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A02966 The declaration of the King of Nauarre touching the slaunders published against him in the protestations of those of the League that are rysen up in armes in this realme of Fraunce. With priuiledge. Truely translated into English according to the French copie.; Déclaration du roy de Navarre sur les calomnies publiées contre luy ès protestations de ceux de la Ligue qui se sont eslevez en ce royaume. English. Henry IV, King of France, 1553-1610.; Mornay, Philippe de, seigneur du Plessis-Marly, 1549-1623, attributed name.; Hollyband, Claudius, 16th cent.; Navarre (Kingdom). Sovereign (1572-1610 : Henry III) aut 1585 (1585) STC 13106; ESTC S115687 28,419 81

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his sayde Countrie of Bearne whom all men knowe to be a Catholique with expresse commission there to set up agayne the Catholique Romishe religion Yet notwithstanding the great dispayre that then was of the affayres of religiō in Fraunce notwithstanding the contrary profession of him selfe which might serue for an example to his subiectes and notwithstanding the aucthoritie of a gouernour by him expressly sent they did all resolue to perseuer in their religion and maintaine the forme of their estate without receiuing the said alteration in religion Wherefore the sayde King of Nauarre thought and let al men indge whether without good reason or not that it was a firme and well grounded resolution of his estats forasmuch as necessity yea that such necessitie as giueth law to al laws was not in any wise able to remoue them from it Also it is most true that in the assemblies of the estaes which are from yéere too yéere holden in his said countrie of Bearne there neuer appeared any man that required this change of religion though as it is well knowen there is suche libertie vsed in those assemblies that the least griefe pretended to haue béen rereiued from the Prince may be propounded with request of reformation and recompence whereby it appeareth to be afore any practise of the enufers of the tranquilitie of his subiectes and not an in warde desire of them And yet for all that the sayde Lord the king of Nauarre hath not ceased to make continual payment of the pentions of the Prelats and other Ecclesiastical persons of his said countrie for proofe wherof he will bring foorth no other witnesses but them selues and that most often with his owne proper money as the bishops of Acques and Oleron and others well knowe And that more is of his owne m●ere motion for the contentation of such● of his subiectes as might continue in the Catholique Romishe religion he moderated touching the cause of Religion the ordenaunces of the Quéene his mother ●●ceased which were but very small amercen●entes in monie So far of was it euer in those parties from such procéeding against the Catholiques by banishment corporall ●●nishment death burnings torments searching sifting as they that in these bayes call themselues the protectors of the Catholique Romish religion haue counsailed practised and brought in against the professors of the contrary religion And héereof the Catholiques of Bearne are witnesses who there liue in all peace and tranquillity Of whome many doo exercise notable offices either in the same Countrey or néere about the person of the sayd King of Nauarre and and hath the chéefest charge in his gards and bee Captaynes of his best houses which it is not likely that he wold euer allow or consent vnto if he had vsed any euill dealing toward them or if he kept any grudge in his heart to bee executed against them héereafter By the premisses it is sufficiently answered to theyr affirmation whereby they pretende him to be the sworne enemie of the Catholiques Yet neuertheles the sayde Lorde the King of Nauarre desirous to open his hart to al the world wil not sticke to lay open vnto them his affections and actions Wherefore the sayde King of Nauarre declareth that he● acknowledgeth and beléeueth and hath alwayes beléeued and acknowleged that in case the foundation of a good conscience be layde thereon the diuersity of religion is no empechement to a good Prince to drawe very good seruice indifferently from his subiects nor any hinderaunce to the subiects to yéelde theyr allegeance and bounden duties in all maner of respects as well to theyr superiours as to their Princes forasmuch as it is euident that both the religions equally according to the word of God doo recommend the duetie of the subiecte towarde his Prince and of the inferiour toward his superior And therefore the sayd Lord the King of Nauarre hath alwayes noted thys that he hath béene as faithfully serued by the one as the other As for example in the destribution of the offices of his house all men knowe well enough he hath indifferently furnished them with both sortes of men Also the sayd Lord the King of Nauarre knoweth himselfe to be well beloued and faithfully serued by Catholique Gentlemen and other persons of all degrees wheme hée hath accepted into his seruice as on their behalfes they wil all volutarily acknowledge themselues to bee loued by him without acception of religion and that according to the proportion of his ability he hath bestowed goods and honours vppon them as largely and more abundantly yea in the very tyme of warres then he did to the professors of his owne religion And further it is not vnknown to the Lords Gentlemen and all other Catholiques that during the time of the troubles he spared them as much as hee coulde in theyr goods and houses neuer suffering anie rigour of warre to be vsed to them no not so much as against hys owne Vassalles that rose in Armes against hym and were present at the destroying of his proper houses who notwithstanding after the warres were ended making their repayre vnto hym were all welcome to his presence and neuer receyued for theyr disloyall doings so much as an euill word or angry countenaunce at his handes So farre of hath he béene from practising against thē directly or indirectly according to the sundry meanes which the Lord hath ouer his Vassall any kinde of stomacke or reuengement Thus much also dare the King of Nauarre promise of his actions that so many of the Catholiques as vouchsafed to approche to him departed againe with good contentation without obseruing any thing in him whereby they coulde presnnre other wise then that hee bare a naturall affection to embrace all the Kings subiects and seruants of what soeuer religion they bee promising in like sort on theyr behalfe the like good wyll that they haue alwayes shewed towardes his The sayve King of Nauarre thinketh that the effects aboue specified which he hath hyther to continued are of sufficient weight to confute the allegations proclaimed against him by his enemies Yet neuertheles haue they affirmed that the sayd Lord the King of Nauarre hath sent into Englande and Germany to conclude a league to the destruction and confusion of the Catholiques for that as they allevge he foresawe the Kinges death and meant whensoeuer the same should happen to be in a readinesse to chaunge religion c. to inuade the possessions of the Clergie and confiscate them of the Novititie which woulde not ioyne themselues as adherents to his in●ention Vppon the which matter they haue dispersed in all places yea and caused to bee read in Sermons in the open Pulpitte a certaine concorde or agréement of the yeere a thousand syue hundred and eighty foure pretending the same to beare date the fourteenth of December as resulting of an assembly holden as they alledge at the instance of the said king of Nauarre at Magdebourgh that like wise
the execution of the edict of the paci●●ing of old grudges which were promised to be broughte to passe within the tyms In the meane whyle the 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 persons 〈…〉 to be yéelded vp for that the 〈…〉 on the 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 of the refo●…ed 〈…〉 the causes still to continue to wit the ●…ons of ●…strust and old 〈◊〉 re●…ued by the troubles made some 〈◊〉 therat most humbly 〈◊〉 his M●… not so much to regarde the time per●…ed as the harme and inconuenience happened in the meane space and rather to haue consideration of the effect that was promised during the fire yéeres and at the exp●…tion of the same to witte during th●… yéeres the execution and continuaunce of peace and withal the burying of distruste grudges consequentlye at the end● of the sixe yéeres the yéelding up of the places which for the matter stoode then in such harde case as is afore specified was not agréeable to that grace and equity of his Maiesty from whence the graunt of the places first procéeded forasmuch as the condition by him expected take no such effect as within that time 〈◊〉 hoped for His Maiestie therfore not so much 〈◊〉 of the observation of the 〈◊〉 as to heale the fore and reunite 〈…〉 thought it expedient not 〈…〉 them of the religion with 〈…〉 the king of Nauarre had 〈◊〉 vnto his Maiestie that his sayd subiects of the religion had great 〈◊〉 to be exhibited to hys grace concerning the execution of the edictes which if they were hearde and satissyed then 〈◊〉 the yéelding vppe of the sayd 〈…〉 the more easily attained vnto The sayde Lorde the King by the mouth of Mounsit de Belieure one of the chéefest of hys counsayle of estate at the request of the sayd Lorde the king of Nauarre consented vnto the assembly of Montanban consisting of the Princes Lordes Gentlement and men of good calling of the sayde religion And during all the tyme of the continuaunce of that assembly the sayde Mounsir de Belioure was present in the Kinges name in the ●●wne of Montanban whom the said Lord the King of Nauarre requireth to ●eare witnes of his actions and desireth to be heards and ●ited in all that be knoweth concerning the says assembly So then this assembly of Montanban was not like vnto theyr● of the league 〈…〉 without the knowledge and 〈…〉 of the King but by the consent and 〈◊〉 ●●ment of hys Maiestie which assembly of 〈…〉 after ryper deliverati●●● had vpon the same he 〈◊〉 to bee pro 〈…〉 for the 〈◊〉 and tranquillity of hys estate In this assembly there was made a 〈…〉 of all the breaches and executions of the 〈◊〉 of pears which was presented to the King at S. Germaine in Lay by Mounfie the Countie of Laual and other Mep●ties with 〈◊〉 humble requestes for remedy of the 〈◊〉 of his sayd 〈◊〉 of the religion Therin also all●e●● promised for any particular attempt 〈◊〉 against th● 〈◊〉 to séeke their re●urpence by like iniurious attempts least the temerity of some particular persons might cast thys ●ealme in to trouble as sometime before was supposed to 〈◊〉 béene 〈◊〉 but to make theyr 〈◊〉 to the King of Nauarre who would cause 〈…〉 to be● gyu●n therof to the Kyng who according to hys ●ation suffyciently percey●●● 〈◊〉 the tranquillity of hys subjects knewe best howe to apply conuenient remidyes to the 〈◊〉 And lykewyse the Kying of Nauarre promised to embrace theyr cause towarde hys Maiestys and carefullye to present the same vnto hym when néede should requyre as hée hadde alwayes doone in tymes paste to the 〈◊〉 that they 〈◊〉 hym take they re cause in 〈…〉 the 〈◊〉 myght the better bee retayned within the 〈◊〉 of reason 〈…〉 imagyning any suche extraordynarye mea●…s as they had●… attempted in former tyme for lacke of recourse 〈◊〉 supporte els where Héere is all that 〈◊〉 bee founde to haue 〈◊〉 in the 〈◊〉 assembly of Montanban and no mods then thys The fy●… purpose 〈…〉 is moste euident to bee for the staying of pryuate attemptes from r●… to a publique mischéefe and hurts that might trouble the péere of thys Realme lyke to the conference of Nerac ●…lden wyth the Quéene Mother of the King where there was an expresse Article in that behalfe And whatsoeuer the ●…ies disperse more then is héere expressed is no truer then theyr allegatiōs touching the pretended concorde of Magden bourgh where the Jesuits had forgot 〈◊〉 that they had caused I 〈…〉 to 〈…〉 monethes 〈◊〉 〈…〉 they cause to 〈◊〉 forth 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the King who 〈…〉 〈◊〉 of all that 〈…〉 〈…〉 fourth shair 〈◊〉 〈…〉 that of his 〈…〉 〈…〉 them 〈…〉 〈…〉 his 〈◊〉 was not so well 〈◊〉 〈…〉 thought 〈…〉 〈…〉 of the 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 of the 〈…〉 〈…〉 the King 〈…〉 〈…〉 the Kings 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the King of Nauarre 〈◊〉 eth that 〈…〉 will call to 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 what hath 〈◊〉 within 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with● the 〈…〉 〈…〉 wil 〈◊〉 thinke 〈◊〉 that 〈…〉 the 〈◊〉 〈…〉 of 〈…〉 〈…〉 that request 〈…〉 〈…〉 when the 〈◊〉 〈…〉 the 〈◊〉 then 〈…〉 〈…〉 the 〈…〉 not 〈◊〉 that these securities might haue further continuance for a certayne time 〈◊〉 because 〈◊〉 danger was 〈◊〉 taken from 〈◊〉 Protestants and for that the ed●●t of peace wheron their life and tranquillity pe●● 〈◊〉 was not th●● s●●ne to be in 〈…〉 estate Neuerthelesse the 〈…〉 of Nauarre 〈◊〉 most fréely confesse th●● the principal 〈◊〉 wherefore 〈…〉 〈◊〉 necessity of the professors of the ref●rmed relig●on he had a perticular desire to make 〈…〉 petition to his 〈◊〉 to leaue the said to 〈◊〉 stil for 〈…〉 the cons●●●●●te of these confederates the effect whereof 〈◊〉 ●tinually 〈…〉 the which the 〈…〉 resounded religion whose deathes were cōspired by the said confederates had great 〈◊〉 of places of refuge till God should graunt them such ●●●e as that the King might haue perfect intelligence of their intentions and verily the grante●● 〈◊〉 of them whiche during the peace attempted vpon the said townes of sureties whom the King alwaies dissauowed 〈◊〉 at this pay sufficiētly open vnto 〈◊〉 by whose 〈◊〉 and allowance then durst 〈…〉 to trouble the peace and enterprise vpp●n the s●●●s places and others of the religion For 〈◊〉 they had taken armes in the seruice of the 〈◊〉 Nowe the said King of Nauarre most humbly beséecheth the King to call to his remembrance the aduerti● 〈◊〉 which he gaue to his M●●estie by the 〈◊〉 of a moneth before the say●● 〈◊〉 of Montanban which were ve●y sufficient 〈◊〉 cause his Maiestie at that 〈◊〉 to haue regard to hys affayres and in default thereof earnestly to admonish him to s●●ke or retayne out some place of surety for hys person against whome they manifestly pretended some mischiefs If the enemies shall now alledge that they haue taken Armes and seased hys Maiesti●● Townes to the intent to haue townes 〈◊〉 security also according to the example of them of the Contrary rel● on as some of them
〈…〉 of those 〈…〉 league 〈…〉 rysen up 〈◊〉 armes in thi● Realme of Fraunce ⸪ With Priuiledge Truely translated into English according to the French copie Printed at London by Iohn Charlewood dwelling in Barbican at the signe of the halfe Eagle and the Key 1585. LOò Rey Prince Soubiran de Bearn á permetut permet à Loys Rabier Imprimador de son Vniuersitat d'Ortés de imprimar bene exposar La declaratiō que sa Maiestat á enbiada au Rey de Francia contre las calumnias d'cus de la Ligua ensems la lettraque sadicta Mastat escriu audict Segnor Rey de Frācia com plus plaàes contengut en las letras de pribilegi ottrogeadas audict Loys Rabier per sadicta Maiestat dadas á Bargerac loó xi de Iuin 1585. Sageradas deu grand saged deudict Seignor Rey Prince Soubiran signadas de sa maá cōtresignadas de Mazelieres Raportadas au Conseil deudict Seignor Rey per Mr. Me. Ioan du Breuil Conseiller audict Conseil loó xiiij deudictmes de Iuin 1585. A Pau. The Abridgement in English of the Kings Priuiledge afore rehearsed in the Bearnois tongue THe King and soueraigne Prince of Bearne hath permitted and doth permit Lewys Rabier Printer of his Vniuersitie of Ortes to imprint and set forth The declaration sent by his Maiestie to the King of Fraunce against the slaunders of those of the League and also the letter written by his Highnesse to the said Lorde the King of Fraunce as more is conteyned in the Letters of priuilege graūted by his Maiestic to the saide Lewis Rabier dated at Bergerac the xi of Iune 1585. Sealed with the great Seale of the said Lord the king and soueraigne Prince Signed with his bande and coūtresigned De Mazelieres exhibited to the Counsell of the said Lord the King by Maister Du Breuill Consellour in the same Counsell the xiiij of the said Moneth of Iune 1585. At Pau. To the right vvorshipfull Sir Phillip Sidney KNIGHT SIR for as much as this Noble and most godly Christian King by this declaratiō desireth that all Christian Princes should vnderstād what great iniurie is offred to his honour by th' enimies of the holy Churche of God I haue thought good to translate this good Prince his protestation into th'english toung to present the same to your worships view knowing that both you and all the worthie Englishe Knights touched with like godly zeale as your worship is will with the ballance of a ripe and sound iudgement cōsider fauour th'equity of the cause as it shall please th' almightie to put into your noble and generous heartes whom I beséech so to blesse and more and more enrich and augment those giftes of grace which hee hath so liberally bestowed on you that it may redound to his honour and glorie and to th'euerlasting fame of your worship Your worships most humble to commaund Claudius Hollyband To the King MY soueraigne Lord your Maiestie shall well perceiue howe they that lately rose vp in this Realme haue bent themselues against me in their protestations And in the same haue gone about by all manner of slaunders to bring me in suspition with your Maiesty into hatred with all orders and estates and into the great misliking of all Princes and nations of Christendome Therefore my good Lord I thought it good to sende vnto your Maiestie the declaration written and signed with mine owne hande which shall be presented vnto you by Mounsier Cleruaut and De Cassincourt The which I most humbly beseech your Ma. vouchsafe the reading from point to poynt and there to set before your eyes myne actions and demenoures passed wherin I hold my selfe assured that the vpright and indifferent eye of your Maiestie shall perceiue nothing but faithfulnes and integrity The which my soueraigne Lorde hath not beene either in causes or effects more deepely or cleerelier seene by any other then onely your Maiestie And therefore although my principall desyre aboue all thinge bee to yeeld satisfaction to your Maiesties iudgement which I doubt not but shal be a verie easie matter for me to performe yet neuertheles my Lord for that the poyson of these slaunders is spred throughout all the vaines of this Realme and of all Christendome as much as in them lyeth wherin my honor and reputation do suffer incredible domage I am most humbly to beseech your Maiestie to shew me so much fauo ur as to thinke well of my sending this present declaration to all your Courtes of Parliament and other the notable incorporat townes of this Realme with whome most cheefely my aduersaries seeke to stayne and diffame me And also that it wold please your maiestie to vouchsafe mee this honour to commaund your Ambassadors to exhibite it to all Christian Princes your freends and allies with those letters which with your Maiesties licence I purpose to write vnto them And I am certainly perswaded your Maiestie cannot but thinke it a thing most straunge being so neere allied vnto you as I am and with the mynd that I beare that I passe in silence the great blames and slaunderous reproofes wherewith they charge mine honor which I dare say cannot be spotted without some domage to your Maiestie VVherfore in all humblenes and dutifull affection I beseech your Maiestie to graunt these my requestes And so referring the rest of my minde to the discharge of the sayde Mounsier de Cleruaut and de Cassincourt I most humbly beseech your Maiestie to giue credite vnto them Your most humble and most obedient subiect and seruaunt Henry The declaration of the king of Nauarre touching the slaunders published against him in the protestations of them of the League which are risen vp in this Realme THE King of Nauarre vpon the view and consideratiō of the protestations and Declarations of those that this daye trouble the estate of this Kingdome vnder the name of the holy League wherein they would couer their wicked intent partly with zeale of Religion partly with affection and good will towarde the common wealth But particularly take his Maiestie for the partie against whome they are bent as though be were an Heretike a Relaps a Persecutor of the Church a disturber of the estate a sworne enemie against the estate c. hath thought it as appertaining to his dutye to giue cleare euidence and manifest declaration to all Kinges Princes and Natiōs of Christendome against these slaunders but specially to the King his soueraigue Lord and to all manner of people of what state or degree soeuer they bee within this Realme the rather for that under his shadowe they make no conscience to attempt against the Crowne of their Prince and bring a miserable confusion vpō his whole estate First therefore touching the matter of Religion the sayde Lorde the king of Nauarre protesteth before God who seeth the bottome of his hart before the King his soneraine Lorde vnto whome his principall desire is to approoue his
actions before all the abouesayde Princes and Nations to whose testimonie and iudgement hee willingly yeldeth himselfe that he hopeth not for any saluation otherwise then in the Christian faith and Religiō which hee embraceth with all hartie affection and for an infallible rule thereof hee receaueth the word cōtained in the olde and new Testament which it hath pleased GOD to preserue in this darknes for the light direction of his Church that hee beleeueth one Catholike and Apostelike Church for the preferuation continuall endewing wherof with all manner of graces bee daily prayeth vnto to God and would thinke himselfe most happie to shedde his blood in the defence thereof against the Infidelles That he beleeueth the Creedes or abridgements of the Christian faith which haue bene set downe by the same Catholike and Apostlike Church to serue as markes or cognisances whereby the Christians and Rightbeleeuers may be discerned frō such as thinke amisse of the faith and from heretikes And also bee embraceth the most auncient famous and lawfull Counsels that haue bene holden against them He reiecteth and detesteth with all his hart all doctrines by them condemned and for the reuerence he beareth to the Church yea wil be alwayes ready to yeld to her iudgement and stand to her decrée when shee shal be orderly assembled in a lawfull and holy counsell As touching the matter in controuersie whereof in these dayes there is question in the church The said Lord the King of Nauarre desireth that consideration may bee had that hee is not the onely man nor the first that hath complained of the abuses brought into the church and desired reformation of the same And therfore it should bee too harde that this most true Christian desire to see the Church reformed should be imputed vnto him as heresie or enimitie against the same In that for the space of fiue hundred yeares and aboue it hath bene a common complaint of all Princes of all learned men and of all holy personnages that the Churche through all this long tract of tyme hath lost much of her first puritie and sinceritie for shee being thus compounded of men who without doubt euer with thēselues added brought some what of their owne inuentions vnto her So that it hath bene the voyce of all Councelles without exception of any which haue béene holden within the compasse of the time aforesaid that the Church had great néede of reformation which in euery age hath béene long desired yea and vehemently sighed for by all the best sort of men out of whose mouthes this sentence would neuer else haue procéeded to witte that whosoeuer should affirme the Church to haue néede of purging ought to be taken for an heretike and enimie of the same That the most Christian Kings well perceauing the same haue often for the like effect thought it to appertaine to their office and toward the discharge of their consciences to exhort the Pope and Christian Princes to a generall Councell which in the Popes default and in case hee winked at the matter they could very well take vppon them to call together by their owne authoritie frō whence haue proceeded vnder their owne names most laudable ordynaunces for the reformation of the french Church So that in the ende after long complaint of many ages whē they to whome the matter seemed to appertaine would not take in hande but rather as all men know imployed themselues in the affaires of the worlde it came to passe that many Princes Peoples and estates with great care weying and cōsidering the reasons alledged vnto them and seeing the defence and maintenaunce of the same by the great constancie of infinite Parsons of all degrées in most gréeuous torments euen vnto th'extremitie of death did remit the said reformation to a lawful Councell and vpon refusall of the same did protest against the abuses which they pretented to be in the Churche and thereunto did laye their owne helping hande to redresse the same from whence sprang the Schisme which the saide Lord the King of Nauarre doth nowe bewaile to see in the Christian Church and against the which it was not vnpossible in so long tyme to find remedie if the honour of God and the saluation of men had touched vs as neere as our owne glorie or particular profit The sayd King of Nauarre in regard of him selfe saith that he was not only borne during this vnhappy Schisme that thus hath happened in the Christian Churche the cōtinuance whereof he iudgeth ought to be imputed to such as sought not means to revnite the Churche as they ought to haue done but also that hee was brought vp in Fraunce while th'exercise of both the Religions was permitted by the King in the generall estates of his Realme and after confirmed by many of his Maiesties Edictes besides he was nourished and instructed in his tender years in this beliefe that there were great abuses in the doctrine of the Romishe Church which 〈◊〉 great neede of reformation And after that hee was confirmed in the same all ●ell by the conference of many lenthed me as all so by reading the holy Scriptures So that he beléeueth in his hart●●●éely cof●●eth with his mouth that he is verily per●●aded that the trueth is on his side Which hath beene an occasion of his falling into very many dangers and losses rather then to 〈◊〉 the same By which occasion also to his great griefe he neuer hande the meane to do such seruices neither to bee partalier of the good grace fauour of his soueraigne Lord and Prince as otherwise without doubt he might haue done if hee could with a safe conscience haue framed himselfe so that profession which his Ma●essle followeth Yet notwithstanding to giue knowledge to all men that whatsoeuer hee hath done in that respect was not of obstinacie but of constancie neither by ambition but for the onely desire of his saluation hee most humbly bes●cheth his Maiestie to cause a free and lawfull councell to be helden according to the promises alwayes made by his edicts The said King of Nauarre being alwayes ready to receiue instruction from the same and to rule his beliefe according to that whiche there shal be discided concerning the controuersies in religion As for the counsel of Trent it is not to be obeyed For although the continuance thereof was prosecuted by the late king Charles and in the ende obteyned at the handes of Pope Paulus the thirde and after the proclayming thereof Ambassadores were sent from his maiestie to the same counsell with Christian and Catholike instructions agréeable to the holy decres of the romish church and approued by the Colledg of Sorbonne and the Doctors of the same sent to the said counsell with the sayd Ambassadors Yet not withstanding all their diligence vsed toward the Cardinales Legates and presidentes in the saide Counsell by the space of eightéene Monethes and aboue it was not possible to obteyne any thing conformable to
people so much as the space of one onely day Yet it is well knowen that if he had been so minded it lay in his handes at that time to haue serued his owne turne with the armie of the Rutters who euery houre were readie for default of their pay at the Kinges handes according to the articles of the peace to enter into a mutinie and turne their heads towardes Paris Contrariwise then was the time wherein the heades and maisters of this league abusing his clemencie and goodnes deuised this pretended holy league agaynst the kinges edict then newly proclaymed whereby in expresse woordes they swoore the vtter destruction of them of the religion without any exception or acception of persons and without respect or regard of alliance affinitie consanguinitie kinred or brotherhood Such as entred thereinto without looking into the depth of the matter drewe themselues out as soone as they knewe it And a● concerning the saide King of Nauarre then wore the instructions discouered which as this day are put in execution concluding his death also the death of my Lord the prince his Cozin and all their blood Note of Dauid the aduocate for the preparing of a more easie waye to the aduersaries as is expressely set downe to the inuasion of this kingdome Heere let all men indge who at that time was the agent or pacient the persecuter or the persecuted Thence issued the ciuill wars of the yéere one M. flue hundred seauēty seanen whē they had induced the assēblie of Bloys to the execution of their deuise it had béene altogether against nature if the sayde King of Nauarre or they that are of his profession had not made resistaunce against the same For thereby a snare was layde for his person and life his conscience and honor were layd for by the same and the kingdome or royall estate as nowe manifestlie appeareth was in daunger The great inconuenience and perrill which the king perceiued not did then but begin to bud foorth insomuch that his maiestie could not imagine anie such thing toward them who helde all their prosperity of him But the King of Nauarre wel foresawe it yea contrariwise the defaulte of resisting the same woulde haue béene the betraying of himselfe the destruction of this estate and the submission of himselfe to their desires in stéede of setting himselfe against the same In the meane space though the cruell clauses of the conspiracie were very suffcient immediatly to turne his patience into fury and the naturall mildnes and mercy of them that issue of his house into reuenge although also he saw the professors of his religion to runne to him from all partes béeing rigorously persecuted or put to theyr choyse to depart the Realme or recant theyr religion Yet neuerthelesse the sayde Lord the King of Nauarre in the Townes vnder his power would not vse the like maner of dealing toward the Catholiques nor against the Monkes and Clergiemen which indéede might be suspected and disfauoure the execution of his affayres On the contrary side they of Agen well know which example he alleageth for that there was the place of his resident hauing a byshopricke in it and being a towne of some fame that the Catholikes there suffered no hard dealing in theyr persons or goodes nor discontinuaunce in the matter of their religion That the Clergie applyed their accustomed seruices That the Monkes preached freely in the greatest heate of the sayd troubles That be was content the professors of his religion should make theyr sermons in priuate and borrowed houses to the ende the professors of the Romish religion shoulds not in any wise be troubled That for the furnishing of necessaries for his defence he tooke not aboue the tenthes which the King was wont to leuie vpon the clergie At what time all his patrimony was seasd and taken out of his handes in all places whereof my Lorde the Duke of Montpencido may be witnes a prince most affectioned to the Romish religion as all men very well knowe And also Mounsier the Marshall of Biron my L. the Archbishop of Vienna Mounsir de Villeroy secretary of estate to his Maiestie and many others that were beholders of it vpon the places can giue testimony of the same As soone as liberty of conscience was granted albeit with very great restraint in comparison of the former edict he vnarmde him selfe without delay though as hys Maiestie best of all others knoweth hee coulde haue continued the warres with greater power and meanes by reason of the notable ayde which hee had procured from the Princes of hys religion béeing so farre forwarde that a strong Armye of straungers was at the poynt of entring into this kingdome thinking himselfe happy to haue dispatched the same away in sort that the poore people by occasion thereof might suffer no farther inconuenience choosing rather by succouring them to impayre his owne condition then to better it with theyr hinderaunce Wherefore the sayd Lorde the King of Nauarre prayeth all men freely to speake theyr mindes whether hee hath in any respect by his demencures descrued the name of a persecutor which his enimies attribute vnto him that would not take this resolution to suffer them goe forwarde with the execution of theyr barbarous persecutions and bloudie deuises against him at the first shewe but consequently against the Kinges Maiesty and his royall estate In those Countries where the saide King of Nauarre by the grace of God hath soucraigne power and authority he thinketh also to haue as little deserued this blame in the iudgement of them that haue well knowne the nature of matters and the order of his procéedinges And in all that remaineth to him of the kingdome of Nauarre where at his comming to hys dignity he founde the exercise of the Catholique Romish religion it is most certeyne that he hath neither altered nor innouated any thing therein in so much that the seruice of the same is there stil vsed at this day without any exercise of the reformed religion sauing in two places onely And as touching his countrie of Bearne which is no great land the Quéene his mother in a generall assemblie of the estates did there establish the said religion whereof her selfe made profession and no complaynt of the chaung of religion followed thereuppon to the said estates in the space of many yéeres after it had continued in the same estate as he hath alredie fréely declared hauing alwaies been of this opiniō that a discréet and well counseiled Prince without great necessitie or euident profit ought not to bring any chaunge into his estate And though commoditie or necessitie shoulde require the same yet it were expedient that it shoulde be accomplished by the like waye whereby the constitution was before made Nowe he had well pérceiued that after Bartholmew day when him selfe by force and violence had yéelded in the cause of religion and sent Monsir de Mieussent for gouernour and Liuetenant generall into
sufficient euidence giuen that theyr colour and pretence was to roote out that religion which the King of Nauarre professeth and most specially so bestroy him if it lay in their power in sort that the first stroke of their thunderbolt 〈◊〉 haue lighted first vpon his heade If his maiestie in the meanespa●e sawe not into the ende of their practises By occasion whereof the saide king of Nauarre perceiuing the king his Soueraigne Lord had giuen no order therein and foreséeing their pretence tended to destroy the protestantes was iustly moued to haue regard to his affayres And therefore about the ye●re M. v.r.lxxx and thrée he dispatched Mounsir de Segur Pardillian superintendent of his house to the Quéene of Englande the King of Denmarke the princes ●lectors of Almanie the Lantgraue of Hesse and other Princes and estates First to exhort them to séeke meanes to agrée the ●outrouersies in religiō which remayned 〈◊〉 the reformed churches and were abused to their common destruction Secondly to renewe and assure a perfect amis●●e with them without desiring or employing them any farther Thirdlye to furnishe in Almanye a good some of money therewith to prou●d whē néede should require a conueni●t succor against his mortal enimies At the which Kings Princes and estates are straighly allied to the Crowne of Fraunce with whom the King his Soueraigne Lorde hath Ambassadores with which Ambassadores the saide Mounsier de Segur had expresse charge to conferre and so did at certaine times whom he tooke for witnesses of his sayinges doinges of his propositions negotiations conclusions And after his returne the saide King of Nauarre most humbly besought his ma●estie to giue commaundement that with a● diligence information might be taken brought to his Maiestie of a● his legatiō being fully assured that therin they may most playnely beholde his french hart sincere affection true loyaltie towarde his maiesties person and Royall estate Wherefore the said King of Nauarre requireth al the aforesaid most noble kings princes to giue testimonye to the King vnder their owne signetts to his kingdome and al christendome whether at any tyme there haue been on his behalfe any letters or instructions deliuered 〈◊〉 communication had either againste the Kinges dignitye or against the wealth and felicity of hys estate or in any respect cōtrary to the duety 〈◊〉 a most humble and most deuoute seruant subiecte whether euer hee mooued them to make warre vpon the King to renue the troubles or destroy the Catholiques whether euer any ouerture hath béene directly or indirectly made vnto them touching the Kings death or any matter to followe vpon the same Also the sayde Lord the King of Nauarre most humbly beséech●th hys Maiestie that he may be tollerated to sende thys hys declaration to the sayde Princes against the aforementioned flaunders and to cause the same to bee presented by his Maiesties owne Ambassadors to wytte by euery of them in the place wher he is resident to all Christian Princes fréendes and confederates of this kingdome To thys ende that if he haue treated of any lyke matter then they nowe seeing him protest the contrary may estéeme him for a counterfeyte Prince of small fayth and troth and in all respectes vnwoorthye of theyr amity and fréendshyppe which hys abouesayd enemies goe about to make suspected And which for hys owne parts he franklie declareth that his desyre is with all carefulnes to entertayne as hee thinketh he hath most reasonably sought the same As touching the concord or agréement the aduersaryes allege it to beare date the fourtéenth day of December in the yéere 1580. and there make the sayds Mounsier de Segur present as Ambassadour from the King of Nauarre who had departed out of Almany repassed into the Lowe Countries and from thence into Englande where he soiourned two monethes and aboue and yet notwithstanding the employment of all that tyme was embarqued to returne into Fraunce before the fourtéenth day of December In which concorde they bring in the Ambassadours of the Elector Palatine and of the Prince of Orange the one dead aboue a yéere before leauing hys heyre vnder yéeres during whose mynority Duke Cazimir gouerneth the electorship the other murbered foure monethe● before by a Je●uite suborne● by such as are like to the confederates of this pretended holy league And yet nenerthelesse both the saide pr●●es as the aduersaries alledge are bound to be present this moneth of May in the towne of Basill concerning the concluding of some agréement in the controu●rsies of religion The aduersaries adde with all that the King of Nauarre on the xviii day of Aprill then next promised to enter into armes at which time forsooth they them selues were resolued to enter into them and now goe about to deriue the hatred thereof vppon this Prince who being on euery side compassed about with their conspiracies yet sturreth not at al. They date the said contract at Maidenbourgh a towne apperteyning to the sonne of my Lord the elector of Brandenbourgh and yet in the concord they remember neyther father nor the sonne And in truth it is no other but an imagniary assemblie For neither in that place nor any other canne there anye assemblie be founde to haue béen holden Further the tytles 〈◊〉 so many other 〈…〉 to much 〈…〉 to 〈…〉 with so 〈…〉 ●ncte to 〈…〉 〈…〉 for a 〈◊〉 pedlers 〈◊〉 〈…〉 Presthers 〈…〉 to 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 people inste●ius 〈◊〉 they● 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 with bery 〈…〉 〈◊〉 for what can they 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 war●e 〈◊〉 The 〈◊〉 of Mon●anban reser 〈◊〉 more bl●●e for any thing 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 thereof nor more 〈…〉 any thing published by thē of 〈…〉 〈◊〉 the 〈◊〉 The true 〈…〉 wheir the king h●●de conclud●d prace in the yeare 〈…〉 fiue 〈◊〉 and 〈◊〉 seaue● withful inte●tion 〈…〉 〈…〉 should 〈…〉 〈◊〉 his Muiesty lest in the 〈…〉 of the King of Nau●r●● and the 〈◊〉 〈…〉 for the 〈◊〉 of this god 〈◊〉 of the 〈◊〉 very many de●●●ous of nothing more then to ●●nus the troubles who after fette themselues in Ar●●● with the Authors of thys league by all meanes possible crossed the execution of the sayde evict of peace and at all houres by sundry newe enterprises gaus occasion of distrust in sorte that the wounds which they ought to haue cured wered forer and the edict of peace which in tyme past was to take effects flydde backwards ●●●ppe by steppe and was cleane cut away from the Protestants poynt after poynt By the continuaunce of which practises it come to passe that during the 〈◊〉 yéeres the peace was diuersly interrupted by surprysings and attempts yea and by open war that continued the space of a whole yéere 〈◊〉 whence issued the conferences of N● rac Flex so that the 〈◊〉 yeres which were pre●●●ed for the rendring vp of the places ●●●●ised not to work the effect wherunto they were limitted and that by reason of the impedimēt which came by means of these interruptions of
the saide instructions nor to reforme the ecclesiasticall order according to the same When his maiestie was aduertised therof and well perceiuing the harmes that might growe thereby he gaue commaundement to his Ambassadores to protest agaynst the sayd Counsell and after their protestation made to come home from thence and so they did accordingly And albeit great suite and intreatie was made vnto them by the Pope and the sayd Cardinales and the deceased Cardinall of Loraine to returne to the said counsell and stay there tyll the ende of the same yet they would neuer yéeld so to doo So that the same counsell was continued ended and concluded without them without their signet according to the custome of all times Wherby also it came to passe that for any instant pursuit that was made for the receyuing and publishyng of the same counsell in the Court of Parliament at Paris the said Court the Chambers being assembled hath alwaies withstoode it and that in the yeere thréescore and twelue after Bartholmeweday when the same séemed greatly to fauour their suite Therfore the said King of Nauarre thinketh that men of vpright iudgement cannot accompt him either an heretique or an obstinate person considering the matter is yet vndiscided and in respect he submitteth him selfe to the triall of a counsell neither can they iudge him contentious or vmust that will yéelde to the decrée of a Parliament whatsoeuer the aduocate or counseller ●vn the one partie can cauill to the contrarie ne yet déeme him for a schismatique or stubbourne offender seeing he yéeldeth this obedience and reuerence to the assemblie of the estates to be redy to make his appearaunce there both to yéelde a reason of his oppinion there and likewise to learne there yea and to chaunge to better when better shall be taught him On the contrary side he complayneth that hitherto for the space of manie yéeres he hath séene these zealous persons assembled to destroy him but not to instruct him He complayneth of a processe begynning with execution of a teaching begunne with excommunication without any kind of formalitie that eyther is requisit or may be allowed to procéede Protesting before al Princes and estates and aboue all others before the King his Soueraigne Lorde to whom he maketh his recourse for iustice before the estate of this kingdom vnto whom he intendeth to represent his actions against the aucthors and fauters of this league of so manyfest violence precipitation and iniustice The said King of Nauarre also affirmeth that the name blame of a relaps or a backslider cannot rightly be applied vnto him by vertue whereof though by a counsell he shoulde yeelde to chaunge his opinion theyr pretence is to depriue him from the succession of the Crowne whereon God graunt they thinke as litle as he And therby he referreth the cause to all mens vpright consideration to thinke with what charitie his aduersaries procéede herein And whereunto their deuise may tend to cut from him asmuch as lieth in their power the desire to procure his instruction in a counfell without entring into the depth that might ouerthrowe it both by Cannons and examples In their language they call them Relapses or backsliders that haue been heretiques and abiured there heresies and yet neuertheles after wards fall into the same againe Therefore forasmuch as the King of Nauarre as here aboue appeareth hath not by the Cannons been an heretique it is most cléere that he cannot be a relaps He further affirmeth that though he had been or shoulde be an heretique yet could he not be a relaps considering he was neuer conuerted frō the pretended heresie and considering also that no one euer thought to take any payne or seeke meanes howe to perswade or conuert him but these zealous fellowes haue shot at no other marke with all their driftes and endeuours then to ouerthrowe and destroy him They alledge here that the said Lord the King of Nauarre after Bartholmewe day sent to the Pope and yéelded to goe to masse Setting age asid euery man knoweth what kinde of conuersion this was and whether he had iust cause of scare or not lenger refutation would be friuolous The truth is if by all lawes our actions are accompted of no force when they procéede through feare or force it is most certaine that neuer had action lesse will neither euer had any action more force The truth is also that he had not so soone recouered his will but he caused she same to appeare by publique profession what it was and that in the middest of the Catholiques which were in his cempanie and seemed to possesse him at that time without either dissimulation or subtillie whereby his errour might appeare to be altogether farre from hippocrfle The saide Lord the King of Nauarre most humbly beséecheth the King his Lord that it would please him to take in good parte his modest answere also to that blame whiche they lay to his charge that he is a persecuter of the Catholique Church And touching this poynte he citeth the consciences of his greatest enimies to answere before God whether this title in any respecte can appertaine vnto him Let euery man here consider that the ciuill warres sel in the tender yéeres of the said King of Nauarre and whether there be any likelyhood that he enterprised warre with a ioyfull hart persecute the Catholikes euery man knowing their number aucthoritie and force in this kingdome to be wholy without and frée from persecution Who vnder the kinges onely name were in safetie in regard of the sayde King of Nauarre and of all that dependeth on him from all attemptes enterprises and iniuries whatsoeuer Verily there haue ben rigours and persecutions heard and spoken of in Fraunce within the space of certaine yéeres passed But no man at any time interpreted them other wise then passiuelie in regard of them of the religion and aniuely in regard of others And to vse any woord to the contrary would be so vnantly spoken that no man would vnderstand it It pleased King Charles to cause the said King of Nauarre repayre to his Coart and to honour him with Marriage of his sister He came thither in the religion wherein he was brought vp ●ut that which followed may better be shaddowed with silence then to be now againe fresh repeated When he departed from thence he went backe into his owne Countries When peace was made with my Lorde that is deceased the said King of Nauarre vsed not so muche as one woord by way of request for any thing concerning him selfe neither is there any one article to be redde therein that toucheth him And yet without doubt he had greater occasion then any other either to beare some stomacke for matters passed or to be as it were recompenced for the losses he suffered How●eit the saide King of Nauarre woulde not for his owne particular occasion hinder the peace and tranquilitie of this Realme and the succour and comfort of the
at an assemblie holden at Montanban hee had promised sworne whensoeuer the kings death shold chance to abolish the Catholique Romish religion stripping her of all her goods 〈◊〉 possessions and to depriue the professors thereof from all estates and dignities Here shall euidently appeare how easilie euery slaunder naturally shall open and confute her selfe First therefore the said king of Nauarre protesteth in his conscience before God that with all his hart he desireth and wisheth prosperous and long life to the King his soueraigne Lord and neuer entred into any conceipt or opinion to builde any deuise or purpose either vpon his death or after Whiche be thinketh were not onely offences of hygh treason that could not otherwise proceede then from a dis●oyall and miserable des●re of the death of his Prince which would be pursued with all spéedie effect if power serued thereto But also an offence in all respectes against nature and common sence for as much as his maiestie thankes be to God is in the chiefe strēgth and time of his age and ful of health and further so smal difference betwéene both their ages that it were a ridiculous matter in respect of the difference of twoo yéeres or there aboutes to take suche aduantage one ouer the other So farre hath the saide king of Nauarre alwaies been from conceyuing any imagination as the heads of the league haue done to condemne the king as readie to die by foreseeing the consequentes of his death or forty yéeres as the sayde king of Nauarre hopeth before any neede require and that vnder coulour of prouiding for the affayres of the Realme although in the meane space they cast the same into most lamentable confusion So farre also hath he euer béene from making open declarations touching the pronouncing and foreiudging of the 〈◊〉 and Quéene his wife to be barraine in the flower and best strength of their age as the said confederates haue done beinge a thing neuer practised before in the estates of christiendome and a thing also which the estates of England would not require of the Quéene of Englands yet vmnaryed reposing them selues vppon her wisedome that she hauing gouerned them in peace during her life wil leaue the same for an inheritance to their posteritie To be breef the said kyng of Nauarre neuer did se much as once require his soue raigne Lord and King to declare him to be that which naturally and lawfully he is or to giue any signe or token thereof eyther by preferring and aduancing him or otherwise although the confederates of the saide pretended holy league haue enterprised the like who haue armed agaynst him my Lorde the Cardmall of Bourbon a Prince of the age of thréescooe and sire yéeres who is also a Prince without all hope both of maringe and posterity to be his heire as though the Kinges Ma. their soueraigne Lord had not aboue a yéere or 2. to lyue to haue children and as though we shold rather expect issue from an olde man hauing alwaies liued in single life then frō the kings maiesties florishing marriage in the most chiefe and principall age of himselfe and his Quéene and wife And as though for all that the said Lorde the King of Nauarre coulde not perceiue the subtil deuises which the same persons haue a long time been in deuising against him and also the practises which they made a gainst him in the townes together with the conspiracies that craftily they entred into Italy and Spayne to barre him when the K. death should happen from the right of succession to this kingdom for the which his hope is that God wil grant him such grace giuing long life to the Kinges Maiestie as that hee shall not haue any matter of controuersre assuring himselfe that whatsoeuer it bee that L●●● or nature will giue vnto him his onimies shall neuer with all their leagues practises be able to empeach and hinder him from the obteyning of the same The saide Lord the king of Nauarre frankely confesseth that by a long space he hath perceined the indirect deuises of these confederates agaynst the Kyng and his royall estate And maketh most humble petition to his maiestie to call to remembrance the aduertismenter that the saide him of Nauarre gaue vnto his royall maiestie in that behalfe in the yéere of our Lorde M. v.c.lx and 〈◊〉 At what time he purposely sēt to his grace a gentelman with certen remembrances concorning the very same matters from poynt to poynt that this day are taken in hande to be executed When also these confederates beganne to lay their foundation under colour of the name of bretherhood and holy league That soone aster thepease concluded in the yéere M. v. c.lx and xvii he perceiued the frame and building there of exected by the stur●●● then madoamong the estates stir●od vp by thē diuers prouinces agaynst the seruice of his Maiestie so farre that they would haue enticed the very professors of the reformed religion to the same had entred into treaty with the most noble Prince Cazimire Countie Palatine of Rhyne Who as he will alwaies confesse seeing into the depth of their deuises pretended against the estate for the honour amitie which his auncesters had alwaies borne to the house of Fraunce would not harken any further to that matter That afterward as the affayres of the enemies proceeded from steppe to steppe the king of Nauarre also made discouery of their treaties in Italy Spain of the money that was receiued of the matters by them propounded in those partes and what answeres they receyned touching the same Whereunto the King his maiesty who in his mind could not conceiue so great ingratitud to lurke in their hartes towarde him made it a hard matter to be beleued neuerthelesse the said King of Nauarre vid expect some suddayne clappe of this mischiefe from day to day as a ruine throughly perceiued by him before That he reme●red the taking and execution of Salcedo who had confessed a great part of those things which are well perceyued at this daye which then were endeuoured to be obscured by craft and cunning sleightes But yet the certenty thereof stayed in the hartes of the kings true subiectes That Mounsire who is deceased hadde not without good ground giuen aduertismēt thereof to the King that vnlesse Salcedo had been gyltie of more then ordinarie crymes the King would neuer haue taken so much paines as to send two of the chiefest of his counsell of estate into the lowe countries to fetche him to his presence Neyther would haue been present at hys examinations and repetition of hys depositions c. Whereupon it followed that by the diff●itiue sentence of the Courte of Parliament at Paris hee was pulled in peeces with foure horses as a high traytor to the king and all the estate of Fraunce That by theyr memorialls proceedinges and theyr assotiations newely made in the most part of the good townes of this Realme there was
haue affirmed The● the king of Nauarre p●th them altogether to make declaratiō to al Fraun●● what distrust hath mooned them thert●● For of trueth it is harde to gesse what causes they haue to distrust the King to mistrust the Catholiques to complay●● of the hatred iniuries 〈◊〉 quarrels of the professors of the reformed religion Certenly it is to well knowen that the King hath committed into their handes his forces and kingdome If his maiestie 〈◊〉 ment any ●arme toward them they could not now haue had so great meane to do har●is as they haue It is well knowen also that they haue as it were de●ided this kingdome amongst their brethren and betwéene them of their owne house by meanes of the great offices and ample gouernementes which they haue in their handes yea some of them to the damage of the prineth of the kings blood That they haue comm●ed ouer the armies assualted Townes giuen battay● ●owed 〈◊〉 and for a full reckoning haue for the space of certen yéeres 〈◊〉 the kinges fauour as they lysted That vutill his ●ay whilest they ma●e a shew to obey the kinges comma●s they haue béen honored by the 〈◊〉 and the good townes they haue borne 〈…〉 in the same They haue there assured whom soeuer it pleased 〈◊〉 So farre haue they béen from standing in néede them selues to be either 〈…〉 warranted by others as agaynst any other Further it is well knowen 〈◊〉 they haue 〈◊〉 their 〈…〉 by the 〈…〉 〈…〉 their 〈◊〉 at the them selues assured w● at 〈…〉 raunces 〈◊〉 it 〈…〉 their 〈◊〉 of 〈◊〉 if they 〈…〉 〈…〉 they 〈…〉 King●● clenu●●cy and 〈…〉 〈…〉 haue 〈…〉 a● selfe And 〈◊〉 that they 〈◊〉 not put them selues in 〈◊〉 seturity 〈◊〉 gaynst his ma● is except it be by 〈◊〉 selse 〈◊〉 they attempt against 〈◊〉 person and inuace his 〈◊〉 But if 〈◊〉 alledg that they 〈…〉 the pro●rs of the religion in Fra● 〈…〉 know well ●ough that for eight 〈◊〉 which the Protestan●● retaine th●se consedrentes haue as● wh●●● g●●●rnments within this kingdome Who so 〈◊〉 that 〈…〉 stand this inequiditie as there is 〈…〉 so 〈…〉 will 〈◊〉 〈…〉 that they of the 〈…〉 for 〈◊〉 places of 〈…〉 〈…〉 neither 〈…〉 that the 〈◊〉 in any 〈◊〉 to be assisted by them that hitherto 〈…〉 cient 〈◊〉 to defend them seluen 〈◊〉 〈…〉 hurt their 〈◊〉 except t●●y 〈…〉 by the King 〈…〉 with his 〈…〉 〈◊〉 with his power To the 〈◊〉 therefore 〈…〉 men 〈…〉 of the said Lords the King of Nauarre 〈…〉 ●risie of hi● 〈…〉 that vnde● shadows 〈…〉 to him 〈…〉 they shal not 〈◊〉 any necessitie to dema●d the like ●ainst him and ●umely they which wars alwayes in the Kinges 〈…〉 lay do no hann●e but through the 〈…〉 that hath béene reposed in them and the too great 〈…〉 hath héen dy● vnto them The sayd King of Nauarre offereth for the common benefite and wealth of 〈…〉 notwithstanding the 〈…〉 in all respectes betwéene his decrée and theirs that he is read● to 〈…〉 into the Kinges maiesties handes the Townes a● smertie which he hath in 〈…〉 and power without 〈…〉 for the 〈◊〉 of the two yéeres pr●larged wh●ffit pleased his 〈◊〉 to 〈…〉 Vpon condition that they of the league vnarme th●selues and yield by into the kinges han●s th●se 〈…〉 they haue sease● 〈◊〉 〈…〉 may dispose of the same 〈◊〉 his pleasure Moreouer he 〈◊〉 notwithstanding the said 〈◊〉 as well on hi● 〈…〉 Lord the Prince of Conde his 〈◊〉 for the remouing of all struples from the 〈◊〉 saries 〈…〉 haue ●ay and to for 〈◊〉 〈…〉 To 〈…〉 into the 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the goue 〈◊〉 which it 〈◊〉 pleased his Maiestie to grannt vnto the in this 〈…〉 to be disposed 〈…〉 to hi● Maiesties will and pleasure So that the ●●der saries will 〈…〉 vp into his Maiesties ha●●ek those gouerne● which they hold Thus farre are they from the assurance which al 〈◊〉 know to be rather new vnto them from being importunate vpō the king for new securities and newe gouernementes as their neuersaries which are not 〈◊〉 to ●apitulate in their articles that the gouernementes of Normandy Picar●y Lionn●is Salusse Metz Thou and Verd●ur c. Would be distributed 〈◊〉 them of their house To wit to 〈◊〉 rightly considering what they haue ●re● the greater part of this kingdome By the preni●s the King of Nauarre thinketh it clearely appeareth whether his ●duerferies or he doo most 〈◊〉 the common w●ith of the poore people the contentation of the Kinges maiestie and the rest and tranquilitie of this estate verily it is too 〈◊〉 that the ser●●t of the house woulde be credited to his more yeal●us of the 〈◊〉 of the same then the 〈◊〉 childe of the familie That thes● stanngers words make vs bel●ne they 〈◊〉 or cater care of the prefernation of this estate then those in wh●● that care is naturally borne with the 〈◊〉 These stra●●●●s I saye whose greatnesse cannot be 〈◊〉 without hi●uine and dissipation who haue 〈◊〉 no conscience to publish him for an ene●ue of this estate Hereupon the said Lord the ●inge of Nauarre prayeth all orders and 〈◊〉 of this Realms to make a comparison in this plare although in truethe they be matters vncomparable Of the deme●nours of his predecessors in this kingdome who from the father to the same haue kept this name that they were neuer authors of any appression to the people nor of iniurie to the nobiti● t is with the 〈◊〉 of the predecass●r● of the beades of this league who wi●be founde to haue erected since they set soote in Fraunce the sale of offices of iustice newe subsidies vppon the poore people whose iuice and substance they drewe out vnder King Henry and King Fraunces the seconde And also consusion in offices and dignities which they first of all transferred at their pleasures and solde from one hand to another To conclude it wil be founde that they haue encreased Simony in the Churche and brought in the sale of the temporalties for their owne profite to be reuanged vppon their memies vnder coulour of beresse As touching his owne person he also prayeth all the estates of this Realm● to remember or make inquirie what charges soeuer he had to beare maintaine● Whether euer be were the cause of any surcharge of the people Contrariwise how he gouerneth that small number of subjects which God hath giuen vnto him who wil be f●unde not to haue béen purcharged with any imposts tares nor sub 〈◊〉 notwithstanding the great affairs hath had a long time whether he euer ●mitted any outrage in worde or déede in ●oods or person to any gentelman whatsoeuer though he hath béen strangly ●…ded by many for any maner of occasion either in his house or in his countries Whether for any rigour that he receiued at the hāds of the professors of the Romish religion he neuer did wrong to any Prelate Curate Monke or any other of the Cleargie Contrariwise whether they haue not alwaies béene welcome to him and courteously
Heire apparent This certainly is the poynt that most of all others sticketh in theyr harts wherevpon the sayd King of Nauarre hath hetherto thought least and nowe last of all it is presented to him Touching this point the said Lord the King of Nauarre contenteth himselfe in hope that God will long preserue life to the Kings Maiestie for the benefit and common wealth of thys Realme and graunt him issue in due time to the great gréefe of all his enemies Hys confidence also is that hee hath to doo with Frenchmen notwythstanding al the care and dilligence that hath béene vsed to corrupt them who know the rights are not ignoraunt of the discentos and will maintaine him in the place and degrée which he ought to hold He comforteth himselfe in God the defender of all right the reuenger of all violence who ●eth both parties whose most righteous iudgment is not like to to corporal mens whose most diffinitiue sentence is certaine and the execution therof inuariable in sort that nothing is of power to resist the same For conclusion and as concerning religion the said Lord the King of Nauarre declareth to the King hys soueraigne Lorde to all orders and estates of thys Realme and to all Princes and estates of thys Realme and to all Princes and estates of Christendome as well temporall as ecclesiasticall that he is and euer wyll be most ready to submit hymselfe to the determination of a lawful Generall or naturall counsell as is expressed in hys Maiesties edict of pacification And as concerning this estate the administration of the same that he most wyllingly dooth and wyll embrace and repose hymself vpon whatsoeuer in that behalfe shal be ordayned in a lawfull assembly of the estates of thys Realme when it shall please hys Maiestye to call the same together In the meane space the onely request and petition of the said King of Nauarre is nothing els but that be may liue quietly vnder the benefite of the edicts Béeing ready to employ hys lyfe his meanes lands and goods and all hys fréends for the defence of the King of hys Maiesties estate and all the good subiects of thys Realme And forasmuch as they of the said league haue taken the said King of Nauarre for the matter pretence of theyr rysing in Armes I would haue all men think that their quarrell is onely against him no man els sowing diuers slaunders abroad against him in their saide protestations wherin by expresse name they publishe him to he desirous of the kings death a disturber of the estate sworn enemy of the Catholiques c. Duer and aboue all the premisses which he thinketh sufficiēt to satisfy euery man the K. of Nauarre with al reuerence most humbly beséecheth the K. his soueraigne L. to whose eares he doubteth not but these slāders are come not to take in euil part sauing alwaies the honor respect due to his M. that he affyrme and pronounce in this place in that maner and sorte which presently he he doth to wit that all they which haue sowen abroade and published the saide flaunders contained in the said protestations against him haue falsly and slanderously lyed excepting the saide Lorde Cardinall his Vncle. And further to giue their slaunders the lye by his acttons the said Lord the R. of Nauarre most humbly beséecheth the King his soueraigne L. to vouchsafe the good liking of his most hūble fidelitie and deuotion in this offer which hee hath thought good here to make to his Maicstie to witte that for the quietnes and ease of his Maiestye and people it would please him wyth good liking to decyde thys quarrell betwéene them of the sayd league and hym the sayde King of Nauarre wythout hazarding his Maiesties life therein which would be too greate a losse in thys kingdome and without any further paynes to be taken by his M. about the same Hoping that God wyll gyue him grace to find sufficient fréends and allyes of hys crowne to bring them to reason to driue thē to acknowledge theyr most bounden duetye which they owe to the saide Lord the king hys soueraigne and the respect and honour that vnder hys M. ought to appertaine to the sayd king of Nauarre But specially for that he can not without sighing and shedding of teares think vppon the great spoyling of the Nobileties blood which may procéede of thys warre nor vpon the extreame pouertye and desolation which the poore people of thys Realme shall bee driuen to suffer neyther vpon the disorder and confusion which thereby will bee brought into all estates in stéede of the great piety mereye and wysedome of hys Maiestie in preparing if this commotion hadde not happened as all men knowe to establish thys estate agayne in her former beautye prosperity dignity and integrity in all resperts and aboue all the rest hee can not without sighing and great anguish of mynde thinke on the execrable blasphemies which war bringeth foorth against God and the ouerflowing of vices which growe through the licence and liberty of the Armies To shorten these mi series which the sayd L. the King of Nauarre would willingly redéeme with hys proper bloode he most humbly and with all duetifull affection beséecheth hys Maiesty not to thinke straunge of the offer which presently hee maketh to Mounsir de Guyse séeing the aduersaryes haue taken him the sayd king of Nauarre for party in theyr pretence and the sayde Lorde of Guyse commaundeth in theyr Armies to wyt that thys quarrell as well wythout puttyng all the orders and estates of thys kyngdome to any further dammage molestation or trouble as also wythout leuying or bringing in any domesticall or forrayne Army touching the same which coulde not choose but be the destruction of all poore people may be decyded and determined betwéene the sayd king of Nauarre and the sayd Monsir de Guyse by way of Combat in their owne proper persons either one against one two against two ten to ten or twenty to twenty more or lesse in such number as the saide L. of Guyse will appoint with such kind of Armour weapons as are accustomed to bee vsed amongst Knights of honor And cōcerning the place if be desire it within this kingdome the said K. of Nauarre most humbly be●cheth his M. to vouchsafe him the honor to naminate the same Or in case Mounsier de Guyse shall suspect this Realme then the King of Nauarre offereth him to bee readye in such other place out of this Realme as he the said L. of Guyse shall choose so it be a place of sure accesse suspected to neither party An honor certainely considering the difference and in equality of their persons and degrées being such as all men know that the sayde L. of Guyse ought by all meanes to embrace and purchase a felicity also which the said Lord the King of Nauarre and my Lorde the Prince hys Cozin wyll most wyllingly buy with they re owne bloods to redaeme the King theyr soueraigne Lord from the vocation 〈◊〉 which the aduersaryes moste distoyally put hym to hys estate from trouble and confusion his Nobility from destruction and all his people from extreame misery and calamity The sayde Lord the King of Nauarre protesting before God and in hys conscience that he is not mooued to choose thys way through any ambition raigning in hym nor by any hatred that he beareth to hys enimies nor for any reuenge that he wysheth toward them nor yet in regarde of that spightfull and malicious spoile and destruction which they would tryumphe and reioyce to see executed vppon hym But contrariwyse hys resolution to take the fortune of the Combat procéedeth as well from the great zeale feruēt desire which hée hath to sée God true ly serued and honoured hys Kyng frée from vexation and trouble hys estate in peace and the people at reste and quietnesse as also from the great displeasure annoyaunce and woe whych euery moment he setteth before his mynde not onelie to see God blasphemed againe in thys estate béeing in the waues and perills of shypwracke but also to see thys poore people caste againe into the extreamytye and myseryes paste whereinto yf they fall once agayne skant can any man reléeue and delyuer them from the same Fynally the sayde Lorde the Kyng of Nauarre is most certainly perswaded and reposeth all hys trust and confidence in the almighty who séeth the secretes of all harts and is chéefe president and bea reth the whole sway in all exploytes and déedes of Armes that he of his infinite mercy and goodnes by the euent and successe wyll manifestly declare and shews to all the whole world not onely the sincerety but also the righteousnes of the cause to the intent it may serue for an example to all posterityes and ages whose wrath vengeance and curse he wysheth to fall vpon him yf he protest falsly or euer imagined barme eyther toward the kynges person or against hys estate or subiects of what calling degrée or religion soeuer they be If euer he contriued any deuyse or plotte to take effect vppon the kinges Tombe or death Or euer compassed or cast in hys mynde any violence against either the Romish religion or the Catholiques reposing his whole and onely hope in God to receiue from hys eternall Maiesty hys mercifull blessing gracious goodwyll and louing fauour against all them that wythout occasion séeke hys destruction and vnder shaddowe of hys name molest the kingdome ouerthrowe all good order destroy the people and meane to stryp the kyng out of his royall estate and diguity Gyuen at Bergerac the tenth day of Iune in the yéere of our Lorde a thousand fiue hundred fourescore and fyue Signed Henry Lallier