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A13030 A summarie of Englyshe chronicles conteynyng the true accompt of yeres, wherein euery kyng of this realme of England began theyr reigne, howe long they reigned: and what notable thynges hath bene doone durynge theyr reygnes. Wyth also the names and yeares of all the baylyffes, custos, maiors, and sheriffes of the citie of London, sens the Conqueste, dyligentely collected by Iohn Stovv citisen of London, in the yere of our Lorde God 1565. Whervnto is added a table in the end, conteynyng all the principall matters of this booke. Perused and allowed accordyng to the Quenes maiesties iniunctions.; Summarie of Englyshe chronicles Stow, John, 1525?-1605. 1565 (1565) STC 23319; ESTC S117862 206,452 546

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fled into Germany and other countreys whervpon they nowe shortly returned home agayne The twentye daye of Ianuary nexte folowynge beganne a parlyamente at Westmynster And in thys Parlyament the Fyrste fruites and Tenthes were restored to the Crowne and alsoo the Supreme gouernemente ouer the state Ecclesiastycall the whyche Quene Marye hadde taken awaye and geuen to the Pope lykewyse the boke of common praier and administration of the sacramentes in oure vulgare tongue was restored In this parliament time shortly after Easter the quenes maiestie appointed a conference or disputation to bee had at Westminster churche concernynnge matters of religion but the matter cam to none effect The .vii. of Aprill was a ioyfull peace proclaimed betwixt our souerayne lady Elisabeth quene of England and prince Henry the frenche kynge And the lyke peace betwene her maiestie the kyng and quene Dolphiners of Scotland The .viii. daye of Maye the Quenes highnes rode to the parliamente and gaue her royall assent to all suche actes as there were made with high thankes to all the estates for theyr great trauell and diligence therein The .xxiiii. day of Iune being the feast of saynct Iohn Baptiste the seruice in the mother tonge was fully establyshed throughout this realme and the Masse with other latine seruice was cleane abolyshed from that day forwarde In August about Bartholomew tide the Church wardens of churches in Lōdon with their persones and ministers brought foorth the Roodes and other images of their Churches and brente them before theyr churche doores throwyng in their coapes and vestimentes alter clothes baners crosses bokes and all other suche thynges as had bene accompted ornamentes of churches and some burned roode loftes also Anno regni .1 sir wil. Hewet clothworker M. Tho. Lodge S. Roger Martin S. The second yere of Quene Elisabeth many men of warre were conueyde out of France into Scotland and there placed in townes and fortresses wherby it was to bee suspected that they woulde sodeinly inuade this realme wherevpon the Queenes maiestie sent the Duke of Norfolke towardes Scotland as generall with an armye who remayned at Berwyke and the lorde Gray of Wilton beyng lieutenant entred Scotland with a sufficiente power to ioyne with the Scottes and Frenche men And in the ende her grace sent sir William C●●cill knight her maiesties principall Secretarie together with maister doctour Wotton to treate with the french men who by theyr wysedomes so well ordered theim selues that they enforced the frenchemen to depart to the great quietnes and safetie both of Englande and Scotlande and there vpon her maiestie reuoked her army after the fortes there were rased withont any seysure or holdyng of any pece within the grounde of Scotlande The .v. day of Iuly through shotyng of a gonne whiche brake in the house of one Adrian Arten a ducheman in croked lane and settyng fyre on a fyrkyn a barrell of gunpouder .iiii. houses were cleane blowen down and dyuers other sore scattered there were slayn .ix. persons men and women and diuers other sore hurt and bruised This yere on Michelmas euen before noone it was published by proclamatiō that the teston of the beste sorte beynge marked with the porteuleys shold then forthwith be taken for .iiii. d. ob and the seconde sorte beynge marked wyth the greyhound for .ii. d. q. the third and worst sort not being marked with one of those markes afore named not to be taken for any value the thre peny piece whyche was coyned for .iiii. d. shold be but .i. d. ob the .ii. d. pece for .i. d. c. And shortly after her grace restored vnto all her subiectes fyne and pure sterlynge money bothe of golde and syluer for their corrupt and base coyn callyng in the same to her maiesties myntes accordynge to the rates before mencioned This yeare also the Quenes maiestie by the aduice of her honourable councell made great preparation of armour munition and powder to bee in a readynes to defende her maiesties Realme from the ennemye if nede shoulde happen Anno. 2. Sir Wil. Chester Draper M. Thomas Roe S. Christo. Draper S. This maiors yere began in the .xi. moneth of the secōd yere of the quenes maiesties reigne that is to say the .28 daye of October and the .17 day of Nouēber nexte folowynge begynneth the thirde yeare of her maiesties reigne This third yere the .xxi. day of March A notable grāmar schoole was founded by the mayster wardens and assistentes of the ryght worshypfull companye of the marchant taylours of the citie of London in the paryshe of S. Laurence Pounteney of London the ryght worshypfull Emanuell Lucar Robert Rose Wyllyam Merike Iohn Sparke and Robert Duckyngton then beynge maister and wardens of the same company The .x. day of April was one William Geffrey whypped from the Marshalsey in Southwarke to Bethleem without byshops gate of London for that he professed one Iohn More to be Christ oure Sauior he was very sore whipped and on his head about the cart were set papers wherin was writtē as foloweth Wylliam Geffrey a most blasphemous heretike denying Christ our Sauior in heauen The sayd Geffrey beyng stayde at Bethleem gate the Marshalles officers caused Iohn Moore to be broughte foorth and then where as the sayd Geffrey hadde tyll this tyme for all his sore whippyng still professed Iohn Moore to bee Christe nowe he forsoke hym and confessed Christ to be in heauen Then the sayd Iohn More beyng examyned answerynge them very ouerthwartely was commaunded to strippe hym selfe whyche he semed to do very wyllyngly who was after tyed to the cart whipt an arrowes shote from Bedlem where at the laste he confessed Christ to be in heauen and himself to be a synful man Then was More sent again into Bedlem and william Geffrey to the Marshalsey where they had layne prisoners nygh a yeare and a half before that time the one for professynge hymselfe to bee Christe the other an apostle or disciple of the same Christe The .iiii. day of Iune beyng wednesday betwene .iiii. and .v. of the clocke in the after noone the steple of Paules in London beyng fyered by lyghtnynge brast foorth as it dyd seme to the beholders .ii. or .iii. yardes beneth the crosse and so brent rounde aboute in the same place that the toppe with the crosse fell of and lighted on the south syde of Paules church and so the spyre brent downward like a cresset or a bekon to y e stone work and the belles which was from the toppe .ii. hundred foote and so brent downwarde so terribly and vehemently that within lesse space then .iiii. howers the same steple and all the roofes of the same churche were consumed to ashes whiche was a lamentable syght and pitifull remembrance to the beholders therof Anno. 3. sir Wil. Harper mar tat M. Hūf. Baskeruile S. Alexāder Auenō S. In the beginning of this Maiors yere and the later end of the
dayly as well by the Quene her selfe who oftentymes hadde masse and Latine seruice before her in the tower as also by diuers sermons made of them that at that tyme were appointed to preache about London The .xi. day of August certaine gentilmen myndyng to passe through London bridge in a wherrie were there ouerturned by violence of the water and seuen of them drowned The .xiii. day of August master Bourn canon of Paules preachynge at Paules crosse sayd as foloweth This same day v. yeares the reuerende father in God Edmunde bishop of London our diocesan preachynge in thys place and thys same gospell whyche I nowe preache for the same was cast in prison and hath there remained tyll this tyme that the quenes most excellent maiestie hath deliuered and set hym at libertie whyche saying of the precher so offended the audience that they breakyng silence said the byshop had preached abhomination other some cried meanyng of the preacher pull hym out pulle hym out and some beynge next the pulpyt began to clymbe towarde the preacher to haue pulled hym out wherwith the preacher stepped backe and one mayster Bradforde a preacher of Kynge Edwardes tyme stepped forthe into the preachers place most myldely and gently persuadyng the audience to quietnes and obedience whose presence lyked the people well but neuertheles Bourne standing by Bradford one threw a dagger at him whiche hytte one of the syde poastes of the pulpet and rebounded backe agayn a great way whervpon maister Bradforde was fayne to breake of his speche forced hym self with the helpe of Iohn Rogers an other preacher to conueye Maister Bourne oute of the audience whiche with great labour they brought into Poules schole Doctour Boner that was depriued in king Edwards time was now again as ye haue heard restored to his bishoprike and dyuers other byshops for Religion were displaced as Cranmer of Canterbury The archbishop of Yorke Poynet of winchester Barlow of Bath Farrar of S. Dauis Harley of Herford Houper of Gloucester Couerdale of Excester Scory of Chichester c. And al other benefieed men that either were maried or wold not forsake their opiniōs wer put out of their liuinges other knowen to be of the contrary parte were set in the same especially if any were aliue that in the time of kyng Henry or Edwarde were put out of the same bishoprikes or benefices as bishop day of Chichester Heth of worc Turberuile of Excest c. The .22 day of August y t duke of Northūberlād was beheded with him wer put to deth sir Iohn Gates and sir Thomas Palmer called Buskin palmer knights Peter martyr who in king Edwards tyme was reader of diuinitie in Oxford obteined licence and safe conduite of the quene and departed oute of Englande to Argentine whens he came In this time y e people shewed thēselues so redy to receiue their old religion y t in many places of the realme vnderstandyng the quenes plesure before any law was made for the same they erected agayne theyr aultars and vsed the Masse and latin seruice in suche sorte as was wont to be in kyng Henries tyme. The .xxvi. day of Auguste in the euenyng the notablest shyppe in the world was burnt at wolwich called the great Hary by the negligence of maryners she was of burthen a M. tunne The last day of September the quenes hyghnes rode thorough the citie to Westminster in moste goodly maner the pageantes in all places accustomed beyng moste gorgiously trimmed And as her grace passed by Poules a certain dutche man stode vpon the wethercock with an enseigne in his hande flouryshyng with the same and vnder hym vpon the crosse a scaffold garnished with enseignes banners and streamers and vnder that vpon the holle an other scaffolde with enseignes streamers very strange to y e beholders And the morow which was the fyrst day of October her grace was crowned at westminster by doctor Gardiner bishop of Winchester The .v. day of October began the parliament at Westminster and masse of the holy ghoste was songe The .xxv. day of October the barge of Grauesend by greate misfortune of a ratche running vpon her was ouerthrowen and .xiiii. persones drowned and xvi saued by swymmyng The .xxiii. the .xxv. the .xxvii. dayes of October were certayne disputations in the longe chapell at the northe doore of Paules concerning Transubstantiation but nothyng throughly determined Anno. 1. Tho. white marchant tailour M. Tho. Offley S. Wil. Hewet S. The same syr Thomas White a worthy patron and protector of poore scholers and learnynge renewed or rather erected a college in Oxford that was in great ruine and decaye nowe called S. Iohns college and before Bernard college indowyng the same with landes reuenues to the greate prefermente of learnyng and comfort of poore mennes children Renuing by that ensample the worthy monuments and dedes done by the lyke godly disposed of ancient tyme in bothe the vniuersities whiche maye wel be called y e two Eies of the realme whose sight begyn to grow dymme thorough the coldnes of charitie and want of deuotion late crept into the hartes of men God graunt they may be restored to the clerenes of their wonted syghte that learnyng may flouryshe throughe abundaunce of schollers with maintenaunce for the same And that the able and riche may liberally imitate therample of this vertuous gentleman who both there and in many other places as by erection of Schooles at Bristoll and Readynge hathe planted the rootes of learnyng the fruites wherof no doubte in tyme to come shall flouryshe to the great cōmoditie and singular ornament of the realme The lyke College also now called trinitie colledge the ryght worshypfull sir Thomas Pope knyght deceased to his great praise and singular commēdation erected whiche some tyme was called Durham colledge also ruinous and in great decaye he reedified appoyntynge for the maintenance of the fellowes and scholers like possession By whiche fact he declared that like as God had indued him with greate rychesse and reuenues by policie and the princis seruice acquired and gotten euen so he therby ment to dedicate some portion thereof to the honor of lerning and gifts of the mynd that his naturall countrey might attein that honoure whiche is or ought to belonge to euery christen realme For he remembryng what benefites learnyng dothe conduce and brynge to a well gouerned common wealthe thought not to beslack in distributyng his portion to thaugmentation of the same Cardinall Poole who fledde oute of Englande in the tyme of Kyng Henry and was in great estimatiō in the court of Rome was sent for by Quene Mary to returne into hys countrey About this tyme the parliament dyd conclude that the Seruice of the churche should from and after the .xx. day of December next ensuyng be used in all places in suche maner and fourme as it was vsed in the laste yere of kyng Henry the .viii. The .xiii.
day of Nouēber D. Cranmer Archbishop of Canturburye lady Iane that was before proclaimed Quene and the lorde Gylford her husbande were openly arreigned condemned for treson This yere the .xxv. of Nouember beyng saincte Katherins daye after euensong began the quier of Poules to go about the steple synging anthemes with cresset lyghtes after the old custome at vi of the clocke at nyght The laste daye of Nouember beynge saynt Andrewes day began the procession in latine the byshop curates persons and the whole quiere of Poules with the Maior and aldermen and the prebendes in their grey amyses c. The .v. day of December the parliament was dissolued in the whyche parliament all statutes that were made either of Premunire in tyme of king Hēry the .viii. or concernynge religion and administration of the sacramentes vnder kyng Edwarde the syxt were repealed and communication was had of the quenes mariage with kyng Philyp the Emperours sonne The beginnyng of Ianuarie the emperor sent a noble man called Ecmondane and certayne other ambassadours into England to make a perfecte conclusion of the mariage betwene Kyng Philyp and Quene Mary The .xx. day of Ianuary the lord Chancellor with other of the counsaile declared openly vnto the Quenes maiesties houshold that there was a mariage concluded betwene her grace and the kyng of Spayne whiche shoulde be a greate strength honour and enrichyng to the realme of England The purpose of this mariage was so greuously taken of dyuers noble men and a great numbre of gentylmen and commoners that for this and religion they in suche sort conspired agaynst the quene that if the matter had not brokē out before the tyme appointed menne thought it would haue brought muche more trouble and danger For syr Thomas Wyat in Kente beyng one of the chief fearynge that the matter was by certaine persones bewrayed sodenly about the .xx. day of Ianuary gathered a certayne company and muche incensed the people of those partes agaynste the quene saying That she and the counsel intended not onely by alteration of religion to bryng in the pope but also by mariage of a stranger to brynge the realme into miserable seruitude and bondage When report of this was brought to London the Queene with so muche spede as might be sent the duke of Norfolke with a company of souldiours into Kent against Wiat where the duke meting with Wyat not farre from Rochester bridge was forsaken of his souldiours and returned to London In this meane tyme Henry duke of Suffolk father to lady Iane lately proclaimed Quene fleynge into Leycestershyre and Warwikeshire with a small company in dyuers places as he went agayne proclaimed his daughter but the people did not greatly inclyne vnto him Wherfore when the erle of Huntyngton that was sent to pursue hym came to Couentrie and was receiued into the citie the duke hauyng no great power or strength of menne about hym was brought therby into a streight and hydyng hymselfe in a parke of hys owne by Couentrie was bewrayed by one of his seruauntes and so taken and by the erle of Huntington brought prysoner to London whyle thys stirre and trouble was the Emperours ambassadours for feare of daunger departed out of the realme and the same daye beyng the fyrst of Februarie the Quene came frome Westminster to the Guyld hall in London and there after vehement woordes agaynste Wyate declared that she ment not otherwyse to marry then the Councell should thynke both honourable and commodious to the realm And if they thought good that she could continue vnmaried as she had done y e greatest part of her age and therfore wylled theym truely to assist her in repressynge suche as contrarye to theyr dueties rebelled When she had done vnderstandynge that many in London dyd fauour Wyats part she appoynted lorde William Haward lieutenant of the citie and the Earle of Pembroke general of the field whiche bothe prepared all thynges necessarye for theyr purposes with greate prouision of men and artillerie Whyle thys prouysion was makynge Wyate came nere vnto the citie and was entred into Southewarke the third day of Februarie and the morow after Candlemas daye wherefore the drawe bridge was broken downe ordinance bent to that parte generall pardon proclaimed to all them that woulde geue ouer and forsake the rebels and a greate rewarde appoynted to hym that toke Wyate prisoner After Wyat had layne .ii. dayes in Southwarke he turned hys iorney to Kyngston on Shroue tuisday in the mornyng beyng the sixte of Februarie where he passed ouer the Thames and purposed to haue come to London in the night but by means that the cariage of his chiefe ordinance brake he was so letted that he could not come before it was farre daye At that tyme the erle of Pembroke and diuers other were in saint Iames field with a great power and theyr ordinance so bent that Wiate was faine to leaue the common way and with a smalle company came vnder saint Iames wall frome the danger of the ordinaunce and so wente by Charing crosse vnto Ludgate without resistence and there thought to haue be let in But perceiuyng that he was defeated of his purpose he returned and aboute temple barre was resysted and yeldyng hymselfe was taken prisoner Proclamation was made in London that no man vnder pain of death should kepe in his house any of Wiats faction Wherfore they were all brought forth and shortly after about the number of fifty were hanged on .xx. paire of gallouses made for that purpose in dyuers places in and about the citie The .xii. day of February lady Iane the duke of Suffolkes daughter and her husband lord Gylford whiche hytherto had ben kept in the tower were nowe be headed for feare least any other shold make lyke trouble for her title as her father had attempted to doo The .17 of February was proclamatiō made that all strangers should voyd the realme within .xxiiii. days next ensuing vpon payne of confiscation of their goods all free denisens marchantes embassadoures and theyr seruants except The .xvii. daye of Februarie Henry Duke of Suffolke was condempned of reason the fourth day after beheaded at the tower hyll and hys bodye buried in the tower The .23 of February about .240 prisoners of Wiats faction went with halters about theyr neckes toward Westminster who had theyr pardon in chepe The .xv. day of Marche the Earle of Deuonshire whom the Quene at her fyrst entring deliuered out of the tower and ladye Elisabeth also the Quenes syster were both in suspicion to haue consented to Wyats conspyracie and for the same were apprehended and committed to the Tower The .x. of Aprill Cranmer archbishop of Canturbury Ridley of London and Hugh Latymer ones byshop of worcester were conueyed as prisoners from the tower of London to Wyndsor and after frome thence to the vniuersitie of Oxforde there to dispute with the diuines and learned men of the contrary
kyng put downe the priorie of Chrichurche in London and all the Chanons of the same place the kynge sent to other places of the same Religion This yere in August and September the kyng repayred the towre of Lōdon and made there muche buyldyng The fyrst of September was my lady Anne Bulleyne made Marques of Penbroke at Wyndsore The .vii. daye of October the kynge went to Caleys and to Bulloyne and came ouer agayne the .xiii. daye of Nouember followyng Anno. 24. Syr Steuē Pecocke Haberda M. Rich. Rainold S. Iohn Martyn S. Nich. Pynchō S. The .xv. daye of December was a great fyre at the byshop of Lyncolnes place in Holborne whyche dyd muche hurte The .xvii. daye of Marche was Edward Haule gentylmā of Graies Inne chosen to be common sargeant of the citie of London Whiche Edward Haule made the notable boke of Chronicles The .x. day of Aprill was a dole geuē at saint Marie Audries in Southwark at the whiche was so muche preace of poore people that there was smouldred iiii men .ii. women a boie starck dead This yere on saint Erkenwaldes daie kyng Henry had maried the lady Anne Bulloyne at Caleyce and the .xii. daye of Aprill beynge Easter eue next followyng she was proclaymed Queene of Englande The .12 day of May one Pauiar being the town clerke of Londō hōg him self This yere on Whitsonday beyng the last day of May was y e lady Anne Bulleyn solemnely honorably crowned at Westminster The .xvii. day of Iuly were two marchantes slaine on the water of Thames toward Westminster by one Wolfe his wyfe who suffered for the same as ye shall here after The .7 day of Septēber was the lady Elizabeth daughter to king Hēry borne at Grenewich there christened at the fryers church the .x. daye of September The .5 day of October was a great fire at Baynardes castell did great hurt The .24 day of October being sonday ther was a scaffold set vp at Pauls cros and theron stode a nonne named Anne Barton of Courtopstrete besyde Canterbury and twoo Monkes of Canterbury and two obseruaunt fryers and the parson of Aldermary in London called maister Gold an other priest-confessour to the sayde nonne and twoo laye men and there preached at that time the byshop of Bangor called the abbot of Hyde where he shewed their offences and so from thence they were sent to the tower of London Anno. 25. sir Christoper Askew Draper M. Wil. Formā S. Tho. Kitson S. This yere Pope Clement cursed king Henry and the realme of Englande This curse was hanged on a churchdore at Dunkirke in Flaunders and taken downe by one William Locke a Mercer of London The .xxviii. daye of Ianuary was a great fyshe taken at Blackwall called a whale and was brought vp to westmynster to the kyng to see so brought downe to broken wharffe and there cut out Commissioners were sent all ouer England to take the othe of all persons to the acte of succession for the refusall of whiche othe doctour Fysher byshop of Rochester syr Thomas More late lorde Chancellor of England were sent to the tower of London The fyrst day of April wer Wolf and his wyfe hanged on two gybets at the turnyng tree in Lambeth marshe for murdryng of the two marchant strangers afore named The .xx. day of Aprill were .ii. monkes of Canturbery .ii. obseruant friers the persone of Aldermary in London and the Nonne called the holye Mayde of Courtopstrete in Kent all these were drawen from the tower of London vnto Tyborne and there hanged and beheaded and their heades set on London bridge and other gates of the Cytie of London and their bodies buried The .xx. daye of Aprill all the craftes and companies in London were sworne to the Kyng and to the Quene Anne and their heyres The .xxvi. yere of the kyngs reigne the .xv. day of May was a great fyre at Salters hall in Breadstrete and much harme doone The .v. day of Iune were all seruants and prentices of the age of .20 yeres or aboue sworne to the Kyng and Quene Anne his wife and to the issue of them The .ix. day of Iuly was the lord Dacres of the north arrained at Westminster of hygh treason where he so wittyly and directely confuted hys accusers that to theyr great shame he was found by his peres not gyltie The .xxii. day of Iuly was one Iohn Frith a yong man of excellent wyt and learnyng burned in Smythfield for his opinions concerning the sacrament and with hym a yong man called Andrewe Hewet a taylours seruant The .xi. day of August was all the places of the obseruant Friers as Grenewyche Canterburye Rychmounte Newarke and newe castell put downe and Austen Friers sette in their places and the same obseruauntes were put in places of gray fryers The .xiii. daye of Auguste was a greate fyre at Temple barre and muche hurte doone and certayne persones burned The .xvi. daye of Auguste was burned the kyngs stable at Charyng crosse otherwyse called the mewes wherein was burned many great horses greate store of haye The .xxi. day of September doctour Taylour maister of the Rolles was discharged and for hym maister Thomas Cromwell was appointed and sworne the .ix. day of October who afterward bare great rule Anno. 26. Sir Iohn Champneis skinner M Nicol. Lewson S. Wil. Denham S. In Nouember was held a parliament wherin the byshop of Rome with all his authoritie was cleane banyshed this realme and commandement geuen that he shoulde no more bee called Pope but byshop of Rome that the kyng should be reputed and taken as supreme heads of the Churche of England hauyng ful aucthoritie to reforme all errors hereses and abuses in the same Also the first fruites and tenthes of all spirituall dignities and promotions were granted to kyng Henry by acte of parlyament The .xxix. day of Aprill the pryor of the Charter house of London the prior of Beual the prior of Exham and a brother of the same called master Reignoldes and a prieste called mayster Iohn Haile vicar of Thistilworth wer al condemned of treason and iudged at westminster to be drawen hanged and quartered at Tyborne who were there executed the fourth daye of May and theyr heades and quarters set on the gates of the citie of London and at the Charter house of London was set one quarter The .viii. day of May the kyng commanded all about his court to poll their heades to geue them ensāple he caused his owne head to be polled likewise The .xxv. day of May was a great examination of heretikes borne in Hollād there was examined .xix. men and .vi. women of the same countrey borne The seconde day of Iune Edwarde Halle the famous Chronicler was chosen an vnder sheriffe of London by the Maior and common counsell
who was before the common sergeant of London as is aforesayd The .iiii. day of Iune a man and hys wyfe borne in Holland were burned in Smithfield for the arrians heresie The .xviii. day of Iune wer .iii. monks of the Charterhouse named Ermewe Midlemor Nudygate drawen to Tyborne and there hanged and quartered The .xxii. day of Iune was doctor Fysher byshop of Rochester beheaded at tower hyll his head was set on London bridge and hys bodye buryed wythin Barkyng churche The .vi. day of Iuly syr Thomas More was beheaded at the tower hyll for deniall of the kinges supremacie The erle of Kyldar dyed in the tower of London and his son Thomas Fitzgarret rebellyng in Ireland slewe the byshop of Deuelyng and toke the kinges ordynāce Wherefore kyng Henry sent thyther sir William Skeuington wyth a company of souldiours In October the kyng sent doctor Lee to visite the abbeys priories and nonneries in England to put out all religious persons that would go and all that were vnder the age of .xxiiii. yeres and all such monkes chanons fryers that were so put out the abbot or prior shold geue euery one in stede of their habite a priestes gowne and .xl. s. of money And the nonnes to haue such apparell as secular women weare and to goe where they would he toke out of monasteries and abbeyes their reliques and chiefest iewelles Anno. 27. sir Iohn Alleyne mercer M. Hūfr Monmothe S Iohn Cottes S The .xi. day of Nouember was a great procession at London by the kynges cōmandement wherin the waites of the Citie goyng formost folowed the chyldren of the grammer schole of the mercers chapell with theyr master the scholers of Sainct Antonies with theyr master and vsher the scholers of Poules schole with their master vsher then al the minstrels of London in theyr best apparell and the mayster of the sayde mynstrelles with his coller next went the crouched fryers the Austen fryers the whyte friers the graye fryers the blacke friers all in copes wyth theyr crosses and Candelsticks The chanons of saint Mary Auderies of sainct Bartholomewes of Esyng Spittle of sainct Spyttle wyth the pryours of the same houses wyth theyr Crosses candelstyckes and vergerers before theym then the clerkes of London in copes the priestes of London in theyr copes And then the Monkes of newe abbeye of Berdmondsay abbay and of Westminster al syngynge the Letanie with Faburden theyr Crosses candelstyckes and Uergerers before theim After them came Poules quier wyth theyr residensaries The byshoppe of London and the abbottes mytered in theyr Pontificalibus After theym came the Bachelers of the companye of the lorde Mayor in theyr beste apparell After them the Lorde Maior in a gowne of blacke veluet wyth a hoode of the same and the Aldermenne in theyr gownes of scarlette after theym the craftes of London in theyr degrees The numbre of copes that were worne in this Procession was .vii. C. and .xiiii. The laste daye of December the Lorde Maior of London gaue commandement to all paryshes in the same to brynge in before hym the names of all the Chauntries in theyr paryshes and who had the gyfte of the same The .viii. daye of Ianuarie dyed lady Katherine do wager at Kymbalton and was buryed at Peterborowe Quene Anne ware yelow for the mournyng In February were geuen to the king by a parliament with the consent of the abbottes all religious houses that were of .300 marke and vnder On May day beyng the .xxviii. yeare of kyng Henry he beyng at a Iustes at Grenewiche to the admiration of all men sodeynly departed to Westmynster hauynge onely with hym .vi. persons The next day lady Anne Bullein Quene was had to the tower and there for thynges layd to her charge shortely after beheaded the .xix. day of May. And on the ascension day folowyng the kyng ware white for mournyng The same tyme were apprehended the lorde Rocheforde brother to the said Quene Henry Noris Marke Smeton william Brierton and Francis weston all of the kynges priuie chamber whiche also aboute matters touchynge the Quene were put to death the .xxii. daye of Maye The weke before whitsontyde beyng the .20 day of Maye the kynge maried Lady Iane daughter to syr Iohn Seymor knyghte whiche at Whytsontide was openly shewed as Quene The .viii. day of Iune the Kyng held his hyghe courte of parliament In the whyche parliament tyme the byshops clergie of this realm held a solempne conuocation at Paules churche in London where after muche disputynge and debatyng of many matters they publyshed a boke of religion entitled Articles deuised by the kynges hyghnes In this boke is specially mencioned but .iii. sacramentes with the whiche the Lincolneshice men were offended and fearyng the vtter subuertion of theyr olde religion which they had lyued in so many yeares raised a greate commotion and gathered together wel nere .20000 men agaynst whom the kyng dyd sende a stronge power wherof when the rebelles had knowledge they desyred pardon brake vp theyr armie and departed euery man to his home but theyr capitains were apprehended executed This yere the .xix. day of Iune beynge saint Peters day the kyng held a great iustyng and triumph at Westmynster where were ordeyned .ii. lyghters made lyke shyps to fyght vpon the water the one of them burst in the myddest and a seruant of maister Kneuets in his harneys leapyng betwene bothe shyppes was drowned And in the other shyppe a gunne burste her chamber and mayned .ii. of the mariners The men of Lincolnshyre beyng pacified and quieted as ye haue heard immediately wythin syxe dayes after beganne a newe Insurrection in Yorkeshyre for the same causes But the rude people were more incensed thoroughe tales whyche were spreadde by certayne personnes as that all theyr syluer Chalices Crosses ●ewelles and other ornamentes should be taken out of theyr churches That no man should bee maryed or eate any deyntie meate in hys house but he should pay a tribute for the same to the kynge These people were gathered togyther to the noumber of forty thousand hauyng for their badges the .v. woundes with the figure of the Sacrament and Iesus written in the myddest and called theyr rebellion a holye pylgremage in token that they intended to fyghte for the maintenance of christen religion Anno. 28. Sir Rafe Warren Mercer M. Rich. Paget S. Will. Bowyer S. The .xii. day of Nouember sir Thomas Neweman bare a faggot at Poules Crosse for that he sange Masse withgood ale The .xiii. day of November one mayster Roberte Pagyngton a Mercer of London was slayne with a gunne as he was goyng to Masse at saynet Thomas of Akers nowe called the Mercers chapel but the murderer was neuer openly knowen Agaynste the rebelles of Yorkshyre aboue named the Kyng sent the duke of Norffolke the Duke of Suffolke the Marques of Excester and other
of Nouember was one Iohn Nycholson otherwyse Lambert a priest burnt in Smythfielde Also in Nouember were Henry Marques of Excester and erle of Deuōshire and syr Henry Pole knyghte the lorde Mountague and syr Edward Neuell brother to the lorde of Burganysent to the towre The two lordes were arraigned the last day of December at Westminster before the lord Audley of Walden lord Chaunceller highe stewarde of Englād there found gilty the third day after was arraigned sir Edwarde Neuell syr Geffray Pole two priestes called Croftes and Collyns one Holland a marriner and all attainted the ix daye of Decēber were the sayde two lordes and syr Edward Neuel beheaded at the tower hyll the two priesies Holland were drawen to tyborne and there hanged and quartered and syr Ieffray Pole was pardoned The .22 day of Decēber a priest Hēry Daunce a Brycklayer an Organ maker bare fagottes at Paules crosse On Ashwensday were Iohn Iohnes Iohn potter William Manering hāged in the princes lyueries because thei were the princes seruantes on the south side of Paules churchyard for killing of Roger Cholmeley Esquier in the same place of malyce pretended The thyrd daye of Marche was syr Nicholas Carewe of Bedingtō in Surrey knyght of the gartar and maister of the kynges horse beheaded at towre hil The thirde daye of Marche the kyng created at Westmynster syr Willyam Pawlet knyght treasorer of his housholde Lorde saynt Iohn and syr Iohn Russell comptroller of his housholde lorde Russell The same tyme the kynge caused all the hauens to be fortyfied and rode to Douer and sent cōmissioners through out all the Realme to haue his people muster and at the same season on Easter daye was there .ix. vnknowen ships liyng in the downes wherfore all Kent arose and mustered in harness the same daye The .xxviii. daye of Apryll beyng in the .xxxi. yere of Henry the eight began a parliament at Westmynster in the whiche Margaret Coūtesse of Salisbury Gertrude wyfe to the Marques of Excester Reinold Pole syr Adrian Foskewe and Thomas Dingley knyght of saynt Ihons and dyuers other were attaynted of treason Folkewe and Dingley were beheaded the .x. day of Iuly This yere the .viii. daye of May the citezins of London mustered at the Myles ende all in bryght harneys with coates of whyte sylke and cloth and chaines of golde in thre great battayls the number was .xv. thousande besyde wyffelers and other wayters who in goodly order passed through London to Westmynster and so through the sanctuary and round about the parke of S. Iames and so up through the fielde and came home through Holborne The .viii. daye of Iuly the Uicar of Wandsworth with his chaplayne and his seruaunt and fryer Wayre were all foure drawen from the Marshalsey vnto saint Thomas a Wateryngs and there hanged and quartered for treason In August the great Onele Odonele of Irelande inuaded the Englyshe pale and burned almost .xx. myles within the same wherfore the Lorde Graye beyng deputie there assembled a strong power and draue hym back The .xvi. daye of September Duke Frederick of Bauarie the Palsgraue of Rhine the Marshal of duke Iohn Frederick electour of Saxony with other came to London by whom the mariage was concluded betwene kyng Henry the lady Anne sister to Wyllyam the Duke of Cleue Anno. 31. Syr William Hollis Mercer M. Tho. Feyrie S. Th. Hūtlow S. This Thomas Huntlow shryue before named gaue to the company of the Habardashers certain tenementes for y t which they be bound to geue to .x. poore almes people of y e same cōpany euery one of thē .viii. d. euery fryday for euer And also at euery quarter diner to be kept by the masters of y e same cōpany to be genē to euery one of those .x. poore people before named a peny lose of bread a potle of ale a pece of bief worth .4 d. in a platter with porage and .4 d. in money The .14 day of Nouēber Hughe Feryngdon abbot of Reding .ii. priestes the one called Rug the other named Onion were attainted of high treason for deniyng y e kyng to be supreme head of the church were drawen hanged quartered at Redyng The same days was Richard Whiting abbot of Glastēbury lykewyse attainted hanged and quartered on towre hyll besyde his Monastery for the same cause The first day of Decēber was Iohn Beche abbot of Colchester put to execution for the lyke offence In Decēber were appointed to waite on the kynges highnes person .50 gentlemē called Pencioners or speres lyke as they were in the first yere of y e kyng The third daye of Ianuary was the lady Anne of Cleue receiued at Blacke heath and brought to Grenewych with great tryumphe and the syxt daye of the same moneth she was maried to kynge Henry The .18 daye of Apryl was Thomas lorde Cromwell created erle of Essex made great chamberlayne of England whiche euer the erles of Oxenforde had before that tyme. In A parliament whiche began the xviii daye of Apryll the relygion of S. Iohnes in Englande whiche of moste men was named the knyghtes of the Rhodes was dissolued wherof hearing syr Wyllyam Weston knyght prior of S. Ihones for thought dyed on the Assention day beyng the fifth day of May. In Maye the .xxxii. yere of his reigne was sent to the towre doctor Wilson doctor Samson bishop of Chichester for releuīg certain prisoners which denied the kings supremacy and for y e same offēce was one Richard Farmer Gro. of London a ryche and a welthy man and of good estimacion commytted to the Marshalsey and after in Westmynster hall was arraigned and attainted in the premunire and lost all his goodes The .ix. daye of Iuly Thomas lorde Cromwell late made Erle of Essex being in the counsayle chamber was sodaynly apprehended and committed to the tower of London The .xix. daye of the same moneth he was attainted by parliament and neuer came to his answere whiche lawe he was the autour of he was there attainted of heresie and hyghe treason And the .xxviii. daye of Iuly beheaded at the tower hyll with the lorde Hungerforde Kyng Henry by authoritie of parliament conuocatiō was dyuorsed from his pretensed mariage made with the lady Anne of Cleue and it was enacted that she shoulde bee taken no more as Queene but called the ladye Anne of Cleue The .xxx. daye of Iuly Robert Barnes Thomas Gerrard Wylliam Ierome priestes were burned in Smythfield The same daye Thomas Abell Edward Powell and Rychard Fetherstone were drawen hanged and quartered for denying the kynge to bee supreme head of the churche of England The fourth daye of August were drawen from the towre to tyborne syx persons one led betwene two sergeātes and there hanged and quartered one was the Priour of Dancaster an other a Monke of
fishes taken The Clergie sworne to the kyng S. Thomas More discharged of the chācelorshyp S. Thomas Cromwell Execution at the tower hyl Execution at the towre hyl The priory of Crichurche put downe The towre of London repayred 1532 Great fyre at Holborne Haule the famous chronicler common Sergeant of London Foure mē .ii. women and a boie smouldered Kyng Henry maried the lady Anne Boleyne Desperation Quene Anne crowned A murder Lady Elizabeth borne A fire at Bernardes castell Anne Bartō 1533 A great fishe taken An othe to the kyng Wolfe his wyfe hanged at Lambeth Execution at Tyborne Othe to the kyng Lord Dacres of the northe Edvvarde Halle Iohn Frythe brēt in smithfielde Fryer houses suppressed A fyre at temple barre The kynges stable brent Master Thomas Cromwell master of the Rolles 1534 The byshops of Romes authoritie abrogated The fyrst frutes gyuen to the kyng Execution at Tyborne Polled heads Examination of Hollāders Master Halle vnder sheriffe of London Execution in Smythfield Execution at Tyborne The byshop of Rochester beheaded Sir Thomas Moore beheaded A visitation of the abbeys 1535 A generall procession The names of all Chauntries taken Lady Katherine deceased The smalle houses of religion geuen to the kyng Edvvarde Halle Execution Execution The king maried ladye Iane. A commotion in Lincolneshyre A triumph at westminster A cōmotiō in Yorkeshyre 1536 Master Pagyngton slain Execution at Wyndsor A great frost Execution at Tyborne A newe commotion in Yorkeshyre Execution at tyborne Execution for treason Cromwell knyght of the garter The byrth of prince Edwarde 1537 Execution at tyborne Execution at tyborne Execution at Tyborne Execution in Smythfield A fyre in Rode lane Execution at tyborne The hangmā hanged Edvvarde Halle The images in churches taken downe The abbeyes suppressed 1538 The friers in London suppressed Lābert burnt in smythfield Execution at the towre hyl Execution in Paules churcheyarde Execution at lowre hyll Execution The great mustar at Lōdon Execution at S. Thomas Wateryng 1539 Execution at Redyng Execution at the towre hil Execution The pencioners first began Kyng Henry maried the lady Anne of Cleue Thomas Crōwell erle of Essex The order of the Rhodes put downe in Englande EdVvarde Haule EdVvarde Haule Thomas Crōwell sent to y e tower and be headed at towre hyil Quene Anne deuorced and called lady Anne of cleue Executiō both in smithfielde and at Tyborne Execution at Tyborne Kyng Henry maryed lady Katheryne Hawarde A great drouth 1540 Execution In other commotion in Yorkeshyre Execution Edvvarde Halle Execution at Grenewiche Execution at the towre hil Execution at S. Thomas of waterings Execution at tyborne The kynges progresse into Yorke Execution 1541 Execution at tyborne Execution at towre hyll Iohn Sleidan Kyng Henry maried his sixt wyfe Kyng Henry first named kyng of Irelande I mayde boyled in Smithfielde 1542 Execution for slayinge an Haraulde The going to Laundersey Execution at Wyndsore A great pestilence 154● Foure Eclipsis in one yere Execution at Tyborne Houses blowen vp with gonpouder Lyth and Edenborough taken The coynes inhanced The base money coyned Kyng Henry went to Boloigne Boloigne wonne 1544 The kynge wēt to Portsmouth where was drowned y e Mary Rose Frenchemen landed at the Ile of Wyght Saint Gyles church brent 1545 Chantries giuen to Kynge Henry The stewes put downe The cundyte at Algate and Lothberye buylded A general prosession in Loudon Execution in Smythfield The aduryra●t of France landed at the tower wharfe 1546. Execution at tower hyll 1546 S. Paules churche lay at anker Images commanded to bee taken downe Processiō forbydden to be vsed The chātries geuen to the kyng Muskleborough field Paten 1547 Anno .2 A great pestilence 1548 Anno .3 Execution at tower hyll Cōmotion in Cornewall Deuonshyre Commocion at Norwiche The Duke of Somerset sent to the tower of Lōdō 1549 A murder cōmitted by Charles Gauaro Execution in Smithfielde Execution at Tyborne Anno. reg 4 The Duke of Somerset delyuered Execution at tyborne Bulleine yelded to the frēche kyng Ioane Butcher burnt in Smythfield Execution 1550 Tho. Coper Anno reg v. A murder at Feuersham Execution Execution at Flyshyng An Aryan burnt in Smythfield An earthquake The first fall of the money A sweatyng sycknes The secōd fall of the money The Duke of Somerset cōmitted agayn to the towre 1551 A new coyne The quene of Scottes road through London The Duke of Somerset araigned A muster of horsemen Execution at towre hyll Anno. reg .6 Execution at the towre hyl A house blowen vp with gonpouder A monster Great fyshes taken The gray friers in Lōdon conuerted to an hospitall Great fyshes taken 1552 The fyrst children taken in to Christes hospitall at London Anno. 7. A voyage to Moscouie A great thunder Kynge Edwarde deceased Ladye Iane proclaymed Quene Lady Marye proclaymed quene of Englande 1553 Quene Mary hauynge to the numbre of 30000. men y e erle of Sussex being lieutenaunt of the armye when she dissolued her campe at Framingham victuals was of suche plentithe that a barell of biere was folde for vi d with the caske and iiii greate loaues of bread for a peny A wherrye ouerturned A dagger throwen at Paules crosse Execution at Tower hyll The greate Hary brente A man stoode on the wether cock of Paules Grauesende barge ouerturned 1553 S. Iohns colledge in Oxenford erected Trinitie coledge erected A commotion in Kent The duke of Suffolks agayn proclaymed his doughter quene The Duke of Suffolke taken The Queene came to the Guylde hall in London Wyat taken Execution Execution at the tower of London Execution at tower hyll Execution at tower hyll Execution at Tyborne Anno. reg 2. A spirite in a wall at London Kyng Philip came to Winchester 1554 Cardinall Poole cam into Englande The prince of Orenge came to London Execution in Smithfielde Execution in Smithfielde Execution in Westminster Execution in Smythfielde Anno .3 The .iiii. of September kynge Philip ariued at Calaice 1555 Execution A blasyng sterre 1556 Seuen aldermen deceased in London An ambassadour frome Moscouie A murderer Execution at Salisbury Englyshmen sent to saynte Quintins Scarbrough castell taken by .xxxii. persons Executio● at tower hyll The ladye Anne of Cleue deceased Both deart●● and plentie or corne in one yeare 1557 Calaice lost Execution 1558 1558 A parliament at Westmynster 1559 Anno. reg 1. It is to be noted that the Maior of Lōdon beginneth his yeare the 28. day of October whiche is in the fyrst yeare of the quenes maiesties reigne And the quenes seconde yeare begynneth on the 17 day of Nouēber next folowyng Houses blowen in croked lane The base moneys called in New coynes 1560 Anno. reg 3. One saynyng him selfe to be Christ was whipte Poules steple a fyre 1361 ● new coine Anno reg 4. Manye monstrous births this yeare in Englande A monstrous chylde The goyng to Newhauen 1562 Anno reg 5. Newe hauen delyuered to the frenche Greate pestilence at Lon An hundred eight parishes in London A seuen parishe churches called the out paryshes A treble or a three folde plague 1563 No maiors feast kepte at the Guild hal Anno reg 6. Peace proclaimed betwene England and France The watche on S. Peters euen at London 1564 Anno reg 7. Houses shatered with gonpouder The Thames ouerfrosen Eighte tydes in .ii. nyghtes and a daye The work of god vppon a maid in Chester An escape out of the tower Great tempest
into the Hospitall at the gray friers called Christes Hospitall to the number of fower hundred In the sommer past the other yeare king Edward wēt in progresse into the west countrey where he had so muche exercise of haukynge and huntynge as was thought by some at that tyme to be daungerous vnto his health Towarde wynter he returned to London from thense to Grenewitche where all the Christmas season was passed with muche pleasauntnes and myrthe vntill at lengthe in Ianuarie he felle sycke of a cough whyche ended in a consumption of the lyghtes The sunday before Candelmas which was the .xxix. daye of Ianuarie in the vii yere of Edward the .vi. came a commission to the Churche wardens of all paryshes in London that all their lynnen as albes chesebels and surplices whiche were not occupied reseruynge necessarie linnen for the churche should bee geuen vnto the Hospitall aboue named The .xx. day of May by the encouragemēt of one Sebastian Gabota .iii. great shyppes well furnished were set foorthe for the aduenture of the vnknowen voiage to Moscouia and other easte partes by the northe seas And about the same tyme .ii. other shyps were sent foorth to seke aduentures southwardes In May whiles kyng Edwarde laye daungerously sycke Lorde Gylford the duke of Northumberlandes fourth son maryed lady Iane the Duke of Suffolkes daughter whose mother being then aliue was doughter to Mary king Henries sister whiche fyrste was maried to the frenche kynge and after to Charles duke of Suffolke In this tyme many were punyshed in Englande for talkynge rasshely that the Kyng shoulde be deade and dyuers also for sayenge that he was poysoned for that rumour was spred throughoute the Realme The .22 day of Iune a great thunder began about a .xi. of the clock and dured almoste the space of two houres and about .xii. of the clocke was a wonderfull terrible clap at which clappe the lyttell doore of saint Denyse church in London was driuen open and the locke thereof with a great parte of the lynyng of the same doore was torne awaye Kyng Edward beyng about the age of .xvi. yeres as is sayd before was long sick of a consumption of the lightes and the .vi. day of Iuly ended his life he was in this hys youthe a prince of suche towardnes in vertue learnynge and all goodly gyftes as Europe seldom tymes or neuer hath sene the like and therfore no meruaile considering the state of the realme if all true englyshe hartes dye muche lament soo vntymely death in so tender youthe and so toward a prince The .x. daye of Iuly beyng monday the deathe of Kyng Edwarde was publyshed The same daye in the after noone aboute fower of the clocke the Lady Iane doughter of the lady Frances the Duchesse of Suffolke whyche Lady Iane was maryed vnto the Lord Gyiford Dudley the fourthe sonne vnto the Duke of Northumberland was conueyed by water to the tower of London and betwene .vii. and .viii. of the clocke in the euening proclamation was made throughout the citie whereby was declared by sondry circumstāces that king Edwarde beyng deceased by his wylle had assigned the sayde lady Iane to bee quene and therevppon so proclaymed Quene of England Thys matter was very greuouslye taken of the commom people and a greate numbre of gentilmen for the loue they bare to Lady Mary and the ryghte of her title At thys tyme the state of this realme might wel seme moste myserable wherin the nobilitie and counsell on the one parte and the gentlemen and commons of the other appered to be fully bent to mayntayne two contrary titles For when it was heard that the lady Mary was fled to Framingham castell in Suffolk the people of the countrey almoste wholly resorted vnto her and in Oxenforde syr Iohn Williams in Buckinghamshire syr Edmunde Peckham and in dyuers other places many men of worshyp offryng them selues as guides to the common people gathered greate powers and with all spede made towarde Suffolke where ladye Mary was In thys meane tyme the .xiii. day of Iuly by appointment of the counsell the Duke of Northumberland the Erle of Huntingdon the lorde Grey of Wilton and dyuers other with a great numbre of men of armes went to fetche her by force and was on their way as farre as Bury but not long after the counsell partly moued with the right of her cause partly consideryng that the moste of the realme was wholly bent on her syde changed theyr myndes and assembled them selues at Baynardes castell and there commoned with the erle of Pembroke and immediatly came into Cheapeside with the kyng of heraldes where they proclaimed the lady Mary doughter to kyng Henry the .viii. and quene Katherine quene of Englande France and Irelande defendor of the faithe c. the xix day of Iuly kepyng as prisoners in the tower lady Iane lately proclaimed and Lorde Gylford her husband When this was heard in the dukes campe many of his souldiours forsoke hym and be returnynge to Cambridge proclaimed the Ladye Marye Quene and on the twenty day at nyght beyng apprehended of the garde he with other was brought to the Tower of London the fyue and twentye daye of Iuly Thus was the matter ended wythout bloudshedde whyche menne seared woulde haue brought the deathe of many thousandes Queene Mary Anno Regni 1. MArye the eldest daughter of king Henry the .viii. began her reigne ouer thys realme of England the vi day of Iuly in the yeare of our Lord .1553 deceased in the yere of our Lorde .1558 the .17 day of Nouember so she reigned .v. yeares .v. moneths .xi. days she was proclaimed Quene at London the .xix. day of Iuly and the .xx. day at the castel of Framingham and afterwarde beynge accompanied with a goodly bande of noble men gentylmen and commoners gathered out of all partes of the realme came to London and entred the tower the .iii. day of August In her fathers tyme and brothers tyme dyuers noble men byshops and other were caste into the tower somme for treason layde to their charge as the Duke of Norffolke and the Lord Courtney sonne to the Marques of Excester some for mainteinyng the Popes supremacie as D. Lonstall byshop of Durham and other whiche continued there prisoners at the Quenes commyng to the tower to all these and many other she graunted pardon and restored them to theyr former dignities Lykewise dyd she vnto doctour Gardener bishop of Winchester whom she dyd not only sette at libertie but also made hym hygh chauncellour of Englande For the greate fauour that she shewed to the lord Courtney whom she made Erle of Deuonshyre many men were in opinion that she purposed to haue maryed hym but in the end it proued otherwyse As all sortes of men almoste dyd reioyce that Quene Mary had recouered the crowne so many notwithstandyng muche feared alteration of religion by her For manyfest signification therof was geuen