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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A73731 The institution of a Christen man conteynynge the exposytion or interpretation of the commune Crede, of the seuen Sacramentes, of the .x. commandementes, and of the Pater noster, and the Aue Maria, iustyfication [and] purgatory. Church of England. 1537 (1537) STC 5164; ESTC S107820 135,176 202

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the same agayne And god hathe also commaunded the sayde priestes and bisshoppes to obey with all humblenes reuerence all the lawes made by the sayde princis beinge not contrarye to the lawes of god what so euer they be Ro. xiii and that not onely propter iram but also propter conscientiam wherby it appereth well that this pretended monarchie of the byshop of Rome is not founded vpon the gospell but it is repugnant therunto And therfore it apperteyneth vnto Christen kynges and princes for the dyscharge of theyr office and duetie towardes god to endeuoure them selfe to refourme and reduce the same agayne vnto the olde lymyttes and pristine state of that power and iurisdiction which was gyuen vnto them by Christe and vsed in the primitiue churche For it is out of all doubte that Christis faith was than moste firme and pure the scriptures of god were than best vnderstanded and vertue dyd than moste habounde and excell And therfore it muste nedes folowe that the customes and ordynaunces than vsed and made muste nedes be more conforme and agreable vnto the true doctrine of Christe and more conducyng to the edifieng and benefyte of the churche of Christ than any customes or lawes vsed or made syth that tyme. And therfore where as the kynges moost royall maiestie consyderynge of his most excellent wysedome not onely the notable decaye of Christis true and perfytte religion amonges vs but also the intollerable thraldome captiuitie and bondage with the infinite damages preiudices whiche we and other his subiectes continually susteyned by reason of that longe vsurped and abused power whiche the bishops of Rome were wonte to exercyse here in this realme hath nowe of his moste godly dysposition and by the consent of his nobles spirituall and temporall and by thauctoritie of the hole parlyament determyned no longer to suffre the byshop of Rome to execute any parte of his iurisdiction here within this realme but clerely to delyuer vs frome the same and restore vs agayne to our olde lybertie Surely we haue great cause moste ioyfully and thankefully to embrace and accepte the same consyderynge that therby no preiudice is done to goddis worde or his ordyaunces For as we haue shewed and declared before it was by princis and mens ordynance and sufferances onely that the byshop of Rome exercysed any suche iurisdiction within this realme and not by any auctoritie gyuen vnto hym by Christe And as for the bisshop of Rome he can not pretende hym selfe no more to be greued or iniuried therwith than the kynges Chauncellour or any other his offycers myght worthily thinke that the kinges highnes shulde do hym wronge in case he shulde vpon good causes remoue him from his sayde rome and office and commytte it vnto another And as for vs and other the kynges faythfull subiectes we shall vndoubtedly receyue and haue therby synguler welthe and commoditie as well spiritually to the edifienge of our soules as corporally to thencreace of our substaunce and ryches The whiche howe moche was enpayred decayed contynually from tyme to tyme by the great exactions of the byshoppes of Rome and suche treasure as went yerely out of this realme to his cofers for annates and exemptions dyspensations pardones and suche other vnprofitable thynges or rather veray trifles we doubte not but all men endued with any wytte and zeale to the welthe of this our countrey doo ryght welle perceyue and vnderstande ¶ The Sacrament of extreme vnction AS touchynge the sacrament of extreme vnction we thynke it conuenient that all bysshoppes and preachers shall instructe and teache the people committed vnto their spyrituall charge Fyrste howe that the .xii. Apostles beinge sente oute by Christe and commaunded to go two and two into the worlde to preache his worde amonges other miracles Mar. vi whiche they worughte by the power of god they cured also restored many sycke men vnto helthe anoyntynge them with oyle ¶ Seconde that althoughe it be not expressed in scripture that the sayde apostles had than any newe commaundement of Christe to annoynte suche as they healed with oyle yet for asmoche as the holy Apostle saynt Iames endued with the holy spirite of Christe prescrybed a certayne rule or doctryne and gaue in maner a commaundement that whan so euer any persone shulde fortune to fall sycke he shulde cal or sende for the priestes or auncientes of the churche and cause them to praye ouer hym annoyntynge hym with oyle in the name of our lorde and further added hereunto as an assured promyse that by the sayde prayer of the priestes and the sycke persone made in ryghte faythe and confydence in god the sycke man shulde be restored vnto his helthe and god shulde set hym on fote agayne and yf he were in synne his synnes shulde be forgyuen hym it shall therfore be veray necessarie and expedient that all true christen people do vse and obserue this maner of annoylynge of sycke persones with due reuerence and honour as it is prescribed by the holy apostell saint Iames. Iaco. v. That is to say whan so euer any person amonges vs shall fall into any daungerous syckenes let him call the priestes of the churche with other good and auncyente christen people and let them go vnto the sycke persone and there not onely comforte hym corporally but also gyue hym goostly instructions and exortations to lament and be sory for his synnes to perseuer in the right faythe of Christe and charitie towardes his neyghbour to beare and susteyne paciently the grefes and peynes of his maladie for goddis sake reputynge the same as the manifest token of the loue and fauour of god towardes hym to contemne the worlde and to desyre to reygne with Christe in heuen and suche other thinges whiche done then let the priestis and the company there assembled and the sycke man hym selfe also as his sickenes wyl suffre hym pray vnto god with ful hope and confidence as wel for the remyssion of his synnes as for the recouerie of his helthe yf it shall so stande with goddis pleasure let the priestes anoynt the sycke man accordinge to the teachinge of sainct Iames. and no doubt the feruent and faithfull prayer of the priestes and other persons afore sayd Iaco. v. ioyned with the due contrition and faith of the sycke person shall obteyne of almyghty god all thinges whiche shall seeme vnto god necessarie for the helth and comfort as wel of the soule as of the bodily sickenes of the sayd persone Thyrdly howe that the holy fathers of the churche consyderynge this place of saynt Iames and the maner also of anoyntynge of sycke men vsed by the apostels as was aforesayd thought it conuenient to institute and ordeyn that this maner of anoyling of sicke men prescrybed by saint Iames shulde be obserued contynually in the churche of Christe as a very godly and holsome medicine or remedye to alleuiate and mitigate the diseases maladies
wordes woll not serue the fathers and mothers muste put to correction and by suche discipline saue theyr soules or elles they shall answere to god for them And truely they greatly deserue the indignation of god that whan they haue receyued of hym chyldren do not brynge them vp to his seruyce but without regard what commeth of them suffreth them to ren to the seruice of the diuell Thyrdely we thynke it conuenient that all bysshops and preachers shall instructe and teache the people commytted vnto theyr spirituall charge that all christen men be bounde to exhibite and do vnto them whiche vnder god be their spiritual fathers and parentes of theyr soules the lyke and the selfe same honour i. Cor. iiii whiche as is aforesayde chyldren of duetie do owe vnto theyr naturall fathers ¶ Item that these spyrytuall fathers be appoynted by god Act. xx to mynister his sacramentes vnto them to brynge them vp and to fede theym with the worde of god and to teache them his gospelle and scripture and by the same to gouerne Hebr. xiii to conducte and to leade them in the streyght waye to the father in heuen euerlastynge ¶ Item that our sauiour Christe in the gospell maketh mention as well of the obedience as also of the corporalle sustynaunce Math. x. Luc. x. whiche al christen people do owe vnto theyr spiritual fathers Of the obedience he sayth that who so euer receyueth you receyueth me And in an other place he saythe He that hereth you hereth me and he that despisethe you despysethe me And in an other place he saythe Math. xxiii Hebr. xiii what so euer they bydde you do do it And sayncte Paule sayth Obeye your prelates and gyue place vnto them for they haue moche charge and care for your soules as they whiche muste gyue an accompte therfore that they maye do it with ioye and not with griefe that is to saye that they maye gladly and with moche comforte do theyr cure and charge whan they doo perceyue that the people be obedient to theyr teachynge lyke as on the contrary wyse they haue lyttell ioy or pleasure to do it whan they fynde the people disobedient and repugnant And for the sustynaunce of their lyuynge which is comprysed in this worde Honour as before is declared Christe sayth in the gospelle The workeman is worthye his wages Luc. x. i. Cor. ix And saynt Paule sayth who goeth on warrefare vpon his owne stipende And who planteth the vyne and eateth no parte of the fruicte And who fedeth the flocke and eateth no parte of the mylke And after foloweth Euen so hath the lorde ordeyned that they whiche preache the gospell shulde lyue of the gospell And therfore in an other place it is writen i. Tim. v. Priestes or auncientes that rule wel be worthy of double honour specially they that labour in the ministration of the worde of god and his doctrine In whiche place the apostell meaneth by double honour not onely the reuerence whiche is due vnto the spyrytuall fathers as is aforesayde but also that all chrysten people be bounde to mynister fynde and gyue vnto theyr spyrytuall fathers sufficiency of al thynges necessarie and requysite as well for theyr sustinaunce and fyndynge as for the quyete and commodiouse exercysynge and executynge of theyr sayde office ¶ Fourthly we thynke it conuenient that all bysshops and preachers shall instructe and teache the people commytted vnto theyr spirituall charge that this commaundement also conteyneth the honour and obedience whiche subiectes owe vnto theyr prynces also the office of princis towarde theyr subiectes Esai xlix For scripture taketh princes to be as it were fathers and nouryces to theyr subiectes And by scripture it appereth that it apperteyneth vnto thoffyce of princes to se that the ryght religion and trewe doctrine of Christe maye be maynteyned and taughte and that their subiectes maye be well ruled and gouerned by good and iust lawes and to prouyde and care for them that all thynges necessarie for theym maye be plentuouse and that the people and commune weale maye encrease and to defende theym frome oppressyon and inuasyon as well within the realme as without and to se that iustyce be ministred vnto them indifferently and to here benignely al theyr complayntes and to shewe towardes them although they offende fatherly pytie And finally so to correcte them that be euyll that they had yet rather saue them than lose them yf it were not for respect of iustyce and maintenaunce of peace and good order in the commune weale And therfore al theyr subiectes must ageyne on theyr parties and be bounde by this commaundement not onely to honour and obey theyr sayde prynces accordynge as subiectes be bounde to do and to owe theyr trouthe and fidelitie vnto theym as vnto theyr naturall lordes but they must also loue them as chyldren do loue theyr fathers yea they must more tendre the suertie of theyr princis person and his estate than their owne Euen lyke as the health of the heed is more to be tendered thā the health of any other membre And by this commaundemente also subiectes be bounde not to withdrawe theyr sayd feaultie trowthe loue and obedyence towardes theyr prynce for any cause what soo euer it be Ne for any cause they may conspire ageynst his person ne doo any thynge towardes the hynderaunce or hurte therof nor of his astate And furthermore by this commaundement they be bounde also to obeye all the lawes proclamations preceptes and commaundements made by theyr prynces and gouernours excepte they be ageynst the commaundementes of god And lykewyse they be bounde to obey all suche as be in auctorytie vnder theyr prynce as farre as he woll haue them obeyed They must also gyue vnto theyr prynce ayde helpe and assistence whan soo euer he shall require the same eyther for suertie preseruation or mayntenaunce of his person astate or of the realme or for the defence of any of the same ageynste all persons And when so euer subiectes be called by theyr prynce vnto priuey councell or vnto the parlyament whiche is the generall councell of this realme than they be bounde to gyue vnto theyr prynce as theyr lernynge wysedome or experyence can serue them the mooste faythfull counsell they can and suche as may be to the honour of god to the honour and suretie of his regall person and astate and to the generall welth of all his hole realme And further yf any subiect shal knowe of any thyng whiche is or may be to the annoyaunce or damage of his pryncis person or astate he is bounde by this commaundement to dysclose the same with all spede to the prince hym selfe or to some of his counceyll For it is the veraye lawe of nature that euery membre shall employe hym selfe to preserue and defende the heed And surely wysedome and policie woll the same For of conspiracie and treason commeth neuer no goodnes but infinite hurte