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A77739 A confutation of the Anabaptists, and all others who affect not civill government; proving the lawfullnesse of it: and a full answer to all their cavills, that are, or can be made against it. With a nut-cracker for an unnaturall nut, whose shell is as hard as the scales of Leviathan, and the kernell of his heart as hard as a piece of the nether mill-stone, Iob 41.15.24. yet the hammer of Gods word that breaketh in pieces the rocks, Ier. 23.29. will break this nut, that all may see the devillish kernell that is in it. Also arguments against the Anabaptists, proving that infants borne of Christian parents ought to be baptized: with a full answer to all their cavills that are (or can be) made against it. Imprimatur Ja. Cranford. Bakewell, Thomas, b. 1618 or 19. 1644 (1644) Wing B530; Thomason E51_20; ESTC R209932 98,225 89

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no heresie as a canker may corrupt as also the written word of God which is called the word of faith because by it faith is wrought in the Elect Rom. 10.17 this faith they must defend also But they object that those Kings of Iudah mentioned before who medled in the Church with Reformation and Establishment of Religion that they did it not as Kings but as Types of Christ so that now Christ is come he hath put an end to all such Types and Shadowes but this is a wicked errour for us to exclude any perticular calling that is lawfull especially such an eminent calling as that of the Magistracy from 〈◊〉 any hand in the worke of Reformation and setting up of the true Gnvernment of Jesus Christ amongst us as though that Christ was not then the King of his Church ●swell as now I once demanded of some of the chiefe of them in that way what Christ was to the Church of the Jewes if not their King while those Reformers were living but I was never answered yet But what saith the Lord I have set my King upon the hill of Sion Psal 2.6 The Lord said unto my Lord saith King David Psal 110.1 Yea before the Law was given when Abraham sate in his Tent doore he lift up his eyes and looked and loe three men stood before him but one of them was Christ for said he My Lord if now I have found favour in thy sight passe not away I pray thee from thy servant Gen. 18.2.3 The other two were angels which went to Sodom Chap. 19.1 He appeared often as to Iacob Gen. 32.24.28 Exod. 23.20 Ioshua 5.14.15 He is called the King of Iacob and the King of Israel and wisedome which is Christ saith By me Kings reigne and Princes decree justice By me Princes rule and Nobles yea all the Iudges of the earth Pro. So that then Kings were Gods Deputies on earth aswel as now But will they debar that honourable calling of the Magistracy from having any hand in the worke of Reformation of Religion under the Gospell how will they answer such places as these They shall bring thy sons in their Armes and thy daughters shall be carried upon their shoulders and Kings shall be thy nursing Fathers and Queenes shal be thy nursing Mothers Isa 49.22.23 And saith Paul pray for Kings and all that are in Authority that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godlinesse and honesty 2 Tim. 2.1.2 Then must we pray that Kings and those in authority may be a meanes to help us to lead a peaceable quiet honest and godly life and then say presently that they have no more to governe us in a godly life than heathen Princes but Kings must read in the Law of God all the dayes of their life that they may learne to feare the Lord their God and keep all the words of this Law and doe them Deut. 17.10 19. If this doth not satisfie see one place more 2 Sam. 22.3 The God of Israel said the Rock of Israel speake to me he that ruleth over men must be just and not only so but ruling in the feare of God If this sufficeth not let them shew whem or where any lawfull calling was debard from the work of Reformation if they cannot then why should this honourable calling be excluded We may read of many callings that put to their hand in repairing the walls of Jerusalem which was a Type of the Church as the Apothecaries Goldsmiths Merchants and others and Rulers that put their hand to the worke and commended but their Nobles are branded for this that they put not their necks to the worke of the Lord see Nehem. 3.5 I grant that Ministers are to informe the Church what is the will of God concerning Reformation but the Church and People are to doe it in obedience to Gods Commandment and the commandment of the Magistrate see both these Ezra 6.14 these were heathen Kings and were they also Types of Christ Again shall heathen Princes have their hand in the worke of Reformation and shall Christian Kings be barred from it shall those without the Covenant and without Grace doe it and shall not Christian Kings and Magistrates being in the Covenant and in the state of grace doe it those that are not blind may see their folly In the next place it wil be demanded whether Magistrates have the same authority in Ecclesias●icall things as in Civill I answer no there be two differences to be marked First in civill causes it ordereth all and executeth all but in Ecclesiasticall it hath power to order al but not to execute thē the Magistrate indeed ordereth and prescribeth an all but the Min ster is he that executeth in Ecclesiasticall causes Secondly Civill Authority hath power over all the things of men as their words and actions body and goods but not over the things of God as the Word and Sacraments Faith and Conscience and all the graces of Gods spirit wrought in the heart civill power hath no rule over these for saith Christ Give unto God the things of God and unto Cesar the things of Cesar Secondly this authority exten●●eth to all sorts of persons as well Ecclesiasticall as Civill but so as it reacheth not beyond the out ward man it 's to the body life conversation outward things but not to the soul conscience of which God is the only Lord governour Now if it be demanded how many kinds of Civill Government there be I answer it is of three sorts first in one person which is a Monarchie 2. In more then one when the government is in a few States and Peeres this may be called Aristocrificall or a Parliamentary way of government 3. When it lyes in the body of the People this is called a popular governement by one of these three is every Common-wealth governed Here I need not to dispute which of these is the best kind of government for a Christian Common-wealth to be governed by I suppose a populer government is the way to sedition and to Civill wars and mutinies in a Common-wealth and Monarchiall would be a very heavy burden for a free Nation to beare when Reheboam told them he would make their yoake heavy and whip them with Scorpions he almost lost all his Subjects 1 Kings 12.14 Then I conceive a Parliamentary way of government to be most agreeable to Gods word and most comfortable beneficiall to all the people when the three States are assembled the King entring a Covenant with the Lords and Commons representing the whole body of the land Thus all the Elders of Israel came to Hebron and David made a Covenant with them in Hebron before the Lord and they annoynted David King over all Israel 1 Chro. 11.3 And when Joash was annoynted King all the chiefe of the Fathers of Israel came to Jerusalem and all the Congregation made a Covenant with the King in the house of God 2 Chron. 23.2
all the States and Peeres of the Land see Chap. 23.1 2. He indeed is chiefly named because he was the chiefe of them in blood neither did he set up Ioash but helped to maintain his right which was usurped by Athaliah in a word he protected the right heire but could not himselfe depose nor make over the Kingdome unto him hence I conclude that to exempt the Clergie from under the authority of the Civill Magistrate is rebellion Fourthly they object that Kings and Princes of their bounty have granted these priviledges unto them I answer the law of nature acknowledgeth a civill subjection and the law of God straightly commands it saying Let every soule be subject to the higher powers Rom. 13. And put them in mind to be subject to principalities and powers to obey Magistrates and to be ready to every good worke Titus 2.1 Then I conclude hence that no law of any man may offer violence or derogate from either of these Fiftly they object from Ier. 1.10 where the Lord saith I have set thee over Nations and Kingdomes to plant and to pluck up Hence they gather that the Prophets and their Successors are not to be subject unto civill Government I answer the Prophet is set over Nations and Kingdomes but not to governe by the Civill sword but by the sword of the spirit in his mouth and he is to plant and pluck up Kingdomes no otherwise then by declaring that God would plant or pluck them up Sixtly they object from Isa 60.10 That Kings shall come and serve the Church under the new Testament and therefore the Church is not to be subject to Princes but they unto the Church I answer in the Church are two things first the persons of men secondly the things of God Now it is true that Kings are subject to the things of God in the Church as the word and Sacraments to these Ordinances of God no calling is exempted saith Paul our selves are servants for Iesus sake But to the first of these which is the persons of believers to these Kings and Magistrates are not subject but to this very question when some servants were converted when they lived under Infidell Masters they thought themselves by this spiritual calling to be freed from serving their Masters any longer but saith Paul Let every man abide in the same calling wherin he was called art thou called to the state of grace being a servant care not for it yet if thou couldest be freed from serving an Infidel use it rather but if thou canst not here is thy comfort he that is called being a servant is the Lords free-man therfore brethren let every man wherin he is called therein abide with God 1 Cor. So a subject being called is not freed of his obedience to Civill Government although he were effectually called under Infidel Governours it is in this case as it is with outward riches the people of God onely have a true right to them all by Christ so that all the riches in the world is theirs all is yours and ye are Christs 1 Cor. 3.21 And what others have they are but usurpers yet beleevers must not presently goe and take these outward things from any man although he be never so wicked So it is with places of Masters or Magistrates although never so wicked yet while they are in it we ought to yeild obedience to them for saith Peter Cervants be subject to your Masters with all feare now marke not onely to the good and gentle but also to the froward 1 Pet. 2.18 Seventhly they object that Kings and Magistrates are as sheep and Ministers are as Pastors and Shepherds therefore say they Kings are under Ministers as the flock is under the Shepherd I answer in the Prophets or Pastors consider two things first their persons secondly their Ministery now in regard of their persons all of them are subject to their Princes and that for conscience sake but in regard of their Ministry Princes and Magistrates are to be subject both when the Word is taught the Sacraments be administred all must submit themselves unto it even as a mean man being a Serjeant may arrest a Baron Earle or Duke neither may they resist him because he commeth with the Princes authority to which he must yeild himselfe though not unto the person of the Serjeant So must Magistrates submit unto Ministers comming not in their owne name but in the name of God and Christ now this must be marked that Magistrates are not simply subject to the Ministry but so far as they teach the word truly and rightly administer the Sacraments the which if they doe not they have power to reforme or depose such ministers as shall faile in their administration and in this regard Magistrates are called Shepherds The Lord saith Cyrus is my shepherd Isa 44.28 Though otherwise he be a sheep so far as he is truly taught by the Minister For they may say to the King and to the Queeno humble your selves Jer. 14.18 And Herod feared John and did many things and heard him gladly Mark 6.20 Thus we see that all men are to submit themselves to the Magistracy or Civil Government and to the positive Lawes of the Land Now the Romish Clergy are not enemies to Civil Government as it is government but as it is in the hand of Civil Magistrates so that their drift is not to put it downe but to remove it from the Magistrates to themselves that they might make all Magistrates their vassals Secondly prophane people doe allow of civil government in their judgment but they would have some liberty to intrench upon it in their practise Thirdly Anunomians and Ean●lifts are enemies to the eternall law of God which is the ground and foundation of the civil law which while they take a way the foundation of necessity the whole building must needs fall So they although they wil not openly say that they are enemies to civil government yet by accident they are enemies to it in their way seek to overthrow it 4 the independant people or the Brownists who will have Kings and Rulers and Magistrates to have no hand in matters of religion but all to be servants to the persons of beleevers and so they deny Cesar his due which is to have power over the outward man both of words and actions body and goods although he hath no power over the things of God which are their soules and consciences faith and all the graces of Gods spirit that are wrought in the heart yet we must obey them for conscience sake Rom. 13.5 Not as to bring these things of God under their command but obeying because God commands it even from the heart as to the Lord Col. 3.23 Fiftly the Anabaptists who are absolute enemies to civil government to them 〈◊〉 chiefly intend yet all the the rest doe something dash against civil government and the most of them do expect a time under the Gosoel in