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A04991 The argument of Mr. Peter de la Marteliere aduocate in the Court of Parliament of Paris made in Parliament, the chambers thereof being assembled. For the Rector and Vniuersitie of Paris, defendants and opponents, against the Iesuits demandants, and requiring the approbation of the letters patents which they had obtained, giuing them power to reade and to teach publikely in the aforesaid Vniuersitie. Translated out of the French copie set forth by publike authoritie.; Plaidoyé de Pierre de la Martelière ... pour le recteur et Université de Paris ... contre les Jesuites. English La Martelière, Pierre de, d. 1631.; Browne, George, lawyer.; Université de Paris. 1612 (1612) STC 15140; ESTC S108203 61,909 128

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non irrumpit subito sed sensim irrepit in animaese familiaritatem insinuat penitusque tandem immergit sic spiritualis ac peritus artifex vniuscuiusque naturae conuenienter se debet gerere in principio multa dissimulare in multis conniuere deinceps parta beneuolentia ipsos quibuscum agit ipsorum armis expugnare Hee said that those arts which the Diuel would vse for mens destruction the same must we vse for their safety for as hee searching out the nature of euery man and throughly considering the inclination of the mind doth applie himselfe thereunto so that he proposeth vnto sensuall and voluptuous men pleasant things to the ambitious those things which seeme glorious to godly men such things as haue a shew of pietie and doth not suddainly breake in but stealeth on by little and little and doth insinuate himselfe into the familiarity of the soule and at last doth wholy diue into it so he that is a cunning spiritual craftsmaster ought to carry himselfe agreeablie to the nature of euerie one and at the beginning to dissemble many things to winke at thē afterwards he hath gotten their good will to conquer those whom he hath in hand with their owne weapons We haue already shewed how by the doctrine of the spirituall Monarchie absolute and infallible which teacheth Kings to obey and to which the Iesuits attribute the correction of Princes that they are obliged to follow the Councell of the Pope in the gouernment of temporall matters and that in case of resistance they may be deposed and after publike iudgement that it is lawfull for any man to attempt vpon their liues and to kill them By this word of publique iudgement they meane the Pope as soueraigne ouer all Common-wealths and of all Christian powers Behold their proofe by the saying of Azorius whom they confesse to be one of the most modest amongst them in the second party the 11 booke 5. chapter of his morall institution after that he hath confirmed the power that the Pope hath to depose Kings and sought to answere the obiection of those who say that it cannot be done contrary vnto the will of the people hee addeth further in these tearmes Tertiò obiicitur populo invito non potest Rex auferri aut dari respondeo à Romano Pontifice Regem auferri vel dari iustis de causis tunc populus Romano Pontifici tanquam superiori parere debet Thirdly it is obiected that a King cannot be giuē nor taken away against the wil of the people to this I answere that hee may vpon iust cause and then the people ought to obey the Pope of Rome as their superiour Whence it ensueth that if a Prince doth enterprize any thing in this Estate against the will of the Pope if hee contradict this publike iudgement if he come to square with any of the articles of the Bull In caena Domini without desisting from it that he is presently a Tyrant an vsurper and schismaticke and as such a one may be meritoriously slaine By the articles of this Bull it is conteined amongst other things that all persons who who haue secret or publique alliance with heretickes haue commerce with them or doe support and protect them are ipso facto excommunicated although they are not particularly designed named nor specified in the Bul which is published at Rome euery Thursday before Easter and then the Iesuits teach and their doctrine is vniforme that no other proceeding nor no other iudgement is to be expected According whereunto Suares the most renowned of their societie in the fourth Tome of his workes and his treatise of censures which he made expresly against our King disput 5. sect 6. saith that subiects vppon a morall certitude which they shall haue that their Prince will doe anie thing contrary vnto the Catholike religion may without attending any iudgement or other censure of the Pope rebell and take armes against him these are his very words Si subditi timeant ex eorum principatu maximum periculum fidei religionis imminere tunc enimiure defensionis possunt eos repellere obedientiam ac fidelitatem negare quod facere possint etsi non essent excommunicati nec per Ecclesiam essent illis aliae poenaeimpositae solum ob praedictum periculum If the subiects feare that by their rule and gouernment faith and religion is like to incurre any danger then they may in defence thereof repell them and denie them obedience and fidelity which they may doe although they were not excommunicated nor had any other punishment inflicted vpon them by the Church only for feare of the aforesaid danger Molina in his treatise de iustitia iure Lessius in the 2. booke De iustitia iure 9. chapter dubit 4. say the like and that it is lawfull to attempt vpon the life of those Princes whom they call Tyrants vpon the tacite will and intention or presumption of the common-wealth Mens oppressae Reipub. est vt á quouis etiam qui non est pars Reip. defendatur fi aliter liberari non possit It is the mind and opinion of the common-wealth which is oppressed that it may be defended of any man though he be no member thereof if it cannot otherwise be freed That which they call mens Reipub. the motion of Parricides Mariana termeth proceeding as it seemeth with more aduisednesse the counsell of graue and learned men Viri eruditi graues in consilium adhibeantur Let the aduise and counsell of wise and grauemen be vsed It is not to be doubted whom he intendeth this is as euident to his vnderstanding as the Sun at midday vnto our eies for his booke beareth the priuiledge and allowance of their Prouinciall deputed by their Generall and behold the reason why they are necessarily designed and no others It is there in as much as the establishment of the absolute power aboue all Princes is their principall vow and desire they must haue the directing and executing of all enterprises which serue to this end so that in those places where the inquisition is not receiued the Iesuits exercise the office and haue the secret charge thereof and their Generall the direction whence it proceedeth that all their aduise counsell and directions doe make a part of this publike iudgement so that in stead of spirituall ministers moued with another spirit then that whereof they make shew these are Officers seruing against Princes for to ouerthrow their power to subrogate that of the Pope in the temporalty the matter standing thus he that desireth to be instructed in this learning cannot addresse himselfe to any but those who handle it and best vnderstand it as they cannot deny but that this is the sole and only intellect which animateth the whole Vniuers of their society And indeed they alone haue touched it in their sermons lightnings which went before and were vnto our eies presages of the
tempests wherewithall we all thought wee should haue beene vtterly confounded A cursed doctrine which whether it bee written or spoken in publike or secret there is not any one touch thereof which hath not beene as the point of a dagger at our heart The King by his warres labors and victories had reestablished with France all Christendome had obliged all Princes and people the two third parts of the world had the Lilies grauen in their hearts and thought themselues interessed in his prosperity France being in flourishing estate neuer saw her selfe in better case to succour her friends her Prince was of immortall valour of an admirably strong complexion whose felicity did dazell the eies of all his enemies when the Princes of Germany most strictly allied vnto this crowne did instantly desire her helpe and protection against the oppression of the house of Austria to which the Iesuits are most deuoted our King had not omitted any exhortation or perswasion whatsoeuer to remoue the warre and to cause that the matter in question should be handled and decided in any other maner knowing better then any other that necessity alone can iustifie the armes of Christians against Christians and being not beleeued he prepared for the liberty of Germany such succours as his conscience his honour and his duty could not haue denied But willing before his departure to giue vnto France and vnto all the world the contentment of the coronation of the Queene a Princesse crowned and adorned with all vertues in the very height of our best estate of our greatest content Extrema gaudij luctus occupat ioy and sorrow lead one another by the hand the King passing through the middest of his most affectionate City amongst his most faithfull seruants glorious in maiestie was stroke in the side with a knife of the same temper that those of Clement Barriere and Chastell were of his heart was presently in a swound stifled in his blood what are there to be found any minds so vnnaturall so diabolicall as to conspire as to attempt the death of a Prince so behouefull so amiable vnto his subiects so equitable vnto his neighbors so necessarie for all Christendome There was not time enough to bring him backe to the Louure before his eies were setled in his head his lips pulled vp within his flesh his blood clotted like ice in his beard can we thinke on it a quarter of an houre without pulling out our heart he which filled all with his power this soule of the world this masterpeece wonder of nature this valiant warlike hand falleth and is taken from vs without any other warre then that of this doctrine by the hand of the most hideous most cruell and most fearefull monster that euer was vpon the earth by a more then hellish and infernall furie Let any man reade the confessions of Barriere and of Chastel let them bee confronted with the answeres of this execrable parricide there is not any difference at all betweene them the markes of this doctrine doe visibly appeare therein That the King was a tyrant and fauoured heretickes against the will of the Pope who was God vpon earth that the Preachers had sufficiently explained the cause which had moued him to doe it Stupide and blockish fellow it is true and why should it be dissembled in all other points concerning this subiect he had subtilties and euasions and was very cunning therein you haue heretofore vnderstood as much Master Iohn Fillesac a worthy Curate of the Parish of Saint Iohn Master Philip de Gamache the Kings Professor in diuinity another Israelite Coeffeteau heretofore Prior of the Iacobines all diuines of great merite can witnesse it and hee of their owne companie who confessed him better then any other who put him in minde of his conscience and bad him take heed of accusing those who were innocent Alas you were a thousand times more secure you Emperors and Kings enemies of Christians who amongst the greatest persecutions which the Church endured in the middest of the great and frequent martyrs which suffered by your authority and commandement haue seene no other weapon nor defence then that of praier of orisons of praise and thanksgiuing but that of teares as Gregory Nazianzene witnesseth without that any of those who truly adored Iesus Christ yea in the hottest of all their torments and persecutions once thought either in word or deed I doe not say to make any attempt vpon your persons but to be the cause of the least trouble or least commotion of your Estate O Gospell of peace doctrine of sweetnesse and charitie to what vse are you emploied what aduantage is giuen to Infidels and miscreants to continue their hate against the Church in stead of louing it what coales of Gods diuine vengeance do you pull vpon your heads O France how farre different was the censure of your innocent schoole the yeeres immediatelie precedent when your King Henry the 2 vpon the selfe same subiect and to deliuer Germany from the vsurpation which Charles the fift would haue made vnder colour of religion did leade sixtie thousand French men all Catholiques euen vnto the Rhene and so farre that he made him giue ouer his booty can we learne out of the history of any one Diuine in those daies or one subiect which thought himselfe lesse obliged vnto his Prince or which bare him lesse affection for that cause And yet 6. yeeres before our very doctors of Sorbonne had framed articles for the condemnation of the heresie of the Lutherances inserted into the body of our ordinances and vpon the which the Councell of Trent laid the principall foundation of the resolutions concerning that doctrine but the schoole of the Iesuits had not yet taught nor published that Kings might be deposed vpon any secret intention or presumption He whom God had most visibly exalted who did obscure the memory of the most fortunate and happy Monarchs the most pretious and sacred person of all Christendome to whom the holy Sea was beholding for the tranquillity it enioyeth the holy father for his quiet and repose he who had renounced the safetie of his owne to endeare you vnto him who made the clemency of his iustice to triumph in fauour of you receaued so ill a recompence for his bounty and goodnesse by your doctrine a doctor of the Church said that it was in the power of God to pardon a Virgin defiled but not to restore her to her virginity euen so fareth it with your fidelity and allegeance towards Princes after you haue once made your vowes vnto your Generall The inspirations and visions with which these vndertakers say the are possessed are they not the inuentions and subtilties of this doctrine for to corrupt and peruert the mindes of men and to transforme the dispositions of their vnderstanding and will to the end that the fantasie and apprehension which they haue taken may the more easily be so imprinted in their imagination that they may neuer
estate they continued vntill the yeare 1594. when vpon occasion of the execrable attempt of Peter Barrierre who had purposed to murder the king Henry the fourth but was discouered by a Iacobin a Florentine to whom he had reuealed it by way of confession and thereupon was taken at Melum where the king was watching his oportunitie and found seased with a double edged knife for the purpose afterward was executed for it at Paris the Vniuersitie renewed her auncient processe against them demanding to haue them banished and rooted out in as much as Barrier had vndertaken it by the perswasion of their mischieuous doctrine and by the speciall instigation of Varad rector of their colledge the matter was handled in Parlement by Arnaud who argued against them and Versoris for them both graue and bearned aduocates but they were so strongly supported by some great men as namely the Cardinall of Bourbon and the Duke of Neuers that at that time nothing was done against them vntill that the prodigious and bold fact of Iohn Chastel a nouice of their societie who in the kings owne chāber at the Louure and in presence of his Nobles and gentlemen stabbed at the king and missing his belly as hee had purposed by reason that the king stooped to receiue two Noble men who kissed his knee strooke him in the mouth and brake out one of his vpper teeth extorted that famous decree of the 29. of december 1595. whereby besides the condemnation of Iohn Chastel the Iesuites whose doctrine had seduced him were banished out of France as enemies of the king and the estate corrupters of youth and perturbers of the publike peace and quiet and the house where the father of that monster dwelt which was situate before the gate of the Pallace being rased a Pyramide was erected containing for a perpetuall monument the effect of the said decree Thus they stood banished vntill that as well by the incessant importunitie of some great ones about the king as especially by the earnest intercession of Pope Clement the eight they were reuoked in the yeare 1604. in the moneth of Ianuarie and the Pyramide taken away notwithstanding the great instance and admonitions of the Court of Parlement to the contrary yet with diuers restraints and conditions amongst the which one was that they should erect no College nor make any residence but in the towns named in the letters of their reestablishment without expresse permission of the King and particularly within the resort and iurisdiction of the Parliament house of Paris vnlesse it were in the townes of Lyon and La Fleche Notwithstanding the late King by the meanes of father Cotton whom he had made his Confessor gaue them permission to returne to Paris and made them restitution of all their goods and of their Colledge of Clermont but did not permit them to keep publike schoole or to intermeddle with ought which concerned the Vniuersitie notwithstanding that they laboured by all meanes possible to be incorporated thereinto Instantly vpon the disastrous death of the King they thinking it to be best fishing in troubled water renewed their pursuite by the fauour of the Queene Regent obtained the letters here mentioned licensing thē to reade lecture to set opē their schooles in the Vniuersitie whereupon the Vniuersitie presented a Petition vnto the Queene Regent for to preuent them therof The Iesuites on the contrary pressed their letters and presented them vnto the Court of Parliament requiring the allowance of them the Court would not proceed without signifying it vnto the Vniuersitie who formally opposed them and thereupon it was ordered that both parties should be heard iudicially and the cause was remitted to the opening of the Court the morrow vpon Saint Martins day and from thēce it was put off vntil the seuenteenth of December all which time it was openly and solemnely argued on the seuenteenth and ninteenth of the said moneth when Montholon the aduocate of the Iesuites hauing demanded the allowance of the foresaid letters and argued for them De la Marteliere for the Vniuersitie made this argument ensuing whereupon followed that sentence interlocutorie annexed vnto the end hereof Since which time I doe not vnderstand of any further proceeding it is likely that the Iesuites perceiuing the inclination of the Court and of all in general contrarie vnto them and fearing to be drawne further into question haue retired themselues expecting some fitter oportunitie for the effecting of their designes which it is probable that they now failing in will hardly be able euer to bring to passe This is shortly the whole processe of this businesse and controuersie Now I am not ignorant that diuers discourses haue beene of late set forth in this kinde but I dare confidently affirme that none is of equall weight with this in that it is no particular calumnie but a publique account iustified in open Court and published by authoritie the Positions herein alleaged are these of the famous Vniuersitie of Paris the schoole of the Sorbonne whose mouth this Aduocate was spake as hee was instructed and not any priuate censure or opinion If ought be said herein which is not altogether consonant to the doctrine of our Church as I am certaine there is very little let it be remembred whose words they are and where they were spoken Thus hoping that this may helpe to dissipate and purge that noisome and pestilent aire of the Iesuits wherewith they seeke to intoxicate and infect the weake and tender consciences of men to the dishonour of God and of religion to the danger and preiudice of soueraigne Princes their persons and estates to the ruine ouerthrow of their owne fortūes the shipwracke of all good conscience and scandall of Christians it being impossible that a good Christian should bee other then a true and loyall subiect to his Prince I wil no longer withhold thee from the discourse it selfe praying thee fauorably to interpret my indeuors and good intention herein Errata sic corrige pag. 10. lin 6. there for these p. 14 l. 11. Giuinier for Cuimier p. 18. l. 28. except for without p. 22. l. 1. remouing for remaining ibid. l. 22. adde which p. 29. l. 6 Grasius for Grassins p. 30. l. 2. Colledge for Colledges p. 39 l. 19 hauing for haue p. 41. l. 2. which that dele which p. 44. l. 13. where it is for whence it is ibid. l. 15. maintained hierarchical for maintained the hierarchical ibid. l. 23. where Christ should haue for where Christ had p. 45. l. 16. singulus for singulis ibid. l. 21. rigour for vigour p 47. l. 9. concordate king Frances betweene for Concordat betweene c. 50. penult direct for diuert p. 54 l. 21. which for with After that MONTHOLON the Aduocate of the demandants had required the allowance of the Letters which they had obtained notwithstanding the opposition made against it by the Vniuersitie De la MARTELIERE for the Vniuersitie of Paris said
of the principall points which the Germans controuerted was concerning the power of the Pope whom Martin Luther sought to quell and pull downe these making a contrary profession gaue the Pope to vnderstand that the first and principall Vowe which they made was to acknowledge him to bee aboue all earthly powers yea aboue the generall and vniuersall Councell of the Church The Pope who at first doubted whether hee should approoue of them or no and afterward had permitted them to vse the title of religious men but vpon condition that they should not bee aboue 60. in number at this promise began to hearken vnto them and to giue their deuotion free passage and after him Iulius the 3. vntill that Pope Paul the 4. called the Theatin who was one of the chiefe promoters of this Order authorized them absolutely and consequently almost all the succeeding Popes in respect of the seruices they receiued from them haue endowed them with most large and ample priuiledges Their Order is composed of two sorts whereof the one is called of the greater Obseruance the other of the lesse The first are bound vnto foure Vowes Chastitie Pouerty and Obedience which are the three ordinary Vowes of religious men and besides they adde a fourth Vow which is of particular obedience vnto the Pope as hath beene already said The second are tied only to two Vowes the one regardeth the fidelity which they promise to the Pope the other is of obedience vnto the Generall of their Order These are termed lay brethren who doe not vow Pouerty but may hold Benefices or Offices they may inherite their fathers mothers and kindred enioy lands and possessions and marry at a need as if they were bound by no religious Vow They haue besides many schollers whom they cal Nouices who are as it were Probationers from whence they take fresh supplies and thence it is that their Colledges are commonly called Seminaries they hauing two sorts of lodgings ioining together the one for their Priests the other for their schollers and nouices And this may shortly suffice for the description of their Order Now as concerning their proceedings in France it so fell out they beeing established as hath beene already set downe that the Bishop of Clermont tooke a liking of them and was very desirous to settle this Order in Paris whereupon he brought in 3. or 4. of them who vsed likewise the recommendation of Pope Paul the 4. At their first comming they were lodged meanly in a chamber of the Colledge of the Lombards afterward set vp their abode in the Bishop of Chemōt his Pallace by the permission of him who first entertained them Afterwards their affaires succeeding according to their minde they presented themselues diuers times to the Court of Parlaiment requesting it to authorize their Order But the king his Solliciter general that thē was called Mouncieur Brulart opposed himselfe against all their requests not for that he fauoured not the Roman religion as much as any one could doe but because hee misdoubted and feared aboue all things nouelties as the mothers of many errors especially in religion Wherfore he told them that if they had their minds wholyaltenated frō the world they might safely without bringing in any new Order confine themselues vnder some one of the auncient religions approued by many Councels or vnder some one of the foure Mendicants Thus they were reiected by the Court of parliament who not being satisfied with her owne opinion nor willing to relie only thereupon had recourse vnto the facultie of Theologie by the decree whereof they were scensured partly in that entitling themselues by the name of religious men they did neither we are the habit neither did confine themselues within their Cloisters as others did and partly in that some of their opinions derogated from the liberties of the French Church This is that decree of the yeare 1554. often mentioned in the ensuing discourse not long after the Bishop of Clermōt deceased who by his testament bequeathed great sums vnto them they hauing receiued this legacie the troubles about religion happened in the beginning whereof there was an assembly of the French Church at Poissy in the yeare 1563. they then began to breake off their long silence and presented a request vnto the Court of Parliament to be receiued and approued not as religious men yet at the least as a College of schollers only The Parliament conceiuing that this concerned principally the superiors of the Church referred them ouer vnto the assembly of Poissy where the Cardinal of Tournon was President as the most auncient Prelate who in the City of Tournon had before founded a company of them By his intercession they obtained to be receiued onely as a societie and Colledge vpon condition that they should be bound to take another title then that of Iesuites and to conforme themselues in all and throughal to the Canons of the Church without enterprising any thing vpon the Ordinaries that they should first and formost renounce expresly and in precise termes the priuileges which their buls did import otherwise if they failed herein or obtained any other that their approbation should be vtterly void This decree was ratified by the Court of Parliament according to the forme and tenor thereof Shortly vpon this they purchased them a house in the Citie of Paris and called it the Colledge of Clermont in memorie of their benefactor by reason that they had at that time diuers learned personages amongst them they were fauourably entertained and drew an infinite number of schollers after them And seeing they had the wind at will they presented a request to the Rector Vniuersitie of Paris to be incorporated therinto Whereupon there was a solemne Congregation assembled in the which it was concluded that before they proceeded any further they should declare whether they tooke vpon them the quality of regulars or seculars which did put them into a great perplexitie for if they should deny they were religious men they belied their Vow and to say they were so had beene to contradict that which was enioyned them at Poissy and for that they tooke no precise qua itie vpon them the Vniuersitie gaue them the repulse Yet would they not giue ouer but had recourse vnto the Court of Parliament to the end that they might gaine vpon the Vniuersity by constraint that which they could not obtaine of freewill whereupon a short day was giuen to both parties for to pleade and the matter was argued on both sides by Pasquier for the Vniuersitie and Versoris for the Iesuits with such veh mencie as so great a cause required in conclusion it was or deined that they should remaine in that estate they were without decreeing ought in fauor of either partie for neither were the Iesuits incorporated into the Vniuer sitie as they desired neither were they excluded frō reading lectures as they had done in former times as the Vniuersitie requested In this
de petit Pont a famous doctor of our Vniuersity Let vs adde consequently vnto this recommendation that of the Popes Honorius the third Innocent the fift Vrban the sixth who haue said that Paris was as the neuer dried source whence the riuer of science did flow which watered continually the Church of God and the instruction of all Christendome And it is fiue hundred yeeres agoe that the Vniuersitie of Paris might boast of this high stile of honor which aduanceth her aboue all the Schooles in the world Studium Parisiense fundamentum ecclesiae What more honorable testimony can there bee then that which is read in the Registers of the Vniuersity that in the yeere three hundred seuenty eight the Church being afflicted with a great Schisme the sacred Colledge of Cardinals Apostolica sede vacante did solemnlie inuite the Vniuersitie of Paris to contribute to the good of the Church for to defend her from intrusion In the yeere foure hundred and ten another Schisme hauing giuen occasion of assembling the Councell of Constance the Doctors of the Vniuersity of Paris and amongst others Mr Iohn Gerson which was Chancellor thereof named the thrice Christian doctor in honour of the thrice Christian King which had sent him by their learning made knowne that the Vniuersitie of Paris was the mother and Nurse of all good and holy institution that shee had conserued the puritie of Theologie mainteined the Episcopall dignitie had alwaies opposed her selfe against strange doctrines nouelties and superstitions Which hath made men to conceiue so reuerent an opinion of the Vniuersitie of Paris that from all the quarters of Europe yea from the Court of Rome it selfe her aduise and resolutions haue been sought for and preferred to that of other Schooles To conclude be it spoken to the praise of the Catholique Church the Vniuersity of Paris hath made the Church of France to florish aboue all particular Churches of the world in token whereof the Popes Clement the sixth and Pius the second would solemnly giue notice of their elections vnto the Vniuersity of Paris and the last of these two witnessed that at the pursuite and authority of the Vniuersitie of Paris he was moued to defend the Councell of Basil So may we say that the tree of this doctrine planted so long since hath produced so good fruit that there is not any one which hath frequented strange nations who will not say but that the deuotion of France and principallie of the City of Paris surpasseth that of all other people which it may bee is more in outward shew but as different from that of ours as the shadow from the substance As the Vniuersity of Paris hath been religiously deuoute so hath shee neuer wanted the respect and obedience towards our Kings her protectors and withall her power hath conserued the royall rights against all vsurpations Our histories doe iustifie that the Vniuersity hath alwaies couragiously opposed her selfe against all attempts vpon the power of Kings against the abuses which are committed contrary to the holy decrees and constitutions of Counsels hath held great authority in the assemblies of the Gallicane Church for to maintaine the liberties of the same witnesse the appeale brought by the Vniuersity of Paris and maintained in this Court against Pope Benedict the cleuenth who would haue leuyed tenths vpon the Clergy of France whence occasion was taken in a diffamatory libell which was then published against the King and the Clergy of his Realme to quarrell particularly with the Vniuersity which appeale the Vniuersity did reiterate in the time of Lewes the eleuenth from the buls decreed cōcerning benefices electiue Vpon this subiect we see so many oppositions framed by the Vniuersity of Paris against the power and faculties of the Legats sent into France as against that of the Cardinall of S. Peter ad vincula and of Cardinall Ballue wherein the Vniuersity did summon Mr Sollicitor generall named then de saint Romain to assist her which made an ancient French author to write that the Vniuersity of Paris was the key of Christendome the most carefull promotresse of the rights of the Gallicane Church Also our Kings haue especially cherished her for it is read that shee accompanied the King returning in triumph from the battaile of Bouines and it is a thing remarkeable that King Philip the Long hauing assembled the estates of his Realme and the Vniuersity all others did sweare fidelity vnto the King as soueraigne onely the Vniuersity did not sweare at all as Mr Giuinner hath obserued in the preface to the Pragmaticke sanction because that by her instruction we learne to breath with the aire of France fidelity towards our Prince and loue to our Countrey and who knoweth not the praise which the Vniuersity of Paris bare away from the mouth of Pope Pius the second hauing vnderstood by the Cardinall Bessarion that shee had hindered her schollers from being inrolled in the troopes of those This was in the time of Char'es the 7. who made the publique weale a pretext of their rebellion Vpon this consideration Dumesnil the King his At●urney generall whose memorie can neuer die said that the Vniuersity of Paris was receiued to pleade in this Court not only in her particular causes concerning her priuiledges but also in causes which concerne the publique estate of this Realme The Vniuersity of Paris is composed of foure facuities the first is of Diumity which beareth away the prize and hath the aduantage aboue all the rest this is that science which treateth of eternall things which lifteth a man vp in spirit vnto the heauens which teacheth the saluation of mankind the reunion of the creature to his Creator To the study of the faculty of Theologie of Paris is attributed the perfect and diuine inuention of the schoole diuinity held in the Romane Church to be the infallible rule whereby to iudge of the mysteries of faith and of religion the subiect for which the learning of this schoole is so much admired The second faculty is of those who handle the knowledge of the Lawes who are to teach that which Aristotle saith is the most diuine thing amongst men that is to giue good counsell in affaires and directions in pollicies The third is of Phisitians which haue care of the health of the body the last of the Arts which laieth open the treasures of humane learning of the tongues and of Philosophy If that our diuinity hath had the honor for puritie the knowledge of the law of not being equalled our Phisicke to surpasse all others the last which is as the seed and nursery of the former hath the testimonie of the most eloquent Italians of our age who confesse that they haue learned of the Masters of the Vniuersity of Paris the purity of the Latine and of the other tongues which yet at this day are not to be found any other where so perfect Now as the estate of the Church Vniuersall is secular so the Vniuersity of
hath beene adored The King of France I say who by the testimony of the Greeke and Latine Historiographers and since their time by the Italian writers and doctors is amongst other Kings as the glorious starre of the daie in the middest of a cloude comming from the South bearing the crowne of glorie and libertie Contrary vnto this the Iesuits doe submit vnto the absolute and infallible Monarchie which they seeke to establish the temporaltie of all Kings and Princes to the end that the spirituall power may reforme rule and correct them when they abuse their authority that is to say when they doe not as the Pope would haue them and behold their sophistrie indeed say they the spirituall power ought not to meddle directly in secular affaires prouided that they hinder not or bee no obstacle to the end and designe of the spirituall power or that they cannot serue aide or aduance the same for if it be so and that there be any aduantage to be gotten spiritualis potestas potest debet coercere temporalem omni ratione via quae ad id necessaria esse videtur The spirituall power may and ought to correct the temporall by anie way or meanes whatsoeuer shall seeme necessary thereunto the proper tearmes of Cardinall Bellarmine in the 5. booke de Rom. Pontif. cap. 6. This is the Vniuersall doctrine of all the Iesuits before cited and others who haue written there being scarcely any one that hath omitted to handle this subiect which is the principall scope and end of their instruction This is the euill doctrine whose fallacious manner of arguing and contrary to all the rules of discourse and disputation hatched the troubles of the yeere 1584. in which time the bookes of Cardinall Bellarmin were published and preached in all corners of France a doctrine of correction which constrained King Henry the third of happie memory who had hazarded his life a thousand times for the zeale of the Catholique religion to vse the remedy which he so many times found by experience to be mortall and deadly forced him to reuoke the Edict of peace vnder which his kingdome and Estate of France did quietly liue for to cicatrize to his great griefe so dangerous a wounde Let vs not any more deceiue our selues the false opinions in religion as they are diseases of the soule so ought they to be cured by spirituall remedies the substance of soules which is incorporall and inuisible cannot be constrained to receiue or reiect any thing by force and therefore those who thinke to establish religion by force as the Iesuits doe wholy forsake and abandon the law and will of God who would not in the building of the materiall Temple of Ierusalem the figure of his Church any one stroke should bee giuen with the hammer or any other toole of iron or that the pretext of religion should driue men into extremities so farre different from all religion let vs not attribute vnto ciuill warre the like effect as vnto the word of God which alone hath power to confirme mens hearts in the truth and to direct them from the contrary so hath there nothing else arisen from thence but that the strong potion of this Circe of ciuill warre made vs to forget our selues and all humanitic And although that both by the law of God and nature and by humane institution all subiects owe faithfull obedience to their Kings and naturall Princes without that any one of what quality soeuer or by reason of any priuiledge whatsoeuer can be freed or exempted Rom. 13 5. Non solum propter iram sea propter conscientiam Not only for feare but for conscience as saith the Apostle this being prescribed both by the scriptures by the doctrine of the fathers and by the Canons of the Church the very bond and ciment of peace betweene the two powers the influence of the perfect and accomplished harmonie of all command and rule here on earth wherein the best and first Christians being instructed haue alwaies made it their glory to serue their Kings cheerefully whatsoeuer they were and to accomplish their commandements in all humble obedience euen vnto the death yet notwithstanding all this vpon the doctrine of this absolute authority of correcting the temporall power by the spirituall are founded the excommunications against Kings interdictions of their Kingdomes discharging of their people from the oath of fidelitie and obedience in case that their naturall and liege Princes should vndertake any thing in temporall matters contrary vnto the will of the Popes a doctrine adiuged to be schismaticall by our Church the maintainers thereof condemned by the Magistrates conformably vnto that which the French Church resolued in the time of Lewis the Debonnaire vpon whom Gregory the fourth would needs make triall of excommunication the which resolution was susteined and vpheld by Hinemarus Archbishop of Reims whose writings are canonized and confirmed in the time of Lewis the Grosse against Pope Paschal of King Philip Augustus against Celestine the 3. of Philip the faire against Boniface the 8. and likewise by the Councell of Tours in the time of Lewis the 12. Notwithstanding the Iesuits haue taken no other pretext but this to iustifie the vsurpation of the Kingdome of Nauarre made by Ferdinand King of Spaine vpon Iohn of Albret for no other occasion but because hee affisted the King of France against the will of Iulius the 2. whom Master Iohn du Tillet Bishop of Meaux calleth perfidiosus sceleratus vecors perfidious wicked foolish in stead that Mr. Gilbert Genebrard a Doctor brought vp in the schoole of the Sorbonne in his Chronologie hath written Ferdinandum Hispaniae regem nullo meliore iure quam quod sibi vtile commodum esset regnum Nauarrae expulso loanne Albreto occupasse That Ferdinand King of Spaine had no better right to possesse himselfe of the Kingdome of Nauarre by expelling Iohn Albret but that it was fit and commodious for him If the Frenchmen hath perseuered in this nourishment they had neuer sucked this outlandish poison which afterward was diffused into their veines wee had not seene the rebellion stirred vp against our good King Henry the 3. by this doctrine confirmed by the booke whereof Bellarmin was the Author intituled Franciscus Romulus published in the yeere 88. by which the mindes of the French men being at that time as they reported sufficiently disposed and prepared it was perswaded that the taking of armes against a Soueraigne Prince was lawfull wee had not seene so many fellowe-Citizens cruelly bent one to the ruine of the other the heart of this poore Estate oppressed with so many calamities the brest thereof so surcharged with anguish and endurances and the skinne so dried vp and withered vpon the bones that there was neither muscle nor sinew of this great body which could discharge his function and our Country of France a thousand times as it were at the last gaspe But more then this it had
feele his bounty neuer was there more affection in each one to performe his duty more deuotion toward his Prince more grace in particular more hope of future times it seemed that the soules of all Frenchmen loosed out of prison enioyed such a liberty as neuer could bee expected or hoped for There had beene more spent in seeking to dispoile our King of his rightfull inheritance then euer was in making warre against the Turke neuerthelesse all the iniuries which he had receiued from the time of Sixtus the 5. and his successours vntill Clement the 8. could not withold him from discharging the duty of a thrice Christian King from sacrificing al his passions and iust apprehension of the wrongs hee had receiued to the glory of God and the good of his people Thus our King whilest hee liued exalted aboue the most renowned Emperors richer then euer Prince was in the loue of his people had the good will of all his subiects equally and as he was all our hope so was he the terror of all our enemies And that which made the blessing of God entire was that neuer there were so good courses taken and greater successe in the conuersion of those which were out of the Church in priuate there were such mild communications such meetings and endeauors for the honor of God and of the Catholique Church and so visible an operation of the holy spirit that those who were not yet touched were more astonished then greeued or displeased thereat What was the successe of the conference at Fountaine-bleau where the King himselfe was moderator and did giue light vnto others by his example as the light in the middest of the Temple where that learned Prelate that most illustrious Cardinal that minde enriched with immortall graces by his Christian temper did more profit the Catholique religion then ten thousand Iesuits could euer doe by their preaching of fire sword O what victories were there in publike of the greatest wits from whom the holy Sea and all Christendome hath receiued most notable seruices what in priuate and particular of those who wanted rather oportunitie then will The perfection of a man consisteth in the contemplation of the truth there is nothing which so much tempereth the inconsiderate zeale of those who are in an error as to shew them that no other force shall bee vsed vpon their consciences but that of the truth and as the King did earnestly endeauour it hauing established the Catholique religion and made the masse to be celebrated in more then three hundred Townes of his Kingdome where it had not been said in fiue and thirty or fortie yeeres before so did he promise the accomplishmēt of this holy worke in the conuersion of the greatest of his Estate and of his neighbor Princes who suffered themselues to be perswaded both by the force of reason and by the miracle of his example The holy scripture teacheth vs that too curious and nice deuiding causeth schisme the Church hath felt the discommodity thereof too much vniting is the other extremity which threatneth the like inconuenience All the body is not the eie saith the Apostle for then what should become of the hearing and the body is not one member but many God hauing composed the body of such a temperature that he would haue the members to haue care perpetually one of another that which delaieth the conuersion of an infinite company of men separated from the Church although they are satisfied in all other points of the Catholike faith is this absolute power and authority which they cannot brooke this is that which augmenteth their distrust and suspitions and putteth off the reconciliation of many this is the meane whereby the Iesuits haue ouerthrowen the estate of Hungarie made the Turke master of the better part thereof and that the rest is held but at his pleasure this hath troubled Transiluania bred disorder and confusion in Polonia and Sweden without that anie part of the worlde can be free from this trouble These are the profitable seruices which the Iesuits doe vnto the Church who for the establishing of this power and for their particular ambition doe make as small conscience to hurt the best Catholikes as those whom they hold to be separated from the Church that they may verifie a part of the decree of the Sorbonne Multas in populo querelas multas lites aemulationes dissiaia contentiones variaque schismata inducit That it bringeth in many quarrels among the people much strife aemulation discord and contention and diuers schismes not to repeate the example of our last troubles when they would from the beginning abridge King Henry the third a Prince most Catholike of his seruants yea so farre forth as to deny them the holy Communion The schoole of Paris hath felt their calumnie the Cardinall Bellarmin hauing written in the 4. booke de Rom. Pont. chapter 1. 2. that the opinion of the schoole of Paris which doth not auow the absolute and infallible power erat erronea haeresi proxima Nay rather is it not heresie to doubt of the faith of the schoole of Paris It is true that for proofe of his proposition he alleageth a passage of Deuteronomy chap. 17. which I very much grieue that this occasion enforceth to speake it hee hath corrupted for whereas it is in all the editions of the Bibles yea in that which was receiued and imprinted by the commandement of Pope Sixtus the fifth according to the text of the tongues Veniesque ad Sacerdotes Leuitici generis ad iudicem qui fuerit illo tempore quaeresque ab eis qui indicabunt tibi iudicii veritatem And thou shalt come vnto the Priests of the Leuits and to the Iudge that shall be in those daies and shalt enquire of them and they shall shew thee the truth of the iudgement He hath written ad Sacerdotem against the expresse prohibition of the holy spirit which forbiddeth vs to change or diminish any thing from the booke of life The selfe same happened vnto the Author of the Catholike institution the second booke 8. chapter vpon the like subiect where citing the place of Saint Luke chapt 22. Ego autem rogaui pro te Petre vt non deficiat fides tua tu aliquando conuersus confirma fratres tuos But I haue praied for thee Peter that thy faith faile not and when thou art conuerted strengthen thy brethren he transposeth this word aliquando from one period vnto another and writeth Ego rogaui prote Petre vt non aliquando deficiat fides tua abusing this word aliquando for nunquam But they doe not this wrong to the schoole of Paris alone there is no Ecclesiasticall order nor Religion which they haue not gone about publikely to disgrace who knoweth not what their ambition hath cost the Catholique Church of England which they had welnigh vndone in stead of aiding it After the decease of Cardinall Alan the conducting of the English
deuotion toward your holinesse towards the holy Sea shee can neuer faile therein the profession of our schoole remaineth alwaies entire and inuiolable to the Christian saith and to the obedience due vnto the holie Sea and as his succession in the Popedome is not farre distant in time from that of Pope Clement the 8. so let it succeed it in representing his mildnesse and prudence that he will be pleased to cast his eie vpon this society which vnder the pretext of the good of the Church doth point at it one particular greatnes to the which in the end it will vnite that of the Church and they alreadie are not farre from it These are the reasons of the opposition which the Vniuersity proposeth against the letters obtained by the Iesuits founded vpon the soueraign authority engrauen from all antiquity in the brasse of the fundamentall lawes of the French monarchy vpon her particular policy vpon your decrees and vpon her holy and constant doctrine which fasteneth the crowne to the head of kings contrary vnto that of the Iesuits who attribute vnto the Pope a like superiority ouer our kings as ouer the least Priests or his most inferiour Officers vicars yea far greater maketh Kings to be but at wil subiect to be deposed killed foūnded moreouer vpon so many miserable examples which gall vs and make vs feele the smart so particularly that there is not any man who loueth the Estate or Religion which hath not had a feeling and apprehension thereof The instruction of youth is not a matter of small importance in ancient time men had a speciall care thereof next immediately after that of Religion children owe their sife vnto their parents but that they liue well they owe that vnto those who instruct them and he doth no lesse profit the Common-wealth who frameth and fashioneth men well affected to the Estate who nourisheth them vnder the hope of honors and dignities with reuerence vnto the lawes of the Country then he who serueth in greater place with duty and fidelity The Vniuersity of Paris hath hereof loyally and worthily acquited and discharged her selfe these 8. hundred yeeres neuer bound her selfe to any thing whatsoeuer but to the honor of God of her King and to the good of the Church Ill doctrine is easily perswaded and that which is false conformable vnto the darkenesse which enuironneth vs in our corruption there is saith the wise man store of gold and pearles but lips that preserue knowledge that is a rare moueable What father is there which had not rather loose his life honor goods and whatsoeuer hee hath else most deare in this world then to nourish one who shall bee a monster to his Country Haue we not had intelligence within these three weekes of the conference held at Toul in Lorraine amongst men impoisoned with this doctrine disclosed by an Hermite wherein after declaration of their euill minde towards all Catholike Princes it was agreed as granted amongst them that the Iesuits had by their doctrine so cleared these maximes that they ought to be held for ratified and confirmed in stead that they ought to be condemned and punished not only in the effects but in the very deepest and most profound thoughts They offer to submit themselues vnto the Orders of the Vniuersity and demand to be incorporated from the yeere 564. they haue done as much and they are yet to beginne they promised to renounce their vowes faculties Priuiledges yea themselues we haue seene our selues cleane frustrated of this expectation and to be the example of their power and attempts contrarie vnto publike Order in the yeere 1591. they promised not to meddle any more with affaires of Estate it was then that they were most busily emploied in them and embraced the world most greedily they know well how to boast of this science since that they haue written in French that their laie brethren could reade lectures therein to the Chancellour and greatest of Spaine God knoweth whether in Spaine if it be true that the sermons were made there they haue forgotten to enter into cōparison with our greatest magistrats there is not any one condition of their reestablishment which they haue not already transgressed and broken by breues and letters obtained by tricks and vpon aduantages it would be a strange follie in vs nay rather a great crime to bee the first alwaies who are surprised and the last to free our selues to be so often abused and mocked by those who beare two hearts in one breast who for to make their doctrine to be receiued are so audacious as to impose and lay imputations vpon the Apostles themselues and to impute vnto them that lewd vice of cosinage and dissimulation which they vse ordinarily for Bellarmine in his treatise concerning the exemption of Ecclesiasticall men chap. 30. saith that Saint Peter and the Apostles haue preached obedience to the politike magistrate that euery soule should bee subiect vnto the Prince only for to establish thēselues to giue the Gospell passage they will promise and sweare to all conditions since that by their owne proper constitutions they can be bound by nothing to the end that they may make those to be receiued which they would impose by reason of the Pope his absolute authority without the which their society cannot subsist France after the death of her King hath placed her hope in the Queene it is shee that giueth her life and nourishment a Princesse whom strangers admire and the subiect honoreth you haue found all the Princes furnished with great vertues tied with the same band of affection to the good and greatnesse of this Estate This magnificent Court of Peeres the Diall of France which hath alwaies shewed his Meridionall line and the Officers of the Crowne ready to doe their duty and to follow the high waie of honour the Nobility and gentry the Townes and people readie to sacrifice themselues for to perform your commands continue on by your bounty and iustice in making it appeare that these were the Counsels of our late King your husband which gouerned his Monarchy and to cause this liuely picture to be adored in his death that the lawes of the Estate of the King your sonne may remaine by your wisdome so ordered that euery one may therein find his goods his life his honor his conscience in safetie and repose so may the Counsell and prudence of the two great eies of this Estate alwaies watch ouer the affaires perseuere in this beliefe that diuision and ciuill warre is the onelie desolation of this great Empire there is nothing which can disturbe it but these extractors and Alchymists which haue found out the meanes to dissolue all piety the most strong naturall bands of affection they easily can doe it with their seedes and dewes of sermons and confessions and by the precepts of their learning by meanes whereof they can peruert the course of nature altering our essence and reaching