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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16684 A catechisme, that is to saie, a familiar introduccion and trainyng of the simple in the commaundementes of God, and the principles of oure religion muche necessarie to be taught and knowen to all good christian people, sette foorth in questions with direct answers to the same: [et] translated into Englishe for the behoufe and commoditee not onely of childre[n], but also of al suche deuout lerners as are not seen in the Latine toungue. Allen, Edmund, 1519?-1559. 1548 (1548) STC 359; ESTC S104375 47,037 202

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parentes are vnreuerently intreated of their children it is through the sufferaunce of God for a punishemente vnto them for so euill and negligently brynging of them vp in theyr youth And what hath been the cause of the heuy blindnesse and ignoraunce in the worlde in the trwe relygion and seruice of God of the manifold ydolatry supersticion other than the lacke of the ryght true institucion of youth Wherfore yf we will auoyde the wrath and indignacion of God all man●er of inconuenience let vs apply more studie diligence that our youth maye be better brought vp in the knowledge and feare of God that in theyr younge and tender age they maye learne the prynciples of Christes religion and of our christen fayth Which shal be a meane to a voyde all the incōueniēce aboue rehersed And if we do not this let vs loke for no nother but that theyr bloude perisshing through our negligence shall be straitly required of our handes And not onely of parentes but also of all suche as haue any cure and charge of youth as Scholemasters in theyr scholes pastours and ministers in theyr cures These should bee the speciall instructours of youth These shoulde beate into childrens heades the chiefe poyntes and articles of the Christen doctryne As are the .x. Commaundementes the Artycles of the fayth the Lordes prayer the institucion of the holy Sacramentes of Babtysme and of the holy Supper of the Lorde and laste of all the institucion of the Ecclesiasticall or churche disciplyne and exercise of brotherly correccion c. These poynctes beeyng fyrste taught vnto chyldren by theyr parentes woorde for woorde whiche is the office and duty of all christen parentes to do a playne and symple vnderstanding of them might afterward bee taught them eyther in the schole by the scholemaisters or els in the churche by the pastoures and ministers geuyng them euery Sunday one shorte article or question to learne repetyng it distinctlye twyse or thryse and requiring it of them agayne the nexte Sunday and than to gyue and repete vnto them in lyke maner another vntyll the whole Catechisme be learned out and than begynnyng agayne If but one houre were thus spente euery Sonday of euery pastour and minister in examining the youthe in the churche before the face of the whole paryshe or of euery scholemaister but once a weke theyr parentes earnestly warning and dryuyng theim to learne and remembre what is taught them we shoulde fele wtin one yeare what infinite profite shoulde come thereof and within fewe yeares we shoulde haue a florysshing common welth This doeth God moste straytely require of vs and we had neuer suche occasion vnto it as we nowe haue consideryng howe earnestly our moste christen rulers the Kynges moste excellent Maiestie his ryght woorthy noble counsailour gouernour of his graces person the lorde Protectors grace with other of his graces most christiā councell do intende and mynde the true plantyng and settyng foorth of Christes pure religion in this realme Whose feruente and moste christian zeale if we should not withall prōptnes and thankefulnes receyue we should shewe and proue ourselues no true naturall subiectes Lette euery one therfore moste faythfull christians apply his faythfull studie and endeuor to further and helpe forwarde theyr gracious prynces moste godly trauaile and procedinges in the kingdome of god So shall it in short space florish among vs. And we shall feele God to be our mercyfull father indewyng vs with the more plentifull grace againste the assautes of all our enemies And that men might haue some forme trade to instructe the youth therby I haue gathered out of diuers lerned christian wryters of Cathechismes this briefe instruccion in suche questions as semed vnto me moste necessary for children to learne Wherof they may learne euery weke one beyng so repeted as is aboue wryten without any difficultie at all This I submit vnto the iudgement of the faythfull what soeuer they be desiring all men to interprete my faythfull indeuor therein to the best and to vse it so far as they may haue comforte and edification therby Almyghtie God geue all men generally grace to seke ernestly the furtheraunce of his kyngdome in the youth And specially God geue all parentes and pastours whiche haue speciall charge and cure of youth grace to instructe and bryng them vp in his feare as may be moste to the glory honor of his name God geue also all chyldren and youth his holy spirite that they may receyue all godly vertuous doctryne ensample that they maye become the very seruauntes and children of God after this lyfe with their angels maye enioy the perfite sight and fruicion of their heauenly father Amen A christian introductiō for youth co●●●●ing the principles of our fayth religion The master axeth the question according as he hath taught all thynges to the scholer afore The scholer aunswereth as he hath afore learned and receyued it of the maister The Maister SPeake my louyng chylde what art thou The scholer Sir accordyng vnto my firste birth I am a creature of God indued with vnderstandyng reason but yet borne in synne and therfore of no value M. How and to what end hath God created the S. Whan I was nothyng he of his exceding grace and mere goodnesse created me that I might perfitely lerne to knowe hym to loue him to feare hym to laude and to prayse him and finally to be partaker of all his inestimable riches benefites M. How hath God created the S. First he hath made me a body out of the yerth and furnyshed the same withall necessary lymmes members Than hath he indued the same bodye with a precious liuely and an immortall soule euē after his own image by reason whereof I am as it were a liuely image of God M. But howe can the image of God be resembled in man S. For south thus as God is euerlastyng and immortall euen so is the soule of man also And againe lyke as God is the lorde of all creatures so hath he ordained man to be lorde ouer all bodily creatures hath made them all to be subiect vnto hym and to serue him M. Is not the image of God righteousnes holynes trueth euerlastyng ioy and saluation S. Yes for south M. Howe canst thou than be a synner and of no value S. I haue inherited synne of Adam the first mā that was created M. Was Adam than a synner S. God created hym after his owne image ryghteous good and holy and gaue hym a commaundement not to eate of the fruite of knowlage of good and euill whiche commaundemente yf he had obserued and kept he all his posteritie should haue remayned holy and blissed for euer But he trāsgressed that commaundement persuaded by decipteful instruccion and prouocacion of the deuill and so he became a sinner M. But what maketh that agaynste the Art thou a synner because Adam was a synner or through