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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A08926 The copie of a late decree of the Sorbone at Paris, for the condemning of that impious and hæreticall opinion, touching the murthering of princes generally maintained by the Iesuites, and amongst the rest, of late by Ioannes Mariana, a Spaniard: together, with the arrest of the Parliament, for the confirmation of that decree, and the condemning of the said Marianas booke, to be publiquely burnt by the executioner. Taken out of the Register of the Parliament, and translated into English. Université de Paris.; I. B., fl. 1610-1614.; I. W., fl. 1610.; France. Parlement (Paris) 1610 (1610) STC 19204; ESTC S113998 11,678 44

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barbarous bloody and execrable murther committed vpon the sacred person of King HENRY the fourth the matter being set foorth by the Kings said Attourney hath ordered and doeth hereby order that by the diligence and procurement of the Deane and Syndicke of the Facultie of Diuines the said Facultie bee forthwith assembled to consult together touching the confirmation of a certaine Decree made the 13. of December 1413. by 141. Diuines of that Facultie and afterwards ratified by the authoritie of the Counsell of Constance In which Decree it is defined That it is not lawfull for any man vpon what occasion cause or deuised colour soeuer to attempt any violence against the sacred persons of Kings and Soueraigne Princes Next that order betaken that what shall be decreed in the assembly of the said Facultie be confirmed by the subscription of all the Doctors and Bachelers now passing their course in Diuinitie which shal be present at the said meeting and consultation That thereupon the Court calling the Kings Atturney thereunto may take such course as shal be agreeable to iustice and equitie Giuen in Parliament on the 27. of May AN NO DOM. 1610. Signed Voisin WHerefore the said sacred Facultie for the performance of the direction and commaundement of the said Court in a matter so iust and requisite did first assemble themselues priuately and then in publique And weighing with thēselues That they were in duty bound to yeeld their opinion and iudgement in points of doctrine to whosoeuer should demand it That the Vniuersitie of París hath euer from her first original bene the mother and nourse of the most Catholique and wholesome doctrine That the peace of a State dependeth chiefly vpon Order and both order and peace next and immediatly vnder God vpon the safetie and preseruation of Kings and Princes That it only appertaineth vnto the Prince and Ciuill power to vse the sword That notwithstāding within these later yeeres certaine strange seditious and impious Positions haue taken footing whereby many priuate persons beeing transported feare not to staine anoynted Kings and Princes with the detestable terme and style of Tyrants and vnder this accursed pretence or by colour of furthering or aduancing Religion pietie or the publique good doe conspire against the annoynted persons of Kings and Princes imbrewing their murtherous hands with their sacred blood and thereby opening a large window to all infidelitie practises treacheries treasons slaughters of people ruines of Cities Countries and most flourishing kingdomes and a thousand sorts of mischiefes besides the ordinarie attendants of Ciuil and intestine warres and that lastly these pestilent and diabolicall points of doctrine are the cause that such as haue departed from the Catholique Romane Church are obdurate in their errours shunning and detesting although without cause other Religious persons and Catholique Doctours and Prelats as if they were the Authors or patrones of those opinions These and such like reasons the Facultie maturely pondering doeth with great vnanimitie of consent and alacritie accurse and condemne the said strange and seditious opinions as impious haereticall and most repugnant to Ciuill societie to the peace and good of the State and to Catholique religion In confirmation and witnesse whereof they thought it fit to renue the ancient Decree established two hundred yeeres agoe by 141. Diuines in condemnation of this damnable Position That euery Tyrant may and ought lawfully and meritoriously to be murthered by any his vassall or subiect whatsoeuer and by what meane soeuer whether by treachery or subtile insinuation notwithstanding any Oath or promised Allegeance made vnto him nay not so much as expecting the sentence or warrant of any Iudge whatsoeuer This Assertion being thus generally layed and as this word Tyrannus is or may be taken is an errour in faith and in the doctrine of good manners being flatly repugnant to that Commandement of God Thou shalt not kill and to that saying of our Sauiour That whosoeuer shall strike with the sword shall perish with the sword The same also tendeth to the subuersion of the whole Common wealth and of all Kings and Princes giuing way and free libertie to a world of mischiefes fraude breach of faith and oath treason and in a word to all disobedience of the Subiect towards his Lord and to all disloyaltie and distrust of the one to the other and consequently to eternall damnation Whosoeuer therfore shal obstinately maintaine the said error others therout ensuing is an haereticke and to bee punished as an haereticke euen after death Let it bee recorded in the decrees 23.9 V. and dated 1413. on Wednesday the thirteenth of December This Censure of the Facultie of Paris was after ratified in the Councell of Constance sess 15. on the 6. of Iuly 1415 in these words THis sacred Synode hauing an especial care as in truth it ought being to that purpose assembled to prouide for the extirpation of all errours and haeresies which haue set foote into diuers parts of the world hath bene lately aduertised that certaine Assertions haue beene published very scandalous aswell in faith and maners as sundrywise else and tending to the ouerthrow of the whole State and gouernment of the Common wealth amongst which this is deliuered to be one That euery Tyrant may and ought lawfully and meritoriously to be murthered by any his Vassall or Subiect whatsoeuer either by close treacherie or by smooth practises and insinuations notwithstanding any Oath taken or promise of Allegiance made vnto him nay not so much as expecting the sentence or warrant of any Iudge whatsoeuer Against which errour this holy Synode addressing it selfe to make head and vtterly to extinguish the same after mature deliberation doth pronounce decree and define that this doctrine is erroneous in faith and manners and doth reiect and condemne it as haereticall and scandalous opening a gap to fraud deceit dissimulation treason and periurie It doeth moreouer declare decree and define that they who shall obstinately maintaine this pernicious doctrine are haereticks and as such to be punished according to the Canonicall decrees Wherefore the sacred Facultie hauing strictly and carefully demanded the suffrages of all and euery of the Doctours doth determine first that the said most ancient Censure of the Facultie confirmed by the Decree of the Counsell of Constance ought not onely to be renewed but by frequent iteration to bee imprinted in the mindes of all men Secondly that it is traiterous wicked and haereticall that any subiect vassall or stranger should vpon any pretext whatsoeuer offer violence vnto the sacred persons of Kings and Princes Thirdly it decreeth that all Doctors and Bachelours of Diuinitie vpon that day when they are accustomed to sweare vnto the Orders and Articles of the Facultie they doe likewise sweare vnto this decree and by their subscription promise that they will in their Lectures and Sermons diligently set foorth the trueth thereof Fourthly that these Acts be published in Print aswell in Latine as in French By the