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A18480 The kinges edict or decree vpon the pacification of the troubles of his realme, made the .xxiij. of March. 1568 Conteyning also the confirmation of another like edict, of the .xix. day of March .1562. The copie whereof is also added, the better to satisfie the readers. And also certayn requestes, made by the Protestants, with the kings answeres therevnto. All nowe translated out of French. The .19. of Aprill.1568.; Proclamations. 1568 France. Sovereign (1560-1574 : Charles IX) 1568 (1568) STC 5036; ESTC S111091 14,112 46

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God 1562. and in the thirde yere of our reigne Signed CHARLES And there vnder By the King in his Counsaile Signed ROBERTET And sealed in yelowe Wax wyth a duble labell of Parchement appending Red published and registred in the hearing of the kings Attorney generall in the presence of the right mighty princes and Lords the Cardinall of Borbon the Duke of Montpenseir thervnto specially sent by our Lorde the most christian king In the Parliament of Paris the .xxvij. day of the month of March in the yere of our Lord. 1562. Signed DV TILLET In like maner red published and registred in the hearing of the kinges Attorney generall in the Chamber of his accountes the yeare and daie abouesayde Signed FORMAGET Red published and registred in the Courtes of helpes hearing and consenting the kings Attorney generall Signed LE SVEVR Red proclaymed and published with sounde of Trumpet and publique proclamation in the accustomed places of the Citie of Paris by the Kings maiesties Heralts assisting and being present the Lorde Lieutenant ciuile and others the Thursedaye the .xxvij. of May. 1563. The extract of the Kings Priuilege BY the kings Maiesties specyall Priuilege Yeuen at the Campe neere Orleance the .xxv. day of Marche 1562. signed by the King in his counsaile by the Laubespine and sealed with the great seale of the said King in yelow Wax vpon a single labell confirmatiue of the Letters patents of the sayde Lord Yeuen before at Saint Iermane in Lay the .viij. of October 1561. signed by the King the Lorde Chaunceler being present and Laubespine sealed as aboue verified in the Court of Parliament at Paris the .xviij. day of February in the sayde yeare It is permitted to Robart Stephanus his Printer to imprint or cause to be imprinted solde and to depute this present Edict of late made for the peace making of the troubles of this Realme So that no other Printers whatsoeuer may print the same or cause to be imprinted without licence permission and consent for three monethes after this his impression vpon paine vnto the offenders to confiscate and forfeit all that which they may haue imprinted and to fine at pleasure ¶ Certaine Articles of the requestes made in the behalfe of the Protestants vnto the King with his Maiesties Aunsweres therevnto ¶ The same was deliuered y e .4 day of March M.D.lxviij by the Lords y e Chastillon Count of the Rochfoucault of Bouchauanes deputies of the right noble Prince of Conde Lordes gentilmen and others of the religion pretēded reformed which in treating of peace haue required to be presented to the King to haue therevpon expresse and special answers and prouident remedies And to serue vnto those abouesaid of the religion pretended reformed in all places and euerywhere as nede shall be to the ende that vpon the Execution of the Edict of peace making there shoulde nothing be left in doubt of his Maiesties intention and that the Gouernours Lieuetenants Generalles of Prouinces Courts of Parliament and other Iudges shoulde not be ignorant of euery one of the sayd Articles presented to his Maiestie After they haue bene by him seene in his counsell it was aunswered according as it shalbe hereafter sayd The first Article HIs Maiesty may consider if it maye please his highnesse that here before his subiects haue sustained great troubles charges in suyng for the chaunge of the vnméet places which were giuen them against the Edict whereby they could find no fruit for the comfort of his Subiectes wherefore it may please his Maiestie himself to ordeyn such places as may be more commodious in the Suburbes of Cities and Townes according to the Edict The Aunsweres made by the Kinges Counsaile And first to the ●foresayde Article Gyuing the king to vnderstand the places which they pretend vnmeete and requiring to be chaunged his maiestie wyll prouyde for them accordingly The second Article Because those of the sayde Religion do desire chiefly that the Edict which shal be whereof dependeth the common welth and helth may be sincerely obserued they haue most humbly besought his Maiestie as yet they do that after the proclayming thereof the Princes and Lords of his coūsaile officers of hys Crowne and gouernours of his Prouinces doe promise and sweare by his commaundement and aucthoritie and in his owne handes to continue the execution and intertainement thereof euery one in his charge not thereby paragoning or comparing any one to the greatnesse of his Maiestie but bicause they haue experimented that the example in forbering of the great shall doe muche harme in the matter and therefore to refraine them binde them further by their sayd promisses and othe The Aunswere The king after the proclayming of the Edict shall cause the princes and Lordes of his counsaile officers of his crowne and Gouernours of Prouinces to put their othe into his hands to obserue and continue the execution and entertainment of the saide Edict euery one for his owne respect or part and in his charge The third Article They beséeche further that the same which shall be done may be purely and sincerely obserued without making hereafter any declaration or interpretation thervppon and that these wordes may be added Vnto the tyme that God may giue vs the grace that our subiectes may be revnited and brought into one religiō Not vnderstanding as they say by this article that the sayd revniting and bringing into one may come vnto them from else where then from the grace of God and of the benefite and goodnesse of the kinges Maiestie The Aunswere The King doth graunt them that these wordes shall be added Vnto the tyme that God may giue vs the grace that our subiects maye be revnited into one religion The fourth Article Which Maiestie they do supplie most humblie seing that the same doth promise to cause to be administred vnto them good and sincere iustice that it may be permitted vnto them for this effect to haue recourse to put requestes vnto his said maiestie when as there maye be done vnto them any wrong and oppressions The Aunswere The king graunteth will alwayes thinke it good that they shall put vnto him their requestes and griefes wherevpon he will cause to bee administred vnto them good and sincere iustice The fift Article As touching the conferences of the Ministers they doe require that séeing the same is but for the kéeping and containing of the Ministers and others in their dutie and to rule the doctrine and discipline of their religion wherein there is contayned no iurisdiction that it may please the King for that they are necessarie exercises and the which as they doe pretende are permitted by his Edictes to graunt the same vnto them And to cause such letters to be set forth dispatched in such formes as they may be assured in that behalfe The Aunswere The king doth graunt it them always prouided that when they will vse their sayde conferences they shall aduertise the Gouernour of the Cuntrie
of rents money or other moueables which they mought pretend to haue bene taken and borne away from them nor of any other domages or hurtes done since the beginning of these troubles vnto the day of y e proclaiming of these presents made in y e two campes and armies which shalbe for the behalfe of the Parliament of Parys thrée dayes after the date of these said presents and for the behalfe of the other parliaments eight dayes after the date of these said presents within which time it shall be cōmaunded with all diligence vnto our gouernors and Lieutenaunts generall to cause it to be forthwith proclamed and obserued euery one in al the places of his gouernement where it shal appertain without tarying the proclaminges of the sayde Courts to the ende that no man mought pretend cause of ignorance and that more redily all wayes of hostility spoylings and demoliments of the one part the other mought ceasse Declaring now forthwith that all demoliments spoyles takings and rauishings of goodes moueables other actes of hostilitie which shall be done after the said tyme are subiect to restitution and reparation WE do also commaund our Courts of parliaments y t so sone as they shal receiue the said edict they shall leauing all other businesse apart cause y e same our edict to be proclaymed registred in our sayd courts according to the forme and tenor thereof and to our atturneis generall consideredly to require and pursue the proclayming thereof without any refusall protracting of time nor tarying for any further bydding or commaundement from vs for as it is sayd to make a redy ende vnto all enimities rancors and hostilities WE meane further that the towne and resort of the Prouosty or Mayralty Viconty of Paris should be remain exempted from all exercyse of the sayd Relygion according to the contents of the sayd edict of pacification which remayneth in his first force and vertue AND we will in like maner that after the proclayming of these sayde presents made in our court of parliament of Paris and in the two campes those of the said religiō should disarme thēselues forthwith and should seperate their forces to retyre themselues home and that the Cities townes and places occupied with men of warre should be presently restored and set in their first estate and trafique with all their artillaries munitions which shall be in nature as also the houses of seuerall persons which haue bene in likewise occupied should be with diligence restored vnto whom they shall apperteyne and all prisoners whether it be of warre or for the matter of Religion shall be in lyke maner set agayne in libertye of their personnes and goodes without paying any raunsome AND to the ende that hereafter all occasions of troubles tumults seditions may ceasse and the better to reconcile and vnite the intentions and willes of our said subiectes the one towards the other and with this vnion the more easily to maintaine the obedience which they all doe owe vs we haue ordeyned and doe ordeyne we meane will and oure pleasure is that all iniuries and offences which the iniquity of the tyme and the occasions which haue thereof happened mought haue caused to haue sprong amongst our sayde subiectes and all other things passed and caused by these present tumults shal remaine quenched as dead buried and not happened Right expressely and most earnestly vpon paine of death forbidding all our saide subiectes of what soeuer estate qualitie they may be that they do forbeare iniuriyng or prouoking the one y e other in reproching that which is past nor to dispute argue quarell contest nor braule togither of any matter neyther to outrage and offend in déed nor worde but to contain stay themselues and to lyue peaceablie together as brethren friends and felow-citizens vpon pain vnto those which may offend which shall be cause moouers of the iniurie and offence which should happen to be in the place and forthwith and without any other forme of processe punished according to the rigour of our present ordinance AND to cause all scruple and doubt to ceasse our said subiects shall depart leaue all assotiations and gatherings the which they haue within without this Realme and shal not make from henceforth any taking vp of money enrolmentes of men congregations nor other assemblies then those which are permitted by this present Edict which we doe forbid them and commaund also vpon pain to be rigorously punished and as contemners and breakers of our commaundments and orders FVRTHER right expressely straitly charging them vpon the like paines not to trouble molest nor disquiet the Ecclesiasticall in the celebration of the diuine seruice the inioying and perceyuing of the fruits and reuenues of their benefices tithes and all other rightes and duties which do appertaine vnto them so y t none of the said religion may vse take or retaine any Temple or Church of the said Ecclesiastickes which we do meane should be presently remitted in their Churches houses goods tythes possessions and reuenues to enioy and vse them euen as they did before these tumults to vse and continue the seruice diuine accustomed by them in their said Churches without any maner of molestation impechment or disturbance WE will do ordein and our pleasure is that the contents hereaboue and also our saide first Edict of pacification wherevnto these presents are referred are to cōfirme the same should be inuiolately entertained kept and obserued ouer all and euerie the places of our realme vnto the time that it maye please God to giue vs the grace that our subiectes maye be revnited in one selfe religion AND also we doe commaund oure beloued faithfull the kéepers of our courtes of parliaments chambers of our accounts Courtes of our helpes Baylifes Stewardes and others our Iusticers and officers to whome it may appertaine or their Lieutenants that this oure present Edict and decrée they should cause to be red published and registred in their Courtes and iurisdictions and the same to entertaine and cause to entertained kept and obserued inuiolably from point to point and to whom it may appertaine to enioy and vse fully and peaceably the contents thereof ceassing causing to be ceassed all impechments troubles and lets to the contrary For suche is our pleasure In witnesse wherof we haue signed these presents with our hande and haue caused our seale to be set thervnto Giuen at Paris the .xxiij. day of Marche the yeare of our Lorde GOD 1568. and the eight yeare of our reigne And so signed CHARLES And there vnder By the King in his Counsaile Signed ROBERTET And sealed vpon a double labell with yelow Wax Red published and registred requiring and hearing the same the kings attorney generall at Paris in Parliament the .xxvij. day of March the yeare 1568. Signed DV TILLET The Extract of the Priuilege BY the Kinges speciall priuilege giuen at Paris the .xxvi. day of Marche
1568. signed by the king in his Counsell ROBERTET and sealed with the great seale of the saide Lorde in yelow Wax vpon a single labell confirming the Letters Patents giuen by the saide Lord at Saint Germane in Lay the viij of October M.D.lxi. Signed by the king the Lord Chauncelour present De Laubespine sealed as aboue and verified in the Court of Parliament at Paris the .xviij. day of Februarie in the saide yeare it is permitted vnto Robert Stephanus his ordinarie printer to print or cause to be imprinted to sell and to depute this present Edict of late for the pacyfying of the troubles of this kingdom so that none other Librarie nor Imprinter may print them nor cause to be imprinted without his permission consent within three Monethes after his sayd imprinting thereof vpon paine for such as shall offend therein to confiscate and forfait all that which they may haue imprinted and to fine at pleasure An Edict or decree and declaration made by the king Charles the ninth of that name vpon the peace making of the troubles of Fraunce the xix day of March 1562. Printed at Paris by Robert Stephanus the kinges printer 1562. With Priuiledge of the sayd king CHARLES by the grace of God king of Fraunce vnto all those that shall sée these presents gréeting Euery man hath séene and knowē how it hath pleased the Lord God within these fewe yeares to suffer y t this our Realme should be afflicted and wersed with many troubles seditions and tumultes amongst our subiectes styrred and raised by the diuersity of opinions and scruple of their consciences for y e matter of Religion For remedie whereof and that this fire shoulde not kindle further there hath bene heretofore made diuers assemblies and conuocations of the most great and notable personages of our kingdome and by their good counsayle and aduise set forth manye Edictes and ordinances according to the behoofe and neede which was offered thinking therby to preuent the euill and to go before the inconuenience hanging therevpon Which by vs considered serching al possible remedies how be it that thankes be to God our forces be great and that in apparance we want no men Seing neuerthelesse that all the euill and inconuenience which commeth of this warre turneth to the decay and hurt of our Realme and hauing erperimēted to our great losse such remedie to be neither fit nor conuenient the sicknesse being hidden within the bowelles and mindes of our people We haue thought that the best and most profitable which we might applie therevnto was as a Prince most christian whereof we beare the name to haue recourse to the infinite grace and goodnesse of our Lorde and with his good helpe to finde the meanes to pacify by our gentlenesse the sharpnesse of the sickenesse In calling againe reconciling the willes of our said subiects to an vnion to the acknowleging which they all owe vnto our obedience to the honour of God welth helth and conseruation of this our Realme In prouidinge such meanes as may reteyne and content our sayd Subiectes hoping that the time the fruit of a good holy frée and generall or nationall counsell and the vertue of our ripe age nere comming led and directed by the hand and grace of our Lorde who of his goodnesse hath alwayes had care and garde of this Crowne shall bring hereafter the certeyne and true establishing vnto his honour and glory rest and tranquilitye to our sayde people and subiectes Whervpon we haue well willed to take the good prudent councell of the Queene our right dere and right honourable Lady and mother of our right dere and right welbeloued Cosins the Cardnal of Bourbon Prince of Conde Duke of Mountpensier Prince of the Roche-sur-Yon Princes of our blood Also of our right dere and right welbeloued Cosines the Cardnall of Guyse Duke of Aumale Duke of Mountmorency Cunstable Pairs of Fraunce Duke of Estamps Marshalles of Brissack and of Bordillon Lordes of Andilot of Sansack of Sipierre and others good and great personages of oure priuie counsell whiche all haue béene of the aduice and founde it reasonable for the common wealth of this our Realme to make and ordeyne that which foloweth We giue to vnderstande that we according to their good counsell and for the causes reasons and considerations abouesaid and others good and weightie therevnto mouing vs haue sayde declared constituted and ordeyned doe saye declare constitute and ordeyne we will and our pleasure is That from henceforth all Gentlemen which are Barons Chastelains high Iusticers and Lords holding ful fee of Hawbert and euerie one of them maye lyue in their houses wherein they shall dwell in libertie of their consciences and exercise of the Religion the which they doe call reformed with their familie and subiectes which fréely and without anye constraint would be thereat And the other Gentlemē hauing sée also in their houses for them and their families only So that they dwell not in the Townes Boroughes and Villages of the Lords high Iusticers besides our self In which case they may not vse in the said places any exercise of the sayd Religion except it be by permission licence of their said Lords high Iusticers none otherwise That in euerie Baylywick Stewardship and Gouernement holding place of a Baylywick as Peronne Montdidier Roy and Rochelle and others of like nature resorting barely and without anye meanes in oure Courts of Parliaments We shall ordeine at the request of those of the Religion a Towne in the Suberbes whereof the exercise of the sayde Religion may be vsed of all those of the resort which would goe vnto it and none otherwise nor else where And neuerthelesse euerie one may lyue and dwel ouer al in his house fréely without being examined or molested forced or constrained for the matter of hys cōscience That in all the townes wherein the sayde Religion was vnto the .vij. of this present moneth of March exercised besides the other townes which shall be as it is saide perticularly named of y e sayd Baylywicks and Stewardships The sayde exercise shall be continued in one or two places within the sayde Towne such one or both as by vs shall be ordeyned Prouided that those of the sayde religion shall not vse or take or reteyne any Temple or Church of the Ecclesiasticall sort which we doe meane to be nowe remitted in their Churches houses goodes possessions and reuenues to enioy and vse them so fully as they did before these tumultes To vse and continue the seruice diuine and accustomed by them in their sayde Churches without anye maner of molestation impechment or let nor also that they may chalenge any recompence for the ruines hurtes which haue béene done therevnto We meane also that the Towne and resort of the Preuostie or Marialtie and Vicountie of Paris shall be and remaine exempted of al exercise of the saide Religion And that notwithstanding those which haue their houses within
the saide Towne and resort maye returne into their sayde houses and enioye their sayde goods peaceably without being forced or constrained examined or molested for the time past nor for to come for y e matter of their conscience All Townes shall be remitted and set in their first estate and frée traffique and all straungers put and sent out of this oure Realme the soonest that it may be done And to make the willes of our sayd subiectes the more contented and satisfied we doe ordeine will and also our pleasure is that euery one of them returne and be conserued maintained and kept vnder oure protection in all his goods honors estates charges and offices of what qualitie they may be Notwithstanding all decrées seasures procéedings iudgements arrestes and sentences giuen against them sithens the death of the late king Henry our right honorable Lorde and father of laudable memorie and the execution of them as well for the matter of Religion voyages and iourneis made within and without this kingdom by commaundement of our saide Cosin the Prince of Conde as for the armes taken for this occasion that which hath followed thereof the which we haue declared and doe declare voide and of none effect So that by their meanes they nor their children heires hauing cause be in any thing impeched or let from the enioying of their saide goodes and honors nor that they should be bounde to take obteine nor procure of vs anye other prouiso or warrant then these presents by the which we doe put their persons and goodes in full libertie And to the ende it should not be doubted of the sinceritie and right intention of oure sayde Cosin the Prince of Conde we haue sayde and declared doe saye and declare that we doe repute the same our sayde Cosin for our good kinsman faithfull subiect and seruaunt as also we doe account all the Lordes Knightes Gentlemen and others dwelling in the Cities Townes Cominalties Boroughes and other places of oure Realme and Countrie vnder our obedience which hath followed succoured holpen and accompanied him in this present warre and during the sayde tumultes in any part and place whatsoeuer of our sayde Realme for our good and lawfull subiectes and seruauntes beleuing and estéeming that the same which hath bene done heretofore by our sayd subiectes aswell for the matter of armes as the stablishing of the iustice set amongst them iudgement and executions thereof hath bene done to a good ende and entention and for our seruice We doe ordeyne also we will and our pleasure is that our sayd Cosin the prince of Conde doe remayne acquited and by these presentes signed with our hande we do acquite him of all the money which haue béene by him and his commaundement and order taken and raised in our receipts and of our treasures vnto whatsoeuer somme they may amount And likewise that he should remaine discharged of those which haue béen as it is sayde by him and his order also taken and raysed of the cominaltie Cities townes paymasters rents reuenues of Churches and other by him employed for the occasion of the present warres so that he nor his nor those which haue bene by him cōmitted to take vp y e said money y e which sort in like maner those which haue furnished deliuered it to them shall remain acquited discharged therfore shal not be in any wise examined or called to any accompt for the time present or herafter nor also for the coyning of money melting or casting of artillarie making of Gunpowders saltpeters fortifications of townes ruines demoliments made for y e sayd fortifications by cōmaundement of the same our sayd Cosin the Prince of Conde in all Townes of this our Realme and Countreis of our obedience whereof the bodyes and Inhabitaunts of the sayde townes shall remaine also discharged by these sayd presentes That all prisoners whether it be for the warre or for the matter of religion shalbe consideredly and duely set at liberty of their persons and goodes with out paying any raunsome excepting robbers felons theues and murderers which shall not be comprehended in these sayd presents And for that we do singularly desier that all the occasions of these troubles tumults and sedicions may ceasse to reconcile and vnite the mindes and willes of our sayd subiects the one toward the other and the more easier by this vnion to maynteyn the obedience which the one part and the other doth owe vs we haue ordeyned and do ordeyne intend will and our pleasure is That al iniuries offēces which y e iniquity of y e tyme occasions which haue thereby happened might haue caused to spring among our sayd subiects all other things passed and caused by these tumultes shall remaine quenched as dead buried and not chaunced defending right straightly vpon paine of death vnto all our sayd subiects of whatsoeuer estate and qualitie they may be of that they doe not endeuour themselues to vexe nor prouoke the one the other by iniurious woordes in reproching that which is passed nor to dispute quarell nor contest and brawle togither of the matter of religion offend nor outrage or wrong by worde or deede but to conteyne and refrayne themselues and to lyue peaceably togither as brethren friendes fellow citezens and neighbours vpon paine for them which shall offend and which shalbe cause and motion of the vexation iniury and offence which should happen to be vpon the place forthwith and without any other forme of processe executed according to the rigor of our present ordinance In consideration also whereof and of the contents here before and to cause all scruple and doubt to ceasse oure saide subiectes shall depart and deuide themselues and shall forbeare al maner of associatiōs and gatherings together which they haue within and without this Realme and shal not from henceforth make anye takings vp of money enrolings of men congregations nor assemblies other then is abouesaide and without armes Which we doe also prohibit and forbid them vpon payne to be rigorously punished and as contempters and breakers of oure ordinances and commaundements We doe further commaunde by these selfe same presents vnto oure beloued and faythfull suche as kepe oure Courtes of Parliaments Chambers of our accounts Courts of our helps Bailiues Stewards and other oure Iusticers and officers to whome it maye appertaine or vnto their wieutenants that they doe cause this our present declaration and ordinaunce to be red published registred in their Courts and iurisdictions and the same to interteyne and cause to be interteyned kept and obserued inuiolably from point to point and they to whome it shall appertaine to enioye and vse fully and peaceably the content thereof Ceassing and causing to ceasse all troubles impechments and letts to the contrarie For suche is our pleasure In witnesse whereof we haue caused our Seale to be set to these presents Yeuen at Amboise the .xix. day of Marche in the yere of our Lorde
or hys Lieutenant in his absence who shall commit some person to be there to the end there should be traycted of none other things then of the doctrine and discipline of the religion The .vj. Article And for schooles they doe require that the children may be publikely and openlye instructed taught and priuatelye in perticuler houses The Aunswere The King graunteth and permitteth to instruct their children in the places appointed in the Baylywikes and stewardships for the exercise of the sayd religion and in like maner in the other Cities Townes and places in the which the exercise of their Religion was the vij of March 1562. and hath been alwayes continued And in lyke maner that euery one of them may cause their children to be taught in their houses The .vij. Article Shewing also that the little obedience which some officers haue giuen vnto the Kings Edicts and the boldnesse wherof they haue vsed and further hereafter will vse toward those of the religion if it would not please him to prouide them of present remedy that to this end it wold please him to ordein in euery parliament a Chamber made and gathered of those which shall finde themselfe most quiet and least offended vnto which only it shal priuately but to al others appertain for such time as it shall please his Maiestie to ordeyne for the knowledge of the matter of religion the obseruations of the Edicts of peace in which chamber all those of the sayd religion may when they séeme good cause to be sent all their processe and matters depending in the sayd Courts The Aunswere The king can not make any alteration in the estate and order established in the lawes but he wyll prouyde to cause it to be administred with such sinceritie equalitie to all his subiects indifferently that euery man shall haue iustice The .viij. Article They haue also declared bicause that those which are out of the resorte of the Court of Parliament of Paris cannot haue assured accesse nor withdrawing vnto their houses before that the Edict be published at the Parliaments in the seats resortes of the which they are dwelling that it would please his Maiestie to ordein a certaine time to make the sayd Proclamation and the meanes whereby they may safelye retire them selues vnto their houses there to lay downe their armes The Aunswere It shall be commaunded and enioyned vnto the parliaments to publish the Edict foorthwith which shall bee promptly by a man specially sent and to the kings Attorneyes and Generals to procure and require the sayde publication neuerthelesse in this meane time it shall bee ordeyned vnto them and especially vnto the Gouernours of Cuntries to prouide and bee with all their power helping that those of the sayde Religion may retire themselues safelye into their houses And there to remaine in all safety and to leaue them in the peaceable enioying of all their goods although the said Edict were not yet published The .ix. Article They do require that it would please the King that his Emologation comprobation and allowing for the authoritie of the sayd Edict may be wihout a secret register and that the Kings Attorney be consenting therevnto The Aunswere Agreed his Maiestie meaneth that all the answeres hereaboue made vpon euerie one of the said Articles shall be hereafter obserued and kept ouer al his Realme by all his Gouernors Lieutenants Generals Courtes of Parliament other Iudges hauing to thys ende signed them with his hande and caused his Secretary of estate by name to countersigne them and doeth commaunde that a copie of the Articles be put into the handes of the saide Lorde Cardinall of Chastillon Count of the Rochefoucault of Bouchauanes to vse it at their neede Giuen the .xxiij. day of March 1568. Signed Charles And therevnder signed Fizes ☞ Neuerthelesse the malice of these dayes hath willed and the Lorde also hath by his iudgement vnknowen prouoked as we must nedes beleue with our offences and sinnes left the bridle vnto the sayde tumults In such wise as men haue armed themselues so farre forth as there is come thereof infinite murders vengeaunces robberies forcing and pillage of townes the ruyne of temples Churches battels giuen and so many other euilles calamities and desolations committed and exercised in dyuers places that this euill continuing and seing alredy so many straungers in our sayde Realme knowing also the preparatiues made for the bringing in of more the euident ruyne of the same to be incuitable Considering also the great and vnreparable losse which to our great grief we haue had since the beginning of these tumults of so many Princes Lords Knightes of our order great Capitaynes and men of warre which is next vnto the hand of God the true susteyner pillar defence and protection of this our Crowne and an argument vnto our neighbours which shoulde be of an yll will to pearce and inuade vs as we haue béen and are threatned thereof