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A67927 Actes and monuments of matters most speciall and memorable, happenyng in the Church. [vol. 2, part 2] with an vniuersall history of the same, wherein is set forth at large the whole race and course of the Church, from the primitiue age to these latter tymes of ours, with the bloudy times, horrible troubles, and great persecutions agaynst the true martyrs of Christ, sought and wrought as well by heathen emperours, as nowe lately practised by Romish prelates, especially in this realme of England and Scotland. Newly reuised and recognised, partly also augmented, and now the fourth time agayne published and recommended to the studious reader, by the author (through the helpe of Christ our Lord) Iohn Foxe, which desireth thee good reader to helpe him with thy prayer.; Actes and monuments Foxe, John, 1516-1587. 1583 (1583) STC 11225; ESTC S122167 1,744,028 490

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the helpe of the B. of Winchester Steuen Gardiner they found a new meanes to put hym to an vtter confusion deuising that he came home from examination in such glorious pompe by the hyewayes side in the woods adjoynyng that 500. persones met hym then with bankettyng dishes to welcome hym home stirryng the people rather to an vprore and a commotion then to keepe them in any quiet obedience when in very deed contrary to this surmise as God would on this side Rochester a myle or two for auoyding all such lyght glorious talke with any of hys familiars or acquaintaunce he of purpose left the hye way and came through the woods all alone aboue 18. myles together on foote so weried and megered for want of sustenance that when he came into my house at Chartham he was not well able to stand or speake for fayntnesse and thurst This malicious tale beyng reported vnto the Kinges hyghnesse his Maiestie was so sore agrieued therewith that hee sente for the Archb. of Caunterbury willyng hym to cause Turner to be whipt out of the countrey By meanes whereof the Archbishop of Caunterbury sent agayne for Turner I hearyng thereof made incontinently report by my letters with suche vehemencie proouyng it meere malice that the Archb. vnderstāding the truth pacified agayne the kings maiesties wrath Home commeth Turner once agayne to his Cure without blotte Which so wroong the Papistes in that they could not preuayle that they thought it all in vayne any further to attempt against hym concernyng any accusation for matters in Kent the Archb. of Canterbury beyng his Ordinarie Well yet woulde they not thus leaue him vndiscredited Then was there other new matter deuised howe that he had preached erroneous doctrine in other countries before he came into Kent laying to his charge that he had both translated the Masse into English and said or ministred the same and that he had preached agaynst Purgatory Pilgrimages and praying for the dead c. By meanes whereof he was now conuented before the whole counsaile by the B. of Wint. Who sent Siriacke Petite Gentleman for hym whiche brought hym vp to London bound as I heard say and beyng examined before the sayd Bish. of Winchester and other was committed to warde for a season In the which meane tyme the Archbishop of Caunterbury beyng in Kent about the triall of conspiracie purposed agaynst hymselfe by the Iustices of the Shiere and the Prebendaries of Christes church Turner is now sent downe to the Archbishop to the entent he should recant that doctrine which long agoe he in other places out of Kent had preached to the vtter subuersion and defacyng of all that he had most godly and earnestly here in Kent taught both to the glory of God and the furtheraunce and settyng foorth of the Kinges highnesse proceedynges If hys Maiestie wyll thus permit learned honest men thus dayly to bee ouercrowed and troden vnder foote with a sort of tyrannous or rather trayterous Papists who cannot abide to heare his Maiesties supremacy aduaunced nor the sincere worde of God preached it were better for men to dwell amongest the Infidels and miscreaunts then in England What reason is this that Turner should recant here in Kent the doctrine which in other Countreys he hath taught to the woundyng and ouerthrowyng most desperately of fiue hundred mens consciences and aboue I dare say who lately by hys sincere preachyng haue embraced a right good opinion both of the Kyngs supremacy and also of the reformed religion receyued All good subiectes may well lament the kynges Maiesties estate in this behalfe that no man may dare to be so bold to aduaunce hys highnesse title but that euery ignoraunt and malicious Papist shall spurne against hym seekyng his vtter vndoyng and that by the ayde of papisticall Iustices set in authoritie I beseech your worships to pardon me of my rude homely termes They herein deserue worse if worse may bee deuised For what honest man can beare with this that so noble a Princes eares shall be thus impudently abused with manifest lyes and fables as this one is of Turners commyng home in such a triumph as they craftily and falsely had deuised It is easilye to bee espied what they meane and goe about that the Prince beyng alyue dare take in hand so vncurteously to abuse both the gentle nature of the Prince and his godly preacher the aduancer and extoller of hys iust authoritie What thinke your worships they would attempt if hys Maiestie were at Gods mercy as God forefend that euer any of vs should see that day without better reformation that can thus dally with hys highnesse blindyng hys eyes with mistes whylest he lyueth and raigneth amongest vs in most prosperitie As for my Lord of Cant. dare nothyng doe for the poore mans deliuerie he hath done so much for hym already And hys grace hath told me playnely that it is put into the Kyngs head that he is the mainteiner and supporter of all the heretikes within the realme nor will not permit me nor my neighboures to resort vnto the Counsaile for his purgation whilest he was at Chartham sauyng onely I haue obtained this at his hand that I may become a suter in writyng to my friends and good Maisters in the court for hys deliuerie And therefore it is right worshipfull that I haue nowe taken penne in hand thus to discourse and open our miserie vnto you concernyng the extreme handling of this honest poore man Maister Turner that if it may possibly be broght to passe by your godly wisedome that the poore man may bee released and discharged of hys recantation you cannot doe to God and your prince a more acceptable seruice in my poore opinion For otherwyse if he should be driuen to recant as I am sure he wyll sooner dye both Gods cause and the kyngs shall suffer no small detriment amongst hys poore louyng subiects here For if there be no better stay for the maintenaunce of these godly preachers the Kyngs authoritie concernyng his supremacy shall lye poste alone hidden in the Acte of Parliament and not in the hartes of his subiectes If they can bryng to passe that Turner may recant to the defacyng of his good doctrine preached here then haue they that for which they haue thus long trauailed And yet in effect shall not Turner recant but king Henry the 8. in Turners person shal most odiously recant to the woundyng of all mens consciences here If the kynges Maiestie do not esteeme his authoritie geuen to his highnesse by Gods word and his Parliament it were wel done that the preachers had good warnyng to talke no more to the people thereof then thus to be tossed and turmoiled for doyng their duties by the members of Antichrist And now to the entent that they might effectually for euer slander Turners doctrine here they haue indited hym for offending agaynst the vj. Articles this last Sessions by the witnesse
opus est magna patientia ad sustinendas calumnias malignantis Ecclesiae Syr I haue had more busines in my little cure since I spake with you what with sicke folkes and what with matrimonies thē I haue had since I came to it or then I would haue thought a man should haue in a great cure I wonder how men can go quietly to bed which haue great cures and many and yet peraduenture are in none of them all But I pray you tell none of your frendes that I sayd so foolishly least I make a dissention in a Christian Congregation and deuide a sweete and a restfull vnion or tot quot with haec requies mea in seculum seculi Syr I had made an end of this scribling and was beginning ●o write it agayne more truely and more distinctly and to correcte it but there came a man of my Lorde of Farleys with a Citation to appeare before my Lord of London in haste to be punished for suche excesses as I committed at my last being there so that I coulde not perfourme my purpose I doubt whether ye can read it as it is If ye can well be it if not I pray you sende it me agayne and that you so doe whether you can reade it or not Iesu mercy what Worlde is this that I shall be put to so greate laboure and paynes besides great costes aboue my power for preachinge of a poore simple Sermon But I trow our Sauiour Christ sayd true Oportet pati sic intrare tam periculosum est in Christo pie viuere velle yea in a christian Congregation God make vs all Christian after the right fashion Amen Here foloweth an other letter of M. Latimer writtten to K. Henry the 8. vpon this occasion Ye heard before of two sondry Proclamations set out by the Byshops in the time of K. Henry the one in the yeare 1531. and the other set out an 1546. In the which proclamatiōs b●ing authorised by the kinges name were inhibited all english books either conteining or tending to any matter of the scripture Where also wee haue expre●ed at large the whole Catalogue of all theyr errors heresies which the sayd Bishops falsely haue excerpted and maliciously imputed to Godlye writers with theyr places and quotations aboue assigned in the page aforesayd Now M. Latimer growing in some fauor with the king and seing the great decay of Christes religion by reason of these Proclamations and touched therfore with the zeale of cōscience directeth vnto K. Hēry this letter hereunder ensuing therby entēding by all meanes possible to perswade the kinges mind to set opē again the freedome of Gods holy word amongest his subiectes The copy and tenor of his letter here foloweth ¶ The Letter of Mayster Latimer written to King Henry for the restoring agayne the free liberty of reading the holy Scriptures ❧ To the most mighty Prince King of England Henrye the eight Grace mercy and peace from God the Father by our Lord Iesus Christ. THe holy Doctour Saynt Austine in an Epistle whiche he wrote to Casulanus sayth that he whiche for feare of any power hideth the trueth prouoketh the wrath of God to come vpon him for he feareth men more then God And according to the same the holy man Saynt Iohn Chrisostome sayth that he is not alonely a traytour to the truth which opēly for truth teacheth a lie but he also which doth not freely pronounce and shewe the trueth that he knoweth These sentences moste redoubted Kyng when I read nowe of late and marked them earnestlye in the inward partes of mine hart they made me sore afrayd troubled and vexed me grieuously in my conscience and at the last droue me to this strayt that either I must shewe forth such thinges as I haue read and learned in Scripture or elles to be of the sort that prouoke the wrath of GOD vpon them and be traitors vnto the trueth the which thing rather then it shoulde happen I had rather suffer extreme punishment For what other thing is it to bee a Traytour vnto the trueth then to be a Traytour and a Iudas vnto Christe which is the very truth and cause of all trueth the whiche sayth that whosoeuer denyeth him here before men he wil deny him before his father in heauen The which denying ought more to be feared and dread then the losse of al temporall goodes honour promotion fame prison sclaunder hurtes banishmentes and all manner of tormentes and crueltyes yea and death it selfe bee it neuer so shamefull and paynefull But alas how litle do mē regard those sharpe sayinges of these two holy men and how litle doe they feare the terrible iudgemente of almightye God and specially they which boast themselues to be guides and capitaynes vnto other and chalenging vnto themselues the knowledge of holy Scripture yet will neither shewe the trueth themselues as they be bounde neither suffer them that would So that vnto thē may be sayd that which our sauior Christ said to the Phariseis Math. 23. Wo be vnto you Scribes and Phariseis which shut vp the kingdome of heauen before men and neither will you enter in your selues neither suffer them that would to enter in And they will as much as in them lyeth debarre not onely the word of God whyche Dauid calleth a light to direct and shew euery man how to order his affections and lustes according to the Commaundementes of God but also by theyr subtle wylinesse they instruct moue and prouoke in a maner all Kinges in christendome to ayde succour and helpe them in thys theyr mischiefe and especially in this your Realme they haue sore blynded your Liege people and Subiectes wyth their Lawes Customes Ceremonyes and Banbery Glofes and punished them wyth Cursynges Excommunications and other corruptions corrections I woulde say and now at the last when they see that they cannot preuayle agaynst the open trueth which the more is persecuted the more it increaseth by their tiranny they haue made it Treason to your noble Grace to haue the Scripture in English Here I beseech your Grace to pardon me a while and paciently to heare me a worde or two yea and thoughe it be so that as concerning your high Maiesty and regall power whereunto almightye God hath called your Grace there is as great difference betweene you and mee as betwene God and man For you be here to me and to al your subiectes in Gods sted to defend ayde and succour vs in our right and so I should tremble and quake to speake to your grace But agayne as concerning that you be a mortall man in daunger of sinne hauing in you the corrupte nature of Adam in the which al we be both conceiued and borne so haue you no lesse need of the merites of Christes passion for your saluation then I and other of your subiectes haue whiche be all members of the misticall bodye of christ And though you be an
and forgeue them Well sayde the gentle Archbishop God make you both good men I neuer deserued this at your hands but aske God forgeuenesse agaynst whom you haue highly offended If suche men as you are not to be trusted what should I doe alyue I perceyue now that there is no fidelitie or truth amongest men I am brought to this point now that I feare my left hand will accuse my right hand I neede not much meruaile hereat for our Sauior Christ truly prophesied of such a world to come in the latter dais I beseech him of his great mercy to finish that time shortly and so departyng he dismissed them both with gentle and comfortable wordes in such sort that neuer after appeared in hys countenaunce or wordes any remembrance thereof Nowe when all those letters and accusations were found they were put into a chest the kings Maiesty minding to haue perused some of them and to haue partly punished the principals of it The chest and writynges were brought to Lambeth At what tyme began the Parliamēt Lord what ado there was to procure the kyng a subsidie to the intent that thereupon might ensue a pardon which in deed followed and so nothyng was done other then their falsshood known This was the last push of the pike that was inferred agaynst the sayd Archb. in king Henry the 8. his dayes for neuer after durst any man moue matter agaynst hym in hys tyme. And thus haue ye both the working and disclosing of this popish conspiracy against this worthy Archbishop Martyr of Christ Thomas Cranmer In the which conspiracie for so much as complaint was also made vnto the kyng of his chaplaines and good preachers in Kent it shal not be out of the story somethyng likewyse to touch thereof especially of Richard Turner then preacher the same time in this Archbishops Diocesse and Curate to maister Morice the Archbishops Secretary in the towne of Chartham by whose diligent preaching a great part of this hartburning of the Papists toke his first kindling against the Archbishop Touching the description of which storie because by me nothing shal be said either more or lesse then is the truth ye shall heare the very certeinty thereof truely compiled in a letter sent the same time to Doct. Buttes and Sir Anth. Deny to be shewed vnto the kyng and so it was written by the foresaid M. Moryce Secretary then to the Archbishop farmour of the same benefice of Chartham and patrone to M. Turner there minister and Preacher aforesaid ¶ A Letter or Apologie of M. Morice sent to Sir Will. Buttes and Sir Anthony Denny defending the cause of M. Richard Turner preacher agaynst the Papistes THe letter first beginnyng in these wordes I am certain right worshipfull that it is not vnknown to your discrete wisdoms c. And after a few lynes commyng to the matter thus the said letter proceedeth As your worships wel know It was my chance to be broght vp vnder my L. of Caunterbury my maister in writyng of the ecclesiasticall affaires of this Realme as well touchyng reformation of corrupt religion as concernyng the aduauncement of that pure and sincere religion receyued by the doctrine of the Gospel which I take to be so substantially handled and builded vpon the doctrine of the Prophets and Apostles that hell gates shal neuer preuaile agaynst it The consideration whereof compelled me being a Farmer of the personage of Chartham in Kent to retaine with me one named M Richard Turner a man not onely learned in the scriptures of God but also in conuersation of lyfe towards the world irreprehensible whome for discharging of my conscience I placed at Chartham aforesayd to be Curate there This mā because he was a stranger in the countrey there and so thereby voyd of grudge or displeasure of any old rancor in the country I thought it had bene a meane to haue gotten hym the better credite in his doctrine but where malice once taketh fire agaynst truth no pollicie I see is able to quench it Well this man as hee knew what appertained vnto his office so he spared not weekely both Sundayes and holydayes to open the Gospell and Epistle vnto his audience after such a sort when occasion serued that as well by his vehement inueying against the bishop of Romes vsurped power and authoritie as in the earnest settyng forth and aduauncing of the kyngs Maiesties supremacie innumerable of the people of the countrey resortyng vnto his sermons changed their opinions and fauoured effectually the religion receyued The confluence of the people so daily encreased that the church beyng a faire ample and large church was not now and then able to receyue the number The fame of this new instruction of the people was so blasted abroade that the popishe priestes were wonderfully amased and displeased to see their Pope so to bee defaced their prince so highly aduanced Now thought they it is high tyme for vs to worke or els all will here be vtterly lost by this mans preaching Some thē went with capons some with hennes some with chickens some with one thyng some with another vnto the Iustices such as then fauoured their cause and faction and such as are no small fooles as sir Iohn Baker sir Christofer Hales sir Tho. Moyle Knightes with other Iustices The Prebendaries of Christes Church in Cāterbury were made priuy hereof geuyng their succour and ayd thereunto So that in conclusion poore Turner and other preachers were grieuously complained of vnto the Kynges maiestie Whereupon my Lord of Caunterbury and certaine other commissioners were appoynted at Lambheth to sit vppon the examination of these seditious preachers Howbeit before Turner went vp to hys examination I obtayned of sir Thomas Moyle that he in Easter weeke was content to heare Turner preache a rehearsall Sermon in hys parish Church at Westwell of all the doctrine of hys Sermons preached at hys Cure in Charteham whiche hee moste gently grauntyng heard Turner both before noone and after noone on the Wednesday in Easter weeke laste past and as it seemed tooke all thynges in good part remittyng Turner home to his sayd Cure with gentle and fauourable wordes I supposed by this meanes to haue stayed Maister Turner at home from further examination hopyng that sir Thomas Moyle would haue aunswered for hym at Lambheth before the Commissioners Notwithstandyng after Maister Moyles commyng to London suche information was layed in agaynst Turner that he was sent for to make aunswere hymselfe before the sayd Commissioners and there appearyng before them he made such an honest perfect and learned aunswere vnto the Articles obiected that he was with a good exhortation discharged home agayne without anye manner of recantation or other Iniunction Now when the Pope catholicke Clergy of Kent vnderstoode of his commyng home without controllement so that hee preached as freely as he did before agaynst their blynde and dumme ceremonies straightway by
he sweare vnto vs as he did vnto the vnfaythfull Iewes that such Infidells shall not enter into his rest In the administration of the Lordes supper whiche we confessed to be the holye Communion and pertakinge with Christ and his holy Congregation we haue learned Gods holy commaundements and at the rehearsall of euery one of them to ask God mercy for our most grieuous transgressions agaynst them and to aske grace of God to keepe them in time to come that the same may not onelye outwardly sound in our eares but also inwardly by the holy ghost be written in our hartes Wee haue learned also the holye prayer made for the Queenes Maiestie wherein wee learne that her power and authoritie is of God therefore wee praye to God for her that shee and all magistrates vnder her may rule according to Gods worde and we her subiectes obey according to the same Truely most honourable Commissioners we cānot thinke these thinges euill but thinke them moste worthye to be retayned in our Churches and we would think our selues not to haue true subiectes hartes if we shuld go about to put away such godly prayers as put vs perpetually in memory of our bounden obedience duety to God and our Rulers For as we thinke at this present the vnquiet multitude had more neede to haue these things more often and earnestly beaten and driuen into them specially geuen in many places to stirre and trouble then to take from them that blessed doctrine whereby onely they may to their saluation be kept in quiet Furthermore we cānot forsake that blessed partaking of the body and bloud of our Sauiour Iesu Christes institution ministred with such godly prayers exhortatiōs and admonitions teaching vs the knowledge of God the exceeding loue and charity of our louing redeemer Christ breaking hys body vpon the crosse for our sinnes sh●dding his most precious bloud for our redemption whych we in eating of that blessed breade and drinking of y● blessed Cup assuredly beleue that we receiue and be perfectly ioyned with Christ and his holy Catholike Churche into one body and into one vnitie and brotherly loue wherby eche member faithfully embraceth other We must needes confesse thys institution of Christ to be moste holy godly whereof we haue the onely cōfort in conscience against sinne damnation with the assurance of saluation wherof hath ensued reformation of many hainous sinnes much lawinge strife and contention is ended dronkennesse whoredome and other vices in some reformed goodnesse and vertue increased and nourished In the Latine Masse we neuer had no suche edifying but only we saw a great many of ceremonies and strange gestures as tourning of the Prieste crossings blessings breathings washing of handes and spreading abroade of hys armes wyth like ceremonies that we vnderstād not And concerninge the Latine tongue wherein the Prieste prayeth we wote not whether hee blesseth or cursseth vs. Wee are not partakers of the Sacrament as Christes institution appoynteth we should be In the ministring of the Sacrament the Priests alter the institution of Christ committing theft and sacriledge robbing vs of the cup of Christes bloud cōtrary to Christes commandement saying Drinke yee all of this They rob vs also of Gods woord speaking all thyngs in Latine whych nothing edifieth vs eyther in Faythe or maners Christe commaunded not that his Supper shuld be ministred in an vnknowen tounge but for as much as faith commeth of hearing and hearing commeth of Gods woorde howe can wee beleeue Christes woorde and promise made vnto vs in thys holy Sacrament saying Thys is my bodye broken for you and this is my bloude of the newe Testament whiche is shedde for you for the remission of sinnes if the same promises of Christe either be not at all recited or els so recited in Latine that the Congregation vnderstandeth not or heareth not what is spoken S. Paul saith thus reciting the saying of Esay As truly as I liue sayth the Lorde all knees shall bowe vnto me all tongues shall geue praise vnto God Also he sayeth Al tongues must confesse that Iesus Christ is the Lord vnto the glory of God the father The holye Ghost came vppon the Apostles in fiery tongues so that they spake the tongues of all nations vnder heauen S. Paul ministred to the Corinthians and preached to them in theyr owne mother tongue and rebuked the bringyng in of straunge tongues into the congregations Wee can not thincke it to be well that so holy an Apostle rebuked And what soeuer vertue the Latine tongue hath to suche as vnderstand it to vs English men not vnderstandyng it it is altogether without vertue and edifying and therfore vnmeete for our Churches The Priestes complayne that we lay men loue them not nor haue them in honour But it is their owne faulte For how should we loue them that onely seeeke to keep vs in blindnes and ignorance to damne our soules to destroy our bodies to rob and spoyle our goodes and substaunce vnder a colour of pretensed holines We knowe right honourable Commissioners what honour is due to suche Wolues how by the authoritie of Gods word such are to be fledde as pestilences to the Lordes lambes whom they miserably dayly murder But we haue rather chosen by this our meeke supplycation humbly to desire the Queenes maiestie and you her honorable Commissioners to render Gods worde agayn vnto the Churches to permit vs freely to enioye the same For we certainely knowe that the whole Religion lately set out by the holy sainct of God our late most deare king Edward is Christes true religion written in the holy scripture of God and by Christe and his Apostles taught vnto his Church Wherefore we cannot allowe with safe consciences this refusall of it and casting of it out of oure Churches for asmuch as to refuse cast off to reiect is to cast off Christ himselfe and to refuse our part in his blessed body broken for our sinnes and his bloud shed for our redemption Which thing who so doth the same without repentaunce can look for no sacrifice for his sinnes but most fearfully wayte for the iudgement and for that vehement fire that shall destroy Christes aduersaries For if hee that despiseth the law of Moses is without mercye put to death vnder two or three witnesses howe much more greeuous tormentes shall he suffer that treadeth vnder foot the sonne of God and esteemeth the bloud of the Testament wherby he was sanctified as a prophane thing cōtumeliously vseth the spirite of grace Wherefore wee moste humbly praye and beseeche the Queenes gracious Maiestie to haue mercy and pitty vpon vs her poore and faithfull subiectes and not to compel vs to do the thing that is agaynst our consciences and shall so incurably wound vs in hart by bringing into the churche the Latine Masse and seruice that nothing edifieth vs and and casting out of Christes holye Communion and
the publike state of your Realme well ordered For in what body gods word lacketh the vnitie and charitie that ought to bee among the members thereof and which knitteth them together is soone extincted Where the youth is neglected there can no good successe bee hoped no more then the husbandman can look for a good crop where he sowed no good seed And where iustice is not truely and rightly ministred there the more laws and statutes together be heaped the more they be contemned And surely if this thing could not without exceeding charges be compassed as God forbid that charges should be weyed be they neuer so great where Gods glory and the wealth of the realme may be furthered yet ought it not to be neglected What charges did K. Dauid the father king Salomon his sonne employ to build the stony house of God Howe much more charges should a christian prince employ to build set vp the liuely house of God But verily I am fully perswaded that it shall not be chargeable to do this No a great deale of superfluous charges which otherwise your grace shall be forced to sustaine shal thus be cleane cut away and so your reuenues by a meane most profitable to no good person hurtfull encreased Wherefore for Gods sake noble Queene let not the oportunitie now by God offered be by your Grace omitted A Phisition can in nothing so much declare his good will and cunnyng nor purchase hymselfe so great estimation as when he findeth his pacient thoroughly sicke and weakened and doth restore hym to his perfect health and perfection Likewyse if a Prince should desire of God a thyng whereby he might declare the zeale that he beareth to GOD or whereby hee myght winne fame and glory he could desire nothyng so much as to come into a state corrupted as this Realme of England at this present is not to destroy it as did Caesar but to make it as did Romulus If your grace can bring this to passe as I am out of all doubt ye may quickly Ye shall doe more then any of your progenitours did before you All men shall confesse that you are not onely for proximitie of bloude preferred but rather of God specially sent and ordeined And as the Queene of Saba came from farre of to see the glory of K. Salomon a woman to a man Euen so shall the Princes of our tyme come men to a woman and Kinges maruell at the vertue of Queene Elizabeth Thus shall wee your subiects be most bound to prayse God and to thinke our selues most happy that beyng so sodainly from the worse be forthwith preferred to the best rid from extremest calamitie and brought to the greatest felicitie and it shall be besides an example for all euil Princes to leaue their persecution of Christ and his members to cease from their tiranny wherewith they continually oppresse theyr poore subiectes And so all people not onelye wee of this your Realme but of all other nations shall haue iust cause to pray for your graces health and ancrease of honour This Oration of M. Hales beyng premised now let vs prosecute the Lord willing that which we promised concernyng the Disputation or Conference had at Westminster The copy whereof here followeth ❧ The Conference or Disceptation had and begun at Westminster the last of March vpon certaine Questions or Articles of Religion proposed and also of the breaking vp of the same by the Papistes default at the first beginning of Queene ELIZABETH SO it pleased the Queenes most excellent maiestie hauyng heard of diuersitie of opinions in certaine matters of religion amongst sundry of her louyng subiects and beyng very desirous to haue the same reduced to some godly and Christian concord by the aduise of the Lordes and others of the priuy Counsaile as well for the satisfaction of persons doubtfull as also for the knowledge of the very truth in certaine matters of difference to haue a conuenient chosen number of the best learned of eyther part and to conferre together their opinions and reasons and thereby to come to some good and charitable agreement And hereuppon by her Maiesties commaundement certaine of her priuy Counsaile declared this purpose to the Archbishoppe of Yorke beyng also one of the same priuy Counsaile and required hym that he would imparte the same to some of the Bishops and to make choise of viij ix or x. of them and that there should be the like number named of the other part And further also declared to hym as then was supposed what the matter should be And as for the tyme it was thought meet to be as soone as possible might be agreed vpon And then after certaine dayes past it was signified by the sayd Archbishoppe that there was appointed by such of the Bishops to whome hee had imparted this matter eight persons that is to say 4. Bishops and 4. Doctours The names of whom here follow vnder written c. * The Papistes The B. of Winchest The B. of Lich. The B. of Chest. The B. of Carlile The B. of Linc. D. Cole D. Harpsfield D. Langdale D. Chedsey * The Protestants D. Scory B. of Chich. D. Coxe M. Whitehed M Grindall M Horne M Doct. Sands M. Gest. M. Aelmer M. Iuell Who were content at the Queenes Maiesties commaundement to shewe their opinions and as the sayde Archbishop termed it render accompte of their fayth in those matters which were mentioned and that especially in writyng although he sayd they thought the same so determined as there was no cause to dispute vppon them The matter which they should talke vpon was comprehended in these three propositions here vnder specified 1. It is agaynst the worde of God and the custome of the auncient Church to vse a tongue vnknowen to the people in common prayer and the administration of the Sacraments 2. Euery Church hath authoritie to appointe take away and change ceremonies and Ecclesiasticall rites so the same be to edification 3. It cannot be prooued by the worde of God that there is in the Masse offered vp a sacrifice propitiatorie for the quicke and the dead It was hereupon fully resolued by the Queenes maiestie with the aduise aforesayd that according to their desire it should be in writing on both partes for auoyding of much alteration in wordes and that the sayd Bishops should because they were in authoritie of degree superiours first declare their myndes and opinions to the matter with their reasons in writyng And the other number beyng also viij men of good degree in schooles and some hauyng bene in dignitie in the church of England if they had any thing to say to the contrary should the same day declare their opinions in lyke manner and so eche of them should deliuer their writings to the other to bee considered what were to bee improoued therein and the same to declare agayne in writyng at some other conuenient day and the like order to bee kept in all the rest
with the fore sayd Maister Bilney he went with hym to visite the prisoners in the Tower in Cambridge and beyng there among other prysoners there was a woman which was accused that she had killed her owne chylde which acte she playnly and stedfastly denied Whereby it gaue them occasion to searche for the matter and at length they founde that her husbande loued her not and therefore soughte all meanes he coulde to make her away The matter was thus A child of hers had bene sicke a whole yere at length died in haruest tyme as it were in a consumption Which when it was gone shee went to haue her neighboures to helpe her to the buriall but all were in Haruest abroade whereby she was enforced with heauinesse of heart alone to prepare the chyld to the buriall Her husband comming home and not louyng her accused her of murtheryng the child This was the cause of her trouble and M. Latimer by earnest inquisition of conscience thought the woman not guilty Thē immediatly after was he called to preach before king Henry the 8. at Windsore where after his sermon the kyngs maiestie sent for hym and talked with him familiarly At which tyme M. Latimer finding oportunitie kneeled downe opened hys whole matter to the kyng and begged her pardon which the kyng most graciously granted and gaue it hym at his return homeward In the meane tyme the woman was deliuered of a chylde in the prison whose Godfather was M. Latymer and maistres Cheeke Godmother But all that whyle he would not tel her of the pardone but laboured to haue her confesse the truth of the matter At length tyme came when she looked to suffer and Maister Latymer came as he was woont to instruct her vnto whome shee made great lamentation and moue to be purified before her suffring for she thoght to be damned if she should suffer without purification Then M. Bilney beyng with maister Latimer both told her that that law was made to the Iewes and not to vs and howe women bee as well in the fauour of GOD before they be purified as after and rather it was appointed for a ciuill and politike lawe for naturall honestye sake then that they should any thyng the more be purified from sinne thereby c. So thus they trauayled wyth this woman till they had brought her to a good trade and then at length shewed her the Kyngs pardon and let her goe This good act among many other at this tyme happened in Cambridge by M. Latimer and Maister Bilney But this was not alone for many mo lyke matters were wrought by them if all were known wherof partly some are touched before such especially as concerne M. Bilney mention whereof is aboue expressed But as it is commonly seene in the naturall course of thynges that as the fire beginneth more to kyndle so the more smoke aryseth withall in much lyke sort it happened with Maister Latymer whose towardnesse the more it beganne to spryng hys vertues to be seene and hys doynges to bee knowen the more hys aduersaries began to spurne and kindle against hym Concernyng these aduersaries and such as did molest him partly their names bee aboue expressed Among the rest of this number was Doct. Redman of whome mention is made before in the raigne of king Edward a man sauouring at that tyme somewhat more of superstition then of true religion after the zeale of the Phariseis yet not so malignant or harmfull but of a ciuill and quiet disposition and also so liberall in well doyng that few poore Scholers were in that vniuersitie which fared not better by his purse This Doct. Redman beyng of no little authoritie in Cambridge perceiuyng vnderstandyng the bold enterprise of M. Latymer in settyng abroad the word and doctrine of the Gospell at thys tyme or much about the same writeth to hym seeking by perswasion to reuoke the sayd Latimer from that kynde maner of teachyng to whom M. Latimer maketh aunswer agayne in few words The summe and effect of both their letters translated out of Latine here followe to bee seene ¶ The summe of the Epistle written by Doctor Redman to M. Latymer GRace be vnto you and true peace in Christ Iesu. I beseeche you hartily and require most earnestly euen for charities sake that you wyll not stand in your owne conceite with a mind so indurate nor preferre your owne singular iudgement in matters of religion and controuersies before so many learned men and that more is before the whole Catholike Church especially consideryng that you neither haue any thyng at all in the word of God to make for you nor yet the testimony of any autenticall wryter Nay nay I beseech you rather consider that you are a man and that lying and vanitie maye quickely bleare your eye which doth sometyme transforme it selfe into an Aungell of lyght Iudge not so rashly of vs as that wicked spirite hath tickled you in the eare Witte you well that we are carefull for you and that we wish you to be saued and that wee are carefull also for our owne saluation Lay downe your stomacke I pray you and humble your spirite and suffer not the Church to take offence with the hardnes of your hart nor that her vnitie and Christes coate without seame as much as lyeth in you should be torne a sunder Consider what the sayeng of the wyseman is and be obedient thereunto Trust not in your owne wisedom The Lord Iesus Christ c. ¶ The summe of M. Latymers aunswer to Doct. Redman REuerend M. Redman it is euen enough for me that Christes sheepe heare no mans voyce but Christ and as for you you haue no voyce of Christ agaynst me whereas for my part I haue a heart that is ready to harken to any voyce of Christ that you can bring me Thus fare you well and trouble me no more from the talkyng with the Lord my God After Maister Latymer had thus trauailed in preachyng and teachyng in the Uniuersitie of Cambridge about the space of three yeares at length he was called vp to the Cardinall for heresie by the procurement of certain of the sayd Uniuersitie where he was content to subscribe and graunt to such Articles as then they propounded vnto hym c. After that he returned to the Uniuersitie again where shortly after by the meanes of D. Buttes the kyngs Phisition a singuler good man and a special fauourer of good procedyngs he was in the number of them which laboured in the cause of the kyngs supremacie Then went he to the Court where he remayned a certaine tyme in the sayd D. Buttes chamber preachyng then in London very often At last beyng weary of the Court hauyng a benefice offred by the kyng at the sute of the L. Crumwell and D. Buttes was glad thereof seekyng by that meanes to bee rid out of the Court wherewith in no case he could agree and so hauyng a
for the whiche causes I to rebuke the vnreuerent behauiour of certayne euill disposed persones preached as reuerently of that matter as I mighte declaring what estimation and reuerence ought to be geuen to it what daunger ensued the mishandling therof affirming in that sacramente to be truely and verely the bodye and bloude of Christe effectuously by grace and spirite whiche wordes the vnlearned vnderstanding not supposed that I had ment of the grosse and carnall being which the Romishe decrees set forth that a body hauing lyfe and motion shoulde be in deede vnder the shapes of breade and wyne With that the Bishoppe of Lincolne somewhat interrupting him sayde Lincol. Well M. Ridley thus you wrest places to your owne pleasure for where as saynct Austen saythe that the whole Christian worlde is subiecte to the sea of Rome without any limittation and vseth these wordes In transmarinis longè remotis terris onely to expresse the latytude of the dominion of the Sea of Rome willyng therby to declare that all the world yea countryes farre distaunt from Rome yet neuertheles are subiecte to that Sea yet you woulde wrast it and leaue it onely to Europe I am sure ye will not deny but that totus mundus is more then Europe Ridley In deede my Lorde if saynct Austen had sayde simpliciter totus mundus not added in transmarinis it had bene without limitation but in that he sayd totus mundus in transmarinis partibus all the Countryes beyond the seas he himselfe doth limitte the vniuersall proposition declaring how farre he ment by totus mundus The Byshop not staying for this aunswere dyd proceede saying Lincolne Well if I woulde staye vppon this place I coulde brynge many moe places of the Fathers for the confirmation thereof but we haue certayne instructions accordinge to the whiche we muste proceede and came not hyther to dispute the mater with you but onely to take youre aunsweres to certayne Artycles and vsed this in the waye of exhortation in the whiche you interrupted mee wherefore I wyll retourne thither againe Ye must consider that the Churche of Chryste lyeth not hidden but is a Citty in the mountayn and a candle on the Candlesticke Ponder with your selfe that the Churche of Christ is catholica catholicke whiche is deducted of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 that is per omnia so that Christes Church is vniuersallye spreadde throughout the world not contayned in the allegation of places not comprehended in the circuite of Englande not contayned in the compasse of Germany and Saxonie as youre Churche is Wherefore maister Ridley for Gods loue be ye not singular acknowledge with all the realme the truth it shall not bee as you alledge preiudiciall to the crowne for the king and Queene their maiesties haue renounced that vsurped power taken of their predecessours and iustly haue renounced it For I am sure you know that there are two powers the one declared by the sword the other by the Keyes The sword is geuen to kings and rulers of coūtryes the Keyes were deliuered by Christe to Peter and of him lefte to all the successoures As touchynge oure goodes possessions and lyues wee wyth you acknowledge vs Subiectes to the king and Queene who hath the temporall sworde but as concerning matters of Religion as touching Gods quarrell and his word we acknowledge an other head and as the king and the Queene their highnes do in all worldly affayres iustly challenge the prerogatiue and primacie so in spirituall and Ecclesiasticall matters they acknowledge themselues not to bee heades and rulers but members of Christes bodye Why therefore shoulde ye sticke at that matter the whiche theyr maiesties haue forsaken and yelded Wherefore mayster Ridley you shall not onely not doe iniurye to the Crowne and bee preiudiciall to theyr maiesties honour in acknowledgyng with all Christendome the Popes holynesse to be supreme head of Chrystes Churche here militaunt in earthe but doe a thynge most delectable in theyr sight and most desired of theyr highnesse Thus if you will doe reuoking together all youre erroures acknowledging with the residue of the realme the common and the publicke faulte you shal doe that all men most hartily desire you shall bryng quyetnesse to your conscience and health to your soule then shall we with great ioy by the authoritie committed to vs from the Cardinalles grace receyue you into the church agayne acknowledgyng you to be no longer a rotten but a liuely member of the same but if you shall still bee singular if you shall stil and obstinately perseuer in your erroures stubbernely mayntayning your former heresies then we must agaynst our will according to our commission separate you from vs and cut you of from the church least the rottennesse of one part in processe of tyme putrify and corrupte the whole bodye then must wee confesse and publish you to be none of ours thē must we yeald you vp to the temporall iudges of whome excepte it otherwise please the kinge and Queenes highnesse you muste receaue punishment by the lawes of this Realme due for heretickes Wherfore mayster Ridley consider your state remember your former degrees spare your body especially consider your soule which Christ so dearely bought with hys precious bloud doe not you rashly cast away that which was precious in Gods sight enforce not vs to doe al that we may doe which is onely to publish you to be none of vs to cut you of from the Churche for we doe not nor can not condemne you to dye as most vntruely hath bene reported of vs but that is the temporall Iudges office we onely declare you to be none of the Churche and then must you according to the tenour of them and pleasure of the Rulers abide theyr determination so that wee after that we haue geuen you vpp to the temporall Rulers haue no further to do with you But I trust Mayster Ridley wee shall not haue occasion to doe that wee may I trust you will suffer vs to reste in that poynte of our commission whiche we most hartilye desire that is vppon recantation and repentaunce to receaue you to reconcile you and agayne to adioyne you to the vnitie of the Churche Then M. Ridley with often interruption at lengthe spake Ridley My Lord I acknowledge an vnspotted church of christ in the which no man can erre without the whiche no man can be saued the whiche is spread throughout all the worlde that is the congregation of the faythfull neyther doe I alligate or binde the same to any one place as you sayd but confesse the same to be spreadde throughout all the worlde and whereas Christes Sacramentes are duely ministred his Gospell truely preached and followed there doth Christes Churche shyne as a Cittye vppon an hill and as a Candle in the Candlesticke but rather it is such as you that woulde haue the Churche of Christ bound to a place which
and the Apostles doctrine wherof in particularity I haue touched something before in my talke had with the Sea of London and in other treatises more at large wherein if it shall please God to bring the same to light it shal appeare I trust by Gods grace plainly to the man of God and to him whose rule in iudgement of Religion is Gods word that that Religion that rule order that doctrine and fayth which this whore of Babylon and the Beast whereupon she doth sit mainteineth at this day with all violence of fire and sword with spoyle banishment according to Daniels Prophecy and finally with all falshood deceit hypocrisy and all kinde of vngodlines are as cleane contrary to Gods word as darkenesse is vnto light or light vnto darckenes white to blacke or blacke to white or as Beliall vnto Christ or Christ vnto Antichrist himselfe I know my Lordes and foresaw when I wrote this that so many of you as should see this my writing not beyng before endued with the spirite of grace and the light of gods word so many I say would at these my words lordlike stampe and spurne and spitte thereat But sober your selues with pacience and be still and knowe ye that in my writing of this my minde was none other but in God as the liuing God doth beare me witnes both to do you profite and pleasure And otherwise as for your displeasure by that time this shal come to your knowledge I trust by gods grace to be in the hands and protection of y● almighty my heauenly father and the liuing Lord which is as S. Iohn sayeth the greatest of all and then I shall not need I trow to feare what any Lord no nor what kyng or prince can do vnto me My Lordes if in times past ye haue bene contented to heare me sometimes in matters of religion before the prince in the Pulpit and in the Parliament house and haue not seemed to haue despised what I haue sayd when as els if ye had perceiued iust occasion yee might then haue suspected me in my talk though it had bene reasonable eyther desire of worldly gayne or feare of displeasure how hath thē your Lordshyppes more cause to harken to my word and to heare me paciently seing now ye can not iustly think of me being in this case appoynted to dye and lookyng dayly when I shall be called to come before the eternall iudge otherwise but that I onely study to serue my Lord God and to say that thyng which I am perswaded assuredly by Gods woorde shall and doth please him and profite all them to whome God shall geue grace to heare and beleue what I do say And I do say euen that I haue sayd heretofore both of the Sea of Rome and of the Byshop thereof I meane after this theyr present state at this day Wherin if ye will not beleue the Ministers of GOD and true preachers of his word verely I denounce vnto you in verbo domini except ye do repent betime it shall turne to your confusion and to your smart on the latter day Forget not what I say my Lordes for Gods sake forget not but remember it vpon your bed For I tell you moreouer as I knowe I muste bee countable of this my talke and of my speaking thus to the eternall Iudge who will iudge nothing amisse so shall you be countable of your duety in hearyng and you shall bee charged if ye will harken to Gods word for not obeying to the truth Alas my Lords how chaunceth this that this matter is now a new again to be perswaded vnto you Who would haue thought of late but your Lordships had bene persuaded in deed sufficiently or that ye coulde euer haue agreed so vniformelye with one consent to the abolishment of the vsurpation of the bishop of Rome If that matter were then but a matter of policy wherin the prince must be obeyed howe is it now made a matter wherin as your Clergy sayth now so sayth the Popes lawes in deed standeth the vnity of the Catholicke church and a matter of necessity of our saluation Hath the time being so short since the death of the two last kinges Henry the 8. Edward his sonne altered the nature of the matter If it haue not but was of the same nature and daunger before God then as it is now be now as it is sayd by the Popes lawes and the instructions set forth in Englishe to the curates of the dioces of Yorke in deed a matter of necessity to saluation how then chaunced it that ye were all O my Lordes so light and so litle passed vpon the catholicke faith and the vnity therof without the which no man can be saued as for your Princes pleasures which were but mortall men to forsake the vnity of your catholick fayth that is to forsake Christ and his gospell And furthermore if it were both then and nowe is so necessary to saluation how chaunced it also that ye all the whole body of the Parliament agreeing with you did not onely abolish and expell the Bishop of Rome but also did abiure him in your owne persons and did decree in your actes great othes to bee taken of both the spiritualtye and temporalty whosoeuer shoulde enter into any weighty chargeable office in the common wealth But on the other side if the law decree which maketh the supremacy of the sea bishop of Rome ouer the vniuersall church of Christ be a thing of necessity required vnto saluation by an Antichristian law as it is in deed such instructiōs as are geuen to the Dioces of Yorke be in deed a setting forth of the power of that beast of babilon by the craft falshood of his false Prophetes as of truth compared vnto Gods word and truely iudged by the same it shall playnely appere that they be then my Lordes neuer thinke other but the daye shall come when ye shal be charged with this your vndoing of that that once ye had well done and with this your periury and breache of your othe which othe was done in iudgement iustice and truth agreable to Gods lawe The whore of Babilon may wel for a time dally with you and make you so dronken with the wine of her filthy stewes whooredome as with her dispensations and promises of pardon à poena culpa that for dronkennesse and blindenesse ye may think your selues safe But be ye assured whē the liuing Lord shall trye the matter by the fire and iudge it according to his word when al her abhominations shal appeare what they bee then ye my Lordes I geue your Lordships warning in time repent if ye be happy loue your owne soules health repent I say or els wythout all doubt ye shall neuer escape the handes of the liuing Lord for the guilt of your periury and breach of your oth As ye haue banquetted and layne by the
moreouer by hys own wordes may be gathered in sundrye places as more playnly may appeare by that whiche hereafter followeth Upon hys estimation and fame he stoode ●o too muche more then was meete for a man of hys coate and callynge whose profession was to be crucified vnto the world whiche thing made him so stiffe in mayntayning that hee had once begon to take vpon hym I will not heare speake of that which hath bene constantly reported to me touching the monstrous making mishaped fashion of hys feete and toes the nayles wherof were sayd not to bee like to other mens but to crooke downeward and to be sharpe lyke the clawes of rauening beastes What hys learning was in the Ciuil and Canon law I haue not to say What it was in other liberal sciences and artes thys I suppose that neyther hys continuance in study nor diligence of readynge was such by reason of hys to muche intermedling in Prynces matters as could truely wel merite vnto hym the title of a deepe learned man But what learning or cunning soeuer it was he had so it fared in him as it dothe in Butchers whiche vse to blow vp theyr flesh euen so he with boldnes and stoutnes and speciallye with authoritie made those giftes that he had to appeare much greater then they were in very deede Wherunto vse peraduēture also experiēce abroad brought no little helpes rather then eyther quicknes of wit or happines of education And as touching Diuinitie he was so variable wauering with time that no constant censure can be geuē what to make of hym If hys doynges and writinges were accordinge to hys conscience no man can rightly saye whether he was a right protestant or Papist If hee wrote otherwise then he thought for feare or to beare with tyme then was he a double deep dissēbler before God and man to say vnsay to write and vnwrite to sweare and forsweare so as hee did For first in the beginning of queene Annes tyme who was so forward or so busy in the matter of the kings diuorce as Ste. Gard. who was first sent to Rome and then to the Emperour with Edward Foxe as chiefe agent in the behalfe of Lady Anne By whome also he was preferred to the Bishopricke of Winchester Ed. Boner was preferred to the Bishoprick of Londō Agayn at the abolishing of the Pope who so ready to sweare or so vehement to write agaynst the Pope as he as not onely by hys sermons but also by hys booke De obedientia may appeare In whiche booke De obedientia least any shuld thinke him drawne thereunto otherwise then by his own consent he playnly declareth how not rashly nor vppon a sodeine but vppon a long deliberation and aduisement in hymselfe about the matter he at length vttered hys iudgement Whereof read before And moreoeuer so hee vttered his iudgement in wryting agaynst the vsurped supremacie of the Pope that comming to Louane afterwarde hee was there accompted for a person excommunicate and a schismaticke in so much that he was not permitted in their Church to say Masse and moreouer in their publicke sermons they openly cryed out agaynst hym Whereof read hereafter following And thus long continued he firme and forward so that who but Winchester during all the tyme and raigne of Queene Anne After her decease that time by litle and litle caried him away til at length the emulation of Cromwels estate and especially as it seemeth for his so muche fauouring of Boner whom Winchester at that time in no case coulde abide made him an vtter enemie both agaynst him and also his Religion till agayne in kyng Edwardes daies he began a litle to rebate from certaine poyntes of Popery and somewhat to smell of the Gospell as both by his Sermon before king Edward and also by his subscribyng to certane Articles may appeare and this was an hal● turne of Stephen Gardener from Popery againe to the Gospell and no doubt he would haue further turned had not the vnlucky decay of the Duke of Somerset cleane turned him away from true Diuinitie to playne Popery wherein he continued a cruell persecutour to his dying day And thus much concerning the trade and profession of Ste. Gardiners Popish diuinity In which his popishe trade whether he folowed more true iudgement or els time or rather the spirite of ambition vaine glory it is doubtful to say so much the more doubtfull because in his doings writinges a man may see him not only contrary to him selfe but also in some points contrary to other Papistes And furthermore where he agreeth with them he seemeth therein not so much to folow his owne sense as the mind meaning of Pereseus out of whose booke the greatest part of Winchesters Diuinity seemeth to be borowed And therefore as in the true knowledge of Gods holy word scripture he appeareth no body so in his pen and stile of writings no lesse farre he is from commendation then he is frō al plainenes and perspicuitie In whose obscure perplexe kind of writing although peraduenture some sense may be found with some searching yet shall no reader finde any sweetenes in his reading What moued him to be so sturdy against M. Cheke and sir T. Smith for the Greke pronunciatiō other may thinke what they please I speake but what I thinke that he so did for that he sawe it a thing rather newly begun then truly impugned Such was the disposition of that mā as it semeth that of purpose he euer affected to seme to be a patron of al old customes though they were neuer so rotten with age Amongest other matters this one thing I can not but meruaile at in my minde when I see how proudly he braggeth and vaynely vaunteth him selfe aswell in his letters to the L. Protector others of K. Edwardes counsell as also in his long matter articulated and exhibited by hym vnto the Archbishop of Canterburie and other the kyngs Commissioners of the high fauour he had of the noble K. of famous memory K. Henry the 8. when in deede nothing was lesse true neither did the king lesse fauour any of his Counsell then him affirming very often that he greatly suspected the sayde B. to be a secrete maynteiner of the B. of Romes vsurped authoritie and a stout disturber and hinderer of his proceedinges in reformation of Religion And therefore dyd so muche dislyke with him that he did not onely mynd if the Lord had lent his highnes longer life to haue vsed the extremity of law agaynst him vpon very sore iust matter of old committed by him and yet not taken away by any pardon commaunding thereupon often the L. Paget then his Secretarie to kepe safe certaine writinges which he had against him But also commaunded that he should be put cleane out of his last will Testament not sufferyng him either to be any of his Executors or els in any
mynde therein euen playnely as I thinke and I haue euer beene agreeable to this poynt I haue often tymes reasoned in it I haue spoken and also written in it both beyond the Seas and on this side the Seas my bookes be abroade which I cannot vnwrite agayne I was euer of this opinion that it myght be receiued in both kyndes and it was a constitution prouinciall scarce two hundred yeare agone made by Peckam then Archbyshoppe of Canterburie that it shoulde be receiued in both kyndes at least wyse in ecclesijs maioribus that is in the greater Churches for in the smaller Churches it was not thought to be so expedient Thus haue I euer thought of this matter I haue neuer bene of other mynde nor I haue not changed my conscience but I haue obeyed followed the order of the Realme and I pray you to obey orders as I haue obeyed that we may all be the chyldren of obedience Nowe I wyll returne to the Text. When Symon had aunswered Tu es Christus filius Dei viui Thou art Christ the sonne of the Lyuing GOD. Then Christe sayde vnto hym Blessed art thou Symon Boriona for fleshe and bloud haue not opened that vnto thee but my Father whiche is Heauen and I say vnto thee that thou art Peter and vppon this rocke will I buylde my Churche and the gates of Hell shall not preuayle agaynst it Blessed art thou sayde hee for fleshe and bloud haue not opened that vnto thee For otherwyse in Iohn Andrewe tolde of Christe and sayd I haue founde the Messias which is Christe But that is not enough He that shall confesse Christe must haue an inwarde teachyng and must bee spiritually taught by the Father of Heauen for Andrewes confession was nothyng but a carnall confession and suche a one as any other might haue made by naturall reason but the confession of Peter was aboue reason of man for Christ was there a very man and Peters eyes told him that he was a man and nothing els but he was inwardly taught by the Father of heauen and had a secrete knowledge geuen him from heauen not by flesh and bloud that is to say by mans reason but inwardly by the Father of heauen and seeyng this was aboue reason it is a merueylous thing that reason shoulde be vsed to impugne fayth whiche is not within the precinct of carnall men and such as vse grosse reason But Peter had an other lesson inwardly taught him and because he could his lesson Christ gaue him a new name for Petra is a stone a new name of a Christian man for vppon this confession of thy fayth here I will buyld my Churche that is I wyll stablysh all those which I entend to gather vnto thee Et Daemones non preualebunt aduersus eam that is and the Deuils shall not preuayle agaynst it for he that with a good hart and sure fayth confesseth this he is sure from all euill this world nor Sathan can do him no harme But now for a further declaration it is a meruelous thing that vppon these woordes the Byshoppe of Rome should founde his supremacie for whether it be super Petram or Petrum all is one matter it maketh nothyng at all for the purpose to make a foundation of any such supremacie For otherwyse when Peter spake carnallye to Christe as in the same Chapter a lytle folowyng Sathan was his name where Christe sayde Go after me Sathan so that the name of Peter is no foundation for the supremacie but as it is sayde in Scripture Fundati e●tes super fundamentum Apostolorum Prophetarum that is by participation for godly participation geueth names of things he myght be called the head of the Churche as the head of the Riuer is called the head because he was the fyrst that made this confession of Christe whiche is not an Argument for dignitie but for the qualitie that was in the man For the fyrst man is not euermore the best The Headman of a Queste is not alwayes the best man in the Queste but is chosen to bee the Headman for some other qualitie that is in hym Vertue may allure men so that the inferiour person in dignitie may be the better in place as the Kyng sometime chuseth a meane man to be of his Counsayle of whom he hath a good opinion yet is the Kyng the Kyng styll And in some case the Kyng of Englande might sende to Rome and if the Bishoppe of Rome were a man of suche wisedome vertue and learnyng that he were able in matters of controuersie concerning Religion to set a vnitie in the Churche of Englande the Kyng myght well enough sende vnto him for his Counsayle and helpe and yet shoulde not in so doyng geue the Byshoppe of Rome any superioritie ouer the Kyng For if a Kyng be sicke he will haue the best Phisition if he haue warre he will haue the best Captaine and yet are not those the superiours but the inferiours A Scholemaster is a subiect a Phisition is a subiect a Captaine is a subiect Counsellours are subiectes yet do these order and direct the Kyng Wherefore leauing the Bishop of Rome this I say to declare of what opinion I am of I do not now speake what I could say I haue spokē beyond the Seas I haue writtē my bookes be abroad But this is not the place here I say that this place maketh nothing for the Bishop of Rome but for Christe only for none can put Aliud fundamentum nisi id quod positum est qui est Christus Iesus But now to go forth declaring my mynde in my tyme hath come many alterations Fyrst a great alteration it was to renounce the Byshop of Romes authoritie and I was one that stode in it A great alteration it was that Abbayes were dissolued A great alteration it was that Images were pulled downe and to all these did I condescende and yet I haue beene counted a maynteiner of superstition and haue beene called a Maister of Ceremonies and of outwarde thynges and I haue beene noted to take that Religion which consisteth in outwarde thinges as though he were a right Christian that fulfylled the outwarde Ceremonies whereof I promised to declare my conscience and so will I and howe I haue esteemed ceremonies and that I haue neuer bene of other opinion then I am concerning ceremonies and mine opinion I haue gathered of Augustine and Ierome ancient fathers and Doctours of the Church Ceremonies serue to mooue menne to serue GOD and as longe as they bee vsed for that purpose they maye bee well vsed in the Churche but when manne maketh himselfe seruaunte to them and not them to serue hym then bee oure Ceremonies broughte to an abuse If by ouer muche familiaritie of them menne abuse them they doe euill For we must not serue creatures but Deo Wee hadde Monkerie Nunnerie Frierie of a wonderous noumber muche varietie of garmentes
was brought before the Bish. of Douer and Nich. Harpesfield or some other deputed in their roume long before the other two videlicet the xvj day of September and there had propounded vnto hym such ordinarie Articles as it seemeth as was commonly ministred by Boner to those of hys iurisdiction beyng willed for that present to depart and to deliberate with hymselfe vpon the matter agaynst the next tyme of his appearance he made aunswer that hee would no otherwyse say by Gods grace then hee had already sayde which was this As touchyng the Sacrament of Christes bodye I do beleeue quoth he to be left vnto hys Churche wyth thankes geuyng in commemoration of hys death passion vntill his commyng agayne So that it is left in remembraunce of hys body and not by the wordes of consecration to be made his body really substantially and the same body that was borne of the virgin Mary I vtterly do deny that After this besides sundry other tymes the third day of October the sayd Ioh. Web Gregory Roper George Parke were brought all three together before the sayd Iudge who there and then agreeyng and stedfastly allowyng the former aunswere made before by Maister Webbe were by the bloudy Prelates adiudged heretikes and therefore about the ende of the same month of October or els as I otherwyse finde in the latter ende of Nouember they together were taken and brought out of prison to the place of Martyrdom Who by the way goyng toward the stake sayd certaine Psalmes mournefully Roper was a yonger man of a fresh colour courage complexion the other two were somewhat more elderly all goyng in white linnen with their gownes vpon Roper at his commyng to the stake puttyng of hys gowne fet a great leape So soone as the flame was about hym the sayd Roper put out both hys armes from hys bodye lyke a Rood and so stood stedfast continuyng in that maner not pluckyng his armes in tyll the fire had consumed them and burnt them of And thus these foresayde Martyrs of Christ beeyng brought as I sayde to the stake and there compassed about with a chayne were burnt and consumed all thre together in one fire at Canterbury abidyng most patiently their torments and countyng themselues happy blessed of the lord that they were made worthy to suffer for Christes Gospels sake * William Wiseman THe 13. of Decemb. in the Lollards Tower died William Wiseman a Clothworker of London where hee ❧ The order and maner of burying in the Fields such as dyed in prison and namely of William Wiseman was in prison and bands for the Gospel worde of God How and whereupon he deceased it is not fully certaine Some thought that either through famine or ill handling of some murtheryng papists he was made away By reason whereof the Crouner named Iohn Gibbes Gentleman with an enquest of twelue men were fayne to sit vpō hym who although to the outward apperance were sayd to finde nothyng in hym els but onely Gods visitation yet what other priuy causes there might be of hys death the Lord knoweth I haue not to say After the sayd William was departed as is sayde in the Tower the holy Catholike church men cast hym out into the fieldes commanded that no man should bury him according as theyr deuout maner is to do with all such as dye in lyke sort whō they account as prophane and worthy of no buriall but to be cast to dogs and birdes 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 as the Poet sayeth And yet all this their mercilesse commaundement not withstandyng some good Tobies there were which buried hym in the euenyng as commonly they did all the rest throwen out in lyke sort whom they were woont priuily by night to couer and many tymes the Archers in the fields standyng by and singing together Psalmes at their buriall ¶ Iames Gore IN the same month about the 7. day of Decemb. deceased also Iames Gore in the prison at Colchester layed there in bands for the right and truth of Gods word ❧ The processe and historie of M. Iohn Philpot examined condemned and Martyred for the maintenance and defence of the Gospels cause against the Antichristian Sea of Rome NExt foloweth the constant Martyrdome of M. Iohn Philpot of whome partly ye heard before in the beginning of Queene Maries time in prosecutyng the disputation of the Conuocation house He was of a worshipfull house a knights sonne borne in Hamshire brought vp in the new Colledge in Oxford where he studied the Ciuill lawe the space of 6. or 7. yeares besides the study of other liberall artes especially of the tongs wherein very forwardly he profited namely in the knowledge of the Hebrue tong c. In wit●he was pregnāt and happy of a singuler courage in spirit feruent in religion zelous and also well practised and exercised in the same which is no small matter in a true deuine of nature and condition plaine and apert far from all flatterie farther from all hypocrisie and deceitfull dissimulation What his learnyng was hys owne examinations penned of hys owne hand can declare From Oxford desirous to see other countries as occasion serued thereunto he went ouer into Italy and places thereabouts where he commyng vpon a tyme from Uenice to Padua was in daunger through a certayne Franciscan Frier accompanying hym in hys iourney who cōmyng to Padua sought to accuse hym of heresie At length returnyng to England hys countrey agayne as the tyme ministred more boldnes to hym in the dayes of King Edward he had diuers conflictes with Gardiner the bishop in the Citye of Winchester as appeareth by dyuers of Winchesters letters and hys examinations Wherof read before After that hauyng an aduauson by the sayd B. he was made there Archdeacon of Winchester vnder D. Pomet who then succeeded Gardiner in that Bishoprike Thus duryng the tyme of K. Edward he continued to no small profite of those parties thereabout When that blessed king was taken away Mary hys sister came in place whose study was wholy bent to alter the state of religion in the wofull realme of England first she caused a Conuocation of the Prelates learned men to be congregate to the accomplishment of her desire In the which Conuocation M. Philpot beyng present accordyng to hys roume and degree with a few other susteined the cause of the Gospel manfully agaynst the aduersary part as is aboue recited for the which cause not withstandyng the liberty of the house promied before hee was called to accompt before B. Gardiner the Chauncellour then beyng hys Ordinary by whome he was first examined although that examination came not yet to our handes From thence agayne he was remooued to Boner and other Commissioners with whom he had dyuers sundry conflictes as in hys examination here followyng may appeare ¶ The first examination of M. Iohn Philpot before the Queenes
which say Lord Lord shall enter into the kingdome of God but he that doth the will of the father And whosoeuer in the tyme of tryall is ashamed of me sayth Christ and of my wordes of him the sonne of man will be ashamed before his father After that wee haue built our selues into the true church of God it hath pleased him by geuing vs ouer into the hands of the wicked sinagoges to proue our building to haue it knowne as wel to the world as to our selues that we haue bene wise builders into the true church of God vpon the rock not on the sand therefore nowe the tempest is risen and the stormes doe mightily blow agaynst vs that wee might notwithstanding stand vpright and be firme in the Lord to his honor and glory and to our eternall felicitie There is no newe thing happened vnto vs for with such tāpests dangerous weathers the church of God hath continually bene exercised Nowe once agayne as the Prophet Aggeus telleth vs The Lord shaketh the earth that those might abide for euer which be not ouerthrowne Therefore my dearely beloued be stable and immoueble in the word of God and in the faythfull obseruation therof and let no man deceiue you with vayn words saying that you may keepe your faith to your selues and dissemble with Antichrist and so liue at rest and quietnes in the world as most men doe yelding to necessitie Thys is the wisedome of the fleshe but the wisedome of the fleshe is death and enmitie to God as our sauiour for ensāple aptly did declare in Peter who exhorted Christ not to goe to Ierusalem to celebrate the Passouer and there to be slayn but counselled him to looke better to himselfe Likewise the worlde woulde not haue vs to forsake it neither to associate our selues to the true churche which is the body of Christ whereof we are liuely members and to vse the sacramentes after Gods word with the danger of our liues But we must learne to answere the world as Christ did Peter and say Go behynd me Sathan thou fauourest not the thinges of God Shall I not drinke of the cup whiche the father geueth me For it is better to bee afflicted and to be slayne in the church of God then to be counted the sonne of the king and the sinagogue of false religion Death for righteousnes is not to be abhorred but rather to bee desired which assuredly bringeth with it the crowne of euerlasting glory These bloudy executioners do not persecute Christes martyrs but crowne them with euerlasting felicitie we were borne into this world to be witnesses vnto the truth both learned and vnlearned Now since the time is come that we must shew our fayth and declare whether we will be Gods seruauntes in righteousnes holines as we haue bene taught are boūd to follow or els with hipocrisie to serue vnrighteousnes let vs take good heed that we be found faithfull in the Lords couenaunt and true members of hys Churche in that which through knowledge we are engraffed from the whiche if we fall by transgression with the common sort of people it will more straightly be required of vs then many yet doe make accompt therof We cannot serue two maysters we may not halt on both sides and thinke to please God we must bee feruent in Gods cause or els hee will cast vs out from him For by the first commaundement wee are commanded to loue God with all our hart with all our mind with all our power and strength but they are manifest transgressours of this commaundement which with their heart mynde or bodely power doe communicate with a straunge religion contrary to the word of God in the papisticall Sinagogue which calleth it selfe the Church and is not As greatly do they offend God now which so doe as the Israelites did in tymes past by forsaking Ierusalē the true churche of God and by going to Bethell to serue God in a congregation of theyr owne setting vp and after theyr own imaginations and traditions for the which doyng God vtterly destroyed all Israell as all the Prophetes almost doe testifie This happened vnto them for our ensample that we might beware to haue any fellowship with any like congregation to our destruction God hath one Catholicke church dispersed throughout the world and therfore we are taught in our Creed to beleue one Catholicke Churche to haue communion therwith which catholicke churche is grounded vpon the foundation of the Prophets and of the Apostles and vpō none other as S. Paule witnesseth to the Ephesians Therfore whersoeuer we perceaue any people to worship God truly after the word there we may be certayne the churche of Christe to bee vnto the whiche we ought to associate oure selues to desire with the Prophet Dauid to prayse God in the middest of this churche But if we hehold through iniquitie of time segregations to be made with counterfayt religion otherwise then the word of God doth teach wee ought then if we be required to be companions therof to say agayne with Dauid I haue hated the Sinagogue of the malignant and will not sit with the wicked In the Apocalips the church of Ephesus is highly commended because she tried such as said they were Apostles and were not in deede therfore would not abide the company of them Further God commanded his people that they shuld not seek Bethel neither enter into Gilgal where idolatry was vsed by the mouth of his Prophet Amos. Also wee must consider that our bodyes be the tēple of God whosoeuer as S. Paule teacheth doth prophane the tēple of God him the Lord wil destroy May we thē take the tēple of Christ make it the mēber of an harlot All strange religion and Idolatry is counted whoredome with the Prophetes and that more detestable in the sight of God then the aduoutrous abuse of the bodye Therfore the Princes of the earthe in the reuelation of S. Iohn be sayd to go a whoring whē they are in loue with false religion and follow the same How then by any meanes may a christian man thinke it tollerable to be present at the popish priuate Masse which is the very prophanation of the sacrament of the body and bloud of Christ and at other idolatrous worshippings and rites which be not after the word of God but rather to the derogation therof in setting mans traditions aboue Gods preceptes since God by his word iudgeth all straunge religion whiche is not according to his institutiō for whoredom aduoutry Some fondly think that the presence of the body is not materiall so that the hart doe not consent to theyr wicked doings But suche persons litle consider what S. Paule writeth to the Corinthians commaunding them to glorifie God as well in body as in soule Moreouer wee can doe no greater iniury to the true Church of Christ
meere office for thy soule health for reformation of thyne offences and misdemeanours nourishyng thee in the vertue of obedience and vnder the paynes of both censures of the Churche and also of other paynes of the lawe to aunswere fully playnely and truely to all the same 1 FIrst that thou N. hast firmly stedfastly and constātly beleeued in tymes past and so doest now beleue at this present that there is here in earth a catholike Church in the which Catholike Church the fayth and religion of Christ is truely professed allowed receyued kept and reteined of all faithfull and true christian people 2. Item that thou the sayd N. in tymes past hast also beleeued and so doest beleeue at this present that there are in the Catholique Church seuen Sacramentes instituted ordeined by God and by the consent of the holy churche allowed approoued receiued kept and reteyned 3. Item that thou the sayd N. wast in tymes past baptised in the fayth of the sayd catholike church professyng by thy godfather and godmothers the fayth and Religion of Christ and the obseruation thereof renouncing there the deuil all hys pomps and works and wast by the said sacrament of baptisme incorporate to the catholike church made a faythfull member thereof 4. Item that thou the sayd N. commyng to the age of 14. yeares and so to the age of discretion didst not depart from the sayd profession and fayth nor diddest mislike any part of the same fayth or doyngs but diddest like a faythfull Christian person abide and continue in all the same by the space of certayne yeares ratifieng and confirmyng all the same 5. Item that thou the said N. notwithstanding the premisses hast of late that is to say within these two yeares last past within the City dioces of London swarued at the lest way from some part of the sayd catholike faith and religion and among other thyngs thou hast misliked and earnestly spoken agaynst the sacrifice of the Masse the sacrament of the altar and the vnity of the church raisyng malignyng on the authoritie of the See of Rome and the fayth obserued in the same 6 Item that thou the sayd N. hast heretofore refused doest refuse at this present to be reconciled againe to the vnitie of the church knowledging and confessing the autoritie of the sayd See of Rome to be lawfull 7 Item that thou the sayd N. mislikyng the sacrifice of the Masse and the sacrament of the aultar hast refused to come to thy parish Church to heare Masse and to receyue the sayd Sacrament and hast also expresly sayd that in the sayd Sacrament of the aultar there is not the very bodye and bloud of our Sauiour Christ really substantially truly but hast affirmed expresly that the Masse is idolatry and abhomination and that in the Sacrament of the aultar there is none other substance but only material bread and materiall wyne which are tokens of Christes body bloud onely and that the substance of Christes bodye and bloud is in no wyse in the sayd Sacrament of the aultar 8 Item that thou the sayd N. beyng conuented before certaine Iudges or Commissioners for thy disorder herein and beyng found obstinate wilfull and heady wast by their commaundement sent vnto me and my prison to be examined by me Processe to be made against thee for thy offence herein 9. Item that all and singuler the premisses haue bene and be true and manifest and thy selfe not onely infamed and suspected therof but also culpable therin and by reason of the same thou wast and art of the iurisdiction of me Edmund B. of London and before me accordingly to the order of the Ecclesiasticall lawes art to be conuented and also by me to be punished and reformed ¶ Here follow likewyse their aunsweres in a generall made to the Articles aboue rehearsed ¶ And first concernyng the first Article in beleeuyng there is a Catholike Church TO the first Article they altogether agreeyng affirmed the same to bee true Iohn Tudson and Thomas Browne further addyng that the Church of England as it was at that present vsed was no part of the true catholike Church ¶ Concernyng the second Article that there be in the Churche seuen Sacraments To the second Article they aunswered that they acknowledged but onely two Sacraments in Christes catholike Church that is to say Baptisme and the Supper of the Lord Iohn Went and Tudson affirmyng that the sacrament of the aultar as it is vsed is an Idoll and no sacrament at all ¶ Concernyng the third Article that they were first baptised in the fayth of the Catholike Church professing by their Godfathers the profession of the same c. To the third article they agreed and confessed all to be true that they were baptised in the fayth of Christ and of the church then taught and afterward duryng the time of K. Edward the vj. they hearyng the Gospel preached and the truth opened followed the order of religion doctrine then vsed and set foorth in the raigne of the sayd kyng Edward Concernyng the fourth Article that they for the space of certayne yeares did ratifie or allowe and not departe from any part of the profession of the same Church To this fourth Article they graunted also and agreed Iohn Went addyng moreouer that about seuen yeares past he then beyng about twenty yeares of age began to mislyke certayne thyngs vsed in the Church of England as the ministration of the Sacrament of the aultare likewyse all the ceremonies of the sayd Church and dyd lykewyse at that present tyme mislike the same as they were vsed although hys godfathers and godmothers promised for hym the contrary Iohn Tudson added also in much like sort and sayde that when he came to the yeres of discretion that is about nine yeares past beyng about eighteene yeares of age he did mislike the doctrine and religion then taught and set forth in the church of England sauyng in king Edwards tyme in whose tyme the Gospell was truly set forth and further sayde that the doctrine set forth in the Queenes raigne was not agreeable to Gods word nor yet to the true catholike church that Christ speaketh of c. Isabell Foster with other graunted adding likewyse and saying to the sayde foure Articles that she continued in the same faith and Religion which she was baptised in after she came to the yeres of discretion as other common people did howbeit blindly and without knowledge till the raigne of King Edward the sixt at which tyme shee hearing the Gospel truly preached and opened to the people receyued thereupon the fayth and religion then taught and set forth c. ¶ Concernyng the fift Article that they of late yeares haue swarued and gone away misliked and spokē agaynst the profession of the same Church at least some part thereof especially the sacrifice of the Masse the Sacrament of the aultar
Christ our redemer brother and the blessed company of Aungels and all faithfull saued soules Of the incomparable good thinges and heauenlye treasures layd vp for vs in heauen by Christ Iesu. For the obteining wherof we ought to set light by all temporall griefes and transitorye afflictions so much the more in that our good God is faythfull will not suffer vs to be tempted aboue our strength that namely in the end of our life when the tree where it falleth lieth styll as the preacher sayth when euery one causa sua dormit causa sua resurget for els before the ende he suffereth his sometime to fall but not finally to peryshe as Peter sinked vpon the Sea but yet was not drowned and sinned grieuouslye vpon the land thorow infirmity denying his Mayster but yet found mercy for the righteous falleth oftentimes And Christes holye Apostles are taught to ●ay remitte nobis debita nostra Yea though the righteous fall sayth Dauid he shall not be cast away for the Lord vpholdeth him with his hand Oh the bottomlesse mercy of God towardes vs miserable sinners He vouchsafe to plant in my heart true repentaunce and fayth to the obteining of remission of all my sinnes in the mercies of God and merites of Christ his sonne and therto I pray you say Amen Oh my hartely beloued it grieueth me to see the spoyle hauocke that Saule maketh with the congregation of Christe but what remedy This is Gods will and ordinaunce that his people shall here both be punished in the fleshe and tryed in theyr fayth as it is written Many are the troubles of the righteous but the Lord deliuereth them out of all for by a strayt path and narrowe doore must we enter Whether Into the ioyfull kyngdome of heauen therefore blessed are you and other that suffer persecution for Christes sake for the professing of the same Pray for me my felowes good brother that we may fight a good fight that we may keepe the fayth and ende our course with ioyfull gladnesse for now the time of our deliueraunce is at hand The Lord guide defend and keep vs and you and al his people in our iourney that we may safely through a shorte death passe to that long lasting life Farewell my deare and louing brother and felowe souldiour in Christ farewell I say in him who receiue our soules in peace when they shall depart from these tabernacles and he graunte vs a ioyfull resurrection and a mery meeting at the last day continuall dwelling together in his eternall heauenlye kingdome through Iesus Christ our Lord Amen Yours with my poore prayer other pleasure can I do you none Thomas Whittell Minister * To my deare brethren M. Filles and Cutbert MY deare and welbeloued brethren in Christ Mayster Filles and Cutbert I wish you all welfare of soule body Welfare to the soule is repentance of sinne faythfull affiaunce in Christ Iesus a godly life Welfare to the body is the health of the same with all necessary thinges for this bodely life The soule of man is immortall and therefore ought to be well kept least immortality to ioy should turne to immortality of sorow As for the body be it neuer so well kept and much made of yet shortly by nature will it perish and decay But those that are engraffed incorporated into Christe by true fayth feeling the motion of Gods holy spirite as a pledge of theyr election and inheritaunce exciting and styrring them not onely to seek heauenly thinges but also to hate vice and embrace vertue will not onely doe these thinges but also if need requyre will gladly take vp theyr Crosse and folow their capteine their king theyr Sauior Iesus Christ as his poore afflicted church of England now doth agaynst that false and Antichristian doctrine and religion now vsed specially that blasphemous Masse wherin Christs supper and holy ordinaunce is altogether peruerted abused contrarye to his institutiō to Paules procedinges so that that which they haue in theyr Masse is neither Sacrament of Christ nor yet sacrifice for sinne as the Priestes falsely pretend It is a sacrament that is as S. Augustine saith a visible sign of inuisible grace when it is ministred to the communicants according to Christes example and as it was of late yeres in this realm And as for sacrifice there is none to be made now for sinne for Christ with one sacrifice hath perfited for euer those that are sanctified Beware of false Religion and mens vayne traditiōs and serue God with reuerence and godlye feare according to the doctrine of his Gospell whereto cleaue ye that yee may be blessed though of wicked men ye bee hated and accursed Rather drink of the cup of Christ with his church then of the cuppe of that rosecoloured whore of Babilon which is full of abhominations Rather striue ye to go to heauen by the path which is strait to flesh and bloud with the litle flock then to goe in the wide waye folowing the enticementes of the world and the flesh which leadeth to damnation Like as Christ suffered in the flesh sayeth S. Peter so arme ye your selues with the same minde for Christ suffred for vs leauing vs example to folow his footsteps Blessed are they that suffer for his sake great is their reward in heauen He that ouercommeth sayth S. Iohn shall eat of the tree of life he shall haue a crowne of life not be hurt of the second death he shall be clothed with white araye not be put out of the booke of life Yea I will confesse his name sayth Christ before my father and before his Aungels he shal be a piller in the house of God and sitte with me on my seat And thus I bidde you farewell myne owne Brethren and deare felowes in Christ. Whose grace and peace be alway with you Amen This world I do forsake To Christ I me betake And for his Gospell sake Paciently death I take My body to the dust Now to returne it must My soule I know full well With my God it shal dwel Thomas Whittell ¶ An other Letter of M. Thomas Whittell written to a certayne Godly woman OH my deare and louing sister in Christe be not dismayde in this storme of persecution for Paule calleth the Gospell the word of the Crosse because it is neuer truely taught but the crosse and cruell persecution immediately and necessarily doeth folow the same and therfore it is a manifest token of Gods truth and hath bene here and is still abroade and that is a cause of the rage and crueltye of Sathan agaynste Christe and his members which must bee corrected for theyr sinnes in this worlde theyr fayth must be tried that after triall and pacient suffering the faythfull may receiue the crowne of glorye Feare not therefore my welbeloued but proceede in the knowledge and feare of God
sayde by the fayth I owe to God I take this man here my L. of Canterbury to bee of all other a most faythfull subiect vnto vs and one to whom we are much beholding geuyng him great commendations otherwise And with that one or two of the chiefest of the Counsaile makyng their excuse declared that in requesting his induraunce it was rather ment for hys triall and his purgation agaynst the common fame and slaunder of the world then for any malice conceyued agaynst hym Well well my Lordes quoth the kyng take hym and well vse hym as he is worthy to be and make no more adoe And with that euery man caught hym by the hand and made fayre weather of altogethers which might easily bee done with that man And it was much to be meruailed that they would go so far with hym thus to seeke his vndoyng this well vnderstandyng before that the kyng most entirely loued him and always would stand in hys defence whosoeuer spake against hym as many other tymes the Kynges pacience was by sinister informations agaynst hym tried In so much that the Lorde Cromwell was euermore woont to say vnto hym My Lord of Caunterbury you are most happy of all men for you may doe and speake what you list and say what all men can agaynst you the kyng wyll neuer beleeue one worde to your detriment or hinderance I am sure I take more paynes then all the counsaile doth and spend more largely in the Kings affayres as well beyond the seas as on this side yea I assure you euen very spies in other forreine Realmes and at Rome else where costeth me aboue one 1000. markes a yeare and doe what I can to bryng matters to knowledge for the commoditie of the King and the Realme I am euery day chidden and many false tales now and then beleeued agaynst me and therefore you are most happy for in no poynt can you be discredited with the kyng To this the Archbishop agayne aunsweryng If the kyngs Maiestie were not good to me that way I were not able to stande and endure one whole weeke but your wisedome and pollicy is such that you are able to shift well enough for your selfe Now when the kyngs highnes had thus benignly mercifully dispatched the sayd Archbishop from this sore accusation by the Counsaile layd agaynst hym all wise mē would haue thought that it had bene meere follye afterwards to haue attēpted any matter agaynst hym but yet looke where malice raigneth there neither reason nor honesty can take place Such therfore as had conceiued deep rancor and displeasure agaynst hym ceased not to persecute hym by all possible meanes Then brought they against him a new kynde of accusation and caused sir Iohn Gostwike knight a man of a contrary religion to accuse the Archb. openly in the Parliament house laying to hys charge his sermons preched at Sandwich his Lectures red at Canterbury wherein should be conteined manifest heresies agaynst the Sacrament of the aultar c. Whiche accusation came to the kyngs eare Why quoth the kyng where dwelleth Gostwike As I take it eyther in Bedfordshire or Buckinghamshire and hath he so opē an eare that he can heare my L. of Cant. preachyng out of Kent This is very like sayde the kyng If hee had bene a Kentishman there had bene some thyng worthy of consideration but as for Gostwike I know him well enough and what good religion he is of Go to hym and tell hym sayd the king to one of his priuy chamber if he go not to my L. of Cant. and so reconcile hymselfe to hym that he may become hys good Lord I will pull the Goslings fethers so that hereafter he shall haue little lust to slaunder the Metropolitane or any other learned man When sir I. Gostwike heard these words it was no neede to bid hym hast hymselfe to Lambheth vnto the Metropolitane makyng to hym as many friends as possible he myght When hee came to the Archb. he was fayne to disclose vnto hym by what meanes he was procured to doe that he did requestyng hys clemency to be his good lord or els he tooke him selfe vtterly vndone beyng so in the kyngs indignation as he vnderstood he was by that afore declared which sute was soone wonne at hys hand and so the Archb. castyng into the satchell behynd him all those sir Iohn Gostwikes ingratitudes went to the king and wan to sir Iohn hys princes fauour agayne And thus the kyng made a short end of this accusation Well here you may perceyue that malicious inuention went not the wisest way to worke to procure a stranger dwellyng a farre of to accuse the Archbishoppe of hys doctrine preached in his Diocesse and therfore hath blind malice learned some more wisedome nowe to accuse the Archbishop in such sort as he shall neuer be able to auoyd it And therfore it was procured by hys ancient enemies that not onely the Prebendaries of his Cathedral Church in Caunterbury but also the moste famous Iustices of Peace in the Shire should accuse hym and Article against hym which in very deed was most substantially brought to passe and the Articles both well written and subscribed were deliuered to the kyngs highnesse as a thyng of such effect that there must needes follow to the said Archbishop both indignation of the prince and condigne punishment for hys grieuous offence committed by him and his chaplaines in preachyng such erroneous doctrine as they did within his Diocesse of Cant. whereof they beyng such witnesse of credite no man had cause to doubt of their circumspect doyngs This accusation articularly sent out was deliuered to the Kyng by some of the Counsailes meanes When the kyng had perused the booke he wrapt it vp and put it into hys sleeue and findyng occasion to solace hymselfe vpon the Thames came with hys Barge furnished with hys Musitions a long by Lambeth bridge towards Chelsey The noyse of the Musitions prouoked the Archb. to resort to the bridge to do his duety and to salute hys prince Whome when the kyng had perceyued to stand at the bridge eftsoones he commaunded the Watermen to draw towards the shore and so came straite to the Bridge Ah my Chaplaine sayd the kyng to the Archb. Come into the barge to me The Archb. declared to his highnes that he would take his owne barge and waite vppon hys maiestie No sayd the kyng you must come into my barge for I haue to talke with you When the kyng the Archbishop all alone in the barge were set together sayde the kyng to the Archb. I haue newes out of Kent for you my Lord. The Archb. answered Good I hope if it please your highnes Marry sayd the king they be so good that I now know the greatest heretike in Kent and with that pulled out of hys sleeue the booke of Articles agaynst both the said Archb. and his preachers and gaue
same booke And finally because those worthy Martyrs had neither libertye nor leysure to go through with that trauaile that which lacked in them for accomplishment of that behalfe was supplied shortlye after by Peter Martyr who aboundantly and substantially hath ouerthrowne that booke in his learned Desension of the trueth agaynst the false Sophistication of Marcus Antonius aforesayd Besides these bookes aboue recited of this archbishop diuers other thinges there were also of his doing as the booke of the reformation the Catechisme with the booke of Homelies whereof part was by him contriued parte by his procurement approued and published Whereunto also may be adioyned an other writing or confutation of his agaynst 88. Articles by the conuocation deuised and propounded but yet not ratified nor receiued in the reigne time of king Henry the eight And thus much hetherto concerning the doynges and trauelles of this Archbishop of Caunterbury duringe the lyues both of kynge Henrye and of kinge Edwarde hys sonne Which two kinges so long as they continued this Archbishop lacked no staye of maynteinaunce agaynst all his maligners Afterward this king Edward Prince of most worthy towardnesse falling sicke when hee perceyued that hys death was at hande and the force of his paynefull disease woulde not suffer him to liue longer and knowing that his sister Mary was wholy wedded to popish Religion bequeathed the succession of this Realm to the Lady Iane a Ladye of greate byrthe but of greater learning being Neece to king Henry the eight by his sister by consent of all the Councell and lawers of this realme To this testament of the kinges when all the Nobles of the Realme states and Iudges had subscribed they sent for the Archbishop and required him that he also would subscribe But he excusing himselfe on this maner sayd that it was other wise in the testament of king Hēry his father and that he had sworn to the successiō of Mary as then the next heire by which oth he was so bound that without manifest periury he could not go from it The Councell answered that they were not ignoraunt of that and that they had consciences as well as he and moreouer that they were sworne to that testament and therfore he should not thinke there was any daunger therein or that he should be in no more perill of periury then the rest To this the Archbishop answered that he was iudge of no mans conscience but his owne and therefore as hee would not be preiudiciall to others so he would not commit his conscience vnto other mens factes or cast himselfe to daunger seing that euery man shoulde geue account of his owne conscience and not of other mens And as concerning subscription before he had spoken with the kynge himselfe he vtterly refused to do it The king therefore being demaunded of the Archbyshop concerning this matter sayde that the Nobles and Lawyers of the Realme counselled him vnto it and perswaded him that the bond of the first testament coulde nothing let but that this Lady Iane might succeede hym as heyre and the people without daunger acknowledge her as theyr Queene Who then demaūding leaue of the king that he might first talke with certayne Lawye●s that were in the Court when they all agreed that by law of the realme it might be so returning to the king with much ado he subscribed Well not long after this king Edwarde dyed beyng almost sixtene yeares olde to the great sorowe but greater calamity of the whole Realme After whose decease immediatelye it was commaunded that the Ladye Iane which was vnwilling thereunto shoulde be proclaymed Queene Which thing much misliked the common people not that they did so much fauor Mary before whom they saw the Lady Iane preferred as for the hatred conceiued agaynst some whom they could not fauor Besides this other causes there happened also of discord betwene the nobles and the commons the same time for what iniuryes of commons and enclosures wrongfully holden wyth other inordinate polinges vncharitable dealing betwene the landlordes and tenauntes I cannot tell But in fyne thus the matter fell out that Mary hearing of the death of her brother and shifting for her selfe was so assisted by the Commons that eftsoones shee preuayled Who being established in the possession of the realme not long after came to London and after she had caused first the two Fathers the Duke of Northumberland and the Duke of Suffolke to be executed as is aboue remembred likewise she caused the Lady Iane being both in age tender and innocent frō this crime after she coulde by no meanes be turned frō the constancy of her fayth together with her husband to be beheaded The rest of the nobles paying fines were forgeuen the Archbishop of Cant. onely excepted Who though he desired pardon by meanes of frendes could obteine none in so much that the Queene would not once vouchsafe to see him For as yet the olde grudges agaynst the Archbishop for the deuorcemēt of her mother remayned hid in the bottome of her hart Besides this diuorce she remembred the state of religion chaunged all whiche was reputed to the Archbishop as the chiefe cause therof While these thinges were in doing a rumor was in all mens mouthes that the Archbishop to curry fauour with the Queene had promised to say a Dirige Masse after the old custome for the funeral of king Edward her brother Neither wanted there some which reported that he had already sayd Masse at Caunterbury which Masse in deed was sayd by D. Thornton This rumour Cranmer thynkyng speedely to stay gaue forth a writing in his purgation the tenour whereof being before expressed I need not here agayne to recite This bill being thus written and lying openlye in a window in his chamber commeth in by chaunce M. Scory Bishop then of Rochester who after he had read pervsed the same required of the Archbishop to haue a Copy of the bill The Archbishop when he had graūted and permitted the same to M. Scory by the occasion thereof M. Scory lending it to some frēd of his there were diuers copyes taken out thereof and the thing published abroad among the cōmon people in so much that euery scriueners shop almost was occupied in writing and copying out the same and so at length some of these copies comming to the Bishops handes and so brought to the Counsel and they sending it to the Commissioners the matter was known and so he commaunded to appeare Wherupon D. Cranmer at his day prefixed appeared before the sayd Commissioners bringing a true Inuentory as he was commaunded of all his goodes That done a Bishop of the Queenes priuy counsell being one of the sayd Commissioners after the Inuentory was receiued bringing in mention of the bill My Lord sayd he there is a bil put forth in your name wherein you seeme to be agreeued with setting vp the Masse agayne we doubt not but you are
Paulum contra vetus nouum Testamētum and that he Plenitudine potestatis tantum potest quantum Deus That is Agaynst Peter agaynst Paule agaynste the olde and new Testament and of the fulnes of power may doe as muche as God O Lord who euer heard suche blasphemy I● there be any man that can aduaunce himself aboue him let hym be iudged Antichrist This enemy of God and of our redemption is so euydently paynted out in the scriptures by such manifest signes and tokens which all so clearely appeare in him that except a man will shut vpp hys eyes and heart agaynste the light he cannot but know hym and therefore for my part I will neuer geue my consent to the receiuing of hym into this Church of England And you my Lorde and the rest that sit here in Commission consider well and examyne your owne consciences you haue sworn agaynst him you are learned and can iudge of the trueth I pray God you ●e not wilfully blind As for me I haue herein discharged myne owne conscience toward the world and I wil write also my minde to her grace touching this matter The copy of which letter sent to the Queene ye shal finde after in the end of hys story While he in this sorte made hys aunswere ye heard before how Doctor Story and Martin diuers tymes interrupted him with blasphemous talke and would fayn haue had the Byshop of Glocester to put hym to silence who notwithstanding did not but suffered hym to end his tale at full After this ye heard also how they proceeded to examine hym of diuers articles wherof the chief was That at the tyme of hys creating Archbishop of Canterbury he was sworne to the Pope and had his institution and induction from him and promised to mayntayne then the authoritie of that See and therefore was periured wherefore he should rather sticke to his first othe and returne to hys old fold again then to continue obstinately in an othe forced in the tyme of schisme To that he aunswered sauing hys protestation whiche terme he vsed before all hys aunsweres that at suche time as Archb. Warrham dyed hee was Embassadour in Germanie for the K. who sent for hym thereuppon home hauing intelligence by some of his frends who wer nere about the king how he ment to bestow the same Byshoprick vpon hym and therefore counselled him in the case to make haste home he feeling in himself a great inhabilitie to such a promotion and very sory to leaue hys study and especially considering by what meanes he must haue it whiche was cleane agaynst hys conscience whiche hee coulde not vtter without great perill and daunger deuised an excuse to the king of matter of great importaunce for the whiche his longer abode there should be most necessary thinking by that meanes in hys absence that the kyng would haue bestowed it vpon some other and so remayned there by the deuise one halfe yeare after the king had written for him to come home But after that no suche matter fell out as hee seemed to make suspition of the king sent for hym agayn Who after hys returne vnderstanding stil the Archbishopricke to be reserued for hym made meanes by diuers of hys best frendes to shift it off desiring rather some smaller liuing that he might more quietly follow his booke To be briefe when the king himselfe spake with him declaring his full intention for his seruice sake and for the good opinion he conceiued him was to bestowe that dignitie vpon him after long disabling of himself perceiuing he could by no perswasions alter the kinges determination he brake franckly his conscience with him most humbly crauing first his Graces pardon for that he should declare vnto his highnesse Which obtained he declared that if he accepted the Office then he must receaue it at the popes hand whiche he neyther would nor could do for that hys highnesse was onely the supreme Gouernour of this church of England as well in causes Ecclesiasticall as Temporall and that the full right and donation of all manner of Bishoppricks and Benefices as wel as of any other Tēporall dignities and promotions appertayned to hys Grace not to any other forraine authoritie whatsoeuer it was and therfore if he might serue God in that vocation him and his countrey seeing it was his pleasure so to haue it he would accepte it and receaue it of his maiestie and of none other straunger who had no authoritie within this realme neither in any such gifte nor in anye other thing Whereat the king said he staying a while and musing asked me how I was able to proue it At which time I alledged many textes out of the scriptures and the Fathers also approuing the supreme and highest authority of kinges in their realmes and dominions disclosing therewithall the intollerable vsurpation of the Pope of Rome Afterwardes it pleased his highnes quoth the Archb. many and sundry tymes to talke with me of it and perceiuing that I could not be brought to acknowledge the authoritie of the B. of Rome the king himselfe called Doct. Oliuer and other Ciuill Lawyers deuised with them how he might bestow it vpon me inforcing me nothing against my conscience Who therupon informed him that I might do it by the way of protestation so one to be sente to Rome who might take the othe and do euery thing in my name Which when I vnderstood I sayd he should do it Super animam suam and I in deed Bona fide made my protestation that I did not acknowledge his authoritie anye further then as it agreed with the expresse word of God that it might be lawfull for me at al times to speak against him and to impugne his erroures when time and occasion should serue me And this my protestation did I cause to be enrolled and there I thinke it remayneth They obiected to him also that he was maryed whiche he confessed Whereupon D. Martin said that his children were bondmen to the See of Caunterbury At which saying the Archb. smiled and asked him if a priest at his benefice kept a Concubine and had by her bastardes whether they were bondmen to the Benefice or no sayinge I trust you will make my childrens causes no worse After this Doctour Martine demaunded of hym who was supreme heade of the Churche of Englande Marye quoth my Lord of Caunterbury Christe is heade of thys member as he is of the whol body of the vniuersal church Why quoth Doctor Martin you made king Henrye the eight supreme head of the Church Yea sayd the Archbyshop of al the people of England as well Ecclesiasticall as Temporall And not of the church sayd Martin No sayde he for Christ is onely head of hys church and of the fayth and religion of the same The king is head and gouernor of hys people which are the visible churche What quoth Martin you neuer durst tell
that he may exalt you when the time is come Cast all youre care on him for he careth for you Be sober and watche for your aduersarye the Deuil like a roaring Lyon walketh about seeking whō hee may deuour whom resist steadfast in fayth remembring that ye do but fulfill the same afflictions that are appoynted to youre brethren that are in the worlde The God of all grace that called you vnto his eternall glory by Christe Iesus shall his owne selfe after you haue suffered a little affliction make you perfect shall settle strengthen and stablish you To him be glory and dominiō for euer and while the world endureth Amen Greete one an other with an holy kisse of loue Peace be with you all which are in Christ Iesus I pray you all say Amen These be in the same prison where I am the Bishop of S. Dauids Doctor Taylor of Hadley maister Philpot and my singular good father M. Bradford with fiue other of Sussex lay men I desire some good brother to write this newe for I wrote it as I do many times with feare For if the kepers had found me they would haue taken it from me my pen and inke also Good brethren I am kept alone and yet I thank God he comforteth me past all the comfort of anye man for I thanke him I was neuer meryer in Christ. By me William Tyms prisoner in the Kinges Benche About this time or somewhat before came down certayne Commissioners assigned by the Queene and Counsayle to Northfolke and Suffolke as to other countryes els besides to enquire of matters of Religion vnto the which Commissioners there was a Supplicatiō then exhibited by some good and well disposed men as by the same may appeare dwelling about those parties Which Supplication as I thought it not vnworthy to bee read bearing the date of thys presēt yeare to be printed so I thought it was not to be omittted nor vnworthy here to bee placed in consideration of the fruite which thereof might ensue to the reader ¶ A certayne godly Supplication exhibited by certayne inhabitauntes of the Country of Northfolke to the Commissioners comming downe to Northfolke and Suffolke fruitfull to be read and marked of all men IN most hūble and lowly wise we beseeche your honors right honorable Commissioners to tender and pitty the humble sute of vs poore men and true faythfull and obedient subiectes who as we haue euer heretofore so intend we with Gods grace to continue in Christian obedience vnto the end and according to the word of God with all reuerend feare of God to do our boundē duety to all those superiour powers whom God hath appoynted ouer vs doing as S. Paule sayth Let euery soule be subiect to the superiour powers For there is no power but of God but those powers that are are ordayned of God Wherefore whosoeuer resisteth the powers the same resisteth God they that resist get themselues iudgement These lessons right honorable Cōmissioners we haue learned of the holy word of God in our mother tongue First that the authoritie of a king Queene Lord and other theyr officers vnder them is no tyrannicall vsurpation but a iust holy lawfull and necessary estate for man to be gouerned by and that the same is of God the fountayne and authour of righteousnes Secondly that to obey the same in all thinges not against God is to obey God and to resist them as to resist God Therefore as to obey God in his Ministers Magistrates bringeth life so to resist God in them bryngeth punishment and death The same lesson haue we learned of S. Peter saying Be ye subiect to all humayne ordinaunces for the Lordes sake whether it be to the king as to the moste highest or to the Lieutenaunts sent from him to the punishment of euill doers but to the prayse of suche as do well For so is the will of GOD that with well doyng ye should stop the mouthes of foolishe and ignoraunt men as free and not as hauing the lybertie to be a cloke to malice but as the seruauntes of God Wherfore considering with our selues both that the Magistrates power is of God and that for the Lordes sake wee be bound to Christian obedience vnto them hauing now presently a commaundement as though it were from the Queenes maiestie with all humble obedience due to the regall power and authoritie ordayned of God which we acknowledge to stād whole perfectly in her grace and with due reuerence vnto you her graces commissioners we humbly beseeche you with pacience and pittye to receaue this our answere vnto this cōmandement guen vnto vs. First right honourable Commissioners we haue considered our selues to be not onely English men but also Christians and therefore bound by the holy vow made to God in our Baptisme to preferre Gods honoure in all thinges and that all obedience not onely of vs mortall men but euen of the very Aungels and heauenly spirites is due vnto Gods word in so much that no obediēce can be true and perfect either before God or man that wholy and fully agreeth not with Gods word Then haue we weighed the commandemēt concerning the restitution of the late abolished latine seruice geuē vnto vs to discent and disagree frō gods word to cōmand manifest impietie and the ouerthrowe of godlines true religion to import a subuersion of the regall power of this our natiue country realme of Englande wyth the bringing in of the Romish Bishops supremacie with all errours superstitions and idolatry wasting of our goods bodyes destroying of our soules bringing with it nothing but the seuere wrath of God which we already feele feare least the same shall be more fiercely kindled vppon vs. Wherfore we humbly protest that wee cannot be perswaded that the same wicked commaundement shoulde come from the Queenes maiestie but rather from some other abusing the Queenes goodnes and fauour and studying to worke some feate against the Queene her crown the Realme to please with it the Romane Bishoppe at whose handes the same thinketh hereafter to be aduaunced As the Agagite Aman wrought maliciously agaynst the noble king Assuerus and as the Princes of Babell wrought agaynst the good king Darius so thinke we the queenes most gentle hart to be abused of some who seking thēselues their own vayn glory procure such cōmandements as are against the glory of God For we cannot haue so euill an opinion in her maiestie that she should subuert the most godly holy religiō so accordingly to gods worde set forth by the most noble vertuous and innocent king a very saynct of God our late moste deare king Edw. her graces brother except she were wonderfully abused who as hating reformation will rather the destruction of al others then acknowledge theyr errors to be accordynge to gods word reformed For truly the religiō lately set forth by K. Edw. is
such in our consciences as euery Christian man is bound to confesse to be the truth of God and euery member of Christes church here in England must needes embrace the same in heart and confesse it with mouth if need require loose and forsake not onely house land possessions riches wife children and friends but also if God will so call them gladly to suffer all manner of persecution and to loose their liues in the defence of GODS worde and trueth set out amongest vs. For our Sauiour Christ requireth the same of vs saying Who soeuer shal be ashamed of me and my worde before this adulterous and sinfull generation the sonne of man will also be ashamed of hym when he shall come in the glorye of his father with the holye Aungels And agayne sayth he Who soeuer will confesse me before men I will confesse him before my father that is in heauen And who soeuer will deny me before men I will also deny hym before my father that is in heauen And whosoeuer shall speake a worde agaynst the sonne of man it shall be forgeuen him but who soeuer shall rayle against the holy ghost it shall not be forgeuē him We humbly beseeche the Queenes Maiestie and you her honorable Commissioners bee not offended with vs for confessing this truth of God so straightly geuen vs in charge of Christ neither bring vppon vs that great sinne that neuer shall be forgeuen and shall cause our Sauiour Iesu Christ in the great day of iudgement before his heauenly Father all his Aungels to deny vs to take frō vs the blessed price and raunsome of his bloudshed wherwith we are redeemed For in that day neither the Queenes highnes neither you nor any man shal be able to excuse vs nor to purchase a pardon of Christ for this horrible sinne and blasphemye of casting aside and condemning his word We can not agree nor consent vnto this so horrible a sinne but we beseeche God for his mercy to geue vs and all menne grace moste earnestly to flee from it and rather if the will of God be so to suffer all extremitie and punishment in thys world then to incurre such damnation before God Manasses who restored agayn the wickednes of idolatrous religiō before put down by Ezechias his father brought the wrath of God vpon the people so that the scriptures sayth Notwithstanding the reformation made by Iosias the Lord turned not from the fiercenes of his great wrath wherwith hee was angrye agaynst Iuda because of the prouocation with the which Manasses prouoked him And the Lord said euen Iuda will I take away from my presence as I cast away Israell I will cast away this Citty of Ierusalem and the house whereof I sayd my name shall be there Ieroboam who at Bethel and Dan erected vp a new found seruice of God and not onely sinned himselfe but also made all Israel to sinne with him so that not onely he was damned for commaunding but the wrath of God came vppon all Israell for obeing that his vngodly commandement Yet was it not so heynous offence to bring man Idolatry neither yet heard of as after reformation made by the godly kinges and princes by the vertuous and holy Bishoppes by the Prophets and seruaunts of God to reiecte and cast of the word and true Religion of GOD and to receaue againe a damned impietie This moste heynous offence is now offered vnto vs although the same be paynted and coloured with the name of reformation restoring of religion auncient fayth wyth the name of the catholicke Churche of vnitie Catholicke truth with the cloke of fayned holines These are sheepe skinnes vnder the which as Christ saith rauening Wolues couer themselues But Christ willeth vs to looke vpon their fruites whereby we may know them and truely this is no good fruite to cast aside Gods word and to bānish the English seruice out of the Churches and in the place of it to bring in a latine tongue vnknowne vnto the people Which as it edifieth no man so hath it bene occasion of all blindnes and errour amonge the people For afore the blessed reformation begun by the most noble Prince of godlye memory the queenes good father and by our late holy and innocent king her good brother finished it is not vnknowne what blindnes errour wee were all in when not one man in all this realme vnlearned in the latine could say in English the Lordes prayer or knew any one article of his beliefe or rehearse any one of the x. cōmandementes And that ignoraunce mother of mischiefe was the very roote and well spring of all Idolatry Sodomiticall Monkery and whorish chastitie of vnmaryed priests of all whoredome dronkennes couetousnes swearing blasphemie with al other wicked sinfull liuing These brought in the seuere wrathe and vengeance of GOD plaging sinne with famine and pestilence and at last the sword consumed and auenged all theyr impietie and wicked liuing As it is greatly to be feared the same or more greuous plagues shall now agayne follow We cannot therefore consent nor agree that the worde of God and praiers in our English tongue which we vnderstand should be taken away from vs and for it a latin seruice we wote not what for none of vs vnderstande it to be agayne brought in amongest vs specially seeing that Christ hath sayd My sheepe heare my voyce and follow me I geue to them euerlasting life The seruice in Englishe teacheth vs that wee are the Lords people and the sheep of his pasture and commandeth that we harden not our hartes as when they prouoked the Lordes wrathe in the wildernes least hee sweare vnto vs as he did sweare vnto them that they should not enter into his rest The seruice in Latine is a confused noyse which if it be good as the say it is yet vnto vs that lack vnderstāding what goodnes can it bring S. Paule commaundeth that in the Churches all thinges shoulde bee done to edifying which we are sure is Gods commaundement But in the Latine seruice nothing is done to edifying but contrarily al to destroy those that are already edified and to driue vs from Gods word and truth and from beleuing of the same and so to bring vs to beleue lyes and fables that tempting and prouoking God we shoulde be brought into the iudgement that blessed Paule speaketh of saying Antichrist shall come according to the working of Satan with all manner of power and signes and lying wonders in all deceiuablenes of vnrighteousnes in those that pearish because they haue not receyued the loue of the truth that they might be saued And therfore God wil send them strong delusion that they should beleue lyes be damned as many as haue not beleued the truth but haue approued vntighteousnesse Thus altogether drawne from God we shall fal into his wrath through vnbeliefe till
Commons faythfull and true subiectes members of the same body politicke wherof her Grace is supreme head All our bodyes goodes landes and lyues are ready to do her Grace faythfull obedience and true seruice of all commaundements that are not agaynst God his worde but in these thinges that importe a denyall of Christ and refusall of his word and holy Communion we cannot consent nor agree vnto it For we haue bound our selues in Baptisne to be Christes Disciples and to keepe his holy word and ordinances And if we deny him before men he will deny vs before his heauenly Father and hys holy Aungels in the day of iudgement which we trust her benigne Grace will not require of vs. And we humbly beseeche her Maiestie that we be not enforced vnto it but as we serue her grace with body and goodes due obedience accordyng to Gods commaūdement so we may bee permitted freely to serue God and Christ our Sauiour keepe vnto him our soules which hee hath with his precious bloud redeemed that so as Christ teacheth we may rēder to Caesar that is due to Caesar and to God that is due to God For we thinke it no true obedience vnto the Queenes highnes or to any other Magistrate ordeined of God vnder her to obey in things cōtrary to gods word although the same be neuer so straitly charged in her Graces name The Bish. of Winchester hath truely taught in that point in his booke of true obedience that true obediēce is in the Lord not agaynst the Lord as the Apostles aunswered before the Counsaile at Ierusalem cōmaundyng them no more to preache in the name of the Lord Iesus Iudge you sayd they whether it be right in the sight of God to heare you rather thē God And agayne they sayd We must obey God rather then man Wherefore wee learne that true obedience is to obey God kyng of all kynges Lord of all Lordes and for him in him and not agaynst him and his word to obey the Princes and Magistrates of this world who are not truely obeyed when God is disobeyed nor yet disobeyed when God is faythfully obeyed Tobias disobeyed not his king although contrary to his commaundement contrary to the vsage of all other when they went to Dan Bethel he went vnto Ierusalem worshipped in the tēple of the Lord. The three yoūg men in Babylon refusing king Nabuchodonosors commaundemēt pleased God more then the whole multitude that obeyed And Daniel that prayed to the God of heauē contrary to kyng Darius cōmaundementes bare a more true faythfull hart to the king thē those wicked Coūsellers that procured that wicked law or those that for feare of flattery obeyed it Which two pestilences feare flattery haue euer destroyed true obedience to God and man when wicked godlesse men that care not if the deuill were worshipped so they may get obteine riches promotiōs and dignities and worldly glory turne to and fro as euery winde bloweth and weake and frayle mē fearing losse of goodes punishment or death doe outwardly in body that thyng that their hartes consciēces inwardly abhorreth and so outwardly disobey God and in hart dissemble with man which dissimulation we thinke worthy hate of all men and most vncomely for Christian men Wherfore we humbly beseeche the Queenes Maiestie with pitie and mercy to tender the lamentable suite of vs her poore subiectes which be by this cōmaundement sore hurt wounded in our consciences and driuen to many miseries by the malicious attemptes of wicked mē suffer great wronges iniuries sclaunders losse of goods bodyly vexations We thinke not good by any vnlawful s●urre or cōmotion to seeke remedy 〈◊〉 intend by Gods grace to obey her maiesty in al things not against God his holy woorde But vnto such vngodly bishoplike commandements as are against God we answer with the apostles God must be obeied rather then man If persecution shall ensue whiche some threaten vs with we desire the heauenly Father according to his promise to looke from heauen to heare our crye to iudge betweene vs our aduersaries to geue vs faith strength and patience to cōtinue faithfully vnto the end to shorten these euil daies for his chosens sake and so we faithfully beleeue he will Notwithstanding we trust the Quenes gracious and mercifull heart will not suffer such tyranny to be done against her poore innocent faithful and obedient subiects that daily pray vnto God for her which haue no remedie in this world but to sue vnto her highnesse our most gracious and benigne soueraigne whom we pray beseech for the deare bloud of Christ to pitie our lamentable case and hurt of conscience and to call backe all such commandements as are against Gods honour as the good Kyng Darius Assuerus Traianus Theodosius diuers other haue done and to permit the holy woord of God and true religion set foorth by our moste holy and innocent king Edward a very Sainte of God to be restored agayne vnto our Churches to be frequented amongst vs. So shal we grow and increase in the knowledge of God of Christ in true repentance and amendement of life so shal we exhibite true obedience to our lawfull Magistrates and all superiors ordained of God so shall loue charitye of late thorowe this commandement so decaied be againe restored the honor of her regall estate the more confirmed and established and godlinesse and vertuous life among her louing subiects increased and maintained And we most hartily pray you right honorable commissioners to be meanes vnto the Queenes highnesse and to her honourable Counsaile that thys oure humble sute may be fauourably tendered and graciously hearde and graunted And we shall not cease daye and nyghte to pray vnto the heauēly Father long to preserue her grace all other magistrates in his feare and loue and in prosperous peace and wealth with long life honor Amen Your poore suppliants the louers of Christes true Religion in Northfolke and Suffolke The story of Iohn Harpole of the parish of S. Nicholas in Rochester Ioane Beach wydowe of Tunbridge Martyrs TOuching the examination of Ioane Beach widowe and of Iohn Harpole within the dioces of Rochester by Maurice B. of the sayde Diocesse remembraunce was made before in the story of Nicholas Hal pag. 1591. wherin was declared the foure articles Consistorial of the byshop obiected and laide as vnto the sayd Nicholas Hall and his company so also to this Ioane Beach wydowe whereof the first was this 1 That shee was of the parish of Tunbridge in the Dioces of Rochester 2 Item that all persons which preache teach beleeue or say otherwise or contrary to that their mother holye Catholike church of Christ are excommunicate persons and heretickes 3 Item that the sayde Ioane Beach hath and yet dothe affirme maintaine and beleue contrary to the sayde mother holye Churche of
was burnt at Leicester the 26. of the moneth of Iune aboue named ❧ Thirteene Martyrs burned at Stratford the Bowe NOt long after the death of the Merchaunts seruaunt before mentioned there followed in this happye and blessed order of Martyrs burned in one fire at Stratford the Bowe by London a xj men and two women whose dwellings were in sundry places in Essex whose names hereafter followeth Henry Adlington Laurence Pernam Henry Wye William Hallywell Thomas Bowyer George Searles Edmund Hurst Lyon Cawch Rafe Iackson Iohn Deryfall Iohn Routh Elizabeth Pepper Agnes George Unto whom the 6. of Iune an 1556. D. Darbyshiere Boners Chancellour in forme of law ministred the same Articles that were propounded vnto Tho. Whittle hys company mentioned before to the which they made their seuerall answers in simplicitie and in a good conscience The summe and effect whereof ensueth To the first they all answered affirmatiuely but Lyon Cawch added further that he beleued that the true fayth and religion of Christ is wheresoeuer the word of God is truly preached To the second Article they all answered in effect deniyng that there be 7. sacraments some affirmyng that in the Church of Christ there be but two sacraments that is to say Baptisme and the Lordes Supper Others referryng themselues to beleeue as the scripture teacheth them And other some refused to make aunswer because of theyr simplicitie To the third article they all answered affirmatiuely To the fourth Article they all aunswered affirmatiuely sauing Iohn Routh who sayd he would make no answer thereunto But Lyon Cawch added that he beleued the article to be true but it was because he had no better knowledge And Agnes George added that in king Edward the 6. his tyme she went from her old fayth and religion and beleued in the faith and religion that was then taught and set forth To the fift they all aunswered in effect affirmatiuely sauing Iohn Routh whose aunswer was that the Masse is such a thyng which cannot nor will not enter into hys conscience And Henry Adlington answered that for 9. or 10. yeres before he misliked the Masse and also the Sacrament of the aultar because they cannot bee prooued by the scriptures And as touching the authoritie of the Sea of Rome he beyng but xiiij yeares of age tooke an othe agaynst the same which othe he sayd he intended to keepe by the grace of God To the vj. they all aunswered affirmatiuely sauyng Iohn Routh and Wil. Halywel who both refused to answer because they knew not what they meant by this article But the two women added that they refused to bee reconciled to the fayth and religion that was then vsed in the Realme of England And Laurence Pernam added that he neuer refused to bee reconciled and brought to the vnitie of the catholike church of Christ. To the vij Article they all aunswered affirmatiuely but Wil. Halywell denied that euer he called the Masse Idolatry and abhomination And Henry Wye affirmyng the Article to be true yet he confessed hys infirmitye that he went to hys parish church and receyued before he was put in prison To the viij Article Edmund Hurst Rafe Iackson George Searles aunswered affirmatiuely Henry Wye sayd he was brought before certaine Iustices of Peace in Essex concernyng one Higbed his late maister and therevpon he was committed to Colchester Castell and from thence sent to London to the Bishop to be further examined Wil. Hallywell affirmed the like confession as Henry Wye did onely Higbed excepted Iohn Derifall said he was called before the Lord Rich and Maister Mildmay of Chelmesford and was by them sent to Boner Bish. of London to be further by hym examined Tho. Bowyer sayd he was brought before one M. Wiseman of Felsed by hym was sent to Colchester castle and from thēce was caried to Boner bishop of London to be by hym further examined Lion Cawch sayd that he was sent to come before the Kyng and Queenes Maiesties Commissioners and there before them appearyng three tymes was sent to Boner bishop of London to be by hym further examined Henry Adlington sayd that he commyng to Newgate to speake with one Gratwike there beyng prisoner for the testimony of Iesu Christ was apprehended and brought before D. Story and by hym sent to Boner bish of London to be by hym further examined Iohn Routh sayd that he was conuented before the Earle of Oxford and by hym sent to the castle of Colchester from thence conueyed to Boner B. of London to bee by hym further examined Laurence Pernam sayd that he was committed to Harford prison because he would not go to church and from thence sent to Boner B. of London to be by him further examined Agnes George sayd that she was committed to prison in Colchester at the commaundement of one M. Maynard an Alderman of the towne because she would not go to church and from thence was sent to Boner B. of London to be by hym further examined Elizabeth Pepper sayd she was apprehended by two Con●●ables and an Alderman for that shee woulde not come to church and by them was sent to Boner B. of London to be by hym further examined To the ix Article they all beleued the premisses to bee true aboue by them confessed and that they were of the dioces and iurisdiction of London But Elizabeth Pepper added that she was of the towne of Colchester And Agnes George added that she was of the Parish of Barefold And Lyon Cawche added that he was then of the Citie of London by reason that he was at that present a merchant there Henry Wye Brewer was of the parish of Stantford le Hoxe and of 32. yeres of age William Hallywell was a Smith of the Parishe of Waltham Holle crosse and of the age of 24. yeres or theraboutes Rafe Iackson was a seruingman of Shepping Onger and of the age of 24. yeares Laurence Parnam was a Smith of Hods●on within the parish of Amwell in the County of Hartford of the age of 22. yeres Iohn Derifall was a Labourer of the parish of Rettington in Essex and of the age of 50. yeres Edmund Hurst was a Labourer of the parish of S. Iames in Colchester and of the age of fiftye yeares and aboue Thomas Bowyer was a Weauer of Much Dunnemow and of the age of 36. yeares George Searles was a Tailor betwene 20. 21. yeres of age of the parish of White Nottle where he was taken and caried to the Lord Rich who sent hym to Colchester castle with a commaundement that no friend he had shuld speake with hym There he lay 6. weekes and was sent vp to London where he was sometyme in the Bishops colehouse sometyme in Lollards Tower and last of all in Newgate He was apprehēded in Lent about a fortnight before Easter in the place aforesayd Lyon Cawch was a Broker borne in
great quietnesse if hee coulde haue dissembled and bothe done and spoken against his conscience as many stirring Papistes then did And likewise he mighte haue escaped burning in Queene Maries time if he woulde either haue spoke● or kept silence against his conscience as manye weake Gospellers did But Palmer could in no wise dissemble Now within short space God so wrought in his hart that he became very inquisitiue and carefull to heare and vnderstand howe the Martyrs were apprehended what articles they died for how they were vsed and after what sort they tooke theyr death In so much that he spared not at his owne charges to sende ouer one of his schollers in the companye of a Bacheler of that house to Glocester to see vnderstand the whole order of B. Hoopers deth and to bring him true report therof Which thing some thinke he the rather did because he was woont in king Edwards time to say that none of them all would stand to death for their religion Thus he learned with what extreme horrible cruelty the martyrs of God were tried and how valiauntly they ouercame all kinde of torments to the ende Wherof he himself also did see more experience afterward at the examination and death of those holy confessors and martyrs which were burned at Oxford before his eyes in so muche that the first hope which the godly conceyued of him was at the retourne from the burning of B. Ridley and B. Latimer At what time in the hearing of diuers of his frendes he brast out into these woordes and suche like O raging crueltie O tyrannie tragicall and more than barbarous From that day forward he studiously sought to vnderstand the truth and therefore with all speede he borrowed Peter Martyrs Commentaries vpon the first to the Corinthes of one of Magdalenes yet aliue and other good bookes of other men And so through harty praier and diligent search and conference of the scriptures at length he beleeued and imbraced the truth with great ioy and so profited in the same that daily more and more hee declared it both in word and dede In such sort as he neuer hated the truth more stubbornly before then afterward he willingly embraced the same whē it pleased God to open his eies and to reueale vnto him the light of his woord And nowe againe when he should come to Church in those dayes of Poperie there to be occupied among the rest in singing of Respondes reading of Legendes and suche like stuffe allotted vnto him he had as much pleasure he sayd to be at them as a Beare to be baited and wearied wyth dogs When he came it was as it appeared more to auoid displeasure and daunger then for any good will and readye affection At length through Gods grace he grew vp to suche maturitie and ripenes in the truth that he spared not to declare certaine sparkes thereof in his outward behauior and doyngs For when he should keepe his bowing measures at Confiteor as the custome there was in turning hymselfe to and fro sometyme Eastward somtyme Westward and afterward knocke his brest at the eleuatiō time agaynst which Idolatrous adoration hys hart did so vehemently rise that sometyme hee would absent hymselfe from them and sometyme beyng there he would euen at the sucring tyme as they termed it gette hym out of the church to auoyd those vngodly gestures and Idolatrous adoration To be shorte perceiuing after a while that hee was greatly suspected and abhorred of the President then being which was M. Cole and of diuers other whiche before were his friendes and therewithall feeling great conflict and torment of conscience daily to grow with his conuersation with idolaters seeing also that his newe life and old liuing might not wel nor quietly stande together he addressed himselfe to depart the house For he thoughte it not best to abide the dāger of expulsion as he did at the first seeing the weather was now waxed warmer And being demanded at that time of a special frend who wold gladly haue perswaded him to stay there longer whether he would go or how he would liue he made this answer Domini est terra plenitudo eius i. The earth is the Lordes and the fulnesse thereof Let the Lord woorke I will commit my selfe to God and the wide worlde Here I thinke it expedient before I wryte of the painfull surges that he suffered after he came abroade into the perillous gulphes and deepe Sea of this wretched wyde world first to reherse one or two exāples of his outward behauioure at suche tymes as he hadde recourse to the Colledge after his last departure whereby the Reader may yet better vnderstand of his simplicitie playnenesse and how farre wide he was from all cloked dissimulation in Gods cause which certayne godlesse personnes haue sought maliciously to charge hym with all Beyng at Oxford on a certayne tyme in Magdalene Colledge and hauyng knowledge that the Spanish Frier Iohn who succeeded D. Peter Martyr in the office of the Diuinitie Lecture would preach there that present Sonday he would not at the first graunt to be present at it At length a friend of his a fellow of that house persuaded so much with him that he was content to accompany his sayde friend to the church But sodainly as the Frier vehemently inueyed against Gods truth in defendyng certayne popish heresies Palmer hauyng many eyes bente and directed towardes hym departed from amongst the middest of the auditorie and was found in hys friends chamber weepyng bitterly Afterward beyng demaunded why he slipt away vpon such a sodayne Oh sayd he if I had not openly departed I should haue openly stopped myne eares For the Friers blasphemous talke in disproouyng or rather deprauyng the veritie made myne eares not to glowe but my hart worse to smart then if myne eares had bene cut from myne head It chanced another tyme that the same friend of hys called M. Shipper beyng then Bursar of the house bade hym to dinner in hys chamber Palmer not knowyng what ghestes were also thither inuited and bidden hapned there contrary to his expectation to meete with the foresayd Frier with whom were present D. Smith Doc. Tresham and diuers other papists whose company Palmer coulde not well beare and therefore whisperyng a friend in the eare he sayd he would be gone for that was no place for hym I will sayth he to the Bursars Table in the great hall The Bursar vnderstandyng his mynde desired hym of all friendshippe not so to depart alledgyng that it were the next way to be wray hymselfe as it were of purpose to cast hymselfe into the Briers with many other perswasions as the shortnes of tyme would permit In the end he condescēded to his request and taried Now as he came to the fire side the Frier saluted hym cherefully in Latine for he could not speake Englishe Palmer with an amiable countenaunce resaluted him
Iohannis Blundell Richardi Deuicke Petri Pelley Iacobi Amy specialiter literas nostras patentes de perdonatione habuisset Pardonauimus etiam remisimus relaxauimus ac pro nobis haeredibus successoribus nostris per praesentes perdonamus remittimus relaxamus praefacto Hillerio Gosselyne Nicolao Carie Iohanni Marchant Nicolao Martin Iohanni Blundell Richardo Deuicke Petro Pelley Amy eorum vnicuique haeredibus executoribus administratoribus assign suis imperpet omnes omnimodas intrusiones infractiones ingressus per ipsos seu eorum aliquem eiusuè aut eorū vel alicuius eo●um procuratores agentes vel ministros in omnia singula maneria terras tenementa possessiones haereditamēta nostra quaecunque quaruncunque nuper Cantariarum Gildarum obit fraternitat seu collegiorum nostrorum aut alicuius seu aliquorū progenitorum nostrorum infra praedictam insulam de Garnesey existen ante decimum septimum diem Nouemb. Anno regni nostri primo fact perpetrat siue commss Ac omnia singula debita redditus computa arreragia collectiones receptiones detentiones nō●olut●ones granorum aliorum reddituum exituum preficuorum quoru●cunque nobis aut alicui progenitorum nostrorum pro eisdem Cantarijs Gildis obit fraternitatibus seu collegijs siue eorum aliquo vel aliquibus quouismodo ante praedictū decimum septimū diem Nouemb. Decimo Anno regni nostri primo debit pertinent siue spectant Perdonauim● remisimus relaxauimus ac de gratia speciali ac ex certa scientia mero mortu nostris praedictis pro nobis haeredibus successoribus nostris per praesentes perdonamus remittimus relaxamus praefatis Hillerio Gosselyne Nicolao Carie Iohanni Marchant Nicolao Martin Richardo Deuicke eorum cuique liberationē euasionem escapiam voluntar ad libertatem positionem cuiusdem Nicolai Norman nuper de Par●chia sancti Saluatoris infra praedictam insulam Yoman de homicidio siue murdro nuper iudicat attinct conuinct existen pro interfectione siue murderatione cuiusdā Iohannis Breghault de dicta Parochia sancti Saluatoris infra insulam praedictam husbandman Ac omnia omnimoda felonias crimina offensas poenas mortes punitiones forisfactur cōtēptus negligenc ignorantias ac alia delicta offensas quaecunque praedictam liberationem euasionem escapiam ad libertatem positionem praedicti Nicolai Norman tangendi seu aliquo modo concernen per praefatos Hillerium Nicalaum Carie Iohannem Marchant Nicolaum Martin Richardum Deuicke seu eorum aliquem vel aliquos ante praesentemd●em qualitercūque habit fact commiss siue illapsa Perdonauimus etiam remisimus relaxauimus ac per praesentes ex certa scientia mero mortu nostris pro nobis haeredibus successoribus nostris perdonamus remittimus relamus praefatis Hillerio Gosselyne Nicolao Carie Iohanni Marchant Nicolao Martin Iohanni Blundell Richardo Deuicke Petro Pelley Iacobo Amy omnia omnimoda riotas routas illicitas congregationes conuenticula illicita in pacis nostrae perturbationem per praefatos Hillarium Nicolaum Carie Iohānem Marchant Nicolaum Martin Iohannem Blundell Richardū Deuicke Petrum Pelley Iacobum Amy seu eorum aliquem siue aliquos ante hac qualiter cunque infra insulam predictam habit commiss fact siue perpetrat c. ¶ Defence of this Garnesey story agaynst M. Harding ANd thus haue you the true narration of this Hystory discoursed without corrupting or falsifying anye parte or sentence thereof no lesse faythfully of my part reported then I receyued them who dwelling in the same Isle and beynge present the same time were best acquaynted with the matter and haue geuen sufficient euidence not onely to me but also to the Queenes highnesse Commissioners concerning the same as both by the letter of the Bailiffe by the sentence of the Deane by the suplication of the playnetife and submission of the partyes and likewise by the Queenes Pardon graunted vnto them may well appeare By all which proofes and circumstances thus debated it remayneth manifest for all men to perceiue what cruelty and wrong was wroughte agaynst these poore women aboue specified and no lesse matter offered in a case so vniust iustly to expostulate or rather to wonder at the harde hartes of these men but especially of the catholicke Clergy of Garnesey who professing the Gospell of peace charity should after the example of Christ walke in the steppes of meekenesse and mercy and yet contrary not onely to al Christian charity and mansuetude but also agaynst all order of equity or humanity were so extreme and rigorous to condemne them to the burning fire vnder the pretensed colour of heresy Who if they had bene heretickes in deede yet mercy would haue corrected the errour and saue life equity would haue cōsidered mans weak fragility at least true iustice would haue heard both the parties aduisedly also substancially haue surueyed the cause and not to ●ash out the sentence of death so hastely as they did yea and though they had bene heretickes in deed yet true christian charity woulde haue stretched farther and at least to haue geuen them leisure and respite of time to reclayme themselues But now what is here to be said they being no heretickes at all as neither it could then nor yet can be proued For if king Edwardes Religion which was obiected to them were heresy yet were they then no hereticks when they reuoked the same and if Queene Maries Religion were heresy then were they much more heretickes themselues which condemned them of heresy But most of all we haue herein to wonder at Mayster Harding who in his late reioynder written agaynst the Bishop of Salisbury notwithstanding all these euidēces and demonstrations so certayne manifestly appearing yet goeth about first to denye the storye terming it to be a fable and afterward being forced to flye a statu inficiali and to admit the story he remoueth ad translationem criminis there seeking by all meanes to cleare the Cleargy frō the spot of cruelty trasferreth the whole blame onely vpō the womē that suffered but principally vpon poore Perotine whome he specially charged with two capitall crimes to wit whoredome and murder And first touching his accusatiō of whoredome let vs heare how he proueth this matter Because sayth he by story it is graunted that she was with childe and yet the Historiographer doth not declare neither durst for shame who was her husband or father to the childe c. As though that Historiographers being occupyed in setting forth the persecutiō of Gods people suffering death for religion and doctrine of Christ were bound or had nothing els to do but to playe the sumner and to bring forth who were husbands to the wiues and fathers to theyr children which newfoūd law of history being neuer required before nor obserued of any Storye writers if M. H. nowe shall exact of me first
Thornton Well doe yee not beleeue that hee is there really New No I beleue it not Thornton Well will ye stand to it New I must needes stande to it till I bee perswaded to a further truth Thornton Nay yee will not bee perswaded but stande to your owne opinion New Nay I stand not to mine owne opinion GOD I take to witnesse but onely to the scriptures of God and that can all those that stand here witnes with me and nothing but the scriptures and I take God to witnes that I do nothing of presumption but that that I do is onely my conscience and if there be a further trueth then I see excepte it appeare a trueth to me I cannot receiue it as a truth And seeing fayth is the gifte of God and commeth not of man for it is not you that can geue me fayth nor no man els therfore I trust ye will beare the more with me seing it must be wrought by God and when it shall please God to open a further truth to me I shall receiue it with all my hart and embrace it Thornton had many other questions which I did not beare away but as I doe vnderstand these are the chiefest as for tauntes foolish and vnlearned hee lacked none Prayse GOD for his giftes and GOD increase in vs strength * The argument of Iohn Newman If the body of Christ were really and bodily in the sacrament then who soeuer receiued the sacrament receiued also the body The wicked receiuing the sacrament receiue not the body of Christ. Ergo the bodye of Christe is not really in the Sacrament * Argument Ca They which eate the fleshe and drinke the bloude of Christ dwell in him and he in them mes The wicked dwell not in Christ nor he in them tres Ergo The wicked eate not the fleshe nor drinke the bloud of Christ. * Argument Ca They that haue Christ dwelling in them bring foorth much fruite Iohn 15. Hee that dwelleth in me and I in him bringeth forth much fruite c. mes The wicked bringeth forth no fruit of goodnes tres Ergo they haue not Christes body dwelling in them ¶ Argument Da Where remembrrunce is of a thing there is imported the absence thereof ti Remembraunce of Christes body is in the sacrament Do this in remembraunce of me c. si Ergo Christes body there is imported to be absent Mary they will say we see him not with our outward eyes but he is commended vnder the fourme of breade wine and that that we see is nothing but a quallitie or an accidence But let them shew me a quallitie or an accidence without a substaunce and I will beleue them And thus much concerning Newmans examinations and argumentes whose Martyrdome is before expressed ¶ The Martirdome of Ioane Wast a blynde woman in the Towne of Darbye THe first day of August in the yeare aboue specified suffered likewise at the Towne of Darby a certaine poore honest godly woman being blinde from her birth and vnmaryed about the age of xxii named Ioane Wast of the Parish of Alhallowes Of them that sate vpon this innocent womans bloude the chiefest was Ra●e Bayne Bishop of the Dyoces Doctour Draycot hys Chauncellour sir Iohn Port Knight Henrye Uernon Esquire Peter Finshe officiall of Darby with the assistaunce also of diuers other Richard Warde and William Bembrige the same time being Bayliffes of the Towne of Darby c. First after the aboue named Byshoppe and Doct. Draycot had caused the sayd Ioane Waste to be apprehended in the Towne of Darby suspecting her to bee guilty of certayne heresies she was diuers times priuily examined as well in prison as out of Prison by Finsh the Officiall aforesayd After that brought to publicke examination before the Bishop at last was there burnt in Darby as is aboue sayd Touching whose life bringing vp conuersatiō somewhat more amply we mynd to discourse as by faythfull relation hath come to my handes First this Ioane Wast was the daughter of one William Wast an honest poore man and by hys science a Barber who some time also vsed to make Ropes His wife had the same Ioane and one other at one byrth and shee was borne blinde And when shee was about xij or xiiii yeares old she learned to knitte hosen and sleeues and other thinges which in time she could do very well Furthermore as time serued she would help her father to turn ropes and do such other thinges as she was able and in no case would be idle Thus continued she with her father and mother during their liues After whose departure then kept she with one Roger Wast her brother who in the time of king Edw. the 6. of blessed memory gaue her selfe dayly to go to the church to heare Diuine seruice read in the vulgar tongue And thus by hearing Homilies and sermons she became merueilously well affected to the Religion then taught So at length hauing by her labour gotten and saued so much mony as would buy her a newe testamēt she caused one to be prouided for her And though she was of herselfe vnlearned and by reason of her blindnes vnable to read yet for the great desire shee had to vnderstand and haue printed in her memory the sayinges of holy scriptures conteined in the new Testament shee acquaynted her selfe chiefly with one Iohn Hurt then prisoner in the common Hall of Darby for debtes The same Iohn Hurt being a sober graue man of the age of three score and ten yeares by her earnest intreatie and being Prisoner and many times idle and without cōpany did for his exercise dayly read vnto her some one chapter of the new Testament And if at any time he wer otherwise occupied or letted through sickenes she woulde repayre vnto one Iohn Pemerton Clarke of the Parishe Churche of all sayntes in the same towne of Darby or to some other person which could read and sometimes shee would geue a penny or two as shee might spare to suche persons as woulde not freely read vnto her appoyntyng vnto them aforehand how many Chapiters of the newe Testament they should read or how often they should repeate one Chapiter vpon a price Moreouer in the sayde Ioane Wast this was notoryous that she being vtterly blinde could not withstanding without a guide go to any Church within the sayd town of Darby or to any other place or person with whom she had any such exercise By which exercise shee so profited that she was able not onely to recite many Chapiters of the new testament without book but also could aptly impugne by diuers places of scriptures as well sinne as suche abuses in Religion as then were to much in vse in diuers and sondry persons As this godly woman thus dayly increased in the knowledge of Gods holy worde and no lesse in her life expressed the vertuous fruites and exercise of the same Not long after
For nowe after the deathe of Kinge Edwarde since the time that the gouernement of the Realme came to the hande of Queene Marye all suche personnes being dryuen awaye as hadde reiected the Romishe Religion in whom wel nie alone rested whatsoeuer wit and learning was in the whole Uniuersitie besides such a sort of Raskals were put in their roumes that all places now swarmed with vnlerned and vnnurtured chaplains To whō nothyng was greater pleasure then to cause all men to speake slander and reproch of Bucer There were dyuers yet left among them that spake agaynst their demaunds But they because as it commonly commeth to passe that might ouercommeth right could nothing auaile For this is a common custome in all such matters ordināces that looke what the greater number decreeth is published in the name of all and that which the better part disallowed semeth as though no man at all disallowed it The next day beyng the 14. of Ianuary all the Uisitors onely Christopherson elect of Chichester excepted came to the Kings Colledge Where first goyng into the Church and there makyng their prayers at the gresings they so proceeded into the stalles there sitting all the masse tyme the company standyng in their copes and singing a solemne Respond in honour of the Uisitors After the respond done the Prouost in the best Cope made to them his protestation vnto whom the B. of Chester made aunswer also in Latine declaryng that he could not perceyue to what purpose his protestation was notwithstandyng they would accept it and beare with him Then went they to Masse which ended the Catholike Uisitors approched vp to the aulter tooke downe the Sacrament searched the pixe but first the two Bishops sensed the Sacrament Then they went to the reuestry and opened the Chalices corporas cases and crismatory and viewed all those thyngs And so re●urnyng into the Prouosts chamber deuided themselues in examination of the Prouost Uiceprouost and the rest of the company The same day D. Bacon M. of Gonwell hall bad the Uicechauncellor D. Young D. Haruy Swineborne Maptide with others home to dinner These men immediately after diner caused the cōmon seale of the Uniuersitie to bee put to the foresayd instrument of condemnation accordyng as was determined the day before by the generall consent of the Graduates of the Uniuersitie And by and by after they caried the same to the Commissioners to their lodgyng The which when they had receiued forasmuch as after more diligent perusing thereof it liked them not in all points some thynges they rased out some they enterlined other some they changed so that in fine they were faine to take the payne to engrosse it new agayne To the signing wherof a congregation was eftsoones called of all the Graduates of the Uniuersitie agaynst the next day which there beyng red ouer a new grace againe was asked and granted for settyng to the seale Thē were the Graduates dismissed with commaundement to resort forthwith to S. Mary Church whether the Commissioners also repayred When they had taken their places D. Harny presented to them before all the company a newe commission to make enquest vpon heresie then newly sent from the Cardinall which was red immediately by Uincent of Noally Ormanets Clarke This done D. Perne who as ye heard was factor for the Uniuersitie exhibited to the cōmissioners in the name of the Uniuersitie the sentence of the foresayd condemnation The copy and tenour whereof hereafter God willyng shall follow This cōdemnation beyng openly red then D. Perne aforesaid desired to send out processe to cite Bucer and Phagius to appeare or any other that would take vpon them to pleade their cause to stand to the order of the court agaynst the next Monday to the intent that when they had exhibited themselues the Courte might the better determine what ought to be done to them by order of law The commissioners condescended to hys request and the next day processe went out to cite the offenders This citation Uincent of Noally their common Notarie hauyng first red it ouer before certayne witnesses appointed for the same purpose caused to bee fixed vp in places conuenient to witte vpon S. Mary church doore the doore of the common Schooles and the crosse in the market steade of the same towne In this was specified that whosoeuer woulde maintayne Bucer and Phagius or stande in defence of their doctrine should at the xviij day of the same moneth stand foorth before the L. Commissioners in S. Mary Church which was appoynted the place of iudgement and there euery man should be sufficientlye heard what he could say This Commaundement was set out with many wordes Shortly after the matter drewe toward Iudgement Therefore the next day before the day limited which was the xvij of Ianuary the Uicechauncellor called to hym to Peterhouse whereof he was M. D. Young D. Segiswike with them Bullocke Taylor Parker and Redman Whitlocke Mitch certaine others These men cast their heds togither how they might beare witnes against Bucer Phagius to conuince them of heresie For seyng the matter was brought in face of open court because it might so come to passe that some Patrones of their cause would come out they thought it needfull to haue witnesses to depose of their doctrine What came of this their cōsultation it is not perfectly knowen The xviij day the Uicechauncellor goyng to the Inquisitors sittyng at the Kyngs Colledge did put them in remembrance that the same was the day in which by their processe sent forth the xvj day before they had commanded to appeare in S. Mary Church such as would take vpon them to defend Bucer and Phagius by the law He desired therefore that they would vouchsafe to sitte there if perchaunce any man would try the aduenture of the law They lightly condescended thereunto When the Uicechauncellor had brought them thether hee exhibited vnto them the processe of the Citation which he had receyued of them to publish a little before saying that he had diligently executed whatsoeuer the contents of the same required After that they had taken their places and that no mā put forth hymself to answer for the offenders the Iudges called aside D. Yong D. Segiswike Bullock Tailor Maptide Hunter Parker Redman aboue mentioned Also Browne Gogman Rud Iohnson Mitch Rauen and Carre who had before written out the buriall of Bucer with a singular commendation of hym and sent it to Sir Iohn Cheeke Knight These men takyng first their othe vpon a booke were commanded to beare witnes agaynst the heresies and doctrine of Bucer and Phagius The 22. day of the same month was limited to this Iurie to bryng in their verdict In the meane while Ormanet and Doctor Watson abode at home in their lodgyng to take the depositions of them whom we shewed you before to haue bene called to Peterhouse to haue communicated with the
should go his way he gaue hym wherewith to beare hys charges So that the thyng which he thought he might of right do to his owne countreymen he iudged vnlawfull to do to strangers And whom the law of God coulde not withhold from the wicked murthering of his owne countreymen hym did the lawe of man bridle from killyng of straungers the whiche hath euer appeased all barbarous beastlynesse and mitigated all cruelty For it is a poynt of humanitie for man and man to meete together and one to come to an other though they be neuer so far separated set asunder both by sea by land without the which accesse there can be no entercourse of merchādise there cā be no conference of wits which first of al engendred lerning nor any commoditie of societie long to continue To repulse them that come to vs and to prohibite thē our countries is a poynt of inhumanitie Now to entreat them euill that by our sufferaunce dwel among vs and haue encrease of household and household stuffe it is a poynte of wickednesse Wherefore this crueltie hath farre surmounted the cruelty of all others the which to satisfie the vnsatiable greedinesse thereof drewe to execution not onelye straungers brought hether at our entreataunce and sending for but euen the withered and rotten carcasses digged out of their graues to the intent that the immeasurable thurst which coulde not be quenched with shedding the bloud of them that were aliue might at the least be satisfied in burning of dead mens bones These my bretheren these I say are the iust causes which haue so sore prouoked the wrath of God agaynst vs because that in doing extreme iniury to the dead we haue bene prone and ready but in putting the same away we haue bene slow and slacke For verely I beleue if I may haue liberty to saye freely what I thinke ye shall beare with me if I chaunce to cast forth any thing vnaduisedly in the heat and hasty discourse of my Oration that euen this place in the whiche we haue so often times assembled being defiled with that new kinde of wickednesse such as man neuer heard of before is a let and hindraunce vnto vs when we call for the helpe of God by meanes whereof our prayers are not accepted which we make to appease the Godhead to win him to be sauorable vnto vs agayne The bloud of Abell shed by Cain calleth and crieth frō the earth that sucked it vp likewise the vndeserued burning of these bodyes calleth vpon God almighty to punish vs and cryeth that not onely the Authours of so greate a wickednesse but also the Ministers thereof are vnpure the places defiled in which these thinges were perpetrated the ayre infected which we take into our bodyes to the intent that by sundry diseases and sickenesses we may receiue punishment for so execrable wickednesse Looke well about ye my deare brethrē and consider with your selues the euils that are past ye shall see how they tooke theyr beginning at Bucers death following one in anothers necke euen vnto this day First and formost whē we were euen in the chiefest of our mourning and scarcely yet recomforted of our sorrow for his death the sweating sickenesse lighted vpon vs the whiche passed swiftly thorow all Englande and as it were in haste dispatched an innumerable company of men Secondly the vntimely death of our most noble king Edward the sixt whose life in vertue surmounted the opinion of all men and seemed worthy of immortality happened contrary to mens expectation in that age in which vnlesse violence be vsed fewe do dye The conuersion of Religion or rather the euersion and turning therof into papistry The incursiō and domination of straungers vnder whose yoke our neckes were almost subdued The importunate cruelty of the Byshops agaynst the Christians which executed that wickednesse for making satisfaction whereof we are gathered together this daye These are the thinges that ensued after his death but after his burning ensued yet greeuouser thinges Namely newe kinde of plagues and contagious diseases vnknowne to the very Phisitians whereby eyther euerye mans health was appayred or els they were brought to theyr graues or elles very hardly recouered bloudy battel●es without victory whereof the profite redounded to the enemy and to vs the slaughter with great losse The which thinges doe euidently declare that God is turned from vs and angry with vs and that he geueth no eare to our prayers and that he is not moued with our cries and sighes but that he looketh that this our meeting and assembly shoulde be to this end that for as muche as we haue violated theyr coarses we should doe them right agayne so that the memoriall of these most holy men may be commended to posteritye vnhurted and vndefamed Wherefore amende yet at length my brethren which hytherto by reason of the variablenesse and vnconstancy of the times haue beene wauering and vnstedfast in your hartes shew your selues chearefull and forwarde in making satisfaction for the iniury you haue done to the dead whome with so greate wickednesse of late ye endomaged and defiled not by censing them with the perfumes of those odours and spices now worne out of vre and put to flight but with a true and vnfained repētance of the hart and with prayer to the intent that the heauenly Godhead prouoked by our doinges to be our enemy may be our hūble submission be entreated to be fauorable and agreable to all our other requestes When Acworth had made an ende of his Oration M. Iames Pilkinton the Queenes reader of the diuinity lecture going vp into the Pulpite made a Sermon vpon the 111. Psalme the beginning whereof is Blessed is the mā that feareth the Lord. Where intending to prooue that the remembraunce of the iust man shall not perishe and that Bucer is blessed that the vngodly shall fret at the sight therof but yet that all theyr attemptes shall bee to no purpose to the entent this saying may be verifyed I will cursse your blessinges and blesse your curssinges he tooke his beginning of hys owne person that albeit he were both ready and willyng to take that matter in hande partly for the worthinesse of the matter it selfe and inespecially for certayne singuler vertues of those persons for whome that Congregation was called yet notwithstanding he sayde he was nothing meet to take that charge vpon him For it were more reason that he which before had done Bucer wrong should now make him amendes for the displeasure As for his owne part he was so farre from working any euill agaynst Bucer eyther in worde or deede that for theyr singular knowledge almost in al kind of learning he embraced both him and Phagius with all hys harte But yet hee somewhat more fauoured Bucer as with whom he had more familiarity and acquayntaunce In consideration whereof although that it was scarce conuenient that he at that time should speake yet notwtstanding he was
haue burned certayne of his Garde whome he had in prison for Religion at whose execution he had promised to haue bene himselfe in proper person in the middes of his tryumph at a tourney was wounded so sore in the head with a Speare by one of his owne Subiectes that ere it was long after he dyed In the which behalfe the dreadfull iudgementes of GOD were no lesse approued in our owne Countreymen For one that was a notable slaughterman of Christes Sayntes rotted aliue and ere euer he dyed such a rancke sauour stemed from all his bodye that none of his frendes were able to come at hym but that they were ready to vomit Another being in vtter dispayre well nighe of all health howled out miserably The third ranne out of his wittes And diuers other that were enemyes to the Churche perished miserablye in the end All the which thinges were most certayne tokens of the fauour and defence of the diuine Maiesty towades his Churche and of his wrath and vengeance towardes the Tyrauntes And for as much as he had made mention of the Bohemians he sayd it was a most apte example that was reported of theyr Capitayne Zisca who when hee should dye willed his body to be slayne and of his skin to make a parchment to couer the head of a drumme For it should come to passe that when his enemies hearde the sound of it they should not be able to stand agaynste them The like counsell he sayd he himselfe nowe gaue them as concerning Bucer That like as the Bohemians dyd with the skinne of Zisca the same should they doe with the Argumentes and doctrine of Bucer For as soone as the Papistes shoulde heare the noyse of hym theyr Gewgawes would forthwith decay For sauing that they vsed violence to such as withstoode them theyr doctrine conteyned nothing that might seeme to any man hauing but meane vnderstanding in holy Scripture to be grounded vpon any reason As for those thinges that were done by them agaynst such as could not play the madmen as well as they some of them sauoured of open force and some of ridiculous foolishnes For what was this first of all was it not friuolous that by the space of three yeares together Masse shoulde be songe in those places where Bucer and Phagius rested in the Lord without any offence at al and assoone as they tooke it to be an offence straight waye to be an offence if any were heard there or that it should not be as good then as it was before as if that then vppon the soddeyne it had bene a haynous matter to celebrate it in that place and that the fault that was past should be counted the greuouser because it was done of lenger time before Moreuer this was a matter of none effect that Bucer and Phagius onely should be digged vppe as who shoulde say that he alonely had embraced the Religion which they call heresy It was well knowne howe one of the Burgesses of the Towne had bene minded towarde the Popish Religion Who when he shoulde dye willed neither ringing of Belles Diriges nor any other such kinde of trifles to be done for him in his anniuersary as they terme it but rather that they should go with Instruments of Musicke before the Maior and coūsell of the Citty to celebrate his memoriall and also that yearely a Sermon shoulde bee made to the people bequeathing a piece of money to the Preacher for his labour Neither might he omit in that place to speak of Ward the paynter who albeit he wer a man of no reputation yet was he not to be despised for the religion sake which he diligently folowed Neyther were diuers other moe to be passed ouer with silence who were knowne of a certaynety to haue continued in the same sect and to rest in other Churchyardes in Cambridge and rather through the whole realme and yet defiled not theyr Masses at all All the which persons for as much as they were all of one opinion ought all to haue bene taken vppe or els all to haue bene let lye with the same Religion vnlesse a man would graūt that it lyeth in theyr power to make what they list lawfull and vnlawfull at theyr owne pleasure In the condemnation of Bucer and Phagius to saye the trueth they vsed to much cruelty and to muche violence For howsoeuer it went with the doctrine of Bucer certaynely they coulde finde nothing wherof to accuse Phagius in as much as he wrote nothing that came abroad sauing a few things that he had translated out of the Hebrew and Chaldy tounges into Latine After his comming into the Realme he neuer read he neuer disputed he neuer preached he neuer taught For he deceased so soone after that he coulde in that time geue no occasion for his aduersaries to take hold on whereby to accuse him whome they neuer hearde speake In that they hated Bucer so deadly for the allowable maryage of the Cleargy it was theyr owne malice conceiued agaynste him and a verye slaunder raysed by themselues For he had for his defence in that matter ouer and besides other helpes the Testimony of the Pope Pius the second who in a certayne place sayth that vppon waighty considerations Priestes wiues were taken from them but for more weighty causes were to be restored agayne And also the statute of the Emperour they call it the Interim by the which it is enacted that such of the cleargye as were maryed shoulde not bee diuorced from theyr wiues Thus turning his stile from this matter to the Uniuersity he reprooued in fewe wordes theyr vnfaythfulnes towardes these men For if the Lord suffered not the bones of the King of Edome being a wicked man to bee taken vppe and burnt without reuengement as sayth Amos let vs assure our selues he will not suffer so notable a wrong done to his godly Preachers vnreuenged Afterward when he came to the condemnation whiche we tolde you in the former action was pronounced by Perne the Uicechauncellour in the name of them all being somewhat more moued at the matter he admonished thē how much it stoode them in hand to vse great circumspectnes what they decreed vpon any man by theyr voyces in admitting or reiecting any man to the promotions and degrees of the Uniuersity For that which should take hys authority from them should be a great preiudice to all the other multitude which for the opinion that it had of theyr doctrine iudgement allowance and knowledge didde thinke nothing but well of them For it would come to passe that if they would bestow theyr promotions vpon none but meet persons let the vnmeet go as they come both the common wealth should receiue much commodity and profite by them and besides that they should highly please God But if they persisted to be negligent in doing thereof they should grieuously endommage the common weale and worthely worke theyr owne shame and reproch Ouer and besides that
for lacke of knowledge oftentimes to fall into their crafty nettes For after they haue made them graunt a true Churche with the Sacraments of the same though not in such nūber as they would haue them and also that they were christened into the fayth thereof that is in the name of the Father of the Sonne and the holy Ghost they craftily now in the other their obiections descending as it were from the fayth of the Trinitie vnto theyr Idolatrous Masse other superstitious ceremonyes would make them grant that now in denying thereof they haue seuered thēselues from the fayth of the true Churche whereunto they were Baptised whiche is most false For though the true lyght of Gods Gospel holy word was marueilously darkned and in a maner vtterly extinguished yet the true fayth of the Trinitie by the mercifull prouidence of God was still preserued and into the fayth therof were we baptised and not into the beliefe and profession of their horrible Idolatry and vayne ceremonies These things not throughly wayed by these poore yet faythfull and true members of Christ caused some of them ignorauntly to graunt that when they came to the yeares of discretion and vnderstood the light of the Gospell they did seperate themselues from the fayth of the Church meaning none other but only to separate themselues from the admitting or allowing of such their popishe and erroneous trash as they now had defiled the church of christ wtall not from their fayth receiued in baptisme which in expres words in their aunsweres to the other articles they constātly affirmed declaring the Masse and sacrament of the aultar to be most wicked blasphemy agaynst Christ Iesus contrary to the truth of his Gospell and therfore vtterly they refused to assent and to be reconciled againe therunto These aunsweres in effect of them thus taken by the sayd Chauncellour they were for that time dismissed but the Bishop taking the matter into his owne handes the vi day of Marche propounded vnto them certayne other new articles the copy wherof followeth ¶ Other articles obiected by Boner Bi. of London agaynst Tho. Loseby Henry Ramsey Thomas Thyrtell Margaret Hide and Agnes Stanley the vi day of March being the second tyme of theyr examination 1. FIrst that thou hast thought beleued and spoken with in some part of the citie and Dioces of London that the fayth Religion and Ecclesiasticall seruice here obserued and kept as it is in the Realme of England is not a true and a laudable fayth Religion and seruice especially concerning the Masse and the 7. sacramentes nor is agreable to Gods worde testament that thou canst not finde in thy heart without murmuring grudging or scruple to receaue and vse it to conforme thy selfe vnto it as other subiectes of this realme customably haue done and doe 2. Item that thou hast thought c. that the english seruice set forth in the time of kinge Edwarde the vi here in thys Realme of England was and is good and godly Catholicke in all poynts and that it alone ought here in this realme to be receiued vsed and practised none other 3. Item likewise thou hast thought c. that thou art not bound to come to thy Parishe Churche there to be present and heare Mattins Masse Euensong and other Diuine seruice song or sayd there 4. Item thou hast thought c. that thou art not bound to come to procession to the Church vppon dayes and tymes appointed and to go in the same with others of the parish singing or saying then the accustomed prayers vsed in the Church nor to beare a taper or candel on Candelmas day nor take Ashes vppon Ashwednesday nor beare Palmes vpon Palme sonday not to creep to the crosse vpon daies accustomed nor to receiue and kisse the paxe at Masse time nor to receiue holy water or holy bread or to accept and allowe the ceremonies and vsages of the Churche after the maner and fashion as they are vsed in this realme 5. Item thou hast thought c. that thou art not bound at any time to confesse thy sinnes to any priest and to receiue absolution at his hands as Gods Minister not to receiue at any time the blessed sacrament of the aultar especiallye as it is vsed in this Church of England 6. Item thou hast thought c. that in matters of religion and fayth thou must follow and beleue thine own conscience onely and not to geue credite to the determination common order of the Catholicke Church the sea of Rome nor to any member therof 7. Item thou hast thought c. that all thinges do chance of an absolute and precise meere necessitie so that whether man do wel or euil he could not chuse but do so and that therfore no man hath any free will at all 8. Item thou hast thought c. that the fashiō and maner of Christening of infantes is not agreable to Gods word and that none can be effectually Baptised and thereby saued except he haue yeares of discretion to beleue himself so willingly accept or refuse Baptisme at his pleasure 9. Item thou hast thought c. That Prayers to Saints or Prayers for the dead are not auaylable and not allowable by Gods word or profitable in any wise and that the soules departed do straightwayes go to heauen or to hell or els do sleep till the day of dome so that there is no place of purgation at all 10. Itē thou hast thought c. that all such as in the tyme of king Hen. the viii or in time of Queene Mary of England haue bene burned as heretickes were no heretickes at all but faythfull and good Christian people especially Barnes Garret Ierome Frith Rogers Hooper Cardmaker Latimer Taylor Bradford Philpot Cranmer Ridley and such like and that thou diddest and doest allowe like and approue all their opinions doest mislike their condemnations and burninges 11. Item thou hast thought c. that fasting and prayers vsed in this Churche of England and the appoynting of dayes for fasting and the abstayning from flesh vpon fasting dayes and especially in the tyme of Lent is not laudable or allowable by Gods word but is hipocrisie foolishnes and that men ought to haue libertie to eate at all tymes all kindes of meate 12. Item thou hast thought c. that the sacrament of the aultar is an idoll and to reserue and keepe it or to honor it is playne idolatry and superstition and likewise of the masse and the eleuation of the sacrament 13. Item thou hast thought c. that thou or any els conuented before an Ecclesiasticall iudge concerning matters of beliefe and fayth art not nor is bound to make answer at all especially vnder an othe vpon a booke ¶ Their aunsweres to the Articles before obiected THeir aunsweres to these obiections were that as touching
were as the waues of the sea and so the B. made an end deliuered me into the hands of the sheriff to be caried prisoner to the Marshalsey againe And when I was condemned I desired God with a loud voice that he would not lay my bloud to their charges if it were his good will so then they refused my praier and sent me away Then I beganne to talke as I went and they cried cut out his toung or stop his mouth and so I was broughte to the Malshalsey and lapped in yron bandes Therefore I pray vnto God that they vnto whom this present wryting shal come may take example by my death and souldiour fare So be it By me Steuen Gratwicke condemned for Gods euerlasting truth HEere for want of time I haue left out many matters because the Lord hath hastened the time so that I haue wrytten but the briefnes of the matter in probation of faith and the reward of faith the which the bish of Roch. I debated vpon the whych matter I wold haue ben very glad to haue set down in wryting Also much more talke there was that the B. of Winch. and I had concerning my worldly frendes personable estate for he plaied sathan with me hee caried me vp to the mountaines and there told me my learning was good and my eloquēce and also my knowledge saue that I did abuse it saide he and then he fell to praising of my person that it was comely worthy to serue a Prince Thus Sathan flattered with me to make me aunsweare vnto such obiections as he woulde lay against me that I mighte fall into his Diocesse Thus Steuen Gratwicke this Christian Martyr being wrongfully condemned by the bish of Winchester as ye haue heard was burned with William Moraunt and one King in s. Georges field about the latter end of May. Seuen godlye Martyrs v. women and ij men burned at Maidstone for the word of truth and professing of sincere religion of Christ. I Shewed a litle before how after the vnmerciful proclamation was sent set forth by the K. and Quene in the month of Febr. last the storme of persecution began in all places to rise whereof some part also is declared before but yet in no place more thē in the country dioces of Cāt. by reason of certaine the aforesaid inquisitors being now armed with authority but especially by reasō of Ric. Thornton Suffragan of Douer and the Archd. of Cant. who of their owne nature were so furious and fierye against the harmles flocke of Christ that there was no nede of any proclamation to stir vp the coles of their burning crueltie by reason wherof many a godly Saint lieth slaine vnder the altare as in diuers places of this booke wel may appeare And now to returne to the said dioces of Cant. againe in the next moneth following being the month of Iune the 18. day of the same were 7. Christian true faithfull martirs of christ burned at Maidst whose names here folow Ioane Bradbridge of Stapleherst Walter Appelbie of Maidstone Petronil his wife Edmund Alen of Fritenden Katherine his wife Ioane Mannings wyfe of Maidstone Elizabeth a blinde Maiden As concerning the generall Articles commonly obiected to them in the publicke Consistory the order of theyr cōdemnation it differeth not much from the vsuall maner expressed before pag. 1585. neither did their aunsweares in effect much differre from the other that suffered vnder the same Ordinarie in the foresaid dioces of Canterburie Now as touching their accusers and maner of apprehension and their priuate cōflicts with the aduersaries I finde no great matter comming to my hands saue only of Edmund Alen some intimation is geuē men how his trobles came what was his cause and aunsweres before the Iustices as here consequently ye shall vnderstand The examination of Edmund Alen. THis Allen was a milner of the parish of Frytenden in Kent and in a deare yere when as many poore people were like to starue he fed them and solde his corne better cheape by halfe then others did and did not that only but also fedde them with the foode of life reading to them the scriptures and interpreting them This being known to the popish priests there abou ts dwelling by the procurement of them namely of Iohn Tailor parson of Fritenden and Thomas Henden parson of Stapleherst he was eftsones cōplained off to the Iustices and brought before syr Iohn Baker Knight who first sending for them committed both him and his wife to Ward but not long after they were let out I know not how so went ouer vnto Calice Whereafter that he had continued a certaine space he began to be troubled in conscience there meeting with one Iohn Web of the same parish of Fritēden who was likewise fled from the tirāny of sir Iohn Baker and parson Tailor said vnto him that he could not be in quiet there what soeuer the cause was for God saide he hadde some thing to do for him in Englād thus shortly he returned home again to the parish of Fritenden Where was a cruel Priest there Parson called Iohn Tailor This parson Tailor being infourmed by his brother Sertan that Edmund Allen the Miluer his wife were returned and were not at masse time in the churche as he was the same time in the midst of his masse vpon a Sonday a little before the eleuation as they terme it euen almost at the lifting vp of his Romish God he turned him to the people in a great rage and commanded them with all spede to go vnto their house and apprehend them and he wold come to them with as much hast as might be possible Which promise he well performed For he had not so soone made an end of Ite missa est and the vestments of his back but by and by he was at the house and there laying hande of the said Alen caused him againe to be brought to sir Ih. Baker with a greuous complaint of his exhorting reading the scriptures to the people and so was he his wife sent to Maidstone prison Witnessed by Richard Fletcher Uicare of Crambroke and Iohn Webbe of Fritenden They were not so soone in prisone but maister Baker immediately sent vnto their house certaine of his mē Ih. Doue Thomas Best Thomas Linley Perciuall Barbel with the foresaide Iohn Tailor parson of Fritenden and Thomas Henden Parson of Stapleherst to take an inuentorie of all the goodes that were in the house Where they found in the bedstraw a casket locked with a padlocke so cutting the wist therof opened it and founde therein a sackecloth bagge of money containing the summe of 13. or 14. pound partly in gold partly in siluer Which money after they had told and putte in the bagge againe like good caruers for themselues they caried away with them Besides also they found
geue away and not himselfe vse that his authoritye and power geuen him of God or lawfully may without offence to God and his people after knowledge thereof hadde suffer himselfe by fraud or guile or by any other vnlawfull meane to be beguiled defrauded and spoyled thereof and whether any subiect of what dignity estate or calling soeuer he or they be without offence to God and to his kinge to the minishing or derogating of the supreme prerogatiue roial of his king or of any part therof may do ought or after knowledge therof had without offence to God to his king may conceale the same 9. Whether the holy written law of God be geuen of God vnto all men of what dignity estate or calling by office soeuer they be aswell thereby to gouerne all theyr Dominions Regions and Countryes and theyr people therin inhabiting as themselues and whether any law or lawes the holy law of God onely excepted not being made within any Dominion Region or Country whereas it or they be vsed may be lawfully vsed before it or they be as the lawfull law or lawes of the same Dominion Region o● Countrey by publicke and common order of the same Dominion Region or Countrey lawfully allowed and whether any subiect without offence agaynst God and his king within the Dominion of his king may lawfully vse any such lawe or lawes not so allowed Emanuell ¶ Ascribe vnto the Lord O ye mighty ascribe vnto the Lord worship and strength geue the Lord the honor of his name and bow your selues to the holy maiesty of the Lord. I will harken what the Lord God will say for he shall speake peace vnto his people that they turne not themselues vnto foolishnes This 6. of Aprill 1557. By me Richard Gibson ¶ The death and Martyrdome of Iohn Rough Minister and Margaret Mearing burned at London the 22. of December IN this furious time of persecution were also burned these two constant and faythfull Martyrs of Christ Iohn Rough a Minister and Margaret Mearing This Rough was borne in Scotland who as himselfe confesseth in his aunsweres to Boners Articles because some of his kinsfolke woulde haue kept hym frō his right of inheritaunce which he had to certaine landes did at the age of xvij yeares in despite and the rather to displease his frendes professe himselfe into the order of the blacke Friers at Sterling in Scotlande where he remained the space of xvj yeres vntill such time as the Lord Hamulton Earle of Arren and gouernour of the Realme of Scotland aforesayde casting a fauour vnto hym did sue vnto the Archbishop of Saynt Andrewes to haue him out of his professed order that as a Seculare Prieste he might serue hym for his Chapleine At which request the Archbishoppe caused the Prouincial of that house hauing thereto authority to dispence with hym for his habite and order This sute beyng thus by the Earle obteined the sayde Rough remayned in his seruice one whole yeare duryng which time it pleased God to open his eyes and to geue him some knowledge of his truth and thereupon was by the sayd gouernour sent to preach in the freedome of Ayre where he continued foure yeares and then after the death of the Cardinall of Scotland he was appoynted to abyde at S. Andrewes and there had assigned vnto him a yearely pension of xx pound from king Henry the eight Kyng of England Howbeit at last waying with himselfe hys owne daūger and also abhorring the Idolatry and superstition of this countrey and hearing of the freedome of the Gospell within this Realme of England he determyned with himselfe not to tary any longer there And therefore soone after the battel of Muscle bourough he came first vnto Carliell and from thence vnto the Duke of Somerset then Lord Protectour of England and by his assignment had appoynted vnto him out of the Kinges treasurye xx poundes of yearely stipend and was sent as a Preacher to serue at Carliell Barwicke and Newcastell From whence after he had there according to the lawes of God and also of this Realme taken a countrey woman of hys to wife he was called by the Archbyshoppe of Yorke that then was vnto a benefice nighe in the Towne of Hull where he continued vntill the death of that blessed good king Edward the 6. But in the beginning of the reigne of Queene Marye perceyuyng the alteration of Religion and the persecution that woulde thereupon arise and feeling hys owne weakenes he fled with his wife into Friseland dwelte there at a place called Norden labouring truely for his liuing in knitting of Cappes hose and such like thinges till about the end of the moneth of October last before hys death At which tyme lacking yearne and other suche necessary prouision for the mainteinaunce of his occupation he came ouer againe into England here to prouide for the same and the x. daye of Nouember arriued at London Where hearing of the secret society and holy Congregation of Gods children there assembled he ioyned himselfe vnto them and afterwardes being elected theyr Minister and Preacher did continue moste vertuously exercised in that Godly felowshippe teaching and confirming them in the trueth and Gospell of Christ. But in the ende suche was the prouidence of God who disposeth all thinges to the best the xij day of December he with Cutbert Symson and others through the crafty and trayterous suggestion of a false Hipocrite and dissembling Brother called Roger Sergeaunt a taylour were apprehended by the Uicechamberlayne of the Queenes house at the Saracēs head in Islington where the Congregation had thē purposed to assemble themselues to theyr Godly and accustomable exercises of prayer and hearing the word of God which pretence for the safegarde of all the rest they yet at theyr examinations couered and excused by hearing of a playe that was then appoynted to be at that place The Uicechamberlayne after he had apprehended them caried ●ough and Symson vnto the Counsell who charged thē to haue assembled together to celebrate the Communion or Supper of the Lord and therefore after sundry examinations and aunsweares they sent the sayd Rough vnto Newgate but his examinations they sēt vnto the bishop of London with a Letter signed with they handes the copy wherof foloweth ¶ A Letter sent from the Queenes Councell vnto Boner Bishop of London touching the examination of Iohn Rough Minister AFter our harty commendations to your good Lordship we send you here inclosed the examination of a Scottish man named Iohn Rough who by the Queenes Maiesties commaundement is presentlye sent to Newgate beyng of the chiefe of them that vpon Sonday last vnder the colour of comming to see a Play at the Saracens head in Islington had prepared a communion to be celebrated and receiued there among certayne other seditious and hereticall persons And forasmuch as by the sayde Roughes examination conteining the story and progresse
one time wyth the rest examined and brought before the sayde Byshop who aunswered no lesse in his Maysters cause then the other and therfore had the like rewarde that the other had which was the Byshops bloudy blessing of condemnation and deliuered also to the Seculare power who kept him with the other vntill the day of slaughter which hasted on and was not long after Thomas Hudson was of Ailesham in Norfolke by his occupation a Glouer a very honest poore manne hauing a wife and three children and laboured alwayes truly and dilligently in hys vocation being of thirtye yeares of age and bearing so good a will to the Gospell that he in the dayes of king Edward the 6. two yeares before Q. Maryes raygne learned to read Englishe of Anthony Thomas Norgate of the same Towne wherin he greatly profited about the tyme of alteration of Religion For when Queene Mary came to raygne and had chaunged the seruice in the Churche putting in for wheate draffe and darnill and for good preaching blasphemous crying out agaynst truthe and godlinesse he then auoyding all theyr ceremonies of superstition absented hymselfe from hys house and went into Suffolkl a longe tyme and there remayned trauelling from one place to an other as occasion was offered At the last hee returned backe agayne to Northfolke to his house at A●lesham to comfort his wyfe and children being heauy and troubled with hys absence Nowe when he came home and perceiued hys contynuance there would be daungerous he and hys wife deuised to make hym a place among hys fagottes to hide him selfe in where he remayned all the day in steede of hys chamber reading and praying continually for the space of halfe a yeare and his wife lyke an honest woman being carefull for hym vsed her selfe faythfullye and dillygently towards him In the meane time came the Uicare of the Town named Berry who was one of the Byshoppes Commissaries a very euill manne and inquired of this sayd Thomas Hudsons wife for her husband Unto whom he answered as not knowing where hee was Then the sayde Berry rated her and threatned to burne her for that shee would not bewraye her husbande where hee was After that when Hudson vnderstoode it hee waxed euerye day more zelous then other and continually read sange Psalmes to the wonder of many the people openlye resorting to him to heare hys exhortations and vehement prayers At the last he walked abroad for certayne dayes openly in the Towne crying out continually agaynst the Masse and all theyr trumpery and in the ende commyng home in hys house he sate him downe vpon hys knees hauyng his book by hym reading and singing Psalmes continually without ceassing for three dayes and three nightes together refusing meate and other talke to the great wonder of many Then one Iohn Crouch his next neighbour went to the Constables Robert Marsham and Robert Lawes in the night to certifie them thereof for Berry commanded openly to watche for hym and the Constables vnderstanding the same went cruelly to catche hym in the breake of the day the xxii of the moneth of Aprill Anno 1558. Now when Hudson saw them come in he sayd Now myne houre is come Welcome frendes welcome You bee they that shall leade me to lyfe in Christ I thanke GOD therefore and the Lorde enhable me thereto for hys mercyes sake For his desire was and euer he prayed if it wer the Lordes will that hee might suffer for the Gospell of Christ. Then they tooke him and lead him to Berry the Commissarye whiche was Uicar of the towne and the sayde Berrye asked him first where hee kepte hys Church for foure yeares before To the whiche the sayde Hudson answered thus where so euer he was there was the church Doest thou not beleue sayth Berry in the sacramente of the aultar What is it Hudson It is wormes meate my beliefe saythe hee is in Christ crucified Berry Doest thou not beleeue the Masse to putte awaye sinnes Hudson No God forbidde it is a patched monstre and a disguised Puppet more longer a peecing then euer was Salomons Temple At whiche wordes Berry stamped fumed and shewed himself as a mad man and sayd well thou villayn thou I wil write to the B. my good Lord and trust vnto it thou shalt be handled according to thy desertes Oh sir sayde Hudson there is no Lorde but God though there be many Lordes and many Gods With that Berry thrust hym backe with hys hand And one Richard Cliffar standing by sayde I pray you sir bee good to the poore man At which wordes Berry was more mad then before and woulde haue had Cliffer bound in a recognysaunce of 40. poundes for hys good abearyng bothe in worde and deede whiche his desire tooke no effecte Then he asked the sayd Hudson whether he would recant or no. Unto whiche wordes Hudson sayde the Lorde forbid I had rather dye many deathes then to do so Then after long talke the sayde Berry seeing it booted not to perswade with him tooke hys penne and inke and wrote letters to the Bishop thereof and sent this Hudson to Norwiche bound like a theefe to him whiche was 8. miles from thence who with ioy and singing chere wēt thether as mery as euer he were at anye tyme before In prison he was a month where hee dyd continually read inuocate the name of God These three Christians and constaunt Martyrs William Seaman Thomas Carman and Thomas Hudson after they were as ye haue heard condemned the xix day of May. 1558. were caryed out of prison to the place where they should suffer whyche was without Byshoppes gate at Norwich called Lollards Pit And being al there they made their humble prayers vnto the Lorde That beyng done they rose and went to the stake and standing al ther with their chaynes about them immediately this sayde Thomas Hudson commeth foorth from them vnder the Chayne to the great wonder of many whereby diuers feared and greatly doubted of hym For some thought hee would haue recanted other iudged rather that he went to aske a further day and to desire conference and some thought he came forth to aske some of hys parentes blessing So some thought one thinge and some an other but hys two companions at the stake cryed out to him to comforte him what they coulde exhorting him in the bowelles of Christ to be of good cheare c. But this sweete Hudson felt more in hys heart and conscience then they could conceaue in him For alas good soule hee was compassed God knoweth with great dolour and griefe of minde not for hys death but for lacke of feeling of his Christ and therefore beyng verye carefull he humbly fell downe vppon his knees and prayed vehemently and earnestly vnto the Lord who at the last according to hys olde mercies sent him comfort and thē rose he with great ioy as
Boner certayne articles were ministred in this effect as followeth Articles FIrst that ye being within the Cittye and Dyoces of London haue not according to the commō custome of the catholick churche of this realme of Englande come to your owne parishe churche nor yet to the Cathedrall church of this citie and diocesse of London to heare deuoutly and christianly the Matins the Masse the Euensong song or sayd there in the Latine toung after the common vsage and maner of the church of this realme 2. Second that ye haue not come to any of the said churches to pray to goe in procession or to exercise your selues there in godly and laudable exercises 3. Thirde yee haue not conformed your selues duely to all the laudable customes rites and Ceremonies of anye the sayde churches 4. Fourth ye haue not bene confessed at due times and places to your owne curate of your sinnes 5. Fifth yee haue not receiued at your sayd Curates handes as of the minister of Christ absolution of your sinnes 6. Sixt ye haue not at due times and places of your Curate receiued reuerently and duely the sacrament of the altar 7. Seuenth yee haue not faithfully and truely beleeued that in the said sacrament of the altar there is really and truely the very body and bloud of Christ. 8. Eight yee haue not by your mouthe nor otherwise by your deede expressed or declared in any wise that ye without wauering or doubting doe thinke and beleeue that the faith and religion now obserued in the church of England is a true faith and religion in all poyntes 9 Ninthe yee haue not made any signification that yee doe in deede approoue or allowe in any wise the common seruice in Latine heere obserued and kepte in the Church of this Realme of Englande 10. Tenth ye haue not beleeued nor doe beleeue at this present that the seruice in Latine commonly vsed and obserued in the Churche of this realme is good and lawfull and not against the woorde of God 11. Eleuenth yee haue in times past liked allowed and approued as good and godly and so do like alow and approue at this present the seruice in English the bookes of Common prayer the bookes of Communion the religion setforth and vsed in the time of king Edward the sixt especially as it was set forthe and vsed in the latter daies of the said king Edward 12. Twelfth ye haue in times past bene very desirous and so are at this present that the sayde English seruice the sayde booke of common praier the sayd booke of communion and the sayd religion and faith so set foorth and vsed in King Edwardes time might nowe againe be restored set foorth and vsed and youre selfe freely at your libertie without anye restraint or lets to vse it and also in all poyntes and things to doe therein as ye did especially in the latter daies of the said Edward the sixt 13. Thirtene yee haue of late bene charitably sent to from me the Bishop of London and also by mouth exhorted that where of late yee did leaue your Churches and went in the time of diuine seruice into the fieldes and prophane places to reade English Psalmes and certaine English bookes ye wold leaue of that and being out of prisone and at your libertie come in to youre owne parish churches there to heare Mattens Masse and Euensong after the common order of the churches of this realme to make due confession of your sinnes to your owne curate and receiue at his handes as of the minister of Christ hauing therein sufficient authoritie absolution of your sinnes heare Masse receiue the Sacrament of the altare with a true faith according to the beliefe of the catholicke church and obserue all other the rites and customes of the saide catholicke churche vsed in thys realme of England aswell in going in procession after the crosse as also otherwise generally 14. Fourtene ye being so required haue refused and do refuse so to do saying amongst other vaine and light wordes that forasmuch as yee were imprisoned by the space of sixe weekes not knowing wherewith you were charged your petition should be and was that yee might first aunswere to your former cause and then ye would be ready to answere me the said bishop to al that by me should be laid to your charge Unto the which Articles all the forenamed 7. onely Reinold Eastland excepted made answer in effect as here after followeth The aunsweres of the forenamed persons to the Articles aforesayde 1. TO the first article they aunsweared affirmatiuely Roger Holland adding that hee came not to their Latine seruice these two yeares before Mathewe Ricarby added that he came not to churche since Latine seruice was renewed because it is against the woorde of God and Idolatrie committed in creeping to the crosse Henry Pond added if hee had licence then to goe to church he woulde 2. To the 2. Article they all aunsweared affirmatiuelye Henrye Ponde adding as in the first Article Iohn Floyd adde that the Latine seruice then vsed was set vp by man and not by God this he learned he sayd in king Edwardes daies which he beleued to be true Robert Southam added that he refused to come to churche because it is furnished with idoles and because the sacrament of the altar he beleeued to be an idoll 3. To the 3. Article they all aunsweared affirmatiuely For they sayd that the customes rites and ceremonies of the church then vsed are not agreeable to Gods woord 4 5. To the 4 and 5. Articles they all answeared affirmatiuely adding that they beleeued no Priest hath power to remit sinne 6. To the 6. Article Ihon Holiday Henry Ponde and Robert● Southam aunsweared that since the Queenes maiesties raigne but Robert Southam added not for 10. yeares before he had receiued the Sacrament of the altar either at their Curates hands or any other Priest Ihon Floyde Mathewe Ricarby and Roger Holland answeared affirmatiuely adding in effecte that the Sacrament of the altare is no Sacrament approoued by the worde of God c. 7. To the 7. Article they all confessed the contentes thereof to be true in euery part Henry Ponde adding that he knoweth not nor beleeueth any such Sacrament called the Sacrament of the altare but confesseth the Sacrament of the Lordes Supper and beleeueth that to be approoued Iohn Floyde added that those that kneele and worship the Sacrament of the altare committe idolatrie c. 8.9.10 To the 8 9.10 Articles they all confessed the contentes of those Articles to be true But Iohn Holiday Henry Pond and Iohn Floyd added that they do allow the Latine seruice for thē that vnderstandeth the same so farre as it agreeth with Gods word For some parte thereof is not agreeable to Gods woorde they sayd but to such as do not vnderstand the sayd seruice in Latine they doe not allowe it for it doeth not profite them Robert Southam added and sayd that it was a fond
Mayster Berty writing his letters to the Lantgraue and to the Erle of Erbagh the next day early in the mornyng the Erle of Erbagh dwellyng within 8. miles came to the towne whether the Duchesse was broughte with her wagon M. Bertie also beyng in the same towne vnder custody The Earle who had some intelligence of the Duches before after hee was come and had shewed suche curtesie as hee thought to her estate was seemely the Townesmen perceyuyng the Earle to behaue hymselfe so humbly vnto her beganne to consider more of the matter and further vnderstandyng the Capitayne to bee alyue both they and especially the authors of the sturre shrunke away and made all the friendes they could to maister Bertie and his wife not to report their doyngs after the worst sorte And thus Mayster Bertie and his wife escaping that daunger proceeded in their iourney toward Polelande where in conclusion they were quietly entertayned of the king and placed honourably in the Earldome of the sayd king of Poles in Sanogelia called Crozā wher M. Berty with the Duchesse hauing the kings absolute power of gouernement ouer the saide Earldome continued both in great quietnesse and honoure till the deathe of Queene Mary ¶ Thomas Horton Minister AS yee haue heard of the daungerous troubles of the Duchesse of Suffolke in time of her exile for religion sake whom notwithstanding the Lordes present protection still deliuered in all distresses as well from her enemies in England as in Dutchland frō the Launceknightes there so haue we no lesse to behold and magnifie the lords mercifull goodnes in preseruing of Thomas Horton frō the like perilles of the same Countrey Whiche Thomas Horton what a profitable instrument hee was to the Church of Christ in Queene Maries time all our Englishmen almost beyond the seas then did both know and feele This good Thomas Horton as he vsed oftentymes to trauayle betweene Germany and England for the behoofe and sustenaunce of the poore English exiles there so he iournying vpon a time betweene Mastricke and Collē chaunced to bee taken there by certayne Rouers and so being led by them away was in no little daunger and yet this daunger of his was not so great but the present helpe of the Lord was greater to ayd and deliuer him out of the same ¶ Thomas Sprat of Kent Tanner VNto these afore rehearsed examples of Gods blessed prouidence towardes his seruauntes may also be added the happy deliueraunce of Thomas Sprat and William Porrege his companion now Minister Whose story briefly to course ouer is this This Thomas Sprat had bene seruaunt sometimes to one M. Brent a Iustice and a heauy persecutour and therefore forsaking his Mayster for religious sake he wēt to Calice from whence he vsed often with the sayd William Porrege for theyr necessary affayres to haue a recourse into England It so happened about the fourthe yeare of Queene Maryes raygne that they landing vppon a tyme of Douer and taking theyr iourny together toward Sandwich sodenly vppon the way within three myles of Douer met with the foresayd M. Brent the two Blachendens and other Gentlemen moe with theyr seruaunts to the number of x. or xii horses Of the which two Blachendens being both haters and enemies of Gods worde and people the one had perfect knowledge of William Porrege the other had not seene him but onely hadde heard of his name before Thus they being in the way where this Iustice wyth his mates shuld meete them directly in the face Thomas Sprat first espying M. Brent was sore dismayde saying to hys companion yonder is M. Brent William Porrege God haue haue mercy vpon vs. Well quoth the other seing now there is no remedy let vs go in our waye And so thinking to passe by them they kept themselues aloufe as it were a score off from them Thomas Sprat also shadowing his face with his cloke Notwithstanding one of M. Brentes seruauntes aduising him better then his mayster did yonder sayd he to his Mayster is Thomas Sprat At whiche wordes they all rayned theyr horses and called for Thomas Sprat to come to them They cal you sayd William Porrege Now here is no remedy but we are takē and so perswaded him to go to them being called for that there was no escaping from so many horsemen in those playnes and downes where was no wood neare them by a myle nor hedge neyther but onely one which was a byrdbolt shot off All this notwithstanding Sprat stayed and woulde not go Then they called agayne sitting still on horseback Ah sirra quoth the Iustice why come ye not hether And still his companion moued him to go seyng there was no other shift to flee away Nay sayd Sprat I will not goe to them and therwithall tooke hys legges running to the hedge that was next him They seeyng that sette spurres to their horse thinking by and by to haue hym and that it was vnpossible for him to escape their hands as it was in deede they beyng on horse backe and he on foote had not the Lorde myraculously deliuered his seely seruant frō the gaping mouth of the Lyon ready to deuour him For as God would so it fell out that hee had got ouer the hedge skrawling through the bushes when as they were euen at his heeles striking at him with theyr swords out of the Blachendens crying cruelly cut off one of hys legges Thus Sprat had scarsely recouered the hedge from hys enemies when one of M. Brentes seruaunts which had bene fellow sometymes in house with him followed him in hys bootes and certayne rode vp at one side of the hedge and certayne at the other to meete him at the vpper end Now while they were following the chase after Thomas Sprat onely one remayned with William Porrege who was one of the Blachendens not he whiche knewe him but the other who began to question with hym not asking what was hys name as God would for then hee had bene knowne and taken but from whence hee came and how he came into Sprats company and whether he went Unto whome he aunswered and sayd from Calyce and that Sprat came ouer with him in the passage boate and they two were goyng to Sandwich and so wythout any more questions he let him depart Anone as he kept along the hedge one of the horsemen which rode after Sprat returning backe and meeting with the sayd W. Porrege demaunded the very same questions as the other had done to whome he made also the like answere as afore and so departed taking an other contrary way from the meeting of the other horsman And thus W. Porrege escaped Now concerning Thomas Sprat he being pursued on the one side by horsemen on the other side by his own fellow who followed after hym in his bootes crying you were as good to tarry for we will haue you we will haue you yet notwithstanding he still kept on
they had sore laboured for vnlesse they made frendes to buy it with money of the sayd Sheriffe so cruel and greedy was he and his officers vpon such things as were there left Wel now this innocēt man is dead his goods spoiled his wife and children left desolate and comfortlesse and all things is hushte and nothing feared of any parte yet the Lord who surely doth reuenge the guiltles bloud would not stil so suffer it but began at the length to punish it him selfe For in the haruest after the sayde Grimwood of Hitcham one of the witnesses before specified as hee was in his labour staking vp a goffe of corne hauing hys health and fearing no pearill sodenly his bowels fell out of hys body and immediately most miserably he died suche was the terrible Iudgement of God to sh●we his displeasure against this bloudy act and to warne the rest by these hys iudgements to repentance The Lorde graunt vs to honour the same for his mercies sake Amen This foresaid Fenning who was the procurer of this tyrannie against him is yet aliue and is nowe a minister which if he be I pray God he may so repent that fact that he may declare himselfe hereafter such a one as may well aunswere to his vocation accordingly But since we haue heard that he is no chaungeling but continueth still in his wickednes therfore presented before the woorshipfull Mayster Humerston Esquire and Iustice of Peace Coram for that he had talke with some of his friendes as he thoughte how many honest women to their great infamy were in the Parish of Wensthaston wherein he is now Ui●are resident wherfore he was commaunded the next sonday ensuing to aske all the Parish forgiuenes vpō his knees openly in seruice tyme which he did in Wensthaston Church beforesayd moreouer the abouesayd Fenning is reported to be more lyke a shifter then a Minister To these examples also may be added the terrible iudgment of God vpon the Parson of Crondall in Kent who vpon Shrouesonday hauing receiued the Popes Pardon from Cardinal Poole came to his Parish and exhorted the people to receiue the same as he had done himselfe saying that he stoode now so cleare in cōscience as whē he was first borne cared not now if he should dye the same houre in the clearenes of conscience whereupon being sodenly stricken by the hand of God leaning a little on the one syde immediately shronke down in the Pulpit so was found dead speaking not one word more Read before pag. 1560. Not long before the death of Queene Mary dyed Doctour Capon Bishop of Salisbury About the which tyme also followed the vnprepared death of Doctour Geffrey Chancellour of Salisbury who in the midst of his buildings sodainly being taken by the mighty hand of God yelded his lyfe which hadde so little pittye of other mens lyues before Concerning whose crueltye partly mention is made before pag. 2055. As touching moreouer this foresayde Chauncellour here is to be noted that he departing vpon a Saterday the next day before the same he hadde appoynted to call before him .90 persons and not so fewe to examine them by Inquisition had not the goodnes of the Lord and his tender prouidence thus preuented him with death prouiding for his poore seruauntes in tyme. And now to come from Priests to Lay men we haue to finde in them also no lesse terrible demonstrations of Gods heauy iudgement vpon such as haue beene vexers and persecutours of his people Before in the story of M. Bradford .1624 mention was made of Maister Woodroffe who being thē Sheriffe vsed much to reioyce at the death of the poore Saints of Christ and so hard he was in his office that when Mayster Rogers was in the cart going toward Smithfield and in the way his childrē wer brought vnto him the people making a laue for them to come Maister Woodroffe bad the carmans head should be brokē for staying his cart But what happened He was not come out of his office the space of a weeke but he was stricken by the sodaine hand of God the one halfe of his body in suche sorte that he lay be nummed and bedred not able to moue himself but as he was li●ted of other and so contynued in that infirmity the space of 7. or 8. yeares tyll his dying day pag. 1624. Lykewise touching Rafe Lardyn the betrayer of George Eagles it is thought of some that the sayd Rase afterward was attached himselfe arraegned and hanged Who being at the barre had these woordes before the Iudges there and a greate multitude of people This is most iustly fallen vpon me saythe he for that he hadde betrayed the innocent bloud of a good iust man George Eagles who was here condemned in the time of Queene Maryes raygne thorough his procurment who sold hys bloud for a little money Not much vnlyke stroke of these seuerally was shewed vpon W. Swallow of Chemlford his wife also vpon Rich. Potto Iustice Browne cruel persecutors of the sayd George Egles concerning whose story Reade before pag. 2009. Amonge other persecutours also came to our handes the cruelty of one Maister Swingfield an Aldermans Deputye about Thamis streete who hearing 〈◊〉 Angelles wyfe a midwyfe that kepte her selfe from their Popishe Church to be at the labour of one Mistres Walter al crooked Lane ende tooke three other with him and besette the house about and tooke her and caryed her to Boners officers bigge with childe 28. weekes gone who layd her in Lollardes Tower where as the same daye shee came in thorough feare and a fall at her taking she was deliuered of a man childe could haue no woman with her in that needefull tyme. Lying there 5. weekes she was deliuered vnder suertyes by friendship and Doctor Story hearing thereof charged her with fellony and so sent her to Newgate The cause was for that she had a womā at her house in her labour that dyed and the child also and so he charged her with their death But when Syr Roger Cholmley hearde her tell her tale he deliuered her and not much more then 10. weekes after if it were so long dyed the sayd Maister Swingfield and the other three that came to take her Because some there be and not a few which haue such a great deuotion in setting vp the Popish Masse I shal desire thē to marke well this story following There was a certain Bailiffe of Crowlād in Lincolnshire named Burton who pretending an earnest frendship to the Gospel in king Edwards dayes in outward shew at least although inwardly he was a Papist or Atheist and wel knowen to be a man of a wicked adulterous life set forth the kinges proceedinges lustely till the time that king Edward was dead and Queene Mary placed quietly in her estate Then perceiuing by the first proclamation concerning Religion how the world was lyke to turne
the Bailiffe turned his Religion likewise and so he moued the Parish to shew themselues the Queenes friendes to set vp the Masse speedely Neuertheles the most substauntiall of the Parish marueling much at the Bailiffes inconstant lightnes considering also his abominable lyfe and hauing no great deuotion vnto his request knowing moreouer that their duty frendship to the Queene stoode not in setting vp the Masse spared to prouide for it as lōg as they might but the Bailiffe called on them still in the Queenes name At last when he saw his wordes were not regarded purposing to wynne his spurres by playing the man in the Masses behalfe and the Queenes he got him to the church vpon a sunday morning when the Curate was beginning the Englishe seruice according to the Statute secte forth by King Edward the vj. the Bailiffe commeth in a great rage to the Curate sayth Syrrha will you not say Masse buckle your selfe to Masse you knaue or by Gods bloud I shall sheathe my dagger in your shoulder The poore Curate for feare fetled himselfe to Masse Not long after this the Bailiffe rode from home vpō certaine busines accompanyed with one of his neighbors and as they came ryding togeather vpon the Fennebanke homeward agayne a Crow sitting in a willow tree tooke her flighte ouer hys head singing after her woonted note knaue knaue withall let fall vpon his face so that her excrements ran from the top of his nose down to his beard The poysoned sent sauour whereof so noyed his stomacke that he neuer ceased vomiting vntil he came home wherwith his hart was so sore his body so distempered that for extreme sicknes he got him to bed and so lying he was not able for the stincke in his stomacke and paynefull vomiting to receaue any reliefe of meate or drinke but cryed out still sorowfully complayning of that stincke with no smal othes cursing the Crow that had poysoned him To make short he continued but a fewe daies but with extreme paine of vomiting and crying he desperately died without any token of repentance of his former life Reported and testified for a certaintie by diuers of his neighbours both honest and credible persons Of Iames Abbes Martyr ye heard before In the time of whose Martyrdom what befell vppon a wicked railer against him now ye shall further vnderstand Wherby all such railing persecutors may learne to feare Gods hand and to take heede howe or what they speake againste his seruaunts As this Iames Abbes was led by the sheriffe toward his execution diuers poore people stood in that way and asked their almes He then hauing no money to geue them and desirous yet to distribute some thing amongest them did pull off all his apparell sauing hys shirt gaue the same vnto them to some one thing to some an other in the geuing wherof he exhorted them to be strong in the Lord and as faithful followers of Christ to stand stedfast vnto the truthe of the Gospell which hee through Gods helpe would then in their sight seale and confirme with hys bloud Whiles he was thus charitably occupied and zealously instructing the people a seruaunt of the Sheriffes going by hearing him cried out aloude vnto them and blasphemously sayd beleue him not good people He is an hereticke and a mad man out of his wit beleue him not for it is heresy that he saith And as the other continued in his godly admonitions so did thys wicked wretche still blowe foorthe his blasphemous exclamations vntill they came vnto the stake where he should suffer Unto the which this constant Martyr was tied in the ende cruelly burned as in his storie more fully is already declared But immediatly after the fire was put vnto him such was the fearfull stroke of Gods iustice vpon this blasphemous railer that he was there presently in the sight of all the people stricken with a frenesy wherewith he had before mooste railingly charged that good Martyr of God who in this furious rage and madnesse castinge off hys shoes with all the rest of his cloathes cried out vnto the people and sayde Thus did Iames Abbes the true seruaunt of God who is saued but I am damned And thus ranne hee rounde about the Towne of Burie still crying out that Iames Abbes was a good man and saued but he was damned The Sheriffe then being amazed and caused him to be taken tied in a darke house and by force compelled hym againe to put on his cloathes thinking thereby wythin a while to bring him to some quietnes But he all that notwithstanding as soone as they were gone continued his former raging and casting of his cloathes cried as he did before Iames Abbes is the seruant of God and is saued but I am damned At length he was tied in a carte brought home vnto his Maisters house and wythin halfe a yeare or thereaboutes he being at the poynt of death the priest of the parish was sent for who comming vnto him brought wyth him the Crucifixe and theyr houseling host of the aultare Which geare when the poore wretch sawe he cried oute of the Priest and defied all that baggage saying that the Priest wyth suche other as he was was the cause of his damnation and that Iames Abbes was a good man and saued And so shortly after he died Clarke an open enemie to the Gospell and all Godly preachers in king Edwards daies hanged him self in the Tower of London The great and notable papist called Troling Smith of late fell downe sodenly in the streete and died Dale the Promoter was eaten into his body with Lice and so died as it is well knowen of manye and confessed also by his fellow Iohn Auales before credible witnesse Coxe an earnest protestant in king Edwardes dayes and in Quene Maries time a papist and a Promoter going wel and in health to bed as it seemed was deade before the morning Testified by diuers of the neighbours Alexander the Keeper of Newgate a cruell enemie to those that lay there for Religion died very miserably being so swollen that he was more like a monster then a man and so rotten within that no man could abide the smell of him This cruell wretch to hasten the poore lambes to the slaughter would go to Boner Story Cholmley other crying out rid my prison rid my prison I am too muche pestered with these heretickes The sonne of the saide Alexander called Iames hauing left vnto him by his father great substaunce within three yeres wasted al to nought And whē some marueled how he spent those goodes so fast O sayde he euill gotten euill spent and shortly after as hee went in Newgate market fell downe sodenly and there wretchedly died Iohn Peter sonne in lawe to this Alexander an horrible blasphemer of God no lesse cruell to the said prisoners rotted away and so
to the Tower of London and there remained vntill Queene Elizabeth was proclaimed Queene at whych time he being deliuered fell sicke and dyed The common talke was that if he had not so sodēly ended his life hee woulde haue opened and reuealed the purpose of the chiefe of the Cleargy meaning the Cardinall whyche was to haue taken vp K. Henries body at Windsore and to haue burned it And thus much of doctor Weston The residue that remained of the persecuting Clergy and escaped the stroke of deathe were depriued and committed to prisones the Catalogue of whose names heere followeth In the Tower Nicholas Death Archbishop of Yorke and Lord Chauncellour Thomas Thurlby B. of Ely Thomas Watson B. of Lincolne Gilbert Burne B. of Bath and Welles Richard Pates B. of Worcester Troublefield B. of Exetor Iohn Fecknam Abbot of Westminster Iohn Boxal Deane of Windsore and Peterborough Of Dauid Poole B. of Peterborough I doubte whether he was in the Tower or in some other prisone Ran away Goldwell B. of S. Asse Maurice Elect of Bangor Edmunde Boner B. of London in the Marshalsea Thomas Wood B. Elect in the Marshalsea Cutbert Scothish of Chester was in the Fleete from whence he escaped to Louane and there died In the Fleet. Henry Cole Deane of Paules Iohn Harpesfield Archdeacon of London and Deane of Norwich Nicholas Harpesfield Archd. of Cant. Anthony Draycot Archdeacon of Hūtington W. Chadsey Archdeacon of Midlesex ¶ Concerning which Doctour Chadsey here is to be noted that in the beginning of king Edwards raigne he recanted and subscribed to 34. Articles wherein hee then fully consented and agreed with his owne hand wryting to the whole forme of doctrine approoued allowed then in the church as well concerning iustification by faith only as also the doctrine of the two sacramentes then receaued denying as well the Popes supremacie transubstantiation Purgatory Inuocation of Saints eleuation and adoration of the Sacrament the sacrifice veneration of the Masse as also all other like excrements of Popish superstition according to the kings booke then set foorth Wherefore the more maruel it is that he being counted such a famous and learned Clearke would shew himselfe so fickle and vnstable in hys assertions so double in hys doinges to alter hys Religion according to time and to maintein for truth not what he thought best but what he myght most safely defend So long as the state of the lord Protectour and of hys brother stoode vprighte what was then the conformitie of this D. Chadsey hys owne Articles in Latine wrytten and subscribed wyth hys owne hand doe declare which I haue to shewe if he will denye them But after the decay of the kings vncles the fortune of them turned not so fast but his Religion turned withall and eftsoones he tooke vppon hym to dispute agaynste Peter Martyr in vpholding Transubstantiation at Oxforde which a little before with his owne hād wryting he had ouerthrowen After this ensued the time of Queene Mary wherein doctor Chadsey to shew hys double diligence was so eger in his commission to sit in iudgement to bring poore mē to their death that in the last yeare of Quene Mary when the Lord Chauncellor Syr Thomas Cornwalles Lorde Clinton diuers other of the Counsell had sent for hym by a special letter to repaire vnto London out of Essex he wryting againe to the bishop of London sought meanes not to come at the Counsels bidding but to continue still in his persecuting progresse The Copie of whose letter I haue also in my handes if neede were to bring foorth Mention was made not long before of one William Mauldon who in king Henries time suffered stripes and scourgings for confessing the veritie of Gods true religion It happened in the first yeare of Queene Elizabeth that the sayd W. Mauldon was bound seruaunt with one named Maister Hugh Aparry then a wheat taker for the Quene dwelling at Grenewich Who being newly come vnto him and hauing neuer a booke there to looke vpon being desirous to occupie himself vertuously loked about the house and founde a Primer in English whereon hee read in a winters euening Whiles he was reading there sat one Iohn Apowel that had ben a Seruing man about 30. yeres of age borne toward Wales whom the said M. Hugh gaue meat and drink vnto til such time as he could get a seruice And as the foresayd William Mauldon read on the Booke the sayde Iohn Apowell mocked hym after euery worde with contrary gaudes and flouting wordes vnreuerently in so muche that he coulde no longer abide him for grief of hart but turned vnto him and sayd Iohn take heede what thou doest Thou doest not mocke mee but thou mockest God For in mocking of his word thou mockest hym and thys is the word of God though I be simple that read it and therfore beware what thou doest Then Mauldon fell to reading agayne and still hee proceeded on in hys mocking and when Mauldon had redde certayne Englyshe Prayers in the ende he redde Lorde haue mercye vppon vs Christe haue mercye vpon vs. c. And as Mauldon was reciting these wordes the other with a start sodenly sayd Lord haue mercy vpon me With that Mauldon tourned and sayde what ailest thou Iohn He sayee I was afraide Whereon wast thou afraide said Mauldon Nothing now sayd the other and so he would not tel hym After thys when Mauldon and he went to bedde Mauldon asked him whereof he was afraide He sayde when you red Lord haue mercye vppon vs Christ haue mercy vppon vs me thought the haire of my head stoode vpright with a great feare which came vpon me Then sayd Mauldon Iohn thou mayest see the euill spirite could not abide that Christ should haue mercy vppon vs. Wel Iohn said Mauldon repent and amend thy life for God will not be mocked If we mocke and iest at his woord he will punish vs. Also you vse rebauldry woordes and swearing verye much therfore for Gods sake Iohn amend thy life So I will sayd he by the grace of God I pray God I may Amen said the other with other words and so went to bed On the next day about 8. of the clocke in the morning the foresaid Iohn came running downe out of his chamber in his shirt into the Hall and wrasteled with hys mistresse as he would haue throwen her downe Wherat she shriked out and her seruauntes holpe her and tooke hym by strength and caried him vp vnto his bed bound him downe to his bed for they perceiued plainely that he was out of his right minde After that as he lay almoste day and night his toung neuer ceased but he cried out of the deuill of hell and hys woordes were euer stil O the deuill of hell now the deuill of hell I would see the deuill of hell thou shalt see the deuil of hel there he was there he goeth with other words but
leaue it to the reporte of them which in this matter know more then I here will vtter But notwithstanding al these cracks and threatnings of the king to see what the Lord can doe in making hygh kinges to stoupe euen the same day when the king was in his most rage agaynst these good men almightye God taking the cause in hand to fight for his Church so turned the matter that he made the great enemy of hys both with his mouth and with his hand to worke his own destruction with his mouth in commaunding with his han● in geuing him the Lance into hys hand which the same day gaue him his deathes wound as by the sequele hereof in reading ye may vnderstand ¶ The stroke of Gods hand vpon Henry .2 French king KIng Henry being in the Parliamēt house which was kept at the Fryer Augustines at Paris because the Pallace was in preparing agaynst the mariage of hys daughter and his sister and hauing heard the opinion in religiō of Anne du Bourg Counsaylour in the lawe a man eloquent and learned he caused the sayd Anne du Bourg and Loys du Faur Counsaylours to be taken prisoners by the Constable of Fraunce who apprehended them and delyuered them into the handes of the Countye of Mongommery the which caryed them to prison Agaynst whom the king being wrathfull and angry among other talke sayd to the sayd Anne du Bourg These eyes of mine shall see thee burnt And so on the 19. of Iune Commission was geuen to the Iudges to make his Proces During this meane while great feastes and banquets were preparing in the Courte for ioy and gladnes of the mariage that should be of the kinges daughter and sister agaynst the last day of Iune saue one So when the day tyme aboue prefixed was come the king employed all the morning in examining as wel the Presidentes as Counsaylours of the sayde Parliament agaynst these prisoners and other theyr companions that were charged with the same doctrine which being done they went to dinner The king after he had dyned for that he was one of the defendauntes at the Tourney which was solemnly made in S. Anthonies Streate neare to the prison where the foresayde Prisoners were committed hee entred into the Lystes and there in iusting as the manner is had broken many Staues right valiauntly as could be runnyng as well agaynste the Countye of Montgommery as other moe Whereupon he was highly commended of the lookers on And because he had done so valiauntly and was thought nowe to haue done enough hee was desired to cease with praise But he being the more inflamed with hearing of hys prayse woulde needes runne an other course wyth Montgommery who then refusing to runne agaynst the king and kneling vpon his knees for pardon not to run the king being egerly set commanded him vpon his allegeance to runne and as some affirme did also him selfe put the staffe in his hand vnto whose handes he had committed the foresayd prisoners a little before Montgommery thus being enforced whether he would or no to run agaynst the king addressed hymselfe after the best wyse to obey the kinges commaundement Whereupon he and the king met together so stoutly that in breaking theyr Speares the king was striken with the counter blowe so right in one of hys eyes by reasonne that the visour of his Helmet so sodenly fell downe at the same instaunt that the shiuers entred into hys head so that the braynes was peryshed thereupon so festred that no remedy could bee founde although Phisitions and Surgeons were sent for from all places in the Realme as also frō Brabant by king Philip but nothing auayled so that the xj day after that is the x. of Iuly 1559. he ended his life in great dolour hauing raigned xij yeares three monethes and ten dayes Some report that among other wordes he said that he feared he was strickē for casting the poore christians wrongfully in prisō but the Cardinal of Loraine standing by as he was alwayes at hād sayd vnto him that it was the enemy that tempted him that he should be stedfast in the fayth By this meanes the Hall which was prepared for a place of ioy and gladnes did now serue for a Chappel to keep the corps being dressed with blacke mourning cloth night and day t●ere was nothing heard but mournyng and lamenting for the space of xl dayes About two yeares after this which was the yeare of our Lord .1561 there were certayne Gentlemen put to death at Amboise for taking armes agaynst the house of Guise Touching which Gentlemen this is to be noted that as one of thē should be brought to the place of executiō where the other lay dead before him he thrust his handes into the bloud of two of his companions which were there beheaded and then lifting them vp to heauen cryed with a loud voyce Lord behold the bloud of thy childrē thou wilt in time and place reuenge it Not long after the same the Chancellor Oliuier who was condemner of thē at the instigatiō and pursuit of the Cardinall of Loraine through great remorse of cōscience fell sicke and in a frensy casting out sighes vncessauntly afflicting himselfe after a fearefull and straūge fashion for his vnrighteous sentence and more then barbarous cruelty shriked vpon a sodeyne with an horrible cry sayd O Cardinall thou wilt make vs all to be damned And within a very few dayes after he dyed Fraunces the second of that name king of Fraunce at the perswasion of the Cardinall of Loraine of certeyne others caused an assēbly of the Estates of the realm in the towne of Orleans among other things to mainteine the Papall See to the ouerthrow of those which would lyue after the sincerity of the gospel but being fallen sick shortly after in the foresayd place of a feuer through an Impostume in his left eare he dyed the fourth of Decemb. 1561. hauing raigned but one yeare and about fiue monethes It was sayd of this king Fraunces as the authour aboue mentioned reporteth that when he was drawyng toward his end the Cardinal of Loraine made him to say and pronounce these words which folow Lord forgeue me my trespasses and impute not vnto me the faultes which my ministers haue done vnder my name and authority Neither is it vnworthy of obseruation that after the father happened in much like sort by gods mighty iudgement vpon Carol. 9. his second sonne brother to Frances aboue mentioned in these our latter dayes who after the horrible and bloudy murder of the Admyrall other true professors of Christes Gospell both men womē and children to the nūber of many thousandes of diuers Cityes in so much that the prisōs streetes are said to be coloured with bloud smoking after such a cruell sort as in our time or country the like hath not hitherto bene sene by the terrible
stroke of gods iust reuenge the same king by credible report of stor● is sayd to dye of bleeding not onely at his eares and nose but in all other places of his bodye where bloud might haue any issue Unto these afore recited historyes of king Henry and hys two Sonnes might also be added the death of the Emperour Charles the fift Who in like maner beyng an enemy and a great terrour to the Gospell was cut of like wise for doing any more hurt to the Church muche about the same time an 1558. which was but three monethes before the death of Queene Mary and ten monethes before the death of the sayd Henry the 2. Touching the death of which Charles and Henry Fraunces this Epitaph folowing was written in Latine verses and printed in the French story booke aboue alledged Consilijs Christum oppugnans fraudibus ingens Regum ille terror Carolus Ipsis ridiculus pueris furiosus excors Totus repentè corruit Tuque Henrice malis dum consultoribus vtens Sitis piorum sanguinem Ipse tuo vecors inopina caede peremptus Terram imbuisti sanguine Henrici deinceps sectans vestigia patris Franciscus infoelix puer Clamantem Christum surda dum negligit aure Aure putrefacta corruit Versuti fatui surdi haec spectacula Reges Vos sapere vel mori iubent Not long after Anne du Bourges death the President Minard who was a sore persecutour and the condemner of the sayd Anne du Bourg as he returned from the Pallace or Counsell chamber to his owne house beyng vpon his Mule euen hard by his house was slayne with a Dag but who was the doer thereof or for what cause hee was slayne for all the inquisition and dilligent searche that coulde be made it was neuer knowne Amongst many other examples worthy to be noted let vs also consider the end of the K. of Nauarre brother to the worthy Prince of Condy who after he had susteined a certayne time the cause of the Gospell at length being allured by the flattering words of the Duke of Guise and the Cardinall of Loraine his brother and vpon hope to haue his landes restored againe which the king of Spayne reteyned from him was contented to alter his religion and to ioyne side with the Papists and so being in camp with the Duke of Guise at the siege of Roane was there shot in with a pellet After which wound receiued being brought to a towne three miles from the campe called Preaux hee did vehemently repent and lament his backsliding from the Gospell promising to God most earnestly that if hee might escape that hurt he woulde bring to passe that the Gospell should be preached freely through all Fraunce Notwithstanding within fiue or sixe dayes after he dyed Neyther did the Duke of Guise himselfe the greate Archenemy of God and his Gospell continue in life long after that but both he with the whole triumuirat of France that is three the greatest captayns of popery were cut off for doyng any more hurt to wit the Duke of Guise before Orleance the Constable before Paris the Marshal of S. Andrew before Dreux ¶ Of the Emperour Sigismundus Amongest others here is not to bee past ouer nor forgotten the notable examples of Gods iust scourge vppon Sigismundus the Emperour of whō mentiō is made before in the condemnation of Iohn Husse Hierome of Prage pag. 596. After the deathe and wrongfull condemnation of which blessed martyrs nothing afterward went prosperously with the sayd Emperour but all contrary so that both he dyed without issue in his warres euer wēt to the worst And not long after Ladislaus his daughters sonne king of Hungary fighting agaynst the Turk was slayne in the fielde So that in the tyme of one generation al the posteritie ofspring of this Emperor perished Besides this Barbara his wife came to suche ruine by her wicked leudnes that she became a shame and slaunder to the name state of all Queenes Whereby all Christian princes and Emperours may sufficiently bee admonished if they haue grace what it is to defile themselues with the bloud of Christes blessed sayntes and Martyrs ¶ A note of Christopher Parker CHristopher Parker called Parker the wilde mentioned before in this booke of Monumentes pag. 1986. who being a persecuter of Richard Woodman did manacle his handes with a corde did cast himselfe into a pond and so drowned himselfe at Herstnonceux in Sussex the 8. of September 1575. * The story of one Drayner of Kent commonly called Iustice Nyne hooles I May not in this place omit the tragedy of one Drayner of Smarden in the Coun●y of Kent Esquire who bearing grudge against one Gregory Doddes Parson of the sayde towne for reprouing his vicious lyfe sent for hym by two men which tooke hym brought him before him where he was had into a Parlour as it were to breakfast In which behinde the doore he had placed one Roger Mathew secretly to beare witnes what he shuld say no more being in sight but the sayd Drayner one of hys men who willed and perswaded him to speake freely his minde for that there was not sufficient record of his wordes to hurt him But the Lord kept his talke without perill wherby the sayd Drayner sent hym to the next Iustice called M. George Dorell who perceiuing it to be done more of malice thē otherwise deliuered him vpon sureties to appeare at the next Sessions at Cant. and at length was banished the Countrey This sayd Drayner afterward being chosen Iustice to shew himselfe diligent in seeking the trouble of his neighbors made in the Rodeloft nyne hooles that he might looke about the church in Masse tyme. In which place alway at the sacring therof he would stand to see who looked not or held not vp his hands therto which persōs so not doing he would trouble punish very sore Wherby he purchased a name ther is called to this day Iustice nine holes who now God be thanked is Iohn out of office glad of his neighbors good will It so fell out that since this was published the sayde Drayner came to the Printers house with other associate demaunding Is Foxe here To whome aunswere was geuen that maister Foxe was not within Is the Printer within quoth Drayner It was aunswered yea Wherevpon being required to come vp into his house was asked what his will was Mary sayth he you haue printed me false in your booke Why sayth the Printer is not your name M. Drayner otherwise called Iustice nine holes It is false sayth he I made but v. with a great Augure and the Parson made the rest It was answered I haue not read that a Iustice shoulde make him a place in the Roode loft to see if the people held vppe theyr handes He sayd where as you alleadge that I did it to see who adored the sacrament or who not it is vntrue for
suppressed yet the examples of them may suffice to admonishe all men that bee wise and which will auoyde the wrath of Gods terrible vengeance to beware of Popery And thus hauing hitherto recited so manye shamefull lyues and desperate endes of so many popish Persecutours stricken by Gods hand nowe let vs consider agayne on the contrarye syde the blessed endes geuen of almighty God vnto them which haue stoode so manfully in the defence of Christes Gospel and the reformation of his religion and let the Papists themselues here be iudges First what a peaceable and heauenly ende made the worthy seruaunt and singular Organe of God M. Luther To speake likewise of the famous Iohn Duke of Saxonie and prince Elector of the good Palsgraue of Phillip Melancthon of Pomeranus Vrbanus Rhegius Berengarius of Vlricus Zuinglius Oecolampadius Pellicanus Capito Munsterius Ioannes Caluinus Petrus Martyr Martin Bucer Paulus Phagius Ioan. Musculus Bibliander Gesnerus Hofman Augustinus Marloratus Lewes of Bourbon Prince of Condy and his godly wife before him with many mo which were knowne to be learned mē and chiefe standerds of the Gospel side against the Pope and yet no man able to bring forth any one example eyther of these or of any other true Gospeller that eyther killed himselfe or shewed forth any signification or appearaunce of despayre but full of hope and constant in faythe and replenished with the fruite of righteousnesse in Christ Iesu so yealded they theyr lyues in quiet peace vnto the Lord. From these Forrayners let vs come now to the Martyrs of England and marke likewise the ende both of them and semblably of all other of the same profession And first to beginne with the blessed and heauenly departure of King Edward the vi that first put downe the Masse in England and also of the lyke godly end of his good Vncle the Duke of Sommerset which dyed before him with an infinite number of other priuate persons besides of the like religion in whose finall departing no suche blemishe is to bee noted like to the desperate examples of them aboue recited Let vs now enter the consideration of the blessed Martyrs who although they suffered in their bodyes yet reioyced they in theyr spirites and albeit they were persecuted of men yet were they comforted of the Lorde wyth suche inwarde ioy and peace of conscience that some writing to theyr friendes professed they were neuer so merrye before in all theyr lyues some leapt for ioye some for tryumphe woulde put on theyr Scarfes some theyr wedding garment goyng to the fire other kissed the stake some embraced the Fagottes some clapte theyr handes some song Psalmes vniuersally they all forgaue and prayed for ther enemies no murmuring no repining was euer heard amongest them so that moste truely might bee verified in them whiche their persecuters were wonte to sing in they re Hymnes Caeduntur gladijs more bidentium Non murmur resonat nec querimonia Sed corde tacito mens bene conscia Conseruat pacientiam c. Briefly so great was theyr patience or rather so great was Gods spirite in them that some of them in the flaming fire moued no more then the Stake whereunto they were tyed In fine in them most aptly agreed the speciall tokens whiche most certaynly follow the true children of God that is outward persecution and inward comfort in the holy Ghost In the world sayth Christ our Sauiour ye shall haue affliction but in me yee shall haue peace c. And likewise the wordes of S. Paule be playne Whosoeuer sayth he studyeth to liue godly in Christe shall suffer persecution c. But then what followeth with this persecution the sayde Apostle agayne thus declareth saying As the passions of Christ abound in vs so aboundeth also our consolation by Christe c. According as by the examples of these godly martyrs right perfectly we may perceaue For as theyr bodyes outwardly lacked no persecutions by the handes of the wicked so amongest so many hundreds of them that stood and dyed in this religion what one man can be brought forth which eyther hath bene founde to haue killed himselfe or to haue dyed otherwise then the true seruaunt of GOD in quiet peace and much comforte of conscience Whiche being so what greater proofe can we haue to iustifie theyr cause and doctrine agaynst the persecuting Churche of Rome then to behold the endes of them both First of the Protestantes how quietly they tooke theyr deathe and chearefully rested in the Lord and contrariwise to marke these persecuters what a wrerched end commonly they doe all come vnto Experience whereof we haue sufficient in the examples a-aboue declared and also of late in Boner who albeit he dyed in his bed vnrepentaunt yet was it so prouided by God that as he had bene a persecuter of the light and a childe of darkenes so his carkase was tumbled into the earthe in obscure darcknes at midnight contrary to the order of all other Christians and as he had bene a murderer so was hee layd amongest theeues murtherers a place by Gods iudgement rightly appoynted for him And albeit some peraduenture that haue bene notable persecutors in tyme past doe yet remayne aliue who being in the same cause as the other were haue not yet felte the weyght of Gods mighty hand yet let not them thinke that because the iudgement of God hath lighted sooner vpon other therefore it will neuer light vpon them or because God of his mercy hath graunted them space to repent let not them therefore of Gods lenitye build to themselues an opinion of indemnity The bloud of Abel cryed long yet it wrought at length The soules of the Saynctes slayne vnder the aultar were not reuenged at the first Apoc. 6. but read forth the chapter see what folowed in the end Bloud especially of Christes seruauntes is a perillous matter and cryeth sore in the eares of God and will not be stilled with the lawes of men Wherfore let such bloud guilty homicides beware if not by my coūsell at lest by the examples of theyr felowes And though Princes and Magistrates vnder whose permission they are suffered do spare theyr liues let them not thinke therefore as some of them shame not to say that man hath no power to hurt them and so thinke to escape vnpunished because they be not punished by man but rather let them feare so much the more For oftentimes suche as haue bene persecutours and tormentours to Gods children God thinketh them not worthy to suffer by mā but either reserueth them to his owne iudgement or els maketh them to be theyr owne persecutors and theyr owne hands most commonly hangmen to theyr owne bodyes So Saul after he had persecuted Dauid it was vnneedfull for Dauid to pursue him agayne for he was reuenged of him more then he desired It was needlesse to cause Achitophell to be hanged for hee himselfe was the stifeler or
and burning them hee denyed not but that he was once at the burning of an herewygge fo● so he termed it at Uxbridge where he tost a faggot at his face as hee was singing Psalmes and set a wynbushe of thornes vnder his feete a little to pricke him wyth many other words of like effect In the whiche words he named moreouer syr Phillip Hobby an other knight of Kent with such other of the richer and higher degree whom his Counsell was to plucke at to bring them vnder coram wherein sayd he if they had followed my aduise then had they done well and wisely This or much like was the effect of the shameles and tyrannicall excuse of hym selfe more meete to speake with the voyce of a beast then of a man Although in this Parliament some diuersitie there was of iudgement opinion betweene parties yet notwithstanding through the mercifull goodnes of the Lord the true cause of the Gospell had the vpper hand the Papistes hope was frustrate and theyr rage abated the order and proceedinges of king Edwardes time concerning religion was reuiued agayne the supremacie of the Pope abolished the articles and bloudy statutes of Queene Mary repealed briefly the furious firebrandes of cruell persecution which had consumed so many poore mens bodyes were now extinct and quenched Finally the olde Byshops deposed for that they refused the othe in renouncing the pope and not subscribing to the Queenes iust and lawfull title In whose rowmes and places first for Cardinall Poole succeeded D. Mathew Parker Archbishop of Canterbury In the place of Heth succeeded D. Young In steede of Boner Edmund Grindall was Bishop of London For Hopton Thurlby Tonstall Pates Christoferson Peto Coates Morgan Feasy White Oglethorpe c. were placed Doctor Iohn Parkust in Norwich D. Coxe in Ely Iuell in Salisbury Pilkenton in Duresme Doctor Sandes in Worcester Mayster Downam in Westchester Bentam in Couentry and Lichfield Dauid in S. Dauies Ally in Exceter Horn in Winchester Scory in Hereford Best in Carlile Bullingham in Lincoln Scamler in Peterbury Bart let in Bath Gest in Rochester Barlo in Chi. c. ¶ And here to make an end of this Story Now it remayneth to proceed further to the Appendix in supplying such thinges as haue either bene omitted or newly inserted as foloweth ❧ The Appendix of such Notes and Matters as either haue bene in this History omitted or newly inserted IN this Story of Sir Roger Acton aboue mentioned pag. 587. I finde that with him were taken many other persōs that all the prisons in about London were replenished with people The chiefe of thē which were 29. were condemned of heresy atteynted of high treason as mouers of war agaynst theyr king by the temporall law in the Guild hall the 12. day of December and adiudged to be drawne and hanged for treasō and for heresy to be consumed with fire Gallowes and all which iudgement was executed in Ianuary following on the sayde Syr Roger Acton and 28. other Some say that the occasion of theyr death was the cōueyance of the Lord Cobham out of Prison Other write that it was both for treason as the aduersaries termed it and heresy Certayne affirme that it was for feyned causes surmised by the spiritualty more of displeasure thē truth as seemeth more neare to the truth * Concerning Iohn Frith of his life and story this foloweth more to be added and to be referred to the page 103● FIrst this Iohn Frith was borne in the Towne of Westrame in Kent who after by diligent especialles was takē in Essex flying beyond the seas brought before the Counsaile Syr Thomas More thē being Chauncellor and so from them committed vnto the Tower where he remayned prisoner the space of a quarter of a yeare or there about It chaunced that Doctour Curreyne ordinary Chapleyne vnto King Henry the eighte preached a Sermō in Lent before his Maiesty And there verye sore enueying agaynste the Sacramentaryes as they thē termed and named which fauored not the grosse opinion that Christes body was carnally reall in the Sacrament he so farre discoursed in that matter that at the length he brake out thus far and sayd It is no maruayle though this abhominable heresye doe muche preuayle among vs for there is one nowe in the Tower of London so bolde as to write in the defence of that heresye and yet no man goeth about his reformation meaning Iohn Fryth who then had aunsweared Syr Thomas More in writing agaynste a confutation of that erroneous opinion which of late before the sayd Maister More had writen agaynst Iohn Frythes assertion in that behalfe This Sermon of purpose was deuised and appoynted by the Byshop of Winchester and other to seeke the destruction of Fryth by putting the king in remembraunce that the sayd Fryth was in the Tower there stayd rather for hys sauegarde then for his punishment by suche as fauoured hym as the Lorde Cromwell who being Uicegerent in causes Ecclesiasticall came then into suspition therefore For in suche sorte was the matter handeled before the Kyng that all men mighte well vnderstande what they meant The Kynge then being in no poynte resolued of the true and sincere vnderstanding of the doctrine of that Article but rather a peruerse stout Aduersary to the contrary called to hym my Lorde of Caunterburye and my Lord Cromwell and willed them forthwith to call Fryth vnto examination so that he might eyther be compelled to recant or elles by the Lawe to suffer condigne punishment Frythes long protract in the Tower withouten examination was so heynously taken of the King that nowe my Lorde of Caunterburye with other Byshoppes as Stokesly thē bishop of London other learned mē were vndelayedly appoynted to examine Fryth And for that there shuld be no concourse of Citizens at the sayd examination my L. of Canterbury remoued to Croydon vnto whome resorted the rest of the Commissioners Nowe before the day of execution appointed my Lord of Cant. sent one of his gentlemen and one of his porters whose name was Perlebene a Welchman borne to fetche Iohn Frith from the Tower vnto Croydon This gentleman hadde both my Lords letters and the kings ring vnto my Lord Fitzwilliams Constable of the Tower then lying in Canon row at Westminster in extreme anguish and payne of the strangulion for the deliuery of the prisoner Mayster Fytzwilliams more passionate then patient vnderstanding for what purpose my Lordes gentleman was come banned and cursed Frith and all other heretickes saying take this my King vnto the Lieuetenaunt of the Tower and receiue your man your hereticke with you and I am glad that I am ridde of him When Frith was deliuered vnto my Lord of Canterburyes Gentleman they twaine with Parlebeane sitting in a Wherry and rowing towardes Lambeth The sayd Gentleman much lamenting in his mind the infelicitie of the sayd Frith began in this wise to exhort him to consider in what estate
my father contínueth here to the intent to heare some godly and ioyfull tidynges both for soule and body whiche I trust it shal be to your singular comfort and consolation and to the great reioysing of all other of my frendes Therefore I desire you gentle mother to admonish my brother vnto a godly life with dilligent attendance and to pray for me considering his bound duety that God may by your faythfull prayer ayd and strengthen me in this my prosperous iourney and course whiche I run trusting to obtayne a crowne of euerlasting life whiche doth euer endure No more vnto you at this time but God preserue you vnto euerlasting life So be it ¶ The Oration in effecte of Sir Nicholas Bacon Knight Lord Keeper of the great Seale of England spoken in the Starre Chamber the 29. of December in the 10. yeare of the reigne of our Souereigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of God of England Fraunce and Ireland Queene Defender of the fayth c. And in the yeare of our Lord God .1567 Then being present Mathew Archbishop of Caunterbury William Marques of Northhampton Fraunces Earle of Bedford Lord Clinton Admirall of England William Howard Lord Chamberleyne Byshop of London Lord Gray of Wilton Sir Edward Rogers Knight Controler Sir Ambrose Caue Knight Chanc. of the duchy Sir William Cicill Knight principall Secretary Sir Fraunces Knolles Knight Vicechamberleyne Sir Walter Mildemay Knight Chauncelor of the Eschequer Lord Cattelene chiefe Iustice of the kings bench Lord Dyer chiefe Iustice of the common place Sir William Cordale Knight M. of the Rolles Iustice Weston Iustice Welch Iustice Southcotes Iustice Carowes IT is geuen to the Queenes Maiestye to vnderstand that certayne of her Subiectes by theyr euill dispositions do sow and spread abroad diuers sedicions to the derogation and dishonor first of almighty God in the state of Religion stablished by the lawes of this Realme and also to the dishonor of her highnesse in disprouing her lawfull right of supremacy amongest her subiectes And this that they doe is not done as in secrecy or by stealth but openly auouched in all companyes disputed on And thus by theyr bold attemptes seme not to obey or regard the authority of lawes nor the quiet of her subiectes As for example by bringing in and spreading abroad diuers leud libels and sedicious bookes from beyonde the seas and in suche boldnes that they do commend those writers in their sedicious bookes conteining manifest matter agaynste the estate established Which boldnesse of men so Vniuersally and euery where seene and heard cannot be thought to be done but by the comfort and ayd or at the least way winckt at by thē whō the Queenes highnes hath placed in authority to repres these insolencyes And the Queenes highnes can not more iustlye charge any for this disorder then such who be in commissiōs chosen to represse these disorders If it be aunswered me that they cannot see such opē boldnes factious disorders I must say that they haue no eyes to see if they heare not of suche contemptuous talke and speeche I may say that they haue no eares I would haue those men iudge what will come of these vnbridled speeches in the end if reformatiōs be not had therof What cōmeth of factions seditions we haue bene taught of late yeares what the fruites be which I beseech God long to defend vs from If such disorders be hot redressed by law then must force violence reforme Which when they take place may fortune fall assoone on thē that seeme to haue least consideration in this matter If force and violence preuayle then ye know that law is put to silence and cannot be executed which should onely maynteine good order If it be replyed agaynst me that to the suppressing of these open talkes there is no law which by speciall letter can charge any man offender I must say that whatsoeuer the letter of the law be the meaning of the law was and is cleane contrary to the liberty of these doinges If it be sayd that no man can be charged by the law except it can be proued agaynst him that his speeche and deedes be done maliciously what ye call malice I can not tel But if the bringing in of these sedicious bookes make mēs mindes to be at variance one with one another destruction of mindes maketh sedicions seditions bring in tumults tumults worke insurrections and rebellion Insurrections make depopulations and desolations and bringeth in vtter ruine destruction of mens bodies goodes landes And if any sow the roote wherof these men come yet can be sayd that he hath no mallice or that he doth not maliciously labour to destroye both publicke priuate wealth I can not tell what act may be thought to be done maliciously And further if it be sayd to me that the man which should be charged with offēce must be proued to haue done his acte aduisedly To that I answere If any bring in those hookes distribute them to others commend defend them yet can not be charged to haue done aduisedly I haue no skill of their aduisednesse If it be sayde that the law intreateth of such actes as be directly derogatory and of none other what is direct ouerthwarting the Law when the contrary thereof is playnely treated holden and defended and the truth by argumentes condemned It maye be sayd agayne that the worlde doth not now like extremitye in lawes penal and calleth them bloudy lawes As for extreme and bloudy lawes I haue neuer liked of them But where the execution of such lawes touching halfe a dosen offenders and the not execution may bring in daunger halfe a hundred I thinke this law nor the execution therof may iustly be called extreme and bloudy In such like comparison I may vtter my meaning as to make a difference betwene whipping hanging In deed though whipping may be thought extreme yet if by whipping a man may escape hanging in this respect not whipping bringeth in this bloudinesse and extremity and not the execution of the law And better it were a man to bee twise whipped then once hanged The paynes do differre but wise men will soone consider the diuersity The truth is to suffer disobedient subiectes to take boldnes agaynst the lawes of God their prince to wincke at the obstinate minds of such as be vnbridled in theyr affections to mainteine a forraigne power of the Byshop of Rome directly agaynst the Princes prerogatiue stablished by lawes is not this to hatch dissentiō to chearish sedition To extoll the writinges of such who by all their wittes deuise to supplant the princes lawfull authority If these doinges be not meanes to the disturbance vtter ruine of the Realme I know not what is good gouernance If these be not the sparkes of Rebellion What be they Thus much hauing spoken to your wisedomes I doubt not of your assenting with me the rather also because I vtter them vnto
himselfe to them not vngentle so found he thē again to him not vnconformable Whervpon a certeine agreemēt pacificatory was concluded betwene them vpon conditions Which agrement the new Polone king eftsoones preferred to the Frenche King hys Brother not without some sute and intercession to haue it ratified The king also himselfe partly being weary of these chargeable warres was the more willing to assent therunto And thus at length through the Lordes great worke the kinges royal consent vnder forme of an Edict was sette downe in writing and confirmed by the king conteining 25. Articles In which also wer included certeine other Cittyes of the Protestantes graunting to them benefit of peace and liberty of religion This edicte or mandate sent downe from the king by his Heralde at armes Bironius in the kinges name caused to be solemnely proclaymed at Rochell an 1573. the x. day of Iune The yeare next folowing 1574. for two thinges seemeth fatall and famous for the death first of Charles the 9. the french king also most of all for the death of Charles Cardinall of Lorayne brother to Guise Of the maner of the Cardinals death I finde litle mentiō in stories Touching the kinges death although Ric. Dinothus sayth nothing for feare belike because he being a french man hys name is expressed and known but an other story whom the sayd Dinothus doth followe bearing no name sayeth thus that he dyed the xxv day of May vpon Whitson euen being of the age of 25. yeares and addeth more profluuio sanguinis illum laborasse certū est Certayne it is that his sickenes came of bleeding And sayth further Cōstans fert fama illum dum evarijs corporis partibus sanguis emanaret in lecto saepe volutatum inter horribilium blasphemiarū diras tantā sanguinis vim proiecisse vt paucas post horas mortuus ●uerit That is The constant report so goeth that his bloud gushing out by diuers partes of his body he tossing in his bedde and casting out many horrible blasphemies layed vpon pillowes with his heeles vpward and head downeward voyded so much bloud at his mouth that in few houres he dyed Which story if it be true as is recorded and testified may be a spectable and example to all persecuting kinges and Princes polluted with the bloud of Christian Martyrs And thus muche briefely touching the late terrible persecution in Fraunce ¶ The Conclusion of the worke ANd thus to conclude good Christian Reader this present tractation not for lacke of matter but to shorten rather the matter for largenes of the volume I here stay for this present time with further addition of more discourse either to ouerweary thee with longer tediousnes or ouercharge the booke with longer prolixity hauing hitherto set forth the Actes and Proceedinges of the whole Church of Christ namely of the Church of England although not in such particular perfectiō that nothing hath ouerpassed vs. Yet in such generall sufficiency that I trust not very much hath escaped vs necessary to be knowne touching the principall affayres doinges and proceedinges of the Church and Churchmen Wherein may be seene the whole state order discent course and continuaunce of the same the encrease and decrease of true religion the creeping in of superstition the horrible troubles of persecution the wonderfull assistaunce of the almighty in mainteining his truth the glorious constancy of Christes Martyrs the rage of the enemyes the alteration of times the trauelles and troubles of the Church from the first primatiue age of Christes Gospel to the end of Queen Mary and the beginning of this our gracious Queene Elizabeth During the time of her happy reigne which hath hetherto continued through the gracious protection of the Lord the space now of 24. yeres as my wish is so I would be glad the good wil of the Lord were so that no more matter of such lamētable stories may euer bee offered hereafter to write vpon But so it is I cannot tel how the elder the world waxeth the longer it continueth the nerer it hasteneth to his end the more Sathan ●ageth geuing still new matter of writing bookes and volumes In so much that if all were recorded and committed to history that within the sayd compasse of this Queenes reigne hitherto hath happened in Scotland Flanders France Spayne Germany besides this our owne Countrey of England and Ireland with other Countryes moe I verely suppose one Eusebius or Polyhistor whiche Plinnye writeth of woulde not suffice thereunto But of these incidentes and occurrentes hereafter more as it shall please the Lord to geue grace and space In the meane time the grace of the Lord Iesus worke with thee gentle Reader in all thy studious readinges And while thou hast space so employ thy selfe to read that by reading thou mayst learne dayly to knowe that may profite thy soule may teach thee experience may arme thee with pacience and instruct thee in all spirituall knowledge more and more to thy perpetuall comfort and saluation in Christ Iesu our Lord to whome be glory in Secula Seculorum Amen FINIS ❧ A diligent Table or Index of the most notable and memorable thyngs contained in the whole volume of this Booke wherein if thou wilt finde any thing good Reader reuolue in thy mynde the letter wherewith the word beginneth and the number of the Page shall direct thee vnto it A ante B. A B. C. agaynst the Popes Clergie 841.843 Abuses in the Church require reformatiō not defection 1873 Abbey of Peterborow 133. Abbeis suppressed in England 1101. Abbey of Exceter 141. Abbey of Stowe built 184. Abbey of S. Edmundsbury 161. Abbeis and Nunries founded and vpon what causes 149.454 Abbey of S. Albons built and by whom 133. Abbey of Gisburne and Readyng bu●lt 199. Abbey of Glastenbury 150. Abbeis dissolued in Englande by K Henry the 8. 1070. Abbeis burned ibid. Abbey lands restored by Q. Mary 1559.1560 Abbey of Bangor 119. Abbeis and Monasteries in England infinite built by Saxone Kings 133. Abbeis dissolued by Cromwell 1179.1180 Abbey of Couentry built 165. Abbey of Ely 133. Abbey of Gloucester built ibid. Abbey of Knouesburgh others built ibid. Abbeis and religious houses built for what causes 1180. Abbot of Carilocus his sodain and dreadfull death 2106. Abbot of Glastenbury 150. Abbots not instituted by Christ. 680. Abbot Capellensis cruelly handled for the Gospell 873. Abbot of Peterborow thrust out of the Court of Rome for denying the Popes kinsman a benefice 287. Abbot of Abbingdon amerced by the Pope in 50. markes for denying a benefice to an Italian 291. Abbot of S. Albones sueth to the Pope ibid. Abbot of Westminster more conformable to yeld and submit him selfe to the doctrine of the Protestants then the rest of the Papists in the disputation at Westminster 2125 Abdias authoritie suspected 35. Abiurers names in a table 1040.1041.1042.1277.1401 Abiuration of good men of Leicester .506 their penance ibid. Abiuration in the diocesse of
1424 Articles decreed vpon in the Coūsell of Constance 644 Articles of peace betwene Englād and Scotland 368.379 Articles of Iohn Hus to be inquired of 650 Articles agaynst Winchester with his aunsweres to the same 1350 1351.1352 Articles ministred to 7. Godly martyrs taken at Islington by Bishop Boner 2037.2038 Articles set vp vpon church dores agaynst king Henry the 4. 518.519 Articles of the studentes of Paris agaynst the Friers 408.409 Articles gathered out of Ioh. Hus his bookes and falsly wrested by the Papistes 613.614.615 Articles of Cardinall Poole to bee inquired of in his visitation 1969 Articles of Winchester agaynst D. Barnes with his reply 1198 Articles agaynst Iohn Hus obiected in the Counsel of Constāce 600 Articles of the Parliamente of Fraunce agaynst the Pope 353 354 Articles of Iohn Wickeliffe condemned in the Counsell of Constance 449.450 Articles deuised by king Henry 8. for reformation of Religion 1094.1095.1096 Arthur his trouble and persecuciō 998.999 Arundell Archbyshop of Caunt and the Byshop of London persecutors of the Gospel .507 proued a traytor by parliament .512 banished the land ibid. Arundell Bishop of Caunterbury his death 2103 A S. Asclepiades bishop of Antioch cōfessor .55 Martyred 61 Ashes prohibited to be vsed in time of Lent 1299 Ashdons wife martyr her story 1983.1984 Ashwednesdaye at Basill of Gods owne making 872 Assembly of the Nobles at Chesterfield where they were ouerthrowne 335 Assembly of the Nobles at Salisbury 198 Assirius a riche senatour Martyr 75 A T. Athalas martyr plucked in sonder 98 Atkins Martyr his story Martyrdome for the trueth of Christes Gospell at Rome 2151.2152 Athens razed to the ground by the Turkes 742 Athelwolphe sonne of king Egbert 136 A. V. Aucocke his trouble for the Gospel dyed in prison and buryed in the fieldes 1561. Audley Lord his pittie vppon the persecuted with his iudgement of the popish priestes 1228. Aue Maria a salutation no praier 1741. Augustine Packington the Byshop of Londons marchaunt 1019. Auies 10. for one Pater noster 1601. Auinion taken by the Pope and French king 271. Auington martyr his story 1914. Aultar where it is howe to be taken and who is the true aultar 1991.1992 Auies tolling by whome inuented 710. Aultars taken downe and why .1331 with reasons prouing the same ibid. Aurelius Ambrosius hys comming into England 113. Aurelius Martyr 65. Aurelianus his merueilous abstinence and death 75. Aurelianus mouer of the ix persecution agaynst the Christians 75.76.77 Auricular confession not grounded vpon the word of God 27.493.75.1105 Auricular confession why instituted why to be detested 1653. Auricular confession with the abuses thereof 1172. when it began and by whom .1172.1404 Reproued .493 the minister of Lust .508 Not necessary 540. Austen Barnher seruaunt to M. Latimer and a good minister 1654. Austen sent into England by Gregory .116 his questions to the Pope wherein he desireth to be resolued .116 Aunsweres to the same questions 117. Austen made Archbishop hys letany miracles and story .116 hys great and excessiue pride 119. Authority of the Church 1824 Authority of the Church alledged agaynst Heretickes and why 1616 Authority of Councelles aboue the Pope 593 Authors writing of the my●acles of certayne Martyrs suspected 4 5 Authors of the Turkes story 757 Authors of the Canon law reproued .493 found contrary to thēselues 495 Authors disagreement aboute the liues and times of certayne martyrs 38 A Z. Azades an Euenuche and a courtier Martyred for the truth 98 B ante A. BAbilas bishop of Antioch Martyr his godly story life and constant Martyrdome for the truth 61. Backster her noble story 664. Bagley priest and Martyr his story and martyrdome 666. Bakers and Millers punishment first inuented 339. Baiazetes the 2. the x. Emperour of the Turkes 744. Baiazetes the 4. Turkish Emperour his story .738 ouercome of Tamerlanes 739. Baifield Martyr his story .1021 articles ministred agaynst hym with his aunswers to the same .1021.1022 his condemnation degradation and martyrdome 1203.1204 Baker Martyr his story Martyrdome 2058. Baldwine elect Archb. of Canterbury his strife with the monks 239. Bane doctor a cruell persecutor of Gods saints 1954. Bangor Abbey built 119. Baulding a persecuter strikē with lightning 2101. Baptisme abuses .28 how abused by the papists .1693 water therof geueth not the holy ghost ibi Baptising in riuers not in fontes vsed 119. Baptisme without bishoppyng is sufficient and saueth .1306 how to be ministred to Infidels .1842 how to the children of the Christians ibid. Baptisme in the mother tongue to be administred 1104.1105 Baptisme of water no cause of fayth 1994. Baptisme may be ministred to any singular person .1816 not in the fayth of the promisers .1810.1818 of great antiquitie in the church .1840 is of God and not of men ibid. ought to be ministred to the English people in english 1904 Baptisme in the faith of the true church of Christ and not in the tottering faith of the promisers 1813.1818 Baptisme vsed amongest the olde Romains without so many foolish ceremonies as it is now pestered withall 119. Baptising of bels and of dead men 6.159.861 Barnes doctor his story trouble for the Gospell .1192 he beareth a fagot and flieth into Germany .1193 sent as Embassador .1194.1203 his death and martyrdome 1199.1200 Barbara finall widow her story martyrdom with 6. others 1980 1981. Barnes of the Popes destroyed 275. Barons of England their warre with K. Henry the 3. 331.332.333.334 Barons their supplication in the behalfe of Iohn Hus. 605. Barriers and Turney sport turned into bloudshed 338. Barton Chancellor of Oxford 434 Bartholomew the apostle crucified and beheaded 32. Barber his recantation at Oxford 1207. Bartholomew Cornemonger hys persecution and trouble 642. Bamford Martyr his story 1602. Bartholomews built 191. Barton persecuted 641. Bartholomeus Cassaneus plaged of God 2107. Bartholomew a Bookebinder Martyr 955. Barthelet Greene Gentlemā martyr his story .1844.1851 His apprehension ibid. his letter to M. Philpot .1852 his examination condemnation and confession .1853.1854.1855 his letters 1855.1856 his martirdom 1858 Barwike recouered from out of the handes of the Scots 340.341 Barwike yelded vp to K. Edward the 3. who appointed captaines ouer it 376. Barwike geuen to the Scottes by K. Henry .6 712. Basill reformeth religion 871. Basill graunteth safeconduct to the Christian Bohemians for their commyng to the Councell 657.675 Basill Citizens wise behauiour at the Councell 682. Basilides of a persecutor made a most constant Martyr 54. Bassianus Emperour surnamed Carocalla 57 Bassinet doctor his orations 946. Basset his story and persecution 1039. Baineham Martyr his tragicall story 1027. his condemnation constant martyrdome 1028.1029.1030 Badby his persecution examination and martyrdome 521.522 Battaile betwene Edmund Ironside and king Canutus stayed by an Oration 162. Battaile bloudy betwene 2. Popes for S. Peters chaire 169. Battaile at Barnet 715. Battaile at Tewkesbury 716. Battaile of Prince Edward with Erle Simon at Eusham 333. Battaile betweene the K. of England
friers and the studentes of Paris 328 Contention of the Archbyshoppes who should sit on the right hande of the Cardinall 228 Contention betwene the Friers of Fraunce the Prelates of Paris 392 Contention betweene Boner and Winchester 1089.1090 Contention betwene king Henry 1. Anselme Archbishop of Caūterbury about doing homage to the king 192 Contention betweene the Archb. of Caunterbury the Monkes about trifles 236.237.239 Contention betweene the Kyng of Englande and the Monkes of Caunterburye for choosing the Archbishop 238 Contention betwne the french king and king Iohn 255 Contention betweene the Pope and king Iohn about the consecrating of an Archb. 220.251.241 Contention betweene the Pope and Friderike the Emperour for the election and depriuation of Bishops 298. Contention of the Archb. of Cant. and Yorke who should sit on the right hand of th● Cardinal 265 Contention and schisme in the popes church 272 Conspiracies of Pope Innocent against Frederike the Emperor 297. Concubines permitted of the Pope for money 862 Constantinople taken by the Turks 742 Conquests in England 171 Conradus Hager 390 Constantius his worthy commendations his fauour to the Christians 81 Constantinus Magnus borne in Englande .108 first christened Emperour his fauour to the christians 101.102.103 Constantine his donation prooued to be false .105 his liberalitie in geuing to the church .104 his liberalitie to schooles and pitie to the poore ibid. his graunt for the Popes supremacie prooued false .115 hee kisseth the woundes of them that suffered for Christes sake ibid. Constantines law for the Popes election suspected and examined 4 Constantinus imbracing christian bishops 781 Constantine writeth to Sapores in fauour of the Christians .99 his Epistle to his subiects in the East 102 Conuocation of S. Frideswide in Oxford 444 Conuocation in Paules in Londō 1410 Councel of Cloneshoe with the decrees there enacted 128 Councels of the Popes one burne an others decrees 146 Councel of Constance against Wicliffe his articles and bookes 449 Councell of Constance a sacrilegious councell 1150. Councell of the prelates of Prage agaynst the gospellers 589 Councell and the church aboue the Pope 671.672 674. Councell of Nice falsified by the Pope 4. Councels generall called by Emperours 1068 Councell at Thetford in England with the acts therof 125 Councels may and do erre 1117 Councell aboue the Pope 670. Councell of Basill dissolued 700 Councels called by the Emperors without the Pope 676 Councell of Nice constituted other bishops equall in authority to the Pope 10. Councel of Carthage .6.4 had great contention about the Popes supremacie 10.11.12 Councell wicked what harme it doth 68 Councell of Winchester 172. Councell of Laterane 168 Councell of Frankford 373. Councell of Pise 553 Councell of Brixia agaynst Pope Hildebrand 181 Councell of Ratisbone 865 Councell of priestes against Henry Sutphen 875 Councel of Laterane inuented trāsubstantiatiō and established the same for a true and infallible doctrine 1152.1149 Councell of London with the acts thereof 174 Councell of Trecas with the decrees of the same 196 Concilium Gangrense Constantinopolitanum 1135 Councell of Rome vnder Hildebrand against priests 1164 Councell of Winchester agaynste priests mariage 1167 Councels in the primitiue Churche concluded that none should appeale to Rome out of their owne prouinces 1055 Councell of Constance .593 Prelates there assembled ibid. their orders and decrees .593 they deny the communiō in both kynds .596 their outrage against Iohn Hus. 606 Concilium Lateranense 205 Councell of the nobles agaynst the bishop of Ely he is deposed clothed in womens apparell bayted of women complaineth of the K. and the nobles 247 Councell of Rhemes with the acts thereof 198. Councell of Laterane hatched the egge of transubstantiation 253 Councel of Constance decreed that the Pope should be subiect to the Councell 673 Councell of king Henry the 8. deuided in religion 1201 Councell of Rome where an Oule appeared before the Pope 592 Councell of Constance condemneth Iohn Hus burneth his bones 464. Councell of Basill with the determinations therof 668 Councell of Luserne with the constitutions thereof 867 Councels fathers and histories their testimonies agaynst Images 2130.2131 Cooe martyr his story and martirdome 1707.1708 Cope aunswered for reprouing this booke of Actes Monumentes 580.582.583 Cooper of Watsam in the Countye of Suffolke Carpenter falselye slaundered of certeyne wordes accused thereof arrayned condemned and put to death for the same by the bloudy Papistes 2099.2100 Cornelius a Romayne first baptised of all the Romaynes 20 Cornelius Martyr Byshoppe of Rome his story constancy accusatiō for writing to Cyprian his martyrdome 64.65.66 Cornelius Bongey Martyr 1714 Corneford Martyr his story and martyrdome 2053 Corne vpon the grounde tythed to the Pope 273 Cornemonger his trouble and persecution 642 Cornewall a Tanner murthered for the Gospell by the bloudsucking Papistes 1669 Corruption growne in the Church by much peace 76 Corpus Christi feaste inuented by whom 507.351 Coronation of Pope Felix the fifte 690 Cotes Bishop of Chester a cruell persecuter of Christ in his members 1565 Cotten martyr his story and martyrdome 2042 Couentry Martyrs 975 Couentry persecuted for the Gospell 776.777.778 Couētry how and by whom made free with libertyes aperteyning thereto 165 Cowle of S. Fraunces remitting the 4. part of penance 1001 Court of the pope translated to Auion in Fraunce 351 Court of the king aboue the Popes Court or Bishops consistory 473 Couerdale writ for into Englande by the king of Denmarke 1529 1530 Couering of the aulters 1404 Coxe a popishe Promoter sodenly dyed 2101 C R. Cranmer sent Ambassadour to dispute aboute the mariage of the king 1121. made Archb. of Canterbury ibid. Cranmer withstandeth the sixe articles in the Parliament house 1136 Cranmer with the Lady Iane arreigned of treason in the Guilde Hall Cranmer quit of treason .1418 Cranmer Ridley Latimer sent to Oxforde to dispute .1428 condemned all three together 1403. Cranmer charged wrōgfully with falsifying the Doctors and Fathers his answere in clearing of himselfe 2135 Cranmer Godfather to king Edward Lady Elizabeth 1054 Crampe ringes of Winchesters 1350 Craishfield Martyr his story examination condemnation and Martyrdome 2009.2010.2011 Cradle for Queene Maryes child with verses therupon 1597 Creame and oyle 53.60 Creed who brought into the masse 1402 Cressens a Philosopher procurer of Iustinus death 44 Crescentius Cardinall President of the Councell of Trent hys terrible and fearefull end 2106 2107 Crome committed to the Fleete 1467 Crowne of Englande not of suche great reuenewes as the Popes were out of the same 289.389 Croniclers reproued of errours in theyr Cronologies 577 Crompe his story 443 Crow miraculously preserued vpon the seas with his new Testament 1913 Crosse appeared to Cōstantine the great in the ayre 85 Crosse of golde borne before the Pope 137 Crosse how to be honored 567 Crosse not to be worshipped 85 Crosse bearing cause of great strife betwene the Arbishop of Caunterbury and the Archbishoppe of Yorke 227.228 Crokhay a Godly woman troubled
cruelty .1703 his sodeine and fearefull kind of death 2036 E. A. EAster day in strife for the obseruation therof .54 disputed of 123.124 Eating of Christe what it is 494. Eating of whitemeate in lent set at libertie 1210 Eastland martyr his story .2037 his articles obiected against him 2038. his condemnation and cōstant martyrdome 2039. Eares of Christians slayne for the Gospell ix sackes full 339. Earle of Kent put guiltlesly to death 376. Earle of Notingham made Duke of Northfolke 514. Earle of Warwicke flyeth into France and hys returne agayne into England 713. Earle Henry of Richmond hys ariuance in Wales .728 his huge warres with king Richard 729 Earle Simon his pride after victory gott 333. Earle Symon with other slayne in the battayle at Eusham 334. Earle of Warwicke with the Lord Mountacute slayne 715. Earthquake morayne and pestilence in England 198. Earthquake at Wickliffes examination 436. E. C. Ecclesiasticall iurisdiction abused in the romishe churche 5.6 Ecclesiasticall persons subiecte to the temporall power 6. Ecclesiasticall persons exempt by the Pope from all subiection to kinges and princes 192. Ecclesiasticall promotions in the handes of straungers valued 429. Eckius the popes stout champion hys end 2107. Eckius hys reasons for the supremacie 847. agaynst M. Luther 850.851.845.849 agaynst Carolostadius .847 his reasons for the authoritie of the Romyshe Churche 2. E. D. Edwardes three that were kinges before the conquest 159 Edward .1 king of England hys lyfe and story .339 he and hys Barons at strife .349 peace cōcluded betwixt them with theyr petitions to the king .350 hee denyeth first fruites to the pope .352 hys death and epitaphe 366. Edward .2 his bloudy murther of his nobles .371 taken and imprisoned 373. Edward 2. his raygne his lyfe and story 366. Edward 3. crowned 374. marieth the Earle of Henault his daughter called Philip. 375. Edward 3. his letter to the Deane and chapter of Paules agaynst Iohn Stafford Archbishop of Caunterbury 383. Edward 3. his letters to the King and nobles of Fraunce .377.38.367 taketh the king of France prisoner 388. contendeth wyth the Pope and restrayneth hys bulles from comming into England 389. Edward 3 denyeth the popes prouisions and reseruations .383 his voyage into Fraunce defieth the French king .384 his acts there .385 he claymeth the crowne of France .383 bewitched of a woman by the helpe of a frier .425 his death 428. Edward 4. crowned 713. maryed to Elizabeth Gray ibid. taken prisoner by the Earle of of Warwicke ibid. had victory in 9. battayles hym selfe being presente 717. hys sonne borne at Westminster in Sanctuary 714. Edward 4 his warres and contention with the Erle of Warwike .713 hys death 727. Edward called the martyr his story 157. proued a bastard ibid. Edward called the Martyr murthered of his stepmother her seruant 159 Edward the confessor hys story 164. Edward proued a bastard wrōgfully made king 158.157 Edward borne in bastardy of Elfled king Edgars concubine 156 Edward 5. and his lamentable history 727. Edward 6. his raigne his rare cōmendations and vertues .1295.1296 deliuereth the bible to the bishops .1294 reformeth religion 1297.1298 sendeth for learned men into the realme .1296 setteth forth Gods word .1298 calleth a parliament .1299 setteth forth the booke of common praier .1301 represseth superstitiō .1302.1303 aunswereth the rebels in Deuonshire and Cornewall .1305 hys death 1395. Edward 6. his instruction geuen to Sir Anth. Seintleger knight of his priuy chamber beyng of a corrupt iudgement in the Sacrament of the Eucharist 2139.2140 Edward Seymor erle of Hereford made duke of Somerset protector of the realme and gouernour of the kings person 1296 Edward Plantagenet beheaded 731. Edward prince slayne 716 Edward sonne of K. Hen. 3. wounded with a poisoned knife 337 Edward the elder his story 146 Edward the confessor his Shrine 336. Edward duke of Somerset Lord Protector his trouble 1367 Edward Burton not suffred to be buried in christian buriall 1715 Edward Benet preserued by gods prouidence 2075 Edward Freese Martyr his story 1027 Edward Grew his trouble and deliuery 2065 Edward Sharp martyred at Bristow 1953 Edgore his terrible death 2104 Edwine hindered from being christened by custome .121 his miraculous conuersion baptised in Yorke ibid. Edwine king of Britain his trouble and miraculous calling to the fayth 120 Edwine king an enemy to monks suspended and dieth 152 Edwine king of Northumberland enemy to Monkes 114 Edelburge poysoned her husband 132 Edenborough won from the Englishmen by the Scottes 368.379 Edina taken of the Turkes their barbarous cruelty shewed vpon the poore christians there 752 Edrike a traitor executed 162 Edgar his story .152 his actes and noble exploites .154.155.156 A great builder and repairer of monasteries ibid. his blemishes .155 his lawes .779 his death 156 Edgar his oration to the Clergy 169. Edmund king of Eastangles called S. Edmund his story 114.115.140 Edmund king murthered on hys priuy 162 Edmund Ironside 162 Edmund Archbishop of Caunterbury canonized a Saynte .280 condemned in Rome in a thowsand markes 285 Edmund Peerson his accusation agaynst Bayfield 1048 Edward Prince born of Q. Iane 1087 Edmund Poole Martyr his story and martyrdome 1912 Edmund Hurst Martyr his story 1914.1915 Edmundus king of England 150 Edmund Allin Martyr his story persecution examination and martyrdome 1979.1980 Edmūd Stafford bringer in of the Popes bulles 430 Edmūd Boner a furtherer of printing the Bibles at Paris .1191 made Bishoppe of London ibid. became a notable Papist 1192.1194.1296.1397.1349.1487 E G Egbert king of Kent taken Prisoner 130 Egbertus crowned king his victory agaynst the Danes 135 Egbert of a king made a Monke 131 Egesippus an ecclesiasticall writer 53 Egelred king his coronation life described 160 Egfride made king of Northumberland 124. Egges eating made heresye of the Papistes 1043 E. L. Eleanor Cobham her defence agaynst Alanus Copus .702 proued no traytor ibid. Election of the Byshop of Rome geuen to the Emperoure .159 resteth only in the emperor .298 confirmed ratified to be in the Emperours iurisdiction 299. Election of Bishops in the power of euery king in hys own country till Hildebrandes time 300. Election of ministers in the olde tyme not without the consent of the people 1105. Electors of the Emperour 7. and who be they 160. Election of the Bishop of Rome in whome it consisteth 5. Election or predestination wyth notes vpō the same 1657.1658 Election standeth vpon grace not merites .1994 vpon the fewest number not the most 1996. Eldadus Byshop of Glocester 113. Elfricus archbishop of Caunterbury his bookes proued antentique .1139 his bookes agaynst transubstantia●ion 1140. Eleuation of the sacrament by Honorius brought in 1403. Eleuation and odoration by whom inuented 1149.1152 Elfleda proued a Nunne and her childe a bastard 156. Elizabeth Barton called the holye mayd of Kent with her conspirators executed 1054. Elizabeth a blind mayd martyr her story and martyrdome 1914 Elizabeth Cooper Martyr burned at Norwiche her story and martyrdome
throwne downe at Basil. 871 Impropriations and first fruites abused by the Pope 5 Impropriations deuillish and vngodly cause of muche wickednes 862 Imber fast or deined by whō wherfore and when 58.197 Incense 1404. Inconueniences that follow the taking away of Gods word 1904 Indenture concerning the 22. prisoners apprehended at Colchester 1972. Inditement of the Lorde Cobham Syr Roger Acton and others 575. Indulgences of the Pope blasphemous and wicked 844 Infantes murthered and found in Lenton Abby 1947. Ingar and Hubbe captains of the Danes .140 slayne in Englefield 141.114 Iniunctions of king Henry 8. for reformation of religion 1094.1095.1096 Innocentius 2. pope vsurper 200. Innocentius 4. made Pope to sit in the seate of pestilence .313 hys crueltie and death ibid. Innocentius 3. Pope ennemy to Chrstes Church hys acts decrees 259. Innocentius 8. his bloudy cruelty 711. Ina his Lawes 778. Inquisition of Spayne most bloudy how it is vsed and what vnspekable hurt commeth by it 930.931.932.933 Inquisition at Cambridge by the inquisitours with the processe and burning of Bucer Paulus Phagius bones 1956.1958 1960.1962.1963.1966.1968 Inquisition agaynst euill officers 350. Inquisition at Oxford 526. Inquisitiō bloud● of the 6. Articles by king Henry the 8. 1136. Inquisition bloudy by Pope Martin 651. Insurrections and rebellions the causes thereof 1753. Interrogatories ministred to Thomas Arthure and M. Bilney 999. Interpretation of the prophesies of the Turke and Pope 769. Introit of the Masse by whome it was introduced 1401. Inuocation 1108. Inuocation of saynctes 28. I. O. Iohn Alcocke martyr troubled for reading Gods word to the people in the absence of their pastor apprehended committed to prison and dyeth in the same 2146. Iohn Andrew bookbinder a persecutor plagued 2109. Iohn Apprice martyr 1909.1910 Ioh. Aishton troubled exam 437 Iohn Adams Martyr ibid. Iohn Auerth a popish priest 1519 Iohannes Anglicus Cardinall hys words to the Pope 290 Iohn Aucocke dyed in prison and buried in the fields 1561 Iohn Aleworth died in pryson 1683 Iohn Bradford Martyr his excellent story .1603 his lyfe and education ibid. appeaseth the rage at Paules crosse .1604 imprisoned ibid. his conference with Winchester and the commissioners .1605 his sundry examinations .1606.1607.1608.1610.1611 hys priuate talke with Harpsfield and others .1612.1613.1614 wyth certayne Bishops .1615.1616 with Friers .1617.1618 with others .1620.1622 his condemnation .1623 hys glorious martyrdome .1624 hys letters 1625 1626.1628.1630.1664.1638.1666 Iohn Badby his story and grieuous persecution .521 his constancy and martyrdome for the truth 522 Ioane Boughton Martyr 731 Iohn Barton persecuted 641 Ioane Beach Martyr 1906 Iohn Browne his story .1292 hys martyrdome 1293 Iohn Bent Martyr 1030 Iohn Baker Martyr 2058 Ioane Bradbridge Martyr her story 1979 Iohn Browne Martyr 805 Iohn Butler his story 1226 Iohn Bland preacher and Martyr his story .1665 apprehēded .1666 hys examination and aunswers .1667.1668 his appearaunce in the spirituall court with his answers there .1670 his confutation of transubstantiation .1671 1672.1674.1676 his death and prayer at the same 1676 Iobita Martyr 41 Iohn Castellane doctor and martyr his trouble and persecution .878 his degradation .879 hys martyrdome 880 Iohn Cornford Martyr his story and martyrdome 2053 Iohn Cheeke his story recantation repentance and death 1955 Iohn Clarke Iohn Archer wyth their fellowes famished in the castle at Canterb. for the Gospell 1954 Iohn Carelesse hys death in the Kings Bench his examinatiōs and aunswers .1919.1920 hys letters 1921.1922.1924.1926.1928.1930.1932.1933 Iohn Cardmaker his trouble persecution and martyrdome 1578.1579.1580 Iohn Ardley his story articles ministred against him with his answers .1582 his martyrdome 1583 Iohn Cooke Martyr his story and martyrdome 2047 Iohn Cauell Martyr his story 1895.1896 Iohn Chapman Martyr 1036 Iohn Cornet his deliuery 2081 Iohn Clarke Martyr 878 Iohn Alcocke confessor hys story and death 2046 Iohn Clement hys death and buriall 1914 Iohn Claidon Currier his story .639 hys condemnation Martyrdome 640 Iohn de Clum his great loue to Iohn Hus his Epistle of comfort vnto hym 621 Iohn de Clum frend to Ioh. Hus 599 Iohn Derifall Iohn Routh their story and martyrdome 1914 1915.1916.1917 Iohn Deny Martyr 1912 Iohn Deuenish Martyr his story 2033.2034 Iohn Dauid Martyr 2049.2050 Iohn Dighton murtherer of hys Prince 728 Iohn Dauies his trouble and deliuery 2073 Iohn Denley Iohn Newman with Patrike Patchinghā martyrs .1683 articles obiected against them .1684 their answers ibid. their christian beliefe confession 1687.1684 Iohn de Roma a terrible persecutor hys fearefull death 2107 2108.2109 Iohn the Euangelist his excellent story 36 Iohn the Euangelist exiled into Pathmos released agayne 36 Iohn Esche Martyr 874 Iōh Fishcocke Martyr his story and martyrdome for the Gospell at Cant. with vi moe his fellow Martyrs 198.1981 Iohn Floyd Martyr his story and martyrdome 2037.2038.2039 Ioh. Frankish martyr his trouble and persecution .1673 his martyrdome 1676 Iohn Foreman Martyr his story 1949. Iohn Fisher bishop of Rochester an enemy to Christes Gospell .1068 beheaded in the end 1069. Iohn Frith his trouble for the gospell .2126 refuseth to be deliuered out of prison prophesieth of the restoryng of the truth in england 2127 Iohn Frith hys story .1031 set in the stocks at Reading .1032 his reasons vpō the sacrament .1033 his letter to his friendes .1034 sentence of condemnation geuen agaynst hym .1035 his constant martyrdome 1036.1037 Ioh. Frontō his trouble in Spain 2056.2057.2058 Iohn Glouer and Robert Glouer their story persecution and trouble .1709.1710.1712.1713 are excommunicate beyng dead and buried in the fields 1714 Iohn Glouer his trouble and deliuerance 2071 Iohn Galle hys trouble 642 Iohn Florence a Turner his trouble and displyng 659 Iohn Gostwicke knight accuser of Cranmer in the parliamēt house 1867 Iohn Gates knight beheded with sir Tho. Palmer 1408 Iohn Gower 839 Iohn Goddesell his trouble persecution 660 Iohn Goose Martyr 717 Iohn Holyday Martyr his story 2037.2038 Iohn Halingdale Martyr his story and martyrdome 2025.2026.2027 Iohn Hullier Martyr burned at Cambridge 2004 Iohn Huglein Martyr hys story 884 Ioh. Harpole Ioane Beach martyrs their story 1906. Iohn Hullier minister and martyr his story and letters 1906.1907 1908.1909 Iohn Hamond Iohn Spenser martyrs 1909 Ioane Hornes Martyr 1910.1911 Iohn Hamelton bishop of S. Dauids a persecuter 1272 Iohannes Huniades his victories against the Turkes 740 Iohn Herst Martyr his story and martirdome 2053 Iohn Hart Martyr hys story 1953 Iohn Horne and a woman Martyrs 1935 Iohn Hus his story cited and excōmunicate .588 banished Prage 590. his obiections agaynst the doctors decrees .599.590 his safe conduct his letters of hys goyng vp to the Councell 596. hys appearance before the Pope cardinall .599 his sicknes and imprisonment articles obiected against hym with hys aunsweres .600 his bookes writ in prisonne .601 his protestation .604 hys false accusations .606 hys appeale .611 his degradation .623 his sentence of condemnatiō .622 his martyrdome burning .624 his letters 626.627.628 Iohn Haywood his recantation
Priuiledges graunted by the King to the Clergy by K. Edward .3 384 Priuiledgies of the friers confuted at Paris 392 Priuate masse full of impietye and abhomination 1174 Prisons turned into Churches Churches into dens of theeues 1●21 Probations out of Councels Fathers and histories agaynst the worshippyng of Images 2130.2131.2132.2133.2134 Proclamation most bloudy of king Phillip and Queene Mary agaynst the true professors of the Gospell 1970.1971 Prou●ing Martyr his godly story and martyrdome 1970 Proclamation of king Henry 8. against the true professours of the Gospell 1019 Proclamation against the L. Protector 1368 Proclamation by king Phillip and Queene Mary for the restraint of all good bookes 1598 Processe of Fraunce agaynst the Pope 344.345 Procession for ioy of Englands cōuersion 1483 Prophesies of Hierome of Prage Iohn Hus Hildegardis Brigit Eri●hrea Sibilla others against the Turke and Pope 770 Procession in London for ioy of the French king his recouery 1070 Prophesies of the fall of the turks 771 Procession in Cambridge and the order thereof 1963 Prophesies of the Turke Pope expounded .756 whether is the greater Antichrist 767 Prophets false and true their difference 1591 Prophesies of Maister Hierome of Prage 636 Prophesies false not to be regarded 339. Prophesies of the decay of the Romayne Church 419. Prophesies of Katherine 419. Prophesies of Hildegardus against the Pope and the begging friers 260.264 Prophesies not to bee regarded .717 and how many thinges are to be considered in them .718 how to auoyd them 719 Prophesies and prouerbial sentenses agaynst the pope and church of Rome 842. Prophesies of the destruction of the Pope 408 Prophetes must bee tryed by theyr doctrine 487. Prophesie agaynst the french king 2110. Prophesies of the Turke and pope 762.763 Prophesies of reformation of the Church 841. Protestation of king Henry 8. and the clergy of England agaynst the Pope 1083. Protestantes and Papistes theyr disputatiō at Westminster in the begynnyng of Q. Elizabethes raygne 2120.2121.2122.2123 Prouidence of God in sauing hys people 62.63 Prouisions at Oxford 329. Prouisions of the Pope restrayned 421. P V. Publius Bishop of Athens and Martyr 4 Punishment of God vpon the contemners and persecutors of hys Gospell 30.31.32 Punishment of God vpon such as either haue bene persecutours of his people or els mockers and contemners of his religion 2099 2100.2101.2102.2103.2104.2105.2106.2107.2108.2109.2112 Punishment of Adultery belōgeth to secular Magistrates rather then to Prelates 546 Punishment of the Clergy in temporall mens handes 423 Punishment of heretickes in olde t●●e more gentle then now and how it was vsed 1780 Ptolemeus with Lucius and sundry others Martyrs 62.45 Punishment of the godly to what end 1632 Purification of women 1735 Purgatories dreaming phantasies 29 Purgatory the Popes pinfold 1894 Purgatorye with the false feare therof hath robbed all the world 654 Purgatory none .1742 better then Lollardes Tower 1741 Punishment of the damned soules 1742 Purcas Martyr burned at Colchester 2007.2008 Purenes of the primitiue Church and how long it continued 2109 Purpose of the Duke of Guise disapoynted 2109 Puruey his story his recantation and imprisonment .543 his articles gathered out of his bookes by his aduersaryes 544 Pusices and his story 98 Psalter translated into English by king Alfrede 1115 Puttedew burned 1131 Psalter translated into Saxon tōgue by a king of England 1115 Psalter of our Lady full of popish blasphemyes and sacrilegious impieties .1114.1598.1599.1600 who was the author and inuentor thereof 1598 Q. V. QUadratus hys letter to the Emperor in defence of Christian religion 41 Qualification of the sixe articles 1230 Queenes and Kinges daughters made themselues Nunnes their catalogue 133.134 Queene Anne wyfe to K. Richard her rare commendatiōs .507 her death ibid. Queene Anne maried to K. Henry 8. 1134 Queene Anne Bullen her story 1050. her commendations .1082.1054 her death 1082 Queene Isabell sent into Fraunce to make agreement betwixt the king of Fraunce her brother and king Edward king of England her husband .371 she with her yong sonne the Prince proclaymed traitors and returneth into England with a great power against her husband 371.372 Queene Iane her death 1087 Queene Katharine carnally known by Prince Arthur 1051 Queene Katherine diuorced .1049 her death 1082 Queene Katherine Parre her troble for the Gospell .1242 her extreme sicknesse .1243 her miraculous deliuerie by the prouidēce of God out of all her trouble 1244 Queene Margaret flyeth the realme 713. returneth and taketh sanctuary .716 warreth against king Edward the 4. and is taken prisoner 716. Queene Mary beginneth her blody raygne .1406 promiseth not to altar the religion established in king Edward 6. hys dayes 1407. Proclaymed Queene crowned .1410.1466 Her articles to the Ordinary for restoring of papistry again her proclamation for the expellinge of straungers and forrayners out of her land 1425. Queene Mary maryed to kinge Philippe .1467 falsly saide to be with childe 1506. Queene Mary her vnprosperous successe in persecutinge of Gods Sayntes and in all thinges else she went about 2098.2099 Queene with Childe by Syr Roger Mortimer 376 Questions Catholicke of the Papistes concerning auriculer confession with theyr aunsweares 48 Quest troubled and sore fined for Syr Nicholas Throgmorton 1469.1473 Questions of Austen to the Pope .116 with his aunsweares to the same 117.118 Quinque Ecclesiae a Citty deliuered to the Turkes 753 Quirinus with his household martyrs 38 Qui pridie put into the Masse 39 Quinta Martyr her story 61 Quintilianus Emperor 74 Quintus a Phrigian rash and bold 42 R A. RAble of religious orders 260 Radolph elected archbishop of Canterbury refused of the Pope 275 Rafe Alerton Martyr his storye examination and Martyrdome .2013.2014.2015 his Letters 2016.2017.2018.2019 Rafe Bane Byshoppe of Couentry and Liechfielde a bloudy persecutor 1916 Rafe Hare his trouble in Calice 1224 Rafe Iackeson Martyr his story and martyrdome 1914.1915 Rafe Lurden Persecutour of George Eagles hanged in Chelmesford 2152 Rafe Mungin examined and condemned to perpetuall Prison 642 Rafe Sadler Knighte sent Ambassadour to the Kyng of Scots his Oration to the Kyng 1070 Ragman Role deliuered to the Scots 375 Rage of the Heathen agaynste the Christians 46 Ramsey Martyr 1202 Ramsey Martyr his Articles and aunsweres 1974.1975 his condemnation and Martyrdome 1976 Ranulph Earle of Chester denyeth to pay Tythes to the Pope 273. Raynold Eastland Martyr 2037.2038.2039 Rattes deuouring a Byshoppe for his vnmercifulnesse to the poore in a yere of dearth 184 Rattes theyr story 947 Ratisbone dyet or assembly 865 Rawlins White his story .1556 his condemnation .1557 his martyrdome 1559 Rauensdale Martyr his story and Martyrdome 1953. Rayne myraculouslye obteyned of the C●ristians 51 Raynold Pecocke Byshop of Chiches●tr his story 709 Rayler agaynst Iames Abbeyes Martyr stricken madde 2101 R E. Reading of Scripture made heresy by the Papistes 585 Reading towne takē by the Danes 140 Read Martyr his story and martyrdome 1914 Readon Martyr burned at Rome for the Gospell of Christ his story
and martyrdome 667.668 Reall presence with the absurdities and inconueniences therof 1443 Reasons why matters of controsy are not to be caried out of the Countries where they fel to the Pope to be decided 10 Reasons prouing that no Christian may resort to the popish masse Mattens and Euensong with a good conscience 1647 Reasons proouing the Religion in Q. Maryes tune to be nought 1727 Rebellion in Cornewall and Deuonshyre with theyr Articles .1303 discomfited 1304·1305 1307 Rebellion in Northfolke Yorkeshyre and diuers other places in the realme agaynst K. Edward 6 1308 Rebellion in Lincolneshyre repressed .1086 in Yorkeshyre .1087 in Deuonshire and Cornwall 1305 Recantation of Cranmer with his repentaunce for the same 1884 Redman Doctor his iudgement in cases of Religion 1360 Reseruation of the Church how it began and when 840 Reseruation of the Sacrament by whom introduced 1404 Regiment of the Popes Churche how far it differeth from the regiment of the primitiue church 19 Register booke in euery Parish 1096 Reimundus the good king of Tholouse disinherited by the Pope .269 excommunicate 271 Religion of the Protestantes elder then the Religion of the sedicious Papistes by 1000. yeares 1821 Religion reformed at Zuricke .867 at Berne Constance Geneua Strausburgh 870 Religion set forth in the daies of K. Edwarde the sixte commended 1902 Religion Christian when it began .50 esteemed by Auncestors and Graundfathers by time place 1993 Religion of the Papistes more hurt full to the state of the Churche then the doctrine of the Lutherans 2110 Religion reformed in king Edward 6. his dayes 1298.1299 Religion going backeward in England and the causes why .1134 hindered by discord 1373 Religion of Christ and of the pope 2. cleane contrary thinges 29 Reliques adored 28 Reliques offering and Sacrifice brought into the masse by whom 129 Remission of sinnes foure thinges therein to be considered necessarily concurring 27 Remission of sinnes sold for mony 860 Remedies agaynst the temptations of the Deuill and the worlde 1830. Replye of the Prelates of Fraunce agaynst the Lord Peter 354 Renold Pecocke his story 709 Remerius Inquisitour agaynst the Waldenses 236 Repington Canon of Leicester after Bishop of Lincolne a cruell persecutour 442 Repington of a zelous Professour become a most cruel and a bloudy persecutor of Christes poore mēbers 437.444.530.539 Reuet his fearefull and straunge death 1917.1918 Reuenewes goynge yearlye oute of Englande to the Pope muche more then the Crowne it selfe 326 Reynold Eastland Martir his story and Martirdome 2037.2038 2039. Resistance agaynste the Pope no new thing 317 Restitution of Abbey landes by Q. Mary 1559.1560 R I. Richard 1. crowned king of England 235 Richard king of England Phillippe King of Fraunce theyr cōclusion to go to the holy land 235 Richarde Kyng of Englande hys voyage to the holy land .241.251 his Actes and Exploytes by the way and there achieued .243.244 chargeth the french kyng with falshood 244. taken prisoner ●ould to the Emperour and is raunsomed 248. Richard the 2. hys commission and letters against the Gospellers 505. his letter to the Pope 506. Rich .2 his letters to Pope Boniface 9.509 his vertues and vices deposed with articles against him .513 hee beheaded his vncle innocently .513 is committed to the Tower and dyed in prison 514. Richard 3. vsurper crowned kyng of England .728 hys death 729. Richard king of Almayne hys death 339. Richard Archbishop of Caunterbury stayed frō goyng to Rome by the king 233. Richard Atkins Martyr his cruell death and Martyrdome at Rome for the Gospell and the constaunt profession thereof 2151. Richard Belward hys trouble and persecution 660. Richard Belward hys testimony for the Lord Cobham 577. Richard Bayfield Marty his story .1021 articles obiected against him ibid. hys aunsweres to the same .1022 hys condemnation and degradatian .1023 his constant martyrdome for the trueth of Christes Gospell 1024. Richard Dobbes Alderman of London and knight his commēdations 1774. Richard Earle Marshall hys admonition to the king .278 hys death 280. Richard Chauncellour of Lincoln made archbishop of Caunterbury complayneth of his king of Hubert Earle of Kent and others to the Pope and dyeth in comming from Rome 274 Richard Day martyr hys story 2037. Richard Feurus Martyr 914 Richard Grafton printer of the great Bibles 1191. Richard Houeden Martyr 665.666 Richard Lush Martyr hys story and condemnation and martyrdome 2004. Richard Denton burnt in hys own house who before woulde not burne in the Lordes cause 1717 Richarby Martyr his story 2037.2038.2039 Richard Spencer Martyr his story 1202. Richard Spurge his story 1895. Richard Sharpe Martyr his story and martyrdome 2052. Richard Turner a faithfull preacher of Christes veritie in Kent hys trouble for the same 1868.1869 Richard Turming his story and martyrdome 639.640 Richard Monke recanted 642. Richard Gibson Martyr his story and Martyrdome .2025.2026.2027 his Articles propounded to Boner to be aunswered vnto 2034. Richard Nichols Martyr hys story and martyrdome 1909. Richard Lee notary 477. Richard Webbe his trouble for the Gospell 1601 Richard Wich Priest and Martyr taken for a Sainct 701. Richard Wilmot scourged for the Gospell 2058. Richard Wright Richard Colliare and 4. others martyrs at Canterbury 1688. Richard White confessor hys story ●054 Richard Woodman Martyr hys tragicall story .1983.1984 hys apprehension 1985. his first examination .1986 his second examination and aunsweres .1989.1990 his 3. examination .1992 his fourth examination .1997.1998 his fift examination .1999.2000 his last examination and aunsweres .2001.2002 his condemnation martyrdome 2003. Ridleyes talke with Bourne 1426. Richard Rothe Martyr his story and Martyrdome 2013.2014.2015.2016.2017 Richard Yeoman Martyr burned at Norwiche for the Gospell and the true profession thereof 2045. Richard Hook Martyred at Chichester for the trueth of the Gospell 1688 Richard Hunne his story .805 articles obiected agaynst him wyth his aunsweres .806 murthered in Prison .806.807 his Corpes burned after his death sentence definitiue agaynste him beinge deade .808 his Defence agaynste Syr Thomas More and Alanus Copus 811 Richard Mekins his story martyrdome 1202 Richarde Pott● Persecutour hys death 2103 Richard Pacie his story 989 Ringing of Curphew by Thomas Arundell 554 Ringing in the Archbishoppe at S. Albons 555 Rigges Uicechaūcellor of Oxford 502 Rictionarus a cruell Helhounde to the poore Christians he made riuers of theyr bloud 79 Ridley his treatise against the worshipping of Images and setting of them vp in churches and temples 2128.2129.2130.2131 Ridley refused of Queene Mary to preach before her .1396 sent to Oxford to dispute 1428 Ridley his excellent story .1717 his conference with Mayster Latimer in prison .1718.1719 articles ministred agaynst him .1760 hys Examinations and Aunsweres .1761 his supplication to Quene Mary .1768 his death and constant martyrdome for Gods truth 1769.1770 his letters and farewelles to England 1770.1774.1777.1779.1784.1786 Riches and pride of the Cleargy the fountayne of mischiefe 210● Riches of the Popes Clergy how they ought to be employed 2109 Riding of the Pope the
Succession of Peter 1120 Succession of Bishops no certayne or essentiall poynte to knowe the true Church by 1613.1614 Suffolcke persecuted 660 Suffolke men assist Queene Mary to the Crowne 1407 Suffolke persecuted 1912 Sulpitius Martyr 4 Sultanes first so called 737 Summe of S. Paules doctrine 20 Summary Collection of the errors heresies and absurdities of the Popes doctrine Summus Orbis Pontifex a proude title of the Pope neuer vsed till the time of Boniface 3. Phocas the wicked Emperor 12 Supper of the Lord how ministred by our sauiour Christ is a representation of hys body and bloud 1973. Supper of our Lorde the true vse thereof .1174 why ordayned 1431. Supper of the Lorde requireth a communion 1816. Superalter what it is 1519. Supplication of all the nobles and Commons of England to Pope Innocent 4. in the Councell of Lyons 288. Supplication of the persecuted preachers dyrected to king Phillip Queene Mary 1483. Supplication of beggars by fishe 1014.1015 Supplication of M. Philpot to the king and Queenes Maiesties 1829. Supplication of the inhabitants of Suffolk and Northfolke to Q. Maryes Commissioners 1902 1903.1904.1905.1906 Supplication of the Nobles in the Parliament house to the pope 1477. Supplication of the persecution in Muchbently to the Lord Darcy 2005. Supplication of the Nobles of Boheme in the behalfe of Ioh. Hus. 602. Superstition crept into the churche with Monkery 153. Suppression of Abbies by K. Hēry the 8. 1101.1070 Supremacy of the Pope resisted by diuers Churches 13. Supremacy of the church of Rome reproued .1065.1066 neuer knowne to the auncient fathers 1066.1067 Supremacy of the Pope set vpp and established in the Parliamēt of Queene Mary 1481. Supremacie of the Pope driuen out of England 1094. Supremacie of the Pope ouerthrowne how it came vp 1647.1648 Superioritie in the Churche what and how lawfull 21. Superioritie none amongst the Apostles proued by great and forcible reasons 14. Sueues his story 99. Suffragane of Douer brake hys necke after he had receaued the Cardinals blessing 2099 S. W. Swallowe persecutor of George Egles plagued of God for hys bloudy crueltie 2009.2010 Swallow a cruell tormentor of Gods sayntes his end 2103. Swearing when where and how lawfull 529.538 Swearer hys terrible and fearfull end 2104.2105 Swearing by a booke whether lawfull and howe where and when it is lawfull to sweare and take an othe 529. William Sweeting Martyr .804 his articles and Martyrdome 818. Swinderby hys story .464 cited 470. processe agaynst hym .471 his aunswere .472 condemned hys appeale .473 hys forced abiuration .465 hys protestation letters .467 articles articulate agaynst him falsely wrested by the maligne Papistes 466.468 Swincherd made Bishop of Winchester 142. Swingfield bewrayer of one Angels wife hys death 2100. Swithinus Byshop of Winchester hys fained monkish myracles 137. Swordes neuer geuen to the pope 473. Swordes blunt and hangmen wery with murthering of Christians 80 Sworde of the Pope double 499. S Y. Symphorissa with her .7 children martyrs 41. Symon a Deacon martyred 32. Symon zelotes crucified 32. Synode of Cloneshoe 128. T A. TAble of the Martirs that suffered in Fraunce 897.898 Table of the Nobles of Boheme 638 Table of the Martyrs that suffered in Germany 886 Table of the Spanish Martyrs 928 Table of certaine Countryes won frō Christendome by the turks 760 Table of the successiō of the Archbishops of Caunterbury 394.395.396 Table of the yeares of the Turkes and Saracens 771 Table of the persecution in the dioces of Lincolne 821.822.824 Table of the Popes extortions exactions and oppressions in England 284.282 Table of suche as abiured vnder Warrham Archbishop of Can̄terbury 1286.1278 Table of certayne persons abiuring with theyr articles 1040 Table of the Saxon kinges such as made themselues Monkes 134 Table of the Saxon kinges which raigned from Egbert to Williā Conqueror 135 Table of the kinges of Englande that reigned with the Saxons after theyr comming in 112.113 Table of all orders of religion 260 Table of the 7. Kingdomes of the Saxons ruling in England 110 Table of the Italiā Martyrs 934 Tacitus Florianus Emperors 75 Tacianus commended 45 Tamerlanes his victoryes againste the Turkes 739 Tame deuill his story 2108 Tamerlanes king of Persia a cruell Tyraunt 739 Tancrede king of Cypres his maner of interteining of King Richard the first 244 Tankerfield Martyr his story examination condemnation and cōstaunt martyrdome for the Gospell 1689.1690.1681 Tartarians theyr spoyle in Christendome 338 Tathe besieged of the cruell merciles Turkes 754 Tayler Doctor Parson of Hadley his life and story .1518 his examinations .1521 his degradation .1524 his godly death and cōstant Martyrdome .1526.1527 his letters 1528 Taylour his apprehēsion trouble with Articles obiected agaynste him .658 his martyrdome 659 T E. Te Deum song for Queen Maries child 1476 Telesphorus Byshop of Rome Martyr 52 Templaries their order began 200 Templaries burned at Paris 368 Templaries of Ierusalem ouerthrowne 294 Templaries put downe 351.368 Temples destroyed 77 Tempest horrible in England 269 Tempting tooles of Sathā wherwith hee assaulteth the Godly 1925. Tenne Martyrs sent at once to Boner Bishop of London to be examined 1689. Tenne blessed martyrs burned in C●lchester for the profession of Christes veritie 2005.2006.2007 Tenthes graunted to the Pope for for 7. yeares by the king of England 335. Tenthe parte of all moueables in England and Ireland geuen to the Pope for the election of Richard the Archbishop of Caunterbury 273. Tertullian a great learned manne his Apology in the behalfe of the Christians his blemishes 55. Testimonie of the vniuersitie of Oxford and of Iohn Hus of Iohn Wickliffe 448. Testimonies for the principalitie of the Pope 17 Tewkesbery battaile whē where and how atchieued and ended 716. Tewkesbery a godly Martyr hys story .1024 his martyrdome 1026. Testwood his trouble and persecution with the cause thereof .1211 hys death 1220. Tewlerus an auncient preacher agaynst the Pope 390. T H. Theodora Martyr 4. Theodoretus archbishop of Caunterbury beginner of misrule in the Englishe churche 124. Theodora a virgin martyr her story 63. Theonus first archbishop of London 172. Theeues amongest the Romaines burnt in old time 62. Thirtene persons burned at stratford the bowe in one fire .1915 theyr agreement in theyr fayth 1915.1916 Thaddeus Martyr 32. Thackuell martyr her storye and martyrdome 1910.1911 Theodorus martyr his story 99. Theodorus 2. pope 146 Theophilus ecclesiasticall writer 53. Theodulus Deacon of Alexander hys martyrdome 38. Theotechnus Byshop of Cesarea 35. Thirlby hys story 1090. Thomas Audly speaker of the Parliament house .1053 made Lord Chauncellour of England 1054. Tho. Arundell archbishop of Canterbury hys constitutiōs against the gospellers hys horrible death 587.588 Thomas Arundell Archbishop of Caunterbury a bloudy persecutor 507. Thomas Arthur hys trouble persecution .998 articles ministred agaynst him 999. Thomas Benbridge Martyr hys story .2046 articles obiected agaynst him ibid. his death and glorious martyrdome 2047. Thomas Barnard martyr his story 774.
rayling agaynst Iames Abbes. Example how Popery bringeth to desperation Clarke hanged himselfe The sodaine death of Troling Smith Dale the Promotor eaten with lyee Coxe the Promotor sodainely dyed Alexander the cruell keeper of Newgate dyed a rotten death The sodaine death of Iames Alexanders sonne Iohn Peter Alexanders sonne in lawe rotted away Iustice Lelond per●ecutour p●agued Robert Baulding persecutor Beard the Promotor Robert Blomfield persecutor The iudgement of God vpon Iohn Roc●●wood Lady Honor and George Bradway persecutors in Calice Richard Long drowned himselfe The iust punishmēt of God vpō Syr Rafe Ellerker persecutor The sodaine death of D. Foxford Pau●er a persecutor hanged himselfe The stinking end of Stephen Gardiner proueth Popery and not the Gospell to be the doctrine of desperaration Gods iust stroke vpon Iohn Fisher B. of Rochester and Syr Thomas More 2. Mach. 3. Of Valerianus read before pag. 74. Bishops that dyed before Q. Mary Byshops t●●t dyed 〈◊〉 Q. Mary * Note that B. Tonstall i● Q Maryes tyme was no great bloudy persecutour For Maister Russell a Preacher was before him and D. 〈◊〉 his Chauncellour would haue had him examimined more particularly The Bishop stayed him saying hetherto we haue had a good report among our neighbours I pray you bring not this mans bloud vpon my head A note of D. Weston D. Weston out of fauour with the Papists D. Weston taken in adultry D. Weston appe●led to Rome The death of Doctour Weston Catholicke Bishops after Q. Mar●es death depriued imprisoned Note that some of these Bishops afterward through the goodnes of Q. Elizabeth were dispersed and suffered to be kept in their friendes houses A note of Doct. Chadsey 34. Articles of D. Chadsey D. Chadsey subscribed to the reformed religion in King Edwardes time D. Chadsey mutable and inconstant in his religion The egernes of D. Chadsey in punishing the poore Martyrs Wil. Mauldon Prentise with M. Hugh Apparry at Grenewich A terrible example of Gods iudgement to be noted of all such as be contemners and mockers of God and his worde Gods punishm●n● vpon a young 〈◊〉 of 12 yeares 〈◊〉 blaspheming the Maiesty of God Bl●sphemy punished A l●sson to children and young gyrles A le●●●n to all Athenites Epicures and Infide●●● A lesson to all blasphemers swearers Leuar of Abingdon a blasphemer of Gods Martyrs plagued Thomas Arundell Archbishop of Canterbury Fryer Champbell plagued Gods iudgment vpon Haruy a persecuting Cōmissary Gods iust plague vpon William Swallow Gods iust plague vpō Richard Potto Richard Denton burned in his owne house Fettyes wyfe stricken with madnes Two Papistes of 〈◊〉 Col●●●ge in O●ford 〈…〉 A story of a Courtyer o●e of the Garde which happened An. 1563. Admonitio● to Courtiers An example of Christopher Lande●dale one of the Garde for all Cour●●ers to looke vpon Landesdale a feaster of the rich and vnmercifull to the pore Poore Lazaru● lying by the rich mans doore Yet the ●ic●e glutton was better for he suffered Lazarus to lye at his gates The death of poore Lazarus in the ditch The end of this vnmercifull 〈◊〉 in the ditch The image of the rich glutton and poore Lazarus Math. 5. 1. Iohn 3. A warning to gentlemen A fearefull example of 〈…〉 Gentle exhortatiō neglected The terrible ende of a swearer The miserable ende of Henry Smith a Lawier of the midle Temple after he was peruerted from the Gospell Note what leude company doth in corrupting good natures M. Smithes Images and Agnus dei Henry Smith a Lawyer hanged himselfe in his chamber after what maner One Williams a Lawyer and a rayler agaynst the Gospell fell madde Of the miserable end of this Twyford read before pag. 1258. Declaratiō of foreine examples Hofmeister sodainely stricken with death going to Ratisbone What inconuenience commeth by th● Popes desperate doctrine The miserable ende of Guarlacus reader in Louane The story of Arnoldus Bomelius student a● Louane Note what euill instruction company doth An horrible example of Arnoldus Bomelius which killed himselfe with his owne dagger Admonitiō to our Louanians Iacobus Latomus of Louane Iacobus Latomus an ●nemy to the Gospell brought to madnes and desperation The terrible wordes of Latomus in his desperation Gods will in his word to accept our fayth onely for iustification Obedience to Gods will rewarded Disobedience to God● will punished The chiefe fountayne of all mischiefe in the world A Fryer of Munster stricke with lightning A Taylours seruaunt in Lipsia Gods punishment vpon a certaine Popish gentleman vnnamed Sadoletus Cardinall The Commendator of S. Antony plagued Abbot of Carilocus sodainely dead Dauid Beaton Archbyshop of Scotland persecutour slayne in hi● owne Castle Ex Ioan Sleidano lib. 23. The terrible iudgement of God vpon Cardinall Crescentius President of the Counsell of Trident. An. 1552. The wretched end of Cardinall Crescentius President of the Counsell of Trent Two aduouterous Byshops of Trident Counsell iustly slaine in adultery D. Eckius the P●pes stout Champion· The end of Martyn Luther compared to the end of Eckius The maner of Iohn Eckius death Eckius last wordes Eckius dyeth dreaming of his Guilden● Ex appendice Hist. Ioan. Carionis Gods iudgment vpon one Iohn Vander Warfe Shoulted of Antwarpe a persecutour Shilpad a kinde of Shelfishe fashioned like a Tode with a hard and a broad shell vpon his backe Our Ladies druncken feast Fraunces Fraet the Printer and witnes hereof a good man Martyr Bartholomeus Cassaneus plagued Minerius plagued of God A Iudge with 3. persecutours plagued by Gods iudgment The terrible vengeaunce of God vpon Iohn de Roma a terrible persecutor Read before pag. 216. The Lord of Reuest plagued Iohn Martin plagued Erasm in Epistola Apologetica De vtili Coloquio● Gods punishment vpon a noble gentleman in going a pilgrimage Admonition False deuotion a perylous thing Agaynst Idolatrous pilgrimage A wonderfull example of Gods ●udgment at Gaunt Anno. 1565. Three cause● why Saintes are not to be prayed vnto Purgatory denyed The iudgement of God vpon Giles Brakelman the borough Maister William de Weuer Martyr burnt at Gaunt Anno. 1565. An other terrible example of Gods iudgment agaynst Syr Garret Trieste gentleman and then Alderman of Gaunt a persecutour Anno. 1566. An other example of Gods iudgement vpō Marten de Pester one of the principall Secretaryes of Gaunt Anno. 1566. These men of Gaunt are witnesses hereof A story of a tame deuil con●●●ed in an Abbey in Sueuia A sub●ill deuise of the Monkes to fray away their gestes The punishmēt of God vpon a Monke that would counterfeite the deuill Ex Gaspare Bruschio in Chronologia Monasteriorum Germaniae Read afore pag. 890. The doinges of Henry 2. French king agaynst the Lutherans neuer prospered with him This truce was betweene the French king the Emperour which the Pope caused to be broken The cruell purpose of the Duke of Guise disappointed The wicked vowe of the Constable of Fraunce defeated Lord Ponchet Archbishop of Tours The maruelous
he will bestow him I trust to God it shall please him of his goodnes to strengthen me to make vp the trinitie out of Paules Churche to suffer for Christe whom God the father hath annoynted the holy spirite doth beare witnes vnto Paule all the Apostles preached Thus fare you well I had no paper I was constrayned thus to write Besydes these letters of Byshop Ridley diuers other tractations also were written by hym partly out of prison partly in prison as namely amongest certaine other there remayneth in my handes certayne notes answearing to the two notable Sermons of D. Watson Bishop of Lincolne c. ¶ Here beginneth the lyfe actes and doynges of maister Hugh Latimer the famous Preacher and worthy Martyr of Christ and his Gospel NOw consequently after the lyfe of B. Ridley with other his letters whiche partly we haue expressed partly we haue differred to our later appendix followeth lykewyse the lyfe and doynges of the worthy champion and olde practised souldiour of Christe M. Hugh Latimer of whose actes and long trauayles euen from his fyrst yeares and tender age to beginne here to entreate fyrst he was the son of one Hugh Latimer of Thirkesson in the Countie of Leicester a housebandman of right good estimation with whom also he was brought vp vntyll he was of the age of fower yeares or thereabout At which tyme his Parentes hauyng hym as then left for their onely sonne with sixe other daughters seeyng his ready prompte and sharpe witte purposed to trayne him vp in erudition and knowledge of good literature wherein he so profited in his youth at the common Scholes of his owne countrey that at the age of xiiij yeares he was sent to the Uniuersitie of Cambridge Where after some continuaunce of exercises in other thynges he gaue hym selfe to the studie of such schole Diuinitie as the ignoraunce of that age did suffer Zelous he was then in the Popyshe Religion and therewith so scrupulous as hym selfe confessed that beyng a Priest and vsyng to say Masse he was so seruile an obseruer of the Romishe Decrees that he had thought he had neuer sufficiently mingled his Massing wine with water and moreouer that he shoulde neuer be damned if he were once a professed Frier with diuers suche superstitious fantasies And in this blinde zeale he was a very enemie to the professours of Christes Gospell as both his Oration made when he proceeded Bachlour of Diuinitie agaynst Philip Melancthon and also his other workes did playnely declare But especially his Popyshe zeale coulde in no case abyde in those dayes good Maister Stafford reader of the Diuinitie Lectures in Cambridge moste spitefully raylyng agaynst hym and willyng the youth of Cambridge in no wyse to beleeue hym Notwithstandyng suche was the goodnesse and mercifull purpose of God that when he saw his good tyme by the whiche waye hee thought to haue vtterly defaced the professours of the Gospell and true Church of Christ he was at lengthe hym selfe by a member of the same pretily caught in the blessed nette of Gods woorde For M. Thomas Bilney whose storye is before described beyng at that tyme a tryer out of Sathans subtilties and a secrete ouerthrower of Antichristes kyngdome seeyng M. Latimer to haue a zeale in his waies although without knowledge was striken with a brotherly pittie towardes hym bethought by what meanes he might best winne this zelous ignoraunt brother to the true knowledge of Christe Wherefore after a shorte tyme he came to M. Latimers study and desired him to here him make his confession Which thing he willingly graunted by hearyng whereof he was through the good spirte of God so touched that hereuppon he forsooke his former studying of the schole Doctors and other suche fopperies and became a earnest student of true Diuinitie as he hym selfe aswell in his conference with M. Ridley as also in his fyrst sermon made vpon the Pater noster doth confesse So that whereas before he was an enemy and almost a persecutor of Christe he was now a zelous seeker after h●m chaunging his old maner of cauilling and rayling into a diligent kind of conferring both with M. Bilney and others came also to M. Stafford before he dyed and desired him to forgeue him After this his winning to Christ he was not satisfied with his owne conuersion onely but like a true Disciple of the blessed Samaritane pitied the misery of others and therefore became both a publike Preacher and also a priuate Instructer to the rest of his brethren within the Uniuersitie by the space of 3. yeres spending his tyme partly in the Latin tongue among the learned partly amongst the simple people in his naturall and vulgar language Howbeit as Satan neuer slepeth when he seeth his kingdome to begin to decay so likewyse now seeyng that this worthy member of Christ would be a shreud shaker therof he raued vp his impious impes to molest trouble him Amongest these there was an Augustine Frier who tooke occasion vpon certaine Sermons that M. Latimer made about Christenmas 152● aswell in the church of S. Edward as also in S. Augustins within the Uniuersitie in Cambridge to inuey against him for that M. Latimer in the sayde Sermons alludyng to the common vsage of the season gaue the people certaine cardes out of the 5.6.7 Chapiters of S. Matthewe whereupon they might not onely then but alwayes els occupy their tyme. For the chiefe triumph in the cardes he limitted the Hart as the principall thing that they shoulde serue God with all wherby he quite ouerthrew all hypocriticall and externall ceremonies not tending to the necessarie furtheraunce of Gods holy word and Sacramentes For the better atteyneng hereof he wished the Scriptures to be in Englysh wherby the common people might the better learne their dueties aswell to God as their neighbours The handling of this matter was so apt for the tyme and so pleasantly applyed of him that not only it declared a singuler towardnesse of witte in the Preacher but also wrought in the hearers much fruite to the ouerthrowe of Popish superstition and setting vp of perfect Religion This was vpon the Sundaye before Christenmas day on which day commyng to the Church and causyng the Bell to be tolled to a Sermon he entered into the Pulpit takyng for his text the wordes of the Gospell aforesayd red in the Church that day Tu quis es c. In deliueryng the whiche cardes as is abouesayd he made the Harte to be triumph exhortyng and inuityng all men thereby to serue the Lord with inwarde hart and true affection and not with outward ceremonies adding moreouer to the prayse of that triumph that though it were neuer so small yet it woulde make vp the best cote carde beside in the bunch yea though it were the kyng of Clubs c. meanyng thereby how the Lorde would be worshipped and serued in simplicitie
of the harte and veritie wherein consisteth true Christian Religion and not in the outward deedes of the letter onely or in the glisteryng shewe of mans traditions or pardons pilgrimages ceremonies vowes deuotions voluntarie workes and workes of supererogation foundations oblations the Popes supremacie c. so that all these either were nedeles where the other is present or els were of small estimation in comparison of the other The tenour and effect of these his Sermons so far as they could come to our handes here foloweth ¶ The tenoure and effecte of certayne Sermons made by mayster Latimer in Cambridge about the yeare of our Lord. 1529. TV quis es which wordes are as much to say in Englyshe Who art thou These be the wordes of the Phariseis which were sent by the Iewes vnto sainct Iohn Baptist in wildernesse to haue knowledge of hym whom he was which woordes they spake vnto hym of an euill intent thinkyng that he would haue taken on hym to be Christe and so they woulde haue had him done with their good willes because they knewe that he was more carnall and geuen to their lawes then Christ in deede should be as they perceyued by their old prophecies and also because they maruayled muche of his great doctryne preachyng and baptising they were in doubt whether he was Christ or not wherefore they sayd vnto him who art thou Then answered sainct Iohn and confessed that he was not Christ. Now here is to be noted the great and prudent answere of saincte Iohn Baptist vnto the Phariseis that when they required of him whom he was he would not directly answere of himselfe what he was him selfe but he sayd he was not Christ by the which saying he thought to put the Iewes and Phariseis out of their false opinion beliefe towardes him in that they would haue had him to exercise the office of Christ and ●o declared farther vnto them of Christ saying he is in the middes of you and amongst you whō ye know not whose ●atchet of his shoe I am not worthy to vnlose or vndoe By this you may perceiue that saint Iohn spake much in the lande and prayse of Christ his maister professing himselfe to be in no wise like vnto him So likewise it shal be necessary vnto all men women of this world not to ascribe vnto them selues any goodnes of themselues but all vnto our Lorde God as shall appeare herafter when this question aforesayd Who art thou shall be moued vnto thē not as the Phariseis did vnto saint Iohn of an euill purpose but of a good and simple minde as may appeare hereafter Now then according to the preachers mynd let euery man and woman of a good simple mind contrary to the Phariseis intent aske this question Who art thou this question must be moued to themselues what they be of themselues on this fashion What art thou of thy only and natural generatiō betwene father mother whē thou camest into this world What substāce what vertue what goodnes art thou of by thy selfe which question if thou reher●e often times vnto thy selfe thou shalt well perceiue vnderstand how thou shalt make aunswer vnto it which must be made on this wayes I am of my selfe and by my selfe cōming from my naturall father mother the childe of the ire indignation of God the true inheritour of hel a lumpe of sinne working nothing of my selfe but all towardes hell except I haue better helpe of an other then I haue of my selfe Now we may see in what state we enter in to this world that we be of our selues the true and iust inheritours of hell the children of the ire indignation of Christ working all towardes hell whereby we deserue of our selues perpetuall dampnation by the ryght iudgement of God and the true clayme of our selues which vnthrifty state that we be borne vnto is come vnto vs for our own desertes and proueth well this example followyng Let it be admitted for the probatiō of this that it might please the kynges grace now being to accept into his fauour a meane man of a simple degre and byrth not borne to any possession whom the kynges grace fauoureth not because this person hath of himselfe deserued any such fauoure but that the kyng casteth this fauoure vnto him of his owne mere motion fantasy and for because the kings grace will more declare his fauoure vnto him he geueth vnto his sayd man a thousand poundes in landes to hym and his heyres on this condition that he shall take vpon him to be the chiefe captayne and defendour of his towne of Calice and to be trew and faythfull vnto hym in the custodie of the same agaynst the Frenche men specially aboue all other enemies This man taketh on hym this charge promysing his fidelitie thereunto It chaunceth in processe of tyme that by the singuler acquaintaunce and frequent familiaritie of this Captaine with the French men these French men geue vnto this sayde Captayne of Calice a great summe of money so that he will be content and agreeable that they may enter into the sayde towne of Calice by force of armes and so thereby to possesse the same vnto the Crowne of Fraunce vpon this agreement the French men doe inuade the sayde Towne of Calice alonely by the neglygence of this Captayne Now the Kynges grace hearyng of this inuasion commeth with a great puissaunce to defende this his sayd Towne and so by good pollicie of warre ouercommeth the sayd French men and entreth againe into his Towne of Calice Then he beyng desyrous to knowe how these enemies of his came thyther he maketh profound searche and enquirie by whom this treason was conspyred by this searche it was knowen and founde his owne Captayne to be the very authoure and beginner of the betraying of it The King seeing the great infidelitie of this person dischargeth this man of his office and taketh from him and his heyres this thousande poundes possessions Thinke you not but the Kyng doth vse iustice vnto him and all his posteritie and heyres Yes truely the sayde Capitayne cannot deny hymselfe but that he hadde true iustice consyderyng howe vnfaythfully he behaued hym to his Prince contrary to his own fidelitie and promyse so likewyse it was of our fyrst Father Adam He had geuen vnto him the spirite of science knowledge to worke all goodnesse therewith this sayd spirite was not geuen alonely vnto him but vnto all his heyres and posteritie He had also deliuered him the Towne of Calice that is to say Paradise in earth the most strong and fayrest Towne in the worlde to be in his custodie He neuerthelesse by the instigation of these Frenche menne that is to say the temptation of the Feende dyd obey vnto their desire and so brake his promise and fidelitie the commaundemēt of the euerlasting kyng his maister in eatyng of the apple by hym inhibited Now then the kyng seyng this great treason in
contented for frendshippe and curtesye sake not to fayle them in this theyr businesse Hauyng made this Preface he entered into the pith of the matter wherein he blamed greatly the barbarous crueltye of the Court of Rome so fiercely extended agaynst the dead He sayd it was a more heynous matter then was to be borne with to haue shewed such extreme cruelnesse to them that were aliue but for any manne to misbehaue himselfe in such wise towarde the deade was such a thing as hadde not lightly bene heard of Sauing that he affirmed this custome of excommunicating and curssing of deade folke to haue come first from Rome For Euagrius reporteth in his wrytinges that Eutichius was of the same opinion induced by the example of Iosias who slew the Priestes of Baall and burnt vppe the boanes of them that were deade euen vppon the Aultars Whereas before the time of Eutichius this kinde of punishment was welneare vnknowne neither afterwarde vsurped of any manne that euer he heard of vntill a nine hundreth yeares after Christ. In the latter times the whiche howe muche the further they were from that golden age of the Apostles so much the more they were corrupted this kinde of cruelnesse beganne to creepe further For it is manifestlye knowne that Stephen the sixt Pope of Rome digged vp Formosus his last Predecssour in that Sea and spoyling him of hys Popes apparell buryed him agayne in lay mans apparell as the call it hauing first cut off and throwne into Tyber his two fingers with which according to theyr accustomed maner he was woont to blesse and consecrate The whiche his vnspeakeably tyrannye vsed against Formosus within sixe yeares after Sergius the third encreased also agaynst the same Formosus For taking vp his dead body and setting it in a Popes chayre hee caused his heade to be smitten of and his other three fingers to be cut from his hand and his body to be cast into the ryuer of Tyber abrogating and disanulling all his decrees which thinge was neuer done by any man before that daye The cause why so great crueltye was exercised by the reporte of Nauclerus was this because that Formosus had beene an aduersarye to Stephen and Sergius when they sued to be made Bishops This kinde of crueltye vnharde of before the Popes a while exercised one agaynst an other But nowe or euer they had sufficiently felte the smarte thereof themselues they had turned the same vpon our neckes Wherefore it was to be wished that seeing it began among thē it might haue remayned still with the Authors thereof not haue bene spread ouer thence vnto vs. But such was the nature of all euill that it quickely passeth into example for others to do the like For about the yeare of our Lord 1400. Iohn Wicklyfe was in lyke maner digged vp and burnte into ashes throwen into a brooke that runneth by the towne where he was buryed Of the which selfe same sauce tasted also William Tracye of Gloucester a man of a worshipfull house because he had written in his laste will that he shoulde be saued onely by fayth in Iesus Christe and that there needed not the helpe of any manne thereto whether he were in heauen or in earth and therefore bequethed no legacye to that purpose as all other men were accustomed to doe This deede was done sithens we may remember aboute the 22. yeare of the raigne of Henry the 8. in the yeare of our Lord. 1530. Now seeing they extended suche crueltye to the dead he sayde it was an easye matter to coniecture what they would doe to the liuing Whereof we had sufficient tryall by the examples of our owne men these fewe yeares past And if we woulde take the paynes to peruse thinges done somewhat lenger ago we might find notable matters out of our owne Chronicles Howbeit it was sufficient for the manifest demonstration of that matter to declare the beastly butchery of the Frenche King executed vppon the Waldenses at Cabryer and the places nere thereabout by his captayne Miner aboute the yeare of our Lorde 1545. then the which there was neuer thing read of more cruelty done no not euen of the barbarous Paganes And yet for all that when diuers had shewed theyr vttermost cruelty both agaynste these and many others they were so farre from theyr purpose in extinguishing the light of the Gospell which they endeuoured to suppresse that it increased dayly more and more The which thing Charles the 5. then whom all christendome had not a more prudēt Prince nor the Church of Christ almost a sorer enemy easily perceiued and therefore when he had in his hand Luther dead and Melancthon and Pomeran with certayne other Preachers of the Gospell aliue he not onely determined not any thing extreamely agaynst them nor violated theyr graues but also entreating them gently sent thē away not so much as once forbidding them to publish openly the doctrine that they professed For it is the nature of Christes Church that the more that Tyrauntes spurne agaynst it the more it encreaseth and florisheth A notable proofe assuredly of the prouidence and pleasure of God in sowing the Gospell was that comming of the Bohemians vnto vs to the intent to heare Wickliffe of whom we spake before who at that time read openly at Oxford and also the goyng of our men to the sayde Bohemians when persecution was raysed agaynste vs. But muche more notable was it that we had seene come to passe in these our dayes that the Spanyardes sent for into thys Realme of purpose to suppresse the Gospell as soone as they were returned home replenished many partes of theyr Countrey with the same trueth of Religion to the which before they were vtter enemyes By the which examples it might euidently be perceiued that the Princes of this world labour in vayne to ouerthrowe it considering how the mercy of GOD hath sowne it abroad not onely in those Countryes that wee spake of but also in Fraunce Poole Scotland and almoste all the rest of Europe For it is sayd that some partes of Italy although it be vnder the Popes nose yet do they of late encline to the knowledge of the heauenly trueth Wherefore sufficient argument and proofe mighte be taken by the successe and encreasement therof to make vs beleue that this doctrine is sent vs from heauen vnlesse we will wilfully be blinded And if there were any that desired to be perswaded more at large in the matter hee might aduisedlye consider the voyage that the Emperor and the Pope with both theyr powers together made ioyntly agaynste the Bohemians In the which the Emperour tooke suche an vnworthy repulse of so small a handfull of his enemyes that he neuer almost in all his life tooke the like dishonour in any place Hereof also might bee an especiall example that death of Henry Kyng of Fraunce who the same day that he had purposed to persecute the Churche of Christe and to