance and patience knowing that it is ordeyned of Gods ritch mercy to lead the infidels and such as erre vnto repentance and amendemēt out of the snare of the devil of whom they are taken and deceaved Thirteenthly because perseqution for Religion is to force the consciēce and to force and constrayne men and womens conciences to a religion against their wils is to Tyrānisse over the soule as wel as over the body and herein the Bishops comit a greater sin then if they force the bodyes of women ād maides against their wils yea herein they are more cruel and greater Tyrans then the Turks who though they force the bodyes of strangers to slavery and bondage yet they let the conscience goe free yea to Christians that are so contrary to them in Religion but these Idol Bishops wil force the consciences of Christians their owne natural contrymen even vnto spiritual slavery and bondage and herein they commit fornication both with Prince and people have made al both smale greate to receave a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads so that no man may bye or sell save he that will goe to Church and submit to the Bishops ordinances and name and marke of their beastly and bloudy perseqution through which as God they sit in and reygne over the Consciences both of Prince and people which is the spiritual seat and Temple of God bought at a deere price even with the pretious bleud of their onely spirituall Lord Iesus Messiah the true Sheepheard and Bishop of their foules And the Bishops in forceingmen and womens consciences doe there in play the Antychrist so wel as the Popes and indeed there is never a Bishop in the land but is a Pope for Pope in Lattine is Papa and Papa signifyeth Father in English al the Bishops in our Land are called reverend Fathers therefore al the Bishops in our land are caled reverend Popes so many Lord Bishops so many reverend Fathers so many reverend Popes and these are all so many Antychrists so many Idols and so many false Gods o● England how many are thy Gods whom thou doest serve For whose spirituall adoration the knee of evry man and woman must bowe or els they shal be persequted vnto whom the King ought not any longer to give his authority and pouwer least he fulfil the scripture which saith that Kings should give their power and authority vnto the beast Fourteenthly because the burning bannishing hanging and imprisoning of men and women by protestants for difference of Religion doe justifye the burning bannishing and imprisoning of men and women by the papists for difference of Religion even as the Papists doe justify the Turks and Pagans in such like cruelty and tyranny wherein ●o● is the protestants more merciful then the Papists or the Papists thē the Turks Therefore as the Papists when they complayne of the Turks and Pagans for their bloudy perseqution doe therin condemne themsewes because they are found to doe the same yea worse for it is greater Tyranny for one Christian to forse and kil one another then for Turks and pagans to kil a Christian for that is no such great wonder seeing it is a paganish part who have no better knowledge but Christians should have better knowledge and more merci then to play the Pagās against Christians So also the protestants when they complaine of the papists for their bloudy and beastly perseqution doe therein condemne themselues seing they doe the same for which they blame others and so are rebuked of the scripture which saith Therefore thou are inexcusable o thou man whosoever thou art that blamest another for in that thou judgest another thou condemnest thy self for thou that judgest doest the same things thinkest thou this o thou man that judgest them which doe such things and thou doest the same that thou shalt escape the judment of God Fifteenthly because his Majesty and parliament would not willingly themselves be forcet against their consciences by the perseqution of the Bishop of Rome and his Princes so I beseech them according to the law
men and women that striue to serv God according to his wil in his word Be not your Bishops executioners in burning bannishing hanging and imprisoning of harmlesse and peaceable Christians but let them enjoy fredom of the gospell and liberty of conscience that so the Apostoliq Church which is scattered and driven into the wildernes ād desert of this world may be againe gathered togather both of Iewes and gentils into visible and stablished congregations And that the Catholiq and vniversal Church of Antychrist may bee consumed abolished by his word spirit as the holy Apostle hath foretold even the vttermost of his arival which is the Emperial triple crowne through the triple sea of Rome And againe I humbly entreate the King and parliamēt to vouchsafe to heare me with patience yet a litle further If freedom of the gospel and permission of conscience might be graunted then would not Papis● nor any others dissemble their soules and to the greate danger both 〈◊〉 King and State seeing they are forced to Church against their consciences And may not Popish Priests and Iesuits vnawares to the Bishops become the Bishops Ministers seeing the change of their Religion and religions habit differ so litle ād so by degrees infect the people with more popish doctrine as occasion shal bee And such men wil readely imbrace the Bishops orders and so they shall readely have the Bishops favours by which meanes they may more easily ād speedly ha● accesse vnto the court and presence of the King and Prince which indeed is very dangerous howsoever not regarded Therefore I doe according to my dewty humbly advise his Majesty not to bewtifie his cou●● and presence with any popish stones not with one though it be of All●●blastor But permission of Conscience and freedom and liberty of the gospe● will no ●ay bee dangerous to the King or State if such like rules ● these bee observed First that no people tainted with Treason doe beare any office That al sorts of people tainted with Treasō doe at al times frō home weare ab lack hat with two whire signes the one before the other behinde in open sight That no people tainted with treason approach within ten myles of the Court without licence That no people tainted with treason doe inhabit the Citty of London nor yet within ten myles thereof That none tained with treason doe make any assembly or congregation That no person or persons in whatsoever difference by reasoning or disputing doe draw any weapon nor give any blow stroke or pushe in payne and penalty as his Majesty and Parliament thinck meet That for the more peace and quietnes and for the satisfyeing of the weake and simple among so many persons differing in Religion it bee lawfull for every person or persons yea Iewes and Papists to write dispute comfer and reason print en publish any matter touching religiō either for or against whomsoever alwayes provided they aledge no fathers for proffe of any point of religiō but onely the holy scriptures neither yet to reproch or 〈◊〉 one another nor any other person or persons but with al love gentlenes and peaceablenes enforme one another to the glory of God honor of the King and State and to their owne good and credit by which meanes both few errors and few bookes will bee written and printed seeing al false Ministers and most people have litle or nothing els besides the Fathers to build their religion and doctrine vpon or if it be once stablished by law that none shal confirme their Religion and doctrine by the Fathers and by prisons burning and bannishing etc but by the holy Scriptures then error will not bee written nor disputed except by obstinate persons and 〈◊〉 consciences seeing the word of God will bee no shelter for any error Yea I know by experience among the people caled Brownists that a Man shall not draw them to wryte though they bee desyred for one of their preachers caled Mast Rob hath had a wryting of myne in his hards above sixe Moneths and as yet I can get no answer it seemes he knoweth not how better to hide his errors then by silence and this willbee the case of all false Bishops and Ministers who had rather be mute and dumb then bee drawen into the light with their errors Therefore permission of conscience and liberty of the gospel in our lād of great Brittaine wil mightily further the advancement of the Apostoliq faith And chiefly their books whereout sufficient matter willbee drawen for the convinceing of every perticuler religiō which is against the religion stablished by Christ and his Apostles who by all meanes Lawfull sought the conversion and salvation both of Iewes and Gentils And they are vnconstant and faithles men or at least very ignorant that thinck error will ouercome and prevayle against the truth For the Abolishing of such thoughts I desper such men to cōsider the mighty victory and prevailing of the truth in the tyme of Christ ād his Apostles which notwithstanding resisted and disputed against by the most part of the Priests and learned men both of Iewes and Gentils yet ouercame and prevayled against al the errors of the high priests and great learned Men both of the Iewes and gentils and the Apostle saith we cannot doe any thing against the truth but for the truth and seing it is the same truth which al good men would embrace why should we not hope the same victory by it Did not King Darius ād al the people both jewes and gentils cry out and say that truth is greate and strongest Why then should those that have the truth and those that wold have the truth be affraid of errore seing truth discovereth dark and dangerous wayes of error though abroad in open books even as light discovereth darke and dangerous places though abroad in open high wayes And as the more darke and dangerous the wayes be the more necessary and needful will light be found of al that travaile So the more darke and dangerous the errors be the more needful and profitable wil truth be found of all that would travil to heaven But som may say objection let al this be grāted yet it is no wisdom we think to bring dangerous errors into the light that so many men may stumble at them Which being not brought to light would not bee so much as knowen to som I answer no more then a Rock that lyeth hid vnder water which for want of bringing into the light many Men may make shipwrack thereō and so stumble or fal neverthelesse though it be not so much as knowen to them before Therfore as a stock in the Seas though not so much as knowen to som yet for want of being made knowen many men stumble and fal theron ād so perish both men and goods So an error though not so much as known to som yet for wan● of
King or Emperor because it is an heavenly name and tytle how much lesse can it belōg or be due vnto vs your Maiestys vnworthy subjects and schollers And for so much as we now vnderstand the Lord be praysed therfore that the holy and heavenly name and devine tytle of spiritual lord is as much yea as high and greate as the name and tytle of a spiritual God and also that it is a name aboue evry name which God the Father hath given vnto Christ onely to the end that evry knee shold bow vnto that onely and heavenly name and that evry tongue shold confesse that Iesus is the Messiah the Lord vnto the glory of God the Father that in al things Christ might have the preheminence for he alone is the head of the Chuach which is his body The which cannot bee so long as we or any other Bishops do hold and retayne that devine high and super excellent name and tytle of spiritual lord Because then it cānot be said that God hath so highly exalted him as to give him a name aboue evry name seeing our names and tytles are also spiritual and are caled spiritual lords so wel as the son of God Iesus the Messiah The remembrance hereof most gratious soueraigne doe make vs to tremble before God and the king And therfore we most earnstly desire your sacred Majesty and the whole Parliament to dischardge and release vs of these fearful names and tytles that doe onely belong to the Son of God Iesus the onely spiritual lord that God hath given vnto his Church Moreover we doe according to the truth acknowledge that if wee shold any longer retayne these devine and high names of spiritual lords and lords graces we shold therin be intiteled not onely with a name equal to our lord Iesus the onely begotten Son of God but also we shold be intytled with a name and tytle above your right excellent Maiesty yea above al Emperors Kings ād Princes of the earth The which alone we doe acknowledge to be a sufficient cause to put vs downe and to depri●ue vs of these vsu●ped names and blas●hemous tytles Also we doe confesse that our pomp and state wherin we now live is more like the Bishops of the Catholiq Church of Antychrist then any way like vnto the Bishops of the Apostoliq Church of Christ vnto whom we acknowledge we ought to bee made like and also to be qualified with the like gifts and graces of the spirit or els in no ●ase we can be meet Bishops for the Church of Christ as the Apostle plainly teacheth both to Tymothy and Tytus c And we must further acknowledge and confesse that our howses howsholds and revenues are more fit ād meet for princes Dukes and Earles then for the Bishops of Christ VVherfore being moved and stirred vp hereto by the feare of God we earnestly beseech your Majesty and parliament also to disburden vs of this great pomp and state and of our great and Princelyke howses howshols and revenues that so we may be made equal ād conformable to the Ministers of Christ and then we shal have both hope and cōfort of the world to come although but litle in this except your Majesty and Parliament doe grant free liberty of conscience the which we now do also with the poore distressed Christians most humbly entreat and desire and that for these 4. reasons First because therby the gospel of Christ wil bee set free and at liberty wherby al people both Iewes and Gentils wil be gathered to the Apostoliq faith Church and discipline Secondly because many of your Maj subjects both Men and women who now are forced to dissēble their religion for feare of our perseqution wil be released and set free from their spiritual bondage ād slavery wherin we now do hold thē against their consciences and so they wil becom more faith ful Christians to God and more loyal subjects to your Maj then ever they were before to the salvation of their soules and the saefty of the Crowne and State Thirdly because the poore distressed Christians now bannished and dispersed out of their Fatherland over the face of the earth wil be redeemed frō greate misery and bondage wherin now no doubt they live and abide because they wil not be in bondage to any other spiritual lord or head then the lord Iesus Messiah alone whose faith and disciplyne they desier onely to learne and obey Fourthy because therby great benefit and comodity wil redound both to your Majesty and to all your subjects within your highnes dominions by the great commerce in trade trafiq both of Iewes and al people which now for●ant of liberty of conscience are forced and dryven els where and also from the revennues liveings which we and our glergie doe possesse and from the courts and offiices we hold ād keep great profit and commodity wil redound both to your highnes and to al your kingdoms we say more profit and commodity then we or any man is able to expresse And therfore we also desier al his maiestyes subjects both greath smale in al love ad feare of God not to be offēded or any way moved or grieved when they shal see such a reformation of vs as that famous King Henry the eyght did make of our lordly brethren the Abbots and their Clergye For indeed such a reformation ought to come among vs and our glergy seeing we are no way agreable to the new Testament of the onely spiritual lord Iesus Messiah but are limbs and fellow members of that Antychristian ād Romish church which in the scriptures is Prophecyed to be abolished and destroyd Now therfore we pray you all let not King David say the Sons of Seruiah are to strong for him for that wil bee vnprofitable for you al. And for conclusion we entreat his Ma and Parlia to enact that as our adversaries com against vs onely with the word of God so we go against them onely with the word of God and not as we have done by civil authority for so our selves may be forced to dissemble Thus it may be the lord wil perswade and work in the hearts of some of the Bishops who wil willingly resigne their Antychristian tytles and Popish pomp and State with their princelike howses ād lyveings into the hands of the King without any compulsion or constraint But if they doe not yet if it please God to open the kings heart to see their Antichristian and Idol estate ād the danger ād damage they cause both to the King Prince and People they wil be compelled therto evē as their lordly brethren the Abbots in King Henry dayes were And howsoever it be not regarded or perhaps not descerned yet in the sight of God ād his people they are greater Idols then their lordly bretheren the Abbots yea greater Idols then the Images of wood and stoone which that famous ād Godly King Edward
fatherlesse ād widowes be driven to beg frō place to place neither shal the lame sik ād weake persons suffer such misery ād be forsaken of their kinred as now they be thē shal not murder whoredō and adultry be bought out for mony then shal not the greate defraude and wrong the smale neither the ritch oppresse the poore by usury and litle wages then shal not men bring vp and i●herit others childrē in steed of their owne neither shal an honest man be forced to liue with a whore in steed of an honest wife nor yet an honest women with a whorekeeper in steed of an honest husband 〈◊〉 shal not servāt● be forced from mariage by bonds nor yet be 〈◊〉 servitude longer then six yeares neither shal they be brought vp contrary to covenant nor posted from one quarter or one yeare to another for their fredom ād in th end be forced to buy it of their Masters or els to go without it two Then shal neither Prince nor people be disinherited for not being of the church neither shal they be held lawlesse persons though excomunicated neither shal any man dare kil them as now they may and be quit by law neither shall any man feare to have his mouth stopt for preaching the truth then shal no man need to flee out of his natiue contry and Fatherland for persequtions sake then shal al mē live in peace vnder his owne vyne lauding and praysing God honoring and obeying the King Then also wil no bloud be eaten among Christians wherby the Iewes should haue just cause to stumble or be offended neither shold any reliqs of the ceremonial law as Tithes and offrings etc be any longer in use wher by the jewes shold be hardned in their vnbelief and kept from the faith of the Messiah Then shal the Iewes inhabit and dwel vnder his Maiestys dominion to the great profit of his Realmes and to their furtherance in the faith the which we are bound to seeke in al loue and peace so wel as others to our vttermost endevor for Christ hath comanded to ●each al nations c and they are the first Lastly then shal not so many mē and Women be deceaved by false Ministers neither by their sermons nor yet by their bookes which are ful fraighted with false doctrines ād confirmed and countenāced not onely by the Kings authority ād power but also by wresting and false interpreting of the scriptures and by aledging of popish Fathers which through the greate ignorance of the people doe greatly prevayle but then shal be abolished through the word ād spirit of God his two witnesses in the mouth of his servants who by ●ord ād wryting shal breed such knowledge that none of wisdoms children shal bee deceaved Another reason why so many good people are now deceaved is because we that have most truth are most persequted and therefore most poore whereby we are vnable to wryte and print as ●e wold against the adversaries of the truth It is hard to get our dai●y food with the labors of our weake bodyes and feeble hands how thē should we have to def●ay other chardges and to write and print I haue through the help of God out of his word made a scourge of smale coar●●s wherwith Antychrist and his Ministers might be dryven out of the ●emple of God Also a declaratiō of certaine false translations in the new Testament but j wāt wherwith 〈◊〉 print and publish it therfore it must rest til the lord seeith good to sup●ly it In meane while I humbly entreat his Ma and Par to give me ●ave to prove the Bs. with one question by which you may perceave the ●●orance of your Bs it is this how they wil bee able to proue a resurrection from these Words I am the God of Abraham the God of prison Kings and Magistrats are Gods ministers and not the bishops therfore I humbly beseech you to with ●and the bloudy mindes of your Bs that there be no more innocent Christians persequted to death for religion I read that in the Netherlands aboue a hundred thowsand persons have beene put to death for religion but now praised be God we have no such wooful tidings preached amōg vs the lord worke as much in our land I beseech him that so you may no longer burne and bannish the servants of Christ For he saith they that doe these things have not knowen the Father nor mee Yet I confesse you have the zeale of God for you think you do God good service in burning Christiās that differ frō your religion But I also confesse your zeale is not according to knowledge for your Bs and Min being indued with vniversity and high schoole learning devinity and doctrine but being ignorāt of the lowly learning heavenly divinity and doctryne of Christ have and doe stil goe about to stablish their owne and haue not yet submitted themselves to the lowly learning devinity and doctryne of Christ and therfore like their predecessors wil perswade you to burn ban etc such Christians as they hold to be in error about doctrines ano questions of faith and religion right as if they had the power to rule governe and dispose the hearts and spirits of kings princes and people even as they list ād also to make them good and righteous when they wil and to cause them to vnderstand and beleeue the gospel even by a day and ho●er apointed which to do belongeth to God alone and therfore Christ saith no man cā come to me except the Father draw him And Christ wil haue his ministers to preach to such as are worthy and wiling and not as your Min who com to them whō they hold vn worthy and finde vnwilling and say wil ye not com to chur and heare and wil ye not beleeue our doctryne but we wil make you or els wee wil burne you for heretycks Thus wil they taunt meeke and holy Christians who are torne like sheep among the wolves But Christs ministers wil with meeknes instruct such as are contrary mynded tollerating the evil men patiently proveing if God at any tyme wil give them repentance that they may know the truth wher by they shew plainly that they are Christs disciples and have that true faith which worketh by loue even as the Apostle saith the which I pray you to consider that so you may both know and obay the wil of Christ Now saith he abideth faith hope and love but the cheyfest of these is love for wher love is ther is no disdayne it seeketh not her owne things it is not provoked to anger it suffreth al things it hopeth al things it indureth al things Yea the love of Christ so loveth that it wil not ver nor persequte any that cal on his name Therfore I humbly pray you to remember them that are in bonds as though ye were bound with them and them that