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A01165 The mutable and vvauering estate of France from the yeare of our Lord 1460, vntill the yeare 1595. The great battailes of the French nation, as well abroad with their forraigne enemies, as at home among themselues, in their ciuill and intestine warres: with an ample declaration of the seditious and trecherous practises of that viperous brood of Hispaniolized Leaguers. Collected out of sundry, both Latine, Italian, and French historiographers. 1597 (1597) STC 11279; ESTC S102586 183,560 156

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Brethren and with the two Queenes leauing the Princes of the blood the Conestable the Mareschall the Admirall and sundrie other noble and great personages attending vpon the dead Corps of the late king Henrie When they hadde preuailed in their purpose thus farre then was there such watch and warde kept about the King that no man might speake vnto him but in the presence of some of the Guyses and the matter was so well handled in the ende that the Cardinall and the Duke of Guyse ruled and gouourned all things and hadde the king in a manner at their will and commandement Then beganne they to bring into the kings Councell men of their owne faction and to procure the kinges displeasure vnto such as they disliked The rulers and gouernours of the Citties Townes and Prouinces were at their appointment the Princes of the bloud were imployed in busines far from the Court. The Prince of Conde was sent into Flanders to treate of the league made betweene Fraunce and Spaine the king of Nauarre the Cardinall of Burbon and the Prince De la Roch sur Yon were sent to conduct the kings Sister into Spaine There were many deuises and fetches to mooue the king of Nauarre to giue ouer his claime and title which hee made to the Regencie of the young King and many faire promises were procured out of Spaine conditionally that he would so doo The proude letters of the K. of Spaine And among others there were letters sent to that purpose wherein the Spanish king promised that if he would be ruled herein he would restore him the kingdome of Nauarre of which he held nothing but the title auerring further that very imperiously with threatening words that if he did otherwise he would take vpon him the protection of his brother in law himself and spend all that euer he had yea his owne life and the liues of fortie thousand others whom he had in a readinesse in maintaining the quarrell Thus partly with faire promises and partly with threats the King of Nauarre began to be cold and in a manner quiet and cleane to giue ouer the matter The king of Nauarre giueth ouer his claime When the Guyse perceiued this then did he proceede further hauing the countenance of the yong King and being backed so strongly with the Spanish king so that nowe hee put out and in whome hee listed The pride of Guyse and incroched vppon the offices of other men hee would not sticke to meddle with the Conestableship and great maister of France arrogating that vnto himselfe which of right belonged vnto others The high courts of Parliament were full of his followers and whom soeuer he suspected not to fauour his designes these were by some one sinister information or other presently disgraced insomuch as those fewe good men that were in place considering the rough handling and seuere vsage of sundry well affected persons and the small good that ensued by complaining vnto the King were content to be silent and not to meddle in such dangerous times The Cardinall of Guyse was appoynted ouer the Kings finances the Duke of Guyse hi● brother was made Lieutenant generall The Card●nall of Guyse made Lorde treasurer and the duke his brother Lieutenant generall for the King and had the direction of all matters appertaining vnto the warres and all Captaines gouernors of townes and other officers were commanded to obey him as the King himselfe Thus hadde these two gotten the sole authoritie into their hands and although the Queene mother was at the first the meanes to procure them so great place and to make them so neere about the king yet not long after shee repented her thereof and sought many waies to curb them and to keepe them as short as shee might yet shee beeing a most vncertaine and inconstant woman and euer inclining to the worst still rather held with them then with the princes of the bloud who beganne to waxe wearie of the intollerable pride of the Guyse and the burning murthering and iniurious dealing of that bloudy house The Guyse no sooner suspected that their hearts were alienated but that hee studied day and night howe to ouerthrow them and to cause the King to embrew his handes in the bloud of his owne kinred While these mischiefes were thus in platting and many outragious parts plaied tending to the strengthening of this factious house and the vtter ouerthrow of the ancient Nobilitie of France infinite multitudes grewe maruailous discontented and both by word and writing shewed theyr mislike of the present gouernement exclaiming against the sore persecutions of those of the reformed Religion and the intollerable wronges and iniuries offered vnto sundrie of the Kings best affected subiects There were many supplications presented vnto the Queene mother to the King of Nauarre and others of greatest place authoritie The Guyse setteth the King against the princes of the bloud tending to the reformation of these miseries but they were little or nothing regarded for the Queene mother fauoured not the Protestants in her heart though often in the beginning made some shewe thereof and gaue some helpe to the persecuted Hugonots The King of Nauarre was timorous and would not prosecute the cause with such a courage as hee ought to haue done besides hee was besotted with the perswasions of regaining the kingdome of Nauarre if hee would still remaine a Catholike which conceiued hope so stacke in his mind and made so deepe an impression in the bottome of his heart that of a zealous and earnest professour hee became key cold and in the ende proued a bitter enemie to the cause so that the Guyses did still what they listed and no redresse was to bee expected for new Edicts proclamations were made those more seuere then before such as were knowne or suspected to be Protestants were apprehended either forced to recant or else were burned This barbarous vsage of so many natural Frenchmen outragious crueltie towardes all sorts bred by little little a commiseration in the hearts of sundry in whom there remained some sparks of humanitie so that banding together opposing themselues against the proceedings of that time they endeuored by al possible meanes to reforme the common wealth reduce the decaied estate to some better order and albeit that sundrie personages had shewed their liking of a reformation as the K. of Nauarre the Prince of Conde the conestable the Admirall Dandelot many others yet no man attempted but strained courtesie as it were who should begin which procrastinating sundry of good place not beeing able to endure any longer combined themselues together hauing for the principall and ringleader of their actions one called Godfray de Berry Lord of Renaudy The Lord of Renaudy with sundry others attēpt against the Guyse a wise valiant wel experienced Gentleman who notwithstanding wi hout the aduise of six counsellers and 20. captaines might not attempt any
thing This companie consisting of meere polliticks in the beginning and such as sought for nothing but a reformation in the common weale were in processe of time assisted by a multitude of those who were tearmed Hugonots as it is the maner of discontented persons how different so euer the occasion be to ioyne rogether in hope of fortunes accidents who allied themselues with the rest the more willingly for that it was in a ciuill cause and such a thing as tended to the honour of the King and generall good of the whole state Monsieur de Renaudy hauing acquainted many of good account with this great and waightie enterprise as the Baron Chastellnaw Captaine Mazeres Vaillay Bressay Chesnay Chiray S. Mary Coqueuille Chateaunef and sundrie others resolued with all possible speed in as close and secret maner as might be to draw neere the Court which was then at Amboyse and on the sodaine with some fiue hundred Gentlemen The enterprise of the Lord of Renaudy discouered to seise vpon the Guyse and the Cardinall of Lorrain his Brother and hauing once caught them to put them to death for an exemplarie punishment to all other seducers of the King and disturbers of the common wealth This enterprise could not bee so closely kept but that it came to the eares of the Guyses who vnderstanding after sundrie examinations the drift and scope of the whole proiect and howe that most of those who had complotted together hadde long since shaken off the Popes yoake deuised straight to publish so notable a conspiracie and to make it seeme as odious as might bee to the eyes of all men they declared howe that they of the reformed Religion had conspired against the king the Queene mother the kings brethren and Princes of the bloud sought to bring in their doctrine by force to ouerthrow the monarchie of France and to reduce it to a popular estate and gouernement and by depriuing the king of his crowne to pull downe the church to root out the ancient Catholike faith to infect the whole land with all kinde of impietie and irreligion and hauing by sundry proclamations declared the hainousnesse of the fact fearing that a matter of such consequence was not attempted without the priuitie of some great ones in the land they fortified themselues very strongly mustered souldiers gathered forces and gat all things in a readinesse to withstand any attempt that should be made vppon the sodaine Being thus prouided they foorthwith apprehended such as they suspected and proceeded against them with all rigour Many of them who were taken were executed and the rest committed to seuerall prisons sauing some few that by their good fortune escaped their hands At length diuers of the meaner sort were set at libertie fearing indeede that if all should bee punished so great seueritie would alienate the hearts of many who were nothing well affected alreadie And although that the King of Nauarre the Prince of Conde the Admirall nor Dandelot could bee charged with the maintaining or abetting of anie of these attempts yet did the Guyses strongly suspect them and especially the three Chattillons The three Chattillons of all other most hated the Guyses whom of all other they feared most notwithstanding they thought it good pollicie to giue them faire speeches for the time and to entertaine them in all plausible maner vntill they had gotten their forces about them and had prouided a strong armie in a readinesse which was no sooner performed but they began to speake bigge words and to deale more roughly and first of all they dealt with the Prince of Conde who was commanded not to depart the Court without licence while in the meane time they practised to catch matter against him and to that purpose sundrie with faire promises and rewardes were subborned to proue him the cheefe of that seditious tumult at Amboyse They daily whispered in the Kings eare The Guyses incense the King against the Prince of Conde that so long as Conde were at libertie and suffered to countenance such as alreadie were discontented with the present gouernement the whole land would neuer bee at quiet nor the kings person in safetie as appeared by the last rebellious and tumultuous practise The onely way to preuent so many and so great mischiefes was to bring the Prince to his answere and by apprehending the ringleaders to keep the meaner sort in order and due obedience Whereupon the king beeing by these sinister informations mightily incensed against the Prince commaunded La Trousse the steward of his house to attach sundrie of his seruants and to haue them in safe keeping and to commaund the prince himselfe to come vnto his presence the next morrow and to the ende there might be some matter found against him his house was searched and all his papers ransacked the Guyses hadde also sent to search the Chamber and study of the king of Nauarres Secretarie hoping that something would bee founde to minister matter against these great personages for nowe they might do what they listed seeing the king approoued whatsoeuer they did and did speake as it were with theyr tongues As soone as the Prince was informed of the kings pleasure The Prince of Conde brought before the king he readily obeyed and comming before him did so cleare himselfe and answered with such courage and alacritie that it was thought good to dismisse him for that present without any further triall whereupon the king shewed him very good countenance and the Guyses seeing the time serued not to accomplish what they had purposed cloked all in as couert maner as might bee and each departed from other as good friendes But the Prince seeing his life was sought for thought it wisedome to looke to himselfe and for that long since he fauoured the Gospel he supposed it to be best to go to his brother the King of Nauarre The Prince of Conde leaueth the court and goeth to the King of Nauarre where he should be out of all danger and might vse his conscience freely Many wondered at this strange dealings with the Princes of the bloud saying that if they could not liue without perill of their liues that it would shortly come to passe that all true and naturall Frenchmen should bee accounted enemies and no man bee in securitie but the house of Guyse and Lorrayne who being but strangers themselues durst notwithstanding attempt such practises against the kings best affected subiects as were in no sort to bee endured Heereupon great rumors were raised and infinite multitudes grew greeued with these iniurious proceedings To preuent the mischiefes that might ensue hereof the Queene mother with the rest of the Kings councell sought by amiable letters and smoth words to content such as most complained and where they did feare most danger thither did they send such as were most gracious with the people to keepe them in their obedience The Admirall who for his wisedome integritie and experience
come but that Feuquieres whome hee had serued in former tymes in the warres in Pycardie knowing him to bee a man of seruice commended him to the Admirall saying that he was a fit man to bee employed to discouer somewhat of the enemyes proceedings about Orlean●e for that he shoulde bee taken for a Spaniard and so a fauourer of theyr designes Wherupon the Admirall gaue him twentie Crownes and sent him to Orleance where hee continued not long but hauing got as good intelligence as he coulde returned backe to do his message The Admyrall lyking the man well for his diligence and secrecie in matters of such importaunce gaue him an hundred Crownes and bidde him buy him a good Horse that hee might with more celeritie dispatch his businesse With this money Poltrot bought him a verie excellent Spanish Genet and leauing the Admirall went backe to the Guises Campe where he awayted some oportunitie to put in execution his intended purpose Which shortly after fell out for hee espying the Duke somewhat late in the euening ryding towardes his Tent vppon a little Nagge onely attended on by a Gentleman Vsher which went before him and an other which talked with him hee approched as neare as hee could and discharged his pistoll vpon the Duke hitting him in the shoulder wounded him verie sore and so turning his horse fled as fast as he could And hauing ridden all that night by by-wayes for feare of those who pursued him he not knowing which way he went wandred vp and downe in the end came againe almost to the place where hee committed the fact Which when he perceiued he rode all the day folowing with as much speed as possibly might be to get out of the danger of his pursuing enemies But hauing with continuall trauell wearied both himselfe and his horse he rested at a farm house where he was taken vpon suspition and committed to safe keeping for his further triall Being examined and found culpable he was adiudged to be drawn in peeces with foure horses Poltrot drawne in peeces with horses to haue his head cut off and his torne bodie to be burnt to ashes This sudden blow did maruellously dismay the Catholikes and the rather for that it appeared to be deadly and not possible to be healed For he waxed worse euerie day then other and died very shortly after The Duke of Guise died within seuen or eight daies after his hurt to their vnspeakable greefe who had reposed their whole confidence in him and to the great reioycing of the confederates whose deadly sworne enemies he was alwayes accounted And this was the end of that turbulent spirit ambitious Guise who as he had massacred many so he in the end was murthered by others and that euen then when he thought least of any danger nay rather fully perswaded himselfe well neare to haue attained to the full period of his wished desires So vncertaine is the state and condition of the greatest and most mightie personages in this variable and changeable world The Guise was no sooner dead but there ensued a present alteration and those conditions which had beene before propounded were forthwith fully agreed vpon so was there a peace proclaimed the 19. of March folowing at S. Memen in the campe before Orleance Peace proclamed in the Campe before Orleance wherewith all sorts in generall seemed to bee maruellously well contented hoping to be freed frō those horrible miseries wherwith they had bin afflicted for so many yeres And indeed albeit this pacification held but for a while yet did the whole land reape great fruite thereby and acknowledged the gracious goodnesse of the Almightie in that it had pleased him to giue them some respite and to make an end of their Ciuill warres But this blessed peace could not continue long by reason there fell out many occasions of discontentment to either faction by meanes wherof they were soone entangled afresh in their former sorrowes and vexations CHAP. VIII The seditious humour of the Cardinall of Lorraine The Admirall accused for the death of the Duke of Guyse The complaints of the Protestants The League made at Bayon The King refuseth to heare the Protestants The second ciuill warre Paris besieged by the Protestants THe Cardinall of Lorraine The Cardinall of Lorraine seeketh new occasions of strife and brother to the deceased Duke of Guyse the especiall instrument of all these calamities which hadde continued for so long time in that noble kingdome of France inwardly vexed to see such a peaceable estate knowing full well that it did not stande with his commoditie and profit to see the Princes of the bloud to bee fauoured at the Court neither yet the Nobilitie and Gentlemen to liue in peace and amitie one with another and all sorts as brethren to liue euenly together deuised a way to set all men again together by the eares and to embarke themselues into newe troubles Hee therefore with the assent of his associats spread abroade diuers calumniations and slanderous rumours of those of the reformed Religion being a gratious man with the Queen mother for that their humors were but too agreeable and consonant each to other he perswaded with her that if shee should countenance the cheefe Princes and Lords of the Religion and suffer them to be neere the Court and beare a sway in matters of State they would draw on many followers after them and peraduenture gaine the yong King and the Princes his brethren to be their friends and then Conde being a man of courage and of that proximitie in bloud would looke to haue his place which if hee might peaceably enioy her authoritie would be quickly in the dust and the Burbons Memorancies and Chastillons would rule all and as it was most likely shee should bee called to an account for her former gouernement during the Kings nonage and by drawing on the hatred of the Catholikes of the Pope and of the King of Spaine loose al her credit and reputation The Queene mother being iealous inough of her estate before and nowe encouraged by the Cardinall to role euerie stone rather then to loose one iot of her authoritie discountenanced all that shee might those of the Religion and to be ridde of the Admirall whome for his wisedome integritie valour and vprightnesse of all his actions shee could not abide it was deuised that hee should be charged to haue hired Poltrot to kill the late Duke of Guyse and to colour the matter withal● there was a counterfeit deposition of Poltrot exhibited and the yong Duke of Guyse was animated to demand iustice of the K. for the death of his father The yong Duke of of Guyse set on to accuse the Admiral of the murther of his father But when this deuise came to the prince of Condes eare Lord howe exceedingly was hee offended protesting and that openly at the Councell Table that hee would spend all that euer hee had yea and his owne
poynted to the house from whence the peece was shotte and willed some of his Gentlemen to go search who was within sending Captaine Pilles and Captaine Monius to aduertise the King of his hurt Whilest he was led home by the lord Guerchy another gentleman the doore of the house beeing broken open the harquebuz was found but the harquebuzier was fled out at a backe gate and finding a spanish Gennet which was there prouided in a readinesse galloped away with all speede crying as hee went that now there was no Admirall in France Captaine Pilles finding the King at ●ennis with the Duke of Guyse The notable dissimulation of the King related vnto him the Admirals hurt which hee no sooner vnderstood but he leauing his play threw down his racket looking very pensiuely went to his Chamber the king of Nauarre the Prince of Conde the Count Rochfaucont and many other Lords knights and Gentlemen of the Religion beeing enformed of this mishap went presently to visit the Admirall The King taking with him the Queene mother The king goeth to visit the Admiral his two brethren and most of the principall Catholikes went likewise to comfort him shewing many signes of great sorrow for his harme complaining that indeede the Admirall felt the harme but the dishonour was done to the King vpon whose faithfull promise hee was come to the Court and therefore both hee that had committed the fact and all that consented thereto should bee most seuerely punished to the example of all other villanous and notorious malefactors whereto the Admirall answered that hee would leaue the reuenge to God and the execution of Iustice to the King but as for the authour hee was knowne well inough and because hee could not tell how long hee had to liue hee besought the king that hee might talke with him in secret touching things of very great importance and such as were most necessarie for the state of the Kingdome The King seemed to bee willing herewith but the Queen mother by a deuise brake off their talke for that time so that there was no further conference and because the king of Nauarre the Prince of Conde and diuers others moued the king that they might haue leaue to carrie the Admiral to his house at Chastillon which was some two daies iourney from Paris as to a place of greater quiet and securitie the king not willing to condiscend thereunto answered that so long a iourney would very much endanger his health and therefore he thought it better to haue him lodged in the Louure neere vnto his owne person where he should be safe from all perill furthermore he willed all the cheefe of the Protestant Nobilitie to place themselues as neere him as they could in case that if there were any need they might be readie to succour one another and appointed the Mareschall Cossy with a band of harquebuziers to guard his lodging The wolfe appointed to keepe the Lambe Vpon the Satterday which was the twenty three of August the councell sat about the examination of certaine witnesses touching the fact and sundrie other suspected persons taking great paines as it seemed to boult out the truth as though they meant to punish the offender with all rigour and seueritie With these and the like apparances the protestants helde themselues well satisfied neuer suspecting that all was but dissimulation and that so great mischiefe did hang ouer their heads The same day there was a sodaine rumour ouer al the Citie that the king had sent for the Mareschall Memorancy commanding him to come to him with al the forces hee could make and therefore the Parisians were best to stande vppon their guard but all was founde in the end to be vtterly false Teligny beeing giuen to vnderstand by the Admirals trumpetters that there were sixe cart loades of Armour brought into the Louure answered that hee did not like that men should bee so suspitious without cause for his part hee was well assured of the Kings good fauour and wished other men were so likewise seeing it was not possible that there should be any harme intended towardes them whome the king had honoured so many waies and had oftentimes so solemnely sworne to remaine theyr gracious and louing soueraigne But the king with all those of his secret counsell seeing that they had nowe brought all things about euen as they had desired and that the Admirall was taken in a trap and all his principall associats so snarled in their nets that it was impossible for them to get out thought it high time to putte in execution that which they had purposed so long before and at that instant to finish the dayes of all the Protestants Whereuppon a signall was giuen in the dead of the night by the touling of a Bell in the Louure which was no sooner heard by Cossy who as is alreadie sayde with a bande of harquebuziers guarded the Admiralles lodging but that hee commaunded his men to breake open the doores and to kill as many as they sounde in their wayes The Admirall hearing the noyse and fearing some seditious enterprise willed one of his Gentlemen to call to the guard which was appointed him by the King little imagining that it was they that came to offer him such violence and arising out of his bedde putte on his night gowne and kneeled downe to pray By this time were sundrie of the murtherers gotten in had slaine such as they found in the house The first that entred into the Admirals chamber was one Besme an Almaine a desperate ruffian one of the Duke of Guyses houshold seruants who with his drawne sword in his hand sayde Art thou the Admiral who answered with great constancie So I am called Which hee had no sooner vttered but that Besme runne him through with a sword and another called Atinius The Admirall murthered shot him into the brest with a Pistoll and the rest as Causius and Sarlaboix stabbed him with their daggers and threw him out at the window to the Duke of Guyse and Aumaile and the Cheualier of Angolesme who was King Henry his bastard all which stood crying out to make a quicke dispatch and would not departe thence vntil they were assured of his death and for that hee was so bloudied about the face by reason of his woundes vpon his head that it was hard to know him the Guyse kneeled down and wiped away the bloud with his handkercheffe and seeing it was hee whom they looked for cryed out that they hadde made a happie beginning willing them to proceede for it was the Kings pleasure and that the K. commanded them to spare none of the Hugonots and this hee vttered very often and with a loude voyce A certaine Italian cutte off the Admirals head and hauing embaulmed it sent it to Rome as a present to the Pope The Admirals head sent to Rome Some cutte off his handes and others his secret partes and hauing trayled his
the inhabitants The Towers and the Bulwarks were ouerthrowne and the walles dismanteled and so in a short time one of the most beautifull and strongest holdes in Europe was vtterly rased and remained as a perpetuall monument of the Princes heauie indignation and displeasure The king of Polonia being aduertised of his brothers death by letters from the Queene mother and that he was now become heire to the Crowne of France albeit he was quietly established and a king ouer a mightie kingdome which was euerie way both very profitable and honourable vnto him yet as the nature of all men is to loue their owne naturall countrey more then another hee presently resolued to returne home againe and as shortly as might be to beholde the goodly and pleasant fieldes of the Flower de Lis but the great loue and reuerence which the Polonians bare vnto him who hauing vnderstood that the disease wherewith his brother Charles was afflicted was incurable and that peraduenture the Crowne of France would quickly intyce him out of Polonia made them watch ouer him with so vigilant an eye and to obserue him so narrowly that it caused him to doubt what course he should take to escape their hands and beeing indeede induced by sundrie strong presumptions to think that they would in no wise condiscend to his departure that it were but lost labor yea peraduenture much harme to acquaint them with his intended voyage determined to accomplish his purpose as closely and as secretly as he might and to leaue them his reasons in writing of so sodaine and hasty departure Wherefore hauing disposed of all things which were requisite for the furtherance of this proiect he first publikely dismissed Bellieure the French Embassador sending him home as one who seeing his maister was dead was nowe to be discharged of his office and with him hee sent the choysest Gentlemen about him and the cheefest and principall Iewels that hee had This being done hee made an exceeding sumptuous banket to all the great Polonian Lords and the Gentlemen in the Court which beeing finished and euerie man departed to his rest the king himselfe went likewise to bed as though he had purposed to haue slept vntill the next morrow but he had not rested long The king of Polonia stealeth away into France but rising againe putting on disguised apparrel he passed through the watch with Halde one of the Gentlemen of his chamber and mounted vpon his horse which was readie for that purpose and posted away from Gracouia with all speede and shortly arriued in Austria without any let notwithstanding all the extreme pursuite made by the Count Christophe the Count Tancy and many other Polonian Lords and comming to Vienna was royally receiued of the Emperour by whom hee was conducted to the territories of the Venetians who likewise entertained him in most honourable and magnificent manner and so passing by Padoua Ferrara and Cremona entred into Piemont and so into France where hee was no sooner come but he found all the countrey full of troubles tumults and dissentions and almost no corner free from cruell and bloudie warres The beginning of the fitf ciuill warres The Mareschall Danuill and his designes The Mareschall Danuill beganne to stirre coales in Languedocke and daily to enterprise vpon the Catholikes and to aduance the affaires of the Prince of Conde and his associats all that euer hee might The king finding such troubles in euery corner of the Land seemed to bee very sorrie and sought by all meanes to establish a peace and to that ende wrote to the Prince of Conde and the Mareschall Danuill who were the principall men among the Confederates that they shoulde signifie vnto him the causes of their discontentment and then he would as their king and soueraigne see them satisfied so farre foorth as might stand with equitie and iustice whereuppon both the Prince and the Mareschall sent their deputies vnto the king and Queene mother by whome their maiesties were certified of all their greefes and doleances The Prince of Conde and the mareschal Danuil send their deputies to the king and the reasons that moued them to take Armes which was saide they to defende their religion their liues and liberties and to maintaine themselues both against their owne enemies and the sworne aduersaries to the Crowne of France who beeing but strangers ruled all at their pleasure offering the greatest wrong and indignitie that might bee and that vnto the Princes of the bloud and cloking their actions with a colourable shewe of Religion set the whole Lande in a combustion intending indeede the vtter desolation thereof vnlesse they were speedily preuented and some good course taken to stop theyr turbulent proceedings The King incensed to wars by the perswasions of his councell The king seemed to giue them a fauourable hearing as one willing to make a pacification among his subiects whom hee would haue to liue in loue and amitie one with another vnder his obedience but by reason there were certaine articles propounded by the confederates which could not on the sodaine be agreed vpon the peace was deferred and the warres continued wherupon there were newe associations and leagues and both parties stood resolutely bent to annoy one another as much as might bee Those of the Religion were animated by the comfortable letters of the Prince of Conde who promised thē speedie aide and assistance hauing recouered Saint Iean D'Angely with sundrie other places of very good importance they gathered some fiue hundred pistoliers and a thousand two hundred harquebuziers led by the valiant La Noue wherewith they stopped the roades of their enemies who hadde a long while harryed and wasted tne Countrey without pittie or mercy The king as it seemed was of himselfe very inclinable to peace and in a sort contented that the protestants should freely enioy their consciences and haue publike places allowed them for their preachings but hee had no sooner entertained the councellers of the late king Charles but that hee was foorthwith cast in a newe mould for albeit hee were very earnestly sollicited by the Embassadours of the Queene of England the Duke of Sauoy and the Switzers to yeeld to some good agreement with his subiects yet would he not be drawen thither with all the perswasions that could be vsed but still maintained the warres and in all hostill manner inuaded those of the reformed Religion persecuting them with fire and sword with a full purpose to bring them to vtter ruine and desolation and being aduertised of the great leauy of Reisters which the Prince of Conde made in Germany which amounted to the number of seauen thousand and fiue hundred horse and three thousand footmen vnder the leading of the Duke Iohn Cassimer Duke Cassimer commeth to ayde the Protestants sonne to the Elector Palatine hee sent Mareschall Biron into Lorraine towardes the frontiers to stoppe theyr passage and to attend the comming of the Duke of
their poore brethren Others hid themselues in secret corners and liued most miserably and in great wants Infinite numbers fled away some into England some into Germanie others to Sedan The miserablee state of the p●rsecuted Protestants Geneua and such places as were free from persecution It was a most pittifull sight to beholde the dissipation of so many families who were nowe turned foorth of the doores naked and comfortlesse and forced to shift for themselues in strange Countreyes The Duke de Maine did all this while what hee could to any the Protestants and to gayne as many Citties and townes through very secrecie as hee could to ioyne with the League and to make that faction strong against the King by seducing his subiects vnder the colour of maintaining the Catholike Religion Which beeing suspected by sundrie his followers they disbanded themselues and some for want of pay refused to serue any longer The Duke de Maine by reason of these vnexpected crosses was not able to make head any longer and therefore wrote to the Guyse his brother in what bad tearmes things stood who fearing that if there were not new prouision that his brother the Duke de Maine would come shortly to ruyne and bee vtterly ouerthrowne aduised the king to make foure seuerall Armies Foure newe armies appointed to inuade the Protestants and to inuade the protestants in diuerse places at once which sayde hee was the onely way to weaken them considering that their forces should bee seuered and disioyned This pollicie was no sooner allowed as the best but the Mareschall Biron was appointed to go into Xainctoigne the Duke Ioyeuse into Languedocke the Lord Foynse his sonne into Auergne and the Duke of Espernon into Prouence La Chastre should bee readie with a fleete vppon the coast of Britaine to enterprise as time and opportunitie serued The king of Nauarre was foorthwith certified of this preparation which made him fortifie such places as were of importance as strongly as hee could and vnderstanding that the Mareschall Biron intended to besiege Browage with a power of one thousand two hundred horse foure thousand footmen he did so carefully prouide for the defence therof that after that Biron had bin long before the towne and had done little or nothing sauing that he was content to make a composition with the Protestants hee brake vp his campe and sent his companies some into Poictou and some into Aniou to refresh themselues and thus was this Army dispersed without dooing of any thing Duke Ioyeuse passed into Languedocke where hee tooke Lodere Saint Poure Montesquion and Maruei●lx and hauing committed infinite sorts of most horrible villanies and strange cruelties The armies of the Popish Leagueri ouerthrowne in lesse then one yeere after he had lost aboue thirtie of his best Captaines and fiue hundred others at the least before a palterie towne called Saint Puels brake vp his army and returned home in farre worse case then hee went footh The sauage rudenes of this rable made many of the Nobilitie who before fauored the League to forsake such an association wherein there was nothing but robbing spoyling whooring swearing and blaspheming and that after a most beastly and brutish manner the yong Ioyeuse following rather his pleasures then the wars made his progresse throughout Auuergna where hee did no other harme but spende and waste the Kings treasure and when that was doone retired to the Court to see if he could be trusted with any more And thus were all these armies brought to confusion vanishing away as a little smoke notwithstanding all their great brags The Leaguers considering that all these fiue Armies had spent great store of treasor and all other warlike preparation and yet had rather hindred then furthered their secret purposes for by reason they sped no better they were forsaken of many The Queen mother offereth a parly of peace growen into contempt with others deuised with the Queene mother whom they knew to fauour their designements that shee shoulde offer a parley of peace which shee did and sent to vnderstand of the king of Nauarre if hee would hearken thereto who tendering the good of his countrey refused not the motion wherupon there was an interuiew betweene the Queene mother and the saide King at Saint Brice the thirteenth of December where there was much adoo and many words spent to small purpose for the Queene would not condiscend to the excuse of the Religion and the king of Nauarre would make no peace seeing that was the principall cause of bearing armes howbeit in the end the Queene vnderstanding of the great leauie of Reisters that were comming to the ayde of the Protestants and growing in suspition that the Dukes of Guyse and de Maine and the rest of the Leaguers would enterprise somewhat against the King shee concluded a peace for three moneths and so returned to the Court. 1587 The Guyses trecherous dealing to discredit the King The Duke of Guyse intending to discredit the king with his subiects euerie day more then other sent abroade sundrie his supposts and caused them to spread a rumor how that the euill successe of all those armies which had beene employed against the Hugonots was for that the king beeing led by wicked councell would not permit that they should be sufficiently prouided for with money munition and other necessaries that hee had intelligence with the heretikes that hee had warre indeed in his mouth but in his heart he meant nothing lesse and that by such fraudulent dealing the good Catholikes were betrayed and the Heretikes encouraged and that therefore there was no good to be doone so long as there was such packing and false play The Domesticall enemie was first to bee ouerthrowne before the forraine enemie could be vanquished These and such like sinister informations were giuen out among the multitude by Friers Priests and Iesuites in their Sermons and manie busie headed fellowes were set a woorke to spreade these and such like defamatorie speaches with much vehemencie and earnestnesse in Alehouses Tauerns Markets and all other places of greatest assembly By reason of which s●aunderous and bad reports there grew much murmuring amongst the people with no small dislike of the present gouernment The King notwithstanding as a man bewitched with the deceitfull dealing of his mother and the treacherous practises of such counsellers as he most fauoured eyther vnderstoode nothing of all this or else was forced to winke at it as wanting leysure or meanes to sift the matter more narrowly For the rumour of the comming of the Germaines the fortunate successe of the Lord Digueres in Dauphinie and Languedocke the counter-league of the King of Nauarre the Prince of Conde and a great number of verie Noble and honourable personages of the lande with a full resolution to maintaine the reformed Religion did so occupie his minde that hee coulde not haue leysure to looke into the rebellious driftes of the Leaguers
so gracious with their soueraignes that they did not only contend for the superioritie with the greatest Princes of the blood but at length as ambition hath neuer any end striued with their liege Lords and through their rebellious counsels and most trayterous plottes assisted by a multitude of Guysards and Hispaniolized French draue their soueraigne Lord out of his chiefe Citie and not contented to offer so great indignitie to so mightie a potentate neuer left practising vntill they had most wickedly murthered him whose life in all dutie should haue beene vnto them more precious then their owne and with their diuellish sorceries haue so bewitched and sotted sundry of the French nation that at this day to their perpetuall shame and ignominy they will not be reduced vnto any dutifull obedience vnder their most lawfull and liege Lord. Francis Duke of Guyse and Charles Cardinal of Lorrain the two fire-brands of France One of the most notorious plotters of so many mischiefes was Francis Duke of Guyse who with his brother Charles Cardinall of Lorrain as proud subtil and as ambitious a prelate as euer was grew to that height through the benefit of their good fortune that they commanded all France and brought the greatest Princes of that natiō to be their vnderlings and by reason of a mariage between Francis the second with Mary the yoong Queene of Scottes their neece they bare themselues so loftely and so egerly stroue to aduance their house that they turned all France topsy turuy so chaunging the gouernment and altering the state that it seemed in a short time to be a meere Chaos and confusion For after the death of Henry the secōd and that Francis his sonne was crowned King these two so craftily handled the matter that ioyning with Katherin de Medices the Queen mother of France who contrary to the auncient lawes and ordinances of that Realme which permit not women to rule sought to haue the gouernment of the yoong King and to exclude Henry of Burbon King of Nauarre and chiefe Prince of the blood after infinite troubles to themselues and vnspeakeable misery to their owne Country they gat the gouernment into their hands and swayed euery thing after their owne likings And albeit the state of that kingdome had begun long before to be much afflicted and through the horrible persecutions of those whom they termed Hugonots maruellously decayed and weakned by reason of a secret diuision bred in the hearts of infinit multitudes who once dissenting in Religion could neuer after well agree in matters of state yet was the land at peace within it selfe and euery one seemed to be enclinable to their princes pleasure choosing rather to endure any affliction then by seeking to defend their liues and liberties by force of armes to bring in any intestine warres the most deuouring plague and sharpest punishment of all other but after that the house of Guyse began to rule and that their factious deuises cloaked with a zeale of mainteining the Catholicke cause had once stirred the coales the flame presently brake foorth and finding conuenient matter to nourish it withall spread it selfe in a short time ouer the face of the whole kingdome of France to the consuming of infinite multitudes of all sorts and the extreame impouerishing of the whole land There were sundry and diuers meanes to hasten this so wonderfull and lamentable alteration in France but the principall of all other was the vnexpected death of t e late King The Queene mother the King of Nauarre and the Duke of Guyse contend for the gouernment during the noneage of the King who albeit hee verie seuerely punished all such as were accounted Protestants and that principally at the instigation of the house of Guyse yet did he so politikely carry himselfe that during his raigne he kept that ambitious monster in some reasonable good order and the whole lande from tumult and rebellion but he was no sooner dead but that all things beganne to hasten to a confusion and the whole common wealth to bee daungerously infected with sundry fearefull diseases the originall whereof arose in this maner In the beginning of the reigne of Francis the second being but sixteene yeares olde there grewe a controuersie betweene Katherin de Medices the Kings mother Henry of Burbon King of Nauarre and Francis of Lorraigne Duke of Guyse touching the gouernment of the young King during his nonage The Queene-mother alleaged many reasons to strengthen her claime as the lawes of Nature which would that the mother should haue the bringing vp of her children as one hauing a most tender care ouer them and most willing of all others to doo them good the customes and vsages of sundry nations and the auncient order of the lande which made the mother Gardien of her childe and so by consequent gaue her the Regency of the kingdome The king of Nauarre on the contrary affirmed that he ought in right to be gouernour of the young king for that he was the next Prince of the blood and nearest of kinne vnto him besides that there were fundamentall lawes of that nation which did not only shut out all straungers by whom he vnderstood the house of Lorraine and of Guyse but also disabled the Queene mother by reason of her sexe which the Salique lawe did expresly exclude from all regency and succession to the Crowne The Duke of Guyse had also diuers reasons for the aduauncing of his owne title as that hee was the kinges vncle that by his seruice the whole state had bene in a maner mainteined and the land from sundry imminent perilles deliuered Besides he excepted in a sort against the king of Nauarre for that hee and his brother the Prince of Condy gaue euident tokens of their liking of the Gospel and their hatred of the Romish Religion so that if Nauarre shoulde haue the gouernement of the King it was to bee feared saide hee that the whole lande would fall into heresie Thus did these three contende with might and maine for the superiorite each of them deuising al the reasons they could imagine for the furtherance of their cause But in the ende the Queene Mother and the Duke of Guise doubting that they shoulde not bee able nor sufficient to preuaile and also fearing least that the King of Nauarre by reason of the great preheminence and authoritie that the princes of the blood shoulde by right haue besides his iust tytle shoulde in the ende preuayle and get the better agaynst them both thought it best to ioyne togither agaynst the King of Nauarre The Queene mother and D. of Guise ioine togither against Nauarre and eyther by force or by policie and fayre meanes to winne him vnto their willes and by some deuise or other to make him surcease from his iust claime and interest The better to effect this the Duke of Guise seysed vppon the king whome hee conducted and brought to the Louure in Paris with the yong Princes his
them that shee for her parte did thinke very honourably of all their proceedings and did not doubt but the King her sonne would bee mindfull hereafter to recompence so many deserts The Queene mother alloweth of the proceedings of the protestants seeing it was very apparant that both his estate and her owne was maintained by their royall seruices They againe humbly thanked her maiestie for her good opinion beseeching her to continue their gracious Lady and to bee a meanes that there might bee an ende of those miseries which nowe so fearefully threatened the crowne of France promising for their parts to bee most ready to employ their whole studies yea their goods and liues and whatsoeuer other meanes they had to assist her maiestie in so good and laudable an action so that they might enioy a peace with a free exercise of their Religion according to the Kings edict They further declared vnto the Queen mother the manifold greeuances of the kings subiects with a meanes to remedie so many so lamentable disorders to al which sundry other remonstrances albeit she seemed to giue some allowances yet for that shee stood so stiffly against the free exercise of Religion and would needes vrge the Prince to depart the Realme as indeed he had promised rather then hee would bee any occasion of the continuance of ciuill wars albeit presently vppon better and more mature consideration hee repented him of the speech there could bee nothing concluded Whereupon the Prince returned to his campe The Prince of Conde returneth to his Campe prepareth for warre exceeding glad that God had deliuered him out of the snares of his enemies and resolued with all for his forces to fight it out and to hazard his fortune assoone as any oportunitie was offered With this resolution he dislodged and marched towards the Catholikes hauing in his army ten thousand fiue hundred footmen and a thousand horse Now when he approched the enemie hauing disposed his troupes in very warlike maner he twice presented the battaile but the Catholikes refused The Catholikes refuse to fight for that all their forces were not as yet assembled The Prince seeing hee could not drawe them out of their strength hauing braued them in the faces and maintained some light skirmishes with them retired towardes Orleance sending abroad into all quarters to prouide all necessaries for the warres and for the more speedy accomplishment heereof it was decreed that Soubize shoulde bee sent to Lyons Rochfaucont into Xaintoigne Duras into Guyen and Briquemault into Normandy and so into England to procure both men and money and as many friendes as might be gotten Dandelot was likewise sent into Germany to hasten such succours as were promised by the Princes Protestants Conde and the Admirall with the rest of the Captaines and Gentlemen with two and twenty ensignes of footmen remained stil in Orleance By this time were the forces which came out of Germany to the aide of the Catholikes in a readinesse to march vnder their Collonelles Forces sent out of Germany to aide the Catholikes Rokendolf Frewlich and the Ringraue who besides certaine Cornets of Reisters had likewise twentie ensignes of Lansquenits These were no sooner arriued at the campe but that the Triumuirate thought it best to employ them with al the rest of their forces against the Hugonots and that before they should haue any aide come out of Germany For the hastening whereof Dandelot hadde assayed all possible meanes and had so pollitikely handled the matter that notwithstanding all the practises of his enemies hee procured great ayde for the strengthening of the cause The Catholikes were long in suspence whether they should besiege Orleance or Rohan The Catholikes besiege Rohan and take it the principall Citie in Normandie but at last they resolued to assay their forces agaynst Rohan Where hauing first gayned the fort of Saint Katherins which commaunded the towne through the treacherie of the captaine who was corrupted with money and faire promises they foorthwith entred by force killing spoyling and murthering the inhabitants in most cruell and horrible manner and making hauocke of all thinges without pittie or mercie Augustine Marolat Marlorat hanged a famous learned man and chiefe Minister of the Towne was there hanged with Mautreuill the president of the Parliament besides sundrie other of speciall account The Catholikes lost manie of theyr brauest men and amongst others the King of Nauarre who beeing shot with a Harquebuz in the left shoulder as hee was making water in the Trenches dyed the seuenteenth of September following The King of Nauarre wounded to death neuer attaining that Marittime Kingdome the hope whereof had so bewitched him that he forgat wife children kinsfolks friends Religion yea and God himselfe and thought of nothing but of the Sardinian Crowne beeing happie in nothing but in this that hee dyed in the beginning of the Ciuill warres and neuer lyued to see the miserie of his owne Countrey whereof hee had beene a chiefe and principall cause The losse of this Citie being a place of so great importance was a maruailous discouragement vnto many who stood but faintly to their tacklings before and had no doubt wrought a more daungerous effect had not this breach beene repayred or at least well amended by the surpassing care and prouident circumspectnesse of Dandelot who so plied his friends in Germany Dandelot bringeth forces out of Germany to the ayd of the Protestants that he had gathered about 3300. horse and 4000. footmen with whom there met the Prince Portion at Strausbourge with 100. French horse The ioiful news of which power encouraged the confederates to hold out in hope of their future help and maruellously animated such as before were exceedingly daunted with the remembrance of their former losses These new supplies marched towards Lorrain and passing ouer the riuer of Seine trauersed the country by Yonne Creuen Montargis and arriued at Orleance in despite both of the duke of Neuers and the Mareschall S. Andrew who were sent to stop their passage with 14. cōpanies of men of Armes 16. cornets of Argoletters 25. ensignes of footmen 9. companies of launces and 13. of light horse besides the old troupes of Picardie vnder the leading of Pauan Monsales Giury Crenay and many other Chieftaines This noble and valiant Dandelot gayned a verie honourable report euen of his enemies for so wise and politique a conduct insomuch as hee was not onely reputed a Gentleman of surpassing courage and of an vndaunted spirit in greatest perils but also a leader of excellent skill Dandelot esteemed for an excellent captaine and deepe foresight to preuent all daungers About the same instant there met with him also Rochfaucont and Duras with some three hundred horse and a thousand fiue hundred footmen al which were no sooner assembled at Orleance but that the Prince determined to take the field and hauing prouided all thinges in a readinesse departed towarde Phiuiers and
life too before the Admirall whom hee knew to be innocent should be so iniuriously handled which speech of the Princes with some other considerations was the cause that this pursute ceased for that time and a reconciliation was made betweene the Admirall and those of the Guyse at Moulins immediatly before the King was about to go in progresse to Bayon Albeit the Admirall was no further troubled at this instant yet it was a meanes to make him hated and detested of all the Catholikes and a principall cause of sundrie quarrelles betweene the Papists and the Protestants which in the ende prooued so great that they drew on a second ciuill warre for there grewe daily complaints each charging other with the breach of the Kings Edict and many accusations were broached on both sides The Catholikes complained that the strong Townes and fortresses were not yeelded to the kings obeysance that there were many preachers which were not allowed of by the Edict and that they preached in sundrie places expressely prohibited The complaints of the Catholikes and Protestants that they were disgraced with many approbrious and scandalous speeches and that there were secret practises for the leuying of Souldiers in Germany and other places which shoulde bee in a readinesse vppon the first sommance The Protestants alleaged that they were rigorously handled and could not haue iustice when they complained that the insolencie of the garrisons which were placed in sundrie protestant Townes was intollerable and could not be indured that there were daily murtherers of the reformed in euery corner of the Lande and nothing so common as robbing spoyling rauishing pilling and poulling the poore Hugonots and no punishment inflicted vppon the Authours and abbettors of such horrible and derestable villanies These and the like complaints beeing often reiterated on both sides and each faction nourishing their suspitions vppon euery small occasion their rancour grew greater greater and those smal sparks which for a while lay couered in ashes brake out at last into a furious and raging fire For the Catholikes had no sooner gotten all things in a readines exacted their cittadels into the protestant Townes placed their garrisons sworne their associations and leagues which were tearmed the confraternities of the holy Ghost and that vnder the colour of viewing the state of the Lande the king was gone to Bayon The league made at Bayon among the Catholikes there to make a confederacy betweene himselfe and the Spanish king and the Duke of Alua to roote out all the Hugonots but that a Million of iniuries and indignities were offered to the poore protestants There was an Edict made at Rousillon The Edict of Rousillon which was tearmed a declaration or an exposition of the edict of the pacification but this was so contrarie to those articles which had beene agreed vppon before that al men might see they had fully resolued to breake their promises with the Protestants Then did there follow immediatly after most barbarous cruelties and tyrannicall oppressions of all sorts which made any profession of the Gospel though it were neuer so little which when the Protestants to their vnspeakeable greefe behelde and that after so many iust complaints there was no redresse to bee hoped for by faire meanes but that their vsage was likely to bee worse and worse for that the sixe thousand Switzers were still retained in a readinesse to bee employed against them vppon the sodaine as they vehemently suspected they thought it high time to looke about them and to studie howe they might best preuent so imminent perils Whereupon they wrote letters The Protestants begin to prouide for themselues and sent their secret messengers into al quarters to aduertise their associats to vse al the speed that could be made to come and attend the Prince of Conde Rochfaucont and the Admirall Dandelot and others who were their principall cheefetaines This could not be so closely kept but the Queene mother hadde intelligence thereof who with the King lay at Meaux a place not farre distant where the saide Prince of Conde with his confederates were assembled and had purposed to hasten to the Court strongly accompanied Conde with his associats go towardes the Court. to see if they could bring their enemies to any better reason or more equall and euen conditions As soone as the Queene mother vnderstood of the dismarch of the Prince and that hee came directly towardes the King shee resolued at midnight to dislodge and to hasten to Paris The King flyeth to Paris leauing the Constable with the battailon of Switzers and some eight or nine hundred French horse to stop the course of the Protestants who seeing themselues ouermatched and that they could neither by faire meanes nor by foule be admitted to the speech of the King who was by this time gotten within Paris they retired towardes Clay expecting the rest of their forces which daily repaired vnto them out of Picardy Champaigne Poictou Guyen and sundrie other places of the Land where they stayed not long but marched towardes Saint Dennis which was a little village some two leagues distant from Paris Nowe beganne there to bee as it were a generall combustion through out France and the warres which had ceased for a time were foorthwith open on all sides The second Ciuil warres there were with the Prince of Conde the Cardinal of Chastillon the Admirall Dandelot Rochfaucont Ienlis Clermont Amboise Saux Bouchart Bouchauanes Piquigni Lysy Mony Saint Phale Esterny Mont-gommery the Vidame of Chartres La Noue Lauardin and all their retinewes These beeing assembled sent their humble letters to the King vnfolding theyr manifolde greefes and dolours beseeching his maiestie that they might bee heard and suffered to enioy their liberties and to haue the free exercise of theyr Religion according to the Edict of Pacification made before Orleance but answere beeing returned that the Edict was but prouisionable and made for the necessitie of the time and that the King to satisfie them would not fall out with all his neighbour Princes by tollerating any other besides the Romish Religion they determined to gather as great forces as they could and to besiege Paris It was not long before they had gotten some 2000. horse 4000. footmen The Prince of Conde besiegeth Paris with which power they first tooke Estamps Dourdan Orleance sundrie other places of good importance so that stopping the auenues and blocking the citie on all sides they determined either to obtaine a peace with better conditions then before or els to famish the Parisians who could not long endure without releefe from other places The Catholikes were not idle but daily enterprised vppon the Protestants fighting and skirmishing with them vppon euery aduantage and vnderstanding that theyr forces were seuered Dandelot and Mount-gommery beeing sent away with fiue hundred horse and eight hundred footmen to surprise Poysy and Ponthoise La Noue to take Orleance Rochfaucont Mouy to conduct
the Citie in verie terrible and furious maner and hauing ouerthrowne their Towers battered their houses and made a sufficient breach they were readie to giue an assault and to assay the getting of the Towne by maine force Ligneres one of the Knights of the order was Captaine of the Towne who endeuoured by all meanes to keepe the same in despite of the Confederates and with great celeritie repayred in the night whatsoeuer had beene broken and throwne downe in the day and so wisely and politiquely preuented all the stratagems of his enemies that it was not possible for the Prince to effect his intended purpose But the King vnderstanding that they could not long holde out and being not able to remooue the siege thought it best to offer the Prince a peace which after manie meetings was at length concluded The principall effect whereof was The King offereth a peace which is accepted by the Prince that euery man should quietly enioy his Religion and from thenceforth neuer bee troubled for their consciences This being agreed vpon though contrarie to the liking of manie of the Princes best friends and principall Captaines who still cryed out that the King would breake his promise as soone as he espied his aduauntage and proclaimed in the Campe before Charters the Armie brake vp and euerie one was licenced to depart home into his owne Countrey CHAP. XI The third ciuill warres The battell of Bassac where the Prince of Conde is slaine The Prince of Nauarre chosen Generall of the Protestants The death of Dandelot The death of the Duke of Deux-ponts A great victorie of the Protestants Monsieur dissolueth his armie The siege of Poictiers NOw was France once againe reduced to a quiet estate and who would not haue thought but that after so many bastonados The third ciuill warres euery one would haue bin glad to haue nourished the same by all possible meanes and to haue learned by their former miseries to beware how they entred into new troubles But such were the wicked counsels of some turbulent spirits that they could not endure any quietnes but gaue daily occasions to fill the whole land full of new broyles and vprores The two late reconciled factions were continually very iealous each of others proceedings one blamed the other for not accomplishing such conditions as were agreed vpon and so solemnly sworne on both sides The Catholiks alledged that the Protestants had not put all their strong townes into the kings hands according to the tenure of the Articles of the peace lately agreed vpon that Rochell did fortifie it selfe and would not receyue the Catholikes into their former offices and dignities The complaints of the Catholiks that they rigged shippes and made themselues strong at sea and that without the kings knowledge that Coqueuille leuied many soldiers for the ayd of the prince of Orenge contrarie to the pacification made before Chartres All which things could not be attēpted without the knowledge of the confederats that which was most strange of al they practised to leuy soldiers in Germany other places The Protestants complained The complaints of the Protestants that they could not be permitted freely to vse their consciences according as it was conditioned That the Catholikes did still retaine the Switzers and the Italian bands and placed sundry strong garrisons in those townes which were of the Religion and that such which had liued in exile could not returne to their houses without imminent peril of their liues Alledging withall the horrible murthers robberies and other execrable facts committed vpon the persons and goods of those of the reformed Churches These with some others were the reasons which animated both parts to stirre coales and to begin the warres afresh The Catholikes knowing Rochell to be a verie strong place sought by al cunning deuises to make themselues maisters thereof and with fayre promises intermingled with threats laboured to perswade them to receyue a garrison of the Catholikes but they would in no case agree thereto but still droue them of with newe delayes Tauannes was commaunded to surprise the Prince of Conde The prince of Conde in danger to bee taken by Tauannes who was then in Noyars But hee beeing aduertised thereof departed in great haste with the Princesse his wife the Admirall and some hundred horse and passing ouer the Loyer went into Poictou where increasing his forces by the comming of Verac Soubize Anguilier Saint Cyre and Puuiant at last arriued at Rochell in despite of all his enemies whither not long after came the Queene of Nauar Conde commeth to Rochel whether the Queene of Nauarre also repaireth with the yong Prince of Barne her son Where there was forthwith a Councell helde for the managing of their future actions The rest of the Protestant Captaines as Dandelot Mountgommery La Noue and others being aduertised of all these sturres gathered what forces they could and marched towards Rochell with great speede taking by the way Partenay Niort and Maile which proued afterwarde very aduantagious for the Confederates Angolesme Pons S. Iohn d' Angely and Tallebourg were likewise surprised by those of the reformed Religion so that now many good townes were againe at their deuotion and commaundement Monsieur made lieutenant for the King his brother The King being aduertised of all these designements declared Monsieur the Duke of Aniou his brother his Lieutenant generall who dispatched forthwith Letters and Messengers into all parts to assemble Bannes and Arierbannes and to command all gentlemen and others to be in a readinesse at the time appointed at Estamps where he had proclaimed the Rendeuous there to attend the further pleasure of his excellencie The protestants assembled souldiours on all sides especially in Languedoc Prouence and Dauphiuy vnder the conduct of Colonell Acier Montbrun and Saint Romain who had gathered some sixteene or seuenteene thousand footmen and seuen hundred horse and were marching toward the Prince who expected their comming at Chalons This new supply did maruellously strengthen the confederates and encouraged them to proceed on in their enterprise and to seeke their enemies who now were growne to an head and readie to march vnder their leaders and conductors After many attempts on eyther side and that both the Armies had endomaged each other by the taking of sundry townes and afflicting the poore Coun●ry with a thousand miseries both Generals resolued to trie their fortunes by an entire battaile as soone as occasion was offered With this resolution Henrie Duke of Aniou hauing intelligence that the Lorde Pilles was comming towarde the Prince of Conde with a newe supplie of souldiours led his armie through Poictou Lymosin and the Countrey of Angoumois and discended alongst the Riuer of Charente as though hee woulde take Chasteaunef there to passe ouer the water and to barre Pilles from ioyning with the Prince VVhich when the Confederates vnderstoode they passed Charente at Cognac with purpose to preuent the Armie of the
body through the streets hung vppe his dead carcase on a gibbet at Mountfaulcon and this was the lamentable ende of this noble Gentleman The great commendation of the Admirall who for his wisedome pollicie courage and constancie in the profession of Gods truth and maintenance of the same was one of the most excellent and famous men that euer was bred and brought vp in France The same day that the Admirall was hurt the king aduised his brother in law the king of Nauarre to cause some tenne or twelue of his trustiest friends to lodge neere him the better to defende him if the Duke of Guyse whom he tearmed a shrewd boy should happen to attempt any thing against him These Gentlemen and some others who were lodged in the king of Nauarres outer Chamber after the death of the Admirall and that they were disarmed by Nancy hauing their swords and daggers taken away were brought to the gate of the Louure and there were murthered before the kings face Then were the king of Nauarre and the Prince of Conde brought before the king The k ng of Nau●r●e and the prince of Conde brought before the king who tolde them that hee would not suffer any more Religions in his Land then one and therefore if they loued their liues they must nowe become Catholikes and go to masse for hee meant not to beare with them any longer The king of Nauarre made a very submisse and humble answere but the Prince of Conde who was of more stout and couragious nature replying otherwise then the king expected was threatned with the losse of his head if hee relented not within three daies and so was sent to prison beeing first called obstinate seditious and rebellious traitor and the sonne of a rebellious traytor Nowe beganne the Courtiers with the kings guard who were appointed to massacre the Protestant Nobilitie to kill and murther all sorts in most outragious manner The Count Rochfaucont Count Rochfaucont so greatly beloued of Henry the second for his conceited and pleasant humour adorned with so many excellent graces and noble vertues fit for a perfect courtier was forced to yeelde vp his life to these mercilesse wretches who saluted him with this pittious godmorrow Teligny de Montreuill Teligny the Admirals sonne in Law and for his humble and milde spirit graced with a singular dexteritie in the mannaging of all publike affaires very deere vnto his Wife and prudent Father was seene of many but no man was so hardy as once to touch him vntill at last a stranger that knew him not ranne him thorow with a Rapier as hee was bewailing the death of so many braue men The Barron of Pardaillon The barrons Pardaillon the Barron of Pilles Pilles Soubize Soubize and Puuiant Puuiant all very famous and worthie men hauing beene commanders in Cheefe and well worthie for their rare vertues of better fortune were there murthered after a most disloyall and trecherous manner The marquesse of Reuell The marquesse of Reuell was hotly pursued as hee fled in his shirt towards the Riuer side and there was slaine by Bussy of Amboise his neere kinsman Monsieur the kings brother at the request of Archan the Captaine of his guard who was amorous of the Lady Chasteneray sent certaine souldiers to kill La Force her father in law who had thought that they had likewise slaine both her brethren but there was but one founde dead and the other beeing very sore wounded escaped by reason he was couered with the dead body of his Father where hee remained vntill the euening following and then secretly conueyed himselfe into the lodging of the Mareschall Biron his kinsman which when his sister Chasteneray vnderstood being sorrie that shee could not be heire as she earnestly desired she went to the Mareschals house fayning that shee was maruailously glad that her brother had so escaped desiring to see him that shee might comfort him but the mareschall smelling her intent would not bewray where hee was and by that meanes saued his life By this time was the signall giuen to such as commanded ouer the common people to make dispatch of the rest of the Protestants who beeing in a readinesse and encouraged by the Duke of Guyse Aumaile and Neuers slew euerie one that fell into their handes yea they so greedily thirsted after innocent bloud that in a short time they had made such a maruailous carnage and butcherie The carnage and butchery in the Citie that the streetes seemed to be paued with dead carcases and Carts were laden with the bodies of men women and children which were throwne into the Riuer death and desolation walked about in euerie corner of this Cittie and that in most gastly and greeuous manner to the extreme horror and dreade of euerie beholder There was nothing but weeping wayling and lamentation and a most wofull and fearefull crie throughout the whole Citie About the breake of the day the Duke of Guyse Neuers and Aumaile brethren in euill The Protestants in saint Germaines escape by flying away and the cheefest authors in that pittious tragedie went to awake sundrie of the Protestant Nobilitie who were lodged in the suburbs of Saint Germain as the Vidame of Chartres the Count of Mont-gommery the Lord of Fountenay Caumont Columbiers and many others who beeing aduertised of that which had happened supposed at the first that it had beene some vprore of the people and therefore purposed to haue gone to ayde the King fearing there had beene some danger towards his person but on the sodain they discouered 200. armed men and those of the kings guard who cried kill kill shooting at them and that in the kings sight who also as is reported took a harquebuz and swearing and blaspheming in most heathenish maner cried out shoot shoot The king helpeth to murther the Protestants Gods heart they flie they flie As those of the reformed Religion saw this they fled with all possible speede leauing whatsoeuer they had behinde them being pursued by those three Dukes before remembred The Bastard of Angolesme and diuers others who wounded some and had killed many had they not beene hindred by the negligence of the Porter who mistooke the keyes of the gates where they shoulde haue issued foorth was the occasion that the Protestants had some little time giuen them to prouide for their better securitie They were no sooner gone but the Switzers of the kings guard and sundrie courtiers spoyled their houses killing whomsoeuer they found cruelly murthering both man woman and child all that day being the 24. of August 1572. was spent in massacring rauishing sacking so that there perished by this turkish and barbarous villany aboue 10000. persons as well noble men as Gentlemen The number of Protestants slaine in Paris presidents of courts councellers aduocates schollers preachers phisitions proctors marchants artisans women maides and children All places were full of dead
carcases the thresholds gates and posts of the kings pallace were painted with the bloud of the slaine yea the chanels ouerflowed therwith and the water in the Riuer was turned into a red colour such and so horrible was the slaughter and butcherie which was made vpon the poore Hugonots The king the Queene mother the kings brethren with many Lords and Ladies of the Court went out in the euening to view the dead bodies and among others the Queene mother would needes see the nakednesse of Soubize The shamelesse fact of the Queene mother for that shee had beene enformed that hee was notable to get any children The king not satisfied with the slaughter of so many braue men within Paris sent letters to the Gouernours of all his principall Cities as Orleance Tours Meaux Angiers Bourges Tholoux Lyons and diuers others that they should likewise kill all the Protestants within their iurisdiction which commandement was forthwith put in execution and a most horrible slaughter followed in all places The number of protestants slaine in other places which bereaued aboue a hundred thousand of their liues within the territories of France in so much as that it was verily thought that all that were of the Religion were eyther slaine or else fled into forraine Countreyes CHAP. XVI Rochel holdeth out against the King The beginning of the fourth Ciuil warres The siege of Rochel The siege of Sancerre The Embassadors of Polonia come to the campe before Rochel Monsieur raiseth his siege WHo would not haue thought but that now the Gospel had bin vtterly extinguished in France that the Catholikes by this execrable deuise should haue attained to the full period of their desires no man of name remayning to make head against them or to crosse their fortune which nowe seemed so mightily to fauour their designes and indeede the king was verily perswaded that at this present he might haue accomplished whatsoeuer hee would and that not any durst haue shewed themselues to fauour the refourmed Religion The K. deceiued in his expectation Wherupon he wrote letters to sundry Protestant townes commanding them to receiue popish Garrisons and to liue after the Catholike manner but they vtterly refused to satisfie the king heerein and would not bee induced to condiscend vnto any such thing by all the perswasions that could bee vsed but fortified themselues as strongly as they could purposing to die rather then to yeeld and abiure their Religion The King partly by threatening and menacing the king of Nauarre and the Prince of Conde and partly by faire promises but especially by the wicked ministery of Rosier Rosier being a minister and of great credit with the Prince of Conde had recanted his Religion and by his perswasions caus●d the Prince likewise to denie his who of late was become an apostate had caused them to abiure their Religion and to conforme themselues to the rites of the Romain church and thinking them to be fit instruments to gaine sundrie strong Townes who otherwise would not open their gates but by force of Cannon caused them to write their letters to such as hee thought meete and to vse all the seasons that might bee to draw them to his obedience by which deuise some relented and were content to follow the example of those great Princes seeing they had no hope to maintaine their cause hauing lost all their cheefetaines and principall commanders But Rochel Sancerre Montauban Nismes and some other held out standing vpon their guards and prouiding to fortifie themselues in all defensible manner that might be Many perswasions were vsed to gaine Rochel Rochel and sundrie other townes hold out against the King which of al other was the place of greatest importance and that which the king most desired as beeing the principall retreat of the Protestants Diuers messengers were sent thither who promised golden mountaines and Mareschall Biron indeuoured by all meanes to put himselfe within the Towne but they vtterly refused to accept of any other Gouernor then theyr Maior purposing to maintaine their Religion customes and liberties and that with the losse of their liues When the king was aduertised heereof and that he euidently perceiued that faire meanes would not preuaile hee resolued to besiege the Towne and by force of Armes to bring them vnder his obedience Whereuppon hee commanded Biron to gather a great armie to inuest the Rochelers with al speed who did not onely by themselues crosse the designements of the Catholikes but were the occasion that many other townes in Gascogne Languedock Quercy Poictou Auergne and Dauphony beganne to plucke vp their spirits and to oppose themselues against the kings proceedings The beginning of the fourth ciuill warres Besides the forces that the Mareschall brought by land there was a great nauie of shippes appoynted to keepe the seas and to stop vp the hauen that no victuall or other necessaries should be conueyed in by water nor any be suffered to go foorth to giue any aduertisements to their confederates All things being thus appointed in a readinesse both by sea and land Rochel besieged the Duke of Antou the Kings brother and his Lieutenant generall throughout all his dominions departed from Paris the tenth of Ianuary 1573. accompanied with the Duke of Alenson his brother the king of Nauarre the Prince of Conde the Du●e of Montpensier the Prince Dauphin his sonne the Duke of Longauille of Bouillon of Guyse of Aumaile and of Neuers the marquesse of Maine the mareschals of Cossy Retts and Biron the Count Rochfaucont Chauigny Mouluc La Valetta Mauleurier Pau●y Puygalliard Clermont Du Gas Cosseines with many other Lords knights and Gentlemen who no sooner arriued at the Campe but they were saluted with a thundring peale of great Ordenance and all the battailons of footmen stood readie arranged who likewise welcomed him with their whole vollyes of small shot to the high contentment of his excellencie Monsieur vnderstanding that there were a great number of very valiant and resolute men within the Towne who were all commanded by the noble and pollitike chiefetaine Monsieur de la Noue La Noue of whose wisedome courage and valour hee had often times before made good experiment thought it best to assay if with smooth words faire promises mingled with some threats he could induce the Rochelors The Rochelors would not trust the faire promises of Monsieur to submit themselues wholly vnder the Kings obedience assuring them if they would so do the king would deale most graciously with them and requite their loyalty with such fauor as they should haue good cause to hold themselues well contented but if on the contrarie they stubburnely refused to condiscend hereunto and like a rebellious rable wilfully reiect and vndutifully contemne so great grace offered by their soueraigne then they should looke for no fauour hereafter but for all the extremitie that might bee and that hee would not desist from persecuting them both with
and dignitie was mightily shaken and in a maner brought to a Chaos and confusion and hasted as it were a maine pace to a lamentable change and alteration CHAP. XIX Henry the third King of France and Polonia The Queene mother laboureth for peace which is concluded for three moneths The Prince of Conde goeth into Germany Lusignen dismanteled The King of Polonia stealeth away into France The first Ciu ll warres The Mareschall D'Anuill ioyneth with Protestants Cassimer commeth to the ayde of the Protestants The Duke of Alenson departeth malecontent from Court The ende of the first ciuill warres KIng Charles beeing dead and his brother Henry king of Polonia Henry the the King of France and Polonia declared heire to the Crowne during whose absence the Queene mother as is already sayde was proclaimed Regent the Catholikes beganne to insult more then euer before ouer the Protestants and to vse them in most outragious manner presuming vppon the accustomed good fortune of their new king and the resolute course of the Queene mother to roote out all those of the Religion and to expell them out of the territories of the Flower de Lis. The consideration whereof did maruailously dismay many of the Protestants and caused sundrie who inwardly fauoured their proceedings to plucke in their heades and keep themselues close and to expect what would bee the sequell of these newe occurrences There was great dissention at Rochell about these matters and long it was before they would fully determine what to do howbeit at length through the manifolde remonstrances of La Noue they fully resolued to continue the warres both by sea and land as they had doone in former times The Queene mother knowing that the best way to pacifie these tumults and to restraine the Confederates from any further proceeding in the warres was to vse them gently and by smoth words and faire promises to keepe them in vntill the comming of the new king sent the Abbot of Gadagny to Rochell with letters to La Noue The Queene mother writeth to La Noue in which among other things hee exhorted him to liue peaceably like a good subiect and not to vex the land with newe troubles in the absence of the king who peraduenture would bee reuenged thereof at his comming although shee knew that naturally hee was a very milde and mercifull Prince and one that would maintaine his subiects both of the one and the other Religion in peace and amitie so farre forth as possibly hee might had alreadie signified the same as well to her selfe and the principall officers of the Crowne as to sundry the greatest and cheefest Citties of the land These letters with sundrie perswasions vsed by the Abbot enduced the Rochelers to conclude a truce for three moneths The Rochelors conclude a peace for three month● Mention was made before of the purpose of the Duke of Alenson and the king of Nauarre to depart the Court to ioyne with the Confederates which albeit they attempted not beeing diuerted there from by the councell of some of their friendes yet the late King had them in great ielousie and therefore kept them in a manner as prisoners setting spies to watch them and their actions and for that hee suspected the two Mareschalles of Memorancy and Cossy to bee of their confederacie hee imprisoned them in the Bastile within the Louure and discharged the Mareschall Danuill brother to Memorancy of his Lieutenantship in Languedock giuing it to the Prince Dauphin sonne to the Duke Montpencier and albeit the Prince of Conde Meru Thore the vicount of Turin Montagu and many others were secret fauourers of his excellency in this action yet for that they were not discouered the king suffered them to remaine at their libertie and sent the Prince of Conde into Picardy to looke to the gouernement of that Countrey The Prince of Conde sent into Picardy from whence he secretly conueyed himselfe into Germany who beeing aduertised of that which had passed at Court touching the Duke and the King of Nauarre and that there was a purpose to clap him vppe likewise secretly conuayed himselfe into Germany and forwith made profession of the Religion and so practised with the Princes and the rest of his friendes in that Countrey that hee leauied a great power of Reisters for the ayde of the French Protestants which when the Mareschall Danuill vnderstood hee beganne to drawe neere to those of the refourmed Religion then hee was accustomed to doo and finding many discontented pollitikes readie to ioyne with him resolued from that time forwarde to follow the matter with more earnestnesse and to further their cause all that euer hee might Henry of Burbon Prince of Conde accompanied with many of the Nobilitie of both Regions beeing at Heppenhem in Germanie and seriously busied in gathethering of forces to enter France for the releefe of his associats was enformed of all the Proceedings as well of the Protestants as of the Mareschall Danuill and the rest of the discontented pollitikes and vnderstanding that he was chosen generall ouer both sorts accepted thereof promising to employ all his credit power and authoritie to maintaine them against all their enemies vnder the obedience of Henry the third of that name King of Poland and of France Which when the Queene mother vnderstood shee thought it best to offer a treatie of peace and to holde all sorts in quietnesse vntill the comming of her Sonne out of Polonia whose presence shee supposed would bee a sufficient weapon to fight against all these practises and deuises Hereuppon she wrote letters to the Confederates and especially to the Rochelors to mooue them to embrace this negociation of peace whereby they themselues might liue in greater securitie The Queene mother moueth a peace and the whole Lande bee freed from ciuill and intestine warres They returned a dutifull answere desiring her maiestie to deale with the Prince of Conde who was elected the cheefe of the reformed Churches and to whome vnder the Kings obedience they hadde submitted themselues and in the meane while furnished their Citties with all necessaries for theyr better safetie With which answere the Queene mother beeing nothing well pleased sent the Duke Montpencier into Poictou with very great forces who hauing taken Maraus Noille Noue Charante and diuers other strong places planted his siege before Fontenay a Towne of very great importance which in the ende hee tooke by composition and so gained all base Poictou to the exceeding preiudice of the Confederates Hee likewise besieged Lusignen which beeing valiantly defended by the Lord of Fontenay held out for a long time yet yeelded at the last vppon reasonable conditions after it had beene besieged three moneths and twelue daies hauing lost some three and twentie Gentlemen and two hundred common souldiers Lusignen dismanteled the Catholikes spent seauen or eight thousande cannon shot and left some eight hundred of their men dead before the Towne to make satisfaction to
runne to the Catholikes supposing that it was impossible for the Confederates to holde out for anie long time For besides that they were ouermatched by lande they were likewise hardly handled at sea and had much adoo to keepe the Isle of Re and Chese de Bay from Lansac who was Admirall ouer the nauie Catholique Lansac beaten at sea by the Protestants But at last they rigging foorth certaine shippes commaunded by Cleremont of Amb●is so scoured the coast that no enemie for the time durst appeare in sight of theyr warrelike Fleete wherewith they were maruellously well recomforted But their ioy lasted not long for the Duke de Maine approaching Bro●age so furiously assayled it that Manducag who was gouernour of the Towne was forced to yeelde vpon composition being destitute of all necessaries requisite to withstand so great a puyssaunce By this time also Lansac hauing repayred his beaten Fleete The Protestant● beaten at sea by Lansac put foorth to sea afresh and meeting with the Confederates valiantly set vpon them and putting them to the woorse burnt their Admirall called the Prince and tooke an other vessell called the Floressante to the exceeding greefe of the Protestants who had reposed no small confidence in their sea forces Besides all these infortunate chaunces there fell out an other crosse which did verie much grieue and disquiet the Rochellors and that was the death of their Maior Bobinean The death of Bobinean who for that he was accounted a wise valiant and politique man one who of all others did wonderfully affect the good of his countrey and tendered the welfare of all in general was maruellously lamented of all sortes and especially of the Rochellors The great d stresse of the Rochellors who in a sort were amazed with his death and as men astonished with so manie crosses had fainted vnder their burthen had they not beene recomforted with a sudden report of a newe pacification which was earnestly sollicited by the Duke Montpencier Wherto the king was the more inclinable both for that there was a mightie power of Germaines readie to enter Fraunce and also for that he wanted money to maintaine so great charges Whereupon the Queene mother was employed to make the composition with the king of Nauarre the rest of the Protestants The ende of the sixt ciuill warre which after much running vp and downe was agreed vpon by both parties and proclaimed with great ioy and triumph both at Rochell and other places in token of the earnest desire they had to liue at ease and to spend the remnant of their dayes in rest and quietnesse CHAP. XXI The death of Monsieur The seditious and treacherous practises of the Guisards The beginning of the seuenth ciuill warre called the leaguers warre The Prince of Conde goeth toward Angiers His great distresse and admirable deliuerie THe Guises and the rest of the confederates perceiuing howe the King with great numbers of his nobles and cōmon subiects began to take some delight in peace and that there was an intention to reforme many abuses which were crept into the state in the time of the ciuill warres to restore the nobilitie to their auncient dignitie and to vnburthen the people of sundry charges wherwith for a long while they had bin grieuously oppressed were inwardly vexed at the hart to consider that their former councels tooke no better effect and therfore they fel in hand with new practises and those more pernitious pestilent and more dangerous then any others that euer they attempted before For they considering that the cōdemnation execution of Monsieur the kings brother could not so easily be brought to passe as they desired and that the king of Nauarre and prince of Conde did so prudently prouide for their own security that it was a very hard thing to entrap thē bring their persons within danger thought it best to go secretly to work and by some priuy means to work their ruine ouerthrow against whom they could not preuail by open force and violence They therfore hired Salcedo a Spaniard to kil Monsieur Salcedo a Spaniard hired to kill Monsieur and promised him 6000. crowns for his labor but he failing of his purpose they procured a certain Gentlewoman with whom his excellencie was but too familiarly acquainted to giue him such a receipt as neuer left working till it had wrought the life out of his body so that he died the 10. Monsieur thought to be poysoned His death of Iuly 1582 to the great reioising of the Guises who now began to triumph to see so fortunat successe and happy aduancement of their affaires And considering that by the death of this great prince whō they feared more then the King their side was maruellously strengthened they began to stir coles afresh and sought by all meanes to fill the land full of new broiles and hurli-burlies And the time fast approching which was appointed for the bringing forth of that monster wherewith they had trauailed for a long time they had many secret conferences with the duke of Parma The conspiracie of the Guise and the rest of the leaders Bernardine Mendoza the Spanish ambassador and Giouan Bardach no the King of Spaine his Corriero There was the bargain made to sell Marseiles Burdeaux and the Dukedome of Britaine to the King of Spaine their maister an appointted time made that the Duke of Sauoy should inuade the Marquisate of Saluces thereby to occupie the King and to disperse his forces into diuerse and sundrie places And beeing strongly supported by the fauors of many of the Nobilitie and sundry of the chiefe Cities they first required that the Edict of pacification should be reuoked that the K of Nauarre prince of Conde with all those who made profession of the gospel shuld be exiled the realm or else forced to abiure their religion that continual war should be denoūced against the protestants The King was aduertised of all these treacherous practises as well from sundrie the Princes of Germany as also from the King of Nauarre but hee would not beleeue any thing but tooke them to be but slanderous reports raised vp by the Hugonots and therefore lightly regarded them but still countenanced the Guyses and their adherents The seditious practises of the Guyses who hauing gotten the King to ioyne with them to yeeld to their requests they hired the Monks and Friers to stir vp the people to their seditious ceremonies shriuings and priuate conferences to bande with them and the rest of the Leagues and to persecute those of the Religion with fire and sword and to roote them and theirs out of the territories of France They caused sundrie infamous Libels to be spread abroad and gaue out that the king of Nauarre and the Protestant Princes had sworne to roote out the Catholike faith and to depriue them of the Romish Church of all honour dignitie and authoritie that the murther at Paris
should be reuenged and that three of the principall Burgesses of euerie Citie and towne should be put to death in reuenge of the saide murther These with many other notorious vntruths were openly declared in their pulpets wherewith the common sort were mightily enraged against the Protestants and desired nothing more then their vtter subuersion and ouerthrow The Guyses hauing likewise obtained good store of Spanish pistolets corrupted diuers great personages The beginning of the seauenth ciuill warres called the warres of the Leaguers and had hired sundrie Captaines to take their parts Hauing laide this foundation and prouided all necessaries that could be deuised for the rest of their building about the fourth of March 1585. they brake foorth and shewed themselues openly seising vpon sundrie the kings Townes Cities and fortresses supposing indeede that the rest would ioyne with them and take their parts but things falling out contrarie to their expectation they were forced to plucke in their heads for a while and to attend some better oportunitie and that so much the rather for that the K. the better sort of the Nobilitie and the courts of Parliament opposed themselues against their proceedings declaring them Rebelles and willing all the gouernours of Townes and prouinces to apprehende them and to see them punished as seditious persons and perturbers of the State This audacious action seemed very odious in the eyes of many which the Guyses perceiuing they drew in the Cardinall of Burbon by sundrie fine deuises to ioyn with them whose credit and countenance serued their turnes in many great attempts And because sundrie of the Kings Councellers were either the Guyses creatures or by some one way or other deuoted vnto them The king betrayed by his Councell the king was neuer duly enformed of the danger of the League for they told him that it was nothing but an inconsiderate zeale of some few who fearing the innouation of Religion were growne somewhat passionate and sought for nothing indeed but to maintain the people in their obedience to the holy church who if hee should but once frowne vppon them they would all come and fal downe at his maiesties feete and vowe their goods their liues and whatsoeuer meanes they had to doo his maiestie seruice and therefore hee neede not feare them who were so good and deuout Catholikes but rather had cause to animate them in their Religious proceedings considering that they opposed themselues against none but such as were tearmed Hugonots the kings sworne enemies and such as had beene the occasion of all those miseries which had continued in France for so many yeeres The King was brought into such a securitie of his estate by this wicked Councell that he did not onely reiect such aduertisements as were sent to him from time to time both from the King of Nauarre Duke Cassimer and other Princes touching the monstrous conspiration of the Leaguers but also as one that knew not what hee did hee made great preparation against them of the reformed Religion and suffered the Leaguers in the meane time to grow and fortifie themselues at their owne pleasures vntill they were become so mighty that they thought themselues able inough if neede were to go through with theyr intended course whosoeuer shoulde say nay Which was no sooner effected but that they sette the Kings Councellers on the sodaine to enfourme the king of the great power and puissance of the Leaguers howe that quite besides their expectations there was an vniuersall consent of all his good subiects to restore the Catholike Religion that great numbers of his Nobilitie and cheefest Citties highly commended the zeale of the Leaguers and were resolued in theyr defence and therfore that it were good for the king considering the time not to make any resemblance to call any of them to account for any of theyr actions least he should giue some suspicion that hee was a fauorer of the heretikes which might breed a grudging in the hearts of his people wherby some commotions might rise to the imminent perill of his royall person and the extreme danger of the whole state The King maketh peace with the Leaguers The king beeing maruailously amazed with these and such like remonstrations thought it best to make peace with them and to countenance them as his best subiects They were glad that they had brought him to that passe and now seeing they had found him so submisse they meant to make further tryall of his courtesie and therevppon they required that all their former actions might be ratified by the kings authoritie as good and lawful and done for his seruice and that whatsoeuer had passed in preiudice of the Leaguers should be reuoked as wrongfull and vniust and for that they sawe the king was willing to gratifie their smal requests they were bold to proceed further to intreat him that the Duke of Guyse the Duke de Maine the Duke of Aumaile the Cardinall of Guyse the Lord Brissac the Lord Antragnes the Lord Chastre and the rest of the principall Leaguers might haue the gouernement of sundrie the strongest places of the land The Leaguers require to be made gouernours of the principall holds in France as of the Cittadell of Metz the Castle of Di●●n Rhemes the strongest holds of Picardy Orleans Caen Aniou Bourges Lyons and many others of like importance They further perswaded with him to proclaime open warres against the Protestants to declare the king of Nauarre the Prince of Conde and all others who had beene infected with heresie as they tearmed it to be for euer vncapable of any office in France and that they should packe out of the Countrey with all speede and for the better countenancing of all theyr proceedings against these great States they procured Pope Sixtus to excommunicate them thereby to make them more odious with the people As soone as they had gotten in a manner whatsoeuer they desired and had made themselues as good maisters as the King they with sundrie and most cunning deuises gayned great multitudes to ioyne with them and euerie man eyther for feare or for loue was foorthwith at their will and commande They mustered great forces and gathered mightie armies to inuade the king of Nauarre and the rest of the Protestants who seeing themselues abandoned of their king and exposed to the furie of their mercilesse enemies stood vpon the defensiue and resisted the rage of the League as well as they could The Prince of Conde growing strong determined to besiege Brouage The Prince of Conde besiegeth Brouage which was kept by the Lord Saint Luc for the Leaguers where after hee had spent some time in gayning many of the principall forts he departed towards Angiers leauing al his footmen to continue the siege and albeit the Prince vsed great expedition labouring with all speede to releeue those who had taken the Castle of Angiers The Prince goeth towards Angiers yet could hee not come time inough
made verie great preparation both to with stande the French abroade and also for to finde them occupied at home and the rather because a third armie vnder the leading of their Admirall Chastillon gouernor of Picardy inuaded Art●oise wasting and spoyling the Countrey exceedingly Thus was the league which was so solemnly sworne and so necessary for all Christendome broken againe by the sinister counsels of the Guyse and the warres beganne afresh betweene these two mightie Princes King Phillip prepareth a great army to besiege S. Quintines King Phillip being highly discontented with the French King for so many iniuries and indignities offered hauing gathered a great army wherein was thirtie fiue thousand footmen and twelue thousand horse besides some eight thousand English vnder the leading of the Earle of Penbrooke purposed to besiege Saint Quintines in Vermandoise Chastillon putteth himselfe within S. Quintins which the Admirall Chastillon suspecting putte himselfe within the Towne with such power as hee hadde in a readinesse and fortified it as strongly as he could the French king likewise prepared to withstande the Spanish inuasion and hauing prouided an hoste consisting of eighteene thousande footmen Almaines and French The Conestable sent to releeue Saint Quintins and some fiue or sixe thousand horse sent the Conestable of France to front the enemie and to keepe him from entring into the fat fieldes of the Flower de Lis. But before this power could bee in a readinesse the prince of Piemont generall of the Spanish forces hadde inuested Saint Quinsines Saint Quintins besieged and planted his siege before the Towne which he watched so narrowly that it was impossible for any succours to enter without apparant daunger The Conestable notwithstanding espying a conuenient time conuayed certaine troups of footmen and horsemen into the Towne vnder the fauour of a skirmish maintained by the Duke of Neuers and the Prince of Condy The Conestable of France releeueth Saint Quintins and retireth which beeing performed hee beganne to retyre as not willing to hazard his fortune at that present which at the first was not discerned by the Spanish But after that the victuallers and pages of the French Campe perceiued the retrait of theyr Armie and howe farre they were engaged they beganne to runne after in great haste and with theyr yelling and crying gaue such euident proofe to the enemie of their exceeding feare so that the Count Egmond Count Egmond chargeth the Conestable who first discouered the French dismarch hauing aduertised the prince commaunded the trumpets to sounde Dedans dedans and with two thousand horse charged them on the side The Count Henry and Ernest of Brunswick each of them hauing a thousand beeing backed with the Counte Horne who hasted on with great fury did likewise assaile them at one instant who in their retiring turning head receiued them with equall valour While the French were thus assailed in the flanke the Count of Mansfeild Dostrate and Gueldres with three thousand horse ranne vpon them in the front and that with such a furious feast that hauing ouerthrowne theyr formost ranke the rest were soone defeated and compelled to flie away The Conestable is ouerthrowne and takē prisoner with a great number of the French Nobilitie Iohn of Burbon Duke of Angolesme was dismounted at the first encounter and beeing horsed againe was slaine at the second Francis de la Tour vicount of Turin Saint Gelais and aboue a hundred and twentie Gentlemen of good account beside sixe hundred common souldiers died at that battaile The Conestable beeing wounded in the hippes was taken prisoner and brought to the Prince and so were the Dukes of Montpensier the mareschall Saint Andrew Lewis prince of Manfona the Ringraue Rochfaucont Saint Heran Burdillon Mouy Montsales and many other of the Nobilitie of great reckoning and reputation There were also aboue three hundred Gentlemen of Marke taken prisoners and many of the footmen beeing slaine the rest were taken to mercy and driuen away by troups as if they hadde beene flocks of sheepe and presented to King Phillip with theyr ensignes and colours as monuments of his glorious and triumphant victorie The King of France was wonderfully astonished with this ouerthrowe and the rather for that Paris the cheefe Citie of his Realme seemed to be straightly terrified that sundrie of the principall Citizens beganne to flie The great feare of the Parisians after the ouerthrow at S. Quintins and to withdraw themselues towardes the vttermost bounds of the lande fearing the comming of the enemie who had nowe libertie to doo what hee listed Howbeit hauing borrowed thirty thousand pounds of the Parisians he presently hired fourteene thousande Switzers and sent to the Duke of Guyse who was in Italy to repaire into France with all expedition and to bring with him all the forces hee could make Thus was the King driuen to an exigent and hee who not long before hadde sent the Guyse to anoy other men was nowe glad to call him home againe to defende himselfe The Hugonots tooke their name of a gate in the Citie of Tours called Hugon because th●se of the reformed religion being greatly persecuted did many times in the night assemble neere that gate where they had preaching and other exercises so that in the beginning in the way of mockage they they were called Hugonots which name being carried from one to another at length became a common name and vsed of al sorts who stood almost in a desperate state and lay open to the inuasion of his enemies In the meane time the King was earnestly busied in gathering of another Armie sending out his proclamations into all quarters fortifying Paris and appoynting the Duke of Neuers who by great happe escaped at Saint Quintins to bee his Lieutenant and to empeach the enemie from entering any further into France The number of those who were called * The Hugonots persecuted in France Hugonots began to increase and were dispersed in a manner ouer all the lande and because the affaires of the state went thus backward almost nothing prospered that was taken in hand one of the principall men about the king perswaded him that God was angrie and punished the land for that such sects and heresies as they tearmed them were suffered to increase and multiplie in a manner without controlement and that the King to pacifie the wrath of GOD must take a more seuere course in punishing such as were offenders heerein who hadde beene the principall meanes to pull downe the wrath of God vppon the King and the whole Lande Whereuppon there immediatly ensued horrible crueltyes towards the poore Hugonots and infinite multitudes were putte to death in a short time so that the rage of persecution grewe very great supposing thereby as by an expiation to turne away the hand of the almightie which was so heauie vppon France but they were exceedingly deceiued heerein for by applying a wrong medicine the disease dayly increased and
of the reformed and the dayly informations of such like pranks played in many corners of the land brought the Conestable who was a very deuout and a religious Papist into a maruellous dislike with such as were tearmed protestants especially when he saw them at Court eat flesh in Lent and that there were preachings in the Prince of Condes chamber and likewise in the Admirals and free accesse for al men to come vnto them Which when the Guises perceiued they likewise vnder the pretext of religion ioyned themselues vnto the Conestable exasperating him agaynst the Admirall his cousin for his embracing of the Gospel and set the Mareschal S. Andrew to whisper him in the eare that the motion which was made as touching the calling backe againe of those excessiue donations giuen by the late King was a deuise of the Admirals to keepe him being his vncle in awe and by that practise to cause him to chaunge his Religion Sundrie others as Madame Madalyne de Sauoy his wife the Dutchesse of Valentinois the Count Villiers put to their helping handes to whet him on who altogither alienated by these practises notwithstanding all the remonstrances of the Mareschal Memorancie his sonne banded against his owne kindred and associated himselfe with the Dukes of Montpensier and of Guise who with their leagues and confederations robbed the king of his subiects The league and brought into that noble kingdom all disorder and confusion The Guises hauing got the Conestable to ioyne with them began to lift vp theyr heades and secretly to spread abroade many infamous things agaynst the Admirall whose confusion of all others they most earnestly desired wherevpon many grudgings arose and it was vehemently feared that some tumultuous accidents would ensue for the preuenting whereof there was an Edict made at Fountainbleau The Edict made at Fountainbleu and sent abroad into all parts of the land whereby it was forbidden to vse any opprobrious words to any of the Kings liege people and especiallie that one shoulde not call another Papist or Hugonot but that all should liue in amitie togither and not alter any thing which was alreadie established before the king by the aduice of his councell had otherwise ordained The Guises could not endure that this peaceable course should bee taken The Guises labor to ouerthrow the kings Edict and therefore as those who thought it their best to fish in troubled waters they deuised with the Court of Parliament at Paris to frustrate this Proclamation and by many reasons to shew the inualiditie therof especially for that therby was tollerated two religions which said they was not to be endured considering that by this meanes the whole state was endangered nay that it was impossible for that cōmon wealth to endure long where there were such cōtrarieties considering that there can be no agreemēt betwixt god belial a kingdom diuided within it self could not continue for any long time Besides the Cardinal of of Lorrayn made many greeuous complaints against those of the Religion The Cardinall of Lorraine complaineth of the assemblies of the Protestants saying that their assemblies and conuenticles waxed greater euery day then other that there were foule and villanous disorders committed by them in their nocturnall meetings that they were people without order without conscience or any ciuill humanitie and that they neither feared God nor the King These and the like complaints much mooued the Queene mother gladly she would haue repressed these assemblies if shee had knowne how But the countenance of the King of Nauarre the Prince of Conde the Admirall Rochfaucont Dandelot and diuers other of the Nobilitie did encourage many to persist and drew on others by their examples with great earnestnes to embrace the gospel in so much as at length they finding themselues very strong and wel countenanced by great estates seised vppon sundrie of the Catholikes Churches and preached publikely in the view of all men and that in Paris the principall Citie of the whole land yea the Gospel preuailed so mightily in a short space that it was founde by the diligent enquirie of the Admirall that there were 2150. congregations that made profession therof 2150. congregations of the protestants in France which vexed the Guyses to the heart who by their cunning handling of the matter had by this time brought the Conestable in such hatred therwith and with his cousins the three Chastillons that both hee and the Guyses with all their fauourits departed the Court in a great chafe for that they sawe such fauour shewed to the poore Hugonots While the Protestants were thus graced at their princes hands and that all things seemed to go well with them there fell out a strange accident to crosse that happie course of the Gospel and a most deuilish pollicie was vsed to ouerthrow the reformed Religion well neere established in most of all the princicipall Cities and cheefest villages of the Realme and that was this The King of Nauarre albeit hee fauoured the Religion and countenanced the professours thereof in very good sort and that for a good while together yet beeing a man easily seduced and almost of no courage or resolution in any thing that hee tooke in hand was led by others and by faire words carryed hither and thither at euerie mans pleasure which the Guyses and their associats perceiuing practised sundrie waies to draw him to theyr faction assuring themselues that if hee might be gained theyr side would bee strong inough and that Conde the Admirall and all the rest of their confederates would bee made to stoope whether they would or not The better to effect this they practised with the Cardinall of Ferrara the Popes Legat and with the Cardinall of Turnon The Cardinals of Ferrara and Turnon turneth the K. of Nauarre from the Gospel who hauing by rich gifts and large promises gained two of his principall seruants did in the ende likewise win the maister by a notorious and deep dissimuled deuise They put into his head a phantasticall conceit assuring him that if hee would become a Catholike and continue in the Apostolike Romane faith that the King of Spaine would giue him the kingdome of Sardinia which was foure times so good as Nauarre and that the Popish and Spanish gallies should bee at his commaundement for the defence thereof against all men some also went about to perswade him to diuorce himselfe from his Wife and to marrie with the Queene of Scots a yong faire and beautifull widow The King of Nauarre councelled to deuorce himselfe from his Wife and to marrie with the queene of Scots the daily soliciting of such as were imployed in this businesse their manifolde remonstrances tooke such place that his whole mind was set vpon Sardinia whatsoeuer could be saide to the contrarie by any friend he had The Queene of Nauarre vnderstanding this sought by all meanes to diuert him setting before his eyes his many and
thing in shewe highlie tending to the honour of the Prince and the establishing of a perpetuall peace and amitie with the Confederates The Prince of Conde was marryed to Marie de Cleues The prince of Conde marrieth the youngest daughter to the Duke of Neuers the Admirall with the daughter of the Count of Entremont in Sauoy The admiral marieth and the young Teligny with Lois of Colligny the Admirals daughter thus was there nothing but feasting banquetting singing reuelling and making of loue throughout all the partes of Fraunce The king seemed to stande highly contented with this peace and began dayly more and more to countenaunce the Protestants For hauing once perswaded the Queene of Nauarre to come to the court The Queene of Nauarre goeth to the Court. both he the Queene mother the Dukes of Aniou and Alenson the Kings brethren did intertaine her in most louing and friendly maner making her the best welcome that might be imagined Count Lodowicke brother to the Prince of Orenge who attended her was likewise verie honourably receyued by the King who promised him to ayde the Prince his brother agaynst the Spaniard and for that purpose had commaunded preparation to be made both by sea and land as though he had entended to begin the warres with all speede so that the King desired nothing more then to aduaunce the affayres of the Protestants The marriage of the yong Prince of Barne and the conquest of the lowe Countreys were the things that the King seemed to affect most And because the Admirall was a verie wise man an olde Souldiour the best experienced Captaine of all Fraunce and most skilfull in warlike affayres The King sent the Mareschall Cossy to Rochell to perswade with him to come to the Court and to assist his soueraigne in so honourable an enterprise the Admirall at the first was very vnwilling of himselfe and had dayly aduertisements to disswade him from that voyage The admiral goeth to the Court. But after many perswasions vsed by the Mareschall sundry friendly messages from the King and his fatall mishap as it were leading him thereunto he suffred himself to be gained and to be wooed by those who indeed loued him but a little He was no sooner come to Paris but the people flocked togither to see him His entertainment as to see a wonder The King receyued him with much kindnesse giuing him great honour calling him father at euerie worde And when the Admirall kneeled the King arose and tooke him vp protesting that he was the most welcome man liuing and that neuer any day was more ioiful vnto him then that wherein he did see the end of so many miseries and the beginning of peace and quietnesse for the whole lande And among manie other speaches hee chaunced to vtter these words Nowe we haue once gotten your companie you shal not depart from vs and this hee vttered with great laughter as a token of much ioy and delight The Queene mother his excellencie the Duke of Alenson and all the principall Courtiers welcomed him with farre greater honour then he expected and that which was more all these curtesies were accompanied with the great liberalitie of the Prince who gaue him an hundred thousand pounds in recompence of his losses sustained in the former wars besides the reuenues of the benefices which were belonging to his brother Odet the Cardinal of Chastillon who was lately deceased in England He was also admitted into the Kings priuie Councell His sonne in law Teligny was verie much honoured Cauagnes was made one of the maisters of the requests and to be short all the Admirals friends tasted of the kings liberalitie to the great contentment of the Protestants and the maruellous grudging of the Catholiques This honourable dealing gaue great hope of the continuance of the peace and the encrease of amitie amongest the French Nation in so much as the most rested secure reposing themselues in the faythfull promises of their prince yet manie suspected that all was but holy water of the Court and alluring baytes to catch the poore Protestants and afterwards to dispose of them as should be thought for their most aduauntage following said they herein the olde maxime in pollicie which is that where the skin of the Lion will not serue there it is best to put on the foxes coat The Queene of Nauarre was earnestly disswaded by sundry letters from many other friends from giuing her consent to the mariage The Admirall was likewise aduertised by secret messengers that in no wise he should go to Paris nor come within the reach of his enemies but all would not serue so desirous were they of the yong princes preferment so maruellously blinded at that instant But whilest the Queene of Nauarre was at Paris busied in prouiding for the mariage of her son she suddenly fell sicke and died the 10. of Iune The death of Ioan of Albret Queene of Nauarre 1572. to the great griefe of those of the reformed religion who exceedingly bewayled the death of so vertuous and constant a Lady and one that had beene a most noble maintainer of the truth all her dayes CHAP. XV. The Massacre at Paris THe sudden death of this Queene bred a sore suspition that she was poisoned and withal brought some delay the to mariage but at length all doubts being cleared both parties agreed the time appointed for the solemnising of the nuptials being come the yong King of Nauarre and the Lady Margaret were affianced with great solemnitie in our Lady Church in Paris by the Cardinall of Burbon the 18. of August 1572. in the presence of the King The mariage of the King of Nauarre the Queene mother the Duke of Aniou and Alenson the Prince of Conde with all the principal protestants The mariage ended there was nothing but banketting chearing tilting and all the deuises that might bee to please the eie and delight the eare to set forth all things in most royall and magnificent maner All old rancour and malice seemed to be buried in the pit of obliuion by reason of this new alliance which confirmed the hope of a most blessed peace in the time to come But in the middest of all this ioy and solace there fell out a sudden accident which astonished some and made others to bethinke themselues and to suspect the worst and that was this The admiral shot with an harquebuz Vpon the 22. of August as the Admirall was going from the Court toward his lodging hee was suddainlie shotte with a harquebuz out at a window of the house where Villemus who had beene schoole-maister to the Duke of Guise did vsually lodge and sore wounded with three Bullettes as hee was going a soft pace in the streete and reading a Supplication which had beene deliuered vnto him a little before One of the Bullets stroke off his fore finger and with the other hee was wounded in the left Arme. The Admirall
the permission of the sea Apostolike shall put them into some monasterie as Pepin dealt with Childeric And by this meanes the Crowne shall bee set vpon his head and so returne to the blessed stock of Charlemaine and he and his successors from thenceforth shall haue their kingdome of the Bishop of Rome and shall abolish the prerogatiues of the French Church Whilest these things were a working at Rome the Guises with their adherents fought by all possible meanes to breake the peace in France and by grieuous oppressions and wrongs to force those of the reformed religion to put themselues in arms to withstād so iniurious proceedings Monsieur forsaketh the Protestants and goeth to the Court. And albeit they were but too forward to blow the bellowes of sedition before yet now vpon the returne of Dauid from Rome they went eagrely forward and with great earnestnesse endeuored to put those rules in practise which came from their holy father There wer leagues and associations made and those as strong as could be deuised The states were summoned and by the collusion of the King none admitted to be at that assembly but such as were vtter enemies to the Gospel Monsieur by the earnest intreatie of the Queene mother was brought to the Court and hauing made his benefite of the fauor of the Protestants left them when they had most need of him and associated himselfe with their sworne enemies The King likewise beganne to interpret his Edict after a straunge maner The complaints of the Catholikes and farre otherwise then was expected by the confederates Some articles were strained and racked out to the vttermost and other some snipped and curtailed that they seemed metamorphosed and changed into a new nature as farre differing from their former as might be imagined Many infamous libels were printed contayning most villainous matter agaynst the Protestants and a rumour was spread abroade that they had surprised sundrie Townes and fortes in Poictou Languedocke Guyen Xantoigne and Dauphine and therefore that it was impossible to holde in the Catholiques anie longer who with so manifold iniuries saide they were mightily incensed agaynst those of the reformed Churches Those of the Religion were exceedingly troubled with this strange kind of dealing and knowing that it proceeded of a mortall hatred and that it did euidently argue that there was a secrete purpose to catch them at aduauntage and then to make hauocke of them and to roote them and their Religion out of Fraunce they beganne to looke about them and to prouide for their owne securitie especiallie considering howe the Catholiques were leagued togither and were readie as it were at an instaunt to inuade them on all sides VVhereupon seeing that Monsieur after hee had gotten the Dukedome of Berrie Touraine and Aniou as is alreadie sayd had forsaken them and left them at sixe and seuen the King of Nauarre was chosen chiefe of the Confederates and the Prince of Conde seysed vpon Bowrage Marennes The beginning of the sixt ciuill warre and other Islandes beeing places of great importaunce and verie auaileable for the aduauncement of the Protestant affayres Thus the peace hauing endured but a small time the sixt ciuill war ensued immediately vpon the report that it was concluded by King in the assembly of the states that there should be no other but the Romane Catholike religion tollerated within all his territories and dominions for then began the warres to be open on all sides The Catholikes seysed vpon Du Pont S Espirit Merpin Tallemond Burdeaux and as manie other townes as they could get The Protestants surprised Pons Royan Reole and Cinray and making a counterleague among themselues couragiously withstood the attempts of their enemies and foreseeing the stormie tempest which threatned the ship of their safetie likewise Pilots and skilfull Mariners they stoutly stoode to their tacklings endeuouring by all possible meanes to saue their beaten barke from drowning and to bring it to some safe port and quiet harborrow Each side alledged sundrie reasons for the iustification of their actions the Catholikes layd all the blame vpon the Protestants saying that they were men that would not be satisfied with any indifferent fauor but espying their aduantage had forced the King to yeeld to vnreasonable conditions Besides that the Edict was but prouisionall and might be disanulled at the Kings pleasure and that it was now determined by the Estates generall that no other then the Roman religion should be tollerated within all the French Dominions The Protestants alledged that they were murthered and killed in euerie corner and no punishment inflicted vpon the malefactors The complaints of the Protestants That the Catholikes did dayly breake the Kings Edict which had beene made by the consent of all the noble personages of the land who had solemnely sworne the obseruation thereof and that if such Edicts were accounted prouisionall who would repose any trust hereafter in the Kings worde and promise seeing he helde it lawfull to breake his oath when hee lysted And as concerning the estates generall they sayd they were not lawfully assembled and therefore they protested of the nullitie of them and of whatsoeuer thing they concluded These and manie such reasons were obiected on both sides and they had not long contended in wordes but they fell to blowes and each endomaged other all that euer they might The King of Nauarre and Prince of Conde withdrew themselues to Rochell and hauing gotten some 3000. footmen and 400. horse they dayly enterprised vpon their enemies The D. de Maine The duke de Maine generall of the Catholikes accompanied with Puygall●ard Ruffec Roches Baritand and many others to the number of seuen hundred horse besides a strong power of footemen did continuallie vexe and molest the Protestants by spoyling their fieldes and burning theyr houses and beeing maisters of the Champaigne couped in the Confederates verie narrowly and hauing all things in a readinesse planted their siege before La Charitie which in the ende they gayned Yea Rochell it selfe began in a maner to bee besieged enduring maruaylous losses by the continuall roades of the Catholikes who wasted all without pittie or mercie La Charite The Protestants being so hardly vsed offered the like measure where they preuayled dealing verie rigourously with such as fell into their handes The Duke de Maine following his good fortune The prosperous course of the Duke de Maine tooke Tonnay Charentie and Rochford which yeelded vnto him vpon the first summance and so farre hee preuayled that he made himselfe Lorde of all the Riuer of Charente in lesse then fiue dayes and vsing great expedition got Marans from the Rochellors who were sore grieued with the losse of a place of so great importance Now as the nature of most men is to bande with the stronger and euermore to iudge of the end according to the beginning so many at this time began to slippe their neckes out of the Coller and to
for by reason that Captaine Rochmort who had surprised the saide Castle was slaine with a shot out of the Towne as hee was leaning in his chamber window the Castle was rendered again vpon composition made sure for the League as it was afore time The Prince beeing ignorant hereof passed the Loyre with all his troups which were some eight hundred horse and almost a thousand and two hundred harquebuziers on horsebacke conducted by the Lord of Nemours Lauall Trimouille Bo●lay Saint Gelais Aubigny Ouches Rohan Touche Flesche and sundrie others The Lord Clermont had likewise gathered a great companie of horse and encamped himselfe with the Prince neere vnto Angiers These companies approching the Towne expected some signall from the Castle whereby they might vnderstand that it still held for the king of Nauarre but they were certified that the saide Castle was yeelded the day before into the handes of their enemies and therefore that it was lost labour to stay there any longer Which newes greeued the Prince exceedingly made him with the rest of his councell to fall to consultation how they might safely get backe ouer the Loyre and free themselues out of that danger which then appeared before their eies and for that they knewe well inough that both the kings forces and the Leaguers were vp in all quarters and hasted by all possible meanes to encounter them they retyred towards the Loyre with a purpose to returne the same way they came The Lord Lauell beeing the formost got ouer without any danger but before the comming of the Prince all the passages were seised by the enemie and the prince was aduertised by many messengers that either hee must resolue to open his way by the sword or else to hazard himselfe at al aduenture through the Countrey of Beause The Prince approching the danger The great distresse of the Prince and the rest of the Protestants that were with him and thinking that in either of these there was but hard choyse called a Councell but by reason of the diuersitie of opinions it was long before any thing could be concluded at length it was agreed to passe through Beause Then euery man prepared himselfe towardes that desperate iourney and marching toward Luche in Aniou purposed there to passe ouer the Loyre vpon the Bridge but the Riuer was so risen that there was no passage without imminent perill From thence therefore they went to Lude and so to Prillay Vandeloyre S. Arnol where they heard newes that the Duke of Espernon and the Mareschall Biron were at Boneuall in Beausse with great forces readie to fight with the dismayed multitude that the Duke De Mayne as on the other side of the Loyre neere vnto Bloy readie to cut off such as should fortune to passe that way and that all the Countrey was full of strong garrisons attending with great deuotion to make a pray of the Prince and that handfull of men which did accompanie him so that it seemed the further they went the neerer they approched their destruction and hauing with their long and laborious marches wearied themselues and tired their horses they did vtterly dispaire of any good successe In this great agony they iourneyed on and euerie day receiued more vncomfortable newes then other wherewith many supposing that all was lost secretly disbanded from the grosse of the Armie and repaired to such friendes as they had in the Countrey The Prince and the rest of the Nobilitie were wonderfully perplexed and knew not what course to take at length they resolued to diuide themselues into seuerall companies some going one way and some another the Lord Rohan with many Gentlemen in his retinew went towards Britaine Saint Gelais went towards Vandosme the Prince the Lords of Trimouille and Auantigny with some of their principall seruants betooke them to their fortune as well as the rest and hasted to get into some place of greater securitie The laborious and tedious trauaile of this noble Prince his wearisome courses his long Caualcados his great and perilous dangers hee escaped before he gat to that Iland of Gernsy would require a long discourse were sufficient for a whole volume As soone as the cheefetaines were thus dispersed the common souldiers were quickly scattered some tooke their way towards Orleance some towards Nomandy and some towards Mayne and to bee short euerie man went which way hee liked best trauailing in exceeding great feare hauing as they imagined neither meanes to escape nor force to resist but were readie euerie minute to fall into the hands of those who did wholly pursue them The Prince of Conde with the cheefest of hi● troupes arriued at Rochell much about one time and thirsted for nothing more then for their bloud but when all hope failed God did miarculously deliuer them and so deli●ered them in theyr iourneyes that hauing auoyded a million of more then apparent perils they all arriued at length at Rochell and that much about one time to the exceeding comfort of themselues and the wonder of all France CHAP. XXII The cruell Edicts of the King against the Protestants The number of the Popish Armies which were ouerthrowne in one yeere The villanous deal●ng of the Guyse The battaile of Coutras WHilst the Prince of Conde and the rest of his distressed Armie made this hard shift for themselues the Duke de Maine The Duke de Maine made captaine generall ouer the for●es of the Popish Clergy whome the League had procured to be appointed generall by the Kings authoritie ouer a mightie power maintained at the cost and charges of the Clergie of France bestirreth himselfe and seeketh to annoy the protestants as much as might bee but by reason the Vicount of Turin opposed himselfe against his proceedings with an army of sixe thousand men hee did no other harme but gat some fewe Townes which were of no great importance The League not prospering so fast as they desired by force of Armes caused the king who was nowe solde ouer to worke his owne confusion and the vtter ruine of his Realme and States The cruell Edicts of the king to make many cruell Edicts against those of the Religion notwithstanding all the pacifications and graunts of former times and they were commanded to auoyde the Realme within fifteene dayes otherwise there was libertie giuen to persecute them to death to seise vpon their goods lands and linings and to employ them to the kings vse The king of Nauarre knowing that all this was doone by the procurement of the League and the Popish Clergie seised likewise vppon all the Landes and goods of such as were either Leaguers or fauourers of that factious and rebellious multitude The seuere proclamations made by the king against those of the Reformed Churches wrought many lamentable effects in the Land Some who made profession of the Gospel recanted and turned to Poperie and because they would not bee suspected on any dissimulation they became earnest persecutors of
who continuallie incensed the King agaynst the Hugonots and after the confusion and ruine of all his former Armyes perswaded him to assayle those of the Religion in Guyen with newe forces vnder the conducting and leading of Duke Ioyense for that it was thought that the Mareschall Biron was of too milde a nature and had dealt somewhat too fauourably in his late voyage Thus Duke Ioyense being armed with the Kings authoritie The Duke Ioyense sent against the Protestants and ayded with a mightie power inuaded Guyen where he tooke sundry townes as Mote Saint Cloy Saint Mexent Tonnay Charauty Maylezay and some others but the plague encreasing among his souldiers he was forced to breake vp his campe and to disperse his forces and hee himselfe posted to Paris to the rest of the principall Leaguers The King of Nauarre vnderstanding of his retreate set vpon his stragling troupes killed many tooke sundrie prisoners and in a short space recouered all that had beene lost Thus the Leaguers had caused the King to spend much money about nought intending thereby to weaken him and strengthen themselues for by this meanes they were still in authoritie and did in a maner what soeuer they lifted empouerishing their enemyes and inriching theyr friends as the readyest way to effect that which they had long before determined to accomplish About this time were the Germains readie to march towards France The great preparation of the King to withstande the Germans whereof the King being aduertised he prepared three seuerall Armies with the which he ment both to defend himselfe and to offend his enemies The du●e of Guise was made generall ouer the first wherin were 23000. French men besides 400 Launces 2000. Italians and sixe hundred light horse sent to him out of the low Countryes by the Duke of Parma All which were appointed to barre the Germaines out of Lorraine if it were possible or else to hinder them that they should not passe through Champaigne The King led the second army into Berry wherein was 88. companies of men of Armes ten thousand French footemen 12000. Switzers 4000. Rutters 12. double Canōs 2000. pioners with which power the King determined to keepe the Loyre The duke Ioyense conducted the third army against the King of Nauarre to keepe him occupied and to withhold him from ioyning with the Germaines The battell of Contras The King of Nauarre gathered as great forces as he could and being accompanied with the prince of Conde Count Soyssons the Lord Trimouille the vicount of Turen and many other honorable estates hasted to incorporate himselfe with his strangers vsing great speed gat ouer the riuer of Droune where the duke Ioyense had intended to stop his passage and so marched forwarde purposing to lodge at Contras The duke supposing that the aduauntage was his for that the king of Nauarre was weake in power inclosed between two riuers so that he could not escape without fighting as one desirous to do some notable exploit resolued to trie his fortune by some generall fight Whereupon hee tooke his place for the battell neare vnto Contras The King of Nauarre was glad of the Dukes resolution and hauing disposed all his troupes in very warlike manner wayted his best oportunitie to begin the battell About eight of the clock in the morning the Artillarie on both sides began to play And for that the king of Nauarres Ordinance was commodiously placed it did maruellously endomage the Dukes men of armes which stood at his right hand as also the regiments wherwith they were flanked for their better assurance wherewith when many were rent and torne in peeces the rest resolued rather to charge then to die so miserably without any further fight The harquebuziers came no sooner in reach each of other but they powred out their shot as thicke as haile each partie endeuoring to do well and to annoy one another to their vttermost The king of Nauarre had diuided his horsemen into foure squadrons the first was led by himselfe the second by the Prince of Conde the third by the Count Soysons who stood on the left hand of the king and the fourth by the vicount of Turenne who was at his right hand equally aduaunced with the formost These standing still beheld the skirmish of their footmen vntil the duke hasted to the generall onset then these three Princes of the blood euerie one in the front of their regiment began to change their pace into a trot and so into a gallop giuing such a furious charge vpon their enemies that they wholy defeated them and hauing killed a great number the rest betooke them to flight The footmen seeing their horsemen ouerthrowne lost courage and ranne away for company then was the mortalitie great for the Protestants pursuing them committed a maruailous carnage among them that fled There was slaine the Duke of Ioyense D. Ioyense sl●ine and his army ouerthrowne generall of the armie and Saint Suuer his brother Bressay Rousay count Suxe Count Ganeto Count Aubiyon Fumel Rochford Neufny Gurats Saint Fort Tercelin maister of the campe Chesner and Vallade besides many other Lordes and Gentlemen of marke Bellegard Saint Luc the Marques of Prennes Count Mōsoreau Sansac Cipierre Santray Montigny Villecomblim Chasteaurenauld Parriere Chasteauueulx Chasteloux and Auuerdiere all captaines and commaunders were taken prisoners Diuerse Castels and strong holdes were presently yeelded vnto the king of Nauarre and a verie great feare possessed the hearts of the rest of his enemies CHAP. XXIII The great arm●e of the Germaines ouerthrowne The death of the Duke of Bonillon The Guises slander the King The Leaguers besiege the Duchesse of Bonillon Their ouerthrow The Prince of Conde poisoned The Parisians rebel against the King The King flieth to Charteres The Guisards vow to kill the King THe French King 1588 The army of the Germains commaunded by the Duke of Bonillon and Duke of Guise were all this while verie busie in prouiding of all necessarie meanes to withstande the Germaines who still came on forwardes Their armie consisted of fiue thousand Ruttars fiue thousand Lancequenets sixteene thousand Switzers with whom were ioyned foure thousand French harquebuziers and three hundred French horse The Lord Mouy brought also two thousand French harquebuziers on horsebacke the Lord Villeneufe one thousand and the Lorde Louers one thousand The Lord Chastillon likewise ioined with them with one thousand fiue hundred harquebuziers and two hundred horses The whole number came to some thirtie fiue thousand besides the companies brought by the Prince of Contie They had sixteene peeces of great Ordinance with store of all warlike munition The general of all these was the Duke of Bonillon who commaunded as Lieutenant for the King of Nauarre This mightie and puyssant armie was the terrour of the League and the hope of the Protestants but the expectation of both was disappoynted for after that the Germaines had marched through Lorraine and were gotten into Fraunce as
King did allowe of such of these Articles as did any way concerne the suppression of the reformed Religion The king refuseth to grant all the petitions of the league but considering that the rest did wonderfull derogate from his Crowne and dignitie and that they tended directlie to the weakening of himselfe and the strengthening of the league of which for a long tyme hee had verie hardly conceyued hee would not bee enduced to condiscend vnto them by anie manner of meanes or entreatie whatsoeuer Now as the Leaguers laboured openly by these and such like deuises to weaken the King so they practised secretly to destroy the King of Nauarre and Prince of Conde knowing that if they were once ridde of them it woulde bee an easie matter to accomplish the rest Heerevpon they set on worke certaine wicked and diuellish persons to bring these two great Princes to their deaths And assuring themselues that this detestable deuise woulde take effect they caused it on a suddaine to bee bruited all ouer the Realme of Fraunce that Nauarre and Conde were both dead But by Gods good prouidence Nauarre escaped that daunger and tooke no harme The Prince of Conde by the treacherous and villaynous dealing of some of his housholde seruaunts and amongest others of one Brillant and a page The prince of Conde poysoned two such as he had greatly fauoured and bestowed many benefites vpon was poisoned the third day of March in the yere of our Lord The great commendatiō of the prince of Conde one thousand fiue hūdred eightie and eight and died within two dayes after at Saint Iean d' Angely Whose death was greatly lamented of all good men for that hee was wise valiant zealous in religion true harted to his Prince a louer of his country and an irreconciliable enemie to the perturbers of the state and to all such as hee knewe to be aduersaries to God to the King and to the Crowne of France The Guises and the rest of the leaguers reioysed not a little at this newes for nowe they thought they were gotten one steppe higher and had greater hope to oppresse the Protestants then before who they knewe were mightily weakened with this losse And for that they supposed that in this conseruation of mens mindes they had oportunitie to attempt something which might still aduaunce their affaires they thought good that the Lorde Lauerdin who had scaped a scowring at the battaile of Coutras should assaile Marans a place of very great importaunce and if it were possible to make it sure for the league The Lord Lauerdin applied his businesse so diligently that he gayned the sayd Island of Marans in a short time Marans gained by the Lord Lauerdin by reason that the Protestants being amased as it were with the vnexpected death of the Prince did not prouide timelie enough for the fortifying thereof with such store of men and munition as was necessarie Albeit that the King was glad that the Lord Lauerdin had gotten Marans yet he liked not that it should be kept by the Lord Cluseaux whom he knewe to bee a fauourer of the League but there was no remedie he must beare with the time being indeede not able to doe as hee would for the most part of his Councell and those of the chiefest were leagers and the Duke of Guise the head of those monsters had caused such infamous rumours to be raysed of the Kings actions and by secret practises had so disgraced him among his subiects that he was almost growne into contempt among the communaltie and was imputed no bodie in comparison of the Guise This opinion the King would gladly haue rooted out and was verie desirous to gaine their good willes and affections if possibly he might The better to effect this he thought best to proclaime wars afresh against the Protestants The King prepareth to go into Poictou against the Protestants and to rayse a great power and to go in person into Poictou agaynst the King of Nauarre and all his confederates that so by some famous exploits against those of the reformed religion hee might regaine the loue and liking of his lost subiects The Duke of Guise who knew that he had stollen away the peoples hearts from the King thought it now good time to discouer his secrete meaning more openly and presuming of his fauourers at Court and the good wil of the countrey The Guise determineth to seise vpon Paris and to take the King concludeth to get Paris to seise vpon the king either aliue or dead to kill as many princes of the blood and other officers of the crown as he could lay hands vpon and by fine force to set the diadem of France vpon his owne head Now that he might be the more assured to accomplish all this he wrote secret letters to all his chiefe friends and followers to meete him at Paris as spedily as they might And for that the King should not be able to withstand him he had set the duke of Aumaile to warre against sundry townes and cities in Picardy and had giuen order that others should attempt as much in Normandy and other places knowing that the king would send thither his principall forces to keepe those countries in his obedience and then he might with more facilitie execute his intended purpose Vpon these aduertisements of the Guise to his associates there repayred vnto Paris great numbers of the most factious turbulent and malecontent persons of all the Land Many Spanish Captaines and Hispaniolized french were soone assembled in that mightie Cittie and that to the number of fifteene or sixteene thousand besides the Citizen Leaguers who were exceeding many and those as desperate and rash headed as any others whosoeuer the Duke of Guyse being diligently enformed of this and knowing how greatly hee was expected at Paris by his confederates resolued to post thither with all speede and the rather for that the king euen as he wished had now dispersed his forces sending some into Normandy and others into Picardy to maintain● his authoritie in those prouinces the King had long mistrusted the Guyse for that he was now aduertised that hee was comming to Paris he vehemently suspected that there was some notable practise in hand to be performed against him by the Leaguers he therefore sent word to the sayd Duke whom hee vnderderstood to bee forward on his way by the Lord Belieure that in no wise hee should come to Paris at that time vppon paine of his displeasure and in case that he would notwithstanding continue his iourney that then hee helde him for a traytour and the authour of all those miseries wherewith the Land was so encombred at that instant Belieure did his message The Guyse entreth into Paris contrary to the Kings commandement but the Guyse did little regard it for he followed the said Belieure at the heeles and was at Paris almost assoone as hee accompanied not past with some
his bodie The death of Henry the 3 the French King not withstanding all the remedies that could be deuised or imagined hee yeelded vp his life into the handes of him that gaue it him hauing reigned fourteene yeares and seuen moneths And this was the ende of Henrie the third the French king and king of Polonia and the last of the house of Valois who being bewitched with the sorceries of his mother and inclyning to euill by his owne bad disposition opposed himselfe agaynst Gods true religion and being giuen ouer to worke his owne destruction followed the wicked counsailes of his notorious and sworne enemies who spake him fayre to his face but inwardly hated him and neuer ceased persecuting of their deuelish deuises vntill they had brought his state to confusion and procured his vntimely death and destruction CHAP. XXVI Henrie the fourth the French King ouerthroweth the Leaguers in two seuerall battels Great famine in Paris The Duke of Parma entreth into Fraunce relieueth Paris From whence he flieth againe in great haste into the Lowe Countryes The Pope excommunicateth the King VVho causeth his Bull to be burned at Towers The great Armie of the Germianes The Duke of Parma goeth the s●conde time into Fraunce and preuayleth greatly agaynst the King The Leaguers seeke for peace The King encline to Poperie His coronation Paris with most of the great Citties of Fraunce turne to the King IMmediately after the death of Henrie the third Henrie of Burbon King of Nauarre and the true inheritour to the Crowne of Fraunce both by his owne right and by the last will and testament of the late King The princes Nobles and souldiers take their oath of obedience to Henry the fourth was proclaimed King of Fraunce by the name of King Henrie the foorth and so acknowledged by all the Princes Nobles Colonels Captaines and souldiours in the Campe after the ancient maner of choosing the Romane Emperors giuing him their oaths of fidelitie and obedience with protestation to assist him to maintaine his royall and princely authoritie against all traitours rebels and leaguers to the vttermost of their powers The Prince Montpensier being then at Audly a towne vpon the Riuer of Seyne caused likewise all his army to take the like oath exhorting them to defend constantly the late kings wil and valiantly to oppose thēselues against al seditious persons despisers of gods lawfull ordinance traitors to their King sworne enemies to their own coūtry This Henry of Burbon King of Nauarre and now the French king and so hereafter he shall be tearmed considering the strength of his open enemies and fearing the treacherie of many in the Campe who were deuoted to the league knowing that they might be a meanes to distresse him beeing so neare vnto a great number of his euill willers who were likely to double their rage by reason of this exploit done vpon the late Kings person The French King retireth toward Norman de thought good to licence so many as he suspected to depart the campe and determined to retire with the rest into Normandie somewhat further from his enemies and to gather as great a power as hee could of his trustiest and most assured friends and in the meane time to view the attempts and preparations of the Leaguers The armie of the D. de Maine The D. de Maine besides all the bands which he had collected of the French rebels receyued certaine Swart Rutters vnder the leading of the Duke of Brimswicke The Duke of Lorraine sent his sonne likewise called the Marques of Pont. with certaine companies of horsemen with this great armie which amounted to the number of 25000. men The Duke de Maine marched towards Deep where the King lay with some nine or ten thousand men who vnderstanding of the approach of the enemie tooke the field with those forces which he had and encamped at Arques about two miles frō Deepe where he stayed not long but that the enemie appeared in fight at a village not far off called Martinglize The king sent out forthwith his light horsmē to discouer between whō the forerūners of the Leaguers there were many hot skirmishes On the 19. day of September the enemie passed ouer a little riuer which ranne betweene both Armies and put himselfe in battaile array very well ordered strongly appointed and marched directly towards the king The Lord Billing with two thousande shot was appointed to charge first and the Duke de Maine stood behinde him with a strong battaile readie to succour as need required The king had quickly ordered his battailon hauing disposed of all things in as warlike maner as he could deuise sent forth his light horsemen to charge the enemie who were backed with the Prince of Conde led by the Lord Montaret His battailon of footemen was flanked with his owne cornet wherein were the Lord Graund Pryer of France the Count Rochfaucoult the Count Rossy his brother the Count Rochford with diuers other Gentlemen of great reckoning and such as were neerest about his person and hauing called vppon God to ayde him in his iust and righteous quarrell so furiously charged the enemie that hee left fiue hundred dead vpon the place at that instant The rest seeing the slaughter of their fellowes and the furie of the kings souldiers began to shrinke and in a short time to flie away in great feare and disorder The Principall men of the Leaguers which were slain were the Lord Saint Andrew Sagne Collonell of the light horsemen the Lord Saint Vidal Lieutenant of the Ordenance the Lord Vienuille Count Billing Temblecourt Sauelak and diuers others were taken prisoners The king lost the Count Rossy brother to Rochfaucont and the Lord Bake Ville a Gentleman of very worthy and commendable parts and not past some thirtie or fortie others The Duke de Maine seeing his bad lucke retyred his beaten troupes towards Picardy the king being strengthened with the forces of the Prince of Soysons Duke Languauille and Mareschall Haultmont besides foure thousand Englishmen newly sent him out of England The Lord VVillowby vnder the leading of the right noble and valiant Lord VVillowby departed from Deepe coasted the enemie til he came to Menlau and then returned toward Paris supposing that by that meanes hee should draw the Duke to follow him and so bring him to a battaile The king bringeth hi● army before Paris The King comming to Paris about the 28. of October determined to assault the suburbs and hauing prepared all things in a readinesse for that purpose assailed them the first of Nouember following where hee founde some resistance but the courage of the Souldiers redoubled with the presence of the Prince was such The suburbs of S. Germaines takē that they quickly gayned them and slew aboue a thousand and fiue hundred of their enemies there were also taken fourteene ensignes and thirteene peeces of Ordenance The king seeing the Leaguers attempted nothing but
Reisters disgaged him he had vndoubtedly fallen into their hands who loued him but a little While these bloudy broyles were continued betweene the aduantgards his exellency caused his maine battaile to dismarch the right wing whereof in which was the Duke of Aumaile and the marquesse of Baden with all his Reisters gaue in so farre afore the rest that the marquesse was there slaine The marquesse of Baden slaine and many others for companions of that mortall charge and Monsieur himselfe albeit hee marched full vppon the discouerie of the great Artillery made such haste that he left the Switzers vnder Collonell Phiffer and their generall Memie with the other battailon very farre behind which when the Protestants troupes discouered they casting themselues desperately into his esquadron breaking in euen hard to their Cornet made them that followed his excellencie to abandon the place notwithstanding al the deuoier of the Duke De Longauille Touannes Carnauallet Villars and others who indeuoured with all their might to repell the insisting confederates in a word this charge was so terrible that the most assured Ensignes beganne to turne head and had not the mareschall Cosse with his Switzers hasted apace the battaile had quickly beene at an ende Count Lodowicke seeing the Mareschall aduaunce thrust in verie lustily with his troupes of Almaines and French who sought it out most couragiously By this time had the Mareschall Biron rallyed diuerse dispersed troupes and with his owne which as yet remayned vnbroken and the Switzers went directly towardes the Lancequenets A great carnage among the Lancequenets but they beeing abandoned by their horsemen and shrewdly galled with the harquebuziers were exposed in a manner to the crueltie of the Switzers their ancient enemies who entring in as it were at the breach committed a wonderfull carnage and mortalitie among them Of foure thousand there escaped not past some two hundred or there aboutes And the same misfortune had fallen vpon three thousand Frenchmen which were arraunged with them had not Monsieur of a generous and noble nature contenting himselfe with the honour of so glorious a victorie commaunded to saue their liues And this was the end of this great battell where both the French men Almaines Italians Burgonians Switzars Flemings and Lancequenets had leysure to trie their valours at the full The Protestants lost at this encounter three thousand Lancequenets and a thousand fiue hundred Frenchmen The number that was slain on both sides There perished also of men of name Tauigny Pugreffier Dantricourt Biron brother to the Catholike and Saint Benet the ensigne of the Admirals companie La Noue and Acier were taken prisoners and their Reisters lost all their Wagons Of the Catholiques there perished some fiue or sixe hundred horsemen and twise so manie were grieuously hurt whereof the most part liued not long after The Count Reingraue the elder the Marques of Baden and Cleremont of Dauphinie were slaine The yong Reingraue the Earles of Issi and Santelle Italians with the Duke of Guise Scomberg Bassompcer and de Maille were sore wounded but afterwards recouered CHAP. XIII Saint Iean d'Angely besieged and taken by the Catholiks The king offreth a peace which is refused by the Protestants Monsieur de Bellegard is slaine THe losse of this battayle gaue a maruellous checke to the affayres of the Protestants A great alteration in the Protestants affayres who now were dryuen to forsake the Champaigne whereof they were maisters not long before and sundrie of their followers beganne to shrinke thinking that all had beene lost and manie good Townes which before fauoured their proceedings fell quite from them in deuotion and followed the good fortune of the victorious Catholiques So mutable and chaungeable are these earthly matters and are set in so fickle an estate and condition that one woulde thinke that euen God himselfe who guideth and gouerneth all with the eye of his prouidence were delighted with an alternatiue course and continuall chaunge in all things Albeit the affayres of the Protestants stoode but in a desperate estate yet lyke men of great courage wisedome and policie they woulde not shrinke from the cause but sought as it were to begin the game afresh and by all meanes to maintaine their honor and credits with al their associates And if it might be to repaire their losses or at the least to keepe that which remained in their possessions Wherupon they fortified sundry townes as Niort Angolesme Saint Iean d'Angely Rochell and others with assurance that the worst of these were sufficient to stay the Catholikes if they should happen to attempt them vntill they had gathered some new forces They also wrote letters into all quarters to assemble new troupes and left nothing vnattempted which might any way tend to the aduauncement of their affayres His excellencie following his good fortune tooke forthwith sundry good townes as Parthenay Niort Lusignen Fontenay and some others all places yeelding vnto him of theyr owne accorde so that hee neuer stayed his course vntill hee came before Saint Iean d'Angely S. Iean d'Angely besieged by the Catholiques whereof the Lorde Pilles was Gouernour And hauing summoned the Towne and they within returning an aunswere that lyked him not hee foorthwith planted his siege and placed his Cannon and with maruaylous furie plyed the batterie And for the greater terrour of the besieged the King the Queene mother the Cardinall of Lorraine The K. and Q. mother comme to the campe accompanied with a great troupe of Nobles and Gentlemen their attendants came to the Campe who were saluted with a thundering peale of Ordinaunce intermingled with sundrie vollies of small shotte besides many fireworkes and warrelike deuises as well to welcome their Maiesties as to daunt and dismay the besieged Protestants But they as men resolute to maintaine theyr lyues and libertyes encouraged each other valyauntlie to abyde the furie of the Catholiques and laboured day and night to repayre the breaches Yea they resolutely stoode to theyr tackeling and so Souldiourlyke bare themselues that after manie hote skirmishes and desperate assaultes beeing men of noble valour and commaunded by a generous and couragious Chieftaine S. Iean d'Angely yeelded vpon cōdition the King was content to take the towne vpon composition and to offer them honourable conditions promising them leaue to depart with bagge and baggage with their ensignes displayed and to bee safelie conducted whither soeuer they woulde But before the King coulde bring them to this passe 1570 hee had spent a long time lost the valiaunt Martigues Def fans one of the maisters of the Campe with manie other most singular and braue leaders and well neare tenne thousand common souldiours So that this siege gaue the Catholiques as shrewde a checke as that of Poictiers did the Protestants The King inclines to a peace The King beeing greatlie wearyed with these broyles beganne of his owne accorde to incline to a peace supposing in deede that those of the
Religion would accept of any conditions But they beeing too often before beguyled with fayre wordes woulde not hearken thereto least the world should thinke that they were no longer able to maintaine their cause a speciall plotte sayd they to discountenaunce the rest of theyr proceedings The Protestants refuse a peace VVhereupon both the Catholiques and Protestants still continued to vexe each other in all hostill manner The Count de Lude and Puygalliard recouered Marans Browages and many other Islandes from the Confederates which were againe regayned by La Noue and stronglie fortifyed for the further aduauncement of the affayres of the Protestants Who preuayled also verie mightily by Sea taking manie great pryses which were no meanes to further theyr designements Whilest things fell out in this maner about Rochell the Princes the Admirall and the rest of the chiefest of the confederates had greatly encreased their forces and hasted to ioyne their troupes with Montgommerie Moubrune and other Chieftaines who had gathered a great number of harquebuziers to supply those bandes which had beene broken at the battell of Mountcounter And hauing thus reenforced their army they marched towards Lorrain there to attend the comming of theyr Almaynes And as they passed through Languedocke and came neare vnto Mountpellier La Loue one of the Mareschals of the campe was slaine as he was fast asleepe in the dead of the night through the great negl●gence of the Sentinels La Loue slain through the negligen●e of the Sentinels who beeing suddenly surprised by the garrison within the Towne were the cause of the death of this braue Chieftaine who for his valour courage and noble conduct was highly commended of all the Protestants Many townes were gayned by the Princes in these quarters as Lunell Nismes Margarite Saint Ambrose Saint Iean Saint Priu●te Bezouze Castillon Al●ts with sund●y other of good importance by which happy exploits the confederates did begin afresh to countenance themselues and to recouer much of their former honour and renowme When as the K. was aduertised of all their designes and how that they dayly encreased their forces surprised many castels strong holds and were now almost ioyned with their Reisters with whose ayd they resolued to returne againe into the heart of France and peraduenture once more to besiege the capitoll of all the Kingdome he dispatched forthwith the Mareschall Cossy with an armie wherein were 4000. Switzers 6000. French harquebuziers some 3. or 4000. horse and twelue great peeces of Ordinance with which forces he marched towards the princes Mareschal Cossy sent against the Princes who were incamped at a place called Saint Iean in Burgundy with some 2500. harquebuziers 2000. horse and eighteene cornets of Reisters These two armies came no sooner in view each of other but that their Enfans perdus began the game so that there was a hot skirmish on both sides The Prince of Berne and Conde were there in person each of them in the front of their Regiment and resolutely bent to go to the charge and there to make the first triall of their fortune The fight continued long and many were slaine but the Catholikes hauing the worse after they had lost Monsieur de Bellegard Monsieur de Bellegard slaine one of the Knights of the order besides diuerse others of good accoūt were forced to suffer the Protestants to passe who hasting on their way after great trouble and a long and painefull iourney hauing in a maner rounded all Fraunce at the last they drewe neare to La Charitie Sancerre Antrin Vezelay and other Townes of the Religion where they defended themselues to theyr maruaylous comfort and contentation Nowe was the treatie of peace before mentioned reiterated and earnestly pursued by diuerse who perswaded the King The King perswaded to a peace that these intestine warres consumed none but his Subiectes that the murthers robberies burnings and such like miseryes woulde bee the confusion of the whole state and that who so euer gayned yet hee lost to the great impouerishing of the Crowne of Fraunce and the vtter destruction of that noble kingdome which had beene the paragon of all Europe These and the like reasons induced the King at length to condiscend to a peace which was accepted by the confederates and published in the yere 1570. to the great comfort of all the French and exceeding quiet of the whole lande where we may see the strange and wonderful mutabilitie of mens minds which as they are not long contented with one the self same estate so do they seldom or neuer like the better before they haue beene well scourged with the rod of their owne folly and taught by wofull experience howe to discerne betweene good and bad CHAP. XIIII Peace proclaimed in France The mariages of the King the Duke of Montpensier the Duke of Guise and the Admirall The Queene of Nauarre goeth to the Court The Admirall goeth to the Court The death of the Queene of Nauarre Peace proclaimed THe kings Edict for the establishing of a peace was no sooner published but that the forces on both sides were forthwith licenced to depart euery man to his owne house which hee had not seene for a long time before to the vnspeakable ioy of the protestāts no small comfort to the better and honester sort of the Papists who as mariners that haue escaped some dangerous troublesom tempests and are arriued safely in their wished port held vp their hāds to heauen with giuing thanks for so vnspeakeable a blessing and earnestly entreated the almightie that they might spend the rest of their dayes in peace and quietnes The Princes with the Queene of Nauarre and sundry of the chiefe of the Protestants as the Admirall the Count Lodowick of Nassau Teligny La Noue and diuerse other withdrew themselues to Rochell for their greater securitie vntil they might see how the kings Edict would be executed Now began there a great alteration in the minds of the French all mens actions were suddenly changed as a man would haue thought after a strange wonderfull maner For where as not long before there was no talke but of hatred wrath murther bloodie broyles and most cruel and vnnaturall warres now was there nothing so much spoken of as loue amitie friendship and making of mariages The King was espoused to Isabel the second daughter to Maximilian the emperor The King marrieth whose nuptials were solemnised with great pompe and magnificence Lois of Burbon and Duke of Montpensier maried with the Duke of Guises sister Duke Montpensier marrieth and the Duke of Guise matched with the widowe of the late Prince Portion D. of Guise marieth one of the principall of the Confederates The Mareschall Cossy and Prontiere one of the Secretaryes of estate were sent vnto Rochell to treate with the Queene of Nauarre as touching a marriage betweene the Prince of Barne her sonne and the Ladie Margaret the Kinges sister a