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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A31468 A Censure of three scandalous pamphlets I. A defense of Dr. Crisp against the charge of Mr. Edwards of Cambridg, by Esquire Edwards in Wales, II. Reflections on the authors of the late Congregational declaration against antinomianism, and trepidantium malleus, by the A. Club, III. A sermon preached Jan. 30. last, by Canon Gilbert in Plimouth with a tedious preface of Mr. J.Y. 1699 (1699) Wing C1668; ESTC R35951 35,315 57

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particularly what word he sent to Capt. Pennington not to assist the Protestants of Rochel Read Rushworth's Collections his Oath to tolerate Popery on the intended Spanish Match How he made the Pope weep for Joy to see a Prince so love the Catholicks as he signified in his Letter to his Holiness when he promised to establish the Religion of his Ancestors Did ever a Protestant decline speaking of his Religion before he died as did this Martyr-maker I do believe had Charles the Second died on the Block he had declared himself a Protestant as his Father was forced to do and had Charles the First died in his Bed he had acknowledged himself to be a Papist a long time in his Heart and received the Sacrament from a Popish Priest as Charles the Second did Circumstances alter Cases much He that told such a notorious Untruth in the beginning of his Kingly Image that he call'd a Parliament out of love to them not from necessity who call'd none in 12 years but forbid Men to talk of them He that said he had no ill design tho his Friends blam'd him in coming with a Guard to the House to demand Prinn Hambden Hollis and others who shall believe him I say he deserved to be sent with King Edward the Second to the Tower c. for that very Fact Edvardum occidere nolite timere bonum est I will not determine where the Point must be put What strange Citations makes this Gentleman to prove nothing Some of his Citations of O. Cromwell's Eulogies of the King appear unevid●…e and unsatisfactory at the first view To pray to God to save u● for the Royal Martyr's Prayer looks like worse here than a piece of Popish Bigotry or Ignorance Our Saviour I will not ask who is that and how long he hath been accounted so by some Men What Priest-ridden at last Only I pray hath not he been privately talk'd of as very a Cheat as Oliver Cromwell by a Club in that Town As for that contemptible Toy the Sermon p. 32. the Preacher says K. Charles the Martyr had the Piety of David without his Sins no Uriah felt his Cruelty 〈◊〉 Bathsheba was defiled by his Lust c. Now who imployed the Irish Rebels to destroy so many hundred thousand Protestants in so barbarous a way some driven into Rivers some danced with Straw set on fire about their Wastes some having their Backs broken lay on the Grass and sed on it till they dy'd some Mother 's made to roast their Children ty'd fast to Spits and scourg'd if they turn'd not round or pitied their roaring Children and after all make a Child so to turn the Mother and all this without Repentance Keep your Eye on K. Charles the Second's Testimony as the most unexceptionable Proof of all What Villanies before forty and forty one A Massacre had we had in England had not God and the Parliament no Pensioners prevented it Well if some Men that thus reflect on penitent David could say No Bathsheb● was defiled by their Lust no Bookseller's Wife in Oxon so kept and after married that the poor Cuckold must be mentioned by the Scholars if they could not cut the Wing of any Fowl Send for Observe Reader what a Generation of Men they generally are who talk of the pious Martyr now in Heaven many of which secretly scoff at all Religion and think Discourse of Piety and Heaven to be a Cant and mock at Discoursers on these Subjects Or such who are Ambidexters preach up Nonresistance of K. James and cry it down one while it is the Sin of Witchcraft another time fast for Success of Arms against him and give God Thanks on Thanksgiving-days for Deliverance To pray on the thirtieth of January We bewail the Murther of this day Let us be faithful to his Successors Then presently in another Prayer We give thee hearty Thanks for sending thy Servant the Prince of Orange among us to deliver us from Popery and Slavery And once pray'd to God to bless their Forces against him in Ireland c. Who for some Months pray'd for K. James That God would strengthen him to vanquish and overcome all his Enemies and plot at that time against him and say God prosper the Prince of Orange else we are all undone Do such Men indeed believe there is a God or that he will be thus mock'd and play'd with Whereas we are threatned with a large Vindication of the Martyr-maker let it come out when it will it will soon be answered and it and the Author exposed This Cockatrice-Egg hath been hatching about five Years I pray all Men to observe what kind of Friends they are to King William who are thus such Advocates for their Martyr The Canon passeth a cold Compliment on him the Prefacer not that The King and his Cause is wounded through the sides of that Parliament who fought for the English Liberties and Religion against an Invader of both They know if the Doctrine of Non-resistance be true Men will soon be Jacobites and make way for K. James his Return then K. James shall be compared to the Martyr as excellent Prince and K. William to Oliver Cromwell a Usurper c. by Men whose Lives are a Reproach to their Judgments who already place David a Man after God's own Heart below Charles a Man after the Devil's Heart I am sorry I am forced to say the Prefacer was a great Friend to the Dissenters went to their Meetings contributed c. till he was forced to go to Sacrament to get the Hospital at Plymouth then he bewailed this Compulsion and was drag'd to the Lord's-Table then became one of the greatest Enemies they had except Roger L'Estrange and Dr. Hicks and thirsted after Whiggish Blood for Preferment I would conceal this as I do other things could I do it without prejudicing the righteous Cause I have now espoused I had almost forgotten to tell the Reader what this roaring Canon's Text was that God told David the Pestilence was for Saul 's slaying the Gibeonites Well God told David it was for that Sin but had a scandalous Weathercock-Priest told him so he had not believed it When K. Charles the Second returned he brought a Deluge of Profaneness with him a Nest of Whores and a Litter of Bastards had he and heavy Judgments soon followed his Heels The Plague one year the Fire of London the next Now if one had ask'd a Temporizing Trencher-Priest What were these Judgments for O the cutting off the Head of Charles the First Who told them so Not God sure for he and they were too great Strangers that they should so easily know his Mind Was it not for the unheard of Atheism and Profaneness of the Court For turning out eighteen hundred Ministers in one day for Nonconformity to vain Traditions For some Episcopal Mens bringing in the King after Dr. Sanderson had perswaded them to take the Engagement Was it for idolizing Princes and saying as
been glad to have seen it had he not died before its publication I am glad to find help from any Men Arminians themselves to prevent Satan's Gospel not Christ's A Doctor of Divinity lately told me of one taken ●n Bed between two Women and clap'd up in Pri●on who told him that he was between two ●isters godly Women in Bed without not only ●ny sinful Act but Thought and all they did was ●hey sung one of the Songs of Sion but the wicked Man ●f the House sent for him whom they call the Constable ●nd they were all sent to Bridewel and whip'd by the ●icked but he was sorry for one of them a good gra●ious Woman whom he fear'd would die with it You impenitent Believers whose Doctrine hath once ●lready brought forth Rantism you are laying the ●oundation once more but Heaven grant that as the ●ormer was soon blasted the latter may The Doctor ●…so told me that his Father knew Dr. Crisp and said ●e knew him from a Boy a notorious dull Piece and ●…at he never could manage an Argument And I ●erily believe he was not able to give a Grammatical Account of any Chapter in the Latin Testament nor of ten Verses in any Chapter there in the Greek one Tho other propositions of the Crispians are black and look with an odious Face yet they are nothing to this against Brokenness of Heart as That the Elect were always God's Children as much belov'd by God in their Whoredoms Murders before Conversion as after That God saw then no Sin in them no more than in Angels and Saints above That the filthiness and pollution of Sin was on Christ till he breath'd it out and so he was odious to God as a Toad to a Man and continued so till he rose from the Dead That Whoremongers Blasphemers continuing such may be assur'd they are God's Children and that the general Tender of the Gospel is their best security That no Grace not Faith it self can make any one to have Comfort by it or prevent Evil or obtain Good or further Salvation The worst is That God never chargeth Believers with Sin neither ought they to charge themselves nor be troubled about it David sin'd in both But see my Dialogue between a wild Crispian and a sober Christian And now I friendly apply my self to the Authors of this censur'd Libel I bear you no ill will as you well know and some of you will candidly confess you know not the Pleasure that I take in being of a Reconcileable Spirit any of you shall be welcome to me at any time if it please you calmly to debate matters no Man would be more glad of your Reformation than my self God Almighty give you Repentance unto Life for Sin must be a burden to you here or hereafter I am not without hope but some of you are already ashamed for your abuse of Mr. Mead especially If it be in my power I would be ready to do you any Service and love you as unfeignedly as if you had never given me this Provocation We all offend and provoke the Sin-pardoning God every Hour more than we do one another all our days I remember and O that I remembred it better who said For if you forgive not Men their Trespasses neither will your Father which is in Heaven forgive you your Trespasses Forgive O God my Forgiveness being so weak and imperfect A Censure of a Sermon preach'd by Canon Gilbert Jan. 30. last c. IN the large Porch to a little House I find my self struck at That Mr. Baxter for asserting The King to be inviolable was lash'd in his Grave by one otherwise of his own Kidney I desire the Prefacer to consider 1. How unfair it is to reflect in Print on his own Brother both by Father and Mother tho far from being his Brother in other things who when occasion was declin'd any Censure of him in my late Jacobites Conference but there gave him his due Encomium against his Censurer who call'd him crack-brain'd Man c My Brother is a wise Man By his Oleum Terebynthinae he hath much obliged the World If Mr. Smith the old famous Surgeon of London say true who told me he had his Notions from him I care not the World hath them from my Brother also by his famous Cure of a Boy who lost Brain whom afterwards I made a Scholar and other Books 2. Yet I challenge him or any other to answer that part of the Book that relates to their Martyr-maker which is my name for him Let those that pretend to weep for Tammuz consider it who saw any Tears in their Eyes on Martyrdom days How many generally begin their Fast after a deep Mornings Draught and some after a good Dinner 3. What horrid playing with Scripture makes he when he calls our Parliaments infallible Judges That Men that will not be tryed by this Law and Testimony it is because there is no Truth in them Have not Parliaments in all Ages declar'd different things about matters of Fact and matters of Right 4. Is what is cited approv'd of When the Question is who is King What they say ought not to be question'd What makes some Men then talk as Jacobites and Non-resisters now Is not K. William's Title as good by Parliament as any of his Predecessors and K. James his Right forfeited And why then 5. Was it not horrid Wickedness for some to preach and afterwards Print and he to applaud such Passages as these That K. Charles the 1st Was a strict observer of Justice A Prince that had done no harm nor committed any Fault A Man of perfect Innocency like Josiah the best of Men the best of Kings c. And never Answer what I in my Censur'd Book have prov'd and many more 1. That that King gave a Commission to the Earl of Antrim for what he did in the Irish Rebellion Mr. Long of Exon in his Censure of Mr. Baxter's Life confesseth if such Stories were true no Death could be easy enough for him or to that effect I wrote him in a Letter we were sure of the former let him take the latter Where is the Man that dares deny K. Charles the second confest it in a Letter yet to be seen 2. That he debauch'd the Nation by a Book of Sports on Sundays contrary to the Laws of God and this Land That the face not only of Religion but Civility was gone he was one of the worst of Kings that ever sat on the Throne since the Conquest 3. That he raised Money without his Parliament contrary to his Oaths and got Preachers to tell us All we had was his and no longer ours than till he is pleased to call for his own The very words of Manwaring in his Sermon So that a French Government was designed to be set up and I doubt not Religion too read the Cassandrian Articles the Reasons why the Parliament would make no more Addresses to the King