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A49780 Marriage by the morall law of God vindicated against all ceremonial laws of popes and bishops destructive to filiation aliment and succession and the government of familyes and kingdoms Lawrence, William, 1613 or 14-1681 or 2. 1680 (1680) Wing L690; ESTC R7113 397,315 448

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are totally Ignorant except only to take account of the Money and Gaines 3. They Judg by a Chancellour and Commissaries and not in Person The Causes are First Ignorance whereof they are before proved Guilty The Second Pride that they may be equal to Kings who pream Judg or Legislative Power can delegate Judgment A Bishop must therefore be a Judg Supream or Delegate if he Arrogate to be Supream he ought not to be suffer'd if a Delegate Delegatus non potest Delegare The Third is Sloth to take the Gains and not the Pains of doing Justice The Fourth is Covetousnes that they may have Plurality of Offices and let them to Farm to Deputies all which are most sad Ingredients to compound a Judg of Marriage Filiation and Succession and it is clean contrary to the known Laws for any Judg Delegate to Act by Deputy and not in Person for the Office of a Judg is an Office of Trust and cannot be granted over and neither ought nor can be executed by any Assign Deputy Commissaries or Chancellour but ought to be served in Person besides they Excommunicate by Lay-deputies contrary to their own Pretences that the Power of the Keys belongs only to Persons in pretended Holy Orders 4. They have Pluralities of Offices and more than they are able to serve yet will be Judges besides One good thing is remembred of Becket Arch-Bishop of Canterbury who though he was a Traitor to King Henry the Second yet being first by him made Chancellor of England and after made Arch-Bishop of Canterbury before he would take upon him the Office of Arch-Bishop he of his own accord first surrendred his Office of Chancellor not thinking it fit for one man to have two such great Offices at once but they now make St. Peters Net of so small a Mash that great or small all is Fish that comes to it And first they begin with the Coronation Office already mention'd then the Offices of Legislation in Parliaments of Legislation in Assemblies of Legislation in Synods of Chancellors of State of Negotiators of Intelligencers of Soldiers of Treasurers of Almoners of Temporal Barons of Masters of the Ceremonies of Worship of Visitors of Inquisitors of Confessors of Penancers of Excommunicators of Pardoners of Absolvers of Dispencers of Faculties of Interdictors of Marriages of Li●ncers of Marriage of Interdictors of the Press of Licencers of the Press of makers of Ministers of Licencers of Preachers Curates Lecturers Schoolmasters Physicians of Consecrators of Churches of Consecrators of Church-yards of Interdictors of Burial of Interdictors to cast out the Devil by Fasting and Prayers of Licencers to cast out the Devil and many others out of each of which they reap gains yet are not able to serve the least part of them but let them to Farm to their Spunges whom they squeeze into their own See whereas they cannot so much as pretend any Mission from Christ for more than One Office which is of Teaching in Season and out of Season and would they follow that as they ought the same would be sufficient to take up the whole man and leave them little leisure of being Judges of Marriage Filiation and Succession or to execute any other Temporal Office 5. They are Ambidexter and Amphibious Judges in Spirituals and Temporals They cannot deny that Marriage since it was purified by the Protestant Religion from the defilement of being a Romish Sacrament and Filiation Aliment and Succession incident to the same became meer Temporal matters and nothing can be more Temporal in it self or wherein the higest Temporal Rights of Princes and People of Liberty of Person and Propriety of Goods Freehold and Inheritance are more concerned than in them and it being likewise confess'd both by Common and Ecclesiastical Lawyers That the meer Spiritual Judge ought not to judg of Temporal matters neither was there any such Jurisdiction ever pretended to Marriage by the Pope himself but as to a Spiritual Sacrament and in Ordine ad Spiritualia he by it deposed Kings and disposed of the Succession of Kingdoms at his Will and Pleasure Unless therefore a Bishop will affirm That Marriage continues still a Romish Sacrament or that he may like the Pope judg of any Temporal matters in Ordine ad Spiritualia he hath no pretence or colour of Right to be a Judg of Marriage Filiation Aliment or Succession but let the Right be what it will de Facto he hath got a Spiritual Lord and a Temporal Baron into one Doublet and produced from thence a monstrous Ambidextrous Jurisdiction with the Spiritual Sword in one hand and the Temporal in the other neither Divine nor Humane nor Fish nor Flesh but like the Amphibious Crocodile partly with Tears partly with Terror Raving both by Land and Water and Destroying in both the Elements of Spirituals and Temporals 6. They Judg Marriage by pretended Canons and Laws made by Bishops and Synods which are no Laws but are utterly void they not having had in their making the Assent of the Parliament No English-man can deny That to make a Law are required the joint Assent both of King and Parliament and if either is wanting there can be no Law decreed and enacted by any other Convention Ecclesiastical or Lay whether Council or Synod And this is so great a Birth-right of the People That if any House of Commons who are Elected by the People and intrusted by them to be their Delegates to treat with his Majesty or his Successors to enact Laws of Marriage and other Laws concerning the same should consent and agree That an Act of Parliament should be made that the Bishops and a Synod should instead of the House of Commons have full Power and Authority on their Convention by the Kings Writ to treat with the King and by his Royal Assent to make and enact Canons and Laws concerning Marriage Filiation Succession Religion Liberty and Propriety of the People and such Canons and Laws so made should have the force of Acts of Parliaments and the Commons should declare That to ease themselves of the trouble of so often being summon'd from their remote Habitations in the Country and so long Journies to the City and their not being verst in the difficulties of Legislation or any other probable matter of Excuse that they desired to refer the whole care of the Publick Affairs to Bishops and Synods who are Learned men and they should from time to time as often as they saw necessary on Summons make wholesom Canons and Laws for the People and that the House of Commons desired to be excused from the burden of sitting any more and accordingly such an Act should be passed and thereon a Synod be Summon'd and they should make a Book of Canons concerning Marriage Filiation and Succession by the Royal Consent and these should be proclaimed to be Laws and to have the force of Acts of Parliament yet would such Book of Canons be utterly void and of none effect
Bells Transform'd to Ring to Weddings and to Knells To an Aceldama their Church turn'd next And the dead Bones for Burial-Fees they vext Their restless rest thus purchased in vain They then for Reliques dig'd them up again And sell their Merits though of Tyburn-Saints And Heaven to all whose Purse or Faith not faints Oh Joseph of Arimathea nam'd And on the British-Shores for ever fam'd Whose Ship of Olive-planks from Palestine Of Tidings glad the Pacquet brought Divine The Sea Nymphs danc'd each with a Triton Mate For joy thou mad'st their Isles the Fortunate Oh tell us had thy Vessels such broad sides Of Canon as that which in Tybur rides Whose roaring Thunder beats and buries Towns Cities and Churches Kingdoms and their Crowns And sinks them how or whither none can tell To Time-set Limbo's or Eternal Hell Or from thy Bark being then the Western-Church Thy Passengers to leave so in the lurch Did'st thou cast overboard and in the Dark Leave them there to be snapt by the old Shark That thou their Cargo rifle might'st the while And Gold and Silver like a Pyrat vile Tell us did Christ the great or lesser Curse Teach who were bad before to make them worse Or Bless or Curse not did he who did say Intend and mean the clean contrary way Who left his Peace did he bid to annoy Who came the World to save would he destroy From Satan who so oft deliver'd men Them back again did he cast to his Den He in this World who Kingdom would have none Did he bid Priests Depose Kings from the Throne Deliverance to Captives who did Preach Priests them to starve in Prison did he Teach When Peter warm'd did for his Master mourn All whom he Master'd did he bid him burn No Joseph no this was not the good Seed Thou brought'st and Sow'd'st whereon the Flocks might feed The Evil One those Fiery tasted Tares Sowed and them intangled with Snares None but the Devil from th' Infernal Pit Doth Curse and Ban and Fire and Brimstone Spit Great Hus and Jerom now for ever blest Oh two true Witnesses Slain by the Beast Whose Treachery safe Conduct gave to both But basely perjur'd broke it and his Oath You who made tremble the Infernal States And dared Attacque black Dis at his own Gates What was your Doctrine which so terrified The pompous Popedom in its highest Pride You held and that made them so highly hate That Bishops could not Excommunicate This did you both from thence to Heaven raise And sent you thither Crown'd with Fiery Bays And Sparks of you to Stellifie this sent With Protestants the British Firmament Brave Hero's now the horned Miter pull From Phalaris of Rome his Brazen Bull Hear your dead Martyrs how they do you press And cry from all his Fiery Furnaces Dismount his Canons from the Battlements Of his Church-Catholick which get his Rents Take from the Building but the Thunder-stone Oh then for ever down falls Babylon An Epode on Protestants Excommunicated by Papists What though with Bans and Curses They Rob and Kill and take our Purses In highest Faith come on And know there hath or shall be none Happy decreed by Fate But who first was or is unfortunate Arm Arm against the Devil He 'l flie and all his Spirits Evil. And Beast with Seven Heads At this time was a great noise in the Countries of Armies seen rising out of the ground and others in the Air. If on your Land or Sea he treads To fight him never spare Soldiers and Poor each one then take your share What though whole Armies rising From Earth are fearful hearts Surprising And Daemons of the Air Fighting in Clouds tempt to Despair What though they come from Hell There 's no Enchantment against Israel Hark how our Canons Thunder And keep the Romish Canons under Their Organs grunt and whine Our Flutes and Haubois are Divine And Cornets to the Skie Sound for Religion and for Liberty Angels to hear grow prouder Than their 's our holy Musick louder And valiant Souls shall bear From Death to Musick 's highest Sphere Who burn would not like a Brand That thus renown'd may die with Sword is hand Whether an Union can be of protestant-Protestant-Parliaments and Churches without a true Test between Papist and Protestant Test between Papist and Protestant Neither Protestant-Parliaments or Churches can be Known without a true Test much less therefore can they be United Whether Recusancy to pray in a Temple or in the Form of Common-Prayer is a true Test between Papist and Protestant A true Test ought to Provide and see that there be none in it of the Servants of the Lord but the Worshippers of Baal only 2 Kings 10.23 But in this of Recusancy to pray in a Temple are all the true Worshippers of God in Spirit and Truth if we may believe Christs Precept and Designation of them at large before Debated p. 210. c. in Reference to the Omnipresential Worship of God Christ in thy Closet bids thee Pray Thine is there both the Church and Key What though no Bishop walk'd it round Gods being there makes holy Ground The mischiefs of Compelling Protestants to a Form of Common-Prayer appear too much in being the occasion of the first breaking out of the late miserable Civil Wars and the Irreparable loss of his then Majesty the mischiefs of Compelling Papists to Protestant-Churches appear in this That one Church-Papist is more Dangerous than an Hundred open Absenters and they who truly understand the Danger of Mixing would rather think it prudent like the Primitive Christians to have a Non-Communion with Idolaters and their Ostiarii as they had to see none crept into the Places of their Convention for Prayer than compell such Bloody Spies incensed by Penal Laws thither to betray them Whether Recusancy to receive the Sacrament in a Temple or in the Common-Form is a true Test This likewise is before Discuss'd p. 212. and Examples of the frequent Poisoning the Sacrament by the Priest p. 240 241. To compell therefore any Eminent Protestants to Receive the Sacrament of such Persons of whom they cannot be assured were to be Accessary to their Murder Whether Subscription to the 39. Articles is a true Test 'T is shewn before That no true Test ought to endanger the Conscience of any Protestant but 't is notorious that the greatest part of Protestants are Dissentients in Conscience to divers Doctrines of the 39. Articles and therefore Subscription to the same is no true Test nor ought to be Imposed on them 1. Because these 39. Articles were made by the Bishops Anno 1562. in the Fourth Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth while the Papist Peers were yet in Parliament and in Power who with the Bishops in their Front were too hard for her and of whom she might then say Res durae Regni Novitas me talia cogunt She was not able to perfect Reformation at one Stroke 2. Because
both were so much concern'd and others for their own private Ambition if therefore Parliaments themselves have not or shall not sufficiently clear Ambiguities and Doubts to answer so many pretences How can it be expected that Ignorant people can clear the same upon their Oath or Conscience 3. It is permitted to Grand Juries when it doth not appear to them whether the Bill is true or false to find an Ignoramus and where the people are totally Ignorant both of the Fact and Law of Supremacy why ought they not to be allowed the same Equity according to the Truth to Answer Ignoramus 4. It is against the known Maxim That Only matters of Fact can be Testified by Witnesses and matters of Law or Right cannot be Testified but by the Law it self 8. An Usurper or Idolater may happ●n to get the Possession of the Crown How then can a Protestant Swear to the Right of the first in Temporals or of the second in Spirituals 9. It doth not appear how a Protestant may Swear That no Foreign Prince or Person ought to have any Power Authority or Preheminence Ecclesiastical within this Realm and that he doth renounce all Foreign Power in regard it may so happen that a Protestant-Prince hath or may be born beyond Sea and be a Foreign Person and yet on failure of a Lineal Heir may happen to be the next right Heir to a Protestant King after his Decease it may seem therefore to cross Gods Providence to Swear to Renounce or Abjure all Foreign Protestant-Power as to the Succession for the Oath puts no distinction between Protestant and Papal Power but Renounces all alike if they are Foreign Persons Of the Mischiefs which ensue a false Test between Protestant and Papist 1. By the same Power is given to the Favourers of Popery to turn the Edg of all the Penal Statutes made and intended against Papists to destroy the Protestants and the Preteritions and Pardons intended the Protestants are wholly apply'd in favour of the Papist the Plagues designed against the Aegyptians are wholly let loose on the Israelites and the Passeover to which were invited the Israelites is made only a Feast for the Papist So did Bishop Bancrost in the time of Queen Elizabeth persecute all Anti-Papist-Protestants under the name of Puritans and Protected all Dominican Priests Seminaries and Papists under pretence of Opposing the Jesuits by pressing the false Tests of Recusancy to Pray in a Temple to Pray after the Common Form to Receive the Sacrament after the Common Form to take the Oath of Supremacy to use all Episcopal Ceremonies in the Worship of God and the utmost Rigor and Penalties of such Recusancy against the Anti-Papist Protestant who hath been the only Counterpoise against the Papist that he hath not over run the Land and giving Protection to Papists against the very same Tests and Penal Laws so furiously Prosecuted against the Anti-Papist Protestant So did the subtle Gundamore give a new Whet to the High-Commission-Court and turn'd the Edg of the same Originally intended against the Papists to be against the Anti-Papist Protestant And since Bishops have been discharged of that Commission yet the same Course of Bancrofts and Gundamores hath been still continued against the Anti-Papist-Protestants as then under the name of Puritans so since under the name of Fanaticks such Protestants have had the Penalties of Recusancy laid on them when Papists have Compounded for Trifles or been absolutely Pardon'd such Protestants have had the Oath of Supremacy forced on them against their Conscience when Papists have neither had Supremacy nor Allegiance required of them nor their Consciences troubled but have remained absolutely unsworn from so much as any Oath of Fidelity unless to Foreign Princes such Protestants have had their Houses utterly Disarmed and not so much left as sufficient to keep out a Thief when Papists have had their Houses full of Arms and not so much as searched such Protestant's Children have been by the Usurped Power of Bishops Certificates made Bastards because not Married with the Ceremonies of the Book of Common Prayer and this they have done by pretence of the Canon of the Council of Trent a Foreign Jurisdiction long since abolish'd by Act of Parliament but such Bishops have never troubled Papist's Marriages made by Priests or Jesuits with Romish Ceremony nor Null'd them or Bastardized their Children such Protestants have been Excommunicated Cursed and given to Satan when a Dog hath not dared against Papists to move his Tongue such Protestants have been Confiscated and cast into Prison when Papists have Triumphed in Liberty and Propriety 2. Many Able Loyal Zealous Protestant-Ministers are hereby Excluded from Preaching and Teaching the Gospel 3. Many able Loyal and Useful Instruments both in Civil and Military Offices who are Protestants are Excluded and the King and Parliament deprived of their Service 4. The Offices and Arms of the Three Kingdoms are ingross'd into the hands of Persons Recommended by Papists An Essay of the Form of a Test whereat it seems no Protestant can scruple I A. B. do utterly Testifie and Declare in my Conscience and in the presence of God and do believe that the Pope or Bishop of Rome or any Bishop on Earth is not the Head of the Catholick Church nor of any National Church of England Scotland or Ireland and that they are not Infallible and that all such Popes and Bishops as pretend to Supremacy either Spiritual or Temporal or Infallibility without a Sign of Mission from God are Hereticks I believe that the Host Consecrated Crucifixes Images Idols Reliques of Saints or Saints themselves ought not to be Worshipt or Prayed to in Publick or Private and that the Mass is Idolatry I believe neither Popes nor Bishops have any Power or Mission from God to Exact Auricular Confession or to Impose Penance or to give Absolution Indulgence or Pardon of Sin or to Redeem from Purgatory or to give or sell Heaven or Paradise or any Place in the same or to Excommunicate Curse or Deliver to Satan And I do therefore utterly Abjure and Renounce all Absolutions Indulgences Pardons of Sins and Redemptions from Purgatory given or to be given by any such said Popes or Bishops or any deriving Authority from them and defie all their Excommunications And I do Promise and Swear to be True and Faithful to our Sovereign Lord the King his Heirs and lawful Successors So help me God Whether any Test of the Conscience ought to be Penal either to Protestant or Papist It seems not 1. Because to Plant Religion by Penalty is to Plant it by the Sword whereof Christ gave neither Precept nor Example but rather a Prohibition Implicit in his Express Command to Peter Matth. 26.52 Then said Jesus unto him Put up again thy Sword into his place for all they that take the Sword shall perish with the Sword Which though it prohibit not lawful Defence to those who have the Power of the Sword which Peter had
THE Night doth vanish when the Sun appears And from all Clouds the smiling Morning clears Romish Night-Ravens flie ye filthy Fowls And all ye Ceremonial Bats and Owls And Weather-cocks whose painted Feathers strange With every Wind God's Moral Law would change His Law is light the Sun outshines the Torch Which blindly Virgins led to the Church Porch Ye Meadows deck your selves with flowry pride Hear of an Holy Marriage and a Bride Not given by Man but God so great aad wise And by him Married as in Paradise With Beauty bright as Fire but chast and cold As Snow he Crowned her and not with Gold The Issue fair who did not Prophesie Sacred Religion Justice Liberty And Property providing of the best Both Bread and Wine for every Marriage Feast The Morall Law The Ceremonial Law Marriage by the Morall Law of God Vindicated Against all Ceremonial Laws of Popes and Bishops destructive to Filiation Aliment and Succession and the Government of Familyes and Kingdomes The Lord hath been a Witness betweene thee and the Wife of thy youth Mal. 2.14 1680. Linea Recta Proefertur Transversali RELIGION IUSTICE LIBERTY PROPERTY TO THE READER THE Writers both of Nature and Policy agree That the Original of all humane Society was Marriage by which Families were first composed consisting of Men their Wives and Children and after Commonwealths composed of those Families when by the multiplication of Generation they were grown so numerous as to be no longer able to preserve their Religion Liberty Propriety and Lives against one another without some Union of all obnoxious to receive or do Injuries under such Form of Government as was by the whole or major part of the Fathers of Families in their General Conventions of themselves or Representatives Consented and Covenanted for the common Peace and Happiness of all to both which no Constitution of Laws was more necessary than those which concern'd Marriage Filiation Aliment and Succession whereon not only private but publick Peace and War often depended and therefore Marriage being the Ordinance of God and not of Man it was impossible to lay any secure Foundation of the Rights of the same except on the Moral Law of God and no other was long observed either by the Jews or Gentiles than what was as Christ saith from the beginning till to break in pieces the Divine Tables of the same the Devil and the Priest conspired together to set up the Golden Calf of their Ceremonies and that Gods Ordinance should be null and void without them and no probation should be admitted of their performance but the Certificate of the Bishop or High-Priest by which as to matter of Succession to Inheritances and Kingdoms They bound their Kings with Chains and their Nobles with Fetters of Iron God was pleased to make the Contention concerning a Marriage between H. 8. and the Pope the occasion of breaking off some of the Links and of being a beginning of the Protestant Religion and Liberty and I hope he doth now offer the like or a greater occasion of propagating both to the present Age and Posterity and not only to break all the Reliques of the Chains but to file off the Collars themselves whereby the Bishop of Rome and the Provincial Bishops have long so gauled the Necks of Princes and People through all Christendom to the easing of which Burdens I should be glad if thou and so many other more fit than my self would lend your hands but seeing so many seeming to sleep in the midst of so great a danger I hope it ought not to offend if I hereby endeavour to awaken you and to be therein as I ought to be to my Power Your Servant Will. Lawrence THE CONTENTS Of the First Book BY what Law Marriage Filiation Aliment and Succession ought not and ought to be Judged p. 1. Not to be Judged by the Law of Moses or Customes of the Jews p. 2 Not to be Judged by the Laws and Customes of Heathen Nations p. 10 Not to be Judged by the Law Civil Canon or Feudal p. 21 Not to be Judged by the Law of Mahomet p. 26 Not to be Judged by Ecclesiastical Laws p. 31 All Allegations of Coke in behalf of Ecclesiastical Laws answer'd ib. Of the mischiefs ensue from Ecclesiastical Laws p. 43 1. All Ecclesiastical Laws of Marriage were invented by Daemons Pagan Priests or Popes ib. The History of the Devil appearing in the shape of Christ to Dr. d ee and tempting him and his Seer Kelly to Community of Wives p. 45 All prohibition of Marriage or Meat in any Ceremony or Circumstance not prohibited by the Moral Law of God came from the Devil p. 52 2. The Final Causes of all Ecclesiastical Laws of Marriage variant from the Moral Law of God were Lust Covetousness and Ambition of the Priest p. 53 3. They pester the Three Kingdoms with an unnecessary and excessive multitude of Laws p. 57 4. They corrupt the choicest Protestant Wits in their Education with Principles of Popery and Slavery p. 59 5. They introduce divers weights and measures of Justice in the same People ib. 6. They compell the Subjects ad aliud Tribunal than Caesars Judgment Seat ad aliud Examen than per legem terrae ad aliud judicium than legale judicium Parium ib. 7. They expose the Subjects to Circuit of Action Subornation Perjury and to be ground between two Milstones of interferring Jurisdictions Spiritual and Temporal 8. Papal Laws of Marriage are inconsistent with a Protestant Priesthood ib. Not to be Judged by such Laws of England Scotland or Ireland as are Reliques of Popery and contrary to the Law of God Of the Law making Marriage a Sacrament p. 65 Of the profound Popery of the Common Lawyers of Transubstantiation of two Persons into one Person and the mischiefs thereof p. 66 A Note taken at Kings-Bench-Bar of the miraculous Transubstantiation of a Shoulder of Mutton betwixt a Man and his Wife p. 71 Of the Law of Transubstantiation of the Children of the Wife into the Children of the Husband if within the Four Seas and of Intails p. 72 A further descant on the words of Littleton and Coke concerning the same and of Intails on Marriages depending thereon p. 73 75 Of the barbarous Law of Illegitimation or making Children incapable to succeed to the Goods of their Parents the Reformation thereof by the Emperor Anastasius and the Deformation of the same again by the Strumpet Theodora and succeeding Popes and Bishops p. 79 That unlawful Marriages of Parents ought not to Illegitimate their Children p. 80 Illegitimation of Children shews Popes and Bishops worse than Pagans Infidels Beasts Monsters Serpents p. 82 Intails Feminine cut off by Adoption or Institution by the Father of his natural Children Heirs ib. Of the Law of Consensus non Concubitus facit Matrimonium p. 83 Of the Pagan Goddess Juno and the Popish Mother of St. Kentigern both got with Child without a Man p. 85 Of the
may serve other gods so will the anger of the Lord be kindled against thee and destroy thee suddenly And Nehem. 13.23 It is said In those days also I saw Jews that had married Wives of Ashdod of Ammon and of Moab and their Children spake half the speech of Ashdod and could not speak in the Jews Language but according to the Language of each people and I contended with them and cursed them and smote certain of them and plucked off their Hair and made them swear by God saying ye shall not give your Daughters unto their Sons nor take their Daughters unto your Sons or for your selves did not Solomon King of Israel sin by these things So doth Mahomet command his followers to marry only those of his Religion whom he calls True Believers and saith It is better to marry Slaves who are True Believers than great Princesses who are Vnbelievers So do the Popish Laws and Canons forbid Papists to marry Protestants under the name of Hereticks except with the Pope's Dispensation or License which is only used where he sees a fit opportunity to put such a snare about the Neck of a Protestant as the Philistines did with their Dalilah about Sampson to betray and destroy him So it appears both Jew Pope and Turk are wiser in their generation then the Children of Light The Papists make Laws and prohibit Marriage with Protestants and illegitimate their Children to make them incapable to succeed to a Papists Inheritance The Protestant sleeps and never makes so much as one Law to prohibit Marriage with Papists or to make Papist Children incapable to succeed to a Protestant Inheritance CHAP. VII Marriage Filiation Aliment and Succession ought not to be judged by Ceremonial Laws BY the Law of the Patriarchs or Moses there were no Ceremonies instituted of Marriage and the Marriage of Abraham to Sarah his first Wife was no more then of Adam to Eve Gen. 4.1 And Adam knew Eve his Wife and she conceived and bare Cain and said I have gotten a Man from the Lord. And this appears Gen. 20.2 where it is said And Abraham said of Sarah his Wife she is my Sister And Abimelech King of Gerar sent and took Sarah But God came to Abimelech in a Dream by Night and said to him as Mr. Selden de jur Nat. Gent. 573. translates the Hebrew Text Ecce tu morieris propter mulierem quam accepisti nam concubuit cum ea maritus Behold thou shalt dye for the Woman which thou hast taken for her Male hath lain with her God doth not say he hath carried her to Church and shook her by the hand before a Priest or took her per verba de praesenti or that Consensus non Concubitus facit Matrimonium but the contrary that he had married her because he had lain with her And the very same Marriage without any Ceremony doth Abraham likewise make with his second Wife Hagar Gen. 16.3 And Sarah Abraham's Wife took Hagar her Maid the Egyptian after Abraham had dwelt ten years in the Land and gave her to her Husband Abraham to be his Wife And he went in unto Hagar and she conceived Here Hagar is made Abraham's Wife by no other Ceremony but going in unto her and her conception thereupon And besides going in unto her there is no Ceremony appointed for Marriage in the whole Law of Moses nor had the Jews any custom of carrying the Woman to Church before a Priest but the contrary When they married it was in the open Air and thought it not Lawful in any House whence they might behold the Heavens in memory of God's promise to Abraham Gen. 15.5 And he brought him forth abroad and said Look now towards Heaven and tell the Stars if thou be able to number them and he said unto him so shall thy Seed be But admit Moses had made as many Ceremonial Laws for Marriage as he did for Sacrifices admit the Jews had superstitiously observed as many more by their Customs and Traditions yet were it to no purpose for both Ceremonial Laws and Traditions are all now abolished by Christ Col. 2.14 Blotting out the Hand-writing of Ordinances that was against us which was contrary to us and took it out of the way nailing it to his Cross And Math. 15.1 Where the Scribes and Pharisees asked Christ Why do thy Disciples transgress the Traditions of the Elders v. 3. He answer'd and said unto them Why do you also transgress the Commandment of God by your Tradition For God commandeth saying Honour thy Father and Mother but ye say Whosoever shall say to his Father and Mother It is a gift by whatsoever thou mightest be profited by me and honour not his Father and his Mother he shall be free Thus have ye made the Commandment of God of none effect by your Tradition And vers 9. But in vain do they worship me teaching for Doctrines the Commandments of Men. Here is the very same thing done by Bishops which was done by the Scribes and Pharisees for they on a Ceremonial Form of words used by Children gave them liberty not to honour their Father And the Bishops on a Ceremonial Form of words used by the reputed Father per verba de praesenti presently make the Child honour him who is not his Father nor begat him and if such Ceremonial Form of words be not used and a Certificate of the Bishop thereof then they command the Child not to honour the Father who begat him and command the true Father to illegitimate and abdicate his Child which was truly begotten And this they do either by the Ceremonial Law and Canons or Traditions of Popes But if both Ceremonial Laws and Traditions of Moses and Jews are abolished by Christ and by the Moral Law of God of honouring the Father much more are the Ceremonial Laws and Traditions of Popes and Bishops abolished by the same Moral Law I shall only mention a word more of the abolishing of the Ceremonials by the Testimony of the Popish Writers themselves who though in their works they keep alive all the Ceremonials of Moses's Law whence they can male profit yet in words and Doctrine they so far confess them abolished that they say it were a deadly sin to use them Aquinas therefore on the Question concludes Ceremonialia adeo sunt evacuata ut non solum sunt mortua sed mortifera Judicialia sunt quidem mortua quia non habent vim obligandi non tamen sunt mortifera quia siquis Princeps in regno suo ordinaret illa judicialia observari non peccaret nisi forte hoc modo observarentur vel observari mandarentur tanquam habentia vim obligandi ex veteris legis institutione talis enim intentio observandi esset mortifera The Ceremonial Laws are so utterly void that they are not only dead but deadly and the Judicials are dead but not deadly because if any Prince in his Kingdom will command those judicials to be observed he
Children the same ought to be wholly and intirely performed to such Sons and Daughters in all Successions whether to a Testament or an Intestate And in short that they ought not to be made unlike other Children in Successions whom Nature hath made like Hence it appears that the Civil Law wills the Succession of Children shall be according to the Law of Nature and not according to any Canon Law or Law made by the Priest Natura duce errare nullo modo potest Tul. 1. de leg Cum vero parentibus rediti deinde Magistris traditi sumus tum ita variis imbuimur erroribus ut vanitati veritas opinioni confirmatae natura ipsa cedit 3. Tusc Where nature is our Guide it is impossible to err but when we fall into the hands of Parents and are delivered to Shool-Masters we are then infected with so many Errors that all truth gives place to vanity and Nature it self yields to opinion accustomed To fight against Nature is like Giants to fight against God Cato major Of the Final Causes of Marriage by the Law of God and Nature The Final causes of Marriage which is the Ordinance of God and not of Man are not to fill Priests pockets with money or to satisfie their insatiable Covetousness and Ambition to set their Foot on the Necks of Emperours and Kings in their Legitimations and Successions and thereby to dispose of the Kingdoms of Princes and the Liberty Propriety and Goods of the Subjects at their Arbitrary will and pleasure But the Final causes of Marriage by the Law of God and Nature are three 1. Procreation of Children 2. That Man might have an Help-meet for him there being many necessities especially in time of sickness wherein Man cannot be without the help of a Woman 3. To make his life more pleasant and delightful Tristis sine conjuge lectus As for the first part which is the greatest and chiefest end of Marriage namely procreation of Children without which the World cannot be continued To be the shorter I shall only mention one Poet as follows Providei ille maximus mundi-Parens Cùm tam rapaces cerneret fati minas Vt damna semper sobole repararet nova Excedat agedum rebus humanis Venus Quae supplet ac restituit exhaustum genus Orbis jacebit squalido turpis situ Vacuum sine ullis classibus stabit mare Alesque Coelo deerit silvis fera Solis Aer pervius ventis erit Sen. in Hippol. Fates cruel Threats when the great Parent saw Against his Creatures by as great a Law He then Inacted all those whom it slew Sould by new Births perpetually renew Should Venus lease and should not still restore With fresh Supplies Natures exhausted store On squalid Earth no Beauty would remain No gallant Fleets would dance upon the Main No Deer in Woods no Birds would be in Skie Winds only through sad Air would sighing flie There could be neither King nor Parliament nor People nor Governours nor Governed neither could the Protestant Religion defend it self against Pope or Turk without Marriage for though it be Apocrypha it is truly said Esdras 4.15 Women have born the King and all the People that bear rule by Sea or Land The End of the First Book THE CONTENTS Of the Second Book BY what Judg Marriage Filiation Aliment and Succession ought not and ought to be Judged Of the Five Competitors to be Judges of Marriage Filiation Aliment and Succession 1. The Bishop 2 The Magistrate 3. The Souldier 4 The Parents 5. The King and Parliament 137 Exceptions against Bishops being Judges in reference to the Legislative ib. Except 1. They assume to be Judges Jure Divino without a Sign of Mission from God which overthrows the Legislative Power of the King and Parliament ib. Of the Sign of Mission required by the Grand Seignior from Sabatai Sevi a counterfeit Jewish Messiah 139 2. They have falsely translated the Scripture in all words relating to Marriage 142 They have falsely translated Ish Isha Zona Kadesh Philiegesh 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 Husband Wife Harlot Concubine c. 142 No such as word as Concubine in the whole Original Scripture ib. They have falsely translated the Seventh Commandment Lo Tinaph to be Adultery 145 They have falsely translated 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 to be Fornication ib. They have falsely translated the Tenth Commandment in the words Wife Man-Servant Maid-Servant 146 They have falsely translated Mamzer in the Old and Nothus in the New Testament Bastard Wherein are noted the Errors of Coke Skene and Grotius in following Episcopal and other Popish translations ib. Of the absurdity of Common and Ecclesiastical Lawyers who make the Child born without the Ceremonies of a Priest and Temple no Sib Kin or of Blood to the Father who begot or the Mother who bare him 154 155 Further Reasons shewn that they have falsely translated Mamzer in the Old and Nothus in the New Testament Bastard 156 No such word or thing as Bastard in the whole Original Scripture or amongst the Hebrews Greeks or Romans 3. They have corrupted the Press both as to Scripture and Acts of Parliament and interdict Protestants to Print against or answer Papists 162 A Counterfeit Act of Parliament Printed by Bishops against Protestants and the true supprest 163 Mischiefs which follow the Interdiction of the Press to Protestants 164 165 4. By pretence of giving the King the name of Supremacy they have taken the thing to themselves 167 5. By pretence of giving the King Supremacy by the Ceremonies of the Coronation they take it from him to themselves 169 David Anointed and Crowned by his Parliament and not by the Priest 173 6. They assume in all matters concerning Marriage Filiation Aliment and Succession to be above Appeal to the Kings Courts 175 Of the abominable Judgement pass'd by the Common Law Judges in Kennes Case Coke lib. 7.42 whereby they gave away the Supremacy of the King's Courts to Bishops and made them in all causes Matrimonial subject to no Appeal ib. Exceptions against Bishops being Judges in reference to the Judicial Power 180 1. They are prohibited by the example of Christ to Judg Marriage Filiation Aliment or Succession ib. 2. They are totally ignorant of the Fact and were never Educated in the Laws by which they pretend to Judg Marriage 181 3. They Judg by a Chancellour and not in Person 4. They have Plurality of Offices and more than they are able to serve yet will be Judges of Marriage besides ib. 5. They are ambidextrous and amphibious Judges 182 6. They Judg Marriage by pretended Canons and Laws made by Bishops without assent of Parliament ib. 183 7. They take to themselves Fines and Penalties of their own Judgments 184 8. They Licence Dispence and Pardon all Crimes within their pretended Jurisdiction for Money 9. They cannot be known whether Protestants or Papists if Bishops 185 10. They Judg by Fictions and not by Truth 11. They Judg
of Libels and Lampoons It increases unlearned Sects and Heresies who if drawn to Print would either not be able to form their Doctrine in Principles or Positions or if they were they would appear so absurd as would be fit to imploy boys to laugh at rather than Doctors to confute Such were Mahomet's whose Alchoran is not therefore suffered to be Printed or Translated 5. It causes the more dangerous way of spreading Heresies both learned and unlearned to be neglected how to prevent which is the secret creeping into private Houses leading Captive silly Women with whom they walk like the Pestilence in the dark whereas if they appeared in Print or publick Preaching they might be known where they are and opposed 6. It stops the truth of all intelligence which is so invaluable a Treasure and difficult to be got into the Gates of Princes 7. A free Press is the pulse of the Body politic from which is impossible for the wisest State-Physician to discern or prevent the public Distempers unless it is suffer'd to beat free without a Ligature 8. It stops all just causes of complaint and appeal of the Subject to the King and Parliament against Judges and great Officers both Spiritual and Temporal It was my own ill fortune to be prickt Sheriff of a County which enforced me to draw a Petition to be presented to the King and Parliament desiring some remedy against the old Popish Oath continued to be imposed on Sheriffs wherein they swear to destroy the Protestant Religion under the name of Lollary and likewise to be relieved against the extortions of Officers of the Exchequer on Sheriffs which not knowing how otherwise conveniently to Address I appointed the Messenger to get a License to Print which he tryed to do but though there was nothing in it but Humility and Truth as who dare present otherwise to the Legislative Power The Licenser Swore He would not License it for Five Hundred Guinneys whereby it could not be done 9. It stops all presentments by the People to the King and Parliament of public grievances in regard the extent of the Three Kingdoms is great and remote and therefore neither fit nor possible multitudes should come so far to present Petitions in person and if not done in person there are so many Papists and Foreign Agents and their favourers in the way as may and do often intercept from the King's knowledg the humble applications of his Protestant Subjects as is easie to do when perhaps comprised only in one sheet of Paper To avoid therefore the stifling of all just complaints of the Subjects and the ill consequences which have been too often occasioned thereby of presenting Petitions by Tumults and Armies It is far more safe and equal that the Press should be open to the People in all public Addresses to Supream Authority it being many times a sufficient satisfaction to them if they understand that the King and Parliament do but vouchsafe to hear their complaints and desires though they think it not fit to grant them And a Child will often times awe his Enemies from harming him if he do but threaten them he will tell his Father where they know he hath that liberty given him 10. It appears by experience That the Liberty of the Press in Holland and other Foreign States where permitted not only bring no inconveniences but very great benefits and advantages to the People By pretence of giving the King the name of Supremacy they have taken the Thing to themselves The word Supremacy is of so infinite Extent as it can properly be attributed to none but the Divine Power of God and the words Jurisdiction and Government with which it is joyned in the Stat. 1. Eliz. 1. which gives the Form of the Oath of Supremacy are of that Vast Latitude that in their large literal Sense they include all Legislative Judicial and Executive Power amongst men and the Subject matters over which it is exercised are all Divine and Human Rights yea what is more all things Spiritual and Ecclesiastical as well as Temporal circumscribed in nothing to difference it from the Papal Supremacy pretended over Heaven Earth and Hell but the Bounds of her Majesties Dominions within which no wise man ever believed Heaven and H●ll to be contained though the Bishops under pretence of the same Supremacy given her Majesty which the Pope had have in the Royal name exercised the same not only in matters of Marriage Filiation and Succession concerning which I intend here only to contend with them but in all other matters of Oppression of the Consciences and Rights of the Subjects both as to Religion Liberty and Propriety as high as ever the Pope did though never any such Supremacy was intended either by the Statute or Oath to make Canons Judg or Execute but what hath before been or lawfully may be exercised or used so the word lawfully refers to time past as well as future and that neither Pope nor Bishops had ever any lawful Supremacy or Power to make or use Canons or Ecclesiastical Laws concerning Marriage Filiation or Succession but did the same by Usurpation in this Realm is sufficiently proved before against my Lord Coke's Ecclesiastical Law P. 31. and the Form of the Oath makes the Ecclesiastical Supremacy no higher than the Temporal Supremacy which every one knows in all Acts of Legislation is joyntly in the King and Parliament and not singly in either Estate And therefore Bishops can claim to exercise no Supremacy from one unless they have it from both nor of any matter which is not within the Kings Dominions or of any other human Power but only belongs to the Kingdom of God And that Pious Queen her Self who began her Reign with the Statute and Oath of Supremacy soon found the words so general and thereby obscure and the letter wrested to such extremity by Episcopal Expositions that she endeavour'd by a Subsequent Declaration published to have explained and limited according to the true intention but the same not being done by Act of Parliament became not of that Force was desired and left the Bishops more liberty to exercise more Supremacy in the Royal Name by pretence then was in truth intended in the Act or Oath And the subtlety wherewith they glossed their designs appears in the Act it self of which they were the chiefest contrivers For first they begin with a Nolo Episcopare alas as if they intended never to Episcopate or seek for Ecclesiastical Supremacy again● for they utterly abolish all Foreign Power which was the Popes and all usurped Power which was their own and annex all Spiritual and Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction to the Crown which includes the Jurisdiction of Marriage Filiation and Succession and many other matters for they knew if any part of the Supremacy had been left at Rome they could never have got it to Canterbury and though the one eased the Burden of the Subject no more than the other but rather by
because in their making there was no Consent of an House of Commons and the House of Commons being but Delegates themselves can not Delegate the Peoples Interest in the Legislative to others for Delegatus non p●test delegare it was an Office of Personal Trust reposed in the Persons El●cted to be Members of Parliament to treat with the King and assent to equal Laws in behalf of the People they could not grant over therefore this Office of Trust to Bishops or a Synod or a Council to treat with the King and assent to Laws for the People but every Member of Parliament ought either to refuse to accept of the Election or if he accept to serve in Person All Books of Canons made by Bishops without consent of Parliament void and not by Proxy assign or subdelegate in so great a Trust as to join in making Laws for the Publick Safety and Peace Hence will follow therefore That all Ecclesiastical Canons and Laws of Synods and Councils prohibiting Marriage without Publick Bans or Episcopal Licences and all Canons prohibiting Marriage in time of Advent Septuagesima and Rogation and all Canons prohibiting Marriage within degrees of Consanguinity and Affinity not prohibited by the Moral Law of God and all Canons prohibiting Marriage not made by the Ceremonies of a Priest and Temple and all Canons of the Council of Trent making null and void all Marriages not made before a Priest and two Witnesses are all in themselves utterly void for the House of Commons never assented to their making and all Laws prohibitory of Marriage being before shewn to be contrary to the Moral Law of God and to come from the Devil P. 52. and it being here shewn that they have no consent of Parliament such Books of Canons must in both respects be of necessity null and void as being neither the Laws of God nor Man in England but of the Devil according to which Books of Canons Bishops therefore Judging of Marriage contrary to the Moral Law of God and without any positive Law of Man their Judgment must likewise be void being according to the Law of the Devil and such Persons are no fit Judges who judg according to such Laws 7. They take to themselves the Fines and Penalties of their own Judgments That the Sole and Final Cause why Bishops so eagerly contest for the Jurisdiction of Marriage is Filthy Lucre is shewn before P. 52 53. c. and the same is so great a Pillar of the Kingdom of Anti-Christ that Pope ruin'd where Episcopal Jurisdiction of Marriage is taken away take but away Episcopal Jurisdiction of Ma●riage the Papal Power is immediately ruin'd in those Provinces wheresoever it is done 1. In regard of the infinite Treasure he heaps hereby which appears before P. 52 53. 2. In regard of the Power he gains hereby over Kings and Princes in assuming to himself the Judgment of Filiations and Successions to Kingdoms 3. By enticing Princes to unlawful Marriages contrary to the Moral Law of God and procuring them to take his Dispensations for thereby such Prince and his Successors will be in great danger as to his Title unless he expose his Interest and Religion to obtain assistance from the See of Rome which made Philip the Second King of Spain who Married Queen Mary so furious to support the Catholick Religion in the Low Countreys by Fire and Sword and to make a Law That none should succeed him in the Government of those Provinces unless he took an Oath to maintain the Catholick Religion there and maintain the Authority of the Church of Rome And this made Queen Mary so cruelly furious against Protestants in England the Title of her Mothers Marriage and her Succession depending on the Popes protection And wheresoever any Prince is promoted by the Popes Canon Laws contrary to the Right of Succession instituted by the Moral Law of God such Prince to defend his Title against the right Heir by the Moral Law of God and his Successors become assured Vassals to the Religion and See of Rome 4. The Pope by procuring and dispensing Marriages of Catholick Ladies with Protestant Princes gains a numerous increase of Catholicks in those Dominions and many times turns the whole Tide to carry Tribute to Tyber But to return to the lesser Rivers the Bishops 't is no small stream of gain flows in to them too by such an unjust Power of Bribing themselves to Injustice by exercising so Arbitrary a Proceeding as to Fine and Commute what they please and putting it in their own Purses which should go to the Publick Treasury 8. They License Dispense and Pardon all Offences against the Law for Money It is to no purpose to make Penal Laws if the Judg hath liberty to License Dispense and Pardon Offences against them and nothing better enables him to do it than to allow a Judg to Fine or Commute and to put the Fine or Commutation Money in his own Purse now the Power of Licensing Dispensing and Pardoning Offences against the Laws of Marriage or any other Law must of necessity so corrupt the Judg as he will protect and increase the Vice he pretends to suppress Hence the Popes Taxa Camerae and the Bishops Courts increase more Fornication and Adultery than a●l the loose Women in the Countrey They are therefore no fit Judges of Marriage 9. They cannot be known whether they are Protestants or Papists if Bishops The Laws of Marriage have a very great influence on all Religions and in all Nations but more specially God hath been pleased in England to make the same the chief means and occasion in the time of H. 8. of planting the Protestant it is therefore of very great concern for the Preservation of the same that the Judges of Marriage be Protestants and it cannot be known whether they are so or no if Bishops 1. Because the excess of Riches which the Jurisdiction of Marriage Filtation and Succession especially to Kingdoms carries with it and all other Profits of a Bishoprick joined therewith are so great as may be too much a Temptation to any unless a Saint by Miracle to be of any Religion to obtain them and Christ himself Matth. 19 24. makes this Temptation so difficult to be resisted that he saith It is easier for a Camel to go through the Eye of a Needle than for a rich man to enter into the Kingdom of Heaven yea he makes a Miracle necessary for any to obtain Riches and Heaven together for he saith Verse 26. With men this is impossible but with God all things are possible And Austin in imitation of this confesseth in effect the same difficile imò impossibile est praesentibus futucis bonis frui It is difficult yea impossible to enjoy the good things of this World and of that to come Damasus Bishop of Rome ende●vour'd to convert Praetextatus a great Heathen Ph●losopher to Christianity he answer'd him Make me Bishop of Rome and I will turn
whole People is to be intended only where the Case is reduced to that necessity that either one or other must be but in this there is no necessity Trial should be by Certificate of a Bishop at all and though uno absurdo dato mille sequuntur were there a Thousand inconveniences followed if the Certificate of a Bishop should be question'd for falsity it being first granted it belongs to him to make Certificates yet there is no necessity that absurdity should be first granted that it should belong to him to make Certificates for there are ways enough wherein no Inconveniences follow of Trial of Truth without Certificates of Bishops 2. The supposition is repugnant and impossible that any Case should happen or be shewn in the World wherein Fiction or Falsity ought to be suffer'd in Judicial proceeding or where Probation ought not by the Law of God to be admitted against such Fiction and Falsity notwithstanding the corrupt practice of Courts to the contrary and such suffering of a private mischief of that kind to a private Person is so far from preventing a publick Inconvenience that it will bring both a private and publick mischief and destroy both for it is as impossible to separate Truth from Justice as the Light from the Sun 3. That which is alledged for an inconvenience to the publick That one Bishop would make a Certificate contrary to another this is no more publick inconvenience than if Thieves should fall out and true men come by their Goods 4. As to what is said That the Certificate of the Bishop is in this Case the highest Trial in the Law we must distinguish the Law for it was then the Law of Popery was Predominant which gave Supremacy in Causes of Marriage Filiation and Succession to the Bishops above Kings and to the Sentences in Bishops Courts and made them above Appeal to the Kings Courts and the Foundation of that their Supremacy was That then by that Law Marriage was a Sacrament and Penance was a Sacrament but the Law being now changed from Popish to Protestant and the Supremacy being now given by the Protestant Law to the King above the Bishop as well in Causes Matrimonial as in all other Ecclesiastical Causes and the Protestant Religion taking away the two Popish Sacraments of Marriage and Penance which were the only Roots whence the Episcopal Jurisdiction of Marriage and the incidents to the same pretended to sprout Cessante Causa ratione legis cessat Lex the pretended Causes of the Jurisdiction ceasing the Jurisdiction it self ceases whereby now the Certificate of the Bishop is so far from being the highest Trial that it ought to be no Trial at all for the Sacraments ceasing the Jurisdiction ceaseth and the Jurisdiction ceasing the Power of Trial ought likewise to cease 5. For Councel to advise his Client to maintain a false Certificate of the Bishops knowing it to be false is as wicked as for the Bishop to make a false Certificate knowing it to be false or which is impossible for him to know to be true as all relating to Filiation are it being their own Rule Filiatio non potest probari except by the Parents wherefore ex Ore Suo they condemn themselves of false Judgment and are not therefore fit to be Judges 11. They Judg by Ceremonies and not by Circumstances As to the word Ceremonia some will have it derived à Cerere because they used divers Formalities in the Worship of the Goddess Ceres But this is not proper seeing all the Heathen Gods and Goddesses had as many Formalities in their Worship as she others derive it from Cerete a Latine Town whither as saith Valerius Maximus the Flamen Quirinalis and the Vestal Virgins fled with their Trinkets while the Gauls besieged Rome others derive it à Cereis from Torches and Tapers lighted made of Wax which amongst the old Pagans was a great Ceremony used in the Temples of their Gods and at their Marriages but this is likewise improper and only figurative to take species famosior pro toto genere and not natural so it appears the Etymology of it is either unknown or it is it self an Original not derived from any Rites which is a word usually joined with Ceremonies and much of the same Signification some will have derived à Ritualibus now the Rituales were old Magical and Superstitious Books of the Hetruscan Priests by help of which they either conjur'd their Gods or made the People believe so and they had all the Formalities written in them which were to be used at making Marriages at laying the Foundations of a City and how Altars Temples and Houses were to be Consecrated and how their Courts of Justice and Counties and Hundreds were to be divided for in all these the old Pagans used to Consult their Augurs Aruspices Bishops and Priests and were like our Books of Ecclesiastical Canons But it seems rather these ritual Books had their names derived from the Rites whereof they were made a written Collection and not the Rites from the Rituals and so Rites as well as Ceremonies may be words which none knows whence they came or whether they will But to come from the Etymology of the word Ceremony to the thing usually signified by it and the difference between a Ceremony and a Circumstance it seems A Ceremony is an Act accessary joined to a Principal not affecting the Principal Act with Good or Evil by the Law of God A Circumstance is an Act accessary joined with a Principal affecting the same Principal Act with Good or Evil by the Law of God Ceremonies are infinite but Circumstances are usually drawn to Seven Heads 1. The Cause of doing the Act which is divided into four kinds The Efficient Final Material Formal and these again subdivided into others 2. The Person by or with whom the Act was done 3. The Place where it was done 4. The Time when it was done 5. The Quantity continued or discrete 6. The Quality which is manifold 7. The Seventh and last Circumstance is the Event of the Act the Civilians expound very improperly and instance whether the Act is done by Fear Force Error Deceit Fault Chance or the like for how can these which are precedent Causes of the Act and therefore ought to be refer'd to the Cirstumstance of the Causes be said to be the Event of an Act which is always subsequent and not precedent to the Principal Act and in that sense is always used by the best Latinists as Cicero in Rhetor. Things are often judged from the Event than which there is nothing more unjust and the Poets agree in the same Careat Successibus opto Quisquis ab Eventu facta notanda putat Eventus Belli incertus wherein it is used for the Fortune and Success following the Battel and not the Fortune or Chance which began or occasion'd it So the Common Law in punishing the Event as the death of any Man within a Day or
aut Infamia as they ought in Truth and Right to be 17. It caused the Parisian Massacre of an Hundred Thousand Protestants Why Protestants should Idolize this Ceremonial Snare of Compulsion to Marry by a Priest in a Temple whereby the Papists with their Female Elephants hunt the Males to their destruction in the same manner as the Priests of Baal-peor did the Isaelites is strange Numb 25.1 And Israel abode in Shittim and the People began to commit Whoredom with the Daughters of Moab And they called the People unto the Sacrifices of their gods and the People did eat and bowed down to their gods And Israel joined himself unto Baal-peor and the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel And the Lord said unto Moses Take all the People and hang them up before the Lord against the Sun that the fierce anger of the Lord may be turned away from Israel And Moses said unto the Judges of Israel Slay ye every one his men that were joined unto Baal-peor And besides those who were Slain by the Sword Verse 9. Those that died of the Plague were Twenty and Four Thousand I am here to speak against the mischiefs of Compulsion of Protestants to two Popish Sacraments to both of which this Priapeian Ceremony of Marriage by a Priest in a Temple is a Causa sine qua non which two Sacraments one of the Host and the other of Marriage are the two fatal Banquets to which the Catholick Lady useth to invite the imprudent Protestant who hath learnt only the Innocence of the Dove but not the Wisdom of the Serpent Their first Sacrament which is of Bread they have transubstantiated into Poison their second Sacrament which is of Marriage they have transubstantiated into Blood of the first these Examples follow The Emperor Henry the Seventh was Poison'd in the Sacrament of the Lords Supper Popish Sacrament of Bread Tan●●bstantiared into Poison by a Frier of the Order of St. Dominick and thereof died the same day Perhaps one Reason why the Papist Priest Administers not the Wine to the Laity but only the Bread may be because if the Priest should Poison the Wine he drinking thereof first might Poison himself as well as his Guests and his Friends as well as his Enemies but he may divide the Bread in Wafers or Morsels such as are Poison'd to the Parties he designs them and such as he appoints for bits of a Passeover to the rest But it is certain the Priest may do what he will and whether he Poisons Bread or Wine neither Prince or Subjects have their Tasters of either and it is very hard therefore either should be compel'd to receive it of any Priest except of their own Election as to Person and Place though but once a Year and very improper and dangerous it is for a Test between Papist and Protestant seeing it cannot be known whether the Priest who gives it be a Papist or no for if he be he will not spare Poison if he can thereby reach his designs on his own Religion as appears in the Examples following much less on a Protestant Lavaterus tells of a Frier at Berna who was endeavour'd to be deceived by his Companions who made counterfeit Apparitions of the Virgin Mary to him in the Night that he might become an Instrument by divulging his Visions and the Revelations in them to confirm their Superstition amongst the People but it seems they were but Novices in the Art of Counterfeiting and were so ill attired or Acted so ill upon their new Stage that though the Frier was but a Block-head he perceived by the voice it was the Sub-prior in Womans apparel who personated to him the Virgin Mary they being therefore fearful he should detect their Knavery attempted three times to poison him in the Host or Sacrament and the third time he swallowed it and vomitted it up again hardly escaping with life which made the Bernoyes begin not to think the Sacrament the Body of Christ which was so often turn'd to Poison Prince Visnorisky who was a Protestant of the Greek Church about the Year 1616. having prepared at Christmas to receive the Communion after their manner the Priest who had usually served him in that Devotion being corrupted with Money by his Enemies poison'd the Bread which the Prince having received he suddenly fell sick and his Torments were so violent as he died the next day this bred a suspicion that he had been poison'd whereupon the Priest was apprehended who presently confess'd he was guilty and had been procured by his Enemies whereupon the Priest was Executed being bound in a Chair of Copper Wire and Roasted to Death Turk Hist 1350. These few are discover'd to Men but who can Imagine but a greater multitude of these Wickednesses are committed by such as are so studied in the Art of Poisoning which remain in secret and undiscover'd and are therefore reserved to the just Judgment of the All-knowing God Popish Sacrament of Marriage transubstantiated into blood Of the Second which is the Popish Sacrament of Marriage transubstantiated into the Blood take the Example following of the Infamous Perfidious Cowardly Traiterous Diabolical and worse than Barbarous and Pagan Parisian Massacre of an Hundred Thousand Protestants under Faith and Oath given of safe Conduct and Peace and on Solemn Covenants of Marriage Anno Dom. 1572. This base Practice of the French Papists who found themselves too weak in the Field to injure the Protestant of Circumventing him by Perjury and breach of Faith and Covenant the most Sacred Obligations of all humane Society is very well and more at large displayed in a Relation but lately Printed 1678. out of Mezeray Thuanus and other approved Authors of which with what Brevity I can I shall only touch Heads Pa●isian Massacre of Protestants intrapped by a Marriage The French King after Ten Years Civil War was advised to set on foot a Treaty of Peace not so much out of any design to quiet matters as to ensnare the Protestants in some fatal Trap in which they might be safely and easily destroyed the first Bait to be offered was the Marriage of the Lady Margaret the Kings Sister to Henry King of Navar and if that succeeded not they were to invent still a new Plot till they found that which would do the Business a Peace was therefore concluded with the Protestants by which the free Exercise of their Religion was granted them some Cautionary Towns were also put into their hands to be kept by them two Years till there were a full settlement made of the Edicts and the other things agreed to for their Security the next Progress in the Treacherous Design was when a Confidence was begotten on the Faith and Covenants of this Peace in the Protestants then to draw the chief Heads of the Party to the Court and they being so flatter'd into their compass they had the Power whensoever they thought fit to surprize and destroy them as
they pleased the Protestant Admiral Coligni was the first whom the King with a Counterfeit Countenance and Promises and great Donatives drew to Court the Queen of Navarr● was next drawn thither but soon after died as was generally believed of Poison that was given her in some perfumed Gloves to conceal which the Chirugions that open'd her would not touch her head pretending that she died of an Imposthume in her side the Cardinal Castilion was also at that time poison'd which though after confess'd by him that had done it yet was not then so much as suspected the King of Navarre and Prince of Conde were then drawn to Court and received with all the signs of Friendship could be invented a Dispensation was obtained from the Pope for the Marriage and the chief Heads of the Protestants were all drawn to Paris on pretence to assist at the Solemnities of the Marriage on the Seventeenth of August the King of Navarre was Married and four Days were spent in all the Bravery of Diversions that are usual on such occasions but were now performed with more than ordinary Magnificence and Joy there was but one part of the Kings deportment which could give any ground of Jealousie which were the horrid and Blasphemous Oaths and Imprecations which he made Use of on all occasions to persuade them of the Reality of his Professions which always raise suspitions in sober and wary Persons these the King used so frequently that the Writers of that time say he seldome spoke three words without some Terrible Oath or Blasphemous Expression but it was now high time to Execute his Design not valuing his Oaths the Duke of Guise was therefore put upon it to get the Protestant Admiral Assassinated who imployed therein one Maurenell who had formerly Assassinated another Person for him this Rogue he placed in the House of one who had been his Tutor near St. German of Auxerre where the Admiral used to pass as he went or came from the Louvre therefore on the Twenty Second of August about Noon as the Admiral was going home from the Court reading a Paper that he had in his hand the Assassinate that was laid for him shot him from the House where the Duke of Guise had placed him his Fury was charged with three Bullets that were believ'd to be poison'd one of these carried away part of the Fore-finger the other struck in his left Arm the third missed The King was in the Tennis-Court when the news was brought him and Personated a deep Resentment and said in a Tone seeming full of Affliction and with a Terrible Oath Shall I never have quiet and so threw away his Racquet and went out in a Rage The Duke of Guise did also counterfeit some Surprize The King of Navarre and the Prince of Conde came to the King to complain and desired his leave to go out of Town seeing men were not safe so near the Court the King seemed more to Resent it than they and with the most horrible Oaths that he could think of Swore he would Execute such Revenge on all that were found guilty as should never be forgotten and desired them to stay and be witnesses of it and visited the Admiral who lay sick of his Wounds with great shew of condoleing his misfortune but in short after all these and many other counterfeit Shews a Council is called by The Most Christian most Perjured King wherein it was Resolved That not only the Persons of Quality of the Religion should be killed but every one of what condition soever of that Profession should be Massacred and amongst them violently was moved that the King of Navarre and Prince of Conde should run the common Fate of the rest till with much ado moderated by another Party that they should be only enforced to change their Religion and the Conduct of the whole Business was committed to the Duke of Guise to destroy all the Protestant Hereticks through the Kingdom who first ordered a strong Guard to be set about the places where the Admiral and his Friends Lodged that none might escape and to have a multitude of Torches and Flambeaux ready only to light out of their Windows and a multitude of Soldiers whose Sign should be a White Linnen Sleeve on the left Arm and a White Cross in their Caps and the pretence was that these should shew the King a Divertisement in the Night in the Counterfeit Assaulting of a Fort and the time appointed for the Execution was at Tolling of the Great Bell of the Palace which should be done near the break of Day and then they were to light their Torches and March the Signal was given the Morning of the 24th of August St. Bartholomew's Day being Sunday part of the Soldiers are sent to the Lodgings of the Wounded Admiral to go through with the Murder begun and Seven breaking into his Chamber all Armed there killed him and the Duke of Guise being below the Court bid them to throw him out of the Window which was done and either the Duke or the Count of Angoulesme for it is differently reported wiped his face for it was disfigured with Blood to know if it was be indeed and perceiving it was trampled on his Belly and went away an Italian cut off his head and carried it to the Queen Mother and then embalmed it and sent it to the Pope then all the Ignominy and Barbarity possible was exercised on the Dead Carcass his Fingers and Hands were cut off his Body dragged about the Streets thrown into the Seine and hanged up in Chains his Feet uppermost and a Fire was set under to burn which only Roasted and consumed it not here the horrible Massacre began and ended not till it had run through the whole City and Countrey with all the most Hellish Butcheries could be devised one would cut off the Nose another the Ear a third the Hands a fourth the Arms of the same Party before they would be so merciful as to kill him No Degrees Age or Sex spared Young or Old Infant or Suckling and a single Death satisfied not till they made them die many Deaths and till as is Estimated there were destroyed an Hundred Thousand Innocent Protestants The Cruelty of which was so abhor'd by the Soldiers themselves that many of them endeavour'd to save many of the Protestants for sure of all Men the most Valiant are the most Merciful but the more than Feminine Cruelty of the Babylonish Bishops which they derived from the Woman who sate on the Beast so set on the Multitude as made them worse than all the wild Beasts in the World which justly gives cause of Abhorrence against Episcopal Compulsion to Marry by a Priest in a Temple the same being the means without which this Perfidious and Bloody Massacre could not have been Effected Why the Ottoman Emperors Marry not by a Priest or in a Temple and of the Bloody Murders ensued of the Sons of Solyman the Magnificent
deliver'd to the Lords and if the King and the Lords agree to the Bill without changing it then they use not to endorse the Bill but the same is deliver'd to the Clerk of the Parliament to be Inrolled and if it be a Common Bill it shall be Inrolled and enacted but if it be a particular Bill it shall not be Inrolled but Filed on a File and it is well enough but if the Party will Sue to have the same Enter'd for his better Security it is well enough it may be Inroll'd and if the Lords will alter the Bill that which may stand with the Grant of the Commons shall not be deliver'd back to them as if they will grant Tonnage and Poundage for Four Years and the Lords grant them only for Two Years this shall not be redeliver'd to the Commons because 't is consistent with their Grant but if Vice Versa the Commons grant for Two Years and the Lords for Four then the same must be redeliver'd to the Commons for their Assent c. Faukes Sir the Case was thus The Bill was put into the Commons after the Feast of Pentecost which was in Parliament time and the intent of the Bill was That the Proclamations should last till the Feast of Pentecost then next ensuing which was Anno 1452. but every Bill of Parliament shall have Relation to the first day of the Session of Parliament though it be put in at the latter end therefore the Lords granted according to the intention of the Bill Prisot Are you certain that the Bill was deliver'd after the Feast of Pentecost which was in Parliament time or not Faukes Truly I do think so c. Markham Do you use to make Inrollment of the Day when you first receive the Bills Faukes No Sir Markham Verily this is a Perilous thing for the Court of Parliament is the Most High Court the King hath and it were well done if every Act and Thing there done which is material and reason of it were Inrolled c. For in this Case if the Bill pass'd the Commons and the Lords in the manner aforesaid before the Feast of Pentecost then the Act is void because of the variance of the Endorsement of the Day by the Lords c. From the Bill c. And it was not redeliver'd to the Commons but it was deliver'd after the Feast of Pentecost then it seems they are agreed for all is one day wherefore this matter cannot determine one way or the other by your Record who are the Clerk c. And now we can give no other credit to what is said but that the Bill was deliver'd the first day of the Parliament c. Fortescue This is an Act of Parliament and we will be well advised before we make void any Act of Parliament and peradventure the matter ought to rest till the next Parliament and then we may be certified by them of the certainty of the matter but however we will be well advised what to do c. This Fiction and the Inconveniences of the same are very well Reformed by an Act of Parliament of Scotland Jac. 6. P. 7. Cap. 121. FOrsameilk as it is understand to the Kingis Majestie and Threé Estaites of Parliament that oftentimes Doubtes and Questions arisis touching the Proclamation of the Actes of Parliament and Publication thereof it being sometime alledged by the Lieges that they are not bound to observe and keép the samin as Laws nor incur ony paines conteined therein quhill the same be Proclaimed at the Mercat Croces of the head Burrowes of all Schires For remeding of quhilkis Doubts in time cumming It is Statute and Ordained be our Soveraine Lord and Estaites of this present Parliament That all Actes and Statutes of Parliament maid at this time and sal happen to be maid at onie time hereafter sall be Published and Proclaimed at the Mercat Croce of Edinburgh only quhilk Publication our Soverain Lord and Estaites foirsaidis decernis and declaris to be al 's ratiable and sufficient as the samin were Published at the head Burrowes of the haill Schires within this Realm And alswa declaris the haill Lieges to be bounden and astricted to the obedience of the saides Actes as Laws Forty Dayes after the Publication of the samin at the saide Mercat Croce of Edinburgh being by-past Fictions of Members of Parliament Resident and Native By the Statute of 1. H. 5. cap. 1. It is Enacted That the Knights of the Shires which from henceforth shall be chosen in every Shire be not chosen unless they be Resident within the Shire where they shall be chosen the day of the date of the Writ of the Summons of the Parliament and that the Knights and Esquires and others which shall be choosers of those Knights of the Shires be also Resident within the same Shires in manner and form as is aforesaid And moreover it is Ordained and Established That the Citizens and Burgesses be chosen of the City and Burrows Men Citizens and Burgesses Resiant dwelling and Freé of the same City and Burrows and no other in any wise And as though this were not sufficient for Excluding Foreigners from Elections It is Enacted further by 23. H. 6.15 That the Knights of Shires for the Parliament hereafter to be chosen shall be notable Knights of the same Counties for the which they shall be chosen or otherwise such notable Esquires and Gentlemen born of the same Counties as shall be able to be Knights So by these two Acts of Parliament it is Enacted None shall be chosen for Knights of Shires but such as are both Residents and Natives of the Shires for which they serve Acts of most high Wisdom and Justice but alas now both Residents and Natives being in practice only turned to Fictions what defence are they to the Subjects in what all they have is concerned the Election of an equal and faithful Representative against the Two Hundred Thousand Pounds discover'd in the Letters of the late Horrible Popish Plotters to pois on all the Elections of Parliament-men through the Kingdom by buying of their Places to Papists and their Adherents Pensioners to Rome and France to sell the most Protestant King Religion and Three Kingdoms for a Spoil to Foreiners and to place such Sheriffs as may in tendency thereto by Fictions of their Returns that the Free-holders Vt major pars totius Comitatus praedict ' tunc ibidem existen ' jurat ' examinat ' Secundum vim formam effectum diversorum statutorum inde edit ' provisorum Eligerunt A. B. milit ' C. D. milit ' infra Comitat ' praedict ' commorantes c. Now if these Knights are not infra Comitat ' praedict ' commorantes Residents of the County and Secundum vim formam effectum Statutorum c. Especially of the 23. H. 6.15 Natives of the County this Return is Fictitious and False and utterly unlawful contrary to the Sheriffs Oath and for which
Brother y●ur self when Caught you find In snares for others you designed Learn Who ill Principles extends Against his Foes destroys his Friends And when for us you dig a Pit You are the next fall into it It was your Church what er'e it saith Law Latine left and Latine-Faith And Babbled without Mood or Tense In Church and Court and without Sense That blind might lead the blind and they Rob so all pass'd through their dark way You before Hearing first did Curse And Oulaw too to take a Purse Of which too late you now complain And we to help have tri'd in vain The Papist too brought Fictions in And Forgery that foulest Sin The Papists too were the first sharks And sate in Courts Bishops and Clerks And left their Cursed Presidents Of Forms for their wicked Intents Which still continue now and you As well as we begin to Rue At least the Poor of either side Though they touch not the Prelat's Pride And if you Perish by the same Who but your selves now can you blame The Protestant at length Essai'd Although by greater Power dismai'd Forms Fictions and Forgeries By Papist left to blind the Eyes Of Justice and Religion And in a Language still unknown And the High Places of old Baal Which did both Souls and Bodies Thrall To take away and teach their Youth Worship in Spirit and in Truth And Justice too by those who swayed In a True Ballance to be weighed For Fictions and Forgeries Come from the Father of all Lies But still the Protestant in vain To Supreme Power did complain While Papist-Peers in Parliament And Pensioners the Publick Rent Force from the Common's Skin and Bones It was in vain to make our moanes From Justice then with many Jeers You kept and first made us shed Tears Although deceived in your hope Perhaps now from your selves they drop And you and we suffer alike From strokes which you and us did strike Am I not in as bad a Case As you within this Dismal Place And me to make yet in a worse They Outlaw may as well as Curse You have unto the Dreadful Doom Of God Appeal'd which is to come You nothing owe I to the same Appeal and his most Dreadful Name I have committed no Offence ' Gainst men nor ' gainst my Conscience For which I 'm Sentenc'd to lie here And be your Fellow-Prisoner Who Rule the Conscience can but God Or who can change it with a Nod I see not when the Bishop winks Or if I think not as he thinks Or cannot by Implicit Faith Believe what e're the Bishop saith Is' t just because that I cannot I should lie here to Starve or Rot Pap. Brother I 'le freely tell my mind And say where Protestants are kind To Catholicks in Recompence They each enjoy their Conscience And Toleration hath united Not only those before Recited But bloody Wars could not be ceased In Germany 'till Conscience eased On each side was in the same Nation By a mutual Toleration The like in Hungary was acted And no Peace there could be transacted Between the Emperor and them 'Till Grafted both on the same Stem And many other like appear Too many to be Cited here They are not Commons but our Peers Who set us both now by the Ears They Pensions take from Rome and France Poor Us to Tyburne to advance And with some part when 't is espi'd They Pardon Buy and us Deride Why then should English Freedom miss More than our Neighbour Dutch or Swiss Or Driven be to Gaol or Church Conscience and Justice both to Lurch Prot. Brother I 'm not so void of Sense As Punishment on Conscience To wish who in so high degree Suffer for it my self you see But on what Terms the wiser State Will both Religions Tolerate I cannot tell or if no fears They have of Poor but only Peers I know not only this I say We should small Prudence then bewray To trie for others and in vain 'Till our own Liberty we gain Pap. Yet we in this do both agree Though Toleration none there be And both alike for this contend That whether he is Foe or Friend Yet before Hearing he ought not In Cruel Prison Starve or Rot And Magna Charta none can be Of Property or Liberty Unless 't is in the same Expres't Before a Judgment no Arrest 7. The Three Kingdoms condemn one another without Hearing by a Non-Union of their Three Parliaments Of the Fatal Danger threatning all Protestants by the Division of the Three Parliaments of England Scotland and Ireland and the inestimable Benefits ensue the Union of the same in one House Unless the Supreme Judicatory is rightly constituted to Judg between the King and his Subjects Church and Church Kingdom and Kingdom Nation and Nation Possession and Succession and between one Subject and another it is in vain to constitute inferior Judicatories to any of those great ends of Preservation of Religion and Justice Peace and Truth Liberty and Propriety for there being no Supremeequal Judg constitute there will-be no inferior Judg equally constitute and being no equal Judg Supreme or inferior if Kingdoms happen to become Plaintiffs and Defendants one against another for Religion or any other Quariel they are necessitated to condemn one another without Hearing because they agree not by what Judg they will be heard but will like the Scythians worship the Sword and Fortune for the Gods and Judges of the World and begin their Sute one against another with Execution by the unjust Capiases and Outlawries of War and Proclamations of the same by the Trumpet 1. First therefore the great danger these Three Protestant Kingdoms lie under is If any Papist should again as they have by their perpetual Plots hitherto endeavour'd to kindle a Civil War there can be n● Judg equal Elected by them able without the Persons Elected sit in one House to punish the Incendiaries and prevent the War Succession of the Crown divided by divided Parliaments 2. If the Succession of the Crown should happen to become contentious between Competitors and the Parliaments continue as they do divided in several Houses and several Places the Three Kingdoms if they depart from the immutable Moral Law of God either to the Ecclesiastical Laws of their several Churches or to the Temporal Laws of the several Kingdoms they may each have several Laws Privileges and Customs of Succession one from another and the Houses of Lords may have different Customs and pretences to Judicatories from Houses of Commons and the Episcopal Assemblies and Synods may pretend several Rights of Judicature from the Law-Courts so every Kingdom may happen to be divided in their Sentence of Succession and one to Judg it to A. another to B. another to C. the House of Lords in one to Judg it to D. in the other to E. in the other to F. the House of Commons to Judg it in one to G. in the other to H. in the other to
may be easie for the Priests to put Apples Grapes and Nuts in a Coffin and by Night to make fearful Noises Shrieks Groans and Counterfeit Apparitions about Graves and Tombs whence the horror of the very place and darkness make such impressions on timorous Fancies as they shall not dare to approach much less examine the matter and take out the new Body out of the Coffin and put in one had been Buried Seven Years and then a Vault made of purpose to make a noise under ground in the Church and Sofronio know nothing of all this 5. But whether it were Witchcraft or Cheat it is most horrible wickedness to make Use of either under pretence of Church-Discipline or the Worship of God seeing they both come from the Devil Alvarez a Portugal Priest Relates of himself That at the Town of Barva in Ethiopia there appeared a Terrible Cloud of an infinite number of Locusts which at length fell and Devoured the Countrey and that he and another Portuguez Priest took a Consecrated Stone and the Cross and sung the Letany and in this manner went in Procession through the Corn-Fields for the space of a Mile unto a little Hill and there he caused them to take a quantity of the Locusts and made of them a Conjuration which he carried with him in writing which he had made the Night before Requiring them Charging them and Excommunicating them Willing them within Three Hours space to begin to depart towards the Sea or towards the Land of Morez or towards the Desart Mountains and to let the Christians alone and if they obey'd him not he called and adjured the Fowls of the Air the Beasts of the Field and all the Tempests to scatter destroy and consume their Bodies And for this purpose he took the quantity of Locusts and made this Admonition to them that were present in the name of themselves and those which were absent and so let them go and gave them liberty The Locusts began forthwith to depart and in the mean while a mighty Tempest and Thunder arose toward the Sea which drowned all the Locusts in the River and the dead Locusts remained in heaps two Fathom high on the Banks so by the Morning there was not one Locust left alive This Excommunication if true were Conjuring and Witchcraft Flies Excomunicated Peter de Nathal in vita Bernhardi Relates That St. Bernhard denounced the Sentence of Excommunication against Flies Whether this may be call'd Witchcraft or a Silly Prank of St. Simplicius I cannot say but if he could Excommunicate Flies without a Magical Telesme or Inchantment Fishes Excommunicated he shall be the Domitian of Divinity Mere. Gallo lib. 6. p. 592. saith That Anno Domini 1593. The Bishop of Conagtion very malitiously Excommunicated the Innocent Fishes Theodosius a Bishop of Alexandria Dead Excommunicated Excommunicated Origen Two Hundred Years after his Death if he is censur'd only for a Cheat 't is less than so wicked a practice deserves Now though God may permit wicked men to Excommunicate and Daemons Witches wild Beasts and Tyrants to abuse the Bodies of the best men after they are dead they have no Power to touch the Soul And we ought not to fear but contemn their Excommunication for so saith Christ Matth. 10.28 Fear not them that can kill the Body but are not able to kill the Soul but rather fear Him which is able to destroy both Soul and Body in Hell Excommunication of the Devil Devils Excommunicated Mengus de Flagell Daemon Describes part of the Form of the Romish Exorcism to be I Command you Oh Davils who are come to the help of those that vex this Creature of God N. upon pain of Excommunication and Immersion into the Lake of Fire and Brimstone for a Thousand Years that ye yield no Aid and Assistance to these Devils It seems the Devil is of the Society of these Romish Priests otherwise he could not be Excommunicated To grant a Bishop Power of Excommunication is to grant him the Legislative Judicial and Executive Power Excommunication gives the Pope the Legislative Power over all Nations for by this he made his Canon-Law whensoever he pleased to be observed through Christendom by no other Obligation than his Command they should be observed on pain of Excommunication By granting the Power of Excommunication the Legislative Power is granted and the Clergy in Convocation used anciently without asking the Royal Assent to make Canons touching matters of Religion to bind not only themselves but all the Laity without Assent of the Lords and Commons in Parliament It was used in ancient time for Creditors besides other Security to procure Debtors to Swear they would pay them and thereupon there being then no Arrest in the Temporal Courts for Debt they Sued them in the Spiritual Courts on their Oaths and they granted an Excommunicato Capiendo to Arrest them without Bail which were so frequent that E. 1. could not keep his Servants free from Arrest in his Court till to prevent it he caused a Writ De Promulgantibus Sententiam Excommunicationis Capiendis Imprisonendis Commanding to Imprison such as Excommunicated any of them Rot. Parl. 25. E. 1. Intus Henry the Second according to Hovedon would That all such of the Clergy as were Deprehended in any Robbery Murder Felony Burning of Houses and the like should be Tried and Adjudged in the Temporal Courts as Lay-men were But Becket Arch-Bishop of Canterbury stood proudly on the Pontificial Prerogative of the Clergy That no Clergy-man ought to be Tried but in their own Spiritual Courts and by men of their own Coat And if they were Convicted before them they ought only to be deprived of their Office but if they after offended they should be Judged in the Kings Courts This Power of Judgment he drew to his own Court only by his Power of Excommunication A Copy of a Prohibition of Excommunication A true translated Copy of a Writ of Prohibition granted by the Lord Chief Justice and other the Judges of the Common-Pleas in Easter-Term 1676. against the Bishop of Chichester who had proceeded against and Excommunicated one Thomas Watersfield a Church-Warden for Refusing to take the Oath usually tendred to Persons in such Office to Present such who absent from Church by which Writ the Illegality of all such Oaths is Declared and the said Bishop Commanded to Release and take off his said Excommunication c. CHarles the Second by the Grace of God King of England Scotland France and Ireland Defender of the Faith c. To the Reverend Father in Christ Ralph by Divine Providence Lord Bishop of Chichester or any other competent Judg in his behalf whatsoever Greeting We are informed in our Court before our Justices at Westminster on the behalf of Thomas Watersfield That whereas by the Laws of this our Realm of England no Person ought to be Cited to appear in any Court Christian before any Judg Spiritual to
withal Threatens a Proceeding against his Person Becket thereupon flies the Realm and appeals to the Pope and procures an Excommunication from the Pope of such Bishops as kept not their Oath of Canonical Obedience to him who was their Arch-Bishop The King of France Intercedes for Becket and the Pope Threatned Excommunication against the King himself if he Restored him not The King out of a Superstitious Fear of his Excommunication as appears by his Receiving afterward the Servile Penance imposed on him for Becket's death Restores Becket again to his See of Canterbury whither again arrived he continued notwithstanding the favour of the Kings Restauration as bad as before in Prosecuting his Excommunications he had got at Rome against such Bishops as sided with the King of which when the Excommunicated Bishops complained to the King and moved thereby his Passion He cried out Shall I never be quiet for this Priest if I had any about me that lov'd me they would find some way or other to Rid me of this trouble Whereupon Four Knights standing by took their Journey to find the Arch-Bishop whom they found at Church on the steps where they strook him on the Head with their Swords and killed him which though in the manner of doing it was no way Justifiable being without lawful Hearing and Trial Yet 't is very manifest that the Arch-Bishop by the Common Law it self without the trouble of an Attainder by Parliament might have been proceeded against Legally by Indictment of High-Treason and he was manifestly Guilty for it was by the Common Law High-Treason to appeal to a Foreign Prince And likewise for any Subject to bring an Excommunication from Rome against another Subject without the Kings Assent was Treason for this was the ready way to give the Pope Power to Raise Rebellions against the King when he pleased Bishops Traitors to King John The Bishops in the time of King John Conspired with the Pope and the French and the Temporal Barons and the Pope laid an Interdiction or Excommunication on the Kingdom for Six Years Three Months and Fourteen Days during which the Church Doors were shut up and there was neither Exercise of Religion Mass Marriage Baptism or Burial allowed in the Church or Church-Yard 'till the King would Surrender his Crown and take the Kingdom from the Pope and hold it Feudatory from him which the King was by the Treachery of his Bishops deserting him compell'd to do and accordingly he took off the Crown from his Head and laid it at the Feet of Pandulphus the Popes Legate the Pope to dispose of it how he pleased which he kept Three or Four Days from him and would not Restore again but on condition agreed That he and his Successors should hold it of the Pope and pay him for it the Yearly Tribute of a Thousand Marks which was a great Sum in those days besides all the other Tributes and Exactions which the Pope then had from the Subjects but this the King was fain to do before the Excommunication would be taken off from him and his Kingdom which being done and be perceiving himself clear from the Pope Resolved to Raise an Army and be Revenged on the French King whose Pensions had set all this on work against him and accordingly had Levied a very great Army having his Fleet all ready at Portsmouth to have Shipt them The Arch-Bishop of Canterbury thereupon told him He broke his Oath to the Pope at his Absolution if he Warr'd against the French King which in truth the Bishops had themselves by their Treason compell'd Him to To whom the King Replied in a great Passion That he would not defer the Business for his pleasure seeing Lay-Judgment belonged not to him The Arch-Bishop Threatned his Native Sovereign he would Excommunicate him unless he desisted and this was in behalf of a Foreign Prince his Enemy So far could French Pensions prevail with Prelats whereby the King to his great loss was enforced to Dissolve and Disband again his Army in the nick of Time when it was ready for Action Henry the Third the Tempest of the Barons-Wars beginning to Threaten him was asked by Robert Bacon a Frier Predicant What Sea-men feared most that they knew best themselves The Frier Replied My Lard I will tell you It is Petrae Rupes alluding to Petrus de Rupibus The name of the then Bishop of Winchester and under him meaning the whole Body of the Bishops Edward the First that wise and valiant Prince disdaining to be Priest-Ridden as his two Predecessors had been to so great danger of their Persons and Kingdoms and taught by their Experience that it was in vain to think of obliging by Benefits or Oath the Power of those who being a Body United and as it were an Army more firmly Banded under their Arch-Bishop than 't was possible to make the Lay-Nobility to be under their King he began first to Lop off from their Ecclesiastical Auxiliaries such Branches of Royal Power as he could do himself without a Parliament and Anno Reg. 6. Deprived many famous Monasteries of England of their Privileges and took from the Abbot and Covent of Westminster the Return of Writs granted them by the Charter of Henry the third And after he got to be Inacted by Parliament the Statute of Mortmaine against the so enormous Increase of their Temporal Possessions which was so detrimental to the Military Service of the Kingdom and in the Statute of Westminster 2. defalked the Jurisdiction of Bishops and Ecclesiastical Judges He left not here but growing more upon them he Required the Moiety of all their Goods as well Spiritual as Temporal for one year and I think their money and moveables could grow no more the next year which he took in one year And at the first one Sr. John Knight stands up amongst them in their assembly and said Reverend Fathers if any here will Contradict the King's Demand in this Business let him stand out in the midest of this Assembly that his person may be known and seen as one Guilty of the Breach of the King's Peace At which speech they all sate mute and though it put them into Extreme grief and perplexity they yet were fain to yield to his demand Dan. Hist Which if he had been possessed with a dastardly fear of Excommunication he had no more dared to do than his Predecessors Yet some say to be able to deal with his own Bishops he was fain to send the Pope a Furnish of gold for his Chamber to have his Connivence Edward the second Anno Regni 17 after the Overthrow he Received by the Treachery of his own in Scotland Bishops Traitors to E. 2. Caused the Bishop of Hereford to be Arrested and Accused of High treason for aiding the Kings Enemies in their Late Rebellion but he Refused to Answer being a Consecrated Bishop without leave of the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury whose Suffragan he was and who he said was
the King Then they carried him Forth out of the City and stoned him with stones that he Died. Whence is to be Noted 1. That the Whore of Babylon imitates Jezabel in sending Letters in the Kings name for so are all Excommunicato Capiendo's and Haeretico Comburendo's in the name of the King in whose Dominions they are Granted and Sealed with his Seal 2. Jezabel pretended Religion Proclaimed a Fast and accused of Blasphemy so do the Ministers of the Whore pretend Religion wholly and solely in those Writs 3. In this they are worse than Jezabel for she accused only of Blasphemy which is an External Act and if there had been any such thing it had been possible to have been witnessed but these punish and destroy for Internal Thoughts and Conscience 4. Jezabel accused of Actual Blasphemy against God which is Malum in se and against the Moral Law and though Ahab and she were both Idolaters yet did not accuse Naboth That he was a Recusant or Non-Conformist to come to the Temple of their Idol or to join in their Common-Prayer before it or would not bow to their Altar or observe their Ceremonies nor do we find amongst all the Idolatries amongst the Israelites that any was compell'd by Force to Worship them neither could there have been Seven Thousand who had not bowed the Knee to Baal had there been Penal Statutes against Recusancy or Non-Conformity but the now Masters of Ceremonies are worse than Jezabel who destroy men unless they will break the Moral Law bow to Idols and Altars and obey the Ceremonial Law of men above the Moral Law of God 8. That the sole end of Compulsion to Forms of Worship or Confession of Faith is to get Money and not the Glory of God Take these farther Examples in the Primitive times Anno 346. Eustathius Bishop of Sebastia a man of great reputed Integrity and strictness of Life being a Dissentient from the common practice of other Bishops absented himself from the Publick Conventions where things were practised against his Conscience and kept Meetings in Private Houses Preacht and Administred the Sacrament not in the places and manner appointed by the other Bishops Cannons they seeing their Gainful Canons and Orders like to be laid aside Conspired together at the Council of Gangra and Antioch making severe Canons of their own and likewise pretending Apostolical Canons against all Bishops or Presbyters for so were they called which should be Non-Conformists that they should be Excommunicated and Deposed not regarding though to Acts against their Consciences and not Commanded by the Moral Law of God but though this Corruption crept in even in the Primitive times amongst those who called themselves Christians and the misery of Iniquity did then begin to work 2 Thes 2.7 And there were then many Anti-Christs 1 John 2.18 Yet no Example or Precept could they pretend from Christ or his Apostles for these Anti-Christian and Anti-Apostolical Canons Coin'd to get Money and Compulsory to Consciences either to destroy themselves by Acting contrary to their own Light or openly to accuse themselves to be destroyed by others where did Christ who abolished all Ceremonials and Declared the Worship of God to be in Spirit and Truth make so much as one Canon against Recusancy to Pray in Temples or Non-Conformity to Prayer in Forms Where did Christ or his Apostles make one Law or Canon Compulsory to the Conscience in Form of Worship or with the Penalties of Confiscation or Excommunication hanging at the tail of it where did they ever make so much as one such Canon of Marriage the matter now in Controversie or where did Christ or any Apostle of Christ so much as Marry one Couple or give Authority to any Priest to do it or to receives Fees for the doing who would never make Canons to compell the Conscience to that or any thing else were it not to get Money Cyrillus who passes for a Father of the Church getting to be Bishop of Alexandria Anno Dom. 4.18 turn'd out all the Novatians out of their Churches there they being Non-Conformists to his and the chief matter objected against them was They were against Bishops which might have satisfied a Successor of Christ who pretended only to lay up Treasure in Heaven where neither Moth nor Rust doth Corrupt but he Rifled all the Treasure from those Churches and from their Bishop or Presbyter all the Substance he had and like a new Broom swept all clean into his own Coffers Socrat. lib. 7. cap. 7. How far different from the Example of Christ who though he whipt the Buyers and Sellers out of the Temple and overthrew the Tables of the Money-Changers took not one Penny of the Money but Bishop Cyrill aim'd at the Monopoly of the Trade to himself here on Earth and left the Treasure in Heaven to Christ Theodosius Bishop of Synada a City in Phrygia was a great Scourge to Non-Conformists whom he called Hereticks but he persecuted them not out of Zeal but Covetousness to wring Money from them wherefore to that end there was no Device but he practised and to afflict them the more he put them in Fetters to hold up their hands at the Bar Socrat. lib. 7. cap. 3. But while Theodosius went to Constantinople to obtain greater Power yet to Squeez Dissentients and Non-Conformists and particularly those who were against the Faith of one Substance and had above all other Persecuted Agapetus a Bishop of a contrary Faith Agapetus in his absence to gain his Enemies Bishoprick from him turn'd to be of the same Faith with his Enemy and acknowledged one Substance of the Father and Son and who before was an Homoiousiast became now an Homousiast and obtain'd thereby the Government of the Diocess Churches and City of Synada shortly after Theodosius return'd home from Constantinople to Synada and brought with him the Authority from the Lieutenant whereof he bragged not a little that he had enough to Pepper the men to the purpose who were not of one Substance with him and being Ignorant of all the things which were done in his Absence he straight way went to the Church where he found but small welcome for the Doors were made fast against him and after he knew their Dealing again he posteth to Constantinople there he bewail'd his State to Atticus the Bishop and open'd unto him That he was Injuriously Thrust from his Bishoprick Atticus apprehending that all fell out for the Profit of the Church of God endeavour'd to pacifie him with mild and courteous Language Exhorting him to embrace a quiet Life void of Trouble and Molestation and not to prefer his own Gain and private Lucre above the Publick Profit and Peace of the Church and thereon writ to Agapetus willing him to enjoy the Bishoprick and not to fear at all the Displeasure of Theodosius Id ib. By which appears though Bishops call themselves Angels and Messengers of God yet are they not like them of whom it is said
tend most to the Peace of the Church for unless there were an Interval for the Bell to Toll a space after the end of the Prayer before the beginning of the Sermon the Parish who love not long Prayer will not be able to know when the Sermon begins and very many of them though they would be all glad to join with the Chaplain in his Prayer for the King yet will they many of them perhaps have Scruples in Conscience to join with him in Prayer for his Patron Patron if to be Prayed for in Publick 1. Because he may sometimes happen to be a Papist and one that seeks the Destruction of the Protestant Religion and all Protestants and many may grow doubtful to Pray for the Prosperity of such a one the same seeming to be Prohibited 2 John 10 11. Where it is said If there come any unto you and bring not this Doctrine receive him not into your House neither bid him God speed For he that biddeth him God speed is partaker of all his Evil Deeds Patron a Papist 2 As to Publick Persons we are directed by the Scripture to Pray in Publick for none but Persons in publick Authority but a Papist is by Acts of Parliament Excluded from all publick Authority and Office therefore no publick Person 3. As to private Persons the Scripture and practice of the Primitive Christians direct to Pray for no private Persons particularly and by name but such as are sick or possess'd by the Devil for in such Case the direction of Christ and practice of the Primitive Church was to cast him out by Fasting and Prayer but many Patrons are neither sick nor possess'd therefore there is no direction in Scripture for them to be Prayed for by name in publick 4. The Chaplain useth to Pray for Bishops especially if Patrons wherein many Protestants may not be free to join in regard they many of them assume to themselves to be Judges of Heresie and the Rule of Heresie they make is the Four first General Councils and the Papal Canons for Ceremonies and against Lollaries the Parliament deceived by the Bishops to leave the Four first Councils the Rule of Heresie was 1. Eliz. 1. In which Act to Prohibited Commissioners appointed by the Queen by virtue of that Act If Bishops are Papists or to be Prayed for who Judge Heresy by the four first Councils to proceed in Judgment of Heresie beyond the words prescribed them the words-Prohibited in a Proviso are these viz. Shall not in any wise have Authority or Power to Order Determine or Adjudg any Matter or Cause to be Heresie but only such as heretofore have been Determined Order'd or Adjudged to be Heresie by Authority of the Canonical Scriptures or by the first Four General Councils or any of them or by any other General Council wherein the same was declared Heresie by express and plain words of the said Canonical Scriptures or such as shall hereafter be Order'd Judged or Determined to be Heresie by the High Court of Parliament of this Realm with the Assent of the Clergy in their Convocation Of the Four first General Councils by which Bishops would Judg Heresie and of the Suspition lies on such Judges to be Papists and not to be Prayed for in Publick The Four first General Councils which I suppose they mean were the Council of Nice in Bithynia the Council of Constantinople where the Great Turk Lives the Council of Ephesus where the Great Diana of the Ephesians and the Image which fell from Jupiter were Worshipt and the Council of Chalcedon in Bithynia Council of Nice As to the Council of Nice there were two one about Anno Dom. 330. the other about Anno Dom. 381. In the First called by Constantine the Great there were 318 Bishops in another call'd by another Constantine there were 350 Bishops which of these our Bishops would have I cannot tell but they may wink and choose and though each was Nice yet neither of them was more Nice than Wise for the Profit of the Bishops and the Bishops 1. Eliz. were as wise as they to join the Canonical Scriptures and the Council of Nice that nothing should be Judged Heresie without their Joint Consent for the Canonical Scripture hath not so much as one Bishop they having falsely translated 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 a Bishop which ought to have been an Overseer of the Poor so as there is not one Bishop to be found in Scripture to be a Judg of Heresie any more than of Marriage whereas at one of the Nices there were 350. And in the Scripture is not one Image found lawful to be Worshipped whereas at both the Nices there were a multitude Set up Images and at the last Nice all the Holy Images of Irene the Empress which the Emperor Leo Isaurus had knockt to pieces were Restored and Two and Twenty Canons thereupon made That all Image-breakers should be adjudged Hereticks to the great profit no doubt of the Holy Bishops who knew as well as the Silver-Smiths of Diana wherein their Gain lay Council of Constantinople The Council of Constantinople was a General Council call'd about the Year of our Lord 383 by Theodosius the Emperor where were 150 Bishops of several Sects 36 of them were Macedonians who held the Holy-Ghost to be an Angel because Christ is said to send him and Macedonius their Teacher was then Bishop of Constantinople the place where this Council Sate Him this Council Deposed and his Party became thereon Excluded Members whereby all Votes passed for the Bishop of Romes Doctrine with whom the Bishop of Constantinople was always a dangerous Corrival for Supremacy there were joined in this Council Theodosius Gratian Confirmed Images and Damasus the Pope this Council confirmed the Nicene Faith and their Worshipping of Images for a Pope could not live without them Council of Ephisus Another General Council was called at Ephesus about the Year 834 by the Emperor Theodosius the Second and by the Instigation of Pope Celestine the First against Nestorius then Bishop of Constantinople who according to Evagrius l. 1. c. 7. held That the Blessed Virgin Mary ought to be called 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 and not 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 the Mother of Christ Continued Images and not the Mother of God which Doctrine being dangerous to the Worshipping of Images and the drawing of the Supremacy from Rome to Constantinople the Pope got the Council called and not to sit as formerly at Constantinople but at Ephesus where Nestorius had not so much Power and there being not able to bring him to Submit to the See of Rome they Deposed him and Banished him to Oasis This Council of Ephesus is said to have left Two Copies of its Canons in certain and variant one from another and some of them are Condemn'd by the Council of Chalcedon as Suppositious which besides the Worshipping of Images continued by this Council makes it a
a Papist is permitted to be Indicted for Recusancy or Absence from Church a Protestant may on the same Penal Law be Indicted on the same if a Papist is punish'd for Non-Conformity to any other Ceremony a Protestant who as much dissents from that Ceremony as a Papist may be likewise punish'd by the same and a Legem quam tuleras feras be minded against him and the Protestant be brought in a worse Condition than the Papist whencesoever any Bishop Bancroft or Gundamore gets a Pardon of all Penal Laws against the Papist and their Execution sharpen'd against the Dissentient Protestant so if an Excommunicato Capiendo and Confiscation thereon be granted to the Power of the Bishop against the Papist or any Heretick we see by experience it shall not be emitted against the Papist but only against the Non-Conformist Protestant The Compulsion of Papists to Confession of Faith or any External Forms or Ceremonies of Worship by Penalties or any illegal Proceedings which destroy Liberty and Propriety in them cannot be done without bringing the Liberty and Propriety of the Protestant into the same danger as the Penalties by Statutes laid to compell Confession of Faith and a Form of Worship and the illegal proceeding on them or without them of beginning Suits with Original Writs Law Execution Summons before Oblatio Libelli Oblatio Libelli before Oath of Calumny priety of Protestants Exaction of Pledges Bail Mainprize Distresses Condemning before Hearing Judgment before Probation Arrest before Judgment Outlawries and Excommunicato Capiendo's are Penalties and Abuses in the Forms of Judicial Proceeding destructive and impossible to consist with Liberty and Propriety in any Kingdom or State now if any of these are permitted to Invade the Liberty and Propriety of the Papist Tua res agitur as well as his it will be impossible for the Liberty and Propriety of the Protestant to escape such an Invasion suffer'd to break in unless therefore all the said Abuses are utterly Abolish'd as well against the Papist as the Protestant it is never to be hoped that Liberty or Propriety shall be enjoyed by either Compulsion to confession of Faith or Form of Worship causeth Civil Wars It is impossible to prevent Seditions and Civil Wars where there is practised in any Kingdom or State Compulsion of the Natives who are but numerous enough to Raise an Army to any Confession of Faith or Form of Worship by Penalties this Cruelty being practised by Antiochus Epiphanes against the Jews Raised a great Rebellion and Wars against him in that Nation as long as he lived which Rebellion continued after his Death against Antiochus Eupator his Son but the Son advising with wiser Council than his Father had done offer'd the Jews on a Capitulation the Free Liberty of enjoying their own Religion which granted they immediately agreed and concluded a Peace with the King Lysias his General after the Peace concluded Councell'd Antiochus to put Menelaus the High-Priest to Death as the Evil Councellour who had been the occasion of that Rebellion and War by giving such wicked Councel to his Father to compell the Jews to forsake their Rellgion and the King understanding it sent Menelaus unto Beraea a City in Syria and Commanded him there to be put to Death he having before his being sent thither been High-Priest for the space of Ten Years and made Alcimus High-Priest in his place where appears that to Councel a King to compell a Nation to a Form of Worship contrary to their Conscience tends only to the Advancement of Episcopal and not of Regal Interest and the Kings Person is exposed to the hazard of the Battel while the Bishop Luxuriates in the delights of his Pallace Episcopal Councels unsortunate to Kings and why and this Evil Episcopal Councel to compell the People to his Confession of Faith and Forms of Worship hath not only been unfortunate to antiochus but to all Kings and Emperors who have trusted on the Staff of so bruised a Reed as a Crosyer on which when they have leaned a while in the end it will go into their hands and pierce them for the Episcopal advice of Compulsion to Forms and Ceremonies makes a Rich Bishop but a Poor King and People and the Interest Regal and Episcopal and the Law of the Crown and of the Canon being Diametrically opposite one to another it is no wonder if the Councils of the later level always at its own Supremacy and the Subjection of the former such was the Episcopal Council of the Bishop of Rome and Spanish Bishops to Philip the Second of Spain for they Councell'd him to break his Oath to his Subjects of the Netherlands whereby he had bound himself not to increase their ancient number of Bishops being but Three to which he notwithstanding contrary to his Oath added Fourteen which no man doubts was highly for the Interest of the new Bishops and Bishop of Rome but every man may see was clean contrary and destructive to the King's Interest so they councell'd him to bring in the Inquisition amongst them to cut off the Heads of the Protestant Nobles to Massacre the Protestant People all tending to the Advance of the Romish Episcopal Tyranny but Destructive to Regal Government and what was the Success of these Episcopal Councels and Benedictions of Perjury and shedding of Blood the whole Power of Spain with all their European and American Dominions were thereby disabled to reduce so small a Spot as the United parts of the Netherlands and with infinite Losses and Dishonour beaten thence and lost the Government ever since Such Councels gave the Romish and German Bishops to the Emperors both in the time of Luther and the Wars then as likewise in those later Wars both in Germany and Hungary to compell with Fire and Sword the Protestants to the Episcopal Forms and Ceremonies highly no doubt to the Episcopal Interest but Destructive to the Imperial and what was the Success God hath been pleased to make the Protestants stronger and stronger and the Emperors weaker and weaker ever since Charles the Fifth in whose time those Wars began and both he and his Successors have been still compell'd before the Wars ended to which they were set on by the Bishops Dishonourably and with Loss to condiscend to a Free Exercise of Faith and Religion which is more than a Non-Compulsion to Confelsion of Faith and Form of Worship which they might have Honourably and before any Damage and Devastation to them or their Countrey have Granted and would have been at first Honourably accepted So in the Peace concluded between the Emperor and his Discontented Subjects in the Higher Hungary Anno Dom. 1606. The first Article agreed on was That from theneforth it should be lawful for every man through the Kingdom of Hungary to have the free Exercise of his Religion and to believe what be would and had not the Emperor been misguided by Episcopal Councils to the contrary he might with more Honour
Excommunicato Capiendo and Heretico Comburendo to catch and roast the Bird himself for the Bishop to eat it and of the subtlety of the Bishop as to this matter see more before p. 167 168 169. How little incouragement there is therefore for Protestants to take this Oath of Supremacy wherein the Kings name is only abused and made a Stale to draw a Supreme and Arbitrary Power to Bishops both over the King and them and to drein the Royal Treasury into their own Pockets and how untrue a Test such an Oath must be is humbly submitted to Supreme Authority Supremacy granted by Act of Parliament of Marriage and Legitimation to Canterbury yet Sworn to be in the King 6. By the Statute 25. H. 8.21 Power is granted to the Arch-Bishop of Canterbury and his Successors by their Discretions to Grant unto the King his Heirs and Successors all such Licenses Dispensations Compositions Faculties Grants Rescripts Delegacies for Causes not contrary to the holy Scriptures and Laws of God as heretofore had been used and accustomed to be held and obtained by his Highness or by any his most Noble Progenitors at the See of Rome and all Children procreated after Marriage by virtue of any such License or Dispensations shall be admitted and reputed Legitimate in all Courts Spiritual and Temporal So this Act of Parliament made in time of Popery translates the Pope from Rome to Canterbury and the Supremacy before used or accustomed by him over the King and his Subjects concerning all the matters mention'd in the Act is placed in the Person of the Arch-Bishop and the Bishops call this a Supremacy in them according to Scripture and the Law of God which is worse and more Papal than to claim it only by Act of Parliament for what more Papal Supremacy can there be than Power to Grant Licenses Dispensations Faculties Compositions Grants Rescripts Delegacies of Marriage Legitimation and all other matters which Popes have formerly granted from Rome to Kings and their Subjects at discretion and this Exceptio is contraria facto for the granting of Licenses by Popes to Kings is contrary to the Law of the Land and is a Power Supreme to the Legislative and Law of the Land so the Grant in the Act is Repugnant to the Exception for 〈◊〉 Licenses or Dispensations are necessary but where there is a standing Law of God or Man to the Licensed or Dispensed with no Composition or Pardon necessary but where there is a standing Law violated or broken no Faculty necessary but where is a standing Law disabling the Party to do what he desires to have a Fa●ulty for that he may be enabled to do No Rescript is but from a Supreme Prince no Delegacy but from a Superior to an Inferior for the Pope is Superior to his Legate though he be Legatus à Latere and the highest preferment this Popish Act of Parliament allows the King is to be the Arch-Bishop's Legate then the Act having made him Supreme to the Legislative Law and King gives him as high Supremacy over the Judicial Power in all Courts as well Spiritual as Temporal which is Supremacy over the Parliament which is a Court-Temporal This Act therefore doth set up more than Prelacy or Arch-Prelacy at Canterbury for that was there before and the Gyants had piled up Pelion on Ossa already and now they steeple it with Olympus and if they set not on the Gyants head the Triple Crown 't is sure they have the Triple Miter three stories high of Prelacy Arch-Prelacy and Supremacy When the Arch-Bishop got therefore of the Parliament this Act he was something like the Carpenter who begg'd of the Wood only one Helve long enough to turn his Hatchet into an Ax and when he had got that he cut down the whole Wood for he having now got so long a Helve to his Spiritual Hatchet as Supremacy over the Marriage not only of the old Palm Trees and Legitimations of the young at his Discretion that is to say if they give him whatsoever Money he asks for Dispensation and Legitimation this gives him likewise Power to strike both at Root and Branch of all the Royal Protestant-Cedars themselves in the Popish Points of Ceremonial Marriage and Legitimation endeavour'd now to be brought to the true Test of a more Supreme Law and Judg than his the Moral Law of God himself How therefore the Protestant can safely Swear in Conscience the Supremacy to be only in the King when so great a share of it is granted to the Arch-Bishop by the King and Parliament until the same Act of Parliament of 25. H. 8.21 by which 't is done is Repealed I confess my Ignorance and if it be without cause crave Pardon 7. The Party who is to Swear who is the only Supreme Governour must be intended to Swear either who is Supreme De Facto or De Jure if De Facto who hath the Actual Power of the Sword it may happen to be in a time of War when two Armies are in the Field and Inter utrumque Volat Dubiis Victoria pennis It is necessary at such a time that the Swearer unless he will Forswear himself be a Prophet of whom there are not many in this Age amongst such as take the Oath of Supremacy if it be said the Swearer ought to Swear De Jure who hath Right to be only Supreme Governor to this is Answer'd 1. Unless he can Swear to the matter in Fact he cannot Swear to the matter of Law or Right for Ex facio jus Oritur all matter of Law must arise from the matter of Fact therefore the Fact must be first known before the Right can be known which is to be deduced from it 2. The Right when the Oath is required may be as to Succession of the Crown wherein the matter of Fact depending only on Genealogies the Heralds themselves especially after Wars may not be able to make any clear probation of the Descents as Ezra 2.62 and Nehem. 7.64 it is said These sought their Register among those that were reckoned by Genealogie but it was not found therefore were they as Polluted put from the Priest-hood If therefore the Genealogies of Priests who wore themselves the Registers and kept their own Descents as curiously as was possible may be lost much easier may those of the Lay and the Law and Divinity may likewise be so doubtful that it is justly acknowledged by the King and Parliament themselves 25. H. 8.22 That Ambiguities and Doubts touching the Successions of the Crown have been Causes of much Trouble and no perfect and substantial Law hath been made for Remedy of the same and accordingly at the Death of Queen Elizabeth there were no less than Sixteen titles endeavour'd to have been set on foot to the Succession partly by Papists to overthrow the protestant-Protestant-Religion partly by others to overthrow the Union between the two Kingdoms in the Person of King James in which the Protestants of