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A19622 The mansion of magnanimitie Wherein is shewed the most high and honorable acts of sundrie English kings, princes, dukes, earles, lords, knights and gentlemen, from time to time performed in defence of their princes and countrie: set forth as an encouragement to all faithfull subiects, by their example resolutely to addresse them selues against all forreine enemies. Published by Richard Crompton an apprentice of the common law. 1599. Whereunto is also adioyned a collection of diuerse lawes ... with a briefe table, shewing what munition ought to be kept by all sorts of her Maiesties subiects ... Crompton, Richard, fl. 1573-1599. 1599 (1599) STC 6054; ESTC S105166 85,768 121

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he doth daily bestow vpō vs as Almightie God saith by his Prophet He that giueth me praise and thankes the same is he that honoreth me And all that her Maiestie looketh for at our hands is to be true faithfull and thankefull to her Is there any thing that doth more open the gate to forrein inuasion then ciuill warres and dissention the Gospell saith Euery kingdome in it self deuided shal be desolate Did not William Duke of Normandie when ciuil warres diuision was in the realme cōquere the same and likewise in Henrie the third his dayes when the great warres were betwixt him and his Barons did not Philip the French king send hither Lewes his sonne with a great number of men of warre and got sundry Cities Castels Townes and holdes thinking to haue made a conquest of this land and so had done if the sayd Barons who conspired with the sayd Lewes had not reuolted frō the French and driuen them out of this countrey besides diuers other like examples to be found in our English Chronicles If there be any thing méete to be redressed do you thinke by this meanes though your number were far greater to haue your wils or to be reléeued No no assure your selues the nobilitie and thousands of thousands of the good and dutiful subiectes of this realme will ioyne together as they ought to destroy you and you shal be slaine as thicke as motes are in the sunne before you shall obtaine your purpose for it standeth not with the honour and name of a Prince to be forced by the subiect to do any thing against his will and such of you as shal escape the sword shal be sure to be executed by course of law that is you shal be drawne vpon hurdles to the places of execution and there hanged vntill you be halfe dead and then cut downe aliue your priuities shal be cut off your bowels taken out of your bellyes and being aliue they shal be burned before your faces then shall your heads be smitten off and your bodies deuided into foure quarters and as the vse is shal be set vpon stakes in the towers and highest places in good Cities and townes where it shall please the Prince to appoint Thus shall your carcases be meate for the fowles of the ayre and a spectacle ioyfull to your enemies and wofull to your parents kinsfolks and friends to behold besides you shall leaue to your posterities name of perpetual shame ignominy and reproch that is the names of rebels and false traitors yea rather monsters to your Prince and countrey you shall also vndo your wife and children in that you shal forfet to the Prince all your lands leases goods and chattels besides your blud shal be corrupted so as none of your ofspring shal be able to haue or claime by you any lands as heyres to your fathers mothers or other auncesters And this forfaiture and corruption of bloud shal be as well where you shal be slaine in field as condemned by course of law Where haue you euer heard or read that rebels whether they haue bene of nobilitie or others did euer preuaile but haue bin alwayes ouerthrowne and brought to confusion whatsoeuer their pretences haue bene And amongst many examples I will put you in minde of a tew Rebellion in Lincolnshyre Hol. 1567. when as the Lincolnshyre men to the number of 40000. rebelled about the 28. yeare of Henry the eight for religion was not Doctour Makerell and others of the ring leaders of that vnruly companie executed in such maner as is aboue remembred Abridgemēt of Grafton 140. West countrey Rebels in Norfolke as Ket and others Hol. 1734. Wiats rebellion and many of the rest of them slaine in the field and so subdued Was not Syr Humfrey Arundale Winslade Holins Burie and diuerse others of the chief of the rebellion in the West parts of this realme raised in Edward the sixt his dayes executed also as traitors Did it not likewise happen so to Ket and many others of the rebels in Norfolke in the same kings dayes which sought to haue layed Parkes and Commons inclosed open Was not Wiat Isley and diuers Knights Esquiers and Gentlemen of Kent who rebelled in the first yeare of Quéene Marie opposed themselues against the Prince in armes to stay the alteration of religion and her mariage with the king of Spaine executed for the same rebellion and were not aboue fifty of the common sort of these rebels hanged vp in London in diuerse places there Holin 1732. And were not sundrie other Esquires and Gentlemen condemned and should haue bene executed for that commotion had not Quéene Marie giuen them pardon Were not the Earles of Northumberland and Westmerland and about fiftie knights Esquiers and Gentlemen attainted for the insurrection of the North parts of this realme Insurrection in the North in the eleuenth yeare of the Quéenes Maiesties raigne And was not the sayd Earle of Northumberland beheaded at Yorke And did not manie others of the said Esquires and Gentlemen suffer for that offence in other places Holin 1840. And did not the said Earle of Westmerland and diuerse other of the said attainted persons fly ouer the seas to saue their liues which other wise had tasted of that sauce And were not diuerse of the common sort executed by martiall law for the same rebellion The matter is yet fresh in memorie so that it néedeth no proofe of the end of rebels and such as beare traiterous harts against their Prince We haue diuerse examples also out of the holy Scriptures and among other a notable example of Absolon who conspired the death of his father king Dauid who rebelling against him riding vnder a trée was by Gods prouidence hanged vp on a bough thereof by the long haire of his head Ignatius Epist 2. Of whom Ignatius the anciēt father writeth Absolon parricida existens Dei iudicio arbori appensus cor eius quod malè cogitabat sagitta tansfixum est And so you may sée the vengeance of God on the heart which conceiued the treason and on the body that executed the same Achitophel likewise the mischieuous Counseller to Absolon in that wicked rebellion for lacke of an hangman hanged himselfe a worthie end of all false rebels who rather then they shold lacke due execution will by Gods iust iudgement become hangmen vnto themselues Thus it hapned to the Captaines of this rebellion 2. Reg. 187. besides fortie thousand of the common sort which were slaine in the field for that rebellion And as the holy Scriptures do shew so doth dayly experience proue that the counsels cōspiracies attēpts of rebels neuer tooke effect but came euer to a most horrible end Now concerning such as haue bin murmurers against their rulers you shall sée what hath hapned to thē some haue bene strickē with foule leprosie some burnt with fire sodainly frō heauen sometime they were consumed with the pestilēce sometime were
treasons that with such a secrecie by the harbouring of the said traiterous messengers in obscure places as without very diligent and continuall search to be made and seuere order executed the same will remaine and spread it selfe as a secret infection of treasons in the bowels of this realme most dangerous yea and most reprochfull to be suffered in any well ordered common-wealth Hereupon according to her said proclamation her Maiestie directed her Commissions forth to enquire by all good meanes what persons were by their behauiours or otherwise worthie to be suspected to be anie such persons as haue bene sent or that are imployed in any such perswading of her Highnesse people or of any residing within her realme to treason or to moue anie to relinquish their alleageance to her Maiestie or to acknowledge any kind of obedience to the Pope or to the King of Spaine and also of other persous that haue therunto yéelded And to the intent to discouer these venimous vipers or to chase them out of this realme for infecting many more her Maiesty did thereby straightly charge and command all maner of persons whatsoeuer without exception that was kéeper of anie house family or lodging and gouernors of anie societies to make diligēt search immediatly vpon the said Proclamation made of all maner of persons that haue bene admitted or suffered to haue vsuall resort diet lodging or residence in their houses or in anie place by their appointment within one yeare ended at Michaelmas then last past or that from thenceforth should be admitted or suffered to resort eate lodge reside or attend to be examined of what condition or countrey he is and by what meanes he hath liued and where he hath spent his time one yeare last before and whether he vse to resort to Church to diuine seruice according to the law and their answeres to be put in writing particularly and to be kept as a register to be shewed when they shal be required that vpon cause of suspition the partie may be tryed farther by the Commissioners whether the same partie be a loyall subiect or not And if any shal be found vnwilling to answere to such inquisition or by his doubtfull answere not like to be an obedient subiect the same shal be stayd by the houshold or him that ought to haue the examination of him and if any hauing gouernement or commaundement ouer any seruant that shal be found not to haue performed the points of the sayd inquisition as is afore limitted the same partie shal be called before the sayd Commissioners or before her Maiesties priuie Councell if the qualitie of the person do so require and shal be vsed and ordered for such defaults as the sayd Commissioners or her Maiesties Councell shall haue iust cause to deale with such persons And lastly by the same Proclamation did admonish and straightly charge and commaund all persons that haue had any intelligence of any such that are sent or come from beyond the seas to such purposes to direct them before her highnesse Commissioners mentioned in the sayd Proclamation to be assigned for the examinations of such persons within twentie dayes next after publication of the sayd Proclamation in the shyre Towne Citie or Port within the precinct of the same Commission vpon paine that the offenders therein shal be punished as abbetters and maintainers of traitors as by the same Proclamation amongst other things therein mentioned doth appeare And how let me turne my spéech to you O ye vnnaturall and degenerated Englishmen Booke of English fugitiues treacherous and vnfaithfull to her to whom you owe all loyaltie dutie and obedience how can you thirst after the destruction of the countrey where you were bred borne and nourished why do you vnder colour of Religion enter into such hainous treasons séeking thereby the ouerthrow of our most gracious Quéene and Soueraigne and the subuersion of so glorious a State by séeking to bring into this land strāgers to subdue the same a nation who where they do ouercome The tyranny of the Spaniards shew themselues most cruell tyrannous and do séeke to fill the ayre with horrible blasphemies whose abhominable incontinencies do reach to the heauens asking benegeance at the hands of God Flaunders can well witnesse it Portingall hath proued Hispaniola can witnesse the other prouinces of India can testifie And where amongst all nations it hath bene accounted a most honorable thing for men to giue their liues for their coūtrey and to dye in the defence of their temples It is honorable for a man to giue his life for his countrey Altars monuments of their elders you séeke to sée your countrey bathed with the bloud of your parents wiues and children kindred and friends to sée your Cities temples consumed with fire and the monuments of your auncesters defaced our wiues daughters virgins defloured and rauished afore your faces and to bring this realme which is famous amongst all Christian nations of the world to the perpetuall slauerie seruitude and bondage of a forrein Prince in whose seruice in the field though you haue sundry times shewed your selues right valiant yet they accompt you as traytors to your Prince and countrey as they well may they regard you not they disdaine you and how hardly you haue bene dealt withall there your owne experience telleth you which in the booke of the state of English fugitiues is set downe at large I will remember some When the Duke of Parma lay in siege at Andenard did not Norris Barney Cornish and Gibson whom they had chosen to be their Captaines with a troupe of sixe hundreth Englishmen the tallest best appointed souldiers that a man might lightly see offer their seruice to the sayd Duke their comming being the onely cause that the sayd towne a matter of great importance and on the land side as it were the key of the prouince of Flaunders was so soone deliuered vnto him as it was for whereas the Duke of Aniow and the Prince of Orange lay vnder the walles of Gaunt with sufficient force and deliberate resolution to succour the sayd towne of Andenard vpon this mutinie of the English they marched away with their whole army leauing the enemy battering the sayd towne which seeing it selfe frustrated of the expected succors presently rendered it selfe vnto the Duke of Parma thence they were drawne to Winoch Bargen to serue against the French English which lay there incamped where they behaued themselues with such desperate resolution that day that Monsieur de Balaunson brother to the Marquis of Waranbone was taken prisoner that besides the losse of many of their liues they were in this action a wonder to the whole army But could the pride of the Spaniard endure to heare these your prayses nay did not they enuie and greatly disdaine it They disdaine you saying That you had serued rather like gyddy headed drunkards then men wise and valiant For a further
that it is alwayes a doubtfull and hazardous matter to meddle with changing of lawes and gouernement or to disobey the orders of rule and gouernement which a man doth finde already established Bodinus sheweth Bodinus li. 4. fo 482. that the people of the East and of Affrica and the kings of Spaine most straightly did prohibite the same when great contention was amongst the Muscouites for religion the king deliuered to the Bishop and certaine men called Curiones a booke wherein was set downe what he would haue taught touching diuine matters to be preached taught to the people and commaunded that none vpon paine of death should adde or withdraw from it The Princes of Germanie by mutuall agréemēt after long ciuill battels amongst them for religion ordained that the religion of Rome and Saxonie should be suffered and that none should dispute of religion vpon paine of death Ibid. fol. 482. None to dispute of religion setled vpon paine of death Martin Mar-prelate which the Gouernours of Germanie especially of Augusta did execute whereby all Germany was quieted If then to dispute of religiō once allowed by authoritie or to encounter the same it be so dangerous to moue sedition ciuill discord was it not high time thinke you to suppresse Martin Mar-prelate who by seuerall writings did not let to affirme that we haue no Church no Bishop no Ministers nor Sacraments and therefore that all which loue Iesus Christ with all spéed ought to separate themselues from our Congregation affirming that our assemblies are prophane wicked and Antichristiā Could there be a greater dishonour offered to her Maiestie and to the state of the learned Cleargie yea to the whole Parliament whereby the religion now professed is established Was it not time to look vpon such as denied publike Baptisme if it be not done by a Preacher and bring in question what is become of them which were not so baptized as though they should not be saued Was it not high time to looke about when some of them durst vtter that if reformation were not had with spéed of such things as they disliked that the subiects ought not to tarie anie longer but to do it themselues and moreouer durst say that he and his fellowes are forced in conscience to speake for this new order and to vse it and that there is manie a thousand which desire that which he doth and that great troubles will come if it be not prouided for Was it not time to looke to such as by these means distracted the minds of her Maiesties subiects in drawing them into factions and encouraging the number of malecontents and mislikers of the state which make no account of religion but to make cheir cōmoditie though it be with the spoile of their owne countrie if oportunitie serued in pulling away the good and faithfull hearts of many subiects from her Maiestie because she maintaineth the state of the Church gouernment which they mislike and which is protested by them to be prophane and Antichristian Was it not time to looke to those sorts of mē the publish such libels and such seditious books tending to such dishonor of this state gouernment as the like neuer was offred in any age Was it not time to looke to such as haue attempted these things with such impudent and desperate boldnesse as if they thought there were neither Prince law ruler nor magistrate that durst controll or séeke to represse them Was it not time to looke to such as haue vttered such bold spéeches against our setled state law the loose boldnesse of mind towards the superiors is ioyned with contempt contemptuous boldnesse is the verie roote and spring of discord dissention vprores ciuill warres and all desperate attempts that may breede trouble or danger to the state yea and if they might be hardened with some continuance of time and hope of impunity some multitude of assistāts gathering to thē what hereof might follow I leaue to the graue iudgement of those to whom it appertaineth All which matters aforesaid with manie other of like sort concerning Martin Marprelate are grauely answered by the the reuerēd Father in God the Bishop of Winchester B. of Winchester The mischiefes which might haue ensued by this seditious sect was so greatly disliked by her Maiestie her Counsell that her Highnesse did publish her Proclamatiō with the aduise of her honorable Counsel in the one and thirtith yeare of her raigne to the effect as followeth Her Maiestie considering how within few yeares certaine seditious euill disposed persons towards her Maiestie Proclamatiō 31. Eliz. the gouernmēt established for causes Ecclesiastical within her Highnesse dominions had deuised writtē printed or caused seditiously secretly to be published dispersed sundrie schismaticall seditious bookes defamatorie libels and other fantasticall writings amongst her Maiesties subiects containing in them verie erronious doctrine and other matters notoriously vntrue slanderous to the state and against the godly information of religion and gouernment Ecclesiasticall established by law and so long quietly continued and also against the persons of the Bishops and other placed in authoritie Ecclesiasticall vnder her Highnesse by her authoritie in rayling sort beyond all good humanitie all which bookes libels writings tend by their scope to perswade and bring in a monstrous and apparant daungerous innouation within her Maiesties domions and countries of all maner Ecclesiasticall gouernment now in vse and to the abridgement or rather to the ouerthrow of her Highnesse lawfull prerogatiue allowed by Gods lawes and established by the lawes of this realme and consequently to reuerse dissolue and set at libertie the present gouernment of the Church and to make a dangerous change of the forme of doctrine and vse of diuine seruice of God and the ministration of the Sacraments now also in vse with a rash and malicious purpose also to dissolue the state of the Prelacie being one of the three ancient estates of this realme vnder her Highnesse whereof her Maiestie mindeth to haue such reuerend regard as to their places in the Church and common-wealth appertaineth all which sayd seditious practises doe directly tend to the manifest wilfull breach of a great number of good lawes and Satutes of this Realme inconueniences nothing at all regarded by such innouations In consideration whereof her Highnesse graciously minding to prouide for good and speedy remedy to withstand such notable dangerous and vngodly attempts and for that purpose to haue such enormous malefactors discouered and condignly punished doth signifie by the same proclamation her Highnesse disliking and indignation of such dangerous and wicked enterprises and for that purpose doth thereby will and straightly charge and command that all persons whatsoeuer within any her Maiesties Realmes and dominions who then had or then after should haue any of the sayd seditious bookes pamphlets libels or writings or any of the like nature already published or then after to