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A40457 The vnkinde desertor of loyall men and true frinds [sic] French, Nicholas, 1604-1678. 1676 (1676) Wing F2183; ESTC R18403 96,064 260

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shall acquaint the Lord Lieutenant that wee and the Prince doe authoriz and apoint him to fill vp all the said blanks in such manner and to such purpose and with such contents as hee shall think most proper for the service of our dearest Lord the King in his Irish affaires and you shall assure him the said Lord Lieutenant that as wee and the Prince repose this trust and confidence in him that hee shall make vse of them as hee shall think fitt for the advancement of the peace in Ireland soe will both of vs at all tymes auow and Iustify those Instruments soe to be filled vp by him as our owne acts and as don by our owne particular directions and commaund you shall more particularly acquaint the Lord Lieutenant from vs and the Prince that if in the treaty of peace or in the conclusion therof hee desires to be assisted with any further Authority grounded vpon any letters sent to him from the King or otherwise in our power then wee desire him the said Lord Lieutenant to fill vp the blanks signed by vs or the Prince with such authority from vs or from vs and the Prince or from the Prince only in such manner as hee shall finde most proper and conducing to such a peace You shall likwise particularly acquaint him the Lord Lieutenant that if hee shall finde it proper for the advancement of the peace there that your selfe or your selfe with any others now in Ireland should in our name and authorised by vs repaire to the assembly Generall now held at Kilkennie or the supreme Counsel of the Irish or to any other body or persons with the overtures of a treaty or any particular in order to concerning or conducing to the same our desire is and wee hierby authorise him the said Lord Lieutenant accordingly that hee should fill vp one or more of the said blancks signed by vs in the nature of a commission letter or instructions with such authority from vs and in such manner as hee shall think fitt and that hee would accordingly insert the name of such person or persons as hee shall think fitt to be Ioyned with you in this Imployment from vs. These particulares you are to communicate to none but the Lord Digby and Lord Clanrikard vnless the Lord Luetenant shall think fitt to give you other orders concerning the same Then followeth the Princes approbation of all the instructions of both sortes with his commaund to put them in execution in these words Charles Prince VVEe have perused and doe fully approve of your instructions bearing date herwith and Signed by our Royal Mother and doe appoint and authorize you soe far as you shall finde vs named therin to put the same in execution Charles Prince VVEe have perused and doe fully approve of your private instructions bearing date herewith signed by our Royall Mother and hierby appoint and authorise you soe farre as you shall finde vs named therin to put the same in execution With these instructions and many letters not only to my Lord Lieutenant Lord Clanrikard and Lord Digby but alsoe from the Queen to the Nuncio and Cleargie to O Nelle and Preston with all the considerable persons then a mongst the Irish I parted from Paris a bout the 16. of march 1647. in Companic of my Lord Crafford c. From Nantes I landed at Waterford the 6'th or 7'th of Aprill and yet soe vnluckely as the assembly at Kilkennie had brooke vp that night at ten of the Clock which they would not have done had they first heard of my landing for soe Mr. Barron whoe hath been an Agent hier in France for the confederat Irish and to whome I sent a post soe soon as I was in waterford writt back to mee indeed I was very unfortunat for the Assembly had both power and meanes to doe or undoe what they had don in ordre to a treaty which the supreme Counsell limited within bounds by the Assembly afterwards had not Being com●to Kilkennie I was by Mr. Barron brought to the Counsell to whome after they had caused mee to sitt in a Chaire not farre from my Lord of Antrim theire President nor would they heare mee till I had don soe I delivered the cause of my coming thither which was the Queen and Prince his desire of peace in that Kingdom and for the Queen shee was not only moved unto it for the Kings intrest but alsoe by a zeal to the Catholick Religion and good of the People The day I came to Dublin I was that night brought to my Lord of Ormond to whome I delivered such letters as were for him and then said that hee was sure those letters expressed civilitys from the Queen and Prince much better then I could and that therfore I had nothing more now to say untill I had such instructions disiphered as I had which were many and would take vp som good tyme and by which his Lordship would finde the confidence her Majesty and the Prince had in him which was soe great as noe reports could shake though wee had weekly newes of his treaty with the Parlament for delivery of those places under his commaund to which his Lordship replyed that confidence shall never deceive them and that hee who had ventured himselfe his wife and all his Children in the Kings service would make noe sample of venturing or casting away one scruple when there shall be cause this hee spook because one of his sons was then hostage with the Parlament yet if there be necessity hee should give up those places under his commaund hee would rather give them to the English Rebells then to the Irish Rebells of which opinion hee thought every good Englishman was to this I replyed nothing Ormond having seen and perused these premises and now spooken of instructions I demaund in this place what his grace can aleage for himselfe that can excuse his backwardness in satisfying the resonable and Iust demaunds of the confederat Catholicks Hee cannot say hee wanted power and authority for concluding a peace with them seeing hee might insert in the papers of 14. blancks what conditions what Articles hee pleased for himselfe the Queen and Prince being resolued To owne and Iustify the same as theire Royall act and deed Further hee had from his Maj●sty a great latitude of power to compass such a peace as the Queen and Prince then desired notwitstanding the rejection of the peace of 46. as is to be seen by the Kings Letter to Ormond Februarij 27'th 1647. in these words page 258. of Reliquiae Carolinae ORMOND THe Impossibility of preserving my Protestant subjects in Irland by a continuation of warr having moved mee to give you the powers and directions which I have formerly done for the concluding of a peace there and the same growing dayly much more Evident that alone were reason Enough for mee to enlarge your powes and to make my commands in the point more positive but besides these
considerations being now manifest that the English rebells have as farre as in them lyes given the command of Irland to the Scotts that theire ayme is at a totall subversion of Religion and real power and that nothing less will content them or purchase peace Heer I think my selfe bound in conscience not to let slip the meanes of settling that Kingdom if it may be fully vnder my obedience nor to loose that assistance which I may hope from my Irish subjects for such scrupels as in a less pressing condition might reasonably be struck at by mee for theire satisfaction I doe therfore command you to conclude a peace with the Irish whatever it cost soe that my Protstant subjects there may be secured and my regal authority preserved but for all this you are to make for mee the best hargain you can and not discover your enlargment of power till you needs must and though I leave the management of this great matter and necessary worke intirely vnto you yet I cannot but tell you that if the suspension of Poynings act for such bills as shall be agreed vpon between you there and the present taking away the penal lawes against Papists by a law will doe it I shall not think it a hard bargine soe that freely and vigorously they engage themselves in my assistance against my rebells of England and Scotland for vvhich noe conditions can be to hard not being against conscience or honour Can there be any thing clearer then these expressions can there be a larger commission given or more streighter commaund layd on Ormond for compassing speedily a peace with the Irish Catholicks then what is repeated heer can Ormond pretend hee wanted power to conclude a peace or the King a willingness to have it don his Majestyes intentions desires and solicitations to that effect are vrged in these words what ever it cost soe my protestant subjects may be secure and Royal authority there is nothing soe certaine securing Catholicks Religion then that wee desired and vnanimously minded to ●●●ure the Kings intrest and prerogative and to help him to our power and not to molest or trouble any of his protestant subjects if not provoked by themselues thervnto take notice in this place of his royall assent to a Suspension of Poynings act for such bills as should be agreed vpon betwixt Ormond and us and the takeing away the penal Lawes against us neither did hee think it a hard bargin soe wee freely and vigorously engaged our selves in his Royall service against his Rebells of England and Scotland and says noe conditions can be to hard soe this be don and that in performing it nothing is against conscience and honour heer you may observe the distinction his Majesty makes at that tyme betwixt his Catholick subjects of Irland and those his Protestant Rebells of England and Scotland his Majesty whose intrest it was and the only Iudge of that fact to aprove or disaprove us as such gave each according his desert calling us his Irish subjects and those of England and Scotland his Rebels yet Ormond in his conference with Mr. Wintergr●nt calls us otherwise euen Rebels as those of England and Scotland were adding thervnto that if there were necessity to give vp those places vnder his commaund vnto any of the three Nations hee would rather make them over to his English rebels then to his Majestys faithfull Irish subjects of which opinion hee thought every good Englishman was to which expression Mr. Wintergrant a Roman Catholick and a person who had a better opinion of theire conscience then Ormond replyed nothing By the prefated expressions of Ormond you see how hee declared himselfe for an Englishman and being the Kings Lieutenant in that Kingdome hee showed himselfe only exteriourly for the King but interiourly a right Parlamentier as by his severall open disobediences and distructive delays to the King Queen and Princes orders and instructions as to the hastning of the Irish peace is manifested such a one in effect I must confess his darling Orrery would have him to be by all attributes of Religion breeding person speech dispossitions by his Lady and children and predecessors though Irish and well skild in the Irish speech and of 480. yeares and more standing in that Country would to God Orrery had gotten his wish in this and that his Ormond had been of two sydes an Englishman and that our Country and Countrymen had never knowne Ormond Orrery or Orrerys father were it soe things had gon far better with vs and with the Country you see how this Statsman makes noe difference between the confederate Catholicks and the Rebells of Scotland and England whoe got vp in actuall Armes against the King who bought and sould him had him close Prisoner at the same tyme these words were spoken by Ormond can Ormond produce such an oath of association made and agreed vpon by the Parlimentary party to maintaine the Kings prorogatives rights person and Royall interest as wee have made and set forth vnto the world vpon all occations and in all places even in the lowest ebb of his Majestys affaires wee spoke with veneration and respect of his sacred person when they in pulpits streets banks and theaters in theire privat meetings and Counsels disdainfully violated his sacred person and persued him even in theire news books as you may see in the Heu and Cry of Mercurius Britantcus ridiculously set forth in this forme If any man can bring tale or tyding of a wilfull King which hath wilfully gon a stray from his Parliment with a guilty conscience bloody hands a hart full of broaken vowes and protestations if these marks be not sufficient there is another in the mouth for bid him speak and you will soon know him then give notice to Britanicus and you shall be well payd for your paines god saue the Parliment These and such like scurrilous disrespects to his Royaell person would be theire quotidian pastime yet our good Ormond was pleased to list vs in the ranke and cathalogue of those rediculous prophaine Rebells His Vn●e and his Brother-inlaw the two prefated Viscounts and the rest of his affected frinds would hardly believe had an Angel affirmd it that Ormond would harbour soe hard a thought of the confederate Catholicks whome hee knew full well in his ●art to be good faithfull and Zealous subjects Now notwithstanding all these instructions and the Kings letters before mentioned with all the instances Mr. Win ergrant could make which were done with a great deal of care and Iudgment notwithstanding the accomodation which I shall insert heere sent by the confederate Catholicks to Ormond notwithstanding all this I say hee yielded vp to the Kings enemys the Castle of Dublin the Sword and all in which and by which action hee discovered his hatred to the confederate Catholicks his affection to the Parliment his disrespect and manifest disobedience to the Kings orders and commaunds and to those of the Queen and
some yeares continued his capitulations and treatings with the Catholicks of Irland and did indeed wijre-drawe them to theyr great losse both to the dishartning of their souldiers consumption of their treasures and letting slip great advantages of service great matters we expected from Ormond and noe lesse did our Commissioners tell us that he was ready to condescend to our demaunds and graunt us good things but in the end litle or nothing was don not withstanding all this any thing that seemed to be with the Kings interest or for the Kings service did much relish with the Catholicks and soe desirous and forward we were to make peace with any party the King owned to be his owne as we omitted to pursue vigorously a good warr and at long running wee made noe good peace for libertie Religion Fortunes or honour of the Nation CHAP. IIII. Glanmorgans peace rendered voide by the Kings disavoving any authoritie given to that effect Twice we concluded peace by our Commissioners the one off which have been with the Earle of Glanmorgan and the other with Ormond and in fin wee had neither peace nor the assurance of a peace the said Earle of Glanmorgan shewed us under the privat signet a faire and large commission he had from the King authorizing him to conclude a peace with us and to graunt us such favourable concessions for religion as Ormond the Kings Lieutenant who also had a comission under the great seale could not Publickly graunt or be seen in this peace made with Glanmorgan became voyd and of noe force the King disavowing any power given to that effect vnto Glanmorgan you shall find the Kings disavowing of any such power in his booke commonly caled Reliquiae Sacrae Carolinae pag the 29 in a message given as it is written in our court at Oxford the 29 lanu 1645. to the speaker of the house of Peeres pro tempore to be communicated to the two houses of Parliament at westminster and to the commissioners of the Parliament in Scotland His Majesties message of Ianuary 29. 1645. about Irland and his Majesties further Concessions and desire of a personal treaty Oxford C R His Majestie having receaved information from the lord Leutenant and Councel in Irland that the Earle of Glanmorgan hath without his or their orders or priuitie entered into a treaty with some Commissioners on the Roman Catholick partie there and alsoe drawne vp and agreed vnto certain articles with the said Commissioners highly derogatory to his Majesties honour and royal dignitie and most prejudicial vnto the protestant religion and church there in Irland wherevpon the said Earle of Glanmorgan is arrested vpon suspition of high treason and imprisoned by the said lord Leutenant and Councel at the instance and by the impeachment of the lord Digby who by reason of his place and former employment in these affaires doth best know how contrarie that proceeding of the said Earle hath been to his Majesties intentions and directions what great prejudice it might bring to his affaires if those proceedings of the Earle of Glanmorgan should ●e any way vnderstood to have been done by directions liking or approbation of his Majestie having in his former messages for a personal treaty offered to give contentment to his two Houses in the business of Irland hath now thought fitting the better to shew his clearer intentions and to give satisfaction to his two Houses of Parlament and the rest of his subjects in all his Kingdoms to send his declarations to his said houses containing the whole truth of the busines which is That the Earle of Glanmorgan having made offer vnto his Majestie to raise forces in the Kingdom of Irland and to conduct them into England for his Majesties service had a commission to that purpose and to that purpose only That he had noe commission at all to treat of any thing else without the privitie and direction of the lord Leutenant much lesse to Capitulat any thing concerning religion or any propertie belonging either to Church or Laity That it clearly appeares by the lord Leutenants procedings with the said Earle that he had noe notice at all of what the said Earle had treated and pretended to have capitulated with the Irish vntill by accident it came to his knowledge And his Majestie doth protest that vntill such time as he had advertisment that the person of the said Earle of Glanmorgan was arrested and restrained as is aboue said he neuer heard nor had any kind of notice that the said Earle had entred into any kind of treaty or capitulation with the Irish commissioners much lesse that he had concluded or signed these articles soe destructiue both to Church and State and soe repugnant to his Majesties publick professions and knowne resolution And for the further vindication of his Majesties honour and integritie heerin he doth declare that he is soe far from considering any thing contained in those papers or writings framed by the said Earle and those commissioners with whom he treated as he doth absolutly disavow him therein and hath giuen commandements to the lord Leutenant and the Councel there to proceed against the said Earle as one who either out of falseness presumption or folly had soe hazarded the blemishing of his Majesties reputation with his good subiects and soe impertinently framed those articles of his owne head without the consent privitie or directions of his Majestie or the lord Leutenant or any of his Majesties Councel there but true it is that for the necessarie preservation of his Majesties protestant subiects in Irland whose case was dayly represented vnto him to be soe desperat his Majestie have given commission to the lord Leutenant to treat and conclude such a peace there as might be for safty of that Crowne the preservation of the protestant religion and noe way der●gatery to his owne honour and publick professions You see plainly by this his Majesties disavowig letter of any power given to Glanmorgan as to the effect of peace to be concluded with the confederat Catholicks how Glanmorgans peace came to nothing and of noe validitie though much labour paines and monnies it cost to the confederat Catholicks and not without great discredit to the said Earle As for the peace made with Ormond yeare 1646. who had the Kings commission vnder the great seale it had noe better issue then the former as shal be made cleare out of the aboue specified divine his writings reasons arguments and woords as they are put downe And in as much as the Bishops and Cleargy their opposition to that peace hath drawne vpon them the implacable anger of Ormond pervsing what I shall write you shal be able to iudge the reasons given by the Prelats were valid and themselves honest in their intentions and vpright in their proceedings and that they haue done nothing but what pietie and the obligation of their pastoral care did require consequently yon will graunt that the dukes anger and rancour came by noe
offence given by the Bishops but through his owne heightie mind which in all matters and in all occasions must rule and domineere or will have peace nor quietness with any man this matter comprehending many parts arguments and circumstances I shal be forced to bestow more time about it It fell out soe that the confederat Catholicks appointed certain persons of qualitie as Commissioners of treaty they appointed others for preparing instructions for those that were to treat whom they named commissioners of instructions to treat and conclude a peace with Ormond then lord Leutenant this was done in the yeare 1644. the names of those appointed were Richard lord viscount of Mongaret Donogh lord viscount of Musgrie Sr. Robert Talbot Barronet Dermot ô Brien Patrick Darcy Geffery Brouwne and Iohn Dillon Esquires After a long debate vpon neare two yeares a peace was at lenght concluded between them and his Excellency the lord Leutenant consisting of thirty articles which articles after being perfected duely and maturely examined by vnderstanding and learned men were suspected vnsafe for the Chatholicks this is the subject the mentioned divine handled and soundly Proved and vpon the same occasion learnedly justified the rejection of that peace out of the arguments and decrees of the Ecclesiastical congregation CHAP V. The rejection of the peace of 1646 made by the Bishops and Cleargy at Waterford maintained and justified which peace was alsoe voyd for being perfected without authoritie of Ormond ' s part THis author sayes the Bishops and Cleargy allarmed at the publication of the said peace in Dublin and Kilkenme and obedience the Citizens and other natives gave therunto they saw the Gouverment was devolved the supreme Councell of the Nation dissolved and the forces and armies and all to be put into the hands of said Ormond lord Leutenant the peace as above was said being not secure for the cheefest concernements of the Catholicks convened and came togither at VVaterford a noble and Catholick Cittie the sixt of August 1466. the zeale of Gods house and of theyr flocks soe requiring to consider seriously the contents of the Articles of said peace and ackordingly to determine as pietie and the saftye of Religion and thir flocks would require at their hands The method said the Author the Eishops and Cleargy observed in rejecting said Peace and the order of their consultations was grave and yet free giving every divine licence to argue discourse and deliver his opinion as to the question proposed the Chancelour of the congregation taking in the meane time his notes in writing of every mans sense and sentence of the question ventilated and after a full debate repeting viva voce the substance of the arguments they voted with much tranquilitie a result or conclusion and indeed soe much was said to every of these articles that came vnder debate as nothing was left vnsaid that could be pertinent A love Principium was the begining of this Congregation they publickly sacrificed and prayed with flamming Charitie and profound humilitie demanding from God light and wisedom in this most important affaire that soe touched holy Religion and his divine worship that he would be pleased to give a blessing to their worke there and for the better guiding their Consciences they seriously perused First the oath of association the rule of warr and peace with the confederat Catholicks which could not be contravened by any without perfidiousness and impietie 2. The model of Gouvernement 3. Several remonst rances printed in France the yeare 1642. Fourthly our grevances presented at Tryme March the 17. 1642. Fifthly the several acts and protestations made by the Kingdom in open assembly at Kilkennie in the mounths Iuli● and August 1645. for the liberties and splendour of Religion and for the Churches Sixtly the 17. propositions exhibited to his Maiestie yeare 1644. Seaventhly the further addition and propositions after propounded to the lord Marques of Ormond All these things 〈◊〉 examened with great deliberation and attention being the rules laid downe by the whole Kingdom for regulating the committie of treaty as alsoe the committie of instructions for the said treaty and all others to whom any charge was intrusted They began with the important propositions the committie of treaty for the peace were to present vnto the Lord Marquez of Ormond Leutenant Generael of Irland sor and in behalfe of the confederat Catholicks of Irland for concluding a peace those propositions were the cheefe rules they were bound to observe in that treaty 1. One proposition was ●that the Roman Catholicks both Cleargy and Laity haue and enjoy the free and publick exercise of the Roman Catholick Religion through out that Kingdom as it was in the raigne of Henry the 7. or any other Catholick King his ptedecessours Kings of England and Lords of Irland had either in England or Irland 2. That the secular roman Cleargy of irland viz Primats Arch-bishops Bishops Ordinaries Deans and Chapters Archideakens and other dignitaries Persons Vicars and all other Pastors of the secular Cleargy and their respective successours shall have and enjoy all and every of them all manner of jurisdictions priviledges and immunites in as full and ample manner as the Roman Catholick Cleargy had or enjoyed within this Realme at any time during the raigne of the late King Henry the 7. of England and Lord of Irland any declaration of law laws statute power or any authoritie to the contrarie not with standing 3. That all laws and statutes made since the time of King Henry the 8. whereby any restreinght penaltie mulct or incapacitie or other restriction what-soever is or may be laid vpon any of the Roman Catholicks either of the Cleargy or laity for such the said exercise of the Roman Catholick Religion within this Kingdom and of their several functions jurisdictions and Priviledges may be repealed revoked and declared voyd in the next Parlament by one or more acts of parlament to be passed therin 4. That the Primats Bishops Archbishops Ordinaries Deans and Chapters Archdeakens Chancelours Treasurers Chanters prevosts Guardians of Collegial Churches Prebendaries and other dignitaries Persons Vicars and other Pastors of the Roman Catholick Cleargy and their respective ●uccessours shall have hould and enjoy all the Churches and Church liuings ●as large and ample manner as the late Potestant Cleargy respectively enjoyed the same in the first day of Septem 1641 togither with all their rights profits emoluments perquisits liberties to their respective Seas and Churches belonging as well in all places now in the possession of the confederat Catholicks as alsoe all other places that shall be recovered by the confederat Catholicks from the adverse partie within this Kingdom saving to the Roman Catholick Laity and their respective rights ackording to the lawes of the land The Roman Catholick Regular Cleargy of the Kingdom were to have and hould the Bodyes sites and precincts of their Abbeys Monasteries and churches c. These foure propositions were sworne by the Confederat Catholicks
in a general Assembly to be insisted vpon and obtained vpon any treaty of peace otherwise that they would not lay downe their armes while they had power and abilitie to maintaine the warr Now said foure Propositions or matters soe sworne to be insisted vpon were not granted in the 30 Articles of 1646. as above is cleare and manifest nor as much as presented or vrged as the Commissioners themselves did confess which seemes a breach of trust in those of the Commitie of Treaty who were obliged to present and vrge said propositions certaine I am that one of the most vnderstanding of that Committie tould me it was but meere folly to present and offer them for that Ormond was noe way content to consent o give way to them nor even to Glanmorgan's concessions it selfe which were of far lesser importance for Religion ad Nation then the above four propositions and that for this reason they said nothing of foresaid propositions nor of Glanmorgan's concessions vntill after signature of the 30 Articles they then desired Glanmorgan's confessions should be at once printed and published with the 30. Articles as contained and comprised in one of them to witt the Article of his Majesties gratious favour and further concessions which is as I reme●ber the first Article of all but my lord of Ormond abfolutly denied said concessions of Glanmorgan should be published at once with the 30 Articles and that he had nothing to doe with Glanmorgan's treaty or concessions Of the above foure propositions the cheefest things to be vrged and insisted vpon ackording the instructions they had they sayd nothing to Ormond After this followeth a title of the author in haec verba How the commitie of treaty demeaned themselves in concluding the peace of 1646 with Ormond THe Commitie saith this Divin cōfessed they vpon concluding the peace of thirty Articles relejed principally vpon Glanmorgan's concessions as to the libertie and exercise of Religion and as to the establishement and securitie●therof and they conceaved the benefit of Glanmorgan's concessions were included in these Articles of 1646 and made of equal force with them wheras the benefit of said Glanmorgan'● concessions is rather waved and renonced in said Articles of 1646 those Commissioners of Treaty sayes Glanmorgan's concessions are included vnder these words of the first of the 30. Articles furthe● coucessions gr●nted or to be granted by his Maiestie But you are to observe that all a long vpon the debate of the peace of 46. they never made as above said as much as mention to my lord of Ormond of Glanmorgan's concessions to be included and to be of equal force with the 30. Articles it is true after signature of said 30. Articles they moved his Excellency of Glanmorgan's concessions but he tould them plainly he never meant by the Article of further concessions that the Catholicks thereby should have the benefit of Glanmorgan's concessions Behould how the greatest matter that could concerne the Catholicks the matter of Religion was handled by the Commitie of Treaty to wit the foure propositions above mentioned and Glanmorgan's concessions the basis vpon which the Catholicks relied for Religion and splendor there-of immunities liberties Churches and church-livings committed to th●m to be insisted vpon now in all the time of said treaty and debate with his Excellency about the ●0 Articles not one word was spoken of said proposition● and concessions nor at the very time of signature and perfection of the 30. Articles as if they had been of soe litle worth as they merited not to be moved once being not withstanding the principal part ōf their trust Did they think by silencing them in time of Treaty to steale them vpon my lord of Ormond he was to wise to be soe gulled or did they meane by not moving them to leave them for a seede of a new warr when the King in Parlament should denie vs the benefit of Glanmorgan's concessions and of those other propositions and things as in my opinion he could rationally doe they being not articled and agreed vpon in the 30. Articles perfected by Ormond by vertue of his commission vnder the great seale and consequently not obliging the King as a matter contained included and perfected in the said 30. Articles what answer then can the commitie make for themselves as to the foure propositions and Glanmorgan's concessions not spoken of in the time of treaty how could the benefit of them be obtained in Parlament when the peace of 46. should be ratifyed and made good to the Nation Ormond would denie in open Parlament any consent given by him to such concessions or propositions or that they had been as much as moved to him or proposed vpon time of treaty or perfecting the 30. Articles now it is cleare that in contracts nothing can be claimed but what is don by the consent of the parties contracting Heere our Commitie of treaty is in a labirinth for obtaining the four propositions and Glanmorgan's concessions in Parlament what they affirme Ormond stifly denies and groundedly for who will say he consented to concessions or propositions never mentioned or vrged during the treaty nor at the time of perfecting the 30. Articles what shall the King determine in this dispute and difference what other but denie the benefit of said propositions and Glanmorgan's concessions for not being consented vnto by his commissioner Ormond what then will the Catholicks of Irland doe either they must content themselves with Ormond's peace of 30. Articles and goe without the benefit of both the propositions and said concessions the best and principal ground and securitie for Religion or else they must make warr with the king for obtaining them wheras vntill then they have never warred against his Majestie Heere have I given you nakedly the deportment of the commitie of Treaty with the nature substance and qualitie of that peace of 46 altogither vnsecure and vnsafe for Catholick religion and all the interrest of the Nation Now if in case that said Commitie of treaty for concluding of peace swarued from any of the rules and instructions given them as indeed they have don what they acted can noe way oblige either the Cleargy or the people to their owne overthrow and destruction it were a hard case for a common-wealth if persons by her impowered with trust and not performing the same trust could bind the common-wealth to Acts prejudicial and destructive both to their pres●rvation interrest and libertie as many of those 30. Articles were to doe CHAP VI. The opinion of two famous lawyers vpon the peace of Glanmorgan and that of Ormond with the final result and iudgement of the Prelats after examening the said peace of 30. Articles WEe are in this place to see what the Congregation did with their divins After making a sound ponderation vpon the above foure Propositions and other Acts and Ordinances of the several assemblys of that Kingdom they came to a mature examination of the 30. Articles above mentioned
but this Province of Connaght and the countie of Clare 2. That the People seeing noe visible armie for their deffence to oppose the enemie are come to despaire of recovering what is lost or deffending what wee ●hould and in●lining for the safty of their lives and estates to compound with the Parlament by which agreement the Kings authoritie will be infallibly cast off the Catholick faith soe wee feare with the time exstinguished and the Nation first enslaved will perhaps in the end be pluckt vp root and branch● 3. Yee shall protest before God Angels and men in the name and behalfe of the Congregation that the Prelars of this Kingdom have employed their earnest and ●est endeavour for removing the feares and jealousies of the people and that they have noe power to doe it finding the vniversal sense of the people to be that fate doth waite vpon these times 4. Yee shall present to his excellency how wee finding noe oth●r human expedient remedie for the preservation of this Nation and his Majesties interest therin● then the speedy repiare of his Excellency to the Queen and Prince in France for preventing the destruction of all doe humbly pray he leave the Kings authoritie in the hands of trusty persons to his Majestie and faithfull to the nation and to such as the affection and confidence of the people will follow by which the rage and furie of the enemie may with Gods grace receave some interruption wee humbly offer this important matter of safty or destruction of the Nation and the Kings interest to his wisdom and consideration and yee shall as●●●● his Excellency wee shall in the meane time doe what lyeth in our power to assist the persons intrusted by his Excellencie Yee are alsoe to pray his Excellencie will be pleased to give yee an answer within few dayes for that wee are not in a condition to continue long togither I aske if there be any thing in this letter message or instructions but what is humain civil and with great respect to his Excellencie In this nature the Bishops soe demeaned themselves even then when the greatest danger of distruction was over them yea when most of them were destroyed alredy and reduced to extreme pouerty through the loss of the kingdom in the short time of his government I further demand is there any thing in this that sauours of treason or disaffection to his Majestie or of opposing or destroying of the peace or of desire to put aside the kings authoritie and gouerment was there any thing in all these proceedings could offend this noble man or could any man draw out of this an occasion of carping or reprehending the Prelats certainly noe man excepting this father or some other Ormenian flatterer was it I pray you soe haighnous a crime to desire the lord Lutenant to take a viadge to the Queen and Prince for to seeke supplies to support the war ' and leaue the kings authoritie behind him in hope wee might doe some thing against the enemie in his absence by these intrusted by him in as much as he himselfe did nothing all that time but lost vs all wee had as likewise what was gained from the enemie in the begining of his owne Goverment great Generals have been displaced for want of success though valorous soever this have been don in the Roman and Atthenian commōwealths the most florishing in the world An ancient old woman came to Philip king of Macedo in presence of all his Grandes beseeching his Majestie to give eare to her complaints and doe her justice the king replyed he had noe leasure to attend her at which answer the bould poore woman said in presence of them all igitur né sis Rex what are you King for but to doe vs iustice if you will not heare me lay downe your crowne which you got to doe me iustice immediatly this great king stood vp gaue her audience did her iustice would it not I pray well become my lord of Ormond to listen to the iust and reasonable request of soe many Bishops spiritual fathers of the people while they humbly prayed him to take in hand a viadge certainly I am confident that the great Monarchs of Spaine and France would give care to what soe many Bishops would say and take it much to their serious consideration and I doubt not but our owne King would have don it though of a different religion It hath been said by some of his owne frinds that he himselfe desired to take such a viadge in hand but in as much as the Bishops desired him he went backe from his owne resolution what the reason is I know not if not to crose their de●ire CHAP VIII The true Iealousies of the Irish Catholicks at London that Ormond was to desert them wellset forth by F Wailsh in a letter to Ormond with certain observations made vpon the same letter NOw we come to the jealousies and feares of the Catholick nobilitie and Gentrie in London yeare ●660 well set forth in a letter from F. VVailsh vnto Ormond who not-with●standing all the rest did feare yet the F. did not nor as much as suspect of Ormonds disaffection and realtie to his countrie and catholick frinds wherefore Ormond may say to him what our saviour said to the centurian Math. c. 8. Non inveni tantam fide●● in Israel Heere I give you the fathers letter A letter from Peeter Wailsh to the marquez now duke of Ormond and second time lord leutenant of Irland desiring a Iust and mercifull regard may he had of the Roman Catholicks of Irland written Octob 1660. SInce I had the honour of speaking last to your Excellencie I reflected by reason of several discourses had this week with persons of qualitie on the dayly increase of the feares and jealousies of my countriemen which is the reason that insteed of waiting vpon you this morning about priuat concernments as I intended I chose rather out of my vnalterable affection to your selfe to give first this paper and therin my thoughts and my desires relating to the publick that is to vour selfe to his Maiestie and his Kingdom of Irland My lord I thought fit to tell you that considering the general feare seized alreddy almost on all the Nobilitie and Gentry and others here of that nation and reflecting on the vast difference t' wixt my owne beleefe and th●irs it seemes vnto me I behould in vs all particularly who have relied for soe many yeares on your vertue some-what fulfilled not vnlike the misterious extinction of all the lights to one in the ceremonie of Tenebrae in holy weeke for my lord I observe in the generalitie of the Catholicks of Irland here even I say of those who have been s●e long your constant beleevers your passionat frinds a dimness and darkness seazing their iudgment even your fastest sticklers heretofore loosing at present their expectation of your future appearance for them and hopes of their delivery by you at
Prince Neither wanted Ormond as some men did think his hidden reasons that moved him to neglect soe much and sleight the Royall Authority His Logick● made him discourse thus secretly with himselfe the King is prisoner to his Parliment and noe hopes left for his redemption hee is like to perish there the Queen alsoe and the young Prince they are exiled what can they doe They are not able to help themselves much less to procure any forraigne assistance for his Majesty the Parliment of England with Crumwell have drawne all England to theire owne side with Scotland and a great part of Irland as the large Province of V●ster where the Scot insulted and that part of Munster where Insequin with his Army remained vnder obedience of the Parliment my best way then will be quoth Ormond to play my owne game the best and make good vse of the tymes I will therfore apeare exteriourly for his Majesty and yet oblige the Parliment in yielding vp to them the Castle of Dublin with the Kings sword and all the faire County of Dublin rather then keep it and take part with the Irish and this I will doe notwithstanding the Queen and Princes orders and commands to the contrary for I may well feare the Irish Catholicks and I though Ioyned with them will be at long running mastered by the Parliment who will be min●full of mee in due tyme for soe necessary and frindly an action And truly it fell out soe for though they shewed noe personal favour to Ormond they shewed great kindness to his Lady allowing her three thousand pound starling for her Ioynter as a bove said and Crum●●●lls Children weare not less frindly to her Children and all this kindness hath been done them by all liklyhood in recompensation of Ormonds giving vp the Cittie Castle and County of Dublin to the Parliment Projects of Policy are deep and secret and likly this act of Ormond was the Policy and Wisdom the Lord Digby meant when hee sayd to Mr. Wintergrant that the Lord of Ormond was wiser then to vnite with the Irish Catholicks But in the meane tyme what became of his Loyalty Of his great zeal to his Majestys interest Of his obedience to the Royall Commaunds and to the orders and instructions of the Queen and Prince Herein the King was sleighted the Queen and Prince put by who as they held the preserving of Dublin the Castle therof and County about it to be the Kings great intrest and beneficiall for his Majesty soe alsoe they did think the delivering vp of all to the Parliment would prove a very great loss and distructive to his Royall intrest for preventing of which loss and mischief orders commaunds instructions and all power were sent from Queen and Prince by Mr. Wintergrant to Ormond to perclose a peace with the Confederate Catholicks at what price soever If the neglect committed heerin by Ormond sleighting the Royall powers and Authority a cleare Argument of disobedience in him to both hath redounded to the vtter overthrow of the Catholicks and Kingdom and consequently of his Majestys intrest therin you my reader may Iudge or any other Impartiall Iudgment CHAPTER 17'th The accommodation sent by the confederat Catholicks to Ormond Lord Lieutenant for preserving of the Cittie and Castle of Dublin with the lands about it rejected by him and the reasons given by him for such rejection GEntle Reader heer before I give you the accommodation presented and offered by the Confederate Catholicks vnto Ormond I think it necessary to give you first the sound observation of an vnderstanding and discret Member made vpon the same accommodation of the said confederate Counsell of Catholicks which shall serve you as a guiding light to the clearer vnderstanding how the matter was carried on which vvas vvord to vvord as follovveth That the late Articles of pacification concluded vvith the Lord Marqnis of Ormond Anno 1646. Being rejected by the generall assembly vvith an vnanimous consent by reason the Lord Marquis of Ormond did not grant those conditions vnto vvhich hee vvas authorized by his Maiesty and for that the King vvas brought vnto a condition incapable at present to performe any thing that was granted and for that there was noe security in them for Religion or Nation and the insecurity not com knovvledg of the confederats vntill after the late pacification vvas published the late generall assembly in the begining of March last Imployed Mr. Giffery Barron som tyme before Imployed in France and Mr. Gerrald Fennell both persons of great trust vnto the said Marqnis vvith the inclosed heads or Overtures of an accommodation to continue vntill his Maiesty vvere in a free condition to grant honourable and safe conditions vnto the consederats and the said Marquis after receiving the said Overtures by vertue of a letter of Credence from the said Mr. Barron and Mr. Fennell returned ansvver to the assembly that hee vvould send his ansvvers by messengers of his owne first giving great hopes vnto those Imployed by the assembly that hee would never Ioyne with the Parliment The assembly expecting this answer for one and twenty days received it not to the hazard and very great charge of the Kingdom his Lordship in the interim treated with the Parliment Commissioners and the assembly fully possessed with a beliefe that his Lordship would never conclude with the Parliment a few days days before the adjournment sent Theobala Butler Major of Horss in the Catholick Army to his Lordship to know the cause which might retard or stay his Lordships answer soe long and soe much expected at whose coming thither the said Marquis having as it seemes concluded with the Parliment delivered hostages vnto theire Gommissioners Viz his sonne the Lord Richard Butler and the Lord Dyllon the Earle of Res●omon a considerable Peere and native of this Kingdom Collonell Arthur Chischester sonne and haire of the Lord Viscount Chischester and Sr. lames Ware Knight a person of consideration with him and of the Privie Counsell hier vpon the sayd Lord Marquis tould the said Major Buttler that hee would never propound any thing to the consederate Catholicks that was in theire power to deny him The Assembly receiving this answer soe much tending to the Kings disservice by which the hopes of an accommodation was frustrated they being sol●mnly sworne to endeavour an accommodation with him which were consistent with Loyalty and Catholick Religion on the fourth currant adjourn'd it selfe vntill the 12'th of November next soone after Monsieur Tallone and Monsieur Munnery Residents to the King of France arrived heer and being with vs at the Counsell declared that most of theire bussiness hither was to solicit an accommodation tending Chiefly to the preservation of the Catholick Religion and wee did on all occations declare our willingness and rediness to effectuate the same and after severall Iourneys made by the said Monsieur Tallent to Dublin wee did condescend to enlarge the Cessation at first agreed vpon to the