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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A16909 A briefe treatise of diuers plaine and sure waies to finde out the truth in this doubtfull and dangerous time of heresie Conteyning sundrie worthy motiues vnto the Catholike faith, or considerations to moue a man to beleeue the Catholikes, and not the heretikes. Set out by Richard Bristow priest, licentiat in diuinitie. Bristow, Richard, 1538-1581. 1599 (1599) STC 3800; ESTC S106653 144,155 432

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touching the very bokes of Heretiks In indice librorum prohibitorum regula vlt. Quod si quis libros Haereticorum vel cuiusuis authoris scripta ob haeresim vel ob falsi dogmatis suspicionem damnata atque prohibita legerit siue habuerit statim in excommunicationis sententiā incurrat Qui vero libros alio nomine interdictos legerit aut habuerit praeter peccati mortalis reatum quo afficitur iudicio Episcoporum seuere puniatur The bookes of Heretikes or writinges of any Author for Heresie or for suspition of false doctrine cōdemned and prohibited if any man reade them or haue them in his keeping wee ordaine that by and by he incurre the sentence of excommunication As for bookes that are for any other cause forbidden hee that readeth or hath them besides the guilt of mortall sinne wherof he is attainted let him according to the discretion of the Bishops be seuerely punished Now whether is worse I aske them and more daungerous to reade theyr bookes or to heare their Sermons No doubt to heare their Sermons both because the greatest foulest blasphemers of them al do preache who yet for lacke of learning or for other causes doe not nor are not alwaies suffred to write abstaining also in their Sermons from no blasphemy be it neuer so diuelish false because they feare to that no answere as to their bookes they doe And also because that viua vox word of mouth hath incomparably more force then the dead pen whether it be to edifie or to destroy 1. Tim. 2. Sermo eorum vt cancer serpet saieth Saint Paul Their preaching will creepe vpon you like a canker No man is so madd as to let poyson into his body be it neuer so little These then that goe to the places where most soules are poisoned and al in danger to be poisoned vnlesse they thinke themselues more safe and sure than was our mother Eue in paradise it selfe do plainly shevv that they care lesse for theyr soules then for their bodies and therefore lesse for the world to come then for this world lesse finally for God then for thēselues Yea as I said afore of such heretikes as had the true Seruice so although it should chaunce to be nothing els but truth that Heretikes preach yet should vvee not come at them For els why did our Sauiour for the same confession for which he saied to Peter Beatus es Simon Bar-Iona c. Mat. 16. Blessed art thou Simon the sonne of Iohn say to a Diuel Obmutesce Luc. 4. Be thou dumme and hold thy peace Peters confession was Tues Christus Filius Dei viui Thou art Christ the Sonne of God the liuing And the Diuels was Scio te qui sis Sanctus Dei I know thee vvho thou art the HALOVV of God Moyses likewise in figure of this that I say Deut. 18. rekoned vp many darke Scholemaisters as Southsaiers Inchaunters Witches Wise-men Familiars Coniurers c. and charged the people not to seeke euen Truth it selfe of such And therefore whereas a wench possessed of a Pithon-sprite cried after Saint Paule and his companie isti homines serui Dei Excelsi sunt Act. 16 qui annuntiant vobis viam salutis These men are seruantes of God the Highest who shew to you the way of saluation what saieth the Scripture thereupon Dolens autem Paulus conuersus spiritui dixit praecipio tibi in nomine Iesu Christi exire ab ea Et exijt eadem hora. But Paul being grieued thereat and turning himselfe said to the sprite I commaund thee in the name of Iesus Christ to goe out of her And hee vvent out the same houre Much more might be here said to this purpose in commendation of Catholike and detestation of Hereticall both Seruice and Sermons But for my breuitie thus much shall suffice Proced we therfore to other Motiues Ecclesiasticall Monumentes and liuings CONSIDER moreouer what Church it is that hath furnished and beautified the faithfull Nations of the world vvith Vniuersities vvith Colleges vvith Hospitals vvith Abbies and Monasteryes vvith very Churches Chappels and innumerable other Monumentes of our only Religion Romain and Catholike and for vvhat Church like-wise all such Monumentes in all places by christian Emperours Kinges Queenes Princes and other persons of wealth and Dignitie at al times since theyr first conuersion to Christ haue beene erected for vvhat Church such honorable portions of lands and liuings and other earthly commodities haue by such persons beene sorted out Hath not our Lord God by his Euangelicall Prophet ESAIE told vs that to his Church such benefits and prouisions by such persons should be giuen Esaiae 49. Et erunt Reges nutricij tui Reginae nutrices tuae Kings saith he shal be thy fosterers Quenes shal be thy nurces Were then these magnificent Churches Colleges and Vniuersities builded either by Protestantes or for Protestantes by any one or for any one euer that was of their Religion VVere the Bishopriks Archedeconries Deanries Prebendes Personages and Vicariges instituted for their women and children to make them gentlewomen and gentlemen or to the honour and seruice of any Church but ours Were the tythes and other liuelyhoodes so religiously lotted and limited of euerie mans goodes for any Church but ours Such maintenance of study in Vniuersities and Schooles of Solemne Seruice in Chappell Church College Cloyster and Close did it proceede from their Church Or vvas any of these commodities made or meant towards any Church but ours Doth not the very condition of these fore-sayed thinges poynt ours to be the true and only Church of Christ and Christendome and giue terror and horror to the consciences of our Aduersaries against the fearefull day of Christes general Iudgement either for plucking downe and destroying or for vsurping the foresayed douries of his Catholike Church cleane against the meaning of all the first Founders Looke at the very forme and fashion of euery Church of euerie Chappell of euery Chauncell of euery Chalice of euery Aultar of euery Sepulchre of euery Stone of euery window giue they not euidence for our only Church and Religion Beare they not our cognisance and badges Crie they not out alowd that they be and haue bene alwaies some of them these twelue hundred yeares and vpward our goodes and possessions that the Heretikes be vsurpers theeues sacriligious men and robbers Apes AGAINE consider what Church that is vvhich as it is to it selfe sufficient and able to stand alone lacking in it no good Learning or knowledge no iust Law no necessarie order because it hath in it all things deliuered by Christ comming vnto it by the Apostles hands and their most certaine Successors euer hauing vvith it the Holy Ghost to assist it in all thinges to lead it into all truth to direct it into all good order and there to keepe it so is it of al Schismes and separated Religions imitated and apishly followed as without whose
if need be As on the contrarie side for their owne confession of the truth of our Religion not onely in some part as in the two points afore touched of the Sacrament and Supremacie but also in the very whole well nere much may be alleaged out of their writings One place for this time may serue that out of Luthers booke against the Anabaptistes written many yeares after his fall where thus he saith An. 1528. we confesse that vnder the Pope-dome are manie good Christian thinges yea all good Christian thinges and that from thence we had them We confesse pardie that in the Popedome is the true holie Scripture true Baptisme true Sacrament of the Aultar true keyes to remit sinnes true office of preaching true Catechisme as the Lordes prayer and tenne Commaundements and Articles of the Faith c. I say moreouer that vnder the Popedome is true Christianitie yea the true kernell of Christianitie The Catholike Faith in England mightilie planted and lightly chaunged IN this place before I goe anie further to bring more light vnto our matter according to the example of S. Paules question to the Galathians changing their first religion from the faith of Christ to the law of Moyses Qui tribuit vobis Spiritum Gal. 3. operatur virtutes in vobis ex operibus legis an ex auditu fidei God giuing the Holy Ghost vnto you and working Miracles amongest you did hee it by workes of the Law or by preaching of the faith as if wee would say now by preachers of Protestancy or as they call it of Pap●strie according to this example of S. Paule I say let it be first remembred what Religion that was in which was planted in our Countrey at our first conuersion vnto Christ by our Apostle Saint Augustine the Holie Monke that Saint Gregorie sent vnto vs about a thousand yeares agoe at which tyme wee English-men were first made Christians being before alwayes as other Paynims and Heathens without hope or knowledge of Christ and saluatyon giuen wholly to the seruing of Idols And to be short this matter may be soone knowen out of the Ecclesiasticall History of our owne Countryman Saint Bede a man of great holynes and learning of great credit fame throughout the vniuersall Church of God both in his life and euer since his death who lyued shortly after the time of our first Conuersion and vvrote the Historie of it in 5. bookes a worke very worthy S. Bedes Storie very expedient very profitable and verie necessarie to be read of all English-men that desyre to haue vnderstanding of things belonging much to their saluation There shall you finde it so plainlie that the Religion then brougt in vvas this very same that now the Protestants haue thrust out that no man either can or as I remember doth denie it For example in the first Booke Cap. 25. they came in with Crosse Image of Christ with Processiō cap. 26. in Dover they vsed to say Masse with many other points of our Religiō that may there be found Goe on then consider how the said Monke our Apostle with his fellovves perswaded our Nation to that Religion In the first boke Cap. 26 you shall find that the King was brought to beleue to be baptized by their working of many Miracles and namely in the second Boke cap. 2. how that hee chalenged the stubborne Britons who being Christians yet dissented from the rest of the Church in peculiar practise of some certayne pointes of Religion to trie the truth betwene them by restoring a blind man to his sight in such maner as Elias vpon sure confidence in God chalenged the false prophets of Baal The Britons could not doe it 3. Reg. 28. but Saint Augustine did perfourme it as hee wrought also very many mo such wonderfull Miracles In somuch that S. Gregorie in an Epistle that hee sent him which is to be seene Lib. 1. ca. 31. thought good to admonish him of humilitie knowing that S. Paul him-selfe had neede to haue giuen vnto him an Angel of Satan to boxe and buffet him 2. Cor. 12. least that in the greatnes of hys Visiōs he might haue chaunced to take pride Likewise that he had the gift of Prophecie and thereby foretold the destruction of those Britons which euen so came afterward to passe you shal find in the second Boke second Chapter Al this now wel considered whereas the Protestants for that they see this mā of God to haue byn so euidently on our side speake much horrible Blasphemie of him not fearing God at al who so cōmended him for his true seruant let vs thinke that wee here him say vnto vs in hys ovvne commendation compelled thereunto by these our corrupters and his dispraysers as Saint Paul in the like case and vpon the like necessitie said of himselfe vnto his Corinthians 1. Cor. 9. Si alijs nō sum Apostolus tamen vobis sum Nam signaculum Apostolatus mei vos estis in Domino If vnto other people I be not an Apostle yet vnto you I am For the seale of my Apostleship you are put as it were to my letters Patentes by our Lorde through whose power I conuerted you to the faith of Christ 2. Cor. 12. And againe Nihil sum signa tamen Apostolatus mei facta sunt super vos in omni patientia in signis prodigijs virtutibus Nothing am I in deed yet the signs of an Apostle were wrought by me among you in all patience in Miracles and wonders deedes of power What wil we answere to this his saying or what can we answere Can wee denie his argument but it is Saint Paules It proued well Saint Paul to haue binne an Apostle whether those false masters of the Corinthians would or no. It proueth therefore Saint Augustine likwise to haue byn an Apostle a man sent of God vnto vs vvhether our false Preachers will or no vvhereunto no doubt they shal neuer be able to answere Let vs then againe consider vvhat causes or reasons haue carried vs awaie from his true Gospell into the false gospel of these men what Miracles what Visions what Scriptures what Catholikes what Traditions what Councels vvhat Bishopps of the See Apostolike vvhat other such thinges as afore I haue shevved to make for hys Gospell If none of all these thinges lead vs into this new Gospell but against them all we went into it say then what els did the deed An odious matter it is to rip all vpp in particular and wise men know all well only in generall doe I appeale to all mens consciences whether anie thing els first lead and now keepeth our vnhappie Countrie in thys false Gospell but only the world the flesh and the Diuell And therefore may our Apostle Saint Augustine say well vnto vs as Saint Paul the Aposte said to his Galathians Gal. 2. Miror quod sic tam cito transferimini ab eo