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A35219 England's monarchs, or, A compendious relation of the most remarkable transactions, and observable passages, ecclesiastical, civil, and military, which have hapned [sic] during the reigns of the kings and queens of England, from the invasion of the Romans to this present adorned with poems, and the pictures of every monarch, from William the Conquerour, to His present Majesty, our gracious sovereign, King Charles the Second : together with the names of His Majesty's most Honourable Privy Council, the nobility, bishops, deans, and principal officers, civil and military, in England, in the year 1684 by R.B., author of the Admirable curiosities in England, The historical remarks in London and Westminster, The late wars in England, Scotland, and Ireland, &c. R. B., 1632?-1725? 1685 (1685) Wing C7314; ESTC R21089 148,791 242

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French King and his Mother out of the hands of so dangerous a Faction by aiding such of the French Subjects as preferred the service of their Soveraign and Country above all other respects and for preserving the reformed Religion from universal destruction and maintaining her own subjects in Peace and safety this she publisht in a Manifesto to the World and accordingly assisted the Hugonots with Ships Amunition and six thousand men The Papists apprehending the Queen would lay the Ax to the Root of their Religion contrived several horrid and dangerous Conspiracies against her life which were all happily prevented Differences growing great between the Queen of Scots and her Nobility they imprisoned her from whence she escaped into England and put her self under the Protection of the Queen who after mature deliberation concluded to detain her as one taken by the Right of War and not to dismiss her till she had made satisfaction for assuming the Title of England and the Death of Darnley her husband who was an English subject born and Commissioners were appointed to examine the cause at Tork and Murray the Regent of Scotland was summoned to answer the complaints of the Queen of Scots who entred a Protestation against these proceedings as being a free Princess and obnoxious to no earthly Princess on the contrary the English alledged that they would in no wise admit of her Protest as being in prejudice of the rights which the Kings of England have anciently challenged as Superior Lords of Scotland At last after she had continued Prisoner in England eighteen years she was brought to a Tryal and being charged with having been privy to several conspiracies against the Queens Life the Commissioners of the Star Chamber pronounced sentence against her and she was soon after beheaded though after her Death Queen Elizabeth was very much troubled and grieved The Duke of Alva a man of Tyrannical and Arbitrary Principles being sent Governour into the Low Countries by the Court of Spain a War broke out with great fury for he being an enemy to their nation destroyed all their priviledges brought in the Inquisition and endeavoured by all manner of cruelties to extirpate the Protestant Religion whereupon the Hollanders confederate together in a League Offensive and Defensive constituting the Prince of Orange their Commander in chief but finding their Forces too weak to oppose the King of Spain they sent an honourable Ambassy to Queen Elizabeth offering her the Soveraignty of Holland and Zealand as she was descended from the Earls of Holland by Philippa the Wife of K. Edward the third after consideration the Queen thanked them for their good Intentions toward her but added she could not receive those provinces into her protection yet would endeavour to prevail with the King of Spain for concluding a Peace Yet she afterward sent them twenty thousand pound which with several other provocations both upon the account of Policy and Religion so inraged the Pope and Spaniard that they conspired her utter destruction the King of Spain having prepared a Navy which the Pope Christened The Invincible Armado wherewith he designed to conquer and take possession of the Kingdom of England bestowed on him by the Pope but Queen Elizabeth providing a Fleet under the Lord Howard Sir Francis Drake and other valiant Commanders fell upon them and after several days fight utterly defeated them insomuch that the Spaniards lost in this expedition above fourscore Ships thirteen thousand five hundred Souldiers and above two thousand Prisoners taken in Ireland Zealand and the Low Countries so that there was no considerable family in Spain but either lost Son Brother or Kinsman in this great defeat The French King Henry the Fourth afrer long Wars with the House of Guise and the confederate Papists of the Holy League fearing that they would at last destroy him now turned from the Protestant Religion and having acquainted Queen Elizabeth with the necessity thereof she endeavoured to divert him therefrom writing to him in these very terms Alas VVhat grief what anxiety of mind hath befallen me since I heard this news VVas it possi●le that worldly respects should make you lay aside the fear of God Could you think that he who hath hitherto upheld and kept you would now at the last leave you It is a dangerous thing to do evil that good may come thereof but I hope your mind may alter In the mean while I pray for you and beg of God that the hands of Esau may not hinder the blessing of Jacob To which K. Henry replied That though he had done this in his own Person out of necessity yet he would never be wanting to those of the reformed Religion but would take them into his special care and Protection However this his compliance did not save his life for having raised a great Army one Ravilliack a bloody Villain murdered him in his Coach in the Streets of Paris declaring the chief motive thereof to be because he suspected him still a Hugonot and that those Forces were designed against the Pope The Queen now assisted the Hollanders with considerable Forces under the Earl of Leicester and others and sent the Earl of Essex with a gallant Navy who took Cales the Castle being redeemed for 580000 Duckets and a vast quantity of Amunition and Money found in the Town The Spaniards offered Sir VValter Rawleigh two Millions of Duckets to free their Ship from firing but he said He was sent to destroy Ships not to dismiss them upon Composition the loss was judged 20000000 of Duckets by this Expedition In the mean time Tyrone breaking into Rebellion in Ireland got a great victory over the English and after some debate the Earl of Essex was sent thither with ample Authority but not meeting with expected success he returned to England without the Queens permission whereupon he was committed to custody and brought to a private Tryal but upon his submission was again set at liberty yet being reproached with want of Courage by some of the Cabal he turned Malecontent and used all means to gain the Peoples love resolving to seize on the Queen but being disappointed he retired into the City endeavouring to ingage the Citizens on his side which not being able to effect he at length surrendred himself to the Lord Admiral and was sent to the Tower with his great friend the Earl of Southampton both whom being Try'd were found guilty of Treason and Essex was beheaded but Southampton pardoned several of their confederates being likewise executed Soon after Queen Elizabeth died at Richmond in her Bed after she had wonderfully escaped abundance of Popish Conspiracies against her life there being above 100 Persons executed at several times during her Reign for designing to destroy her whereof sixty seven were Jesuits she reigned forty four years lived sixty nine and died March 24. 1602. of whom this Epitaph was written None like Elizabeth was found in learning so divine She had the perfect skilful art of
fell upon the Scots at Shrewsbury before they could joyn their Confederates whom he routed as he did likewise Hotspur and Worcester killing thirty six with his own Hand The Earl of Worcester was taken and beheaded and several of the principal Confederates were hanged and quartered and their Heads set upon London bridge Prince Henry likewise went into Wales against Owen Glendour who was suddenly forsaken by his Army and hiding himself in the Woods being encompassed by the Princes Forces was miserably starved to death Henry Hotspur was slain in the Field but his Father the Earl of Northumberland came voluntarily and submitted himself to the King protesting himself innocent of these Treasons which though the King did not in the least credit yet he gave him good Words and suffered him to depart at pleasure because he had Berwick Castle and other strong Places in his Possession These Troubles being ended Lewis Duke of Orleance Brother to the French King sent a vain-glorious Challenge to King Henry requiring him with an hundred stout English to fight with him and the like number of French for Honours sake at a Place appointed But the King discreetly answered That his former warlike Actions sufficiently cleared him from the infamous Title of Coward That Kings ought not to be so careless of their Kingdoms or prodigal of the Blood of their Subjects whom God had committed to their Charge as to fight for any Cause unless for the Defence of the True Religion their own Rights or to secure their Realms from Foreign Enemies and revenge their Peoples Wrongs That a Sovereign Prince by the Laws of Arms and Honour was not obliged to any Challenge in the Field except against one equal to him in Dignity Yet that he would be always ready to repress any Violence or Wrong which the Duke should rashly or unadvisedly attempt against him or his People The haughty Duke having received this mild Answer grew inraged and immediately sate down with a great Army before the Town of Vergie in Guyen which he besieged three Months giving many fierce Assaults and receiving such stout Repulses that despairing of Success he was compelled to raise his Siege and return disgracefully into France The Duke of Burgundy likewise judging that King Henry durst not leave the Kingdom to make War abroad desired leave of the French King to attempt the regaining of Callice and to that end raised great Strength but the French Kings Council being informed of King Henry's vast Preparations to defeat them commanded Burgundy to desist which he imputed to the Pride of the Duke of Orleance lest he should gain more Honour than himself No sooner was Henry freed from this Danger but another presently succeeded contrived by Henry Piercy Earl of Northumberland Richard Scroop Archbishop of York Thomas Mowbray Earl-Marshal the Lords Hastings Faulconbridge Bardolf and others but the Conspiracy being privately revealed he unexpectedly marched with an Army into the North and surprised all the Lords except Northumberland and Bardolf whom he immediately beheaded Northumberland fled into France and from thence came back a while after into Scotland where he was promised Aid against the King but Prince Henry being sent thither burnt and destroyed all before him taking in the Castles of Berwick and Anwick and forcing the Scots to beg for Truce which was granted them for a few Months onely But three years after Northumberland and Bardolf animating the Scots to a new War entred Northumberland and did much mischief Whereupon King Henry raised Forces to suppress them but before his coming they were routed by Sir Ralph Rooksby Sheriff of the County and the two Lords with divers others being taken they cut off their Heads and sent them for Presents to the King After which till his Death which hapned in two years he enjoyed Peace and Quietness and then died at London of an Apoplexy having reigned Thirteen years and five months and lived Fifty six 1412. and was buried at Canterbury In his Admonition to his Son at his Death he spake thus As long as Englishmen have Wealth and Riches so long shalt thou have Obedience from them but when they are Poor they are still ready for Commotion and Rebellion HENRY the FIFTH King of England c. FRom the Lancastrian Line successively I Englands Glorious Golden Garland got I mixed Justice still with Clemency Much Blood I shed yet Blood-shed loved not Time may my Bones and Sepulchre destroy But Time can never blast my endless Fame Oblivion my great Acts can ne'er annoy Or make Forgetfulness forget my Name In France a Game at Tennis I did play With roaring Rackets thundring Guns and Drums And what I play'd for still I brought away The Spoils triumphantly transporting home Yet at the last grim Death my Life assail'd And as I liv'd I di'd lov'd and bewail'd WHilst Henry the Fifth was Prince he accompanied with several rude debauched Persons with whom he committed many extravagant Actions but after the Death of his Father being Crowned King he became a new Man banishing all those his loose Companions from his Presence and Court and electing grave discreet Counsellors and Officers in all Places for Administration of the Government and Courts of Justice He applied himself to reform all kind of Abuses and especially the Pride Covetousness and other Enormities of the Clergy enjoyning them to apply themselves to Prayer Preaching and Hospitality He executed the Laws with moderation upon his People and to prevent any Irruptions of the Scots and Welch he built divers Forts and Castles on the Frontiers Garrison'd with some thousands of stout Soldiers In his first year he ordered the Body of King Richard the Second to be removed with great Pomp and Solemnity from Langley to Westminster and buried it with Queen Ann his first Wife In his second year he called a Parliament at Leicester in which he was earnestly petitioned to suppress the Religious Houses throughout the Kingdom as being now onely the Nurseries of Idleness Gluttony Letchery and Pride the Revenues whereof were reckoned to be worth 20000 l. a year which would then maintain 15 Earls 1500 Knights and above 6000 Soldiers besides an Allowance to a great number of Alms-houses To divert this dangerous Motion the fat Abbots and Priors the idle Monks wanton Fryars and whining Nuns joyntly beseeched the Archbishop of Canterbury to be their Friend who in a Learned Oration discovered the Kings Right to the Crown of France proposing an easie Method for attaining thereto and lastly as a more prevailing Argument he offered the King as a free Gift from the Clergy an incredible Sum of Money for furthering him therein This Proposal laid all those Petitions asleep being approved of both by King Nobles and People and nothing was discoursed of but Englands recovering of France To which purpose the Duke of Exeter the Kings Uncle the Archbishop of Dublin the Lord Gray High Admiral and the Bishop of Norwich attended with 500 Horse were sent Ambassadors to the
therefore proclaimed War against France upon which occasion and for writing against Martin Luther the Pope stiled him Defender of the Faith Henry sending a Fleet and an Army thither took the Towns of Tyrwin and Tournay At the same time James the Fourth King of Scots though he had married Margaret King Henry's eldest Sister contrary to his Oath and Articles invaded England with an Army of 100000 Fighting Men but the Earl of Surrey with 26000 Men marching against them utterly routed the whole Scotch Army at Flodden field King James himself being slain valiantly fighting After this succeeded a Peace and the French King married King Henry's second Sister Mary And now Cardinal Wolsey of mean Parentage grew extreme Great by the Kings extraordinary Affection toward him and among other extravagant Actions he procured a License from the Pope to pluck down several small Abbies and Priories and to settle the Lands upon two Colleges which he had built one in Ipswich and another in Oxford which President occasioned King Henry some years after to pull down all the rest In his eighth year a Riot hapned in London against Merchant-Strangers and Artificers for which many were condemned of High Treason but were all pardoned by the King The Truce with France was soon broken by the French King whereupon King Henry sent an Army thither who won and burnt Morlaix and several other Towns returning home with great Booty In his twentieth year the Kings Marriage with Queen Katherine of Spain is questioned which was thought to be cunningly contrived by Cardinal Wolsey whereupon the King refrained her Bed and it was judged unlawful by six Foreign Universities so that notwithstanding the Popes Opposition who would have had it referred to him it was made null and void by the next Parliament upon which the Pope caused his Curse to be set up at Dunkirk against the King pronouncing the Marriage lawful But Henry little regarded those Paper Pellets for hereby the Pope lost his Supremacy in England and Bishop Fisher and Sir Thomas More were beheaded for defending it The King soon after married Ann Bullein Daughter to the Lord Rochford who was judged a Favourer of Protestants and therefore disliked by Cardinal Wolsey who for abundance of Misdemeanours was found guilty of a Praemunire and all his Estate and Honours were taken from him for grief whereof he soon after died In his twenty sixth year the King was by Parliament declared Supreme Head of the Church within all his own Dominions in all Ecclesiastical Causes and all Popish Bulls and Indulgences were made void and several Religious Houses of Nuns and Monks whose Revenue exceeded not 200 l. a year were suppressed The next year Queen Ann the Kings dearly-beloved Wife was beheaded though she protested her Innocency at her death being accused for prostituting her Body to her own Brother the Lord Rochford who with some others were put to death for the same This Tragedy being over the King within twenty days married Jane the Daughter of Sir John Seymour by whom he had the Virtuous Prince Edward who succeeded him but within few days after the good Queen died James King of Scotland being slain as aforementioned his Queen Margaret eldest Sister to King Henry was afterward married to Archibald Dowglas Earl of Angus who had a Daughter by her called Margaret this young Lady the Lord Howard married without the Kings leave for which she being of the Blood Royal he was beheaded as a Traytor The Kings Proceedings against the Pope caused a Rebellion in Lincolnshire but they were soon dispersed and Captain Cobler their Leader with others executed This was no sooner supprest but an Insurrection begun in the North of above 40000 who called themselves The Holy Pilgrims but upon the Kings Pardon they all quietly departed ●ome A third Rebellion succeeded in Westmorland upon the same account but was likewise defeated and seventy of the principal Conspirators executed In his twenty eighth year several Persons were executed for denying the Kings Supremacy and the Lord Cromwel is made Vicegerent in all Spiritual Matters by whom all Images and Shrines in Churches were taken down and destroyed and the Houses and Lands of Abbots Priors Monks and Nuns for their many Misdemeanours were all taken away and their yearly Revenues amounting to above 200000 l. setled on the King who freely exchanged them for other Lands with divers of his Nobles and Gentry thereby preventing as much as possible the restoring them to their former Uses After the Lord Cromwel had performed this great Business he persuaded the King to marry Ann of Cleve whom he never liked so that though he was married to her four Months he never conversed with her as a Wife the Clergy soon after dissolving the Marriage and the King married Katherine Howard Daughter to the Lord Howard Brother to the Duke of Norfolk The King then began to frown upon Cromwel which his Enemies who were many observing procured his Downfal for he was attainted in Parliament and without being suffered to defend himself was condemned and executed for High Treason and about this time the Lord Hungerford and the Lord Leonard Gray were put to death King Henry was very unfortunate in his Wives for soon after his last Marriage he was informed that his Queen Katherine had before Marriage lived very lasciviously with one Francis Derham and Thomas Culpeper whereupon the Queen and the Lady Rochfort who was privy thereto were soon after attainted of Treason by Parliament and beheaded and the other two hanged at Tyburn About this time an Act of Parliament was made declaring it High Treason to deny the Oath of Supremacy or to acknowledge the Authority of the Pope Yet though the Discipline of the Church was altered the Doctrine remained almost the same for there were six bloody Articles likewise enacted and it was made Heresie and thereupon burning to deny any of them They were these 1. That after speaking the Words of Consecration by the Priest the real and natural Body and Blood of Christ as he was conceived and crucified was in the Sacrament and no other Substance 2. That the Communion in both Kinds is not necessary to Salvation 3. That Priests may not marry 4. That Vows of Chastity ought to be observed by the Law of God 5. That Private Masses ought to be continued 6. That Auricular Confession is necessary and expedient to be retained in the Church of God The refusal of these Articles caused the Death of very many Protestants as the denying the Kings Supremacy cut off several Papists so that at the same time Protestants were burnt on one side of Smithfield and Papists hanged on the other which made Foreigners admire not understanding what Religion King Henry was of In his thirty third year the King married Katherine Parr Sister to the Marquess of Northampton and Widow to the Lord Latimer who was likely to have lost her Head if her Virtue and the Kings sudden Death had not
reserved her for better Fortune for being studious in the English Bible which was forbid to be read she thereby began to hearken to those who declaimed against the Abuses of the Roman Church and thought her self so well instructed in her Religion that she would debate thereof with the King who impatiently heard her both by reason of the anguish of his sore Leg and because he hated to be contradicted especially in his old Age and by his Wife as he said This was so much aggravated by Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester a bitter Enemy to the Reformation as being against the Six Articles and the Proclamation against Prohibited Books that the King gave leave to him and Wriothsley the Chancellor to draw up Articles against her which they presented to the King and were subscribed by him so that they onely expected a Warrant to carry her to the Tower which the Queen accidentally hearing of fell into a great Passion extremely bewailing her Misfortune of which the King having notice came himself to her Chamber where compassionating her Condition he used such kind Words as did help to recover her so that the next Night coming into the Kings Chamber he began to talk of Religion but she wittily excusing her self by reason of the weakness of her Sex Judgment said She would refer her self in this as in all other Causes to his Majesties Wisdom Not so by St. Mary quoth the K. you are become a Doctor Kate to instruct Vs as We take it and not to be instructed or directed by Vs But the Queen replying That what she said was rather to pass away the time and make him forget his Pain than to hold an Argument and that she hoped by hearing his Majesties Learned Discourse to receive some Profit thereby The King answered And is it even so Sweet-heart Then are we perfect Friends again and therewith lovingly kissed her But her Enemies knowing nothing of this Reconcilement prepared to send her to the Tower the next day according to the Kings Warrant when she being merrily talking with him in the Garden the Lord Wriothsley with forty of his Guard came in whom the King sternly beholding and after calling to him at some distance from the Queen so expostulated the matter that at last he reviled him and commanded him out of his Presence yet at the Kings return she humbly begged his Pardon to whom the King answered Alas poor Soul thou little knowest how ill he has deserved this for I assure thee he has been a very Knave to thee And thus by her opportune Submission she escaped though Winchester absolutely designed her Ruine Not long before King Henry sailed to Callice in a Ship with Sails of Cloth of Gold and the Emperour of Germany served under him as a Soldier at 100 Crowns a day The King sate down before Bul●oigne and in six weeks time it was delivered to him This was succeeded by a War with Scotland by the instigation of the French King whereupon Henry sent an Army of 20000 Men to invade Scotland who burnt and plundred several Towns and Villages but James the Fifth of Scotland an active and warlike Prince having raised Forces marched toward the Borders with a resolution to fight the English though dissuaded by his Nobility who remembred the Miseries of the former War and the loss of their last King James having made Oliver Sinclair a Favourite of mean Birth General the Lords were so much disgusted that upon the appearance of onely 500 English Horse apprehending them to be the whole English Army the Scots threw down their Arms and fled Many Prisoners were taken as the Earls of Glencairn Cassils the Lords Maxwell Sommervill Oliphant Gray and Ol. Sinclair with above 200 Gentlemen and 800 Soldiers The News of this Loss with the murdering of an English Herald being brought to King James together with the Birth of a Daughter when he earnestly desired a Son so oppressed him with Grief and Despair that he fell into a Fever and died the thirty third year of his Age and the thirty second of his Reign leaving onely his Infant Daughter Mary to succeed him This turn of Affairs put Henry upon new thoughts of uniting England and Scotland by procuring a Marriage between his Son Prince Edward and the young Queen of Scotland whereupon the King having magnificently treated the Scotch Nobility represented to them this fair Occasion of ending all Quarrels between the two Nations who approving thereof the Match was confirmed both by the Parliament of England and Scotland But Cardinal Beaton Archbishop of St. Andrews fearing that the Consequence of it would be a Change in Matters of Religion opposed it as likewise the French which caused continual Wars and great Devastations And then the King fell again upon France who were ●routed by him in divers kirmishes but in his thirty eighth year a Peace was concluded between England and France And soon after the Duke of Norfolk and his Son the Earl of urrey were convicted of High Treason onely for Quartering the Arms which they said properly belonged to the King for which the Earl was beheaded to the great grief of the People but the Duke by reason of the Kings Sickness and Death soon after was preserved For he was grown excessive Corpulent and the Inflammation of his Leg cast him into a lingring Fever whereby he finding his Spirits decay made his Will wherein he ordered that his onely Son Edward should succeed him and he dying without Issue his Daughter Mary and after her if without Issue his Daughter Elizabeth should succeed appointed the Principal Men of the Kingdom for his Executors And finding his last Moment approaching he sent for Archbishop Cranmer then at Croyden who coming found him speechless The Archbishop desired him to give some Sign of his dying in the Faith of Christ upon which he squeezed his Hand and presently departed after he had reigned thirty seven years and nine months and lived fifty six Thus died King Henry whose Reign had been fatal to his Queens burdensom and cruel to his Subjects yet glorious in respect of his Victories over his Enemies and that the Ax was then first laid to the Root of Superstition and the Door first opened to Truth and Reformation EDWARD the SIXTH King of England c. I seem'd in wisdom aged in my youth A Princely Pattern I reformed the time With Christian Courage I maintained Gods Truth And Christian Faith ' gainst Antichristian crime My Father did begin it in my prime And Bial and Belial from this Kingdom drove And I did still endeavour all my time By all means to advance Gods Truth and Love To add Grace unto Grace I always strove I liv'd beloved both of God and Men My Soul unto its maker soar'd above My Mortal Part returned to Earth agen Thus death my just proceedings did prevent And Peers and People did my loss lament EDward was born at Hampton-Court Oct. 17. 1537. Being the only surviving
Son of K. Henry the 8. by Q. Jane Seymour his third wife who died soon after her delivery He was very carefully educated by his Father and had such a happy Genius that in a short time he attained to a perfect use knowledge of the ancient and modern Languages and was exceedingly skilled in all the liberal Arts He was of a beautiful body a mild and gracious disposition and an Heavenly wit so that the renowned Cardan calls him a Miracle of Nature After K. Henrys Death Edward by unquestionable right succeeded him his Father having appointed twenty eight Councellours to assist him in the Government till he came of Age who chose the Earl of Hartford afterward Duke of Somerset to be Protector of the King and Kingdom After his Fathers funerals were past several Persons were advanced to honours in order to his Coronation which was performed February 20 1547. At which three Swords were delivered to him as King of England France and Ireland and having received them he said There was yet another Sword to be delivered to him whereat when the Lords wondred I mean said he the sacred Bible which is the Sword of the Spirit without which we are nothing neither can do any thing King Henry before his death strictly charged the Lords of the Council to use their utmost endeavour for perfecting the marriage of his Son Edward with the young Queen of Scots in prosecution whereof the Protector entred Scotland with a considerable Army by Land and a fleet of sixty Ships under the Lord Clinton scoured the Seas upon which the Governour of Scotland erected the Firecross which was two firebrands set in the fashion of a Cross and pitched upon the point of a spear with a Proclamation that all above sixteen years of Age and under sixty should resort forthwith to Musselborough and bring provision of victuals with them upon which so many came in that the most serviceable only were retained the English approaching a Fierce Battle ensued but at last the English remained victors wherein were slain fourteen thousand cots with the L. Fleming and other Persons of Quality and of English only Fifty one Horsemen and one Footman though many wounded this sight was at Edmonstone Bridge near Musselborough there were fifteen hundred Prisoners taken the chief whereof were the Lords Yester Hobley and Hamilton the Master of anepool the Lord Weems and the Earl of Huntley who being demanded how they were stood affected to the Marriage answered That they liked the match well enough but did not approve of this kind of woing After this the English plundred and fired ●eith and took several other places so that the Earl Bothwell and other Gentry of Tiviotdale came and submitted to the Protector entring into Terms of Peace with him The Protector returning to London called a Parliament wherein the six Articles were repealed and those Colledges and Chappels that K. Henry had not seized were given to the K. the Churches were ordered to be purged of Images no Beads Processions Prayers to Saints or for the Dead or in an unknown Tongue to be used Masses and Dirges were likewise abolished upon this divers Bishops refusing to comply with the Injunctions in Religion were removed and committed to Prison It was likewise ordained that the Eucharist should be received in both kinds that Bishops should be made by the King under his Letters Patents without any other pretended Authority and that all persons exercising Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction should have the Kings Arms in the eals of their Office after which they confirmed the Kings Supremacy In the mean time the young Queen of cots was conveyed into France and married to Francis the Dauphin at six years old These Alterations of Religion caused divers Insurrections for the Commissioners going into the Country to execute the aforementioned orders as Mr. Body one of the Commissioners was performing his office in the West of England by plucking down Images he was stabbed to the heart by a Popish Priest and the Common People joining with the Priest upon the instigation of other Papists they took Arms to the number of ten thousand refusing the pardon offered them and besieging Exeter which was Gallantly defended but at length the King sending his Forces soon dispersed them several of the Ringleaders being taken and executed in London This was succeeded by another Insurrection in Norfolk under one Ket a Tanner who issued out warrants in his Majesties name acting the part of the Kings Deputy without his Authority and calling the Tree near Norwich wherein he pretended to administer Justice The Oak of Reformation but the Earl of Warwick marching against them upon offer of a General Pardon they laid down their Arms sixty of them being before executed by Martial Law and nine hanged upon the Oak of Reformation A third Insurrection happened upon the neck of this in Yorkshire raised by one Ombler a Gentleman Dale a Parish Clerk and Stephenson a Priest who gathered four or five thousand to assist them upon conceit of a Prophecy That the time should come wherein there would be no King the Nobility and Gentry should be destroyed and the Land ruled by four Governours elected by the Commons holding a Parliament in Commotion which should begin at the North Seas of England And this they thought to be the time and that the Rebels in Devonshire Yorkshire and Norfolk should join together to accomplish this Prophesy but hearing of the bad success of their friends and having a pardon sent them by the King they forsook their Leaders who were taken and executed at York At this time some heats arose at Court between the Wives of the two Brothers the Lord Protector and L. High Admiral about precedency whereupon the Admiral was accused of attempting to get the Kings Person and Government into his hands with divers other matters for which he was condemned by the contrivance of the Earl of Warwick and by his Brothers Warrant beheaded upon Tower-hill And now Cardinal Pool was upon the Death of Paul the third elected Pope which being told him he desired them to consider well whether they were swayed by no passion of mind or did any thing for favour or affection but only for the honour of God and the Church they taking this for a kind of denial presently chose Cardinal Montanus who took the name of Julius the third During these domestick troubles the French had divers times attempted Bulloign and had now got seven thousand men and all other provisions necessary to surprize it but being come within a quarter of a Mile of the Fort the Garrison had notice thereof who put themselves into such a posture to receive them that they were repulsed with a great slaughter fifteen Waggons being laden with the dead bodies afterward they attempted Guernsey and Jersey with no better success being beaten off with the loss of a thousand men upon this succeeded a Peace whereby it was agreed that Bulloign should be surrendred
all the Muses Nine In Latin Greek and Hebrew she most excellent was known To Forreign Kings Ambassadors the same was daily shown Th' Italian French and Spanish Tongue she well could speak and read The Turkish and Arabian Speech grew perfect at her need JAMES King of England c. EPITAPH WE justly when a meaner Subject dies Begin his Epitaph with here he lies But wherin King whose memory remains Triumphant over-death with Here he Reigns Now he is dead to whom the world imputes Deserved admirable Attributes For shall we think his Glory can decease That 's honour'd with a stile The King of Peace VVhose happy Vnion of Great Britany Calls him The blessed King of Unity And in whose Royal Title it ensu'th Defender of the Faith and King of Truth These girt thy Brows with an Immortal Crown Great James and turn thy Tomb into a Throne BY the death of Queen Elizabeth the Sovereignty of the Tudors expired yielding place to the Stuarts to succeed the first of whom was James the sixth King of Scotland who united both the Kingdoms was of the same Religion with his Predecessor happy because he obtained the Kingdom by lawful Succession no way imbroiled with Wars and Tumults but settled in exceeding great Peace yet as a storm succeeds a calm soon after his entrance a Conspiracy was discovered and the Lord Cobbam Sir Walter Rawleigh and others were accused and condemned for designing the destruction of the King to change Religion to raise Tumults and to introduce Forreigners some of whom were put to death and others Imprisoned He was Crowned at Westminster by Archbishop Whitgift at which time there raged so great a Plague in London that 305 78 died thereof in one year He caused the Bible to be newly translated out of the Original Languages Now though the King had made Peace with Spain yet the Popes Sons thought to have brought ruin upon the King and Kingdom all at once during the sitting of the Parliament to which purpose they had hired a Cellar under the Parliament House wherein they placed thirty six barrels of Gunpowder and upon them several Bars of Iron Faggots and other things for doing Execution but this Hellish Design was happily discovered by a Letter sent to the Lord Monteagle Son to the Lord Morley by some of the Conspirators wherein they advised him not to appear in the House the first day of sitting this Letter being shewed to divers of the Nobility they could not comprehend the meaning thereof but being seen by the King he presently conjectured that the design was to blow up the House with Gunpowder and search being made it was happily discovered and the Conspirators fled Piercy and Catesby being pursued were shot to death before they could be taken others were burnt to Death by drying Gunpowder by the Fire Sir Ever Digby John and Christopher Wright Guy Fawks Grant Winter ●ates and Keys were hanged and quartered as principal Plotters some of them designed an Insurrection in Northampton and Warwickshire but it was soon blown over In his tenth year the Countess of Essex accus●ng her Husband of Insufficiency was divorced from him married to the E. of Somerset who was thought to have made love to her before in an unlawful way and therefore Sir Thomas Overbury disswaded him from the Match as being a Vitious Woman which she having notice of they contrived his death and having persuaded him to refuse an honourable imployment offered him by the King he was sent to the Tower for his contempt where with the help of Sir Gervas Elway the Lieutenant Mrs. Turner one Franklin an Apothecary and Weston his death was effected by Poyson which being after discovered they were executed for the same and the Earl and Countess of Somerset condemned but reprieved Fredrick Count Elector Palatine came now to London to marry King James's Daughter which was solemnized with all manner of Joy but soon overclouded by the death of the Virtuous and Heroick Prince Henry Nov. 6. 1612. about which time the gallant Sir Walter Rawleigh after fourteen years imprisonment Petitioned the King that he might make a Voyage into America which the King granted giving him a Commission under the great Seal to set forth Ships and Men for his Service his reputation and merit caused many Gentlemen of Quality to venture their Estates and Persons with him many considerable Adventures hapned as the burning of St. Thomas and others of which Information being given to Count Gondamor the Spanish Ambassador he continually importuned the King for satisfaction Of which Rawleigh as soon as ever landed at Plymouth having notice endeavoured to escape from thence in a Bark to Rochel but being taken he was brought to London and committed to the Tower Gondamor looked on him as a Man of great Courage and Ability but as having much Animosity against his Master being one of those Scourges employed by Q. Elizabeth to vex him and was therefore resolved to use all manner of means to ruine him In consequence whereof in October Rawleigh was brought to the Kings Bench Bar before the L. Chief Justice where the Record of his Arraignment at Winchester was produced and he demanded why Judgment should not be put in execution against him Rawleigh replied That the Judgment was made void by the Kings Commission for his late Expedition The L. Chief Justice replied The Opinion of the Court was to the contrary and thereupon he was sentenced and requiring time to prepare for Death it was answered The time appointed was the next Morning And accordingly he was the next day beheaded in the Old Palace-yard Westminster About this time Queen Ann died and the Palsgrave who had married the Lady Elizabeth having at the Instance of several of the German Princes been chosen King of Bohemia the Emperour was wonderfully inraged thereat and proclaimed War against him driving him first out of Bohemia and afterward out of all Germany yet at last he was received and found bountiful Entertainment in Holland During this Kings Reign the English Plantations were setled in the West-Indies namely Virginia first discovered by Sir Water Rawleigh who gave it that Name in Honour of his Virgin-Mistress Q. Elizabeth Also Bermudas and New-England to which a multitude of Inhabitants quickly resorted and made themselves very commodious Habitations James was K. of England Scotland France and Ireland he was Son to Henry Stuart L. Darnly who was Grandson to the Lady Margaret eldest Daughter to King Henry the seventh of England by her second Husband His Mother was Mary Queen of Scotland Grandchild to the Lady Margaret by her first Husband James the Fourth K. of Scotland so that the Lady Margret was great Grandmother to King James both by the Father and Mothers side He Reigned twenty two years and three days and was the forty fourth Sole Monarch of England He died of the Spleen on Saturday March 27. 1625. in the fifty ninth year of his Age and was buried at Westminster