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A04344 The Iesuits downefall threatned against them by the secular priests for their wicked liues, accursed manners, hereticall doctrine, and more then Matchiavillian policie. Together with the life of Father Parsons an English Iesuite. James, Thomas, 1573?-1629. 1612 (1612) STC 14459; ESTC S107692 49,357 86

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and given to stirres factions and seditions even whiles he was an hereticke what banglings had he with Creswell Scot Gibbons Holt English Alphonso an Italian and a number more of his Societie What contētions had he with Reverend Bishop of Cassana with Doctor Barret President of the College at Doway with Gifford with the Reverend Priest Mr Middleton with manie others of qualitie and due respect And as he had a special gift in canvasing and wrangling so in detractions and calumniations which are neighbour vices he was exceedingly well versed Wee need say no more he was the most impious detractor on Earth that ever lived from whom nothing came but detractions calumnies and sclaunders the best weapons the Iesuits haue to defend themselues and wound their opposits in the speedingst place they can Lastly to draw to an ende because I haue dwelt too long vpon this vnfortunate subiect the generall conceit of all that haue ever throughly conversed with him is this that he is of a furious passionate hot chollerick exorbitant working humour busie-headed and full of ambition envie pride rancour malice and revenge wherevnto through his latter Machiavillian practises may be added that he is a most Diabolicall vnnaturall and barbarous butcherlie fellow vnworthy the name nay cursed be the houre wherein hee had the name of a Priest nay of a Religious person nay of a Temporall Lay-man Iesuited nay of a Catholick nay of a Christian nay of a human creature but of a beast or a Divel a violatour of al Laws a contēner of al auctoritie a staine of humanitie an impostume of all corruption a corrupter of all honesty a Monopolie of all Mischiefe Thus haue you briefly the life of Father Robert Parsons the Iesuit faithfully collected out of the Relations of sundrie Reverend Priests who as I trust make a conscience of lying and detest from the bottome of their harts that absurd and hitherto vnheard of doctrine of dissimulation Equivocation and hypocrisie if their report bee true as I am in conscience perswaded it is for the most part then wo worth the Iesuits and principally Father Parsons whom they haue arrained of so many treasons petty Treasons Felonies villanies I know not what if false they which are so fowly mistaken in matters of fact how may they safely be trusted in a matter of faith which concernes the losse or gaine of a mans soule For my part though I do rather incline vnto the Priests thā vnto the Iesuits as ever taking them to be the farre honester men yet seeing one of the chiefest of them which was accounted whiles he was living a very Ecclesiasticall Macchabe against the Spaniard a blessed confessor towards God and a good Patriot for his Country whose integritie confidence of his heart was such as was reported that it was never but with the right who made this solemne protestation in his Bookes that not all the Art that either the Divell or the Puritans or Iesuits haue should bring him within the compasse of a treasonable or treacherous thought against God his Soveraigne or the Commonwealth of this land but in life and in death he would by Gods grace bee as loyall a subiect as any the English soile affords then the which none more loyall to their Prince in any nation to be found who to manifest his farther hatred of Treason and his loyaltie to his Prince and Country writ an Antiperistasis to Parsons Doleman and conceaved the forme of an Oath in effect the same with the Oath of Allegiance which was afterwards enacted in Parliament to distinguish the loyall from the disloyall Papists seeing I say this Reverend and loyall Priest was within few yeares after indicted convicted and executed for high Treason against his Soveraigne I could wish that all such as religiously feare God honor their Prince from the bottome of their hearts would consent to beleeue nether nother For questionles as long as both Priests and Iesuits doe constantly maintain this absurd Paradox and blasphemous doctrine as a solid certaine Article of their faith that the Pope is the onely Prelat that cannot erre in deciding a controversie or doubt in faith and Religion and that all the world else may erre in deciding of such doubts Princes cānot rest secure of their subiects nor the subiects certaine of performing their obedience either to God or their Soveraignes For example the king cōmands his subiects to take the Oath of Allegiance God forbiddeth his servants the Worshipping of Images there are many honest Papists in this land I nothing doubt that of themselues are in conscience so fully perswaded of the truth of both these precepts as well the affirmatiue as the negatiue as that they will professe to liue and die in this beliefe yet let the Popes definitiue bee brought vnto them viz you shal not take the Oath of Allegiance you shal worship Images they wil waxe pale turne colour and be ready to sweare and abiure their former opinions though never so wel grounded on Fathers Councels reason and auctorities For why Councels may erre and Fathers may be deceived al the Prelats Superiors in the world may faile none vpon Earth is warranted from erring but one and that one is the Pope and this Pope is Christs Vicar and Peters Successor and he hath decided it thus ergo so it is his auctoritie is an infallible rule of truth This is the Popish doctrine and this is the Papists beliefe the foundation stone of all Poperie a most absurd doctrin which hath not it proofe either from testimonies of Scripture or consent of Fathers but not to dispute the case being from our purpose nor to detaine you any longer my exhortation shal be vnto al the Popish Recusants of this land that as they feare God and haue a care of their salvations they wil not be too credulous to trust their Priests or Iesuits but rather suspect the Iesuits for Parsons and the Priests for Watsons sake for the wicked life of the one and the miserable death of the other may giue vs pregnant cause of suspicion that al is not true that either of them both shall say though it be spoken tanquam ex tripode vel in cathedra that is resolutely and definitiuely Our Lord Iesus preserue vs all vnto his saving Grace Deo soli sit gloria * Aug. 19. Mat. 8.9 Mat. 15.14 * This true Catholique faith without which no mā can bee saved which now I doe willingly professe and hold I the same N. doe promise vow and sweare to hold confes most constātly by Gods help intire vncorrupted even to the last end of my life to procure as much as shall lie in me that my subiects or those of whō I shall haue care in my office shal hold teach and preach the same So God help mee and these holy Gospels of God A Profession of the Catholike faith
vnmasking his violent nature of whom Cardinall Allen held this opinion that he was a man very violent and of an vnquiet spirit and said that his turbulent head and lewd life would be a discredit to the Catholicke cause and no marvel if we obserue either his words or Actions how they haue alwaies since his interdealings in State affaires tended to most cruell barbarous and butcherly designements as by the sequel of his life shal more plainely appeare And first for orders sake I intend to note vnto you his discomposed writings and afterwards his exorbitant or extravagant and lewde Actions not comprising al for that were impossible would aske a wider volume but comprehending some of the chiefest in each kinde The Bookes which he composed were partly of Religion partly of State of Religion as his Resolution c. of State as his Green-coat Philopator c. the former sort were very commendable and worthy workes indeed not only in the iudgements of Papists but of a very learned and iudicious Protestant who hath published some of them in print with open profession of some small additions where the Auctor or Translatour rather was found to goe amisse but the later sort are condemned by diverse learned writers in sundry passages of their bookes and nether Protestants nor Papists haue allowed them The best and first Booke which he writ and which won him all the praise was his Booke of Resolution which he premised and divulged respectiuely as an exordium to all the rest of his seditious Pamphlets and lying Libels to breed in mens minds an assured opinion of his Religion pietie and devotion and yet not to heap more praises vpon him then he iustly deserues he was but a Collector or a Translator at the most the Booke not of his owne absolute invention but taken out of other Auctors his praise was for wel translating of it close coutching and packing it vp together in a very smooth stile and singular good Method and alack alack as all men knowe it is easie to lay fine threads together when they are gathered to a mans hand and as easie to translate a worke almost verbatim out of peece-meale Copies into his mother language The true praise to say the truth of this worke was due to Granada that laid the platforme to Fa. Parsons hand and gaue him the principall grounds matter thereof and which also was deserved by Mr Brinckley for the penning as diverse report When he had made an end of this Book he made an end also therewith of devotion sinceritie honest dealing For after the publication of this worthy work he more beat his braines about State matters then about the exercise of a Religious life and happy had he beene as one wisely obserues if his pen had staied here gon no farther but when Religion was once wordlefied in him and that State matters and the designing of kingdomes had so great a part in his studies then he shooke hands with all shamefastnesse and bid all truth and modesty farewell and began to furnish the world with sundry bookes of State touching Succession after the death of the Queene and Reformation vpon the Conquest of this Land and such like and see the wilinesse of this Fox his turnings and windings here there these Libels the contents whereof were wholly infamatory came not forth with his name or any knowne liverie he either concealed his name or gaue thē such names as it pleased him to devise for which cause some Papists haue little cause to thanke Mas Parson and namely Mr Doleman in whose name hee set out the Booke of Titles notwithanding that hee detested the contents of it which might haue brought him in great danger This Booke was set forth against the whole State entituling most traiterously the Spanish Infanta to the English Crowne and the king Catholike as some thinke and spare not to say was privie to the setting forth of this lucklesse labour now this was Parsons policie and forecast if the Booke had beene commended as it neither was nor deserved it then who but Fa. Parsons should haue beene the Father thereof but now that many exceptions are taken vnto it hee good man is not the Auctor of it his name is not Doleman and gladly hee would shift and wash his hands of it but all the water betwixt this and Rome will not serue his turne so to do and thus much be spoken of his Doleman There followes or rather as some thinke goeth before a railing Booke of one Andrew Philopater alias Robert Parsons written in accusing or reprooving some one or many of all her Highnes Nobles and civill Magistrates What opinion trow we haue the best learned Papists of this Booke Some hold it to be a most seditious treacherous and infamous Libell and worthy of Father Parsons fraught til it almost burst againe with al Iesuiticall pride and poyson some to be a most vnpure and loathsom booke against the State take one example for all in this Philopater the Auctour very peremptory slie and saucie as his manner is very bold lie affirmeth that when kings do deflect from the Catholike Religion and draw others with them Liberos esse subditos c posseque debere si vires habuerint huiuscemodi hominem dominatu eijcere I wil not English the words for very shame Let vs go on forwarde to the examination of some of his other Bookes Was not his Greencoate alias his Leycesters Common wealth a famous booke Yes verely as Bookes in the Law are called famosi Libelli For it was an inormous Libell written against one of the Peeres of this Land Wherein the Malapert or Resolute Iesuit keepes his old wont to resolue vs peremptorily that a different Religion is a barre to inheritāce He might haue left such scoggerie as he hath set out in this Book to Tarleton Nash or els to some Puritan Mar-prelate or other like companions Next followes his Booke of Reformation which vnder reformation was Father Parsons Babell that is his castle in the aire wherein he prescribes Rules to al Estats here you see he is no changeling the same man that he was before or rather growne more audacious and impudent and wel he might considering that these orders were begunne in their deepe Iesuiticall Court of Parliament at Stix in Phlegeton and suggested thence into Father Parsons sconce being ended and compiled into a full and complete volume by him and his Generall intituled The High Court of Reformatiō for England Wherin are sundry wise Acts contained Amongst the rest that the Iesuits Capuchins only should liue there that Bishops must be Pensioners Abbey-lands thus thus disposed he also hath his Legem Agrariam limiting the Nobilitie and Gentry how much they should spende with a number of the like senselesse fooleries al