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A01472 Great Brittans little calendar: or, Triple diarie, in remembrance of three daies Diuided into three treatises. 1. Britanniæ vota: or God saue the King: for the 24. day of March, the day of his Maiesties happy proclamation. 2. Cæsaris hostes: or, the tragedy of traytors: for the fift of August: the day of the bloudy Gowries treason, and of his Highnes blessed preseruation. 3. Amphitheatrum scelerum: or, the transcendent of treason: the day of a most admirable deliuerance of our King ... from that most horrible and hellish proiect of the Gun-Powder Treason Nouemb. 5. Whereunto is annexed a short disswasiue from poperie. By Samuel Garey, preacher of Gods Word at Wynfarthing in Norff. Garey, Samuel, 1582 or 3-1646. 1618 (1618) STC 11597; ESTC S102859 234,099 298

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vp Israel against Dauid and all Adoniahs that gape to take the kingdome from our Salomon all like them let them perish like them Then will all loyall subiects reioyce when they see the vengeance they shall wash their feet in the bloud of the wicked Let our feruent prayers be daily powred forth vnto God to defend him from all Traytors to reueale their plots and reuenge their purposes that they qui volunt occidere regem posse nolunt That they who would kill a King may neuer haue power to performe it that no danger may assault him no treachery may endanger him giue thine Angels charge O Lord to sentinell ouer him make his chamber like the tower of Dauid built for defence a thousand shields hang therein and all the targets of the strong men and his bed like Salomons threescore strong men round about it of the valiant men of Israel they all handle the sword and are expert in warre euery one hath his sword vpon his thigh for the feare by night that so no enemy may oppresse him nor the wicked approach to hurt him to destroy his foes before his face and plague them that hate him his seed long to endure and his daies as the daies of heauen So shall the Lord be gracious to his Seruant and mercifull to vs his people who continually pray God saue the King Corporally CHAP. X. 2. Spiritually GOD Saue the King Spiritually God euer keep him constant and couragious to maintaine the true profession of the Gospell and to labour to purge Gods Church of all superstition and to plant in it Gods true religion This is the first duety of Kingly seruice vnto God to cleanse his Church of all idolatry and superstition The good Kings Ezechias and Iosias were carefull in this behalfe Ezechiah when hee came to the Crowne of Iudah he tooke away the high places brake the Images and cut downe the groues and brake in peeces the brazen serpent c. that is rooted and raced out all Idolatry So Iosiah puts downe all Idols and Idolatrous Priests who defiled the Temple So Asa tooke the wicked Sodomites out of the land and deposed Maacha his Mother because shee had made an Idoll in a groue So Salomon installed in his kingdome built a Temple for seruice and worship of the Lord. It is the office of a King specially to take care to prouide that God may be religiouslie worshipped that his people may feare the Lord serue him in the trueth for the happinesse of King and Kingdome consists in the trueth of their religion For that nation and kingdome which will not serue the Lord shall perish and be vtterly destroyed saith the Prophet Esay Est boni Principis religionem ante omnia constituere saith Liuie It is the part of a good King first to establish true religion for that is the very fountaine and foundation of all felicity Beneficentia quae fit in cultum Dei maxima gratia That loue and care which is declared towards the true worship of God is most commendable for true religion is Cardo or Axis the very Pillar of all prosperity the soule of Tranquility the totall summe of true felicity Propter Ecclesiam in mundo durat mundus saith Luther Christs Church on earth is the cause of the continuance of this earthly world without the light of the Gospel Kings people liue in thraldome in the Egypt of wofull blindnesse it is but painted happinesse a vaine flourish nay a dangerous ship of state where God sits not at the sterne As all kingdomes stand luteis pedibus vpon clay feet so that Kingdome cannot stand at all which wants the foundation true religion It is the speech of an Heathen but may be the lesson of a Christian Religio vera est firmamentum reip c. True religion the foundation of a Common wealth and the chiefe care ought to be to plant the same So Dauid reioyces in nothing so much as in the Arke of God desirous rather to be a dore-keeper in Gods house then to rule in the tents of the vngodly Like to that good Emperor who gloried more to be membrum Ecclesiae then caput Imperij a member of Gods Church then an head of a great Empire Salomon begins well first in building an house for God knowing nothing can prosper without God Except the Lord keep the City the watchman watcheth but in vaine In vaine doe the Kings of the earth stand vp if they assemble against the Lord for then hee laughes them to scorne and shall haue them in derision Be wise now therefore O ye Kings serue the Lord in feare be wise in Diuine matters serue the Lord in feare for his feare is the beginning of wisedome to direct you to rule your selues and people in the seruice and worship of his holy name We read it recorded of Constantinus the Emperor that when he died he did much lament for three things which had happened in his reigne First the murther of Gallus his kinsman Secondly the liberty of Iulian the Apostate Thirdly the change and alteration of religion And surely there cannot be a greater cause of lamentation then an innouation or alteration of religion yea then a tolleration of a contrary religion It had beene a hard matter to haue had obtained a tolleration of such a thing as a Masse at Moses hands with a masse of money A godly Prince may not suffer any religion but the true religion in his Dominions and this we may proue by diuers reasons First the exercise of a false religion is directly against the honour and glory of God Ergo. Secondly consent in true religion is vinculum Ecclesiae the chayne and bond of Gods Church for there is but one faith therefore a difference and dissention in religion is a dissolution in Gods Church but no Prince ought to haue his hand in dissoluing Gods Church for Kings are nursing Fathers of the Church Thirdly it is the Princes duty to prouide for the safety of the bodies much more for the safety of the soules of his Subiects Now true religion is the foode but false the bane of soules and you know Qui non seruat periturum cum potest occidit He that doth not helpe one ready to perish being able to helpe kills him Fourthly the Angell of the Church of Pergamus is reprooued for hauing such in Pergamus as maintained the doctrine of Balaam and the doctrine of the Nicholaitans and the Church of Thiatyra reproued for suffering Iezabel to teach and deceiue Fiftly the Lords Altar and Baals Altar must not stand together Quae concordia Dei Belial No agreement twixt God and Belial Indeed the Papists haue beene very earnest to supplicate for a Tolleration for their corrupt religion and yet themselues neuer allow it The Pope neuer afforded such fauour to Protestants witnesse their
lose the right of Dominion as also sometimes for other faults and againe So soon as any one for apostacy from the Faith by iudgement is denounced excommunicate ipso facto his Subiects be absolued from his gouernment and from the oath of Allegiance And the Cardinall Tolets Glosse vpon his wordes Note that albeit Thomas named onely an Apostata yet the reason is all one in the Princes case that is excommunicated for so soone as one is denounced or declared as excommunicate all his subiects be discharged of their obedience which exposition his brother Cardinall Allen applaude in these words Thus doth this notable Schooleman write neyther doe we know any Catholicke Diuine in any age say the contrary Simone Pacensis ioynes forces with these fellowes saying If Kings or other Christian Princes become heretickes forthwith their Subiects and vassals are freed from their gouernement If any Prince bee vnprofitable or make vniust Lawes against religion or against good mannera● or doe any such thing to the detriment of spirituall things the Pope obseruing due circumstances may apply a fit remedy euen by depriuing such a King of his gouernment and iurisdiction if the cause require it Gregory of Valence is harping vpon the like notes If the crime of heresie or apostacy from the Faith be notorious that it cannot be couered then euen before the sentence of the Iudge the aforesaid punishment meaning depriuation from his dominion is in part incurred so far that the subiects may lawfully deny obedience to such an hereticall Lord. Where note by the way that now many of them doe hold that all hereticall Kings and such they account all protestant Rulers are depriued of their dominion before their Pope in his de●…itiue sentence hath so denounced Indeed their owne Cai●tane in this was not Catholike denying Subiects to be absolued before sentence publickely denounced and therefore Allen contradicts him saying i●se facte Kings be depriued so soone as they doe appeare hereticall followed also by Philopater saying it is an opinion of the Faith agreeable to Apostolicall doctrine that euery Christian Prince if hee fall from the Catholike religion falls presently from all his power and dignity by the force of Gods Law and 〈…〉 and that before sentence of the supreame Pastor denounced And the fiery Fo●e Gu● Reynold● approues the murder of Henry the third the French King because bee fauoured Heretickes before any excommunication published his reason is Publicke griefes doe not attend for legall formes Simancha goes further That a secret hereticke not onely is to be excommunicated but his sonne also his reason is Heresie is a leprosie and leprous sonnes begotten of leprous parents and therefore seemes to inferre not onely a depriuation but also a depriuation of all succession Atque patrem prolem inre priuare suo I need not recite the generall verdict of popish vassals according with these to maintaine the Popes infolency in attempting the deposition of Kings repugnant to his lawes and liking Who knowes not that haue reade the workes of these Saunders visib Monar Suarez def fid catho adv Angl. sect err lib. 6. Francisc Victor relect Depotestate ecolesiae Becanus Rossaeus Bellarmine Allen Ferron Parsons Creswell with many dozens of prostituted hirelings who being fed fatte at the Popes high Altar and gaping for or gaining the purple Hat haue studied to extoll the papacy which they could not doe more pleasingly to the Pope or profitably to themselues then by ascribing to the Pope a power ouer Kings to depriue them if they breake their good behauiour to him and to free subiects from allegiance to them being blasted with the fulminations of excommunication making their master Pope an absolute Lord of the Temporals turning the Crosier staffe into a Scepter yea a commaunder of Scepters making their Church an humane body politicke to ouer-rule all yet vnder a painted pretence of Peters primacy to ouerthrow all Princes supremacy Egregiam verò laudem spolia ampla tulistis Thus this spurious spawne of the olde Serpent by this serpentine policy erecting the papall primacy of Popes aboue Kings the Diana of Romes religion haue raised the Pope to this pontificiall domination But the chiefe pillar whereof they boast would build this point of the power of Popes deposition of Kings if they be not Catholike Kings of the Romane size is the Decree of the Laterane Councell held about three hundred yeares since consisting as they say of seuenty Patriarkes Archbishops and foure hundred and twelue Bishops and eight hundred other eminent Prelates who did decree that the Pope had this power ouer Kings To which wee answere Thar the Decrees of men ought not to take from Kings that power which God hath giuen them But the Lateran Councell was a Conuenticle of Mercenary men and vassals to the Pope who to please Innocent the third their Lord and great Master were willing to gratifie his Holinesse with vnholy Decrees yet we may doubt of that too if Platina be credited who faith That in that Councell many things were offred to consultation yet nothing determined because the Pope suddenly departed to pacifie a sedition then raised and died in his iourny Yet grant it were a lawfull Councell and this matter so there decreed what of that shall a few proud Prelates assembled to flatter the Pope infringe the Lawes of God commanding obedience and subiection to Kings shall Gods commands be countermanded by Councels which so oft haue erred nay haue confirmed heresies as the Councell of Arimium held with the Arrians yea Ephesus Seleucia and Remino concluded with them which made Saint Hierome complaine The whole world groaned and wondered to see it selfe Arrian The error of the Councell of Carthage in rebaptizing is well knowne The Councell of Chalcedon fowlly erred giuing to Leo then Bishop of Rome the title of the Vniuersall Bishop which name he reiected though others embrace it In a worde the late Councell of Trent brought foorth to light a world of errors that I may say with Nazianzene hee neuer saw any Councell haue a good end Yea as their owne writers say Councels haue erred and may erre which in these latter times must needes be so when as the Pope is both party and Iudge which matter of the erring of Councels hath so oft and so soundly beene by our Diuines manifested that I need not insist vpon it But how vaine it is to obtrude for vndoubted proofe the erroneous decrees and nouell opinions of clawbacke Papalines parasites to the Pope to infringe the power of Kings giuen them in Gods word commanding euery soule to be subiect to these higher powers which place of Saint Paul the Champions of the Popes power to depose Kings as their Cardinall of Perron pleades for them doe expound to be a prouisionall precept or caution accommodated to the times A strange error of stout Champions and as the royal
of the Land who are the eyes and eares of this politicke Body who well know Scita patrum leges iura fidemque deosque To you I may dedicate and appropriate these our labours whose places and paines serue to this purpose to serue the King and Countrey and to helpe to preserue the welfare of the King and Kingdome Your publike paines and priuate prayers speake to the World these words God saue the King You are sworne to this seruice and sweat in it neuer more Malefactors in this kind and as Paul tels Timothy In the last dayes shall come perillous times for men shall be Traytors heady high-minded c. You know the Nilus where these Crocodils are bred and fed vse all good diligence to catch them spread your nets not Vulpina retia Foxes nets but Regni retia The Lawes of the Land if you can take them you shall doe God and the King good seruices Spare none of this kind who dare lift vp their hand against the Lords Annointed for they are worthy to die Bonis nocet qui malis parcit He hurts the good which spares the bad yea in all your loyall and legall seruice let neither feare or fauour flattery or bribery blind your eyes or deafe your eares remembring that you exercise not the iudgement of man but of God and thinke vpon this verse in your Iudgement seate Hic locus odit amat punit conseruat honorat Nequitiam pacem crimina iura bonos Farre bee that leprosie from the Iudges of our Land which so corrupted them in Ciceros dayes that he could say His iudicijs quae nunc sunt pecuniosum hominem non posse damnari In these iudgements which are now a monied man cannot be condemned But bribery foules not your hands who to corrupting Simons say with Symon Peter Thy money perish with thee Neither let any of Agesilaus letters moue you who writ to a Iudge for his fauourite in this stile Si causa bona pro iustitia sin mala pro amicitia absolue If his cause be good dismisse him for Iustice sake if bad for friendship sake Let Iustice be vnpartially executed yet tempered with lawfull pitty thinke vpon that Christian caueat Duo sunt nomina peccator homo quod peccator corripe quod homo miserere These are two names an offender a man as an offender punish him as a man pitty him be not too seuere with Draco Ne superet medicina modum Least the medicine exceed the malady nor too remisse with lenity for that is a kind of cruelty Tam omnibus ignoscere crudelitas quam nulli saith Seneca To pardon all is cruelty as well as to pardon none But Sus mineruam You know best to keepe the meane and Medium tenuere beati So shall you performe laudable seruice to God King and Countrey if you execute Iustice punish disobedience which is the falling sicknesse of a corrupt Common-wealth Command all to giue * Caesar his due represse all his enemies by force of lawes and cut them off with the sword of Iustice that their exemplary punishments may terrifie all others from such attempts and bee like monitors and remembrancers to all people crying Discite iustitiam moniti non temnere diuos Virg. Let others harmes admonish thee and learn not to despise these supreame powers for which offence so many Traytors dies Seauenthly to the Common-wealth Last of all to you the inferior yet sound members of the supreame Head the natiue and nationall children of our common Mother whom I may fitly compare to the hands and legges of this politicke body to fight and stand strongly for the defence and welfare of our King and Kingdome To you I hope this little Booke will be welcome and therefore say to you as the Angell said to Iohn Take this little Booke and eate it and if you be good Subiects it will be sweet in your mouthes and not bitter in your bellies for you cannot be true Christians vnlesse you be true Caesarians there is no true Religion in that heart which entertaines a motion to rebellion it is a rotten member that will not be obedient to the regall Maiestie And consider with your selues the happy blessings you enioy by the mercifull prouidence of God in giuing to this Realme so godly and gracious a Soueraigne to reigne ouer you and it will make you cry forth with the Psalmist Saluation belongeth vnto the Lord and his blessing is vpon the people O Lord how fauourable hast thou beene vnto our Land in placing ouer vs so religious and renowned a King so absolute and compleate a Prince in wisdome learning and religion and it will stirre vp all thankefull hearts to say with the Psalmist Let the people praise thee O God yea let all the people praise thee Sing prayses to God sing prayses sing prayses vnto our King for hee hath chosen our inheritance for vs euen the glory of Iacob whom he loued If we be not truly thankefull for so great benefits it may be truly verified of vs which was said of Canaan Bona terra sed gens mala A good Land but in it there be bad people O vnthankefull and vngratefull Britaines if euer you forget so great blessings Vae vobis propter ingratitudinem Woe be vnto you for your ingratitude Ingrata patria Vngratefull Countrey it is an infamous name odious to nature and Nations Gratiarum actio est ad plus dandum inuitatio Giuing of God thankes for fauours receiued is a kind of supplication and inuitation to obtaine more The Anatomists tell vs that euery creature hath foure muscles about the eyes but a man fiue foure serue to turne about the eyes the fifth serues to lift vp the eye and looke vpward to Heauen Man should not with other brutish creatures looke altogether vpon the earth but lift vp his eyes hands and heart to Heauen to giue God due and true thankes for his daily and fatherly fauours and mercies bestowed vpon him The Oxe knowes his Owner and the Asse his Masters Crib yea the Riuers are tributary to the Sea from whence some say they first come and againe returne All Creatures seeme in their kind to be gratefull debtors to their curteous Benefactors except the Swine whose mast makes him forget the tree from whence the Acornes fall or the Moon which being at the full by interposition of the earth darkens the Sunne from whence yet shee borrowes all her light It was Israels sinne vnthankefulnesse I pray God it be not Englands sicknesse vngratefulnesse to God Woe vnto vs if we scant God of our fruits who hath not scanted vs of his fauours Bring presents to the King of glory giue vnto the Lord glory due vnto his Name worship the Lord in his glorious sanctuary Not vnto vs O Lord not vnto vs but vnto thy Name giue the glory for thy louing mercy and for
thy truths sake Be euer thankefull to God and then he will euer be mindfull of you to blesse you the Lord will increase his graces towards you euen toward you and your children therefore praise the Lord from henceforth and for euermore for he hath not dealt so with euery Nation and if our deseruing were put into the lottery of other people wee should bee rewarded with a blanke Gods loue and gracious fauour to vs is ignis accendens fire to set vs on fire Let our thankefulnesse to God be ignis accensus a fire flaming to God in all zeale loue duety thankes seruice and deuotion God hath set England as it were vpon an hill a spectacle to all Nations strengthened by sea and land ad miraculum vsque to the admiration of all people blessed it with an extraordinarie peace prosperity of long continuance we are the worlds enuie let vs not become their declamation Nothing but our vnthankefulnesse to God our licentiousnesse in life our disobedience to his Word our securitie in sin our contempt of good meanes and mercies offered can worke our ouerthrow and these if we doe not drowne them quickly in the riuers of repentance so one may breed and bring our wofull downefall The Lord hath blessed this land with great and gracious blessings in it the golden bels of Aaron are powerfully rung the word by faithfull teachers mouingly deliuered Oh let our perpetuall prayers praises and thanks ascend to heauen because Gods graces and mercies plentifully descend to earth Et si desint gratiae quia nos ingrati If any grace be wanting it is because we want grace to be thankefull for this our happy gouernment hauing a prosperous peace and that which is the procurer of peace with God and men that blessed passage of the Gospell Si totum me debeo pro me facto quid debeo pro me refecto saith a Father If wee owe God our selues for our creation what doe we owe vnto him for our regeneration preseruation and saluation We therefore that haue tasted of the great cup of Gods mercy let vs with Dauid take the cup of saluation giue thanks and praise the name of the Lord let vs praise God for these aboundant mercies and euer pray vnto him to preserue the happy instrument of manifold benefits and blessings to vs our most dread and deare Soueraigne duty bindeth vs to this taske our owne welfare mooues vs to this duety for his prosperity is our tranquillity his safety is our felicity the blessing redounds to vs and if he should miscarry which God forbid we should be partakers of his misfortunes Therefore be alwaies obedient and diligent to serue our royall Head golden in all vertues and princely perfections in all loyall and Christian dueties louing his Highnesse in our hearts which is the best earthly defence for a King Inexpugnabile munimentum est amor ciuium saith Seneca The loue of the people is an inuincible munition and as that great Rabbi of pollicie Machiauel hath set it downe for a sure rule Contra regem quem omnes magnifaciunt difficilis coniuratio oppugnatio irruptio Against that King whom all highly esteem and reuerence conspiracy or treachery is very difficult or if attempted seldome succeedes Let vs bee in pace Lepores but in praelio Leones in peace like Hares timerous to offend his Grace in any way of disobedience but like Lions fight for him against all his enemies with an vnwearied courage vndanted magnanimity ioyning with our fighting hands our feruent prayers to God like faithfull Israelites against all rebelling Amalekites Oratio coelos penetrat hostes in terravincit saith Origen Prayers pierce heauen and ouercome enemies on earth plus precando quam praeliando more by praying then by fighting Dauids encountring with Goliah in the name of the Lord was more powerfull then his fling and fiue stones Let vs make it one part of our daily praiers to God to keepe our King as the apple of his eye and hide him vnder the shadow of his wings to saue him from all enemies bodily or ghostly to consume them in his wrath consume them that they bee no more let them know that God ruleth in Iacob euen vnto the ends of the world beseeching God of his great mercie euer to prosper this most peaceable and puissant Monarchie of great Brittaine Arise vnto it as vnto thy resting place Turne not away thy face from thine Anointed who hath now happily to our immeasurable ioy worne the imperiall Diadem of great Brittaine these 15. * yeares Many more happie and prosperous yeares wee pray to be continued prolong his daies O Lord as the daies of heauen and grant that his Highnesse and his Princely posterity may in these kingdomes reigne so long as the world endureth Enlarge and enrich his royall heart with all Regall gifts and Diuine graces sutable for his high calling Saue and defend him from the tyranny or treachery of all forraine and Antichristian power and from the plots and proiects of domestical aduersaries Let them couer themselues with their confusion as with a cloake Blesse his most gracious spouse and bedfellow Queene Anne let thy Angels O Lord encampe about her to guide guard her in a safe protection and euer continue thy most heauenly hand of benediction vpon the high mighty Prince Charles the famous Prince of Wales the second ioy of great Britaine Lord looke vpon him from heauen Giue thy iudgements vnto the King and thy righteousnesse vnto the Kings Sonne Teach him O Lord in his tender yeares like a good Iosias to learne and loue thy true religion the way to winne the eternall Crowne of life Be gracious O Lord to the County Palatine of Rhene Fredericke Prince Elector and to his most vertuous and gracious wife Princesse Elizabeth with their Princely progenie O Lord preserue them with thy mightie and out-stretched arme giue them a most happy peace and prosperity in a Princely honor felicity all the daies of their liues O Lord scatter the deuices of the crafty that their hands may not accomplish any wicked thing they do enterprise Confound all them that haue ill will at Sion that repine at the peace of the Church the welfare of great Britaine the prosperity of his Maiesty his royall progenie that howsoeuer they haue shift of faces and maske vnknowne yet let vs pray that that stone which is cut without hands may breake the Images of such Traitors in peeces giuing him victory ouer all his enemies Cloath them all with shame but vpon him let his Crowne flourish and grant him an happy multiplication of many prosperous yeares to renew with many returnes these our cordiall and annuall Ioyes long to sit vpon his Throne and make his foes his footstoole And let high and low rich and poore young and old yea let Heauen and earth
if the Pope denounce them excommunicate and may driue cut hereticall Kings from their kingdomes as Wolfes saith Bellarmine or if they be not apparent but secret hereticks saith Symancha yea not them onely but their sonne and followers are to be rooted out as Creswell agrees with Symancha by any meanes whatsoeuer saith Saunders eyther by open force as Iezabel by Iehu or by craft as Holophernes by Iudith say Raynoldus and Bourchier or by knife and dagger whereby Henry the third Henry the fourth were murthered for fauouring them whom they terme hereticks Yea before any sētence denounced against them or by dagges and poyson as Queene Elizabeth assaulted as Walpoole and Comensus perswaded or by Gunpowder as lately appeared ratified by Iesuites and popish Priests Garnet Gerard Oldcorne Greenewell c. So that I may rightly say Iesuiticall Papisme is the Catechisme of Treason teaching Subiects that their Emperor or King may be depriued by the Pope and the right of their kingdome conueyed ouer to others and if they will not acknowledge it they must be constrained by Armes eyther of their owne Subiects or other Catholike Princes if the Pope will haue it so yea euen to part with their kingdome and life also saith Francis Bozius lib. 2. c. 14. Yea that the Pope is directly Lord of things temporal the Ruler and Monarke of the world saith the same Bozius and so consequently to haue power to depose Kings and dispose of kingdomes so that I may truely affirme that which once one of the kings of America said to a Spaniard telling him of the diuision and disposition of Pope Alexander the sixt concerning the new-found part of the world the King answered That the Pope was not the Vicar of a good God but of a Deuill who would giue that to others which did not belong vnto him and surely in nothing doth the Pope more liuely shew himselfe to be Sathans Vicar then in medling with the kingdomes of the world and the glory of them and arrogating the Deuils title All these will I giue thee if thou wilt fall downe and worship me yet Christ would not be a King or a diuider for his Kingdome was not of this world nor Peter would not cast Nero out of his throne by the Thunderbolt of excommunication or deposition nor any of the Apostles take from Caesar his Scepter or Subiects or Kingdome or life yet he that brags he succeedes Simon Peter Simon I grant but not Peter will by his excommunication binde Kings that they may not reigne and Subiects that they may not obey which is to vse Vrspergensis wordes a diuellish Art which hath brought in treachery vnder the cloake of religion dangerous to Kings and damnable to Subiects But it hath beene the Popes policie a long time to make discord among Kings and rebellion among Subiects for it is well obserued that foure things specially haue raised the Pope 1 The diuision of the Empire 2 The departure of the Emperor out of Italy 3 The dissention of Kings 4 The rebellions and treasons of people And the speciall motiue of this fourth Monster Rebellion hath beene the diab olicall doctrine of seditious and bloudy Romanists not Masse but Mars-Priests teaching and tempering with the people that all the dominion of the world both diuine and humane was in Christ as man and so now it is in the Pope the vicar of Christ as Carerius writes That Christ committed to Peter the key-keeper of eternall life the right of earthly and heauenly gouernment and that in his place the Pope is vniuersall Iudge the King of Kings and Lord of Lords as an other writes by vertue of this pretended claime of Peters successor and Peters primacy that they may doe any thing and as Platina writes in the life of Gregory that he accustomed to vse these words Nos nos imperia regna principatus quicquid mortales habere possunt auferre posse c. We are able to take away Empires Kingdomes Principalities or whasoeuer mortall men can haue for the Pope cries like Plintes frogge Mihi terra lacusque Both earth and Sea belong to his See nay Purgatory is part of his patrimonie And all this Pope like Maiesty is deriued from Peter yet he loaths his mantle and puts on Aarons miter Peter saith he was a Primate of all I succeede Peter therfore may excommunicate Kings and then depose them free Subiects from obedience vnto them and by vertue of the words in S. Peters vision Arise Peter kill and eat that is as Baronius doth fondly glosse it Goe Pope kill and confound the Venetians or as the same Cardinall to prouoke Paul the fifth against the Venetians saith Mee thinkes I see sitting in Peters chaire Gregory the seauenth and Alexander the third both issuing out of the City of Senes whence your Holines takes your beginning whereof the one did bring vnder Henry that obstinate Emperor the other Fredericke c You must take in hand the same quarrell Thus make they their Lord of the seauen hilled City a bloudy Bishop a striker and a fighter contrary to Pauls Canon a man of bloud and a warrier and all this must be cloaked vnder the colour of Peters chaire this holy-water sweetens the Harlots cuppe as if religion and rebellion sprung out of one blade as if faith had a knife to kill and to teach grace to destroy nature Thus these impostors not Pastors raise rebels and preach the murther of Gods Annointed inuenting opinions ' of excommunication of Kings deposition absolution of subiects from obedience which questions are all like spirits sooner raised then put downe beeing patronized by the deuoted Champions of the Popes chaire Bellarmine Allen Carerius Perron Symancha Suarez Philopater Saunders Creswell Reynolds Parsons Becanus c. laborious vassals to ambitious Popes whose publishing of these pernicious errors hath ouerthrowne many popish Families brought a torture to their Consciences punishment to their karcasses infamy to their progeny scandall to their religion for attempting treason vnder pretence of their Romish profession But let vs consider though by way of digression how and by what meanes this ambitious Antichrist hath aspired to this arrogant altitude to set his chaire aboue Kings thrones and to challenge a power to depriue Kings and to make or vnmake temporall Monarkes a matter which requires a large volume if we should fully describe their policy in rising and ruling but I will but epitomize it contracting it into a short Compendium it being by many learned Diuines in their seuerall workes more amply discouered CHAP. 7. THE exaltation of Popes aboue Emperors and Kings did first especially begin in Pope Boniface the third who obtained of Phocas that murdered his Master and Emperour Mauritius to be created the vniuersall Bishop So that the Pope is indebted to a King-killer for the glory of his kingdome and euer since he hath made much
temporalties which he writes as his Preface speakes against the Politicians and heretickes of the Time and indeed specially against a greater Clerke then himselfe Bellarmine both temporizers to flatter Popes with power in temporalties To omit all the rest of this ranke who inclineto this opinion That the Pope hath a direct ordinary and inherent power in Temporalties let vs on the other side behold these Madianites or Cadmeyes Brethren warring and wrangling with an opinionate opposition and contradiction The principall and Coriphaeus of all the rest is the Cardinall Bellarmine who ouerthrowes that ordinary direct and inherent gouernement of the Pope in temporalties as left by Christ with scripturall arguments very soundly and sufficiently yet to gratifie the Pope like a good seruant he restraines it to limitations and distinctions Although saith he the Pope be not Lord of all Temporalties directly neither hath inherent and ordinary authority as he is Pope to disthronize temporall Princes yet he is Lord of the Temporalties indirectly in order to the Spirituals Bellarmines vsuall phrase and hath an extraordinary and a borrowed authority as he is cheefe spirituall Prince to alter Kingdomes to take them from one and to giue them to another if it bee necessary to the saluation of soules i. in order to the Spiritualties Wherein obserue how politicke these papall Parasites be disputing about a power of Popes in disposing Temporals or Regals one fort deriuing this power directly and ordinarily from Christ and Saint Peter the other side indirectly and onely in order to the Spirituals when as their Pope neuer had any direct or indirect power in that kind from God and from Saint Peter But marke how the sonnes ' of this Kingdome be diuided The Pope hath either ordinary and direct power to depose Kings as he is Pope or he hath no authority at all faith Carerius But he hath no direct and ordinary as he is Pope by Bellarmines opinion Ergo He hath none at all Thus their diuision hath made a true conclusion that their Pope hath neither ordinary or indirect power in disposition of Temporals but least Bellarmine should proue an Hereticke in this point and be vngratefull to his great Master the Pope of whom he is graced with the purple hat hee comes with his qualification and modification That the Pope is Lord of the Temporalties indirectly in order to the Spirituals which strange distinction hath no foundation for Peter could transferre no power but ordinary and the Pope is no otherwise cheefe spiritual Prince but as he is Pope so that if he cannot depose Princes ordinarily from their Temporalties as Pope he cannot depose them extraordinarily and indirectly as cheefe spirituall Prince which Carerius enforces Either saith he hee is not the vicar of Christ or else he deposeth inferior powers as Pope but he deposeth them not as Pope saith Bellarmine he is not therefore the vicar of Christ by Carerius conclusion Thus Bellarmine hath depriued his Pope of the Temporalties and his opposite Carerius hath not left him Lord of the Spiritualties The one denies him a deposing Pope the other inferres vpon it no Deputy or vicar of Christ both assertions very true though they deliuer them by way of altercation Thus these wrangling spirits haue brought their Popes imaginary power in great hazard to be lost The one making their Pope Sathans Asse loading him with a boundlesse burthen of power too heauy for any to beare to haue the direct dominion of all the Temporalties in the world absolutely and ordinarily Onus Aetna granius A burthen heauier then the weight of the Mountain Aetna Iethro said that Moses his task was too heauy for him and Iob Curuantur qui portant orbem They that support the world are crooked yet these Ingrossers of greatnesse would lay vpon their Popes shoulders the vnsupportable weight of the dominion of the world to be Lord of all the Temporalties directly and ordinarily The other giues him not so much weight of authority yet giues him too much To depose Kings if need require taking a middle course denying the infinite power of Inherent and ordinary gouernement yet reseruing an indirect and borrowed authority belonging to the Pope yet not as Pope but as the cheefe spirituall Prince conditionally if Kings become tyrannicall hereticall or apostaticall then the Pope is to coniure them into the circle of religion by counsell and admonition and after if they proue refractary to confine them out of their dominionby depriuation and deposition and all this is pretended to be done by power of a spirituall right indirectly to the temporalties yet to a spirituall end and in order to the spiritualties The first to all mens eyes appeare most grosse and egregious parasites besotted with palpable folly and flattery but Bellarmine more smooth and cunning long acquainted with dissimulation the very Genius of Romes Court-Cardinals bedawbes his workes with oyly morter with holy hony if it bee for the saluation of soules in order to the spirituals tending to spirituall good then Si meruere Pater tunc dira tonitruamitte Percutient summos reges nec fulmina cessent If they deserue let Papall thunder cleaue These Regall Cedars and of Crownes bereaue These are Boanerges sonnes of thunder yet would seeme Barnabasses sonnes of comfort tempering and qualifying their fiery thunderbolts of depriuation with a pretence of spirituall good tending to soules saluation But there is a third sort of Papists on the other side men of more humble mindes disliking this statizing Iesuitisme and papall intrusion into Caesars chaire confessing that the Pope hath no temporall power ouer Kings directly as Gul. Barclayus de authoritate Papae against whose opinion herein Bellarmine writes a Treatise De potestate summi pontificis contra Gul. Barclayum Watson in his Quodlibeticall Booke Sheldon in his generall reasons Roger Widdringtons humble supplication to Paul the fift Pope which worke a late Decree of Romes Cardinalls prohibited repining to see Popes temporall incroachments by Romanists contradicted good reason therefore to clap their hand vpon his mouth and to commit him to the dungeon of suppression Stephen Gardiners booke Bishop of VVinchester De vera obedientia with a preface of Bishop Bonners adioyned to it De summo absoluto Regis imperio published by M. Bekinsaw Devera differentia regiae potestatis Ecclesiae Bishop Tonstals Sermon Bishop Longlands Sermon Tonstals letter to Cardinall Poole and many others in Latine and English in this kinde of Romane Catholickes all ouerthrowing this point of moderne Popery Thus as many Papists openly deny and I presume many of the other doe inwardly beleeue being acquainted with their equiuocations and mentall reseruations so it may make all men maruell who are not prepossessed with preiudicate opinions or preposterous affections vpon what sufficient yea probable inducements and motiues they might build this Pontifician power eyther of spirituall much lesse of temporall authority ouer Kings
world hath blinded that the light of the glorious Gospell of Christ which is the image of God should not shine vnto them let them all know that these voices sound from heauen vnto them to their conuersion and consolation if they accept them or condemnation and confusion if they reiect them Come out from among them separate your selues saith the Lord and touch no vncleane thing and I will receiue you and I will be a Father vnto you and you shall be my sonnes and daughters saith the Lord. This voice is not the voice of man but of God Come out of her my people that ye be not partakers in her sinnes and that ye receiue not of her plagues for her sinnes are come vp into heauen and God hath remembred her iniquities as it is there prophecied of the fall of mysticall Babylon which is Rome Therefore let my exhortation bee that vnto you which a reuerend and learned Doctor gaue as a farewell to his friends Commendo vos dilectioni Dei odio papatus I exhort you to loue God and leaue the corrupt doctrine of Popery which is a forme of Religion yet Non secundum Iesum Christum nec verbum nec tenet cap●t Not according to Iesus Christ or his Gospell nor doth it rightly hold the head making the Church a monster with two heads the Pope a visible Head on earth and Christ in heauen the inuisible Head We beseech you in the tender bowels of Christ to haue pitty vpon your owne soules open your eyes without partiality or preiudice to behold the truth and embrace it and to moue your hearts with Peters wordes as newborne babes desire the sincere milke of the word that ye may grow thereby so shall you and we haue infinite cause to reioyce and our Church say with Peter yee were as sheepe going astray but are now returned vnto the chiefe shepheard and Bishop of your soules With which sauing Grace the God of all grace and goodnesse Iesus Christ enrich your soules withall to grow in Grace and in the knowledge of our Lord Iesus Christ to him bee glory both now and for euer Thus hauing declared in part the corruptions of popish Doctrine which must be reiected of all who desire to be faithfull seruants to our Sauiour or performe seruice acceptable vnto him for what concord hath Christ with Belial what agreement hath the Temple of God with Idols Take heede of the Leauen of Rome as our Sauiour warnes his Disciples of the leauen of the Pharisees and Sadduces their pernicious doctrine full of errors repugnant and decrogatory to Christ and his Gospell It remaines and followes in the next place to touch That if you beleeue and embrace al the points of moderne Popery now broached and maintained in the Church of Rome you cannot bee dutifull and obedient Subiects to our and your Soueraigne and since I haue in my former Tractates obiter by the way promiscuously touched lesuiticall precepts and practise in this kinde papall depositions of Kings from their Regiment and absolutions of subiects from loyall obedience applauding traytors by canonization commendation for treasonable attempts I will not be large and liberall heerein onely propound a few positions and propositions to your consideration to iudge of them whether they be not opposite to all loyall obedience which are maintained and divulged to the world by your great Doctors and Pillars of the Romane Church And first you are not ignorant that very lately Anno 1606. Pope Paul the fifth prohibited all the Romane Catholickes so tearmed by his Breue that they should not take the oath of Allegiance vnto which they were enioyned by the Kings Maiesty which argues hee would haue them refractary in matters which onely concerne ciuill obedience for the scope of that oath tended to professe and practise a dutifull allegiance to the King in all loyall submission The like also did Pius quintus Pope to the late Queene Elizabeth commanding her Subiects to rebell and discharging them from allegiance But omitting these things as vulgarly knowne I will goe to the Iesuites schoole and heare how they teach you If a Christian King become an Hereticke immediatly his people are freed from his command and their subiection saith Symancha But all Christian Kings are esteemed Heretickes who are not Catholikes of the Romane size Ergo. The Iesuite Creswel vnder the name of Andreas Philopator against the Decree of the Queene of England sect 2. ●u 157. deliuers this proposition Principem qui a Catholica religione deflexit excidere statim omnipotestate a Prince who declines from their Catholike religion rather superstition falls presently from his Regall power But all Protestant Princes decline from that religion Ergo no King or no power The same Iesuite num 160. saith Omnium Catholicorum esse sententiam obligatos esse subditos ad principes haereticos depellendos qui sidei Catholicae inuriosi sunt si modo vires ad hoc habeant idoneas It is the sentence of all Catholikes that the subiects are bound to driue away hereticall Princes who are iniurious to the Catholike Faith if they haue forces fit for this purpose And againe num 162. Sub●●ti ●…di Principes suos non tantum legitime possunt 〈◊〉 sedetiam ad hoc praecepts divine conscientiae arctissimo vincul● ac extremo animarum suarum periculo tenentur Subiects may not onely lawfully trouble such Princes but are bound to doe it by Diuine precept and most strict band of conscience and extreame perill of their owne soules And the same Iesuite againe Si Imperator vel Rex haereticū fauore prosequatur ipso facto regnum amittet If an Emperor or King fauour an heretike he shall lose his kingdome ipso facto Now Protestants in their Calendar are branded for heretickes Ergo. And to these accord and publish the like doctrine many others of their writers Ribadeneira de principe lib. 1. cap. 18. pa. 177. c. 26. pag. 172. c. Paulus Chirlandus de haeret q. 3. nu 2. Conradus Brunus de haeret lib 3. cap. vltimo Io. Paulus Windeck de extirp haer Antidoto 10. pag. 404. Antidot 11. pag. 408. Stapleton in oratione contra politicos Duaci habita Baronius Card. in Epistola contra Venetos Bellarmine the Cardinall full of such stuffe Hee affirmes that Kings are subiect to Popes Bishops Priests Deacons and would prooue this inferiority by Scriptures and Fathers De laicis lib. 3. He holds many other propositions disgracefull to Kings vndutifull for subiects and contradictory to all Scripture Secular principality is ordained by men and hath his being by the law of Nations de Rom. Pontif. lib. 1. c. 7. § praeterea a grosse Assertion for so great a Doctor In causes onely Temporall Cleargimen are bound to obey Princes and no longer obey then the Pope will de clericis lib. 1. cap. Per totum caput So ridiculous positions
prayer should be the supplication of all Kings difficilis est gubernatio mea ne me deseras domine senem The office of a King as it is glorious so it is laborious Caesar sleepes not all the night but makes a Tripartite diuision of it one part to rest the second part to studie the third part to military matters Agesilaus had no leisure to be sicke as hee said such was his regall imployments The regall Diademe is subiect to sundry cares which moued Tigranes King of Armenia to say that if the perils and perplexities which accompany it were duelie weighed Nemo coronaem humi iacentem tolleret None would lift vp the Crowne to the crowne of his head Indeed the Crowne brings content commaund pleasure profit Iuvenal Quicquid conspicuū est pulerumque ex aequore toto resfisciest vbicunque natat What delicates soeuer the world affords the Crowne commands but withall many perils and cares wait vpon the Crowne night and day troubled with publique affaires to preuent foes abroad and foes at home wee of the inferiour ranke take our rest when as they that sit at the sterne of State haue broken sleepes And therefore as the Apostle desires the Ephesians to pray alwaies with all manner of prayer and supplication in the spirit and watch thereunto with all perseuerance and supplication for all Saints and for himselfe that vtterance may bee giuen vnto him to open his mouth boldly to publish the secret of the Gospell so ought all good subiects to pray alwaies with all manner of prayer and supplication in the spirit that God would enlarge with heauenly wisedome the heart of our Soueraigne and the Kings heart is in the hand of the Lord and furnish him with all blessed gifts sutable to performe his royall Taske making him as wise as Salomon as religious as Dauid and as zealous as the good King Iosias defending him from all forraine or domesticall conspiracies saying and praying God saue the King CHAP. IIII. AND truely there be fiue things to name no more which all good Subiects owe vnto their Soueraigne 1. is Prayer 2. Obedience 3. Honor. 4. Seruice 5. Tribute And if any subiect denie any one of these the King may take him by the throat and say Solue quod debes Pay that thou owest 1. First is Prayer to pray for the Kings preseruation on earth and saluation in Heauen The heathen Chaldeans may learne Christians this lesson who cryed to their King Nebuchadnezar O King liue for euer As King Salomon prayed for his people so ought his people pray for him saying of their Lord the King as King Dauid speaks of the Lord of Israel Blessed be the Lord God of Israel for euer and euer and let all the people say Amen saying to the King as Amasa and his company said to Dauid Thine are we O Dauid and with thee O son of Ishai peace peace be vnto thee and peace be vnto thy helpers for thy God helpeth thee That tongue that will not pray for the peace prosperity and preseruation of their annointed Soueraigne is such a tongue as the Apostle Iames speakes of fire a world of wickednesse and is set on fire of hell for Iustus nunquam desinit orare nisi desinit iustus esse saith Austin the iust man neuer ceases to pray vnles he cease to be iust much lesse should hee cease to poure forth feruent and faithfull supplications for the King that vnder him wee may leade a peaceable life in all godlinesse and honesty Such vngodly and vndutifull subiects as will not vnloose the strings of their tongues to pray for the safety and felicity of the King wee wish that they were like the men at the riuer Ganges who if wee credit the report of Strabo haue no tongues better it is to enter into the kingdome of Heauen losing a member then hauing such an vngodly member to be cast into hel fire But herein many times the tongue is more officious then the heart with tongue they cry Hosanna but in heart like Iewes wish crucifige with a verball seruice many abound crying and cringing Aue Rex but withall Aue Maria and that will neuer make a good prayer A King had need call to his subiects as God to his seruants da mihi cor giue me thy heart the world is full of faire tongues but false hearts none but the great searcher of the heart hath a window in the heart to see who honour with lippes and their hearts farre from him So that Kings had need examine their Subiects as Christ did Peter thrice diligis me dost thou loue me The world hath bredde so many professors of the Popish doctrine of diuellish equiuocation and so many Parasites profound in the Art of dissimulation that many men are like Goodwin Sands in dubiopelagi terraue doubtfull whether belong to sea or land temporizers or neuters like the Church of Laodicea neyther hot nor cold eyther Prince or Pope please them they will heare a Masse next their heart for their morning sacrifice and our Churches Sermon or Seruice for their euening Incense like the Camelion tetigit quoscunque colores Assume any shape fashionable to the time to whom God will one day say Because thou art luke-warme neyther cold nor hot I shall spue thee out of my mouth I haue read how a certaine King of Tartaria writ to the Polonians then wanting a King that if they would choose him their King he would accept it vpon these termes Vester pontifex meus pontifex esto vester Lutherus meus Lutherus esto but the Polonians reiected the request of this Luke-warme King and yet in Poland arc sundry religions so that if a man haue lost his religion he may finde it there with this wise and worthy answere Ecce hominum paratum omnia sacra Deos deserere regnandi causa behold a man ready to forsake both God and Grace to get a Kingdome Such as these study Machiauell more then the Gospell temporis liberalitate fruendum esse fashion themselues to the fauourable fortune of the time and thinke themselues happy as he counts those Princes happie illum felicem principem existimo cuius in administrando consilia temporum conditioni respondent whose counsels are successiuely correspondent to the condition of the times The prayers of such temporizers whose tongues may flame but their hearts are as cold a a stone are abhominable in the sight of God Esto religiosus in Deum qui vis illum Imperatori esse propitium saith Tertullian The Lord is farre off from the wicked but he heareth the prayers of the righteous sayth Salomon God will not heare the prayers of these Church-neuters no more then the Idolatrous Iewes Though they cry in my eares with a loud voice yet will I not heare them And therefore that we may performe our first bounden duety vnto the
vpon the regall Throne so long as the Sunne and Moone endureth Haec regnd tenere Et natos natorum qui nascentur ab illis That all his Subiects may euer pray for him obey him and honor him aswel in deeds as words hea●ts as tongues saying and praying God saue the King CHAP. VII THE fourth duty of Subiects to be duly rendred and tendered to their annointed Soueraignes is loyall and faithfull seruice thinking themselues as Tiberius said of his People Homines ad seruitutem nati Men borne to doe them seruice And therefore it was a commendable order as Melancthon records it that euery Citizen did sweare taking a corporall Oath Pugnabo pro sacris pro legibus pro aris focis solus simul cum alijs ne patriam meam deteriorem qua accepi posteris tradam omnibus viribus enitar I will fight for Religion for our lawes c alone with others and I will with all my might rather endeauour to better then to make worse my Countrey to posterity acknowledging themselues seruants to their Countrey and vowing their best endeauours to doe her faithfull seruice So all true subiects are bound by the Lawes of God and men to be faithfull seruants to their Soueraignes and if they neglect or reiect this duty I may say to them as Dauid did to Abner Ye be worthy to die because ye haue not kept your Master the Lords Annointed because you haue not been faithfull seruants to your anointed Soueraignes If any Bighthan or Teresh seek to lay hands on our gracious Soueraigne with faithfull Mordecai and Ester speedily preuent it by reuealing it If any King of Aram takes counsell with his seruants against the King of Israel with faithfull Elisha reueale it to your Caesar euen the words he speakes in his Priuy Chamber nay not onely reueale it but reuenge it In reos Maiestatis publicos Hostes omnis homo miles est saith Tertullian against Traytors and publike enemies euery man is a Souldier yea in this kind and sence we may and must in fortitudine nostra sumere cornua with Zedekiah make hornes of iron to push these treachercus Aramites vntill wee haue consumed them giue couragious resistance to treacherous violence vntill they may receiue deserued doome by Iustice And for the performance of this loyall seruice to their appointed Soueraignes no condition of men vnder the Sunne can pleade immunity neither Popes Priests nor People the Pope cannot pleade priuiledge if he will stand to his owne and old title Seruus seruorum A seruant of Seruants but he carries himselfe now adayes as if his Prentiship were out and would change his stile to be Dominus Dominorum A Lord ouer his Lord as the old Poet tels vs Roma tibi quondam fuerant Domini Dominorum Seruorum serui nunc tibisunt Domini For he disclaimes in action his old appellation the seruant of seruants neuer vses it but by way of equiuocation But to let him goe for Senex psittacus non capit ferulam He is too old to learne and happy are those Kings that haue least part of his seruice but if it please the Pope to be like the High Priests and I thinke that title is high enough for him they were content to call themselues seruants vnto Kings as Abimilech accounted himselfe Sauls seruant Let not the King impute any thing vnto his seruant c. And Zadocke the High Priest called by Dauid his seruant So Aaron to Moses Ne indignetur Dominus meus Let not the wrath of my Lord waxe fierce In a word Summi sacerdotes regibus subdebantur saith their Iesuite Their chiefe Priests were subiects and seruants to Kings in the Law and the chiefe Apostle euen Saint Peter from whom they would fetch their Pedegree of Primacy enioynes all in the Gospell to submit themselues for the Lords sake whether it be vnto the King as vnto the superior So that their freedome from seruice to the Princes of the Earth hath no warrant except from the Prince of the Ayre to whom Rome dedicates her scepter and seruice And this loyall seruice of the members vnto the royall and Princely Head ought to be dutifull faithfull and perpetuall that is the happy seruice which comes from an hearty obedience many things may seeme so in apparance which are not so in eslence It is the practise and very prayers of the wicked to cry thus Hor. 1. Epist 16. Da mihi fallere da iustum sanctumque videri Noctem peccatis fraudibus obijce nubem If they seeme trusty in shew though treasonable in heart they care not like bad seruants not in singlenesse of heart but with seruice to the eye as men-pleasers obey they their regall Masters This Age is full of such treacherous hearts as deceiptfull as Ioab to Amasa who tooke him aside to speake with him peaceably and smote him vnder the fift rib that he died or like Dalilah to Sampson with faire words and weeping to betray him to the Philistines No treason but in trust Decipimur specie recti The fained voice of Fowlers catcheth the Partridges Plouers The Mother of Error puts on her maske to bee taken for the Daughter of Time truth The Wolfe in sheeps cloathing scarce knowne from the sheapheards dogge Ptolomie the sonne of Abusus vnder a faire vizard of loue and kindnes feasting Simeon and his two sonnes killes them in his banquetting house Herod when he would play the wolfe he counterfetted a Foxe Goe and search diligently for the Babe and when ye haue found him bring me word that I may worship him his meaning was to worrie him So Iudas comes with his Aue Rabbi Haile Master betraying him with a kisse Do'i non sunt doli nisi astu celas Plautus So many a perfidious Traytor will cry Aue Caesar God saue the King but it is with such an affectiō as Antoninus Caracalla said of his brother Geta Sit diuus modo non viuus Let him be a Saint or a King in Heauen so he be not a King on Earth Beware of dissemblers parasites and equiuocators His nomina mille mille nocendi artes Such are full of fraud full of villany beleeue them as the people of Rome belieued Carbon swearing neuer to credit him They are like to Polypus haue various shapes changing themselues into Angels of light but Malus vbi se bonum simulat tunc est pessimus A bad man when he counterfetteth to be good is worst Simulata sanctitas est duplex iniquitas A counterset holinesse is a two fold wickednesse Let vs performe according to our place faithfull hearty and trusty seruice to our dread Soueraigne and though the wicked labour to darken with a cloud of slaunder our faire and faithfull seruice yet at last that eclips of enuy will vanish of it selfe and our owne innocency
AND if euer Praiers needfull in this kinde now is the time Nolite tangere abhorred of Heathens is now applauded and defended of false Christians Religion and superstition now comes forth with her knife ready to cut Kings throats it beeing the generall rule of them Occide haereticum Kill an hereticke make away with him giue him an Italian posset poyson him though it be in the Sacrament as Henry the seuenth Emperour poysoned in Sacramentall bread Victor the third Pope in the Sacramentall cup and yet they say that Christs bloud is really in the wine how then comes that poyson of death mixed with that sacred substance of life The Patrons and Proctors to plead for King-killers I meane the Iesuites with their adherents make this for a conclusion That any priuate man may be an executioner of a King excommunicated and deposed by the Pope and Caesar Baronius alledges commends out of Iuo a breue of Pope Vrban the second wherein it is pronounced that they are no homicides who kill such as are excommunicate for wee doe not iudge them to bee murtherers who burning with the zeale of their Catholike mother against such as are excommunicate happen to haue killed any of them And so Suarez the Iesuite in his last booke against our King writes After sentence condemnatory is giuen of the King c. then hee that hath pronounced the sentence or he to whom it is committed may depriue the King of his kingdome euen by killing him if hee cannot doe it otherwise and the very Cannibals are not more thirsty of bloud then these false Catholickes commending commanding murther the murther of Gods Anointed Kings which any heart not stupified with Atheisme or reprobate sence would tremble at it and appropriate the doing of that deed onely to Papists for so Suarez saith If his lawfull successor be a Catholike and so that hee be a Catholike that succeedes in the right challenging the right of committing so execrable villany to appertaine to none but onely to Romish Catholikes disdaining that any should haue an hand in so horrible and hellish mischiefes against the King but onely a friend and follower of the Popes religion true-borne children of their bloudy Mother the whore of Babilon the mother of murder drunken with the bloud of Saints and with the bloud of the Martyrs of Christ Iesus If the Pope cries against any King with the Citizens in that parable Nolumus hunc regnare Wee will not haue this man to reigne presently pollicie villany mischiefe and murder fraud and deceit all shall conspire to accomplish the Popes desire If poyson and policie faile power shall ●reuaile like to him when intreaty could not moue laid his hand on his sword saying At hic faciet but this shall doe it if Mercurie be too weake Mars shall second him then leaue Apolloes harpe and take Hercules club both pens and pikes heads hearts and hands are too nimble to hurt Kings Sanguiuolenta est mens Sanguinolenta manus A bloudy heart must haue a bloudy hand How many Princes of Christendome hath that Sea of Rome swallowed and deuoured A Sea indeede nay a red Sea of bloud or Mare mortuum wherein that Leuiathan makes his Sea as the Lord tells Iob like a potte of oyntment Sed mors in illa ella Death is in the pot Out of this Sea creepe those Crocodiles I meane Iesuites Seminaries and men vsually troubled with the Kings euill Treason These Romish rats creepe into regall Pallaces at last take and taske their owne bane like the spirits of Deuils of whom S. Iohn worke myracles to goe vnto the Kings of the earth and those whom they cannot draw by their collusion they would deuoure by effusion I may say of them as Polymnestor speakes in the Tragedie of Hecuba Hastifera armata equestris Marti obnoxiagens They are well weaponed people dagges and daggers charmes poysons powder all tragicall and traiterous engines and instruments they haue to touch Gods Anointed the Kings of the earth corporally In olde time scarce any treason without a Priest in our time scarce any without a Iesuite As Iudas was the antesignanus of traytors chiefe Captain of the cursed crue so since him the false stiled Iesuits but the true Iudaites are the cheefe Shibas to blow aloud the trumpet of rebellion And there was a wicked man named Sheba the sonne of Bicri a man of Iemini and hee blew the Trumpet and said We haue no part in Dauid nor inheritance in the sonne of Ishai Euery man to his tents O Israel 2 Sam. 20. 1. And there are many of Israel that follow these Shebas but the men of Iudah claue fast vnto their King from Iordan euen to Ierusalem All good subiects will cleaue with the men of Iudah faithfully to their King and will goe with Ioab to pursue these Shebas vntill their heads be cut off and throwne to them ouer the wall These Shebas make Kings the markes of their murther saying with treacherous Achitophel I will smite the King onely or with the King of Aram Fight neyther against small or great saue onely against the King of Israel Feriunt summos fulmina montes The highest mountaines most exposed to Thunders And to perpetrate such crying and capitall murders they will hazard the perill of their liues and losse of their soules and but that the Lord hath giuen his Angels a charge ouer his Anointed to keepe them in all his waies the attempts of such desperate miscreants were deadly dangerous for as Seneca Vitae tuae dominus est quisquis suam contempsit He is Master of thy life who contemnes his owne Cato when hee had got a sword though therewith to kill himselfe cried out Now am I my owne man So these desperate villaines who runne with desire to their owne deaths are their owne men to act murder but God doth bring to nought their desires and deuices and raiseth vp for his seruants in extraordinary dangers extraordinary deliuerances The imminent danger of King Croesus yet a Heathen King opened the mouth of his dumbe sonne to tell it Bessus his parricide discouered by the chattering of Swallowes verifying Salomons wordes The fowles of the ayre carrie that voice God can cause euery fowle of heauen and euery creature on earth to finde a tongue to tell treason to deliuer his Anointed Our gracious King is a speaking mappe of many wonderfull deliuerances in extraordinary dangers still we cry and craue with Dauid Domine saluum fae Regem Lord saue the King cloath all his enemies with shame and breake them in peeces like a Potters vessell Let thy hands O Lord finde out all that hate him make them like a fiery ouen in the time of thine anger and destroy them in thy wrath Deliuer his soule from the sword and saue him from the Lions mouthes confound all Shebas that would stirre
Inquisition Nay Bellarmine doth confesse that the Papists would not suffer any among them Qui ostendunt vllo signo etiam externo se fauere Lutheranis Who doe declare by any signe externall that they fauour the Lutherans but they doe mittere illos mature in locum suum send such quickly to their last home Read but Lencaeus the Louayne professor in his booke Devnica religione or Pamelius in his book De diuersis religionibus non admittendis Who both with might and maine dispute against Tollerations It was a great commendation in the Emperour Constantino who would not suffer Idolatry in any part of his Dominions as Eusebius writes of him And it was commendable in Amphilochius a Bishop who reproued Theodosius the Emperor that he so long winked at Arrius and suffered him to spread his pestilent heresie ouer the body of the Church and it was commended in the Emperor who was not angry with the words of iust reproofe but forthwith banished Arrius gaue him some part of his iust deserts But heerein we neede not seeke out forraine histories wee haue examples at home who neuer would yeeld to tollerate corrupt religion Edward the sixth a Prince most famous and vertuous was sollicited by Carolus the Emperour and his owne Counsellors to permit the Lady Mary to haue Masse in her owne house his resolution negatiue saying he would spend his life and all that he had rather then to agree and grant to that hee knew certainely to be against the truth The late Queene Elizabeth of blessed memory could neuer be perswaded to tollerate Popish Religion who after innumerable dangers and manifold persecutions with vnspeakeable courage notwithstanding many difficulties at home of Princes abroad and of the Diuell euerwhere professed to maintaine the truth of the Gospell and to deface Idolatry and superstition which with singular constancy shee continued all the dayes of her life And now this our great gracious Soueraigne followes the steps of those religious Princes not all the World can change his constant resolution in Christian Religion his eares and hearts abhorre their charmes who are Petitioners in this kind for the granting of such a request might much disquiet the Christian Church State and Gospell God euer keepe and blesse the King in this his holy and spirituall perseuerance in the truth of the Gospell make his heart like Mount Sion neuer to be remoued A King so constant in profession of the Gospell and so learned and profound in all spirituall knowledge that he is able to confute and conuince with sound arguments the enemies of the Gospell and thereupon it was as I take it that Suarez the Iesuit said That Learning did disparage the royall dignity because the Champions of Rome see that they are not able to incounter with his Highnes matchlesse knowledge And surely if learning grace any man it must be more gracious in a Monarch a Man of Men. What made Salomon so famous and so renowned but specially his wisdome and knowledge Iulius Caesar Constantine and Charles the Great Iustinian Leo Palaeologus Cantacuzaenus the Alphonsi and many more Sigismund the Emperor commended for playing the Deacon at the Councell of Constance Henry the eight writing for the seauen Sacraments whose Booke subscribed with his owne hands the Popish Priests glory to haue it in their Vatican The Cardinall of Millan thinkes it the highest commendation he could giue the late King of Spaine In eius regia dignitate vt verbo complectar sacerdotalem animum licet aspicere In his regall dignity to comprize all in a word wee may see his sacerdotall heart Iuuenal Haec opera atque hae sunt generosi Principis artes And in the sacred studies of diuine Learning our dread Soueraigne may carry the Palme and weare the royall Crowne who hath deliuered to the World better Principles of Theologicall knowledge out of his Chaire of State then the Mitered Pope did euer é Cathedra for a King to descend to the Preacher is a worke of piety as Salomon did I the Preacher haue beene King in Ierusalem but for the Priest to climbe into the Kings throne is to play the Popes part the part of Antichrist Our royall Soueraigne hath made it his last delight to delight in the Law of the Lord and in his Law doth hee meditate day and night In which spiritual labour hee hath so profited himselfe and others that hee hath taken Princely paines to publish the truth of Christ and to proclaime to the Potentates of the world the errors of Antichrist So that all people haue cause to pray God saue the King spiritually That a diuine sentence may be in the lips of the King and his mouth shall not transgresse in iudgement who like the good Emperour Constantine labours to decide matters of Religion by the true rule of Gods word for so Constantine commanded the Bishops to order all points by the Booke of God which Booke he placed for the same purpose in the middest of them And euen so speaks our dread Soueraign whatsoeuer I find agree with the Scriptures I will gladly imbrace what is otherwise I wil with their reuerēce reiect godly golden words The Lord euermore blesse his body and soule spiritually and enlarge the great Talent of his Princely wisdome giuing him as great a measure of knowledge as was giuen to Salomon yea such riches treasures and honours as none had before him or after him and as his Maiesty hath taken manifold paines to reduce the Popish Sectaries out of their spirituall blindnesse that they who will not bee wakened out of their slumbers of ignorance by the voice of so royall and religious a sheapheard may be compelled by the Sword of Magistracy to depart out of Babylon or out of his Dominion But herein it becomes not me to giue counsell rather fall to prayer that the Lord whose cause it is would take the cause into his owne hand and stirre vp the hearts and hands of all Christian Kings to compell all people who will not be moued by the word of Gods Ministery to come out of Babylon might be forced by the sword of Magistracy to depart from her least they receiue of her plagues Qui phreneticum ligat lethargicum excitat ambobus molestus ambos amat saith Austen He that bindeth a franticke man and awakes him that hath the lethargy loueth both though he be greeuous to both And as the same Father in another place Quod autem vobis videtur inuitos ad veritatem non esse cogendos c. Whereas you thinke that men are not to bee compelled to the truth against their wils ye erre not knowing the Scriptures nor the Power of God which maketh those willing though they be compelled against their wils Goe into the high wayes and compell them to come in saith our Sauiour Christ whereupon Saint Austen saith Qui compellitur quô
non vult cogitur sed cum intrauerit iam volons pascitur He that is compelled is compelled against his will to enter but when he is entred he is fed willingly The Lord for his mercy sake by the power of his word draw all Christs flocke to vnity in Religion and giue to all Kings faithfull hearts to fauour and follow the same and specially O Lord blesse from Heauen thy deare seruant our dread Soueraigne giue him all graces and gifts sutable for his Princely calling knit his heart vnto thee that he may euer feare thy name and let all them that loue the Gospell of Iesus Christ night and day pray God saue the King Spiritually CHAP. XI Thirdly God saue the King Politically AND to induce all loyall subiects to this acceptable and dutifull seruice many causes concurre both diuine and ciuill whersoeuer we turne our thoughts which may englad our hearts and moue them to burne in affectionate flames in the oblation of this deuotion For vnder him we leade a peaceable and a quiet life free from forraine feares or domesticall troubles that we may say by his gracious gouernement in our Lard Mercy and Truth haue met together Righteousnesse and Peace haue kissed each other And againe with the Psalmist The Scepter of thy Kingdome is a Scepter of righteousnesse thou louest righteousnesse and hatest iniquitie wherefore God euen thy God hath annointed thee with the oyle of gladnesse aboue thy fellowes We haue and heare peaceably and plentifully the welcome tidings of the Gospell the voyce of the Turtle is heard in our Land enioying a setled peace among our selues and with other Nations hauing trafficke and commerce with them a soueraigne benefit to inrich these Realms The admirable peace plenty and prosperity by a Christian and politicall gouernement his Highnesse People doe enioy hath made other Nations enuie our felicity The French haue sworn that this Land in respect of peace and plenty long continued was the Land of Promise and their Kings hitherto haue had Moses punishment to stand vpon their Towers as he vpon Mount Nebo to see the clifts of this Canaan but not permitted to enter that we see that verified which Salomon long agoe deliuered A King by iudgement maintaines the Country or with wisdome her selfe A wise King is the stay of the People or to speake of our Soueraigne in the words of the Princely Prophet The Lord chose Dauid his seruant c to feed his People in Iacob and his inheritance in Israel so hee fed them according to the simplicity of his heart and guided them by the discretion of his hands So that wee find the saying of Cominaeus true Foelix resp in qua qui imperat timet Deum That is an happy Common-wealth in the which the King feares God or with Salomon Blessed art thou O Land when thy King is the sonne of Nobles and much more of noble vertues How happy was the Throne of Gouernement how successefully Religion propagated when vertue honouring Constantine was inthroned The like in other Christian Emperours then Iustice was exalted vertue rewarded piety inlarged vice punished superstition discouraged Of all temporall blessings none more incomparable then to be blest with a good and godly King Woe to thee O Land when thy King is a Child saith Salomon vnable and vnapt for that high function the Art of Arts and Office of God farre more intricate and difficult then any other kind of ministration on Earth But thankes be giuen vnto God who hath giuen vnto vs a pious prudent and peaceable King experienced in the regall Art yea learned in all good Arts indowed with iudgement prowesse wisdome bounty iustice temperance clemency and compassion who may truly say with the Orator Natura me clementem fecit resp seuerum postulat sed nec natura nec resp crudelem efficiet Nature frames him merciful the Common-wealth requires seuere yet neither nature or Common-wealth can make him cruell that I may apply that to his praise which the Poet appropriated to Caesar Ouid de pont Eleg. 3. Est piger ad poenas Princeps ad praemia velox Quique dolet quoties cogitur esse ferox A Prince to punish slow yet swift to giue And when he must be cruell much doth grieue Yet he keepes a golden meane in the mixture of Mercy and Iustice that his Tribunall is not like to Cassius Tribunall Reorum Scopulus Neither a Rocke or refuge to the guilty Malefactors but spares some in mercy and for example cuts off others in Iustice Truncatur artus vt liceat reliquis securé viuere membris And which is great praise in a Prince and powerfull to doe much good in the politicke body is the edification of his Maiesties examplar life acknowledged by his owne enemies the Papists and forcible to moue his subiects to imitation for the people like Labans sheepe conceiue by the eye and are obseruant of Princes vertues or vices and as Claudian to the Emperour Honorius Vt te totius medio telluris in orbe Viuere cognoscas cunctis tua gentibus esse fact a palam They act their Princely part vpon the open Theater of the world and oftentimes taxed by the secret censures of malapert and malignant spirits when they are free from any faulty reprehension as Cymon at Athens taxed that he dranke wine Romans find fault with Scipio for his sleepe with Pompey for scratching of his head And indeed deminitiue faults in Princes are counted superlatiue because of the publike example for sinne is made worse three wayes 1. Ratione loci 2. Ratione Temporis 3. Ratione personae In respect of place time and person which commits it In sayling saith Agapetus the error of an old ordinary shipman causeth little detriment but the error of the Steers-man or Pylot hazards the whole voyage So the euill examples of great persons draw multitudes and their errours cause terrours and troubles to the Common-wealth Quic quid delirant reges plectuntur Achiui Yet euer was there such a flattery of the Regall Scepter that sometimes vices passed for vertues and few there be that dare with that bold Pirate tell Alexander because I doe it in a Fly-boate I am called a Pirate thou doest the like in a great Nauy and called an Emperour But herein let our enemies be iudges that our Soueraigne may truly say with Leonidas Nisi te fuissem melior non essem Rex As farre aboue all in vertue as he is aboue them in place for though Popes vsually are praised for their goodnes when they surpasse not the wickednesse of other men as the Historian tels vs yet our gracious King may in the integrity of his vpright life boldly and truly say with good and iust Samuel Behold here I am beare record of me before the Lord and before his Annointed whose Oxe haue I taken or whose Asse haue I taken or whom haue I
heauen and seruing loyally the King on earth not to prefer earth before heauen to say with some Mart. lib. 9. Seeke others for to feast with Iupiter aboue I heere on earth my Iupiter will loue But first seeke the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse and this wil teach you to serue your King with faithfulnesse and to pray for his preseruation in all humble and harty diligence and obedience saying God saue the King Also to your Honors right noble Peeres this taske belongeth alwaies to pray God saue the King being noble by birth or place this will ennoble your persons more if you say faithfully as Iudith did to Bagoas concerning Holofernes feignedly Who am I that I should gaine say my Lord surely whatsoeuer pleaseth him I will doe speedily and it shall be my ioy vnto the day of my death then your names and fames shall euer stand registred in the Chronicle of honor free from the blacke Characters of disloyall infamie And though Fortunes image be made of glasse brittle and mutable yet your honourable memoriall shall neuer perish Death which is the true Herald of Armes blazoning mans pedegree to be but genus lutulentum a picture of dust be he a Prince in his pallace or a begger vnder a bush yet corruption is their Father and the wormes their mother and sister Their good workes following them but their pompe left behinde them onely their sanctitie to God and seruice to their King and Countrie shal make them glorious in heauen and famous on earth Posteritie will hold them worthy of honor and desire to reserue a Catalogue of their names and will say These were the Noble men that loued their God their King and Countrie Many haue done vertuously but these surmounted them all Archidamus told King Philip after his victory at Cheron that if he should measure his shadow he should not find it an haires breadth bigger or longer then before so let no vaine-glory fill you with empty wind it cannot make your shadowes bigger or longer glory more in your owne vertuous actions then in your renowned Ancestors for though some doe boast to be A loue tertius Aiax yet Quae non fecimus ipsi Vix ea nostra voca Ouid. It is the honour of a noble man when he doth excell in vertue his forepassed Ancestors when he is religious to feare God and to honour the King saying of his Soueraigne as Isaac said to Iacob Cursed be he that curseth thee and blessed be hee that blesseth thee and wishing with the Apostle would to God they were cut off which doe disquiet him alwayes loyall to his Soueraigne and louing to his Countrey willing to aduenture in their seruice his limbes or life euer wishing and praying God saue the King and Countrey Likewise to your Fatherhoods most right and reuerend Fathers the Heads and louing Brethren of the Tribe of Leui whose place and office bind you in all duty to be loyall to the royall Tribe of Iudah to you I may without offence proffer this poore present who spend your spirits at Gods Altar to offer a morning and an euening incense of seruent prayers for the preseruation of Gods Annointed exhorting with Paul that first of all supplications prayers intercessions and giuing of thankes be made for Kings and for all that be in authority And indeed before all and aboue all we of the Church the vitall spirits of the politicke body haue manifold motiues to pray for our Soueraigne who vnto vs against the tempest of these times is a refuge an hiding place from the wind and as the shadow of a great rocke as it was said of King Ezechiah His Maiesty is a Defender of the Church as he is a Defender of the Faith and against the Atheists and Alexanders of these dayes that would doe vs much wrong he stands to pleade our cause to grace our calling that we may say with the Poet ●unen Sat. 6. Et spes ratio studiorum in Caesare tantum Solus enim tristes hac tēpestate camaen as respexit Though the Church be made blacke blacke by customary contempt and continuall oppression and persecution yet the King kisseth her with the kisses of his mouth and his loue is better then wine we will reioyce and be glad in thee we will remember thy loue more then wine the righteous doe loue thee And herein if we may boast in any thing we may boast in this That our Church was neuer the Author of Treason The Mother of Soules should not be the murderer of Kings members inclined to rebellion were neuer well possessed of Religion As we haue hitherto beene faithfull obedient and loyall so still euer be from the Church Sit procul omne nefas Let the mother of blood and treason still dwell vnder the roofe of Romish Babylon the mother of whoredomes and of these abhominations drunken with the blood of Saints and with the blood of the Martyrs of Iesus Christ which cloake these murders and massacres vnder the mantle of Religion like the Rulers of Ephesus distressed with a terrible battery in that Seige her Gouernours tied with ropes the wals and gates to Dianas Temple that so being consecrated to the Goddesse that enemy should assault them at his perill Euen so the Popish pollicy is to tie euery thing to the Temple Conspiracies Murders Treasons all tied to the Church cloaked vnder a colour of Religion that I may say with their owne Leo Ecclesiae nomine armantur contra ecclesiam dimieant They arme themselues with the name of the Church to fight against the Church and to destroy the pillars of the Church Hi Christum simulant sed Sathanalia vivunt Well let our preaching and praying tend to this end to giue Caesar obedience to feare God and to honour the King knowing that all must submit to the Higher Powers for conscience sake and for the Lords sake and they that will not doe it they are none of Gods Clergy none of the Heritage of the Lord They haue neither conscience nor calling like to certaine Bishops in Ambrose dayes of whom he writes Quod dedit cum episcopus ordinaretur aurum fuit quod perdidit anima fuit cum alium ordinaret pecunia fuit quod dedit lepra fuit That which he gaue when he was made a Bishop was gold what he lost was his soule when he made another it was for money what he gaue was a leprosie But these Bishops liue beyond the Alpes I hope there is none in Albion It is our comfort and our Crowne that our calling and conscience is such which burnes in zeale and duty to God and loyall obedience to our graciour Soueraigne Morning and euening at noone and at night at bed and boord praying God saue the Church God saue the King To you the wise and worthy Iudges
●lla Like the noise of thornes burning vnder the Pot as Salomon Eccle. 7. 8. And therefore these fulminations were againe confirmed by Pius Quintus his successour Gregory the 13. Yet all these plots instar vaporis euanuerunt vanished away like smoake proceeding out of that smoaky Kingdome of Antichrist and her Crowne and person by the fauour of the Almighty vnder whose shadow shee was protected safely defended and reigned forty and foure yeeres foure moneths and eight dayes a Virgin Queene and died in peace in a full and glorious age so beloued so honoured and so esteemed of her subiects at home and Princes abroad as neuer any Queene more so that it was verified of her truly which the Psalmist of Christ typically Why did the Heathen rage together and the People imagine a vaine thing The Kings of the Earth stand vp and the Princes assembled together against the Lord and against his Annointed but he that dwelled in the Heauens did laugh them to scorne the Lord had them in derision for there is no wisdome neither vnderstanding nor counsell against the Lord. And this our deare and dread Soueraigne whom the Lord of mercy still preserue hath beene subiect to sundry dangers by wicked Traitors as his Maiesty doth witnesse it himselfe not onely since his birth but before his birth euen in his Mothers belly but especially to two most horrible Treasons this in Scotland attempted by the bloudy Gowries the fift of August and the other in England the fift of Nouember the Gun-powder Treason from both which barbarous and monstrous proiects the latter no age can parallel the like the great King of all Kings in his great mercy graciously protected him that both King subiects may say with Zachary Being deliuered out of the hands of our enemies we may serue him without feare in holinesse and righteousnesse before him all the daies of our liues So that our King may vse the Psalmists words When the wicked euen mine enemies and my foes came vpon me to eat my flesh they stumbled and fell The Lord did reward them according to their deeds and according to the wickednesse of their inuentions Therefore giue vnto the Lord O ye sonnes of the mighty giue vnto the Lord all the glory for your deliuerance CHAP. III. TREASON hath beene alwaies accounted an heynous sinne and by Iustinian ranked next to Sacriledge Crimen laesae Maiestatis proximū Sacrilegio c. Treason is next to Sacriledge the one a robbery of God this is 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a fighting with God so odious that the sole intention without action or execution is death for Voluntas reputatur pro facto in causa proditionis The will is accounted for the deede in Treason Principis in rehus voluisse sat est And therefore there was a statute made in the reigne of Edward the third That whosoeuer shal imagine the Kings death are guilty of rebellion and high treason This statute toucheth all Iesuites who are perduellionum signiferi the ring-leaders of Rebels to animate them to rebellion vnder a colour of religion If the meere intention of Treason be so capitall what then is the Action Clamitat im coelum vox sanguinis The voyce of blood cryes to heauen for reuenge VVhat doth the voyce of royall bloud spilt by the hands of execrable Parricides destroying Gods owne image the Lords Annointed May I not call such as Polycarpe called Marcion Daemonis filiolos the Deuils children and say as our Sauiour did to the Iewes Ye are of your Father the Deuill he hath beene a murtherer from the beginning Nay the very Heathens void of Gods word did greatly abhorre Traitors and seuerely punish them Traitors among the Greekes were brought to Delphos and they did offer them a quicke sacrifice to Apollo The Persians did bury such quicke and the Romanes brought such to the publicke Theaters where they were hewed in peeces per gladiatores by the sword-players Cn Pompeius the Great made a Law as Pomponius relates it to punish Parricides destroyers of Fathers or Mothers in this kinde To put them into a great vessell or tun or such like instrument inclosing with them in it a Dogge a Viper a Cocke and an Ape and to cast them into the Sea VVhat then shall be done to the publicke Parricides destroyers of Kings and Countries Our Lawes of England hath prouided for them a fit punishment which is this A Traytor conuicted hath his punishment to be drawne from his prison to the place of execution as being vnworthy any more to tread vpon the Mother earth and that backward his head downe-ward as hauing beene retrograde to the naturall course of obedience after hanged vp by the necke twixt heauen and earth as deemed vnworthy of both his priuy parts cut off as vnfit to leaue any generation behinde him his bowels and entrailes burned which in wardly conceiued and concealed Treason his head cut off which imagined such mischiefe and last of all his body quartered as a prey for the birds of the aire and as it was said of a traiterous Iesuite Sic bene pascit aues qui malè pauit oues In life he had no care the sheepe to feede And now his carkasse serues the fowles in neede The Apostle Paul saith That they that resist shall receiue to themselues iudgement The greeuousnesse of iudgement should be proportionable to the heynousnesse of the crime for if the law requireth an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth life for life what death sufficient for a Traytor that kills a King a murderer of many who is worth ten thousand of vs so that hee cannot be sufficiently punished of man but God also will punish him who is a reuenger of such sins Neuer did I reade of any Traytor that did euer escape both the hand of man hand of God Looke vpon Absalom a double Traytor to his Father and his King his end sutable First his chiefe Counseller and plotter Achitophel hanged himselfe twenty thousand of his adherents were slaine in battell Last of all Absalom by the hand of Heauen was hanged vp by the hayre of his head in stead of an halter vpon an Oake tree in stead of a gallowes or gybbet Sheba that traiterous Rebell lost his head for his treason against Dauid King Ammon the sonne of King Manasses an euill King was slaine by his seruants who conspired against him slew him in his owne house but this bloudy fact of King-killing was so odious to the people of the land that they slew them al that had conspired against King Ammon Treacherous Zimri slue his King but the people hearing of it made Omri King to take Zimri who fired the Kings house and died in the fire Bigthan and Teresh who sought to lay hand on King Assuerus were both hanged on a tree The Scripture is plentifull
but one Consistory and can almost doe all that God can doe Clane non errante Hauing an heauenly arbiterment able to change the nature of things Substantialia vnius rei applicando alteri de nihilo potest aliquid facere Applying the substantiall parts of one thing to another and of nothing make something His Doctors according with his decrees and boasting with Pope Nicolaus that Constantine the Emperour sitting in the generall Councell of Nice called the Prelates of the Church all Gods If Prelates by Constantines voice bee Gods what is the Pope the Prince and primate of all prelates aboue all Gods So that his vsurped exaltation hath verified Saint Pauls prediction Boasting himselfe aboue all that is called God dispensing with Gods precepts making it no murder to kill them that bee excommunicate dispensing with Matrimony in prohibited degrees and such like Antichristian power in papall dispensation which cases and causes may be found in his darling Hostiensis de effi● Legit. So that by the immodest and immoderate extolling of himselfe seconded by his Canonicall Parasites of old time glosing vpon the Popes decrees and corrupt constitutione enacted in the ignorance of times and arrogance of Popes to magnifie the man of sinne the pragmaticall and dogmaticall Antichrist the succession of Popes making Emperors to hold their bridles and stirrups and Kings going before them and to surrender their Crownes vnto them crowning them with their feet and to kisse their toes and to kisse their Legates knees and to waite vpon them at their Pallace gates bare footed to excommunicate Kings to depriue them of their Soueraignty and to absolue their Subiects from Allegiance with such like Pope-like pollicy haue beene the stratagems to exalt the papall Chayre aboue the Imperiall Throne and at first vnder the femblance of humility haue ascended to this sublimity temporizing with the world being darkened with the mist of ignorance yet affected to a blind deuotion and charmed to this Chayre of superstition haue made this Serum Seruorum A Seruant of Seruants to bee Dominus Dominorum a Lord of Lords making Kings his vassayles and doe him homage debasing the Lords Annointed deposing them at his pleasure and disposing of their Kingdomes freeing their Subiects from all obedience and exciting them to violence and villany in rebelling which hath been the cheefe procurer of the shedding of much royall blood the massacres of men and mischiefs and miseries of most Times which wee shall elsewhere more plainely demonstrate I will in the next place touch a little which yet hath beene handled by elaborate and accurate pensels this point of Popes deposition of Kings the very fountaine of Treason founder of Rebellion and confounder of Religion where it is practised or beleeued I will very briefly wright of it least I should seeme to make Iliads after Homer CHAP. IX THE Romane Church or rather Court of Rome wholly degenerated and arrogating a temporall Monarchy swelling with a forged puffe of pride and primacy appropriated to the Papall Chaire challenge an exorbitant and vsurped power of deposition of Kings and of absolution of Subiects from alleagiance to them which two-fold power is termed the principall warders of Saint Peters Keyes without which the Church could not haue beene well shut or opened This power of excommunicating deposing and depriuing Kings and of absoluing Subiects from obedience to them they principally assume from a pretended primacy belonging to the Pope ouer all spirituall and temporall men or matters deriued to them as they pleade from a supremacy in Peter whose Successorship hath intitled them to such a power and priority two points oft alleadged yet neuer proued yet this primacy of Popes as their Bellarmine saith is the chiefe point of Catholike Faith and the foundation of all Religion For which power the Champions of Rome stoutly stand and among the rest the statizing Cardinall Romes-Rabbi Bellarmine the most expert Gamester at the Popes Primero in seuerall workes yet specially in his fift Booke De Romano Pontifice The whole summe of it containing arguments and examples to proue that the Pope may by his Imperiall power though indirectly and in order to the Spirituals depose Princes from their States and Thrones And as the same Bellarmine personating Tortus saith Conuenit inter omnes posse Pontificem maximum iure deponere It is agreed vpon among all that the Pope of Rome may by right and law depose Princes which speech was too generall for many popish Doctors doubt of it and denie the papall intrusion into Caesars Chaire and some that did hold it haue recanted it as Tanquerellus commanded so by the Court of Paris Florentinus Iacobus and Thomas Blanztus the two last holding this for a proposition Pontificem in omnes habere temporalem potestatem That the Pope hath a temporall power ouer all but they came to recantation nay Hart an hearty louer of the Pope yet his opinion different from Bellarmines Whosoeuer make the Pope aboue Kings as a temporall Lord Nihil habere rationis aut probabilitatis to haue neither shew of reason or probability saith he Yet I confesse the generall voice of moderne Papists and among the rest the Iesuites who dispositiuè naturally are inclined to disobedience and pragmatically and dogmatically declare the same These are the chiefe Instruments but Treason consummatiue comes from the Pope first deposing then commanding and warranting disloyalty and conspiracy against them Augustinus Triumphus saith The Emperor of Heauen may depose the Emperor of the Earth in as much as there is no power but of him but the Pope is inuested with the authority of the Emperor of Heauen hee may therefore depose the Emperor of the Earth and as the same saith The Emperor is subiect to the Pope two wayes 1. By a filiall subiection in all spirituall things 2. By a ministeriall subiection in his administration of temporall things for the Emperor is the Popes Minister by whom he administers temporall things so he In like sort saith Aluarus Pelagius that the Pope hath vniuersall Iurisdiction ouer the whole world not onely in spirituall things but in temporall things albeit he exercise the execution of the temporall sword and iurisdiction by his sonne the Emperor as by his aduocate and by other Kings and Princes of the world The Pope may depriue Kings of their kingdomes and the Emperor of his Empire So he Capistranus agrees with him The Emperor if hee be incorrigible for any mortall sinne may bee deposed and depriued the sentence of the Pope alone without a Councell is sufficient against the Emperour or any other It is manifest therefore how much the Popes authority is aboue the Imperial celsitude which it translates examines confirmes or infringes approoues or reiects if hee offends he punishes deposes and depriues him So he Thomas of Aquine in this is also very popish Any man sinning by infidelity may be adiudged to
comfortable In a spirituall sense impious and vnfaithfull men are vsurpers I meane by a spirituall right for godlinesse hath the promises of this life yet haue they a ciuill and sure title among men by birthright succession election or other acquisition by which titles such rights are deuolued to them that we say with Saint Austen Qui dedit Mario ipse Caesari He that gaue dominion to Marius the same gaue it to Caesar he that to Augustus the same to Nero he that to gentle Vespasian the same to bloody Domitian he that to Constantine the Christian the same to the Apostate Iulian for the Kingdome is the Lords and hee ruleth among Nations the most High hath power ouer the Kingdome of Men and giueth it to whomsoeuer hee will and appointeth ouer it the most abiect among men saith Daniel and suffereth for the sinnes of the people a Kingdome to be translated from one people to another yea an hypocrite or infidell to reigne ouer them neither must man seeke to displace or dispossesse an Infidell King but say with Dauid Either the Lord shall smite him or his day shall come to die or hee shall descend into battell and perish knowing the saying of the sonne of Syrack to be true Tyranny is of small indurance and he that is to day a King to morrow is dead 3. Heresie is not sufficient to depriue a King of his temporall Inheritance Popish Diuinity is herein knowne let Bellarmine be the mouth of all the rest Christians are not bound nor may with the euident danger of Religion tollerate an vnbeleeuing King when Kings and Princes become heretickes they may be iudged of the Church and bee deposed from the gouernement neither is there any wrong done them if they be deposed If any Prince of a sheepe become a wolfe that is to say of a Christian become an Hereticke the Pastor of the Church by excommunication may driue him away and withall command the people that they follow him not and so depriue him of his dominion ouer his Subiects so farre goes the Cardinall Now who are Heretickes All those Kings which decline from the Papacy and denie his Supremacy The Cardinall thinkes as much Regnante Constantino florebat fides Christiana c. While Constantine reigned the Christian Faith flourished when Constantius ruled Arrianisme when Iulian Ethnicisme when Henry the eighth and Edward the sixth Luthenarisme when Elizabeth Caluinisme prospered All Protestant Princes by the verdict of the Pope and his Parasites be Hereticks and so consequently to be deposed if this their heresie which yet is the Catholicke verity and sincere and sound profession of the Gospell be accompanied with the Popes excommunication and yet it is a great question and neuer yet proued by the Scripture that Kings are subiect to this censure of excommunication it is disputed much both wayes and let it be yeelded for argument sake Ex abundante That Saint Ambrose did iustly with Theodosius in that abstention for I doubt whether it was a complete excommunication for a King is subiect to the presbyteriall Cure not Court to be informed in his conscience in the Pulpet not to be corrected in the Consistory by punishment to be directed not iudged or remoued from the company of his faithfull Subiects much lesse to be deposed or depriued of his regiment ouer them yet let it bee granted for argument sake that Princes may be subiect to the censure of excommunication which yet is sparingly to be vsed against Princes as Austen counselleth yet though the sentence of excommunication be direfull making them for a time as Ethnicks Sit tibisicut Ethnicus saith our Sauiour Let him be vnto thee as an Heathen Man or Publicane It is tanquam nonplusquam as an Heathen man not worse then an Heathen Man Loyalty and obedience to Ethnicke Kings is to be performed as the precepts and presidents of Christ and his Apostles plainly teach all The spirituall sword onely depriues of spirituall rights to depriue him of the Sacrament not of the Scepter shuts out of the Kingdome of Heauen not meddles with the Kingdome of Earth Excommunication is not an extirpation it serues not to take away any mans temporall goods of body or life or Kingdome on Earth it hath power ouer sinnes not ouer possessions as Bernard to Pope Eugenius It serues to tame the soule not to terrifie or destroy the body it cannot bind Kings that they should not reigne or absolue Subiects that they should not obey or depose Kings from their regall authority by which pretence of diuellish pollicy in challenging a spirituall power of Kings excommunication the Pope hath plagued the World with many temporall rebellions 4. Apostacy takes not away Soueraignty Iulian an apparent Apostate and wicked Idolater as Saint Austen cals him yet as the same Father speakes of it Milites Christiani seruierunt huic Imperatori infideli quando dicebat producite aciem i●…ra illam gentem statim obtemperabant The Christian Souldiers serued this Infidel Emperor and when he called to produce the Army or to goe against any Nation they presently obeyed not because they wanted power to resist for his whole Army for the most part were Christians as their voices to Iouinian Iulians Successor testifie Omnes vna voce confessi sunt se esse Christianos They all confessed with one accord that they were Christians but their obedience grounded vpon Saint Austens reference Subiectes fuisse propter Dominum aternum Domino temporali Subiect to their temporall Lord for the eternall Lords sake And though some of the great Diuines of Rome say that the Apostles were subiect to Infidell or apostate Princes and many Martyrs obedient because they wanted power to resist and that they might haue lawfully resisted if they had had strength when rather I may say with Tertullian that they had power but might not lawfully resist The Apostles were no Temporizers to command to pray for Nero if the time and not the truth had not moued them to doe it for conscience sake Shall Subiects for Heathen or wicked Kings be enioyned to poure forth prayers supplications and withall be willing if they haue power to poure out their Soueraignes blood The Prophet Ieremy exhorted the exiled Iewes to offer vp their prayers for the life of the King of Babylon hee would not haue willed them to haue prayed for their persecutor if it had beene a duty contrary to Christian profession or for lacke of power to fall to supplication VVhen King Assuerus had made a decree to kill and destory all the Iewes both yong and old children and women in one day what doe they rebell or rise vp in armes to resist with violence No no sorrow and fasting weeping and mourning sackecloth and ashes are their weapons When Iulian the Apostate threatned the Christian World Lachrimae vnicum medicamentum aduersus eum saith
of these bloud-thirsty Traytors euen emancipated to cruelty by a noble and notable deliuery and shall we not render vnto him a cordiall and continuall thankesgiuing of our lips ioyned with a reall thankesgiuing of our liues or shall we praise him with our mouthes and prouoke him with our sinnes Lip-labor is lost labour except with an internall thankefulnesse there goes an entire obedience Consider Christs caueat Sinne no more lest a worse thing come vnto thee Let our newnes of life expresse the greatnesse of our thankefulnesse God will not accept the sacrifice of mouth-praisers proceeding from vnsanctified liuers Let this our commemoration and recognition of Gods mercies past prouoke vs to all obedience in the reformation of our liues to come So shall wee make an holy vse of so happy a deliuery Singula illius mala erunt nobis singula bona Their banefire of powder our bonefire of praises And withall to make vs more vigilant to vn-earth these foxes who will creepe into holes vnder the ground to worke our ouerthrow foresight is the wise mans Beacon Melius est praecauere quam pauere Take vs the foxes the little foxes which destroyes the vines for they are a part of that generation of whom speakes Salomon Whose teeth are as swords their iawes as kniues they will not spare in the day of vengeance and like the whorish woman will hunt for the pretious life of man Remember therefore the counsell of the sonne of Syrach Who will trust a thiefe that is alwaies ready And let this our true thankefulnesse to God be a durable seruice not like a morning dew and cloud that goeth away or a Widdowes ioy oritur moritur gotten and forgotten in an houre a suddainefit or momenta●y passion or entertained like an annuall guest as if the force and fruite of our thankefull ioy should be confined to one day or like a common retainer should haue but a yeerely acceptance no I haue appointed thee a day for a yeere euen a day for a yeere saith God to his Prophet but this of ours est Dies pro omnibus annis a day to thanke God all the yeeres of our life alwayes to say and sing with Deborah praise yee the Lord for the auenging of Israel yea euen the starres in their course fought against Sisera So let thine enemies perish O Lord. And thou O Lord which didst keepe vs from the conspiracy of the wicked and from the rage of the workers of iniquity by discouering their villanie to thee most mighty and mercifull God we offer vp our bodies and soules as a liuing sacrifice desirous to doe thee all prostrate seruice in body and soule which thou hast preserued in peace appointed by the wicked to haue perished in powder we will neuer forget this mercy or forbeare our humble thankes to thee for our deliuery but so long as the Sunne and Moone endureth wee with our posterities till time shal be no more will cherish the remembrance of it with an immortall thankfulnesse saying to thee with holy Melchi-sedecke after Abrahams victory Blessed be the most high God which hath deliuered our enemies into our hands to which King euerlasting immortall inuisible vnto God onely wise be all the honor and glory for euer and euer Amen CHAP. IIII. A description of the Persons THe Romish professors who teach the people to eate their God and kill their King were the chiefe instruments in the Powder-treason all the Actors and adherents were great Recusants Lay Recusants Catesby Percy Winter Tresham Wright c. deuised the plot and then the lesuits fell in with them allowed and ratified by Garnet Gerard O●●corne Greenewell c. Iesuits and Popish Priests Garnet imparted the Popes Breues to Catesby a right Catiline whereby he was stirred vp to deuise some way to worke a generall ouerthrowe This Catesby was the inuentor of this Villanie Accipe nunc Danaúm insidias crimine ab vno disce omnes Learne by this Traytors odious fault and fall Yee Papists to abhorre Treason in generall This Canniball or Roman-catholicke Catesby hauing bethought him of the powder-plot for the blowing vp of the Parliament house in generall rearmes breakes the case to Garnet What if in some case the innocent should be destroyed with the guilty He answers they might so that it were for a good able to recompence the lo●se of the innocent And afterward the plot plainly propounded to him not by way of confession as his Procters pleade for him but in conference about it as he voluntarily confessed before his death that Greenewell with this Catesby was heard of him not confessing but consulting yet if it had beene by way of confession for his owne confession prooues the contrary he should haue reuealed the plot if not the parties yea the parties also if hee would follow the example of his fellow-confessors Bodin doth relate an example heerein how a Norman had a purpose to kill King Francis yet afterward changed his minde these farre from such thoughts and opens this sinne in his confession to a Minorite Frier of his former yet forsaken purpose the Frier doth enioine him penance and grants absplution yet declares all to the King and the Iudges of the Court of Paris cause him to be executed But these who before had turned them from the true religion and tutored them in the Schoole of rebellion were so far from reuealing as that their heads and hearts were with them to 〈◊〉 well of the accomplishing Gerard gaue the Traytors the Sacrament to kind them to secrecy Hammond in 〈◊〉 house absolued the Traytors the Treason reuealed Oldcorne alias Hall defends the plot being discouered and willes the Catholickes not to be discouraged Tesmond plotted with Garnet and goes vp and downe to raise vp Armes The publicke writings of our state and records heerein with some of their owne confessions examinations and subscriptions are inuincible witnesses against all the cauels of deprauing Papists who labour to cleere these their polyprogmaticke Priests from hauing an hand in so hellish a plot by desperate and notorious vntruths But it is manifest by the mouth of Time Truth that these Priests were priuie to the Powder plot against all Popish calumniations suggested to the contrary and these Lay Recusants hauing first suckt the pestilent poyson of this vnheard Treachery out of the ill humors of Popish doctrine infused into them by the treasonable Tribe of Iesuits who teach Treason and cause Traytors to be canonized in Romes Calender Proh Superi quantum mortalia pectoracaecae Noctis habent ipso sceleris molimine Tereus Creditur essepius laudemque á crimine sumit O Lord what hearts possessed with the night Of deepest ignorance depriu'd of sauing light Can grace with praise such deedes of darknesse right These politicke Priests knowing these their Lay-disciples to be of turbulent and
of Jacob regard it Psal 94. 7 x Iob 38. 11. y Psal 68. 1. z Esay 33. 13. Psal 83. 8. a Psal 78. 65. 66. b 1 Sam. 18. 7. c Equo ne credite Teucri Virg. * Like Nero Me mortuo ruat mundus Iuvenal Sat. 6. d Vbicunque fuerit prouidentia frustrantur vniuersa contraria Aug. e Hab. 1. 16. f Psal 115. 1. g Reuel 4. 11. h Reuel 5. 13. i Ezra 9. 13. 14. k Exod. 15. 21. l Iohn 5. 14 * Ignis deuorationis excitaret ignem deuotionis * Finis vnius mali est gradus futuri m Cantic 2. 15. n Prou. 30. 14. o Prou. 6. 34. p Prou 6. 26. q Ecclus. 36. 26. r H●se 6. 4. s Ezech. 4. 6. t Iudg. 15. 2. 20. 31. u Psal 64. 2. Nulla Dies rerum tantarum obliuiaducat * Gen. 14. 20. x 1. Tim. 1. 17. They that with their teeth will teare their breaden God would eate vp Gods people as bread psal 14. 4. Virg * Si hi Sancti qui Scythae Si hi sunt Catholici qui Cannibales a Libro 2. de ●epub c. 5. Ex Actis public is Henrici Garnetti Londini editis Vide edictum regium promulgatum 15. lanua Anno. 1606. vbi expressum Iesuitas esse Auctores inuentores illius proditoriae Machinationis Ouid. Meta lib. Quis tulerit Gracchos de seditione querentes * Aequiuocans animal penitusque Sinonià proles doctum mancipium tuba fax Machina Martis 〈…〉 Sext. Q. panegyr in Consist An. 1589. O pulchum Sanctum facinus Scholatota sonâ bit * Et calo donare scelus superisque beare * Causa patrocinio non bona peior ●●rit d Rod. Botter comment pag. 109. 106. Apol. pro. Io. Chastell e Pag. 133. Et pag. 40. read Card. Allens apology for Stanlies Treason f Amphithea pag. 101. g Derege n In Rom. 2. Defensio peccati duplicat peccatum vitia quia amant defendunt malunt potius excusare quam excutere Sen. epist 116. Quaesiui Romam in Roma non inueni Romam Facta est iam Roma lupandi or Roma Radix omnium malorum Orci vicaria Roma k Roma nocens nocet atque viam docet ipsa nocendi iamque dol●nt cecidisse minus faeliciter ausa * Wiclef Tria log p. 14. 3. * Cum Iesu Iudas cum Simone fur Ananias in Templo Christi semper sunt quatuor isti Illyricus * Onely I make a difference betwixt a Macheuillian Iesuite and an ignorant Papist who though he be not a sound member of the Church may be a faithfull Subiect to Caesar per possibile k 2. Thessa 2. 7. l Luke 11. 49. 50. * Vide the tragedy of Traytors cap. 7. m Reu. 17. 6. n Ezech. 8. 15 1. Emperors Vrspergens o Sollicitato in patrem Gregorio pōtifice Romano Papir Masson annal pag. 104. p Vrspergens p. 319 q Idem p. 324. r Naucler p. 990. s Auentin p. 597. t Idem p. 598. u Henry the 1. Henry the 4. Henry the 5. c. Emperors * Pet de Vin lib. 1. cp 31. 2 Kings x Papir Masson annal in Child pag. 83. Bel. de Rom. pontif lib. 5. y Naucl. p 946. z Paral. ●sperg p. 11. * Math. Par. p. 223 a See Acts Monum prope finem b Paud. Collē p. 221 c Naucler p. 1024 d Guicciard hist pag 66. e P. Joui hist lib. 1. pag. 25. f Mat. Par. p. 125. g Conscio adnuente pontifice Volater pag. 51. h Meter Belg. hist pag. 494. 490. i Liber qui inscribitur de victoria Clemen 8. de Henrico 4. gloriose triumphantis k Dinoth de Bel. ciu belg p. 398. l Comment rerum in orb gest p. 1122. 3. Princes and Subiects Fredericke the 2. Emperor by poison or by a pillow destroyed by Manfredus by the meanes of the Pope who daily deuised to destroy him ●usp in Freder 2. and there writes that not long before 4. Conspirators apprehēded who should haue made away the Emperor cōfessing that the Pope did set them on worke * Supra 30000. homines trucidati Jacob. Aug. in hihistor Anni 1572. * Their spirituall Father fatted both with the milke and bloud of the flocke m Annal. lib. 7. fol. 683. n Genebra Guicciardine saith of Pope Alexander the 6. hee neuer did what he●said and his son Borgia neuer said what hee 〈◊〉 to doe o Magdeburgens Cent. 7. col 21. Anno. 607. p Gen. 31. q Oth. meland * Oramus gladium Domini Gideonis nostri The Harlot Theodote checkt Socrates saying her power was greater then his for she allured many of his Schollers he none of her louers so this popery is a Theodote or Dalila r In his letter to Blackwell * Sixte iaces tandē nostri discordia sacli * St. Becket St. Saunders both Traytors Baron Martyrolog 〈◊〉 s Hosc 6. 9. Illyric vet Poemat t 1 Tim. 3. 3. u Aeq●iuocatio simulatio 〈…〉 * Potentiores cum rogant iubent Cuiuis potest accidere quod cuiquā potest * Prou. 2. 14. Prosperum scelus vocatur virtus Faux his speech It was not God but the Deuill that hindered the worke Inven sat 13. x Rom. 2. 20. y Reuel 18. 6. Reu. 19. 2. Nemo impune malus z Psal 1. 6. * Greg. lib. 32. moral Pope Innocent the 4. herd this voice a day before his death Veni miser in iudicium Dei So these a Rom. 9. 18. b 1. Cor. 10. 6. 11. c Sen. Prou. ruina praecedentium docet posteros * Nequitiae classes candida vela ferunt Ecclesid non propagatur armis sed propugnatur Bloud-red murther and blacke conspiracy in white robes of religion Preces patiētia olim Christicolis artes haec arma fuere * They make their Church Acheldama a field of bloud d 1 King 18. 24. e 38. f 1. Kings 18. 26. A cruell and carnall religion sauouring of a reuengefull spirit g Polanus Non est humano sanguine cretus illum sed genuit praeduris cautibus horrens Caucasꝰ hyrcanaeque admorunt Vbera Tygres Virg. Aenead Read Dr White way to the Church 1. part pag. 360. h Polanus ex Bartholo Casa Span. Colo. pag 2. 13. c i Micah 3. 10. k Esay 59. 3. l Ezech. 35. 6. m By Brutus and Cassius in the Senate house of Rome n Austen ep 5. o Luk. 13. 27. p Psa 109. 29. Iuv. Bloodthirsty men do hate the righteous Pro. 29. 10. q Tacit. Hist lib. 3. r Plutar. in Caesar id em dixit non mihi placet vindicta sed victoria s Quodlibet 1. Art 2. t Import Consider pag. 3. Natos homines abdomini Rich. Dunelm Philobibl c. 5. Faux speech that the Diuell and not God was the discouerer of it * Prince Henry then liuing Decus olim nunc dolor orbis as Huntindon Hist lib. 7. said of Henry the first of England Improbus à nullo flectitur obsequio Some being about
all the World and that the Emperour holds his Empire of the Church of Rome and may be called the Popes Vicar or Officiall as Iacobatius Writes Agreeable to the doctrine and propositions of Bellarmine that Kings are subiects to Popes and haue degraded Emperors and thereupon they challenge both swords and striue to free themselues and Dragon-like with their taile would draw the third part of the starres from all obedience and allegiance from the Kings of the earth denying all suites and seruice tributes trials or secular punishments to be inflicted vpon them exempting all their Cleargy from temporall subiection Contrary to the Precepts and practise of the Priests and Prophets of the Law and Christ and his Apostles in the Gospell yea contrary to the practise of the purer times euen in the Church of Rome when as their Bishops acknowleged their seruice and fealty to Caesars and paied them tribute Episcopi dederunt tributa potestatiregiae non resistentes c. saith Eusebius The Bishops paid their Tributes not resisting regall power yea let their Pope Vrban speake tribute was found in the mouth of a fish Peter fishing Ecclesia tributum reddidit then the Church paid Tribute yea Tributarium nummum debetis dare quo vos indicatis obedientiam vestram You ought to pay tribute mony by which you ought to declare your obedience But peraduenture they will alledge King Artaxerxes commission giuen to Esdras in which it pleased the King to command that no Tribute or taxe of the Priests Leuites holy Singers Porters Ministers of the Temple or workemen of the Temple should be taken or any had power to taxe them in any thing the answere is easie First this immunity proceeded ex mera gratia beneplacito from the meere fauour and pleasure of the King the better to incourage them in their worke at Ierusalem Secondly they possessed no lands but liued by oblations and sacrifices being herein like the Druides among the Frenchmen who payed no Tribute as Caesar writes the reason was because they had nothing and where nothing is the King loses his right Thirdly a particular fauour or example makes not a generall law Indeed Iustinian the Emperor hath granted to the Cleargy speciall priuiledges and freed them from military or martiall imployments personall officers and from many exactions but all this proceeds ex beneplacito out of an Emperiall fauour and royall grace which all vertuous Kings beare vnto Gods Ministers non ex praecepto or praxi for practise Christ himselfe payed Tribute for himselfe and Peter and by precept Giue vnto Caesar that which is Caesars telling his Disciples The Lords of the Gentils had dominion ouer them And S. Paul commands euery soule to be subiect to the higher Powers to pay Tribute and to giue Tribute to whom they owe Tribute To them therefore that challenge immunity from the performance of these publicke debts of tributarie duties to their Liege Lords and Kings I may say to them as Dioclesian to the Philosopher Thy profession differs from thy petition thy profession teaches thee to giue Caesar his due and not to rob him of his right Bishop Latimer calls such theeues that rob the King of his due debt Subsidies Tributes or Taxes Rather imitate that Ambrose the famous Bishop of Millan who teacheth thee a better lesson Si tributum petit Imperator non negamus agri Ecclesiae soluant tributum si agros desiderat Imperator potestatem habet vendicandorum tollat eos si libitum est Imperatori non dono sed non nego If the Emperor demand Tribute we doe not denie it your fields of our Church shall pay tribute If the Emperor demand the fields he hath power to challenge them let him take them I neither giue them nor denie them in no case arguing obedience in ordinary or extraordinary exactions agreeing fully with Luther If thy substance bodie or life should be taken from thee by the Magistrate thou maist say thus I doe willingly yeeld them vnto you and acknowledge you for ruler ouer me I will obey you but whether you vse your power and authority well or ill see you to that For Kings must one day giue account of all their workes to the King of Kings and if they haue abused their power by Tyrannie crueltie or any bad gouernment an hard iudgement shall such haue that beare such rule for then abides the sorer triall as the Sonne of wisedome speakes The power is from God the abuse of it from themselues and they will finde it when God and it cals them to reckon The chaine of gould is not made the worse because an harlot weares it about her necke it is Luthers comparison in this case so still Kings must be obeyed for conscience sake if not commanding contrary to Gods commandements Let vs in these follow the steppes of faithfull Fabricius of whose fidelity Pyrrhus boldly speakes Difficilius Fabricius a legalitate quam sol a suo cursu vertipossit Let the Sunne first turne from her course then we from the course of loyall obedience and allegiance alwaies remembring that Christian saying of the Martyr Ignatius No man euer liued vnpunished which lifted vp himselfe against his betters superiours his Princes disobedience brings infamie disgrace death yea hatred after death that the sorrowfull Sonne may say of his treacherous sire Ye haue troubled me and made me stinke among the inhabitants of the land as Iacob said of Simeon and Leui. Let vs alwaies from the bottome of our hearts● pray for the Kings safety corporally for his saluation spiritually and preseruation politically Let vs obey him because hee is the Lords annointed appointed by God to be his vicegerent representing the person on earth of the King of Kings in heauen Let vs honor him not with lips onely but with hearts truelie because he is the Father of our Countrie the constant Defender of the Faith and so worthy of double honour Let vs be ready to performe at his command our best seruice being his natiue and naturall Subiects born and bound by Allegiance to all Christian dueties of subiection Let vs be willing to pay Tribute a publike purse must helpe the publicke peace Multorum manibus grande leuatur onus Yet let vs pay him his duty Tribute to him for we owe him Tribute Custome to him for we owe him Custome Feare Honor Obedience Seruice and all other loyall seruices and performances of duties belonging to good subiects in their seuerall degrees and places humbly to tender them and render them vnto our gracious and high Soueragine Lord the King whose Sword Crowne Scepter Throne and Person iustly requires all these duties the Sword exacts obedience Crowne commands honor Scepter seruice Throne tribute and Person prayer alwaies powring forth to God this prayer and petition God saue the King Corporally Spiritually Politically CHAP. IX First Corporally