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A25894 The Art of assassinating kings taught Lewis XIV and James II by the Jesuites : wherein is discovered the secret of the last conspiracy form'd at Versailles in Sep. 1695, against the life of William III, King of Great Britain, and discover'd at White-Hall, Feb. 1695/6. 1696 (1696) Wing A3785; ESTC R24187 46,472 132

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and a Protestant embarking in Sir F. Drakes Fleet which was bound for America the Ship wherein he was being separated by bad Weather was taken by the Spaniards and he carry'd into Spain a Prisoner of War In that Distress he fell into the Acquaintance of Father Richard Walpote an English Jesuite who in hopes of making him change his Religion procur'd his Liberty Which when Squire after he had got his Liberty refus'd to do he playd him a Jesuites Trick indeed and clapt him up in the Inquisition which prov'd so unsupportable to him that he sacrific'd his Religion to his Liberty After which Change Walpote was so much the sole Master of his Will and Inclinations that he easily instill'd into him the Villanous Sentiments of the Society When he had him sure he propos'd to him the making an Attempt upon the Person of Queen Elizabeth adding that it would be an Action pleasing to God and by which he would certainly merit Paradice Thus gain'd he receiv'd the Jesuites last Orders how to regulate himself he confess'd and receiv'd the Sacrament At what time Father Walpote giving the Ruffian his Benediction embrac'd him and after he had loaded his For head with a Thousand Signs of the Cross Go Son said he God bless conduct and strengthen thee be of good Courage I engage my Soul for thine and alive or dead thou shalt have a share in my Prayers After this he put into his hands a Poyson enclos'd within two Piggs Bladders with Orders not to touch it without Gloves for fear of poysoning himself Which Poison was to be rubb'd upon the Pummel of the Queens Saddle or the Elbow of her Chair of State as he could find his best Opportunity But while Squire was slow in his Performance or else was disappointed of meeting convenient Opportunities Walpote who was impatient to hear of the Success of his Disciple nor receiving any Intelligence from him and therefore believing himself betray'd and gull'd while he meditated Revenge upon Squire was himself the occasion of the Discovery For he immediately sent away an English-man from Spain with directions that he should pretend that he had made his Escape out of the Inquisition and inform Queen Elizabeth of the Conspiracy Which he did in good earnest Whereupon the Queen caus'd Squire to be sought for and apprehended And being thus in hold he was soon convicted and condemned and at the Place of Execution discover'd who was the Person that had set him at work Nor was this the last Attempt upon the Life of that vertuous Princess for that during the whole course of her Reign she escap'd most terrible Snares and many wicked Contrivances against her Life So that if Divine Providence had not had a particular care of her Life she must infallibly have been hurry'd by some violent Death out of the World Nor has Heaven shew'd less surprizing Wonders in the Preservation of the sacred Person of King William of whom it may be said that he has no sooner escap'd one Danger but another threatens him Now all the Tragical Events all the Conspiracies before recited have deduc'd their Original from the Jesuits They were the Persons who first preach'd to the World the Art of Assassinating Kings Whence I conclude that 't is no wonder if at this very day we find the most Christian King and King James associated together in such a horrid Cabal as has been lately discover'd seeing they are more Jesuits then Kings But it will be objected That Queen Elizabeth was of the Reformed Profession and King William is of the same Religion no wonder then the Jesuits cabal against ' em To which I answer That if Religion were the Pretence that could only justifie Conspiracies and Assassinations how came it to pass that Henry III. and Henry IV. who were both Roman Catholick Princes could not ' scape the being made Victims to the Fury of the same Murderers Henry III. was a Monk in his Sentiments and in all his Conduct witness the cruel Massacre of St. Bartholomew of which he was the Promoter Henry IV. had chang'd his Religion Nevertheless the Blood of these Two Princes was ne'er the less spar'd nor were they Both the One and the Other ne'er the less the Objects of the Jesuits Fury then King William who is a Reformed Prince 'T is not then the Religion of Princes that gives an occasion to these fatal Conspiracies against their sacred Persons but rather a Spirit of Wickedness Jealousie Ambition Fury and unbridled Zeal which animates the detestable Authors who teach that Princes are to be assassinated who refuse to comply with their Designs and Purposes and study their Advancement as the most Christian King and King James have done After this I leave it to the Consideration of all good Catholick Princes whose Interests are so closely united to those of the Protestant Princes since they fight at this day for the same Cause which is to free their Dominions from the Tyranny of the Common Enemy I leave it I say to their Consideration whether they will be less expos'd to clandestine Attempts for being Good Catholicks then the Protestants The Barbarous Act which the Conspirators so lately projected against the Person of King William is a Fact which at this day concerns all Crowned Heads The Emperour the King of Spain and all the rest of the Catholick Princes are engag'd to exclaim so loudly against this detestable Enterprize that the most Christian King and King James may lose all Thoughts of attempting the like unless they desire to be look'd upon as the most odious of Princes that ever Reign'd among Christians or Pagans I dare be also bold to say That in respect of the Bloody Outrage which they have offer'd Religion and all Christianity the Catholick Princes are in some measure oblig'd to excite the Pope to launce out all the Thunder of the Vatican against these Monarchs with Threats of Excommunication if they beg not Pardon of God and the Church for so black an Attempt according to the Decrees of the Council of Constance the Decisions of the Sorbonne and the Decree of the Parliament of Paris before recited Well After to Queen Elizabeth the next Prince that presents himself upon the Jesuits Bloody Theater is Henry IV. who succeeded next after the Death of Henry III. who was a true Roman Catholick more Monk then King but yet assassinated by James Clement Henry IV. had chang'd his Religion and yet wee find he had no more Mercy shew'd him then his Predecessor In the Year 1593. Peter Barriere born at Orleans being a Souldier in one of the Regiments of the Gens d'Armes a Fancy took him to kill the King out of a belief that he should do God good Service which is always the gilded Pretence of these infamous Assassines To this purpose away he goes to Melun where the Court then was but upon intelligence given the King grounded only upon a bare Suspicion the Miscreant was apprehended at the
matters of Religion have no more to do then only to make their Wills and prepare betimes for Death As for the most Christian King and K. James they are in no Danger Those two Princes are the Societies Pupils they 'le be sure to die a natural Death Which is the reason that both those Monarchs in acknowledgment are so prodigal of their Favours to the Jesuites The Society proposes to 'em the Destruction of a Heretick Prince by Sword or Poyson Now King WILLIAM is lookt upon by those Traytors as the Restorer of Calvinism the Deliverer of the Oppressed English and the Instrument whom God at this day makes use of to free all Europe from the Fetters of French Slavery This is sufficient to render him Odious to the Jesuites and by consequence to their Protectors Lewis the Great and James the Little Therefore according to the cruel Maxims of these Assassines of Kings there is nothing to be omitted that may hasten the Destruction of this Great Prince And this is the Source and Spring of the Conspiracy so lately discover'd and the Fatal Original of all the Attempts upon his Sacred Person since his coming to the Throne of Great Britain But the Politicians of the Times will say wherefore do the Jesuites attempt the Persons of Roman Catholick Princes Princes who were the sworn and irreconcilable Enemies of the Hugonots as was Hen. III. who consented to the cruel Massaker of St. Bartholomew and who said one day That if he had but one Faggot in the world he would give it with all his Heart to burn the last Heretick and set fire to it himself Or a Hen. IV. who had abjur'd his Religion to become Roman Catholick Such a way of Proceeding ought it not to have secur'd him from all Attempts of the Jesuites What could they have exacted more from him To this I answer That 't was not any Principle of Religion as to the Persons of the Princes which caus'd those detestable Assassines to act as they did for that those Princes were as Zealous Catholicks as they could desire But because those Monarchs more especially Hen. IV. was not enclin'd to do the Protestants all that Mischief which the Jesuites would have had him have done For Example they would have had him revok'd the Edict of Nants The King had granted 'em that Edict of Pacification to asswage the Troubles that had turmoyl'd France for so long time Which was the Rise of that implacable Hatred which the Jesuites had for his Person which was never satisfy'd till they had laid him in his Tomb by committing the most cruel and enormous of Crimes Thus you see now far the Fury of Religion will carry Men when they are guided by no other Principles but those of Ambition and false Zeal That unbridl'd Zeal is only a mistaken Assurance that they do God good Service in destroying Princes when they are not devoted to their Party and to their Interests From the Murther of Henry the Great we shall descend to the Unfortunate Mary Stuart Queen of Scotland who was also the Jesuites Victim tho' after a different manner We have told yee That the Roman Catholick Religion is not capable to preserve the Sacred Persons of Princes or Princesses from the Hands of Conspirators Queen Mary was as Zealous for the Roman Catholick Religion as ever any Princess in the World And it may be said in a word That She was as good a Roman Catholick as Queen Elizabeth was a good Protestant only that the Zeal of the former extended it self even to Fury Nevertheless the Jesuites having sworn her Destruction they were never satisfy'd till they had plung'd her in those Misfortunes which cost her both her Life and her Crown at the same time She had been detain'd a Prisoner about 18 or 19 Years in hopes that by the Death of Queen Elizabeth she might one day obtain her Liberty and step into the Throne In these flattering Hopes she spent her Days and gave her self up wholly to Religion and Piety as the only Consolation she had left to soften the Sorrows and Vexations of her Imprisonment But the Jesuites who never sleep when there is any extraordinary Game to be play'd but sacrifice to their Tyrannical Politicks the dearest Persons in the World to bring about their Ends in the Year 1582 sent into England one Father Henry Saumier a Jesuite under the Character of their Deputy with private Instructions for the Parts he was to Act. To this purpose he took upon him the Habit of an Officer Nor did he leave any Stone unturn'd to raise Combustions and Troubles in England However he did not think it convenient to discover himself at first to any but the Roman Catholick Lords and in regard Queen Mary was not then so close guarded but that the greatest part of the Catholick Lords might have access to her Person the Jesuite Saumier had an opportunity to introduce himself into her Presence and then declar'd it to her as a Secret That he was sent to her from the General of their Order to let her understand that all the Catholick Princes had extrcamly concern'd themselves in the procuring her Liberty as well for the Re-establishment of the Catholick Religion in the Three Kingdoms and for her Advancement to the Throne in the room of Queen Elizabeth As for what remain'd he besought her to redouble her Zeal and Piety for Religion and that she would endeavour to dispose and prepare for so great a Design all such good and faithful Subjects as were able to contribute toward it to the end that in so doing she might be set at Liberty from the Slavery of her Rival and second the fervent Prayers which the whole Order made to God for the Accomplishment of an Enterprize so pious and so holy But in regard these Perfidious People never tread a step without Treason in their Bosoms while the Jesuite Saumier fed that Unfortunate Princess with these gaudy Hopes he complotted with the Catholick Lords the Advancement of some Catholick Prince of the House of Austria to the Throne of England under pretence that he being more Potent then Queen Mary would be able to favour and support their Designs by force of Arms which was so requisite for the carrying on their great Entorprizes Whereas the Weakness of Queen Mary would be the Disappointment of all at the Beginning That Princess over credulous gave Credit to all the Fair Promises of the Flattering Jesuite without having the least suspition that she had then to do with a Knave that was going to make her a Publick Sacrifice 'T is true that when Saumier imparted to her the first Discoveries of his Design she shew'd at first some Reluctancy to engage in so nice and ticklish an Affair that would be her infallible Ruine should she happen to be betray'd Upon which the Jesuite told her That if she refus'd to give her consent that he knew several ways to deprive both her and her Son of
and committed to several Prisons All which Acts of State have been so sufficiently publish'd at large that they need not be repeated here After so many Authentic Testimonies which ought to cover with shame the Authors and Contrivers of so Black and Treacherous a Fact all Europe stands amaz'd The Ministers of the Christian Princes assembl'd in the Congress sit astonish'd All the World searches for the Causes that excited the wicked Inclinations of these two Princes But there will be no great difficulty in the discovery of 'em when we consider that the most Christian King has always been a true Jesuite For proof of which we need but read the History of his Reign The Politicks the Maxims the dangerous Opinions and lastly whatever that Order teaches not forgetting the Art of Assassinating Kings have been manifest quite throughout the whole Course of it As for K. James he left England a true Jesuite He has liv'd in France during his Exile one of the same Order and within these two Months he has thought sit to List himself also in the Order of the Dominicans Had the most Christian King taken upon him to read the Determination of the Faculty of Theology in Paris carry'd to the Parliament upon occasion of the re-settlement of the Jesuits in France I am perswaded we should not have seen him so true a Jesuit as now we do Wee shall repeat the substance of it in the same Terms as it is in the Original In the Year 1554. and upon the First Day of December the Venerable Faculty of Theology in Pars after the Mass of the Holy Ghost solemnly said in the Chappel of the Colledge of Sorbonne and Oath taken having four times assembl'd in the same Place to conclude upon the Two Bulls said to have been decreed by our Holy Lords and Popes Paul and Julius III. in favour of those that would be distinguish'd from Us under the Names of the Society of JESUS which Two Bulls the Court of Parliament sent Us by an Usher to be view'd and examin'd For which Reason after we had seriously examin'd and consider'd all the Particulars We are of Advice That this Society in matter of our Faith is of dangerous Consequence erected to trouble the Peace of the Church to subvert the State and Monastick Religion and in two words introduc'd rather for Desolation and Destruction then for Edification This was the Judgment which the Sorbonne made of the Jesuites Doctrine But without looking back so far as the Year 1554. the most Christian King need no more then consider what pass'd in the Year 1610. when Henry IV. was stabb'd by Ravillac certainly he would then abhor that Doctrine which he now upholds with all his Royal Power in the face of all Christendom It deserves to be recited because it makes for our purpose The same Day that the detestable Ravillac was executed in regard that in all the Answers which he gave the Archbishop of Aix and the Predicant Coeffeteau during his Imprisonment for the Parricide he had committed he made use of the Maxims of Mariana and other Jesuites who have written That 't was lawful to kill Kings and Tyrants the Court of Parliament before they condemn'd those infamous Books to be burnt by the hands of the Common Hung-man would have the Determination of the Faculty of Theology and enjoin'd the Dean of the Faculty to call a Convocation in order to give 'em their Opinion whether it were lawful for any one upon any Account or for any Cause whatever to attempt the sacred Persons of Kings and Sovereign Princes Upon which the Faculty assembl'd in the Colledge of the Sorbonne and made the following Censure The Censure of the Faculty of Theology at Paris assembled in the Colledge of the Sorbonne against Parricides of Kings IN the Year of our Lord 1610. upon the 14th of June the sacred Faculty being assembl'd and having debated the Question to them put by the Court of Parliament and considering withal that the University of Paris has been always the Mother and Nurse of a most excellent and sound Doctrine That the Publick Repose and Welfare proceeds from Order and that this Order depends next to God upon the Safety of Kings and Princes That it only belongs to the Prince or Politick Power to make use of the Sword That some Years since certain strange seditious and impious Opinions have in such a manner perverted the Minds of several People that they have not dreaded to stain King and Princes with the execrable Names of Tyrants and in pursuance of a Pretence so detestable as also under colour of assisting or advancing Piety Religion or the Publick Good to conspire against their sacred Persons and to embrue their Parricide-hands in Blood so dear and of so high a Value and consequently to open a Gap to all sorts of Wickedness Impieties Persidies Disloyalties Frauds Surprizes Treasons Murders mutual Slaughter of the People Ruin sacking and levelling of whole Towns Destruction of Provinces and flourishing Kingdoms and in a word to an infinite number of abominable Crimes occasion'd by Wars as well Foreign as Domestick Lastly knowing that such Pestilential and Diabolical Opinions at this time render those who are separated from the Catholick Apostolick and Roman Church obstinate in their Errours and cause 'em to avoid the Converse of Catholick Monks Doctors and Prelates altho' innocent as if they taught and authoriz'd such pernicious Doctrines For these and such-like Reasons after diligent Examination the said Faculty unanimously and with a fix'd Resolution detest and condemn such strange and seditious Docrines as impious and heretical pernicious to human Society the Publick Peace and Tranquillity and the Catholick Religion In testimony whereof the said Faculty have concluded and resolved to renew their ancient Decree put forth a hundred Years ago by the Advice of a hundred forty and one Divines for the Condemnation of the following execrable Opinion A Tyrant whoever he be may and ought lawfully and meritoriously to be kill'd by his Vassal or Subject whoever he be by any manner of ways chiefly by secret Embuscado's Treasons Flatteries and such-like Artifices notwithstanding any Oath or Allegiance which the Subject may have sworn to the Tyrant nor is it needful that he should wait for or expect the Sentence or Command of any Judge for the prosecution of his Design Mariana Upon which follows the Censure of the Faculty This Proposition taken thus generally and according to the signification of the word Tyrant is an Errour against the Catholick Faith against the Doctrine of good Manners and the Command of God Thou shalt not kill 'T is also against the Doctrine of our Saviour They that take up the Sword shall perish by the Sword Moreover it tends to the utter Subversion and Ruin of all States Kings and Princes in the World It opens a Door to all manner of Impieties Deceits Treasons Violations of Oaths and generally give Subjects a Licence to perpetrate all manner of
necessity of Christian Affairs commands us and to which the Duty of our Functions obliges us Observe I pray the Expressions and Terms of this Harangue You must says the Jesuit make use of Fire and Sword for fear of a Gangrene This is an Exhortation enough to shake the Crowns of all good Princes at this day reigning After this 't is no wonder if the most Christian King and King James who are as true Jesuits in their Hearts and Souls as was the General of their Order who made this Speech associate in a Conspiracy to cut off a Princes whom the Jesuits look upon at this day as the most Capital of their Enemies A mortal Hatred which has no other foundation then the Religion which that Great Monarch professes But would to God they only aim'd at the Religion of Princes History would not then recout to us the Tragical Deaths of so many Great Princes who have been offer'd up as Victims to their Fury tho' they were Roman Catholicks and no less eminent for their Piety and Zeal for the Propagation of the Roman Catholick Faith Yet for all that have they been e'er a whit the less spar'd or e'er a jot the farther from being sacrific'd to the Doctrine of the Jesuits But let us take a view of these Examples for the satisfaction of the Reader We have seen the Judgment which the Sorbonne gave of the Jesuits upon their resettlement in France After that we have seen the Doctrine which teaches the Art of Assassinating Kings condemn'd by the Faculty of Theology at Paris and declar'd abominable by the Council of Constance and lastly Mariana's Books burnt by the hand of the Common Hangman by a Decree of the Parliament of Paris But notwithstanding these Thunders launc'd against their Errors and their Morals you have also seen the General of the Order's Harangue made to all the Members of the Society Let us now come to their Executions The first Tragical Example that History presents us withal is the Assassination of the Great William Prince of Orange of Happy Memory This Prince was the Object of all good Men's Love and consequently the Object of the Jesuits Hatred For the Assassines of Kings always aim at Vertue A Tyrant a Prince who wallows in his Pleasures and Sacrifices all things to his Ambition is in no danger The first Attempt of the Jesuits upon the sacred Person of the great Prince William was made at Antwerp by John Juvregni a Spaniard by Birth This wicked Ruffian discharg'd a Pocket-Pistol at the Prince and wounded him in the Jaw below the Ear. Upon which the Guard falling upon the Russian with their Swords and Halberds kill'd him immediately which was the reason that the Author of so black an Attempt could never be discover'd from the Mouth of the Murderer But the Marks that were shew'd upon Juvregni's Body made it sufficiently apparent that the Jesjuits were the Authors Those Marks consisted in a green Wax-Candle with the Sign of the Cross imprinted at the bottom and a Medal stamp'd with the Image of the Virgin which he carry'd upon his naked Skin made by the Jesuits of Madrid according to the Deposi●ion of one of his Accomplices call'd Venero who was executed some time after This Prince was look'd upon as the Head of the Hereticks and Rebels against the King of Spain And the same Spirit which is the Spirit of Rage and Fury which caus'd 'em to act then envenom'd 'em now against the King of England But Vertuous Princes who are the Nurslings of God as Homer says or rather his enlivn'd Images or as the Scripture calls 'em The Anointed of God are in no Danger so long as He takes care of their Preservation and it is our hopes that the same Divine Power will preserve King WILLIAM from all the Snares of his Enemies But let us run over the Circumstances that attended this dreadful Attempt of Juvregni for they are very remarkable A certain Monk call'd Father Timerman born in Dunkirk formerly a Jacobin was apprehended and put in Prison for the same Fact And being examin'd by the Judges he declar'd That he had been bred up among the Jesuites from whom he learnt the Art of Assassinating Kings That the said Juvregni coming to him to confess his Design to kill the Prince of Orange the said Father Anthony declar'd That he gave him Absolution upon these Conditions That if he did not commit the Fact for Mony but for the Glory of God and out of his Zeal for the Catholick Apostolick Religion then it was lawful for him to do it upon giving him Absolution after laying before him the danger that might arise from the Fact Such are the Principles of the JESVITES and by consequence of the Jesuited Princes that conspir'd against King WILLIAM Forbid it Heaven that any other Christian Prince whether Confederate or not Confederate should be embru'd with the same Sentiments Most certain we are that the Emperour the K. of Spain and all the rest of the Princes who at this time constitute the August Confederacy that has taken Arms against France detest these abominable Maxims The Publick Testimonies which they give of their Zeal for the Affairs of Europe their particular Esteem for the Person of King WILLIAM make it apparent that they have study'd Vertue in another School then that of the JESVITES And tho' the Emperour and some other Catholick Princes suffer 'em to reside in their Courts nevertheless they take care how they listen to their Advice as they do in France and as they did in England while K. James Reign'd who made choice of a Jesuite for his chief Minister The most Christian King and K. James are the only Instruments at present which the Jesuites make use of to revive in Christendom those dreadful Monsters which the Wisdom and Prudence of our preceding Kings took so much care to stifle Now let us see the end of the Conspiracy form'd by the Jesuites to cut off the Great WILLIAM The first Blow failing as we have set forth yet would they not give over for all that So that in the Year 1584. one Balthazar Gerard gave the fatal Stroak to that Noble Prince He confess'd at his Execution That he liv'd privately with a Jesuite whose Name he knew not only that he was a Red-hair'd Man Regent of the Colledge-of Treves who assur'd him That he had Communicated his Enterprize to three of his Companions who found it to the ALL FROM GOD and before he left 'em gave him their Benediction ascertaining him withal that if he dy'd in the Attempt he should be put into the Kalendar of Martyrs And with this Confession in his Mouth he dy'd After this bloody Scene the Jesuites who had sworn the Extirpation of the August Family of the Princes of Orange made an Attempt upon the Son of the Great WILLIAM who was Prince Maurice Furor Arma ministrat The Spirit of Blood which push't 'em forward excited 'em to suborn an infernal Monster
his Coronation and of the Publick Entry of the Queen his Royal Consort to give some marks of his Clemency to the Prisoners of the Bastile and to render the Act so much the more August he laid a Design of going in Person To which purpose between three and four a Clock in the Afternoon his Majesty took Coach at the Entrance into the Louvre admitting only the Dukes of Espernon Monthason Roquelaure and three other Lords to go along with him who rode altogether in the Kings Coach the Guards being forbid to follow him That Order and that moment of Time prov'd fatal to the Life of that magnanimous Prince For Ravilliac as he declar'd himself at the place of Execution having a long time before premeditated the Assassination of his Majesty follow'd him to the Street call'd La Rue de la Ferronerie before St. Clements Church-Yard where seeing the King's Coach stopp'd by some Carts and the Monarch leaning toward the Duke of Espernon with whom he was in Discourse the Monster animated by the Devil got up upon the Fore-wheel of the Coach and with his Knife made on purpose gave the King two Stabs into the Breast and bereav'd him of his Life in the midst of his Bravest Generals Both which Blows wore given with that swiftness that they were hardly perceiv'd The first enter'd between his fifth and sixth Rib pierc'd his Heart and reach'd the hollow Vein which being cut that great Prince lost his Speech and his Life both together As for the second it only ras'd the Skin without any more hurt No body saw the Blow Struck so that if the Parricide had but flung away the Knife it could never have been known who was the Author of that detestable Fact Presently the six Lords that were with the King alighted and some sought for the Parricide while others went to help the King but one of 'em seeing he had lost his Speech and that the Blood ran out of his mouth cry'd out The King is Dead Upon which words the People were all in a hurry and such a terrible Despair seiz'd 'em that they threw themselves into the Shops adjoining as if the City had been taken by the Enemy One of the Lords observing the Disorder bethought himself of giving it out That the King was only wounded and that he was fallen into a swoon They call'd for Wine and while they ran to fetch it they pull'd down the Boots of the Coach telling the People That seeing the King was only wounded they would have him carry'd back to the Louvre to be dress't The Queen in her Cabinet receiv'd the doleful Tidings over-whelm'd with sorrow and in a strange Consternation was going to meet the Body of her dear Monarch but being met by the Chancellor he put a stop to her Upon whose approach the Queen all in Tears cry'd out Alas the King is Dead To whom the Chancellor without the least Disorder in his Countenance because the Affairs of the Kingdom then requir'd it Your Majesty must excuse me Kings never die in France And so having persuaded her to return into her Cabinet We must have a care said he least our Tears render our Affairs desperate we must reserve them till another time There are those that weep both for You and Vs 'T is for your Majesty to take care both of Vs and your self We have need of Remedies and not of Tears After such a fatal Stroak which put all France in Mourning it may be said That the Rage of the Jesuites who had the greatest share in the Fact was in some measure assuag'd Tho' when we consider the Benefits which they had receiv'd from that Prince and the Signal Proofs of his Clemency which he had given 'em since their being recall'd into France who would have thought this Monarch should have been a Victim to their Fury In the Year 1625. in the Month of May this Prince had given 'em leave to pull down the Pyramid erected before the Palace in the Place where John Chastel was born who had been a Student in their Colledge and was set up for an Eternal Monument of Infamy to the Jesuites who had set 'em on to attempt the Life of this Prince For on the top of the Pillar were to be seen Plates of Marble whereon were Engrav'd in Letters of Gold the Decree of the Court of Parliament against John Chastel and the Jesuites and over the four Corners were set up four Statues of four Vertues There was reason enough to believe That this Monument would have stood many Ages but the King in hopes that the Remembrance of his Favours would have engag'd the Jesuites to live more Christian like for the future out of a Horror which they ought to have had of so many Attempts against his Life commanded the Lieutenant Civil Miron to cause it to be pull'd down and to Erect a Fountain in the same place which was done The more Curious were pleas'd to say when the four Statues were pull'd down among which was the Statue of Justice That Justice had erected the Pillar but that the King's Clemency had pull'd it down On the other side they who abhorr'd the Jesuites Doctrine that Taught the Assassination of Princes made the four following Verses SIR if you needs will blot from Time to come The Memory of th' Assassin Chastel's Doom By Monument pull'd down that Justice did ordain It is but just to have Your * For Chastel with the force of the Blow struck out one of the King's Teeth Tooth again But notwithstanding this and whatever else was publish'd or written against the Jesuites that Monarch persever'd in giving 'em all the marks imaginable of his Goodness and Clemency which lasted till the end of his Life Three Weeks also before he was Assassinated by Ravaillac he sent for the Brass Plate from the Printer John le Clerc which was made in the Year 1595. to the end there might not remain the least Footstep of their Infamy So many Illustrious Proofs of that Princes Love toward those perfidious People plainly demonstrate to us on the one side the natural Inclination of that Prince to do good and on the other the Infidelity and Treachery of those Authors who teach the Art of Assassinating Kings and who were never satisfy'd till they had embru'd their Parricide Hands in the Blood of their Benefactor We must therefore conclude from all that has been said concerning the cruel Assassination of Hen. IV. complotted by the Jesuites and put in execution by the detestable Ravaillac that so long as there are any Jesuites in the world the Art of Assassinating Kings will be taught in the World and that according to this Principle every good Roman Catholick Prince as well as Protestant will be expos'd to the Fury of these Assassinates So that all Monarchs or Soveraigns in Europe who are not the Jesuites Friends or rather who are not the Executors of their execrable Designs or who contemn their Counsels in