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A62144 A compleat history of the life and raigne of King Charles from his cradle to his grave collected and written by William Sanderson, Esq. Sanderson, William, Sir, 1586?-1676. 1658 (1658) Wing S646; ESTC R5305 1,107,377 1,192

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Band made by King Iames the sixth 1580. obliging those mutually to assist one another at the Kings command but this Band of theirs made without the Kings consent and excepting him is a cunning Combination against and to abuse the People as if by it they were tied by Oath to joyn in Arms or Rebellion No Covenant in the whole World that ever had left out the Head or had not a Negative voice except in cases of Rebellion as this is Then they were told of their treasonable actions Their provisions of Arms. Their levying Taxes of ten Marks per centum every Mark a Hangmans wages in England thirteen pence half penny publishing seditious Papers burned by the Hangman refusing the Lord Estrich sent by the King to be Governour of Edinburgh Castle committing Outrages upon the Garrisons there Raised Fortifications against the Castle and Inchgarvy imprisoned the Lord Southeck and others for their fidelity to the King delivered up the power of Government of several Towns to a Committee which is High Treason and then to fill up the measure to the brim the King produces their own Letter to the French Kirk to call in forreign aid So then the Covenant the Articles of Perth the scandalous Paper burnt and this Letter is to be particularly expressed and somewhat to be said concerning them This Covenant was accompanied with a Supplication or Imprecation upon Record and witness to posterity against them That we the General Assembly acknowledg that there resteth nothing for crowning of his Majesties incomparable goodness towards us but that the Members of this Church and Kingdom be joyned in one and the same Confession and Covenant with God with the Kings Majesty and amongst our selves and do even declare before God and the World that we never had nor have any thought of withdrawing our selves from that humble and dutifull subjection and obedience to his Majesty and his Government which by the descent and under the Reign of an hundred and sev●● Kings is most chearfully acknowledged by us and our Predecessors That we never had nor have any intention or desire to attempt any thing that may tend to the dishonour of God or diminution of the Kings greatness and authority but on the contrary acknowledg all our quietnes stability and happiness to depend upon the safety of his Majesties person and maintenance of his greatness and Royal authority as Gods Vicegerent set over us for the maintenance of Religion and Ministration of Iustice. We have solemnly sworn and do swear not onely our mutual concurrence and assistance for the cause of Religion and to the utmost of our power with our means and life to stand to the defence of our Dread Sovereign his Person and Authority in the preservation and defence of the said true Religion Liberties and Laws of this Church and Kingdom but also in every cause which may concern his Majesties honour shall according to the Laws of this Kingdom and the duty of good Subjects concurre with our Friends and Followers in quiet manner or in Arms as we shal be required of his Majesty his Council or any having his authority and therefore being most desirous to clear our selves of all imputation of this kinde and following the laudable example of our Predecessors 1589. do most humbly supplicate your gracious Majesty and the Lords of his Majesties most honourable Privy Council to injoyn by Act of Council that this Confession and Covenant which as a testimony of our fidelity to God and loyalty to our King we have inscribed be subscribed by all his Majesties Subjects of what kinde and quality soever The thirtieth of August 1639. How they have faithfully observed this National Profession let the World judg and how they have grounded their Covenant which follows God will judg of their Oath It was presented to his Majesties Commissioners by this assembly That besides many other the true and real causes of so many evils which hath troubled this Kirk and Kingdome might appear First the pressing of this Kirk by Prelates with a Service-book or Common-prayer without direction or warrant from the Kirk and contayning besides the Popish frame thereof divers Popish Errors and Ceremonies and the seed of manifold gross superstitions and Idolatry with a Book of Canons without warrant or direction from the general Assembly establishing a Tyranical power over the Kirk in the persons of Bishops and overthrowing the whole discipline and Government of the Kirk by Assemblies with a Book of consecration and ordination without warrant or authority civil or Ecclesiastical apointing Offices in the house of God which are not warranted by the word of God and repugnant to the discipline and acts of our Kirk and with the High-commission erected without the consent of this Kirk subverting the Iurisdiction and ordinary Iudicatories of this Kirk and giving to persons meerely Ecclesiastical the power of both swords and to persons meerly civil the power of the Keyes and Kirk-cens●res A second cause was the Articles of Perth viz. The observation of festival daies kneeling at the Communion confirmation administration of the Sacraments in private places which were brought in by a Null Assembly and are contrary to the confession of faith as it was meant and subscribed anno 1580. and divers times since and to the order and constitution of this Kirk Thirdly the change of the Government of this Kirk from the assemblies of the Kirk to the persons of some Kirkmen usurping priority and power over their brethren by the way and under the name of Episcopal Government against the confession of faith 1580. against the order set down in the Book of Policy and against the intention and constitution of this Kirk from the beginning Fourthly The civil places power of Kirkmen their sitting in Session Councell and Exchequer their riding sitting voycing in Parliament and their sitting on the Bench as Iustices of peace which according to the constitutions of this Kirk are Incompatible with their spiritual function lift them up above their brethren in worldly pomp and do tend to the hindrance of the Ministry Fiftly their keeping and authorizing corrupt assemblies in Linlithgow 1606. and 1608. at Glascow 1610. at Aberdine 1616. at Saint Andrews 1617. at Perth 1618. Which are null and unlawful as being called and constitute quite contrary to the order and constitution of this Kirk received and practized ever since the reformation of Religion and withal labouring to introduce novations in this Kirk against the order and Religion established A sixt cause is the want of lawfull and free assemblies rightly constitute of Pastors Doctors and Elders yearly and oftener pro ne nata according to the liberty of this Kirk expressed in the Book of Policie and acknowledged in the act of Parliament 1592. After which the whole assembly with one heart and voyce did declare that these and such other proceedings from the neglect and breach of the Nationall
are contained in our late printed Declarations which were sent to your Lordship which summarily we here repeat That the late Acts of Parliament may be published in his Majesties Name with the States of Parliament That Edenburgh Castle and other Strengths of Scotland may as to their first foundation be fortified and used for our defence and security That our Countreymen in England and Ireland may not be pressed with Oaths and Subscription warranted by your Law and contrary to their National Oath and Covenant That the common Incendiaries the Authours of Combustions in his Majesties Dominions may receive their Censure That our Ships and Goods with all the Dammage thereof may be restored That the wrongs losses and charges which all the time we have sustained may be repaired That the Declarations made against us as Traitours may be recalled That by the advice and consent of the States of England to be convened in Parliament the Garrisons may be removed from the Borders and any Impediment that may stop free Trade and settle Peace for our Religion and Liberties against all Fears of Molestation and the undoing of us from year to year or as our Adversaries shall take the advantage And that the meeting of the Peers the four and twentieth of this instant will be too long ere the Parliament will be convened the onely means of settling Peace the sooner they come the more shall we be enabled to obey his Majesties Prohibition of our advancing with our Army Nothing but invincible necessity hath brought us out of our Countrey to this place and no other thing shall draw us beyond the Limits appointed by his Majesty wherein we hope your Lordship will labour for our Kings honour and the good of our Countrey Leaguer at New-castle Septemb. 8. 1640. Your Lordships loving and humble Servants and Friends c. Those English Lords that meant not to fight either for necessity or honour fearing that their next Meeting might prevent a Parliament had this while devised their Petition to the King in effect for a Parliament the great aim on all sides answerable to the Scots desire before they set out from home which they published at the head of their Army in a Pamphlet called The Intentions of their Army viz. Not to lay down Arms till the Reformed Religion were settled in both Nations upon sure grounds the Causers and Abetters of their present Troubles be brought to publick justice and that in Parliament And these Abetters were the Papists Prelates and their Adherents in general but more particular the Arch-bishop of Canterbury and the Lieutenant of Ireland And therefore to answer them comes out a correspondent Petition from a Compound of six Earls one Viscount and four Barons being a Descant on the Scots Plain-song And to back these Petitions are poasted from London and other places presently after The Lords Petition was thus Most gracious Sovereign The zeal of that duty and service which we ow to your Sacred Majesty and our earnest affection to the good and welfare of this your Realm of England have moved us in all humility to beseek your Royal Majesty to give us leave to offer to your Princely wisdom the apprehension which we and others your faithfull Subjects have conceived of the great Distempers and Dangers now threatning the Church and State and your Royal Person and of the fittest means by which they may be removed and prevented The Evils and Dangers whereof your Majesty may be pleased to take notice are these 1. That your Majesties Sacred Person is exposed to Hazzard and Danger in the present Expedition against the Scotish Army and by occafion of this War your Majesties Revenue is much wasted your Subjects burthened with Coat and Conduct-money billeting of Souldiers and other Military charges and divers Rapines and Disorders committed in several parts of this your Realm by the Souldiers raised for that Service and your whole Kingdom become full of Fears and Discontents 2. The sundry Innovations in matters of Religion the Oath and Canons lately imposed upon the Clergy and other your Majesties Subjects 3. The great increase of Popery and the imploying of Popish Recusants and others ill-affected to the Religion by Laws established in Places of power and t●ust especially in commanding of Men and Arms both in the Field and sundry Counties of this your Realm whereas by Law they are not permitted to have any Arms in their own Houses 4. The great Mischiefs which may fall upon this Kingdom if the intentions which have been credibly reported of bringing in Irish and foreign Forces should take effect 5. The urging of Ship money and prosecution of some Sheriffs in the Star-chamber for not levying of it 6. The heavy charge upon Merchandise to the discouragement of Trade the multitude of Monopolies and other Patents whereby the Commodities and Manufactures of the Kingdom are much burthened to the great and universal grievance of your people 7. The great grief of your Subjects by long intermission of Parliaments and the late and former dissolving of such as have been called without the happy effects which otherwise they might have produced For remedy whereof and prevention of the dangers that may arise to your Royal Person and to the whole State they do in all humility and faithfulness beseek your most Excellent Majesty that you would be pleased to summon a Parliament within some convenient time whereby the causes of these and other great grievances which your people lie under may be taken away and the Authors and Counsellors of them may be there brought to such legal trial and condign punishment as the nature of their several offences shall require And that the present War may be composed by your Majesties wisdom without blood in such manner as may conduce to the Honour and safety of your Majesties Person the comfort of your people and the uniting of both your Realms against the common Enemy of the Reformed Religion And your Majesties petitioners shall ever pray c. Concluded the 28. of August 1640 Francis Bedford Rober● Essex Mulgrave Say Seal Edward Howard The Earl of Bristow William Hartford Warwick Bulling brook Mandevil Brook Paget The Kings Answer was BEfore the receipt of your Petition his Majesty well foresaw the danger that threatens himself and Crown and therefore resolved to summon all the Peers to his presence upon the 24 of this September and with them to consult what in this case is fittest to be done for his honour and safety of the Kingdom where they with the rest may offer any thing that may conduce to these ends And so accordingly the Lord Keeper had command and did issue out Writs of summons for their appearance at York the 24. of September And to meet them there comes To the Kings most Excellent Majesty The Humble Petition of your Majesties Loyal Subjects the Citizens of London Most Gracious Soveraign BEing moved by the Duty and Obedience which by Religion and Laws your Petitioners owe unto
against their House and Privileges and the Vindication also of divers Members thereof in this Declaration Whereupon we declare that if any person shall arrest either of them or any Member of Parliament by any Warrant from the King onely is guilty of the Breach of the Privileges of Parliament And whereas by several Examinations taken the seventh of this instant January before the Committee in London it did appear that many Souldiers and Papists to the number of five hundred armed came with his Majesty on Tuesday last the fourth of this present to the House c. We do declare that it was a traiterous Design against the King and Parliament And whereas they the said Members did with approbation of the House absent themselves since which time a printed Paper in the form of a Proclamation dated the sixth of this instant issued out for their apprehending and Imprisonment We do declare that the said Paper is false scandalous and illegal and that notwithstanding they may and ought to attend the service of the House And we do declare that the publishing of several Articles of High Treason against them was a high Breach of the Privileges of Parliament a Scandal to his Majesty and Dishonour to the said Members which cannot be sufficiently vindicated unless his Majesty discover the Names of such persons who advised him thereto that they may receive condign punishment This House declaring that all such persons c. are declared publick Enemies to the State c. During these passages a tumultuous Number of common persons came to Westminster out of the City offering violence upon the persons of sundry Bishops going and coming out of the House of Peers which extremely deterred them from their future attendance there whereupon they petition the King and protest That whereas the P●titioners were called up by Writ to attend in Parliament and have a clear and indubitable Right to vote in Bills and other matters debated and ought to be protected They protest before God that they are most willing to do their Duties there accordingly That they abominate all Actions or Opinions tending to Popery all Propensions or Inclinations to any Malignant party or any other partie to which their Consciences s●all not move them to adhere That they have been many times menaced affronted and assaulted by Multitudes of people in their coming to do their service to the Parliament and lastly chased away in danger of their Lives without any redress of their Complaints to both Houses c. They do therefore in all Duty and Humility protest before your Majesty and the Peers in Parliament against all Laws Orders Votes Resolutions and Determinations as in themselves null and of none effect which in their absence since the seven and twentieth of December have already passed as likewise against such as shall hereafter pass in that most honourable House during the time of this their forced and violent absence c. and humbly beseech his Majesty to command the Clerk of that House of Peers to enter this their Petition and Protestation Signed John Ebor. Thomas Duresm Robert Covent Lich. Jos Norwich John Asaphan Gul. Ba. Wells Geo Hereford Rob Oxon. Mat Ely Godfr Glou● Jo Peterburgh Mar Landaff This fell out as many would have it a leading case to their confusion wherefore the Lords on the thirtieth of December desire a Conference touching matters of high and dangerous consequence where the Lord Keeper told them That this Petition and Protestation of the twelve Bishops is extending to the deep entrenching upon the Fundamental Privileges and being of Parliaments And therefore it was resolved hereupon to accuse them of high Treason and Master Glyn sent of the Arrand to the Lords and to sequester them from Parliament and to be put in safe custody to make good their Answer to the Commons charge and so they were instantly by the Black Rod to be apprehended and were all by eight a clock at night brought on their Knees to the Lords Bar and ten of them committed to the Tower and two of them in regard of their age and the worthy parts of one of them the learned Bishop of Durham were committed to the Black Rod. Then the House of Commons pretending hazzard to their persons upon the late Assault of the King and his Retinue they sent a Message to the King for a Guard To present to his Majesty the just Fears of Designs and Practises to destroy them by a Malignant party in the Face and at the Doors of the Parliament and at your Majesties own Gates c. They humbly desire therefore to have a Guard out of the City of London commanded by the Earl of Essex Chamberlain of your Majesties Houshold And to this end they humbly desire a gracious and speedy Answer because theirs and the Kingdoms safety depends upon it and will not admit of any Delay The King gives Answer That with great grief of heart after their twelve Moneths sitting wherein they have obtained those things for their security and happiness as no Age can equal they should now be disturbed with Ielousies Distrusts and Fears protesting before God that had he any knowledg or belief of the least Design in any of violence against them he would pursue them to condign punishment with the same severity as the greatest Attempt upon his Crown Engaging solemnly the Word of a King that their security from violence shall ever be his care as the Preservation of Himself and Children And if this general Assurance shall not suffice He shall command such a Guard to wait upon them as he shall be responsible for to God who hath encharged him with the Protection of his Subjects There the City taking heart and hands with the House of Commons summon a Common Council where they debate the Jealousies and Fears possessing them and draw up a Petition To the Kings most Excellent Majesty Wherein they represent their Dangers and Distractions by the bloudy Rebellion in Ireland fomented and acted by Papists and of their Designs foreign and at home tending to the ruine of the Protestant Religion The putting out of persons of honour from being Constable of the Tower and the preparations there made the fortifying of White-hall the late Discovery of divers Fire works in the hands of a Papist His Majesties late manner in the House of Commons The effects of which just Fears overthrow the Trade of this City to the utter ruine of the Protestant Religion and the Lives and Liberties of the Subject And pray that by the Parliaments advice the Protestants in Ireland may be relieved the Tower be put in the hands of persons of trust a Guard appointed for the safety of the Parliament and that the late five Members may not be restrained nor proceeded against but by the Privileges of Parliament The King wondring at the wisdom of the City to be lead into the conceit of Fears and Jealousies upon such slender devised Grounds having
an Accommodation and states the case to the Lords The King offers says he to concur with the Parliament in the setling of our Liberties is willing to hearken unto all our Propositions and for establishing the Protestant Religion he moves us to it That the Rule of his Government shall be the Laws of the Kingdom and offers a more large and general Pardon than by any his Predecessours And truly my Lords this is all that ever was pretended unto by us We on the other side profess to make his Majestie a glorious King to endeavour to support his Dignitie and to pay unto him dutie and obedience which we by our Allegeance several Oaths and late Protestation ow unto him and to maintain all his just Regalities and Prerogatives which may be conceived is as much as his Majestie will expect from us What then is wanting to give to either mutual satisfaction The greatest difficultie may be how that which shall be agreed upon may be secured It is commonly the last point in Treaties betwixt Princes and of the greatest niceness much more between a King and his Subjects the chiefest difficultie of Accommodation for it is much easier to compose Differences arising from Reasons yea from wrongs than it is to satisfie Iealousies which arising out of diffidence and distrust grow and are varied upon every occasion nay already increased to that height and the mutual replies to those direct terms of opposition that if we make not a present stop it is to be feared speedily to pass beyond verbal contestation In some Answers it is spoken as in fear of a Civil War a word of horrour to such as have seen those unexpressible calamities witness Germany the most flourishing Countrey in Europe now reduced to monstrous miserie Of which we had lately a costly Example for in these unhappy troubles betwixt us and Scotland after there was a stop from acts of hostilitie a desire of peace and the Articles propounded yet the keeping of those Armies whilest the Treatie was on foot at Rippon and after at London cost this Kingdom no less than a million of pounds Then he proposes the way A select Committee of Parliament truly to state the matters in difference with the most probable ways of reconciling them Secondly to descend into the particulars which may be expected either in point of supporting the King or relieving his people And lastly how these conditions agreed upon may be secured Then he sums up the present unhappy estate which needs relief and remedy The deplorable estate of Ireland the Debts and Necessities of the Crown the Distractions likely to produce Confusion of Religion most dangerous and destructive to a State Besides those publick Calamities to consider the distracted condition of every one of us under the different commands of the King and of the Parliament no caution can promise any safetie inconsistent to obedience The Parliament command all persons to obey their Ordinance as the Fundamental Laws The King declares it to be contrary and commands us upon our Allegeance not to obey it and unto contrary commands Conformitie cannot be submitted but by Fasting and Prayer to reduce both parties to Reason But for what was done at York in reference to a Guard of Horse for the Kings person the Parliament vote as a preparation for War against the Parliament a Breach of the Trust reposed in him by his people contrary to his Oath and tending to the dissolution of his Government and all such as serve him there are Traitours to the Laws of the Kingdom 11 Rich. 2. 1 H. 4. Then comes out another larger Declaration or third Remonstrance of all the Kings mis-actions wherein for themselves they allege these following as infallible Positions 1. That they have an absolute power of declaring the Law and that whatsoever they declare to be so ought not to be questioned by the King or any Subject So then in consequence all right and safety of the King and his people must depend upon their pleasure 2. That no Presidents can be Limits to bound their proceedings Then may they do what they please 3. That a Parliament may dispose of any thing wherein the King or Subject hath a Right for the publick good That they without the King are this Parliament and Iudg of this publick good and that his consent is not necessary Then the Life and Liberties of the Subject and all the good Laws made for the security of them may be disposed of and repealed by the major part of both Houses at any time present and by any ways or means procured so to be and the King hath no power to protect the people 4. That no Member of either House ought to be troubled or meddled with for Treason Felonie or any other Crime without the cause first brought before the Parliament that they may judg of the Fact and their leave obtained to proceed 5. That the sovereign power resides in both Houses and that the King hath no Negative Voice Then the King must be subject to their commands 6. That the levying of Forces against the personal commands of the King though accompanied with his presence is not levying War against the King But the levying of War against his Laws and Authority which they have power onely to declare and signifie though not against his person is levying of War against the King 7. That Treason cannot be committed against his person otherwise than as he is intrusted with the Kingdom and discharging that trust and that they have a power to judg whether he have discharged this trust or no. 8. That they may dispose of the King when they will and are not to blame for so doing Certainly the Duke of Venice is of more power than such a Monarch But as large as that was it was not long ere the King returns his Answer to this Book and we may be excused for the length thereof which necessarily is required to their particulars And to which I must refer the Reader being on both parts as much and no more than the Reader may finde in the daily Transactions observed in this History heretofore set down and which hereafter follow But to this Answer of the King we meet with no Reply untill the second of November next following which the Authour styles A Treatise or rather a Tome and that he doubts not but he shall therein give ample satisfaction to the Reader By which we suspect it Apocrypha To which the King never vouchsafed any Rejoinder But the Parliament in reference to their power and authority ordain That all High Sheriffs Iustices c. within an hundred and fifty miles of the Citie of York to make stay of all Arms and Ammunition carrying to York and the persons so conveying to be apprehended c. Another also they ordain That all Sheriffs within the Kingdom of England and the Dominion of Wales shall by the power of the Counties suppress all Forces of Horse and
without the Kings consent were to introduce an Arbitrary Government to which he will never permit The King therefore having by his Proclamation the seven and twentieth of May last prohibited all persons upon their Allegeance to Muster Levy or summon without his consent by warrant or writ from his great seal And that antiently by Statute 5 H. 4. and by subsequent Records his Predecessors have exercised the power of the Militia by Commissions of Array therefore He thinks fit so to do Authorizing you or any three or more of you to Array and Train his people whereof you the Earl of Huntington and in you● absence William Earl of Devon or Henry Hastings Esq to be one That for the present you cause to be mustered all the ancient Trained Bands and Freehold Bands of the County and over them to appoint Colonels Captains and Officers Issue warrants for Assembling the people for discharge of that service of all which He expects a plenary accompt The Commission was directed to the Earls of Huntington and Devon Henry Hastings his son Henry Berkley George Villier● Thomas Burton Baronets Henry Skipwith Iohn Shepington and Richard Halford Knights and Baronets Wolston Dixey Richard Roberts Iohn Bole Thomas Harlop Erasmus De la fountain and William Iones Knights Henry Hastings George Ashley and Iohn Hate Esqs and to the Sheriff of Leicester-Shire to the same effect as aforesaid the twelfth of Ianuary 18 Car. per ipsum Regem Willis The Parliament ponder hereupon and after serious debate for it much concerned They resolved upon the Question That this Commission was against Law the liberty and property of the Subject And that the Actors therein shall be esteemed disturbers of the Peace and betrayers of the Subjects L●bertie The twentieth of January The King goes on Summons his Lords and his Privy Council attending him at York and declares That He will not require any obedience from them but by the Law of the Land Nor that they yield to any Commands not legally imposed by any other That he will defend them and all others from such Commands and from Votes and Orders of Parliament and defend the true protestant Religion the Lawful liberty of the subject and the just priviledges of the three Estates of Parliament and according as he performs so he expects further Obedience That He will not ●ngage them in any war against the Parliament except for necessary defence against such as invade him or them On which they ingage to him their duty Allegeance in the like answer subscribed by all present which we shall record to posterity for their Loyalty then and of some of their defection after Lord Keeper Littleton Duke of Richmond Marquess Harford The Earls of Lindsey Cumberland Huntington Bath Southampton Dorset Salisbury Northampton Devonshire Cambridge Bristol Westmerland Barkshire Monmouth Rivers Newcastle Dover Carnarvan Newport The Lords of Mowbray and Matravers Willoughby of Ersby Richard Howard of Charlton Newark Paget Chandos Fawconbridge Pawlet Lov●lace Savile Coventry Mohun Du●smore Saymour Grey of Ruthen Capel Falkland Master controller Secretary Nicholas the Chancellor of the Exchequer Chief Justice Banks The King sends his Letters to the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Sheriffs of London Commanding them not to levy Arms nor raise mony upon pret●nce of a Guard to the Parliament But if they shall lend money towards the relief of Ireland as he hath don however the mony be disposed or towards the paiment of his Scots Subjects he shall esteem it an acceptable service if otherwise he shall take it as contempt to him and his authority and shall be compelled ●o question their Chart● therein And publishes a General Declaration That having these last seven Moneths met with so many several encounters of strange and unusual Declarations of Parliament He is not amazed with any new Prodigy of that kind and their last of the six and twentieth of May gave warning that they having spent their stock of reproachful language upon Him He was to expect they should now break out into disloyal actions for by that they divested Him of his Authority and assumed it to themselves and now they put forth the fruits of that supream power by their propositions for raising forces under pretence of preserving peace for defence of the King deceiving the People as if the danger were great and he consulted therein Sums up the Parliaments ridiculous devised fears and Jelousies Protests his former and still unshaken Resolutions for Peace for Religion for the Laws and for the Subjects Liberties Advising them not to contribute their power and assistance to ruine Him and themselves satisfies them in all the causeless and groundless scandalous Rumors and Reputations raised against his person and Honour And so excites all his loving Subjects according to their Oaths of Allegeance and Supremacy their Vow and Protestation to contribute their best assistance for the opposing and suppressing of the Trayte●ous attempts of such persons as would destroy his Person Honour and Estate and engage the Kingdom in a Civil war He declaring that whoever shall bring into him Money or Ammunition Horse or Arms for his or the publique defence shall receive 8. 1. per cent consideration and shall receive good assurance of the principal and interest upon his Forest Lands Parks and Houses better he saith than the security of the onely name Publique faith All the said Lords subsigning to a Profession disavowing any Preparations or Intentions of war against the Parliament but only endeavouring the firm and constant Parliament of Religion and Laws of peace and prosperity of this Kingdom And by publique Proclamation forbids all Levies of forces without his express pleasure and all contributions or assistance to any such Levies These statutes in force impowring the King and no other to ra●se Arms as 7 Edw. 1. The statute of Northampton 2 Edw. 3. That in the 11 of Rich. 2. He being under age the Duke of Glocester and other Lords upon pretence for the King raised forces and subdued their adversaries they procured a special Act of pardon for it In the Reign of H. 8. the Earl of Shrewsbury to suppress a suddain Rebellion did without the Kings warrant raise Arms and Mastered the Traytors yet was forced to obtain his Pardon By the Statute 25 of Edw. 3. It is Treason to Levy war against the King in his Realm It was the case of the Earl of Essex upon pretence of but removing some ill Councellors about Queen Elizabeth and adjudged Treason It is the present excuse of the Irish Rebels for defence of the Kings authority and of his Kingdome Wat Tyler Iack Cade and Kit the Tayler wanted not such publique pretences which were perhaps just causes of complaints though not of raising Men. Then to the Parliaments distinction betwixt the Kings person and his authority and so his person at York but his Authority in Parliament See Cook 7 Rep. Coloins case The Oath of allegeance by the Common
favour and grace by many Acts they would devise their Reasons of fear That he meant never to observe them To others that were deterred to consider the effects of abusing so gracious a Sovereign they would perswade them That those about the King could work him to their wills Then they get all the Militia and power of the Kingdom into their hands garison Hull and Hotham their Governour there and the Tower of London brought under subjection of one of their own and so with continual vexations caused the King to withdraw his person and to secure the Queen to pass beyond the Seas and himself to retire towards the North. What hath happened since his coming to York is so notorious as with amazement to all parts of Christendom to see the wisdom courage affection and loyalty of the English Nation so far shrunk and confounded by malice cunning industry of persons contemptible in number inconsiderable in fortune and reputation united onely by guilt and conspiracy against the King Treason licensed in Pulpits persons ignorant in learning seditious in disposition scandalous in life unconformable to Laws are the onely men recommended to authority and powe● to impoison the mindes of the multitude The Kings goods money and what not seized from him and to make the scorn compleat he must be perswaded That all is done for his good Opinions and Resolutions imposed upon him by Votes and Declarations That the King intends to levie war and then Arms are taken up to destroy him All Actions of his for his advantage are straightway voted illegal All the great Officers of State coming to the King are pursued with Warrants to all Mayors Justices Sheriffs and others to apprehend them compelling the Countries to take Arms against the King His Ships are taken from him and the Earl of Warwick made Admiral in despite of the King And after all this Mr. Martin should say That the Kings Office is forfeitable and the happiness of the Kingdom does not depend on him or any of the regal Branches of that stock And Sir Henry Ludlow should say That the King was not worthy to be King of England and that he hath no Negative Voice that he is fairly dealt with that he is not deposed that if they did that there would be neither want of modestie or dutie in them They publish scandalous Declarations commit his great Officers for doing their duties Raise an Army and chuse the Earl of Essex General with power to kill and slay whom he list They convert the Money given by Act of Parliament for the Discharge of the Kingdoms Debts and for Relief of Ireland and all to serve their turn to war against the King Commit those Lords that are loyal degrade nine Lords at a clap for coming to the King Take Tunnage and Poundage without the Kings consent But can the Nobility Gentry Clergy and Commonalty of England sacrifice their Honour Interest Religion Liberty to the meer sound of a Parliament and Privilege Can their experience Reason and Understanding be captivated by words And then he sums up many of his graces favours freedoms to them and the people And yet into what a Sea of Bloud is the Rage and Fury of these men lanching out to w●est that from him which he is bound to defend How have the Laws of Hospitality civility been violated discourses whispers in conversation been examined and persons committed and so kept during pleasure His and the Queens Letters broken open read publickly and commented upon that Christendom abhors to correspond with us Crimes are pretended against some men and they removed for others to be preferred If Monopolies have been granted to the prejudice of the people the calamity will not be less if it be exercised by a good Lord by a Bill now then it was before by a Patent And yet the Earl of Warwick thinks fit to require the Letter Office to be confirmed to him for three Lives at the same time that it is complained of as a Monopoly and without the alteration of any circumstance for the ease of the Subject and this with so much greediness and authority that whilest it was complained of as a Monopoly he procured an Assignment to be made of it to him from the person complained of after he had by his interest stopped the proceedings of the Committee for five Moneths before the Assignment made to him upon pretence that he was concerned in it and desired to be heard And the King concludes all with this Protestation That his quarrel is not against the Parliament but against particular men who first made the wounds and will not suffer them to be cured whom he names and will be ready to prove them guiltie of high Treason And desires that the Lord Kimbolton Mr. Hollis Mr. Pym Mr. Hambden Sir Arthur Haselrig Mr. Strode Mr. Martin Sir Henry Ludlow Ald. Pennington and Capt. Ven may be delivered up to the hands of justice to be tried according to the Laws of the Land Against the Earl of Warwick the Earl of Essex Earl of Stamford Lord Brook Sir John Hotham Major General Skippon and those who shall henceforth exercise the Militia by virtue of the Ordinance he shall cause Indictments of high Treason upon the Statute of 25 Edw. 3. Let them submit to their Trial appointed by Law and plead their Ordinances if they shall be acquitted he hath done And that all his loving Subjects may know that nothing but the preservation of the true Protestant Religion invaded by Brownism Anabaptism and Libertinism the safetie of our person threatned and conspired against by Rebellion and Treason the Law of the Land and Libertie of the Subject oppressed and almost destroyed by an usurped unlimited arbitrarie power and the freedom privilege and dignitie of Parliament awed and insulted upon by force and Tumults could make us put off our long-loved Robe of peace and take up defensive Arms. He once more offers pardon to all those that will desire the same except the persons before named if not he must look upon these Actions as a Rebellion against him and the Law who endeavour to destroy him and his people August 12. 1642. The Parliament had passed an Act for raising of four hundred thousand pounds by Overtures of Adventurers and Contributions and Loans for Relief of Irela●d and Money and Plate was thereafter very heartily brought in to the Parliament when upon the thirtieth of Iuly the vote That the Treasurers appointed to receive the money already come in upon Subscriptions for Ireland do forthwith furnish by way of Loan unto the Committee for defence of the Kingdom one hundred thousand pounds for the supplie of the publick necessitie and defence of this Kingdom upon the Publick Faith Of which the King remembers them and of the Act of Parliament That no part of that money shall be imployed to any other purpose than the reducing of those Rebells And therefore charges the House of Commons as they will answer the
at last The King in the head of his Army between Stafford and Wellington after the reading of his Orders military himself tells them Gentlemen I shall be very severe in punishing every person offending without distinction He cannot suspect their courage and resolution their conscience and loyaltie having brought them hither for their Religion their King and the Laws of the Land against their Enemies none but Traitors most of them Brownists Anabaptists and Atheists such as desire to destroy both Church and State and who have already condemned you to ruine for being loyal to him And makes this Protestation I do promise in the presence of Almightie God and as I hope for his blessing and protection that I will to the utmost of my power defend and maintain the true Reformed Protestant Religion established in the Church of England and by the grace of God in the same will live and die I desire to govern by the known Laws of the Land and that the Liberty and Propriety of the Subject may be by them preserved with the same care as mine own just Rights And if it please God by his blessing upon this Armie raised for my necessarie Defence to preserve me from this Rebellion I do solemnly and faithfully promise in the sight of God to maintain the just Privilege and Freedom of Parliament and to govern by the known Laws of the Land to my utmost power and particularly to observe inviolably the Laws consented unto by me this Parliament In the mean while if this time of War and the great necessitie and straits I am now driven unto beget any violation of these I hope it shall be imputed by God and Man to the Authours of this War and not to me who have so earnestly laboured for the peace of this Kingdom When I willingly fail in these particulars I will expect no Aid or Relief from any man or protection from Heaven But in this resolution I hope for the chearful assistance of all good men and am confident of Gods blessing Septemb. 19. And that the several Armies might not over-start each other the Parl. declares That all their Foot and Horse in London and all parts in England shall within eight and fourty hours march to their General the Earl of Essex for defence of the King and Kingdom the Privilege of Parliament and Liberty of the Subjects and such Regiments as are not four hundred and Troops not fourty shall be cashiered and disposed to recruit others excepting the Regiments of Colonel Essex and Ballard being in the States service Sept. 23. And order that Delinquents houses shall be preserved as houses of the Common-wealth for publick service or Prisons And because the Earl of Essex may be assured upon what Basis he is called to be their General they sent to him the Parliaments Petition to the King to be presented by him which tells his Majesty That his loyal Subjects the Lords and Commons in Parliament can not without tenderness of compassion behold the pressing calamities of England and Ireland by the practices of a prevailing partie with his Majestie to alter true Religion the ancient Government of this Kingdom introducing superstition in the Church and confusion in the State exciting incouraging and fostering the Rebellion in Ireland and as there so here begin the like Massacre by drawing on a War against the Parliament leading his Person against them as if by conquest to establish an unlimited power over the people seeking to bring over the Rebells of Ireland to joyn with them and all these evil Counsellours are defended and protected by him against the justice of Parliament who have for their just defence of Religion the King Crown and Dignitie of the Laws Liberties and power of Parliament taken up Arms and authorized the Earl of Essex their Captain General against these Rebells and Traitors And pray the King to with-draw his person and leave them to be supprest by this power and to return to his Parliament and that they will receive him with honour yield him obedience secure his person and establish him and his people with all the blessings of a glorious and happie Reign I cannot finde that this Petition was presented but I am assured that the General Essex twice sent to the King for a safe Conduct for those who should be imployed therein and it was refused they say to be received that humble and dutifull Petition as they stiled it 'T is strange for the King had never refused any Message or Petition from either or both Houses not onely with safety but cando●r when their Errand hath been full of reproach and scorn as the King says and the bringers bold arrogant seditious in their demeanour and therefore there needed to have been no more scruple in this But it was thus that the King being at Shrewsbury the Earl of Dorset receives a Letter from the Earl of Essex intimating that he had a Petition from both Houses to that purpose asking a safe Conduct for those that should be sent To whom the King answered That as he had never refused to receive any so he should be ready to give a fitting Reception and Answer to this and the Bringers of it should have safe Conduct excepting onely such persons as he had particularly accused of high Treason A fortnight after comes a second Letter to Dorset declaring That the Kings former Answer was voted a Breach of Privilege This second Answer differing but little from the former insisting That the Address should not be made by any whom he had accused of high Treason amongst whom the Earl of Essex was one but that his Ear should be ever open to hear any Petition from his Parliament Indeed the Petition was framed more fit to be delivered after a Battel and full Conquest of the King than in the Head of his Army thirty thousand men when it might seem somewhat in his power whether he would be deposed or no. For we finde the King in Wales caressing the Inhabitants of Denbigh and Flintshire Septemb. 27. And tells them That he is willing to take all occasions to visit all his good Subjects and hath cause to reckon them for their loyaltie expressed in their late Levies sent to him at their own charges against such a Malignant partie whose Designs are to destroy him his Crown Laws and Government of Church and State raising Tumults at London to drive from thence him and the greatest part of the Members of Parliament He is robbed of his Towns Forts Castles Goods Navie Revenue and at this time a powerfull Armie marching against him and among a thousand Scandals they have cast upon him the impious Rebellion in Ireland which he abhors and hath endeavoured by all possible ways and means to suppress but is obstructed by them And refers the naming of these Contrivers and their particular actions to his Declaration of the twelfth of August being supprest by them as all other his Protestations and
goodness of Almighty God Accusing that Malignant party to poison the hearts and corrupt the Allegeance of his Subjects by a false Imputation of his favouring Papists imploying them in his Army when he saith that numbers of Popish Commanders and others serve in the Army of the Earl of Essex being privately promised that if they would assist against the King all the Laws made in their prejudice should be repealed Another Scandal he mentioneth to be very senseless that the King should raise an Army against the Parliament to take away their priviledges when in truth it is raised to have some particular Members of this Parliament to be delivered up to Iustice. He being as tender of their priviledges and conform thereto which his Army never intends to violate That the Parliaments Army is raised to Murther and depose the King to alter the frame of Government and the established Laws of the Land That the greatest part of the Parliaments Members are driven away from their Houses by violence That the Book of Common Prayer is rejected and no countenance given but to Anabaptists Brownists and such Schismaticks That the contrivers hereof endeavour to raise an Implacable malice between the Gentry and the Commonalty of the Kingdome A common charge upon the King it had been and so continued to the end of his publique Actings That he favoured Papists and entertained them in his Army and so they were and might be in both subtilly and cunningly by practice on both sides conveyed thither under the masque and profession of Protestants which is a truth of no great wonder and yet in general those of Lancashire Recusants petition the King That being disarmed and so not able either to defend his Royal Person according to their duties nor to secure themselves and families they may be received into his gracious protection from violence being menaced by all kindes of people to whose malice they are subject and must submit And indeed great and heavy pressures were put upon them by both Armies notwithstanding Orders and Declarations to the contrary had been published by either Army And hereupon the King had given Warrant to Sir William Gerard Baronet Sir Cicil Trafford Knight Thomas Clifton Charls Townby Christopher Anderton and Io. Clumsfield c. Recusants in the County of Lancaster That although by Statutes all Recusants convict are to be disarmed to prevent danger in time of peace but now Armies being raised against the King and his Subjects are by them plundered and robbed and their Arms taken and used offensive against his Person His will and command therefore is and they are charged upon their Allegeance and as they tender the safetie of his Person and the peace of the Kingdom with all possible speed to provide Arms for themselves servants and Tenants during the time of open War raised against him and no longer to keep and use for his defence Yet the Parliament prepare Heads of an humble Address unto his Majesty for composing difference and ●●●ling a Peace but withall to prevent mis-constructions whereby their just defence may be hindered they do declare That their preparations of Forces for their defence shall be prosecuted with all violence And accordingly Letters are directed from the Lords To the Right Honourable the Lord Viscount Faulkland principal Secretarie to his Majestie or in his absence for Mr. Secretarie Nicholas or any of the Lords or Peers attending the King Grey of Wark My Lord I am commanded by the Lords the Peers and Commons assembled in Parliament to address by you their humble desires to his Majestie that he would ●e pleased to grant his safe Conduct to the Commi●tee of Lords and Commons to pass and repass to his Majestie that are directed to attend him with an humble Petition from his Parliament This being all I have in Commission I rest Your assured Friend and Servant Grey of Wark Speaker of the House of Peers pro tempore Westminster Nov. 3. 1642. Which is granted so as the said Committee consist not of persons either by name declared Traitors or otherwise in some of his Declarations or Proclamations excepted against by name as Traitors and so as they come not with more than thirty persons and give notice before hand upon signification they shall have safe conduct Your Lordships most humble Servant Edward Nicholas Reading Nov. 4. Hereupon these Names are sent Algernon Earl of Northumberland Philip Earl of Pembroke and Montgomerie and four Members of the Commons Mr. Perpoint the Lord Wainman Sir Iohn Evelin of Wilts and Sir Io. Hippislie being the Committee of both Houses and desire his Majesties Pass and Repass under his Royal Hand and Signet Nov. 5. The safe Conduct is inclosed for all but Sir Io Evelin who is excepted being proclamed Traitor at Oxford and that if the Houses will send any other person not so excepted in his place His Majesty commands all his Officers to suffer him to pass as if his Name had been particularly comprised herein Reading Nov. 6. To recruit the Parliaments Army it is declared That all Apprentices that will list themselves in their service for the publick cause shall be secured from indemnitie of their Masters during their service and their time included to go on towards their Freedom and all their respective Masters are to receive them again when they shall return This Liberty made Holy-day with the Prentices and they were listed thick and threefold and now spoiled for being Trades-men ever after But it is time to consider what out dear Brethren of Scotland intended to do in this Distraction and therefore they are put in minde by a fresh Declaration of the Parliament How and with what wisdom and publick affection our Brethren of Scotland did concur with the desires of this Kingdom in establishing a peace between both Nations and how lovingly they have since invited the Parliament into a nearer degree of union concerning Religion and Church-government wherefore as the Parliament did for them a year since in their Troubles so now the same obligation lies upon our Brethren by force of their Kingdom to assist us Telling them that Commissions are given by the King to divers Papists to compose an Armie in the North which is to joyn with foreign Forces to be transported hither for the destruction of this Parliament and of Religion and Liberties of the people That the Prelatical partie have raised another Armie which his Majestie doth conduct against the Parliament and Citie of London And hereupon this Parliament desire their Brethren of Scotland to raise Forces for securing their own Borders and to assist here against the Popish and Foreign Forces according to that Act agreed upon in the Parliaments of both Kingdoms for the comfort and relief not onely of our selves but of all the Reformed Churches beyond Seas Nov. 7. 1642. The King as quick sends his Message to the Lords of his Privy Council in Scotland stating the condition between him and the
that Thirdly although somewhat may seem to be urged out of Scripture for the Scots Government with some shew of probability yet far from such evidence as may convince a mans conscience to swear it is agreeable to Gods word Next the Doctor excepted against that passage I shall endeavour the extirpation● of Prelacy in the Church of England c. I saith he dare not swear to that First In regard that I believe Episcopacy is an Apostolical Institution Secondly That the Church never so flourished as within five hundred years after Christ when it was governed by Bishops Thirdly That our English Episcopacy is justified by the prime Divines of the Reformed Churches beyond the Seas Fourthly That our English Bishops now and ever since the Reformation have disclaimed all Papal dependency Fifthly That the four General Councils confirmed in England by Act of Parliament 1 Eliz. assert Episcopacie And sixthly vvhich all men need to consider the Ministers of the Church of England ordained according to a Form confirmed by Act of Parliament at their Ordination take an Oath that they will reverendly obey their Ordinary and other chief Ministers of the Church and them to whom Government and charge is committed over them This Oath I and all Clergie men have taken and if we shall swear the Extirpation of Prelacie we shall swear to forswear our selves Lastly he excepted against that passage I will defend the Rights and Privileges of Parliament and defend his Majesties Person and Authoritie in defence of the true Religion and Liberties of the Kingdom Here said he the Members are put before the Head the Parliaments Privileges before the Kings Prerogative and the restraint of defending the King onely in such and such cases seems to implie something which I fear may be drawn to an ill consequence The Doctor urged that the intent of this Covenant vvas to bring in the Scots and to continue this horrid War the taking up Arms against the King being a thing supposed vvhich must not be contradicted In the end of the Letter the Doctor subscribed tvvo Greek Letters for his Name Delta and Phi the phi vvritten within the Delta which troubled the Parliament to interpret till Sir Walter Earl told them that Phi Delta stood for Fidelity yet because Delta stood above Phi it signified Malignancy and so the Doctor was punished accordingly for being afterwards convened before the Committee where the Counsellour at Law Mr. White the others Kinsman was Chairman not much better at Bar than able to dispute Arguments with that excellent School Divine but Mr. White went another way to work down-right conclusion to the Doctors last words who said I am of this minde and unalterable herein To whom the Chairman said If you will not be of another you must suffer The Doctor modestly made Reply Sir I must give you an Answer out of St. Chrysostome upon the like Censure Nec mihi ignominiosum est pati quod passus est Christus Nec tibi gloriosum est facere quod fecit Iudas And so he was sent back to their Gaol when not long after the learned Synod at Westminster were put upon a piece of work somewhat difficult for them and therefore writ a courteous Letter to him beseeching his pains and sufficiency in that excellent Comment upon Paul's Epistles which at their instance and for their honour he admirably performed in Prison yet for that service to them and his excellent merit of our Church these men of Westminster never moved Tongue Pen or Hands to help him out of Prison there he sacrificed the remain of his days and died a Martyr upon that score of the Scots Covenant Sir Robert Harloe moved in the House that the Popes Bull to the Irish might forthwith be printed For said he it will draw on the Covenant A pretty Spectacle said another to see a Bull draw a Covenant The Covenant Money Money War War Liberty and Liberty Rebellion for such were the Links of this Chain the City making this Order for the speedy raising of Money for the sudden advancing of the Scotish Armie And together with the pretence of Religion and Liberty there is now added a more eminent Danger assuring the Citizens That unless they sent in Money not onely these Islands will be ruined but the true Religion will be destroyed in all Protestant Churches c. And therefore the Ministers and Lecturers are to stir up their Congregations thereunto and to subscribe their Sums of Money c. for which they shall have the Publick Faith of both Kingdoms of England and Scotland together with such other Securitie as shall give content to all true lovers of their Religion and Countrey These ways hastened on the Scots Army whilest they cunningly lingred for their Salary a good Sum of Money And to let you see what that was take the particles of this Speech Our Brethren of Scotland says one are now moving to relieve us out of captivitie That the Cities great Honours and Privileges were conferred by Parliament and not by the King That the Cities chiefest glorie had ever been to cleave to the Common-wealth when Kings were seduced c. That the Scots coming would regain Newcastle whereby they might set a Rate upon Coals and raise great Sum● of Money c. That the Scots did not value Money as the end of their coming because we owed to them above two hundred thousand pounds And so be that they might have but this one hundred thousand pounds the Sum proposed they would demand no more but will assist us with twenty thousand Horse and Foot to free us from that popish plundering Armie c. But the King to undeceive his people not to swear to be forsworn publishes his Proclamation against the Covenant That whereas there is a Printed Paper intituled A Solemn League and Covenant for Reformation and Defence of Religion the Honour and happiness of the King and the Peace and Safety of the three Kingdoms of England Scotland and Ireland pretended to be ordered by the Commons in Parliament on the one and twentieth Day of September last to be printed and published which Covenant though it seems to make specious expressions of Pietie and Religion is in truth nothing else but a traiterous and seditious Combination against him and against the established Religion and Laws of this Kingdom in pursuance of a traiterous Design and Endeavour to bring in foreign Forces to invade this Kingdom His Majestie doth therefore straitly charge and command all his loving Subjects of what degree or qualitie soever upon their Allegeance that they presume not to take the said seditious and traiterous Covenant most straitly forbidding all his Subjects to tender the said Covenant as they will answer the contrary at their extremest peril A●d this Proclamation came to the hands of the new Mayor of London Mr. Wollaston who succeeded Isaac Pennington and was sworn by Baron Trevor on Munday the last of October 1643. And yet that one of
manner lately to blesse our Armies in these parts with successe we do not so much joy in that blessing for any other consideration as for the hopes we have that it may be a means to make others lay to heart as we do the miseries brought and continued upon our Kingdom by this unnatural War and that it may open your ●ars and dispose your mindes to imbrace those offers of Peace and Reconciliation which have been so often and so earnestly made unto you by us from the constant and fervent endeavours of which we are resolved never to desist In pursuance whereof we do upon this occasion conjure you to take into consideration our too long neglected message of the fourth of July from Evesham which we again renew unto you And that you will speedily send us such an Answer thereun●● as ma●●ew un●●our poor Subjects some light of a deliverance from their present calamities by a happy Accommodation toward which ●●●do here engage the word of a King to make good all those things which we have therei● promised and really to endeavour a happy conclusi●● of this Treaty And so God direct you in the wayes of Peace What welcome this gracious Message wrought with the Parliament is monstrous to imagine for no sooner received it but instantly there followed a Fast at St. Laurence Church for the happy proceedings of the Councel of War the Lecturer Obadia Sedgwick telling the people that God was angry with them for not cutting off Delinquents Fifteen several times men have been raised in London by telling them that this would finish the work still exhorting them to pursue the War to put an end to these troubles Notwithstanding the Scots Army send to the Parliament to send to the King some reasonable Propositions that the Church of England may be Uniform to the Kirk of Scotland That for their service in England and Ireland there is due to them upon account eight hundred thousand pounds whereof they must have one hundred thousand pounds presently which put the Parliament to consider who as one said at the beginning of their Assemblie did they knew not what and now they know not what to do And the County of Somerset presented the King with their Petition with what comfort they apprehend his Majesties pious inclination to and endeavours for setling peace and hoped that your Majesties gracious Message to that purpose to the Parliament would have produced the desired effect c. And desire leave to wait in person upon the King to the Parliament And in case they may not obtain so just a request they shall hold their lives best spent in assisting your Majesty to compasse that by the Sword which can not otherwise be effected The King signifies his Gracious acceptance of their Loyal affections in what they desire and withall for them to Petition the Parliament Assembled at Westminster for composing the way of peace Assuring them that he will insist only upon such things as are justifiable with the Laws of the Kingdom Upon which they write at Wells and publish this Declaration to the world VVhereas we lately conceived very great hopes that those many gracious Overtures from his Majesty to those at London especially that from Evesham and that from Tavestock might have given a rise to a happy Treaty and consequently put an end to those bleeding differences but have been fruitless and uneffectual c. Therefore they resolve to wait upon the King as one man towards London to propose or receive Propositions to restore the Kingdom to peace And call the Kingdom to witness whether this Petition which they now are going to deliver to the Parliament assembled at Westminster doe not become Loyal Subjects and Lovers of the Country VVherein they desire the two Houses to joyn hands with him and them in a happy Treaty that as they have all within the same Profession so they may meet in the real performance the maintenance of the Protestant Religion the safety of the Kings person and rights the liberty and property of the Subjects and just priviledges of Parliament The County of Wilts also taking notice of those in Somersetshire certifie that the Sherif of Wiltshire and the principal Lords and Gentlemen of that County declaring their approbation of the declaration and Petition to the Parliament assembled at Westminster and that they will joyn in the same course presently You see what means are made for a Treaty of Peace The Parliament Forces from Northampton bringing with them many Colliers and Miners from Bedworth who after sundry dayes exercise under ground to mine the Castle found such continual Springs of water that they could work no more This siege hath now continued eleven weeks from the 19. of Iuly when their Horse came to Broughton Warkwoth and other places to straighten the Castle and lay there till Aug. 27. On which day Mr. Iohn Fines came with Foot and Canon into Banbury and from that time both with Batterings Mines and storming attempted upon the Castle commanded by Sir William Compton brother to the Earl of Northampton to whom he sends Summons and had this Answer That they kept the Castle for his Majesty and as long 〈◊〉 one man was left alive in it willed him not to expect to have it delivered Whereupon Fines made several batteries on three sides of the Castle but to little purpose Then they began to mine but found much water then to drain the outmost Mote which in part they effect but with great losse Then September 16. Fines sends another Summons but Compton told the Trumpeter that he formerly Answered them and wondered they would send again Upon this the Assaylants goe on fiercely with Batteries and Stormes for a week together But were answered by often sallies and losse on both sides Then two dayes together the Besiegers shot and plyed their Granadoes abundantly and made a breach upon the West wall of the out Ward of the Castle the upper part neer thirty yards in length but the inside well lined with earth This gave them incouragement to Storm it and about nine a clock that morning 23. September they began to fall on their Foot not so hardy they invited their Troopers to lead them on twelve out of each Company with their best Officers The number of the Assaylants about six hundred came on with burthens on their backs which they cast into the Mote the better to passe the Mud and so fell on in five several places at once the greatest number where the breach was and on all the other parts they brought Scaling-ladders but could not reare one but were cut off with great and small shot those at the breach were so served also but at last all the Assaylants gave off Towards evening they send a Trumpet to desire burial of their dead conditional that those which vvere fallen vvith●n Pistol shot of the Castle should be stript by the Garrison vvhich vvas done much losse they had many slain and vvounded
privitie or directions of his Majestie or the Lord Lieutenant or any of his Majesties Council there But true it is that for the necessarie preservation of his Majesties Protestant Subjects in Ireland whose case was daily represented unto him to be so desperate his Majestie had given Commission to the Lord Lieutenant to treat and conclude such a Peace there as might be for the safetie of that Crown the preservation of the Protestant Religion and no way derogatorie to his own Honour and publick Professions But to the end that his Majesties real Intentions in this business of Ireland may be the more clearly understood and to give more ample satisfaction to both Houses of Parliament and the Commissioners of the Parliament of Scotland especially concerning his Majesties not being engaged in any Peace or Agreement there he doth desire if the two Houses shall admit of his Majesties Repair to London for a personal Treatie as was formerly proposed that speedy notice be given thereof to his Majestie and a Pass or safe Conduct with a Blank sent for a Messenger to be immediately dispatcht into Ireland to prevent any accident that may happen to hinder his Majesties Resolution of leaving the managing of the business of Ireland wholly to the two Houses and to make no Peace there but with their consent which in case it shall please God to bless his Endeavours in the Treatie with success his Majestie doth hereby engage himself to do And for a further explanation of his Majesties Intentions in his former Messages he doth now declare that if his personal Repair to London as aforesaid shall be admitted and a Peace thereon shall ensue he will then leave the nomination of the persons to be intrusted with the Militia wholly to his two Houses with such power and limitations as are expressed in the Paper delivered by his Majesties Commissioners at Uxbridg the sixth of February 1644. for the term of seven years as hath been desired to be given immediately after the conclusion of the Peace the disbanding of all Forces on both sides and the dismantling of the Garisons erected since these present Troubles so as at the expiration of the time before mentioned the power of the Militia shall intirely revert and remain as before And for their further securitie his Majestie the Peace succeeding will be content that pro hac vice the two Houses shall nominate the Admiral Officers of State and Iudges to hold their Places during life or quam diu se bene gesserint which shall be best liked to be accountable to none but the King and the two Houses of Parliament As for matter of Religion his Majestie doth further declare That by the libertie offered in his Message of the fifteenth present for the ●ase of their consciences who will not communicate in the Service already established by Act of Parliament in this Kingdom he intends that all other Protestants behaving themselves peaceably in and towards the Civil Government shall have the free exercise of their Religion according to their own way And for the total removing of all Fears and Iealousies his Majestie is willing to agree that upon the conclusion of Peace there shall be a general Act of Oblivion and free Pardon past by Act of Parliament in both his Kingdoms respectively And lest it should be imagined that in the making these Propositions his Majesties Kingdom of Scotland and his Subjects there have been forgotten and neglected his Majestie declares That what is here mentioned touching the Militia and the naming of Officers of State and Iudges shall likewise extend to his Kingdom of Scotland And now his Majestie having so fully and clearly expressed his Intentions and Desires of making a happy and well-grounded Peace if any person shall decline that happiness by opposing of so apparent a way of attaining it he will sufficiently demonstrate to all the World his Intention and Design can be no other than the total Subversion and Change of the ancient and happy Government of this Kingdom under which the English Nation hath so long flourished Given at our Court at Oxon the twenty fourth of January 1645. To the Speaker of the House of Peers c. This did not satisfie for upon the reading of this Declaration or Message in the House of Commons they produce other Letters and Papers taken at the Defeat of the Lord Ashley amongst which they finde Letters of the Arch-bishop of York●o ●o the Lord Ashley and the Lord Digby's Letter from Ireland to the Archbishop concerning this business out of which and Glamorgan's own to the King hereafter they concluded much matter To the Right Honourable the Lord Ashley Most Noble Lord Your Lordships Letter of the twelfth of January I received late at night the nine and twentieth I have communicated to the Lord Byron the Marquess of Ormond his Letter of the twelfth of December and by this time not sooner the Lord Byron's Answer is at Dublin which I sent by his Lordships Chaplain it implied some Fears of holding out Chester thus long c. Colonel Butler tells me even now that the men and the shipping are still ready in Ireland though retarded hitherto by reason of this Distraction which sithence Tuesday last is so composed that the Earl of Glamorgan is out upon Bail of six or eight Noblemen whereof the Marq. of Clenricard is one c. from the Lord Lieutenant I have received no Answer in writing as yet though mine to him were many since the first of January nor from the Lord Digby any more to the purpose than this inclosed There is no relying on these Irish Forces for this Service though if they come they shall be carefully transported to such Rendezvouz as I shall hear is most ●itting for the passage of your Lordships Armie and to that end your Lordship shall be punctually informed of their landing and condition Conway Jan. 25. 1645. Your Lordships c. John Eborac The Lord Digby's Letter inclosed May it please your Grace I give you many thanks for your obliging Letter by Mr. Moor I have likewise sent yours to the Marquess of Ormond and I am glad to finde there that you do nott ake the Allarm at my Lord Glamorgan's Commitment so hot as upon it to despair of the Relief of Chester which though it hath been somewhat retarded by it yet I make little question now but it will go on speedily and effectually and of this I desire you to certifie my Lord Byron Dublin Jan. 21. 1645. Your Graces c. G. Digby And then to discipher the Mystery this of the Earl of Glamorgan's to the King was read also in the House For his Sacred Majestie May it please your Majestie I am now at Waterford providing Shipping immediately to transport six thousand Foot and four thousand more are by May next to follow I hope these will yet come opportunely to the Relief of Chester What hath been the occasions of so long Delay and
so much of the success of our English Army in Scotland 27. Sept. The Scots Armies are accordingly Disbanded Barwick and Carslile delivered up to the English and the Writs gone out for a new Parliament 20. of Ianuary And a fresh General Assembly of their Kirkmen Somewhat strange in the capitulation that the English Assistants to the Scots in both these Garrisons are submitted to the mercy of the Parliament of England And a Letter of thanks is sent from the Committee of Estates of Scotland to the Lieutenant General Cromwel for his orderly government of his Forces and his many civilities and respects to that Nation and they excuse themselves from any guilt or connivance in the late engagement against England acknowledging that his Army so near is the means and occasion of advantage to that Nation to make peace and to prevent distraction and confusion which otherwise had continued amongst them And for confirmation of all he is invited to Edenburgh to Feasts and Banquets with all expressions of Honour of Arms and so returns homewards Octo. 20. by the way is received with Hosannah's of joy by all the Northern Counties and invited to take in the strong Garrisons of Pomfreit and Scarborough which infested the County all about them But let us return to Sea affairs This while the Prince was put aboard the Revolted Ships which with some others of his own were formed into a Fleet and with him his brother the Duke of York Prince Rupert Lords Hopton Wilmot and Willoughby Earls of Branford and Ruthen formerly General for the King the Lord Culpepper and Sir Henry Palmer and increasing number came into Yarmouth Rode with twenty Sail and two thousand men the Town being much divided in affection some would have him land and march to Colchester then besieged with such as will come to his assistance To prevent him Colonel Scroop is coming not fourty miles off with Horse and Foot to attend his motion if he land some hopes he had of landing and therefore provided a Declaration his forerunner 27. Iuly The establishing of Religion according to his Majesties agreement 26. December last The performance of the said Agreement and pursuance of all Concessions on the Kings part The restoring the King to a personal Treaty The maintenance of the just priviledges of Parliament The liberty of the Subject abolishing of Excise contribution for quarter c. with an Act of Obli●ion The Disbanding of all Armies setling Peace The defence of the Narrow Seas securing Trade support of the Navy and Sea-men His Commissions to his Commanders were thus stiled Charls Prince of great Britain Duke of Cornwal and Albany Highest Captain General under his Majesty of all Forces both by Sea and Land within the Kingdom of England Dominion of Wales and Town of Barwick c. Whereas we hold it convenient to Arm and set forth to Sea for the weakning and suppressing the usurped power c. Bearing date heretofore from St. Germin in Laye 6. June 1648. A correspondence likewise we finde fixed with the State of Scotland by Letters intercepted and directed to Sir Alexander Gibson Clerk of the Signet at Edenburgh from London 26. Iuly telling him that we are here in the City very right only Skippon makes disturbance by listing Horse and Foot whom we hope to out of his Office The Lords wait for some further incouragement from the City to which purpose the Common Council are framing petitions Our Design to free Colchester is not yet ready c. But the Prince finding no footing in Norfolk sailed back Southwards to the Downs in Kent seizing what Merchants Ships and goods that he could light upon sending Letters to the City of London together with his Declaration and that if the City will redeem their goods they must send him two hundred thousand pound But Anchoring in the Downs he hath a Design upon the Parl. Besiegers of Deal Castle in which were Royalists and Lands five hundred men who March forwards and at first beat off the Horse which Colonel Rich and Hewson had drawn out to Encounter them untill some more Forces of Foot followed routed the Princes Forces killed many and took others Prisoners and the rest hardly got aboard again Whilst the Prince Anchors with his Fleet in the Downs the States of Scotland invite him May it please your Highness Amongst all the Calamities which this Nation these late years hath wrastled under none doth more wound and afflict us next to his Majesty your royal Fathers sad condition and restraint then your Highness long absence from this Kingdom whereunto your right Title is so just and unquestionable and seeing our Forces are now again in England in pursuance of their duty to Religion and his Majesties rescue we humbly beg That your Highness would be pleased to honour and countenance with your presence and assistance our pious and Loyal endeavours which we look upon as the only means of uniting us in this great work being confident that your Highness will effectually apply your self to procure from his Majesty just satisfaction to the desires of Parliaments And if your Highness will grant these our humble requests and trust your pe●son amongst us we doe ing age the publick Faith of this Kingdom for your well being in honour freedom and safety either here in Scotland or with our Army in England and to remove from us or the Army when or whither you please And these they send by the Earl of Louderdale with Letters of Credence in what he shall further communicate to the Prince From the Estates of the Parliament of Scotland in whose Name and Warrant are signed Aug. 10. Crawford Lindsey The Parliaments Vice-Admiral Batten having heretofore served them with faithfulness and good success was by the Army Voted out of his place and Rainsborough a Land Captain put into his Command Not long after being Governour of Deal Castle which cost him six hundred pound repair He was turned out and made a Delinquent upon the old quarrel for suffering some of the eleven Members to pass beyond Seas Rainsborough was refused by the Sea men not suffering him to come aboard then they ●aress B●●ten to take up his Commission again which he disdained the Parliament being in distress for a Commander they Vote in the Earl of Warwick who was served so before And now Batten comes to the Prince in Holland who receives him with favour and honours him with Knight-hood where he publishes the reasons of his declining the Parliaments Service and was faithfull to the Prince for ever after It was the middle of Iune as aforesaid that the K●mish Insurrectors got over to Essex and from thence into the Town of ●●lchester and with such Forces as they could gather they strengthen the place and prepare for a Siege The Commanders in chief were the E● of Norwich old Gori●g the Lord Capel Sir Charles Lucas and others in opposition to 〈…〉 and all
Stratherns descent and title to Sovereignty Raised to his ruine Dangerous to Sovereigns to prefer any Pretenders of Title The Scots design a new Government by Tables The Confession of Faith 1580. Negative confession what and when See Hist. 9. of Scots The Scots title to their new Confession of Faith examined Hamilton high Commissioner t● Scotland His Commission read in publiqu● Covenanters demands Proclamation Hamilton posts to the King August 5. And returns Contracted into two Hamilton poasts to the King again And return to Scotland September 22. The Kings Declaration published For the general Assembly another Their Letter of thanks to the King Covenanters assume all authority A covenanting Female Imposturess Assembly disch●●●●● Against which the Covenanters protest Hamilton returns to England and the Scots begin to arm Iuly Eruption of Fire out of the Sea Queen Motlier of France comes hither The King prepares an Army Proclaims the occasion Hist p. 188. Obs. p. 151. English Army 1639. The Army marches to the North. Anno 1639. Obs. p. 157. The Scots and English in view The Armies Treat The Scots desires The Kings Declaration Art●cles of Pacification Scots submission Scots Protestation The proccedings in their Parliament in August Scotish Parliament prorogued Their Protestation The Scots deputies to the King Four Commissioners from Scotland Loudon his Speech Their Treasons summed up The Protestation of the Assembly and like of the Parliament Simeon and Levi. The Covenanters Declaration of grievances Observations thereupon It was ratified by Parliament most faise never ratified by Parliament never forbiden by any Act of Parliament These were confirmed by Parliaments and never reprea●ed but n●w most illegally called in question without King or Parliament Is this Assembly without the King of more validity six former Assemblies approved by the King and Parliament It Was no covenant but only a bare negative confession and abjuration of all points of Popery Nunquam de fide constare dum semper de fide disputamus Tertul I● one Assemblie null what others 〈◊〉 act and constitute how shall the people be certain of their Religion Twenty years hence another Assembly was upon new alterations anul all which this hath done and there shall be never any certain Religion settled Oath administred to the Scots against their Covenant The Scots false Paper which was burnt This Paper was contradictory to the 7. Articles of Pacification Arnndel testifies Pembroke testifies Salisbury testifies All the Lords concurre The Kings report The Scots excuse concerning this Paper They pretend that verbal grants made the King contradict the signed Articles A pretty conceit The disagreeing of these Notes shew there was no truth in it This is like the rest as if they themselves had not dispersed them They were cōmon and therfore one was burnt and others called in They acknowledge this letter by the French king They did mediate with Denmark Sweden and Holland for their assistance and offered to Denmark the isles of Orkney and had agents at every place for that effect Multitudo peccatorum tollit sensum poen●m peccati Formerly the Scots account themselves a free Republick They forget another duty to our King It is not against the law of nations for any King to imprison and execute his own subjects Considerations upon the 7. Articles Obs. 160. Protestation of the Covenanters the Preface Prince Elector comes over Hist. p. 163. fleets of Spain and Holland engage Arundel sent aboard the Spaniards What was the Spaniards Design Lord Keeper Coventry dies Sir Iohn Finch succeeds Reading at the Temple He is silenced and questioned Answer Scots Commissioners return Hist. p. 167. Hist. p. 167. The matter concluded at the Private Iunto The King resolves of a Parliament in England and anoth●● to be i●●●●●land Ob. p. 167. The Iunto subscribe to lend mony and so afterwards do all others herein mistaking those Obs. p. 170. Hist. p. 170. The grand Design In England he means The Earl and Countess had no such interest The King never thought so What execution doth he mean Of Nidsdale he means This was a false Parenthesis and injurious to the late King and his blessed memory and the rest of this Paragraph an idle conceit It was proved he never was there There were these men and p●aces but upon ex●mination the matter but devised Unlikely Never taught any Religion Hist. p. 181. Obs. p. 171. Hist. of Qu. of Scots and K. Iames. 1640. Proeme Anno 1640. Parliament beigns the thirteenth of April Hist. p. 183. Parliament dissolved the 5. of May. Obs. p. 174. Convocation sit still Hist. p. 184. Bishops impose an Oath Hist. p. 185. Obs. p. 189. Hist. p. 186. Obs. p. 166. The entrance and original of all our Troubles Lambeth house beset by Puritans A Jovento of Council L. L. See L. L. of Ireland L. Admiral L. L. See L. L. of Ireland Lord Arch-bishop Lord● Archbishop of Canterbury L. Cottington L. L. See L. L. of Ireland London Derry in Ireland English Army ready Henry Duke of Glocester born Proclamation against the Rebells The King goes into Scotland At Newburn defeat New-castle deserted Hist. p. 189. Scots Petition Scots ●●mands Anno 1640. Petition of the city of London The Kings speech to the Peers A meeting resolved Treaty at Rippon thus concluded Earl of Montross forsakes the Covenanters in private A Parliament resol●ved upon an ominous day Nov. 3. Obs. p. 208. The King in prudence calls this Parliament His excellent Book Eikon Basilike Eikon Basilike Chap. 1. of calling the Parliament Obs. p. 209. See Hist. Qu. of Scots and K. Iames in Folio Parliament sit The Kings Speech to the Lords Petitions against Grievances Pym 's Speech 1. Grievance● of Religion in Popery Grievance 2 of Religion in Popary Innovations 3. Liberty of Persons and Estates Grievance 4. Compositions for Knighthood S●ap Ship-money Inlargments of forrests Selling of Nusances Commissions for buildings Depopulations Military charges Muster-master his Wages Extrajudicials Monopolies countenanced by the Council-table Star-chambet The Kings Edicts and Proclamations Abuse of Preachers Intermission of Parliaments Lord Dighy's Speech Laws executed upon Recusants Monopolies voted out of the House Lords Pockets searched The Lieutenant of Ireland impeached of High-Treason Obs. p. 211. His condition examined Parliament borrow money of the City Bishop of Lincoln enlarged Hist. p. 217. Justice Howard killed by a Papist Prin and Burton return from durance Sir Francis Windbanck gets away Votes against Ship-money Ob. p. 218. London Petitioneth the late Canons denounced Obs. p. 220. Arch-bishop of Canterbury impeached See Obs. p. 216. and committed to custody Scots Covenanters charge against the Arch-bishop of Canterbury December 17. the Scots Charge against the L. Lieutenant of Ireland Money voted for the Scots Lord Keeper Finch his Speech to the Commons House Voted flyeth 〈…〉 〈◊〉 against Goodman the Priest The Kings Answer 〈…〉 The Scots affairs 1. Demand Answer 2. Demand Answer 3. Demand Answer 5. Demand Answer 6. Demand Answer 7. Demand Answer
and so quit the place for we think it a hatefull thing that any mans lea●ing the Bishoprick should almost undoe the Successor And if any man shall presume to break this Order we will refuse him at our Royall assent and keep him at the place which he hath so abused Ninthly Lastly we command you to give us an Accompt every year the second of Ianuary of the performance of this our Command Dorchester Our Naval forces now Compleat the Duke of Buckingham is resolved to satisfy their expectation who heretofore complained of his great neglect being Admiral of England in committing the late Expeditions at Sea to other Commanders and stay behind himself He is now therefore made General also of six thousand Horse and foot in ten ships royall ad ninety Merchant-men and set sail from Portsmouth the 27. of Iune and his MANIFESTO came out the one and twentieth of Iuly following as it was there published in France declaring The emergent causes of his Majesties present Arming What part the Kings of Great Britain have alwaies taken in the affairs of the reformed Churches of France and with what care and zeal they have laboured for them is manifest to all and the Examples of it are also as ordinary as the occasions have been The now King my most honored Lord and Master comes nothing short of his Predecessors therein if his good and laudable Designs for their Good had not bin perverted to their Ruin by those who had the most interest for their accomplishment What advantages hath he refused VVhat parties hath he not sought unto that by his alliance with France he might work more profitably and powerfully the restitution of those Churches into their antient liberty and splendour And what could be best hoped by so strick an alliance and from so many reiterated promises by the mouth of a great Prince but effects truly royall and sorting with his Greatness But so far fails it therein that his Majesty in so many promises and so strait obligations of Friendship hath found means to obtain Liberty and surety for the Churches and to restore peace to France by the reconciliation of those whose breath utters nothing else but all manner of obedience to their King under the liberty of the Edicts that contrarywise they have prevailed by the interest he had in those of the Religion to deceive them and by this means not only to unty him from them but also to make him if not odious to them at the lest suspected in perverting the means which he had ordained for good to a quite contrary end VVitness the English Ships not designed for the extirpation of these of the Religion but to the Contrary express promise was made That they should not be used against them which notwithstanding were brought before Rochel and were imployed against them in the last Sea-fight what then may be suspected from so puissant a King as the King my Master so openly eluded but thorough feeling equal and proportioned to the Injuries received But his Patience hath gone beyond Patience and as long as he had hope that he could benefit the Churches by any other means he had no recourse by way of Arms so far that having been made an Instrument and Worker of the late Peace upon Conditions disadvantagious enough and which would never have been accepted without his Majesty's Intervention who interposed his credit and interest to the Churches to receive them even with threatnings to the end to shelter the honour of the most Christian King under assurance of his part not onely for the accomplishment but also for the bettering the said conditions for which he sends caution to the Churches But what hath been the issue of all this but only an abuse of his goodness and that which his Majesty thought a Soverain remedy For all their forces hath it not brought almost the last blow to the ruin of the Churches It wanted but little by continuing the Fort before Rochel the demolishing whereof was promised by the violence of the Souldiers and Garrisons of the said Fort and Isles as well upon the Inhabitants of the said Town as strangers In lieu whereas they should wholly have retired they have daily been augmented and other Forts built and by the stay of Commissioners in the said Town beyond their Term agreed on to the end to make broils and by the means of the Division which they made to open the gates to the Neighbouring Troops and by other withstandings and infractions of Peace Little I say failed it that the said Town and in it all the Churches had not drawn their last breath And in the mean while his Majesty hath yet continued and not opposed so many Injuries so many faith-breakings but by Plaints and Treatings until he had received certain advise confirmed by intercepted Letters of the great Preparation that the most Christian King made to showr upon Rochel And then what could his Majesty do less but to vindicate his Honor by a quick arming against those who had made him a Party in their Deceit and to give Testimony of his Integritie and zeal which he hath alwayes had for the re-establishing of the Churches which shall be dear and precious to him above any other thing This was not published until the first assault of the Castle of Saint Martins in the Isle of Rhe about the 21. of Iuly following And because I have laboured the Truth of this Expedition from the calumnies of our Adversaries I shall name them now to direct the Reader in the examination and crave the patience to excuse the length of the story in some measure to vindicate our Honour The first is Anonymus and the Title Ladiscente des Anglois somewhat ingenious The French Mercury or Vulgar Fragmentarian herein despicable the brand of Malice and Immodesty The third was Isnardus the Parisian Advocate whose contumelies even the best of them were censured culpable as being published after a perfect Peace was established by the polite Polititian Cardinal Richlieu And the last of them was Monetus a Iesuit more close and wary yet blasting the beauties of our best Martialists But because this Action of the English might not lodge upon mistakes of our too hasty quarrelling without just cause I shall enter the Reader by remembring former passages and state the cause as it now stood between Us and France King Iames succeeding Q. Eliz. his Neighbors and Him courted each other into friendship and confederacy so that no plot or frame of domination invaded each other by jealousie or envy and so soon as Henry 4. was murthered how often and sundry waies did King Iames assist Lewis the 13. his Son and Successor quieting his Civil Wars and after such a League entred into with the Emperour as neither affinity with the Palsgrave utility with aiding the Spaniard or Religion by assisting the Hugonotes could in him any way dissolve and so became Arbiter and Umpire of Europe Yet cause we had
Statutes were verbatim recited the substance of the Petition was this 1. THey do pray your most excellent Majesty that no man hereafter be compelled to make or yeeld any Gift Loan Benevolence Tax or such like charge without common consent by Act of Parliament and that none be called to make answer or to take such oath or to give attendance or be confin'd or otherwise be molested or disquieted concerning the same or for refusal thereof 2. And that no freeman be taken and imprisoned or be disseised of his free-hold or liberty or his ●ree customs or be out-lawed or exiled but by the lawfull judgement of his Peer or by the law of the Land 3. And that your Majesty would be pleased to remove the Souldiers and Mariners now Billitted in divers Counties and that your people may not be so burthened in time to come 4. That the late Commissions for proceeding by Martiall-Law may be revoked and annulled and that hereafter no Commission of like nature may issue forth to any person or persons whatsoever to be executed lest by colour of them any of your Majesties subjects be destroyed and put to death contrary to law and the franchises of the land All which they most humbly pray of your most excellent Majesty as their rights and liberties according to the Laws and Statutes of this Realm and that your Majesty would also vouchsafe to declare that all awards doings or proceedings to the prejudice of your People shall not be drawn hereafter into consequence and example And now indeed their Lordships Eyes were opened and fearing the eminent mischief to the King and in him to themselves as having more interest in Prerogative then the Commons their first existence present subsistence and yet not altogether to leave the publique without remedy they annexed to the Petition this addition of Salvo We present this our humble Petition to your Majesty not onely with care to preserve our own Liberties but with regard to leave intire that Soverain Power wherewith your Majesty is trusted for the Protection safety and happinesse of your People But the Commons refused this and procured a Conference and Mr. Noy is sent with reasons and resolutions of the Lower-House which signified little but at a second meeting managed by Sr. Henry Martin and Serjeant Gl●nvile the Lords did comply and so presented without that saving To which the King took a little leasure ere he returned them this for answer THe King willeth that right be done according to the laws and Customs of the Realm and that the Statutes be put in due execution that his Subjects may have no cause to complain of any wrong or oppressions contrary to their just Right and Liberties to the preservation whereof he holds himself in conscience as well obliged as of his Prerogative Certainly the sense was as the very Essence the matter being the Main aud was excepted against as too firm but not full enough without their own formalities of the old Model for which they agreed to Petition but were surprized with this Item from the King My Answer was made with so good deliberation and approved by the judgement of so many wise men that I wonder it hath not satisfied you to the full but to avoid all ambiguities and to clear my just meaning I am willing to please you even in Words as well as Substance Read your Petition and receive an Answer I am sure will please you Which was Le droict soit faict comme i● est desire This I am sure is full yet no more than in my first you may see now how ready I shew my self to satisfie your demands so that having done my part if this Parliament have not a happy conclusion the sin is yours I am free Hereto the Houses shout with mighty acclamations of joy testified also with the usuall consent of the publique Bonefires and Bells●inging ●inging over all the Cities and the Upper-House finding this a fit time of reciprocal contexture the King glad to see them satisfied with little a●doe procured his Majesties Grace to extend even to those Lords in former disfavour To Abbot Arch-Bishop of Canterbury William Bishop of Lincoln the Earl of Essex Lincoln Warwick Bristow and him that was alwayes out the Lord Say This did the King do the fifth Presage from the King vailing his Crown to the Parliament which doth so astonish the Historian that he breaks out into Ravishment That this session that Gallant Standard of Common Liberties the Petition of Right was granted That never did Arbitrary Power since Monarchy first founded so submittere fasces so vail its Scepter Never did the Prerogative descend so much from Perch to Popular Lure as by that Concession a Concession able to give satisfaction even to supererogation for what was amisse in all the Kings by-past Government But what did they do having now thus sentenced all Illegalities they fell to Execution of Commission of Loan and Excise and cancelled them in the Kings presence And now thus secured they yet ride on ripping up all manner of Grievances and Grievers in a large Remonstrance 1. THe danger of Innovation and alteration in Religion This occasioned by 1. The great esteem and favours many professors of the Romish Religion receive at Court 2. Their publique resort to Mas●e at Denmark house contrary to his Majesties answer to the Parliaments Petition at Oxford 3. The Letters for stay of proceedings against them Lastly the daily growth of the Arminian faction favoured and protected by Nele Bishop of Winchester and Laud Bishop of Bathe and Wells whilest the Orthodox parts are silenced or discountenanced 2. The danger of Innovation and alteration in Government occasioned by the Billetting of Souldiers by the Commission for procuring one thousand German Horse and Riders as for the defence of the Kingdom by a standing Commission granted to the Duke to be General at land in times of peace 3. Disasters of our Designes as the expedition to the Isle of Rhe and that lately to Rochel wherein the English have purchased their dishonour with the waste of a million of treasure 4. The want of Ammunition occasioned by the late selling away of thirty six Last of Powder 5. The decay of Trade by the losse of three hundred ships taken by the Dunkyrkers and Pirates within these three last years 6. The not guarding the narrow Seas whereby his Majesty hath almost lost the Regality Of all which evils and dangers the principall Cause is the Duke of Buckingham his excessive power and abuse of that power And therefore they humbly submit it to his Majesties wisdom whether it can be safe for himself or his Kingdom that so great power both by Sea and Land as rests in him should be trusted in the hands of any one Subject whatsoever This and the Bill of Subsidies went cheek by joll and were presented to the King in the Banquetting house at White-Hall which being read out with some regret in
by the Kings command expresly to leave the House and attempting to rise was by force held down by Master Hollis who swore he should sit still whilest they pleased but not prevailing Sir Peter Hayman moved Hollis to reade these Articles which the House protested First whosoever shall bring in Innovation of Religion or by favour seek to introduce Popery or Arminianism or other Opinions disagreeing from the true and orthodox Church shall be reputed a capital Enemy to this Kingdom and Common-wealth Secondly whosoever shall counsel or advise the taking or levying of the Subsidies of Tunnage and Poundage not being granted by Parliament or shall be an Actor or Instrument therein shall be likewise reputed a capital Enemy to the Common-wealth Thirdly if any man shall yield voluntarily or pay the same not being granted by Parliament he shall be reputed a Betraier of the Liberties of England and an Enemy to this Common-weath To each of these in order the House gave there a loud applause at every close which distempers reaching but to the Kings ear he sent for the Serjeant of the Mace but he was kept in and Sir Miles Hobart a Member locked the Door and kept the Key The King incensed at these insufferable Contempts sent Maxwel the Usher of the Black Rod to dissolve the Parliament but him and his Message they excluded which put the King into a forcible Posture the Captains with their Pensioners and Guard to break their entrance they fearing the effects suddenly slunk out of the House not daring to abide his anger who instantly came to the Lords and told them My Lords I never came here upon so unpleasant an occasion it being the Dissolution of a Parliament therefore men may have some cause to wonder why I should not rather chuse to do this by Commission it being a general Maxime of Kings to leave harsh commands to the Ministers themselves onely executing pleasing things Yet considering that Justice as well consists in reward and praise of virtue as punishing of vice I thought it necessary to come here to day to declare to you and all the World that it was meerly the undutifull and seditious carriage of the Lower House that hath made the Dissolution of this Parliament And you my Lords are so far from being causes of it that I take as much comfort in your dutifull demeanours as I am justly distasted with their Proceedings Yet to avoid mistakings let me tell you that it is so far from me to adjudg all that House guilty that I know there are many there as dutifull Subjects as any in the World it being but some few Vipers amongst them that did cast this mist of undutifulness over most of their eys yet to say truth there was a good number there that could not be infected with this contagion in so much that some did express their duties in speaking which was the general fault of the House the last day To conclude as these Vipers must look for their reward of punishment so you my Lords must justly expect from me that favour and protection that a good King oweth to his loving and dutifull Nobility And now my Lord Keeper do what I commanded you Who in the Kings name dissolved the Parliament But because Tunnage and Poundage was much disputed we shall shall say something to the first ground and occasion of them It is a fundamental truth essential to the constitution and government of this Kingdom and hereditary Privilege of the Subject that no Tax Tallage or other charge might be laid without consent in Parliament this was ratified by the contract of this Nation with the Conquerour upon his admittance and declared and confirmed in the Laws which he published and yet afterward● broken by King Iohn and Henry 3. then confirmed by Mag●●● Charta and other succeeding Laws but then attempted to be broken by the two succeeding Edwards when the Subject pursued those Breaches by the opportunity of frequent Parliaments and found relief procuring the right of the Subjects to be fortified by new Statutes And it may be observed that those ●ings in the very Acts whereby they did break the Law did really affirm the Subjects liberty and disclaimed that right of him a thing which hath been since challenged by successive Sovereigns the Merchant in those times usually giving consent to such Taxes but limited to a time to the ratification of the next following Parliament to be cancelled or confirmed But mostly these upon Merchandise were taken by Parliament six or twelve per pound for time and years as they saw cause for defence of the Sea sometimes also granted unto Noblemen or Merchants but for that use and afterwards they were granted to the King for life and so continued for divers Descents Between the time of Edward 3. and Queen Mary never any Prince some say demanded any Imposition but by Parliament Queen Mary indeed laid a charge upon Cloth by the equity of Tunnage and Poundage because the rate set upon Wool was much more than that upon Cloth and little Wool being transported unwrought she had reason to impose so much more as brought them to an equality but that there still continued a less charge upon Wool wrought into Cloth than upon Wool carded out unwrought untill King Iames his times when upon Nicholson's advice there was a further addition of charge which is that which we call the pretermitted Custome In Queen Elizabeths time some Impositions nay many increased the general prosperity of her Reign in the conjuncture of time and forrein affairs overshadowing and her power and will commanding without regret or complaint That of Currans was one for the Venetians having taxed a charge upon our English Cloth she raised that of the Currans with pretence to be even with them the sooner to take off the other And this came to be denied to King Iames by Bates a Merchant and a Sute in the Exchequer adjudged it for the King The three Judges then no more distinguished their several opinions The first that the King might impose upon forreign Commodities but not upon Natives to be transported or necessary to be imported for the use of the Kingdom The second Iudg was of opinion he might impose upon all forreign Merchandize whether superfluous or no but not upon native The third was absolute seeing the King had the custody of the Ports and Guard of the Seas and might shut up or open the Ports as he pleased 〈◊〉 had a Prerogative to impose upon all Merchandize exported or im●●rted Afterwards King Iames laid charges upon all Commodities Outward and Inward not limited to time or occasion This Judgment and the right of imposing was a question in 7. and 12. Ian. and in 18. and 21. Ian. It was declined by the Commons House But in 1 Car. it was renewed by the Kings Propositions and then rather confirmed not abolished It was not sufficient for the King to break up the School of dissension
Designs he passed into Silesia after Galasso with the Body of his Army surprized him near Stenaw defeated his numerous Horse and surrounded the Foot which yielded with sixscore Colours Baggage and Artillery and so all Silesia submitted And now by his following progress gave more than suspition what he had hatched for his own ambition and revenge of former disgraces for having collected his Forces at Egnar in Bohemia paid them three Moneths Money and took their Oath to himself without 〈…〉 〈…〉 Two of his Colonels Gordon and Lesly Scots and Butler an Irish Officer invite his chief Generals his Creatures to a Supper at Egnor where they were soon dispatched for their Masters sake the Emperour Butler comes to Wallestein thrusts open his Chamber-door he dressed for his Bed so staggered and hared him with this Reproach O Traitor to the Emperour and Empire Art thou there and therewith ●an him through with his Partizan stark dead and threw him out at the Window Thus ended that ambitious ungratefull Servant raised to this height from an ordinary Gentleman to be Prince of the Empire and G●neralissimo of all his Forces in Germany Ambitious persons falling into perfidy are justly thus served which we mention here to close up the story though it happened the next year And so this Year remarkable for the Death of three Kings Sigismund of Poland who p●ously departed the nine and twentieth of April Gustave of Swede who was slain on the Bed of Honour the sixteenth of November And Frederick of Boheme who died of the Infection the nineteenth of November The Fundamental Laws of the Dane give a double Portion to the eldest Children of either Sex and to the rest equal shares and so by the death of Sophia Queen Dowager of Denmark our Kings Grand-mother there was due to him and his Sister Elizabeth in right of Queen Ann their Mother one hundred and fifty thousand pounds which was promised to our Ambassador the Earl of Leicester sent to that King partly to condole the old Queens death and by the way to demand his Portion The Complement of asking of him received another of owning to him being he was remembred of that Contract made with him 1625. of thirty thousand pounds a Mo●●th unpaid and yet due for support of his Army yet it seems was thus boldly concluded to draw on other Subscribers Confederates in that War and as usual not fully paid by any and so we may well be then in Arrear as I am sure the Dutch and French are to this day with him and us also The King had been very humbly solicited by the Scots earnest and affectionate supplications to chear and comfort them with his Court and to honour them with his Personal Coronation which he now resolves Not that that Crown was of 〈…〉 But the King to make good his own Inclination and Reason of State the main Arguments He sets out the thirteenth of May with a Princely Train the best of Nobility of England and all those here of Scotland and with them remarkable the English Treasurer and Secretary of State His motions were most certain not foreslowed His Guests were setled to their time and places otherwise He had made a mad Moneths Progress and many Entertainments would have been too sudden without such lawfull warning specially that of the Earl of Newcastles at Welbeck which he says cost the Earl six thousand pounds No such time place or provision But what he means was in Iuly the next year at Balfour Castle in Derby shire for the King Queen and their several Courts most sumptuous indeed And the King comes to Edenburgh the tenth of Iune and the eighth after designed for the solemn Celebrating of His Coronation glorious and bravely attended A little Metropolitan City God knows a long street rather But for a show It sets it forth at length from the Castle still descending to the Kings Palace Holy-rood House at a view the whole Triumphant Train a Mile and more where He was Crowned with all possible outward affection to his Person dissimulative for so it soon discovered And from this time we shall sum up the Scots perfidies smothered heretofore For now they begun secretly to consult and so to vent their ●islike of the Kings former Innocent R●vocation of Things scrambled from the Crown in his Fathers minority and his beneficial Commission of surrenders of Superiorities and Titles as before remembred But these Two Exceptions not sufficient to ground a Mutiny they mustered many such and feigned more And fell foul on some fears suggestions Innovation of Religion to be attempted this Parliament now assigned And withal politickly assured that nothing but calumnies could soil with suspicious jealousie or interrupt or relaxe the present joy of the common people grounding it on nothing more or other than a New Ratisioation of old Acts concerning the present Religion the Churches Liberties and priveledges assented unto by most voyces yet a wonder to many that soon dissented such as from that time became the great promoters of the after-Covenant shewing then the distemper of the heart that boyled out with too much heat at their mouth which seriously resolved it self into sedition soon after for having little more to do the King gratifies the greatest suitors with new Titles of Honour and no doubt consented unto by such as seemed disloyal to his just proceedings in Parliament there And yet these began to mutter but not as yet to mutiny till his departure which was not long after his visitation of Falkland Sterling Dumferling and other places eminent for any pleasure though none of them deserving the hazard the King had from danger of drowning in his passage over the Frith from Brunt-Island to Edenburgh and so came home to the Queen at Greenwich the 20. of Iuly But we may not forget whilest he was in Scotland the condition and behaviour of Sr. Iohn Stuart of Trahair lately made Baron Trahair Privy Councellor and Deputy Treasurer upon the resignation of the Lord Nappier a worthy states man Grand-childe to the afterwards renowned Matcheston and brother in law to the right famous Earl of Montrosse being in dislike of the times and aged and yet not without a considerable reward But Trahair acted his game more cunningly than honestly and now came into much favour with the King at this time He was created Earl of Trahair and in some years after Lord Treasurer of Scotland for upon the Earl of Mairs death Lord Treasurer Trahair was substituted in his place Marr was a Man of little Action and loving the Court of England was the lesse skilful to manage the affair of the Treasury But Trahair managing all tripled his own Estate in few years so faithful he was to himself not without complaint of the people And now in this Parliament There was a Tax granted to the King to be paid as formerly in four years amounting to one hundred thousand pounds Scots per
the Gentry in reference to their Shires these consulted of Propositions for the g●n●ral Table consisting of Commissioners elected out of the other four Tables which should be put in practice by a blinde Jesuitical zeal of obedience a ne● form of Government in a Kingdom evermore Monarchical to this day and so they then would call it And the first Dung from this General Table o● S●able rather of these unruly Horses was their Covenant and seditious Band pretended to preserve their Religion in renewing their ancient Confession of their Faith and security of the Kings person but aiming really at the destruction of both Concerning this their Confession of Faith 1. First It is observed against the vulgar Errour That the Ministers have been alwayes the Instrumental party subservient to the prevalent faction of the Nobility in all these late troubles as in all former since the first alteration of Religion And when Hamilton and Argyles power vanished it is manifest that the Ministers authority likewise took end having the rise and fall together 2. That the Confession of Faith in anno 1580. upon which the late Covenanters grounded and derived their Covenant in anno 1638. was onely a Negative Confession containing an abjuration of all points of erroneous doctrine of the Romish Church which a Iew Pagan Turk or any except a Romane Papist might have taken being consonant to the Oath of Abjuration here in England imposed upon suspected Rec●sants 1643. and lately renewed by the Lord Protector though upon different ends And that it was no Covenant containing any Band of mutual defence without and against the Kings consent as this did but onely a Band for the maintenance of the true Religion and the Kings person with the Kings warrant and the Councels and the General Assemblies approbation anno 1590. as their own words bear in the frontispice of this their Covenant 1638. All which it wanted and consequently was a clear illegal combination of subjects against the King their undoubted lawful Supreme Magistrate which is High-Treason by the laws of all kindes of Government And that all strangers to the Scots History may the better apprehend what the Negative Confession was It will not be amisse to set down briefly the reason that moved King Iames to impose the same upon his Scotish Subjects It being inserted in the large Declaration page 57 58 59 concluding in these words To whom with the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost c. The rest therein after mentioned is forced in by the New Covenanters The occasion of that Confession King Iames the sixth having no kinred left in Scotland of his Fathers side except the Earl of Lenox an aged decreped Man without hopes of issue sent to France for Es●re Lord Aubigny near in blood that was to Lenox And being a young Gentleman of a comely personage and sweet disposition he was made first Gentleman of the Bedchamber then Earl of Lenox to preserve the house delapsed by right to the King and then Lord High Chamberlain Duke of Lenox and Privy Councellour with very great affection to boot whom a strong part of the Nobility oppose and set on some b●utefeu Ministers to pulpet him a Papist and to be sent into Scotland by the House of Guises in France to pervert the King and subvert the Protestant Religion and got Interest with Queen Elizabeth to side with them The King commends him to Mr. David Lindsay Minister of Leeth who understood French and was by him converted making his publique Recantation in St. Giles Church afterwards the Cathedral of Edinburgh and constantly came to the duties of the Church But this they said was done by dispensation from the Pope so that the King commanded his Chaplain Mr. Craig to draw up that Negative Confession subscribing it first himself then the Duke and after them his whole Houshold All this would not satisfie the Nobles nor their factious Ministers but they seized the King at Ruthen Castle and enforced him to banish the Duke who died shortly after a true Protestant at Paris 3. That the Interpretation which the New Covenanters without any lawful warrant of publique authority put upon the Negative Confession by making it abjure Episcopacy and the five Articles of Perth Assembly anno 1618. was contrary to the former practice of their own Kirk ever since either of them was determined See Grand Declaration page 364. which proves by Acts of Parliament that the Bishops had still votes in Parliament according to former times 4. That the Negative Confession was an un-hand som way for a King to take to suppresse a few Mutinous Ministers appears clearly by common reason and King Iames his own dissallowing of it afterwards in his conference at Hampton Court anno 1603. But his first Ordination thereof was onely pro tempore morte Mandatoris expirat Mandatum unlesse it had been renewed by the present King it could not be loyal 5. King Charles by his Coronation Oath 1633. is sworn to maintain the Church as then it was And all Ministers upon their Admission did take Oath of obedience to their Ordinary Bishops and to the five Articles of Perth by Acts of Parliament so commanded for so many years past at least these should have been removed by Acts of Parliaments before they could be renounced without perjury 6. Whether the Limitation contained in the third Article of the Solemn League and Covenant viz. To preserve and defend his Majesties Person and Authority in the third place and conditionally in the defence of the true Religion and Liberties of the Kingdoms not exprest nor known in the large extent as newly interpreted doth not fetter the subjects Allegiance and open a back door for them to rebel against the King if they imagine he doth oppose it which they conceive to be the true Religion and Liberties though never so falfe and how this can stand with the three and twentieth Article of the large Confession of Faith authorized in both Kingdoms 1645. by acts of Synods Holding forth That Infidelity or difference in Religion doth not make void the just Authority of the Magistrate or free the people from their due Obedience to him this being so how can the Covenanters give answer hereunto But the Title to this New device was thus The Confession of Faith subscribed at first by the Kings Majesty and his Houshold in the year of God 1580. thereafter by persons of all ranks 1581. By Ordinance of the Lords of secret Counsel and Acts of General Assemblies subscribed again by all sorts of persons 1590. By a new Ordinance of Councel at the desire of the General Assembly with a general Band for maintenance of the true Religion and the Kings person and now subscribed in the year of God 1638. by us Noblemen Barons Gentlemen Burgesses Ministers and Commons under subscribing To which the Royall Narration makes these Questions By what authority they durst exact an Oath without him or his
be kept at Edinburgh the sixth of August next where we intend God willing to be personally present and thereafter a Parliament the twentieth of August and there an Act of Oblivion to be passed And that upon their disarming and disbanding of their forces dissolving and discharging all their pretended Tables and Conventicles and restoring to the King all his Castles forts and Ammunition as also his Royal honours and to every one of his good Subjects their Liberties Lands Houses goods and means whatsoever taken and detained since the late pretended General Assembly the King will presently thereafter recal his Fleet and retire his Forces and cause restitution of their Ships and goods since the aforesaid time And since hereby it appears His Majesty intends not any alteration of Religion or Laws He expects their dutiful obedience And he takes God to witnesse that whatever calamities shall ensue by his necessitated suppressing of the Insolent disobedience is not occasioned by him but by their own procurement The Articles of Pacification were these the seventeenth of Iune 1639. 1. The forces of Scotland to be disbanded and dissolved within twenty four hours after the agreement of the Kings Declaration 2. The Kings Castles for Ammunition and Royal Honours to be delivered after the said Publication so soon as he should send to receive them 3. His Ships to depart presently after the delivery of the Castles and in the mean time no interruption of Trade 4. All persons goods and Ships detained by the King since the first of November to be restored 5. No Meetings Treatings Consultations or Convocations of any of the Scots but such as are warranted by Act of Parliament 6. All Fortifications to desist and to be remitted to the Kings pleasure 7. To restore to every one their Liberties Lands houses goods and means whatever taken and retained from them by whatsoever means since the first of November last The eighteenth of Iune the Declaration was signed by the King and these Articles by the Scots with this submission IN Obedience to his Majesties Royal Commands Wee shall upon Thursday next the twentieth of June dismisse our Forces and Immediately thereafter deliver His Majesties Castles c. And shall ever in all things carry our selves like humble and loyal subjects Signed Rothes Dumfirmlin Lowdon Dowglas Henderson Iohnston Now to show how the Scots performed these Articles Observe 1. That at the Scots very publishing of these Articles of Pacification though so infinitely advantagious to them they meet them with their Protestation scandalous and dishonourable to the King 2. They published a scandalous paper Intituled Some conditions of His Majesties Treaty with His subjects of Scotland before the English Nobility are set down here for remembrance So untrue and seditious as was burned by the Hangman They kept in body diverse forces and in pay all their Officers The fortification at Lieth kept up intire as at first They did after the time limitted and expired continue their unlawful meetings upon matters of State Ecclesiastical and Civil contrary to the Laws and Acts of Parliament They enforce subscription of the subject to the late pretended Assembly at Glasgow contrary to the Kings Proclamation They brand all such persons as took arms for the King with the aspersion of Incendiaries and Traytors to God and their Countrey They protest that all the members of the Colledge of Justice and all other the subjects were nor to attend the Session and would null all their Acts as ineffectual 3. They come to a Parliament wherein they deny the most essential and inherent Prerogatives of the Crown striving to alter the constitutions of Parliament and frame of Government as appears by their first Act which was that nothing done or to be done in Parliament should be valid except the form of electing the Articles heretofore observed were altered contrary to former Parliaments and the power of the Articles which have been ever since King David Bruce more then 300. years for the Lords of the Articles prepare all business bring them to the Parliament as appears the fourth Parliament of King Iames the sixth cap. 218. and indeed for eschewing impertinent confusion all Propositions and Motions are to be delivered to the Clerk Register and by him presented to the Lords of Articles which now they will not endure They urge to confound the third Estate in Parliament of Bishops formerly called the first Estate which King Iames the sixth and all his Predicessours before and since the Reformation were careful to preserve as appears anno 1560. when all church Jurisdiction in the persons of Bishops is alleadged to be dissolved And in anno 1587. when all Temporalities of Benefices were annexed to the Crown the Clergy retained still their Vote in Parliament and represented the third Estate see the first Parliament of Iames the sixth 1587 1597. 1609. Nay by a special Act the eighth Parliament of King Iames the 6. It is declared treason to impugne the three Estates to procure the Innovation of the power and authority of the same 3. Estates or any of them and so these men are thereby now guilty of Treason And to the Act of Oblivion they seek to justifie themselves and all their former proceedings and urge an act of Iustification to be recorded in Parliament which in truth is contrary to the nature of an Act of Oblivion as appears in that Act of Oblivion 1563. And whereas by their Article of Pacification they were to restore to the subject Liberty Lands goods c. the binding part of the Act never intended it seems to restore Bishops and Ministers c. They urge that all Scots assistant to the King shall be made equal if not more lyable to the defraying of their pretended charge in the late Expedition so that in this point the King must not onely justifie his subjects Rebellion but contribute his consent to pay their wages Then consider their demands of the King in this Parliament 1. That the Coyn be not medled with but by advice of Parliament 2. No stranger to command or to inhabit in any Castles of the Kings but by their advice 3. No Honour to be granted to any stranger but such as have a competency of Land rent in Scotland 4. No Commissioner of Iusticiary or Lievtenancy but for a limited time They protest against the Precedency of the Lord Treasurer and Lord Privy Seal as not warranted by a positive Law And though these demands answer themselves in the Negative see what may be said to them 1. For the Coyn Certainly it is a prerogative peculiar to the Crown and in any other person High Treason as in all Kingdoms in the world 2. No doubt they malign at the English strangers In good sooth the English did resent the dishonour to have a poor Scot created an Earl of England without a foot of land or a groat in his purse to perk above an English Viscount at home in England 3. It
the King countenance an Assembly where Episcopacy is abjured though the prophetical Government of the Church from Christ and his Apostles the onely support of the Crown and in lieu thereof an Estate erected in the Kingdom Independent from the King which rejects his Supremacy and power in Elections which holds he may be Excommunicated by their Assembly censured and deposed by their Parliament which maintains most treasonable tenets with a discipline which was never yet in a Monarchy without Rebellion 10. Shall the King go to Scotland to do against his Oath at his Coronation to doe against his royal word and promise in open and Printed Proclamations to grant that that in his Declaration he professeth to all the world he never will endure 11. Shall the King go to Scotland where he is not able by power or prayer so much as to do Justice to the oppressed to obtain peace for his own servants exiled as Traytours to their Countrey for adhering to the King to re-establish the Prelates in their places or any one Orthodox conform or Loyal Preacher or professor in any Church or Colledge of this his Native and ancient Kingdom 12. Shall the King countenance that Assembly which is onely free from Gods Laws and his own where all the members are inviolably tyed by Covenant Oath and Band in alteram partem contradiction where deliberation can have no place all parties coming with prejudice and predetermination of the businesse in question 13. And yet this Assembly thus free from all Law and authority so hardly obtained so highly honoured with his Majesties presence howsoever contrary to his conscience and honour shall be the most solemn Assembly that ever was in Scotland and that be a president for England and Ireland 14. Shall the King go to Scotland to break Laws make Laws take Laws at the pleasure of lawlesse Rebells to absolve the Traytours with what Justice to condemn the Innocent with what conscience and both with what honour this is no lesse then to lay royalty at the feet of rebellion 15. Shall the King go to Scotland to hear see and suffer the honour of his Royal Father with the integrity of whole Parliaments the equity of his Laws quarrelled and questioned by those whom his Clemency hath imboldened to all villany 16. Shall the King go to Scotland to encourage the Rebells to futher mischief to discourage all his Loyal Servants and to make it a time never to be faithful to a King hereafter this is as much as to Un-King himself with his own hands 17. Now all this and worse if worse can be shall infallibly fall out if His Majesty go to Scotland for having him in their power they shall either force his approbation of their will or use him as their prisoner for thus they served his Royal Father of happy memory 18. As they wish to be absolved from Treason and have all their Rebellious proceedings justified as fervently must they desire to have the King at home among them 19. And having the King in their power can any man think that so desperate Rebels who have gone on in all this businesse with so high a hand with such contempt of authority with such successe that they have eluded all his Majesties Councels contemned his forces frustrate his Intentions and interpreted all this as Gods blessing upon their good cause I say can any man imagine that having so fair an occasion they will be deficient to themselves and not rather attempt or do any thing to Crown all their knavery with the Kings approbation 20. Now for so Mighty a Monarch to involve himself without any necessity into such a labyrinth of misery as shall presently burst out either upon his Majesties condiscendence to the Rebels or upon his detention by them is me thinks to tempt God 21. At any rate though at the highest that can be authority must be vindicated and redeemed from contempt the life of government is reputation make sure this and the other prospers 22. What will neighbour Princes say and think of the managing of this matter wherein all the honour and eminency of Majesty consists what will not posterity abhorre in all these proceedings if Royal honour for want of Councel or courage shall become a prey to Rebellion 23. Rebellion never leaveth Authority without addition or diminution of dignity 24. Usurped Royalty was never laid down by perswasion from Royal clemency for in armis jus omne regni 25. O that there were found so much Loyalty wisdom and valour in the whole Monarchy as to suppresse the Rebells and put the King out of these straits 26. This is the sorest blow that ever our Religion received and the greatest advantage that ever our adversary had this doe all Protestants owe to the Reformation of Scotland that no Christian Prince shall hereafter trust our profession 27. The King cannot go to Scotland with honour untill the Covenant be abjured the Assembly of Glasgow renounced and all things re-established as they were before the Covenant THE VOTE And upon all It was unanimously Voted To force them to their Duty Whereupon soon after the King resolved to call a Parliament and that it was so called and appointed hereafter let no man Imagine but that besides his Councellours advice his own Inclination was most affected thereto as himself hereafter professeth After this comes four covenanting Commissioners from Scotland Dunfirmlin Loudon Sir W. Douglas Mr. Robert Berkley of Derreyn The King receives a handsom Petition with humble thanks in the general and to be heard in their further desires but absolutely refuse to appear before a Committee of the Council without the Kings own personal presence And to him Loudon makes a long Speech of the Independency of the Parliament of Scotland subject to no Iudicature A Profession of their Loyalty and Affection to the King A Iustification of their Assembly and Parliament agreeable to the Articles of Pacification the Laws and practice of the Kingdom And thereupon they desire that the King would ratifie and confirm their Proceedings and that their Parliament might proceed to determine of all the Articles or Bills brought to them to the establishing of Religion and Peace c. But the Council examining their Commission it was found short of impowring them in any consideration to oblige those that sent them onely they produced a Paper authorizing Dunfermlyn and Loudon therein but their Parliament now not sitting they could have no other and indeed to avoid their clamour it was accepted and they went on Deans answer First for a free Parliament It was answered Not to pass the bounds of the Ecclesiastick and civil Laws to fly at Monarchical Government to rob the Crown of the fairest flowers and to destroy all regal power Dean They assume that liberty by the Kings allowing of their Covenant to which his former Commissioner Hamilton had signed and other Subjects Answer That Covenant subscribed by him is the same Covenant and
Laws and Lives of others are assailed That none presume to call his Son and heir King nor to be mentioned in prayer Monarchy is attached the power of the Parliamentary Lords is abrogate the Major of London denuded the Council of the City changed and their own creatures introduced the Law against schismaticks repealed the Preachers are defrauded and threatned Countesses committed Noblemen executed the Nation stiled a Common-wealth but the power contracted in a few who erect an Oligarchy for themselves and are envied of the Democracies and take Arms encouraging the Oligarchies Enjoyn submission to the Government appoint Thanksgiving daies to God for their success and thereby are Invited to the City feast whom they requite with the Kings New Park and sell his householdstuff houses lands and all and yet not satisfied they burthen the people with Taxes and invade Ireland and conquer it and after Scotland This in brief the story follows And now the Parliament Assembled Mr. Iohn Glunvile speaker as was resolved this day the thirteenth day of April Entring their first business of the Earl of Strafford good services in Ireland who was led in to the house of Lords by two of their own as presenting him the more eminent for what he had done in Ireland speedily effectually Obtaining of the Irish the grant of four Subsidies for maintenance of Ten thousand foot and fifteen hundred Horse which might be a pattern in preparation for the English supplies And an accompt was given to the Lords of the Scots letter sent to the French King for it being Examined by the Lord Cotington Secretary Windebanck and the Atturney General Loudon con●essed the hand writing to be his prepared in a readiness before the late pacification at Barwick but no use was ever made thereof but supposed Nevertheless Loudon stood committed till further evidence might condemn or clear him The Parliament not very forward to fall upon the necessary business of supplies To quicken them the King by message represents to the house of Commons many particular Insolencies intolerable with which the Scots had heated him And that for their assistance answerable to the present occasion so much concerning him and the honour of this Nation he would acquit his claim of ship-moneys besides due satisfaction to all their demands This offer discovered to them the Kings extremities and how they pricked which would serve their turn in demanding the more of him And therefore they expect to be assured in these particulars which they well know would spend so much time in arguing that the Kings necessity might undo him and yet they would not be otherwise relenting For clearing the Properties of the Subject For establishing true Religion For priviledge of Parliament These were the grounds of former differences so often discussed whether the Kings supply or the Subjects sufferings should be first considered and now it took up sundry debates and several conferences of both Houses ere the Lords could Master it among themselves for the King the Commons were resolved the next to yield to him from their own intents first But coming to the Question how much might serve the present Expectation Secretary Vane told them by Command from the King Twelve subsidies would serve the turn and so it might for he had such authority to demand so much being double the Kings desire which Vane with indirect intention was known willingly to mistake and it took the effect firing them into so much fury and their compliance so desperate as that the Iunto advise the King to break up their sitting and so the fi●t of May after two and twenty daies they were dissolved Nor need we lodge the advice upon a Iunto to councell the King herein It was the common consent of the Privy Council openly concluded debate there needed none the frequent discourse of the publique observators fore saw so much and the Parliament found the Kings necessities so enforcing by which means they were resolved to draw advantage to themselves though prejudice to him For to think as is supposed that the Luxuriance of the Kings perogative being detrected or any other Spontaneous concessions could have calmed their animosities is much mistaken for it is truely observed that the house of Commons meant that morning to vote against the war with Scotland and to blast that design to which they were so much indisposed however hazardous to the Kings honour and the necessities of his affairs which was conceaved now at the point of time to resent and to prevent by renewing the present intention and so the Arch Bishop is to be cleared as the main adviser for both he and the Earl of Strafford in the next Parliament by their answers were forced to defend themselves from that occasion But though the Parliament break up yet the Convocation of Bishops sat still from their first meeting by writ the twentieth of February last and might no doubt do so with Commission April 15. after to act propose deliberate and conclude such Canons and Constitutions as they conceived conduceable to the peace of the Church During the session of that Parliament necessarily to be now revised by a new Commission to continue the Convocation for the conclusion of such matters then in treaty amongst them though it became a doubt whether they might not sit in Convocation still the Writ which called them having no limitation but during the Kings pleasure which was not as yet otherwise signified and the difference of the Writ and the Commission was by Commissioners considered and thus subcribed That the convocation called by the Kings Writ was not to dissolve but by the Kings Writ notwithstanding the dissolution of the Parliament The tenth of May Finch Manchester Littleton Banks Heath Sheffield and so was the old Convocation armed with a new Commission but not well armed against Lilburns Libels or the Riot of Rakehels upon Lambeth house which followed and the King was fain to set a guard about Westminster Abby during their whole time of sitting In much distresse besides well observed and in danger of the Kings displeasure if they rose of the peoples fury if they sat to be beaten up by Tumults while at work and beaten down by the next Parliament for doing the work and obnoxious to the last of evil tongues for all their good intents and to their pens too upon the main score not so much of the Bishops doing not well as of being Bishops to do any things such was the fate of the Prelates now to be under censure of the Presbyters with such prejudice to either as the contest of endeavouring to satisfie the world made the wound upon either side more wide especially if you take in for good Arguments the common fame of every Libeller As for the main It must not be supposed that the question began but now to be maintained for the Divine Right on which Bishops were founded Many writ for their defence in Queen Elizabeths time Dr.
others who came over only to complain of the exorbitances and oppressions of the said Earl Testified by the Earl of Desmond the Lord Roch Marcattee and Parry The Earls Reply That the Deputy Falkland had set out the same Proclamation That the same Restra●nt was contained in the Statute of 25 of Henry 6. upon which the Proclamation was founded That he had the Kings express Warrant for the Proclamation That he had also power to do it by the Commission granted him and that the Lords of the Council and three Justices not onely yielded but pressed him unto it That it was done upon just cause for had the Ports been open divers would have taken liberty to go to Spain to Doway Rhemes or Saint Omers which might have prooved of mischievous consequence to the State That the Earl of D' Esmond stood at the time of his Restraint charged with Treason before the Council of Ireland for practising against the Life of one Sir Valentine Coke That the Lord Roch was then a Prisoner for Debt in the Castle of Dublin and therefore incapable of a Licence That Par ry was not sined for coming over without Licence but for several Contempts against the Council-board in Ireland and that in his Sentence he had but onely a casting Voice as the Lord Keeper in the Star chamber The Seventeenth and Eighteenth Articles were not insisted upon 19. That the said Earl having taxed and levyed the said impositions and raised the said Monopolies and committed the said oppressions in his Majesties name and as by his Majesties Royal command he the said Earl in May the fifteenth year of his Majesties reign did of his own authority contrive and frame a new and unusual oath by the purport whereof among many other things the party taking the said oath was to swear that he should not protest against any of his Majesties Royal commands but submit themselves in all obedience thereunto Which oath he so contrived to enforce the same on the subjects of the S●o●ish Nation inhabiting in Ireland and out of a hatred to the said Nation and to put them to a discontent with his Majesty and his Government there and compelled divers of his Majesties said subjects there to take the said oath some he grievously fined and imprisoned and others he destroyed and exiled and namely the 10. of October Ann. Dom. 1639. he fined Henry Steward and his wife who refused to take the said oath five thousand pounds a peece and their two daughters and James Gray three thousand pounds a peece and imprisoned them for not paying the said fines The said Henry Stewards wife and daughters and James Gray being the Kings liege people of the Scotish Nation and divers others he used in the like manner and the said Earl upon that occasion did declare that the said oath did not only oblige them in point of allegiance to his Majesty and acknowledgement of his supremacy only but to the Ceremonies and Government of the Church established or to be established by his Majesties royal Authority and said that the refusers to obey he would prosecute to the bloud The Earls Reply That the Oath was not violently enjoyned by him upon the Irish Scots but framed in compliance with their own express Petition which Petition is owned in the Proclamation as the main Impulsive to it That the same Oath not long after was prescribed by the Council of England That he had a Letter under his Majesties own hand ordering it to be prescribed as a Touch-stone of their Fidelity As to the greatness of the Fine imposed upon Steward and others he conceived it was not more than the heinousness of their offence deserved yet had they petitioned and submitted the next day that would wholly have been remitted 20. That the said Earl in the fifteenth and sixteenth Years of his Majesties Reign and divers Years past laboured and endeavoured to beget in his Majestie an ill opinion of his Subjects namely those of the Scotish Nation and divers and sundry times and especially since the Pacification made by his Majestie with his said Subjects of Scotland in Summer in the fifteenth Year of his Majesties Reign he the said Earl did labour and endeavour to perswade incite and provoke his Majesty to an Offensive War against his said Subjects of the Scotish Nation and the said Earl by his counsel actions and endeavours hath been and is a chief Incendiary of the War and Discord between his Majesty and his Subjects of England and the said Subjects of Scotland and hath declared and advised his Majesty that the Demand made by the Scots in this Parliament were a sufficient cause of War against them The said Earl having formerly expressed the height and rancour of his minde towards his Subjects of the Scotish Nation viz. the tenth Day of October in the fifteenth Year of his Majesties Reign he said that the Nation of the Scots were Rebells and Traitours and he being then about to come to England he then further said that if it pleased his Master meaning his Majesty to send him back again he would root out of the said Kingdom meaning the Kingdom of Ireland the Scotish Nation both Root and Branch Some Lords and others who had taken the said Oath in the precedent Article onely excepted And the said Earl hath caused divers of the said Ships and Goods of the Scots to be staied seized and molested to the intent to set on the said War The Earls Reply That he called all the Scotish Nation Traitours and Rebells no one proof is produced and though he is hasty in speech yet was he never so defective of reason as to speak so like a mad man for he knew well his Majesty was a Native of that Kingdom and was confident many of that Nation were of as heroick spirits and as faithfull and loyal Subjects as any the King had As to the other words of rooting out the Scots both Root and Branch he conceives a short Reply may serve they being proved by a single ●estimony onely which can make no sufficient faith in case of Life Again the Witness was very much mistaken if not worse for he deposeth that these words were spoken the tenth day of October in Ireland whereas he was able to evidence he was at that time in England and had been so near a Moneth before The one and twentieth and two and twentieth Art●cles were not urged 23. That upon the thirteenth Day of April last the Parliament of England met and the Commons House then being the Representative Body of all the Commons in the Kingdom did according to the trust reposed in them enter into Debate and Consideration of the great Grievances of this Kingdom both in respect of Religion and the publick Libertie of the Kingdom and his Majestie referring chiefly to the said Earl of Strafford and the Arch-bishop of Canterbury the ordering and disposing of all matters concerning the Parliament he the said Earl of
valor for a wise man to set himself against the breaking in of a Sea which to resist at present threatens imminent danger but to with●draw gives it space to spend its fury and gaines a fitter time to repair the breach Certainly a Gallant man had rather fight to great disadvantages for number and place in the field in an orderly waie then skuffle with an undisciplined rabble Som suspected and affirmed that I meditated a War when I went from White-hall onelie to redeem My Person and Conscience from violence God knows I did not then think of a War Nor will any prudent man conceive that I would by so many former and some after-Acts have so much weakned My self If I had purposed to engage in a War which to decline by all means I denied My self in so manie particulars T is evident I had then no Army to flie unto for protection or vindication Who can blame Me or any other for with-drawing our selves from the daily baitings of the Tumults not knowing whether their furie and discontent might not flie so high as to worrie and tear those in pieces whom as yet they but plaied with in their paws God who is My sole Iudge is My Witness in Heaven that I never bad anie thoughts of going from my House at White-hall If I could have had but anie reasonable fair Quarter I was resolved to bear much and did so but I did not think My self bound to prostitute the Majesty of My place and Person the safetie of My Wife and Children to those who are prone to insult most when they have objects and opportunitie most capable of their rudeness and petulancie But this business of the Tumults whereof some have given already an account to God others yet living know themselves desperately guilty Time and the guilt of many hath so smothered up and buried that I think it best to leave it as it is onely I believe the just Avenger of all disorders will in time make those men and that City see their sin in the glass of their punishment T is more then an even-laie that they may one daie see themselves punished by that waie they offended Had this Parliament as it was in its first election and Constitution sate full and free the Members of both Houses being left to their freedom of Voteing as in all reason honor and Religion they should have been I doubt not but things would have been so carried as would have given no less content to all good men then they wished or expected For I was resolved to hear reason in all things and to consent to it so far as I could comprehend it but as Swine are to Gardens and orderly Plantations so are Tumults to Parliaments and Plebeian concourses to publique Councils turning all into disorders and sordid confusions I am prone somtimes to think That had I called this Parliament to any other place in England as I might opportunely enough have don the said consequences in all likelihood with Gods blessing might have been prevented A Parliament would have been welcom in any place no place afforded such confluence of various and vitious humors as that where it was unhappily convened But we must leave all to God who orders our disorders and magnifies his wisdome most when our follies and miseries are most discovered And with these Mutinies comes the Intimation of some practises in the North to distract the English Army the occasions you shall hear of hereafter But it gave ●ewel to the fiery faction and to the Parliament to fall into debate about a general National Protestation To maintain and defend with my life power and estate the true reformed Protestant Religion expressed in the doctrine of the Church of England against all popery and popish Innovations within this Realm contrary to the same doctrine his Majesties person Honour and estate The power of Parliament the lawful rights and Liberties of the subject and every person that maketh this protestation whatsoever he shall do in the lawfull pursuance of the same the third of May. This being too general in these words The true Reformed Protestant Religion c. They were explained by an ordinance to be only The publique doctrine professed in the Church of England so far as it is opposite to Popery and Popish Innovations and not to the maintaining any form of worship discipline or Government nor any Rites or Ceremonies of the Church of England the fifth of May And so it was taken by the Commons House the next day by the Lords and ordered to be taken by all the people of England Hereby it appears that they meant to question the discipline of the Church which they did They had no better way to qualifie the Kings discontent than to raise him some mony for the satisfying of high accounts which the Kingdom stood charged withall two Armies now on foot craving their pay And therefore a cunning Knight of Lancashire offered to procure his Majesty 650000. l. until such time as the subsidies should be raised with this declaration Provided that the King would pass a Bill not to adjourn the Parliament nor Prorogue it nor disolve it without the consent of both Houses to indure until the Greivances of this Kingdom were redressed And so complaints arising like Hidra's head never to have thereby any end yet to colour it they fell upon a great debate thereof but instantly order was given to draw up a Bill in pursuance of it And the Lords another way busie to lay a side the Bill of the Earls Attainder because it brought in the King as a Judge and so fell upon the several Articles of his Accusation resolving to send them to the Commons the next day with their Resolution when a●mongst forty five Lords twenty six of them voted him guilty of High Treason upon the fifteenth Article for Levying monies in Ireland by force in a warlike manner And upon the nineteenth for Imposing an Oath upon the subjects in Ireland which was for distinction of the Scots Covenanters as you have heard heretofore And so both these Bills of an everlasting Parliament and of the Attainder being compleated a conference was had of both Houses the next day after and some Lords dispatched to the King to request his answer who tells them That on Munday Following he would satisfie them I conceive it convenient in more particular to clear two mistakes of our Authors concerning The Articles of Ireland and the death of the Earl of Strafford reflecting upon the late most Reverend Prelate the Arch Bishop of Armagh Primate of all Ireland whilest he was living and worse pursued since his decease somewhat too sharp also on Dr. Barnard Herein I take leave in cool blood to interpose those Animadversions being intrusted therein by Command of the deceased Prelate Under whose hand writing and others also much of the matter is made evident to rectifie misunderstandings Intentionally thereby to end disputes The Historian takes
and plenty comparatively in respect of their Neighbours but even of those times which were justly accounted Fortunate Their Fears and Jealousies he supposes may be either for Religion or Liberty and their civil Interests the Fears for Religion to be invaded by the Romish party by any favour or inclination to them he professes that as he hath been bred up and practised the Religion now here established and as he believes he can maintain the same by unanswerable Reasons so he is ready if need be to seal with his bloud Having always been as much to the evidence of his care and duty herein as he could tell possibly how to express And for matters indifferent in reference to tender consciences he will comply with the advice in Parliament being to be pursued with temper and submission not with bold licence of scandalous Pamphlets and seditious Sermons against him and his Government a fit Prologue to Confusion upon the very profession of this Religion in England Concerning the civil Liberties and Interests of Subjects His Princely care of the Subjects this Parliament in passing Laws so large and ample that many sober men can wish for no better He understood well the Right and pretences of Right which he parted from in the Bill Triennial for continuance also of this Parliament Bill of Tunnage and Poundage taking away High Commission and Star Chamber Courts and in a word all Doubts secured by the Triennial Parliament but he had rather his grace and favours might be valued in the hearts of his people than in any mention of his own If these Resolutions be the effects of his present Councils as he takes God to witness they are no ill Design can follow why should he and they suffer under Misunderstandings If he hath or shall be mistaken in his Election of them the particular shall be no sooner discovered to him than he will leave them to justice But if any shall under colour of this endeavour to lessen his Reputation and Interest and to weaken his lawfull power and Authority with his good Subjects and to loosen the Bonds of Governments and so all Disorder and Confusion break in upon us he doubts not that God in his due time will discover them If his Intentions be thus clear and his part to be fully performed and that the peoples quiet depends upon themselves and as he will observe the Laws himself so he will maintain them against any opposition though with the hazzard of his own being And he hopes not onely their Loyalty and good affection will concur with him in preserving a good understanding between him and his people but at this time the bleeding condition of Ireland will invite them to unity for Relief of that unhappy Kingdom to which he hath lately offered to raise ten thousand English Voluntiers for that Service though it hath been most falsly whispered the want of alacrity in him which he acknowledges a high crime to Almighty God if he should be guilty thereof And conjures all his good Subjects of what degree soever by the Bonds of Love Duty Obedience to remove all Doubts and Fears and then if the sins of this Nation have not prepared an inevitable Iudgment for us all God will yet make him a glorious King over a free and happy People During this time the loose people of the City and the Mechanick sort of Prentices were encouraged by the Ministers Lecturers and other incendiaries in tumultary manner to come down to Westminster and by the way at Whitehal to be insolent in words and actions which caused the King to command the Major to call a common Council to receave his Majesties pleasure which was then brought by the Chancellor of the Duchy To signifie to them the late riotous assembly of people about his Palaces of Whitehal and Westminster and commands their care to prevent the like especially these ensuing holidaies or that by the late loyal affections of the City to him he cannot understand it of them to have any share therein but only the unruly people of the suburbs and as he is confident of their affections so he bids them be assured of his care and protection not to be disturbed by jealousies and fears Hereupon a double watch and guard kept the rabble in some Order And though the Houses kept Christmas at Westminster having much business and doing very little to the Kings desires He again sends a Message to the Lords House by the Lord Chamberlaine the eight and twentieth of December That being sensible of the miseries of Ireland and yet the succours so slow he will as he hath offered raise 10000. Voluntiers if the Commons will undertake to pay them And to express his detestation of that Rebellio● and the care that he hath of suppressing their Insolencies He publishes this Manifesto the first of Ianuary By the King Whereas divers lewd and wicked persons have of late risen in Rebellion in our Kingdome of Ireland in surprizing our Forts Garisons Arms and Munition disposessed many good subjects of the British Nations and Protestants of their Houses Lands and goods Massacred multitudes of them c. we do therefore declare our just indignation thereof and denounce them Rebells and Traitors with all such as adhere and abet them Commanding them immediately to lay down their Arms. Having authorized his Iustices of Ireland and other his Governour Governours General or Lieutenant General of his Army there to prosecute them with fire and sword and to be countenanced and supported by him and his powerful succours assisted by his good subjects of England and this his royal pleasure he commands his Iustices and other his Officers there to proclaim throughout the Kingdom of Ireland The King having intelligence of some high misdemeanours of su●dry of the Members of the Commons House and setting a narrow watch and spies upon their private meetings found that a Junto of them had designed a correspondence with the Scots and countenanced these late Tumults from the City He commanded Sir William Killegrew and Sir William Fleming by warrant to repair unto the Lodgings of several persons Members of the House of Commons to seale up their Trunks Studies and Chambers by name the Lord Kimbolton Iohn Pym Iohn Hambden Denzil Hollis Sir Arthur Hasserig and William Strode but whether that they had timely notice their persons were not to be met with but their Truncks and papers were seized and whilst a doing the House hears of it and instantly vote Die Lunae Ianuary 3. 1641. That if any person whatsoever shall come to the Lodgings of any Member of this House and then offer to seale the Truncks doores or papers of either of them or seize upon their persons such Members shall require the aid of the Constable to keep such persons in safe custody till This House do give further Order And that if any person whatsoever shall offer to arrest or detain the person of any Member without first
witness that he shall not fail on his part Ian. 20. It is true that the misery of Ireland cried out for Relief and as often the King enforced the consideration offering Propositions very probable which the Parliament always declined But the Scots having a fair Interest there in their British Plantations and a Committee being a foot to that purpose the Scots seeming very forward to do somewhat and to involve their Propositions together with their general Proposals of the Treaty of Peace make these Offers to transport two thousand and five hundred Scots into Ireland meaning thereby to hasten the end of the●r Treaty But upon these Articles That Provisions of Victuals be presently sent to Carrickfergus to be sold to the Scots Souldiers answerable to their Pay They to have the command of that Castle and Town to remain there or to enlarge their own Quarters into the Countrey That Match Pouder and Ball be sent from hence but what Arms Ammunition or Artillery shall go from Scotland with their Forces the same shall be supplied into Scotland out of England That a part of the brotherly Assistance thirty thousand pounds be advanced to them presently which though in proportion came but to seven thousand and five hundred pounds yet they crave ten thousand pounds for their encouragement That their Pay which was condiscended to commence from the eight of December last may be advanced to the eighth of February next when they hoped to march To have Ships of Convoy And that all this may be done without prejudice to their Treatie Jan. 24. The two Houses having swallowed these Propositions the Kings consent was desired but excepts very sparingly against the third Article as somewhat prejudicial to the Crown of England and desires conference with the Scots Commissioners there which being long disputed and the strength of the Kings Argument implying too great a trust for Auxiliary Forces in them To which they reply that they hoped that his Majesty being their native would not shew less trust in them than in the Neighbour Nation seeing his two Houses had consented yet although the Reason bore little force as the Kings condition now stood yet to take away all Delays of Dispute he condiscended And the Scots Commissioners following the King out of Scotland interpose Mediation between the King and Parliament in several private Addresses and in some Propositions in writing so effectually to the Parliaments purpose and their Designing that Mr. Pym is sent specially to give them Thanks on Saturday the twenty second of Ianuary My Lords We are commanded to present to you their affectionate Thanks for your wise Counsels and faithfull advice given to his Sacred Majestie for the appeasing and removing of the present Distraction and Distempers of this State My Lords The House of Commons are very sensible and do tenderly and affectionately consider that this your dutifull and faithfull advice is a large testimonie of your fidelitie to the King affection to this State and of wisdom for honour securitie and peace of his Majes●ie and both Kingdoms and not onely very acceptable to this House but likewise of great advantage to both Nations They clearly perceive you rightly understand the causes of our Distempers and your carefull endeavours to complie with them in the quieting and removing of the same that the brotherly Communion lately confirmed by both Parliaments of England and Scotland binde them both to maintain the peace and liberties of one another being highly concerned equally therein as the assured means of the safetie and preservation of both and being so united the Disturbance of the one must needs disquiet and distemper the peace of the other as hath been often acknowledged by them both They are likewise sensible that those waies which you advise are the onely means to settle peace and unitie in this Kingdom viz. First to endeavour a right understanding between his Majestie and his People by which he may truly see the real causes of these Disturbances and their Authours who are his faithfull and loyal Subjects his faithfull and dutifull Counsellours and who not by which means the brotherly affection betwixt the two Nations shall be confirmed to the glorie of God and peace of the Church and State of both Kingdoms their unitie advanced and all mistakes and jealousies betwixt his Majestie and this Kingdom removed and the establishment of the affairs settled in perpetual peace and tranquillitie the Liberties and Privileges of his Subjects freely enjoyed under his royal Scepter which is the most assured Foundation of his Majesties honour and greatness of the securitie of his royal Person Crown and Dignitie Secondly the removal and prevention of all such plots and practises entertained by the Papists Prelates and their Adherents whose aim in all these Troubles hath been to prevent all further Reformation and to subvert the puritie and truth of Religion their constant endeavours have been to stir up Division betwixt his Majestie and his People by their questioning the Authoritie of Parliaments and the lawfull Liberties of the Subjects and really weakening his Majesties power and authoritie royal upon pretence of defending the same which mischievous Counsels Conspiracies and Attempts have produced these Distempers in his Majesties Kingdoms of England and Ireland Thirdly that his Majestie would be pleased to have recourse onely to the faithfull advise of his Parliament and to depend thereupon as the happie means to establish the prosperitie and quiet of this Kingdom and in his royal wisdom to consider and prevent these Apprehensions of fear which may possess the hearts of his Majesties Subjects in his other Kingdoms if they shall conceive the Authoritie of Parliaments and the Rights and Liberties of the Subjects to be here called in question My Lords these your faithfull and loyal Propositions is the greatest Demonstration of your affections faithfully united and dev●t●d to the securitie of his Majestie and your heartie Wishes and Desires of the peace and prosperitie as well of his Majesties Kingdom of England as Scotland and Ireland these Propositions have been the onely endeavours and intentions of his Majesties high Court of Parliament to effect and make manifest to all men and in any other means whatsoever that shall by you be conceived necessary to the composing and settling of these present Distractions they declare themselves desirous to have the same communicated unto them and they shall be right joyfull and thankfull therefore and will willingly and chearfully joyn with you in the same The House of Commons having an itching desire of power had moved the Upper House to joyn with them for obtaining the command of the Tower and mannagement of the Militia and being refused therein yet they will not be beaten off but singly of themselves petition the King for them both and other principal Forts of the Kingdom and pray for his gracious and speedy Answer Ian. 26. That his Majestie having preferred to the Lieutenancie of the Tower a person
the Kings Answers unsatisfactory And that the Kingdom be put into a posture of Defence in such a way as is agreed upon by Parliament and a Committee to prepare a publick Declaration from these two Heads 1. The just causes of the Fears and Iealousies given to the Parliament and to clear them from any Iealousies conceived against them 2. To consider of all matters arising from his Majesties Message and what is fit to be done A man would wonder upon what grounds they should arm by Sea and Land specially so hastily resolved as the next day March 2. Advertisements they say of extraordinary preparations by the neighbouring Princes both by Land and Sea the intentions whereof are so represented as to raise a just apprehension of sudden Danger to the King and his Kingdoms unless the wisdom of Parliament prevent it And therefore the Earl of Northumberland Admiral of England is commanded with all speed to order the Rigging of the Kings Ships and fit them immediately for the Sea And to frighten us into fear all Masters and Owners of Ships are perswaded to do the like for the emergent occasions of publick Defence In order to these the Beacons were new made up Sea-marks set up such riding posting with Pacquets whispering and Tales telling as put the people in fear of they knew not what wise men onely told the Truth discovering the Enemy wholly at home I have been as brief as may be in the business of this year and yet to satisfie the curious I cannot omit all the occasions of this miserable Eruption which follows presuming yet that this Declaration designed may be spared the recording for certainly no new matter can be invented and what hither to hath been the cause the Reader has leave to judg But not to amuse your imaginations it self must satisfie the Declaration was born to Roiston by the Earls of Pembroke and Holland He who read it to the King this Lord being raised and created to become his most secret Counsellour the most intimate in affection the first of his Bed-chamber his constant companion in all his sports and recreations even in that place and to this hour At the sight of him the Kings countenance me thought mixed into compassion and disdain as who should as Caesar did Et tu mi fili But on he went to this effect March 9. The manifold Attempts to provoke your Majesties late Armie and the Scots Armie and to raise a Faction in London and other parts the Actours having their dependence countenance and encouragement from the Court witness Jermin's Treason who was transported beyond Sea by your Majesties Warrant and that dangerous Petition delivered to Captain Leg by your Majesties own Hand with a Direction signed C. R. The false and scandalous Accusation against the Lord Kimbolton and the five Members Plotting and designing a Guard about your person labouring to infuse into the people an ill opinion of the Parliament as if to raise Arms for a Civil War in which Combustion Ireland would be lost That the Lord Digby was sent to Sir John Pennington to be landed beyond Sea to vent his traiterous conceptions for the King to retire to some place of strength offering to correspond by cyphers with the Queen as if to procure some forreign Forces to assist your Majestie answerable to your remove with the Prince as in a readiness for the acting of it Manifold Advertisements which they have from Rome Venice Paris and other parts expecting the effects of the Kings Design to alter Religion and ruine the Parliament That the Popes Nuntio hath solicited the Kings of France and Spain to lend his Majesty four thousand Men a plece to help to maintain his Royalty against the Parliament And this foreign Force the most pernicious and malignant Design of all the rest so they hope it is from his thoughts Because no man will easily believe you will give up your People and Kingdom to be spoiled by strangers if you did not likewise intend to change both your own profession in Religion and the publick profession of the Kingdom that so you might be more assured of these foreign States of the Popish Religion for the future support and defence They ●eseech his Majesty to consider how fair a way he hath to happiness honour greatness plenty security if he would but joyn with his Parliament and people in defence of the Religion and Kingdom This is all they expect from him and for which they shall return their Lives Fortunes and utmost Endeavours to support him and Sovereignty And for the present have but onely this to desire To turn away his wicked Counsellours and put his trust in Parliament At the reading of that part which mentioned Master Iermin's transportation by his Majesties Warrant the King interrupted him and said That 's false And at the business of Captain Leg he told him 'T is a Lie And at the end of all he said He was confident the Parliament had worse information than he had Councils What have I denied you The Militia said Holland That 's no Bill The other replied It was necessary Which I have not denied but in the manner His Lordship would perswade the King to come near the Parliament Have you given me cause said the King This Declaration is not the way to it and in all Aristotle's Rhetoricks there is no such Argument of perswasion Pembroke that he might say something said it over again The Parliament prays him to come to them The King told him Words were not sufficient What would you have Sir said he The King replied To whip a Boy in Westminster School that could not tell that by my Answer Then the Lord asked him to grant the Militia for a time Not an hour this was never asked of any King with which I will not trust my Wife and Children But his Majesties Answer to all was this That to their Fears and Iealousies he would take time to satisfie all the World hoping that God would in his good time discover the secrets and bottoms of all Plots and Treasons to set him upright with his people For his Fears and Doubts are not trivial while so many scandalous Pamphlets seditious Sermons sundry Tumults publick are uninquired into and unpunished He must confess his Fears calling God to witness they are the greater for the Religion for his people and for their Laws than for his own Rights or safetie of himself and yet he tells them none of these are free from Danger What would you have said he Have I violated your Laws Have I denied any one Bill What have ye done for me Have my people been transported with Fears and Apprehensions I have I offer a free pardon as your selves can devise There is a Iudgment from Heaven upon this Nation if these Distractions continue God so deal with me and mine as all my thoughts and intentions are right for the maintenance of the true Protestant profession the observation and preservation of
law bound to be faithful not to the King only as King but to his Person as King Charles When Hugh Spencer caused it to be written tempore Edw. that Homage and Allegeance was more by reason of his Crown viz. his Kingdome than of his Person and if He can not be reformed by sute of Law nor will redress the evil from the people It ought to be removed by force and that his Liege be bound to govern in ayd of Him and in default of him for this he was condemned by two Parliaments and banished for ever Then to assist the King the people are bound by the duty of their Allegeance to serve and assist him at all seasons when need requires 11 Hen. 7. Cap. 18. And therefore the charges all his loving Subjects from levying forces other then according to a late Act this sessions for the present defence of England and Ireland or contribute money thereto And Proclaimes the Lawfulness of his commissions of Array issued into the several Counties of England and dominion of Wales and of the use of them and their execution And we may expect the Parliaments answer to all And first to the Kings Paper as they call it sent to the Lord Mayor Alder●men and S●eriffs of London the fourteenth of Iune They declaim against the Kings proceedings therein mentioned just●fie their intents promise a just use and right disposing of the great Loans of money for suppressing the Irish Rebellion conveyed this Paper to be suppressed and do assure themselves that neither the Kings commands nor his threats can deterre the well affected for the publique to do their Duty to the Parliament to contribute their money Horse and Plate for preserving what is most precious Religion Libert Safety the overthow of the Cities Charter and exposing their wives and children to rapine violence and villany and the wealth of this famous City to be a prey to desperate and necessitous persons in which the Parliament will evermore protect them To which the King replies and they again to his Commission of Array and he again to them in such particulars as becomes to be a great Book and now left to the Lawyers to dispute on both sides and to which we refer the reverend readers And now we enter upon the war on both sides and being thus distinguished into faction they also were distinct in terms whether by hap or so designed by themselves The one called the Royal the other the Parliament party untill after a while they were nick-named the Cavaliers and the Roundhead The first a Title of Ho●nour to the Gallantest persons throughout Christendome this other I know not from whence derived which reminds me of what I have read That a Prince being ingaged in a foreign expedition and to invite his Subjects to a general assistance with their persons and purses devised a nickname with this odium That he which refused to wait upon him was for ever to be called Truant or Truand from the French or the Greek Trouein consumere quoniam in desidia inertia et otio tempus conterit as we say Truants which fixed upon him and his posterities till the policy of state to avoid friends and factions suppressed that term upon pain of punishment It were not amiss to wish it so with us if that could make us friends But on they go amain and wondrous busie on both sides Matter enough for much History wherein hitherto I have adventured on the Readers patience not to be brief which makes this Book thus big The rather to acquaint you with the manner as well as the matter the several stiles of eithers Publications the one very natural the other more forced But now we come to blowes down right war we are necessitated not to be tedious And because the Transactions are of a double nature Civil and Martial we shall set them apart for the better apprehension of their several stories For Def●ciunt arma nisi sunt concilia domi we will therefore afford the affairs of State the first place and the effects of War to follow for Cedant arma tog● with this advice that although I have with extreme curiosity and pains laboured the truth out of the best Records and Relations and therein ingenious just and true yet the effects of War have been so partially exprest by such as set them down as that therein by comparing their Narratives if I willingly recede from either and make choice of a better Text between them I hope to finde a reasonable excuse professing that I have no self-seeking no self-interest if I forbear the ranting reputation which hath been bestowed on either And although we cannot deny them their equal value yet we shall abate them the numbers of their slain and wish in truth they had been less for fear if you afford them the total sum which they set down it would have depopulated this Nation into women and children The varietie of Actions of this present Age and Government have been very remarkable that of the Militarie not the least worthie though the storie thereof be below the Stage and requires not an uncontroulable pass without a Preface The Event of which War all Christendom have or may expect with admiration and horrour An Historie not to be viewed by intricate parcels but in one intire bodie the rise and progress of things being proceedings perplexed with multiplicitie of interwoven discourses and uncertain Relations partially put together by either partie when three Kingdoms came to be ingaged as too soon it happened and no part in either stand free the labour then must needs be large to lodg things in a narrow room and to comprize the several parts with their just true and perfect measure into little so many divided Plots are not easily to be gathered into a greater harmonie and a more exact symme●rie of parts The life of this Narrative being as well to declare the delinquencie of States as its accomplishment and pretended perfection A standing Monument it must be wherein nothing may be thrust upon the world more than the thing it self But withall we shall endeavour a true Rehearsal of such particulars and rare changes as are more deserving to grace the composure and affect the Reader with this Protestation for my self herein Neuter to carrie no Byass affection to any side thereby to deserve a check or suspition to be more true to a Faction or their ends lest I should transgress against the honour of this work which I undertake The great Ingagement of this people in this cause began when the Parliament decl●red their Resolution of a War quickened by the same principles in the main which did actuate that supreme Court the very motions of a Parliament spirit in the people complying with every Act of theirs whose Remonstrances were received with all obsequious respect more than the Declarations of the King and both of them blown up into a flame This partie intending to maintain
Prerogative Sovereigntie and power in the King that other prete●ding to justifie privileges and Right of Parliament and Subjects freedom During the Kings preparations in the North the Parliamentarie attempted to put themselves in a posture of War which they called A Necessity of Defence And because the Ordinance of Militia was the first ground of Difference in shew between the King and them they desiring it which he would not intrust out of himself the Rent being thereby once made a greater necessitie impleaded the execution of that power Sundry Commissions issued out from either partie to divers Commissioners Lord Lieutenants of several Counties And by the Parliament many Companies were raised and called The Militia Bands a militarie pomp and appearance of braverie well affected to them and near at home The Commission of Aray for the King was commanded and commended to such other of his partie as were loyal to him but hazzarding it to the multitude found not in some places the like wished for effect especially far off in the mid-land Counties where the Lord Say had command for the Parliament and the Lord Chandos for the ●ing he was enforced to flie to Court and to leave his house and furniture at Sudeley Castle in Glocestershire to the furie of the people delighting in a co●tumelious revenge and rustick triumph of the ignoble communal●ie in whom not always the deep sense of their own interests doth purchase this extasie of passion but a very turning of the fancie sets them into an hurrie Their insolen●ies now appear intolerable by reason of their former usual restraint which they now usurping pretend freedom to do what they list and they were gained to the Parliament upon that blinde account which since hath proved to them the more slavish though for that present producing wondrous effects to that partie by self-ingagement of the common people which the Parliament knew how to promote and to execute thereafter to their own ends Most men did undoubtedly believe greater hopes of Libertie from the Parliament than from the King who called it Licentio●sness and this of the Kings Sovereigntie the Commons intituled to Tyrannie The Gentrie for the most part render themselves rather Subjects to Princes the better to rule over the Commons their vassals The Communalt●● consisting chiefly of Yeomen Farmers pet●y Freeholders and others men of manufacture bred up sparingly but living in plentie such as these always thwart the Gentrie by whom they subsist Persons of birth and breeding more jovial and more delicate neglecting a confined condition endeavour rather to hazzard what they have by aiming at the height of fortune unto which their noble Extraction wit and learning doth incite and stir them up This was not all the difference Religion diversly professed had a main interest The eternal Truth unchangeable bindes every soul to one Law perpetual and constant this therefore doth implead the necessitie of external privileges in the professour which though not to destroy the Kingdoms of the world nor to usurp a greater liberty than humane Laws will ●asily grant and hath in its nature an irreconcileable enmitie against arbitrar●e Government in such commands as they conceive not justly put upon them and out of which they are studious to free themselves when the felicitie of that time shall offer the means and as they thought it now a lawfull call by power of Parliament To their advantage there was raised a practical Ministerie captivating vulgar capacities to applie themselves more fitly to their own purposes for the present accounting all order and decencie in Church and State to be Innovations upon the Consciences and purses of the people and yet even the common natural Subject not thus deluded did come from the farthest parts to serve under their Sovereign by the light of loyaltie not to war against that Authoritie And yet after some strugling that the King had gotten a defensive Armie and his cause calling for some under-hand assistance of his neighbour Friends then the Parliament contract a League with the Scots pleasing them with the hopes of a through Scotish Presbyterian Reformation of Religion and to boot good entertainment for their beggarly Armie not without a solemn League by Oath and Covenant with them taken by both Nations they with Forces entred England won the prize got the King in their clutches and for a piece of money sold him to the Parliament to the death and execution of him and destruction of Church and State And so we return to our Historie Civil and Martial The King in a reasonable posture began to caress his people and first descends from York to the County of Nottingham and at Newark he summons the Gentlemen and Free-holders and tells them that their resolutions and affections to him and their Country for his defence and the Laws of the Land have been so notable that they have drawn him thither only to thank them that he goes to other places to confirm undeceive his Subjects but comes thither to encourage them That they have made the best judgment of happiness by relying on that Foundation which the experience of so many hundred years hath given proof viz. The assurance and securitie of the Law And let them be assured when Laws shall be altered by any other Authority than that by which they were made the Foundations are destroyed And though it seems at first but to take away his power it will quickly swallow all their interest He asketh nothing of them but to preserve their own affections to the Religion and Laws established he will justifie and protect those affections and will live and die with them in that quarrel The like caress he gives those of the County of Lincoln at Lincoln and intending to reduce his Town of Hull sends his Message to the Parliament with the Proclamation ensuing Iulie 11. That by his former Declarations and this his Proclamation they and all his good Subjects may see the just grounds of his present Journey towards Hull before he shall use force to reduce it to obedience and requires them that it may be forthwith delivered to him to which if they conform he will admit of their further Addresses from them and return such Propositions as may be for present peace and promises to them in the word of a King that nothing shall be wanting in him to redress the calamities threatening the Nation and expects their Answer at Beverley on Thursday next being the fifteenth of Iuly That the King having long complained of the affront done to his person by Sir Iohn Hotham when he went thither to view his Magazine at Hull which have been since carried away by Orders of Parliament and the Town kept and maintained against him and Votes and Orders in Parliament have justified the same that Hotham hath since fortified the Town drowned the Countrey thereabout and hath set out a Pinnace to Sea which hath seized and intercepted his Packet Pinnace with Letters of the Queen
Aug. 16. Upon these grounds The Parliament of England take resolution and declare their approbation and thanks to the secret Council and Assemblie in Scotland for their desires of unitie in Religion and uniformitie in Church-government in the three Kingdoms we having say they often had that matter in debate concurring in judgment and experience of the manifold mischiefs which the Government of the Prelacie hath in all times and ages produced in this Church and State and so we hope to satisfie the Christian desires of our dear Brethren of Scotland although we know that hereby we shall exceedingly irritate that malignant partie who will bend all their forces to ruine that holy work and to ruine and destroy us in the undertaking being the very same partie which hath now incensed and armed his Majestie against us The very same Design of rooting out Reformed Religion endeavoured to begin that Tragedie in Scotland which being perfected in one Nation will be accomplished in the other Religion is the band and safetie of both And as we resolve by the national Covenant betwixt the two Kingdoms to be carefull of Scotland so we doubt not but the secret Council and Assemblie there will be always ready to express their brotherly kindness to us according to the Articles rati●ied between both Parliaments and advantagious to all the professours of the Reformed Religion in Christendom And so this being the Proeme to their Declaration the Parliament goes on with lamentable sighs and groans from the bowels of their hearts for being obstructed in this piaculous work of true Reformation and after much striving and seeking God wrestling with the Engines of Satan they have jumped in resolution with their Brethren in Scotland that the Prelatical party is the cause of all distraction And being thus backed they take the boldness to declare That this Government by Arch-bishops Bishops their Chancellours and Commissioners Deans and Chapters Arch-deacons and other Ecclesiastical Officers depending upon the Hierarchie is evil and prejudicial to the state and Government of this Kingdom and resolve the same shall be taken away And according to our Declaration of the seventh of February we will consult with godly Divines to setle a Government of Reformation And intend that a Bill for this Assemblie may be passed for their Meeting the fifth of Novemb. next And desire their dear Brethren of Scotland to concur with them in petitioning the King for his approbation And because nothing will prosper without their handy work they pray them to send some out of their many good ●nd godly Divines of that Kirk to assist our Assemblie for setling of one Confession one Directorie and one Catechism in all three Kingdoms to the relief and deliverance of the poor afflicted Churches abroad and confusion of the tyrannie of Rome being the prime cause and fountain of all calamities bloudy massacres outrages cruelties and bitter persecution of Gods people and saints in all the Christian world for many ages Here is now a resolution to reform all Christendom and beat down Popery in a trice but the result was that under colour of Religion the Design went on and so prospered in outward success And now to encourage the well-affected to lend money and bring their Plate upon Publick Faith which without a mans strong belief could hardly get Customers to come in fearing belike that the Kings gentleness and mercy might agree to an Accommodation having been upon terms of Treaty on his part The Parliament therefore once again to ascertain their Resolution to fight it out to the last man and being confident of success do declare That the Arms which they have been forced to take up and shall take up for the preservation of the Parliament Religion the Laws and Liberties of the Kingdom shall not be laid down untill his Majestie shall withdraw his protection from such persons as have been voted by both Houses to be Delinquents and shall leave them to the justice of the Parliament to the end that those great charges and damages wherewith all the Common-wealth hath been burdened since the Kings departure from his Parliament may be born by the Delinquents And all his Majesties good and faithfull Subjects who by loan of moneys or otherwise at their charges have or shall assist the Common-wealth may be repayed and satisfied out of the Delinquents Estates And these Delinquents were sure to be made so out of the noblest and richest persons in the Nation against whom there could be found but the scent of Malignancie so that it became a huge crime first to be rich or able in any condition to be either Neuter or not wel-affected to the Parl. or to be suspected so to prove it a slender Accusation would serve the turn witness sundry persons which we shall have occasion to speak of ruined upon that score onely And first they begin with Iames Lord Strange Son and Heir of William Earl of Derby who to the intent and purpose to subvert the Laws c. did upon the fifteenth of July last past at Manchester in the Countie of Lancaster traiterously summon call together and raise great Forces and did kill murder and destroy Richard Percival a Linnen Webster for which the Parliament impeach him of high Treason And the sixteenth of September he is so published in all Churches and Chapels and Markets in the Counties of Lancaster and Chester and where the Parliament had any power for the County was mostly for the King against which party the City of London are desired to advance sixteen thousand pounds for setting forth ten thousand Dragoons and some Troops of Horse for suppressing that party upon Publick Faith which was soon raised but not repayed The King being at Shrewsburie whither Judg Heath came and advised for the Adjourning part of Michaelmass Term from the first Return In Octab. Sancti Martini Octob. 4. And at Bridg-North he proclames Thomas Nichols Humphrey Mackworth and Thomas Hunt Esq guilty of high Treason active men in the Militia and assisting the Kings Enemies in their Rebellion Octob. 14. The L. Fairfax for the Parl and Mr. Bellases for the King with considerable parties Commissioners on either side had concluded upon certain Articles concerning the peace in Yorkshire and dated the 29. of September To which the Parliament take exception That the Parliament gave no such authoritie to binde that Countie to a Neutralitie it being prejudicial to the whole Kingdom for one Countie to withdraw from the rest which th●y are bound by Law to assist It being derogatorie to the power of Parliament for private men to suspend the execution of the Militia and therefore it is ordered that no such Neutral●●●e be observed in that Countie without any defensive force whereby it will be open to the King to return with his Armie for Winter quarter in that plentifull Countie New-castle near for his Supplies by Sea And so they declare the Lord Fa●●fax and his
Remonstrances he being deprived of his Printing Presses at London and the Universities And so reades to them his former Protestations and Orders Copies of them to the Sheriffs to publish being in Manuscript The next day being come to Shrewsbury he tells them as much and sends for a Mint to melt his Plate and offers his Land to sale or mortgage thereby to lessen the charge of the County to provide for his Army The Parliament having information that the King intends to march from Wales to London expecting a party here to joyn with him as he was invited what a noise and disquiet it wrought amongst the Citizens and all the Counties thereabout All the Trained Bands of the Associate Counties of Essex Hartford Middlesex and London are to rendezvouz and all to be ready at an hours warning And all passages into any parts of the Suburbs Islington Mile-end and Westminster be set up with Posts and Chains and Courts of Guard to stop the passage of Horse if any come in their way And with this Declaration the Parliament imprint a Discovery of a Plot by one David Alexander a pitifull poor Scot perswaded thereto by a Confident of the Kings one Sir Iohn Hinderson a Papist to kill Sir Iohn Hotham which he refused to do as being the work of a Butcher and not of a Souldier That the King should send for him twice at Beverley and appointed a sum of money to be given him That afterwards Henderson should propose to Alexander to fire the Magazine of the Parliaments Army and therefore to get imployment in the Train of Artillery but was discovered and examined The story is thus Alexander had a minde fit for desperate base Attempts but finding no preferment with the King he comes to London and joyns with one Sir Balthazar Gerbier of the same even condition and out of repute both with the King and Parliament for his doubling with either these Copesmates discoursing together Gerbier forthwith discovers to the Parliament this Tale of Alexander who being cheated into a hope of getting preferment by this story believed it himself and the truth by examinations appearing he was a while imprisoned and so let loose to practise with his Companion Gerbier Knave and Fool together Every day increasing the suspition and fear of the Kings marching from Wales to London the Parliament vote That such as will not contribute shall be secured and disarmed And so the Mayor of London is set on work to search and seize the Arms of several Citizens Iefferson Austin Bedle Batty Long and Lewis all Broadstreet Ward Blu●● Wright Drake and Walter of other Wards and for their sufferings deserve to be remembered That the Fines Rents and Profits of Arch-bishops Bishops Deans and Chapters and other Delinquents shall be sequestred for the service of the Common-wealth That all the Kings Revenue arising out of Rents Fines in Courts or Composition for Wards be sequestred for the State And a Committee of Sequestration appointed Sir Iohn Byron with five hundred Horse having entered the Town of Worcester and at that time not the least part of the Kings Army marching in a Body but flasht through the County the Voluntiers of the County under the Lord Say raised themselves and by some of their own were lead towards Worcester expecting to meet Mr. Nathaniel Fines whom his Father had created a Colonel of Horse he had faced the Town and drawn off again ere the Foot came there and so they followed him who with Colonel Sandys returning fell upon the Town on the Welch side of Severn supposing their General the Earl of Essex at hand to assult the other side being deluded by a Spie who mistook him for Prince Rupert whose Horse rushed upon his Ambuscado when through the ●traitness of the passage over a Bridg and after in a Lane neither the Rear could come up nor the Van retreat where all were slain or routed Sandys and some others taken Prisoners the rest ran away far beyond the reach of a pursuit The consequences of this a good omen to the royal party being the first fruits of the War but the Parliaments Army with Essex marching thither the other Forces quit the Town not being considerable to erect any Garrison yet by their motion and quick dispatch gathered strength and at last repute of a party not easily to be vanquished whilest the Earl of Essex and his whole Army entered Worcester who continuing a Moneth sending forth parties the Lord Stamford to Hereford to prevent the Forces of South-Wales and the King at Shrewsbury with such an Army as was able to deal with and endanger his Enemy Both Armies begin to take up Winter-quarters Colonel Thomas Essex into Glocester with two Regiments of Foot as Governour but the Deputy Lieutenants had command of the Countrey and after four Weeks he was commanded to Bristol a Town of great concernment by Sea and Land and much distracted between both parties The best and basest in degree were for the King the middle men Citizens for the other and amongst them all those of the Religion intermixing distinguished call them what you please into two Factions Prelate for the King Presbyter for the Parliament but afterwards as either party could nick-name into Heresie and Schism but the general distinction of the Armies that of the Kings called Cavaliers and the Parliaments party Round-heads these flock together shut up the Gates but guarded that Fort and planted Ordnance where they expected the Forces from Glocester but Colonel Essex in his way had timely intelligence to march to another Gate which was set open to him in the night who entered with his two Regiments with others of the County and so surprized the Mutiniers and quashed their Disturbance without bloud Glocester was now protected by the Earl of Stamford with his Regiment of Foot and two Troops of Horse from Hereford but soon commanded into the West he left his Government to his Lieutenant Colonel Massey as his Deputy but afterwards had the sole power for two years and a half The Earl of Essex about Worcester sends from thence two Regiments and ten Troops and five small Pieces towards Kiddermaster and Bewdly and to joyn with the Lord Wharton and Sir Cholmley's Regiments to make a Brigade against the Cavaliers if they march that way who were designed for Wolverhampton and Coventry and so on towards London as was supposed and at Coventry and Warwick lay their Enemies Sir William Constable the Lord Peterborough and Colonel Brown with Forces and the third Brigade was in Worcester under Government now of Colonel Essex The Town of Yarmouth seised a Ship with an hundred and fourty Cavaliers and three hundred Barrels of Powder that came from Holland for to do service for the King The City of York is over-powred by the Cavaliers the Earl of Cumberland Sir Francis Wortley Sir Marmad●● Langdale Sir Iohn Kay Mr. Francis Nevil Sir Thomas Glenham he is resolved to fight
the Savoy who succeeded Mr. White in the Mastership or Ministry there did preach to his Auditory That they ought to contribute and pray and do all they were able to bring in their Brethren of Scotland for the setling of Gods cause I say saith he this is Gods ●ause and if ever God had a cause this is it and if this be not Gods cause then God is no God for me but c. Such Blasphemy followed as I forbear to insert This Speech was then frequently reported nay imprinted and to this hour pretends to be justified by divers of his Parishioners and others and if the party be innocent he might do well to vindicate himself from such Aspersion in hope of which I forbear to name him Yet Sir George Chidleigh of the West and earnest sometime he had been for the Parliament ingeniously acknowledges his opinion of the Cause in a purposed Declaration written by himself to satisfie his Friends That Petitions of Right are commendable and Remonstrances may be lawfull but Arms though defensive are ever doubtfull My Lot saith he fell to be cast on the Parliament side by a strong opinion of the goodness of their Cause which to my judgment then appeared to be so Religion and the Subjects Libertie seemed to me to be in danger but the Destruction of Kingdoms cannot be the way to save it nor can the loss of Christian Subjects nor the Subjects loss of their Estates by Plunder or Assesment concur with pietie nor yet with proprietie as for Religion which is the chief his Majestie whom God long preserve hath given us unquestionable Securitie I have cast my self at my Sovereign's feet and implored his gracious pardon I will contend no more in word or deed And this my Resolution with the undisputable grounds thereof I thought good to declare to my Friends and Countreymen that they may understand my sitting to proceed from no compulsion The Earl of Holland having been of the Parliaments cause and in Arms against the King from the first beginning was conscious it seems of the Cause and therefore without taking leave accompanied onely with the Earl of Bedford was come to the King at Oxford where he had but slender Reception for the present although he put himself in a posture of Arms with the King in the Field but that not prevailing after nine Weeks he as privately returns back again to London the sixth of November and in some hope to be readmitted into the House of Lords he made the best means he could by his Friends but without the favour of admittance then by weak counsel advised he publishes in print his Reasons of stepping aside to the King and the best Arguments he could for his Return to the Parliament again with whom he professes to live and die By which the Parliament were sure to have him devoted to their service if they should accept of his proffer which being retarded and he not constant to himself to attend the time he most unfortunately engaged afterwards against the Parliament was taken Prisoner arreigned and this Apology of his the greatest Evidence to conclude him guilty and suffered death as hereafter in its due place The King had sent to the Marquess of Ormond Lieutenant General of his Majesties Forces in Ireland for the present Transportation of a part of his Army into England Novemb. 13. every Officer and Souldier taking Oath to maintain and defend the Protestant Religion the King and his just power against the Forces under Conduct of the Earl of Essex and all other Forces against the King These Irish Forces coming under command of Sir Michael Ernley an experienced Souldier in the Low Countreys And being landed in Wales were saluted by Letters from the Parliament Commanders there left either party might be mistaken in the publick Quarrel telling them That we apprehend and are assured your Voyage into Ireland was to fight against Popish Rebells and for the Protestant Religion and we imagine you are not fully informed of the cause to be engaged against us and if you be the same you were when you went over we doubt not but to procure satisfaction from the Parliament for your faithfull Service there with like Preferment here Wrexam Novemb. 18. 1643. Your affectionate and faithfull Friends c. To which the five Colonels from Ireland return this Answer Gentlemen We were not engaged in the Service in Ireland otherwise than by the Kings command The Service we have done none ●ares extenuate And although we are very sensible how unworthily we have been deserted by your pretended Parliament yet we are not returned hither without his Majesties special Commission and Authoritie If you have the like from the King for the Arms you carry we shall willingly treat with you otherwise we shall bear our selves like Souldiers and loyal Subjects Hawerden Novemb. 20. 1643. Michael Ernley c. Postscript That Officer of your Armie which came into our Quarters without safe Conduct we detain till his Majesties pleasure be further known And these English from Ireland not long after take in Hawerden Castle near Chester being soon yielded up to them by the greater number of Souldiers within which lately came out of Ireland and enforced to the Parliaments Service surrender to their old Comrades At this time was the Cessation of Arms with the Rebells in Ireland concluded by the Kings command for one whole year from the fifteenth of September 1643. at twelve a clock And because it was then and since charged home upon the Kings account and the effects of evil counsel we shall endeavour to lay down some Motives and Grounds inducing to the Cessation and the Articles themselves with the opinion of sundry of the Noblemen and Officers of the Kings Army there It was I confess the greatest Argument with which the peoples affections have been infected by the subtilty of the Contrivers of the Civil War of England The Kings neglect of his poor Protestant Subjects in Ireland Though we may remember his several Messages and Importunities to the Parliament in that business his Offer to engage his Person in that War his consenting to all Propositions for raising of Men and Money till it was evident that under colour of those Men and Money to quench that Rebellion were both imploied in kindling and maintaining the unnatural War at home nay the King grants his Commission to such as the Parliament named for managing the Irish affairs according to their own Instructions but none of them performed So then afterwards about November last 1642. the King had been advertised by the Privy Council in Ireland and by several Petitions and Remonstrances of all the principal Commanders and Officers of his Army there of the miserable condition of his Forces in want of Money Victuals and Ammunition Apparel and what not of either of which they were not like to be supplied from the Parliament of England that undertook for all The very Men
Close Committee For Subjects to make foreign Confederacies without their Soveraigns assent to invade the Territories of their undoubted King to go about by force to change the Laws and Religion established is grosse Treason without all contradiction and in this case it argues strongly who have been the Contrivers and Fomenters of all our Troubles No Covenant whatsoever or with whomsoever can justifie such proceedings or oblige a Subject to run such disloyal courses If any man out of Ignorance or Fear or Credulity have entred into such a Covenant it bindes him not except it be to Repentance Neithe● is there any such necessity as is pretended of your present posture your selves cannot allege that you are any way provoked by us neither are we conscious to our selves of the least intention to molest you Those ends which you propose are plausible indeed to them who do not understand them the blackest Designs did never want the same pretences If by the Protestant Religion you intend our Articles which are the publick Confession of our Church and our Book of Common Prayer established by Act of Parliament you need not trouble your selves we are ready to defend them with our Bloud If it be otherwise it is plain to all the World that it is not the Preservation but the Innovation of Religion which you seek however by you styled Reformation And what calling have you to ref●rm us by the Sword We do not remember that ever the like indignity was offered by one Nation to another by a lesser to a greater That those men who have heretofore pleaded to vehemently for Liberty of Conscience against all Oaths and Subscriptions should now assume a power to themselves by Arms to impose a Law upon the Consciences of their fellow Subjects A vanquished Nation would scarce endure such Terms from their Conquerours But this we are sure of that this is the way to make the Protestant Religion odious to all Monarchs Christian and Pagan Your other two ends that is the honour and happiness of the King and the publick Peace and Liberty of his Dominions are so manifestly contrary to your practice that we need no other motives to withdraw you from such a course as tends so directly to make his Majesty contemptible at home and abroad and to fill all his Dominions with Rapine and Bloud In an Army all have not the same intentions We have seen the Articles agreed upon and those vast Sums and Conditions contained in them as if our Countreymen thought that England was indeed a Well that could never be drawn dry and whatsoever the intentions be we know right well what will be the consequents if it were otherwise no intention or consequent whatsoever can justifie an unlawfull action And therefore you do wisely to decline all disputation about it it is an easie thing to pretend the Cause of God as the Jews did the Temple of the Lord but this is far from those evident Demonstrations which you often mention never make Consider that there must be an account given to God of all the Bloud which shall be shed in this Quarrel The way to prevent it is not by such insinuations but to retire before the Sword be unsheathed or the Breach be made too wide you cannot think we are grown such tame Creatures to desert our Religion our Laws our Liberties our Estates upon command of Foreigners and to suffer our selves and our Posterity to be made Beggars and Slaves without opposition If any of ours shall joyn with you in this Action we cannot look upon them otherwise than as Traitours to their King Vipers to their native Countrey and such as have been Plotters or Fomenters of this Design from the beginning But if mis-information or fear hath drawn any of yours ignorantly or unwillingly into this Cause we desire them to withdraw themselve at last and not to make themselves Accessaries to that Deluge of Mischief which this second Voyage is like to bring upon both Kingdoms The Scots for a Moneth together have likewise spread abroad this slander That divers of the Nobility have lately deserted the King which the Lords of the Assembly of Parliament at Oxford took upon them to convince that in time to come there might not be left one Loop-hole of Excuse for this their Rebellion Directing their Letters To the Lords of the Privy Council and Conservatours of the Peace of the Kingdom of Scotland Our very good Lords If for no other reason yet that Posterity may know we have done our Duties and not sate still whilest our Brethren of Scotland were transported with a dangerous and fatal misunderstanding c. We have thought it necessary to tell you that when you are informed that the Earls of Arundel and Thanet and the Lords of Stafford Stanhop Coventry Goring and Craven are beyond Seas and the Earls of Chesterfield Westmerland and the Lord Montague of Boughton under restraint at London for their Loyalty and Duty to his Majesty and the Kingdom your Lordships will easily conclude how very few now make up the Peers at Westminster there being not above five and twenty Lords present or privy to these Councils And so they go on to give their Reasons why this Assembly at Oxford are dissenting and absent from Westminster being forced away by the Multitude of the meaner sort of the City Rabble of London and prosecuted by unparliamentary Debates and Votes without freedom or safety to their Lives And therefore we do protest against any Invitation made to the Scotish Nation to enter this Kingdom with an Army And we do conjure your Lordships by our common Allegeance under one gracious Sovereign by the amity and affection of both Nations by the Treaty of Pacification and by all obligation divine and humane which can preserve peace upon earth to prevent the effusion of so much Christian Bloud and the confusion and desolation which must follow this Invasion c. And therefore your Lordships may be assured we shall expose our lives and fortunes in the just and necessary defence of the Kingdom Engaging our Honours to be our selves most religious observers of the Act of Pacification and we hope to receive such an answer from you as may preserve the two Nations c. Your Lorships most affectionate humble servants And signed by all the Lords and Peers of the great Assembly at Oxford about sixty as before in the Roll aforesaid We will end this year with Prince Ruperts relief of that gallant Garison at Newark from the three weeks hot siege of Sir Iohn Meldrum for the Parliament wasting his Army from seven thousand to five thousand the manner was thus Prince Rupert being at West-Chester upon Tuesday night March 12. received his Majesties commands to march with all speed to the relief of Newark with four thousand Foot under five Regiments and four Colours and two thousand Horse and Dragooners Upon these Summons he made haste to Shrewsbury speeding away Major Legge General of the
in London and Westminster and Lines of Communication shall pay upon each Tuesday the value of one ordinary Meal for himself and Family according to his quality and condition to be assessed by fitting persons in each VVard and to continue for six Moneths from 2. of April next The forwardness of the Citizens heretofore for VValler onely now draws it into an Ordinance which continued for many years Colonel Oliver Cromwell was by Ordinance of Parliament appointed Governour of the Garison and Isle of Ely in Cambridgshire of seven hundred Foot and three Troops of Horse with power to put in execution the several Ordinances of raising Moneys within the Isle of Ely also for support of that Garison I mention him not till now his great actions come together The Earl of Holland made his humble Request to the House of Commons That he might have leave to wait upon the General Essex in this his Expedition which both Houses assented unto but admiting afterwards some debate by the Commons the Negative was voted not a Member contradicting and sent word to the General of the whole sense of the House therein and so he did not go It was a handsome Exploit of Colonel Fox for the Parliament who with a single Troop of seventy Horse marched the third of May from Tamworth to Bewdley a strong Garison of the Cavaliers and coming late at night bold and confident demanded entrance at the first Guard under pretence of one of Prince Rupert's Troops the Chain was presently drawn up and they were welcome in this Guard he forthwith secures and passes to the next and so to the third with like success and with little noise went up to the Main Guard in the middle of the Town upon the Bridg over Severn killed the Centinels and seized the Guard without loss of a Man and so passed on and mastered the whole Town took Sir Thomas Littleton Prisoner with divers other Gentlemen about fifty Horse and carried all away with him returning home by day● break The Lord Fairfax and his Son Sir Thomas joyning Forces had many several Successes in Yorkshire and the tenth of April drew near to the Kings Garison of Fairfax's Forlorn of Horse beat in the other and the next morning beset the Town in three Divisions and after a very hot Encounter entered the Town slew many and took the rest few escaping a thousand Prisoners sundry Commanders and other Officers and much Amunition Another like Success at Hemtough near Selby so that Fairfax was fain to desire the Parliaments Order how to dispose of the Prisoners by his own Letters he hoped very shortly utterly to ro●t the Earl of Newcastle for now he was Master of the Field And upon all such like Successes so monstrously set forth in Pamphlets a Thanksgiving and a Play-day published with which the people were well pleased But the main business General Essex was not so well recruited as that he would march and therefore all possible means were made to raise Money A great Debate there was to borrow a hundred thousand pounds of the States Netherlands and a Committee came to the City to send their Agent thither to procure it and to offer their Security But it ended in this way That the City must do it themselves upon Publick Faith That is so much Money for levying of a Guard for the City Another Sum for Men for the Lord General and a Brigade in readiness as a Reserve and to pay them six Moneths provided some Taxes might be spared and no more laid upon them And evermore the necessity was urged upon some excellent Design which would give en● to the VVar and settle Peace for ever more And this in private was onely whispered To catch the King from his Cavaliers And because he had made proclamation for the assistance of all the neighbour Counties to come in with Provisions to Oxford the Parliament thereupon set out their Declaration observing therein That the same Councils now predominate in Oxford which have contrived and effected the destruction of Ireland by force and Sword do further labour to bring the same desolation in England therefore the Parliament declare that they will use their hearty endeavours with the hazzard of their Lives and Fortunes to prevent these Miseries and have ordered that considerable Forces shall speedily advance for defence and protection of the poor harressed people of England April 22. The Parliament Members assembled at Oxford had sate ●●nce the 〈◊〉 of Ianuary last and with little business and to less purpose themselves were willing to recede which caused the King to come to them on Tuesday 16. April and tells them My Lords and Gentlemen I am brought to you by your selve● you desiring I sho●ld part with you the same zeal and affection which brought yo● hither and staid you here seeks this Recess so by distributing your selves into several Counties we all may reap the fruit of our Consultations I heartily thank you for what you have done and fully approve of what you desire To you that have charge in my Armies I recommend your Example and Discipline against License and Disorders To these engaged in civil affairs to expedite the Supplies of Money being the Nerves of War And be sure to inform all my Subjects of the odiousness of this Rebellion how solicitous I have been for Peace how insolently rejected that my Armies are raised and kept for defence of Religion Laws and Liberties and God who hath blessed this Meeting with unanimity bring us safe together again the eighth of October next But by Proclammation bearing date at Exeter Septemb. 21. prorogued the Assembly till Novemb. 9. The Parliament at Westminster having news of the intended Assembly of the Parliament in Scotland resolved to be timely fitted with Letters congratulatory to their Meeting Expressing therein the great obligation they have to that Kingdom for their effectual engaging in this common cause and their brotherly assistance in their greatest straits which hath mightily abated the violence of the Enemy already and are confident will be a powerf●ll means for setling of his Majesties Dominions for effecting thereof it is desired that they be as well joyned in their Councils as Armies and that there be a just correspondency between the two Kingdoms which as it hath been already the care of the Convention of Estates there and the general Assembly of Scotland to which end the Parliament of England hath appointed a Committee to reside with their Army and have setled a Committee of both Kingdoms at Westminster with return of thanks to the Kingdom of Scotland for their care and charge of their Armie in Ireland That therefore the Parliament of England hath thirty thous●nd pounds to be sent with speed to that Army and have already sent twenty thousand pounds to the Scotish Army in England and desire the Kingdom of Scotland to take in good part their Endeavours though not answerable to their deserts and
returns sundry Pieces of strength were delivered up to his Mercy as Ilfercombe September 12. Barstable six daies after Saltash storm'd and taken and returns homewards to Banbury and raises that siege and in November his Army Rendezvouse on Burlington Green raiseth Dennington siege and advanceth to Hungerford where the Parliaments Forces leaves the field and rise from Basing siege the King regains Monmouth and returns to Oxford 23. of November And notwithstanding these Martial exploits to them that he was therein defensive and a sufferer also in his good successe he woes his Adversaries for peace all the way he marches out and returning home for after the defeat of Waller at Copredy Bridge he writes himself from Evesham 4. Iuly to the Lords and Commons of Parliament assembled at Westminster C. R. We being deeply sensible of the Miseries and Calamities of this our Kingdom and of the grievous sufferings of our poor Subjects doe most earnestly desire that some expedient way be found out which by the blessing of God may prevent the further effusion of blood and restore the Nation to peace from the earnest and constant endeavouring of which as no discouragement given us on the contrary part shall make us cease so no success on ours shall ever divert us For the effecting thereof we are most ready and willing to condescend to all that shall be for the good of us and our people whether by the way of conformity which we have already granted or such further concessives as shall be requisite to the giving of a full assurance of all the performance of all our most real professions concerning the maintenance of the true reformed Protestant Religion established in this Kingdom with due regard to the ease of tender consciences the just priviledges of Parliament and the liberty and property of the people according to the Laws of the Land As also by granting a general pardon without or with exceptions as shall be thought fit In order to which blessed peace we doe desire and propound to the Lords and Commons of Parliament assembled at Westminster That they a●p●int such and so many persons as they shall think fit sufficiently authorized by them to attend us at our Army upon safe conduct to come and return which we do hereby grant and conclude ●i●h us how the premisses and all other things in question betwixt us and them may be fully setled whereby all unhappy mistaking between us and our people being removed there may be a present cessation of Arms and as soon as may be a total disbanding of all Armies the Subject have his due and we be restored to our rights Wherein if this our offer shall be accepted there shall be nothing wanting on our part which may make our people secure and happy Given at our Court at Evesham 4. of Iuly 1644. And to shew his gracious inclination to Peace and that he seeks all fair ways and means thereto see how he descends to seek it from a Subject and his deepest Enemy the Earl of Essex at Lestithiel and the King at Liskard Essex I have been very willing to believe that when ever there should be such a Conjuncture as to put it in your power to effect that happy Setlement of this miserable Kingdom which all good men desire you would lay hold of it that season is now before you you having it at this time in your power to redeem your Countrey and the Crown and to oblige your King in the highest degree an action certainly of the greatest piety prudence and honour such an opportunity as perhaps no Subject before you hath ever had or after you shall ever have to which there is no more required but that you join with me heartily and really in the setling of those things which we have both professed constantly to be our onely aims Let us do this and if any shall be so foolishly unnatural as to oppose their Kings their Countries and their own good we will make them happy by Gods blessing even against their wills the onely Impediment can be want of mutual confidence I promise it you on my part as I have endeavoured to prepare it on yours by me Letter to Hertford from Evesham I hope this will perfect it when as I here do I shall have engaged to you the word of a King that you joining with me in that blessed work I shall give both to you and your Armie such eminent marks of my confidence and value as shall not leave a room for the least Distrust amongst you either in relation to the publick or your self unto whom I shall then be Liska●d Aug. 6. 1644. Your faithfull Friend C. R. If you like of this hearken to this Bearer whom I have fully intrusted in particulars but this will admit of no delay To confirm the Kings Intentions and to assure the Armies Ingagement also the great Officers and Commanders subscribe to another Letter to the Earl of Essex My Lord VVe having obtained his Majesties leave to send this to your Lordship shall not repeal the many gracious Messages Endeavours and Declarations which his Majestie hath made and have been so solemnly protested in the presen●e of God and Man that we wonder how the most scrupulous can make any doubt of the real and royal performance of them But we must before this appr●aching occasion tell your Lordship that we bear Arms for this end onely to defend his Majesties known Rights the Laws of the Kingdom the Libertie of the Subject the Privilege of the Parliament and the true Protestant Religion against Poperie and popish Innovations and this being the professed cause of your Lordships taking Arms we are confident that concurring in the same opinions and pretences we shall not by an unnatural VVar weaken the main strength of this Kingdom and advance the Design of our common Enemies who long since have devoured us in their hopes My Lord the exigent of the time will not suffer us to make any laboured Declarations of our Intentions but onely this That on the Faith of Subjects the Honour and Reputation of Gentlemen and Souldiers we will with our Lives maintain that which his Majestie shall publickly promise in order to a bloudless Peace nor shall it be in the power of any private persons to divert this Resolution of ours and the same we expect from you And now we must take l●ave to protest that if this our Proffer be neglected which we make neither in fear of your power nor distrust of our own but onely touched with the approaching miseries of our Nation that what calamities shall oppress posteritie will lie heavie upon the souls and consciences of those that shall decline this Overture which we can not hope so seasonably to make again if this Conjuncture be let go and therefore it is desired that your Lordship and six other persons may meet our General to morrow at such an indifferent place as you shall think fit attended with
as many or if you shall finde that any way inconvenient to come in person that then your Lordship will appoint such or so many to meet with the like number from hence that may consider of all means possible to reconcile these unhappie Differences and mis●understandings that have so long afflicted this Kingdom And for the securitie of your Lordship and those that shall come with and be imploied by your Lordship we do engage our Faith and Honour and do expect the same from your Lordship desiring withall your speedie Answer which must be a Guide to our Proceedings concluding that if this shall be refused we shall hold our selves justified before God and Men whatsoever shall be the Success so we rest From the Armie Aug. 8. 1644. Your Lordships humble Servants Maurice Thomas Wentworth Lindsey Lord Hop●on Nothampton Cleveland Thomas Blagge Joseph Bamfield Anthony Thelwel John Owen Thomas Stradling Robert Howard John Stocker Edward Porter Gilbert Armstrong Richard Nevil Thomas Pigot John Brown Ad. Scroop Amy Polard James Hamilton Richard Thornhill John Toping James Dundasse Giles Strangways R. Smith Ja. Cary Brainford Piercy Jacob Ashley Richard Cave Bernard Stuart Bernard Astley Theophilus Gilby William Leighton William Murrey Thomas Blackwell Thomas Bellingham Richard Page Bar. Jenkins Henry Miller Richard Fielding Thomas Weston Paul Smith G. Mouldsworth Phil. Honywood Thomas Culpeper William Leak Jo. Lunther Jo. Monk Cha. Fawlk Richard Samuel Arthur Slingsby George Goring Joseph Wagstaff Thomas Basset Charls Lloyd George Lisley William St. Leager Henry Lundsford Barth Pell Henry Shelley Thomas Paulet Thomas Kirton Anthony Brocher Devery Leigh David Stringer Ja. Mowbray Charls Compton Edward Not Alexander Standish Jo. Rideck Jo. Stuart Jo. Gambling Jo. Greenvile Arthur Henningham Ja. Haswith W. Maxwel And after his defeating Essex in Cornwall he writes from Tavestock To the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament C. R. It having pleased God in so eminent a manner lately to bless our Armies in these parts with success we do not so much joy in that blessing for any other consideration as for the hopes we have it may be a means to make others lay to heart as we do the miseries brought and continued upon our Kingdoms by this unnatural VVar and that it may open your ears and dispose your minde to imbrace those Offers of Peace and Reconciliation which have been so often and earnestly made unto you by us and from the constant and firm endeavours of which we are resolved never to desist in pursuance whereof we do upon this occasion conjure you to take into consideration our too long neglected Message of the fourth of July from Evesham which we again renew unto you and that you will speedily send such an Answer thereunto as may shew unto our poor Subjects some light of Deliverance from their present calamities by a happie Accommodation toward which we do here engage the word of a King to make good all these things which we have therein promised and really to endeavour a happie conclusion of this Treatie And so God direct you in the waies of Peace Given at our Court at Tavestock Sept. 8. 1644. These Messages were in his Marches the like he continues at his Return and setling at Oxford often times ere he could procure a Treaty as in d●e place here after in Ianuarie But as yet no endeavours of his could prevail and it hath been urged the jealousie of mutual confidence in eithers performance certainly the mystery was whether the King should trust to Essex and his Army or Essex to his and the difficulty might be how to advise in either It was said that Essex made some Overtures fair enough but how secure I shall not conclude Essex had it expresse in his Commission To take the King from his evil Counsel he urged therefore to be voluntarily trusted with the Kings person and the Kings Army to disband upon this assurance that then his Army being on foot he would not disband untill all things were performed to the general content and peace of the Kingdom So then the difficulty how to do what each party desired to be done kept on the War to the destruction of all Besides there was a providence or fate as we say therein which the Lord Digbie in a Letter calls His superstitious Observation concerning the hand of God in the cause of the Earl of Strafford 's death And the King from thence inferres in a Letter to the Queen That nothing can be more evident than that Strafford 's innocent bloud hath been one of the greatest causes of Gods just Iudgments upon this Nation by a furious Civil War Both sides hitherto being almost equally punished as being in a manner equally guilty but now this last crying bl●ud being totally theirs I believe it is no presumption hereafter to hope that his hand of Justice must be heavier upon them and lighter upon us looking now upon our Cause having passed by our Fault The Estates of the Netherlands had sent their Ambassadours to the Parliament but not well instructed how to make their Address it took up some time for them to have new Instructions both for the Title of their Letters and Commissions from their Masters And so after these circumstances were setled they had Audience and being the first Address of note the Parliament referred it to a Committees direction which was upon the twelfth of Iulie the Master of the Ceremonies conducted them to both Houses apart and Chairs of State were set up for their repose one in the withdrawing Room by the House of Lords the other in the inner Chamber of the Court of VVards by the Commons where reposing a while they were brought to each House delivering their Embassie first in French and after in English in effect That the high and mightie States of the United Provinces had sent them to declare their earnest desire they had to interpose and mediate a Reconciliation of the Difference between the King and Parliament of England for which purpose they had already addressed themselves to his Majestie and were now come to declare it to the Parliament They further insisting upon the great effusion of Protestant bloud both in England and Ireland as a presaging inducement of their Desires to have a Peace accorded between the King and Parliament that so they might concur together for the Extirpation of Poperie and setling of the Protestant Religion in all the three Kingdoms and with the assistance of the States to defend it against all foreign powers The Ambassadours had received Letters from the Kings Court at Oxford intimating the Kings Successes in the North which the Parliament desired to correct and to evidence their Victories eight and fourty Colours of Horse and Foot were received from their Northern Commanders the Scots General the Lord Fairfax and his Son Sir Thomas and lay in their view in the House of Commons which was no otherwise resented than that they might as well have made the number
thence she was conveyed to Cornwal to Pendennis Castle where she imbarqued and landed at Conquest in France in base Britain Iuly 15. Nobly received and with a Princely Train attending she was waited on to the Court at Paris where she remaines to this day Ambassadours were come and gon from France and the Netherland States to compose and mediate a Peace but to no purpose they returned Nay the King had ingeniously solicited his Parliament for a Peace but therein nothing prospered Whereupon we may see what was said from beyond the sea in answer to a Letter sent thither from a Member at Westminster for now having two Parliaments we must so distinguish them and thus it is Sir To answer you concerning his Majesties message of Peace and the refusal of it upon the grounds you mention give me leave to tell you in the way of friendship and confidence that whilest I reflect upon his Majesties pious Propositions and the aversness of the other party to imbrace the several overtures which he hath made by scandalizing his goodness in the eares of the people with interpretations of insincerity designs opposite to his professions me thinketh I see the true and the false mother disputing for the living child before Salomon and you know whose bowels yearned when it was to be divided with the sword I need not apply but you never yet read in any History that the true Patres Patriae refused to sacrifice their private animosity and interests to the tranquillity and happiness of their Country and it is an ill argument of their integrity who will be satisfied with nothing but its division and ruine If any man will have me believe that his Majesty doth not seriously labour to make up the breach he must first bespeak me to part with my understanding for I cannot but know that the common interest is only his and that he is impoverished in each Subjects losse and as for the substance of his Message which you say is absolutely destructive to your priviledges and which draweth into consequence a nullitie of your Parliament and a subversion of all your Acts I cannot gather any such thing out of it nor do I conceive it a disparagement to you that his Majesty should stile you fellow members which excludeth your conceit of two Parliaments Put the case there were no King at Oxford nor Lord nor Commoner only a Rebellious Army raised against King and State yet if it were so considerable as are his Majesties Forces I should esteem it a want of ordinary policy in you to refuse a Treaty with them and therefore I may not qualifie this rejection otherwise betwixt you and me then an act of the highest irreverence and disloyaltie that Subjects can commit against their Soveraign and a wilful betraying the trust reposed in them by the Kingdom for its security and doubtlesse they who acknowledg God to be a God of order can expect no blessing upon such an affected confusion It is no wonder all this while that the interpositions of the French and Holland Ambassadours prove ineffectual since his Majesties own messages which in civility ought first to proceed from you are thus vilified Had the Scots really taken New-Castle as you advertised me three weeks ago you might have had more plausible ground to sta●d upon but since they are beaten from their Siege with such a considerable losse and his Majesty hath chosen such a time for his Propositions as will convince those of malice and falshood who seek to stain his good motions under the title of ill Councel it is most apparent that there are foul consciencies amongst the leaders who fear to come to peaceable trials and therefore they seek to drown the cry of their sins under the noice of the Drumme otherwise no wise man can expect that there shall ever be an accommodation unlesse both sides passe by more real inconveniencies then any you mention I direct not this discourse against your self for I gather out of your general wishes that you are a friend to peace But thus much by way of reply and so I rest Yours c. And so far the Parliament was from peace that they the twenty fourth of Iune voted twelve thousand Scots more should be brought into England the rather to spread abroad their power that if those in Yorkshire chance to miscarry they have a Magazine of more such for supportation of the Cause You have lately heard how earnest the King hath been with the Parliament for a Peace and from Evesham in Iuly he invited them there by Letters even then when he had an Army to command his desires And it was thus Charles R. We being sensible of the miseries and calamities of this our Kingdom and of the grievous sufferings of our poor Subjects do most earnestly desire that some expedient way may be found out which by the blessing of God may prevent the ●●rther ●●●sion of ●●ood and restore the Nation to Peace from the earnest and constant endeavouring of which as no discouragement given Us on the contr●●y part shall make Us cease so no success on Ours shall ever divert Us for the effecting whereof We are most ready and willing to condescend to all that shall be for the good of Us and Our People whether by way of confirmation of what we have already granted or of such further concession as shall be requisite to the giving a full assurance of the performance of all Our most real professions concerning the maintenance of the true Reformed Protestant Religion established in this Kingdom with due regard to the ease of tender consciences the just priviledges of Parliament and the Libertie and Propertie of the Subject according to the Laws of the Land As also by granting a general Pardon without or with exceptions as shall be thought fit In order to which blessed Peace We do desire and propound to the Lords and ●ommons of Parliament assembled at Westminster That they appoint such and so many Persons as they shall think fit sufficiently Authorized by them to attend Us at Our Army upon safe conduct to come and return which we do hereby grant and conclude with us how the premises and all other things in question betwixt us and them may be fully setled whereby all unhappy mistakings betwixt us and our people being removed there may be a present Cessation of Arms and as soon as may be a total disbanding of all Armies the Subject have his due and we be restored to our Right Wherein if this our offer shall be accepted there shall be nothing wanting on our part which may make our people secure and happy They not hearkning to this His Majesty sent again from Tavestocke in Devonshire having sealed His Gracious Message with a most glorious Victory the week before but what answer it deserved let the Reader judg when he hath read this copy of the Message it self CHARLES R. It having pleased God in so eminent a
in the sight of Almighty God that I will not disclose nor reveale unto any Person or Persons whatsoever who is not a Commissioner any matter or thing that shall be spoken of during the Treaty by any one or more of his Majesties Commissioners in any private Debate amongst our selves concerning the said Treaty so as to name or describe directly or indirectly the person or persons that shall speak any such matter or thing unlesse by the consent of all the said Commissioners that shall be then living Memorandum That it is by all the said Commissioners agreed that this shall not binde where any ten of the Commissioners shall agree to certifie his Majesty the number of the Assenters or Dissenters upon any particular result in this Treaty not naming or describing the persons Upon the Kings former Message from Evesham Iuly 4. And his second Message from Tavestock Septem 8. and the consideration of the Parliaments late Propositions sent to the King at Oxford Novem. 23. which he Answered in the general the effect whereof produced an offer of the King for a Treaty so that at last it was assented unto and Commissioners appointed on all sides for the King and for the Parliament of England and the Parliament of Scotland to Treat at Uxbridge the 30. of Ianuary The day came and after eithers Commission was assented unto the Kings Commissioners complain against one Mr. Love who preached in Uxbridge to the people that very day Thursday Market day Telling them that the Kings Commissioners came with hearts full of bloud and that there is as great distance between this Treaty and Peace as between Heaven and Hell With divers other seditious passages against the King and his Treaty It was Answered that Mr. Love was none of their Train and that they would present this Complaint to the Parliament who will no doubt proceed in justice therein who was sent to the Parliament and slightly blamed but grew into so much favour with a Faction and therein very bold that we shall finde him hereafter a Traitor and sentenced to be hanged drawn and quartered but had the favour of the Ax. The observable end of many such in these times Commissioners pro Rege Duke of Richmond and Lenox Marquess of Hertford Earl of Southampton Earl of Kingston Earl of Chichester Lord Capel Lord Seamour Lord Hatton Lord Culpepper Sir Edward Nicholas Sir Edward Hide Sir Richard Lane Sir Thomas Grandure Sir Orlando Bridgeman Mr. Io. Ashburnham Mr. Ieffery Palmer Doctor Stuard Commissioners pro Parl. Earl of Northumberland Earl of Pembroke Montgomery Earl of Salisbury Earl of Denbigh Lord Wenman Mr. Hollis Mr. Pierpoint Sir Hen. Vane Iunior Mr. Crew Mr. Whitlock Mr. St. Iohns Mr. Prideaux Lord Loudon Sir Charles Ersken Scots Commissioners Mr. Doudas Mr. Brackley Mr. Henderson Then they proceed to their Order of Treaty 1. concerning Religion 2. Militia 3. Ireland But ere the Treaty began this Paper was delivered in to the Commissioners of Parliament from the other for reconciling all differences in the Matter of Religion and procuring a Peace we are willing 1. That freedom be left to all Persons of what opinion soever in Matters of Ceremony and that all the penalties of the Lawes and Customs which enjoyn these penalties be suspended 2. That the Bishops shall exercise no Act of Iurisdiction or Ordination without the consent and Councel of the Presbyters who shall be chosen by the Clergy of each Diocess out of the Learned'st and gravest Ministers of that Diocess 3. That the Bishop keep his constant Residence in his Diocess except when he shall be required by his Majesty to attend him on any occasion and that if he be not hindered by the Infirmity of old age or sickness he preach every Sunday in some Church within his Diocess 4. That the Ordination on Ministers shall be alwayes in the Publick and Solemn Manner and very strict rules observed concerning the sufficience and other qualifications of those men who shall be received into holy Orders And the Bishop shall not receive any into holy Orders without the Approbation and consent of the Presbyters or the Major part of them 5. That competent Maintenance be established by Parliament to such Vicarages as belong to Bishops Deans and Chapters out of the Impropriations according to their value of the several Parishes 6. That no Man shall be capable of two Parsonages or Vicarages with cure of Souls 7. That toward the setling of the Publick peace a hundred thousand pounds shall be raised by Parliament out of the estates of Bishops Deans and Chapters in such manner as the King and Parliament shall think fit without the Alienation of any of the said Lands 8. That the Iurisdiction in causes Testamentary Decimals and Matrimonials be setled in such a manner as shall seem most convenient by the King and Parliament And likewise that Acts to be passed for regulating of Visitations and against immoderate Fees in Ecclesiastical Courts and abuses by frivolous Excommunications and all other abuses in Ecclesiastical Iurisdictions as shall be agreed upon by King and Parliament And if the Parliaments Commissioners will insist upon any other things which they shall think necessary for Religion the Kings Commissioners shall very willingly apply themselves to the consideration thereof But no Answer was given thereto The Parliaments Commissioners paper concerning Religion That the Bill be passed for Abolishing and taking away of all Archbishops Bishops c. according to the third Proposition That the Ordinances concerning the calling and sitting of the Assembly of Divines be confirmed by Act of Parliament That the Directory for Publick Worship already passed both Houses and the Propositions concerning Church Government annexed and passed both Houses be Enacted as a part of Reformation of Religion and Vniformity according to the first Proposition That His Majesty take the Solemn League and Covenant and that the Covenants be enjoyned to be taken according to the second Proposition To this was annexed the following Paper That the ordinary way of dividing Christians into distinct Congregations and most expedient for edification is by the respective bounds of their dwellings That the Minister and the Church Officers in each Congregation shall joyn in the Government of the Church as shall be established by Parliament That many particular Congregations shall be under one Presbyterial Government That the Church be Governed by Congregational Classical and Synodical Assemblies to be established by Parliament That Synodical Assemblies shall consist both of Provincial and National Assemblies Which Papers suffered three dayes of the Treaty in dispute The next three dayes were ordered for the Militia and was afterwards resumed for other three dayes Propositions concerning the Militia 4 February We desire that the Subject of England may be Armed Trained and Disciplined as the Parliament shall think fit That the like for Scotland as the Parliament there shall think fit An Act for setling the Admiralty and forces at Sea and
monies thereto for maintenance may be as the Parliament shall think fit The like for Scotland An Act for setling all forces by Sea and Land in Commissioners to be named by Parliament and as both Kingdoms shall confide in and to Suppresse all powers and forces contrary hereto and to act as they shall be directed by Parliament So for the Kingdom of Scotland That the Militia of the City London and of the Parishes without London and the Liberties within the weekly Bills of Mortality be in the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Common-council That the Tower of London may be in the Government of the City and the Chief Officers those be nominated and removable by the Common-council That the Citizens or forces of London may not be drawn out of the City without their own consent and that the example in these distracted times may be no Precedent for the future The next three dayes began the 7. of February and the same was also taken up again Feb. 18. for other three dayes for Ireland That an Act of Parliament be passed to make void the Cessation of Ireland and all Treaties of the Rebells without Consent of Parliment and to settle the prosecution of the War of Ireland in the Parliament to be managed by the joynt advice of both Kingdoms and his Majesty to assist and to do no act to discountenance or molest them therein But the Kings Commissioners were so far from yeilding to this Proposition that they had intimation from the King how he was ingaged for Ireland having two dayes before in great earnest writ to hasten the Peace in Ireland in these words Ormond I cannot but mention the necessity of hastning the Irish Peace But in case against all expectation and reason Peace cannot be had you must not by any means fall into a new rupture with them but continue the Cessation c. for a year for which you shall promise them if you can have it no cheaper to joyn with them against the Scots and Inchequin for I hope by that time my condition may be such as the Irish may be glad to accept lesse or I be able to grant more 16 February 1644. Oxford By those Letters the mystery is opened why the King is so violent for Peace with the Irish but this was tenderly treated by the Kings Commissioners and well they might be willing to shadow these designs if they were acquainted with the bottom which few could fathom In general the Kings Commissioners had upon the matter of the Parliaments Propositions consented unto many particulars and alterations of great Importance and complain that the other have not abated one title of the most severe of their Propositions nor have offered any prospect towards Peace but by submitting totally to those Propositions which would dissolve the Frame of Government Ecclesiastical and Civil In the matter of Religion the Kings Commissioners offered all such alterations as they conceived might give satisfaction to any Objection that hath or can be made against that government with their reasons why they cannot consent to the Propositions but if consented unto could not be in Order to Reformation or publique Peace And though in the Parliaments Covenant enjoyned to be taken by the King and all his Subjects they undertake the Reformation in Government and in Doctrine too thereby laying an imputation of Religion it self yet the Parliaments Commissioners have not given the other the least Argument nor the least prejudice to the Doctrine of the Church of England Nor given any view in particular of what they would propose to be abolished And therefore the Kings Commissioners offered That if the Articles proposed by them did not give satisfaction that then so great an alteration as the total abolishment of a Government established by Law may for the imparlance of it and any reformation in Doctrine for the scandal of it be suspended till after the Disbanding of all Armies the King may be present with the Parliament and calling a National Synod may receive such advice both from the one and the other as may be necessary and as any Reformation thus calmly made must needs prove for the singular benefit so whether the contrary that is an alteration even to things though in themselves good can by the principles of Christian Religion be enforced upon the King or Kingdom In that of the Militia Though the Parliaments Commissioners did not deny that the apprehensions of danger are mutual and that the chief end of depositing the Militia into the hands of certain persons is for securitie against possible dangers Yet they did insist that those persons should be nominated by the Parliaments of England and Scotland and that the time of that great unheard of Trust shall be in such manner that though it seems limited for seven years yet in truth it shall not be otherwise exercised then as the King and Parliament shall agree and he may thereby be totallie divested of the Sword without which he cannot defend himself from Foreign or Domestick or protect his Subjects Add to all that Scotland professing distinct and different Laws shall yet have a great share in the Government of this Kingdom Instead of consenting to these Changes the Kings Commissioners proposed That the persons to be Trusted with the Militia may be Nominated between them or that an equal number the one half by the King the other by the Parliament and all those to take Oath for the due discharge of that Trust so their securitie being mutual neither can be supposed to violate the agreement the whole Kingdom being eye-witnesses of the failing And as it is reasonable that for this security the King parting with so much of his own power as makes him unable to break the Agreements so it is most necessary when the apprehension of all danger of that breach be over that then the Soverain power of the Militia should revert and be as it hath alwaies been in the Kings proper Charge And therefore the Kings Commissioners proposed that the Trust should be for three years a time sufficient to produce a right understanding of both sides and if any thing else material may be necessary to be done that the same may be considered after the Peace setled But in all that this Kingdom may depend of it self and not of Scotland as Scotland shall without advice of this Kingdom Concerning Ireland The Parliaments Commissioners proposed that the King Nul this Cessation made by Royal Authority The Lords Justices and Councels desires and for the preservation of the remain of the poor Protestants there from Famine and Sword And to put the whole War Militia and Government of Ireland into the hands of the Scots General by advice of a Ioint Committee of both Kingdoms wherein each to have a Negative voice To which the Kings Commissioners acquainted them with the just Grounds of the Kings proceedings in that businesse of Ireland which they conceived might satisfie all men of his
Pietie and Iustice therein And offered to joyn in any course for the good of that Kingdom These being the Particulars it will be considerable how far these Propositions trench upon the Kings rights without any considerable compensation First In that of Religion The Parliaments Commissioners proposed the taking away his whole Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction his Donations and Temporalities of Bishopricks His first Fruits and Tenths of Bishops Deans and Chapters instead whereof the Parliaments Commissioners did not offer to constitute the least dependance of the Clergie upon the King And for this considerable a part of his Revenue they proposed only the Bishops Lands to be setled on him reserving a power even in those Lands as the Parliament shall think fit whereas all the Lands both of Bishops Deans and Chapters if those Corporations must be dissolved doe undoubtedly belong to the King in his own Right And for the Militia as it is proposed The King is so totally divested of the Regal power of the Sword that he shall be no more able either to assist his Neighbour Allies though men were willing to engage therein or to defend his own Dominions from Rebellion or invasion and consequently the whole power of Peace or War the undoubted right of the Crown is taken from him And so for Ireland The power of nominating his Deputy or Officers there of managing or the least medling in that War or making Peace is thereby taken from the King Nay it was proposed to bereave him of the power of a Father Education or Mariage of his own Children and of a Master in the rewarding of his own Servants And it was observed to the Parliaments Commissioners That after a War of neer four years for which the defence of Religion Property of Subjects and Priviledges of Parliament were made the Cause should be treated and concluded in 20. daies the time limited by the Parliament Nor indeed in all the Treaty there hath not been offered to be treated concerning the breach of any Law or of the property of the Subject or priviledge of Parliament but only Propositions for altering a Government established by Law and for the making of new laws by which almost all the old are or may be cancelled and there was nothing insisted on of the Kings Commissioners which was not Law or denied that the other Commissioners have demanded as due by Law And for conclusion of all which we conserve for the last place the Kings Commissioners being agast at the others sudden Declaration of no more time to Treat besought them to interpose with the Parliament that this Treaty may be revived and the whole matters not treated on may be considered and that depending the Treaty to the end they may not Treat in blood there may be a Cessation of Arms and the miserable people may have some earnest of a blessed peace And because they cannot give a present Resolution they are desired to represent all to the two Houses and that the King may have their speedy Answer So then in all the fore-recited passages it may easily be observed First the Parliaments Indisposition and Aversion from Treating Secondly their Impotency and Qualification of their Commissioners to Treat Thirdly their Expostulations and Demands in the Treaty And lastly their Obduration against all Enlargement Prorogation or Reviving of the Treaty The King complaines of what is come to pass the fruitless end of this Treaty that his Commissioners offered full measured Reasons and the other Commissioners have stuck rigidly to their demands the same with their former propositions which had been too much though they had taken him Prisoner and transmitted the command of Ireland from the Crown of England to the Scots which shewes that Reformation of the Church is not the chief end of the Scotish Rebellion But it being in him presumption and no piety so to trust to a good cause as not to use all lawfull means to maintain it Therefore he gives power to the Queen in France to promise that he will take away all the penal laws against the Roman Catholicks in England as soon as he shall be able to do it so be he may have assistance the visible necessity of his affairs so much depending on it the ill effect of the Treaty enforcing And professes in these words I look saies the King upon the way of Treaties as a retiring from fighting like Beasts to arguing like men whose strength should be more in their understandings then in their limbs And though I could seldome get opportunities to Treat yet I never wanted either desire or disposition to it having greater confidence of My Reason then my Sword I was so wholly resolved to yield to the first that I thought neither my self nor others should need to use the second if once we rightly understood each other Nor did I ever think it a diminution of me to prevent them with expresses of my desires and even importunities to Treat It being an office not onely of humanitie rather to use Reason then Force but also of Christianitie to seek peace and ensue it As I was very unwillingly compell'd to defend my self with Arms so I very willingly embraced any thing tending to peace The events of all VVar by the Sword being very dubious and of a Civil VVar uncomfortable the end hardly recompensing and late repairing the mischief of the means Nor did any success I had ever enhance with me the price of Peace as earnestly desired by me as any man though I was like to pay dearer for it then any man All that I sought to reserve was mine Honour and my Conscience the one I could not part with as a King the other as a Christian. The Treaty at Uxbridge gave the fairest hopes of an happy composure had others applied themselves to it with the same moderation as I did I am confident the War had then ended I was willing to condescend as far as Reason Honour and Conscience would give me leave nor were the remaining differences so essential to my peoples happiness or of such consequence as in the least kinde to have hindered my Subjects either security or prosperity for they better enjoyed both many years before ever those demands were made some of which to deny I think the greatest Iustice to my self and favour to my Subjects I see Iealousies are not so easily allaied as they are raised Some men are more afraid to retreat from violent Engagements then to Engage what is wanting in equity must be made up in pertinacie Such as had little to enjoy in peace or to lose in war studied to render the very Name of Peace odious and suspected In Church-affairs where I had least liberty of prudence having so many strict ties of Conscience upon me yet I was willing to condescend ●o far to the setling of them as might have given fair satisfaction to all men whom Faction Covetousness or Superstition had not engaged more then any true zeal charity or love of
afore mentioned as also that which Ormond intimates to Monroe of the one and twentieth of May. Which Letters were the very same in print and published by Ormond at Dublin and brought over by Sir Robert King one of the Parliaments Commissioners in Ireland and were as yet laid under Deck for advantage against the King hereafter In this time the King caresses the Parliament with Messages as before for his personal Treaty at London And because he would give earnest of his serious Intentions he gives Warrant for surrendering all his Garisons C. R. Having resolved to comply with the designs of our Parliament in every thing that may be for the good of our Subjects and leave no means unattempted for removing of differences between us therefore we have thought the more to evidence the reality of our intention of setling a happy peace to require you upon honourable conditions to quit the Towns Castles and forts intrusted to you by us and to disband all the forces under your several Commands Given at Newcastle the tenth of June 1646. To our trusty and well beloved Sir Thomas Glenham Sir Thomas Tisley Colonel Washington Colonel Blague Governours of our Cities and Towns of Oxford Worcester Litchfield and Wallingford and to all other Commanders of any other Towns Castles or Forts within the Kingdom of England or Dominion of Wales The Scots now in some Jealousie how mightily the King complies with his Parliament and that they should not be able perhaps to effect their designs by force they now endeavour therefore by fraud and cunningly insinuate to the Parliament That their Conscience bears them witnesse of their constant endeavours to preserve the Union of both Kingdoms yet never more than since the Kings coming to their Army by effecting such Messages from his Majesty as might be a sure ground of peace to his people and happinesse to himself And although we have not as yet prevailed over his Principles deeply rooted into him as to obtain the utmost of our desires which we hope in short time to effect And we hope that accordingly the Parliament will be pleased to send their Propositions of peace to him upon whose Answer we shall clearly know how to proceed in the intended Pacification and to satisfie the Parliament in disbanding our Armies delivering up the Garisons possessed by us and retiring home for the good of both Kingdoms Newcastle June 10. Signed by Leven and all the Scots Commissioners and directed to the Parliament And herewith is presented to the Parliament the Copy of a paper delivered to the King from the Committee of Estates of Scotland concerning the Prince of Wales That the Prince goe not beyond Sea but to reside within the Kingdom of England with Honour and safety for preventing the danger to his Person Religion and Inconveniencies besides in this time of affairs Then was a Letter intercepted from the King to the Prince read in the Parliament thus Charles This is rather to tell you where I am and that I am well than at this time to direct you in any thing having writ fully to your Mother what I would have you to do whom I Command you to Obey in every thing except Religion concerning which I am confident she will not trouble you and see you goe no whither without her or my particular direction Let me hear often from you so God blesse you Your Loving Father C. REX Postscript If Jack Ashburnham come where you are command him to wait on you as he was wont untill I shall send for him If your Mother and you be together if she will he must wait on her Then was Hudson Examined who saith That the King was there in company coasted the Country from Oxford and came to Henley Brainford and Harrow on the Hill where he was almost perswaded to come to London from thence he went to St. Albans and then to Harborough in Leicestershire where he expected the French Agent with some Horse to meet him toconduct him to the Scots but the Agent failing of his promise to Hudson the King went to Stanford thence to Norfolk and at Downham he rested from Thursday till Munday till Hudson returned from the Agent upon whose return the King passed into the Army But how ever they handled Hudson he escaped out of prison at London 28. November after and is retaken again the midst of December in the North and his Examination sent up viz. That escaping out of Newgate he went to Ratcliffe disguised and there took Boat and landing without the Works went to Bow where his Man met him with Horses thence to Lyn so to Newcastle to Montril the French Agent who carried him to the King and had conference with him two hours who bad him return to his friends for a moneth by that time he should have occasion to dispose of him bad him beware of the Scots who would commit him and returning to Lincolnshire was taken prisoner again The King now in durance and out of all hope to be able to Manage his affairs in Ireland and for Ormond to proceed there according to former directions and being labored by the English and Scots at Newcastle not to Treat with the Rebells of Ireland any more The King writes to the Marquesse C. R. Right trusty c. Having a long time with much grief looked upon the sad Condition our Kingdom of Ireland hath been in these divers years through the ●iked and desperate Rebellion there and the bloody effects that have ensued thereupon for the setling whereof we would have wholly applied our selves if the difference betwixt us and our Subjects here had not diverted and withdrawn us And not having been able by force for that respect to reduce them we were necessitated for the present safety of our Protestant Subjects there to give you power and Authority to Treat with them upon such Pious Honourable and Safe grounds as the good of that our Kingdom did require But for many Reasons too long for a Letter We think fit to require you to proceed no further with the Rebells nor to engage us upon any conditions with them after sight hereof And having formerly found such real proofs of your ready Obedience to our commands we doubt not of your care in this wherein our service and the good of our Protestant Subjects in Ireland is so much concerned Newcastle June the eleventh 1646. But the affairs of Ireland not intermxing with others are purposely put together at the end of this year to which we refer the Reader The Commissioners of Scotland had oftentimes since the twentieth of Iune 1645. pressed the sending of the former Propositions presented at Oxford and debated at Uxbridg And the Parliament upon the sixth of August 1645. declared that Propositions shall speedily be sent with some alteration And upon the last of February following the Scots Commissioners received some new Propositions from the Houses And upon the sixteenth March they
deliver in their Answer observing that all the Omissions Additions or Alterations made in them are in those things which concern the joint interest and union of both Kingdoms Upon the twenty sixth of March the Parliament appointed a Committee to debate those differences which are chiefly as follow concerning Religion The Parliament in general desire the King to assent to what they have or shall agree concerning Reformation and Uniformity as the Kingdoms shall agree The Commissioners would know the particulars that after so long consult of the Assembly they may know what to assent unto But it was answered The Parliament had not resolved nor would the Commissioners consent Militia The Commissioners desire the same that was sent to U●bridg but the Parliament will have the Militia of each Kingdom setled by it self the Commissioners would have such a conjunction at least as both may joyn together for the publick of both but the Parliament will not be limited and not onely the King but his posterity and the Crown excluded The Commissioners as they will not have it in the King alone so they hold it unsafe to alter the Fundamental Laws and the Crown utterly excluded but after some time the Militia may be in both King and Parliament according to the Declarations to be in King and Parliament together Ireland The Parliament say that the Transactions made at Edingburgh Novemb. 28. 1643. are no Treaties The Commissioners aver that it is a Treaty Articles drawn up which the Parliament confirm the ninth of March and eleventh of April 1643. calling it a Treaty and Scotland performs their part makes their Army stay and advance to the charge of an hundred thousand pounds Sterling at the desire of England being then so low and now the Parliament make question to perform to Scotland 1. That Peace and War 2. The Education of the Kings Children 3. Disbanding the Armies 4. The Act of Oblivion may not be made in either without consent of both Kingdoms But the Committee of Parliament declared They had no power to alter any thing though they were convinced in reason Whereupon the Commissioners gave in a Paper to the Parliament concerning the Propositions of Peace viz. To have Religion setled according to the Covenant That the Propositions formerly agreed upon by the two Kingdoms may be sent to the King That upon the eight and twentieth of February last they received some of the Propositions and were assured that they were all except such as concerned Delinquents and the City which were speedily to be delivered to us And now we desire these particulars considering that the Preface Title and Conclusion of the Propositions may be the same To the four first Propositions they agree in a manner To the fifth and sixth they desire to see what the Parliament have agreed upon concerning Religion and then they will give Answer To the 7 8 9 10 11 12. Propositions they agree To the thirteenth they say That the Treaty at Edinburgh November 28. 1643. which was comprehended in the twelfth Proposition agreed upon between both Kingdoms is excluded by these words in the thirteenth Proposition And whereunto they are obliged by the aforesaid Treaties for the Kingdoms were not obliged by any of the former Treaties to make a subsequent Treaty and therefore they desire the said Treaty of November 28. 1643. together with the Ordinances of the 9 of March and 11. of April ratifying the same may be expressed in the Proposition for which they offer the Reasons following which we refer to the time and place heretofore mentioned the eight and twentieth of Novemb. 1643. and for brevity we now omit To the fourteenth Proposition they desire that all the Articles concerning Religion in England may be extended to Ireland according to the Covenant To the fifteenth sixteenth seventeenth they agree The eighteenth Proposition they say doth differ from that which was formerly for the former Propositions did setle a power in Commissioners of both Kingdoms for resisting Invasions and suppressing all Forces in either Kingdoms to the disturbance of the Peace but this new Proposition rather argues a diffidence of that mutual confidence which was laid and grounded by the former Proposition And they conceive it necessary so to setle the Militia as the King although he were willing be not able to involve them again into a miserable War so they think it is not their intentions to divest the King his Posterity and Crown hereafter of all interest in the matter of the Militia for although they should be never so willing to follow the advise of their Parliaments yet they shall hereby be made incapable and not be admitted to joyn with their Parliaments for resisting their Enemies and protecting their Subjects and as may be collected from the Debate at Uxbridg may be interpreted to be a fundamental alteration of the Government contrary to the Resolution and Declarations of both Kingdoms and not agreeable to the Covenant may be made use of by the Adversary to bring the common cause into contempt both parts were provided for in the other Proposition not to be in the power of the King yet that the Commissioners to be impowered for the execution of the Militia were to have it from King and Parliament and the time to be limited for seven years and afterwards to be setled by the King and Parliament but by this new Proposition the whole power is to be setled in the Parliament for ever Nor in this new Proposition being a mutation and alteration from the former there is no mention of any mean to be used or course to be taken for conserving the peace between both Kingdoms and betwixt the King and either of them but all passed in silence And so they desire that the former Propositions may be sent as they were proposed at Uxbridg To the nineteenth twentieth twenty one they agree The Propositions concerning the Kings Children making Peace or War Disbanding the Armies Act of Oblivion In all these there is omitted these words by consent of both Kingdoms And upon the whole matter they advise to send onely for the present Propositions concerning Religion Militia and Ireland as they were proposed at Uxbridg If not but all then with the former amendments And there were dated March 16. 1646. Ten days after they gave in another Paper The Commissioners had waited a long time in silence for the setling of Church-government according to the Govenant not being willing to judg of the Model of Church-government in England to be uniform with Scotland by previous and particular Ordinances of Parliament being but parts of the Building but expected the last Ordinance to supply the defect of the former and by rearing up the whole Body give satisfaction to all And had caressed the Parliament with their humble thanks for removing the Book of Common Prayer and abolishing Episcopacy yet and yet again stil somewhat or rather the most was wanting of greatest consequence which now by the effects
without the House of Lords We the Commons c. remembering that in the beginning of this War divers Protestations Declarations Suggestions c. were spread abroad by the King whereby the sincere Intentions of the Parliament for the publick good were mis-represented and so no need of a present War which is otherwise apparant by discoverie of the Enemies secrets and Gods immediate Blessings and Successes upon the Parliaments affairs and which Mistakes for some time had blemished the justice of this cause that if the Enemie had prevailed how dangerous the consequence would have been is now apparant And now notwithstanding Gods blessing on all our Endeavours Forces and Armies c. there are still the same spirits though under Disguise putting false constructions upon what hath already passed the Parliament as upon the thing under present Debate begetting a belief That we now desire to swerve from our first grounds aims and principles in the undertaking this War to recede from the solemn League and Covenant and Treaties between us and Scotland and that we would prolong these uncomfortable Troubles and bleeding Distractions to alter the fundamental constitution and frame of this Kingdom to leave all Government of the Church loose and unsetled and our selves to exercise the same arbitrary power over the persons and estates of the Subjects which this present Parliament thought fit to abolish by taking away the Star-chamber High Commission and other arbitrary Courts and the exorbitant power of the Council Table All which c. though our former actions are the best Demonstrations of our faithfulness to the publick yet if mis-believed may involve us into new Imbroilments We do declare our Endeavours are to setle Religion according to the Covenant to maintain the fundamental Rights of the Kingdom the Liberties of the Subject to desire a well-grounded peace in the three Kingdoms c. In effect Concerning Church-government we having so fully declared for a Presbyterial Government having spent so much pains taken up so much time for setling of it passed most of the particulars brought to us from the Assemblie of Divines called onely by us to advise of such things as shall be required of them by the Parliament and having published several Ordinances for putting the same in execution because we cannot consent to the granting of an arbitrary and unlimited power and jurisdiction to near ten thousand Iudicatories to be erected within this Kingdom and this demanded in a way inconsistent with the Fundamentals of Government excluding the power of Parliaments in the exercise of that Iurisdiction nor have we yet resolved how a due regard may be had that tender consciences which differ not in any Fundamentals in Religion may be so provided for as may stand with the Word of God and the peace of the Kingdom And let it be observed that we have had the more reason not to part with the power out of our hands since all by-past Ages manifest that the Reformation and purity of Religion and the preservation and protection of the people hath been by Parliament and the exercise of this power our Endeavours being to setle the Reformation in these Kingdoms of England and Ireland in Doctrine Worship Discipline and Government according to the Word of God and the Example of the best Reformed Churches and according to our Covenant Concerning a peace which is the right end of a just VVar to that purpose both Houses of Parliament have framed several Propositions to be sent to the King such as they hold necessary for the present and future safety of this Kingdom some of which are transmitted to our Brethren of Scotland where they now remain whose consent we doubt not to obtain since the Parliament of England is and ought to be sole and proper Iudg for the good of this Kingdom wherein we are so far from altering the fundamental constitution and Government of this Kingdom by King Lords and Commons that we onely have desired that by the consent of the King such powers may be setled in the two Houses to prevent a second and more destructive VVar not judging it wise or safe for the pretended power of the Militia in the King to have any authoritie in the same for the future introducing an arbitrary Government over this Nation and protecting Delinquents by force from the justice of Parliaments the chiefest grounds of the Parliaments taking up Arms in this Cause We do declare we will not interrupt the ordinary course of Iustice nor intermeddle in cases of private interest And as the Parliament have already for the benefit of the people taken away the Court of Wards and Liveries and all Tenures in capite and by Knights Service so we will take special care for the peoples ease in Levies of Moneys and in reducing Garisons Lastly whereas both Nations have entered into a solemn League and Covenant and Treaties between us concluded which we shall and have duly performed that nothing be done to the prejudice of either of them presuming that the good people of England will not receive prejudicate opinions by any forced constructions of that Covenant which is only to be expounded by them by whose authority it was established in this Kingdom April 18. But in great regret the Parliament order that the Preface to the Pamphlet intituled The Scots Commissioners Papers and the stating of the Question about the Propositions of Peace was this day burnt by the Hangman April 21. At length of time the eleventh of Iuly the tedious Propositions are finished and sent to the King by the Committee Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery and the Earl of Suffolk Mr. Goodwin Sir Iohn Hippesley Mr. Robinson and Sir Walter Earl The Propositions in general are these 1. That his Majesty would pass an Act for the Nulling of all Oaths Declarations and Proclamations against the Parliament of England of Scotland their Ordinances or their Adherents 2. The King to swear and sign the Covenant and an Act for the three Kingdoms to swear unto 3. An Act to take away Bishops and their Dependents 4. To confirm by Act the Assembly of Divines at Westminster 5. To settle Religion as the Parliament shall agree 6. In unity and uniformity with Scotland as shall be agreed upon by both Parliaments 7. An Act to be confirmed against Papists 8. Their Child●en to be educated in the Protestant Religion 9. And for Levies against their Estates 10. Against saying of Mass in this Kingdom 11. And in Scotland if they think fit 12. For observation of the Lords Day against Pluralities Non-Residents and for Regulating the Universities 13. That the Militia of England Ireland and Wales by Sea and Land be in the hands of the Parliament for twenty years and the like for Scotland and to raise Moneys for the same and to suppress all Forces raised in that time without their authority against all foreign Invasion Provided that the City of London may enjoy their Privileges to raise and imploy their
their hands yet their Expences necessarily were infinite besides their Gifts and Rewards very high and bountifull to some and to themselves not to be summ'd to an imaginable Account for now also and besides former Gifts a Remembrance must be of the Sufferings of the five Members so long passed that some of their persons are laid asleep yet the charity of the House of Commons was herein visible even to their Children Mr. Denzil Hollis hath five thousand pounds for his Sufferings 3 Car. Mr. Selden 5000. 1. To the younger children of Sir Iohn Elyot 5000. 1. and to his eldest Son his fine in the Court of Wards to be remitted and Mr. William Strodes poor kindred 5000. 1. He had a God-son who was forgotten To Mr. Benjamin Valentine 5000. 1. for Mr. Walter Long 5000. 1. to Sir Miles Hubbart 5000. 1. to Sir Peter Hamands successors his eldest Son a Member 5000. 1. to Mr. Io. Hamdens children for his opposing Ship-money 5000. 1. and ten thousand pounds to Mr. Vassel for the loss of his Trade and Damages about the Customes And Alderman Chambers demand of 22000. 1. towards his suffering was only committed But why were others mixed with the five Members truly to draw on consent one for another and so they did doe to the undoing of the Nation had they not been taken off from doing at all any more as hereafter shall appear But two dales after came in further considerations of many more the Earl of Northumberland for his Audit of sufferings 30000. 1. he had in part but 10000. 1. But the Parliament had vast sums coming in certain for the Excise although some obstructions hapned in the Levying and the Mutinies caused thereby The total charged upon the Excise of this Kingdom in course was cast up and reported to the House amounting to three hundred and ninety thousand pounds and upwards besides interest for the same and the interest of the 200000. 1. for the Scots first payment Of what consequence then must be the credit of Excise and the benefit of the Towns and Cities that farmed the Excise And thereupon not long after the Parliament Order Ian. 20. That all Towns Cities and Counties that have Excise granted them without limitation shall have it continued no longer then 15. March next and such as have any Moitie or parcel thereof no longer then 25. March The King hears of these Passages and conceived that he being herein so concerned he might put in his spoke and to keep his old pace puts the Parliament in mind of his former Messages and now again desires a personal Treaty at or near London up●n the faith of the two Houses C. R. His Majesties thoughts being alwaies sincerely bent to the peace of his Kingdoms was and will be ever desirous to take all waies which might the most clearly make appear the candour of his intentions to his people And to this end could finde no better way than to propose a personal free debate with his two Houses of Parliament upon all the present differences Yet finding very much against his expectations that this offer was laid aside his Majestie bent all his thoughts to make his intentions fully known by a particular Answer to the Propositions delivered to him in the name of both Kingdoms the 24. of July last But the more he endeavoured it he more plainly saw that any answer he could make would be subject to misinformations and misconstructions which upon his own Paraphrases and explanations he is most confident will give so good satisfaction as would doubtless cause a happy and lasting peace Lest therefore that good intentions may produce ill effects his Majesty again proposeth and desires again to come to London or any of his houses thereabouts upon the publick Faith and security of his two Houses of Parliament and the Scotish Commissioners that he shall be there with Honour Freedom and safety Where by his personal presence he may not only raise a mutual confidence betwixt him and his people but also have those doubts cleared and those difficulties explained to him without which he cannot but with the aforesaid mischievous inconveniences give a particular answer to the Propositions and with which he doubts not but so to manifest his real intentions for the setling of Religion the just Priviledges of Parliament with the freedom and property of the Subject that it shall not be in the power of wicked and malicious men to hinder the establishing of that firm peace which all honest men desire Assureing them as he will make no other demands but such as he believes confidently to be just and much conducing to the Tranquillity of the people So he will be most willing to condescend to them in whatsoever shall be really for their good and happiness Not doubting likewise but you will also have a due regard to maintain the just power of the Crown according to your many protestations and professions For certainly except King and people have reciprocal care each of other neither can be happy To conclude 't is your King who desires to be heard the which if refused to a Subject by a King he would be thought a Tyrant for it and for that end which all men profess to desire Wherefore his Majestie conjures you as you desire to shew your selves really what you profess even as you are good Christians and Subjects that you will accept this his offer which he is confident God will so bless that it will be the readiest means by which these Kingdoms may again become a comfort to their friends and a terror to their enemies Newcastle 20. Decemb. 1646. But in stead of an Answer hereto the Houses were busie to Order the disposal of the Kings person for the Scots had their hire and were taking their leave That they were ready to depart and to march away desiring to know what service the Parliament would command them to the Estates of Scotland leaving the King to shift for himself And accordingly the Parliament Voted his remove to Holmby with respect to the safety and preservation of his Majesties p●rson and in preservation and defence of the true Religion but then a great debate followed whether the words according to the Covenant should be added and it past affirmatively And that after his coming thither and attended there by such as they shall appoint and that the Scots are gone out of the Kingdom then the Parliament will joyn with our Brethren of Scotland to perswade the King to pass the Propositions and if he refuse that then the Houses will do nothing that may break the union of the two Kingdoms but to preserve the same A Rumour there was of the Kings intentions to escape disguised from Newcastle Indeed there was a Hubbub raised of such a design and the Guards doubled that night and letters sent to General Leven to be more careful of the Kings Person who returns Answer of his double diligence therein and hath thanks
the old Speakers and many Members were fled to their Protection And the eleven Members that had leave to travel were now got into this new Parliament and Massie Sir William Waller and Colonel General Poins the City Favourites were Listing Reformadoes and others Souldiers And out comes the City Declaration 31. Iuly in effect That his Majesty was surprised at Holmby and though the Act was disavowed by the General Yet the Armie desire that his person may be Resident with them Improving their interest throughout the Kingdom That the City have indeavoured by Remonstrance and Petitions to satisfie all unbiassed men of their zeal to Peace by establishing the True Religion restoring his Majestie and maintaining Priviledge of Parliament easing the charge of the Kingdom securing the peoples Liberty and relieving of Ireland Endeavouring to hold good correspondency between the Army and City That the Priviledges of Parliament have been violated by the Armies causing the eleven Members to withdraw whilst the City Militia is demanded contrary to the Establishment by Ordinance of Parliament and is subject to no other Cognizance then of the King and Parliament That there is nothing in the world that we desire more then that his Majestie be left free in such an honourable condition and capacitie as his person may appear to be at libertie to receive and treat upon Propositions to be presented to him from the Parliaments of both Kingdoms for whilst his Royal person is invironed by an Army and remains under the power thereof He cannot give that free assent to Propositions as is requisite or if he doe we nor our Posterity have no hope to enjoy the same without alteration And therefore we are resolved to apply our selves to the Parliament and hope that all good Subjects touched with the sence of Duty and Allegiance which by the Law of God and man they owe to the King will unanimously joyn with us therein The matter of difference thus truly stated between us and the Army to wit That we would not submit the Militia of the City to be ruled at the pleasure of an Army after it had been so orderly setled into the hands of such as were intrusted with it for a year when there was a full and free Parliament So we finde it more then time that the whole Kingdom be possessed with the true state thereof and upon whom the guilt of a new War which God forbid must justly lodge and accordingly we expect a blessing from God in our just defence And conclude their desires summmond up to be The settlement of Religion by re-establishing his Majesty in his just Rights and Authority by upholding all lawful priviledges of a free Parliament by maintaining the Fundamental Laws by restoring the Subjects Libertie and propertie by freeing this long oppressed Kingdom of all Taxes enforceed Free Quarter of the Army which hath had no visible Enemy to encounter and from this resolution we shall never recede for any earthly consideration or advantage what soever And although the Parliament had by Ordinance of 19. Iuly given the General power over all the Land Forces under the pay of the Parliament they declare it shall not extend over the Trained Bands and Garisons And both Houses Order that this Declaration be Printed and published by the Militia of the City by sound of Trumpet and that the Sheriffs of the several Counties of this Kingdom and Wales do publish the same in their respective Limits accordingly The Army comes on this night at Wickam to morrow to be at Colebrook and the King now at Latimer The last of Iuly he was two dayes after at Stoke Abby near Windsor In this confusion the City differ among themselves at the sitting of their Common Councel at Guildhall the Trained Bands of Southwark came in a Mu●inous manner and would not be commanded out of their Borough but there to stand upon their own Guard Then were presented Petitions of thousands well-affected one against another that matters might be composed but what way they cared not nor could they tell And therefore their new Leaders Massey Waller and Poins were displeased with the multitude at Guildhall fell to words and blows divers wounded and some slain and the Aldermen in Councel fearing the people were fain to sit all day and that night and only concluded to write to the General And Petitions are set on work on either side as their constitutions led them some against the Parliament others against the Army others made it their sport to see this confusion in Church and State and like true Bautofees kindled this fire into a flame Men they say that have wasted their Estates in the Kingdoms extremity Some complain for liberty of Conscience are now to a new tone and tune for their Faith are Imprisoned though nothing can be found worthy of death or of durance only for differing in the outside controversies though blameless in Conversation and Office So that in truth it was apparent to the people that after such a vast expense of Blood and Treasure the exchange was of men in Places but not of Manners old burthens with new names new men with old Corruptions Then in places of new Election for Members they first made the choice and then give the Voice complaining against the Parliamentary proceedings and pray the Army not to lay down their power till the Kingdom with its Ruler be committed to the care and cha●ge of such persons as may secure us from fear of future oppression The City send 6. Aldermen and 12. Commons with a Letter to the General and complain That the City is suspected though innocent from Acting against the Army and therefore these their Members they send to be added to their Committee now attending the Councel of the Army and pray the General to forbear the mischief of a new War No sooner come but they were presented with the Armies Remonstrance and Proposals And on Hownslow Heath they Rendezvouz twenty thousand Men Horse and Foot with a great Train of Artillery to astonish the City and therefore such of the Parliament as trusted to the Souldiers were there present the Earls of Northumberland Salisbury Kent the Lords Wark Howard Wharton Say and Moulgrave and others fourteen in all the Speaker Mr. Lenthal of the Commons and above a hundred more of their Members The City stand in a maze unresolved and inconstant the Army in the mean time send a Brigade under Command of Rainsborough and Hewson over Kingstone Bridge and all night March to Southwark being called thither in opposition to the City Massey was busie and knowing his own case desperate sent out his Scouts and are met with and taken prisoners some of the Train-men would needs march out and were worsted and lost their Colours for the General was now near Brainford And therefore the City meet him with humble Messages That finding that his desires of Marching so near is to settle the Members of the Lords and
must be the best and only remedy to remove our troubles That without a Treaty the Propositions may be esteemed Impositions That the King might have some just desires to move for the Crown and for himself and that every thing in the Propositions might not be of such importance as that the not granting it might hinder a peace That a personal Treaty is the best way to beget a mutual confidence between the King and Parliament And amongst other Protestations they aver That if Scotland had apprehended that the least injury or violence would have been committed against his person or Monarchical Government had they not received assurances from the Parliament to the contrary certainly all the threatnings and allurements in the world could never have perswaded them to have parted from the King and that it was their brotherly confidence in the Parliament fellow Subjects and the assurance that they had from both Houses that made them leave the King Then they complain of a vast deformity or multiformity of Heresies and sects endangering the ruin of Religion in this Kingdom But what ere the Scots have said in this Declaration the Parliament afterwards found out such Members at leisure that formed into a Committee for that purpose gave them a sound Answer But the King in the general Interest of all conceived them so unreasonable to be positively assented unto before a Treaty or dispute of some part or either of them as that he refused Giving his Reasons in a Letter or Message sealed up to the Commissioners for the Parliament to open But the Earl of Denbigh the cheif Commissioner desired the King that although they were intrusted only to bring the demands in writing and not to Treat yet they hope his Majesty would distinguish them from ordinary Commissioners and suffer them to see what was written professing that his Majesty should not receive disappointment or prejudice thereby The King Commands Ashburnham to read them aloud in these words C. R. The Necessity of complying with all engaged interests in these great distempers for a perfect settlement of peace his Majesty findes to be none of the least difficulties he hath met with since the time of his afflictions Which is too visible when at the same time that the two Houses of the English Parliament do present to his Majesty several Bills and Propositions for his consent the Commissioners for Scotland do openly protest against them So that were there nothing in the case but the consideration of that difference his Majesty cannot Imagine how to give such an Answer to what is now proposed as thereby to promise himself his great end A perfect Peace And when his Majesty further considers how impossible it is in the condition he now stands to fulfil the desires of the two Houses since the only ancient and known wayes of passing Laws are either by his Majesties personal assent in the House of Peers or by Commission under his great Seal of England He cannot but wonder at such failings in the manner of addresse which is now made unto him Unlesse his two Houses intend that his Majesty shall allow of a great Seal made without his Authority before there be any consideration had thereupon in a Treaty Which as it may hereafter hazard the security it self so for the present it seems very unreasonable to his Majesty And though his Majesty is willing to believe that the intentions of very many in both Houses in sending these Bills before a Treaty was only to obtain a trust from him and not to take any advantage by passing them to force other things from him which are either against his Conscience or Honour Yet his Majesty believes it clear to all understandings that these Bills contain as they are now penned not only the divesting himself of all Soveraignty and that without possibility of recovering it either to him or his Successors except by repeal of those Bills but also the making his Concessions guilty of the greatest pressures that can be made upon the Subject as in other particulars so by giving an arbitrary and unlimited power to the two Houses for ever to raise and levy Forces for Land or Sea service of what persons without distinction or quality and to what numbers they please And likewise for the payment of them to levy what monies in such sort and by such wayes and means and consequently upon the Estates of whatsoever persons they shall think fit and appoint which is utterly inconsistent with the Liberty and Property of the Subject and his Majesties trust in protecting them So that if the Major part of both Houses shall think it necessary to put the rest of the propositions into Bills his Majesty leaves all the World to judge how unsafe it would be for him to consent thereunto And if not what a strange condition after the passing of these four Bills his Majesty and all his Subjects would be cast into And here his Majesty thinks it not unfit to wish his two Houses to consider well the manner of their proceeding That when his Maiesty desires a personal Treaty with them for the setling of a Peace they in Answer propose the very subject matter of the most essential part thereof to be the first granted A thing which will be hardly credible to posterity Wherefore his Majesty declares That neither the desire of being freed from this tedious and Irksome condition of life his Majesty hath so long suffered nor the apprehension of what may befall him in case his two Houses shal not attend him a personal Treaty shall make him change his resolution of not consenting to any Act till the whole Peace be concluded yet then he intends not only to give just and reasonable satisfaction in the particulars presented to him but also to make good all other concessions mentioned in his Message of the twenty sixth of November last Which he thought would have produced better effects than what he findes in the Bills and Propositions now presented unto him And yet his Majesty cannot give over but now again earnestly presse for a personal Treaty so passionately is he affected with the advantages which peace will bring to his Majesty and all his Subjects of which he will not all dispair there being no other visible way to obtain a well grounded peace How ever his Majesty is very much at ease within himself for having fulfilled the Offices both of a Christian and of a King and will patiently wait the good pleasure of Almighty God to encline the hearts of his two Houses to consider their King and to compassionate their fellow Subjects miseries Carisbroke Castle Decem. 28. 1647. For the Speaker of the Lords House c. Herein the Commissioners found what pinched the Parliament and no sooner had the Parliaments Commissioners taken their leave and were gone towards Newport but Hamond turns out all the Kings Servants out of the Castle The confusion was so great that the King demands of
Sanderson Shelden Hamond Oldsworth Turner Haywood Lawyers Sir Tho. Gardner Sir Orlando Bridgman Sir R. Holburn Mr. Ieffery Palmer Mr. Tho. Cook Mr. Io. Vaughan Clerks and Writers Sir Edward Walker Mr. Phil. Warwick Mr. Nich. Oudart Mr. Charles Whittane To make ready the House for Treating Peter Newton The Commissioners nominated to attend the Treaty for the Parliament were the Earls of Salisbury Pembroke Middlesex Northumberland and the Lord Say And of the Commons were the Lord Wainman Mr. Hollis lately re-admitted into the House Mr. Perpoint Sir Harry Vane Jun. Sir Harbotel Grimston Mr. Brown Mr. Crew Mr. ●lin lately re-admitted into the House Sir Io. Pots and Mr. Bulkley And the King desired a safe conduct for Commissioners to come out of Scotland to joyn in the Treaty with him viz. the Lord Carnagy Sir Alexander Gibson the Lord Clerk Register and Sir Iames Carmichel The two first were refused as having been in arms against the Parliament of England And that four Bishops might attend him Armagh Exeter Rochester and Worcester and for Doctor Ferne and Doctor Morley And for his Advocate Sir Thomas Reves and for Doctor Duck Civil Lawyers but none of these aforesaid the Kings friends were intromitted into the Scene or to speech but to stand behind the Hangings and in the T●ring-room so that the Kings single solitary self opposed all the other party And Order is given to Colonel Hamond to free the King of his imprisonment to ride abroad where he pleaseth upon his engagement to return at night to Sir William Hodges House the place appointed to Treat where galloppi●g down a steep Hill 14 Septem and reining his Horse too hard the Bridle broke and he without a Curb ran with speed endangering the King whose excellent Horsemanship saved him from the terrible effects which amazed the beholders And it is remarkable that long before this Lilly had foretold in his Astrological Predictions pag 15. lin 31. And were his Majesty at liberty it shews or threatens danger to his person by inordinate Horsmanship or some fall from on high Friday the 15. of September the Commissioners of Parliament are come to the King and Saturday was kept a fast by him and all his Family and Friends assistant with the ancient service of the Book of Common Prayer and preaching with this particular Prayer for a blessing on the Treaty O Most merciful Father Lord God of Peace and truth we a people sorely afflicted by the scourge of an unnatural war do here earnestly bese●ch thee to command a blessing from Heaven upon this Treaty brought about by thy providence and the only visible remedy left for the establishment of an happy peace Soften the most obdurate hearts with a true Christian desire of saving those mens blood for whom Christ himself hath shed his O Lord let not the guilt of our sins cause this Treaty to break off but let the Truth of thy Spirit so clearly shine in our mindes that all private ends laid a side we may every one of us heartily and sincerely pursue the publick good and that thy people may be no longer so blindly miserable as not 〈◊〉 see at least in this their day the things that belong unto their peace Grant this gracious God for his sake who is our peace it self even Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen The King told the Commissioners that he was glad of their coming to treat with him for a Peace and desired God to perfect that good work professing that he was in charity with all men not willing to revenge upon any nor to delay the hopes of a blessed issue and concludes to begin the Treaty on Munday morning 9. a clock 18. Septemb. The Treaty begins and to make it more difficult to Peace Occasion is given to oppose four Demands or Bills to the Kings demands which as a pledge of trust should be granted before whereto if the King assent they promise to commence a Treaty to the rest 1. To order for the future the Militia without the Kings consent to raise what Arms they please and that all others upon the pain of Treason shall not assemble to the number of thirty persons without the Authority of Parliament 2. That the Houses may sit and adjourn and assemble to what place and at what time at their own discretion 3. All Oaths Interdictions and declarations against the Parliament to be declared void 4. Whomsoever the King had dignified with Titles from the time himself departed and conveyed away the great Seal of England be degraded of their honours And these must be first ratified and to command them to be passed into Laws Then they go on with the Preface the matter of the Treaty For as much as both Houses of Parliament have been necessitated to undertake a War for their just defence and for the prosecuting thereof have bound themselves in a Covenant be it enacted by the Kings command The Propositions were in number eleven 1. That all Declarations and Proclamations against the two Houses of Parliament or their Adherents and all Judgments and Indictments c. against them be declared Null 2. That a Satute be Enacted for abolishing of all Arch Bishops and Bishops out of the Churches of England and Ireland for the selling of their Lands and Revenues As also that the calling and sitting in Synod of the Divines be approved 〈◊〉 the Royal assent the Reformation of Religion for England and Ireland according to such Models as the Members of Parliament have or shall decree consultations first had with the said Divines In particular that the King grant his assent that the Act of both Houses formerly made concerning the Directory as concerning the publick Celebration of Gods worship throughout England and Ireland for the abolishing the Ancient Liturgie for the form of Church Government and Articles of Religion with the Catechisms the great and the less for the more Religious observation of the Lords day for supressing of Innovations in Churches and Chappels for the incouraging of the publick Preachers to their duties by a just reward for prohibiting of Pluralities of Benefices and non-residence to Clergy-men henceforth pass into Statutes or Laws That the King would set his hand to the National League and Covenant and suffer himself to be bound by the same that by publick Act it be enjoyned all the Subjects of both the Kingdoms of England and Scotland to be bound thereby under a penalty to be imposed at the pleasure of both Houses That it may belong to the Houses of Parliament to visit and reform the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge the Colledges also of Westminster Winchester and Eaton That it be provided by Statutes that Jesuites Priests and Papists disturb not the Common-wealth nor elude the Laws as also for the discriminating of them an Oath be administred to them wherein they shall abjure the Pope of Romes Supremacie Transubstantiation Purgatory Image-worship and other Superstitious errors of the Church of Rome That
are divided to so high a rivalrie as sets them more at defiance against each other then against their first Antagonist Time will dissipate all Factions when once the rough horns of private mens covetous and ambitious designs shall discover themselves which were at first wrapt up and hidden under the soft and smooth pretensions of Religion Reformation and Liberty as the wolf is not less cruel so he will be more justly hated when he shall appear no better then a Woolf under sheeps cloathing But as for the seduced Train of the Vulgar who in their simplicity follow those disguises my charge and Counsel to you is that as you need no palliations for any designs as other men so you study really to exceed in true and constant demonstrations of goodness piety and vertue towards the people even all those men that make the greatest noise and ostentations of Religion so you shall neither fear any detection as they do who have but the face and mask of goodness nor shall you frustrate the just expectations of your people who cannot in Reason promise themselves so much good from any Subjects Novelties as from the virtuous constancy of their King When these mountains of congealed Factions shall by the sun-shine of Gods mercy and the splendor of your virtues be thawed and dissipated and the abused Vulgar shall have learned that none are greater oppressors of their Estates Liberties and Consciences then those men that entitle themselves the Patrons and Vindicators of them only to usurp power over them Let then no passion betray you to any study of revenge upon those whose own sin and folly will sufficiently punish them in due time But as soon as the forked Arrow of Factious Emulations is drawn out use all Princely Arts and Clemency to heal the Wounds that the smart of the cure may not equal the anguish of the hurt I have offered Acts of Indemnity and Oblivion to so great a Latitude as may include all that can but suspect themselves to be any way obnoxious to the Laws and which might serve to exclude all future jealousies and insecurities I would have you alwaies propense to the same way when ever it shall be desired and accepted let it be granted not only as an Act of State Policy and necessity but of Christian charity and choise It is all I have now left me a power to forgive those that have deprived me of all and I thank God I have a heart to do it and joy as much in this grace which God hath given me as in all my former enjoyments for this is a greater argument of Gods love to me then any prosperity can be Be confident as I am that the most of all sides who have don amiss have done so not out of malice but misinformation or misapprehension of things None will be more Loyal and faithfull to me and you then those Subjects who sensible of their Errors and our Injuries will feel in their own souls most vehement motives to repentance and earnest desires to make some reparations for their former defects As your quality sets you beyond any Duel with any Subject so the nobleness of your minde must raise you above the meditating any revenge or executing your anger upon the many The more conscious you shall be to your own merits upon your people the more prone you will be to expect all Love and Loyalty from them and to inflict no punishment upon them for former miscarriages you will have more inward complacency in pardoning one then in punishing a thousand This I write to you not despairing of God's mercy and my Subjects affections towards you both which I hope you will study to deserve yet we cannot merit of God but by his own mercy If God shall see fit to restore me and you after me to those enjoyments which the Laws have assigned to us and no Subjects without an high degree of guilt and sin can devest us of then may I have better opportunity when I shall be so happy to see you in peace to let you more fully understand the things that belong to Gods glory your own honour and the Kingdoms peace But if you never see my face again and God will have me buried in such a barbarous imprisonment and obscurity which the perfecting some mens designs requires wherein few hearts that love me are permitted to exchange a word or a look with me I do require and entreat you as your Father and your KING that you never suffer your heart to receive the least check against or disaffection from the true Religion established in the Church of England I tell you I have tryed it and after much search and many disputes have concluded it to be the best in the world not only in the Community as Christian but also in the special notion as reformed keeping the middle way between the pomp of superstitios Tyranny and the meanness of fantastick Anarchy Not but that the draught being excellent as to the main both for Doctrine and Government in the Church of England some lines as in very good figures may haply need some sweetning or polishing which might here have easily been done by a safe and gentle hand if some mens precipitancy had not violently demanded such rude Alterations as would have quite destroyed all the beauty and proportions of the whole The scandal of the late troubles which some may object and urge to you against the Protestant Religion established in England is easily answered to them or your own thoughts in this that scarce any one who hath been a beginner or an active prosecutor of this late War against the Church the Laws and me either was or is a true Lover Embracer or practiser of the Protestant Religion established in England which neither gives such Rules nor ever before set such Examples 'T is true some heretofore had the boldness to present threatning Petitions to their Princes and Parliaments which others of the same Faction but of worse spirits have now put in execution but let not counterfeit and disorderly zeal abate your value and esteem of true Piety both of them are to be known by their Fruits the sweetness of the Vine and Fig-tree is not to be despised though the Brambles and Thorns should pretend to bear Figs and Grapes thereby to rule over the Trees Nor would I have you to entertain any aversation or dislike of Parliaments which in their right constitution with Freedom and Honour will never injure or diminish your greatness but will rather be as interchangings of Love Loyalty and confidence between a Prince and his people Nor would the events of this black Parliament have been other then such however much biassed by Factions in the Elections if it had been preserved from the insolencies of popular dictates and tumultuary impressions the sad effects of which will no doubt make all Parliaments after this more cautious to preserve that freedom and honour which belongs to such Assemblies
time besieged and surrendred 890. The University refuses to be visited by the Parliament 1053. and except against their Order 1054 P. PRopositions for toleration of Papists in Ireland 66. protested against ibid. Papists pursued 219. pretended plots of Papists 360 Propositions presented to the King and his Answer to them 919 First Parliament sits 6 Grants the K. 2. Subsidies 11. Laws enacted that Session 13. adjourns to Oxford ibid. Petition against Recusants 14. are answered by the King 16. dissolved 17 Second Parliament called 28. the Lords Petition 29. are answered by the King 30. the Lord Keepers speech to them 31. and the Kings 33. the Commons reply 34. dissolved 58 Third Parliament called 106. the Kings speech to them 107. they grant him Subsidies 109. are prorogued 116. sit again 127. appoint a Committee of Religion ibid. the King and they differ 130. the Commons protest 131. the Parliament dissolved 132. some Members questioned after 135 A fourth Parliament called 304. dissolved 305 Long ●●rliament resolved on upon an 〈◊〉 day 323. sit 326. vote Monopo●● 〈◊〉 of the House 336. borrow moneys of the City 337. vote against ship-money 338. Bill of Poll-money and for suppressing the High Commission Court and Star-Chamber passed 427. sit on a Sunday 430. disorders by their connivance 431. their Order concerning Ireland 447. the petition for Priviledge 463. another Petition and Remonstrance 465 466 c. Petition again for the Militia 489. for the five Members 495. and to settle the Militia 496 499. their Declaration to the King of his faults 501. they denude the King of all power and Allegiance 505. put themselves in a posture of War 513. their Protestation 517. their Declaration observed 519. their Votes upon the Kings preparations for war 538. their Declaration of defence 547. their advice to their deputy Lieutenants in the Northern Counties 561. they joyn with the Scots Kirk to reform all Christendom 565. Assure Payment on publique faith out of Delinquents Estates 556. exempt certain persons from pardon 568. their Declaration to the united Provinces 569. their directions to their General 575. They petition the King by their General Essex 578. Vote address to the King 588. their Declaration to the Scots 589. their Petition to the King and Answer to it 592. their Answer and the Kings Reply 594. their Petition to the King again 595. their desires presented to the King at Oxford are answered 599. their Ordinance to seize upon the Kings Revenues 659. their Propositions for peace and other Acts 752 753. their order to dispose of the King 899 901 924 the Propositions sent to him 916. both Speakers and some Members fly to the Army 996. Forced Acts of the Parliament made Null 1002. they send Propositions to the King 1009. their Declaration concerning their Votes of Non address to the King 1033. which is answered 1034. they vote concerning the King and Government 1061. and again for a Treaty 1083 1087. their Commissioners to treat 1088. their 4. demands 1089. and Propositions 1090. they tye their Commissioners to conditions 1093. the Commons vote for the Kings Tryal 1118. but the Lords dissent 1119. and Vote against it 1121 Patrick arraigned and executed 160 St. Pauls Church begins to be repaired 176 Earl of Pembroke dies 140. His successour made Chancellour of Oxford 1055 Pembroke besieged and surrendered 1060 Sir John Pennington made Commander of the Fleet 506 A wondrous Floud and Pestilence 209 Sir Pindar's bounty to the repair of St. Pauls 176 Polish wars with the Turk 178. cause of it 179. the state of Poland 181. Overtures of mariage of the King of Poland with the Lady Elizabeth 213 The Popes Letters to encourage the Rebellion in Ireland 605 Portsmouth beset 575 Col. Poyer revolts in Wales 1056. defeats the Parliaments Forces 1058. is defeated 1059 Of Presbyterial Government 948 c. Dr. Preston dies 119 Prin censured 218 219 returns from durance 338. his charge against the King 1116 Proeme from the year 1640. to the end of the History 299. and to the Irish Rebellion 421 The nineteen Propositions sent to the King 521 National Protestation 405 Viscountess Purbeck censured and escapes 105 A Puritan who 148 Mr. Pyms speech 330 Q. QUeen Mother of France comes into England 247. dies at Colen 428 Queen of England sent into Holland with the Princess of Orange 491. she returns from thence 601. meets the King at Edge-Hill 615. Entreth Oxford 626. journeys to the West where she ships for France 702. her Letter to the King 1118. and to Gen. Fairfax ibid. R. RAgland Castle besieged 893. surrendred upon Articles 896 Ramsey vide Rey. Diet at Ratisbone 211 Laws executed upon Recusants 335 Sir Charls Rich and Sir John Ratcliff their Gallantry 98 Trial of combate betwixt Rey and Ramsey 164. the manner of it ibid. c. Cardinal Richelieu dies 607 Expedition to the Isle of Rhe 75. cause of that war 79. English Land upon it and take St. Martins Town 80. the Castle described 81. besieged by the English 82. and relieved 83. English have recruits 88. the French designs frustrated and their ships destroyed 90. the French send to surrender are answered and relieved 91. the ill condition of the English 92. they rise from the siege but renew it upon hopes of supply 93. the French Forces increase there 94. encounter with the English but fly 95. English retiring Fight and assault St. Martins Castle ibid. the French receive recruits and Marshal 98 the English retire 98. yet encounter the French are defeated 99. make aboard their ships and consult 101. hoise sail 102. the expedition censured ibid. Treaty at Rippon how conclude 320 321 Rochellers false friends to the English at the Isle of Rhe 101. Rochel besieged by the French King 105. a third Fleet sent thither 120. the Town surrendred 127 Battel of Rocroy 691 Fight at Roundway Down 625 Sir Benjamin Ruddiers first Speech in Parliament 358. His second Speech 609 Prince Ruperts Fight near Tame 623 S. MInister of the Savoy his blasphemy 638 Scarborough Castle delivered to the Parliament 823 Scots Plot against the King 200. The Leiturgie imposed upon them 221. they mutiny against it ibid. 222. three Proclamations against them 223. a fourth to keep the peace 224. which is protested against by the Lords 225. the Scots insolent Petitions 224. they design a new Government by Tables 233. renew their confession of Faith 234. their title to it examined 236. their desires 251. their submission and Protestation 253. Proceedings in their Parliament 254. their Parliament prorogued 255. against which they protest 256. and send Deputies to the King ibid. four Commissioners from Scotland 261. their Treasons summ'd up ibid. Oath administred to the Scots against their Covenanters 265. their false Paper 267. their excuse touching it 271. their several mediations for assistance 274. their Commissioners return 284 Their Petition and Demands 314. moneys voted for them 343. their demands Answered 351 352 353 354. their
fit for a Kings use because submitting to the regret of the peoples hate and had no doubt abilities to have ballanced affairs to the better had not his Assassination left things loose in the very time that he endeavoured to fasten them These grievances such as they were murmured into common knowledge made the Multitude most averse to supply the Kings necessities and his Instruments of Invention seeking thereby their own ends to advance the Pr●sbyterian Faction by a discontented bussle put the King upon the most regretful wayes that proved his ruine Of Scotland But to heighten these Differences the Scots are called home from foreign parts and flocking to the English Court upon large expence their former begging trade almost out of use began confederacie with the English Puritan and Presbyter crying out upon the Queen and Popery some advantages they finde ready fitted to hand the busie Arch-bishop who must in this time of high discontent press a full conformity of their Kirk in Scotland with the English Discipline which occasioned the Commons and cunning Lords of both Nations to combine watching such a conjuncture of time and state that should force the King in to the Parliamentary way which they effected mightily insisting upon their Priviledges enlarged by former favour of Soveraigns specially of Queen Eli●●beth whose interest lay couched in the Mad-headed Multitude lately become loose by sundry Laws which gave them equality with the Peerage and now cry out for liberty And so we shall enter upon some Observations in reference to their first Actors on their own Stage It is observable that upon the change of Soveraignty a Mutability and alteration of men and manners to follow The former Councellors and Favourites of State to decline yielding or overpowred with the Factions and Complots of such as seek to set up themselves with others ruine as in England so in Scotland The Earl of Niddisdale married into the Kindred of the Duke of Buckingham took to Faction the Earl of Mentith of the Ancient Noble Family of Grahames their Spirit was preserved in him but the Estate decayed in them all only Sir Iames Grahame I remember of some credit heretofore with King Iames applyed his policy then in spite to Somerset for the Induction of the Favourite Villiers buoy'd up by the Scots upon his score who had interest with that Duke ever after his noble 〈◊〉 and perfect character never ingratefull Another was Sir William Alexander of Menstrie and but Master of Requests for Scots Affairs yet great enough to bear up with any the most ambitious who with p●rsons some Bishops of their own and others of such like humours advised a general Revocation of things passed heretofore partly in minority of Princes in prejudice to the Crown a course most usual just and reasonable with the Kings Predecessors and yet now become grievous for great men to part with Grounded no doubt and that Legally upon former Revocations after dissolution of the Popish Religion and so annexed to the Crown but it was at this time done with all moderation and in effect for ease to the Gentry and the Ministery who of all proved most ingrate Another Symptome of discontent proceeded from men of the Noblest extraction Lords of the Erection or Laicks or as in England Impropriators who usually abused their gathering in of their Tithes against whom Petitions were frequent from almost all the Ministers and Gentry and their Farmers for their oppression in matters of Tithes none having power to carry away his nine parts or any part untill the Proprietary have set out his tenth part The Ministers likewise received no Tithes or but a poor pittance or stipend and so in dependence of such Patrons upon all occasions of Faction good or bad A necessary considered in point of State also That all those Ministers and others that pay Tithes the greatest part of the people should depend on the Nobility or Laick persons upon which reasons for reformation there issued out Commissions to sundry the Prime of Estates and Degrees the very offenders not omitted and called Commissioners of Surrenders of Superiority and Tithes the effect accordingly rendred a due and equal amendment of evill manners and freedom from that bondage and so acknowledged from all Nor were the Patrons displeased in point of profit as it was ordered only they were curbed of their usurpation in their Powers and Superiority over the people and therefore to deceive them it was bruited abroad as a design of the Bishops and struck at the Liberty of Religion Other complaints were fram'd against the Dependants and Favourites of the Lords of Session obstructing the equality of Justice Three of the chiefest Earls Hadington Lidsdale and Southeck led the way of surrendring their Patents from King Iames ad vita● vel culpam and all others Patents were reformed durante benepl●cit● Regis Yet see the ingenuity and grace of the King the last two Earls continued Privy Councellors And Hadington removed from the place of Secretary was rewarded with the custody of the Privy-seal of more honour but less gain And which angered them all Sir William Alexander made a Lord and soon after Secretary of State yet still to stop the mouth of malice Hadington had half the benefit of the signet Mentith made President of the Council a new Office in that Nation which formerly resided in 〈◊〉 Chancellour and afterwards created Earl of Stratherne These Mutations gave the first motions of discontent and proceed to Mutiny for Niddesdale comes thither with Commission of Grievance framed at Court to be setled in form of the English Star-chamber intentionally to raise fines from offenders for the Kings use which Niddesdale meant to beg to pay his debts A design effectually ruinous only to great men notorious oppressors But the Earls of Kinnoul Chancellor Marr Treasurer and old Hadington Privy-seal having continual intelligence out of the Kings Bed-chamber the most Scotch-men his own servants therein from first and last fatal Informers of all his secrets so moved their Faction and Friends armed with Scots Pistols and Whinyards their Mode in mutiny opposed Niddesdale to his teeth the very day of delivery of the Commission to be confirmed by the Council and old Hadington with his Hanger a man now of the Gown in the head of the Rout Niddesdale was fairly enforced to steal away by a back Postern and posted to England with his Commission in his Cloak-bag This the first fatal opposition to Soveraignty and Justice and the first foil which was never removed to the last of the Kings life Alexander also made an Earl unable to execute his Office of Secretary was contented to have assistance of another the manner of England Sir Archibald Attchison a Judge in Ireland his intimate friend but of such an unquiet Spirit as from his first Accession gave fuel to all those after Seditions Upon the surrenders of Superiority and Tythes Sir Iohn Stewart of Traham amongst others was deputed by the Gentry
an enterprize For those your donatives are all disburst to a penny and I am enforced to summon you hither to tell you that neither can the Army advance nor the Fleet set forth without further aid Consider I pray you the eyes of all Europe are defixt upon me to whom I shall appear ridiculous as though I were unable to outgo muster and ostentation if you now desert me Consider it is my first attempt wherein if I sustain a foyl it will blemish all my future honour If mine cannot let your own reputation move you deliver and expedite me fairly out of this war wherewith you have encombred let it never be said whereinto you have betrayed me I desire therefore your speedy supply speedy I call it for else it will prove no supply The Sun you know is entring into his declining point so it will be soon too late to set forth when it will be rather not too soon to return Again I must minde you of the mortality now regnant in this City which should it as so it may and no breach of priviledge neither arrest any one Member of either house it would soon put a period both to consultation and Session so that your own peri●litation necessitates an early resolution In sum Three of the best Rhetoritians Honour Opportunity and Safety are all of a plot and plead you see for expedition Perhaps it may be expected I should say something in way of account of my Religion as also of the temper and tenour of my future Government But as I hope I have not been guilty of any thing which may justly start the least question in either so I desire you would repose in this assurance that I will in neither vary from those principles wherein I have been instituted at the feet of that eminent Gamaliel my late Father And ending his Speech he with his hand moved his Crown Not usual saies one with any his predecessors to vail it Nor did he but the massy Gold and precious stones gave him cause to ease his browes of that weight and of which he complained when he came home without any other observation then which yet hath begot so much comment now as to be called Calamitous Presages no less then a dozen in the Kings future Reign which we shall remember as we meet them in order hereafter and for the present examine the Note of Mr. Prins telling That the King on his day of Coronation was clothed in White contrary to the Custome of his Predecessors on that day clothed in purple the Regal colour of Kings the Robe of Majesty the other of Saints the Robe of innocency And to this as to the other a great plague had driven the greatest trades men out of the City and the Kings Mercer infected and fled No Purple Velvet to be had on the sodain and so the colour of his Robes was changed by Necessity yet to the better by his own observation But to the matter of the Kings Speech Money for a War with Spain upon the former score of Quarrel the Palatinate which ingaged King Iames in Justice and honour and so this King To a War is required a Iust Quarrel Wars are suits of Appeal to the Tribunal of Gods Justice where there are no Superiours on Earth to determine the Cause Yet do the Princes of this World endeavour to declare the reasons of their defiance to ballance with the opinions of a righteous cause England had at this time two just Grounds of War with Spain 1. The recovery of the Palatinate 2. A just fear of subversion of our Civil Estate I have no mind to mention the Third so usually pretended viz. Fear of subversion of our Religion for though the House of Commons the first Parliament of King Iames voted that for a reason to make a War upon Spain the King was so wise as not to involve into a quarrel against him upon that score lest he should be necessarily drawn into a defiance likewise with all the Roman Catholiques of Christendome and so that vote was dasht out of the Record by the Register But we shall take the two for granted That Just fears are indeed true Defensives as well as actual Invasions but offensive Wars for Religion King Iames was of opinion are never just Not to force the Conscience which Guides the Soul with the power of the Sword which is but humane and though he was by his Title Defensor ●idei if oppugned yet he was not thereby authorized to quarrel with another mans belief For the first Ground the concernment of the Palatinate as there was no color in that Prince Elector to accept of the Kingdom of Bohemia so no Justice in the house of Austria to retain the Palatinate from him For though an Elective Monarchy cannot be so free as an● Hereditary yet if yo●●●ke to boot the Customes transactions and privileges of that Kingdome of Bohemia It will appear as positive as Soveraigns Descendent But leaving that Title as disputable I shall not offer at it though I were able to master the Question And then the Quere will follow whether an Offensive War being made unjustly the Defendant may not by diversion invade and master the undubitable possession of the Aggressour who is now turned Defendant of his own Surely he may and enjoy the conquest lawfully and is not bound to restore it but by force which force is as lawfull to be done as the other The Spaniard in eighty eight invaded our Seas and designed it upon our Land also was not our expeditions thereupon against Lisbone and Cadiz a just war surely it was And truly King Iames held these Opinions which put him into Treaties for the Palatinate upon terms and conditions of a mariage with Prince Charles his Son and the Infanta of Spain wherein being some years deluded it was just in him to begin the way by force which he did as it is now for King Charles to endeavour the like regaining it for his Brother-in-law by a War which he now intends For Wars are Vindictae Revenges Reparations like to cross suits in civil pleas sometime both of them just And thus much for the Palatinate The Second Ground A just fear of subversion of our Civil Estate The overgrowing Greatness of any neighbour Nation is a necessity imposed upon anothers fear of violation which becomes defensive Christian Princes have a just invasive War against the Turk as a grand Enemy indeed not for cause of Religion no good ground for that but upon a just fear because the fundamental Law in that Empire is to propagate their Mahometan faith by any War So saies the Persian for his belief two opposite enemies upon that ground and the Christians are as well upon the Preventive as the Defensive War All men know the great endeavours of the Spanish Monarchy to aspire new Acquests and to be absolute The History of the Triumvirate Kings Henry the eighth of England Francis the first of
Against abuses committed on Sundays The King to make Leases of Lands parcel of his Dutchy of Cornwall For ease of obtaining Licences of Alienation and in the Pleadings of Pardon in the Exchequer or else where For restraining Misbehaviour in Inns and Alehouses That this Session shall not determine by his Majesties royal assent to these Acts. Then passed a Bill in the Lower House of Tonnage and Poundage but because it was limited to one year whereas former Grants to his Majesties Predecessors were for Life It was foundred in the Upper House The Reason of this Restraint was thus In a Parliament the 18. of King Iames the Kings learned Councill culled out of that Act reasons for pretermitted Customes and other Impositions which were accounted Grievances to the Subject and an Imoderate charge upon those Customes and therefore their Design was to reduce them to the rate settled long since tempore Mariae but they wanted time enough to mold it now The next Assembly met the first day of August at Oxford The Divinity School for the Commons and the Gallery above for the Lords Hence is observed a pretty Note To give up the Divinity-School to the Commons and that Chair to their Speaker put them into an usurpation of Determinations of Divinity and henceforward no Parliaments without a Committee of Religion of Lay-Persons not onely to mannage controversies of Divinity but to ruine the old and to establish a New And because the Kings designes required Expedition He summons both Houses to Christ-Church Hall where he urged to them his Necessities for setting forth his Fleet. But his desires found no other consideration than for a formal Petition against Recusants and the causes of their increase with the Remedies Most Gracious Sovera●gn IT being infallibly true that nothing can more establish your Throne and assure the peace and prosperity of your People then the unity and sincerity of Religion We your Majesties most humble and loyal Subjects and Commons in this present Parliament assembled observing that of late there is an apparent mischievous encrease of Papists within your Dominions hold our selves bound in conscience and duty to present the same unto your sacred Majesty together with the dangerous consequences and what we conceive to be the most principal causes and what may be the remedies thereof 1. Their desperate ends being the subversion both of Church and State and the restlessness of their Spirits to attain those ends The Doctrine of their Teachers and Leaders perswading them that therein they shall do God good Service 2. Their evident and strict dependance upon such Foreign Princes as no way affect the good of your Majesty and this State 3. An opening a way of Popularity to the ambition of any who shall adventure to make himself head of so great a party The principal causes of the increase of Papists 1. The want of due execution of the Laws against Iesuits seminary Priests and Papists Recusants occasioned partly by Connivance of the State partly by many abuses of Officers 2. The interposing of foreign Princes by their Ambassadours and Agents in favour of them 3. Their great Concourse to the City and their frequent conventicles and conferences there 4. The Education of their children in Houses and Seminaries of their Religion in foreign parts which of late have been greatly multiplied and enlarged for the entertainment of the English 5. That in many places of this your Realm your people are not sufficiently instructed in the knowledge of true Religion 6. The licentious publishing of Popish and seditious Books 7. The imployment of men ill affected in Religion in places of Government who countenance the Popish party The Remedies be these 1. That there be great Care taken in the choise and admitting School-Masters and that the Ordinaries make diligent inquiries of their demeanours and proceed to the removing of such as shall be faulty 2. That the antient Discipline of the University be restored being the famous Nursery of literature 3. That for the propagation of the Gospel such able Ministers as have been formerly silenced may by fair entreaty of the Bishops be reduced to the service of the Church and that Non-residency Pluralities and Commendums may be moderated 4. That a straight provision may be made against transporting of English children to Popish Seminaries beyond Seas and for recalling such as are there already 5. That no Popish Recusant be permitted to come within the Court unless upon special occasion agreeable to the Statute 3● Iacobi 6. That all Jesuits Priests and others having taken Orders from the See of Rome may be banished by Proclamation and in case of disobedience may be proceeded against according to the Laws of the Land 7. That none by any authority derived from the See of Rome be permitted to confer Orders or exercise any Ecclesiastical function within your Majesties Dominions 8. That all former Grants of Recusants lands made to the use and interest of such Recusants may by the advice of your Majesties Council be voided 9. That all Recusants may be excommunicated and not absolved but upon conformity 10. That all Recusants be removed from places of authority and government 11. That all Recusants be disarmed according to the provision of the Law 12. That they may be all confined to remain at their Country habitations and not to travel above five miles from thence 13. That none of your Majesties natural born Subjects be suffered to repair to the hearing of Masses or other superstitious service at the Chappels or houses of foreign Ambassadours or elsewhere 14. That all such insolencies as any Popishly affected have lately committed to the dishonour of our Religion be exemplarily punished 15. That the penal●y of 12. d. every Sunday for default of coming to Divine Service in the Church without lawful excuse may be put in Execution Lastly that your Majesty would be pleased to order that the like courses may be taken in Ireland for the establishing of true Religion there The Kings Answer was so satisfactory and sodain to each particular being heretofore branched to his Father and the remedies resolved upon them and now so reasonably required as that the King took him from hence to speak for himself and to put them to it to supply his very urgent Necessities to set forth his Navy It found affection in some earnest to give and to satisfie the present occasion with expedition Others having no heart to deny nor willing to contribute but cunningly to gain convenient time as to prejudice the Design which was to be sodain and there were these the most averse that quarreled not the Expedition for it was secret and so ought to be but old Sir Robert Mansel a quarrelous person for his interest in the Glass house then in dispence must be set up a Man of great Experience and sound Judgement but where in the Narrow Seas And he by Guess had declared against the Design and tendered some overtures
third appointed this form To be chosen by six Princes of Germany Three Ecclesiastical Arch-Bishops Moguntia Colen and Trevine Three Temporal the Duke of Saxonie the Count Palatine of the Rhene and the Marquesse of Brandenburgh and when those six voyces should happen equally divided that then the Duke of Bohemia before it was a Kingdom should determine the Election this was approved by all the Germain Princes and other Christian Princes and Estates of this world And the manner and conditions are these After his Election he is called onely Caesar and the King of the Romanes and not Emperour till he be Crowned and takes his Oath presently after his Election To defend the Catholick Religion and Pope of Rome To minister Iustice to keep the Lawes of the Empire c. and so is anointed and with some prayers upon him a drawn sword put in his hand a Ring on his finger a scepter in his other hand and three Bishops set the Crown Emperiall upon his Head Then all the Princes take Oath to him In Polonie after the same manner In Spain of late the Kings are not Crowned but have another admission equal and performed by the Arch-Bishop of Toledo Primate of Spain In France they have some alterations from their ancient manner by Lewis le Ieune who ordained the 12. Peers of France Six Ecclesiastical and six Temporal The Arch-Bishop and Duke of Rhemes anointeth and Crowneth the King The Bishop and Duke of Lava bears the Glasse of sacred Oyl The Bishop and Duke of Lanques the Cross. The Bishop and Earl of Beauvais the Mantle Royal. The Bishop and Earl of Koyon the Girdle The Bishop and Earl of Chaalons the Ring The Duke of Burgundy Dean of the Order holds the Crown The Earl of Gasconie and Guiennie the first Banner quartered The Duke of Normandy the second Banner quartered The Earl of Tholosa the Golden spurs The Earl of Campain the Banner Royal or Standard of War The Earl of Flanders the sword Royall And this day the King is severally apparelled three times First as a Priest Secondly a King and Warriour Thirdly as a Iudge He takes his Oath by the Arch-Bishop of Rhemes to the Church and to the people c. and so vested with the Mantle Girdle Ring Ointment and Crown with declaration what each signified And though this Ceremonie of sacring and Anointing Kings be more ancient than the Christian Kingdom of France yet is it the most ancient for particular Majestique manner and most of the Neighbour Kingdoms have affinity from her especially in England being the very same in effect The sacredness of the Hebrew Kings depended much upon their being anointed Anointing added a divine Majesty to their Kings and made them sacred and allied unto God exercising power and authority over things divine the virtue of the sacred Ointment being communicated to them formerly compounded by Moses of Aromatick ingredients and was yet for Initiation and Consecration till Iosiah hid it under ground in the Temple in the same secret place where the Ark of the Covenant Aarons rod Urim and Thummim and the Manna were laid up in preservation against the overthrow of the Temple by the Assyrians as had been prophecied and so lost to posterity in time of their Babylonish Captivity And therefore the King resolves on the day 2. February which is censured For a vanity though serious and the wisest Monarchs are very idle in it as not conferring one dram of solid grandure to the Throne and yet he acknowledgeth that as the King enters recognizance and stipulateth with the people to govern by Law so they acclaim him their King And is all this but vanity Though the Scriptures also exemplifies it in the Iews their first King Saul after the manner of all Nations and after him David Solomon Iehoash The High● Priest anointing him with solemnities as you may see of Gods own appointing and the Ceremony to our Saviour when the Iews crowned him was no doubt in imitation of other Kings and may be a pattern for Christians But the day come which began his solemnitie conveyed him by water from White-Hall to Westminster not in usual state through the streets from the Tower the onely reason the dregs of the Infection not clearing the danger of such concourse of people which is put upon his frugality to save money And though it belonged to the Dean of Westminster Bishop of Lincoln to officiate some chief parts of the Celebrity yet he being under a deserved displeasure and in October last put out of his office of Lord Keeper of the Great Seal of England and intrusted unto Sr. Thomas Coventry who sat in Chancery two Terms before much of his duty was conferred upon Dr. Laud Bishop of St. Davids not of Bath and Wells till September after And then concerning the alteration of the Prayer The very Committee for managing the particulars of the Coronation resumed then those ancient particulars of the Prayer till Henry the sixth's time Ut obtineat gratiam huic populo c. like Aaron in the Tabernacle Elisha in the waters Zacharias in the Temple Sit Petrus in Clave Paulus in dogmate and were suitors to the King not to suffer the Dean to that duty and had this answer Who was not worthy to keep the seal lesse deserving to Minister now to his Soveraign Nor was he admitted to the next Parliament nor had summons by Writ so no Proxy to appoint a suffrage though it is said and evilly mentioned by an Historian That the Dukes Mother intruded who loved the Bishop if fame belies her not better then was fitting But this scandal I have answered sufficiently See the Life and Death of King Iames. And his own letters will discover the truth dated the seventh of Ianuary 1625. to the Duke and signed Iohn Lincoln so then he was not Chanceller and saies that he is come to do service for the preparation to the Coronation c. and craves of the Duke to receive a creature of your own struck dead with displeasure and by him to be brought to kiss the Kings hands And another Letter to the King complains that he hath not received his Writ of summons unto the Parliament that he might make his Proxie c. Nor can he go into the County as he had done long since but in expectation of this Writ and that in his absence in this Parliament no use may be made of the Kings Name to wound the reputation of a poor Bishop Cabala 107 108. and so our other Historians are mistaken in this And the manner of his Delivery of the Seal was thus Sir Iohn Suckling was sent from the King to demand it but charily he locked it up in a Cabinet and sent it and the Key by the Knight inclosed in a Letter to the King and so was outed of the Seal but kept his Bishoprick of Lincoln and the Deanary of Westminster which indeed he had for his life and after
Barons and Bishops alwaies standing bareheaded Then every Bishop came to the King to bring their Benediction upon him and he in King Edwards Robes with the Crown upon his Head rose from his Chair and bowed to every Bishop apart Then was girt about him King Edwards Sword which himself after wards took off and offered it up at the Communion Table with two Swords more in relation to Scotland and Ireland or to some antient Principalities with his Predecessors enjoyed in France The Duke of Buckingham as Master of the Horse put on his Spurs and thus compleatly crowned his Majesty offered first Gold then Silver and afterwards Bread and Wine which was to be used at the holy Communion Then the King was conducted by the Nobility to the Throne upon the square Basis of five Descents the Quire singing Te Deum where he received the Oath of Homage from the Duke of Buckingham as Lord High Constable for that day and the Duke swore all the Nobility to be Homagers to his Majesty at the Kings knee Then the Earls and Barons laid their hands on the Crown upon the Kings head protesting to spend their bloods to maintain it to him and his lawful Heirs The Bishops kneeled down but took no oath the King kissing each of them Then the King took a Scrowl of Parchment out of his Bosom and gave it to the Lord Keeper Coventry who read it to the Commons four several times East West North and South the effect His Majesties pardon to all that would take it under his Broad-Seal From the Throne to the Communion Table where the Arch-bishop kneeling at the North side read prayers and the Quire sung the Nicene Creed the Bishops Landaff and Norwich read the Epistle and Gospels The Bishops of Durham and Saint Davids in rich copes with his Majesty received the Communion the Bread from the Archbishop the Wine from Bishop Saint Davids The King received last of all whilest Gloria Patri was sung and some prayers by the Arch-bishop conclude the solemnity After the King had disrobed himself in King Edwards Chapel he came forth in a short Robe of Red Velvet girt unto him lined with Ermins and a Crown of his own upon his head set with very pretious stones And thus the Train going to the Barges at the water-side they returned to White-hall about three a clock afternoon This being as yet the last solemnity of this King Charles I could say no less to preserve it to memory to shew what that State had been till it be so again And now the King calls a Parliament which met the sixth of February Sir Henage Finch Recorder of London chosen Speaker of the Commons House So soon are they summoned after their last Dissolution It was the Kings design then to take this short time of recess to cool the heat of some fiery Spirits and now for him to give all possible satisfaction to their former pressures of Grievances which had been lately fully cleared unto them in pursuance of their pretended devout care for settling of Religion But still the house of Commons scrutiny and by a Committee strictly examine what abuses had interferred the execution of his Majesties Grace therein And the Lords betake themselves to a Grievance of their own Order The old ones had a former complaint five years since to King Iames against such New Lords of foreign Titles of Honour that claimed thereby precedency of Inferior titles at home and were then quelled in that quarrel as being in the pleasure of the Prince to effuse the beames of Honour and to collate what he please upon whom and how he please But now another dress and much more boldly To the Kings most Excellent Majesty In all humility SHeweth unto your most Excellent Majesty your ever Loyal Subjects the Lords Spiritual and Temporal now in Parliament assembled That whereas the Peers and Nobility of this your Kingdome of England have heretofore in civility yielded as to strangers precedency according to their several degrees unto such Nobles of Scotland and Ireland as being in titles above them have resorted hither Now divers of the n●t●ral born Subjects of this Kingdom resident here with their Families and having their chief Estates among us do by reason of some late created Dignities in those Kingdomes of Scotland and Ireland claim Precedency of the Peers of this Realm which tends both to the dis-service of your Maje●●● and these Realms and to the great disparagemont of the English Nobility as by these reasons may appear 1. It is a novelty without precedent That men should inherit Honors where they possess nothing else 2. It is injurious to those Countreys from whence their Titles are derived that any should have Vote in Parliament where they have not a foot of Land 3. It is a grievance to the Countrey where they inhabit that men possessing very large Fortunes and Estates should by reason of foreign Titles be exempted from those services of Trust and Charge which through their default become greater pressures upon others who bear the burthen 4. It is a shame to Nobility that persons dignified with the Titles of Barons Viscounts c. should be obnoxious and exposed to arrest they being in the view of the Law no more then meer Plebeians We therefore humbly beseech your Majesty that you will be pleased according to the example of the best Princes and Times upon consideration of these inconveniences represented to your Majesty by the nearest Body of Honour to your Majesty that some course may be taken and an Order timely settled therein by your Princely Wisdom so as the inconvenience to your Majesty may be prevented and the prejudice and disparagement of the Peers and Nobility of this Kingdom may be redressed To which the King for the present Promised to take order therein And the next News was the commitment of the Earl of Arundel to the Tower and this the cause The King having a Design to reconcile an antient fewd of two families by contracting them into a Marriage between the Lord of Lorn son and heir to the Earl of Arguile and bred up in England a Protestant for that purpose and the Eldest Daughter of the late Duke of Lenox which though well known to the Earl of Arundel he very boldly marries his eldest Son the Lord Matravers unto her and excuses it to be the private contrivance of the two Mothers but he is committed to the Tower and being in time of Parliament the Peers Petition the King That no Peer is to be imprisoned without Order of the Upper House unless for Treason Felony or Denial of the security for the peace which retrived their old dispute Priviledge and lasted the debate of a Months time In which space Mr. Pym Chairman to the C●mmittee of Religion reports the Inquisition of their discovery A Letter to the Lord Maior of York for Reprieve of some Iesuits Priests and other Recusants which Letter was compared
remember my Father moved by your counsel and won by your perswasions brake the Treaties in these perswasions I was your instrument towards him and I was glad to be instrumental in any thing which might please the whole body of the Realm nor was there any then in greater favour with you then this man whom you now so traduce And now wh●n you finde me so sure intangled in war as I have no honourable and safe retreat you make my necessity your priviledge and set what rate you please upon your supplies a practise not very obliging towards Kings Mr. Coke told you it was better to dye by a foreign enemy then to be destroyed at home Indeed I think it is more honourable for a King to be invaded and almost destroyed by a foreign enemy then to be despised at home This was sharp and sowre yet the C●mmons kept close to their custom and reply with a Remonstrance That with extream joy and comfort they acknowledge the favour of his Majesties most gracious expressions of affection to his people and this present Parliament That concerning Mr. Coke true it is he let fall some few words which might admit an ill construction and that the House was displeased therewith as they declared by a general check and though Mr. Coke's explanation of his minde more cleerly did somewhat abate the offence of the House yet were they resolved to take it into further consideration and so have done the effect whereof had appeared ere this had they not been interrupted by this his Majesties message and the like interruption ●efel them also in the businesse of Doctor Turner As concerning the examination of the Letters of his Secretary of State as also of his Majesties own and searching the Signet Office and other Records they had done nothing therein not warranted by the precedents of former Parliaments upon the like occasions That concerning the Duke they did humbly beseech his Majesty to be informed that it hath been the constant and undoubted usage of Parliaments to question and complain of any person of what degree soever and what they should do in relation to him they little doubted but it should redound to the honour of the Crown and safety of the Kingdom Lastly As to the matter of supply That if addition may be made of other things importing his service then in consultation am●ngst them they were resolved so to supply him as might evidence the truth of their intentions might make him safe at home and formidable abroad The King tired with pro and con Petitions Answers Speeches Remonstrances was resolved to reply to them in brief That he would have them in the first place to consult matters of the greatest moment and that they should have time enough for other things hereafter But their designes were otherwise and the Important business to them was an Inquisition against the Duke and Incour●gement to the Parliament to any Informations The Earl of Bristow being excluded the House petitions them to prefer his Accusation which was soon admitted whom the Duke necessarily incounters and begins the charge against him But it is some Scandal to vertue to say that many good men were passing jocund at the contest Indeed the Lower Members might make it their mirth to finde the Upper Ones so malitious and imprudent to persecute each other being a presage of ruine by degrees and time to them all when as the policy of the Commons would not suffer one of theirs to be questioned till themselves considered of their Crimes which kept them close together Imboldned thus to preserve themselves to the last But the Duke ptocures the King by his Attorny Generall to summon Bristow to the Lords Bar as a grand Delinquent and to his face accuses him of High-Treason To which he Answers That he was a f●ee man and a Peer unattainted and had somewhat to say of high consequence Being bid to proceed Then saith he I accuse that man the Duke of Buckingham of High Treason and will prove it And forthwith produceth twelve Articles of his Charge May the second 1 That the Duke did secretly conspire with the Conde of Gondam●r Ambassador of Spain before the said Ambassadors last return into Spain 1622. to carry his Majesty then Prince into Spain to the end he might be enforced and instanced in the Romish Religion and thereby have perverted the Prince and subverted the true Religion established in England 2. That Mr. Porter was made acquainted therewith and sent into Spain and such message framed at his return as might serve for a ground to set on foot the conspiracy which was done accordingly and thereby both King and Prince highly abused 3. The Duke at his arrival in Spain nourished the Spanish Ministers not onely in the beleef of his own being Popishly given by absenting himself from all exercises of our Religion then constantly used in the Earl of Bristows house and conforming himself to please the Spainard by kneeling to and adoring their Sacraments but gave them hope also of the Princes conversion which caused them to propound worse conditions for Religion then had been formerly setled and signed by the Earl of Bristow and Sr. Walter Aston 4. That the Duke did many times in the presence of the Earl of Bristow move his Majesty at the instance of the Conde of Gondamar to write a letter to the Pope which the Earl utterly disswaded and that although during the Earls abode in England he hindred the writing any such letter yet the Duke after the Earls return procured it wrot 5. That the Pope being informed of the Dukes inclination in point of Religion sent him a particular Bull in parchment therein perswading him to pervert his Majesty 6. That the Duke in Spain did abuse the King of Spain and his Ministers so as they would not admit of a Reconciliation with him whereupon seeing the match would be to his disadvantage he endeavoured to break it not for any service to this Kingdom nor dislike of it in it s●lf nor for that he found as since he hath pretended th●t the Spaniard did not really intend it but out of his particular end and indignation 7. That he intending to cross the match made use of Letters of his Majesty then private to his own ends and not to what they were intended as also concealed many things of great importance from his late Majesty thereby overthrowing his Majesties purposes and advancing his own ends 8. That for the foresaid ends he hath abused both Houses of Parliament by a sinister relation of the carriage of affairs as shall be made appear in every particular of that relation 9 That he imployed his power with the King of Spain for the procurement of favours and offices which he bestowed upon unworthy persons for the recompence and hire of his lust which is a great infamy and dishonour to our Nation that a Duke a privy Counsellor and Ambassador eminent in his Majesties favour and
my Religion The Earl replying desired the Prince to pardon him if he had offended him saying It was but out of his desire to serve him Whereas it had been the duty of a faithful servant to God and his Master to have disswaded the Prince from it had he found him staggering in his Religion Eighthly That he afterward having Conference with the Prince about the Romish Religion trayterously endeavoured to perswade him to turn Romish Catholique using an Argument to that end That the State of England never did nor could possibly do any great thing but when obedient to the Pope of Rome Ninthly That during the time aforesaid the Prince advising with the Earl about a new Offer by the King of Spain That the Prince Palatine should marry the Emperours Daughter ●e brought up in his Court and so should be restored to the Palatinate The Earl said It was a reasonable Proposition And when the danger of changing his Religion was objected the Earl replyed That without some such great Act the peace of Christendom could never be procured Tenthly That the Prince departing from Spain and leaving the Powers of Disposorios with the said Earl to be delivered upon the return of his Dispensation from Rome the Prince fearing lest after the Dispensation the Infanta might be put into a Monastery wrote a Letter back to the Earl commanding him not to make use of those Powers untill he could give him assurance that a Monastery should not rob him of his Wife which Letter the Earl receiving returned an answer disswading that Direction Shortly after which the Prince sent another Letter discharging him of his former Command But his late Majesty by the same Messenger sent him a more express Direction Not to deliver the Disposorios until a full conclusion had concerning the Palatinate adding this expression That he would never joy to marry his Son and to leave his onely Daughter weeping In which Dispatch though there was some mistake yet in the next following it was corrected and the Earl tied to his former Restrictions which he promised punctually to observe Neverthelesse contrary to his Duty and Allegiance he after set a day for the Disposorios without any assurance or so much as treating of those things to which he was restrained and that so short a day that if extraordinary diligence with good successe in the Journey had not concurred the Princes hands might have been bound up and yet he never sure of a Wife nor the Prince Palatine of Restitution Lastly That in an high an contemptuous manner he hath preferred a scandalous Petition to this Honourable House to the dishonour of the late King and his now Majesty especially one Article of that Petition wherein he gives his now Majesty the Lye by denying and offering to falsifie what his Majesty had affirmed There needs no strain of partiality to implead the difference of these charges assuredly if the Earls charge against the Duke could have served the turn It might have spared the Commons Impeachment the other comming far short of the designe which was to do it to the purpose And therefore This weighty Cause was managed by six Members Mr. Glanvil Mr. Herbert Ma. Selden Mr. Pim Mr. Wans ford Mr. Sherland to them was added Sr. Dudly Diggs as Prolocutor and Sr. Iohn Elliot brought up the Rear And so though the matter of the Prologue may be spared being made up with Elegancy yet rather then it shall be lost you may please to read it at this length My Lords THere are so many things of great importance to be said in very little time this day that I conceive it will not be unacceptable to your Lordships if setting by all Rhetorical affectations I onely in plain Country language humbly pray your Lordships favour to include many excuses necessary to my manifold infirmities in this one word I am commanded by the Knights Citizens and Burgesses of the Commons house to present unto your Lordships their most affectionate thanks for your ready condescending to this Conference which out of confidence in your great wisdoms and approved Justice for the service of his Majesty and the welfare of this Realm they desired up●● this occasion The House of Commons by a fatal and universal concurrence of complaints from all the Sea-bordering parts of this Kingdom did find a great and gri●vous interruption and stop of Trade and Traffique The base Pirats of Sally ignominiously infesting our Coasts taking our ships and goods and leading away the Subjects of this Kingdom into barbarous Captivity while to our shame and hinderance of Commerce our enemies did as it were besiege our Ports and block up our best Rivers mouths 〈◊〉 Friends on flight pretences made embargoes of our Merchants goods and every Nation upon the least occasion was ready to contemn and slight us So great was the apparent diminution of the ancient honour of this Crown and once strong reputation of our Nation Wherewith the Commons were more troubled calling to remembrance how formerly in France in Spain in Holland and every where by Sea and Land the Valours of this Kingdom had been better valued and even in latter times within remembrance when we had no Alliance with France none in Denmark none in Germany no Friend in Italy Scotland to say no more ununited Ireland not setled in peace and much less security at home when Spain was as ambitious as it is now under a King Philip the second they called their wisest the House of Austria as great and potent and both strengthened with a malitious League in France of persons ill-affected when the Low-countreys had no being yet by constant counsels and old English wayes even then that Spanish pride was cool'd that greatness of the house of Austria so formidable to us now was well resisted and to the United Provinces of the Low countreys such a beginning growth and strength was given as gave us honour over all the Christian World The Commons therefore wondring at the Evils which they suffered debating of the causes of them found they were many drawn like one Line to one Circumference of decay of Trade and strength of Honour and of Reputation in this kingdom which as in one Centre met in one great man the Cause of all whom I am here to name the Duke of Buckingham Here Sir Dudly Diggs made a stand as wondring to see the Duke present Yet he took the Roll and read the Preamble to the charge with the Dukes long Titles and then went on My Lords This lofty Title of this mighty Man me thinks doth raise my spirits to speak with a Paulo majora canamus and let it not displease your Lordships if for foundation I compare the beautiful Structure and fair composition of this Monarchy wherein we live to the great work of God the World it self in which the solid body of incorporated Earth and Sea as I conceive in regard of our Husbandry Manufactures and Commerce by Land and Sea may
well resemble us the Commons And as it is encompassed with Air and Fire and Spheres Celestial of Planets and a Firmament of fixed Stars All which receive their heat light and life from one great glorious Sun even like the King our Soveraign So that Firmament of fixed Stars I take to be your Lordships Those Planets the great Officers of the Kingdom That pure Element of Fire the most religious zealous and pious Clergy And the reverend Iudges Magistrates and Ministers of Law and Justice the Air wherein we breath All which encompasse round with cherishing comfort this Body of the Commons who truly labour for them all and though they be the Foot-stool and the lowest yet may well be said to be the setled Centre of the State Now my good Lords if that glorious Sun by his powerful Beams of Grace and Favour shall draw from the Bowels of this Earth an Exhalation that shall take fire and burn and shine out like a Star it needs not be marvelled at if the poor Commons gaze and wonder at the Comet and when they feel the Effects impu●e all to the corruptible matter of it But if such an imperfect mixture appear like that in the last Age in the Chair of Cassiopeia among the fixed Stars themselves where Aristotle and the old Philosophers conceived there was no place for such corruption then as the learned Mathematicians were troubled to observe the irregular motions the prodigious magnitude and the ominous Prognosticks of that Meteor so the Commons when they see such a Blazing-Star in course so exorbitant in the Affairs of this Common-wealth cannot but look up upon it and for want of Perspectives commend the nearer Examination to your Lordships who may behold it at a neerer distance Such a prodigious Comet the Commons take this Duke of Buckingham to be against whom and his irregular wayes there are by learned Gentlemen legal Articles of Charge to be delivered to your Lordships which I am generally first commanded to lay open First the Offices of this Kingdom that are the eyes the ears and the hands of this Common-wealth these have been engrossed bought and sold and many of the greatest of them holden even in this Dukes own hands which severally gave in former Ages sufficient content to greatest Favourites and were work enough for the wisest Counsellors by means whereof what strange abuses what infinite neglects have followed The Seas have been unguarded Trade disturbed Merchants oppressed their ships and even one of the Royal-Navy by cunning practice delivered over into foreign hands and contrary to our good Kings intention imployed to the prejudice almost to the ruine of friends of our own Religion Next Honours those most precious Jewels of the Crown a Treasure inestimable wherewith your Noble Ancestours my Lords were well rewarded for eminent and publique service in the Common-wealth at home for brave exployts abroad when covered all with dust and blood they sweat in service for the honour of this Crown What back-wayes what by-wayes have been by this Duke found out is too well known to your Lordships whereas anciently it was the honour of England as among the Romanes the way to the Temple of Honour was through the Temple of Virtue But I am commanded to presse this no further then to let your Lordships know one instance may perhaps be given of some one Lord compelled to purchase Honour Thirdly as d●vers of the Dukes poor kindred have been raised to great Honours which have been and are likely to be more chargeable and burthensom to the Crown so the Lands and Revenues and the Treasuries of his Maiesty have been intercepted and exhausted by this Duke and his friends and strangely mis-imployed with strange confusion of the Accompts and overthrow of the well established ancient Orders of his Majesties exchequer The last of the Charges which are prepared will be an injury offered to the person of the late King of blessed memory who is with God of which as your Lordships may have heard heretofore you shall anon have further information Now upon this occasion I am commanded by the Commons to take care of the Honour of the King our Soveraign that lives long may he live to our comfort and the good of the Christian world and also of his blessed Father who is dead on whom to the grief of the Commons and their great distaste the Lord Duke did they conceive unworthily cast some ill ordure of his own fowl wayes Whereas Servants were anciently wont to bear as in truth they ought their masters faults and not cast their own on them undeservedly It is well known the King who is with God had the same power and the same wisdom before he knew this Duke yea and the same affections too through which as a good and gracious Master he advanced and raised some Stars of your Lordships Firmament in whose hands this exorbitancy of Will this transcendency of Power such placing and dis-placing of Officers such irregular running into all by-courses of the Planets such sole and single managing of the great Affairs of State was never heard of And therefore onely to the Lord Duke and his procurement by mis-informations these faults complained of by the Commons are to be imputed And for our most gracious Soveraign that lives whose name hath been used and may perhaps now be for the Dukes justification The Commons know well that among his Majesties most royall virtues his Piety unto his Father hath made him a pious Nourisher of his Affections ever to th●s Lord Duke on whom out of that consideration his Majesty hath wrought a kinde of wonder making Favour hereditary But the abuse thereof must be the Lord Dukes own And if there have been any Commands such as were or may be pretended his mis-informations have procured them whereas the Laws of England teach us that Kings cannot Command ill or unlawful things when ever they speak though by their Letters-Patents or their Seals if the thing be evil these Letters-Patents are void and whatsoever ill event succeeds the Executioners of such Commands must ever answer for them Thus my Lords in performance of my duty my weaknesse hath been troublesome unto your Lordships It is now high time humbly to intreat your pardon and give way to a learned Gentleman to begin a more particular charge The Prologue ended Sr. Dudly sat down and the Impeachment was read so large as that for method we adjoyne it to the Dukes Answer which came in some dayes after In which time the Commons sent a Message to the Lords how mightily it did mis-become the honor of their House to permit a man so deeply impeached to sit in Councel with them whilest Sr. Dudly Diggs and Sr. Iohn Elliot the Van and the Rear of the Commons were beckened out to speak with two Gentlemen who proved to be two Messengers of the Kings Chamber having his Warrant to take them prisoners to the Tower where they lay till the Iudges resolved
Ships richly laden in their usual course of Trade the Duke moved the Lords then assembled in Parliament to know whether he should make stay of those Ships for the Service of the State which motion being approved by the Lords the Duke accordingly did stay those ships and after procured a joynt Action to be entred in the Court of Admiralty in the name of the late King and himself as Lord Admirall against 15000 lib. pretended to be Pyratically taken by some Captains of the said Merchants ships and in the hands of the said Captains and accordingly an Attachment was served upon the said Merchants Whereupon the said Merchants being urged to bring in the 15000 lib. or to go to Prison made new suit to the Duke for the release of their ships who pretending that the Parliament must be moved therein the Merchants much perplexed and considering that they should lose much by unlading their ships and the losse of their voyage resolved to tender to the said Duke ten thousand pounds for his unjust demand who by colour of his Office extorted and exacted from them the said ten thousand pounds and upon receipt thereof and not before released the said ships That the motion in Parliament about the stay of the East-India ships was onely upon apprehension that they might be serviceable for the defence of the Realm That the Action entred in the Court of Admiralty against the East-India Company was not after as is suggested but divers moneths before that motion in Parliament yea before the Parliament began That the composition mentioned in this Article was not moved by the Duke but made by the late King and that the Company without any menaces or compulsion agreed to the Composition as willing to give so much rather then to abide the hazzard of the suit That of the said sum all but two hundred pounds was imployed by his late Majesties Officers for the benefit of the Navie And lastly that those ships were not discharged upon payment of the said sum of ten thousand pounds but upon an accommodation allowed that they should prepare other ships for his Majesties service whilest they went on their Voyage which accordingly they did VII Reply 7. That the Duke being great Admirall of England did by colour of the said Office procure one of the principall ships of the Navy-Royal called the Vant-guard and six other Merchants ships of great burthen to be conveyed over with all their Ordnance Ammunition and apparel into the Kingdom of France and did compell the said Masters and Owners of the said ships to deliver the said ships into the possession and command of the French King and his Ministers without either sufficient security for their redelivery or necessary caution in that behalf contrary to the duty of his Office and to the apparent weakening of the Navall strength of this Kingdom That those Ships were lent to the French King without his privity that when he knew thereof he did what appertained to his Office That he did not by menace nor any undue practice by himself or any other deliver those ships into the hands of the French that what errour hath since happened was not in the intention any way injurious to the State nor prejudicial to the interest of any private man VIII Reply 8. That the Duke knowing the said ships were intended to be imployed against the Rochellers and the Protestants else-where did compel them as aforesaid to be delivered unto the said French King and his Ministers to the end that they might be imployed against those of the Reformed Religion as accordingly they were to the prejudice of the said Religion contrary to the intention of our Soveraigne Lord the King and to his former promise at Oxford and to the great scandal of our Nation That understanding a discovery that those ships should be imployed against Rochel he endevoured to divert the course of such imployment and whereas it is alledged that he promised at Oxford that those ships should not be so imployed he under favour saith he was mis-understood for he onely said that the event would shew it being confident in the promises of the French King and that he would have really performed what was agreed upon IX Reply 9. That he hath enforced some who were rich though unwilling to purchase honours as the Lord Roberts Baron of Trure who was by menaces wrought to pay the summe of Ten thousand pounds to the said Duke and to his use for his said Barony He denyeth any such compulsion of the Lord Roberts to buy his honour and that he can prove that as the said Lord did then obtain it by the solicitations of others so was he willing formerly to have given a great sum for it X. Reply 10. That in the 18. year of the late King he did procure of the late King the Office of High Treasurer of England to the Viscount Mandevil now Earl of Manchester for which Office he received of the said Vi●count to his own use the sum of 20000 l. of money and also did procure in the 20. year of the late King the Office of Master of the Wards and Liveries for Sir Lionel Cranfield afterward Earl of Middlesex and as a reward for the said procurement he had to his own use of the said Sir Lionel Cranfield the sum of 6000 l. contrary to the dignity of his late Majesty That he had not nor did receive any penny of the said sums to his own use that the Lord Mandevil was made Lord Treasurer by his late Majesty without any Contract for it and though his Majesty did after borrow of the said Lord 20000. pounds yet was it upon proviso of repayment for which the Duke at first past his word and after entred him security by Land which stood ingaged untill his late Majesty during the Dukes being in Spain gave the Lord satisfaction by Land in Fee-farm of a considerable value whereupon the Dukes security was returned back And that the 6000 l. disbursed by the Earl of Middlesex was bestowed upon Sir Henry Mildmay by his late Majesty without the Dukes privity who had and enjoyed it all entire XI Reply 11. That he hath procured divers Honours for his kindred and Allies to the prejudice of the antient Nobility and disabling the Crown from rewarding extraordinary virtues in future times That he believeth he were rather worthily to be condemned in the opinion of all generous minds if being in such favour with his Majesty he had minded only his own advancement and had neglected those whom the Law of Nature had obliged him to hold most dear XII Reply 12. That he procured and obtained of the late King divers Mannors parcels of the Revenues of the Crown to an exceeding gre●● value and hath received and ●o his own use disbursed great sums of money that did properly belong unto the late King and the better to colour his doings hath obtained severall privie Seals from
semblance of hardship or Invasion upon the Subjects Liberties which the very Papists in this the better Partners seemed more really to resent and offered in lieu of some favour to them in the penal Lawes not Toleration to contribute very largely to the safeguard of the Narrow Seas which put the State into present condition rather to collect their Arrears of Thirds due to the King by Law It appeared not for private gain but extream necessity of State which involved all and therefore with possible endevours the Naval Forces were to be compleated for the summer But let us passe over to Ireland to see what they do there It was Michaelmas Term in Ireland when the Papists there offered Propositions to maintain five hundred Foot for a more Toleration of Religion but the Protestants to pertake in some measure of the charge To that end a great concourse of the Nation of both professions appeared before the Lord Deputy Fawkland in the Castle of Dublin but the Primate and Bishops in their Assembly prevented their further proceedings subscribing to a Protestation as their judgement concerning Toleration of Popery That the Religion of the Papists is Superstitious and Idolatrous their Faith and Doctrine erronious and hereticall their Church in respect of both Apostaticall To give them therefore a Toleration or to consent that they may freely exercise their Religion and professe their Faitb and Doctrine is a grievo●s sin and that in two respects For first It is to make our selves accessary not only to their superstitious Idolatries Heresies and in a word to all the abominates of Poperty but also which is a consequent of the former to the perdition of the seduced people which perish in the Deluge of the Catholique Apostacy 2. To grant them Toleration in respect of any money to be given or Contribution to be made by them is to set Religion to sale and with it the souls of people whom Christ our Saviour hath redeemed with his most precious blood And as it is a great sinne so also a matter of most dangerous consequence the consideration whereof we commend to the wise and judicious Beseeching the zealous God of Truth to make them who are in Authority zealous of Gods Glory and of the advancement of true Religion zealous resolute and couragious against all Popery Superstition and Idolatry Amen Ja Armachanus Auth Medensis Ro Dunensis c. Richard Cork Cloyne Rosses Tho Kilmore Ardagh Mich. Waterford Lismore Mal Casohellen Tho Hernes Laughlin Geo Deceus Andr Alachadeus Theo Dromore Franc Lymrick Conferred and agreed upon 6 Nov. 1626. And this their judgement in April 23 after 1627. Dr. Downham Bishop of Derry at the next Assembly and before the Lord Deputy Falkland and his Council took occasion to publish in the midst of his Sermon His preamble herein was That many amongst us for gain and outward respects are ready to consent to a Toleration of false Religion and are guilty of putting to sale their own and others souls and so unwilling to deliver his own private opinion onely but the judgements of the Arch-Bishop and Bishops which he thinks good to publish to them to cleer themselves from consenting To which the people gave their vote Amen But then he went on Not hereby said he to hinder the Kings service for we desire that not onely the sole Army of 5500 may be maintained but also a far greater Army besides the trained Souldiers onely he wished that the King would reserve to himself the most of those peculiar Graces of late offered and granted to the dishonour of God and the King the prejudice and Impeachment of true Religion and what is wanting might be supplied by the County to which he exhorted all good Christians and faithfull subjects The Text the Bishop took was Luke 1. 25. 23 24 25. verses speaking against mens subordinating Religion and the keeping a good Conscience for worldly respects and to set their souls to sale for gain of earthly things The L. Primate preached the next day before the same Auditory and took his Text 1 Ioh. 5. 15. Love not the World nor the things that are in the World when he made the like application as the Bishop did rebuking such who for ready gain like Iudas sold Christ for 30 pieces of silver or as Balaam following the wages of unrighteousnesse c. foretelling as he had often the judgement for these our Inclinations to such permissions and Tolerations and spake as Ieremiah did to Baruch of Gods being about to pluck up what he had planted and to break down what he had built and his bidding him not to seek great things for himself he applied to these times Indeed the judgement of the Bishops prevailed much with the Protestants that the Proposals sank by degrees and therefore induced the Lord Deputy to desire the Primate as the fittest person of the Assembly and a Privy Councellor and so concerned to promote the Kings affairs to summe up the state of the Business and to move them to an Absolute Grant of some competency to the Kings Necessities without any such former Conditions which was so done with much prudence and to this effect his Speech followeth My Lords THe refusal of those Gentlemen to contribute supply to the Army for defence of this Nation minds me of the Philosophers observation That such as have respect to a few things are easily misled Their minds so intent to ease themselves of a petit burthen without regard to the desolation of a heavy war which an Army may prevent forgetting the lamentable effects of our late Civil War by famine rapine and what not and now again the storm is foreseen which if not prevented our state may prove irrecoverable The Dangers are from abroad and from home Abroad we being now at odds with two potent Princes France and Spain to whom heretofore our dis-affected persons have offered this Kingdom to their Conquest In the daies of Henry the eight the Earl of Desmond did it to the French King the Instrument in the Court of Paris yet extant expresses so much and the Pope afterwards transferred the Title of Ireland to Charles 5. and so afresh confirmed to his Son Philip in the time of Queen Elizabeth with a resolution to settle this Crown upon the Spanish Infanta These Donatives though of no value yet they serve for a colour to a potent Pretender powerfully to supply what is defective And of late even when our Match was on foot with Spain a Book was countenanced there the Author a Spaniard Philip O Sullevan wherein he concludes the only way to establish that Monarchy first to set upon Ireland the Conquest of Scotland then of England and after of the Low Countries will easily follow Nor is the fear more from abroad then the like danger at Home Domestick Rebellion but lest I be mistaken now as your Lordships have been lately I must distinguish the Inhabitants Some
the Kings looks He told them plainly He expected not such a Romance to answer his gracious consent to their Petition of Right But for their just Grievances they would deserve his consideration And so suddenly rose up and stepping down short from the degrees of steps raised under the Cloth of State the Duke stayed him by the hand which now is supposed to be given him to kisse in spight of the Parliament or otherwise rather but his low Congie to his Majesties hand which in Court-complement was too much But in truth I saw that passe and that other Lords near the King offering as much as the Duke did which I well know was then devised to lodge upon him against whom their inbred dislike increased to all exceptions even of Circumstance or Shadow But how suddenly the Commons House incroach upon the Lords Liberties excluding the words the Lords spiritual and Temporal in the very Grant of the Bill of Subsidies which they resented with very high Indignation though the Commons were known to be cunning enough to palliate the designe if discovered with an excuse of bare mis-omission yet the most of them stood it out pretending ever more in such cases That heretofere some Acts had so passed which they knew well enough how to avoid the proving But if their good Lordships would return the Bill their names should be inserted as if they were not able to put themselves in as the others were cunning to leave them out During these disputes and the Kings necessities in purse was the main cause of his consenting so much to raise the Parliaments and lessen his own Power One Doctor Manwaring observing the Clench meant to mend all by marring it with his two false Assertions The one to be preached before the King That the Kings Royal Command imposing without common consent of Parliament Taxes and Loans doth so farre binde the conscience of the Subjects of this Kingdom that they cannot refuse the payment without peril of damnation The other he preached at his Parish Church That the Authority of Parliament is not necessary for the raising Aydes and Subsidies To these he was questioned by a Committee and in reason justly sentenced 1. Imprisonment during the pleasure of the Parliament 2. Fined one thousand pounds to the King 3. To make such submission as shall be set down in writing at the Lords Bar and Bar of Commons 4. To be suspended three years from the exercise of the Ministry 5. Never to preach at Court hereafter 6. Never to have Ecclesiastical dignity or Secular Office 7. To move his Majesty for calling in of his Book and to be burnt And truly I remember the Kings answer to all He that will preach other then he can prove let him suffer I give them no thanks to give me my due and so as being a Parliament businesse he was left by the King and Church to their Sentence But why this case must be marked out for a sixth Presage from the Kings vailing his Crown to the Parliament by suffering the House of Com●mons to set up sayes he a Committee for Religion to question Manwaring and Sibthorp and others for Doctrinal matters more proper to be censured in the High-Commission or Convocation to which Courts the cognizance do belong and not unto a Consistory of Lay-Elders which perhaps wise men but never the greatest Clerks We may consent to his opinion in the Main for matters of Divinity and Orthodox points But that the Preacher is Iure Divino not to be censured but by themselves smells of the Presbyter or Pap●st both alike their Tenets and so to ingrosse all into their General Assembly which was wont to be above Privy-Counsel Parliament and King But the King bent his busie time to frame an Answer to their late Remonstrance so tart that the Commons resolved to double upon him against Tonnage and Poundage which he would not indure bnt prorogued the Parliament unto the twentieth of October delivering his minde to them before his Assent to their Bills My Lords and Gentlemen IT may seem strange that I come so suddenly to end this Session therefore before I give my assent to the Bils I will tell you the cause though I must avow I ow an account of my actions to none but God alone It is known to every one that a while ago the House of Commons gave me a Remonstrance how acceptable every man may judge and for the merit of it I will not call that in question for I am sure no wise man can justifie it Now since I am certainly informed that a second Remonstrance is preparing for me to take away my profit of Tunnage and Poundage one of the chief maintenances of the Crown by alleadging that I have given away my right thereof by my Answer to your Petition This is so prejudicial to me as I am forced to end this Session some few hours before I meant it being willing not to receive any more Remonstrances to which I must give an harsh answer And since I see that even the House of Commons begins already to make false constructions of what I granted in your Petition lest it be worse interpreted in the Country I will now make a Declaration concerning the true intent thereof The Profession of both Houses in the time of hammering this Petition was no waies to trench upon my Prerogative saying They had neither intention nor power to hurt it Therefore it must needs be conceived that I have granted no new but onely confirm the ancient Libertie of my Subjects Yet to shew the clearness of my intentions that I neither repent nor mean to recede from any thing I promised you I do here declare That those things which have been done whereby men had cause to suspect the Liberty of the Subject to be trencht upon which indeed was the true and first ground of the Petition shall not hereafter be drawn into example for your prejudice and in time to come in the word of a King you shall not have the like cause to complain But as for Tonnage and Poundage it is a thing I cannot want and was never intended by you to ask never meant I am sure by me to grant To conclude I command you all that are here to take notice of what I have spoken at this time to be the true intent and meaning of what I granted you in your Petition But especially you my Lords the Judges for to you onely under me belongs the interpretation of the Laws for none of the Houses of Parliament joynt or separate what new doctrine soever may be raised have any power either to make or declare a Law without my consent This Session were enacted these Laws and first of all For further Reformation of Divers abuses committed on the Lords day commonly called Sunday 2. To restrain the passing or sending any to be Popishly bred beyond Seas 3. For the better suppressing unlicensed Ale-House Keepers 4. For
they say and so understand not what they speak truths against their wills and to give evidence to that they would not do Balaam did so and yet it was no act of Satan And though the Sibylls were as bad yet why the act of Satan that they foretold of Christ The Devil was not so ill affected to his own State as to foretell the ruine of it nor could teach men honesty which he knew not himself He might know that Christ was to come to be born of Judah of the House of David but to be born of the Virgin Mary Daughter of Anna Wife to Ioseph and his Name to be Iesus c. untill he saw the event he could not Those and many such are in Sibylls which makes some conclude them counterfeits postnatis forged by Christians In a word Arreptiti and Enthusiasts amongst Pagans those possessed of unclean spirits are distracted enraged carried haled distorted in body and minde The true Prophets spake words of knowledg and understanding used gestures of modesty sobriety and gravity It is against reason that by the Spirit of understanding a man should be divested of his former understanding that light should make a man blinde But certainly such were not those Dames the Lady Davies and Mistris Carew their words and writings always vain full of whimsies uncertain full of mysterious expressions they knew not what and so assuredly were from and by the Devil knowing by several designs of wicked men what the Event was likely to be but not certainly what to be But to our History The Duke being dead the Kings personal presence hastened all the Necessaries fitting for the Fleet and the great Expectation on whom that Honour would be conferred all men in amaze the Earl of Lindsey was assigned for the Command Certainly h● was a person of no likely presence but of some experience by his last Expedition thither and hereafter to the last of his life made good his faith with gallantry and courage So that on the eighth of September he set forth from Portsmouth and came to the Bar of the Haven with reasonable speed of winde and weather where he findes that the Duke Cardinal Richelie● had finished his monstrous Work with Boom and Barracado exceeding all the mighty Designs that ever were effected by narrative of any History yet none of these nor all the Enemies Land-works Forts or Strengths could deter this brave Man from dangerous Attempts having passed the Out-forts and Bulwarks even to the Mouth of the Bar untill a cross Winde returned them foul of each other And so it appeared impossible the Town viewing the sad effects without more disp●te called in their King with the greatest submission that Revolters could express and had mercy accordingly to the remain which Famine had left for otherways they lost none by the Sword the King entring with all mercifull mildness the eighteenth of October and found but four thousand the remain of twenty two thousand Souls The prodigious Works and Fortifications were instantly slighted and for the ignominy of the Inhabitants the very name Rochel was sacrificed to oblivion and a new Title given to that City Borgo Maria in honour of Queen Mother the Cardinals dear Patroness Thus ended that quarrel between King Lewis and his rebellious Rochellers for whose cause King Iames somewhat but King Charls much more endeavoured their relief first by Treaties and after by Forces the Grounds and Reasons I have endeavoured to assure from observation of the particular causes since their first difference and which reasonably the Duke of Buckingham's Manifesto seems to satisfie somewhat may be said to the Design in policy but for that score of Religion it is truly noted That not onely that very Sect but of that very Church for whose Protection King Charls was so solicitous and whose supportation he now so ardently endeavoured became afterwards none of the meanest sticklers and fomenters of his own and his Churches troubles A document to Kings to be wary whom they aid And so the Fleet returned safe home again The Parliament met the twentieth of Ianuary and convenient for complaints against the Customers for destraining the Merchants Goods for Tonnage and Poundage which the King meant to defend and therefore summoned them to his Banquetting-house at Whitehall and told them That the difference might soon be decided if his words and actions were considered for though he took ●ot those duties as belonging to his Prerogative nor had he declared to challenge them his right but onely desired them by gift of his People why had they not passed the Bill according to their promise to clear his former and future actions in this time of his great necessity which he now required them to make good and so give end to all Questions without delay But the religious Commons must reform God's cause before the King 's nor would they be prescribed their Consultations but resolved to remit the Bill of Tunnage and Poundage at pleasure And so they did appoint Committees one for Religion and the other for Civil affairs to represent the abuses in both The first Committee for the Commons of England to regulate Religion which one says the Courtiers called the Inquisition and well they might for such it was The Points were general Arminianism and Popery The Informations were many concerning the first grounded upon the ancient nine Articles resolved at Lambeth 1595. by the reverend Bishops and Deans on purpose to declare their sense of the nine and thirty Articles in those particulars and unto which the Archbishop of York and his Province did conform They did so indeed deliver their sense as Opinions not publick Doctrines as is truly observed and King Iames recommended them over to the Synod of Dort and there asserted by suffrage of those Doctours and were afterwards commended to the Convocation in Ireland to be inserted into the Articles of Religion 1615. And so they were But how The Observation tells us That our first Reformers were not regulated by Lutheran or Calvinian Doctrines but by the constant current of Antiquity and the way of Melancton most consonant thereto was approved by Bishop Hooper on the Decalogue and by Bishop Latimer in his Sermons but also by the Compiler of the Book of Articles and the Book of Homilies which are the publick Monuments of this Church in Points of Doctrine But the Calvinian entring the way there aro●e a difference in particular judgments of these Debates the matter controverted pro con by some confessors in Prison in the time of Queen Mary she dead and our exiled Divines returning from Geneva Basil and Frankford where Calvin's Dictates became Oracles brought with them his Opinions of Predestination Grace and Perseverance which they scattered over all the Church by whose authority and double diligence of the Presbyterian party to advance their holy Discipline it became universally received as the onely true Orthodox Doctrine and so maintained in the
the Room fore●shortened and looking downwards as from the clouds the rarest postures that late ages can paralel being the portraictures of King Iames in several relations with all Imaginary similitude of Him tending towards Eternity for which he was well rewarded with the honour of Knighthood to boot Indeed the Artist had an indifferent esteem for his skill and by his wealth was wise enough to receive Informations on both parts in reference to Peace but never to be Plenepotentiary of either side for truly I cannot call him so much as Agent for any unlesse we admit him Ambo-dexter-Ambassadour for he was the means that a greater man Don Carlos Colonas came after to do the work And I have some knowledge in the particulars that the other was rather set on by us when with that conveniency we had him here It was in Iuly That an Arrest was made upon one Billingham sometimes a Captain at the Isle of Rhe and an attempt made to his Rescue by some Templers being acted in their Quarters of Priviledge to their Houses and to their cost they were wounded by the opposition of the Lord Major and his City Bands that were wilde to flourish out their Ensigns against any Gentlemen their Patrons This undertaking increased to a hot skirmish of above five hundred Of the Majors Militia four were killed and sundry others hurt above an hundred on both sides and so the Evening parted the This uprore so neer the Court caused the King to speed Justice with an extraordinary Session to be held in Guild-Hall London for Arraignment of several of the Malefactors seized vpon in the quarrel And by ill hap laid hold on Two who were accounted Principalls because more publique Captain Ashurst and Iohn Stamford the late Dukes servant for it was no medling with the Students And though Stanford came by but by chance in a Coach and onely drew his sword without any part in the fray These Two onely were found guilty by the City Jury and executed at Tyburn Stanford had his pardon before being in company when a Watchman was killed at a Tavern called Duke-Humphreys and his relations to his late Master made his crime the more remarkable now exceeding the bounds of Reason so without the bounds of Mercy There had been a Manuscript Book contrived long since by Sr. Robert Dudly at Florence 1613. that discontented Catholique who descended from the Dudlies Earls of Warwick and so he stiled himself It was a Rapsodie of severall Projects for increase of the Kings revenue and somewhat in prejudice of proceedings in Parliaments Sundry Copies thereof were disperst by such as meant not much honour to the King and therefore suspected to contrive the Book though pretended for his Majesties Instruction as the manner had been to force such feigned discoveries and fix them for the Kings designes and therefore the Earls of Bedford Somerset and Clare Sr. Robert Cotten Mr. Selden and Mr. Saint Iohn were committed and an Information entered in Star-chamber against them But Sr. David Fowles upon oath cleered the suspition and discovered the Authour and so it ended William Herbert Son of Henry Earl of Pembrook dies in April He was the third Earl from his Creation 3 Elizabeth Baron Herbert of Cardiff Lord Parr Ros of Kendal Marmion and Saint Quintin Lord Warden of the Stanneries Governour of Portsmouth Knight of the Garter Chancellour of the University of Oxford and lately Lord high Steward of the Kings Houshold but not of England He married Mary the Eldest daughter and co-heir of Gilbert Talbot Earl of Shrewsbury and dies without issue so that his honours descended to Philip Herbert his brother He supped the night before his death with the Countesse of Bedford at Bishops-gate upon the day of his birth fifty yeers since from thence he went home to Baynards Castle sitting up as usual very late for he was a hearty feeder and went to bed very well But not long after he fetcht a deep and deadly groan which startled his Lady that lay by and she not able to awake him called for company who found him speechlesse and so continued till eight in the morning and then died as a figure flinger had told him many years before We are told his Character in a high strain of Magnificence but we may give way to his good commendations in a reasonable measure A proper Person well set of graceful deportment his minde truly generous of the ancient stock and manner of Nobility His defects were in letters and Travel He had onely the breeding of England which gave him a conceited dislike of foraign men their manners and mode or of such English that professed much advantage thereby so that the Scots at Court and he were ever separate and therefore he was onely the old Courtier that kept close to the Commonalty and they to him and was therein trusted by his two Soveraigns as not over furnisht with abilities to be lesse then loyal which jealous Princes usually suffered In May 29 day the Queen was brought to Bed of a Son Surpassing joy there was of all true hearts and good subjects and in Iune the 27. baptized at Saint Iameses with princely Ceremonies and named Charles His Godfathers were the King of France and the Prince Elector represented by the Duke of Lenox and the Marquesse Hamilton the Godmother was the Queen Mother of France and her Person represented by the Duchesse of Richmond A man would stand amazed to believe that a sort of pretended sanctified subjects should not desire the King to have any issue I have my Author The Puritan-party that could not descern the cause of joy when the Queen was with childe God having better provided for us then we were aware in the hopeful Progeny of the Queen of Bohemia These men brought in the Reformed Religion Presbytery when it would be un●ertain what Religion the Kings children would follow And he observes to his own knowledge that when the most of the Parish gave publique signes of rejoycing with Bonefires Bell-ringing and mutual feasting onely the Presbyterian or Puritan party as he stiles them were shut up as on the day of general mourning And it may be remembred that afterwards as the Kings Issue increased the Common Prayer for the Kings onely Sister and her children was left out and in place thereof a Prayer compiled for preservation of the Kings Issue for though the Presbyterians hated the whole Book they would not stick to mention the one in their Prayer of the Pulpit and leave those other out of Gods blessing till by express command they were made to conform At his Birth there appeared a Star visible that very time of the Day when the King rode to Saint Paul's Church to give thanks to God for the Queens safe delivery of a Son upon which occasion these Verses were then presented Rex ubi Paulinas accessit gratus ad aras Immicuit medio● lucida stella
Reprobates and therefore believes our Churches regeneration is by infusion of Grace by sowing the good seed But to answer him in this Let all Christians religiously pray and live according to the grace of Restitution and humbly submit their judgements concerning the secresie of personal Election and so this man sins against the 17. Article 4 The Anabaptist His purenesse is a supposed birth without Original sin and his Tenet that Infants must not be baptized and this believer opposeth the 9. and 27. Articles 5. The Brownists purenesse is to serve God in Woods and Fields and his opinion is that Idolatry cannot be reformed without pulling down of Churches Christ indeed whipt the buyers and sellers out of the Temple though it was prophaned yet without any pulling down and this man is against the 35. Article 6. Loves familist serves God as well at his neighbours charge as at his own omnia sunt communia the things which they possesse are not their own but all are Common He teacheth that unlawful swearing is worse than murther and this is against the 39. Article 7. The Precisian will not swear before a Magistrate That unlawful swearing is a greater sin than murther God indeed is greater then man here is the compare but then the effect destructive is greater by murther God commands that the murtherer die blood for blood he deals not so severely with the swearer See the 39. Article 8 The Sabbatarian preaches down Holy dayes preaching that the Instrumental directing cause to keep holy the sabbath day he makes to be the keeping holy the sabbath But Gods holy Worship prayer is keeping holy the sabbath day for preaching the holy direction teacheth holy worship prayer to be the holy practise of that day to praise the Lord for our Redemption the sole principal end of preaching on the Lords day His preaching is a Sylva synonymorum Tautologies Iterations His praying much erroneous and this is against the 35. Article 9. The Anti-disciplinarian is above the Kings supremacy Imperious Imagination his highnesse is the Churches greatest Authority and he saith this is as good a rule to know the reformed true faith is the holy Writ He is a strict observer of the Law therefore he accounts it the best Religion His tenet is That Kings must be subject to the Puritan To the Puritans Presbyters Censure submit their Scepters throw down their Crowns lick up the dust of their feet This Mr. Rogers in his eleventh page of his Preface to the 39. Articles And T. Cartwright teacheth in his Reply page 1080. And here the Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance are broken against the 21. Article His tenet that all Priests should be equal See Varellus and Vivetus sermons two Geneva Presbyters against the ●3 33. and 36. Articles and against the twentieth Article 10. The presuming Predestinatist hath an inspired knowledge to be saved by Gods absolute Election as sure as it were now in Heaven no life in him but Gods essential glory against the 17. Article and the 3. Article Thus was it then amongst us Reformed and since it hath increased ten times worse But the Papist is not clear from Crimes schismes and sins The contest between Iesuites Priests and Secular Priests have evermore their debates and now grounded upon this occasion Richard Smith titular Bishop of Calcedon his honour there in Greece but his profit from England over all the Romish Catholicques especially for ordaining of Priests and confirmations of persons Baptized But when he came hither we cannot finde till now we have caught him here Yet Pope Gregory the thirteenth delegated one William Bishop to Calcedon who died 1624. After him succeeded another by Mission of Urbane the eighth 1625. this Richard Smith to the same Title But why to a foreign Title and not at as easie a rate to English as in Ireland he had to all Sees there the reason is He had in Ireland a Counter-party of People for Number and Quality in every Diocesse and Parish not so in England where it had been ridiculous in the Granter and dangerous in the Accepter To oppose his power up starts Nicholas Smith a Regular in malice to his advancement and quarrelled also against Doctor Kelson President of the Colledge of Doway who had printed a Treatise of the dignity and necessity of Bishop and secular Clergy Nicholas Smith's Reasons were for the Regulars first such Bishops uselesse in England in times of persecution Either for Ordination which might be supplied by foreign Bishops Or Confirmation of children which any Priest might perform by Commission from the Pope Secondly Burthensom to the already pressures of the English Catholicques And Thirdly the Person of Calcedon not lawfully called Kelson undertakes Answers to all these and the Insolency of the Regulars seemed more secular And indeed the Irish Regular exceeded such in England maintaining That the superiours of Regulars were more worthy than Bishops which caused the Doctors of Sorborn in Paris to censure the Proposition and the Arch-Bishop of Paris to condemn Nicholas Smiths Book and other Tractates of that sense But Bishop Smith would take upon him to approve of such Regulars Priests as were to be constant Confessors which the Jesuites opposed as an usurpation upon them And being the better Polititians contrive a Declaration under the name of the most noble and eminent Catholiques against his pretended Authority which Declaration was offered to the Spanish Ambassadour Don Carlos de Coloma together with the Kings Proclamations to ferret his person He declined both his power and presence to seek safety in France The Bishop fled the dogs bark Knot vice provincial of the English Jesuites and Flood another of St. Omers undertake him and Kelson also but were censured and silenced though not their several factions unto this day But this bickering is lodged under the product of the peace with Spain as if to encourage the Catholiques to rant it in Ireland also towards a Toleration The Lords Justices at Dublin at Church in one Parish the Priests at Masse in another who were seized by the Arch-Bishop and Major and all the City Officers their Trinkets taken away Images hewen down the Priests and Fryers delivered up to the Souldiers and yet rescued by the people from whom a strong power enforced them and eight Popish Aldermen clapt in prison for being remisse to attend their Major upon which mis-behaviour and mutiny fifteen Houses were seized to the Kings use and the Fryers and Priests persecuted and Two of them to save publique Execution hang'd themselves in their hose-garters The Earl of Essex would needs try Mastery with a fresh Mistresse being over born by his first Wife as their story is truly told in the life of King Iames 18. years since He then but a stripling but ever since getting strength and being falsely fram'd for Martial Exploits in the Low-Conntries where he Disciplin'd himself but without any high renown or feats of Arms or any extraordinary
that by the words in the Bill No man can be charged a Traitor by one that is guilty in his own particular and so is not tied to be Defendant nor to answer such a Bill Secondly the incertainty and doubtfulness of the words in the Charge so that till the Court doth censure them to be treasonable the Defendant is not tied to answer Thirdly the Appellant refers the Combate till the last if he cannot in the mean time prove the Charge by any other ways then he offers to make it good by his Body So then the Defendant may forbear his Answer and decline the Combate And now my Lords said he I humbly shall acquaint you with the Defendants answer to me in private which was That though in Law he might yet in honour and innocency he would not decline the Combate but being his own consent his Advocate hath the less to say for him And so time was given for Rey's Replication till Friday after Reys Councel moved whereas Dr. Eden had excepted at some words in the charge he answered that whoever was accused of Treason was not to insist how polluted the answer was but how to approve and clear himself Then to refer the Combate to the last was well done ultimum refugium to expose his life for God the King and his Countrey This Speech being somewhat peremtory and directory to the Court he was told That the Court needed not his direction as to the Tryall of Combate their wisdoms would consider of that when it was time and so the Court adjourned both parties being admitted to have common Lawyers but to plead onely by Civilians This day come Rey appears as before But Ramsey in a new suit of Ash-colour cloth opened with scarlet colour the cloke scarlet cloth lined with ash coloured velvet and the whole suit and cloke overlaid with silver and Sky coloured lace The former proceedings were read by the Register and thereupon the Appellants Replication presented to the High Constable in effect That Ramsey in his answer had cunningly slipt over a part of the charge which was that the Lord Rey protested he was not ingaged in Wars for want of subsistence and therefore would not hazzard in any designe without sure knowledge upon which words depends much of the matter and main of that part of the Bill And so ripping up the several charges of the Bill the strength reasons and likelihood and the defendants defects in not clearing the chief points they went on with the Councel It was his part to inforce the charge against Ramsey to this effect He observed That the first day Ramsey denied all the charge whilest he stood upon positive resolution but afterwards his Councel brought him to particulars and taught him to Answer superficially first he knew nothing and yet now so much No doubt there was some stranger enterprize by the Marquesse Hamilton then to serve the King of Swede by Ramseys professing that Hamilton was a Protestant and bore Arms for Religion not caring with whom to grapple from hence observing That they intended somewhat to attempt of themselves Ramsey stiled the Marquesse his Master in discourse and in many of his Letters produced much of the discovery by Rey was to fish out of Ramsey the truth of his doubtful words How unlikely it was that Rey having two Regiments of old Souldiers Captain of the King of Swedes Dragoons in good pay for all should offer to serve Hamilton who was to be commanded by the King And that Ramsey might decline the Combate or forbear answering till the last was a strange opinion of Councel because combate was to be reserved till all other means of discovery fayled and therefore Rey his reasons were supplimental proofs and requesting Meldrams testimony but however he was now ready if the Court thinks fit to give the Combate presently And concluded with an example in case of Murther Two men fight in secret the one is slain the other flies and though without any witnesse of the fact his seeking to escape condemns him guilty So Ramsey having been accused of Treason above three Moneths by the Lord Rey and both confined Ramsey dispairing of his cause seeks his flight from Justice by sending to Rey a private challenger being a sufficient conviction in Law as by ancient Presidents in this Court viz. Kiteles after an Appeal seems a challenger to Scroop and was therefore adjudged guilty Doctor Duck Answered to all That first It was prudence for Ramsey to answer in general Negatively having been newly landed from Sea and might be excused till time and consideration to refresh his memory being not upon Oath And as yet the defendant need not answer perfectly till further time and favour to view the Exhibits in Court by copies which he desires And directly urged against the Lord Reys Replic●tion not to be allowed Because Rey referring himself now to Proofs might have saved the trouble of this Court of Honour and Chivalrie and hazzard of their Persons by Combate which intends the Trial without proofs● And that the Defendant having ingaged his sureties but to this day He humbly desires the time and place to be ordered for the sudden Combate according to the Law of Arms and custom of this Court Saying that the Duel foreseen must ensue upon the Appeal and Denial and therefore ought now to be granted Doctor Reeves moved for continuance of the Replication and consented to the Combate The Court admitted the Replication and ordered time till Wednesday for Exceptions thereto Doctor Duck offered some reasons to satisfie Rey and extremely to censure Ramsey where he was interrupted and told by the E. Marshall That the Court will save him the labour and councel till the Rejoynders be put in and then to be Ordered Doctor Eden shewed that the copies of the Letters Exhibited were not given out Nor shall sayes the Earl Marshal till the court have considered of the contents and so they were read The one was from Ramsey to Rey certifying him of passages in the Low-Countreys since their parting to put the Marquesse in minde of directing him how to dispose of the Ammunition and Arms in his custody subscribed   your servant Ramsey The other from the Lord Marquesse to the Lord Rey congratulating his love and affection expressing a great desire to meet him in Germany upon any terms he would propose And that Ramsey the Bearer was instructed for him to Treat with the King of Swede whom he desires to favour and assist which will oblige him his   friend and servant Hamilton Doctor Duck opened the whole matter and each particular Insisting That my Lord Reys evidence being for the King and he a person of Honour and Peer of Scotland his testimony was sufficient And moves that Mr. Meldram might be admitted for supply for though they were not joynt witnesses together of the words which made the charge yet for as much that they were
firm and sure Peace from all our Neighbours And accordingly produced the good effects in some measure But we are told that they did nothing neither of them meaning the other Fleet also which the Earl of Northumberland commanded the next year and onely the Earl of Lindsey and Essex for this year But pardon me my opinion they did more than expectation they secured the Seas you confess from Pyracies formerly molesting so then our Commodities were safely transported and the Merchandize of Christendom came home with ease to our profit And it was accounted the best security for the King of Spain to intrust his Treasure Bullion in our English Bottoms being coined here some hundred thousand pounds a year became good benefit to the Kings Mint and much thereof to the Merchant whose Commodities were exchanged thereby and the rest of the Money paid over by Exchange to the Spanish Army in Flanders It hath ever been the best ballance with England not to endure an over-bias of any our great Neighbours French or Spaniard And as our first interest with the Netherlands kept their Enemy aloof so now themselves forgetting their first Friends had contracted Confederacy with France the one to infest Dunkirk and other parts of Flanders by Land and the Hollanders by Sea thereby to bring him under who indeed was already bare enough not able to bring ten thousand men into the Field And so with other practices of the Dutch with the discontented Natives the French prevailed at Diest and Tillemont untill the monstrous insolencies of that Army French and Dutch together inflamed the very Natives so far to resent their own sufferings by the Souldier both out of the Countrey And to boot the English Fleet removed the Hollanders from before Dunkirk that neither of the Confederates nor thus combined could do other harm than to ravage the Countrey but left no Hold behinde them The Prince Electour wearied with long expectation of the Emperours Result upon former Overtures and Mediation of Neighbour States towards the restauration of his Patrimony the Palatinate was now come hither himself to solicit the Kings assistance and for the present and in order to the effect had reception with all the Caresses of Court-ceremonies and the Prince Charls dislodged from his Quarter at White-hall for this Kinsmans entertaiment And soon after arrived his third Brother Prince Rupert The 28. of December a Moneth after the Queen was delivered of her second Daughter and baptized Elizabeth the first of Ianuary after The effects of our Fleet and resolution concerning the Sea besides made the Hollander tack about to caress the English with the Ceremony of an Ambassy sent outwardly onely to congratulate the Queens happy delivery of a second Princess but to work the more into favour he came not empty-handed and meant to get more by the loss of a Present being a massie piece of Amber-greece two fair and almost transparent China Ba●ons a rare Clock of excellent art and four very admirable pieces of Painting the Originals of Tintinet and Tisian those admired ancient Artizans It was the wisdom of the King sufficiently to consider to whom this Treasury might best be intrusted This while the Commissioners served the Time but not the Kings private turn It was too publick in many hands the disposing of that which more prudentially would do better in One ordering it single by himself to whom the King might communicate his In-comes and Expence and therefore this Spring in March he commits the Staff of that Office to Doctor William Iuxon Bishop of London who had Religion to be honest and no use of self-interest to be corrupt a single person needs not to be covetous Former Treasurers being bound to keep up their Titles to the dignity of their Place and their necessary expence to the fulness of their Family made them too bold with the Kings Money which he wanted A good Man this Bishop was before and after and so no doubt to the end It was no wonder then if the Kings insight in him should pick him out the most fit for that trust as well as before to make him a Bishop But our Historian was of greater insight but of less opinion of the Bishops Clerkship as none of the greatest Scholars implying a defect which he found out that deserves his censure The foreign affairs of the Sword were somewhat allaid in Germany by the Peace concluded at Prague in May this year and the Protestants reduced to their Profession as it was setled Anno 1627. and their Ecclesiastick Lands confirmed for forty years the Agreement at Pastavia after that time to be composed in an annual way But the zealous or rather the fiery parties of both sides not well pleased with whom Cardinal Richelieu designs undermined to bring all about back again to a quarrel which the Emperour wisely considering to make peace at home for a War abroad that may happen pursues the Agreement that such as were comprised should render up their Forces to the Emperour their Head or to be declared Enemies which caused many to submit by force for the present The Dukes of Mecklenbergh are re-invested onely the Swedes enjoy what Lands they had seized Duke Bernard therefore excluded retires to France and there juggled into an hatred of the Swedes for ever after In general the Swedes were displeased with the Peace which they had purchased so dear with their great Kings bloud and death of so many of their own which to appease the Electour Saxony profers them a hundred thousand Rix-dollers from the Protector for their Reward which they refuse and might having so many good Towns and Provinces that the whole Empire was not able to beat them out of Pomerania and so in fine they resolved to stand to it And the Chancellour Oxenstiern untill business might be quite fletched puts all which the Swedes held about Phelesbergh into the hands of the French for a huge sum of money and retires into Sweden to give councel from thence having sent before his Train and a hundred and fifty brave Horses for Breed into Pomerania all which fell into his Enemies hands and some Spoils sunk in the Sea a Vessel laden with invaluable Sacrilege of the Church Copes Organs Images Chalices the twelve Apostles of Wirtenbergh all shut up in the Belly of the Ship which was delivered without a Midwife within a League of the Coast of Sweden and all lost The Spoils of the Church produce misfortune But the Swedes are reproached for their avarice having been well paid Wages and Booty their Recompenses freed the Princes from ungra●efulness and that their Pretences were but Illusions and so were to be answered which made them turn to treat with the French Cardinal Richelieu the Instrument of all bloudy Scenes in Christendom was already watching so nea● as Lorain for any Mutations of Fortune and in a fury would needs besiege Collen whom the Hollanders refuse
Deputy Magistrate Seeing therein their Title bears evidence against them for in their three first subscriptions is exprest either King Iames his own act or an ordinance of the secret Councel equivalent to regality or at the desire of the General Assembly to intreat it If they had power to command the new taking of an old Oath as they had not what authority had they to interpret it concerning the five Articles of Perth the Service Bo●k the Book of Canons and high Commission their Predecessours abjuring onely those Romish corruptions of that time near sixty years since but what could not be more evident was taken upon trust with Jesuitical Equivocation to many such Objections The former Confession and Band annexed heretofore was m●de in defence of the King his Authority and Person with their bodies and lives in defence of the Gospel of Christ and Liberties of that Kingdom To which they now have added a mutual defence of one another against all opposers the King not ex●epted nor any for him Nay by two Acts of their own Parliaments Declare all leag●es of subjects amongst themselves without the King to be seditious and punishable The Oath of Iames the sixth and ninth Parliament of Queen Mary the Kings consent never granted nor ever asked The fire of this seditious Covenant flaming throughout the corners of that Kingdom the King to appease those passages sends the Marquesse of Hamilton with power of High Commissioner to conclude and determine for the peace of the Kingdom But why a peace-maker Commissioner and not a war-like Commander And if by a fair Imparlance why Hamilton so much reason to be distrusted as before observed unlesse rather to be deceived than to distrust against the advice of some Scotish Lords the Earl of Sterling Secretary of State the Bishops of Rosse and Broken Privy Couns●llours Sr. Robert Spotswood Lord President of the Colledge of Justice and Sr Iohn Hay Master of the Robes who came post hither to disswade the King from him and to present the Marquesse Huntley for that service one utterly in Enmity against Covenanters where the other was suspected But the King carried on by fate suffered the weak contribution of the Duke of Lenox his advise though the old Enemy of his house than that a County Lord Huntley should carry it from them both And indeed it was a Royal deputation fitted for King Hamiltons ambition who having lost the Scotish army for the King of Swedes ayd He fell upon secret designes for his own ends obliging all Scots at Court his dependants and by his authority in Scotland he had the means to alien any from the King to himself as he did in his trust cosen the King by granting what the Covenanters desired even to his Crown by degrees To suspend and after to suppresse the Common Prayer and Canons the five Articles of Perth got by Inches from his Father to be confirmed by Parliament and the Covenant authorized with the calling of General Assemblies for votes of Covenanters to censure and Excommunicate the Bishops and to abolish Episcopacy and all the Royal Clergy to be ruined making himself the greatest figure in Scotland and the King his cypher He acting all in the after Warre as the story proceeds to shew in particular But in Iune the sixth day his Commission was read at Dalkieth four miles from Edinburgh where the Covenanters increased devising because some powder landing at the Fryth for supply of the provision of Edinburgh Castle that assuredly the plot was to blow away the Covenant by destroying the Covenanters And in earnest they were to disdain any notice of the Commissioner or his arrand unlesse he came to them where they were fixed with better force than to adventure out of Edinburgh they having openly landed two good ships loaded with Arms and Amunition and then invited him to come thither which he did Being met with the Nobility and Gentry Covenanters and all sides making a lane of the looser sort who were made believe that Popery and Bishops were One with bitter cursings against both and therefore He being setled at Haly-rood House desired the Covenanters to dismisse their Multitude which they did to be eased of the charge And then He demanded first What they would expect from him Secondly What might be expected from them in duty to the King To the first That nothing but a General Assembly and Parliament would please them and so in both they would be their own Judges and for return to any former obedience they acknowledge no dissertion in the least degree from justifying their actions and rather renounce Baptism than loose one Article of their Covenant or rebate one syllable of the literal rigour of it Religion and Laws be at stake They double their guards of the city the Ministers libel the pulpits and send to the Commissioner the Sunday Eve that whosoever should read the English service though in the Kings Chappel should die the death where they were observed and increasing Insolency they send several letters to each of the secret Councel to require them to take the Covenant Therein expressing the comfortable experience they have already of the wonderfull favour of God upon renewing their Confession of their Faith and Covenant their resolution and beginnings of Universal Reformation to God his great glory contentment of his Majesty blessing to the Kingdom and joy of all good subjects And doubt not that your Lordship will both subscribe to the Covenant and be promover to it in the duty of a good Patriot the Office and trust of a Privy Councellour this the time of trial of your affection to Religion the respect of your fame the eyes of men and Angels being upon your carriage the Lord Iesus a secret witnesse to observe and a Iudge hereafter to reward and confesse such men before his Father that take his part before men All and each of these call and cry to God and your Lordship in a cause of so great and singular necessity as you expect at the hour of death to be free of the terrour of God and to be refreshed with the comfortable remembrance of Christ Iesus King of Kings and Lord of Lords The Marquesse now findes this place too hot for him and removes to Dalkieth without adventuring upon the English Divine Service formerly continually used there for twenty years in audience of the Councel Nobility and Judges and here he Proclames his Maiest es gracious Declaration for relieving of their grievances and satisfying of good people in his forwardnesse for maintenance of the Religion professed in that Kingdom His aversnesse from Popery Not to presse the practise of the Service-Book and Canons but in a legal way of proceeding and had ordered the discharge of all acts and Councels concerning them and to indict a General Assembly or Convocation and Parliament to agitate the welfare of the Church and Kingdom The Covenanters afraid that this Justice and clemency might
Bankrupts in the County for gaging of Red Herrings for making of Iron for sealing Bone-lace for gaging Butter-cask for Kelp and Sea-weed sealing Linnen-cloath gathering of Rags Several Offices viz. of Factory for Scotish Merchants for searching and s●aling of foreign Hops for sealing of Buttons all Grants of Fines and Forfeitures before Judgment however granted all Patents for new Inventions not put in practice Of several Incorporations making Hat-bands Gut-strings Combs Tobacco pipes Butchers and Horners All these aforesaid to be called by Quo Warranto or Scire facias which brought the Attorney General sufficient gain to his Place These were intolerable the Devices of Projectors for the needy Courtier and Agents also for the best of their Lordships And almost not any of these but Hamilton and his Scots had a hand therein The eight and twentieth of May brought the King to Barwick in gaze of the Enemy and proved an Interview of each Army not sighting at all The English Army compleat for such a considerable number the most of Gallantry that ever attended any King of England in their Scotish Expeditions nor were the Men we are assured less irefull now than in those days when we most hated a Scot and yet we are told the King never meant to fight but rather by terrour to scare them into reason of obedience Nay I have heard that the King said so at Oxford Garrison taking occasion to speak of the Earl of Holland's infidelity that the Army was not in earnest which made him chuse such Commanders in chief But in his March by the way he gave leave for the Scots to apply themselves for mercy by Capitulation of the Earls of Roxborough and Traquair and these to meet him at York where the first of them was committed for tampering with some English Lords and correspondence with the Covenanters telling our Lords that the Scots ruine would enable the King to command what the English might be unwilling to obey mitigates the displeasure of some and the courage of others which being discovered and throughly observed Traquair was also confined at New-castle but both of them soon released and so sent home after they had done their secret business betraying the King to their own Companions And ere they parted they took caution how to keep intelligence with some of the English It is well observed how suddenly the expected courage of the English Lords was cooled which occasioned the Scots to advance and the Earl of Holland with his Horse Brigade but onely observing their motion he either in fear or fraud says one retired in pestilent danger to be over-ridden with the Scots Galloway nags the Foot also did no more but run and yet not ashamed of what was done the English hasten to the Overtures tending to Pacification managed it seems of purpose by such of the English made Commissioners as the King might have been assured they never had a minde or meaning to fight And who were those the Earls of Pembrook Salisbury Holland and Barkshire Secretary Vane and his Brother Secrerary Cook And the Scots were the Earls of Rothes Dumfirlmin Lord Lowdon Dowglas Sheriff of Tividale Henderson and Iohnston two fiery Ministers and the 17. of Iune conclude upon a Pacification signed by both parties But because there followed much alteration and difference concerning the Articles signed unto by the English and those which the Commissioners presented unto their people which devised conditions never dreamed of And which an Historian professes he never could learn what they were Being delivered he sayes into the hands of the English Nobility But to undeceive him from the Scots deceit I shall discover those mystical conditions which I have as also the rest of the whole matter from the Kings own Declaration To all his loving Subjects and to be sincere in the result of all I shall justly insert the Scots answer to all After the King had been sometime in his Camp near Berwick and the Scots encamped with their Army at Dunslow in view the beginning of Iune wherein the Scots and English that underhand favoured the Covenanters perswaded the King not to enter Scotland by way of Invasion lest it should irritate them the more but to encamp upon English ground to win them fairly to obedience and by a patched peace to elude the King to dismisse his forces Even as the Duke of Norfolk served Iames the fifth King of Scotland to his ruine they falling down at the Kings feet did most humbly supplicate to appoint some of this Kingdom to hear their humble desires the One was That the Acts of the late Assembly at Glasgow might be ratified in the ensuing Parliament professing It is their grief that the King should have been provoked to wrath against them his most humble and loving subjects and that it shall be their delight upon his gracious assurance of the preservation of their Religion and Laws to give ensample to others of all civil and temporal obedience which can be required or expected from loving subjects Because the King would not surprize them he gave them time to come prepared in writing Which was OUr desires are onely the enjoying of our Religion and Liberties according to the Ecclesiastical and Civil Lawes of the Kingdom To clear by sufficent grounds that the particulars which we humbly crave are such and shall not insist to crave any point which is not so warranted and that we humbly offer all Civil and Temporal obedience to your Majesty which can be required or expected of loyal Subjects Signed LOWDON To which was answered THat if their desires were onely the enjoying of their Religion and Liberties according to the Ecclesiastical and Civil Lawes the King does not onely agree to the same but shall alwayes protect them therein And if they shall not insist upon any thing but that which is so warranted he will most willingly and readily condescend unto it so that in the mean time they pay unto him that civil and temporal obedience which can be justly required and expected from loyal Subjects This being the ground of the Agreement which was after concluded and hudled up into Articles the seventeenth of Iune 1639. And the Kings Declaration of that date conformable thereto were these THat though We cannot condescend to ratifie and approve the Act of the pretended General Assembly at Glasgow for many grave and weighty considerations which have happened both before and since much importing the security and honour of that true Monarchical Government lineally descended upon us yet We are pleased to confirm and make good what ever Our Hamilton Commissioner hath granted And that all matters Ecclesiastical shall be determined by the Assemblies of the Kirk and matters Civil by the Parliament and other inferiour Iudicatories established by Law which Assembly shall be kept once a year or as shall be agreed upon by the General Assembly and our Commissioner for the time being That a free and General Assembly
a fitting occasion was never offered whereby he might insinuate himself into the Lord Arch-Bishop to whom free access was to be impetrated by the Earl and Countes●e of Arundell as also by Secretary Windebank all whose intercessions he neglected and did shunne as it were the Plague the company or familiarity of CON. He was also solicited by others of no mean rank well known to him and yet he continued immoveable Trial also was made of another Secretary Cook who impeded accesse to the detestable design an utter enemy he was to the Iesuites whose access to the King he obstructed He treated many of them as they deserved he searcht into their factions by which means every incitement breathing an attractive power to the Romish Catholiques was ineffectual with him for nothing was so dear to him as his own Innocence whence being rendred odious to the conspirators he was in perpetual hazzard of losing his Place which being laboured for three years was at length obtained But for all this the King had left him a knotty piece for the Lord Arch-Bishop by his constancy opposed himself as an immoveable Rock Con and his party finding the Lord Arch Bishop so impregnable and that they laboured in vain began to boyle with malice and to plot how the Lord Arch-Bishop together with the King should be taken Sentence also is passed against the King who was the main concernment in the plot because nothing is hoped from him which might seem to promote the Popish Religion but especially when he had once declared himselfe that he was of the minde that any good and pious man may be saved in his own Religion To Act the Treason undertaken the criminall execution at Westminster caused by some puritanical writing gave the first spark a thing so much exasperated and exaggerated by the Papists and Puritans that if it went unrevenged it would be thought a blemish to their Religion the flames of which fire the subsequent Liturgie encreased In this heat a certain Scottish Earle one Maxwell if I mistake not was dispatcht to the Scots by the Popish party with whom two other Scottish Earles were correspondents he was to excite the people to commotion He was to raise commotions to re-inforce the sense of every injury and to spur on the people to Rebellion whereby the great disturber of the Scottish liberty might be destroyed There by one labour s●ares are laid for the King for which purpose the affaire was so ordered that very many English should adhear to the Scots That the King should be inferiour to them in Armes whereby he might be inforced to crave ayd from the Papists which yet should be denied him unlesse he would descend to conditions by which he should permit a general toleration of the Romish Religion which was the thing the Papists did aim at And should he be difficultly brought to such terms there was a Remedy hoped for For the young Prince who from his Cradle was educated in advantage to the Romish perswasion growing on fast in his youthfull age the Kings Death was contrived by an Indian Nut stuffed with a most fierce Poyson kept in the Society which Con then shewed me in a boasting manner and prepared for him as there was another for his Father During the Scotch Troubles the Marquess of Hamilton was often imployed by the King as Commissioner to compose Disorders there and pacifie the discontented party but returned as often without fruit His Chaplain repaired at that time to us and had secret conference with Con of whom I demanded in jest Whether also the Iews agreed with the Samaritans To which Con answered I would to God all Ministers were like him you may conjecture of this as you please Things standing thus there came to London from Cardinal Richelieu Master Thomas Chamberlain his Chaplain and Almoner a Scot by Nation who was to assist the College of Confederacy to advance the business and to ●ttempt all ways of exasperating the first heat for th●s service a Bishoprick was promised him Four moneths space he co-habited with the Society nor was he permitted to depart untill matters succeeding as he wished he might return with good News Sir Toby Mathew a Jesuited Priest of the Order of Politicians the most vigilant of the chief Heads who never went to Bed but got a Nap of an Hour or two in a Chair Day and Night plotted Mischief A Man principally noxious and the very Plague both of King and Kingdom a Man most impudent hunting all Feasts called or not called never quiet always in action and perpetual motion intruding into the company of all his Betters pressing Discourses whereby to fish out mens inclinations whatsoever he sucketh from thence either of advantage or noxious to the Conspiracy he imparteth to the Popes Legate reserving the most secret intelligence for the Pope himself or the Cardinal Barbarino In short he associates himself with any not a word can be spoken but he lays hold of it and accommodates it to his turn In the interim all his Observations he reduceth into a Catalogue and every Summer carrieth it to the general Consistory of the Jesuits Politicks which privately meet in the Province of Wales where he is a welcome Guest There are Councils closely hammered which are fittest for the ruining of the Ecclesiastick and Politick state of both Kingdoms Captain Read a Scot dwelling in Long-Acre Street near the Angel-tavern a Secular Jesuit who for his detestable service performed in perverting of a certain Minister of the Church with secret inticements to the Popish Religion with all his Family taking his Daughter to Wife obtained as a Reward an Impost upon Butter paid by the Countrey people procured for him from the King by some chief men of the Society who never want a Spur whereby he may be constantly detained in his Office In his house the whole Plot is contrived where the Society which hath conspired against the King the Lord Arch-bishop and both Kingdoms convene but on the Day of the Posts Dispatch they meet in greater Numbers for then all their Informers assemble and confer their Notes together and that they may be the less suspected convey all their secrets by Toby Matthew or Read himself to the Popes Legate who transmits the Pacquet of Intelligence to Rome With the same Read are intrusted the Letters brought from Rome under forged Titles and Names and by him delivered to whom they belong for all their Names are known to him Upon the same occasion Letters are also brought over under the covert of Father Philip though he be ignorant of the Plot who distributeth them to the Conspiratours In that very House there is a publick Chappel wherein an Ordinary Jesuit consecrates and dwelleth In this Chappel Masses are daily said by the Jesuits and the Children of some of the Domesticks and some the Conspiratours are baptized They who meet there come often in Coaches or on Hors-back in Laymens
habit and with a great Train wherewith they are disguised from notice yet are Jesuits and Members of the Conspiracy All the Papists of England contribute to this Assembly lest any thing should be wanting to promote the Enterprise upon whose Treasury a Widow Owner of the Houses where now Secretary Windebank dwelleth and dead above three years since conferred forty thousand pounds and for the driving on of the business others contribute as they are able Besides the foresaid Houses there are also other close Conventicles kept but very distrustfull of themselves lest they should be discovered First every of them one not knowing of the other are directed to certain Inns and thence led by Spies to the place of meeting being otherwise ignorant of the place for fear of surprise The Countess of Arundel a strenuous she-champion of the Romish Faith bends all her powers for this Universal Reformation nothing is done secretly or openly at Court but she imparts it to the Legate with whom she meets thrice a day sometimes at Arundel's house now at Court or at Tart-Hall The Earl himself being called about three years since this year must go to Rome without doubt to consult there of matters pertinent to the Design At Greenwich at the Earls cost a feminine School is erected which is but a Monastery of Nuns for the young Girls therein are sent forth hither and thither into foreign Monasteries beyond the Seas Master Porter of the Kings Bed-chamber most addicted to the Popish Religion is an utter Enemy of the Kings revealing all his Secrets to the Legate by his Wife for he rarely meets with him himself In all his actions he is nothing inferiour to Toby Matthew it is unexpressible how diligently he intends this business His Sons are secretly principled in the Romish Belief but open Professours of the Reformed the Eldest is now to receive his Fathers Place under the future King A Cardinals Hat is provided for the other if the Plot takes Three years since Master Porter was to be sent away by the King to Morocco but was prohibited by the Society lest the business should suffer delay He is a Patron of the Jesuits providing Chappels for them to exercise their Religion in both at home and abroad Secretary Windebank a fierce Papist is the greatest Traitour to the King of all He not onely revealeth the Kings greatest Secrets but also communicates Counsels by which the Design may be best advanced He at least thrice every Week converseth with the Legate in the Nocturnal Conventicles and revealeth what is ●it to be known to which end he hireth an House near to the Popes Legate to whom he often resorts through the Garden-door for by this vicinity the Meeting is facilitated He is bribed with Gifts to be a Partner in the Conspiracy by whom he is sustained that he may more sedulously attend his Charge His son is sent expresly to Rome on purpose to insinuate himself into his holinesse Digby and Winter Knights Mr. Mountague who hath been at Rome the Lord Sterlin a Kinsman of the Earl of Arundel a Knight the Countesse of New-port the Dutchesse of Buckingham and many others who hath sworn to this Conspiracy are all most vigilant in the plot Some are enticed with hope of Court others of Political Offices others attended to the sixteen Cardinals caps vacant which are detained so to feed with vain hopes those who expect them The president of the said Society was the Lord Gage a Jesuited Priest dead some three years since He had a palace adorned with wanton pictures as pretending to profaneness but palliating thereby a Monastery wherein fourty Nunns were maintained concealed in so spacious a Palace It is situated in Queens street The Jesuits have bought all this street and have reduced it to a quadrangle where a Jesuiticall Colledge is tacitely built with this hope that it might be openly finisht assoon as the General Reformation was accomplisht The Popes Legate useth a threefold Character one common to all Nuncio's Another peculiar to himself and Cardinal Barbarino A third wherewith he covers some greater secrets to be imparted Whatsoever things he receiveth from the Society or spies he packeth up in one bundle with this addresse To Monsieur Stravio Archdeacon of Cambrai from whom they are sent to Rome These particulars considered it will be evident to all 1. That the Conspiracy against the King and Lord Archbishop is detected and the means threatning ruin to them both is demonstrated 2. The imminent Dangers to both Kingdoms is declared 3. The Rise and Progress of the Scotish Fire is related 4. Means are suggested whereby their Troubles may be appeased for after the Scots shall see by whom and to what intents their Spirits are provoked they will speedily look to themselves neither will they suffer the Forces of both Kingdoms to be subdued lest a middle party interpose which seek the ruine of both 5. With what Sword the Kings Throat is assaulted even when these Stirs shall be ended Con's Confession and visible Demonstration sheweth 6. The place of Assembly in Captain Read's House is named 7. The eight Days Dispatch by Read and the Legate is described 8. How the names of the Conspiratours may be known 9. Where this whole Congregation may be circumvented 10. Some of the principal unfaithfull ones of the Kings party are notified by name and many whose Names occur not yet their Habitations being known their Names may be easily extorted from Read If these things be warily proceeded in the strength of the whole business will be brought to light so the Arrow being foreseen the Danger shall be avoided which that it may prosperously succeed the Almighty Creatour grant The matter of this Information is conform to their old practices in all former Times and in some respects to be likely enough but truly far from any wise mans faith to give it too much credit in the particulars which is so notoriously mistaken as it marrs the story And for that Objection and Result thereon that the Arch-bishop of Canterbury had too much favoured the Romish Faction not their Faith is his own opinion the Information says quite contrary But his Observatour and others have shewed how and upon what account King Iames and King Charls too had Reasons and in what manner to connive at the Popish Faction in reference to the favours afforded the foreign Reformed Churches And so the great Ministers and Officers in State doing but their duty therein might be thought to favour their Faith See History complete Mary Queen of Scots and King Iames. And to ballance the Puritan Non-conformist the ancient usefull Ceremonies of the Primitive Church were fuller restored in this Arch-bishops Time than of late before but not so thereby for the Arch-bishop to be forthwith cried up by the Romanists for their Proselyte for they know that this Reformation did in Ceremonies rather undo them No Sir it was the Scots first and Presbytery
after or both together that cried up both him and all the Kings well-affected for Papists and Proselytes who were the most orthodox of any other The Proeme in brief from this Year to the end of this History The state of this Monarchy by ancient Laws and Customs flourished for many Ages heretofore happy at home and renowned abroad untill too much Felicity introduced Luxury and a Colluvies of Vices Pride Ambition Contempt of things divine and humane whence proceeded mutual Emulation and Envy and to trample under foot Religion Laws and Sovereignty and all The seeds of Commotion sowed by certain Members of the House of Commons hence grew mutual suspitions 'twixt the King and Parliament two of them he had dissolved sooner than many men could have wished nor was he forward to summon another without good Reasons inviting which occasioned Provocations of the Populacy against the King nevertheless the Kingdom continued most flourishing inabling him to wage unhappily Wars abroad and to impose Taxes at home The pregnancy of the Bishops renewing ancient Ceremonies aggrieved the scrupulous which Laud Arch-bishop of Canterbury indeavours to put upon the Scots Nation together with the English Liturgy and this had inflamed them to mutiny which to repress the King summons a Parliament to begin the third of November 1640. wherein he indulged more to them than all his Ancestours had done but by so much the more as hereafter follows he sharpens the appetite and boldness of the Innovatours who under other Pretexts had Designs to dethrone Sovereignty and wrest the Government to themselves which being discovered they stir up the Populacy by their Emissaries and under colour of Petitioning they outrage upon the other Members and some of the Nobility and then on the King himself which to prevent he accuses the Leaders of this Sedition and goes to the Parliament in person to demand them but they timely withdrew and this being concluded a high breach of Privilege he very often acknowledged that Errour which not satisfactory the people are stirred up to convert the Kingdom into a flame The accused Members take Sanctuary in the City of London and so return to the Parliament guarded by Forces for that purpose which continued in Arms enforcing the King for security to withdraw his Court into the Countrey sending Messages of Pacification to the Parliament and to have it expressed in writing what the Houses should desire which they drew up into Complaints of infringing their Liberties and demand the power of the Militia he stoutly denying it they wrest it from him and from hence followed the publick Misery He to maintain his Right They to snatch it from him The matter is skirmished a good while with Apologies wherein the King managing his part with a better Pen they fall to Hostility and an opportunity fitted for the Faction to make a War with several Pretexts for defence of the People against evil Counsellours about the King And these formal Delusions drew in the Presbyterian Preachers and such like of the people with large Contributions first to raise an Army to seize the Kings Navy to ravage the Goods of the Nobility and Gentry who favoured the Kings party The King retires to the North and raises an Army likewise And whilest these clouds overcast the Heaven of our happiness at home the Irish Rebellion began which I refer to the story of its proper place by it self But we go on Civil War increased between the King and Parliament raging with Skirmishes Battels and Sieges Fuel of a lasting evil by s●ow burning for these different Forces a long time with various success the Parliament apparantly failing at the first many of their Partizans deserting them they set on work their Engines to win to their side the staggering people as if the King mediated an absolute Tyranny over all and therefore some signal Victims they sacrifice to Iustice some for Treason others for Treachery in War and also to the fire and martyrdom all things superstitious or used for Ornaments onely and these made way for their invitation of the Sco●s who are called hither with an Army upon Articles capitulated and consented unto by a national League and Covenant to defend the Reformed Religion in the Church of Scotland and to reform England and Ireland also These Covenanters call themselves Presbyterians raging against such as dissented whence followed strange effects and fruits of that Covenant Fathers Sons Wives Husbands Servants and Masters dissenting to the death and so Pens and Tongues were set on work to bandy these Differences till the power of Imprisonment and Ruine proselyted many weak people to the Parliaments party But then the Scots rush● into England against which storm the King provides and tranfers the Parliament to Oxford whither repaired his own party and forthwith the House of Peers from Westminster with two hundred part of the Parliament of the House of Commons The King writes to the Scots with admonitions not to invade this Kingdom Pronounces the Members at Westminster guilty of High Treason The King sends the Marquesse Hamilton to retrive the Scots but being deluded by him he sends the Earl Montrosse and not prevailing the Scots defeat the Kings party in the North by which also the Parliament prevails and the King in the brink of destruction Delivers himself into the hands of the Scots army And now the bickering betwixt the Scots and a new facton of Innovators stiled Independents to whom also the former Presbyterians incline with much alteration of the Scots who receiving money are thereby hired to render up the King to the Parliament And so occasion both factions Presbyter and Independent to disagree with several sects and practises of mixed Aristocracy and Monarchy Oligarchy and Democracy with such like strange Engines and Acts of confounding things Some excite the War oppose the means of peace by cunning practises and so convert the war to their own profits which increased their unwearied diligence in Parliament by private Meetings And having obtained the Power they arrogate the title of Independents as not depending upon the arbitrement of any National Church or Civil State but order all things within their private congregation and so opening a large Door for all sects to enter in Besides accommodating themselves to the dispositions of all men pursue the obstinate patronize the obsequious and under pretext of their self-Denying Ordinance they eluded the Presbyterian beguiling them of their questuary and military offices whereinto they thrust themselves and Partizans Henceforth new Commanders General Essex turn'd out and General Fairfax in his place Colonels and Captains of another minde and the whole Army of a New Model with great diligence such new men are promoted Members of Parliament and by publick fame fall upon the Presbyter publishing their disgraces remove them from Governments of Cities disbanding them and dismissing the Scots Army But to return to the story The King in possession of the Parliament the Presbyterian as yet
Bancroft then Bishop of London confirmed it in the Conference at Hampton Court in presence of the Adversary Dr. Raynolds their chief dependant who neither contradicted nor confuted him So did Bishop Laud in the High-Commission which might give occasion of matter to some sufficient opposers but found none unlesse we reckon loose Pamphlets Indeed the Smectymnuans revived the controversie and was soon maintained by Dr. Hall then Bishop of Exeter by Churchman in his History of Episcopacy by Dr. Taylor his Episcopacy of Divine Right by Dr. Hammond in English and Latine But lest these Divines should be thought partial see the whole subject discussed by the Laity Sir Thomas Aston Knight and Baronet the Area-Mastix of Iohn They re Gentleman the Lord Falkland in his Tract against Henderson sayes somewhat comparatively as for the Lords Day or for In●ant Baptism Mr. Selden against the Argument of Mr. Grimstone in Parliament whose Argument was 1. That Bishops are Iure Divino is of question 2. That Arch Bishops are not Iure Divino is out of question 3. That Ministers are Iure Divino there is no question Now if Bishops which are questioned whether Iure Divino and Arch Bishops which out of question are not Iure Divino shall suspend Ministers that are Iure Divino I leave it to you Mr. Speaker Which Mr. Selden thus retorted on him That the Convocation is Iure Divino is a question 2. That Parliaments are not Iure Divino is out of question 3. That Religion is Iure Divino there is no question Now Mr. Speaker That the Convocation which is questioned whether Iure Divino and Parliaments which out of question are not Iure Divino shall meddle with Religion which questionlesse is Iure Divino I leave to you Mr. Speaker Indeed the General Assembly of Scotland had levelled the Principles into some request as to make the Minister Co-parcenary equal sharers in the Authority and very likely as good men as themselves of equivalent import and the Assembly having formed a Covenant for destruction of Episcopacy and urged subscription to it so did this Convocation or Synod if you please for their own support frame an Oath equivalent to their purpose I A. B. do swear That I do approve the Doctrine and Discipline of Government established in the Church of England as containing all things necessary to salvation And that I will not endeavour by my self or any other directly or indirectly to bring in any Popish Doctrine contrary to that so established Nor will I ever give my consent to alter the Governments of this Church by Arch Bishops Bishops Deans and Arch Deacons c. as it stands now established and as by right it ought to stand nor yet ever to subject it to the usurpations and superstitions of the Sea of Rome And all these things do I plainly and sincerely acknowledge and swear according to the plain and common sence and understanding of the same words without any equivocation or mental evasion or secret reservation whatsoever And this I do heartily willingly and truly upon the faith of a Christian So help me God in Iesus Christ. Some exceptions in print were prosecuted against this Oath by several persons and by some petitions to the Privy Councel and suggestions of others the Bishops Enemies But one Author reduces the main quarel into three particulars against the c as leaving the Oath so loose that neither the makers nor the takers of the same understood the meaning To which he is answered that the c. is impertinent signifying nothing in regard of the restriction following and the sence compleat without it And that in many Canons there was a particular enumeration of all persons vested with any Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction viz. Arch Bishops Bishops Deans Arch Deacons Deans and Chapters and other persons having peculiar or exempt Jurisdiction which for avoiding of Tautologie was cut off with this c. neverthelesse with intention to expunge this c. before it should come to be ingrossed but in hast it was forgotten and so Printed Secondly For exacting an Oath of dissent from Civil Establishment in things of Indifferency was an affront to the very Fundamentals of government But he is told that the affront to Goverment is rather not to submit to Civil Establishments but it is no affront not to give consent while they are in Treaty The Oath not binding any man not to yeeld obedience but not to give consent to such alteration But he observes that in the Solemn Covenant in which it was not thought enough to binde men to submit to such alterations as were then contriving but actually to endeavour the extirpation of the whole Prelacy not onely was this Covenant required of the Clergy which had before taken Oath of Canonicall obedience to Bishops but even of the Bishops themselves Deans Arch Deans c. who having taken former Oath to preserve their laws and priveledges of their severall Churches must by that Covenant be bound to endeavour their utter extirpation and so must be a felo de se c. Lastly That the Iuror therein declares he swears willingly to which he was constrained under the highest penalties To this he is to be satisfied by P●esident of the Parliament the 3. Iacob Who drew up the Oath of Allegiance In which the Iuror makes that recognition heartily and truly and willingly And again as the Scots condemned the Arminian Tenets without defining what they were so did these the Socinians not declaring where they were culpable Answer The Arminian Tenets being but five might easily have been desined by the Scots but Socinianism is a Complication of many heresies the bare recital of them might have taken up much time and so it was thought fit to condemn it under that general Notion to interdict their Books and in fine to lay a brand upon it by the Church of England And yet all they did could not preserve the Convocation from scandal and suspition of Mr Cheynels pamphlet three years after And ere these Rules were ratified by the King they granted him a most ample benevolence of the Clergy of four shillings in the pound for six years toward his intended Expedition against the Scots and so brake up the 29. of May Which guift is construed to be an Act of very high presumption and usurpation upon the preheminence of Parliament No Convocation having power to grant any subsidies or aid without confirmation of the Lay-Senate This certainly is much mistaken May not the English Clergy as well as all other Clergies give their own without leave of any and the Convocation as amply impowred therein as the Parliament in their Grants for the Lay-people and every Clerk elected bindes him by Instrument Se ratum gratum acceptum habere quicquid dicti procuratores sui dixerint fecerint vel constituerint And this Authority as amply as the Commons is precedented from the Convocation 1585. which having given one Subsidy
your Sacred Majesty they humbly present unto your Princely and pious consideration the several and pressing grievances viz. 1. The great and unusual Impositions upon Merchandize exported and imported 2. The urging and levying of Ship mony notwithstanding which both Merchants their goods and Ships have been destroyed by Turks and Pyrates 3. The multitude of Monopolies Patents and Warrants whereby trade is decayed 4. The Innovations in matters of Religion the Oath and Canons newly imposed by the late Convocation whereby your petitioners are in danger to be deprived of their Ministery 5. The concourse of Papists and their habitation in London and the suburbs whereby they have more means and opportu●ities of plotting and executing their designes against the Religion established 6. The sudden calling and sudden dissolution of Parliaments without addressing of the subjects grievances 7. The imprisonment of divers Citizens for not paying Ship-mony and other impositions and the prosecution of others in the Star-Chamber for non conformity to commands in Patents and Monopolies whereby trade is restrained 8. The great dangers your Sacred Person is exposed unto in the present war and the various fears that have seized your petitioners and their families by reason thereof which grievances and fears have o●casioned so great a stop and destruction of Trade as neither to receive and pay as formerly and tends to the utter ruine of the Inhabitants of this City the decay of Navigation and clothing and other Manufactories of this Kingdom your petitioners humbly conceiving the said grievances to be contrary to the Laws of this Realm and finding by experience that they are not redressed by the ordinary Courts of Iustice do therefore beseech your Majesty to cause a Parliament to be summoned with all convenient speed whereby they may be relieved in the premisses The Scots proceeding hand in hand with some of the English petition also for the same in effect to call a Parliament for setling a peace between the two Nations and they had the like Answer which behoved the English to hasten for the Scots took liberty to ravage New-Castle seizing four great English Ships laden with Corn ere the masters knew who they were rifling houses and ranting every where laying a Tax of three h●ndred and ●ifty pounds per diem upon the Bishop of Durham and three hundred pounds upon Northumberland upon pain of plundering The day come the 24. the King salutes them thus My Lords UPon suddain Invasions where the Dangers are near and instant it hath been the custome of my Predecessors to Assemble the great Council of the Peers c. by their advice and asistants to give a timely remedie to such rules as could not admit a delay so long as must of necessity be allowed for the assembling a the Parliament This being our condition at this time and an Army of Rebells lodged within the Kingdome I thought it most fit to conform my self to the practise of my predecessors in like cases that with your advice and assistants we might joyntly proceed to the chastizement of their Insolencies and securing of our good Subjects In the first place I must let you know that I desire nothing more then to be rightly understood of my People and to that end I have of my self resolved to call a Parliament having already given order to my Lord Keeper to issue the writs instantly so that the Parliament may be assembled by the third of November next whither if my Subjects brings the like good affections that I do it shall not faile on my part to make it a happy meeting In the mean time there are two points to be considered wherein I shall desire your advice which indeed is the chief cause of your meeting first what answer to give to the petition of the Rebells and in what manner to treat with them of which that you may give a sure Iudgment I have ordered that your Lordships shall be clearly and truly informed of the State of the whole business and upon what reasons and advices that my Privy-council unanimously gave me were grounded Secondly how my Army shall be kept on foot and maintained untill your Supplies of a Parliament may be had for so long at the Scots Army remains in England I think no man will Councel me to disband mine for that would be an unspeakable loss to all this part of the Kingdome by subverting them to the greedy appetite of the Rebells besides the unspeakable dishonour that would thereby fall upon this Nation And after several meetings and debates a Messenger Mr. Bellows was sent from the King and Lords to the Scots Army to give them notice on Tuesday next that sixteen of the English Lords shall meet with as many Scots Lords at York to treat of the differences The English Lords were these Earls Bedford Essex Barkshire Holland Herford Bristow Salisbury Warwick Barons Mandevil Savile Howard Brook Paget Dunsmore Paulet Wharton But the Scots refuse the place York as not secure for their Commissioners so long as the Lieutenant of Ireland commanded there in chief who had proclaimed them Traytors in Ireland before the King had done so in England threatning to destroy their memory against whom they had matter of high complaint And so the place was named at Rippon The Scots Commissioners take exception at the Earl of Traquairs presence being no Commissioner on either side but was admitted as a person indifferent to satisfie the English concerning the former affaires in Scotland if questions should be debated The English proposed a Cessation of Arms but the Scots as they would obey his Majesties Commands not to advance so they could not return till they had the effects of their Arrand and therefore desired the way and means of subsistence in their Quarters and so the second of October they present their demands First How their Army should be maintained untill the Treaty be ended and the Peace secured Secondly if more Commissioners be required then for their safe convoy Thirdly Safe convoy for all Letters from them and the Parliament and to them Fourthly That there may be free commerce of both Kingdoms and that the Common trade of New-Castle be not hindred especially for victuals Their first Article is otherwise than their Pamphlet before expressed for there you shall have them profess to take up nothing of the people without ready mony And that failing to give Bills and Bands of debt for true payment but finding good correspondence and weak resistance they did not only spoile and plunder but enforced this first Article Indeed they were cryed up as the sons of Enoch and the English as Grashoppers though the Earl of Strafford then General desired the King that he might give them battel and as his Letters speak to the Arch Bishop of Canterbury he durst undertake upon the Perill of his head to beat them home again although now he held it not councelable as the case then stood And certainly it was generally
Parliament or grant them access to his Person Fifthly that their Ships and Goods and all Dammages thereof may be restored It is agreed Ian. 7. 1640. That all Ships taken and staid should be reciprocally restored on both sides And that the Scotish Commissioners having informed that about eighty Ships of Scotland are yet staid in the Ports and are like to suffer much loss if they shall not be delivered into some hands who may have care of them It is agreed that Warrants shall be presently granted for delivery of all their Ships And that four thousand pounds be presently advanced for Caulking Sails Cordage and other necessaries for helping the presen● setting forth of the said Ships Sixthly they desire from the justice and the kindness of the Kingdom of England Reparation concerning the Losses which the Kingdom of Scotland hath sustained and the vast Charges they have been put unto by occasion of the late Troubles That this House thinks fit that a friendly assistance and relief shall be given towards supply of the Losses of the Scots and that the Parliament did declare that they did conceive that the Sum of three hundred thousand pounds is a fit proportion for the friendly assistance and relief formerly thought fit to be given towards supply of the Losses and Necessities of their Brethren of Scotland and that the House would in due time take into consideration the manner how and the time when the same shall be raised Seventhly that as his Majesty hath approved the Acts of the late Parliament wherein all such Declarations Proclamations Books Libells and Pamphlets that have been made written and published against his loyal and dutifull Subjects of Scotland are recalled and ordered to be suppressed So his Majesty may be pleased to give order that the same may be suppressed recalled and forbidden in England and Ireland and that the loyalty integrity and faithfulness of his Majesties Subjects of Scotland towards his Majesties royal Person and Government may at the closing of this Treaty of Peace and at the time of publick Thanks-giving for the same be made known in all places and all Parish-churches of his Majesties Dominions It is agreed upon the 10. of February 1640. That all Declarations Proclamations Acts Books Libells and Pamphlets that have been made and published against the loyalty and dutifulness of his Majesties Subjects of Scotland shall be recalled suppressed and forbidden in England and Ireland And that this be reciprocal in Scotland if any such have been made or published there in prejudice of his Majesties honour And this upon diligent enquiry to be done by the Authority of Parliament next ●itting in Scotland of which the Commissioners of Scotland do promise to have an especial care And we do also agree that when it shall please Almighty God to grant an happy close of this Treaty of Peace the Loyalty of his Majesties Subjects of Scotland shall be made known at the time of publick Thanks-giving in all places and particularly in the Parish Churches of his Majesties Dominions That all Monuments Tokens and shews of Hostility upon the Borders of the two Kingdoms may be taken away That not onely the Garrisons of Barwick and Carlile may be removed but that the Works may be ●lighted and the places dismantled To the eighth Demand it is said that being offered the twelfth of this Moneth there was no Answer But there wa●●his Answer Die Lunae 8. Martii 1640. This house of Commons concur with their Lordships that when a peace shall be established all things reciprocally be reduced into the Termes they were before the Treaty And do agree with their Lordships that the Scotish Commissioners shall set down all their particular heads and demands at once together that so their eight Articles which they propound for establishing a peace may with all speed be concluded that being done this house shall willingly concur with their Lordships to settle all things for their just satisfaction Then comes the Scots remayning heads to the Eight Demands 1. Our desires concerning Unity in Religion and Conformity of Church Government as a special means for preserving of peace between these Kingdomes 2. That some Scotish-men of respect and intrusted by their Nation may be in place about the King Queen and the Prince 3. That none be in place about his Majesty and the Prince but such as profess the Reformed Religion 4. Concerning the manner of chusing the Councel and Sessions in Scotland 5. Naturalization declaring the capacity and mutuality of the Subjects of both Kingdomes 6. Concerning Customes in the Kings dominions and Foreign Nations 7. Concerning freedome of trade and intercourses 8. Concerning Manufactory and assessations by Sea and Land 9. Concerning Equality and course of coyn in his Majesties dominions 10. Concerning Fishing 11. An Act of Oblivion of all by gone deeds betwixt the Kingdomes of Scotland England and Ireland since the beginning of the late troubles 12. An act of Parliament for the ratifying this Treaty and Articles and establishing the means of a firm and perfect peace 13. That none of his Majesties dominions shall take Arms or invade others without consent of the Parliament of that Kingdome and after declared Peace no stopping of Trade or taking of ships or any Acts of hostility the contemners to be punished as Enemies to the State 14. That neither Scotland nor England ingage in a foreign war without mutual ●●nsent and to assist each other against all foreign Invasions 15. Concerning the remanding of offenders or debtors in both Kingdomes 16. Concerning exacting de●rees and sentences 17. In either Nation authentike extracts without production of the principal warrant about the late borders and middle Marshes and that this peace may be inviolably observed Trials may be taken in the triennial Parliament of both Kingdomes of all wrongs to be done by either nation to other that the differences may be removed and some commissioners to be appointed of both Kingdomes for the conserving of peace in the Intervall of Parliaments And being required to bring in a full Accompt of their charges in writing according to their sixt Article they enlarge it unto five hundred and fourteen thousand one hundred twenty and eight pounds nine shillings c. abating only the odde pence A monstrous sum Besides what losses their Nation Nobility and Gentry have sustained which they amount unto Two hundred and twenty one thousand pounds and the neglect of their fortunes at Two hundred and twenty thousand pounds Besides the Eight hundred and fifty pounds a Moneth Contributions of the Northern Counties and besides the exhaustable Insolencies also upon them by the Scots Army All which because it may seem an impudent Account impossible to be made out upon any pretences See it in their own particulars which was set out in print if it had been possible to have made them odious to the suffering English Subjects The Scots Great Account BEsides the particular charges
so many forward to engage against me who had made great Professions of singular pietie For this gave to vulgar mindes so bad a reflection upon me and my Cause as if it had been impossible to adhere to me and not withall part from God to think or speak well of me and not to blaspheme him so many were perswaded that these two were utterly inconsistent to be at once Loyal to me and truly Religious toward God Not but that I had I thank God many with me which were both Learned and Religious much above that ordinrie size and that vulgar proportion wherein some men glorie so much who were so well satisfied in the cause of my Sufferings that they chose rather to suffer with me than forsake me Nor is it strange that so Religious Pre●ensions as were used against me should be to many well-minded men a great temp●ation to oppose me especially being urged by such popular Preachers as think it no sin to lie for God and what they please to call Gods cause cursing all that will not curse with them looking so much at and crying up the goodness of the end propounded that they consider not the lawfulness of the means used nor the depth of the mischief chiefly plotted and intended The weakness of these mens judgments must be made up by their clamours and activitie It was a great part of some mens Religion to scandalize me and mine they thought theirs could not be true if they cried not down mine as false I thank God I have had more trial of his grace as to the constancie of my Religion in the Protestant Profession of the Church of England both abroad and at home than ever they are like to have Nor do I know any Exception I am so liable to in their opinion as too great a fixedness in that Religion whose judicious and solid Grounds both from Scripture and Antiquitie will not give my Conscience leave to approve or consent to those many dangerous and divided Innovations which the bold Ignorance of some men would needs obtrude upon me and my People Contrarie to those wel-tried Foundations both of Truth and Order which men of far greater Learning and clearer Zeal have settled in the Confession and Constitution of this Church in England which many former Parliaments in the most calm and unpassionate times have oft confirmed in which I shall ever by Gods help persevere as believing it hath most of Primitive Truth and Order Nor did my using the assistance of some Papists which were my Subjects any way fight against my Religion as some men would needs interpret it especially those who least of all men cared whom they imploied or what they said and did so they might prevail 'T is strange that so wise men as they would be esteemed should not conceive That Differences of perswasion in matters of Religion may easily fall out where there is the sameness of Dutie Allegiance and Subjection The first they own as men and Christians to God The second they ow to me in common as their King Different Professions in point of Religion cannot any more than in civil Trades take away the communitte of Relations either to Parents or to Princes And where is there such an Oglio or Medley of various Religions in the World again as those men entertain in their service who finde most fault with me without any scruple as to the diversitie of their Sects and Opinions It was indeed a foul and indelible shame for such as would be counted Protestants to enforce me a declared Protestant their Lord and King to a necessarie use of Papists or any other who did but their Dutie to help me to defend my self Nor did I more than is lawfull for any King in such Exigents to use the aid of any his Subjects I am sorrie the Papists should have a greater sense of their Allegiance than many Protestant Professours who seem to have learned and to practise the worst Principles of the worst Papists Indeed it had been a verie impertinent and unseasonable scruple in me and verie pleasing no doubt to mine Enemies to have been then disputing the Points of different Beliefs in my Subjects when I was disputed with by Swords points and when I needed the help of my Subjects as men no less than their praiers as Christians The noise of my Evil Counsellours was another usefull Devise for those who were impatient any mens counsel but their own should be followed in Church and State who were so eager in giving me better counsel that they would not give me leave to take it with freedom as a Man or Honour as a King making their counsels more like a Drench that must be poured down than a Draught which might be fairly and leisurely drunk if I liked it I will not justifie beyond humane Errours and Frailties my self or my Counsellours they might be subject to some Miscarriages yet such as were far more reparable by second and better thoughts than those enormous Extravagancies wherewith some men have now wildered and almost quite lost both Church and State The event of things at last will make it evident to my Subjects that had I followed the worst counsels that my worst Counsellours ever had the boldness to offer to me or my self any inclination to use I could not so soon have brought both Church and State in three flourishing Kingdoms to such a Chaos of Confusions and Hell of Miseries as some have done out of which they cannot or will not in the midst of their many great Advantages redeem either me or my Subjects No men were more willing to complain than I was to redress what I saw in Reason was either done or advised amiss and this I thought I had done even beyond the expectation of moderate men who were sorrie to see me prone even to injure my self out of a zeal to relieve my Subjects But other mens insatiable Desire of Revenge upon me my Court and my Clergie hath wholly beguiled both Church and State of the benefit of all my either Retractations or Concessions and withall hath deprived all those now so zealous Persecutours both of the comfort and reward of their former pretended Persecutions wherein they so much gloried among the vulgar and which indeed a truly humble Christian will so highly prize as rather not to be relieved than be revenged so as to be bereaved of that Crown of Christian Patience which attends humble and injured Sufferers Another Artifice used to with-draw my Peoples Affections from me to their Designs was the noise and ostentation of Libertie which men are not more prone to desire than unapt to bear in the popular sense which is to do what every man liketh best If the divinest Libertie be to will what men should and to do what they so will according to Reason Laws and Religion I envie not my Subjects that Libertie which is all I desire to enjoy my self so far am I from the desire of
allowing to the King onely Primus accubitus in coenis And why onely Stephen Was it not voted by Act of the Parliament at Oxford and concluded in several Articles That Edward 2. life was taken away by Bishop Thorlton The story is that this Man Adam de Orlton was Bishop of Hereford took a Text 2 Kings 4. Caput meum aegrotat My head my head aketh whereby he advised the cure of a sick head of the Kingdom to be cut off and therefore must be guilty of his Murder afterwards Indeed there was an enigmatical Verse fathered also upon him Edvardum occidere nolite timere bonum est which Verse the Bishop utterly denied Then comes he to Edward 3. that Iohn Arch-bishop of Canterbury incited the King and Parliament to a bloudy War with France And why John Was it not voted in Parliament where all the Peers were as hot upon it as he Indeed because the Clergie in those days spake better sense than an ignorant unlearned Lord many Historians father the ill success of former actions upon them Promotors of the Designs as if in re stulta sapientes and in malo publico facundi That in Parliament the Laity offered Richard 2. a Fifteenth if the Clergy would also give a Tenth and a half which William le ●ourtney Arch-bishop opposed as not to be taxed by the Laity and thereupon the Lords besought the King to deprive them of their Temporalities thereby says he to humble them to humble them and damn the Authours of Sacrilege and cruelty yet were they mercifull not to take away all Spiritualities also Then follows H. 4. an Usurper he says and that the Bish. of Carlile opposes him in a Speech and therein so reasonable was the cause just I cannot say that the Lords combined to depose him for there were living of the House of Clarence Title to precede his of Mortimer for whom five other Bishops went Ambassadours abroad to get assistance and those Bishops also scape not the censure of doing evil by justifying this others Right to the Crown and deposed him also but then it was so voted in Parliament and therefore not all the blame to be laid upon those Bishops that acted but their part and it is true that in a Parliament in that Kings Reign a Bill was exhibited against the Temporalities of the Clergie but not passed Parliamentum indoctorum says one and the Commons fitter to enter Common with their Cattle Henry 5. succeeds he says who was incited by Arch-bishop Chidley to revive his Title to France with the effusion of much bloud and ill success And was it not true that the King had good Title to France And the same cause had Edward 3. And as just was it against the domestick Title of Henry 4. and so in sum in either of the Bishops by their Council You say it was not the Office of Bishops to incense Wars either Domestick or Foreign But then Policy is pickt up for a Reason being you say to divert the King from reforming the Clergy That in the time of Henry 6. the Protectour Duke of Glocester accused Beaufort Cardinal of Winchester But then take all the story he was also Chancellour of England great Uncle to this King Son to John of Gaunt and his Brother Cardinal of York and the greatest Crime intended was because of his greatness which the Protectour durst not trust and therefore devised a Charge of which he was not guilty but acquitted by Parliament Edward 4. follows who was taken Prisoner he says by Arch-Bishop Nevil declaring him an Usurper and entailed the Crowns of England and France upon Henry and his Issue male and in default upon Clarence disabling King Edward's eldest Brother He was a party in the Plot if there were any but then take the Junto of the Authours it was the power of that great Warwick and others that did create and unmake Kings at pleasure the confusion of the right submitting to power whether right or wrong Edward 5. his Crown was by the Prelates placed on his murderous Uncle Richard 3. the Cardinal Archbishop taking the Brother Richard out of Sanctuary that so both of them might be taken away That Cardinal was a great Actour therein but the Duke of Bukingham did the business upon whose head the Cardinal would have set the Crown who had no right thereto Henry 7. he says was perswaded by the same Cardinal Morton and prevailed to the Crown He might assist therein what honest English man would not have done so But to say that the Cardinal was the main Instrument we shall want the force of all Arguments but Gods good Providence Henry 8. called the Bishops half Subjects to him Wolsey and Campeius refused to give Judgment for his Divorce Numbring up against them the Petitions Supplications and Complaints of godly Ministers Doctour Barns Latimer Tyndal Bean and others And were not some of these godly men Bishops also That the Statutes of 31 Henry 8. yet in force against them That in Anno 37. Letters Patents were granted to Lay-men to exercise all manner of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction as the Kings Officers not the Bishops Let us never deduce Reason or Iustice from that Kings Actions more like an Atheist than a Christian either Ecclesiastical or Temporal besides the Mutation and Change of Religion then not affording any good President in either kinde But thus much as in excuse was in time of Popery He proceeds to others no less detestable he says nay more heinous since the Reformation but with this Proviso that in the Reigns of all the succeeding Sovereigns to this present he charging those reverend Bishops good men chief Pillars of the Church great Lights of Learning they doing those things as Bishops which he believes they would not have done as private Ministers to hold their Bishopricks to please great Lords Princes Kings and Emperours have not onely yielded but perswaded to introduce Idolatry to dis-inherit right Heirs to Kingdoms and force good Princes to Acts unnatural and unjust But he is not against Episcopacy or a Church-government but so much degenerate it is from the first substance Vox praeterea nihil yet would not have it demolished till a better Model be found out God-a-mercy for that And presently he charges Arch-bishop Cranmer and Bishop Ridley for perswading Edward 6. that the Lady Mary might be permitted Mass in her own Chapel more like Politicians than Divines though not prevailing with that pious Prince She was the right Heir apparent to her Brother and the onely right Issue to the Crown begotten no doubt in lawfull Matrimony bred up in Romish and the might of Charls the Emperour would and did in Reason and Policy afford her liberty of her Profession without any scandal upon those Bishops for their opinion therein her Mother had suffered too much injustice and it was no justice to have denied to her Daughter this desire After Edward 6. those two Bishops Cranmer and Ridley says he
promoted the Lady Ianes Title before the lawfull Heir Queen Mary and the Bishops and Lords writ to Mary that she ought to submit to her Cousin the Lady Iane as her Sovereign that Canterbury and Ely subscribed that Letter and Ridley preached the same at Paul's Cross and so concluded them disloyal Traitours The Protestant Bishops were engaged upon the Faith of Religion to promote Jane besides the visible cause of Danger to the State and Kingdom was notorious in the accession of Mary and proved fiery hot to the execution of their persons the most of the powerfull Lords were Protestants the other being beyond Seas or kept under at home and but two of all the Bishops that signed to the Letter The next godly Princess was Elizabeth who began her Reign with a Conference for increase of Reformation of Religion earnestly pressed by good Divines Scorie Cox Iewel Ebiner Grindall Whitehead Horn Gest but were opposed by the Bishops to the prejudice of the Queens desire therein That at the Queens Coronation the Bishops did refuse to anoint or consecrate her and names them York Canterbury dead and ten more the chiefest And were not all these Popish Bishops that hated her Nay there might be another cause which is not hinted by him though his whole discourse hath insisted upon the Sovereigns Titles there might be reason enough to dispute it now but he forbears and so do I. But the lawfull Line succeeds her And so King Iames says he commences with a Conference for Reformation at Hampton Court where were Doctour Reynolds and Sparks of Oxford Knewstubs and Chaderton of Cambridg but were resisted in the Reformation by eight Bishops and six Deans alleging there was no need of Reformation but God and good men did know the contrary In his Reign they introducing Schisms Heresies and Idolatry of Popery and Arminianism and what not Irreligion to the Deity mischief and danger to the Kingdom There needs not particular observation concerning his Notes of this Kings time that there was a Conference complete an equal number of Disputants continuing some Days the whole Discourse imprinted and now common which I finde Master Thomas passes over as not willing to stand to the Test of that Conference being nothing at all for his purpose but to the contrary As for their Actions in his Majesties Reign which he thinks do poise all and over-ballance all formerly done since the beginning of Parliaments put together in the other Scale which he referrs to the Reports of the Committees for the Pope of Lambeth and his Cardinals Wren and others and briefly concludes that they having in Parliaments contrived Treasons Rebellions Domestick and Foreign Incendiaries and Grievances to State and Church Arch-Enemies to King and Common-wealth He hopes his Majesty will Lege talionis make their Episcopacy onely Titu●● for they are to have priority or precedency Quoad Ordinem not Quoad Ministerium wherein the poorest Curate is his Companion but as he is not for equality and parity so not too great a distance These being his Reasons for their unlawfulness and sitting in Parliament any longer And this was spoken in May. This Speech was accounted the Cut●throat of Episcopacy which the rather I insert and the Reasons I observe because much of the matter is Records and so not out of my way nor unnatural for an Historian to observe and therefore herein I may be excused from any note of partiality mis-becoming a Register of Records Master White and others there were that followed with inveterate Speeches against Episcopacy but because all of them of one nature and to record them here impertinent I shall refer the Reader to their Reasons published in several Pamphlets and to others that answered them both Clerks and Lay-men the whole business of this time taken up with Freedom of the Presses to prate any thing scandalous on any side and that you may see their plotting take this Letter which I set down somewhat before its due place and time it came from Master Iohn White of Dorchester to his Nephew Master White at London Septemb. 8. The King being in Scotland thus writes Touching our main business says he the King will come back from Scotland shortly without effecting any thing answerable to his and others expectations and consequently may be fit enough to be won to condescend to any reasonable Demands If the Commons hold their own they may have what they will desire All the work will be to hold them stiff to their former Resolutions to which they may be well prepared by their Friends in the time of this Access if they besti● themselves as they ought Sir we conceive if we could could win Master Mainard to joyn throughly about the taking away of Episcopacy it would much further the cause The way must be to charge home the thirteen Bishops that are now impeached if they be found in a Praemunire and so cast out of the Higher House it is hoped the better Lords will prevail and then the Work is at an end The way to prevail with Master Mainard is by his Wife and with her by Master Hughs a Lecturer I conceive It were worth a Iourney thither for you to ride over and speak with her if these who deal with this man go about it with metal I am confident it will be carried Good Sir afford your helping hand herein with as much speed as possibly you can Yours John White Dorchester September 8 1641. I need not suppose this mans Character the Tone too well known and to what Sect he appertained but the manner of their working by the lecturing weak Women who have more strength in their pewling than Sampson had in his Locks But the state of a Question was propounded concerning Bishops whether or no Iure Divino as hath been heretofore remembred but now it was that Master Grimston argued That Bishops are Jure Divino is of a question That Arch-bishops are not Jure Divino is out of question That Ministers are Jure Divino there is no question Now says he if Bishops which are questioned whether Jure Divino and Arch-bishops which out of question are not Jure Divino suspend Ministers that are Jure Divino I leave it to you Master Speaker Mr. Selden's Answer That the Convocation is Jure Divino is a question That Parliaments are not Jure Divino is out of question That Religion is Jure Divino is no question Now Master Speaker that the Convocation which is questioned whether Jure Divino and Parliaments which out of question are not Jure Divino should meddle with Religion which questionless is Jure Divino I leave to you Master Speaker Grimston replies But Arch-bishops are no Bishops Selden answers That 's no otherwise true than that Iudges are no Lawyers and Aldermen no Citizens Busie the Commons House have been to settle a new Mode of Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and the seventeenth of Iuly ordain every Shire of England and Wales to be
of Queen Elizabeth and himself a person not engaged in any publick pressures of the Common-wealth and therefore most likely to prove just and acceptable to the People The Papists likewise permitted privately to enjoy their Religion and a general good agreement between the Natives and the English in all parts In August the Popish party in Parliament grown high and incompatible with the present Government the Parliament was adjourned for three Moneths and then the Committee returned out of England and arrived at the end of August desiring that all the Acts of that Parliament might be proclaimed and sent down to the several Counties and so they retired to their places of abode In this great serenity and security the late Irish Army raised for the assistance of the Kings service against the Scots was disbanded and all their Army brought into Dublin Then there brake out upon the three and twentieth of October 1641. a desperate Rebellion universal defection and general Revolt of the Natives together which almost all the old English that were Popish totally involved A Rebellion so execrable as no Age no Nation can parallell the abominable Murders without number or mercy upon the Brittish Inhabitants of what sexes age or quality soever they were and this to be contrived with that secrecy amongst themselves that not one English man received any notice thereof before the very Evening of their intended Execution But though there were no direct appearance of the first Contrivers of this Rebellion yet I finde the Romish Clergy and the the Popish Lawyers great Instruments of the Fundamentals whereupon their bloudy Superstructions were reared The Lawyers standing up in Parliament as great Patriots for the Liberties of the Subject and Redress of Grievances boldly obtruding their pernicious speculations as undoubted Maxims of Law which though apparent to wise men yet so strangely were many of the very Protestants and others wel-meaning men blinded with an apprehension of case and redress and so stupified with their bold accusations of the Government as discouraged others to stand up to oppose them And then it was that the Parliament having impeached Sir Robert Bolton Lord Chancellour of Ireland of high Treason with other prime Officers of State that were of English birth and done their worst also against the Earl of Strafford in England Some of these great Masters and pretended Patriots took upon them impudently to declare the Law as they pleased to make new Expositions of their own upon that Text to frame Queries against Government Presidents they had enough of former proceedings in England they disdained the moderate qualifications of such as replied to them but those would not serve their turn New Model of Government they would have drawing it wholly into the hands of the Natives which they knew could not be compassed in a Parliamentary way they onely made preparatives there by desperate Maxims which being diffused would fit and dispose the people to a change Some of their Maxims they declared for Law that any one being killed in Rebellion though found by matter of Record would give the King no Forfeiture of Estate That though many thousands stood up in Arms working all manner of destruction yet if they professed not to rise against the King that it was no Rebellion That if a man were cu●lawed for Treason and his Land rested in the Crown or given away by the King his Heir might come afterwards and be admitted to reverse the Outlawry and recover his Ancestours Estate And many such were published this Session nay they presumed to attempt a suspension of Poyning ' s Act and at last the very abrogation of the Statute the best Monument of the English intire dominion over the Irish Nation and the annexion of that Kingdom to the Imperial Crown of England assuming a power of Iudicature to the Parliament in criminal and capital offences which no former age could presidence And so carried on their Session begun in May till the breaking out of the Rebellion and yet then they would hardly adjourn These and many other such which wise men fore-saw and since came to pass that Fools may run and read them They made the whole Body of State corrupt and ill-affected that the evil humours and distempers of the Kingdom required Cauteries This was the Disease as appears by all the Symptoms and the joint concurrence in opinion of all the pretended Patriots that held themselves wise enough to propose Remedies to so desperate a Malady But indeed although but pretences yet the King had condescended to their present relief giving much more satisfaction to their Agents lately in England than ever they could in any other time expect to receive or hope to enjoy but presently upon their return to Ireland this Conspiracy brake out Certainly the late successes of the Scots in their Insurrections gave encouragement to these they having happily succeeded in their affairs obtained signal Immunities from the King by their last Eruptions Our domestick garboils also might indulge them liberty to perplex the English the more and not the least advantage by the death of the late Deputy the Earl of Strafford whom the Irish equally pursued with the Zelots of Parliament in England and thereupon the unseasonable disbanding of the Irish Army eight thousand raised for the Scotish Expedition All these together added to them for their Design four thousand whereof were granted to Don Alonso de ●ardenes the Spanish Ambassadour to be transported from the danger of Innovation at home and the Officers and Colonels put out by the Parliaments commands might depart with their Regiments whither they pleased These were their Incitements and their Deceits followed they boast that the Queen was in the Head of their Forces that the King was coming with an Army that the Scots had concluded a League with them and to get credit therein they altogether caress the Scots that they were authorised by the Kings Commission which they counter●eited and produced at Farnham Abbey from one Colonel Plunket as appeared afterwards by several Confessions that they asserted the Kings cause against the Puritans of England And to their own Countrey-men they scatter Letters and Advertisements out of England that there was a Statute very lately made to compell all the Irish to be present at the Protestant worship under penalty of loss of their Goods for the first neglect the loss of their Inheritances for the second and their Lives for the third They gave there great hopes of recovering their Liberties and regaining their ancient Customes and to shake off the English yok● to elect to themselves a King of their own Nation and to distribute the Goods and Possessions of the English These Inducements made the Irish mad to perpetrate such hideous Attempts as no leading Age hath heard of They published also these Motives in print that our royal King and Queen are by the Puritans curbed and abused and their Prerogatives restrained diminished and almost wholly abolished
contrary to the rights and power of all Monarchical Authority and also the duty allegeance and consciences of all loyal Subjects which with grief we take to heart as faithfull and loyal Subjects ought to do The Catholick Religion suppressed and put down in England and the Catholicks persecuted with all rigour even to death and the like have the Pu●itans of this Kingdom threatned to have brought hither That there is a Law against Catholicks in this Countrey whereby the Kingdom hath been often impaired and ruined with persecutions by means whereof the Catholicks are made u●capable of any Office or Place of commodity or profit to the great and extraordinary decay of the Catholicks in their Estates Education and Learning That the Goverment of the Kingdom is wholly in the hands of strangers who in their beginning are generally poor of birth and means and very quickly become Noblemen and men of great Estates by oppression and ruinating the poor Natives That there hath been great threatnings of late of sending great Scotish Forces with the Bible in one hand and Sword in the other to force our consciences or end our lives besides our private report of a sudden surprisal and cutting the Catholicks throats intending which way we know not but it hath been both written and spoken by several Protestants and Puritans That the Catholicks are not allowed to have any Arms or Munition as the Protestants and Puritans were but stood like d●admen not able to defend themselves in such desperate Dangers All which being by them considered they saw no way but to attempt to seize upon Arms where they could get them to save their lives maintain the King and Queen their Religion and Countrey It is true that for the first Days horrid Rebellion and Butchery the Irish did forbear the Scots Plantation there knowing their good Natures to be such as to sit still and see the English destroyed so they might hope to escape and to have more room for Colonies of their own Nation it being more easie for the Irish to deal with one Nation than with both and they knew that the Scots had then in Scotland some formed Forces standing which in few hours might be transported and so to distract them before their intended progress into Rebellion To that end for a time they were spared with life but not with Gudes and Geer and so ●ad leave to return to Scotland a worse transmigration than into the other World Some pretence they make declaring in the sight of God and the World their Intentions and Resolutions to the last Man with their Lives Estates and Fortunes to endeavour the advancement and preservation of his Majesties service and Interest in that Kingdom and of all those whoever that prosecute his quarrel having no other Design or Intent but onely the free exercise of their Religion On the contrary it was wonderfull to observe what Irritations stirred up the English to revenge the Death of the Massacred and to defend the lives of those that survived A Mass of Money 300000. pounds sterling was soon raised in England but otherways disposed and great Contributions for pay of the Souldiers and Provisions and many thousands of English prepare for that War And yet so eminent was the divine wrath over England that even upon this very account our Incongruities and Feuds at home were inflamed which amongst others how intense soever yet soulder a peace for some interim Hereupon those that aimed at Innovations infused into mens mindes scruples and suspitions and though the King most intent to suppress the raging cruelty of that Rebellion by his personal hazzard to scourge their insolencies the Parliament would not consent that the War be mannaged by his Authority nor to trust the Souldiers with their Allegeance to the King nor any of them that had served him in the Scotish Expedition but such as themselves affected and he disgusted yet rather than the War should linger on those Differences he submitted to the joint authority of mannaging the same and so Patents and Commissions were signed by both King and Parliament leaving himself without power either to make peace or grant them pardon without the Parliaments consent And so by this concurrence of Affairs concerning the Rebells and mischievous Distractions in England ripening into a civil War the Parliament seize upon the collected sums of hundreds of thousand pounds for Ireland and two or three Regiments raised for that service they convert to the suppressing of the Kings War against them nay the very Benevolence begged for the relief of the perishing Evangelius they turn into pay for their Souldiery Though the Kings Souldiers having seized on some provisions sent by the Parliament towards Chester as but designed for Ireland the King upon complaint soon restored it for that service And although there appeared no evidence of truth it was rumored to the Kings dishonour that he had been Authour of that Rebellion which the King endeavours with greater validity of Reasons to retort upon the Faction of some Members of both Houses Notwithstanding these Traverses hindered not our Auxiliaries to defeat the Irish by fire devastations and slaughter of some hundreds of thousands of the Natives and to wilder that Kingdom far and near which happened alike pernicious to our selves when afterwards that the civil War in England was at the heighth victuals provision cloaths and pay failing our Souldiers in Ireland it is beyond the reach of expression how miserably our Countrey-men suffered there and the Parliaments help failing their daily Invocations for relief the Privy Counsellours of that Kingdom Commanders and Souldiers by pe●itionary Letters to the King earnestly beg leave to depart and to be remanded any where else save against such an Enemy as Hunger The King either for necessity or prudence the Scots coming into the Parliament he being thereby reduced to an inequality of fight here at home makes a Cessation with the Irish for a year onely and so endeavours a peace to ensue leaving sufficient Garisons behinde the Souldiers return for the Kings assistance whose part began to totter But the Scots party in Ulster refuse to be bound by the Cessation and some English in Conaught and Ulster of a like conniving Faction But the Lord Inchequin Commander in chief of the Munster Forces comes over with some thousands to the Kings aid but not well resenting his entertainment withdraws himself into Ireland and gains all the Kings party of Cork and Munster to the Parliament and to a detestation of the Cessation they instantly sending him and the Scots Forces fresh aid of money and provisions Against whom appeared three several parties though conjoyned in enmity to the English the Popes Nuntio Owen Roe and the other under command of Preston and Taff the last more moderate endeavouring the compliance with the King to confirm the Peace yet were over-born by the Popes Bull against the Cessation and Peace and so deterred their Souldiers from their fidelity and Colours
long here retarded his service of Lieutenant of Ireland commissioned the Earl of Ormond Lieutenant General of the Forces there and presently after he received a confirmation of that charge from the King in Scotland together with the sum of twenty thousand pounds in Spanish pieces of Eight which passed there in Ireland for four pence more in each piece which the Merchants had for assuring the Money thither and all landed safe when upon the one and twentieth of November News came that the Rebells were in March and in sight of Tredagh which expected a present Siege to whom some small Relief was sent Novemb. 17. The Mill Mount in the Town of Tredagh the most defensive for the Guard of Meath side was fortified with four Guns The whole County of Louth scarce a Gentleman that was not a Papist excepted were drawn into this Conspiracy so that they were beset on that side of the Town Northward with five thousand or as their own List reported eight thousand The Infection spread over the Town One Stanley a Parliament Burgess there and created a Captain and many others nay the Sheriff of the County revolted Knight of the Shire also from us to Rebellion He with Stanley were used Commissioners from them to the Town upon pretended Treaties but to espy upon our Actions who were received not amiss as to protract time They pretended to Accommodation in respect of their Estates in the Town professing extraordinary affection to the Lord Moor advising him to retreat to his house Mellifont or any of their Castles where his Father lived secure during Tyrone's Rebellion and proffered him to be their General of all Meath and Louth and satisfaction forthwith to him and his Tenants for any Detriments this they did to draw from the Protestants such a noble and right faithfull Commander And so much cunning the Conspiratours used every where at the first that the State had sent aid into several Counties even unto such as proved Enemies which were understood by the Lord Moor and prevented in their way above more than a thousand Arms. The Lord Gormonston by petition procured five hundred Arms to his own house for securing of Meath which the Enemy waited to surprize but was discovered and the Arms brought to Tredagh by the Lord Mainman with a Fortnights pay for the Regiments which served them for twenty Weeks after The Parliament now drawing on the Lord Moor came to Dublin making most noble offers to raise six hundred men more Clothes and Pay till Supplies from England conditional that the four Companies in Tredagh not yet affixed to any Regiment might be added to his command there to make up a thousand by which Dundalk Aberdy and the whole County of Louth might have been secured but this not accepted yet the very offer being publick the Rebells thereat enraged took opportunity likewise of his absence and plundered his Estate to the purpose He was the onely Protestant Lord of the Pale except the Earl of Kildare and the Lord Hoath It was of a Sunday November 21. in the Morning that Mellifont three Miles off was beset and therefore two hundred Foot and a Troop of Horse was commanded out of Tredagh to aid the Forces there already when the Enemy marches down Tallihascot Hill with a thousand which gave a stop and the Men designed were staid in expectation of the Enemy to fall upon the Town which proved but to divert whilest fifteen hundred from several parts were drawing towards Mellifont The Forces there were but four and twenty Muskets and fifteen Horse some Servants and two Scouts abroad one of them cut off the other pursued to the Gates with a Note in writing from Mac Mahon directed to the Warders of the House to surrender upon Quarter and withall a Bullet for a Token The Quarter-master of the Troop boldly bid his Master do his worst they would never yield to Traitours The Enemy was lodged on the top of the hill their foot by marching over the Garden sides in multitudes whom those few from the house forced to retreat four or five times and ere long killed 140. and might have been made up to many hundreds had they not wanted powder having but six shot a peece cutting their bullets in halfes and to make even with their powder rammed in five or six together and did great execution Not a Man lost till all their powder was spent At their entrance the Serjeant did his best with his Halbert thrust some through others their braines broken out These at last yielded upon quarter whom yet they threw out of the window the horse unable to hold out opened the Gates made a desperate charge through the thickest and came safe to Drogheda The Enemy slew in all thirteen And one the next day being alive with fourty wounds they hacked him to death with their skeens An old Gentleman of eighty years they seized to shew them the house who brought them into the wine cellar and having well drunken they run him through and so to another blind Man they cut his throat so inraged they killed the dogs plundered and defaced the house to the loss of 2000. l. stripped the women and so departed so did another ruder rabble of the Tenants devastating all in one night And yet after all this the Lord Moor authorized by Parliament to treat with them they proffered to him all assurances of satisfaction on his part if he would turn to their side offered a Cessation till a Messenger might be ●ent to the King but all their pretences were feigned talking of the Kings prerogative That the Lord Deputy might be of their own Nation of their own pressures to have freedom of Religion which they alwaies confidently avouched confessing that their Priests and Fryars instigated them to this Rebellion as indeed was too true There was a rumour that O relies having taken Kebs Abracen and the Navan advanced from the County of Cavan towards Tredagh whereupon the State sent supplies thither but miscarried The two and twentieth of November 600. foot and 50. horse se● out of Dublin towards Tredagh marching but six miles that night to Swores and had advice to hasten thither the next day accordingly the Governour issued out with a sufficient force of foot and horse to meet them but in a Mutiny the other souldiers would go no further than Balradbury six miles more the next day somewhat on this side the bridge of Gillingstone in a great stubble field they were met with 2000. of the Enemy and in a fog were within Musket shot ere di●cried The Captain drew up the Rebels making a stand did so also And although his men seemed forward to fight yet commanded a Counter march in which compelled to take a ditch the Enemy misjudging it a flight began to shout which so afrighted them into confusion that they were charged and the most slain Two Captaines killed and the other three in all with one ensign escaped the 50.
cannot doubt of his Subjects affections for he acknowledges the joyfull reception at his now entring into London He bringing as perfect affections to his People as ever Prince did or as good Subjects can possibly desire and is as far from repenting any good that he hath done this Session that he resolves to grant what else can be justly desired in point of Liberties or in maintenance of the true Religion Particularly he commends unto them the state of Ireland the pr●parat●ons going on but slowly which is the cause that two Lords are arrived from 〈◊〉 who come instruct●d from his Council there to a●sw●r that deman● which both Houses made by Petition that met him at B●rwick and which the Duke of Richmond did send back by the Kings command to his Scotish Council Therefore desires the Houses to appoint a Committee t● end the business with these two Lords Then because no Jealousie should a●ise concerning Religion he settles his Command for obedience to the Laws ordained for that purpose and Proclaimes the tenth of December That Divine service be performed in England and Wales according to the Laws and Statutes and that obedience be given by all people to the same And that all Ministers Ecclesiast●cal and Temporal do put the said Acts of Parliament in due execution against all contemners and disturbers of Divine service and that no Persons Vicars or Curates introduce any Rite or Ceremony other then these established by the Laws of this Land And two daies after he publishes his Proclamation That all the Members of both Houses repair to the Parliament at or before the twelfth of Janu●ry next for continuance thereof c. And being come He salutes them thus the fourteenth of December Because th●y delaied the consideration of th● most i●portant business Ireland he reminds them that at his last presence He recommended to them the lamentable condition of the affaires of Ireland and the miserable condition of the Protestants there That he will not wast time to tell them the detestation he bears to Rebellion in General and of this in particular but knowing that Deeds and not Declarations must suppress this great insolencie therefore he offers his paines power and industry to contribute to this necessary work of reducing the Ir●sh to obedience That for the Bill for pressing of Souldiers lodged with the Lords but if it come to him he promiseth to pass it And because some had started the question into a dispute concerning the ●●unds of the Kings prerogative herein He offers to avoide such d●bate that the Bill shall pass with a Salvo Jure both for King and People and concludes Conjuring them by all that is or can be dear to them or him to hasten with speed the business of Ireland No sooner said but they Petitioned Him with what they had in readiness for priviledge of Parliaments being their Birth rights Declaring with all duty and reverence That the King ought not to take notice of any matter in agitation and deba●e in either Houses 〈◊〉 by their Information Nor ought not to propound any Condition Provision or limitation to any Bill or Act in debate or preparation or to manifest or declare his consent or discent approbation or dislike befor● it be presented in course Nor ought to be displeased with any debate of Parliament they being Iudges of their own errors and offences in debating matters depending That these priviledges have been broken of late in the speech of his Majesty on Thursday last the fourteenth of December particularly in mentioning the Bill for Impress offering also a Provisional clause by a Salvo Jure before it was presented and with all they take notice of his Majesties displeasure against such as moved a question concerning the same And they desire to know the names of such persons as reduced his Majesty to that Item that he may be punished as they his great Council shall advise his Majesty The King seeing them setled in this posture and to doe nothing till the Kings answer satisfactory to their Petition He with some regret withdrawes to Hampton Court hoping that his absence might take off the occasion of presenting him with such Exceptions But the next day they apoint a Committee to follow him thither having had time enough in their recess and the Kings being in Scotland to form matter enough to perplex him for now they speak plain all the whole frame of Government is out of tune which they Remonstrate as the State of the Kingdome which they accompany with a Petition But there fell out an Accident in Scotland whilst the King was there concerning the two Marquesses Hamilton and Arguile upon some information that their Persons were in danger they both withdrew from the Parliament of Scotland and for some daies removed out of Edenburgh the suggestions were examined in that Parliament where they had power enough yet nothing was apparent to their prejudice and the examinations upon the whole matter sent hither by the King to the Parliament in England such strange glosses and interpretations were made upon that accident reflecting upon the King and his honour as if at the same time there had been such a design to have been acted here as they had fancied there And a suddain resolution was taken here first by the Committee during the recess after by the Houses to have a Guar● for the defence of London and Westminster and both the Houses of Parliament which made some impression in the minds of the best Subjects in a time when they were newly freed from the fears of Two Armies to be now again awakened with the apprehension of dangers of which seeing no ground they were to expect no end But matters thus stated and all possible cunning used by a faction and their Emissaries the Ministers at this time when the clamour was raised of the unlawfulness that the Clergy should meddle in temporal affaires were their chief Agents imployed to derive their seditious directions to the people And were for a week together attending the doores of both Houses to be sent in their errands to inforce the most desperate feares in the minds of all men that could be imagined and to be sure that the memory of former bitterness might not slacken They therefore provide for the Kings Intertainment against his return to London a Remonstrance of the state of the Kingdome herein laying before the King all the mistakes all the misfortunes which had happened since his first coming to the Crown and before to that houre forgetting the blessed condition notwithstanding the unhappy mixture which all the Subjects had enjoyed by peace and plenty under this King to the envy of Christendome Objecting to the King therein the actions of some nay the thoughts of others and reproaching him with things which he after professes never entred into his Imaginations not to his knowledge into the thoughts of any other therein reviling the King to the people and complaining of
the House of Peers whose authority interest and priviledges was now as much slighted and despised as the King was after and as the Lords fell towards themselves in after successes easily passing over those former singular Acts of grace passed by him already in this Parliament or else ascribing them to their own wisdoms in the procurement and conclude against a Malignant party that they have no hope of setling the distractions of this Kingdom for want of a concurrence with the House of Lords into which number all these Lords were cast who presumed to dissent from any Propositions made by the House of Commons But not to hold you in suspence the business was thus When this engine Remonstrance was prepared for the people by the prime Leaders It was presented to the house of Commons and the greatest art imaginable to procure consent to have it passed there And after the longest debate that hath been observed from three a clock afternoon till ten a clock the next morning when many through weakness and weariness left the House So that it looked as it was sawcely said like the verdict of a starved Iury and carried onely by eleven voyces And shortly after that the King had been received with all possible expressions of loyal affection by the City of London against which it was murmured and the chief advancers of that duty discountenanced and their Loyalty envied at And when it was publiquely said in the House of Commons upon some dispute of a pretended breach of the order of the House That their Discipline ought to be severe for the Enemy was now in view meaning the King returned then I say was the Petition and Remonstrance presented to his Majesty at Hampton Court I could wish you had it at length as it was printed but this History growes big with necessary abreviations suppose these what the wit and malice of man could rake together to make a Sovereign suspected of his Subjects Their Petition thus in effect Most gracious Soveraign Your Majesties most humble and faithful Subjects the Commoners in this present Parliament doe with joy acknowledge this favo●r of God for his safe return into England when the dangers and distempers of the State have caused them to desire his presence and authority to his Parliament for preventing of eminent ruine and destruction to his Kingdome of England and Scotland fomented by a Malignant party for alteration of Religion and Government the increase of Popery by the practice of Iesuits and other Engineers and factors for Rome corrupting the Bishops and Privy Council They being the cause of the late Scotish war and the Irish Rebellion now for prevention they pray that his Majesty would concur with his Parliament deprive the Bishops of their Votes To take a way oppressions in Religion Church Government and Discipline To purge his Councils of such as are promotors of these corruptions and not to alienate any escheated Lands in Ireland by reason of the Rebellion And these being granted they will make him happy To this the body of their Remonstrance was annexed very particular and large which they draw down from the beginning of the Kings Reign pretending to discover the Malignant party and their designs and consequently the miseries thereby to the State And this they intitle A Remonstrance of the Kingdom Die Mercurii December 15. 1641. In brief to set it down from these Heads 1. The Root and the growth of these mischievous Designs 2. The maturity and ripeness to which they have attained before the beginning of this Parliament 3. The effectual means which hath been used for the extirpations of these dangers evils and progress that hath been made therein by the Kings goodness and the wisdome of Parliament 4. The waies of obstruction and opposition by which the Progress hath been interrupted 5. The courses to be taken for removing those obstacles and for the accomplishing of their dutiful and faithful intentions and endeavours of restoring and establishing their ancient honour greatness and security of this Crown and Nation The Root of all this mischief they finde to be a Malignant and pernicious Design of subverting the fundamental Laws and Principles of Government upon which the Religion and Iustice of the Kingdome are firmly established The Actors and Promoters hereof have been 1. The Iesuited Papists who hate the Laws as the Obstacles of that change and subversion of Religion which they so much long for 2. The Bishops and the corrupt part of the Clergy who cherish formalities and superstitions as the natural effects and more probable supports of their own Ecclesiastical Tyranny and usurpation 3. Such Councellors and Courtiers as for private ends have ingaged themselves to further the Interest of some foreign Princes or states to the prejudice of the King and State at home And to make it more credible the Remonstrance moulds out some common Principles by which they pretend ●ll the Malignant Councels and actions were governed and these are branched in four particulars in effect That the Malignant party maintained continual differences and discontents betwixt the King and the people upon questions of Perogative and priviledge that so they might have say they the advantage of siding with him and under the notions of Men addicted to his service gain to themselves and their parties the places of greatest trust and power in the Kingdome They suppressed the purity and power of Religion and such as we asserted to it as being contrary to their own ends and the greatest impediment to that charge which they thought to introduce Then to conjoyn these parts of the Kingdome which were most propitious to their own ends and to divide those who went most opposite which consisted in many particular observations to cherish the Arminian part in those points wherein they agree with the Papists to multiply and enlarge the differences between the Protestant and those which they call Puritans to introduce and countenance such opinions and Ceremonies as are fittest for accommodation with Popery to increase and maintain ignorance looseness and prophaness in the people that if these three parties Papists Arminians and Libertin●s they might compose a body fit to act such Councels and resolutions as were most conduceable to their ends And politickly they disaffected the King to the Parliament by slanders and false imputations and by putting him upon other waies of supply which in shew and appearance were fuller of advantage than the ordinary course of subsidies though in truth they brought more loss than gain both to King and People and have caused the distractions under which we suffer Then the Remonstrance comes to particular charges against this Malignant party 1. The dissolution of the Parliament at Oxford two subsidies being given and no grievance relieved 2. The loss of the Rochel fleete by our shipping delivered over to the French to the loss of that Town and the Protestant Religion in France 3. The diverting of his Majesties course of wars
from the west Indies the onely facile way to prevail against the Spainard to an expenceful successless attempt upon Cales 4. The precipitate breach with France taking their goods and ships without recompense to the English whose goods were confiscate in that Kingdom 5. The peace with Spain without consent of Parliament the deserting the Palsgraves cause mannaged by his Enemies 6. The charging of this Kingdom with billeted Souldiers with the Design of German Horse to enslave this Nation to Arbitrary Contributions 7. The dissolving of the Parliament 2 Caroli and the exacting of the proportion of five Subsidies after the Parliament was dissolved by Commission of Loan and such as refused imprisoned some to Death great Sums of Money required by Privy Seals Excise the Petition of Right blasted 8. The Parliament dissolved 4 Caroli imprisoning some Members fining them and others Sir Francis Barington died in Prison whose bloud still cries for vengeance of those Ministers of State The publishing of false and scandalous Declarations against the Parliament And afterwards Injustice Oppression and Violence broke in The enlargements of Forests contrary to Charta de Foresta Coat and Conduct Money c. And then the Remonstrance ravels into all the particular pretended Designs corrupt Councils and the effects of what ever happened or usually doth happen in any Nation of Government even to Clerks of the Market and Commissions of Sewers Brass Farthings Projects Monopolies c. Then upon all the mis-actions of Courts of Iudicature Council-Table and all And principally against Bishops and their Proceeding by all their subordinate Officers their Writings Preachings Opinions in conjunction with Papists and Prote stants in Doctrine Discipline and Ceremony And endeavouring to reduce Scotland thereto and an Army was raised against them by Contribution of Clergy and Papists the Scots enforced to raise an Army for their Defence but concluded in Pacification and throughout excusing the Scots palliating all their Insurrections as necessitated to defend themselves against malignant Councils and Counsellours calling them Scots Rebells and the English War Bellum Episcopale Then to make a progress into Reformation the Remonstrance tells us what they have done by their care wisdoms and circumspection removed some Malignants suppressed Monopolies and all the aforesaid Disorders in an instant taking away High Commission and Star-Chamber Courts c. Procuring Bills of Triennial Parliament and continuance of this which two Laws they say are more advantageous than all the other Statutes enforce And in a word what ere the King hath done amiss they are not sparing to publish it what gracious favours he hath afforded by several Bills the Parliament ascribe to their own wisdoms and promise to the King and whole Kingdom more honour and happiness than ever was enjoyed by any his Predecessours And this the Parliament instantly printed and published contrary to the Kings desire though his Answer was speedy to the Petition and Remonstrance thus in effect That having received a long Petition consisting of many Desires of great moment together with a Declaration of a very unusual nature being confident that their own reason and regard to him as well as his express Intimation by his Controller to that purpose would have restrained them from publishing of it untill his convenient time of answer and tells them how sensible he is of this their disrespect To the Preamble of the Petition he professes he understands not of a wicked and malignant party admitted to his Council and Imployment of Trust of endeavouring to sow amongst the People false Scandals to blemish and disgrace the Parliament c. All or any of which did he know of he would be as ready to punish as they are to complain To their Petition the first part concerning Religion and consisting of several Branches as for that of Popish Designs he hath and will concur with all the just Desires of his People in a Parliamentary way To the depriving of the Bishops of their Votes in Parliament their Right is grounded upon the Fundamental Laws of the Kingdom and Constitutions of Parliament For the abridging of the inordinate power of the Clergy The taking away of the High Commission Court moderates that and if there continue Usurpations in their Iurisdictions he neither hath nor will protect them And as to the clause of Corruptions in Religion Church-government and Discipline c. That for any Innovations he will willingly concur for the removal if any be by a National Synod but he is sorry to hear of such terms Corruptions since he is perswaded that no Church can be found upon Earth professing the true Religion with more purity of Doctrine than the Church of England doth which by the grace of God he will maintain not onely against all Invasions of Popery but also from the Irreverence of those many Schismaticks and Seperatists wherewith of late this Kingdom and this City abounds To the second prayer of the Petition concerning the Removal and choice of Counsellours that by these which he hath exposed to Trial there is none so near to him in place and affection whom he will not leave to the Law and to their particular charge and sufficient proof That for their choice of his Counsellours and Ministers of State that were to debar him the natural liberty which all Free-men have being besides the undoubted Right of his Crown to call to his Council whom he pleaseth being carefull to elect persons of ability and integrity To the third prayer concerning Ireland Not to alienate the Forfeited Lands thereof he concurs with them but then whether it be now seasonable to resolve before the Event of War be seen that he much doubts of but thanks them for their chearfull Ingagement for their suppression of that Rebellion upon which so many hazzards do depend And for their Conclusion and promise to apply themselves for support of his royal Estate c. he doubts not thereof from their Loyalties to which he will add his assistance The Kings Declaration to all his loving Subjects Although he doth not believe that the House of Commons intended by their Remonstrance to put him to any Apology for his past or present Actions yet since they have thought it so very necessary to publish the same he thinks it not below his Kingly Dignity to compose and settle the affections of his meanest Subjects He shall in few words pass over the narrative part wherein the Misfortunes of this Kingdom from the first entring to the Crown to the beginning of this Parliament are remembred in so sensible expressions And that other which acknowledgeth those many good Laws passed this Parliament To which he saith that as he hath not refused any Bill for redress of Grievances mentioned in their Remonstrance so he hath not had a greater Motive thereto than his own Resolution to free his Subjects for the future And possibly they may confess that they have enjoyed a greater measure of happiness these last sixteen years both in peace
but three Days before at Guild-hall satisfied most of these Particulars yet he was pleased to return them an Answer That he cannot possibly express a greater sense of Ireland than he hath done and hopes by assistance of the Parliament may be effected to which he will contribute all his power And he hath removed a Servant of good trust and reputation from the charge of the Tower onely to satisfie the Cities Fears whose safety is as his own And for the fortifying of White-hall they must needs know of the Tumult there and at Westminster his own person endangered and if any Citizens were wounded it happened by their own corrupt Demeanours That his going to the House of Commons with his Attendance onely nor otherwise armed but as Gentlemen with Swords was to apprehend those five Members for Treason to which the Privileges of Parliament can extend nor to Felony nor Breach of the Peace against whom his Majesty intends lawfully to proceed with justice and favour And is confident that this his extraordinary way of satisfying a Petition of so unusual a nature will appear to be the greatest Instance of his clear Intentions to the Citie c. And because the proceedings against the five Members as they are numbered besides Kimbolton begat much Dispute and willing the King was to retrive his former Actings therein is now pleased by M●ssage to both Houses to wave his former proceedings in reference to the Privileges of Parliament and all Doubts being thereby settled when the mindes of men are composed he will proceed thereupon in an unquestionable way and upon all occasions be carefull of their Privileges as of his Life or Crown But the House was hot upon it to dispatch the business to some issue and to that end the County of Bucks petition the King for Iohn Hambden their Knight of the Shire against whom and other Members in the manner of their Impeachment of Treason they conceive it to oppugn the Rights of Parliament being rather by the malice of their Enemies than their Deserts the Petitioners and others being through their sides wounded in their judgment and care by whose choice they were presented And pray that Master Hambden and the rest that ly under the burden or Accusation may enjoy their just Privil●ges But such increase and Numbers of ordinary people flocked tumultuously about White-hall and Westminster that the King Queen Prince and Duke of York were forced for security of their persons to ret●re to Hampton Court being necessitated to consider of sufficient Forces about his Court as a Guard To whose aid came divers of the Gentry giving some cause of suspition to increase into a Number which the Parliament jealously considered And therefore now the King being in better leisure takes some time before he gives Answer to the Buckingham Petition concerning the five Members who were guarded to Westminster by Water with hundreds of Boats Barges Flags of Triumph by the Seamen and a Rabble of such other by Land braving and threatning as they passed by Whitehall Hereupon occasion is given to offer to the view of the World what were the Kings Reasons to retire from Westminster by his own Relation With what willingness says the King I with-drew from Westminster let them judg who unprovided of tackling and victual are forced to Sea by Storm yet better do so than venture splitting or sinking on a Lee-shore I staied at White-hall till I was driven away by shame more than fear to see the barbarous rudeness of those Tumults who resolved they would take the boldness to demand anie thing and not leave either my self or the Members of Parliament the libertie of our Reason and Conscience to denie them anie thing Nor was this intolerable oppression my case alone though chiefly mine for the Lords and Commons might be content to be over-voted by the major part of their Houses when they had used each their own freedom Whose agreeing Votes were not by anie Law or Reason conclusive to my Iudgment nor can they include or carrie with them my consent whom they represent not in anie kinde Nor am I further bound to agree with the Votes of both Houses than I see them agree with the will of God with my just Rights as a King and the general good of my People I see that as many men they are seldom of one minde and I may oft see that the major part of them are not in the right I had formerly declared to sober and moderate mindes how desirous I was to give all just content when I agreed to so many Bills which had been enough to secure and satisfie all If some mens Hydropick insatiableness had not learned to thirst the more by how much the more they drank whom no fountain of royal bountie was able to overcome so resolved they seemed either utterly to exhaust it or barbarously to obstruct it Sure it ceases to be Counsel when not Reason is used as to men to perswade but force and terrour as to beasts to drive and compell men to assent to whatever tumultuarie patrons shall project He deserves to be a slave without pitie or redemption that is content to have the rational Sovereigntie of his Soul and Libertie of his Will and Words so captivated Nor do I think my Kingdoms so considerable as to preserve them with the forfeiture of that freedom which cannot be denied me as a King because it belongs to me as a Man and a Christian owning the Dictates of none but God to be above me as obliging me to consent Better for me to die enjoying this Empire of my Soul which subjects me onely to God so far as by Reason or Religion he directs me than live with the Title of a King if it should carrie such a Vassallage with it as not to suffer me to use my Reason and Conscience in what I declare as a King to like or dislike So far am I from thinking the Majestie of the Crown of England to be bound by anie Coronation-Oath in a blinde and brutish formalitie to consent to whatever its subjects in Parliament shall require as some men will needs infer while denying me anie power of a Negative Voice as King they are not ashamed to seek to deprive me of the Libertie of using my Reason with a good Conscience which themselves and all the Commons of England enjoie proportionable to their influence on the Publick who would take it verie ill to be urged not to denie whatever my self as King or the House of Peers with me should not so much desire as enjoin them to pass I think my Oath fully discharged in that point by my Governing onely by such Laws as my People with the House of Peers have chosen and my self have consented to I shall never think my self conscienciously tied to go as oft against my Conscience as I should consent to such new Proposals which my Reason in Iustice Honour and Religion bids me
of a known Fortune and unquestionable Reputation wonders that he should be pressed to remove him without any particular Charge objected against him and therefore untill some just Exception be he is obliged to preserve his own work lest his favour and good opinion become a mis-fortune to his Servants As for his Forts and Castles of this Kingdom they shall alwaies remain in such hands as the Parliament may con●ide in which being the inseperable Flowers of the Crown vested in him derivative from his Ancestours by the Fu●damental Laws of the Kingdom he will reserve to himself and to bestow them as their Eminencie shall not be disproved by his Parliament For the Militia which by Law is subject to no command but his own when any particular course shall be digested by them for ordering the same inreference to his honour and safetie of the Kingdom He will then return to them a satisfactorie Answer therein And that he having granted to them more than ever any King hath done they will not ask more than ever any Subjects have desired And therefore conjures them by all the Acts of Dutie and Favour which they have received by their hopes of future happiness by their love of Religion and peace of the Kingdom in which that of Ireland cannot be forgotten That they will not be transported by un●●cessarie Iealousies and Fears but that they will speedily pursue the proposed way by his former Messages to compose the Distractions of this Kingdom Nor was this satisfactory but that again they petition for the same and for his Majesties speedy and gracious Answer To which the King not over-hasty to resolve or rather not to alter from his former Resolutions therein The old way of Petitions are set on work from all Counties From the County of Suff●lk to the number of 1500. against the Votes of Popish Lords and Bishops in the House of Peers Ian. 31. and were answered approving their care and endeavour for the publick good with promise that the House of Commons will use their endeavour for their Desires Another Petition of 2000. Mechanicks Tradesmen about London to the same effect And were answered that the House of Commons were just now in consideration thereof The People were taught to reply that they doubted not the care of the Commons House but they were told that all their Distrust was in the House of Lords where the Popish Lords and B●shops had the greatest power and there it stuck whose Names they desired to know and were so earnest that unwillingly they would withdraw whilest it was debated And afterwards had this Answer That the House of Commons had already endeavoured Relief from the Lords in their Requests and shall so continue till Redress be obtained And at the tail of these the City Dames accompanied a Petition to the like effects and were heartily treated for their care of the common good The second of February the House of Commons sent for Sir Edward Dearing one of their Members and examined him concerning his Book of all his Speeches this Parliament and some intended to be spoken in which some Particulars there●n tended to the dishonour of that House and their Privileges for which he was excluded the House and his Book to be burnt at Westminster Cheapside and Smithfield and he committed to the Tower during pleasure The Committee met at Merchant-tailors Hall upon the Bill for raising four hundred thousand pounds for Ireland which was afterwa●ds effected but very little thereof sent to their succour A Message was sent from the Lords to the Commons that they had passed the Bill for disabling all persons in holy Orders to have any Place or Vote in Parliament or to exercise any temporal Jurisdiction which receiving some Amendments voted in the House of Commons the Bills were carried up by Sir Robert Harley to the Lords with high expressions of the Commons joy for the even Agreement and their Desire to the Lords to hasten the Bill for the King to pass But not to let him take breath for his second Answer hereto and being sensible that their five Members are lodged under the obloquy of Delinquency and under the Charge of high Treason both Houses once again petition that they may be informed within two Days what proof there is against them that they may be called to a legal Trial it being their undoubted Right that no Member of Parliament can be proceeded against without the consent of Parliament Febr. 2. And to these two Petitions presented both in a Day they receive this Answer That to the first of them when he shall know the extent of power which is extended to be established in those persons to be Commanders of the Forts and Militia and to what time limited no power shall be limited no power shall be executed by his Majestie alone without advice of Parliament so that they declare them such by Names whom he shall have just cause to refuse And to the other Petition That as he once conceived he had ground enough to accuse them so now he findes as good cause wholly to desert any prosecution of them And lest some of his Subjects may be involved in some unknowing and unwilling Errours he is ready to grant such a free and general pardon as his Parliament shall think convenient And now the Parliament considers the Kings Resolution in both those Petitions not to intrust the power of the Militia out of himself nor otherwise to clear Kimbolton and the five Members but inclusive by a general Pardon which they utterly refuse These two Demands of the Parliament necessarily depending each of the other the breach of Privileges giving them just cause of Fears and Jealousies to what excess the Kings will to do and power to execute might increase In these two therefore they as violently resolve to binde his hands and never left him till he was forced to take his leave of them which so daily follows But to prepare his affairs to his own intentions he resolves to send the Queen out of the Danger who was lately scared with a Report that the Parliament had an intent to accuse her of high Treason and that Articles were drawn up to that purpose which the Parliament excuse as a publick Scandal upon them To which she mildly makes answer That there was a general Report thereof but she never saw any Articles in writing and having no certain Authour for either she gave little credit thereto nor will she believe that they would lay any Aspersion upon her who hath ever been very unapt to mis-conster the Actions of any one person and much more the proceedings of Parliament and shall at all times wish an happy understanding between the King and his People In truth there had not been onely a Rumour abroad but a dangerous conceit that the Queen had so much power with the King as to mis-advise him and had she not resolved to be gone aside they did intend to drive her away
or to have made the Court too hot for her And therefore the King acquaints the Houses that he was pressed by the States Ambassadour to send the Princess Maria immediately into Holland to her late betrothed Husband the young Prince of Orange and upon the Queens earnest Desire to give her Majesty leave to accompany her And with her were conveyed all the King and Queens Jewels not leaving behinde any of those entailed to the Crown by his Predecessors with which and the Prince of Orange's assistance the King doubted not to raise his party considerable to oppose the Parliament But no doubt nothing could work more for the Parliaments advantage and although they were informed of the Purloin which might have been prevented and seized yet they suffered so much Treasure to be transported to be rid of all together We have time to consider to what miserable solitude the King was brought his dearest Consort the Queen and his eldest Daughter the Princess with the honour of her Court to be enforced to fly beyond Seas himself desolate enforced to withdraw from his Parliament his Privy Council from his usual residence at White-hall and from the strength and support of the City of London so wonderfully obliged to him for his grace and favour But all this appears by his own princely consideration which he expresseth thus Although I have much cause says the King to be troubled at my Wifes Departure from me and out of my Dominions yet not her absence so much as the Scandal of that necessitie which drives her away doth afflict me That she should be compelled by mine own Subjects and those pretending to be Protestants to with-draw for her safetie This being the first Example of any Protestant Subjects that have taken up Arms against their King a Protestant for I look upon this now done in England as another Act of the same Tragedie which was lately begun in Scotland the Brands of that Fire being ill quenched have kindled the like Flames here I fear such Motions so little to the adorning of the Protestant Profession may occasion a farther alienation of minde and Divorce of affections in her from that Religion which is the onely thing wherein we differ Which yet God can and I pray he would in time take away and not suffer these practises to be any obstruction to her judgment since it is the motion of those men for the most part who are yet to seek and settle their Religion for Doctrine Government and good manners and so not to be imputed to the true English Protestants who continue firm to their former settled Principles and Laws I am sorrie my Relation to so deserving a Ladie should be any occasion of her Danger and Affliction whose Merits would have served her for a protection among the savage Indians while their rudeness and barbaritie knows not so perfectly to hate all Virtues as some mens subtiltie doth among whom I yet think few are so malitious as to hate her for her self The fault is that she is my Wife All Iustice then as well as Affection commands me to studie her Securitie who is onely in Danger for my sake I am content to be tossed weather-beaten and shipwrackt so as she may be in a safe Harbour This comfort I shall enjoy by her safetie in the midst of my personal Dangers that I can perish but half if she be preserved in whose memorie and hopefull Posteritie I may yet survive the malice of mine Enemies although they should be satiated with my Bloud I must leave her and them to the Love and Loyaltie of my good Subjects and to his protection who is able to punish the Faults of Princes and no less severely to revenge the Injuries done to them by those who in all Dutie and Allegiance ought to have made good that safetie which the Laws chiefly provide for Princes But common civilitie is in vain expected from those that dispute their Loyaltie nor can it be safe for any Relation to a King to tarrie among them who are shaking hands with their Allegiance under pretence of laying faster hold on their Religion 'T is pitie so noble and peacefull a Soul should see much more suffer the rudeness of those who must make up their want of Iustice with inhumanitie and impudence Her sympathie with me in my afflictions will make her Virtues shine with greater lustre as Stars in the darkest Nights and assure the envious World that she loves me not my Fortunes Neither of us but can easily forgive since we do not much blame the unkindness of the Generalitie and Vulgar for we see God is pleased to trie both our patience by the most self-punishing sin the ingratitude of those who having eaten of our Bread and being enriched with our Bountie have scornfully lift up themselves against us and those of our own Houshold are become our Enemies I pray God lay not their sin to their charge who think to satisfie all obligations to Dutie by their Corban of Religion and can less endure to see than to sin against their Benefactours as well as their Sovereigns But even that policie of mine Enemies is so far venial as it was necessarie to their Designs by scandalous Articles and all irreverend Demeanour to seek to drive her out of my Kingdoms lest by the influence of her Example eminent for Love as a Wife and Loyaltie as a Subject she should have converted to or retained in their Love and Loyaltie all those whom they had a purpose to pervert The less I may be blest with her companie the more I will retire to God and mine own Heart whence no malice can banish her Mine Enemies may envie but they can never deprive me of the enjoyment of her Virtues while I enjoy my self It was mightily enforced then and the scandalous suspition continues to this Day That at the Kings late being in Scotland when the Irish Rebellion then brake out the Plot and contrivance was there hatched Not so horrid as it fell out to be a monstrous Massacre of all the Protestants but it was surmised that a Mutiny or shew of Insurrection there might be an occasion of raising Forces here for to subdue them and so to be made usefull in reducing the Parliament to Reason And to increase that opinion it hath been objected that how earnestly the King was fain to urge the Parliament for that Relief very often to reminde them of the Misery which they could not but deeply resent yet never was too hasty nor at all willing to intrust any power of Arms to the Kings dispose much less for him in person to be their General as he often offered To add to all it had been considered in Parliament how generally the Papists flocked over to Ireland and though the Houses had ordered a strict Examination for prevention thereof yet it was complained of by Master Pym at a Conference and printed by their Order That since the stop upon the Ports against
and to be published in all Churches c. May 5. And the Parliament finding no other way to encounter the King but by putting the people into a posture of War do require all persons in authority by virtue of their late Ordinance of the Militia to put the same in execution which by the Kings answer declares to be no legal power in any of the Houses and commands no Subject whatsoever to obey it And forthwith summons the Gentry of the County to York to whom he complains of all these illegal proceedings of the Parliament to the danger of his person and tells them his intent to have a Guard onely to secure his person in which he desires their assistance and the rather because the Members that came with the last Message to the King return not back but reside at York in whose presence all these passages were performed yet staid they here as a Committee to out-face the Kings actions keeping themselves in a double capacity as a Committee of Parliament and Free-holders of the County as they were all What Counsellours the King had at this time I finde not onely the Secretary Nicholas for as yet his affairs were but hatching at York the Parliament having spun out their business with humble and specious shews which amazed most men into some hopes of good effects those that could more narrowly pry into their actions and but Neuters were soon seized and presently questioned especially if he appeared a publick person of estate or interest Amongst whom Sir Thomas Gardner Recorder of London for six years last past was now impeached upon Articles drawn from Anno 1638. For advising the Mayor Sir Maurice Abbot and Common Council to pay the Tax of Ship-money and to levie the Loan-money for raising three thousand of the Trained Bands for the Kings service in his Expedition then against his good Subjects of Scotland That in 1639. he advised the Mayor Sir Henry Garraway and Common Council to impress Clothe and Conduct two hundred Citizens to serve in the said War against Scotland That he prevented the Citie Petition to the King against certain illegal Taxes and Levies That in May 1640. he perswaded them to lend to the King ten thousand pounds for that War against his good Subjects of Scotland And prevented sundry intendments of thousands of the Citie in December last to petition the House of Commons not to be diverted in their just way of proceedings That in January last he crossed the Order of the Commons House and the Citie election of the Committee for the Militia And advised two scandalous Petitions from the Citie to the King and to the Parliament viz. that the ordering of the Citie Arms was annexed to the Majoraltie and if otherwise conferred upon others it would reflect upon this Custome which every Free-man was bound to maintain And these were the high crimes for which they endeavour to hang him but he was carefull therein and got to the King May 5. Upon several Summons the County of York had meetings the Parliament Committee being there over-counselling the Free-holders in private prevailed with some of them by Protestation to oppose the Knights and Gentry who were willing to raise a Guard for the King And the Parliament declaring that it is against the Laws that any of his Subjects should attend him at his pleasure but such as are bound to it by special service and that such as do are disturbers of the peace and command the Sheriff to oppose any such with the power of the Countie and all people whatsoever to assist them herein May 17. In what miserable condition the people of the Kingdom were reduced unto no publick Officer knew how to command or Subject how or whom to obey so differing were their duties depending on several authorities thus distinct onely those for the King directly in love and duty for the other in fear or gain and so wrought upon gave the advantage on the Parliaments part whereas the the Kings assistance was purchased out of the fire of faithfull affections yet all ways and means of Prerogative were used as now for the King to adjourn the next Term to York which the Parliament vote illegal and order that the Lord Keeper Littleton issue out no Writs or seal any Proclamations to that end May 17. And now Designs being ripened into action the people are called upon and invited to a belief of the Parliaments just proceedings and the Kings mis-actions being guided by a malignant party summed up into a very large Declaration of the nineteenth of May ripping up all their former complaints and grievances from the first day of this Parliament to the date hereof in effect the very Exceptions and Repetitions formerly mentioned and controverted between the King and them even from the first dispute for the Militia the misprision of Kimbolton and the five Members Remembering the intended War against Scotland being a Design they say to alter Religion by th●se wicked Councils of the King from which God did deliver us never to be forgotten That the Rebellion in Ireland hath been countenanced by evil counsel about the King The Proclamation whereby they were declared Traitours was so long with-held as to the second of Ianuary though the Rebellion brake forth in October before and then but fourty Copies appointed to be printed nor any of them to be published without the Kings pleasure signified and so but a few onely could take notice thereof but the proceedings against the Scots were quick and sharp forthwith by Proclamations dispersed throughout all the Kingdom with publick Prayers and Execrations But to repeat the particulars they are but the same said over again The King calls it a Book and so for the bulk it may well be intituled and to answer each particular must needs be very tedious as himself professes His small malignant Iunto Council as the Parliament calls them to replie to their numbers of several Committees in these proceedings But the King being never weary of any of any pains to undeceive his people of these mischievous infusions daily instilled to corrupt their loyalty gives them answer the next day after the twentieth of May in effect what he had said as before recited in their due time and place The Parliaments complaints were always forced The Kings answers more ingenious and natural in the opinion of indifferent observers The Parliaments onely to amuze the people and to steal away their allegeance and duty to themselves and otherwise it had been but loss of time and business to answer or to reply And at length though penned on both sides with wit and art the wiser sort of the Subjects whom it most concerned were astonished at the reading of either But indeed as to the Kings connivence at or want of zeal against the Rebellion of Ireland so often hinted and now put home upon the Kings score He answers That he then being in Scotland immediately recommended the care of the business to the
Parliament here after he had ●itted Supplies thither from Scotland and after his return hither he observed such forms for that service as his Council in Ireland did advise they desiring the Proclamation no sooner nor so many by twenty to be by him signed which he did and printed them for haste and sent them over which divers of the Members of both Houses here well know who are the more to blame to suffer such an envious aspersion upon the King when themselves could satisfie the action And wishes that they could with a● good a conscience call God to witness that all their counsels and endeavours have been free from private aims personal respects or passions whatsoever as he hath done and does And was it not time for our Brethren of Scotland to put in their Sickle into our Harvest besides their being invited their late entertainment of Fidlers have in England set their wheel a going The King had written a Letter to his Scotish privy Council there of the State of his affairs here Declaring and clearing such imputations which the Parliament endeavoured to fix upon him and his mis-governing together with the indignities and intrenchments upon his person and honour which he is assured will be tender in their natural affection rather to be kindled than extinguished by his distress to which their Covenant bindes them by Oath and Subscription and clears the calumniation to be popishly affected to be guilty of the bloudshed in Ireland to bring in foreign Forces Wherein he calls God to witness he is falsly aspersed And who ever hereafter shall distrust this his Declaration the fault is in the malignitie of their rebellious humours and no ways deserved by him This so wrought upon the hearts of the Scots for that time that I know not how such a Petition was framed by the Nobility and people of the whole Nation and presented to the Council as more could not be required from the most faithfull and indulgent Subject humbly shewing in effect That to call in question the Kings royal zeal and resolution of preserving the Religion Laws and Liberties of these his Kingdoms is so undoubted as after so many reiterated asseverations emitted in his Declarations and Answers and so many evidences of his justice and wisdom cannot be conserved in any but an unchristian distrust And therefore justly challenges from them all due respect to his sacred Majestie by so many ties and titles so much professed and promised by them in their solemn Oath and national Covenant and Oath at his Coronation to defend and maintain the person greatness and authoritie of our dread Sovereign as by the Act of General Assemblie we have all sworn and signed and therefore are bound to represent to their Lordships their humble desires to be assured and known to his Majestie of their loyaltie and resolution And that some course may be taken to the view of the world that they intend the brotherly and blessed conjunction of both Nations happily united in loyaltie and subjection to our Sovereign tending nor intending as they attest God the Searcher of all hearts for any other end but performance of their humble dutie to their dread Sovereign to which they are bound by all ties of Nature Christianitie and Gratitude and to which they crave their Lordships to contribute their wisdoms and and speedie answer hereto May 20. A man would be amazed to finde other effects hereafter of this most serious Protestation which in a word came to this end they sold this their dread Sovereign Lord and King to the death and execution for a piece of money The Parliament hear of this and turn the Scale for eight days after the Scots Council do declare their earnest desires both to King and Parliament to joyn in a perfect union imbracing his Majesties expressions to them of his religious care of the Liberties and Laws of both Kingdomes And do in like manner with brotherly reciprocal affections acknowledg the care and zeal of the Parliament of England to keep a right und●rstanding betwixt the two Nations as both the Parliaments have avowed to each other And although they neither will nor should meddle with publick actions of any other Kingdom but as they are called yet since the Parliament of England have drawn the former practices of the Parliament of Scotland into example of Declaration they humbly desire the King to hearken to his greatest his best and most unparalleld Council And utterly disswade the King from any personal journey into Ireland and that a Mediation may be at home ere the wound be wider or the breach deeper To which end they have sent with this Message the E. Loudon Chancellour of Scotland who will give a more full declaration of their minde and desires which in fine came out to be A large Manifestation of their true and heartie affection to the Parliament of England protesting to do nothing contrary to them in their Privileges May 28. Nay after all this the old accustomed Rabble meet at Edinburgh and hearing of the late Letters from the King with the petitionary Answer and the late Message from the Council to the King by the Lord Loudon and finding the affairs of England likely to bring Grist to their Mill these Multitudes I say being as they style themselves The intire bodie of the Kingdom petition or rather threaten the Kings privy Council there not to meddle with any verbal or real ingagement for the King against the Parliament of England And so from that time forward we finde them covenanting to the destructive conclusion as hereafter follows Upon all these Scotish passages the Parliament of England do Protest That those sufferings expressed in those Papers betwixt his Majestie and the Parliament cannot be imputed to any actions of ours who endeavoured with all fidelitie the happiness of his Majestie labouring to take the blame from the King and to lay it on his evil Councils And as touching the Petition we with much contentment and thankfulness observe the faithfulness and good affection of our dear Brethren of Scotland to prevent all Iealousies so timely expressed to the Lords of the Council and we shall never cease to answer their great care with the like diligent endeavours to promote the honour wealth and happiness of that Nation and to preserve the unitie so strongly fortified by mutual interest and affections on both sides And desire the English Commissioners to assure the Scots Commissioners how heartily and joyfully we imbrace their kindness manifested in that Petition Hoping that this constant and inviolable amitie between us and them will prove very usefull for the advantage and securitie of both which it did for a time and ruine to both hereafter In what a miserable condition is the Kingdom when King and Parliament are so divided What not one wise man amongst them Yes truly the Earl of Bristol had a large sense thereof and in this strait he moves for
a fourth part of the Members of either House whose judgments free single and apart did approve or desire such destructive changes in the Government of the Church I am perswaded there remains in far the major part of both Houses if free and full so much Learning Reason Religion and just Moderation as to know how to sever between the use and the abuse of things the institution and the corruption the Government and the mis-government the primitive paterns and the aberrations or blottings of after copies Sure they could not all upon so little or no Reason as yet produced to the contrarie so soon renounce all regard to the Laws in force to Antiquitie to the pietie of their reforming progenitours to the prosperitie of former times in this Church and State under the present Government of the Church Yet by a strange fatalitie these men suffer either by their absence or silence or negligence or supine credulitie believing that all is Gold which is gilded with the shews of Zeal and Reformation their private dissenting in Iudgment to be drawn into the common Sewer or stream of the present Vogue and humour which hath its chief rise and abetment from those popular clamours and Tumults which served to give life and strength to the infinite activitie of those men who studied with all diligence and policie to improve to their innovating Designs the present Distractions Such Armies of Propositions having so little in my judgment of Reason Iustice and Religion on their side as they had Tumult and Faction for their rise must not go alone but ever be back and seconded with Armies of Souldiers though the second should prevail against my person yet the first shall never over-come me further than I see cause for I look not at the number and power so much as I weigh their Reason and Iustice. Had the two Houses first sued out their Liverie and once effectually redeemed themselves from the Wardship of the Tumults which can be no other than the Hounds that attend the Crie and Hollow of those men who hunt after Factions and private Designs to the r●ine of Church and State Did my judgment tell me that the Propositions sent to me were Results of the major part of their Votes who exercise their freedom as well as they have a Right to sit in Parliament I should then suspect mine own judgment for not speedily and fully concurring with every one of them For I have charitie enough to think there are wise men among them and humilitie to think that as in some things I may want so 't is fit I should use their advice which is the end for which I called them to a Parliament But yet I cannot allow their wisdom such a compleatness and inerrabilitie as to exclude my self since none of them hath that part to act that Trust to discharge nor that Estate and Honour to preserve as my self without whose Reason concurrent with theirs as the Sun's influence is necessarie in all Natures productions they cannot beget or bring forth any one compleat and authoritative Act of publick wisdom which makes the Laws But the unreasonableness of some Propositions not more evident to me than this is that they are not the joint and free desires of those in their major number who are of right to sit and vote in Parliament For many of them savour very strong of that old Leaven of Innovations masked under the name of Reformation which in my two last famous Predecessour's daies heaved at and sometimes threatned both Prince and Parliament But I am sure was never wont so far to infect the whole mass of the Nobilitie a●d Gentrie of this Kingdom however it dispersed among the Vulgar nor was it likely so suddenly to taint the major part of both Houses as that they should unanimously desire and affect so enormous and dangerous Innovations in Church and State contrarie to their former education practice and judgment Not that I am ignorant how the choice of many Members was carried by much faction in the Countreys some thirsting after nothing more than a passionate revenge of what ever displeasure they had conceived against me my Court or the Clergie But all Reason bids me impute these sudden and vast desires of change to those few who armed themselves with the many-headed and many-handed Tumults No less doth Reason Honour and Safetie both of Church and State command me to chew such morsels before I let them down If the straitness of my Conscience will give me leave to swallow down such Camels of Sacrilege and Injustice both to God and man as others do they have no more cause to quarrel with me than for this that my throat is not so wide as theirs yet by Gods help I am resolved that nothing of pass●on or peevishness or list to contradict or vanitie to shew my Negative power shall have any byass upon my judgment to make me gratifie my will by denying any thing which my Reason and Conscience commands me not Nor on the other side will I consent to more than Reason Iustice Honour and Religion perswade me to be for God's glorie the Churches good my peoples welfare and mine own peace I will studie to satisfie my Parliament and my people but I will never for fear or flatterie gratifie any Faction how potent soever for this were to nourish the Disease and oppress the bodie Although many mens loyaltie and prudence are terrified from giving me that free and faithfull counsel which they are able and willing to impart and I may want yet none can hinder me from craving of the cou●sel of that mightie Counsellour who can both suggest what is best and incline my heart stedfastly to follow it It is now by these Propositions laid open to all men that the Cabalists of their business have with great cunning reserved themselves untill due preparations should be fitted for their grand Design to quarrel with the King for they having removed a troublesom Rub in their way the Law that they might undermine the very foundation of it a new power had been assumed to interpret and declare Laws by extemporary Votes without any case judicially before them and without the King Orders and Ordinances pressing upon the peoples as Laws The next step an upstart Authority without the King to command the Militia the Magazine and Town of Hull and bestrid Hotham in his bold-faced Treason with unpresident Invectives against the Government with false Aspersions of His favouring a Rebellion in Ireland that the King ought to pas● all Laws offered by them to him however his Conscience shall be unsatisfied notwithstanding the clause in Law 2 H. 5. They do acknowledg there That it is of the Kings Regalitie to grant or denie such of their Petitions as pleaseth himself That the King's Guard is with intent to levie War against the Parliament to render him odious to the people They have so awed his good Subjects with censures and imprisonments that none
dare present their tenderness of his sufferings their own just grievances and the sense of the violation of the Laws if they did it was stifled in the birth and called Sedition and burnt by the Hang-man They have so restrained his Houshold sworn Servants seized upon his Money which his credit had gotten to buy him Bread so that in effect they have blocked him up in York They have filled the Peoples ears with Fears and Jealousies idle Tales false Allarms by which to prepare the peoples impressions the better to advance their Design when it should be ripe And now the King it seems must be ready to receive these humble desires Nor do they tell the King that these Propositions are all No these are yet but Preparatives Some of these disguised with mixtures of real honest things others specious and popular and some already granted by the King all which are cunningly twisted with those other things of their main Design Ambition and private Interest and so not easily to be discerned in their proper colours Not that the King fixes this Design upon all and both Houses many absent many dissenting but professes to all the World that the malignity of the Design dangerous and wicked hath proceeded from all subtil informations mischievous practises and evil counsels of ambitious spirits dis-affected to God Religion unity peace and prosperity of the people with a strong influence upon the very actions of both Houses And these Propositions coming to the King in the name of both Houses he takes the more not●ce of every of them and answers to this effect following which because he expresseth in the first person plural not usual heretofore I shall so represent it If the nineteen Propositions had been in a Tragedie unknown to us and our people they might have been believed as they profess to be in order to the ends proposed in the Petition to us and our people honour peace and happiness But being understood will rather appear a Mockerie and a scorn And we unworthie of our Trust or Descent from so many famous Ancestours if we abandon that power which enables us to protect our people and Laws and so assume others into it as to divest our selves of it as if we were already vanquished and a prisoner and the most unfortunate of our predecessours that have been reduced to by the most criminal of their Subjects And though the Bait laid to draw us to it the promises of a plentifull and unparallel'd Revenue were reduced from generals which signifie nothing to clear and certain propositions would but resemble Esau's Bargain to part with such Flowers of our Crown as are worth all the rest of the Garland which gives us cause to believe that the Contrivers of these had no intention of a good Accommodation but rather to widen that Division which is by their fault fallen upon us both It is asked That all the Lords and others of our Privy Council and such or all great Officers and Ministers of State either at home or beyond Sea to leave out no person or place that our dishonour may not be bounded at home should be put from our Privy Council and from these Offices and Imployments unless by them approved How faithfull soever we have found them or how innocent in offending the onely Rule for all men to walk by But to this part of the Demand we are willing that they shall take a larger Oath than you desire in your 11th Demand for maintaining the whole Law That they shall be persons of Trust and abilities without exception reasonable And to be left to the justice of the Law upon sufficient charge or proof against any of them And that we have given you the best pledg of the effects of our promise and the best securitie for their dutie a Triennial Parliament to make them warie how they provoke and us warie how we chuse such as may discredit our Election But that without any fault objected onely because some persons who have too great an influence on both Houses shall judg them not affected to that new Utopia of Religion and Government into which they endeavour to transform the Kingdom we will never consent to the displacing of any of merit and affection to us and the publick whom we have intrusted since we conceive it would take away from the affection of our service the care of us and the honour of our justice And we the more wonder that it should be asked of us since by your twelfth Demand your selves count it reasonable after the present turn be served that the Judges and Officers who are then placed may hold them Quam diu se bene gesserint But this Demand is but one Link of a good Chain or but the first Round of the Ladder by which our just ancient regal power is endeavoured to be fetched down to the ground not with the persons now chosen but with our chusing that you are displeased for they must be approved by both Houses And of the two if we would grant away either we would sooner be content that you should nominate and we approve lest by our Election we should hazzard whom we esteemed to the scorn of your refusal if they be not agreeable to the passion interest or humour of the major part of the House Not to speak of the great Factions and Divisions which this power would introduce in the Parliament between both Houses and in the several Counties for the choice of persons and between them that were so chosen Nor is the potion prescribed onely for once for the curing of some pressure or present disease but for a Diet to us and our posteritie It is demanded That our Counsellours all chief Officers of Law and State Commanders of Forts and Castles and all Peers hereafter made be approved of by them from time to time and rather than ever it should be left to the Crown to whom it doth and shall belong if any place fall void in intermission of Parliaments the major part of the approved Counsellours is to approve them And so we must not onely acquit our Right but for Councellours we are restrained in the number as in the persons and if they have this power it were not fit we should be trusted to chuse those which were to be trusted as much as we It is demanded That such matters as concern the publick and are proper for the high Court of Parliament may be debated resolved and transacted onely in Parliament and such as presume to do to the contrary shall be censured by Parliament and such other matters of State as are proper for debate with our Privy Council shall be concluded by such of our Nobility or rather herein your Nobilitie and others as shall be chosen for that place by approbation of Parliament and that not publick acts concerning the affairs of the Kingdom proper for our privie Council be esteemed valid or proceeding from royal Authority unless it be done
verdure and fertilitie in the Medows on both sides and then over-flowing of either on either side raised no Deluge or Inundation The ill of absolute Monarchy is Tyranny the ill of Aristocracie is Faction and Division the ills of Democracy are Tumults Violence and Licenciousness The good of Monarchy is the uniting a Nation under one Head to resist Invasion from abroad and Insurrection at home The good of Aristocracy is the conjunction of Councils in the ablest persons of a State for the publick benefit The good of Democracy is Libertie and the courage and industrie which Libertie begets In this Kingdom the Laws are joyntly made by a King by a House of Peers and by a House of Commons chosen by the people all having free Votes and particular privileges the Government of these Laws are intrusted to the King power of Treaties of war and peace of making Peers of chusing Officers and Counsellours of State Iudges for Law Commanders for Forts and Castles giving Commissions for raising men to make war abroad or to prevent or provide against Invasions or Insurrections at home benefit of Confiscations power of pardoning and some more of the like kinde are placed in the King And this kinde of regulated Monarchie having the power to preserve that Authoritie without which it would be disabled to preserve the Laws in their force and the Subjects in their Liberties is intended to draw to him such a respect and relation from the great ones as may hinder the ills of Division and Faction and such a fear and reverence from the people as may hinder tumults violence and licentiousness Again that the Prince may not make use of this high and perpetual power to the hurt of those for whose good he hath it and make use of the name of publick necessitie for the gain of his private Favourites and Followers the House of Commons an excellent Conserver of Libertie but never intended for any share in the Government or the chusing of them that should govern is soly intrusted with the first Propositions concerning the Levies of Moneys the sinews of peace and war and the impeaching of those who for their own ends have violated that Law which he is bound to protect and to the protection of which they were bound to advise him And the Lords being trusted with a judicature power are an excellent Skreen or Bank between the Prince and people to assist each against the incroachments of the other and by just judgment to preserve that Law which ought to be the Rule of every one of the Three For the better enabling in this beyond the Example of any of our Ancestours we were willingly contented to oblige our self both to call a Parliament every three years and not to dissolve it in fiftie daies and for the present exigent the better to raise money and to avoid the pressure our people must have suffered by a long continuance of so vast a charge as two great Armies and for the greater certaintie of having sufficient time to remedie the inconveniences arisen during so long absence of Parliaments we yielded up our Right of dissolving this Parliament expecting an extraordinarie moderation from it for so unexampled a grace and little looking that any Malignant party should have been encouraged or enabled to perswade them first to countenance the indignities and injustice we have endured and then by a new way of satisfaction for what was taken from us to demand of us at once to confirm what was so taken and ●o give up almost all the rest And so concludes Since therefore the legal power in Parliament is more than sufficient to restrain the power of Tyrannie and without the power asked from us we shall not be able to discharge that Trust which is the end of Monarchy and so a total subversion of Laws and that excellent constitution of this Kingdom famous and happie to a great degree of envie Since to the power of punishing which you have if the power of preferring be added we shall have nothing left for us but to look on Since the incroaching of one of these Estates upon the power of the other is unhappie in the effects to all Since this joint Government in us with our Guardian Counsellours would return us despicable at home and abroad Since so new a power will beget Divisions among them as Equals and contempt of us as become an Equal to them and so insolence towards our people so much their Inferiours Since all great changes are extremely inconvenient and beget yet greater changes which beget yet greater Inconveniences Since as great a change in the Church must follow this of the Kingdom Since the second Estate would follow the fate of the first and the like Propositions would be then sent to them as they now have joined to send to us till at last the common people flattered into licentious wilde humours discover this Arcanum Imperii that all this was done by them but not for them grow wearie of Iourney-work set up for themselves and call Paritie and Indepencie Liberty devour that Estate which had devoured the rest destroy all Rights Proprieties Distinctions of Families and Merit and by this means the splendid and excellently distinguished Form of Government end in a dark equal Chaos of confusion and the long Line of our many noble Ancestours fall into a Jack Cade or a Wat Tyler For all these Reasons Nolumus Leges Angliae mutari But we promise to be carefull of preserving the Laws as concerning ●s those of obedience not secure when these of protection are violated And will search in this heap of unreasonable Demands for so much as we may assent unto In pursuance of which we finde in the fourth Proposition which would take from us all the Trust we have something to which we answer That we have committed the principal places about our Children to persons of qualitie and pietie with regard to their principles of Religion if otherwise against whom the Parliament shall justly except we shall remove them if there be no under-hand dealing to seek faults to succeed in their places For the fifth Demand we will not suffer any share with us in the power of Treaties most improper for Parliaments yet we shall never propose any Treatie of Mariage for any of our Children without regard to Religion the good of the Kingdom and the honour of our Familie Concerning the Laws in force against Jesuits c. As we have by many Messages satisfied you and by our Proclamations assured that we will never pardon any popish Priest sufficiently expressing in many cases of late our zeal herein If you can finde any more effectual course we shall give our consent Concerning the Votes of popish Lords they in discretion have forborn to sit and we are content so long as they are not conformable to the Doctrine of the Church of England they shall not be admitted to sit but onely to give Proxies to Protestant Peers And
as to a Bill for Education of their Children we have always wished it to be so and incourage you in it and we will do it The Reformation of Church-government and Liturgie we have sufficiently told you in our Answer to your Petition at Hampton Court Decemb. 1. To which they are referred As also in our first Declaration printed by advice of our Council and our Message of the fourth of February of all which we the more hoped of success because you seem now in this to desire but a Reformation and not as is frequently preached a Destruction of the present Discipline and Liturgie and we shall take care for preaching Ministers As to your Bills we can say nothing till we see them We would not have the Oath of all privie Counsellours and Iudges straitened to particular Statutes but to all Statutes of all Parliaments and shall willingly consent that an inquirie c. Therein we shall be most ready to joyn with the State of the United Provinces c. with our life and fortune if need require It was not our fault that an Act was not passed to clear Kimbolton and the five Members but yours that inserted such clauses in the Preamble and Act That no Member upon any accusation of Treason could be seized without consent of that House though the known Law be That Privilege of Parliament extends not to Treason And so how guiltie soever may have fair leave to run away and prevent his Trial. And concludes conjuring them and all men to rest satisfied with his profession and real intentions with some particular advises to them which he often hath hinted in most of his Answers And then to grant his general pardon c. If such an Answer as this proceeds from the advice and sufficiency of a few malignant Counsellours about the King when their nineteen Demands had been hammered out by labour and pains of a full Committee and then debated several days after we may rest satisfied that either the justice of the Cause easily carried on the consideration or that the Parliament party had the weaker pates And not onely is the King thus enforced to answer those above to the Parliaments Transactions but he is put to it to undeceive his Neighbours at Court the Commons of the County of York must be satisfied and therefore the King declares to them the Reasons of summoning the Gentry and not them That he never intended the least neglect unto them in any former Summons of the Countie his love excluding none And sums up to them the particular Reasons of his remove from White-hall enforced by Tumults as yet unpunished and securing himself here in their Countie on whose fidelitie he doth relie being to be used for the defence of the orthodox Religion professed by Queen Elizabeth the defence of the Laws and the peace of the Kingdom The Example of the Parliament having made him to prepare for a Guard so far from War as it serves onely to secure him and them His choice being of the prime Gentrie and of one Regiment of his Trained Bands never intending to use the force of strangers And these thus armed take the Oaths of Allegeance and Supremacie And intends to put the Trained Bands of all the Kingdom to be under persons of Honour and loyaltie to him and the Countie And all to protect them against oppressions and delusive fancies of such as presuming upon his royal Authoritie pretend by their Warrants to protect the people He intends to ease the Countie of their Trained Bands and Billet-money And shall make his grace and bountie to them answerable to their best fidelitie and loyaltie And now warlike preparations go on of both sides the Parliament most forward do order That all the Deputie Lieutenants of England and Wales that be not Members of the House of Commons be present at the several days and places of Training and Mustering the Counties and all Lords Lieutenants are ordered to dispatch their Warrants and Commissions accordingly and that some Members of both Houses shall be sent down to be present and to countenance the service June 4. Hereupon all the spare Lords that lookt for imployment are actively busied to repaire to the several Counties And henceforth Letters and avis●es from them to their favourites of both Houses are Posted to the Parliament of their vigilant services and the effects by wondrous appearance of the people then necessarily requiring the Parliaments Letters and Messages of thanks to them and to the Country together with Letters and submissions of the respective officers of each trained band to their right Honourable Lords Lieutenants acknowledging their indefatigable diligence herein and the tender of all their lives in the publique service which their Lordships are desired to commend to the knowledge of the supream Council of the Nation who must publish a grand Approbation of all which the others have don or shall do Then followes Resolutions upon several questions To provide for every County competent numbers of orders and Declarations of the House of Commons from time to time That every Minister Constable c. may have one of each How they shall be Printed how bundled up how transported so that a wonder it was how busily new Officers got imployments with such hurrying and posting up and down as if all this world were wilde for a war for now comes out Propositions and Orders of Parliament for bringing in of Money or Plate to maintain Horse Horsemen and Arms for the publique peace and defence of the King and both Houses of Parliament the tenth of Iune All the Northern Roads be searched by the Justices of Peace for seizing of Arms Ammunition of all sorts that are to be carried thitherward Then comes Intelligence from beyond the Seas by Letters from Amsterdam with a list of the number of Arms and Ammunition speedily to be furnished for the King upon jewels pawned by the Queen particularly mentioned and no doubt by him who was appointed by Her for that service But he prays that his own name may be concealed pour evitro de tiltre despiou though with zeal and ardour he professes he affects the good cause for which he is thus treacherous and being now dead I forbear to record to memory who he was The King provides Commissioners of Array and first to Leicestershire accompanied with his Letters to the Lords Lieutenants of the County Grounding his Commission on the votes of Parliament the fifteenth of March last That the Kingdom being in danger of Enemies abroad and a Popish party at home it is necessary to put the people into a posture of defence A small number of both Houses without the Kings consent or the opinion of the Judges have attempted by way of Ordinance to put in Execution the power of the Militia dispossessing such of the Nobility as He intrusted with the Command and ●ominated others of their own election and this design of theirs by a new way of Ordinance
to the King disarmed the wel-affected to the King in that Town And that the Earl of Warwick contrary to the Kings command under his hand being legally discharged of any conduct of his Majesties Ships hath taken upon him to dispossess the King of his Navy and imployed them against him and imprisoned divers of his Majesties loyal Officers and Subjects And therefore the King is resolved with Gods assistance to force Hotham and all other his Assistants in this his treasonable defence and invites all his good Subjects to assist him in this his resolution Dated at Beverley the eighth of Iuly Three daies after the Parliament Resolve That an Army shall be raised for defence of King and Parliament and of all such as obey the orders of both Houses That the Earl of Essex shall be the general and they to live and dy with him and that a petition should be sent to the King by the Earl of Holland Sir Iohn Holland and Sir William Stapleton to Beverley and that the Earl of Bedford be General of the Horse which so troubled the Earl of Holland who was refused upon voting that it was never digested Indeed the Parliament were wary not to intrust two Brothers with Land and Sea service together The effect of their petition was to pray the King to disband all his forces which are reckoned up to be about Hull and from Newcastle Tynmouth Lincoln and Lincoln-shire to recall his Commissioners of Array and to dismiss his guards and come to his People and Parliament and hearken to their advice and then what they will do for him The King might smile at this and therefore tells them They were never unhappy in their Petitions and supplications whilst they desired the preservation of Religion the Kings Honour and the peace of the Kingdome But after their martial designs and some proceedings and effects of their forces and after their votes and raising of an Army their Generals assigned and possessing his Navy to advise him to denude himself and wait upon them is pitiful councel to which he will not submit The Parliament provide for the sinews of war to that end they declare for Lone of Money upon publique faith of the Parliament upon which and the Ministers invitations the best part of their preachings turned into perswasions and prayers to the people for their contributions and assistance that it became incredible what a mass of money plate and Ammunition was presented even at the Parliaments feet from the golden cupbords of vessels to the Kitchen-maids silver bodkins and Thimble The King had some help from the diligent indeavours of the Queen beyond Seas and out of Holland upon the pawned Jewels and at home contributions of the Lords and Gentry Loyal to his service for what was publique he gives thanks To the Vice-chancellor and all other his Loyal Subjects of the university of Oxford for the free Loan of a very considerable sum of money in this his time of so great and eminent necessity shall never depart out of his royal memory Nor is it reasonable to deny them a memorable Record for ever which in duty to them I may not do Beverley 18. Iuly From thence the King removes to Leicester summons the appearance of the Gentlemen Free-holders and Inhabitants of that County telling them of the acceptable welcome he hath found in these Northern parts finding that the former errours of his good Subjects thereabout have proceeded by mistakes and misinformatio●s proceeding from the deceits used by Declarations and publications of the Parliament pretended for the peace of the Kingdom which rather would destroy it To prevent their mischief he needs not ask their assistance of Horse Men Money and Hearts worthy such a Cause in which he will live and die with them Iuly 20. The Earl of Stamford Lord Lieutenant of the County of Leiceister for the Parliament had removed the County Magazine from the Town to his own house at Bradgate over which he had set a Guard or Garison against the Kings command for which he and his Adherents are by name proclaimed Traitours which troubled the Parliament and discouraged their party untill they were vindicated by a publick Declaration that being for the service of the Parliament and the peace of the Kingdom it was an high Breach of Privilege in the King and that the said Earl and his Assistants are protected by them and all good Subjects The first of August brings the King back again to Yorkshire where he summons the Gentlemen of that County tells them the forward preparations of the Parliament to a War and desires their advice what Propositions they conceive for them to ask and he to grant in reference to their and his safety and for the present desires them to spare him some Arms out of their store which shall be redelivered when his provisions shall come thither and that his Son Prince Charls his Regiment for the Guard of his person under the command of the Earl of Cumberland may be compleated The Parliament declare for the raising of all power and force by Trained Bands and otherwise to lead against all Traitours and their Adherents that oppose the Parliament and them to slay and kill as Enemies to the State and peace of the Kingdom naming such of the Kings party that were his Lieutenants of Array of the Northern Counties viz. the Earl of Northampton the Lord Dunsmore Lord Willoughby of Eresby Son to the Earl of Lindsey Henry Hastings and others of the Counties of Lincoln Nottingham Leicester Warwick Oxfordshire And for the Western Counties the Marquess Hertford the Lord Paulet Lord Seymer Sir Iohn Stowel Sir Ralph Hopton and Iohn Digby and others in the County of Somerset And to oppose these and others the Parliament doth authorize the Earl of Essex the General as also these to be the Lieutenants of several Counties viz. the Lord Say of Oxon the Earl of Peterborough of Northampton Lord Wharton of Buckingham Earl of Stamford of Leicester Earl of Pembroke of Wiltshire and Hampshire Earl of Bedford of Somersetshire and Devon Lord Brook of Warwick Lord Cranborn of Dorsetshire Lord Willoughby of Parrham of Lincolnshire Denzil Hollis of the City and County of Bristol And thus ranked they are to kill and ●lay their Enemies August 8. And the King traceth them in these steps replies to theirs and will justifie the quarrel and for that purpose published his Proclamation against the Earl of Essex the General that he is Rebell and Traitour to the King and his Crown and all Colonels and Officers under him that shall not instantly lay down are guilty of high Treason And because of their two particular Designs to march Northward against the King and others Westward to seize and force the Garison and Fort of Portsmouth therefore he commands Colonel Goring his Captain Governour there to oppose the Rebells And commands his Cousin and Counsellour William Marquess Hertford his Lieutenant General of
sufficiently thinned and over-awed To which Partialitie while in all Reason Iustice and Religion my conscience forbids me by consenting to make up their Votes to Acts of Parliament I must now be urged with an Armie and constrained either to hazzard mine own and my Kingdoms ruine by my Defence or prostrate my conscience to the blinde obedience of those men whose zealous superstition thinks or pretends they cannot do God and the Church greater service than utterly to destroy that Primitive Apostolical and anciently universal Government of the Church by Bishops Which if other mens judgments binde them to maintain or forbid them to consent to the abolishing of mine much more who besides the grounds I have in my judgment have also a most strict and indispensible Oath upon my Conscience to preserve that Order and the Rights of the Church to which most sacrilegious and abhorred Perjurie most unbeseeming a Christian King should I ever by giving my consent be betraied I should account it infinitely greater miserie than any hath or can befall me in as much as the least sin hath more evil in it than the greatest affliction Had I gratified their Anti-Episcopal Faction at first in this point with my consent and sacrificed the Ecclesiastical Government and Revenues to the furie of their Covetousness Ambition and Revenge I believe they would then have found no colourable necessitie of raising an Armie to fetch in and punish Delinquents That I consented to the Bill of putting the Bishops out of the House of Peers was done with a firm perswasion of their contentedness to suffer a present diminution in their Rights and Honour for my sake and the Common-wealths which I was con●ident they would readily yield unto ●ather than occasion by the least obstruction on their part any Dangers to me or to my Kingdom That I cannot add my consent to the total Ex●irpation of that Government which I have often offered to all fit Regulations hath so much further tie upon my conscience as what I think Religious and Apostolical and so very Sacred and Divine as not to be dispensed with or destroyed when what is onely of civil favour and privilege of Honour granted to men of that Order may with their consent who are concerned in it be annulled This is the true state of those obstructions pretended to be in point of Iustice and Authoritie of Parliament when I call God to witness I knew none of such consequence as was worth speaking of to make a War being onely such as Iustice Reason and Religion had made in mine own and other mens consciences Afterwards indeed a great shew of Delinquents was made which were but consequences necessarily following upon mine or others withdrawi●g from or defence against violence but those could not be the first occasion of raising an Armie against me Wherein I was so far from preventing them as they have declared often that they might seem to have the advantage and justice of the defensive part and load me with all the envie and injuries of first assaulting them when as God knows I had not so much as any hopes of an Armie in my thoughts Had the Tumults been honourably and effectually repressed by exemplarie justice and the libertie of the Houses so vindicated that all Members of either House ●ight with honour and freedom becoming such a Senate have come in and discharged their consciences I had obtained all that I designed by my with-drawing and had much more willingly and speedily returned than I retired this being my necessitie driving the other my choice desiring But some men knew I was like to bring the same judgment and constancie which I carried with me which would never fit their Designs and so while they invited me to come and grievously complained of my absence yet they could not but be pleased with it especially when they had found out that plausible and popular pretext of raising an Armie to fetch in Delinquents when all that while they never punished the greatest and most intolerable Delinquencie of the Tumults and their Exciters which drave my self and so many of both Houses from their places by most barbarous Indignities which yet in all Reason and Honour they were as loth to have deserted as those oth●rs were willing they should tha● so they might have occasion to persecute them with the injuries of an Armie for not suffering more tamely the injuries of the Tumults That this is the true state and first drift and design in raising an Armie against me is by the ●●quel so evident that all other pretences vanish For when they declared by Propositions or Treaties what they would have to appease them there was nothing of consequence offered to me or demanded of me as any original difference in any point of Law or order of justice But among other lesser Innovations this chiefly was urg●d The Abolition of Episcopal and the Establishment of Presbyterian Government All other things at any time propounded were either impertinent as to any ground of a War or easily granted by me and onely to make up a number or else they were meerly consequential and accessarie after the War was by them unjustly begun I cannot hinder other mens thoughts whom the noise and shew of pietie and heat for Reformation and Religion might easily so fill with prejudice that all equalitie and clearness of judgment might be obstructed But this was and is as to my best observation the true state of affairs between us when they first raised an Armie with this Design either to stop my mouth or to force my consent and in this truth as to my conscience who was God knows as far from meditating a War as I was in the eye of the world from having any preparations for one I finde that comfort that in the midst of all the unfortunate successes of this War on my side I do not think mine innocencie any whit prejudiced or darkened nor am I without that integritie and peace before God as with humble confidence to address my prayer to him And by Proclamation the King requires the aid and assistance of all his Subjects on the North side of Trent and within twenty miles Southward thereof for the suppressing of the Rebells now marching against him whose hearts God Almighty will 〈◊〉 up with a true sense and apprehension of his sufferings that according to their allegeance and as they tender the safety of his person the properties of their Estates and just liberties to attend his person upon the two and twentieth of this instant August at Nottingham where and when he intends to erect his Standard in his just defence c. and that with Arms and Furniture c. and who shall supply him with Money or Plate which he as God shall enable will repay and reward according to the measure of their love and affection to him and their Countrey York August 12. But to undeceive the people or to satisfie the more curious he
with Mr. Hotham who was in ill case to continue but must be forced to retreat to Hull The Forces of the West in Cornwall for the King began to form into a Body near Pendennis Castle the Governour thereof Sir Nicholas Slaning a gallant Gentleman and assisted 〈…〉 others Sir Bevil Greenvile who possessed themselve●●●aunston the County Town of Cornwall but not long after Sir Ralph Hopton appears in chief command over the Cavaliers The Parliament had Plymouth the neighbour Port Town of Devonshire bordering Cornwall in the South and Sir George Chudly a Stickler for them for a time onely The Kings party increased in Mid-Wales and descending Southwards as he marches the Welch come to him from all parts of Hereford Monmouth mightily increasing by the power and industry of the Earl of Worcester their Brigades reaching to Oxford and round about where Prince Rupert commanded who took Powder and Match marching through Staffordshire to reprieve Manchester The Parliament party lay about Warwick Coventrie Worcester Buckingham and their Brigades round about even to Glocester Some Arms for the King are landed at Newcastle and ten thousand pounds in Money to raise Dragoons in Northumberland and to fall into Yorkshire which appeared for the King The King on his march from Wales descended Southward and now being near Stafford the Parliament order That the Citie of London be strongly guarded and Posts Bars and Chains be erected and set up in places and by-lanes of the Parishes of St. Margarets Westminster St. Martins in the Fields St. Clements Savoy Holborn St. Giles Covent-garden St. Johns Street ●lerkenwell Criplegate Shoreditch White-chapel Islington Mile-end Southwark Lambeth or any other places necessary at the charge of the Parish by equal Assesment Octob. 22. And the Parliament declare a solemn Protestation to all the world In the presence of Almightie God for the satisfaction of their Consciences and the Discharge of that great Trust which lies upon them That no private passion or respect no evil intention to his Majesties person no Design to the prejudice of his just Honour and Authoritie engaged them to raise Forces and take up Arms against the Authours of this War whereof the Kingdom is now inflamed And after they have by clearing themselves lodged the occasion upon the Contrivers Papists about the King for extirpation of the Protestant Religion wherein principally this Kingdom and Scotland are concerned as making the greatest Body of Reformation in Christendom they conclude For all which Reasons they are resolved to enter into a solemn Oath and Covenant with God to give up themselves lives and fortunes into his hands and defend this his cause with the hazzard of our lives against the Kings Armie according to a form agreed upon and to be subscribed and to associate and unite with all the well-affected of the Citie of London and other parts of his Majesties Dominions 〈…〉 expect their dear Brethren of Scotland that they will help and 〈◊〉 defence of this Cause which if the Popish partie prevail must needs involve Scotland in the like alteration of Religion and engage them also in a War against this Kingdom to defend their own Religion And this they do again they say protest before the everliving God to be the chief end of all their counsels and resolutions without any intention to injure his Majestie either in his person or just power Octob. 22. And the Battail of Edg-hill the next morning being Sunday After the Kings party had beat the Enemy at Worcester Fight the three and twentieth of September he joyns all his Brigades near hand and marches to meet General Essex hovering thereabout to watch the Kings Designs who lodged on Saturday night October 22. at Sir William Chancies six miles near Keinton and Essex at Keinton And early the next morning being Sunday the three and twentieth drew up into a Body near Keinton and ascending the top of Edg-hill with his Prospective Glass took view of Essex his Army in the Vale of the Red Horse about a Mile distant but before the King could draw into order he was saluted with three Pieces of Cannon from the other side with three Shouts of their Souldiers And being asked by his Officers what his Majesty meant to do To give him Battel said the King it is the first time I ever saw the Rebells in a Bodie God and good mens prayers to him assist the justice of my cause And instantly ordered the Fight by the return of two Shot of Cannon in answer to theirs about two of the clock after noon the Word was God and King Charls his greatest Body of Horse was on the right Wing and on the left some Horse and Dragoons The Parliaments Army was put into this order the Foot a good space behinde the Horse when the Charge began three Regiments of Horse on the right Wing the Generals Regiment commanded by Sir Philip Stapleton Sir Balfore's Regiment who was Lieutenant General of the Horse and the Lord Fielding's Regiment which stood behinde the other two as a Reserve Sir Iohn Meldrum had the Van with his Brigade Colonel Essex the middle the General 's Regiment the Lord Brook and Colonel Hollis had the Rear in the left Wing were twenty Troops commanded by Sir Iames Ramsey Commissary General And thus they stood The Earl of Lindsey Lord High Chamberlain of England was the Kings Captain General but the Fight was ordered by the Lord Ruthen since made Earl of Forth a Scotish man and the General lead on the main Body with a Pike in his hand it is said that General Essex lead on his Forces also but then it is confessed that he was advised to retire from Danger and so he escaped when the other was killed The Forlorn Hope was commanded by Major Ba●stake and Captain Hamond both of them Officers in Sir Lewis Dive● Regiment of Foot and drawn down the Hill to the side of a Ditch lined with Musquetiers and both sides had no sooner fired but that the Kings Cannon followed and discharged six or seven Shot Prince Rupert General of the Horse commanding the right Wing routed their left Wing and followed them in chafe to Keinton Town and two Miles beyond killing all whom they overtook the Lord Ruthen ordered the left Wing of the Kings Horse with the Lord Wilmot both of them doing gallant service 't is true Prince Rupert presumed that he had left a sufficient Reserve of Horse behinde under command of the Earl of Carnarvan with some other Troops who seeing the Enemies Horse and Foot to run his spirit not accustomed to stand still followed too far and left their own Foot naked of Horse which Essex espying took the advantage and with his Horse fell upon the Foot including these Regiments the Lord Generals Colonel Fieldings and Colonel Bowels a Regiment raised by the Lord Paget and did much execution upon them this service being done by Colonel Hurry afterwards Major General for the Parliament The Lord General Lindsey
Parl. and hath seen their Declaration sent to his Subjects in Scotland unjustly taxing the King and his Government and in a manner challenging assistance from Scotland to make War against the King making their clame by a late Act of Pacification to which he did chearfully consent And tells them of the other Scandal upon him and his Army of being Papists and sends to them his former Declarations in answer to the Parliaments wonted Scandal in that particular protesting against any intent of his to bring in Foreign Forces and doubts not of a dutifull concurrence in all his Subjects of Scotland And requires this his Declaration to be published to all his people there General Essex having lain quiet since the late Battel of Edg-hill and his Souldiers squandered from their Quarters to incourage them it is declared That if they return to their Quarters within an hour after this publication each Foot-souldier shall receive as the rest half a Crown addition and each Trooper five shillings increase to their pay Which sent them packing to their Quarters And because their General may not be discouraged by the last Battel doubtfully disputed the Parliament is pleased to set out a Declaration concerning the late valourous and acceptable Service of his Excellencie Robert Earl of Essex to remain upon Record in both Houses for a mark of Honour to his person name and familie and for a Monument of his singular virtue to posteritie The Parliament having assured confidence in his wisdom for the defence of Religion King Parliament and Kingdom and he managing this Service with so much valour in a bloudie Battel near Keinton in Warwickshire which doth deserve their best acknowledgment and they shall be readie to express the due sense of his merit and this to remain upon Record to him and his posteritie Nov. 11. 1642. But let us see what becomes of the Parliaments Address to the King The safe conduct was sent from Reading the sixth of Novemb. with such Exceptions as you have heard just and reasonable and yet the very next day November 7. the Parliament vote Not to accept of this safe conduct and resolve That the Exception in the safe conduct is a Denial and Refusal of a Treatie Of which they order a Committee to acquaint the City Common Hall and thereby to quicken them to a Resolution of defending their Liberties and Religion and thereafter to frame a Declaration to all the World of the Kings refusal of the Parliaments petition and yet receives petition and address from the Rebells of Ireland And of this Message the eighth of November is sent the Lord Brook and Sir Henry Vane junior to Guild-hall where his Lordship tells the Mayor and Aldermen That the Kings Foot were near Stains his Horse at Kingston and that the Parliaments Foot are marching that way who couragiously had the late Victory and killed two thousand without the loss of an hundred unless Women Children and Dogs be numbred then indeed there might be with all them two hundred But it was Gods work of mercy and wonder Truly he is assured that we said he are a dear people exceedingly beloved of God But his second Speech surpasses take it at length and printed somewhat like the same again Gentlemen I have but one word more to trouble you with This noble Gentleman Sir Henry Vane hath exprest so fully all that was in the Message that truly I should wrong him and my self too if I should say any more therefore I shall now speak to you of another thing it is not fit any thing concerns you should be concealed from you I came this day to this place to this house about another business I have already communicated to my Lord Mayor and the Aldermen and the Committee I think it will not be unfit you should know it I have the consent of some that understand this business very well to this I now shall do Gentlemen the Message was this it was a Message from his Excellencie it is to let you know how near the Danger is at hand that so you may gird up the Loins of your Resolution and do like men of courage Gentlemen Citizens of London better than whom no man did in that Armie we had abroad the Enemies the Foot as we understand are very near Stains the Horse they are about Kingston we cannot tell you that all are there but that there are both Horse and Foot too and it is certain our Foot are going to it so that the question is now What is to be done Certainly this is a certain truth among all Souldiers that you must keep evil as far off you as you can you must not let it come near your doors you must not think to fight in the sights and tears and eyes and d●●●●actions of your Wives and Children but to go out and meet it valiantly as you have done God hath shewed himself a God of love and mercie and truly we must give him all the honour of that day certainly it is the greatest Victorie that ever was gotten near two thousand I love to speak with the least on their side slain and I am confident not an hundred on our side unless you will take in Women and Children Car-men and Dogs for they ●lew the very Dogs and all If you take in Women Children Carmen and Dogs then they slew about two hundred but that an hundred should be slain on one side and two thousand on the other side is a very miraculous thing he that dealt so wonderfully heretofore it were to distrust him if we did not think he would do so again Truly he hath a people among us exceedingly beloved and what is it we fight for it is for our Religion for God for Libertie and all and what is it they fight for for their lust their will for tyrannie to make us slaves and to overthrow all Gentlemen me thinks I see a face and spie you readie to do any thing and the Generals Resolution is to go out tomorrow and to do as a man of courage and resolution and never man did like him for he was not onely General but Common Souldier for he led up his own Regiment and he led up his own Troop with his own person and when the left Troops of Horse deceived him he brought up the right Troops he himself will go out again and do again as much as he hath done and all this is for your sakes for he can be a free-man he can be a Gentleman he can be a great man go where he will therefore it is onely for your sakes he is resolved to go out to morrow his Forces are wearie his Forces are spent some came but last night into Town some marched twenty miles March which is a great March as some that know what it is can tell but as wearie as they are he is resolved to go out but if you will affect the cause and joyn with him hand and heart
raised by the Kings Commission here for that purpose were imployed in the Army of General Essex These things were known in Ireland and the effects foreseen which encouraged the Rebells there in some hopes of Peace by the Protestants necessities if not it might be possible for some Pacification or Cessation To that end the Irish frame a short Petition to the King presented to the Lords Justices and Council there in the Name of the Roman Catholicks for to be heard to speak for themselves In the beginning of December after the Irish Committee petition the King at Oxford of the miserie and necessitie of that gasping Kingdom unless timely Relief were not his loyal Subjects must yield their fortunes a prey their lives a sacrifice and their Religion a scorn to the merciless Rebells Upon which Commissioners meet on both sides but so unsatisfactory that the Kings Lieutenant General there being troubled with the cavils and proceedings of the Rebells marched out in Feb. with two thousand five hundred Foot and five hundred Horse to force Victual from them for his Army not having received any Relief from England in four Moneths before so that in March 16. following the Lords Justices and Council signifie That the State and Army there were in terrible want and that unless Money Munition Arms Cloaths were speedily sent thither utter destruction and loss of that Kingdom must follow Instead of Redress the very Ships as were to transport thither Cloaths and Victuals from charitable people were seized and taken by the Earl of Warwick and endeavours here to draw the Scots Forces from thence into this Kingdom to assist the Parliament Whereupon the Marquess Ormond the Kings Lieutenant General there had the 31. of Iuly last Commission to agree of a Cessation for a year which was concluded at Singinston the fifteenth of September at twelve a clock for a year and confirmed by Proclamation of the Lords Justices and Council at Dublin the nineteenth of September 1643. Donough Viscount Muskery Dillon Plunket Talbot Barnwell and others were for the Catholick Subjects as they styled themselves The Articles are ordinarily the same as usual free Trade and Prisoners of War released And as a Gift to the King they ingage for thirty thousand eight hundred pounds to be paid as a Present to the Kings use at several Payments before May-day Then to justifie the necessity of the Cessation for the good of the Kingdom we finde an Instrument setting down the misery of the Nation and want in the Army It had been proposed to very many persons of Honour and others in the Army who framed a Writing importing all the former particulars and there conclude They for these causes do conceive it necessary for his Majesties Honour and Service that the said Marquess Ormond assent to a Cessation of Arms for one whole Year on the Articles and Conditions drawn up and to be perfected by virtue of his Majesties Commission for the preservation of this Kingdom of Ireland witness our Hands this fifteenth of Sept. 1643. Clanricard and St. Albans Roscomon Dungarven Brahazon Inchequin Lucas Ware Erule Hunks Paulet Eustace Povey Gifford Percival Warren Cook c. Upon the Rebellion and Troubles in Ireland and upon the Cessation of Arms there the King hath expressed himself with that clearness as to the satisfying of all malicious Aspersions which some men have endeavoured to charge upon him where he saith That the Commotions in Ireland were so sudden and so violent that it was hard at first either to discern the Rise or applie a Remedie to that precipitant Rebellion Indeed that Sea of Bloud which hath there been cruelly and barbarously shed is enough to drown any man in eternal both infamie and miserie whom God shall finde the malicious Authour or Instigatour of its Effusion It fell out as a most unhappie Advantage to some mens malice against me that when they had impudence enough to lay any thing to my charge this bloudie opportunitie should be offered them with which I must be aspersed although there was nothing which could be more abhorred to me being so full of sin against God disloyaltie to my self and destructive to my Subjects Some men took it very ill not to be believed when they affirmed that what the Irish Rebells did was done with my privitie at least if 〈◊〉 by my Commission But these knew too well that it is no news for some of my Subjects to fight not onely without my Commission but against my Command and Person too yet all the while to pretend they fight by my Authoritie and for my safetie I would to God the Irish had nothing to allege for their imitation ag●●st those whose blame must needs be the greater by how much Protestant-principles are more against all Rebellion against Princes than those of Papists Nor will the goodness of mens intentions excuse the Scandal and Contagion of their Examples But who ever fail of their Dutie toward me I must bear the blame this Honour mine Enemies have always done me to think moderate Injuries not proportionate to me nor competent Trials either of my patience under them or my pardon of them Therefore with exquisite malice they have mixed the Gall and Vineger of falsitie and contempt with the Cup of my Affliction charging me not onely with untruths but such as wherein I have the greatest share of Loss and Dishonour by what is committed whereby in all Policie Reason and Religion having least cause to give the least consent and most grounds of utter detestation I might be represented by them to the world the more inhumane and barbarous Like some Cyclopick Monster whom nothing will serve to eat and drink but the flesh and bloud of mine own Subjects in whose common welfare mine interest lies as much as some mens doth in their perturbations who think they cannot do well but in evil times nor so cunningly as in laying the Odium of those sad Events on others wherewith themselves are most pleased and whereof they have been not the least occasion And certainly 't is thought by many wise men that the preposterous Rigour and unreasonable Severitie which some men carried before them in England was not the least Incentive that kindled and blew up into those horrid Flames the Sparks of Discontent which wanted not pre-disposed fewel for Rebellion in Ireland where Despair being added to their former Discontents and the Fears of utter Extirpation to their wonted Oppressions it was easie to provoke to an open Rebellion a People prone enough to break out to all exorbitant violence both by some Principles of their Religion and the natural Desires of Libertie both to exempt themselves from their present Restraints and to prevent those after-rigours wherewith they saw themselves apparently threatned by the covetous zeal and uncharitable furie of some men who think it a great Argument of the Truth of their Religion to endure to no other but their own God knows as I can with Truth
Eccleshal Castle surrounded with the Enemies Garisons the Governour the more wary adds to his former number of Men and gets in good Provisions and prepares for a Siege And long it was not ere Sir William Brereton Colonel Gell Colonel Greeves Colonel Ridgby and Colonel Iackson joyning Forces with the Counties of Stafford and Derby fell suddenly into Eccleshal Town and with easie bickering got possession of it standing in guard within the Church which faces the Castle The Governour burns all about not an Out-house Barn or Stable affords them other shelter The next day Brereton summons the Castle for the King and Parliament Bird makes present Answer That his Commission was to keep it for the King and unless the other could produce his Majesties Warrant to the contrary it would be labour lost to expect any other Reply but what power and strength should enforce Immediately the Besiegers with two Pieces of Cannon of four and twenty pound Bullet played all day against the Wall without any effect the next day they battered a Turret which at the last fell down and hurt three men and so their Ordnance continued their utmost force for a Week vvhen by so long trial they could not make any Breach they drevv off their Guns and made a Line to surround the Castle not so soon done but that they vvere fain to endure the good effects of several Sallies out of the Castle whereby he lost a Lieutenant and others and some hurt with greater execution on the Enemy And thus it continued for some Moneths with extremity to whose Relief the King sends in September the Lord Capel and the Lord Loughborough with considerable Forces against whom the Besiegers not able to withstand quit their Trenches and retire to the Church and there fortified themselves Then forthwith the Governour sends out what Forces he could spare joyning with the Lords sufficient now to attempt upon the Church by straitning or storming But it seems they had order onely to relieve the Castle not to fight afterwards and force the Enemy away but to be gon themselves and so to leave the business to desperation which the Governour knew would be destruction which he could not prevent and therefore with long dispute and many reasons offered and nothing prevailing he delivered it up to the Lords who put in one Captain Abel a Dane to command there But the old Souldiers not pleased with their New Governour and a stranger to them and a Foreign most of them immediately quit their service and marched away with Captain Bird. The Castle thus relieved the Parliament Commanders call a Council and now resolve to draw off and quit the Siege but a false brother discovering the weakness of the Castle and the discontent with their New Governour the Enemy attempts the battery again and after two daies the Dane surrenders it upon reasonable quarter Thus while the fight they Parliaments Ordinance commands all men to pay nothing to his Majesty the Queen or Prince which is due or ought to be paid unto them whereas the Lords and Commons in September last passed an Ordinance for seizing upon all his Majesties the Queens and Princes Revenues and for receiving all and all manner of Rents certain or casual in England and Wales with all the Arrears and Debts any way due to his Majesty Queen or Prince shall be paid to the Receivers of the Committee for the Revenue c. whose Acquittances shall be sufficient discharge There was late news from Virginia that the Plantation there denied contribution to the Emissaries of the Parliament complaining of the obstruction of their trade at London whereupon an Ordinance of Moderation came forth For abating the Excise upon Virginia Tobacco that the Protestants their brethren in other Countries may not suffer among Malignants and Delinquents in England endeavouring to gain upon Foreign Plantations which in truth were first setled mostly by such as could not indure Discipline at home Sir William Waller having deserved well of the Houses had a new Commission to be Sergeant Major General of Hampshire Surrey Sussex and Kent having layen long before Arundel Castle and this Commission being promised heretofore the General Essex obstructed it being suspected to play his own game with much vanity It was wonderfull how much the Lectures were frequented in London the Town so full of Schollars calling themselves plundred Ministers and so began the coloured Leaguer long Cloak Boots and Spurs as constantly in the Pulpit as heretofore the Gown Canonical Cloak or Cassock but then the Independant a new name for such as liked neither were working to set up themselves or rather tha● spirit that set the other at work plaies tricks with them and scatters them into thoughts and factions grinning on each other but yet not setled into tenents neither so that moderate men could not as yet tell what to make of either The Parliament therefore publish their Manifest in effect That it belongs to Christian Magistrates to be Leaders in Reformation of the Church That it is the duty● of all people to pray for them and wait upon them That the Parliament have required the Assembly of Divines to make the VVord of God their own Rule That nothing can be more destructive against the cause of Religion than to be divided amongst themselves That the Assembly and Parliament for so it runs will not onely reform Religion throughout the Nation but will concur to whatsoever shall appear to be the Rights of particular Congregations That all people forbear till they see whether the right Rule will not be commended to them in this orderly way we enjoying more Liberty to serve God than ever was seen in England Here 's fast and loose the People in doubt what Profession to undertake or by this Declaration of what Religion was the Parliament then began Iack Presbyter so styled to be baffled in every Pamphlet and they again to return encounters the people had sport enough to be for neither and in truth of no profession at all but went a wool-gathering to pick up the flieces pilled from the Orthodox Ministry now in much misery mourning for the fall of Sion The Committee for Innovations appointed Workmen to pull down that famous Organ in St. Paul's Church at London and it was imprinted the like they did in King Henry the Seventh's Chapell at VVestminster and all other parochial Churches in and about London and so by degrees the whole Church of Paul's not repairing but uncovering the Roof whereby in time the whole Church and Steeple will fall down after so great a Sum of Money that had been heretofore contributed to the Repair or rather re-edifying thereof more gracefull than the first erecting And now the Parliament do publish That whereas his Majesty doth make a VVar against his Parliament for the promoting thereof divers Forces both of Horse and Foot have been and are levied therefore that no man be mislead through ignorance the
Majesties person and Right against all Forces whatsoever and in like manner the Laws Liberties and Privileges of Parliament and of this Kingdom And I shall to my utmost power preserve and defend the peace of the two Counties of Devon and Cornvvall and all persons that shall unite themselves by this Protestation in the due performance thereof and to my power assist his Majesties Armies for reducing the Town of Plymouth and resistance of all Forces of Scots Invaders and others levied under pretence of any Authority of two Houses of Parliament or otherwise without his Majesties personal consent And hereupon they agreed upon several Articles in reference to the taking of this Protestation directed to all Sheriffs Constables Ministers of every Parish Church at the next general Meeting That the Army be governed according to his Majesties Articles That all such persons slain or as shall be slain in this VVar or die in the Service by whose life any other person held any other Lands or Rents the said other person shall grant an Estate or pay such Rents for life under such Covenants c. as to the person so slain and the Refusers to lose double value one half to the King the other to the party and to be imprisoned till payment That if any Minister shall refuse or neglect his particular duty in his Service or not reade the Kings Declarations or do any thing contrary to ●is Majesties Instructions to be secured and his Estate sequestred That there be provided a thousand Barrels of Powder and ten thousand Fire Arms at the charge of both Counties whereof Devon three parts and Cornvvall to be a fourth according to the proportion of the grand Subsidy The Earl of Manchester for the Parliament is as active in his Association having gone over all vvith a high hand came to the University of Cambridg being not yet resolved vvhether the Colleges and Halls be vvithin his Commission for Sequestration for clearing vvhereof the Parliament sent out their Ordinance That the Estates Rents and Revenues of the Colleges and Halls in the University of Cambridg are in no wise to be seized on but shall remain and be to the same University Colleges and Halls as if the Ordinance of Sequestration had never been made Which is most nobly done like true Patriots of Learning but then the next Proviso marrs all That if any part portion or dividend be due to any Head Fellow or Scholar in the said University being or which hereafter shall be a Malignant or Delinquent within any of the Ordinances of Sequestration then they shal be excepted from receiving any part or portion of his Allowance but shall be dealt with as it shall be ordered by the Earl of Manchester and none to be Receiver Treasurer or Bowser but such as shall be approved by him Sir Richard Byron Governour of Newark for the King understanding that the Adversaries vvere quartered at Harmiston and VVaddesdon three Miles from Lincoln sent out tvvo hundred and fifty Horse and some Dragoons under command of Sir Gervase Eyre vvho beat up their Quarters and took kill'd some but the reason having Quarter he carried avvay above three hundred Prisoners Horse and Arms. The King at Oxford vvith sufficient Friends to finish his civil affairs considered of the fitness and conveniency to assemble the Members of both Houses of Parliament at Oxford and having to that purpose the tvvo and tvventieth of December last by his Proclamation summoned them for this day the tvvo and tvventieth of Ianuary vvhere novv they met in the great Hall at Christ's Church vvhere his Majesty declared the occasion of his calling them together to be witnesses of his actions and privy to his intentions Telling them That if he had the least thought● disagreeing with the happiness of this Kingdom he would not advise with such Counsellors as they are And so they went to the publick Schools the Lords in the upper Schools and the Commons in the great Convocation-house Indeed he having renounced those Members that sate at Westminster he thought it fit to assemble such as he might confide in to vote and act as his proper Parliament countenanced with able Members the most ancient and most honourable Peers and very worthy Gentlemen not amiss to record them The Names of the Lords and Commons in the Assembly of the Parliament at Oxford Ianuary 22. 1643. Charls Prince Duke of York Cumberland Edw. Littleton C. S. Fr. Cottington Treasurer Duke of Richmond Marquess of Hertford Earls Lindsey Dorset Shrewsbury Bath Southampton Leicester Northampton Devonshire Carlile Bristol Barkshire Cleveland Rivers Dover Peterborough Kingston Newport Portland Visc. Conway Lords Digby Mowbray and Matravers Lords Wentworth Cromwell Rich. Paget Chandos Howard of Charlton Lovelace Savile Mohun Dunsmore Seymour Piercy VVilmot Leigh Hatton Iermin Carington Knights and Gentlemen Sir Iohn Fettiplace Sir Alexander Denton Sir Iohn Packington Thomas Smith Francis Gamul Iohn Harris Ioseph Iane. Richard Edgcomb I. Raleigh G. Fane P. Edgcomb VVilliam Glanvile Robert H●burn Sir Ralph Sidenham Sir Fr. Godolphin Ger. Parry Ambrose Manaton Sir Richard Vivian Io. Palewheel Io. Arundel Thomas Lower Edward Hide VVilliam Allestry George Stonehouse Edward Seymor Peter St. Hill VVilliam Pool Roger Matthew Richard Arundel Ro. VValker Giles Strangways Io. Strangways Sir Thomas Hel● Gera●d Nape Samu●l Turner VVilliam Constantine Henry Killegrew R. King Io. Dutton Henry Bret. VVilliam Chadwell Theo. Gorges Io. George Thomas Fanshaw Humph. Conningsby Richard Seaborn Arthur Ranelagh Thomas Tomkins Sampson Evers Io. Culpeper Ieffrey Palmer Io. Harison Thomas Fanshaw Roger Palmer Sir Orlando Bridgman VVilliam VVatkins Iohn Smith Sir Thomas Bludder Edward Littleton Harvie Bagot Richard Leveson Sir Richard Cave Sir Richard VVeston Richard Lee. Thomas VVhitmore Edward Acton C. Baldwin R. Goodwin Thomas Howard Thomas Littleton Robert Howard Io. Meux Matthew Davis Fr. Cornwallis Thomas Germin Io. Tailor VVilliam Basset VVilliam Pateman Edw. Ridney Thomas Hanham Edw. Philips Io. Digby Edw. Kirton Chr. Lewkin Edw. Alford Io. VVhite Io. Ashburnham VVilliam Smith Thomas Leeds I. Thin VVilliam Pledel Ro. Hide Edw. Griffin VValter Smith George Lowe Richard Harding Henry Herbert Endimion Porter Samuel Sandys Iohn B●dvil William Morgan William Thomas Iohn Mistin Henry Bellasis Knights and Gentlemen George Wentworth William Malory Richard Aldbury Io. Salisbury William Herbert William Price Io. Price Knights and Gentlemen R. Herbert Charls Price Philip VVarwick Thomas Cook Herbert Price Io. Whisler These Peers then disabled by several Accidents appeared since Viscount Cambden Lord Abergaveny Lord Arundel Lord Capel Lord Newport Peers imployed in his Majesties Service Marquesses Winchester VVorcester Newcastle Earls Darby Huntington Clare Marlborough Viscount Falkonbridg Lords Morley Lords Darcy and Coniers Sturton Ever● Daincourt Pawlet Brudenel Powesse Herbert of Cherbury Hopton Loughborough Byron Vaughan VVithrington Peers absent beyond Seas Earl of Arundel Earl of Saint Albans Lord Viscount Mountague Viiscount Strafford Lord Stanhop Lord Coventry Lord Goring Lord Craven of Hamsted Lord Craven of Ryton Peers
confined by the Parliament at VVestminster Earl of Chesterfield and the Lord Mountague of Boughton These Members then disabled by Accidents have appeared since Peter Venebles Sir Io. Pawler Edward Bagshaw Sir Io. Burlacie Fr. Newport Anthony Hungerford Io. Russel Thomas Chichely Earl of Cork Sir Iervase Cli●ton Sir Guy Palmes Ro. Sutton Iervase Hollis Sir Patrick Curwin Sir Henry Bellingham Sir George Dalston Sir Thomas Stanford Sir VVilliam Dalston Mich. VVharton Sir Ro. Hutton Iames Sindamore Sir Io. Brich Sir Io. Stepny Imployed in his Majesties Service Sir Io. Finch Hugh Porter VValter Kurle VVilliam Stanhop Sir VVilliam Carnaby Sir Thomas Danby Io. Fennich Ralph Sneade Sir VVilliam Ogle Sir Thomas Iermin Sir Iohn Stowell Sir Robert Strickland Sir Ph. Musgrave Io. Coucher Io. Coventry Sir Henry Slingsby Sir Io. Malory Io. Bellasis Sir Thomas Ingram Lord Mansfelt Thomas Hebelthaite Sir Hugh Cholmly Sir George VVentworth Sir VValter Lloyd Iohn Vaughan Richard Ferrers George Hartnoll Sir VVilliam Udall Robert Hunt Thomas May. Sir Thomas Bourcher Sir Thomas Roe These Members taking into consideration the distressed estate of this Kingdom did the seven and twentieth day of this instant Ianuary send a Letter to the Earl of Essex for a Treaty of peace signed by all the Members with order to be published to this effect My Lord His Majesty having by his Proclamation of the two and twentieth of December last upon occasion of this Invasion by some of his Subjects of Scotland summoned all of the Members of both Houses of Parliament to attend him here at Oxford inviting us in the said Proclamation by these gracious Expressions That his Subjects should see how willing he was to receive advice for preservation of the Religion Laws and Safety of the Kingdom and as far as in him lay to restore it its former peace and security his chief and onely end from these whom they had trusted though he could not receive it in the place where he appointed VVhich hath been made good to us and seconded by such unquestionable Demonstrations of his deep and princely sense of the miseries and calamities of his poor Subjects in this unnatural VVar and his passionate affection to redeem them from that deplorable condition by all ways consistent with his Honour or with the future safety of the Kingdom c. We being most intirely satisfied of this truth and sensible of the Desolations of our Countrey and further Dangers threatned from Scotland c. And we being desirous to believe your Lordship however ingaged a person likely to be sensibly touched with these considerations do invite you to that part in this blessed work wich is onely capable to repair all our miseries and buoy up the Kingdom from ruine VVe therefore conjure you by all obligations that have power upon honour conscience or publick piety you will co-operate with us to its preservation by truly representing to and promoving with those by whom you are trusted this our Desire That they joyning with us in a right season some persons be appointed on either part to treat of such a Peace as may redeem it from the brink of desolation This Address we make being assured by his Proclamation of Pardon that his mercy and clemency can transcend all former provocations God Almighty direct your Lordship and those whom you shall present with these our real Desires as may produce a happy peace c. Your affectionate Friends c. Oxford Jan. 27. 1645. To these he returns no Answer to them but sends this Letter to the Parliament at Westminster where it wrought upon the Members according to their several affections The haste which the Scots Covenanters made rushed in their Army into England the sixteenth of Ianuary consisting of eighteen thousand Foot and two thousand Horse marching forwards till they came to the warm Sea-coal fires at Newcastle they knew the way hither having fared so well the time before in their first Expedition their then General and they being well rewarded here and at home by the Kings indulgent graces he following them into Scotland confirming unto them in full Parliament all the Privileges of Kirk and Kingdom and conferred many Honours and Offices He having done all this as before in particulars and ere he took leave to return wishing them to continue in allegeance and live in peace and if any difference should happen in England which he hoped God would divert he desired them to continue Neuters though he might expect Aid yet he would not disturb the Peace of his native Countrey To which they all obliged themselves by revival of their own Act to that purpose and at the publishing one of their chief that had been their General in the said Expedition fell on his knees and lifting up his arms and hands to Heaven wished they might rot to his body before he died if ever he would heave them up hereafter or draw his Sword against his gude King yet this Wretch Sir Alexander Lesly whom the King had made Lord Leven comes General of this Army also But their Harbinger came before them a Declaration spread abroad for satisfaction to their Brethren of England intentionally to answer three Questions The justness of their Cause The lawfulness of their calling thereunto And the faithfulness of their carriage therein For the first they appeal to the great Searcher of all hearts who knows that had not the love of Christ requiring to bear one anothers burthen and the Law of Nature challenging our endeavour to prevent our own Danger inveloped with our Neighbours and our Duty and Desire of rescuing the King from his pernicious Council we could with far more content have enjoyed our dry Morsel than entered into your Houses full of Sacrifices with strife c. And we profess before God and the world our hearts are clean and free from any other intentions than those expressed in our Solemn League and Covenant confederate with England viz. Reformation of Religion Honour of the King Peace of the Kingdoms Secondly and because a good necessarily requires a good Calling c. Providence hath so provided that the Parliament of England have a particular obligation upon this our Nation for refusing to countenance a VVar against us in 1640. and now desire our assistance to them and so with the sense of Piety Religion Honour and Duty to their Sovereign we may not resist our Call to this Expedition Thirdly then for our carriage herein we shall order our Army from Insolencies Rapines Plunderings and other calamities incident to War And we do freely give the Publick Faith of the Kingdom of Scotland unto the Kingdom of England that neither our entrance into nor continuance in England shall be made use of to other ends than is expressed in that Covenant which we shall keep inviolable And call God to witness their onely intent of VVar is to confirm all in Peace and so to return home again How they have performed these let the world judge I
Ordnance before to choose out so many commanded Musquetiers of the English of late come out of Ireland as might well be spared out of that Garison These were a thousand Musquetiers of Colonel Broughtons and Colonel Tilliers Regiments with a hundred and twenty of Colonel Sir Fulke Huncks All these sent down by the Severne met the Prince at Bridgenorth on Fryday Of Horse he took along his own Troop and Regiment with twenty of Major General Sir Hurrey's with these Forces he drew along three Field-pieces At Wolverhamton next day was his Army recruited by a hundred Horse and two hundred Foot of Colonel Levesons On Munday night he had notice at Ashby de la Zouch of two thousand two hundred Enemies under Sir Edward Hartop sent out by Meldru●● to the pass and bridge over the Sore a mile from Loughborow in Leicester-shire Their purpose was either to intercept General Major George Porter or to prevent his joyning with my Lord Loughborow For thither with four Regiments of Horse and a● thousand commanded Musquetiers of my Lord of Newcastles men was Master Porter now come from about Newark to hinder the farther inroads into Leicestershire Dayly slight Skirmishes here passed For Meldrum not able to force the passa●● and hearing of my Lord of Loughborow's drawing out they stole away Porter thus dis-ingaged was the next day together with my Lord Loughborow's forces conjoyned to the Prince's That night they all quartered in a Close by Bingham eight miles short of Newark About two of the clock the Moon then well up the drums beat and all marched Hitherto had the marches been so speedy as fame it self was prevented for by Meldrum's own Letter sent to the Lord Fairfax which was intercepted the night before they had no more but an uncredited rumor of Prince Rupert's coming On this dayes march Rupert had notice by his espyalls how the Enemies were busied all that morning in sending away their Cannons which proved no other then their drawing them off their Batteries into their chiefe work at the Spittle or Excester House a little more then musket shot from the Town for into that one Quarter had they that morning drawn all their Regiments and Amunition The Prince having intelligence of their amassing themselves into one Body which he supposed a preparation to march off suddenly advanc'd his Van of Horse upon the spur to overtake them the rest of his Horse had order to keep along with the Foot Cannon and Amunition Coming near the Beacon-hill a mile short of Newark he perceived some Horses of the enemies who upon his approach drew down the other side to their own Grosse The Prince thus easily gaining the hill increased his natural courage upon his apprehension besides of having many advantages upon a retreating enemy Whereupon Courage sayes he let 's charge them with the Horse we have and ingage them till our Reer and Foot be march'd up to us Trooping thus to the edge of the hill he perceived the most of the enemy in Battalia Horse and Foot near the Spittle all except four great Bodies of Horse who expected him at the very descent of the hill The Prince thus ordered his own few Forces first himself with his own Troop of Life-guards undertook to attack that Body on the left hand appointing my Lord Loughborow's Troop to second him and Colonel Gerard's Troop to be as a Reserve a little on my Lords right hand The Princes Regiment was cast out into five divisions two Troops to each division in the first and very right hand of all were Captain Gardiner and Captain Richardson then Captain Cobb and Captain Martin then the Lord Grandison and Sir Thomas Dallison next them the Troops of Sir Lewis Dives and the Lord Dillon Major Leggs and Lieutenant-Colonel O-Neales Troops being next unto the Life-guards this Regiment was seconded by Major General Porters Regiment the Field-word was King and Queen theirs Religion The fight began about nine a clock and after a while grew sturdy especially on Rupert's right wing the other doubling their files from three to six deep and charged two outmost Troops upon the Flanks so hard that Captain Martin came timely in to help to beat them off the Prince himself having pierced deep into the enemies and being observed for his valour was dangerously at once assaulted by three sturdy persons whereof one fell by Rupert's own sword a second being pistoll'd by Master Mortaigne one of his own Gentlemen the third now ready to lay hand on the Princes collar had it almost chopt off by Sir William Neale He thus dis-engaged with a shot only in his gauntlet with Sir Richard Crane and his own Troop charged quite thorow that Body pursuing them in rout home to their very Works at the Spittle presently after this his Regiment with their seconds likewise routed the three other Bodies four of the Troops charging even into the Work and bringing away a Captain Prisoner Loughborow also deported himself honourably some of his shrunk at the second charge himself rode back to rally and bring them up again Major-general Porter charged with much bravery though some of his also retired up the hill in disorder Colonel Charles Gerard did here like himself but by the fall of his horse was bruised shot in the arm and taken prisoner After a while both sides began to rallie and make ready for a second charge the Prince to make impression and they to receive it and though for a good while they disputed it toughly yet by fine force were they and all the rest driven quite out of the Field beyond their own Work Foot and Cannon at the Spittle divers of them hasting by a bridge of boats over that branch of the Trent into the Island four other Troops with as many Foot-companies hasted up to Muskham bridge upon the other side of the Island and main stream of the River about three quarters of a mile both from Newark and the Spittle here they stayed till towards evening when breaking the bridge behinde them and throwing one piece of Cannon into the Trent they then hastned to Nottingham In both these stiffe bouts the Prince took Five Cornets and Ninetie Prisoners whereof three Captaines some Gentlemen three Cornets besides other Officers and two Cannoniers And now as if an universal truce had been agreed upon there was some half an hours silence excepting that the enemies Cannonado's disturbed it For the Foot had not yet advanced and their Horse by this time had enough of it As for the Prince he now stayed for his Foot and Reer of Horse both left full two miles behinde when his Van began to double their march to overtake the enemy anon came up his Foot all that day commanded by Colonel Tilliar these resting themselves a while upon the hill the first division being part of those that came from Shrewsbury were led on by the Colonel these marcht down in the face of the enemy hooting at their Cannon these
not upon it 8. Psalm 114. 6. Yea I will pray yet against their wickedness for within a while I shall even pray in their miseries 9. Isai 63. 11. Israel remembered for He that is God remembered See Epist. Mund. East 10. Matth. 27. 9. Whom they bought of the children of Israel for whom the children of Israel valued See Gosp. last Lent 11. Luke 1. 28. Hail full of grace for freely beloved See Annunc 12. Luke 1. 48. The lowliness of his hand-maid for poor degree See Magnificat 13. 1 Cor. 9. 27. Should be a castaway for reprovable See Epist. Septuag 14. Gal. 4. 25. Agar in Arabia bordereth upon Ierusalem for answereth to Ierusalem that now is See Epist. 4. Lent 15. Phil. 2. 7. Christ was found in his apparel like a man for in shape as a man See Epist. last Sund. in Lent 16. Heb. 9. 25. The high Priest entred into the holy place with strange bloud for other bloud that is not his own See Wednesd before Easter 17. 1 Peter 3. 20. When the long-suffering of God was once looked for for The long-suffering of God abode or waited See Easter Eve XII Because it mis-applieth some places of the holy Scriptures to the countenancing of erroneous and doubtfull matters 1. Revel 14. 1. To those children whom Herod caused to be murdered whom the Collect calls Gods witnesses See Innocents 2. 1 Peter 3. 17. To the time that Christ abode in the grave See Easter Eve 3. Revel 12. 7. To Michael as a created Angel See Michael And then they protest before Almighty God That we acknowledg the Churches of England as they be established by publique Authority to be true visible Churches of Christ That we desire the continuance of our Ministery in them above all earthly things as that without which our life would be bitter and wearisom unto us That we dislike not a set Form of Prayer to be used in the Church and finally That whatsoever before written is not set down of any evil minde or with a purpose to deprave the Books of Common Prayer Ordination or Homilies but onely to shew some Reasons why we cannot subscribe to all things contained in the same What they protest now was otherwise concluded to confound it A brief Narrative of the Scots affaires from 1639. We may not conceal the valiant and admired Actions of the Kings affaires in Scotland under conduct of the most Noble Iames Marquesse of Montrose Earl of Kinkardin c. General Governour by Commission for his Majesty in that kingdom A Narrative wherein we may finde Montrose his judgement and ingenuity gallantry in person patience in travel evennesse of spirit in dangers quick in resolution his wisdom in counsels his excellent vertue in all things and to all men which his very enemies could not but afford him For while the Covenanters at the first in 1638. pretended preservation of Religion the honour and dignity of the King and good of the people He sided with them they all then engaging by solemn Attestation and Oaths never to move by force but by petition to their Soveraign In 1639. Montrose was their Minion to whom they spoke out that the Stuarts had governed too long and they would now be at liberty and would strike at the Head resolving to raise an Army and at Dundee the solemn Convention resolve to invade England but had it counsel six weeks before in which time they divulge in all the three Kingdoms their several Pamphlets Apologetical seting some gloss upon their intended expedition Montrose was absent whilst this was working and being returned and made acquainted with all was intrusted to command 2000. Foot and 500. Horse and his meer friends conducted 5000. more of this Army with intention on their parts to side with the King and at the River Tweed that separates both Nations Montrose was by lot to passe over first which he did on foot and his men followed by which and other his forwardness he shadowed his intentions of Loyalty and service to his Soveraign when opportunity should minister the occasion for now a pacification is concluded Another Scotish Army is raised and marching over Tine neer Newcastle the English Army come thither to oppose them retreated to York and gave way willingly for the Scots to possesse Newcastle and a cessation agreed upon and the Treaty began at London In this time the King at York receives private Letters from Montrose professing his duty and fidelity to the King nor did they contain any more but being stollen out of his pocket by the treacherous Scots of the Kings Bed-chamber and copied out were sent to the Covenanters The Army disbanded Montrose returned into Scotland joynes in League with some prime of the Nobility to defend the Kings Cause and so by a division which was his aim but betrayed to the Covenanters who joyning with the Parliament of England by solemn engagements designed Montrose his ruine They corrupt the Courtiers and understand that the King had writ Letters to Montrose quilted in the Messengers Sadle one Stuart servant to Traquair whom they seise at the borders of Scotland and rip out the Letters yet nothing therein but what became the best of Kings to write and the best of Subjects to obey Neverthelesse the Covenanters scattered abroad Tragicall Reports of Plots between the King and Montrose for the overthrow of Religion and ruine of the Kingdoms which their Mercenary Ministers made use of to winde and turn the mindes of the people the best way to promote their cause and Rebellion They seise Montrose on the suddain with Napier Lord of Marcheston and Sir Sterling Keer his kinsmen and friends into the Castle of Edenburgh The peace concluded and the King come into Scotland called a Parliament gives them their hearts desire but could not procure Montrosses tryal nor release till after the Kings departure towards the end of the year and Montrose retires to his own house The next year 1642. the Covenanters unmask on all sides the English raise Armes for a civil war the Scots are caressed who raise forces also to assist the Parliament of England and labour all possible means to win upon Montrose and offer him to be Lord General of their Army He holds off and privately with the Lord Ogleby comes with two Troops of Horse to the Queen newly landed out of Holland at Burlington in Yorkshire and discovering to her all the former passages and the danger of the King and that there was no other way of remedy but to resist force with force and to oppose their entrance into this evil But Hamilton now returnes out of Scotland sent thither by the King to appease the Scots with whom he traiterously combines and purposely comes to the Queen to de●●oy Montrose his Counsels as rash and unadvised offering himself to pacifie the Scots and so returns home and Hamilton seems there active for the King as his chief Commissioner The Scotish Covenanters of themselves summon a
negotiate the introducing by His Uncle the King of Denmark a foreign power to settle His affairs and under that pretext have given large Commission and particular instructions to the Fleet to visit search and intercept all such Danish ships as they should meet and to fight with sink or destroy all such as should resist them not permitting the same or to take and detain them having any arms or ammunition on board according to which they have searched visited and detained divers to the great prejudice and interruption of the Norway trade driven commonly in this Kingdom in their own Bottoms And that they did prepare force against others whom they permitted not to water nor any other accommodation being bound for the West-Indies and put in by stresse of weather in the West of England That in pursuance of their great design of extirpating the Royal blood and Monarchy of England they have endeavoured likewise to lay a great blemish upon His Royal Family endeavouring to illegitimate all derived from His Sister at once to cut off the interests and pretensions of the whole Race which their most detestable and scandalous design they have pursued examining witnesses and conferring circumstances and times to colour their pretensions in so great a fault and which as his sacred Majesty of England in the true sense of honour of his Mother doth abhor and will punish so he expects his concurrence in vindicating a Sister of so happy memory and by whom so near an union and continued League of amity hath been produced between the Families and Kingdoms That the particulars in which His Majesty doth desire his assistance are in the loan and raising of Men Money Arms and Ships all or such of them as may consist best with the conveniences of his own affairs and of such iu the first place as may be most requisite and are wanting to his Majesty That to set His levies on foot and to put him in a posture to protect his Subjects in all places that adhere to him and receive their contribution a hundred thousand pounds will be necessary for him which his Majesty desires by way of loan And for the restitution of it besides his Kingly word and solemn engagement upon this treaty he is contented of such his Crown Iewels as are in his disposure to leave His Royal pledge if it shall be desired The particulars of arms that he desires are six thousand Musquets fifteen hundred Horse-arms and twenty pieces of Artillery mounted Assistance of men he desires only in H●rsmen and to know in what time th●y may be ready and how many That the Holy Island or Newcastle are designed for the landing of the said Horse and Magazin of the said provisions for reception likewise and protection of such his ships as he shall think fit to imploy for the countenance and security of those his Subjects that shall trade upon these Costs and for ascertaining the correspondency and intelligence between the two Kingdoms in which the number is left to be proportioned as may best sort and agree with his own affairs And for which the Holy Island is conceived one of the aptest Harbours in all his Majesties Dominions being capable of any ships whatsoever in a very great proportion an excellent rode at the entrance a ready out-let and a strong Fort under his Majesties command That in lieu of this assistance contributed by the King of Denmark his Majesty will oblige himself and ratifie in expresse Articles to restore into the Magazins of Denmark a like proportion of Arms and amunition to repay and defray the charges of the money le●t and levies of Horse and as soon as his affairs shall be setled and himself in a condition to do it upon all occasions to contribute the assistance of his Fleet in maintaining his Right and title to the Customs of the Sound against all persons whatsoever and to ratifie the Treaty th●● was last made by Sir Thomas Roe to enter into a League offensive and defensive against intestine Rebellions In pursuance of which Treaty while the Negotiations and Articles may be severally perfected his Majesty doth expect this first Supply of Moneys and Arms present affairs not admitting a Delay in the same That in case the King of Denmark will lend Money upon Iewels there is in Holland a great Collar of Rubies and another of Rubies and Rearl that may be sent to him or delivered to his Agent here who may have order to pay the Money here or any other Iewels That there have been in Discourses several Propositions of Accommodation made by them to the King to which the King hath at all times made more Advances on his part than in reason could have been expected from him and the Difficulties have still risen on theirs And that whereas his Majesty doth understand that a person is addressed to the King of Denmark from his Parliament to insin●ate misunderstandings abroad with his Majestie 's Allies as they have done at home among his People his Majesty expects that he be neither received nor permitted to remain within his Dominions to become an Intelligencer and Spy upon the Treaty and Negotiations between their Majesties but that he be dismist and sent away so soon as ever he shall arrive These Instructions intend to state the affairs between the King and his Parliament which how truly rendered the History before doth express in particular The Parliament observe from hence that the King solicites Denmark making not onely Papists the Parliaments Enemies for Religions sake but all Princes though Protestants for Monarchies sake rather than fail of aid from thence And concerning the Rumour of his Mothers Queen Ann's chastity it is most true they did therein examine Witnesses upon Interrogatories most abusive base even to an Impossibility which yet was rumoured whispering to the great dishonour if possible of the memory of that virtuous noble Lady whom all Historians crown with glory and honourable Fame and which scandal I have not hitherto touched in this History nor would till now I finde his Majesty so sensible thereof that he signifies so much in private to the King of Denmark her Brother But the Parliament publish it in print to the World with their Paraphrase not to palliate the Injury but to increase the Scandal Sir William Waller had lain long at London for compleating his new Levies into a pretty Army and now he marches Commander in chief and as it was gotten without the Gen. Essex his good will so is he left at liberty without dependence on his direction And when he set forth from London his Expedition was accompanied with Fasting and Prayers and five several Sermons in one Church one day evermore recommending him The Servant of the State now going out to fight the Lords Battles against the Enemies of God And lest he should want Pay the Citizens will pinch their Bellies for the Parliament had put them by Ordinance to afford him one Meal a VVeek
indignitie of his carriage to do or say any thing unbeseeming my self or unsutable to that temper which in greatest injuries I think best becom's a Christian as coming nearest to the great example of Christ. And indeed I desire alwaies more to remember I am a Christian then a King for what the Majestie of one may justly abhor the charitie of the other is willing to bear what the height of a King tempteth to revenge the humility of a Christian teacheth to forgive Keeping in compasse all those impotent passions whose excess injure's a man more then his greatest enemies can for these give their malice a full impression on our soules which otherwaies cannot reach very far nor do us much hurt I cannot but observe how God not long after so pleaded and avenged my cause in the eye of the world that the most wilfully blinde cannot avoid the displeasure to see it and with some remorse and fear to own it as a notable stroak and prediction of Divine vengeance First Sir John Hotham unreproached unthreatned uncursed by any language or secret imprecation of mine only blasted with the conscience of his own wickedness and falling from one inconstancie to another not long after paie's his own and his eldest Son 's heads as forfeitures of their disloialtie to those men from whom surely he might have expected an other reward then thus to divide their head● from their bodies whose hearts with them were divided from their King Nor is it strange that they who imploied them at first in so high a service and so successful to them should not finde mercie enough to forgive him who had so much permerited of them For Apostacie unto Loialtie some men account the most unpardonable sin Nor did a solitarie vengeance serve the turn the cutting off one head in a Family is not enought to expiate the affront don to the Head of the Common-weal The eldest Son must be involved in the punishment as he was infected with the sin of the Father against the Father of his Countrie Root and Branch God cut 's off in one day These observations are obvious to every fancie God knows I was so far from rejoicing in Hotham's ruin though it were such as was able to give the greatest thirst for revenge a full draught being executed by them who first imploied him against me that I so far pitied him as I thought he at first acted more against the light of his Conscience then I hope other men do in the same cause For he was never thought to be of that superstitious sowerness which some men pretend to in matters of Religion which so darkens their judgment that they cannot see any thing of Sin and Rebellion in those means they use with intents to reform to their Models what they call Religion who think all is gold of pietie which doth but glister with a shew of zeal and ferveney Sir John Hotham was I think a man of another temp erand so most liable to those down-right temtations of ambition which have no cloak or cheat of Religion to impose upon themselves or others That which makes me more pitty him is that after he began to have some inclinations towards a repentance for his sin and reparation of his duty to me he should be so unhappie as to fall into the hands of their Iustice and not my mercy who could as willingly have forgiven him as he could have asked that favour of me For I think Clemency a debt which we ought to pay to those that crave it when we have cause to believe they would not after abuse it since God himself suffers us not to pay any thing for his mercy but only praiers and praises Poor Gentleman he is now becom a notable monument of unprosperous Dislloyalty teaching the world by so sad and unfortunate a spectacle that the rude carriage of a Subject towards his Soveraign carries alwaies its own vengeance as an unseparable shadow with it and those oft prove the most fatal and implacable Executioners of it who were the first Imployers in the service After-times will dispute it whether Hotham were more infamous at H●ll or at Tower-Hill though 't is certain that no punishment so stains a mans Honour as wilful perpetrations of unworthy actions which besides the conscience of the sin brands with most indelible characters of infamy the name and memory to posterity who not engaged in the Factions of the times have the most impartial reflections on the actions The squeamish stomachs of the Scotish Army could not brook the Orders and ceremonies of the Church of England in and about their Quarters at Newcastle and therefore they write to the Committee of both Kingdoms at Westminster of the disorders of the Church in several parts of this Kingdom and desire a settlement of Religion in the Worship of God and government of the Church Which no sooner conceived but instantly the Parliament confer and concur that the Assembly of Divines should speedly bring in such particulars as they had digested for finishing a government of the Church to be approved by the Houses November 4. the Scots Letters was seconded the same day with a Petition subscribed by thousands of hands the easy and old way of signing Iohn a Nokes and Iohn a Stiles to make up a confused number confirming the Scots desires and that such as do refuse the Covenant might be punished If a due and orderly course had been herein they might have punished many Members that made this Law who never took that Covenant The Assembly were ready and by the 12. day resolved upon the Presbyterial way but being now in hot sent divers Divines dissented and spent much time in the debate of the House And by the 22. of November they had finished so far as concerning Prayer reading of Chapters Preaching and Baptisme but as to the Sacrament of the Lords Supper it was committed and soon resolved all may receive but the prophane and ignorant How rightly to discern such is that which puzled the chair-Man Then the Parliament vote the Abolishing of the Book of Common Prayers and as earnest the same day for passing an Ordinance against the Arch Bishop of Canterbury so that he and the Book were Martyred together Hereupon the King concludeth It is no news sayes He to have all Innovations ushered in with the name of Reformation in Church and State by those who seeking to gain reputation with the Vulgar for their extraordinary parts and piety must needs undo what ever was formerly setled never so well and wisely So hardly can the Pride of those that s●udie Novelties allow former times any share or degree of wisdom or godlinesse And because matter of Praier and Devotion to God justly bears a great part in Religion being the Souls more immediate converse with the Divine Majestie nothing could be more plausible to the People then to tell them They served God amiss in that point Hence our publick Liturgie or
Father and Son Vaughan Windebank Greenvile Hide Morley Cole Riddell Ware Strongways Culpeper Floyd Esquires Endimion Porter Henry Jermin Jo. Bodevile David Jenkins Sir George Strode Sir Alexander Carew With twice so many Earls Lords Bishops Knights and Gentlemen of Scotland All Papists that have are or shall be in Arms against either Parliaments or of the Rebellion in Ireland Then are excepted all those of the then Parliament of Oxford and all such of Scotland that have assisted the King there All such as have deserted either Parliaments of both Kingdoms The Estates of such unpardonable to pay publick Debts The tenth part of all other Delinquents within the joint Declaration Then follows other Acts which the Parliaments shall mannage For arming the Kingdoms setling the Admiralties to name Commissioners That all Honours and Titles given since the great Seal went to the King viz. May 21. 1642. or hereafter to be made shall be null Not to vote in Parliaments and so for Scotland since June 4. 1644. The Governours of Ireland and the great Officers of both Kingdoms be nominated by the Parliaments of both Kingdoms The like for Scotland The Kings Children to be governed and married The Prince Elector to be restored Peace and War 〈◊〉 of Oblivion Armies disbanded All these as the Parliaments of both Kingdoms shall order Thus much in general Now for the City of London Acts for them Their Charters Customs Liberties to be confirmed notwithstanding any Non-user Mis-user or Abuser The Militia of London and the Liberties The Tower of London to be in the Mayor and Common-Council The Citizens not to be drawn out of London to any service The Acts of the Mayor and Common Council heretofore and hereafter to confirm as if by Act of Parliaments And these being granted they will endeavour that the King shall live in splendour c. 'T is true that all the Kings party were impatient for Peace which obliged the King to shew his real Intentions being assured that if he could come to a fair Treaty the chief of the Parliaments party could not hinder the Peace first because themselves are weary of the War and next because of their Distractions Presbyterians against Independents in Religion and General against General in point of Command Upon these grounds the most probable means for the King to procure a Treaty was to be used and the noise was therefore published of the Kings return to London the best Rhetorick to please the Popular that thereupon a Treaty would be procured or if refused it would bring most prejudice to the Parliament and advantage to the King for although he offered fair Propositions yet they were mixed with such Conditions as might not easily be admitted and so the Kings offer did but amaze the people into a milder opinion of his proceedings These Propositions for the present were neglected as unlimited yet the King imagined that in a Treaty Commissioners might Argue them into Reason and so returns the Messengers that he will send to the Houses which he did forthwith by this Letter CHARLES REX The Propositions presented to his Majesty being very long which contain matters in themselves of g●●at weight and importance as being in great part in alteration of the frame of Government both in Church and State And the Messengers who presented them declaring that they have no power to treat or consent to any alteration it cannot be expected that his Majesty shall return a Present Particular and Positive Answer But as he hath from his soul alwaies desired the setling of 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 peace in this distracted Kingdom for that purpose hath from time to time tendred all possible Overtures in hope that all will work upon the hearts of all persons concerned That even this apprehension such as it is upon further thought and consideration may produce some good effect towards it to which his Majestie calls God to witness therein shall nothing be wanting on his part which is agreeable to Iustice Honour and Conscience and there shall all possible expedition be used in preparing his Majesties Answer yet ●e intends speedily to send by Messengers of his own and to that purpose that there may be no losse of time He desires safe conduct be speedily for the Duke of Richmond and the Earl of Southampton with their attendance to bring up his Majesties said Answer And his Majesty doth heartily wish that God may so deal with him and his as he endeavours all just and lawful waies to restore this poor Kingdom to a lasting and happy peace G. Digby Secretary Oxford 27. Novem. 1644. The Parliament excepts against this Letter as directed to No body the Parliament not so much as named therein And it was remembred that the Lord Digby by his Letters told them long since That the Foundation upon which the King did build all his designs was never to acknowledge this a Parliament and that if he receded from that Maxim the King would undoe himself and all those that have appeared for him Yet after long debate it was resolved that their General Essex do forthwith return a Letter to Prince Rupert who in the absence of the Lord Brainford appears the Kings Lieutenant General That if his Majesty shall send to the Parliament of England Assembled at Westmin and to the Commissioners of the Parliament of the Kingdom of Scotland they will with all readiness grant a safe conduct for the Duke of Richmond and the Earl of Southampton and treat with them according to his Majesties desire Which was so acknowledged by Prince Rupert in his Majesties Name and directed to the Earl of Essex and so they were received into Somerset House with this Order That no Member visit or speak or send any Message to either of them during their stay here And had audience of a Committee of twenty four Lords and twenty eight Commons and the Scotish Comissioners in the Painted Chamber which was in effect only That the King designed a Treaty and time speedily to be fixed and to be certified by those Messengers but they had Answer of both Houses that they would hasten and so required them to return back Upon the rumour of this intended Treaty and hereafter of a peace the King was assured that the Parliaments chief Articles would be to continue the Irish Wars Indeed this Article of Ireland was a tender point and the King resolved not only not to break the Cessation but to make peace with the Rebels to which end he had promised the Queen in France of some favours to the Catholicks of Ireland And expressely a little before the Treaty he writes to the Marquesse of Ormond That he is sorry to finde the sad condition of his particular fortune for which saies he I cannot finde so good and speedy remedy as the peace of Ireland and to redresse most necessary affairs here Wherefore I command you to dispatch it out of hand with this Addition to my former dispatch And for Poinings Act I
refer you to my other Letter and for matter of Religion I doe hereby promise them and command you to see it done that the Penal Statutes against Roman Catholicks shall not be put in execution the Peace being made and they remaining in their due obedience and further that when the Irish gives me that assistance which they have promised for this suppression of this Rebellion and I shall be restored to my Rights then I will consent to the Repeal of them by a Law but all those against Appeals to Rome and Premunire must●●and This being in Cipher he is commanded to impart to none but to Brown the Lord Muskery and Plunket and that with injunction of strict secresie and concludes his Letter again for his speedy dispatch of the Peace of Ireland and his necessary supply fromthence 15. Decemb. 1644. Oxford Then so soon as the Treaty was on foot the King writes again to Ormond Upon the great Rumours and expectations now of Peace I think it necessary to tell you That the Rebels here have agreed to Treat and most assuredly one of the first and chiefest Articles they will insist on will be to continue the Irish War Which is a point not popular for me to treat on of which you are to make a double use First to hasten with all possible diligence the Peace there the timely conclusion of which will take off that inconvenience which otherwise I may be subject unto by the refusal of that Article upon any other reason Secondly by dexterous conveying to the Irish the danger that may be of their total and perpetual exclusion from these Favours I intend them in case the Rebels here clap up a Peace with Me upon reasonable terms and only exclude them which possibly were not counselable for me to refuse if the Irish Peace should be the only difference betwixt us before it were perfected there These I hope are sufficient Grounds for you to perswade the Irish to dispach a Peace upon reasonable terms assuring them that when you have once fully engaged my Word in the conclusion of a Peace all the earth shall not make me break it But not doubting of a Peace I must again remember you to presse the Irish for their speedy assistance to me here and their friends in Scotland My intentions being to draw from then●e into Wales the peace being once concluded as many as I can of my Armed Protestant Subjects and desire that the Irish would send as great a Body as they can to land about Cumberland which will put these Northern Counties in a brave condition Provide all the Shiping you may as well Dunkirk as Irish Bottoms and remember that after March it will be difficult to transport into England the Rebels being Masters of the Seas 7. Jan. Oxford But the Treaty assigned at Uxbridge and the day neer at hand the thirtieth of Ianuary the King gives these Memorials to Secretary Nicholas First For Religion and Church Government the King will not goe one jot further then is by you offered already Secondly And so for the Militia more then what you have allowed by me but even in that you must observe that I must have free Nomination of the full half as if the total number Scots and all be thirty I will name fifteen Yet if the Parliame●● will be so unworthy as to admit of ten Scots to twenty English I am contented to name five Scots and ten English and so proportional to any number As for gaining of particular persons besides security promise them rewards for performed Services not sparing to ingage for Places so they be not of great Trust not to dispossesse honest men but as much profit as you will with this last you are only to acquaint Richmond Southampton Culpepper and Hide And the King gives directions to his Commissioners in writing thus First concerning Religion In this the Government of the Church as I suppose will be the chief Question wherein these two things are to be considered Conscience and Policy in the first I cannot yield to the change of the Government of Bishops not only as I concur with the most general opinion of Christians in all Ages as being the best but likewise I hold my self particularly bound by the Oath I took at my Coronation not to alter the Government of the Church from what I found it And as for the Churches Patrimony I cannot suffer any diminution or alienation of it it being without peradventure Sacrilege and likewise contrary to the former Oath But whatsoever shall be offered for rectifying of abuses if any hath crept in or yet for the ease of tender Consciences so that it endammage not the Foundation I am content to hear and will be ready to give a Gracious Answer For the second Policy as the Kings duty is to protect the Church so it is the Churches to assist the King in the maintenance of his just Authority wherefore my Predecess●●s have been alwaies careful especially since the Reformation to keep the dependency of the Clergy intirely upon the Crown without which it will scarcely sit fast upon the Kings Head Therefore doe nothing to change or lessen this necessary dependence Concerning the Militia After Conscience this is certainly the fittest Subject for a Kings quarrel for without it the Kings Power is but a shadow and therefore upon no means to be quitted but to be maintained according to the Ancient Lawes of the Land Yet because to attain to this so much wished Peace by all good men It is in a manner necessary that sufficient and real security be given for performance of Agreement I permit you therefore either by leaving strong Towns or other Military Forces into their possession until Articles be performed to give such assurance for performance of Conditions as you shall judge necessary for to conclude a peace Provided alwaies that you take at least as great care by sufficient security that Conditions be performed to me And to make sure that the Peace once setled all things shall return into their Ancient Channels For Ireland I confess they have very specious popular Arguments to presse this Point the gaining no Article more conducing to their ends then this And I have as much reason both in Honour and Policy to take care how to answer this as any All the world knows the eminent inevitable necessity which caused me to make the Irish Cessation and there remain yet as strong Reasons for the concluding of that Peace wherefore you must consent to nothing to hinder me therein until a clear way be shown to me how my Protestant Subjects there may probably at least defend themselves and that I shall have no more need to defend my Conscience and Crown from the Injuries of this Rebellion The Protestation consented unto and taken by his Majesties Commissioners appointed to Treat I A. B. One of the Commissioners assigned by his Majesty for this present Treaty at Uxbridge doe protest and promise
Common-man but sets him out even in what he saies with Eminent Vertues Piety to God Fidelity to his Sovereign a publique Soul towards the Church and State Constancie to his Friend and so little biassed by private interests that this age we may assure affords not many equals He was threatned for his life in March 1619. the Prologue to other Libels and Scandals year by year to Anno 1640. though the Scot● Remonstrance of their Invasion heretofore resolved then to ruine him And in the beginning of the long Parliament 1640. about December He was named for an Incendiary by the Scots Commissioners and accused of Treason by the House of Commons and ten weeks Prisoner to the Black Rod and after his Charge committed to the Tower March 1. And so from that time he endured there almost four years to his death In the mean time he is denied of his Servants 1641. and close Prisoner presently after Then they divest him and sequester his Rents 1642. Seize his Goods Books and Papers 1643. and as yet the Man unmoved For he besought God as Mr. Pryn confesseth to give him full patience and proportionable comfort and contentment with whatsoever he should send And himself hath said to his Friends that he thanked God that he never found more content in his greatest Liberty then in this time of his restraint It had been put to the Question in the Parliament to ship him over for New England there to expose him to the scorne of great Professors He had been often summoned before the Lords and as often appeared monethly for some years weekly for many moneths and daily remitted to farther Attendance upon the least pretence of ordinary businesse and so was thereby exposed to the common view and scorne of the Rabble sort of people a way they had to work down excellent Spirits if possible by ignominious experiments and trials But he was fixed to the end Indeed he was a perfect School-man a quick and ready Disputant and certainly he was not to learn that Maxim of Drexelius who wonders that any man a Logician should be troubled with afflictions For the Axiome in Logick is That Accident is such a thing that adest abest sine interruptione subjecti and argues it into a Syllogisme Tu homo es subjectum Et quicquid accedere potest est nisi accidens sed afflictiones sunt nisi accidens Ergo whether they doe adesse or abesse they should be sine interruptione subjecti At the Scots second Invasion Anno 1643. his Arraignment was revived 17. Ianuary and Mr. Pryn appointed to prosecute the Charge and therefore He who had been charged heretofore and a long time it was ere they could finde that he deserved either Death of Bonds until Serjeant Wilde found out his offences That he was guilty of so many and notorious Treasons so evidently destructive to the Common-wealth that he marvelled the people did not tear him in pieces as he passed between his Boat and the Parliament Had the rabble done so it would happily have excused the other in their way afterwards alike to him who was by them made guilty in the House of Commons 20. Novem. 1643. and the 17. Decem. 1644. guilty of high Treason as to the matter of Fact upon three Heads of his Charge His endeavouring the subversion of the Lawes subversion of Religion and the overthow of the Priviledges of Parliament And the fourth of Ianuary they passed their Ordinance of Parliament by both Houses to be drawn hanged and quartered on Friday the tenth of Ianuary the first man that ever suffered death by Order of Parliament On Tuesday before he petitions the Lords to have his Chaplain Doctor Sterne that worthy Divine admitted to administer with him to alter the manner of his Execution and to be beheaded To which their Lordships willingly consented and commended it to the Commons but they would not Only in care of his soul they would adjoyn Mr. Marshall as more sufficient then the Doctor and the Arch-Bishop refused him The Lords were angry to be thus denied and had much adoe to get their consent of beheading He had been a Confessor and must think it a release of misery to be made a Martyr and to be executed six dayes after That time he spent in Meditation and Prayers but the night before the Dismal day he refreshed his Spirits with a moderate Supper slept soundly till morning then at Prayer till Pennington and his Officers conducted him to the Scaffold on Tower-hill mounting that Throne whereon he was to receive the Crown of Martyrdom Then he spake to those about him Good People THis is an uncomfortable time to Preach yet I shall begin with a Text of Scripture Heb. 12. 2. Let us runne with Patience that race which is set before us looking unto JESUS the Authour and Finisher of our Faith who for the Joy that was set before him endured the Crosse despising the shame and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God I have been long in my Race and how I have looked to JESUS the Author and Finisher of my Faith He best knowes I am now come to the end of my Race and here I finde the Crosse a death of shame but the shame must be despised or no coming to the right hand of God JESUS despised the shame for me and God forbid but I should despise the shame for Him I am going apace you see toward the Red-sea and my feet are now upon the very brink of it an Argument I hope that God is bringing me to the Land of Promise for that was the way through which he led his People But before they came to it He instituted a Passeover for them a Lamb it was it must be eaten with sower Herbs I shall obey and labour to digest the sower Herbs as well as the Lamb For I shall remember it is the Lords Passeover I shall not think of the Herbs nor be angry with the hand that gathereth them but look up only to Him which instituted that and governes these for men can have no more power over me then what is given them from above I am not in love with this passage through the Red-sea for I have the weaknesse and infirmities of flesh and blood in me And I have prayed as my Saviour taught me ut transiret Calix iste that this Cup of Red-wine might passe from me But if not Gods will not mine be done and I shall most willingly drink of this Cup as deep as He pleases and enter into this Sea yea and pass through it in the way that he shall lead me But I would have it remembred good people that when Gods Servants were in this boysterous Sea and Aaron among them the Egyptians which persecuted them and in a manner drove them into the Sea were drowned in the same waters while they were in pursuit of them I know my God whom I serve is as able to deliver me from
the Sea of blood as he was to deliver the three Children from the Furnace and I most humbly thank my Saviour for it my Resolution is now as theirs was then They would not worship the Image the King had set up nor I the Imaginations which the people are setting up I will not forsake the Temple and truth of God to follow the bleating of Jeroboams Calf in Dan or in Bethel As for this People they are at this day miserably mis-led God of his mercy open their eyes that they may see the right way for now the Blinde do lead the Blind● and if they go on both will certainly fall into the ditch For my self I am and I acknowledg it in all humility a most grievous sinner many wayes by thought word and deed and I cannot doubt but God hath mercy in store for me a poor penitent as well as for other sinners I have now upon this sad occasion ransacked every corner of my Heart and yet I thank God I have not found among the many any one sin which deserves death by any known Law of this Kingdom And yet hereby I charge nothing upon my Iudges for if they proceed upon proof by valuable witnesses I or any other Innocent may be justly condemned but I thank God though the weight of the sentence lyes heavy upon me I am as quiet within as ever I was in my life And though I am not only the first Arch-bishop but the first man that ever died by an Ordinance of Parliament yet some of my Predecessors have gone this way though not by this meanes For Elphegus was burried away and lost his head by the Danes Symon Sudbury was beheaded in the fury of Wat Tyler and his fellows and long before these St. John Baptist had his head danced off by a lewd woman And St. Cyprian Arch-bishop of Carthage submitted his head to the persecuting sword Many examples great and good and they teach me patience for I hope my Cause in heaven will look of an other dye then the colour which is put upon it here And some comfort it is to me not only that I go the way of these great men in their several generations but also that my Charge as foul as it is made looks like that of the Jewes against St. Paul Acts 25. For he was accused for the Law and the Temple that is the Law and Religion And like that of St. Stephen Acts 6. for breaking the Ordinances which Moses gave that is Law and Religion the holy place and the Law verse 13. But you 'l say do I compare my self with the integrity of St Paul and St. Stephen No far be it from me I only raise a Comfort to my self that these great Saints and Servants of God were laid at in their several times as I am now And it is memorable that St. Paul who helped on the Accusation against St. Stephen did after fall under the very same Accusation himself Yea but here 's a great Clamour that I would have brought in Popery I shall answer that more fully by and by In the mean time you know what the Pharisees said against Christ himself If we let him alone all men w●ll believe in him Et venient Romani and the Romans will come and take away both our place and Nation Here was a Causelesse Cry against Christ that the Romans would come And see how just the judgment of God was they Crucified Christ for f●ar the Romans should come and his death was it which brought in the Romans upon them God punishing them with that they most feared and I pray God that this Clamour of Venient Romani of which I have given no cause help not to bring them in for the Pope never had such a Harvest in England since the Reformation as he hath now upon the Sects and Divisions that are amongst us In the mean time by Honour and dishonour by good report and evil report as a deceiver and yet true am I passing through this world 2 Cor. 6. 8. Some other particulars I think not amisse to speak of And first for His Sacred Majesty the King our gracious Soveraigne He also hath been much traduced for bringing in of Popery but on my Conscience of which I shall give God a very present accompt I know him to be as free from this Charge as any man living and I hold him to be as sound a Protestant according to the Religion by Law established as any man in this Kingdom And that He will venture His Life as far and as freely for it and I think I do or should know both His affection to Religion and His grounds for it as fully as any man in England The second particular is concerning this great and Populous City which God bless Here hath been of late a fashion taken up to gather hands and then go to the great Court the Parliament and clamour for Iustice as if that great and wise Court before whom the Causes come which are unknown to the many could not or would not do Iustice but at their appointment A way which may endanger many an Innocent man and pluck his blood upon their own heades and perhaps upon this City also and this hath been lately practised against my self the Magistrates standing still and suffering them openly to proceed from Parish to Parish without Check God forgive the abetters of this with all my heart I beg it but many well meaning people are caught by it In St. Stephen's case when nothing else could serve they stirred up the people against him and when Herod had killed St. James he would not venture on St. Peter till he found how the other pleased the people But beware you that cry so much for Justice lest when you cry for your selves you have nothing but Justice take heed take heed of having your hands full of blood for there is a time best known to Himself when God above other sins makes inquisition for blood and when that inquisition is on foot he Psalmist tels us That God remembers that 's not all He Remembers and forgets not the complaint of the poor that is him whose blood is shed by oppression verse 9. take heed of this It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God but then especially when he is making inquisition for blood And with my praiers to avert it I do heartily desire this City to remember the prophesie that is expressed Jer. 26. 15. The third Particular is the poor Church of England It hath flourishe● and been a shelter to other neighbouring Churches when storms have driven ●pon them But alas now 't is in a storm it self and God only knowes whether or how it shall get out and which is worse then a storm from without it 's become like an Oa● cleft to shivers with wedges made out of its own body and at every cleft Prophaness and Irreligion are entering in while as
Prosper speakes in his second Book De vitae contemptu cap. 4. Men that introduce prophanesse are cloaked with the name of Imaginary Religion for we have left the Substance and dwell too much in Opinion and that Church which all the Iesuits could not ruine is fallen into danger by her own The last particular for I am not willing to be long is my self I was born and Baptized in the Bosome of the Church of England established by Law in that profession I have ever since lived and in that I come now to dye what Clamours and Slanders I have endured for labouring to keep a Conformity in the external service of God according to the doctrine and Discipline of the Church all men know and I have abundantly felt Now at last I am accused of High Treason in Parliament a Crime which my soul ever abhorred this Treason was charged to consist of two parts An endeavour to subvert the Lawes of the Land and a like endeavour to overthrow the true Protestant Religion established by Law Besides my answers which I gave to the several Charges I protested my innocencie in both Houses It was said Prisoner's protestations at the Bar must not be taken I can bring no other witnesse of my heart and the intentions thereof I must therefore come now to it upon my death being instantly to give God an account for the truth of it I do therefore here in the presence of God and his holy Angels take it upon my death that I never endeavoured the subversion either of Law or Religion and I desire that you would all remember this Protestation of mine for my innocency in these and from all Treasons whatsoever whereof I would not for all the World be so guiltie as some are I have been accused likewise as an enemie to Parliaments No I understand them and the benefit that comes by them too well to be so But I did dislike the misgovernment of some Parliaments many waies and I had good reasons for it Corruptio optimi est pessima and that being the highest Court over which no other hath jurisdiction when That is misinformed or misgoverned the Subject is left without all remedy But I have done I forgive all the World and everie of those bitter Enemies which have persecuted me and humblie desire to be forgiven of God first and then of every man and so I heartilie desire you to joyn in prayer with me O Eternal God and Merciful Father look down upon me in mercy in the Riches and fulnesse of thy mercies look down upon me but not until thou hast nailed my sins to the Crosse of Christ not till thou hast bathed me in the Blood of Christ not till I have hid my self in the wounds of Christ that so the punishment due unto my sins may p●sse ove me And since thou art pleased to try me to the uttermost I humbly beseech thee to give me now in this great instant full Patience Proportionable Comfort and a heart ready to dy for thy Honour the Kings happinesse and this Churches preservation My Zeal to these far from Arrogancy be it spoken is all the sin humane frailty excepted and all incidents thereunto which is yet known to me in this particular for which I now come to suffer I say in this particular of Treason but otherwise my sins are many and great Lord pardon them all and those especially whatsoever they are which have drawn down this present Judgment upon me and when thou hast given me strength to bear it do with me as seems best in thine own eyes Amen And that there may be a stop of this Issue of Blood in this more then miserable Kingdom O Lord I beseech thee give grace of Repentance to all Blood-thirsty people but if they will not repent O Lord confound all their devices Defeat and Frustrate all their Designs and endeavours which are or shall be contrary to the Glory of thy great Name the truth and sincerity of Religion the establishment of the King and His Posterity after Him in their Just Rights and Priviledges the Honour and Conservation of Parliaments in their Just power the preservation of this poor Church in its Truth Peace and Patrimony and the settlement of this distracted and distressed people under their ancient Lawes and in their native Liberties And when thou hast done all this in meere mercy for them O Lord fill their hearts with thankfulnesse and Religious Dutiful obedience to thee and thy Commandements all their dayes So Amen Lord Jesus Amen and receive my Soul into thy Bosome Amen Our Father which art in Heaven c. This Speech and Prayer ended he gave the Paper written as he spake it desiring Doctor Sterne to shew it to his other Chaplains that they might know how he departed and so prayed God to shew his mercies and blessings on them all Then he applyed himself to the Fatal Block as to the Haven of his Rest but finding the people pressing upon the Scaffold he desired that he might have room to dye beseeching them to let him have an end of his miseries which he had endured very long Being now neer the Block he put off his Dublet and used words to this effect Gods will be done I am willing to go out of this world no man can be more willing to send me out of it And spying through the chinks of the Boards that some people were got under the Scaffold and the place of the Block he called to the Officers for some dust to stop them or to remove the people thence saying It was no part of his desires that his bloud shall fall upon the heads of the people When he was somewhat interrupted by one Sir Iohn Clotworthy who would needs try what he could doe with his Spunge and Vineger and stepping neer the Block asked him not to learn by him but to tempt him what was the comfortablest saying which a dying man could have in his mouth To which he mildly answered Cupio dissolvi esse cum Christo. Being asked again what was the fittest speech a man could use to expresse his confidence and assurance He answered meekly That such assurance was to be found within and that no words were able to expresse it rightly which when it would not satisfie the impertinent man unlesse he gave some place of Scripture whereupon such assurance might be truly founded He replyed to this effect That it was the word of God concerning Christ and his dying for us And so without expecting further questions he turned to the Executioner and gave him money saying here honest friend God forgive thee doe thy Office upon me with mercy and having given a sign when the blow should come he kneeled down upon his knees and prayed Lord I am coming as fast as I can I know I must passe through the shadow of death before I can come to see thee But it is but Umbra mortis a m●er shadow of death a
urged But they have found a Letter of his Majesties to the Queen which shewes that the Eminent places of the Kingdom are disposed of by her advice and then conclude from her Religion that they are by consequence disposed of by Papists and Jesuits and that the persons there Named even during the sitting of Parliament are either all impeached by them or bear Armes against them To this his Majesty replies First that he cannot but deplore the condition of the Kingdom when Letters of all sorts to Husbands and Wives even of his Majesty to his Royal Consort are intercepted and brought in evidence and published to the world Secondly that the places there named are not places as they call it of the Kingdom but private menial places a Treasurer of the Houshold a Captain of the Pensioners and a Gentleman of the Bed-chamber c. Nor of the persons there named is there any one a Papist or like one That in these his most private Letters to the persons nearest him wherein he cannot be justly suspected to say any thing out of Design or Policy His own clear perswasion that the Parliament and not he have been the cause and are the fosterers of this War and Universal distraction and his sence of it and his desire of the end of it are so plainly expressed that they will by this accident be much satisfied with his Innocency and reality and believe that the reading this in such a Letter is the very next degree to reading it in his Heart But their successes increase Leicester is rendered upon Articles and thus the Manner Sir Iohn Gell for the Parliament whilst the Armies were fighting had summoned all the forces of those Counties of Darby and Notingham and two dayes after the Battel they met with some of the Kings scattered Horse and took fifty Another of his party fell upon threescore of the Newarkers Horse did so by them and carried away fourty Prisoners and fifty Arms. And forthwith they joyn with Fairfax and sit down before Leicester Instantly Summons it with the true Relation of what had befallen the King and advises the Governour the Lord Loughborow to surrender speedily to avoid the Mischief of storming But he stoutly refused professing that it were a shame for them to submit since if the state of War was so to his Majesty it might prove the rather now propitious to them however their opposers should finde their Loyalty never a whit abated by the unhappinesse of his Majesties success but to do their duty to the utmost of their power which was equal to their Spirits Fairfax finding their Confidence calls a Council of War and concludes of storming the next day and instantly to surround the Town which was done with great expedition Raising their Batteries providing Ladders and Engins for their best advantage On Tuesday 17. Iune they began their Batteries with their great shot without ceasing and together fell upon storming in several places especially the Newark side supposed their greatest strength And not over-long it was that the breach widened which strook so much terrour to the besieged that Overtures were offered of surrender The Commissioners sent in were two Colonels Pickering and Rainsborough But whilst they capitulate Fairfax provides himself of Necessaries which he wanted Pittars Carts Hay Granadoes Ladders resolving to fall on upon their return But it was concluded to surrender and thereby much blood saved upon Noble Articles And at the Thanksgiving-day in London the City feast the Parliament at Grocers Hall where was for Principal guest the Prince Elector drinking health from the fatall events of his dearest Uncle the King and when a bold and worthy Merchant true to his principles Arrested him in the Room delivering a writ of Execution to the Sheriffes of London there present to do their Office which debt of 1000. Marks was instanly secured by the Lords that were present the Citizen committed for some dayes but his mony paied him to a farthing And after their full bellie-cheer they sung the 46. Psalm being a song of Thanksgiving for deliverance of Ierusalem after Senacherib with his Army was driven away or some other such deliverance But the prisoners were now disposed the most of them more then a thousand to be listed for the Parliaments service in Ireland Oxford siege is now resolved upon by the Parliament and twenty thousand pounds advanced for the Army for that and the Relief of Taunton now again hard beset by the Kings Forces Sir Thomas Glenham a gallant person had been for some time Governour of Carlisle Garison for the King and had endured a strickt and forceable Seige but not able to do more then could be expected by starved Souldiers lessened by small numbers little Ammunition and without expectation of Succour he surrenders the eight and twentieth of Iune upon honourable Conditions and the Garison to march away to Newark so then the Parliament had the North parts clear and therefore have a Conference how mainly to keep their Northern Garisons with Berwick Carlisle and Newcastle clear from the King or any other Enemy not trusting therein to our dear Brethren the Scots who were loth to remove Southward from the Northern neighbouring Counties We are told that the King is now in person about Ragland Castle in Wales to gather Recruits from his faithfull Brittains Fairfax at Marlborough Massie at Shaftsbury and Goring keeps aloof of Taunton so that the Besieged can sally out in more safety and this Goring might do and forrage the Countrey for the Club-men were up I cannot say in Arms onely with Cudgels nor can we as yet finde for whom they intend assistance an unruly Rabble five thousand and upwards daily increasing without Order or Discipline and so insolent that they forced the Parliaments Quarters in Wilts and Dorsetshire specially at Sturmister-Neuton and killed many and seize all the Horse in the grounds near a hundred Dragoons at a clap to whom therefore Major General Massie sends a Trumpeter for Restitution of Horse and Arms in other places also or suddenly reports to reduce them to obedience These Club-men were called Levellers in respect of some Principles which we shall discuss hereafter but for the present take this Description of their pretences at first The Countreys especially Wilts and Dorsetshire and some others had been extremely harrased plundered of their Lives and Fortunes by a two-edged Sword now in power for the King then for the Parliament and between both the poor people are crushed and ground to powder and in no one place more than at this time concerning Taunton to defend themselves the Clowns and Countrey-men stood upon their guard not submitting Contribution to either and in truth so formidable they were and for the present so independing as Fairfax is in doubt to march forward to relieve Taunton untill these mens interests were calmed or their intentions fixed And to make the business more formidable the Parliament come to a
observe that your Majesty desires the engagement not only of the Parliament but of the Lord Mayor Aldermen Common Council and Militia of the City of London the Chief Commanders of Sir Fairfax's Army and those of the Scots Army which is against the Priviledges and honour of the Parliament those being joyned with them who are subject and subordinate to their Authority That which your Majesty against the freedom of the Parliaments enforces in both your Letters with many earnest expressions as if in no other way then that propounded by your Majesty the peace of the Kingdoms could be established Your Majesty may please to remember that in our last Letter we did declare that Propositions from both Kingdoms were speedily to be sent to your Majesty which we conceive to be the only way for the attaining a happy and well grounded peace and your Majesties Answer to those Propositions will be an effectual means in giving satisfaction and security to your Kingdoms will assure a firm Union between the two Kingdoms as much desired each for other as for themselves and setle Religion and secure the peace of the Kingdom of Scotland whereof neither is so much as mentioned in your Majesties Letter And in proceeding according to these just and necessary grounds for the putting an end to the bleeding Calamities of these Nations your Majesty may have the glory to be principal instument in so happy a work and we how ever mis-interpreted shall approve our selves to God and the VVorld to be real and sincere in seeking a safe and well grounded Peace January 14. But the King being earnest for their Answers sends another Messenger the 15. of Ianuary in pursuance of his former Messages of the 26. and 29. of December which met the Parliaments Trumpet with their Answer of the 13. Ianuary The Kings Message was thus Ian. 15. C. R. But that these are times wherein nothing is strange it were a thing much to be marvelled at what should cause this unparallel'd long detention of his Majesties Trumpet sent with his gracious Message of the twenty sixt of December last peace being the only subject of it and his Majesties personal Treaty the means proposed for it And it were almost as great a wonder that his Majesty should be so long from enquiring after it if the hourly expectation thereof had not in some measure satisfied his impatience But lest his Majesty by his long silence should condemn himself of carelesseness in that which so much concerns the good of all his people he thinks it high time to enquire after his said Trumpeter For since all men who pretend any goodness must desire peace and that all men know Treaties to be the best and most Christian way to procure it and there being as little question that his Majesties personal presence in it is the likelyest way to bring it to a happy issue he judges there must be some strange variety of accidents which causeth this most tedious delay wherefore his Majesty earnestly desires to have a speedy account of his former Message the Subject whereof is Peace and the means his personal presence at Westminster where the Government of the Church being setled as it was in the times of the happy and glorious Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James and full liberty for the ease of their Consciences who will not communicate in that service established by Law and likewise for the free and publick use of the Directory prescribed and by command of the two Houses of Parliament now practised in some parts of the City of London to such as shall desire to use the same and all forces being agreed to be disbanded his Majesty will then forthwith as he hath in his Message of the twenty ninth of December last already offered joyn with his two Houses of Parliament in setling some way for the payment of the Publick Debts to his Scots Subjects the City of London and others and his Majesty having proposed a fair way for the s●●ling of the Militia which now by this long delay seems not to be thought sufficient security his Majesty to shew how really he will imploy himself at his coming to Westminster for making this a lasting peace and taking away all jealousies how groundless soever will endeavour upon debate with his two Houses so to dispose of it as likewise of the business of Ireland as may give to them and both Kingdoms just satisfaction not doubting also but to give good contentment to his two Houses of Parliament in the choise of the Lord Admiral the Officers of State and others if his two Houses by their ready inclinations to peace shall give him encouragements thereunto Thus his Majesty having taken occasion by his just impatience so to explain his intentions that no man can doubt of a happy issue to this succeding Treaty If now there shall be so much as a delay of the same he calls God and the World to witness who they are that not only hinder but reject this Kingdoms future happiness it being so much the stranger that his Majesties coming to Westminster which was the first and greatest pretence for taking up Arms should be so much as delayed much lesse not accepted or refused but his Majesty hopes that God will no longer suffer the malice of wicked men to hinder the peace of this too much afflicted Kingdom Given at the Court at Oxford the 15. of Ianuary 1645. For the Speaker of the House of Peers c. And now it begins to work in the hearts of the people muttering and murmurring the true state of these transactions and the Christian pious affection of the King to peace The Parliament therefore set all their Engines to satisfie the public And after the debate of the King 's last Letter they read Letters from their Commissioners in Ireland together with some other Letters and Papers taken in the Pockets of the Arch-bishop of Trane who was slain at the overthrow of the Rebells at Sligo in Ireland discovering all the transactions between the King and them with whom the Bishop was to Treat offering Toleration of Religion themselves to choose a Governour of their own and to be intrusted with several Castles and Forts for their Caution upon condition to send in to England ten thousand Irish to assist him against his Enemies And these Papers were forthwith printed and published together with those Letters taken in the Lord Digbie's Coach at Sherburn in Yorkshire and all to amuse the people for to satisfie them thereby they could not The King hears of this and digesting it as well as he could he Plies them again with a tarter Message dated 17. Ianuary thus C. R. His Majesty thinks not fit now to Answer those aspersions which are returned as arguments for his not admittance to Westminster for a personal Treaty because it would enforce a stile not suitable to his end it being the peace of those miserable Kingdoms yet thus much he cannot but say
conjunction of the Forces under the Marquess of Montrose and such of our well affected Subjects of England as shall rise for us to procure it may be an honourable and speedy Peace with those who hitherto refused to give ear to any means tending thereunto Of which our Resolution we held it necessary to give you this Advertisement as well to satisfie you and all our Council and Loyal Subjects with you to whom we will that you communicate these our Letters yet failing in our earnest and sincere endeavours by Treaty to put an end to the miseries of these Kingdoms We esteemed our self obliged to leave no probable expedient unattempted to preserve our Crown and Friends from the usurpation and tyranny of those whose Actions declare so manifestly their desig●s to overthrow those Lawes and happy established Government of this Kingdom And now we have made known to you our resolution we recommend to your especial care the disposing and managing of our Affairs on that side as that you shall conceive most for our Honour and Service being confident the course we have taken though with some hazard of our Person will have a good influence on that our Kingdom and defer if not altogether prevent the Rebels transporting of Forces from them into that Kingdom And we desire you to satisfie all our well affected Subjects on that side of our Princely care of them whereof they shall receive the effect as soon as God shall enable us We desire you to use some means to let us and our Council at Oxford hear frequently from you and of your Actions and Condition there And so God prosper your Loyal endeavours Given at our Court at Oxon April 3. 1646. Which Letter Ormond receives the 20. of May and the next day communicates it to Montrose a great Commander of the British Forces in Ireland by this summons SIR This morning I received a dispatch from his Majesty and command therein to impart it not only to all his Councel but to all his Loyal Subjects I am confident you have so good a Title to the knowledge thereof that I have held it my part instantly to dispatch it unto you by an express I rest Yours Ormond Dublin May 21. 1646. And accordingly the King disguised got out by the discreet management of the Loyal and trusty Mr. Hudson a Clergy man and Mr. Iohn Ashburnham another of interest with the King They passed up and down as hereafter more particular to the French Agent Montril at Sowtham the 4. of May thence sent to the Scotish General Leven and was conducted to his Quarters by a Troop of Horse the Commissioners there soon after sent post to the Parliament of this news And likewise an Abstract of a Letter of the fourth of May discovering what was writ by the King to the Queen in France concerning his coming from Oxford and an agreement in the design she wot on Upon which Letter read in the House the Commons doe Order That the Commissioners and the General of the Scotish Army be desired that his Majesties person be disposed off as both Houses shall desire and direct And that he be thence disposed of and sent to Warwick Castle And that Jo. Ashburnham and the rest that came with the King into the Scots Quarters shall be sent for as Delinquents by the Serjeants at Arms and that the Commissioners of Parliament residing before Newark shall make a Narrative of the Kings coming thither and to present it to the House But to save them the labour there came this Letter from the Scots General and Commissioners to the Committee of both Kingdoms and by them communicated to the Parliament The Letter was thus Right Honourable The earnest desire which we have to keep a right understanding between the 2. Kingdoms moves us to acquaint you with that strange Providence wherewith we are now surprized together with our cariage and desires thereupon The King came into our Army yesterday in so private a way that after we had made some search for him upon the surmizes of persons who pretended to know his face ye we could not find him out in sundry houses And we believe your Lordships will think it was matter of much astonishment to us seeing we did not expect him to come into any place under our power We conceived it not fit to inquire into the causes but to endeavour that his being here might be improved for the best advantage for procuring the work of Uniformity for setling Religion and Righteousness and attaining of Peace according to the League and Covenant and Treaty by the advice of the Parliaments of both Kingdoms and their Commissioners authorized for that effect Trusting to our integrity we are perswaded that none will so far misconster us as that we intended to make use of this seeming advantage for promoting any other ends then are expressed in this Covenant and hath been hitherto pursued by us with no lesse Conscience then care And yet for further satisfaction we doe ingeniously declare That there hath been no Treaty nor Capitulation betwixt his Majesty and us nor any in our names that we leave the waies and meanes of peace unto the Parliament of both Kingdoms And so far as concerns us as we have a witness in heaven we are confident to make it appear to the world that there is nothing more in our desires then in all our resolutions and proceedings to adhere to the Covenant and Treaty Our gravest thoughts shall be taken up in studying and our utmost abilities imployed in acting those things that may best advance the Publick good and common happiness of both Kingdoms wherein by the help of the most High we shall labour to use so much tenderness and care that we hope it shall soon appear our Actions have been the result of honest and single intentions And further we cannot in a matter of so deep consequence and common interest but seek your Lordships advice for which effect we have also written to the Committee of Affairs of Scotland with intention to move your joynt Consents and Resolution that we at last after a Seed-time of Afflictions may reap the sweet fruits of Truth and Peace and in this confidence we remain Your Lordships humble servants Leven Dunferling Lothian S. D. Hume Sir Tho. Carr R. of Ireland W. Glendovin Iohn Iohnston Southwel May 6. 1646. To the Right Honourable the Committee of both Kingdoms And the eighth of May from Southwel the King sends this Message to the Parliament in effect That he understood from the Parliament that it was not safe for him to come to London untill he should consent to such Propositions as should be presented to him And being informed that the Armies marching so fast to Oxford made that place most unfit for a Treaty resolved to withdraw hither only to secure his Person with no intention to continue this War any longer or to make division between his two Kingdoms but rather to
give content to both in a happy peace Religion being the chiefest Point he advises them to take the Opinions of the Assembly of Divines at Westminster The Militia he will settle it as was offered at Uxbridge into the hands of such persons as the Parliament shall name for seven years and afterwards to be named by the King and Parliament and the like for Scotland and for Ireland He will doe what possibly he is able desiring such of their Propositions as are ready to be sent to him being resolved to comply with them in any thing He wishes both Kingdoms to be careful to maintain Him and his Honour and his just a●d lawful Rights He will take a course for satisfying of Publick Debts disband all Armies that so each hinderance being removed he may return to them with mutual comfort And in a Postscript To shew his real intentions to peace is willing that his Forces in and about Oxford be disbanded the Fortifications dismantled they receiving Honourable Conditions which being granted he will give the like order to all the rest of his Garisons Southwel 8. of May 1646. And two dayes after being come to Newcastle He writes his Letters to the States of the Kingdom of Scotland to the same effect And that the truth of these his intentions might be made known to all He desires a Proclamation might be there Printed and published together with this Letter that it is his Voluntary and Cordial resolution proceeding from the deep sence of the bleeding condition of his Kingdoms And that he intends to joyn with his Parliament in setling Religion in purity and the Subjects in safety so expecting their counsel and advice c. Newcastle May 10. 1646. And to satisfie all men He writes the same in effect to his City of London giving them the account of the former Letters from himself that his return to his Parliament might also be to their good likeing May 19. In the mean time came Letters from the Commissioners before Newark of the surrender of that Town and that the Scotish Army was drawn off and retreated about four miles and the King with them in their Army Then the House of Commons Vote for the demanding of his Majesties Person which took up a weeks time and not agreed For Letters were read That the Scotish Army and the King were marched further North towards their old Quarters and the King sodainly expected at Newcastle and a House there prepared for him But the Commons conclude They conceive it reasonable that in England his Majesty be disposed by none but the Parliament of England That the Scotish Armie in England is an Army of the Parliaments and in Pay to them and so theirs besides his Majestie is in open Hostility with the Parliament and hath Towns and Forces abroad against the Parliament and yet he is with the Scotish Army without the approbation of the Parliament c. That the King is or ought to be near his Parliament whereby they may have recourse to him for the better correspondencie between both and the obtaining the concurrence of his Majestie to such things as are most necessary for the Kingdom in the doing whereof it cannot but be of great prejudice and obstruction to have his Majesty some hundred of miles from his Parliament Likewise that by Covenant we are sw●rn to preserve the Rights and Priviledges of Parliament but to detain the King from his Parliament is altogether inconsistent with the Covenant but the Lords take time to consider hereof The King at leasure also to consider his unhappy condition and now at Newcale the 13. of May in his Soliloquie complains of his misfortune and extremities which have forced him to seek relief any where specially of the Scots Although God hath given me three Kingdoms yet in these he hath not now left me any place where I may with safety and honour rest my head Shewing me that himself is the safest Refuge and the strongest Tower of defence in which I may put my trust In these extremities I look not to man so much as to God he will 〈◊〉 have it thus that I may wholly cast my self and my now distressed Affairs upon his mercie who hath both the hearts and hands of all men in his dispose What providence denies to force it may grant to prudence necessitie is now my Counsellor and commands me to studie my safetie by a disguised withdrawing from my chiefest strength and adventuring upon their Loyaltie who first began my troubles Haply God may make them a means honourably to compose them This my confidence of them may disarm and overcome them my rendering my person to them may engage their affections to me who have oft professed They fought not against me but for me I must now resolve the Riddle of their Loyaltie and give them opportunitie to let world see they mean not what they doe but what they say Yet must God be my chiefest Guard and my conscience both my Councellor and my Comforter though I put my Bodie into their hands yet I shall reserve my Soule to God and my self nor shall any necessities compel me to desert mine Honour or swerve from my judgement What they sought to take by force shall now be given them in such a waie of unusual confidence of them as may make them ashamed not to be really such as they ought and professed to be God sees it not enough to deprive me of all Militarie power to defend my self but 〈…〉 upon using their power who seem to fight against me yet o●ght in dutie to defend me So various are all humane af●airs and so necessitous may the state of Princes be that their greatest danger may be in their supposed safetie and their safetie in their supposed danger I must now leave those that have adhered to me and apply to those that have opposed me this method of Peace may be mor● prosperous then that of War both to stop the effusion of blood and to close those wounds alreadie made and in it I am no less solicitous for my friends safetie then mine own chusing to venture my self upon further hazards rather then expose their resolute Loyaltie to all extremities It is some skill in plaie to know when a game is lost better fairlie to give over then to contest in vain I must now studie to re-inforce my judgement and fortifie my minde with Reason and Religion that I may not seem to offer up my Souls libertie or make my Conscience their Captive who ought at first to have used Arguments not Arms to have perswaded my consent to their new demands I thank God no success darkens or disguises Truth to me and I shall no less conform my words to my inward dictates now then if they had been as the words of a King ought to be among Loyal Subjects full of power Reason is the divinest power I shall never think my self weakned while I may make full and free use of
that No eclipse of outward fortune shall rob me of that light what God hath denied of outward strength his grace I hope will supplie with inward resolutions not morosely to denie what is fit to be granted but not to grant anie thing which Reason and Religion bid me denie I shall never think my self less then my self while I am able thus to preserve the integritie of my conscience the only jewel now left me which is worth keeping But the Parliament in doubt how to be used by this advantage which the Scots had of the Kings person they send again Letters to the Prince of Wales to invite him to come into the Parliaments Quarters with offer of all due respect befitting his Highness which Letter was sent to Colonel Russel their Governour of Garnsey to convey to the Prince who was now at Iersey increasing in power by addition of some of Hoptons scattered Forces out of Cornwal and some landed out of Ireland having also possessed himself of all the Vessels in Iersey and others hired of the French for securing that Island and as occasion may happen to be able to attempt upon Garnsey to which place the Parliament had sent six Ships and Ammunition The King is caressed at Newcastle with Bone-fires and Bel-ringing Drums and Trumpets with peals of 〈◊〉 and Vollies of Shot but guarded with three hundred of the 〈◊〉 Horse those near him bare-headed and lodged at General Levens Quarters who proclaims That no Papists or Delinquents shall come near his presence And another Proclamation That although his Majesties person was present yet all men whatsoever should yield obedience to the Ordinance of Parliament Leven 18. May. And the Committee of Estate in Scotland proclaim there That no person whatsoever depart that Kingdon by Sea or by Land without warrant to continue till the first of June next The Scotish Army are now they imagine Masters of all by their power of the Kings person and leavie intolerable Taxes and Assessements upon all the Northern Counties which very coursly resent them and complain to the Parliament at Westminster not without some rising of the people standing upon their Guard and all the Scotish Horse formerly sent into Scotland are returned into Yorkshire which makes the House of Commons to debate and Vote That this Kingdom had no further need of the Armie of our brethren the Scots in this Kingdom and that the summe of one hundred thousand pounds should be advanced and paid to that Armie as followeth viz. 50000. l. thereof after their surrendring of Newcastle Carlisle and other the English Garisons possessed by them in England and the other 50000. l. after they are advanced into Scotland and order shall be taken for payment of their Arrears And forthwith Mr. Alexander Henderson the Scots Apostolick Minister and one of their Cmmissioners is sent from Westminster to Newcastle to dispute with the King and to convince him to the Covenant where after several discourses and meetings the King is pleased to descend so low as to argue reasons by writings which continued several encounters by Papers till the 16. of Iuly concerning Church matters by Authoritie of the Fathers and practice of the Church which Henderson would avoid by the Text of Scriptures and from thence his own Opinion should guide him beyond all Universal consent or practice of the Primitive Church which were erroneous But the King concludes that to him it is incredible that any Custom of the Catholick Church to be erroneous which was not contradicted by Orthodox Learned men in the times of their first pratice as is easily perceived that these Defections were some of them may be justly called Rebellions which Henderson mentions And lastly that albeit he nere esteem'd any Authoritie equall to the Scriptures yet he thinks the unanimous consent of the Fathers and the universal practice of the Primitive Church to be the best and Authentical Interpreters of Gods word and consequently the fittest Judges between Him and Henderson until better may be found as for example he sayes I think Mr. Henderson the best Preacher in Newcastle yet I believe you may erre and possibly a better Preacher may come but till then I must retain my opinion C. R. Iuly 16. These Disputes are in Print which shewes his Majesties temper and knowledge to treat so long with a peevish Presbyter Amongst many that hazarded themselves to approach the Kings presence was that aforesaid Master Hudson a Minister and a faithful constant assistant to the Kings desires the only person that ordered his disguise and iourney to the Scots Army this man is taken and in custody of the Deputy Mayor of Newcastle and by Order of Parliament to be brought up to their Bar and Ashburnham also But Ashburnham was gone ere the Messenger got thither some say to Montrose and General Leven makes answer for him that the Scots conceive not that Ashburnhams bringing the King into their Army makes him an Incendiary and that Hudson is forth coming who soon after got away but was taken at Sandwich going over beyond Seas This gives the Parliament a taste of the Scots intentions which could not be well relished therefore Engins are set on work Petitions and Complaints are received examined and proved against the Plundering Cruelties and Misdemeanours of the Scots Army in the Northern parts and that instead of 8000. l. a moneth Assessement they have charged 9000. l. a moneth The Citie of London also pour forth Petition upon Petition as they are directed with Congratulatory Exordiums and Prefaces for their invincible resolutions care and pains for the fafety liberty and property of the People bound up in and under the blessed Parliament That Iustice and Iudgement run down in a stream and Mercy and Truth take place And implore their further Protection not to be enslaved under the power of any upon what colourable pretence soever nor to share with the Parliament nor to prescribe unto them in the Government or power of this Nation to whose great trust it hath ever been to order their own matters by their own great Councel without the confluence of any other And to be encouraged hereto they offer the Hand Hearts Lives Estates of the whole City and Millions more shall still be with them to stand by and support them against whomsoever shall with open face or secret Conspiracies oppose them Here are the Scots laid aside we can now do our own Work without the further help of our dear Brethren But the Scots Army set out their Declaration in excuse and desire to stand upon the truth of their Justification which wrought much upon their Faction And the Parliament as forward to oppose them by a Declaration in Answer to the other and to vindicate the people And now comes an Expressesone of the Parliaments Commissioners in Ireland with Copies of several Letters the one from the King to Ormond dated from Oxon the third of April 1646.
their eyes are wide open to see Heresies and Sects are so multiplied and Schism so much prevails that the Church after so many Miseries of a bloudy and long-lasting War will be in worse case than the former was From which it was pretended for a great happiness to be delivered And in a Treaty of the tenth of March 1641. the Scotish Commissioners had pressed unity and uniformity in matters of Religion in the three Kingdoms unto which the Parliament gave a hopefull Answer Thereafter Anno 1642. the general Assembly in Scotland renewed the same and received thanks for the Motives then further urged therein In fine the mutual Desires were concluded with a solemn League and Covenant and that translated in other Tongues as a Rule and Direction to other Reformed Churches All which considered the Commissioners did tell the Parliament That it would be a sin and shame to England that all sorts of Blasphemies Heresies and Sects now multiplied and liberty of conscience now pleaded for should have place nay that unity and uniformity so much preached should now be slighted and the Covenant it self wrested and perverted to speak any thing and the Churches further from uniformity and unity than ever before And they pray God that the Ruine of Religion and the consequence thereof do not forthwith follow There had been an Ordinance of Parliament March 14. 1645. and Directions thereupon August 19. then next following and now of late some Questions debated in the House of Commons and propounded to the Assembly of Divines at VVestminster touching the point of Ius Divinum as aforesaid the last of April in which the Commissioners of Scotland thought themselves concerned as being intrusted by the Church of Scotland first concerning The subordination of the Assemblies of the Church to the Parliament making no question but the Parliament to be superior to all Assemblies of the Church in place Dignity Honour and earthly power That civil powers are the Vicegerents of God on earth Ministers onely Servants and Ambassadours the Magistrate is Custos utriusque Tabulae and to compell the Ministers to perform their Duties and to account to the civil powers But yet somewhat troubled the Commissioners or rather Mr. Alexander Henderson First the expression of Subordination may be altered lest it should suppose that the relation of one Church-assembly to another and of the Assemblies to the Parliament and of appeals of one to another are of the same kinde and in the same line as if the civil power were not onely about matters of the Church and Religion but were formally Ecclesiastical to be exercised Ecclesiastically because some may interpret it such a Supremacy in the Church as sometimes was in the Pope and hath been as they pretend retained in substance in this Kingdom which they account to be the Fountain of the late High Commission and Foundation of other corruptions and because it is pretended against the Doctrine of the Reformed Churches which are next to the Scripture proposed they pretend in the Covenant as the Example of Reformation Secondly the provincial Commissioners for judging of Scandal there being no Warrant for such a mixture in Church-government from Christ who hath appointed his own Spiritual Officers to whom he hath committed the Keys of the Kingdom of Heaven and to whom the Reformed Churches conceive the judging of Offences and qualification of Communicants doth as properly belong as Preaching of the Word and Administration of the Sacraments Nor can it be supposed that some few civil men having no calling from God can be more able to judg of matters of this nature than the Assembly of the Church separated for the work of the Gospel The same Churches and particularly the Church of Scotland which all this time hath been in expectation of great purity and perfection of Reformation in the Church of England were in jealousies and fears that this may be the laying of a new Foundation of an High Commission Court or Episcopacie and so for a new partition-wall to divide the Church of England and Scotland into Schism and Separation Thirdly concerning the Meeting of the National Assemblie it was acknowledged that the supreme Magistrate may call a National Assemblie and the Church is to obey his call but then the Commissioners would have it withall acknowledged that this power of the Magistrate is accumulative or positive but it is not a privative or destructive power and therefore they would that the liberty of the Church from Christ be not restrained the safety of the Church being here the supreme Law And so they moved the Parliament to appoint fixed times for the Meeting of the National Assemblies otherwise what will become of the ill administration of Provincial Synods and of Appeals from them to the National Assemblies These considerations were discoursed and considered by them as being bound they say to endeavour the Reformation of the Discipline and Government of the Church of England and Ireland according to the Word of God and the Example of the best Reformed Churches And with these and the like Discourses Considerations and Exceptions was the Propositions of long time hammering and modelling into some kinde of Agreement without which the Commissioners themselves concluded and however we finde by the sequel all their Labours and our Sufferings were in vain the long consultations of the Divines of both Kingdoms fruitless and the Commissioners in a Labyrinth what to answer to the Church and Kingdom of Scotland returned home afterwards as wise as they were when they came hither of these Arrands So then we see that the Propositions of Peace have been seemingly a long time in preparation and several Debates thereupon evermore referring to the knowledg and consent of the Commissioners of Scotland here who must be allowed convenient time to send to the Assemblie and Parliament of Scotland and to stay for their Return of Answer but now that the Parliament of England were so prosperous not having hardly an Enemy left unless that of the Scots Army began to neglect their former dependence and concordance with Scotland which their Commissioners here well observing and that their Papers of reasonable Exceptions to some points of the Propositions would not take with the Parliament the Commissioners caused them to be printed published and justified they contained four papers of consequence 1. Their Answer upon the whole Propositions of Peace 2. Reasons touching the Militia 3. The Citations of several passages out of the Declaration of the Houses of Parliament concerning the Militia and Uniformitie in Religion 4. Reasons why the Result of the Committee of both Kingdoms at Edinburgh Novemb. 28. 1643. is a Treaty These were the Heads but the matter was accounted exactly satisfactory and reasonable to all indifferent apprehensions truly stating the several cases comprehended in these papers Which so troubled the Houses that out comes the Declaration concerning the Scotish Papers by the Commons onely for they were now entered and could do things
such desires as his Majestie is to propound as it is impossible for him to give such a present judgement of and Answer to these Propositions whereby He can answer to God that a safe and well-grounded peace will ensue which is evident to all the world can never be unless the just power of the Crown as well as the freedom and proprietie of the Subject with the just libertie and Priviledges of the Parliament be likewise setled To which end his Majestie desires and proposeth to come to London or anie of his houses thereabouts upon the publick Faith and securitie of the two Houses of Parliament and the Scots Commissioners that he shall be there with Freedom Honour and Safetie where by his personal presence he may not onely raise a mutual confidence betwixt him and his people but also have those doubts cleared and those difficulties explained unto him which he now conceives to be destructive to his just Regal power if he shall give a full consent to these Propositions as they now stand As likewise that he may make known to them such his reasonable demands as he is most assured will be very much conducible to that peace which all good men desire and pray for by the setling of Religion the just priviledges of Parliament with the freedom and proprietie of the Subject and his Majestie assures them that as he can never condiscend unto what is absolutely destructive to that just power which by the Laws of God and the Land He is born unto So he will cheerfully grant and give his assent unto all such Bills at the desire of his two Houses or reasonable demands for Scotland which shall be reallie for the good and peace of his people not having regard to his own particular much less of any bodies else in respect of the happiness of these Kingdoms Wherefore his Majestie conjures them as Christians as Subjects and as men who desire to leave a good name behind them that they will so receive and make use of this Answer that all issues of blood may be stopped and these unhappy distractions peaceably setled Newcastle August 1. 1646. POSTSCRIPT Upon assurance of a happy agreement his Majesty will immediately send for the Prince his Son absolutely expecting his perfect Obedience to return into this Kingdom This Answer so suddain and so home to the business may deserve some observation where were his Malignant Councellors as they were called Not one of them nor any other Servant or and others Authorized by his Majesties said Roman Catholick Subjects the 6. of March 1645. or the other part We the said Lord Lieutenant and Council do by this Proclamation publish the same and command all his Majesties subjects in Ireland to obey the same in all parts thereof And as his Majestie hath been induced to this Peace out of a deep sense of the miseries of this Kingdom and out of a hope that it might prevent the future effusion of his Subjects blood redeem them out of all the miseries and calamities under which they now suffer restore them to all quietness and happiness under his Majesties most Gracious and quiet Government deliver the Kingdom in general from those Slaughters Deprecations Rapines and Spoiles which alwaies accompanie a War encourage the Subjects and others with comfort to betake themselves to Trade Traffique and Commerce Manufacture and all other things which uninterrupted may increase the wealth and strength of the Kingdom beget in all his Majesties Subjects of this Kingdom a perfect unitie amongst themselves after the too long continued Division amongst them So his Majestie assures himself that all his Subjects of this his Kingdom duly considering the great and unestimable benefits which they may finde in this Peace will with all duty r●nder obedience th ereunto Given at Dublin 30. July 1646. Rich. Bolton Chancelor Roscomon Dillan Lambert Louther Willoughby Forth Dublin Cloine Chichester Titchburn Lucas Ware It is true that the Scots offer to be gon upon a reasonable account for their expences here we cannot forget how chargeable they have been heretofore and now a petty summe would send them packing The reckoning came in a Letter of the Scots Commissioners residing here and amounted to a Million not a peny more nor less besides their losses their Free Quarter not accounted And yet notwithstanding they would be content to accept of a Summe in gross for the full discharge of their Arrears The House of Commons hereat was in a Hubub at this monstrous demand and urged them positively to set down their sum that it might be known how to to be answerd Aug. 18. And had it stated to be no less then five hundred thousand pounds two hundred thousand at their advance and the other three at a twelve-moneth end Then came a Petition aud Remonstrance of the Scots General Assembly to the King of the old and usual stamp tedious and impertinent which we shall understand by his Majesties Answer Upon perusal of the Petition we require to see the Commission by which the Messenger who brought it or the persons who sent him are qualified to intermeddle in Affairs so Foreign to their Jurisdiction and of so great concernment to this our Kingdom Upon examination whereof and in defence of the Laws and Government of England we must profess that the Scots Petitioners or the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland have not the least power or authority to intermeddle in the affairs of this Kingdom or Church which are setled and established by the proper Lawes of this Land and till they be altered by the same competent power cannot be revived again without a due sence of us and this Nation much less can they present any advice or Declaration to our two Houses of Parliament against the same or to that purpose to send any Letters as they have now done to any Minister of our Church here who by the Laws of this Land cannot correspond against the same As for Uniformity in Church Government we conceived the answer formerly given by us to the former Petition in this argument was sufficient viz. That the Government here established by Lawes hath so near a relation and intermixture with the Civil State which may be unknown to the Petitioners that till a composed digested form be presented unto us upon a free debate of both Houses in a Parliamentary way whereby the consent and approbation of this whole Kingdom may be had and we and all our Subjects may discern what is to be left in or brought in as well as what may be taken away We know not how to consent to any alteration otherwise then to such an Act for the ●ase of tender Consciences in the matter Ceremonies as we have often offered c. Of many Bills offered to us for Reformation we shall not now speak they being a part of these Articles upon which we have offered and expect to Treat But we cannot but wonder by what authority you
for his labour Then the Scots select a Committee of their own Lowthian and others to move the King once more for all to take the Covenant and sign to the Propositions which they did endeavour but could not prevail For the Kings intention to escape was thus proved out of several Letters of the Kings to Hudson whilst he was out of prison by way of direction how to manage the design with great promises of reward to such as should assist therein Hudson sends a Copy of this Letter inclosed in one of his own to Major Gen. Langhorn a Commander in Wales and tels him what a great value the King had of his worth and desires his assistance with other his friends to restore his Majestie to his Rights This letter was sent to Mr. Gibb late of Lincolns Inn who sent it to Mr. Price in Wales who delivered it to Langhorn And had the King escaped it was conceited that he was to be received into a Holland Ship that had lain off at Sea near the Shields this two moneths to carry him God knows whither for none on earth could imagine But now the Scots are ready to deliver up their King and Soveraign to Commissioners appointed by the Parliament to receive him and to convey him to Holmby Viz. the Earls of Pembroke Denbigh and the L. Mountague Sir Iames Harrington Sir Io. Hollyland Si● Walter Earl Sir Io. Cook Mr. Crew and Major General Brown And the servants to attend the King in Ordinary were Voted to be Sir Thomas Herbert Mr. Maxwell Mr. Astley Mr. Harrington Mr. Patrick Marel Sir Foulk Grevil Mr. Middleton Serjeant at Arms and Doctor Wilson Physician Mr. Marshall and Mr. Caryll to attend them as Chaplains The Parliament of Edenburgh had some debate concerning the King and Queries put to the General Assembly of Ministers Queries If the King shall come to this Kingdom and that the Kingdom of England shall exclude him from the Government there for his leaving them without granting their Propositions whether or no it will be lawfull for this Kingdom to assist him for the recovery of the Government he not granting the Propositions concerning Religion and the Convenant and not giving a satisfactory Answer to the rest of the Propositions They answer The Quere presupposeth the Kings coming into this Kingdom which Case we humbly conceive should not be put into the Question and therefore we desire your Lordships to go about all means to prevent it as a matter of most dangerous consequence to Religion this Kirk and Kingdom and to the King himself and his Posterity But if the Question be stated simply in these terms If the King be excluded from Government in England for not granting the Propositions concerning Religion and the Covenant and for not giving a satisfactory Answer to the rest of the Propositions whether in that case it be lawfull for this Kingdom to assist him for the Recovery of the Government or if it be not lawfull Being put to it we cannot but answer In regard of the Ingagement of this Kingdom by Covenant and Treaty Negative Hereupon the Parliament of Scotland resolve 1. Resolved upon the Question That the Kingdom of Scotland shall be governed as it hath been these five last years all means being used that the King may take the Covenant and pass the Propositions 2. Resolved That the taking of the Scots Covenant and passing some of the Propositions doth not give warrant to assist him against England 3. Resolved That upon bare taking the National Covenant we may not receive him 4. Resolved That the clause in the Covenant for defence of the Kings person to be understood in defence and safety of the Kingdoms 5. Resolved That the King shall not excute any power in the Kingdom of Scotland untill such time that he hath granted the Propositions concerning Religion and the Covenant and given a satisfactory Answer to both Kingdoms in the rest of the Propositions presented to him by both Kingdoms at Newcastle 6. Resolved That if the King refuse to pass the Propositions he shall be disposed of according to the Covenant and Treaty 7. Resolved That the Union be firmly kept between the two Kingdoms according ●o the Covenant and Treaties And to shew you the consequence hereof see the joint consent of the Estate of Scotland together with the Army for delivering up of the King If the King have any thoughts of coming to this Kingdome Scotland at this time he not having subscribed the League and Covenant nor satisfied the lawfull desires of his loyal subjects in both Nations we fear the consequence will be very dangerous which we desire may be timely prevented Neither is it possible but that our receiving him in this present posture of affairs will confirm the suspition of the English Nation of our under dealing with him before his coming to our Armies and make them not without cause to think that we purpose to dispose of him without their consent Which is contrary to the profession of those that were in trust at the Kings first coming to the Scots Quarters and overthroweth all the Arguments that have been used by the Commissioners of our Parliament in their Papers concerning the disposing of his Majesties Person by the consent of both Kingdomes given in to the Parliament in England Nor do we see how we can vindicate such a practice from a direct breach of our engagement to them by Covenant and Treaty which were not onely to expose us to the hazard of a bloody war but to involve us in the guilt of perjury And what greater disservice could be done to the King and his posterity than to give way to a course that might prove prejudicial to their Interest in the Crown and Kingdome of England and conclude Our carriage now for many years past in the midst of many temptations hath put us beyond all suspition in the point of our Loyaltie Ianuary 14. If otherwise let the world judge And yet the King put some Queries to the Scots Commissioners at Newcastle Ianuary 14 It is a received opinion by many That Engagements Acts or Promises of a restrained person are neither valid nor obligatory How true or false this is I will not dispute but I am sure if I am not free I am not fit to answer your or any Propositions Wherefore you should first resolve me in what state I stand as in relation to freedome before I can give you any further answer the reason of this my answer the Governour can best resolve you But if you object the loss of time and urgency of it certainly in one respect it presses none so much as my self which makes me also think necessary that I be not to seek what to do when this Garison shall be surrendred up to demand of you in case I go into Scotland if I shall be there with Honour Freedom and Safety or how being ready to give you a farther and more particular answer how
before their Ministers whom though I respect them for that worth and piety which may be in them yet I cannot think so proper for any present Comforters or Physicians who have some of them at least had so great an influence in occasioning these calamities and inflicting these wounds upon me Nor are the soberest of them so apt for that Devotional compliance and conjuncture of hearts which I desire to bear in those holy Offices to be performed with me and for me since their judgments standing at a distance from or in jealousie of me or in opposition against me their Spirits cannot so harmoniously accord with mine or mine with theirs either in Praier or other Holy Duties as is meet and most comfortable whose golden Rule and bond of perfection consists in that of mutual love and Charity Some Remedies are worse then the Disease and some Comforters more miserable then Misery it self when like Job's friends nhey seek not to fortifie ones minde with patience but perswade a man by betraying his own innocency to dispair of Gods mercy and by justifying their injuries to strengthen the hands and harden the hearts of insolent Enemies I am so much a friend to all Church-men that have any thing in them beseeming that Sacred Function that I have hazarded my own Interest chiefly upon Conscience and Constancy to maintain their Rights whom the more I looked upon as Orphans and under the Sacrilegious eyes of many cruel and rapacious Reformers so I thought it my Duty the more to appear as a Father and a Patron for them and the Church Although I am very unhandsomly requited by some of them who may live to repent no lesse for my sufferings then their own ungrateful errors and that injurious contempt and meannesse which they have brought upon their Calling and Persons I pittie all of them I despise none onely I thought I might have leave to make choise of some for My special Attendants who were best approved in My judgment and most suitable to My affection For I held it better to seem undevout and to hear no mens praiers then to be forced or seem to comply with those Petitions to which the heart cannot consent nor the tongue say Amen without contradicting a mans own understanding or belying his own soul. In Devotions I love neither Prophane boldness nor Pious non-sense but such an humble and judicious gravitie as shews the Speaker to be at once considerate of Gods Majesty the Churches Honour and his own Vileness both knowing what things God allows him to ask and in what manner it becoms a Sinner to supplicate the divine Mercie for himself and others I am equally scandalized with all praiers that sound either imperiously or rudely or passionately as either wanting humility to God or charity to men or respect to the duty I confess I am better pleased as with studied and premeditated Sermons so with such publick Forms of Praier as sare fitted to the Churches and every Christians daily and common necessities because I am by them better assured what I may join My heart unto then I can be of any mans extemporary sufficiency which as I do not wholly exclude from Publick occasions so I allow its just libertie and use in private and devout retirements where neither the solemnity of the Duty nor the modest regard to others do require so great exactness as to the outward manner of performance Though the light of understanding and the fervency of affection I hold the main and most necessary requisites both in constant and occasional solitary and social Devotions So that I must needs seem to all equal minds with as much Reason to prefer the service of My own Chaplains before that of their Ministers as I do the Liturgie before their Directory In the one I have been alwaies educated a●d exercised in the other I am not yet Catechized nor acquainted And if I were yet should I not by that as by any certain Rule and Canon of Devotion be able to follow or finde out the indirect extravagancies of most of those men who highly cry up that as a peice of rare composure and use which is already as much despised and disused by many of them as the Common-praier somtimes was by those men a great part of whose pietie hung upon that popular pin of railing against and contemning the Government and Liturgie of this Church But I had rather be condemned to the wo of Vae soli then to that of Vae vobis Hypocritae by seeming to pray what I do not approve It may be I am esteemed by my Denyers sufficient of my self to discharge my Dutie to GOD as a PRIEST though not to men as a Prince Indeed I think both Offices Regal and Sacerdotal might well become the same Person as anciently they were under one name and the united rightes of Primogeniture Nor could I follow better precedents if I were able then those two eminent Kings David and Solomon not more famous for their Scepters and Crowns then one was for devout Psalms and Praiers the other for his divine Parables and Preaching whence the one merited and assumed the name of a Prophet the other of a Preacher Titles indeed of greater honour where rightly placed then any of those the Romane Emperours affected from the Nations they subdued It being infinitely more glorious to convert Souls to Gods Church by the Word then to Conquer men to a Subjection by the Sword Yet since the order of Gods Wisdom and Providence hath for the most part alwaies distinguished the gifts and offices of Kings and Priests of Princes and Preachers both in the Iewish and Christian Churches I am sorrie to finde my self reduced to the necessitie of being both or enjoying neither For such as seek to deprive me of my Kingly Power and Sovereigntie would no lesse enforce me to live many Months without all Praiers Sacraments and Sermons unlesse I become my own Chaplain As I ow the Clergie the protection of a Christian King so I desire to enjoy from them the benefit of their gifts and praiers which I look upon as more prevalent then my own or other mens by how much they flow from mindes more enlightned and affections lesse distracted then those which are encomb'red with Secular Affairs Besides I think a greater blessing and acceptablenesse attends those Duties which are rightly performed as proper to and within the limits of that Calling to which God and the Church have specially designed and Consecrated some men And however as to that Spiritual Government by which the devout Soul is subject to Christ and through his Merits daily offers it self and it's Services to God every private believer is a King and Priest invested with the honour of a Royal Priest hood yet as to Ecclesiastical Order and the outward Politie of the Church I think confusion in Religion will as certainly follow every mans turning Priest or Preacher as it will in the State where every one affects to
have been usefull for the Parliament in case other Successes had failed and therefore he stuck close to them and in the time of all the Wars whilest his two Brothers Rupert and Maurice were fighting for the King their Uncle this Palatine was feasting with the Citizens at London every Thanksgiving Day in effect Drinking their own Healths which was the others Destruction But not to be out of the Gang he was much reformed also and upon his humble Desires was voted by the Commons to sit with the Synod of Divines at Westminster for his assistance in the composure of the Directory which will come out one day And now the six and twentieth of March we finde his Letter to the Lords House and conferred with the Commons Wherein his Highness desires to communicate some Intelligence of great concernment in relation to the Protestant Religion through all Christendom to such Committees as both Houses shall appoint And here were two Committees conjoyned to wait upon his Highness herein and that was all for it came to no more being a Design set on work by a Scotish man who had laboured amongst the Northern Lutherans first then he descends Southwards to the Genevians Oecolampadians Zwinglians Hugonians and now returned hither to the Prebyterians devising how by Articles of the general Fundamentals of Faith professed amongst them all to reconcile them into one certain Creed and so to one professed Reformation against the common Enemy Antichrist presuming that as the Roman Papists agree in the Catholick Cause so the Reformed Churches should setle into a Protestation alike But this Business was too deep for his Highness and too shallow for the Parliament to wade in and so it went off in a puff And during his being here with the Parliament his distressed Uncle the King is disconsolate at Holmby under captivity and guard of the Parliaments Commissioners which makes him contemplate this Soliloquy Yet says he may I justifie those Scots to all the World in this that they have not deceived me for I never trusted to them further than to men if I am sold by them I am onely sorry they should do it and that my Price should be so much above my Saviours These are but further Essaies which God will have me make of mans uncertainty the more to fix me on himself who never faileth them that trust in him though the Reeds of Egypt break under the hand of him that leans on them yet the Rock of Israel will be an everlasting stay and defence God's Providence commands me to retire from all to himself that in him I may enjoy my self whom I lose while I let out my hopes to others The solitude and captivitie to which I am now reduced gives me leisure enough to studie the worlds ●anitie and inconstancie God sees 't is fit to deprive me of Wife Children Armie Friends and Freedom that I may be wholly his who alone is All. I care not much to be recko●ed among the Unfortunate if I be not in the black List of irreligious and sacrilegious Princes No Restraint shall ensnare my Soul in sin nor gain that of me which may make mine Enemies more insolent my Friends ashamed or my Name accursed They have no great cause to triumph that they have got my Person into their power since my Soul is still mine own nor shall they ever gain my Consent against my Conscience What they call Obstinacie I know God accounts honest Constancie from which Reason and Religion as well as Honour forbid me to recede 'T is evident now that it was not Evil Counsellours with me but a good Conscience in me which hath been fought against nor did they ever intend to bring me to my Parliament till they had brought my minde to their obedience Should I grant what some men desire I should be such as they wish me● not more a King and far less both Man and Christian. What Tumults and Armies could not obtain neither shall Restraint which though it have as little of Safetie to a Prince yet it hath not more of Danger The fear of men shall never be my Snare nor shall the love of any Libertie entangle my Soul better others betray me than my self and that the price of my Libertie should be my Conscience the greatest Injuries mine Enemies seek to inflict upon me cannot be without mine own consent While I can deny with Reason I shall defeat the greatest impressions of their malice who neither know how to use worthily what I have already granted nor what to require more of me but this that I would seem willing to help them to destroy my self and mine Although they should Destroy me yet they shall have no cause to Despise me Neither libertie nor life are so dear to me as the peace of my Conscience the Honour of my Crowns and the welfare of my People which my word may injure more than any War can do while I gratifie a few to oppress all The Laws will by God's blessing revive with the Love and Loyaltie of my Subjects if I bury them not with my consent and cover them in that Grave of Dishonour and Injustice which some mens violence hath digged for them If my Captivitie or Death must be the Price of their Redemption I grudg not to pay it No condition can make a King miserable which carries not with it his Soul 's his People's and Posterities thraldom After-times may see what the blindness of this Age will not and God may at length shew my Subjects that I chuse rather to suffer for them than with them haply I might redeem my self to some shew of Libertie if I would consent to enslave them I had rather hazzard the Ruine of one King than confirm many Tyrants over them from whom I pray God deliver them whatever becomes of me whose solitude hath not left me alone Judg Ienkins taken at the Surrender of Castle in Wales was convened before a Committee of the House of Commons to answer to some Questions propounded to him To which he gave no Answer but presented them with this Paper I stand committed for high Treason for not acknowledging nor obeying the power of the Parliament by adhering to the King in this War I denie this to be Treason and this is my Reason The supreme power by the Laws of this Land is in the King if he should submit to any Examination derived from your power which by the Negative Oath stands in opposition to the Kings power I should confess the power to be in you and so condemn my self for a Traitour indeed I am sworn to obey the King and the Laws you have no power to examine me by these Laws but by the Kings Writ Patent or Commission and you do not produce either you your selves this Parliament have sworn that the King is our onely supreme Governour your Protestations Vows and Covenant solemn League and Covenant your Declarations all of them publish to the Kingdom
be desired to repair to the Army Which he did some weeks after viz. the twentieth of May. For the Army was in Mutiny against the Members and were not appeased until the Parliaments Declaration against the Army was rased out of the Journal Books of both the Houses seizing their Monies and Carriages as they passed for several Garisons and shared it as they thought good And the Reformado's and Souldiers about London flocked to the Parliament and for two hours blocked up the door of the Commons not suffering any to passe out or come in till their desires were granted And being in this fearful case the Commons vote concerning their self-denying Ordinance which upon such desperate distempers they would often debate and vote but never observe as now That such Members as have any Place Office or Sequestration granted to them be void and the benefit which they have received since the Ordinance be payed to the Common-wealth That the Members Lands be liable to their debts And freedom of Petitions against any Member That no Member receive any reparations for Damages by these times till the publick debts of the Kingdom be satisfied For indeed so many Members pretended damages that the poor Cavaliers Estates for private satisfactions were not able to compound for their Delinquency And the Commons of London were drawn to side with the Parliament and the multitude made a Petition in the name of many thousands well affected in the City of London which was canvased in the House of Commons and laid aside untill the Petitioners came flocking for Answer who were advised to depute a small Number to attend and they waited so long that some one of them was snap't for prating at the Parliament door which he justified at their Bar and was only bidden to return home and be Mannerly but the Petition was burnt several Copies at W●stminster others at the Exchange London 22. May. But the Army is a powerfull party that must be otherwise handled and therefore the Parliament order Commissioners of their own to Treat with the Armies Commissioners The Parliaments Men were the Earl of Nottingham Lord Wharton Field Marshal Skippon Sir Henry Vane Jun. Sir Thomas Widrington Colonel White Mr. Scawen and Mr. Pory For the Army Commissioners General Ireton Sir Hardresse Waller Colonel Rich Colonel Lambert and Major Desbrough And their first m●eting was at Wickham the second of Iuly Little being as yet effected in relation to former desires of the Army they told them that they had several things of weight to be added which may very much conduce to the peace and safety of the Kingdom the preventing of a new War and to the send●ng of some relief to Ireland which they will offer at the next meeting The King at Holmby with his Guardians and the Parliament and Army in distemper the Army thought it their Advantage to seize the King into their custody and accordingly the third of Iune a party of Horse under command of Coronet Ioice and sent from the Committee of Troopers in the Army came to Holmby where after they had secured their Guards demanded the King of the Commissioners who in a maze asked for his Warrant whose Answer That it was the sense of the Armie The same he said to the King promising security of his Majesties person and so the next Day after Dinner the Troop carried him and the Commissioners who would not leave him towards the Army of which the King sends word to the Parliament by the Earl of Dunferling That the King was unwillingly taken away by a part of the Armie five hundred Troopers that he desired the Parliament to maintain the Laws of the Land and that though he might sign to many things being in this condition yet not to be believed till further notice to the Houses This was strange and uncouth to the Parliament and therefore they order to sit again to morrow though Sunday and Mr. Marshal is voted to pray for them for the Army was in Rendezvouz near Kenford six Miles from Bury and the King in his way to them and so to Newmarket all the people in the High-way strewing the Streets with Flowers and Boughs and crying out Hosanna and therefore the Army conveyed him not through Cambridg but by Trumpington to Newmarket But the Generals Letter to the Parliament says That the Souldiers at Holmby had brought the King thence by consent and lay at Colonel Mountagues the next Night and would be at Newmarket the next Day the ground whereof was from an apprehension of some strength gathered to force the King from them thereupon I sent says he Colonel Whaley with his Regiment to meet the King and the Commissioners and to return them back again but they refused and were come to Sir John Cuts near Cambridg The General professing that this Remove was without his consent or his Officers about him or the Bodie of the Armie or without their desire or privitie and whose person he will secure from danger And assures the Parliament that the whole Armie endeavours Peace and are clear from opposing Presbyterie or to affect Independencie or to hold a licentious Freedom in Religion or Interest in any particular partie but to leave all to the Parliament Then on the sudden comes three Colonels Reformadoes and Actours at London with News to the Parliament That a Major of the Armie gave them assurance that the Armie was marching and would be with the Parliament by Noon next Day advising the Colonels to return with him to the Armie where they should be included within the Capitulation for their Arrears This strook the Parliament into a panick fear the Committee of Safety are sent unto to sit all Night The Sheriffs and Common Council of London present a Letter to them from the Army to that purpose of coming to the City A Massage presently is voted to the General to desire him not to come within five and twenty Miles of London and order ten thousand pounds more for the Army the Head Quarters being at Roiston Iune 11. And as the City moved for the Parliament so Petitions came from the Counties praying the Army not to disband ere all things were setled and so they come to St. Albans Then the Trained Bands are drawn out upon pain of Death and on the sudden all sent home again onely the Passes are strongly guarded about the Line of Communication then the Shops are shut up such clattering of Doors and Windows such Fears and Jealousies indeed as men would imagine the City were mad who send a Committee of their Common Council to the General And he returns Answer That the Armie was come thither ere the Parliaments Desires came to his hands and prays the House to send a Moneths Pay speedily to the Army which was done very dutifully And yet they vote That the General be required to deliver the person of the King to the former Commissioners to come to Richmond to the intent that
of Rochel doth fitly follow to shew how Malice when it is at the height is ordinarily accompanied for there are none but ignorant or forgetful men who know not that it was meerly the want of assistance from the two Houses of Parliament contrary to their pulick geneneral Engagement that lost Rochel and there is nothing more clear to any who hath known French Occurrences than that real assistance which the KING to the utmost of his power gave to those of the Religion at that time made the Cardinal of Richelieu an irreconcileable enemy to the King wherefore I cannot but say that it is a strange forgetfulness to charge the KING with that which was evidently other mens faults There as also other things that to any knowing man will rather seem jears than Accusations as the German Horse and Spanish Fleet in the year 1639. But my affection shall not so blinde me as to say that the KING never erred yet as when a just debt is paid Bonds ought to be cancelled so Grievances be they never so just being once redressed ought no more to be objected as Errors And it is no Paradox to affirm that truths this way told are no better than slanders and such are the Catalogue of Grievances here enumerated which when they are well examined every one of them will not be found such as here they are described to be Now as concerning those discourses which mention the beginnings of these troubles which are in two several places of this Declaration I will only say this That what the KING did upon those occasions was meerly to defend the Rights of his Crown which were and are evidently sought to be taken from him nor can I acknowledge all those Relations such as private Levies of men by Popish Agents Arming of Papists in the North calling in of Danish Forces and the like And as for the tale of calling up the Northern Army now renewed it is well known that the two Houses even at that time were not so partial to the KING as to have concealed a practice of that kinde if they could have got it sufficiently proved But if the Irish Rebellion can be justly charged upon the KING then I shall not blame any for believing all the rest of the Allegations against him And it is no litle wonder that so grave an assembly as the House of Commons should so slightly examine a business of that great Weight that the Scots great Seal did countenance the Irish rebellion when I know it can be proved by witnesse● without exception that for many moneths before until the now Lord Chancellour had the keeping of it there was nothing at all sealed by it Nor concerning this great point will I only say that the King is innocent and bid them prove which to most accusations is a sufficient Answer but I can prove that if the KING had been obeyed in the Irish affairs before he went last into Scotland there had been no Irish Rebellion and after it was begun it had in few moneths been suppressed if his directions had been observed for if the KING had been suffered to have performed his engagements to the Irish Agents and had disposed of the discontented Irish Army beyond Sea according to his contracts with the French and Spanish Ambassadours there is nothing more clear than that t●ere could have been no Rebellion in Ireland because they had wanted both pretence and means to have made one then when it was broken forth if those vigorous courses had been pursued which the KING proposed first to the Scots then to the English Parliament doubtless that Rebellion had been soon suppressed But what he proposed took so little effect that in many moneths after there was nothing sent into Ireland but what the KING himself sent assisted by the Duke of Richmond before he came from Scotland unto Sir Robert Steward which though it were little will be found to have done much service as may be seen by the said Sir Roberts voluntary Testimony given in writing to the Parliament Commissioners then attending the King at Stoak And certainly a greater evidence for constancy in Religion there cannot be than the KING shewed in his Irish Treaty for in the time that he most needed assistance it was in his power to have made that Kingdom declare unanimously for him and have had the whole Forces thereof imployed in his Service if he would have granted their demand in points of Religion they not insisting in any thing of Civil Government which his Majesty might not have granted without prejudice to Regall Authority and this can be clearly proved by the Marquess of Ormonds Treaties with the Irish not without very good evidence by some of the KINGS Letters to the QUEEN which were taken at Naseby that are concealed they too plainly discover the KINGS detestation of that Rebellion and his riged firmness to the Protestant profession Nor can I end this point without Remarking with wonder that men should have so ill memories as again to renew that old slander of the Kings giving Passes to divers Papists and persons of quality who headed the Rebels of which he so cleared himself that he demanded reparation for it but could not have it albeit no shew of proof could be produced for that allegation as is most plainly to be seen in the first book of the Collection of all Remonstrances Declarations c. fol. 69. 70. Thus having given a particular Answer to the most Material points in this Declaration the rest are frivolous and many of them groundless Yet one thing more I must observe that they not only endeavour to make Fables passe for currant coin but likewise seek to blinde mens judgements with false inferences upon some truths For Example It is true the King hath said in some of his Specches or Declarations that he oweth an account of his actions to none but God alone and that the Houses of Parliament joynt or separate have no power either to make or declare any Law But that this is a fit foundation for all Tyranny I must utterly deny indeed if it had been said that the King without the two Houses of Parliament could make or create Laws then there might be some strength in the Argument but before this Parliament it was never so much as pretended that either or both Houses without the King could make or declare any Law and certainly his Majesty is not the first King of England that hath not held himself accountable to any Earthly power besides it will be found that his Majesties position is most agreeable to all Divine and Humane Laws so far it is from being Destructive to a Kingdom or a foundation for Tyranny To conclude I appeal to God and the World whether it can be paralleld by example or warranted by Justice that any man should be yet denyed the sight of an accusation and so far from being permitted to Answer that if he have erred there is no way
the Earl of Holland to St. Needs and pursued by Colonel Scroop from Hartford who being guided by Spyes got the secret waies thither ere the Defendants were aware yet some were Mounted and in a Body but were beaten by a Forlorn and Routed before the rest entered the Duke with sixty Horse flyes away towards Lincolnshire and escapes beyond Seas Their General not up or not dressed was taken in his C●●mber many that fought got away some slain others prisoners persons of good Note so that the Souldiers said they never met with such golden booties fine clothes gallant Horses and pockets full of Coin The Parliament say they lost but three And for the present the Earl of Holland is sent prisoner to Warwick Castle where he continued untill his Arraignment and Execution at Westminster the 9. of March as hereafter follows But the Prisoners of note were the Earl of Holland Sir Gilbert Gerard Colonel Skemisher Major Holland Major Slepkin Lieu Col. Goodwin Colonel Legg and one hundred more Dalbier and a Son of Sir Kenelm Digbies slain the Lord Andover was after taken at Dover and there imprisoned The Parliament of Scotland were now sitting since the second of March and not well pleased with the English proceedings it was thought fitting here to send English Commissioners to reside there during their Session And of the Lords House were chosen the Earls of Nottingham and Standford the Commons were Mr. Arthurst Colonel Birch Mr. Herle and Mr. Marshal Preachers For the Scots recruit their Army at home and the English expect an Invasion of them being generally dissatisfied there of our proceedings against the King here However the Commssioners of England resident there acquainted our Parliament here with Propositions of Scotland and this their Answer to some Papers sent thither That it was the desire of the Parliament of England to maintain a good correspondency between the two Nations 2. That this Kingdom would take speedy care for the advance of a hundred thousand pounds due unto that Kingdom and so long as that sum or any part should be forborn they should have Interest after the rate of 8. l. per ●ent for the same 3. And that concerning the Arrears due to the Scots Army in Ireland the Parliament of Scotland are desired either to propound a certain sum by the Lump for the service of that Army there or else to appoint Commissioners on their side or appoint their Commissioners with ours to repair into Ireland to audit the 〈◊〉 of that Army So then we find the outward pretences on both sides to keep a good correspondency And to Caress them the more ever and anon the Parliament of England would by debates and Orders shew an inclination to settle the Presbyterian Government here by that means to quiet the bawling Spirits of the Scots Ministery in their Kirk and Pulpits though it was never seriously intended here And even at this time Letters of Intelligence came from Scotland that Sir Tho Glenham Sir Lewis Div●●●ir Marmaduke Langdale and others from the Queen in France are expected in Scotland and many discontented English flock to Edenburgh from all parts Captain Wogans Horse Marched thither from the Army with a full Troop and two Companies of Foot landed out of Ireland at Chester and Marched thither likewise But as the Affairs of the English Parliament had suffered under several distractions so these of Scotland were managed with great disturbance some of their Members would raise an Army to espouse the Kings quarrel and to restore him Another party desire an Army to suppress the Sectaries of both Kingdoms but are loath thereby to strengthen the hands of Malignants in either Kingdom A third would have no Army at all and to some end or other they frame an Oath That Presbyterial Government be maintained That the King be not restored till he subscribe the Covenant and endeavours the extripation of Sectaries That Ecclesiastical Power is not subordinate to the Civil That the Kings Negative voice in England be taken away In Debate of these Passages two of their best Sparks the Earl of Kilmore allied to Hamilton and the Lord Granston to their General Leven went out in a Fury and fought a Du●l and most of many are for War The Parliament of England confer and Vote that all Members be summoned to attend the Houses on the 24. of the next Moneth April for the Estates of Scotland had formed a Committee of danger who had of themselves voted to raise fourty thousand men and these were Duke Hamilton Arguile the Earls of Crawford Lindsey Lauderdale Lanrick Calandar Traquair and Roxborough the Lords Eime●pethen Waneston 〈◊〉 Humbe Collington Arneston Gartland and Ennis and eight Burgess●s But against the manner of this Vote not the matter a Protestation was made by eighteen Lords and fourty other to this effect Whereas we have desired that no Power be granted to any Committee to engage this Kingdom in a War before the Parliament resolve on a War and state the cause and ends thereof it being not agreeable to the Act of Parliament 1640 c. And protest not to be included but may be free of all the evill that may follow thereupon to the cause of God the Covenant Religion and to the Kings person and Authority to this Kirk and Kingdom or the union of both The Scots are come and their General Duke Hamilton consults there with Sir Marmaduke Langdale whether towards Lancashire or New-castle the Duke marches himself in the Van with his Trumpeters before in Scarlet Coats with silver lace and much state His life guard proper persons well cloathed His Standard and other equipage Prince-like In the Van marched four Regiments of Horse seven Colours to a Regiment and in all of the Van about two thousand Their body led by Major General Middleton seven Regiments ten Colours to a Regiment and therein neer seven thousand Some carriages came with them but their compleat will be from Carlisle the only reason of his hasting thither The Rear is brought up by the Earl of Calander with fifteen hundred Additional forces they expect from Major General Monroe of three thousand Scots from Ireland under his Command And for assistance of the English about three thousand now ready to be drawn out into Arms under Langdale in the North. The Scots Declarations are already passed to smooth his passage to the people And being come thus near as Annan he Summons Major General Lambert the Parliaments Northern Commander to this effect Noble sir The Parliament of Scotland upon the imminent danger to Religion his Majesties sacred person and the peace of his Kingdoms from the prevailing power of Sectaries in England did send to the Parliament of England such demands as they conceived necessary and no Answer nor satisfaction therein the danger increasing by Northern Forces drawn to the Borders The Committee of Estates in Scotland have commanded him and other noble Personages his
Assistants to pursue the ends of their Covenant 6. January 1643. and 1644. for setling Religion liberating the King from base imprisonment freeing the Parliament from Forces upon them Disbanding of all Armies freedom from Tax and Quarter for procuring a peace and settlement of the Kingdoms And in all these they will faithfully observe on their part their Covenant and Treaties with their dear brethern of 〈◊〉 And hopes that Lambert will not oppose but rather ayd Your humble 〈◊〉 I. Hamilton Annan 6. July 1648. Two dayes after hath Answer in effect That he shall not take upon him to Answer his Lordships particulars seeing the late Ordinances of Parliament concerning the setling of Religion their several addresses and Propositions to his Majestie in order to all are lately published and which he doubts not are well known to his Excellencie That the English Northern Forces under his Command have not acted any prejudice to the Kingdom of Scotland but rather to suppress the late Rebellion of Sir Marmaduke Langdale against the Parliament who sit and act without any Force upon them And concludes as the other that being intrusted by the Parliament to oppose all power against them he hopes the Duke will assist him address himself in any particular to the Parliament of England Your Excellencies most humble servant I. Lambert Castle Sairlo 8. July But by the tenth day the Scots were joyned with Langdale at Rosse Castle and are now numbred twelve thousand Horse and Foot And therefore the Parliament prepare opposition Proclaim those that have invited the Scots or have or shall assist the Scots Army are Traytors and send for their Commissioners to return out of Scotland The Scots are come with their whole body to 〈◊〉 15. Iuly and Lambert withdraws from ●hence to Appleby not being fitted to fight them untill their addi●ional Forces from the neighbouring Counties doe come and lying quiet were rowsed by the near approach of the Scots in a dark misty morning within a mile and Allarm appearing in three Bodies upon three Hills enforcing the English Horse G●●rds to re●ire into Appleby whom the Scots pursue and Colonel Harrison with some Horse giving them a check was himself sore wounded and oth●rs slain and so with full carreer they attempt to enter the Town for their Foot to follow but are kept off un●ill the English embody Horse and Foot and Retreat to Kirby St●phen and after to 〈◊〉 but some of his Forces are Besieged in Appleby by Sir Philip Musgrave who took it the seventh of Aug for the King The great expectation of Forces to follow from Scotland prove ●o be yet but 150. l●nded at Workington four handred also with the Earl of Kalender Lodowi●k Lesly is at 〈◊〉 wi●h the Artillery Cumberland and Westm●rland wholly possessed by the S●●ts the people fly before them and having been plundered sufficiently the Sco●● for want of provision are enforced to March forward South Lambert is now at Barnar Castle Iuly 28. to whom are associated some Forces that make him up nine thousand and with them and others daily increasing he is now able to offend and expects to engage with the Scots for the Lord General Cromwels Horse thirty Troops joyned with him the twenty seventh of Iuly and forthwith fell to Action forcing the Scots Scouts to retreat within two mil●s of Appleby to their main Guard and being too weak or ●aint are afraid to ●●gage a fight for Cromwels Foot are in march the 17. of Aug at Nottingham with forces of that County Leicester and Derbyshire and sends to Lambert not to engage till he come in which need not for the Scots are drawn off to Kend●● At this time Tinmouth Castle revolts to the King August the 9. to Lieutenant Colonel Harris Lilburn had the command and sends but several Officers and Souldiers upon service and reserves those behind of his own minde discharges the Prisoners and calls all in the Castle together and declares for God and the King and sends to the Shi●lds and other places for friends to joyn with him Sir Arthur Has●lrig at Newcastle hears of this instantly with Ashfield and Cobham draw out sufficient Brigades Marches thither Storms and takes it by Force and all within put to the Sword Cromwel himself is come with his Train to Don●●ster and ma●●hes to Lambert but takes Pontefract in his way where he took fourty prisoners and had notice that Lambert had additional Forces daily and therefore we desire to fall upon the scattered Scots Quarters the main body not yet removed from Kendal But no sooner comes Cromwel he defeats the Scots whole Army of which take this account to the Parliament That after the conjunction of Cromwels party brought from Wales with the Northern Forces about Knaresborow and Weatherby hearing that the Scots were advanced into Lancashire to come the 16. of Aug. to Hodderbridge over Ribble and being assured that the Scots intended towards London and that the Irish Forces under Command of Monroe of near 2000. seven hundred Horse and Foot came on their March to joyn with them therefore it was resolved to fight those betimes And the next morning March over the Bridge to Preston the Scots drawing together thereabout from all their Quarters The English Forlorn Horse and foot about six hundred engage the Scots Scouts and Out-guards untill the English Army came up in a Body resolved to engage and pressed upon the Adversary in a Lane the place being inclosures and moory and came to a hedge dispute and after some hours fight forced them from their ground untill they came to the Town into which Cromwels own Troops first entred and then seconded by Harrisons Regiment charged the Scots in the Town and cleared the Streets and without much adoe the Scots begin to Rout then Rally and at last to run away The Scots General Duke Hamilton with his Horse and such Foot as were left of the slaughter retreated over the Bridge but at the very bottom of the Bridge were Encountered by the Lancashire Regiments and fought well on both sides even to push of Pike where many of the Scots were slain and taken Prisoners and have the Bridge and scattered Houses to friend for that night each party lodging within Musket shot were shadowed by the darkness from further attempt In the next dayes encounter the Scots loss was great their Horse flying in disorder towards Lancaster and were pursued near ten miles with execution of about 1000. men five hundred Horse taken and many prisoners four thousand and five thousand Arms. In the night the Scots General drew off towards Wiggon and was closely followed to the very Town which the Scots recovered and the English lodged without in the dirty fields and some Skirmishes took Major General Van Druske and 100. prisoners with Colonel Hurrey Lieutenant Colonel Enmis and others The next morning away the Scots march towards Warrington making a stand near Warwick assisted by a Pass which
they maintained with hot dispute but were beaten from their stand with the loss of a thousand men and two thousand prisoners and were prosecuted to the very Bridge where a Message came by a Trumpeter from Lieutenant General Baily for a Capitulation which Lieutenant General Cromwel yielded unto and gave the other these terms To Render himself his Officers and Souldiers Prisoners of War and all his Ammunition and Horses upon quarter for life and so they yielded four thousand Prisoners and as many Arms these were of the infantry totally defeated Hamilton got away with three thousand Horse towards Nantwich where the Country folks took five hundred of them And post news was carried to all the Parliaments Commanders in those Counties adjacent to follow the Hue and Cry after the Scots who haste homewards intending to meet Monroe now in Cumberland upon his march Southwards It was concluded that the Scots had ten thousand Foot and four thousand Horse Sir Marmaduke Langdales Forces assisting them were not less then two thousand five hundred Horse and Foot the English not 10000. in all What uncertain number soever of the Scots were slain It was apparent that above eight thousand were taken Prisoners And this Victory was disputed and ended in three dayes time in Lancashire the 17 18 and 19. of August It was said for truth that so soon as the King was assured that Duke Hamilton commanded in chief he foretold their doom that they would be undone But the Lieutenant General Cromwel thought not fit to rest with this success whilst he was assured that Monroe was in March and how the scattered Forces might Rally and joyn together therefore he takes no rest but marches to meet him Having Ordered the Commanders of the Parliaments Forces in all Counties adjacent to follow Hamilton who with many of his men were met with at Uxeter surrounded with power and made to submit to mercy by the Lord Grey Hamilton is sent to Ashby de la Zouch the Lord of Loughboroughs strong hold And this Difeat of the Scots altered the Prince of Wales his resolution which was to sail Northwards from the Downs and to fight with the Parliaments Admiral and possibly to assist the Scots by landing in some Northern Coast. The County were tro●bled with the numbers of prisoners and therefore a Committee is appointed to Treat with Merchants to convey them over to Foreign service and not to return back in Arms. The Scotish Ensigns Cornets and Colours are brought to Westminster Hall where they hang up the Trophies of the English Victories against the Scots Nation Cromwel is come to Durham Lambert in his Rear and in design to meet Monroe supposed to be six thousand strong and now at Morpeth where he receives Command from the Estates of Scotland to return home for indeed the Presbyterian party of Ministers had got the power of the Sword and set up Arguile their General with four thousand men already raised and refuse to administer the Eucharist to any for a whole year till the peoples sinnes for neglect to their Covenant be repented of by the Sacrifice of the Kirks Prayers and Preachings Monroe more in fear of Cromwel then obedience to his Masters hastens back again leaving his English Confederates to shift for themselves who make speed to Barwick but are refused to enter by the Governour Lodowick Lesly and tells them plainly the Marquess Arguile commands him to keep correspondence with the Parliament of England with whom their is a confederacie Indeed they were in mighty disorder in Scotland Monroe was got home and joyned with Lanerick there and both together may make eight thousand strong Arguile with his Forces near as many lye at Hadington twelve miles behind Edenburgh and all these lye upon Guard and suppose that they mean not to engage though they are within four miles of each other Old Leven is possessed of Edenburgh Castle David Lesly is Lieutenant General to Arguile and this is the news from Anwich 14. Septem But Cromwel being come to Tweed sends over Lambert to summon Barwick who refuse rather to surrender to Arguiles own party which the English may not suffer and yet to keep correspondence Agents are sent to Arguile to consult about assisting him and his and to compleat a lasting contract with that party and the Parliament of England And to that end Lieutenant General Cromwel publishes his Declaration at his entrance into Scotland Whereas We are Marching with the Forces of the Parliament of England into the Kingdom of Scotland in pursuance of the remaining part of the Enemy who lately invaded the Kingdom of England and for the recovery of the Garrisons of Barwick and Carslile These are to declare that if any Officer or Souldier under my Command shall take or demand any money or shall take any Horses goods or Victuals without order or shall abuse the people in any sort it shall be tryed and punished by a Council of 〈◊〉 death Septemb. 20. Cromwel And accordingly came to Cromwel Arguile Lowdon Leven the Layrd of Gramond and Major Straughan disliking of the Armie of Hamiltons coming into England as also of Monroes raising Forces to continue the said troubles and therefore desire the assistance of England to suppresse them to which Cromwel consents and that the publick enemy subdued and the English Towns to be delivered he will return And in all these particulars he is justified by the Votes of the Parliament of England And 27. Septemb. relates that his Van Quarters are within ten miles of Edenburgh and part of his Army is left behind to block up Barwick To which Town Arguile and others of Note had conduct and entrance to treat about the surrender thereof to the English but the Governour refused without Order from Lanerick and Monroe and therefore the English fell to storming and possessed Tweed Mouth and the Bridge-foot on the English side and blew up the Scots House-Guard upon the Bridge Then came an express from Leven and Lieutenant General David Lesly certifying Arguile that they were like to agree upon the old Treaty which was to hold no longer 1. That the Armies under Arguile and the other under Lanerick with all the Forces under any of the Garrisons in Scotland together with Barwick and Carslile be disbanded 2. That the setling of Religion at home and promoting Reformation abroad be ordered to the determination of the General Assembly and all Civil Differences be referred to a Parliament speedily to be called 3. That no party that were in the late Engagements against England be of the new Parliament or of the General Assembly And so the godly people of Scotland are good friends with the godly people of the Army of England acting together in the same Principles and are perswaded that so much of their power as the Princes of the Earth have lent to the support of that man of Sin God hath and will suddenly break and destroy And
provision be made for the education of the Children of Papists in the faith and Religion of Protestants for the imposing of Mulcts on Papists and disposing the benefit thereof at the discretion of the Parliament That provision be made for suppressing the practises of Papists against the Common-wealth for the executing the Laws against them without fraud and for the stricter forbidding of administring and frequenting Mass whether in the Court or whatsoever place within England and Ireland 3. That the power of the Militia by Land and Sea throughout England and Ireland reside in the Parliament solely to raise train as many Souldiers as they please to lead them whither they please to levy what monies they think fit for their pay whereby they may encounter intestine troubles and invasions foreign and that the King and his successors shall not claim any right therein for the space of twenty years after the expiration whereof if the Parliam shall think the safety of the Commonwealth to be concerned that an Army whether for Land or Sea service be raised and pay alotted them and exact the same by their Authority that such Votes shall have the force of a Law or Statute even though the King refuse If persons of what quality soever to the number of thirty be gathered together in Arms and at the command of the Lords and Commons shall not lay down Arms they shall be accounted guilty of high Treason without hope of pardon from the King To these by way of Corollarie were added some provisions touching the City of London Priviledges and ordinary power of Ministers of Iustice in executing sentence given 4. That by an Act the Cessation of Ireland and all Treaties and Articles there made without the consent of Parliament be voided That the right of prosecuting the Irish War depend upon the discretion of Parliament That the Deputy and all Ministers whether of the Martial or ●ivil Government be nominated by Parliament the Chancellor of Ireland Keep of the great Seal Treasurer all Officers of the Kingdom all the Judges the places offices honours 〈◊〉 Donations of Lands gr●nted by the King since the Cessation made be ●ulled 5. That all Honours and Titles since the second of May 1642. at which time the 〈◊〉 of the great Seal carried away the Seal with himself from the Parli●ment be declared Null No man likewise 〈◊〉 chosen into the Order of Pee●age shall sit in the House of Lords without the consent of both Houses 6. That the Parliament raise what moneys they please for payment of the publick debts and dammages and for whatsoever publick uses they shall see hereafter needfull 7. In the first tank of Delinquents be reckoned to whom no hope of pardon shall be left either for life or fortune with the Kings Kings consent The two Princes Palatine of the Rhine Rupert and Ma●ric● three Earls five Lords two Bishops two Judges of the Kingdom twenty two Knights whose names to remember were too large but these persons were those who had done the King the most acceptable service All Papists which had been in Arms namely the Marquess of Winchester with two Earls two Lords and six Knights as also all that raised or fomented the Rebellion in Ireland In the 2. Rank were placed fifty Noblemen and Knights all Member● of the lower House who deserting the Parliament passed over to the Kings Party as also all the Judges Lawyers Clergy-men be banished from the Kings Court and abstain from publick Offices and that under penalty of Treason loss of life and fortunes that the Judges and Lawyers be proscribed from Courts and their practice the Clergy interdicted their Benefices and liberty of Preaching Such fell upon the third Rank as had committed or councelled ought against the Parliament none whereof shall obtain in future the Office of Justice of Peace or Judge or Sheriff or publick Officer To the fourth Rank are reckoned the Common Souldier and all persons of baser rank whose fortunes were narrower then two hundred pounds All the Lands and goods of those of the first Rank be publickly sold to pay publick debts but of the Members which in the new Parliament held at Oxford pronounced those guilty of High Treason which adhered to Westminster two parts in three of their lands and goods The Moity of others of the Judges Lawyers Clergy-men the third part and the sixth of all the third Rank be sold for the foresaid points The rest be let goe without C●nsure Provided they have ingaged themselves in the National Covenant All in the second and third Rank after the payment of their Fines the pardon of Parliament being sued granted be entirely restored 8. That all Offices of the Kingdom and chief Magistracies for ●wenty years next ensuing be collated and constituted according to the pleasure of Parliament 9. That the new Seal framed a● the Houses appointment pass by the King into the Seal of England and that no other hereafter be used That all Grants and Commissions sealed by this new one remain firm all under the old Seal which was with the King be voided from such time as the Keeper Littleton conveyed it away from the Parliament 10. That all Priviledges Grants Charters and Immunities of the City of London be confirmed with it●rated Acts That the Tower of London and Militia be ordered at the discretion of the Mayor of the City Members and Common Council therein That no Citizen be compelled to Military service out of the Liberties of the City unless at the Parliaments appointment and the last was 11. That the Court of Wards with all Offices and Employments thereto belonging be exterminated That all services likewise on that accompt imposed cease all inheritances which formerly were held of the King in Capite c. namely by Knights service being freed from burden and charges fifty thousand pounds notwithstanding being paid the King yearly in compensation These were the conditions of peace propounded by the Parliament for the Argument or Matter of the Treaty to be commenced so vehemently sought after by the desires of all men and by the Arms of many Nothing changed from those which being formerly sent to the King whilst he remained at Hampton Court were not only rejected by the King but also of the Army as being somewhat too unequal In this one thing they differed that in these last the Scots are unconsidered The Parliament Commissioners are vested with no other Authority then to reply to the Kings Arguments rejoyn Reasons to force his assent having no power to sweeten or alter a word nay not to pass over the Preface but are forthwith to adver●ise the Parliament touching the Kings Concessions to transact all in writing and to debate the Propositions one by one in order not to descend to another before agreement touching the precedent and the time limited to dispatch within fourty dayes The Treaty goes on for a good while when suddenly advice comes to the Parliament that
declaring the Kings Concessions to be a ground for settlement of a peace notwithstanding the visible defects of them in the Essentials concerning the liberties of the Kingdom c. And ●herefore desire that all such faithful Members who are innocent will protest against the said Votes by publick Declaration and the rest to be expelled the House that so the well-affected may proceed to set a short period to your own power to provide for a speedy succession of equal Representatives according to the Armies late Remonstrance But as we said the Parliament adjourning till this Munday 11. Decem. and not sitting that day neither the Army D●clare a new Representative which they call an Agreement of the people for future Government of the Nation to be subscribed by all the people The Preamble whereof was in effect We having by our late labours made it appear at what rate we value our freedom and God owning our cause hath delivered our enemies into our hands we ought as bound in mutual duty to each other to avoid the danger of returning into a slavish condition and another chargeable war so that when our common rights shall be cleared their endeavours will be disappointed that seek to be our Masters Our troubles having been occasioned either by want of National meetings in Councel by the undue or unequal constitution there●f or by rendring those meetings uneffectual And therefore we are agreed to provide that hereafter our Representatives be neither undertain for time nor unequally constituted nor be made useless to the end for which they are intended In order hereunto they declare That this Parliament be dissolved the last of April next The Representatives of the whole Nation to consist of three hundred persons The Manner of the ele●tion they propound 1. That the Electors be Natives such as have subscribed this agreement such as are assessed for the relief of the poor men of 21. years of age and House-keepers in that Division and for seven years no person that hath adhered to the King or shall oppose this agreement or not subscribe hereto shall have voice in Election 2. That after 14. years such persons may be elected that have voice in Elections and for the present none shall be Eligible who have not voluntarily assisted against the King either before June 1645. or in money Plate or Arms l●nt upon the Propositions May 1643. or have abetted the treasonable design in London 1647. or who declared for a Cessation of Arms with the Scots or ingaged in the last Summers Wars against the Parliament 3. That whoever is incapable by the former Rules and yet shall Vote in Elections or sit in Representative shall lose the moity of his Estate he having above 50. l. and if under then three moneths imprisonment And if any oppose the Elections then to lose his whole Estate or a years imprisonment if under 50. l. per an 4. That 150. Members at least shall make an Act of Law And these shall within twenty dayes after their first sitting appoint a C●uncil of State to continue untill the second Representative and the Council to Act as they shall direct by instructions 5. That no Officer of State Treasurer or Receiver while such shall be a Representative 6. No Lawyer shall practice whilst he is of any Representative or Council of State 7. That the Representative only without the consent of any other person shall Enact Alter Repeal and declare any Laws to the erecting and abolishing of Officers of Courts of Iustice but with these Exceptions following Not to compel tender Consciences in matters of Religion or Worship No person to be impressed to Serve in War by Land or Sea No person after the dissolution of this present Parliament shall be questioned concerning the late War otherwise then in execution or pursuance of the determination of the present House of Commons against such as have adhered to the King and also Accomptants for money That all manner of persons be subject to the publick Laws and such as have now priviledge shall be nulled and none priviledged hereafter That the Representatives meddle not with the execution of Laws not give Judgement upon any mans person That no Representative shall take away Common Right or Level mens Estates destroy proprieties or make all things common 8. That the Council of State in case of danger may summon a Representative for a Session of fourty daies and to dissolve two moneths before the next appointed Representative 9. The publick faith of the Nation shall be made good save that the next Representative may continue or Null all gifts of money made by the present House of Comm●ns to themselves or any Lords 10. If any Officer or Leader in any Army or Garrison shall resist the Orders of any Representative shall forthwith lose the protection of the Law and dye without mercy The House moulded as others would have it yet many of the Members could not digest the Choake-paer Proposals Declaration Engagement Agreements but somewhat must be done they debate that point of Proposal of the eleven Members formerly put out and since re-admitted and to please the Army Vote and un-vote and conclude of these Votes now That the Votes of 3. Jan. 1647. for revoking the Order of 9. Septem 1647. for disabling Com. Copley to be a Member is of dangerous consequence and is hereby repealed That the receiving the other ten Members was unparliamentary and is therefore Null That the Vote of 30. June 1648. for the opening away to the Treaty with the King be Null That the Vote of 3. of Jan. 1647 forbidding all address to the King to be taken off was aparantly destructive to the Kingdom Divers of the proscribed Members were made Prisoners as Brown Clotworthy Waller Massey Copley to St. Jame's And now both Houses Vote no Address to be made to the King nor Message from him upon pain of Treason And that the Vote of 28 July to Treat with the ●ing was destructive to the Kingdom The King in a very sad condition by his stricter imprisonment in Hurst Castle and hearing of these Votes prepares his Sol●loquies for comfort in death meditating thereon in these words As I have leasure enough saies the King so I have cause more then enough to meditate upon and prepare for my death for I know there are but a few steps between the Prisons and the Graves of Princes It is Gods indulgence which gives me the space but mans cruelty that gives me the sad occasions for these thoughts For besides the common but then of mortality which lies upon me as a man I now bear the heavy load of other mens ambitions fears jealousies and cruel passions whose envy or enmity against me ma●es their own lives seem d●adly to them while I enjoy any part of mine I thank God my prosperity made me not wholly a stranger to the contemplations of mortality Those are never unseasonable since this is alwaies uncertain death being
That the Supream power of England is immediately invested only in the people and their Representatives and had Voted therefore that all Committees which before consisted of Lords and Commons should have power to Act though the Lords joyn not herein After much debate the Commons resolved that the House would not agree with their Lordships This day Friday 19. of Ian. the King was brought from Windsor to St. Iames's And the Argument of the people thus long a hammering was perfected by the Commonwealth of the Army at White-hall and presented to the House of Commons by Sir Hardress Waller and 16. Officers Nay more there came a Woman-witch out of Hartfordshire who justified the Armies proceedings by her Revelations from God which was well accepted of the Council as coming from an humble spirit and her advice taken as very seasonable The Commons House being possessed of this great power as great as they list to take erect a new Tribunal for Tryal of the King which is called the high Court of Iustice and so to gain reverence from the Name over which are appointed 150. Judges or Tryers that so in number they might represent the people who are impowered to Convent Hear Iudge and Execute Charls Stuart King of England Into this number are Elected Members of both Houses and others of neither men of several conditions and professions Nay if it were necessary to prove it it was reported for truth there was one man and No-man or rather of double Sex an Hermophrodite But amongst the number were six Earls of the upper House the Judges of the Kingdom Commanders of the Army Members of the Commons and no Members of the City of London of Lawyers nay of several Trades and Professions And all these supposed themselves to deserve much for this desperate enterprize and twenty of them made up the Quorum Little regard is had of the higher House unless of a few Lords whose Authority there was deemed sufficient for Acting Yet when the Vote of the Commons House against the King was carried up there were unwittingly 17. Lords and the major part refused to assent and did reject the Vote as not grounded upon Law Hereupon such Lords which were to be Tryers of the King are expunged the Roll. And afterwards the Judges of the Kingdom are put out as deeming That it was against the received Laws of England that the King should be brought to tryal But on they go and appoint Mr. Iohn Bradshaw lately made Serjeant at Law to be President of the Court and one Cook to be Sollicitor The Presbyterian Ministers now too late declaim against it many more of other Sects by their Sermons Conference Protestations and Remonstrances publish and beseech That against the dreadful tyes of so many Oaths against the publick and private faith backed by Declarations and promises against the Law of the Land against the more sacred Dictates of divine Scriptur● and Religion nay against the good of the Common-wealth they would not distain their own hands and the Kingdom with the Kings blood The English Nobility offer themselves Pledges on the Kings behalf and universally the people murmur but in vain The 19. Ian. the Scotish Commissioners delivered some Papers and a Declaration from the Parliament of Scotland wherein they express a dislike of the present proceedings against the King and declare That the Kingdom of Scotland have an undoubted interest in the person of the King who was not delivered to the English Commissioners at Newcastle for the ruine of his person but for more speedy settlement of the peace of his Kingdoms That they extreamly dissent and declare against the Tryal of him in regard of the great miseries that are like to ensue upon the Kingdoms And crave leave to make their personal addresses to the King The like Papers and desires were presented to the G●neral and these were publick But we have met with a Scotish Paper of privacie belike from the other Faction and it was intercepted by our English Army it was intituled Instructions sent to the Scotish Commissioners from the Parliament of Scotland To use in your amplification the same mentioned in your Letter that it seemed not to import by proofe of any violence used against the Parliament or any member thereof That you have address to such Lords and Commons as are our friends and not ill-affected to the honest party That your amplifications be so concise that they give no occasion of offence That nothing proceed from you justifying the Kings proceedings Nothing in approbation of the late engagement Nothing which may import a breach or give or be a ground of a new War That they would delay to meddle with the Kings person according to their several promises and Declarations at Newcastle and at Holmby If they proc●ed and pronounce sentence against the King that you enter your dissent and protest that this Kingdom may be free of the miseries which unevitably will follow without offering in your reasons that Princes are exempted from Tryal and Iustice. That none in this Parliament had or hath had any hand in any the proceedings of the Army against the King and Members of Parliament If they proceed then to shew the calamities that will follow and how grievous it will be to this Kingdom considering his delivering up at Newcastle If the Papers called the Engagement of the people be passed and shall import any thing anent the Processing of the Prince the changing of the Fundamental Government of the Kingdom that you enter your dissent You shall alter these Instructions or mannage your trust therein by the advice of our friends there To prosecute your instructions anen● the Covenant and against the toleratio To shew that the Kings last Concessions are insatisfactory to ours in point of Religion But all these Scotish tricks on either side signified little not to frighten Resolutions for the Actors in England arm themselves with pretensions of Gods providence and impulsions of the holy Spirit some there were even in the Pulpit bids them Courage that the time was come that the Saints of the earth should binde Kings and their Nobles with chains of iron and not to doubt but that the Prophesie belongs to them And in the Pulpit another with bended knees tears and hands lift up in the name of the people of England earnestly beseeching they would execute justice against Charls and not suffer Benhadad their Enemy to go away in safety raging and railing against Monarchy one expounds the story of the Trees in chusing a King when the Vine and Olive refused that Office underwent the harsher government of the Bramble After sundry meetings of the 38. Commissioners in the Painted Chamber at Westminster they had prepared all things expedient for the Tryal and the high Court of Justice was framed at the upper end of Westminster Hall the place of the two Courts Chancery and Kings-Bench were ordered into one and all
afterwards recovering that inconvenience he was so constant to himself and over-weaning that his opinions became resolves In all his defects we may more reasonably fix the occasions rather upon others who had their influence from him then upon his own defect for the mis-choice of fit and able persons to be his best and dearest friends proved fatal to him to them and to us all The King left his Queen a miserable disconsolate Lady the Daughter of France and therefore while he suffered she was there supported with their three Sons Charls Prince of Wales Iames Duke of York and Henry Duke of Glocester Princes of high eminent and Heroick vertue 〈◊〉 Two daughters also the one Elizabeth the Relict Princess of Orange the other Mary an Infant all of them are banished Orphanes This Letter came to hand since the Kings death intrusted to the Bishop of London with his blessing to the Prince of Wales To the Prince of Wales Son if these Papers with some others wherein I have set down the private reflections of my conscience and my most impartial thoughts touching the chief passages which have been most remarkable or disputed in my late Troubles come to your hands to whom they are chiesly design'd they may be so far usefull to you as to state your judgment aright in what hath passed 〈◊〉 whereof a pious is the best use can be made and they may also give you some directions how to remedy the present distempers and prevent if God will the like for time to come It is some kind of deceiving and lessening the injury of my long restraint when I finde my leisure and solitude have produced something worthy of my self and usefull to you that neither you nor any other may hereafter measure my Cause by the success nor my judgment of things by my misfortunes which I count the greater by far because they have so far lighted upon you and some others whom I have most cause to love as well as my self and of whose unmerited sufferings I have a greater sense then of my own But this advantage of Wisdom you have above most Princes that you have begun and now spent some years of discretion in the experience of troubles and exercise of patience wherein Piety and all Vertues both Moral and Political are commonly better planted to a thriving as Trees set in Winter then in warmth and serenity of times or amidst those delights which usually attend Princes Courts in times of peace and plenty which are prone either to root up all Plants of true vertue and Honour or to be contented only with some leaves and withering formalities of them without any real fruits such as tend to the publick good for which Princes should alwaies remember they are born and by providence designed The evidence of which different education the holy Writ affords us in the contemplation of David and Rehoboam the one prepared by many afflictions for a flourishing Kingdom the other softned by the unparalleld prosperity of Solomons Court and so corrupted to the great diminution both for Peace Honour and Kingdom by those flatteries which are as unseparable from prosperous Princes as Flies are from fruit in Summer whom adversitie like cold weather drives away I had rather you should be Charls le Bon then le Grand good then great I hope God hath designed you to be both having so early put you into that exercise of his Graces and Gi●●●estowed upon you which may best weed out all vitious inclinations and dispose you to those Princely indowments and employments which will most gain the love and intend the welfare of those over whom God shall place you With God I would have you begin and end who is King of Kings the Sovereign disposer of the Kingdoms of the World who pulleth down one and setteth up another The best Government and highest Soveraignty you can attain to is to be subject to him that the Scepter of his word and Spirit may rule in your heart The true glory of Princes consists in advancing Gods glory in the maintenance of true Religion and the Churches good also in the dispensation of civil power with Iustice and honour to the publick peace Piety will make you prosperous at least it will keep you from being miserable nor is he much a loser that loseth all yet saveth his own soul at last To which center of true happiness God I trust hath and will graciously direct all these black lines of affliction which he hath been pleased to draw on me and by which he hath I hope drawn me nearer to himself You have already tasted of that cup whereof I have liberally drunk which I look upon as Gods Physick having that in healthfulness which it wants in pleasure Above all I would have you as I hope you are already well-grounded and settled in your Religion the best profession of which I have ever esteemed that of the Church of England in which you have been educated yet I would have your own Iudgment and Reason now seal to that sacred bond which education hath written that it may be judiciously your own Religion and not other mens custom or tradition which you profess In this I charge you to persevere as coming nearest to Gods word for Doctrine and to the Primitive examples for government with some little amendment which I have otherwhere expressed and often offered though in vain Your fixation in matters of Religion will not be more necessary for your souls then your Kingdoms peace when God shall bring you to them For I have observed that the Devil of Rebellion doth commonly turn himself into an Angel of Reformation and the old Serpent can pretend new Lights when some mens Consciences accuse them for Sedition and Faction they stop its mouth with the name and noise of Religion when Piety pleads for peace and patience they cry out Zeal So that unless in this point you be well settled you shall never want temptations to destroy you and yours under pretension of Reforming matters of Religion for that seems even to the worst of men as the best and most auspicious beginning of their worst designs Where besides the novelty which is taken enough with the Vulgar every one hath an affectation by seeming forward to an outward Reformation of Religion to be thought zealous hoping to cover those irreligious deformities whereto they are conscious by a severity of censuring other mens opinions or actions Take heed of abetting any Factions or applying to any publick Discriminations in matters of Religion contrary to what is in your judgment and the Churches well settled your partial adhering as head to any one side gains you not so great advantages in some mens hearts who are prone to be of their Kings 's Religion as it loseth you in others who think themselves and their profession first despised then persecuted by you take such a course as may either with calmness and charity quite remove the seeming
when once they have fully shaken off this yoke of vulgar incroachment since the publick interest consists in the mutual and common good both of Prince and people Nothing can be more happy for all then in fair grave and honourable waies to contribute their Counsels in Common enacting all things by publick consent without Tyranny or Tumults We must not starve our selves because some have surfeited of wholsome food And if neither I nor you be ever restored to our Right but God in his severest Iustice will punish my Subjects with continuance in their sin and suffer them to be deluded with the prosperity of their wickedness I hope God will give me and you that grace which will teach and enable us to want as well as to wear a Crown which is not worth taking up or enjoying upon sordid dishonourable and irreligious terms Keep you to true principles of piety vertue and honour you shall never want a Kingdom A principal point of your honour will consist in your deferring 〈◊〉 respect love and protection to your Mother my Wife who hath many waies deserved well of me and chiefly in this that having been a means to bless me with so many hopeful Children all which with their Mother I recommend to your love and care shee hath been content with incomparable magnanimity and patience to suffer both for and with me and you My prayer to God Almighty is whatever becomes of me who am I thank God wrapt up and fortified in my own Innocency and his Grace that he would be pleased to make you an Anchor or Harbour rather to these tossed and weather-beaten Kingdoms a Repairer by your wisdom justice piety valour of what the folly and wickedness of some men have so far ruined as to leave nothing entire in Church or State to the Crown the Nobility the Clergie or the Commons either as to Laws Liberties Estates Order Honour Conscience or Lives When they have destroyed me for I know not how far God may permit the malice and cruelty of my enemies to proceed and such apprehensions some mens words and actions have already given me as I doubt not but my bloud will cry aloud for vengence to heaven So I beseech God not to pour out his wrath upon the generality of the people who have either deserted me or engaged against me through the Artifice and hypocrisie of their Leaders whose inward horrour will be their first tormentor nor will they escape exemplary judgments For those that loved me I pray God they may have no miss of me when I am gon so much I wish and hope that all good Subjects may be satisfied with the blessings of your presence and virtues For those that repent of any defects in their duty toward me as I freely forgive them in the word of a Christian King so I believe you will finde them truly zealous to repay with interest that Loyalty and Love to you which was due to me In sum what good I intended do you perform when God shall give you power much good I have offered more I purposed to Church and State if times had been capable of it The deception will soon vanish and the vizards will fall off apace This Mask of Religion on the face of Rebellion for so it now plainly appears since my restraint and cruel usage that they fought not for me as was pretended will not long serve to hide some mens deformities Happy times I hope attend you wherein your Subjects by their miseries will have learned That Religion to their God and Loyalty to their King cannot be parted without both their sin and their infelicity I pray God bless you and establish your Kingdoms in righteousness your soul in true Religion and your Honour in the Love of God and your people And if God will have disloyalty perfected by my destruction let my memory ever with my name live in you as of your Father that loves you and once a KING of three flourishing Kingdoms whom God thought fit to honour not only with the Scepter and Government of them but also with the suffering many indignities and an untimely death for them while I studied to preserve the Rights of the Church the power of the Laws the honour of my Crown the priviledge of Parliaments the Liberties of my people and my own Conscience which I thank God is dearer to me than a thousand Kingdoms I know God can I hope he will restore me to my Rights I cannot dispair either of his mercy or my peoples love and pitty At worst I trust I shall but go before you to a better Kingdom which God hath prepared for me and me for it through my Saviour Iesus Christ to whose mercy I commend you and all mine Farewell till we meet if not on earth yet in heaven The world was busied with Epitaphs upon his death and there were those who have been passionately disposed to parallel his sufferings with the holy Jesus but we forbear to censure them or to say so much Only we may aver that he was a King whose Reign and Death makes as full and perfect a Story of goodness and glory as earth would suffer and whose Christian virtues deserve as faithful a Register as Earth can keep but Reader not to overwhelm thee in a deluge of sorrow as I am drowned in tears I conclude The End Those wonderfull mutations in Church and State which followed hereupon even to this day we may God willing adventure to sum up hereafter in a succeeding continued History whilst these by favour finde acceptance A Table of the chief Occurrences in the preceding HISTORY A. A Rch-bishop Abbot sequestred fol. 104 dies 194 The King Marches to Aino 586 Aldern Fight 876 Sir Giles Allington his incest 160 his case and sentence 161 French Ambassadour affronted 661 Amiens described 2 Sir Robert Amstroder sent Ambassador to the Emperour 143 and again the second time 162 Bishop Andrews dies 72 Princess Anne born 218 Arguile defeated 795 Bishop of Armagh his Speech 68. His direction to the Parliament touching the Leiturgie and Episcopal Government 363. He confirms Dr. Reynalds original of it 366 367. His Propositions in Church Government 423 Design of the Army discovered 409. New Modelling of it 770. They mutiny for money 926. They Petition the Parliament 979 are discontent 984 draw towards London 986. Their Representative 987. They come to Southwark 1000. March in state to Westminster and through London 1001. Their desires 1008. Their Agitators send Letters to the General 1011 which he answers 1013. They demand their Arrears and are voted payment 1098 Their large Remonstrance 1099 and Declaration 1100. They come to White-Hall ibid. Their Representative stiled the Agreement of the people 1107 Arras lost 371 Earl of Arundel committed 30 sent Ambassador to the new Emperour of Ger. 212. and aboard the Spaniards 280 Arundel Castle surrendred to Waller 662 Ashburnham sent into England 89 Lord Ashley defeated 885 Ast Ferry Fight 733 Lord
English land upon the Isle of Rhe. Isnard pag. 36. Page 37. Slain of the French And English St. Martins Town taken Is. 64. Description of St. Martin Castle Four Bulwarks French army on the Main Anno 1626. The siege The French power Anno 1627. Some ships relieve the besieged Is. p. 95. Fourth onset for relief Letters intercepted Duke of Orleans indeavours Buckingham summon to Toras Anno 1626. Toras his answer Anno 1627. Recruit from England and Ireland Some relief to the Castle Ashburnham sent into England pag. 135. Sir Iohn Burroughs dies The French fail of their designes Their Ships destroyed The French sends to Surrende● Buckinghams Answer The besieged Relieved And the manner The ill condition of the English 29 September 9 October The English rise from the fiege The siege renewed upon hope of supply Toras his Plot. The French designes Their grea Forces Both sides encounter The French fly English retiring And fight And assault St. Martins Castle And Retreat Canophies Messages Buckinghams answer The French Army marshalled The English depart in this manner Rich and Ratcliff gallant men Page 196. The description of the caus● way The unserviceable Fortresse English oversight Both parts encounter The English defeated And killed Some French slain The number slain The English make aboard their ships And consult Rochellers false Friends English hoise sail Hist. pa. 71. Censure the expedition Hist. page 71. Observ. pa. 54. Hist. page 71. Hist. page 71. Ob. page 55. Arch-Bishop Abbot sequestred The Viscountesse Parbeck censured and escaped Stode taken by Tilly. Rochel besieged by the French King Parliament begins Hist. p. 75. Hist. p. 75. Obs. p. 58. H. p. 78. The Parliament sits 1628. Subsides granted Hist. p. 77. Obs. p. 30. Presage four Anno 1628. The Kings first Answer Second Answer Obs. p. 31. Hist. p. ●7 Presage 5. Dr. Manwaring questioned Obs. p. 31. Presage 6. Iune 26. Dr. Preston dies and his Charecter The third Fleet to Rochel The Duke murdered by Iohn Felton Hist. p. 60. Felton's confession Hist. p. 90. Hist. p. 91. The Dukes Funeral and Tomb. Felton hanged in chains Hist. p. 94. Verses on the Duke Hist. p. 88. Of P●ophecy The last Fleet to Rochol Rochel surrendred Hist. p. 94. Parliament sit Hist. p 66. Committee of Religion Nine Articles at Lambeth and the occasion of them Hist. p. 96. Obs. 71. Obs. 72. Abuses in civil affairs The King and Parliament differ Sir Iohn Eliot his Speech and Remonstrance The Commons Protestation Parliament dissolved Of Imposition of Tunnage and Poundage The Kings Declaration Obs. p. 93. The French Parliaments Members questioned Hollis his answer Hobart 's offence Eliot's answer Obs. p. 95. Anno 1629. overtures from the Emperour Hist. fol. 104. War in Italy Peace with France Overtures of peace with Spain Hist. fol. 105. Uprore in Flectstreet The Earls of Bedford and Somerset confined Earl of Pembrook dies Anno 1630. Hist. p. 107. Hist. p. 108. Prince Charls born Obs. 96. A Star appeared at noon-day The State of Germany Ambassadour to the Emperour Dr. Leighton sentenced Peace with Spain Hist. p. 110. Obs. p. 99. Tax of Knighthood Obs. p. 100. King of Sweden enters Germany King of Swed● Magdeburgh is besieged by the Emperialists taken and burnt Marquess Hamil●ons design A Puritan who Jesuites and secular Priests at difference Hist. p. 112. Earl of Essex his second Marriage Anno 1631. Impropriations permitted and punished Arreignment of the Ea●l of Castlehaven Hist. p. 115. Manner of Trial. Judges Speech to the Prisoner Audley's answer Indictment His Religion Moral actions 〈…〉 The Charge Ramseys Answer Dr. Eden for Ramsey Dr. Duck the Kings Advocate for Rey. E. Marshal Rey his Replication Dr. Duck for Rey. Dr. Duck for Ramsey Dr. Reeves for Rey. Dr. Duck. Dr. Eden for Rey. Letters read Dr. Duck for Rey. Dr. Reeves for Rey. Dr. Eden for Ramsey Doctor Eden for Ramsey Raukin examined Doctor Duck for Rey. Doctor Eden for Ramsey Doctor Duck for Rey. Dr. Reeves E. Marshall University divines differ in opinions Numb 14. 1 Kings 13. 1632. Repair of St. Pauls Anno 1632. Sir Paul Pindar a bounteous Benefactour Hist. p. 124. Obs. p. 104. London Bridg burnt The King sickned of the Small Pox. Polish Wars with the Turks Church-men Polish war Mustapha advanced to the Empire is deposed Osman elected The state of Poland War between Poland and Muscovia English and Scots assist on either side The condition of Ireland and beginning of their troubles Bodin d● Rep. K. Iames the sixth L. Wentworth sent Deputy in Ireland Return to Germany Loss of the Swedes Battel of Lutzen Nov. 16. Papenheim killed Gustavus killed His Life and Character Prince Elector dies Wallestein murdered Two of his Colonels Queen Dowager of Denmark dies The Kings Journey into Scotland 1633. Anno 1633. Idem Hist. fol. 126. Stuart Earl of Trahair Arch Bishop Abbot die● Hist. fol. 127. Duke of York born Hist. fol. 139. Orders of Church Government sent to Scotland Duties of the Church renewed Obs. p. 111. The Masque of the Inns of Courts Obs. p. 118. Vide the Pamphlet herein The Infanta dies 1634. Ship-money designed and upon what ground Anno 1634. Hist. p. 130. Ob. p. 120. Hist. 131. Attorney Noy dies Oxenstiern Ambassadour from Swethland Hist. p. 134. Ireland in disquiet The Scots plotting against the King Lord Balmerino arreigned See the second Declaration p. 57. Andrews made Lord Chancellour of Scotland Hist. p. 134. Military afairs in Germany Battel of Norlington September A short peace concluded 1635. One fleet at sea set out by Ship-money Hist. pag. 136. Lord Keepers speech to the Judges concerning Ship-money Anno 1635. Hist. p. 136. Service of the Fleets at Sea Obs. p. 128. Prince Elector arrives Princess Elizabeth born The States of Holl●nd caress the King and Queen with a Present Bishop Iuxon Lord Treasurer Hist. p. 137. Obs. p. 130. The small effects of the Peace in Germany Swedes displeased A wondrous Floud and Pestilence 1636. Commotion about Church-Ceremonies Hist. p. 137. Anno 1636. See before Anno 1628. Obs. p. 132. Hist. p. 138. Obs. p. 140. Another Navy for the Narrow Seas Hist. p. 138. Diet at Ratisbone Emperor dies E. of Arundel Ambassadour to the new Emperor Overtures of a Marriage between the King of Poland with the Lady Elizabeth Ecclesiasticall visitations of the University Debate about Ship-money Princess Ann born 1637. Burton Bastwick and Pryn censured Hist. p. 145. Anno 1637. Cruelty Pryn. Papists pursued Prince Elector and his brother depart Hist. p. 145. Bishop● of Lincoln sentenced in Star-chamber Hist. p. 145. Hist. 146. Originall of the Scots Injunction Liturgie compassed in Scotland and imposed there upon them disorder against the Liturgie Howen Mutiny again Three Proclamations Proclamation to keep the Peace Insolent Petitions Or outlawed Lords Protest against the ● Proclamation Earl of Trahair and others treacherous Anno 1638. Covenanters pretended cause of Rebellion See Hist. Qu. of Scots p. 21. Digression The Earl of
for the Spaniard Cockram's Instructions to the King of Denmark Ann● 1644. 〈…〉 Sir W. Waller 's Commission The Scots are caressed Fight at Bra●dean Heath Essex's Army recruited Tax of weekly Meals Bewdley taken Fairfax in the North. Parliaments Army hastened The Parliament assembled at Oxford prorogu●d Parliament at Westminster write to the Parliament in Scotland Anno 1643. The Queen journeys to the West and so to France The Kings Protestation a● the Sacrament of the Eucharist Swansey summoned Anno 1644. Siege at Latham House from A●ril 17 raised May 27. The Lady Winter summoned to yield Her Answer Malmsbury taken The Kings design to march from Oxford Essex and Waller divide Forces Waller to catch the King Waller defeated at Copredy Bridge General Essex defeated in Cornwal Anno 1643. Anno 1644. The King returns to Oxford The Kings Letter to the Earl of Essex The Lords Letters to Essex Another from Tavestock Holland Ambassadours have audience for Peace York relieved by P. Rupert York surrendered to the Parliament Dennington Castle assaulted by the Parliaments Forces A second Attempt upon the Castle Church Reformation Princess Henretta Maria born at Exceter Iune 16. Ambassadours mediatours for Peace A Letter from beyond Seas to a member at Westminster The Kings Letter to the Parliament for a Peac● Upon the Victory against Essex's Army in Cornwal Banbury stormed by the Parliament and repulsed Earl of Northampton defeats the Besiegers Massey meets Myns design Gr●y and Hammond fall out Myn de feated and slain Prince Rupert near Bristol Ast Ferry Fight Lieutenant Col. Kirle betrays Monmouth to Massey Military affairs in Monmouthshire Fight on the East side of Spine Earl of Cleveland commended Fight near Shaw Monmouth surprized and how Sir Iac. Astley at Cirencester Sentenced to death Captain Hotham arraigned Hothams Letter to the Earl of Newcastle Eikon Bas. cap. 8. p. 46. A new Government of the Church voted Eikon Bas. Cap. 16. Parliaments Propositions for Peace Directions to Ormond to make peace with the Rebels in Ireland Memorials for Secretary Nicholas at the Treaty Directions to the Kings Commissioners to treat Treaty at Uxbridge The Kings Commissioners offers concerning Religion Ireland Observations concerning the Treaty Anno 1644. Upon Uxbridg Treaty and other the Kings offers Eikon Bas. Chap. 18. Irish Rebels Macquire and Mac-Mahone Executed The design of new modelling the Army Newcastle siege Newcastle surrendred The siege of Basing House Basing relieved the 12 of Sept. The Besiegers rise from Basing Arch-Bishop of Canterbury arraigned Acts 6. 12. Acts 12. 3. Isa. 1. 15. Psal. 9. 12. Heb. 12. His Prayer at the Block Colonel Stephens surprizing was surprized The Cavaliers prevail Price Rupert in Wales with additional Forces Military affairs in Scotland Montrose spoils the M●neses D●feat at Aberdinc Fight at Favy Montrose in Arguile divastates all Arguile defeated A Design for the Duke of Lorain's assistance to the King The reason of the Danish War Anno 1645. General Fairfax his Commission Peace with the Swedes Shrewsbury betrayed to the Parliaments Forces Anno 1645. The Earls of Essex Manchester and Denbigh surrender their Commissions A Paper delivered to the Lord by the Earl of Essex together with his Commission Declaration in behalf of these Generals Grand Ordinance to disable Members from Offices and Commands Both Armies how disposed Blackington delivered to the Parliament Colonel Windebank shot to death Taunton besieged by the Kings Forces Taunton relieved for the present and again besieged State Ambassadours take leave Sir Iohn Winter recruited Lidbury fight A Protestation of Loyalty to the King Leicester taken by the King Naseby Fight Their Order The Kings Letters taken and divulged Upon his Majesties Letters taken and divulged Eikon Bas. ch 21. And his Declaration Leicester Surrendered upon Articles to the Parliament Prince Elector arrested for debt at the City feast Oxford straitned Carlisle surrendered Club-men are up Club-men treat with Fairfax His Answer Club-men's mis-rule Goring and Fairfax fight at Sutton Field Goring goes Westward Fairfax to Bridgwater Bridgwater bravely defended Bridgwater bravely defended at last surrendered Scarborough Castle delivered to the Parliament Bath rendered to Fairfax Siege of Hereford by the Scots raised by the King Summons Answers The King raises the Siege The Scots in discontent Sherburn taken by storm Club-men surprized by Cromwel Huntington taken by the King The King comes to Wales Fight at Bauton Heath Bristol besieged by Fairfax and Cromwel Cromwels Letter from Bristol to the Speaker He takes the Devizes And Winchester His Letter A Ranting Commander Basing taken by storm The wealth of Basing The Kings condition His Forces defeated at Sherburn in Yorkshire Digbie's Letters taken concerning Ireland The Kings Officers quarr●l Commanders quit their Commissions Belvoir surrendred to the Parliament Latham House rendred to the Parliament Hereford surprized for the Parliament Of treachery or Corruptions Qualifications concerning Delinquents Prince Charles desires conduct for two Lords to treat about a peace Fairfax's Answer The Princes Reply The Kings Letter to the Parliament● for a conduct for persons to treat The Parliaments answer The Parliaments Answer to the Kings former Letters Anno. 1645. Fasting and Prayer at Oxford Irish Letters Intercepted The Kings Commission to the Barl of Glamorgan Message about Ireland and personal Treaty Arch-Bishop of York his letter to the Lord Ashley Digby's letter Glamorgans letter to the King out of Ireland Westchester besieged and surrendered Court of Wards and Liveries voted down Lilburn petitions for justice Dartmouth besieged and surrendred to the Parliament Exeter summoned Hopton defeated at Torrington Lamiston quitted Hopton agrees to disband Eikon Bas. pa. 17. 2. His expedition to Dund●e Aldern Battel Kilsithe famous Battel Foreign Affairs Prisoners of note Anno. 1646. The Prince of Wales invited to the Parliament The King at Ox●ord in distress Lord Ashley defeated totally The King desires to come to his Parliament He is answered negatively Cavaliers to depart the City Court Martial and their Articles Misery of the Cavalier The Brass Tomb of Windsor sold. Garisons surrendred Exeter surrendred Garisons rendred up to the Parliament Williams Arch-bishop of York turnned Souldier against the King Dudley Castle surrendred Oxford City besieged the second time Instructions to treat Oxford surrendred upon Articles Prince Elector visits his Brothers The Kings Seal of State broken The Duke of York brought to London Princess Henretta conveyed into France Sir Richard Onslow complains of Withers Newark siege and surrender of it First summons Second summons Banbury Castle surrendered and Carnarvan Ragland Castle besieged The King escapes out of Oxford And arrives at the Scots Army before Newark The Kings Letter to Ormond of his intention to go to the Scots Army Order to dispose of the King Levens Letter concerning the King The Kings Message to the Parliament from Southwel Votes to dispose of the King Eikon Bas. chap. 21. The Prince invited again to the Parliament The King enters into Newcastle The Scots Army voted to be gone
and losses of all sorts of persons and besides other extraordinary charges hereafter mentioned we do according to our knowledge present to your Lordships the publicke charges and burdens under which the whole Countries do lie as followeth in the schedule annexed to the account viz. The account of the several Regiments that were first employed amounts to the sum of 72293. pound 15. shillings English mony For Artillery and Amunition at the same time the sum of 13388. pound 6. shillings 8. pence The fortifying of the Castle at Edinburgh and Floring some fortifications made in Bruntill and Inchgrave Kintire and Arrane the works and fortification made at Leith so much of the Accounts as came in at Whitsontide extends to the sum of 5399. l. 3. s. 4. d. We do pay for three tearms Annual thereof betwixt Whitsunday and Martinmas at 8. l. per cent extends the sum of 10809. l. 14. s. Item The souldiers of Fortune being compleatly from the first of September in the Regiment their accounts above written to the last of December being four moneths the sum of 8333. l. 6. s. 8. d. Item The number of them being 〈◊〉 by their comming home from that time to the fourth of May the sum of 10833. 1. 6. s. 8. d. Item For the battery at the Castle of Edinburgh ranning trenches Earth Deale and Dung fortification of Leith for reparation of the work and satisfaction for grounds gardens and houses demolished for making the fortification and tronches about the Castle the sum of 7166. l. 13. s. 4. d. Item For General Major Monro his Regiment from the first of March to the last of November the sum of 15000. l. Summa lateris 143223. l. 15. s. 8. d. Item For two small Regiments kept in Edinburgh consisting of 1200. men being listed in the end of March and were kept to the beginning of October the sum of 10500. l. Item For the pay of 400. foot that lay at Minrosse from the beginning to the last August of and for leavy money of 4. s. 6. d. 〈◊〉 the sum of 1920. l. 13. s. 4. d. Item For 60. horse that lay there in troops four moneths the sum of 816. l. 6. s. 8. d. Item Lievtenant Colonel Homes Regiment from the first of Aprill to the last of November 70500. l. Item The Earl of Argiles expedition in this year 3333. l. 6. s. 8. d. Item The Factors counts of Amunition and Arms this year the sum of 25000. l. Item The foot Army consisting between 22000. and 24000. men with 2500. horse was three moneths and an halfe at 40000. l. a moneth do extend to the sum of 140000. l. Item The Army being a moneth and an halfe the sum of 60000. l. Item Levy monies advanced to the footemen to bring them to the Randevous to some 2. s. to some 3. s. to some 5. s. as they lay in distance from their Randevous which was at the least to every footman over head 3. s. 4. d. the sum of 3646. l. 13. s. 4. d. Item Leavy to 2500. horsemen at 6. s. 8. d. apeece the sum of 833. l. 6. s. 8. d. Item For entertaining of souldiers at the Castle of Dumberton and upon Clyde making fortification at both places the sum of 30343. l. 6. s. 8. d. Item The Earl of Marshall his Regiment the sum of 30333. l. 6. s. 8. d. Item My Lord Sincklars Regiment the sum of 10666. l. 13. s. 4. d. Summa lateris 266904. l. 13. s. 4. d. Item 65. ships given up in the list besides many others not yet come to our knowledge which with the loading and loss they had by want of trade by nine moneths rest the sum of 52700. The delivery of the ships will abate so much of this as the ships are presently worth Item About five hundred Scotch-ships were stopped from trading by the English ships six or seven moneths the native commodities ordinarily to be exported were sold the third penny down of their value the prejudice thereof exceedeth that which we desire but do onely here set the sum 50000. l. Item For fortification made at Tantalam and a watch kept there and at the Basse and Linton Bridge the sum of 7000. l. Item For two ships sunk at Clyde to stop the passing of the English some having come in before and were valued at 600. l. Summa lateris 104000. The Kingdome of Scotland hath sustained divers other great burthens of this nature As first the particular charges sustained by the Nobility Gentry Burroughs of our Kingdome by reason of the great troubles and Armies which shall be made appear to be above 100000. l. Item the neglect and over-sight of their particular fortunes can be no less then the 100000. l. aforesaid besides expeditions in the North that ●ost above 1000. l. The stop of Trade was of prejudice to Scotland above 50000. l. 18000. l. a moneth will not defray the charge of our Armies at New-Castle and in Scotland besides the 850. l. per diem which we receive from the Nothern parts and Counties There was furnished by the Several Shires of the Kingdome 2000. Baggots horses for carrying victuals to the Souldiers they sent out And about a thousand were bought for carrying the Commanders baggage of which above 1000. have been lost in England and have perished in the journey and of 500. horse and 100. oxen for the Common the half is also lost which loss will amount to above 6500. 1. Many of the 2500. troop horse cost at the several prices by the Shires and will lose of them partly by death and partly by decay above 5500. 1. Sum of the last 271500. l. So then their charges amount unto 514128. l. 9. s. their losses unto 271500. l. Besides their charity to us in other abatements Whereupon the English Commissioners in much amazement demanded of the Scotish Whether this be a positive Account or whether rather an intimation of the Charges there to induce the Kingdom of England to take your distressed estate into consideration and to afford you some friendly assistance the eighth of Ianuary 1640. They answer We could be no less willing to undergo the Loss if we had been ready to undergo the hazzard but because the burthen of the whole charge doth far exceed our strength we have as is more fully contained in our Papers presented to your Lordships our Charges and Losses Not intending to demand a total Reparation but in some measure ●ear the Remnant which we conceive your Lordships having considered our Reasons to be a matter not of our covetousness but of the justice and kindness of the Kingdom of England the ninth of January 1640. per Adam Blayr And some of the Commons House their Favourites conceived their Demands not unreasonable But Sir Benjamin Ruddier gave his opinion to this effect Ianuary 22. Mr Speaker The prudent Endeavours of our Commissioners with the Scots probably have drawn near to a blessed Peace The King being graciously
pleased to assent to their Acts of Parliament including the Articles of their Assembly their Religion Laws and Liberties ratified their grievances relieved for which we use to give the King Money The Scots Remonstrance professing that they would take nothing of the English but for Money or Security But we have defrayed them hitherto and are still provided to do longer That heretofore we established their Reformation and bore our own Charges and concerning mutual restitution of Ships and Goods which now our Commissioners have fairly accommodated already As for inferential and consequential Dammages such a Representment would not administer unacceptable matter of contestation We could truly allege that Northumberland New-castle and the Bishoprick will not recover their former Estate these twenty years that the Coal-mines of New-castle will not be set right for an hundred thousand pounds besides the price of Coals doth cost this City and other parts of this Kingdom above that value in loss And much more of this nature and dammage might be justly urged They say they do not make any former Demands but yet they make their Sum appear above four hundred and fourteen thousand pounds more than ever we gave the King A portentous apparition which shews it self in a very dry time the Kings Revenue totally exhausted the Kingdom generally impoverished and yet all this supply is to be drawn out of us onely without the least help from any his Majesties other Dominions an utter draining of this Nation unless England be Puteus inexhaustus yet I shall afford what is reasonable and honourable to a convenient considerable Sum of Money that they may go off with a handsome friendly Loss if they shall reject it we shall improve our Cause It was never thought any great wisdom overmuch to trust to a succesfull Sword A man that walks upon rising ground the further he goes the more spacious his prospect success enlarges mens desires extends their ambition breeds thoughts never dreamt on before But the Scots being truly touched with Religion according to their professions that onely is able to keep their words for Religion is stronger and wiser than Reason it self But we hope of a good conclusion of the effects of all these hitherto Inconveniences to the advance of Religion King and Kingdoms But for the present to satisfie the clamour of the Scots Master Speaker was ordered to write to the City of London to advance sixty thousand pounds upon security and Assignment out of the next Subsidies to be levied and to pay in the Money to the Chamber of London which was so humbly obeyed This being but one Loan for I finde several Acquittances for the like Sum of sixty thousand pounds mentioning therein For Supply of the Kings Army and providing for the Northern Counties And so belike were issued for Supply of both Armies The Dutch Ambassadour Lieger having made Overtures of a Marriage between William young Prince of Orange and the Kings eldest Daughter the Princess Mary which he very willingly inclined to accept yet though fit as his condition stood with the Parliament to acquaint them therewith And tells the House of Lords My Lords That freedom and confidence which I expressed at the beginning of this Parliament to have of your love and fidelity towards my Person and Estate hath made me at this time come hither to acquaint you with that Alliance and Confederacy which I intend to make with the Prince of Orange and the States which before this time I did not think expedient to do because that part which I do desire your advice and assistance upon was not ready to be treated on I will not trouble you with a long digression by shewing the steps of this Treaty but leave you to be satisfied in that by those who under me do manage that Affair Onely I shall shew you the Reasons which have induced me to it and in which I expect your assistance and counsel The Considerations that have induced me to it are these First the matter of Religion here needs no Dispensation no fear that my Daughters conscience may be any way perverted Secondly I do esteem that a strict Alliance and Confederacy with the States will be as usefull to this Kingdom as that with any of my Neighbours especially considering their Affinity Neighbourhood and way of their strength And lastly which I must never forget in these occasions the use I may make of this Alliance towards the establishing of my Sister and Nephews Now to shew you in what I desire your assistance you must know that the Articles of Marriage are in a manner concluded but not to be totally ratified untill that of Alliance be ended and agreed which before I demanded your assistance I did not think fit to enter upon And that I may not leave you too much at large how to begin that Council I present you here the Propositions which are offered by me to the States Ambassadours for that intent And so my Lords I shall onely desire you to make as much expedition in your Councils as so great a Business shall require and shall leave your Lordships to your own free debate This Proposition of Alliance both with the Prince and with the United Provinces was extremely and unanimously affected by all the People and was universally embraced without Fears or Jealousies upon our Liberties or Religion and soon concluded but what resulted think you from another party Papists Plots perpetually allarming for The very next Day four Members of the Commons House bore up the Message to the Lords of a monstrous Design of the Papists an Army of fifteen thousand in Lancashire and eight thousand in Ireland and I know not how many thousands in many places well armed and in pay raised by the Earl of Strafford the Earl of Worcester and others After-ages will think these Hyperboles for though there was no such Armies possibly by them nor no such Fears by others yet this Message was sent and carried from the Lower to the Higher House and gave the occasion to the multitude of People to frame Petitions sutable to Plots and Fears and Jealousies for the Parliaments purpose The thirteenth of February one of the Ship-money Judges so nick-named Sir Robert Berkley was by a motion of the Commons accused of High-treason and by Maxwell the Black Rod taken the next day from his Seat in the Kings Bench and kept Prisoner The Bill for the Triennial Parliament having passed both Houses was confirmed with the Kings royal assent February 16. and to let them see how sensible himself was of this his great grace he thought fit to put them in minde of their gratitude of fear of their failing My Lords And you the Knights Citizens and Burgesses of the House of Commons you may remember when both Houses were with me at the Banquetting-house at White-hall I did declare unto you two Rocks I wished you to shun this is one of them and of that consequence that
discharge the Debts and Loan monies of the Common-wealth September 6. What wayes endeavours and real expressions the King had made to prevent subsequent Miseries the world may judge and yet they have been so fruitless that though he hath descended to desire nay to press it not so much as a Treaty can be obtained unless he will denude himself of all force to defend him from a visible strength marching against him and to admit those Persons as Traytors to him whose duty Allegeance and the Law have appeared in his defence Indeed his power was now weak which the Parliament consider so that they would put him upon the Providence of God the Justice of his cause and the affection of his good people without doubt though it was far from his thoughts to put them out of his Protection yet if ever the Parliament should desire a Treaty of Him he promises piously to remember whose blood is to be spilt in the quarrel and would most cheerfully imbrace any reasonable accommodation And now the war on Foot and Forces raised a wonder it was what Tumults and Insurrections were dayly complained of to both parties which the King endeavoured to reclaim by his Declarations and exemplary Punishments So do the Parliament party and send down Sir Thomas Barrington and Mr. Grynistone into Essex to rectifie their disordres but being there they seize Sir Iohn Lucas and his Lady at Colchester and commit them to the Jayle and their eight Coach horses sent to their General Essex and Mr. Newcomen then for the King was sent to prison resolving to bring them speedily to their Trials in order to that Lucas was proclaimed Traytor by the Parliament brought up to London and committed to the Gatehouse I have not troubled the Reader with the remembrance of the Scots Nation who have so much troubled us And now I find them working on their design to set us forward to a further distance that they may the better come into the distraction with their ill Councel They kept a kind of Commissioners here to be at hand for their purpose who sent Advice and Intelligence to their General Assembly of Scotland of the condition and transaction of all our affairs here And accordingly the Parliament caress them with a Declaration as it was most fitting for their purpose to be believed To which the Assembly with universal consent in their canting manner held forth this Answer in the beginning of August last to this effect 1. That from the sense of their own late deliverance they bless God for preserving themselves in the midst of their divisions and troubles from a bloody war the compend of all Calamities 2. That the hearts of all their Members of this Assembly and of others well affected are exceedingly grieved that in so long a time the Reformation moves so slowly not onely Prelates formal professors prophane and Popishly affected but bad Councellors with spiritual wickedness in high places have prevailed so far that as in the times of the best Kings of Iudah of old and the most part of the reformed Kirk of late a through Reformation hath been a work full of difficulties Their Kirk and nation when God gave them the calling considered not their own dulness nor staggered at the promise through unbelief And who knoweth but the Lord hath now some controversie with England which will not be removed till the worship of his name and the Government of his House be setled 3. That the Commissioners of Scotland in the late Treaty of peace did represent their serious thoughts and desires for unity of Religion that in all his Majesties dominions there might be one confession of faith one directory of worship one Catechism and one form of Kirk Government when all his people may resort to one worship This Assembly doth now enter upon the labour of their Commissioners into which they are encouraged by the zeal of former Assemblies at Edenburgh December 1566. which ordained a Letter to be sent into England against the Surplice Tippet and Corner Cap and such other Ceremonies of that Kirk that they might be removed by the Assembly at Edinburgh April 1583. desiring their King to Command his Ambassadors then going to Queen Elizabeth that there might be an Union and Band betwixt them against the persecution of Papists in their Holy League of Trent and to disburthen their Brethren in England from the yoke of Ceremonies against the Liberty of the word And by the Assembly at Edinburgh March 1589. ordaining their Proselytes to use all means for the relief of the Kirk of England for maintaining the true discipline and Government of the Kirk of England And why not now much more being many waies encreased their zeal ought to be no less especially encouraged by his Majesties personal worship when he was with them and many acts of grace to their Ministry and Kirk and his grat●ous Letter to them Intimating that when any thing is amiss he will in a fair and orderly way reform and so done He will maintain and defend it in peace against all troubles without and against all Sects Heresies Schismes within And likewise the Parliament of England hath shewen their zeal and expressed their grief that the work hath been interrupted by a Malignant party of Papists evil affected persons a corrupt and dissolute Clergie by the Instigation of Bishops Their hope is that when they shall return to a peaceable Parliamentary proceeding to setle a Kirk reformation firm and stable Union between both Kingdoms they being mightily encouraged by a Letter from the reverend brethren of the Kirk of England upon all these grounds the Assembly doth confidently expect that England will now bestir themselves to a Reformation and first to begin with Kirk Government and that Prelacy the main cause of all their miseries be pluckt up root and branch which God hath not planted bearing no better fruits then sowre grapes which hath set on edg the Kingdom of England The Hierarchy being put by the work will be easie without forcing any Conscience by setling the Government of the Kirk by Assemblies for although the Reformed Kirks do hold without doubting their Kirk Offices and Kirk Government by Assemblies in their strong and beautiful subordination to be Jure divino and perpetual Yet Prelacy as it differeth from the Office of a Pastour is universally acknowledged by themselves and their adherents to be but an humane Ordinance introduced by humane reason and setled by humane Laws and Customs for supposed conveniency which therefore without wronging any Mans Conscience may be altered and abolished to which Reformation their Kirk will contribute their power and prayers c. Saint Andrews August 3. And answerable to this Declaration the secret Council of Scotland upon petition of the Assembly do concur and commend this Declaration as a means for the unity of Religion and uniformity of Kirk-government in his Majesties three Kingdoms Extractum ex libris actorum secreti C●ncilii
Lord and Commons do declare that all such persons as shall upon any pretence whatsoever assist his Majesty with Horse Arms Plate or Money are Traitours to the Parliament and shall be brought to condign punishment The French in publick appearing very sensible of the unchristian ●●il War in this Nation had sent the Prince of Harcourt Extraordinary Ambassadour into England commissioned to mediate peace between the King and Parliament being received at London with all due respects but his Arrand was first to the King and therefore desires the Parliaments Pass and had it but notwithstanding at the out Fort at Hide Park corner was stopped the Guard having no such Warrant without searching his Coach and Train of Baggage which he highly resented as the greatest injury from any Nation but there he refused and staid untill some Members of the House were sent to relieve him with such publick scorns Libells and Pamphlets without President and knowing that he came to mediate the Parliament would not be backward upon that score and therefore voted Sir Henry Vane Mr. Saint Iohns with the Lord VVharton a Committee to relate to the City a great Plot discovered which was set forth to the Common Council on Munday the seventh of Ianuary still filling up the Periods of their Speeches with the Gun-powder Treason which they said was much like this Plot for a Peace It was frequent with the Armies whether necessity or special advantage to act extraordinary business on Sundays as Keinton Field Brainford Hopton-heath Leeds Chalgrove Field Basing The King had now large Territories for his Army to march in this Year set him up for on this Day Twelve-moneths past he had but one small County of all the West in Yorkshire but York City and Pomfret Castle and except Reading Wallingford Brill and Abington he had not a Souldier quartered out of Oxford when he had not one Ship nor any Port save Newcastle and Falmouth when the Parliament declared in print that he had not ten thousand Men. And yet the King hath now five small Armies better than Brigades and in all the Western Counties the Parliament hath not a Souldier but at Plymouth and Pool in Yorkshire none but Hull and in Cheshire onely Nantwich The last Battels if we may so call them were at Bodwin Tadcaster Hopton-heath Ancaster Middleton-cheany Stratton Bradford More Chalgrave Chuton Lands-down Round-way-down Auburn Newbury Leek Middlewich and if of some the King had the better of the rest not much to boast The remnant of South Wales is fully reduced and North Wales cleared the whole Principality Cavaliers The Parliament got from the King Strafford and Warrington but all these Towns were the Parliaments last Year which now the King hath viz. Saltash Cirencester Burningham Leege Lichfield Bradford Hallifax Wakefield Taunton Bristol Bath Dorchester Weymouth Biddeford Barnstable Appleford Tenby Haverford-west Pembroke Exeter The Marquess of Newcastle for the King in the Commission of Array was met at Chesterfield in Darbyshire with a vast concourse of people as a Novel to see and hear where he listed fifteen hundred Voluntiers assisted by Sir Iohn Gell his interest thereabout and Sir Iohn Harpers The Lord Byron had good success and took Crew House with all the Arms and Ammunition six Commanders an hundred threescore and five Souldiers as also he took Dodrington belonging to Sir Thomas Delves being a Garison and cleared many places Middlewich Beeston Castle Someback with sundry Prisoners his Brigade being now near seven thousand Horse and Foot Sir William Waller having besieged Arundel Castle in Sussex eight and twenty Days with the sacrifi●e of many men had it surrendered the Cavaliers at Oxford will not be perswaded but that it was not fairly delivered on their parts but rather by connivence if not for Reward and if we consult the strength of the place it self the Fortifications Men and Ammunition we may suspect no less not to credit the Purchasers for then it will seem true whose relations of the numbers of Men slain and strength of Ammunition surrendered as it is usual with all conquerours to account comes to a great Sum. This Service made Sir William Waller to fly high desiring the Parliaments Commission to him To place and displace all Governours of Towns and Castles within his Association But this took off the General Essex his Authority from whom all the military Commanders had Commissions And was occasioned through a late difference between Sir William and the Governour of Chichester who refused to admit Colonel Norton to enter his Garison being routed and pursued by the Lord Hopton which difference was by the Parliament referred to the General as it appears by his Letter to the House of Commons he tells them That in truth the Commission he sent to Sir William Waller was not so full as he usually grants and the Reasons why he was so limited are not to be discovered But tells them withall that he did no more than what he ought to do and that the charge he took upon him was not his own seeking though it was a great encouragement to him that the Houses thought him once worthy of the sole command which however lessened yet he will never desert the Cause as long as he hath any bloud in his veins till the Kingdom hath regained her Peace or an end made by the Sword But Sir VVilliam not well pleased with all this returned his Commission back to Mr. Nich●las with much regret as it appears by his Letters which accompanied this Surrender I have said he returned the Commission which is as good as nought The Counties of Devon and Cornwall Cavaliers for the King unanimously joyned in Association in these words VVhereas a few malevolent and ambitious persons in the name of two Houses of Parliament have by treasonable practices imbroiled this Kingdom in a Civil VVar pursued his Majesties person murdered his good Subjects some of them barbarously by the common Hangman against Law and Iustice others by hostile Assault brought a general devastation upon the whole Kingdom taking away all Liberty from the Members of both Houses by awing terrifying and assaulting them with Tumults and Arms usurping the Regal power counterfeiting a great Seal to shew their horrid intentions against the King Kingdom and Government and finding their Acts not likely to protect them from the punishment due to their merits have unnaturally invited the Scots to invade this Kingdom and in these Distractions to make a total Conquest of this Nation for Resistance whereof and preserving the common peace the Inhabitants of Devon and Cornvvall have united themselves and for continuance of which union this ensuing Protestation is to be taken I. A. B. do in the presence of Almighty God promise vow and protest with my utmost power to maintain and defend the true Reformed Protestant Religion established by Law in this Kingdom against all Popery popish and all other Innovations of Sectaries and Schismaticks as also his
an eclipse which oft happeneth as well in clear as cloudy daies But my now long and sharp adversity hath so reconciled in me those natural Antipathies between Life and Death which are in all men that I thank God the common terrors of it are dispelled and the special horror of it as to my particular much allaied for although my death at present may justly be represented to me with all those terrible aggravations which the policy of cruel and implacable enemies can put upon it affairs being drawn to the very dregs of malice yet I bless God I can look upon all those stings as unpoisonous though sharp since my Redeemer hath either pulled them out or given me the Antidote of his death against them which as to immaturity unjustice shame scorn and cruelty of exceeded whatever I can fear Indeed I never did finde so much the life of Religion the feast of a good conscience and the brazen wall of a judicious integritie and constancie as since I came to these closer conflicts with the thoughts of death I am not so old as to be weary of life nor I hope so bad as to be either afraid to dye or ashamed to live true I am so afflicted as might make me sometime even desire to dye if I did not consider That it is the greatest glory of a Christian's life to die daily in conquering by a lively faith and patient hopes of a better life those partial and quotidian deaths which kill vs as it were by piece-meals and make us over-live our Fates while we are deprived of health honour liberty power credit safety or estate and those other comforts of dearest relations which are ●s the life of our lives Though as a KING I think my self to live in nothing temporal so much as in the love and good will of my people for which as I have suffered many deaths so I hope I am not in that point as yet wholly dead notwithstanding my enemies have used all the pois●n of falsitie and violence of hostility to destroy first the love and Loyalty which is in my Subjects and then all that content of life in me which from these I chiefly enjoyed Indeed they have left me but little of life and only the husk and shell as it were which their further malice and cruelty can take from me having ber●aved me of all those worldly comforts for which life it self seems desirable to men But O my Soul think not that life too long or tedious wherein God gives thee any opportunities if not to doe yet to suffer with such Christian patience and magnanimity in a good cause as are the greatest honour of our lives and best improvement of our deaths I know that in point of true Christian valour it argues pusillanimity to desire to die out of wearine●●● of life and a want of that Heroick greatness of spirit which b●comes a Christian in the patient and generous susteining those afflictions which as shadows necessarily attend us while we are in this body and which are lessened or enlarged as the Sun of our prosperity moves higher or lower whose total absence is best recompensed with the dew of Heaven The assaults of affliction may be terrible like Sampsons Lion but they yeeld much sweetness to those that dare to encounter and overcome them who know how to overlive the witherings of their Gourds without discontent or peevishness while they may yet converse with God That I must die as a man is certain that I may dye a King by the hands of mine own Subjects a violent sudden and barbarous death in the strength of my years in the mid'st of my Kingdoms my Friends and loving Subjects being helpless Spectators my Enemies insolent Revilers and triumphers over me living dying and dead is so probable in humane reason that hath God taught me not to hope otherwise as to mans cruelty however I despair not of God's infinite mercy I know my life is the object of the Devils and wicked mens malice but yet under Gods sole custody and disposal Whom I do not think to flatter for longer life by seeming prepared to die but I humbly desire to depend upon him and to submit to his will both in life and death in what order soever he is pleased to lay them out to me I confess it is not easie for me to contend with those many horrors of death wherewith God suffers me to be tempted which are equally horrid either in the suddeness of a barbarous Assination or in those greater formalities whereby my Enemies being more solemly cruel will it may be seek to add as those did who crucified Christ the mockerie of Justice to the cruelty of malice that I may be destroyed as with greater pomp and artifice so with less pitty it will be but a necessary policy to make my death appear as an Act of Justice done by Subjects upon their Soveraign who know that no Law of God or man invests them with any power of Judicature without me much less against me and who being sworn and bound by all that is sacred before God and man to endeavour my preservation must pretend Justice to cover their perjury I● is indeed a sad fate for any man to have his Enemies to be ac●●●ers parties and judges but most desperate when this is acted by the insolence of Subjects against their Sovereign wherein those who have had the chiefest hand and are most guilty of contriving the publick troubles must by shedding my blood seem to wash their own hands of that innocent blood whereof they are now most evidently guilty before 〈◊〉 and man and I believe in their own consciences too while they carried on unreasonable demands first by Tumults after by Armies Nothing makes mean spirits more cowardly cruel in managing their usurped power against their lawful Superiours then this the Guilt of their unjust usurpation notwithstanding those specious and popular pretensions of Justice against delinquents applied only to disguise at first the monstrousness of their designs who despaired indeed of possessing the power and profits of the Vineyard till the heir whose right it is be cast and slain With them my greatest fault must be that I would not either destroy my self with the Church and State by my word or not suffer them to do it unresisted by the Sword whose covetous ambition no Concessions of mine could ever yet either satisfie or abate Nor is it likely they will ever think that Kingdom of brambles which some men seek to erect at once weak sharp and fruitless either to God or man is like to thrive till watered with the Royal blood of those whose right the Kingdom is Well God's will be done I doubt not but my innocency will finde him both my Protector and my Advocate who is my only Judge whom I own as King of Kings not only for the Eminency of his power and Majesty above them but also for that singular care and protection which he
hath over them who knows them to be exposed to as many dangers being the greatest Patrons of Law Justice Order and Religion on earth as there be either men or Devils which love confusion Nor will he suffer those men long to prosper in their Babel who build it with the bones and cement it with the bloud of their Kings I am confident they will finde Avengers of my death among themselves the injuries I have susteined from them shall be first punished by them who agreed in nothing so much as in opposing me Their impatience to bear the loud cry of my bloud shall make them think no way better to expiate it then by shedding theirs who with them most thirsted after mine The sad confusions following my destruction are already presaged and confirmed to Me by those I have lived to see since my troubles in which God alone who only could hath many waies pleaded my cause not suffering them to go unpunished whose confederacie in sin was their only security who have cause to 〈◊〉 that God will both further divide and by mutual vengeance af●●●ward destroy them My greatest conquest of death is from the power and love of Christ who hath swallowed up death in the victory of his Resurrection and the glory of his Ascension My next comfort is that he gives me not only the honour to imitate his example in suffering for righteousness-sake though obscured by the ●oulest charges of Tyranny and Injustice but also that charity which is the noblest revenge upon and victory over my Destroyers by which I thank God I can both forgive them and pray for them that God would not impute my bloud to them further then to convince them what need they have of Christs bloud to wash their souls from the guilt of shedding mine At present the will of my enemies seems to be their only rule their power the measure and their success the exactor of what they please to call Justice while they flatter themselves with the Fancy of their own safety by my danger and the security of their lives and designs by my death forgetting that as the greatest temptations to sin are wrapped up in seeming prosperities so the severest vengeances of God are then most accomplished when men are suffered to complete their wicked purposes I bless God I pray not so much that this bitter cup of a violent death may pass from me as that of his wrath may pass from all those whose hands by deserting me are sprinkled or by acting and consenting to my death are embrewed with my bloud The will of God hath confined and concluded mine I shall have the pleasure of dying without any pleasure of desired vengeance This I think becomes a Christian toward his enemies and a King toward his Subjects They cannot deprive me of more then I am content to lose when God sees fit by their hands to take it from me whose mercy I believe will more then infinitely recompense what ever by mans injustice he is pleased to deprive me of The glory attending my death will far surpass all I could enjoy or conceive in life I shall not want the heavy and envied Crowns of this world when my God hath mercifully crowned and consummated his graces with glory and exchanged the shadows of my earthly Kingdoms among men for the substance of that heavenly Kingdom with himself For the censures of the world I know the sharp and necessary Tyranny of my destroyers will sufficiently confute the Calumnies of Tyranny against me I am perswaded I am happy in the judicious love of the ablest and best of my Subjects who doe not only pitty and pray for me but would be content even to dye with me or for me These know how to excuse my failings as a man and yet to retain and pay their duty to me as their King there being no Religious necessity binding any Subjects by pretending to punish infinitely to exceed the faults and errors of their Princes especially there where more then sufficient satisfaction hath been made to the publick the enjoynment of which private ambitions have hitherto frustrated Others I believe o●●ofter tempers and less advantaged by my ruine do already feel sharp convictions and some remorse in their consciences where they cannot but see the proportions of their evil dealings against me in the measure of Gods retaliations upon them who cannot hope long to enjoy their own thumbs and toes having under pretence of pairing others nailes been so cruel as to cut off their chiefest strength The punishment of the more insolent and obstinate may be like that of Korah and his complices at once mutining against both Prince and Priest in such a method of divine justice as is not ordinary the earth of the lowest and meanest people opening upon them and swallowing them up in a just disdain of their ill-gotten and worse used Authority upon whose support and strength they chiefly depended for their building and establishing their designs against me the Church and State My chiefest comfort in death consists in my peace which I trust is made with God before whose exact Tribunal I shall not fear to appear as to the cause so long disputed by the Sword between me and my causeless enemies where I doubt not but his righteous judgment will confute their fallacy who from wordly success rather like Sophisters then sound Christians draw those popular conclusions for Gods approbation of their actions whose wise providence we know oft permits many events which his revealed word the only clear safe and fixed Rule of good actions and good consciences in no sort approves I am confident the Justice of my Cause and clearness of my conscience before God and towards my people will carry me as much above them in Gods decision as their successes have lifted them above me in the vulgar opinion who consider not that many times those undertakings of men are lifted up to Heaven in the prosperiry and applause of the world whose rise is from Hell as to the injuriousness and oppression of the design The prosperous windes which oft fill the sails of Pirats do not justifie their Piracie and rapine I look upon it with infinite more content and quiet of soul to have been worsted in my enforced contestation for and vindication of the Laws of the Land the freedom and honour of Parliaments the Rights of my Crown the just liberty of my Subjects and the true Christian Religion in its Doctrine Government and due encouragements then if I had with the greatest advantages of success over-born them all as some men have now evidently done what ever designs they at first pretended The prayers and patience of my friends and loving Subjects will contribute much to the sweetning of this bitter Cup which I doubt not but I shall more chearfully take and drink as from Gods hand if it must be so then they can give it to me whose hands are unjustly and barbarously lifted up against me And