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A10699 A Catholicke conference betvveene Syr Tady Mac. Mareall a popish priest of VVaterforde, and Patricke Plaine a young student in Trinity Colledge by Dublin in Ireland VVherein is deliuered the certayne maner of execution that was vsed vpon a popish bishop, and a popish priest, that for seueral matters of treason were executed at Dublin the first of February, now last past. 16ll. Strange to be related, credible to be beleeued, and pleasant to bee perused. By Barnabe Rych, Gent. seruant to the Kinges most excellent Maiestie. Rich, Barnabe, 1540?-1617. 1612 (1612) STC 20981; ESTC S115901 41,203 61

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be hanged Loe here the pietie that is in popery I haue many times heard speaking of hallowed bread of hallowed water of hallowed ashes of hallowed beades and of such other like hallowed trash but I neuer heard of a payre of gallowes that were hallowed before but these gallowes being thus sanctified and made holy afore hand about 2. of the clocke in the afternoone the traytors were deliuered to the Sheryues of Dublyne that were to see execution who placing them in a small carre and being assisted with a conuenient guarde as they passed along through the streetes of Dublyne diuerse citizens whereof some that were of good sort and fashion as the Bishop passed by fell downe vppon their knees in the durt and mire crauing his fatherly blessing benediction but the poore regardles wretch sitting still like a blocke woulde neither vouchsafe them worde nor so much as to turne his head aside to looke at them or once to lift vp his eyes to heauen or to make shew eyther of deuotion or of anie religion at all what was in him so that he might haue bin a Papist a Turke or a Iew for any thing that could haue bin discerned by him either by his wordes or by his showe And now being come to the place of execution it is truth he was followed with troopes of citizens both men and women and not of the inferior sort alone but of the better amongst the women of the best mens wiues within the cittie of Dublyne that kept such a scriking such a howling and such a hallowing as if Saint Patricke himselfe had bin going to the gallowes they could not haue made greater signes and showes of griefe and sorrowe but when they saw him turned from of the gallowes they raised the Who bub with such a maine cry as if the rebels had beene approched to robbe and rifell their cittie Now to answere to your question if I should say that this deploring of a traytor with such signes and showes of sorrowe did argue but little loue to his maiestie perhaps I might offende a great number of papistes but this I dare bouldly affirme that those fooleries that were vsed both before and after the execution argued but little wit and I thinke the recitall of it woulde make the papistes themselues to laugh at the folly of popery for marke what followed The executioner had no sooner taken of the Bishops heade but that the townes men of Dublyne began to flocke about him some taking vp the head with pitious aspect accompanied with sobs and sighes that of my conscience were breathed out from their verie soule Some kissed it with as religious an appetite as euer they kissed the Paxe Some cut away all the haire from the head which lousie commoditie they religiously reserued for a lousie relique Some others were practising to steale the heade away the which beeing espyed by the executioner hee gaue notice of the matter to the Sheryues of Dublyne Now when he began to quarter the body the women thronged about him as fast and happy was shee that coulde gett but her handkercheife dipped in the bloud of the traytor And the body being once disseuered into foure quarters they neither left finger nor toe but they cut them off and carried them away And to shew their Catholike zeale they tare his garments into tatters and some others that could get no holy monumentes that appertayned to his person with their kniues they shaued of chippes from the hallowed gallowes neyther would they so much as omitt the halter wherewith he was hanged but it was gathered vp to be reserued for holy vses I might speake heere of the Bishops breeches that the executioner sould for fiue shillings to a fellow that carrying them into the towne and tearing them into fitters made as good a market of them amongst the Catholikes of Dublin as if they hadd beene pardons newe come from Rome the poore hangman againe who but laying his cloake a little apart whilst hee was doing of his office it was stolne away from him and could not be heard on till within two or three dayes and then it was knowne to be cut into shreadds and so sold amongst the Papistes for holy reliques at a very deare rate thinking it had beene some vestment belonging to the Bishop I am sorry for my country-men that are so blind and blockish but see what followed the same night after the execution was done they flocke together afresh both men and women with holy water holy candle and congregating themselues at the holy gallowes in the place of execution they spent the fore part of the night in heathenish howling and performing many popish ceremonies and after midnight beeing then Candelmas day in the morning hauing there priests in a readines they had Masse and as some say Masse after Masse day light beeing come they departed to their owne houses all of them made as holy towardes God as they had shewed themselues dutifull to the King Ta. You haue made a long discourse to little purpose for say you what you can it will neuer be beleeued amongst the Catholickes in Ireland but that these men dyed holy Martyrs suffered for matters that did concerne the Church now for temporall Magistracie to haue foueraigntie in spirituall regiment is very vnnaturall say you what you can Pa Who should else mayntaine and vpholde godly lawes but the Prince who should banish and displace false religion together with the spreaders and dispersers of the same but the Prince who should punish malefactors against God as heretickes blasphemers Idolaters and such other like which is to be done in euery Christian common wealth but the Prince Ta. The Prince must learne at the priestes hand what is truth and what is errour before he set in hand to punish Pa. But if the priest doth preach errour in stead of truth may not the Prince both banish the doctrine and punish the teacher Ta. The Pope is the onely decider of those doubts it is hee that must iudge betweene truth and errour Pa. But if the Pope doth finde an errour and doth command the Prince to punish it may he not then doe it with authority Ta. If the Pope doth commaund there is no question but the Prince must obey Pa. Then Kings and Princes must doe more for the Pope then they may do for Christ but if Princes may not iudge of the truth what meant Dauid in his second Psalme to say Bee wise yee Kinges vnderstand yee Iudges and serue the Lord. Ta. Well let be that Princes may commaund yet I say still the Church must appoynt them what they must commaund Pa. But what doe you meane by the Church that you say must thus direct the Prince Ta. What should I meane but the Church that is the Pope his Cardinals Bishops Priestes and all other persons ecclesiasticall Pa. But what meant Saint Paul Actes 20. when hee called the Elders of Ephesus and willed them to feed the
Church of God what meant he by the Church the priests or the people Ta. Perhaps hee ment them both aswell the people as the priestes Pa. Canne you finde in any one text of Scripture where the Church is taken for the priestes without the people Ta. But yet the priestes are onely called Churchmen Pa. Why now you haue answered the matter soundly hereafter when they tell vs that the Church doth consist in the whole congregation of the faithfull we may then answer them that the priestes onely were called churchmen and therefore they must commande Kinges and Princes what they must doe and what religion they must establish Ta. It is very true for who should iudge of religion but the Priest Pa. Why then the priest must iudge of truth but the Prince you say may commande for truth and then we are all this while out of our reckoning for if it bee in the princes power to command for truth they will say that our gratious king commaundeth nothing here in Ireland but what Christ hath already commanded and what is established by the word of God and thus we haue brought our hogges to a faire market Ta. But that princes should haue power to compell mens consciences I say is a thing most vnreasonable Pa. And that euery ignorant and obstinate person shoulde make a conscience of euery popish fantazy is a thing most intollerable Ta. Doe you terme it to bee fantasticall that our progenitors haue professed and that we our selues were baptized in Pa. This is your common inchantment wherewith you bewitch a number of seely soules bearing them beleeue that in bap tisme they haue vowed themselues to your Romish religion but in whose name were you baptized was itin the popes or in Peters or in Paules if in no other then in the nameof Christ alone then are you made the sonnes of God and not the slaues and vassels of Rome and as in baptisme you receiued no mans marke but his so you stand bound to regard no mans voyce but his Ta. Yet I say still that it standes with no reason that a prince may forcibly compell any man against his conscience Pa. But I say still that a Prince may forcibly compell his subiectes from Idolatry and heresie to the sincere seruice of God the scriptures doe furnish vs with sundry presidents tending to that purpose amongst the rest take this one Iosiah was highly commended for making the people of Ierusalem all that were ●ound in Israell to serue the Lorde Ta. Iosiah compelled the people to serue the Lorde according to the truth but doth it therefore follow that euery prince may inforce a religion that is but fitting to his owne will and fancie Pa. It doth therefore followe and by the circumstance of the whole chapter it doth appeare that euery christian Prince throughout his realmes and dominions may roote out heresie Idolatry superstition and hauing againe restablished the true and sincere worship of God may compell and inforce his subiects both to obey and submit themselues vnto it Ta. But the religion which we professe is the true auncient Apostolicke religion first deliuered by Christ himselfe vnto Peter and by Peter himselfe to his successors the Bishops of Rome Pa. Indeede your Pope in his doctrine dooth as rightly succeede Saint Peter at Rome as the Turke doth succeed Saint Iames at Ierusalem and as the Scribes and Pharises did Moses in whose chayre they sate when they crucified the Sonne of God Ta. I hope you make no doubt but that the Pope is Saint Peters successor and that the chayre wheron he now sitteth at Rome was first Saint Peters seate Pa. I vnderstand not what you meane by the Popes chayre by Saint Peters seate whether you meane it by any Throne or Tabernacle or by some other Tribunall or what manner of stoole it should be that you call Saint Peters seate Ta. I beleeue you well for Protestants God knowes are not onely ignorant but they are likewise blind and senfeles in those thinges that doth appertaine to the misteryes of the Catholicke Church but for your better satisfaction and to giue you true weeting of Peters Seate what it is you that are so full of scripture cannot be ignorant where Christ in the 23. of Mathewe tolde his Disciples that the Scribes and Pharises did sit on Moses chayre willed them therefore in respect of their place both to heare and beleeue them being as they were successors vnto Moses then the like of Rome where Peter was sometimes Bishop and where he constantly preached Christ crucified must therefore necessarily be the Seate of Peter and this holy Sea of Rome is it which Peter hath left to his successors and we may as truly say that the Pope doth now sit on Peters Seate as Christ told his Disciples that the Scribes and Pharises did sit on Moses Chayre Pa. There haue beene many papistes that haue taken great paynes to proue that Peter was Bishop of Rome but there was yet neuer any one of them coulde make it so apparant but that wee might deny that by good authority that peter was euer at Rome at all but let it be granted that Peter were at Rome doth it therefore follow that the Sea of Rome must be Peters Seate Peter preached in many places before hee came to Rome if euer hee were there at all as it appeareth in the Actes of the Apostles and by the testimonie of your owne Legende Peter was a long time at Antioche and why should not Antioche or any other place where Peter taught and preached challenge a superioritie as far foorth as Rome Ta. I see I must render you a reason for the matter will it please you now to vnderstand that besides Peters being at Rome Peter likewise dyed at Rome and suffered vnder Nero therfore the place more holy and worthy of authoritie Pa. May it please you now to heare me to render you the like reason our Sauiour Iesus Christ was crucified and dyed at Ierusalem for the sinnes of the worlde and therefore in the worke of our redemption his power is more ●ull and ample at the citie of Ierusalem then it is in any other place where he hadde formerly taught and preached You say Protestants are blinded but if papisteswere not both blind and out of their wits besides they would neuer gather such conclusions whereby to vpholde the pride of their pope that be cause Peter was at Rome therefore the Sea of Rome must be Saint Peters seate but how hangeth this together where Christ in the 23. of Mathew tolde his Disciples that the Scribes and Pharises did sit on Moses Chayre what was ment by Moses chayre in this place it could not be meant by the citie of Ierasalem as the papistes would haue Rome to be the Seate of Peter because as they surmise Peter was at Rome but Moses was neuer at Ierusalem neither in the Synagogue neither in the Temple nor in any part of
were two bookes first written by Iustus Lypsius wherin he deliuered the Myracles that were performed by our Lady of Hall and by our Lady of Sichem and for this booke intituled The great I heater of the Iesuites honour written by Bonarscius in the defence of Lypsius it hath beene thrice printed within these foure or fiue yeares now last past twice at Antiwarpe and once at Paris with alowance and authoritie in both places and for the better approbation of the matter one other learned father Possiuine a thirde Iesuite who in his Apparatus sacer hath giuen notice to the world that Lypsius did publish such awo●ke and giues him speciall commendations for his paynes taking in the Catholicke cause who would thinke now that these bookes could be thus published without controlment but that they are warranted by our holy father himselfe and by the whol Church of Rome for vndoubted truthes But what need I trauell to fetch home myracles from beyond the seas when Ireland it selfe doth so plentifully afforde them that in euery quarter of the Realme What Myracles are continually wrought at Saint Patrickes purgatory at the Holy Crosse at Saint Sondayes well and doth not all the north of Ireland admire the Myracles that haue bin wrought by Saint Colume Kell But let me drawe somewhat neare to your Colledge it selfe are you not eye witnesses howe euery 17. of March what flocking there is of men women and children to that same holy sanctified poole Saynt Patrickes well I hope you doe not thinke the wholl multitude that doe so yearely frequent the place to bee starke mad to come running thither so thicke if they did not finde somesanctitie in the water I warrant you they are not so arrant fooles as a nūber of those that do vse to take Tabacco that wil be stil stuffing thēselues with smoak but vpō a vaine conceit But is not this a miracle especially to be admired to see so many women Tauerne keepers that for conscience sake wil eate no flesh on Frydaies that some of them do not ride in a Cart on Saturdayes Pa. Syr Tady if these myracles bee any confirmation to your Romish religion I could furnish your store with such like as for the reuerence of the Reader I shame and for the honour of God I feare to speake of But this is a myracle in our eyes to see that the papistes should affye themselues in a religion that is but propped vp with such stuffe as this we do asmuch wōder to see their blindnes that wil be drawne from the truth of Gods word to beleeue such grosse and palpable follyes lyes fables and fantazies of their owne deuising but that the Apostle hath giuen vs this caueat And therefore God shall send them strong delusions that they should beleeue Lyes that all they might be damned which beteeued not the truth but had pleasure in vnrighteousnes 2. Thes 2. Ta. Do you callthese fables lyes fantasies I cannot tell what that are thus fortified and confirmed vnder these authorities Pa. I say we may boldly pronounce your Romish religion to bee accursed that would bring that blessed Virgin in comparison with God and Iesus Christ thereby eclipsing the glory of Gods mercy and the worthines of Christes satisfaction Ta. If you fall a cursing of those that doe giue honour to the Queene of heauen her selfe what will you pronounce against those that doe both honour and worshippe to the Image of our Lady Pa. Doe not you thinke that the worshipping of Images is flat Idolatry Ta. Yes if you meane the worshipping of the Idoles of the heathen Pa. I meane the Images of the virgin Mary of Peter of Paul or of Christ himselfe Ta. Doe you call the Image of Christ an Idoll Pa. If it be worshipped it is an Idoll and the burning of Incense vnto it is flat Idolatry Ta. Dare any damned hereticke auouch this Pa. It is approued by the second commandement Thou shalt not make to thy selfe any grauen Image nor the likenes of any thing that is in heauen aboue or in the earth beneath Ta. But doth this precept touch the Image of Christ or our blessed Lady Pa. It toucheth any thing that is made with handes that is worshipped bowed or kneeled vnto Ta. This can not bee vnderstoode of the Image of the true God for if the Images of Princes may be reuerenced and no Idolatry committed much more the Image of God Pa. Earthly similitudes of mans owne making must not controle the heauenly preceptes of Gods owne giuing the Images of Princes of those meaner personages may well bee tollerated and yet to bowe the knee to lift vp the hand or to doe worshipp to such an Image there is no doubt but it were Idolatry God hath commaunded and that directly that no grauen Image should be made now if any grauen Image of God might be worshipped why might it not bee made since it cannot bee worshipped before it bee made Ta. O monstrous abhomination what an heresie is this that the Image of the true God should be accounted for an Idoll Pa. The Image of the true God being made with handes is a false God and no likenes of his but a lewde and a foolish imagination of those that would so imagine it for what resemblance hath a dead stocke or a stone fashioned like a man and painted or gilded ouer to the glorious inuisible and infinite maiesty of the euer liuing God and how dare any man defend the worshipper of such an Image when God himselfe hath accursed the maker Ta. Idolatries be those when they be done to the Images thēselues but our worshippings are not such for wee worshippe not the earthly matter or shape but rather the things that are represented by them Pa. So did the Israelites when they set vpp the golden Calfe to testifie their thankfullnes for their deliuerance out of Egypt they erected an Image vnto God their deliuerer and proclaymed a holy day not to the Calfe but to the Lord. Ta. May we not giue some reuerence to the Image of Christ though he be in heauen aswell as you do to the Thrones and Letters of Princes when themselues be not present Pa. What grosser Idolatry may be committed if wee may not worship the creatures thēselues that are the workes of Gods handes and yet will adore and worship those Images and Idols that are but the workes of mens handes Ta. Is is not acceptable vnto GOD to haue the shape of his Sonne alwayes before our eyes that we may the rather honour him in our hearts Pa. And sith without Images we must remember the Father that made vs which cannot be resembled to any similitude why should we forget the Sonne that hath redeemed vs but wee must haue an Image at our elbowe to put vs in remembrance Ta. It is testified that the Apostles themselues did both make and worshippe Images Pa. It had neede be a stronge testimonye that should confirme that for a certayne