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A13288 Pisgah euangelica By the method of the Reuelation, presenting to publike view those Cananites ouer whom our Lord Iesus Christ and his holie Church shall triumph after seuerall battailes. That which is past is shewed in a briefe ecclesiasticall historie, containing most of the mutations which haue befallen the Church, from the yeere of our Lord 97, vnto the yeere 1603. as they haue been shewed vnto S. Iohn in Patmos, and recorded by such historiographers as are of least suspected faith. Gathered by William Symonds, sometimes fellow of Magdalen Colledge in Oxford. Symonds, William, 1556-1616? 1605 (1605) STC 23592; ESTC S118079 213,424 293

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violence and disgrace both to the Cardinals and to all men and women The spoile was infinite and the ransomes of the great men was more The Pope was as a prisoner and him the souldiers derided setting some drunken fellowe to be carried like a Pope c. and among hand crying and terrifying the Pope and Bishops with the name of Luther i Geneb p. 1117. Lanquet Fox Mart c. The same yeare was a disputation at Berne where no Papists would appeare the next yeare the Bernites Geneua and diuers of their neighbours abolished poperie A k Par. Vrsp p. 469. 473. great pestilence was at Genua and a great famine in and about Venice of which many died A great famine is in Germanie for three yeares There was also the sweating sicknesse in England Braband and Germanie a Lanquet Stransbrough laieth away the masse and Basil is reformed b Par. Vrsp p. 471. Geneb p. 1118. At Spires the Princes assembled where a Papist preached that he rather would depart from the Gospel than from the ceremonies of the Church Thus the beast blasphemeth God and maketh warre against his word The Princes and certaine cities protested that they could not agree to certaine things concluded in that Councell because they were contrarie to the doctrine of pietie and Christian faith Anno 1530. thereupon arose the name of Protestants c Fox Mart. Then followed the most Antichristian and horrible persecution of Merindol and Cabriers d Par. Vrsp p. 474 475. The Emperour at Augusta commanded the Princes which were Protestants to bring in their confessions of their faith which they did The papists would answer them but cleane without scripture and so that they might be allowed to load the innocent cause with horrible reproches and blasphemies for the beast openeth his mouth to blaspheme There followed a fearefull inundation of the sea which destroied many in Braband Holland Flaunders and Zealand And at Rome besides most fearefull thundrings and much heate and many fires such a power of water fell from heauen that men thought they should haue perished with a second flood houses and people were carried downe the riuer Tybur In the lower places of the citie the water was 33. or 34. foote high The e Geneb p. 1119. French king erecteth Lectures in Paris for the tongues giuing reward to the Prophets Florence by fire and sword was ouerthrowne by the armies of the pope and Emperour For they killed the Prophets of the Lord Sauanorola c. f Fox Mart. The Heluetians fight one against the other the papists against the protestants but presently after enter league of perfect amitie The Turkes make an irruption into Hungarie and Austria Paulus the third m Morise papa p. 95. had a register of 45,000 harlots Ann. 1534. that paid him weekely tribute for their whoredome As yet the harlots pay euery one a Iuly by the weeke which amounteth for the most part to 45,000 Ducates by the yeere Henry n Geneb 1121. the eighth king of England defecteth from the Pope whereby the kingdome of the beast is obscured in England o Par. Vrsp. p. 478. Diuerse cities in Germany erect stipends for students of diuinitie and good artes In p Lanquet France they cruelly persecuted all such as they called Lutherans a 1535. Lanquet At this time were giuen to the King of England by the consent of the Abots all such religious houses which were vnder 300. Markes for the foules eate the flesh of great and small The Emperour rebuketh the Protestantes for taking away the goods and lands of the Clergie b Bucholcer Pomeranus reformeth the Churches in Denmark The c Par. Vrsp. p. 480. Protestants which heretofore differed in the doctrine of the supper do now accord d 1538. Lanquet Fox c. Abbies were suppressed in England and all Friers Monkes Canons Nunnes and other sorts of religious persons were rooted out of the Realme and the liuings distributed by gifte or sale to Noblemen Gentlemen and all sorts that would buy them e cap. 19.17.18 for al the foules that do flie through the middest of heauen are called to come to eate the flesh of Captaines c. f 1539. Fox But the king declined to Poperie and set forth sixe articles which caused many godly men to loose their liues The g Sleidan Lanquet same time the Emperour obiected to the Princes of Germany that they became Protestants not for religion but for the desire of the spirituall liuings and that they delighted in discord and enclined vnto his enemies Hereby the Protestants feared war and diuerse Princes and Bishops enter into a league in dispite of the Protestants There followed presently a h Lanquet yere of great heate drowght in England many gaue halfe their corne for grinding the other halfe diuerse great Riuers were dried vp many died of burning agues boyling in heate i Orig. Ephemerid In other places also was like heate drought great Riuers might be ridden ouer small Riuers were dried vp diuers woodes were burned with the heate of the Sunne There were in Germany and Boem many fiers so that at Prage the kings principall pallace was consumed with fier k Geneb 1130. The greatest part of Germany leauing the Pope desolate by forsaking his religiō begin to neglect the authoritie of the Emperour that laboured to abolish the Protestants religion l Buchol Ann. 1541. The Emperour intending to conquere Algiers in Affrica is repelled by shipwrack at sea and by stormie weather which the Emperour did iudge to be the wrath of God against him m 543. Ibid. Hermannus Archbishop of Colen attempteth the reformation of religion in his countries The n 545. Geneb p. 1130. Anno 1546. Councell of Trent began against Luther c. This Councell taking all prerogatiue and superioritie from the word of God which the Lord hath crowned a Ses 4. p. 8. 10. a. 130. 131. doth receiue and adore with like affection of piety and reuerence as well the traditions of the Church as the old and new testament and doth holde that none may interpret the Scriptures against that sense which the Church of the time holdeth b Geneb pag. 1132. 1127. Charles the Emperor hauing concluded a peace with the Turke and with the French King the better to roote out the Gospel by the instigation and with the confederacie of Pope Paul the twentie sixth of Iune maketh warre vpon the protestants who defende themselues with their swords Yea c Sleidan 17. pag. 315. b. Fernesius the Generall of those aydes which the Pope sent to the Emperor against the Protestants is reported to say that he would make such a slaughter in Germany that his horse might swim in the blood of the Lutherans d cap. 19.19 Thus the beast and the Kings of the earth and their hosts are gathered together to make battaile against the
word of God and against his armie that followeth him e Lanquet f. 232. b. 233. a. But the seuenth of August at Mechlin the Emperors pallace was set on fire by lightning the plague of heate and by that meanes were burned 600. vessels of gunpowder which were prepared for these warres against the Protestants and with the same were burned 800. houses and 18,000 men women and children f Sleid. 17. Sleidan doth report it somewhat otherwise g Buchol Ann. 1547. Apr. 24. In these warres the Emperor tooke the Duke of Saxony prisoner and also the Duke of Brunswick Wherefore in the h Apr. 27. principall Church of Misna publike thankes were giuen The same day was the same Church by a phiall of the wrath of God consumed with fire from heauen Hermannus the Archbishop of Colen who had reformed his diocesse by the commandement of the Pope and Emperor was remoued from his place l Specul Tra● p. 61. For he refusing the pleasures of sinne and following the Lambe was content to leade a priuate life rather then that his Churches should not be reformed m Geneb 1128 Edward the sixth King of England abolished the sixe articles which his father made against the Lutherans and abrogated the Masse n Fox alij and the Gospel was againe restored in England that the kingdome might be our Lords o Buchol Ann. 1548. The Emperor made a booke to reconcile the Papists and Protestants in some sorts intituled Interi●a which like the sixe articles of Henry the eight bread much trouble Hereupon arose a schisme amongst the Ministers of the Gospel called the warre for indifferent things by their deliberations whether and how the booke of Interim was to be receiued or refused Vergerius who had been the Popes Legate going about to confute the Protestants became a Protestant Iulius the third a p Fox Mart. p. 1477. monster for blasphemie Anno 1550. in a rage calling for porke he said he would haue it in despite of God and defended his like rage for a Peacocke by the example of God that was angry with Adam for eating the forbidden fruite a Geneb pag. 1134. 1137. In this time the warres were hot against the Protestants There came a Nestorian out of Syria c. to be admitted by the Pope The Nestorians are reported to ascribe to the Pope many high and great titles that they also might be knowen in some sort to follow the beast b Concil Trid. This Pope continued the Councell of Trent c Geneb 1136. 1552. Sleid. lib. 22. At this time also the Protestants contend very egarly about the question of Iustification for the arke of the couenant is seene d Buchol Ann. 1552. Mauritius Duke of Saxony made warre against the Emperor for religion and for the Landgraue in these warres the Councell of Trent was scattered peace giuen to the religion and the Princes are set at libertie which had been prisoners for the beast is taken and with him the false prophet Paulus the fourth c 1553. Geneb p. 1133. Queene Mary recalled papistry into England and a grieuous persecution was moued by her against such as professed the Gospel f 1555. Fox Marty There were also most strange and cruell persecutions and warres raised vp against the Waldenses in Angroine Lucerne Saint Martin Perouse and Piedmont And g Lanquet f. 367. in England was made an act for the punishing of such as they called heretikes and for the confirmation of the Popes power From this time to the end of her raigne were burned in a manner an infinit number of godly learned constant and faithfull martyres h Bucholcer In two yeeres about eight hundred men died by diuers kinds of punishment in England for the Gospell i Lanquet f. 377. a. In August the last yeere of this Queene after the dangerous feuers which began a yeere or two before was so great a pestilence through out England that three quarters of the people were consumed in it k Buchol Ann. 1557. At Wormes was a conference betweene the catholike Clergie and the Ministers of the Gospel In the beginning they disputed learnedly of the rule which the Church was to keepe cap. 13.15 in iudging of controuersies The Catholikes as they be called said the perpetuall consent of the time was the rule for the image of the beast is permitted to speake The Ministers affirmed the writings of the Prophets and Apostles with the Creedes to be the onely rule of iudgement For the word of God hath the crowne set vpon his head and iudgeth righteously l Ex Com. Gall. lib. 1. The same time in Sal●e Iames streete in Paris 120. faithfull Christians following the word of God were assembled in the night for diuine exercise of preaching and Sacraments where being discouered they were by the beast and false prophets most cruelly persecuted here there were many warres for religion in France the faithfull standing vpon their garde m 155● There raigned in England the most gracious mighty and most Christian Queene Elizabeth who abolished popery called home exiles gaue reward to the prophets reduced the feare of God and by her continuall opposition against the enemies of the Gospel declared her selfe the most sincere defender of the faith a Fox M●●t p. 911 a. One M●lius a gray Frier interpreting and defending in Italy by Lecture and disputations the doctrine of Saint Paul to the Romans was answered by certaine Cardinals that it was true which he affirmed but the same was not meete for the present time because it could not bee taught nor published without the detriment of the Apostolike seate that had giuen it selfe to deceiue Pius the fourth b Geneb 1156. entring the Scots receaue the Gospell Anno 15●● c Hunij Labyri● I●iriti Clauis Scriptura At this time were diuerse bookes in estimation amongst the Papists which were published against the authoritie of the scriptures As the writings of Cusanus that said that the scriptures are to bee fitted to the times and diuersly to bee vnderstood So that at one time it is to bee interpreted according as the vniuersall state of the time shall runne and when the rite of the time is chaunged the sense of the scripture is also changed for these men hold not that Gospell to bee eternall the commandeēnt Search the scriptures to iudge the time is turned into Search the time to iudge the scripture Ludouicus also maketh an oration to the Councell of Trente in which he affirmeth that the Pope the traditions customes and antient fathers of the Church haue authoritie aboue the scriptures or al that is called God Verr●●●i ●●iteth to the Pope that the Pope and Councels are aboue the scriptures and blasphemeth that hee may determine without aboue and contrary to the scriptures * cap. 13.15 for the image of the beast must speake Peresius in the court
purgatory and deliuering of the dead from paine which doctrine the Popes inuented This beast doth warre vpon the Martyres of Christ not onely as barbarously as wilde beasts doe rampe vpon men but also as wickedly as if the diuell himselfe came from the bottomlesse pit in his owne person to deuoure the godly The successe of this warre is doubtfull For first f 7. the beast doth ouercome the witnesses and after that it selfe is first to be frighted of which is spoken in this chapter and then to be vexed captiued and killed of which the text hath been partly interpreted in the former chapter in the general view of this period the rest will be seene in the next chapter to wit how he is vexed The victory of the beast appeareth both by the death of these two witnesses whom the beast doth kill and also by his triumphing ouer them Concerning their death the beast will haue it so that a cap. 11.8 their corpes shall be killed in the streetes or open places of the great citie of their Antichristian policie For as at this time so from hence they burne the Martyres in their greatest and most famous cities But the citie where this cruelty is committed is not a place where any good people be that may lament the persecutions of the Saints b Theod. 4. 22. as when the Arians persecuted the Catholikes But this city is it which spiritually in a figuratiue speech borrowed from the most abhominable cities and places mentioned in the Scriptures is called Sodom because the two witnesses are assaulted for the pollution of their spirits as the Sodomits did striue to pollute mens bodies and because reprouing the filthines of the Antichristian citizens they found no more fauour then c Gen. 19.9 Lot did in Sodom It is also called Egypt for their d Ezech. 16.26 vnspeakeable idolatry and for the spirituall seruitude that all men were in to the papacy worse then the Egyptians or Isralites were to Pharaoah but especially because the Popes had commaunded the Bishops and inquisitors to kill all godly preachers and hearers and by name the two witnesses as e Exod. 1.16 Pharaoh commaunded the Midwiues to kill the male children of the Iewes It is also called Egypt because the message of Iesus Christ in the mouthes of the two witnesses was there despised as f Exod. 5.2 Moses and Aron were dispised by Pharaoh when they made mention of the Lord c. Moreouer the place is said to be where our Lord also was crucified to signifie that the same policy that crucified Christ did also kill his Martyrs and by name these two witnesses Thus distinguishing this beast from the Turkes and shewing that howsoeuer the popish religion in name is distinguished from the Romane heathen crueltie yet in deede spiritually it is the same without material difference The manner of their killing farre exceedeth the manner of their ancestors the Arians whose image they be For the g Soc. 2. 23. Theod. 2. 14. Arians did hide the bodies of them whom they had killed but here they of the people and kindreds a cap. 11.9 and tongues and gentiles doe see or gaze vpon their corpes the better to satisfie their cruell eyes Not for an houre but for three dayes and a halfe that is three yeares and a halfe their barbarous bloody eyes were vnsatiable Yet like Arians or rather like the Gentiles whose image they be b Theod. 2. 14. Eus 5. 1. ● p. 62. they shall not suffer their carcasses to be put in Momments Afterwards in triumph the inhabitants of the earth euen the people of all the christian earth whose gouernors more regarded the possession of the earth then the getting of heauen c cap. 11.10 reioyce ouer them whom they haue slaine as their fathers d Theod. 4. 22. the Arians did ouer the Catholikes and they be glad and send gifts one to another in token of happie victory For these two prophets after the example of Moses and Elias and the rest of the prophets by the word of the Lord e 1. King 8.17 vexed them that dwell vpon the earth by reprouing their carnall religion earthly policies and worldly sinfull liues And thus farre the beast getteth the vpper hand Howbeit the cause of the Gospel maintained by these witnesses is reuiued For notwithstanding this triumph f cap. 11.11 after three dayes and a halfe that is three yeeres and a halfe the spirit of life comming from God shall enter into them which were killed and they by the meanes of them whom God shall raise vp to defend their cause shall as it were stand vp vpon their feete The effect which followeth when their cause is againe set on foote is that great feare shall come vpon them which being their enemies did see or gaze vpon their corpes First they feare because their cause on the contrary part was so much affected by their friends and so earnestly pursued to their holy praise and eternall commendations that whereas the beast had accursed them as diuels to the bottomlesse pit they are as truly honored for Martyres as if g cap. 11.12 they heard a great voyce from heauen euen from all godly men saying vnto them come vp hither and receiue the crowne prouided for holy Martyres And hereupon they being the true members and Martyrs of Iesus Christ who after his sufferings and death did ascend vp to heauen in a cloud are acknowledged through him in soule to ascend vp to him as truely as if they had ascended in a cloud And whereas Christ a Act. 1.9 did ascend in the presence of his Apostles and friends these doe ascend that euen their very enemies do see them accompted to be gone to heauen The second cause of their feare is by reason that b cap. 11.13 at the same houre or instant when this due regard is giuen to these two witnesses which were thus wickedly murthered there was a great earthquake and emotion in the hearts and hands of many mooued by the indignitie of their death And this earthquake and emotion bred this effect that both one tenth part or kingdome of the great citie of popish policie fell from them and also that in those troubles called by the name of an earthquake are slaine to the number of 7000 that is very many But are therefore called 7000. because the beast doth blaspheme them that brought these troubles vpon him accompting those Papists and Priests which worshipped the beast and were slaine in the emotion as the 7000. which bowed not the knee to Baall and were persecuted by Ahab Another effect of the reuiuing of their cause is that c cap. 11.13 the remnant the other nine kingdoms of the polititians which held with the beast are also sore feared euen as the wicked that fled when none followed and as the souldiers of the Arian d Soc. 5. 14. Maximus fled for feare vpon the rumour
supper of the Lord vnder one or both kindes Podiebrachius who was next vnto the King was moued by a parasite why he liked not their religion of popery required by the example and authoritie of so many and great Princes rather then the Hussites He answered we doe those sacrifices which we beleeue are pleasing to God neither is it in our owne choyce to beleeue what we list The minde is ouercome with great reasons c. I am perswaded of my ministers religion If I follow thy religion I may perchance deceiue men contrary to my soule I cannot deceiue God which looketh into the hearts of men c. p Bucholcer Par. Vrsp 406. Calistus the third in his second yeere Mahomet with a 150,000 beseeged Belgrade Capistranus a Minorite Frier stoode to encourage the Souldiers But he vsed not any superstitions For crying out he said Iesus looke on vs be present with thy people that suffereth for thee where are thy mercies of old Come and defend thy people least they say among the Gentiles where is now their God c. The Christians got a rich and noble victory In memory whereof the Pope according to his wonted superstition foolishly instituted the feast of the transfiguration of Christ Hunniades who had been a noble victor ouer the Turkes after this his last battaile fell sicke but hee would not haue the Sacrament brought to him as the superstitious manner was but commaunded himselfe to be carried to the Church where after the confession of his sinnes he receiued the Eucharist c. Thus much of the two witnesses and the things which fell out vpon their death and resurrection Thus the remnant giueth to glory to God And now the q cap. 11.14 second woe to the inhabitants of the earth by the Turkes c. seemeth to be past But the third woe will come anon CHAP. XII Of the third a cap. 11.14 woe to the inhabitants of the earth by Kings conuerted to Christ WE are now come to speake of the third woe which shal be inflicted vpon the inhabitants of the earth namely such which doe rather desire to possesse the earth then to inherit heauen And this containeth the abolishing of the kingdome of Antichrist and the victorious reigne and triumph of the word of God That which is spoken hereof is comprehended in the doctrine which came abroad when b cap. 11.15 the seuenth Angell blew the trumpet The summe whereof is manifestly knowne and euidently spoken by all godly men as if there were great voyces in heauen expressing their assurance of the things that are to come to passe And the summe is this that certainelie it can not be but the kings will also be conuerted to the Gospell by whose onely and holy administrations The kingdomes of this world are to be our Lords and his Christs and he shall reigne for euermore Hereupon all godly magistrates and ministers called by the name of the c cap. 11.16 foure and twentie elders which make any consciecne of their places as those which sit before God on their seates First doe humble themselues euen falling on their faces and subiecting themselues to this kind of administration Secondly they doe also leaue the seruice of idols and men and in their places worship God both with praises and administration of iustice As for their praises they do in effect say d cap. 11.17 we giue thee thankes Lord God almightie which art and which wa st and which art to come euen the same God which art euerlasting for that taking the power out of the hands of mortall weake and mutable men who of long time haue trodden thy sanctuarie vnder foote thou hast receiued the entrance and possession of thy great might and hast obtained thy kingdome in due time to bee fully and alone administred by thee As for their sincere administration of iustice they shew that they so regard the faithfull profession of the Gospell that thereupon such which rather professed the vanitie of the Gentiles then Christ euen the Antichristian Papists were a cap. 11.18 angrie The cause of their anger is first that the time is come of the wrath of God to be inflicted vpon whosoeuer shall deserue it without respect of persons Secondly because they see that the time is come of the dead which haue been martyred for the witnes of Iesus that they should be iudged whether they died as innocents or not so that the proceedings against such come to be looked into and examined againe by iustice faithfully which they are angrie should be knowen Thirdly because that God hath raised vp Christian Kings that God by them should giue rewarde vnto his seruants the prophets which doe sincerely speake the truth from the Lord whereas Antichrist did tread them vnder foote Yea because the time was come that he by Princes should giue reward also to the Saints and to them that in deede doe feare his name to small and great whom Antichrist exposed to death and confiscation loading them with reproches c. Fourthly because the time is come that God by Princes should vtterly destroy them which destroy the earth be they Turkes or Papists The aduancement of the godly and destruction of the wicked according to the exact rule of iustice in the word of God being thus drifted by godly Gouernors those of the spirit of Saint Iohn b cap. 15.1 saw another great and marueilous signe in heauen the Church of God Namely that God hath prepared seuen Angels hauing the seuen last plagues which he would inflict vpon his enemies for not by men but by them euen by a diuine hand is now to be fulfilled the wrath of God Of these plagues we are to consider the place whence these Angels doe receiue them and the powring of them forth These plagues are deliuered vnto them in the temple which after the godly doe put on zeale and thankesgiuing is opened Concerning the zeale of the godly first is declared how the true doctrine of Christian baptisme is restored namely that Christians ought to be vndefiled and zealous in the cause of Christ For the lauer of regeneration is now figured a cap. 15.2 by a glassie sea mingled with fire godly Princes and people being baptised b Mat. 3.11 with the holy Ghost and fire whereas hitherto they were baptised vnto repentance with patience Here therefore stand the Boemians which had gotten the victorie ouer the beast the ciuell estate which beareth vp the whore of Babylon and of his image the Ecclesiasticall policie and his marke of superstitious ceremonies and of the number of his name his armies which he sent against them These I say stand constantly at the glassie sea mingled with fire continuing sincere and zealous professors being so farre from being ouercome that contrarily they haue the harpes of God to sing praises vnto their God for their deliuerance from Antichrist And they being deliuered from the kingdome of Antichrist which spiritually
religion falsly so called Wherfore when he came to the Vatican the king cast himselfe downe and worshipped the Pope the image of the beast And then the whole multitude of nobles and Captaines kissed the Popes feete as the Romans were wont to kisse the feete of Caligula and his feete were adorned with golden crosses the marke of the beast Comming therefore to a Geneb p. 1092 Vigo Chir. l. 5. Naples the same sicknes appeared throughout all Italy filling both the bodie with lothsome sores and the bones with intolerable paines b Fernel de Mor. Gal. cap. 2 which both the Physitians and Diuines did hold to bee the hand of God From hence it spread into France Spaine Germany c. c Volat. alij The Pope onely mindeth how to make his sonne Caesar late Cardinall the greatest Prince in Italy To this purpose while Caesar tyrannised abroad the Pope by all possible meanes euen by the sale of all things and leauing Rome c a very slaughter-house for his sonnes robbers night and day sought to supplie the wants of his sonne In this Popes time were powred out also the second and third Phials The second Phiall Vnto the plague of sores is added the second plague of effusion of bloud by sea which is contained in the second Phial when it is said d cap. 16.3 And the second Angell powred out his Phiall vpon the sea and it became as the bloud of a dead man and euery liuing thing died in the sea That is such a curse of God fell vpon the sea that there were horrible slaughters made For partly the discouerers at sea doe bring a plague vpon it by committing many bloudie cruelties and no blessing thither how euer they pretend the blessing of the spreading of the Gospell which by their crueltie is detested And partly many battels are now fought at sea while one Prince warreth vpon another to the great losse of both sides and death of all sorts The third Phiall Yet is not the hand of the Lord shortned but is stretched out still For the Lord encreaseth the two former plagues with a third which is much effusion of bloud at land so that the riuers and fountaines are dyed with the bloud of the slaine Wherefore it is said a cap. 16.4 And the third Angell powred out his Phiall vpon the riuers and fountaines of waters and they became bloud Hereupon are sung praises to the Lord by the Angell euen him whose ministrie was iust and holy by the water to bring vengeance on the wicked which as it were doth say b cap. 16.5 Lord thou art iust which art and which mast and holy because thou hast iudged these things c cap. 16.6 For this vengeance is powred vpon them that shed the bloud of the Saints and Prophets by martyrdome and therfore hast thou giuen them bloud to drinke by casting them into the sea and riuers all steined with bloud for they are worthie to shed and drinke one anothers blood that haue delighted to drinke the blood of thy Martyrs Vnto the praises of the Angell the Saints agree as Saint Iohn saith d cap. 16.7 And I heard another out of the Sanctuary where the word is preached say euen so Lord God almightie true and righteous are thy iudgements The complement Vpon e Iouius lib. 1. p. 1. the comming of Charles the French King the warres began in Italy which did not only trouble all Europe but the farre distant places of Asia and Affrica with the ouerthrow of the Empires of many famous nations Yea and the same fatall pestilence of warre did ouerspread whotsoeuer land is washed with the ocean sea f Geneb Aun 1494. Alexander the Pope by his Bull constituted the King and Quene of Spaine the lawfull Lords of the West India g Nouus orbis nauig Columb cap. 100. In which countries their discouerers as a plague powred on the sea committed incredible and most barbarous murthers c. For which the kings and people there detested their religion and they also found much shipwrack and losse at sea The Portugals also went into the East Indies where they committed many cruelties Ann. 1495. Charles h Peuce 5. f. 249. the French King with triumph entred Naples where the noysome sores did spread abroad and returning home he ouercame the Venetians Anno 1497. at the riuer Tarrus with a bloudie battaile That they might haue bloud to drinke i Neuus orb Geneb Ann. 149● Americus discouereth and nameth America the fourth part of the world k Fox Mart. p. 706. Guicc p. 185. Ierom Sauanorola was burned who had preached notwithstanding he was excommunicated by the Pope he maintained iustification by faith he taught nothing but the word of God and was esteemed a Prophet c. The a Peuc 5. f. 252. Par. Vrsp p. 437. 438. same yeere Maximilian the Emperor made warre with the Heluetians in which were consumed about 200,000 men b No. Orb. cap. 102. 1500. Pinzonius in his discouery had a sharpe and bloudie fight with the Barbarians at a Riuer c Bucholecrus Charles the fifth was borne the yeare 1500. At whose baptising the Princes gaue iewels of Gold and siluer and precious stones but the Abbots gaue the old and new Testament with this inscription Search the scriptures d Nou. Orb. c. 110. Alphonsus a discouerer at a Riuer at sea was driuen back by an army of Barbarians and at sea had a fight with Canibals e Bucholcerus 1501. The Turkes get Medona in Peloponesus neere the sea where they kill all and burne much f Geneb 1091. Aluarius discouered Brasilia g Lanquet There was a great pestilence in London The French armie is ouerthrowne at Mitelena in the I le of Lesbos h Buchol The Vniuersitie of Wittenberge was erected with solemne rites i Par. Vrsp 438. A great pestilence is in Germany k Geneb 1094. A Iewe made many Iewes beleeue that he was that true Christ which they looked for l Par. Vrs 438. Et alij Ann. 1503. At Spires the people affect libertie Alexander is poysoned by error of a water that gaue him that poyson that the Popes sonne had prouided for others Iulius the second m Fox Mart. p. 710. a man more abhominable then any of his fellowes n Geneb more famous for his warres then for his papacie o Lanquet giuen onely to warres p Fox c. alij p. 710. By his meanes in seuen yeeres 200,000 Christians were destroyed he cast Saint Peters keyes into Tibur and said he would take Pauls sword He q Geneb 1097. conspired with the Emperor the French and Spanish Kings and the Duke of Ferrara against the Venetians whom they spoyled of all Empire by land and the Turkes tooke from them many Iles by sea The Pope and French King fight one against another with doubtfull successe r
of Charles the Emperor putteth out the flaming eyes of the word of God and maketh the Scriptures to bee as darke as Sibyllaes oracles iumping herein with the heretike Tatianus Hosius the Popes Legat in the Councell c. are wholy against the authoritie of the scriptures Thus the beast and false Prophet with their armies maketh warre against the word of God who hath many crownes on his head and eyes like a flame of fire c. d Can. Trid. ses 25. de reform cap. 20. Vnder this Pope the Councell decreeth that the immunitie of the Popish Church and her iurisdiction was required to be defended by all Princes as the principall things of God for he exalteth himselfe aboue all that is called God e Geneb 1167. And from hence is that league falsely called holy Anno 1566. Pius the fifth f Geneb 1168. 1169. 1179. a most seuere obseruer of the Councell of Trent he twice proscribed the realme of England and exposed it as a pray to whosoeuer would take it the force of which thunderbolt the godly papists continually do pray to see howsoeuer they doe otherwise dissemble g Buchol Ann. 1566. About 400. nobles of the low-countries make supplication to the Gouernesse the Dutchesse of Parma that the Spanish inquisition might not be brought in amongst them and that she would graunt them libertie in religion a Geneb 1170. In many places images are cast downe and here begin the warres for religion in the low countries b Annales Belgi● Oratio Phil. Mornix Then came the tyrant the Duke of Alua into the low countries who was sent to roote out all the Protestants there He there committed most bloudie executions cruell warres and most horrible persecutions of which he insulted when he left the countries c Christopoli Apologia Yet doe the papists blame him and exclaime vpon him for his ouer much clemencie for the scarlet beast is full of names of blasphemie and nothing but death will satisfie them d Specul Tragicunt p. 97. The King of Spaine caused his sonne Charles to be apprehended imprisoned and put to death because he suspected him to fauour the distressed estate of the low countries Gregorius the thirteenth restoreth Papistrie Anno 1572. excommunicateth Queene Elizabeth and changeth the computation of the yeare This e Histo Gallica Buchol yeare after many mercilesse murthers in France at the mariage of the king of Nauar in Paris most horrible bloudie and cruell Councels were assembled and massacres committed vpon the Admirall of France and many other Nobles of the reformed religion which were ins●sted thither As also vpon others in diuers places to the number of 30,000 were murthered at this time in France So were the French men murthered 290. yeeres before in Sicilia for their abhominable wickednes like death but farre vnlike cause f Buchol Ibid. Arias Montanus finished that excellent worke of the Bible in foure languages After these murthers in France followed g 1574. Annales Belgi a bloudy battaile at sea neere Romerswall in the low-countries where the Spaniards were ouerthrowen that yet they can recouer no strength at sea there and the sea in a manner steyned with the blood of the slaine For thou hast giuen them blood to drinke h 1588. Mer. Gallo bel Meteranus alij The Spaniards and all the confederats of the papists sent into the narrow seas against England c. a nauie which they called inuincible i cap. 13.1 c. For the beast hath the face of a Lyon which by the great and wonderfull mercy of God strangely disposing of the windes and by the valour of the English nauie was scattered and in a manner destroyed k 15●9 Histo Gallica The next yeere the King of France Henry the third was murthered by a Frier in the same chamber in which the massacre was concluded vpon which was committed 1572. this King being then the principall person in the deliberation and consent For now of long time religious men had learned of the l Genff de Turcorum origine lib. 3. p. 152. Saracenicall Assasines to carrie kniues in their sleeues to murther Princes in their houses as a step to paradise Then did the most sacred Queene of England vnder the leading of the mirrour of true Christian nobilitie and cheualrie Peregrine Lord Willoughby send forces into France to assist Henry the fourth King of France and Nauarra against the Duke de Maine and the league who had driuen the King to an exceeding straight at Diepe By which seruice the King so succeeded against his enemies that a Mercu. Gallo Belg. if he had followed his fortunes he had clea●e ouerthrowen the league for euer b 1598. Specul Trag. Apologia Christopoli historiae de Indi occidenta●i c. Fox Mart. At last died Philip the second King of Spaine who made peace with the Turke the better to roote out the Gospell vnder whom in Spaine England the low-countries India c. an infinit number of pore innocents were put to death Whether his death were more strange or miserable is very hard to say For he died all his partes in a manner eaten with lice c Edict of the F. K. The French King published an edict by which the Protestants in France haue libertie to professe the Gospell and to beare offices to the great increase of the Gospell there d 1603. The kingdomes of England and Scotland were most happily vnited the crowne discending to the most godly learned and excellent King Iames by the merciful dispensation of the grace of almighty God King of Scots Who to shew that he acknowledgeth to hold his crownes of Christ hath published this Sonet Basllicon doron GOd a Psal 82.1 giues not Kings the stile of Gods in vaine For b cap. 7.17 on his throne his Scepter doe they s●ey And as c cap. 16.17.18 their subiects ought them to obey So d cap. 4.10 5. 8 9.10 11.16 c. Kings should feare and serue their God againe If then you would e cap. 10.1.2 11.15 enioy a happie raigne f cap. 17.16 Obserue the statutes of your heauenly King And g cap. 10.11.12 from his law make all your Lawes to spring Since h cap. 17.17 his Lieutenant here ye should remaine i cap. 11.18 〈…〉 the ●●st he s●●d f●●st tr●● and plaine E●●resse the proud k cap. 7.17 〈…〉 are the right Wal●● l cap. 19.12 alwayes so at euer in his sight Who guards the godly m cap. 15.1 plaguing the prophane And n cap. 1.13 c. so ye shall in Princely vertues shine Resembling right o cap. 4.2.3 c your mightie King Diuine Hallelu-iah for the Lord that God that almightie God hath reigned Amen Hallelu-iah To the Reader THere remaine yet to be powred out the sixth and seauenth Phials The great Hallelu-iahs The wa●●● of G●g
were slaine his cariages lost and his horsemen drowned vnder the yee After this f 1424. Par. Vrsp 385. Zisca who eleuen times ioyned battaile with the enemies of the Hussites and ouercame them died of the plague But after the Hussites now calling themselues orphans still standing for their liues * Fox Mart. p. 625. c. against the Popes most cruell bulles and their fierce enemies g 1426. Buch. the Misnenses were ouerthrowne by the Hussites in battell h 1427. Buch. The Electors of the Empire entred Boem against the Hussites with an armie which they thought sufficient to ouercome all Boem But vpon the rumor that the Hussites were comming so great feare came vpon them that all that numbersome armie of Almaines and English before they saw any enemie tooke themselues to flight in stead of fighting as did the tyrant i Soc. 5. 14. Maximus the Arian when he fled from before Theodosius But the enemies of the Hussites would not thus rest For a 1431. Peuce 5. f. 170. Buch. the Cardinal Iulian had the leading of a very great army with which the Princes secular and spirituall furnished him When he entred Boem the Hussites few in number were comming against him But before the enemie came in sight the who●● armie of the Cardinall was stroken with such a feare that they most shamefully fled leauing the Hussites rich with the spoyle The b Fox Mart. p. 633. c. Cardinall with a lamentable oration sought to slay his armie but all in vaine Thus Boemia the tenth part or kingdome of the city of popish policie fell away * Pag. 645. Pope Martine called a Councell where he appointed for president his Legate Iulian to roote out heresie meaning the Hussites but presently the Pope died Ann. 1431. Eugenius c Geneb 1065. the fourth assembled a Councell at Basil for the reformation of the Church and amendment of the manners of the laytie and Clergie As also against the Hussites d Fox Mart. p. 665. 666. c. Here the Fathers seemed to make great conscience to prouide for the good of the Church In which course they were confirmed by the hand of God who visited them with a horrible pestilence For hereupon came a suddaine feare vpon the fathers yea there was great feare and trembling throughout the whole Councell which gaue glory to God swearing they would seeke nothing but the onely saluation of Christian people c. In this Councell was acknowledged that the preaching of the Gospell ought to bee free and faithfull Sinne ought to be punished The Boemians might receiue the Sacrament of the Supper in both kindes Throughout the Church apt and meete Ministers ought to be appointed which might shine in vertue and knowledge to the glory of Christ and healthfull edification of the Christian people In e Geneb 1067. this Councell was againe published the booke called Pragmatica sanctio for abridging the Popes authoritie and gaine f Mass 19. p. 262. Of which booke it is said The Pragmaticall sanction was instituted in the Councell of Constances confirmed by the Councell of Basil by Engenius Nicholaus and Calistus to the honour of God the strengthening of the Church and the prouision for good schooles That the ordinary conferrers of dignities might not be defrauded that those which were ondered might not be compelled to goe to Rome that the French mony might not serue the Italians a Par. Vrsp p. 396. The Turkes did send great presents to the Emperor now at the Councell with Oration desirous to conclude an eternall peace Thither also sent the Emperor of Constantinople his Orators wishing there might he made a perfect vnion At this Councell Eugenius the Pope was deposed because he laboured to remoue the Councell from thence and another was chosen in his stead b Geneb 106● Bucholcerus Ann. 1438. 1439. Peuc●● 5. f. 118. but Eugenius held another Councell at Florence Here the Emperor of Constantinople vpon hope to get aide against the Turkes receiued the communion of the Church of Rome in the matter of the Popes supremacie purgarory confirmation c. but not transubstantiation c Caran f. 589. There presently of a sudden died Ioseph the Patriarch of Constantinople trembling and languishing as he was writing an instrument of his consent to the Pope The Grecians returning home finding the Pope to faile of his promise dissented againe from the Church of Rome more then at the first d Par. Vrsp p. 399. Buchol Ann. 1439. Synderonia formerly called Singidunum e Socrat. 1. 20. the seate of Vrsacius the Arian Bishop is taken by the Turkes f Geneb 1069. the Popesent Isidorus who againe vnited the Grecians to the Pope who attempting to vnite the Mosc●nites to the Church of Rome was miserably slaine by the people g Buchol Ann. 1443. 1444. The Turkes now broken by the Christians make peace where to the Christians sweare on the Euangelists the Turke on his Alcaron This peace grieued Cardinall Iulian wherefore vpon the Popes letters that no peace was effectuall without his consent Iulian absolueth the Princes from their oath and that in her might bee found all the blood that is shed they fought against the Turkes at Varna Where the Christians by a miserable slaughter suffered vnspeakable losse Here also Cardinall Iulian dishonorably finished his life Nicholaus h Volat●●●● the fifth kept a Iubile at Rome Anno 1447 where thousands were killed with horse feete and very many were drowned The Emperor of Constantinople was sc●●t returned againe from vniting himselfe and his Grecians to the Church of Rome but i Peucerus 5. Par. Vrs p. 405. Ann. 1553. Constantinople was taken by the Turkes who vsed there more violence then can be expressed with tongue For partaking of her sinnes they receiue of her plagues k Geneb 1073. Vpon the ruine of the Empire of Constantinople the knowledge of the Greeke tongue is brought and spread all ouer the Latin Europe from whence it had exiled 700. yeeres l Pag. 1071. About this time was perfected the late inuented laudable art of printing m Pasc Tem. f. 89. b. the art of arts and science of sciences a treasure of wisdome and knowledge to be desired This leaping as it were out of the dennes of darkenes doth enrich and enlighten the world vertue contained in infinit bookes onely found at Paris and Athens knowne to very few was by this art manifested to all nations and kindreds and tongues and people Whereupon is fulfilled that in the Prouerbes wisedome crieth in the streetes This n Bucho Volat. 22. Geneb p. 1071. Pope reuiued humaine learning seeking bookes giuing stipends to Readers students and translators entertained the learned and spread many learned men abroade in diuers places o Buchol Ann. 1454. Ladislaus being crowned King of Boem it was granted to euery one that at his pleasure he might receiue the