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A78965 The great danger of covenant-refusing, and covenant-breaking. Presented in a sermon preached before the Right Honourable Thomas Adams Lord Mayor, and the Right Worshipfull the sheriffes, and the aldermen his brethren, and the rest of the Common-councell of the famous City of London, Jan. 14. 1645. Upon which day the solemne League and Covenant was renued by them and their officers with prayer and fasting at Michael Basinshaw, London. / By Edmund Calamy, B.D. and pastor of Aldermanbury London.; Great danger of covenant-breaking, &c. Calamy, Edmund, 1600-1666. 1646 (1646) Wing C254; Thomason E327_6; ESTC R200648 37,036 51

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upon a willing Covenant-breaker The Lord fasten these meditations and soul-awaking considerations upon your hearts The Lord give you grace to keep close to the Covenant in keeping of it to keep God and a good conscience wth are both lost by covenant-breaking There are six things which I shall perswade you unto in pursuance of your Covenant 1. To be humbled for your own sins and for the sins of the Kingdome more especially Because we have not as we ought valued the inestimable benefit of the Gospel that we have not laboured to receive Christ in our hearts nor to walk worthy of him in our lives which are the causes of other sins and transgressions so much abounding amongst us Gospel-sins are greater then legall-sins and will bring Gospel-curses which are greater then legall-curses And therefore let us be humbled according to our Covenant for all our Gospel-abominations 2. You must be ambitious to go before one another in an example of reall reformation You must swear vainly no more be drunk no more break the Sabbath no more c. You must remember what David saith Psal. 50. 16. But unto the wicked God saith What instruction and castest my words behinde thee To sin willingly after we have sworn not to sin is not only to sin against a Commandement as I have said but to sin against an Oath which is à double iniquity and will procure a double damnation And he that takes a Covenant to reform and yet continueth unreformed his Covenant will be unto him as the bitter water of jealousie was to the woman guilty of adultery which made her belly to swell and thigh to rot c. Numb. 5. 22. 3 You must be careful to reform your families according to your covenant and the example of Joshua and Jacob and the godly Kings forementioned 4. You must endeavour according to your places and callings to bring the churches of God in the three Kingdoms to the nearest conjunction uniformity in religion c. O blessed Vnity how comes it to passe that thou art so much sleighted and contemned Was not unity one of the chief parts of Christs prayer unto his Father when he was here upon earth John 17. 11. Is not unity amongst Christians one of the strongest arguments to perswade the world to believe in Christ John 17. 21. Is it not the chiefe desire of the holy Apostles that we should all speak the same things and that there should be no divisions amongst us but that we be perfectly joyned together in the same mind in the same judgement 1 Cor. 1. 10. Phil. 2. 1 2 3 c. Is not unity the happinesse of heaven Is it not the happinesse of a City to be at unity within it self Is it not a good pleasant thing for brethren to dwell together in unity How comes it then to passe that this part of the Covenant is so much forgotten The Lord mind you of it this day And the Lord make this great famous City a City of holinesse and a City at unity within it self For if unity be destroyed purity will quickly also be destroyed The Church of God is una as well as sancta It is but one church as wel as is it a holy church And Jesus Christ gave some to be Apostles some Evangelists some Prophets some Pastors and Teachers c. till we all come to the unity of the faith Not only to the purity but to the unity of the faith The government of Christ is appointed for the keeping of his Church in unity as well as purity Those things which God hath joyned together let no man put asunder That government which doth not promote unity as well as purity is not the government of Christ Oh the misery of that kingdom where Church-divisions are nourished and fomented Would it not be a sad thing to see twelve in a family and one of them a Presbyterian another an Independent another a Brownist another an Antinomian another an Anabaptist another a Familist another for the Prelatical government another a Seeker another a Papist and the tenth it may be an Atheist the eleventh a Jew the twelfth a Turk The Lord in his due time heal our divisions make you his choice instruments according to your places that the Lord may be one his name one in the three kingdoms 5. You must endeavour in pursuance of your Covenant to extirpate Popery Prelacy Heresie Schisme Prophanenesse whatsoever shall be found contrary to sound doctrine and the power of godlinesse c. That so this City may be a City of holinesse unity and a City of truth as is prophecied of Jerusalem Zach. 8. 3. Oh blessed truth how is it that thou art so lightly esteemed on Is not truth more precious then gold and more to be prized then Rubies Are we not to buy the truth and sell it not Did not Christ come into the world to bear Witnesse to the truth Did not grace and truth come by Iesus Christ Is not Christ the way the truth and the life How is it then that truth is fallen in the streets and equity cannot enter how is it that truth faileth and he that departeth from evill maketh himself a prey Esay 59. 14 15. How is it that men bend their tongues like bowes for lies but they are not valiant for the truth upon earth The Lord make you lovers of truth and peace 6. You must take heed of that cursed monster of Indifferency Neutrality Study these six texts of Scripture Judg. 5. 23. Judg. 8. 6 7. 16. Deut. 23 3 4. Jer. 48. 10. Mat. 12. 30. Mar. 8. 38. O that these Scriptures were written in your hearts with a pen of iron A Neuter in Gods cause is a lukewarm Christian whom God will spue out of his mouth he is a dead member of Christs body fit to be cut off Oh that the Lord would raise up your hearts this day Right Honourable Right Worshipfull and Well beloved to a high pitch of zeal for him and his cause God hath made you instruments to do wonderfull things for this kingdom you have been the Saviours of the kingdom you have vindicated the liberties of the Parliament and your own liberties and the Kings army by your means in a great measure is brought very low But yet as Christ said to the young man so do I to you There is one thing wanting and that one thing is the one thing necessary The Church is unsetled Discipline unerected Religion is tottering For Zions stir up your zeal and your strength Use your interest and your power in an orderly and regular and peaceable way according to your places And what can you not do You have ventured one arrow already shoot another and if that miscarry shoot another you will speed at last He that cuts down a tree though he cuts it not down at the first and second blow yet the first and second and third blow
slew them then they sought him and they returned and enquired early after God c. Neverthelesse they did but flatter him with their mouth c. for their heart was not right with him neither were they stedfast in his covenant Are we not like unto little children that while they are whipping will promise any thing but when the whipping is over will perform nothing Or like unto Iron that is very soft and malleable while it is in the fire but when it is taken out of the fire returns presently to his former hardnesse This was Jacobs fault He made a vow when he was in distresse Gen. 28. 22. But he forgat his covenant and God was angry with him and chastised him in his daughter Dinah Gen. 34. 5. and in his two sons Simeon and Levi And at last God himself was fain to call to him from Heaven to keep covenant And after that time God blessed Iacob exceedingly Gen. 35. 9 10 11 12. We reade of David Psal. 66. 13 14 15. that he professeth of himself that he would go into Gods house and pay the vowes which his lips had uttered and his mouth had spoken when he was in trouble But how few are there that imitate David in this thing Thirdly let us examine our selves concerning the solemne League and Covenant which we are to renue this day And here I demand an answer to these questions 1. Are there not many amongst us that scorn it and speak reproachfully of it That deal with it as the Children of Israel did with Manna which at first they did so highly value as that they could not be kept within doors from gathering of it no not upon the Sabbath day but afterwards they came to loathe it as much as ever before they loved it And do not we deal so with the Covenant 2. Are there not some that write against it and that say in effect That the perjury that is committed about it is rather in taking of it then in breaking of it and that it was not a right but a rash oath which I speak not only to the shame of those that write thus but also to the shame of those that suffer such things to be written and to go unquestioned 3. Are there not some that put corrupt glosses upon it and deale falsely in the Covenant that say that by virtue of the Covenant all Ministers are bound to renounce their ministery even that ministery which God hath blessed and put his seale unto by the conversion of thousands and either to take it up again by Ordination from the people or if we finde no warrant in the Word for that way then to turn Seekers and to wait till God send Apostles to ordain Ministers And yet these men cannot but know that the Parliament in their Ordinance for Ordination of Ministers have declared that this is not the meaning of the Covenant Others there are that say That by virtue of the Covanant no man ought to pay tythes to his Minister unlesse he will incurre the sin of perjury These men may as well say That by the Covenant no Tenant ought to pay rent to his Landlord and that no man ought to keep the laws of the Realm For we challenge our tythes by virtue of the Laws established c. We challenge a sufficient maintenance by Gods law But as for the tenth part though there are some that say much out of the Scripture for it yet we require it as due only by the laws of the Kingdome 4. Are there not some that deal hypocritically in the Covenant that take it meerly to serve their own turns to save their credits or to save their estates or to hide their malignancy That are like unto the Samaritans of whom it is reported that when the Jewes were in adversity they would renounce the Jewish religion and all alliance with them but when the Jewes were in prosperity then they would pretend kindred and professe themselves to be of the Iewish Religion Just so do many Oxford-malignants deal with the Parliament While we are in prosperity they are Covenanters and for the Parliament But if ever God should bring us again into a low condition they would quickly appear to be Anti-covenanters and Anti-parliamenters I have heard a story of a Gaoler that being required either to take the Covenant or to leave his place he consulted with his fellow drunkard about it and he answered That he could not deny but that the taking of the Covenant was a very bitter pill but seeing there was no remedy his advice was To swallow it down and not to think on it And shall not God be avenged of such a Nation as this But the great question and that which doth most nearly concerne us that are here is 5. Are we not Covenant-breakers Do we not make the times perilous by our falsifying of our oath and covenant with God In our Covenant we swear to six things 1. That we will endeavour to be humbled for our own sins and for the sins of the Kingdome But where shall we finde a mourner in England for his own abominations and for the abominations that are committed in the midst of us It is easie to finde a Censurer of the sins of the Land but hard to finde a true mourner for the sins of the Land Secondly we swear that we will endeavour to goe before one another in the example of a reall Reformation But who makes conscience of this part of the Oath What sin hast thou left or in what one thing hast thou bin reformed since thou tookest this Covenant We read Ezra 10. 3. That they entred into Covenant to put away their wives their children by them which was a very difficult and hard duty and yet they did it But what bosome sin what beloved sin as dear to thee as thy dear wife and children hast thou left for Gods sake since thou tookest this Oath I read Nehem. 5. 13. that the people took an Oath to make restitution which was a costly duty and yet they performed it saith the Text But alas where is the man that hath made restitution of his ill gotten goods since he took this Covenant I reade 2 Chron. 15. 16. that King Asa deposed his mother Maachah her even her from being Queen after he had entred into Covenant and that the people 2 Kings 11. 18. after they had sworn a Covenant brake in pieces all the Altars of Baal thoroughly But where is this thorough Reformation this thorough amendment of life Indeed here is much talk of a Reformation but little practice of a Reformation We say we fight for a Reformation but I fear lest in a little time we should fight away all our Reformation or if not fight it away yet we should dispute it away For now all our religion is turned into Vtrum's into Questions insomuch as that there are some that call all religion into question and in a
little while will lose all religion in the crowd of questions Inter disputandum veritas religio amittitur There was a time not many years agoe when God did blesse our Ministery in the City to the Conversion of many people unto God but now there are many that study more to gain parties to themselves then to gain souls to God The great work of Conversion is little thought on And never so few if any at all converted as in these days wherein we talk so much of Reformation And is this to keep Covenant with God 3. We sweare to endeavour to amend the lives and reforme not only our selves but all those that are under our charge But where is this Family-reformation Indeed I reade of Jacob that when he went to perform his vow and covenant he first reformed his family Gen. 35. 3. And that Joshua resolved and performed it for himself and his family to serve the Lord And so did Josiah 2 Chron. 34. And oh that I could adde And so do we But the wickednesses committed in our families proclaim the contrary to all the world What Noblemans what Aldermans what Merchants family is more reformed since the Covenant then before We speak and contend much for a Church-reformation but how can there be a Church-reformation unlesse there be first a Family-reformation What though the Church-worship be pure yet if the worshippers be impure God will not accept of the worship And if families be not reformed how will your worshippers be pure 4. We swear to endeavour to bring the Churches of God in the three Kingdomes to the nearest conjunction and uniformity in Religion confession of Faith form of Church-government Directory for worship and catechizing c. But are there not some that write against an Vniformity in Religion and call it an Idoll Are there not many that walk professedly contrary to this clause of the Covenant There are three texts of Scripture that people keep the quite contrary way The first is Mat. 6. 34. 31. 25. Take no thought what you shall eat c. take no thought for to morrw And most people take thought for nothing else The second text is Matth. 6. 33. Seek ye first the kingdome of God and his righteousnesse c. And most people seek this last of all The third text is John 6. 27. Labour not for the meat that perisheth but for the meat that endureth for ever c. And most people labour not for the meat that endureth for ever but for the meat that perisheth As these three texts are kept so do many people keep this part of the Oath for there were never more divisions and differences in the Church never more difformity and pleading against Vniformity then now there is 5. We swear to endeavour the extirpation of Popery Prelacy Superstition Heresie Schisme c. And yet not withstanding there are some that have taken this Oath that contend earnestly for a Toleration of all Religions which as I conceive is as contrary to this clause of the Covenant as Heaven is to Hell 6. We swear against a detestable indifferency and Neutrality in this cause which so much concerneth the glory of God c. And yet how many are there amongst us that are like unto Gallio that care not what becomes of the cause of God so they may have peace and quiet That will not be the backwardest of all and yet will be sure not to be too forward for fear lest if the times turn they should be noted amongst the chief of the faction That are very indifferent which side prevaile so they may have their trading again That say as the Polititian That they will be carefull not to come too near the heels of Religion lest it should dash out his braines And as the King of Arragon told Beza That he would wade no farther into the sea of Religion then he could safely return back to shoar In all these six particulars let us seriously search and try our hearts whether we be not amongst the number of those that make the times perilous The third use is for Humiliation Let the consideration of our Covenant-breaking be a heart-breaking consideration to every one of us this day Let this be a mighty and powerfull Argument to humble us upon this day of Humiliation There are five considerations that are exceedingly soul-humbling if God blesse them unto us 1. The consideration of the many Commandements of God that we have often and often broken 2. The consideration of the breaking of Jesus Christ for our sins how he was rent and torn for our iniquities 3. The consideration of the breaking of the bread and the pouring out of the wine in the Sacrament which is a heart-breaking motive and help 4. The broken condition that the Kingdome of England Scotland and Ireland and that Germany is in at this time 5. The many Vowes and Covenants that we have broken our Sacrament-Covenants our Fasting-Covenants our Sick-bed-covenants And especially the consideration of our often breaking of our Nationall-covenant which you come this day to renue This is a sin in Folio a sin of a high nature and if ever God awaken conscience in this life a sin that will lye like a heavie Incuba upon it A greater sin then a sin against a Commandement or against an Ordinance A sin not only of disobedience but of perjury A sin of injustice of spirituall adultery A sin of Sacriledge A sin of great unkindnesse A sin that makes us not only disobedient but dishonest For we account him a dishonest man that keeps not his word A sin that not only every good Christian but every good Heathen doth abhorre A sin that not only brings damnation upon us but casteth such into horrible disgrace and reproach upon God that it cannot stand with Gods honour not to be avenged of a Covenant-breaker Tertullian saith that when a Christian forsakes his covenant and the colours of Christ and turnes to serve as the Devils souldier he puts an unspeakable discredit upon God and Christ For it is as much as if he should say I like the service of the Devill better then the service of God And it is just as if a souldier that hath waged war under a Captaine and afterwards forsaking him turnes to another and after that leaves this other Captaine and returns to his former Captain This is to preferre the first Captain before the second This makes God complaine Jer. 2. 4. What Iniquity have your Fathers found in me that they are gone far from me c. And in the 11 verse Hath any Nation changed their Gods which are yet no Gods but my people have changed their glory for that which doth not profit Basil brings in the Devil insulting over Christ and saying I never created nor redeemed these men and yet they have obeyed me and contemned thee ô Christ even after they have covenanted to be thine And then he addes Equidem ego