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A71223 The compleat History of independencie Upon the Parliament begun 1640. By Clem. Walker, Esq; Continued till this present year 1660. which fourth part was never before published.; History of independency. Walker, Clement, 1595-1651.; Theodorus Verax. aut; T. M., lover of his king and country. aut 1661 (1661) Wing W324B; ESTC R220805 504,530 690

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worthy Friend SIR YOu may wonder my Obligations being so great towards you that my returns of acknowledgment should be so seldom as they have been but you must know there is no defect in my desires to be at your eares often 't is only the preservation of my Liberty and Safety in these parts that makes me forbear the frequencie of such intercourses I am confident these Letters this Messenger and the inclosed papers which I here send you containing a true Copie of the Propositions and Letters of Agreement between Owen Roe O Neale and Col. George Monck will be able to give you some account of the passages in these parts and will make you assured that I do not forget the respects I owe unto you I must confess to you that as you ever conceived I never could imagine that the Parliament proceedings would have advanced to so high a degree of rage and wickedness as I see now they are come to and are resolved to act by but being amazed at the KING'S Murther and seeing the Gangrene doth so cruelly spread I will impart to you my resolution That I am resolved to get into your parts with the first conveniency and adhere to you there whose actions are more conducing to the preservation of our Religion Law and common Interest than any where else that I can find But that this my so sudden resolution may not be conceived the fruit of some vain fear miscarriage in my self or light desires to abandon my former principles I shall give you a right understanding of all the motions and passages of my soul since I was acquainted with this late Treaty between Col. Monck and Owen Roe O Neal that thereby you may judge of the ground of these my Designs and distastes and my resolutions taken thereupon And before I consider the particulars of the Treaty the thing it self is so odious to me that if they could have made the best bargain to be imagined for the English Safety the manner of it would have appeared to me very unsavoury For although it cannot be denied that almost the whole Irish Party in regard of their Confederacies and Combinations have not been innocent in all particulars of that vast Ocean of English Blood that hath been shed yet it is most clear that the Plotters and Contrivers of this Treason and the unnatural and butcherly Executioners thereof are that Party principally which are now Headed by Owen O Neale for although many of the pale with others of Conaught Leinster and Munster entertained the Designe when they saw it was so far spread and the English so much weakned in their persons and possessions yet it cannot be denied but this Kingdom had still many moderate-minded Men that loathed their Countrymens barbarity and could never be drawn to adhere to their Party in their least consent Now for the Parliament Agents to gather up these Men and these onely that have been drunk with the blood of their Brethren and to fortifie them with Arms Councels and conjunction of Forces that thereby they may preserve to themselves the Triumphs of their Cruelty and Treachery and to lap them up in their affections with promises of reward if they will persevere to act with them the ruine of the KING and Monarchy the destruction of the remnant of the English Protestants and the ancient Irish who have now declared their Loyalty and submitted to and consociated with them are things that I much loath and can no way embrace Besides if you consider the passages of the Treaty you will easily be drawn I suppose to cast away your former entertained scruples and not condemn me for being out of love with mine 1. For first The Title to Owen Roes Propos●tions excludes all other of his Nation but such as will joyn with him though they be far more capable of peace pardon than himself or his party 2. He and his party who in a late paper of theirs stiled the Parliament of England Monstrosum Parliamentum the monstrous Parliament when as then it had not besmeared it self with Royal Sacred and Noble Blood as since it hath done yet now where he sees them act like himself he hath taught his tongue to quaver and calls them The most Honourable and Potent Parliament when all Honour is persecuted by them and no power exercised by them but brutish violence and extream tyrannie 3. In the second Proposition That an Act of Oblivion be passed to extend to all and every of Owen O Neales party for all things done since the Year 1641. You shall find that Monck approves of it totally without the least reserve of punishment to any the most bloody plotters and Murtherers whatsoever that are in that Crew which makes me more in love with my Lord of Ormonds peace than I was before 4. It is propounded by Owen Roe and approved by Monke That he shall have a Sea-port to himself to make use of for the perfecting of his designs when as we hear the least Traffick will not be allowed to you in Munster 5. Although Col. Monk do a little pare his Propositions concerning the Repealing of Statutes against Roman Catholicks since Hen. 8. lest he should offend the people And though he do not absolutely undertake to grant him his Ancestors Lands which when he is once stiled O Neale he will challenge to be the six escheated Counties yet by Monkes Letter he is assured that he shall not receive the least disadvantage thereby All which directions councels and assurances I am confident Col. Monke would not have used towards him if he had not had a Parliament foundation to warrant it Thus you see these Men who lately were utter Enemies have confederated together to ruine Monarchy and the Protestant Religion meerly to raise themselves and support their own Faction They will not here allow the King to make use of his own Subjects to revenge His Fathers blood to Re-inthrone Himself to re-establish Religion and the Laws and the just Liberties and yet they allow themselves a latitude of calling in any party though the most bloody and inhumane to assist them in the carrying on their wicked Designs We have seen Col. Jones his Letters censuring the Lord of Ormond for joyning the Irish to his party though the best and least culpable of them and yet the same Jones whose head and hand is in this Treaty and Conclusion thinks it allowable in himself to close with the worst and that upon his own termes And though Col. Monkes hypocrisie in correcting Owen O Neales 7. Article will not allow that unity and amity shall be publickly proclaimed between them yet he is willing it shall be practised and they shall mutually assist one another against all Opposers whatsoever that is the King and all in Authority under Him The consideration of these things hath left such an impression upon my soul that I am resolved to make speed to you no way desiring to live under their Commands whose
blood and tears of the exhausted people and the milk of their Babes are they not like Achan's wedge amongst us would it not much ease the people of burthens and go far in the payment of Souldiers and publick debts to have both the Kings and the Parliaments sponges of what party and profession soever squeezed into the common Treasury whensoever the Common-wealth settles Review this clause well and as the Parliament hath altered some Votes for you so do you alter this clause for the people who long not only to see the Kingdom but also our new-made Gentlemen in statu quo prius Gentlemen you that will give Counsel will take it without offence against him that dares lay as good claim to justice and honesty as your selves THEODORUS VERAX The Mystery of the Two Juntoes Presbyterian and Independent with some Additions THe Kingdom being overgrown with Prerogative Corruption and Superstition the fruits of a long and lazie peace by a long discontinuance of Parliaments at last by Providence his Majesty was necessitated to call a Parliament the onely Colledge of Physicians to purge the much-distempered body of the Common-wealth In this Parliament a contest between the Kings Prerogative and the Peoples Laws and Liberties begat a War The Divines on both sides out of their Pulpits sounding Alarum thereto and not only Sermons but Declarations of Parliament and National Covenant holding forth to the people the defence of Religion Laws Liberties and Properties inflamed the people to the rage of battel as the Elephant is enraged at the sight of Red. This War occasioned extraordinary Taxes and Leavies of money such as were never heard of by our Ancestors and were Irritamenta malorum the nurse of our corruptions This incentive working upon the humane frailty of the speaking and leading Members of the Houses Grandees caused them first to interweave their particular interests and ambitions with the publick and lastly to prefer them before the publick Wherefore the said leading men or Grandees for that is now Parliament language first divided themselves into two factions or Juntoes Presbyterians and Independents Factions seeming to look onely upon the Church but Religion having the strongest operation upon the spirit of man involved the interests of the Common-wealth The common people of the two Houses following with an implicite faith and blind obedience the example of their leaders divided themselves also into the said Dichotomy which they did with more seriousness than their leaders as not perceiving any thing of design therein but according to the diversity of their Judgments or rather Fancies and Confidings for to resign a mans judgment to the opinion of another man is but a silly trust and confidence studied the upholding of their parties with earnestness whilest the Grandees of each party in private close together for their own advancement serving one anothers turn The Grandees in all publick debates seem as real in their reciprocal oppositions as those silly ones who are in earnest whereby they cherish the zeal of their respective parties keep them still divided Divide impera is the Devils rule and so amuse them and take them off from looking after other interests in which were they conjoyned they might share with the Grandees themselves and for the better contentment of such their Confidents as looking too intentively after their own gain the Grandees of each Junto confer something of advantage upon those that are subservient unto them as five pounds a week or some petty imployment The seeds of these factions spread themselves into the Common-wealth and Armies as Rheum distils from the head into all the body Thus the leading men or Bel-weathers having seemingly divided themselves Monopolizing profits and preferments and having really divided the Houses and captivated their respective parties judgment teaching them by an implicite faith Jurare in verba Magistri to pin their opinions upon their sleeves they begin to advance their projects of Monopolizing the Profits Preferments and Power of the Kingdome in themselves To which purpose though the leaders of each party seem to maintain a hot opposition yet when any profit or preferment is to be reached at it is observed that a powerful Independent especially moves for a Presbyterian or a leading Presbyterian for an Independent and seldom doth one oppose or speak against another in such cases unless something of particular spleen or Competition come between which causeth them to break the common Rule By this means the Grandees of each faction seldom miss their mark since an Independent moving for a Presbyterian his reputation carries the business clear with the Independent party and the Presbyterians will not oppose a leading man of their own side By this artifice the Grandees of each side share the Common-wealth between them and are now become proud domineering Rehoboams even over the rest of their fellow Members contrary to the liberty of Parl. which consists in an equality that were formerly fawning ambitious Absoloms There hath been lately given away to Members openly besides innumerable and inestimable private cheats mutually connived at at least 300000 l. in money besides rich Offices Imployments in money Committees Sequestrations and other advantages And those Members who have so well served themselves under colour of serving the publick are for the most part old Canvasers of Factions who have sate idlely and safely in the House watching their advantages to confound businesses and shuffle the cards to make their own game when others that have ventured their persons abroad labour'd in the publick work like Israelites under these Aegyptian task-masters and lost their estates are left to sterve untill they can find relief in that empty bag called by fools fides Publica by wise men fides Punica and are now looked upon in the House superciliously like unwelcome guests for it is known how malignantly and how juglingly writs for new Elections were granted and executed and called younger brothers and like younger brothers they are used their elder brothers having slipped into the World before them and anticipated the inheritance they have broken first into the common field and shut the door to prevent after commers even from gleaning after their full harvest for the better effecting whereof they have now morgaged in effect all the means they have to raise money unto the City and being themselves fat and full with the publick Treasure to express rather their scorn than care they are making an Ordinance that no more money shall be given to their Members and yet to shew how carefull they are of all such as have cheated the Commonwealth under them I will not say for them they have taken advantage of the Petition of the Army wherein they desire Indempnity for all acts done in Relation to the War and have passed an Ordinance of Indempnity for all such as have acted by Authority and for the service of the Parliament wherein under great penalties and with an appeal at last from the Judges of
manners with new principles Anglia Rediviva p. 247. tells us that about Woodstock private overtures were made by some from Court for receiving his Majesty who was minded to cast himself upon the Army but such was their faithfulness in that point that conceiving it derogatory to the honour and power of Parliament for his Majesty to wave that highest Court and address himself to any others and therefore inconsistent with their trust and duty being servants of the State they certified the Parliament thereof and understanding it to be against their sense also they absolutely refused to be tampered with Oh how faithful then how perfidious and Cromwellized are they now let their frequent tampering with the King and His Party to the amazement of the Kingdom and the abusing of the King testifie Read Putney Projects written by a considerable Officer of the Army and a friend to Cromwel though not to his false practices 14. Their project to keep the Parliament in Wardship Having thus gotten the King the first and most visible legal authority of England into their possession their next design is to get the Parliament the second legal authority of England into their power 15. Purging the Houses again This could not be effected but by purging the two Houses of Presbyterian Members especially the most active and such as had laboured their disbanding that an Independent Parliament and Army might govern the Kingdom In order to which design they sent to the House of Commons in the name of Sir Thomas Fairfax and the Army 16. Accusing the 11. Members a general and confused Charge of High Treasons and other mis-demeanours against eleven Members for things done for the most part in the House and many of the principal such as the House had long before examined and acquitted them of and such as the whole Kingdom knows Cromwel and Ireton to be apparently guilty of as Trucking with the King c. One cheif Article insisted upon in the Charge was That by their power in the House they caused the Ordinance for Disbanding this Army to pass Here you see where the shooe wrings them This Charge was not subscribed by any informer that ingaged to make it good or else to suffer punishment and make the House and the parties accused reparations as by the Stat. 25. Ed. 3. c. 4. 27. Ed. 3. c. 18. 38. Ed. 3. c. 9. 17. R. 2. c. 6. 15. H. 6. c. 4. but especially by 31. H. 6. c. 1. concerning Jack Cade which comes nearest this case ought to be and they professed in the 2. 3. 4. Article of their Charge That they were dis-obliged and discouraged from any further engagement in the Parliament service or Irelands preservation And demanded the House should forthwith suspend the impeached Members from any longer sitting and acting Whereupon the House after full debate in a full and free Parliament Resolved June 25. 1647. That by the Laws of the Land no judgment could be given for their suspention upon that general Charge before particulars produced and proofs made Yet the Army which had now learned only to acquiesce in their own prudence and justice insolently threatned to march up to Westminster against the Parliament 17. Threats to march up to London in case the said 11 Members were not suspended and courted the City of London to sit Newters 18. London solicited to fit Newters and let them work their will with the Parliament The 11. impeached Members therefore modestly withdrew to free the House from such danger as they might incur by protecting them as in Justice and Honour they were bound to do After this the Army sent in their particular Charge and libellously published it in print by their own Authority To which the 11. Members sent in and published their Answer Upon which there hath been no prosecution because they pretend first to settle the Kingdom b●t if they stay till these fellows have either authority will or skill to settle the Kingdom they shall not need to make ready for their tryal till Dooms-day Here you have a whole Army for Accusers and the chief Officers of the Army being Members of the House not only accusers but parties Witnesses and Judges and carrying the Rules of Court and Laws by which they judge in their Scabards And the Charge of Impeachment such as all men know mutatis mutandis are more suitable to Cromwells and Iretons actions than the accused Parties If the proceeding in the Kings name against the 5 Members mentioned in The exact Collection part 1. p. 38. were Voted A Trayterous design against King and Parliament and the arresting any of them upon the Kings Warrant an Act of publick enmity against the Common wealth How much more Treasonable were these proceedings and the Armies March towards London to enforce them and their arresting Anthony Nichols having the Speakers Passe and leave of the House Colonel Burch being upon service of the Parliament going for Ireland and Sir Samuel Luke resting quiet in his own house 19. The first occasion of quarrel against the City Whilst these things were acting Cromwel finding he could not have his will upon the Parliament but that he must make the City of London who had denied the neutrality his Enemies cast about how to cheat the Country people of their affections for to have both City and Country his Enemies in the posture his Army was then in 20. Courting and cheating the Country and all other interest to lull them a sleep till the Grandees had wrought their will upon the City and Houses was dangerous he therefore by many Printed Books and Papers spread all England over by his Agitators and by some Journey-men Priests whose Pulpits are the best Juglers boxes to deceive the simple Absolom-like wooeth them to make loud Complaints of the pressures and grievances of the People to neglect the King and the Parliament and make Addresses to the Army as their only Saviours the Arbitrators of Peace Restorers of our Laws Liberties and Properties Setlers of Religion Preservers of all just interests pretended to settle the King in his just Rights and Prerogatives to uphold the Privileges of Parliament 21. Petitions to the Army and for the Army establish Religion to reform and bring to account all Committees Sequestrators and all others that had defiled their fingers with publique money or goods To free the people from that all devouring Excise and other Taxes to redresse undue elections of Members To relieve Ireland Things impossible to be performed by an Army and now totally forgotten so that they have only accepted of their own private demands as Souldiers That the Parliament should own them for their Army Establish pay for them put the whole Militia of this Kingdom and Ireland both by Sea and Land into their Hands and Vote against all opposite Forces But they are now become the only Protectors of all corrupt Committee-men Sequestrators Accomptants to the State and all other
say farther that other things of main importance for the good of this Kingdom are in Proposition c. which yet before the end of this Session they hope may receive some progresse and perfection As the establishing and ordering the Kings Revenue c. The Regulating of Courts of Justice and the abridging both the delaies and Charges of Law Sutes c. Preventing the exportation of Gold and Silver and the inequality of Exchanges between this and other Kingdoms improving the Herring fishing upon our Coasts c. which things in all their Propositions and Addresses to the King have not been once mentioned nor any thing else but what makes for the profit preferment and power of a few ambitious Grandees of the Parliament and Army in order to which they demand the Militia of a standing Army with an arbitrary power to raise what Forces by Land and Sea consisting of what persons and to raise what sums of Money out of every mans Estate they please which power the King hath not to give neither did He nor His Ancestors ever exercise the only Militia they used having been either the Posse Commitatus under the Sheriffs which is very legal and antient or the Militia of Trained Bands under Lord Lieutenants and their Deputy Lieutenants which is a new invention Nor did the policy of our Law ever trust the power of the Sword and the Purse in one hand for fear of enslaving the People Ex. Col. p. 19. They farther declare That it is far from their purpose or desire to let loose the Golden reins of Discipline and Government in the Church to have private persons or particular Congregations to take up what form of Divine Service they please because they hold it requisite that there should be throughout the whole Realm a Conformity to that Order which the Laws enjoyn Ex. Col. p. 203. They farther say there That the gracious favour His Majesty expressed in the Bill for continuance of this Parliament and the advantage and security which they thereby have from being Dissolved shall not encourage them to do any thing which otherwise had not been fit to have been done Ex. Col. p. 281. They conclude the said Declaration thus That they doubt not but it shall in the end appear to all the world that their endeavours have been most hearty and sincere for the maintenance of the true Protestant Religion The Kings just Prerogatives The Laws and Liberties of the Land and the Privileges of Parliament in which indeavours by the Grace of God they would still persist though they should perish in the work Ex. Col. p. 376. In their Declaration 4. June 1642. The Lords and Commons do declare That the Design of their Propositions for Plate and Money is To maintain the Protestant Religion the King's Authority and Person in his Royal Dignity The free Course of Justice The Laws of the Land what then becomes of Martial Law and Committee Law The Peace of the Kingdom and Privileges of Parliament In their Propositions for bringing in Money and Plate Ex. Col. p. 340. 10. June 1642. the Lords and Commons declare That no mans affections shall be measured according to the proportion of his offer so that he express his good will to the Service in any proportion whatsoever that is so that he ingage with them yet notwithstanding the 29. Novemb following Ex. Col. p. 765. the same Lords and Commons appointed a Committee of 6. persons who should have power to Assess all such persons as were of ability and had not Contributed and such as had Contributed yet not according to their ability which is now looked upon as a Malignancy to pay such sums of Money according to their Estates as the Assessors or any of them should think fit so as the same exceeded not the 20. part of their Estates The power is still exercised by all Country Committees to a 5. and 20. part charged upon all men even such as have been destroyed and undon or laid forth themselves beyond their abilities for their service to this Parliament In the National Covenant taken by this Parliament and by them imposed upon the Kingdom to be taken with hands lifted up to the most High God the Lords and Commons vow To maintain the King's Person Crown and Dignity in Defence of Religion Laws and Liberties c. To suppress all Errors Heresies Blasphemies and Schisms and to defend one another mutually in the same work with their lives and fortunes yet is the same Covenant now cast aside and called An Almanack out of date Many men have been punished for attempting to keep it And I hear the House of Commons are now upon passing an Ordinance for Martial Law to be executed in London upon all such persons as having taken the said Covenant shall attempt or design any thing against the Parliament or City of London what is this but to impose a special penalty upon such as have taken the Covenant and leave those that have not taken it free And who doubts but that the said Council of War shall consist of Anti-monarchical Schismaticks and Anti-covenanters for the most part who shall stretch every word to the utmost extent And this is now in brewing contrary to the Petition of Right 3. Caroli Magna Charta no considerable enemy being in the Field and the Courts of Justice in Westminster hall sitting nay I hear like Janus Bifrons this Law if I do not mis-call it looks backwards to Acts past as well as forward contrary to the nature of all Laws which have an admonishing power to warn men of the evil to come before they can have a punishing power for evils passed Therefore the Apostle saith Sin is a breach of a Commandement or Law I had not known Sin but by the Law The Law therefore must be previous to the Sin How the said Promises and Covenant and many more have been kept let the world judge What the Promises Undertakings and Proposals of the Army have been in order to setling the peace of the people of this Kingdom and of the King 's just Rights and Prerogatives and their own Disbanding are to be found in their many printed Papers which I will here omit because they had no lawfull calling or warrant for such undertakings and how they have been prosecuted and perfomed is obvious to every capacity General Conclusion Out of these Premises I shall draw these Conclusions following 1. The Grandees have subverted the fundamental Government of the Kingdom and why 1. THe engaged Party have laid the Axe to the very root of Monarchy and Parliaments they have cast all the Mysteries and secrets of Government both by Kings and Parliaments before the vulgar like Pearl before Swine and have taught both the Souldiery and People to look so far into them as to ravel back all Governments to the first principles of nature He that shakes Fundamentals means to take down the Fabrick Nor have
between them few of them pay any Taxes but all the Land payes Tribute to them It is thought this Faction their under-Agents and Factors have cost this Commonwealth above 20 millions never laid forth in any publick service nay the Treasurers and Publicans of this Faction have clipped and washed most of the Money that comes into their fingers before they pay it forth knowing that any money that comes out of their fingers will be accepted two Gold-smiths are thought to be dealers this way yet they lay the blame on the Scotish Army as the Cuckow lays her brood in other Nests 5. Having thus imped their wings for flight 5. The Indep●ndents provided of places of retreat to flee to they have provided themselves of places of retreat in case they cannot make good their standing in England Ireland is kept unprovided for that they may find room in it when necessity drives them thither If their hopes fail in Ireland they have New-England Bermudas Barbadus the Caribby Isles the Isle of Providence Eleutheria Lygonia and other places to retreat to and lay up the spoils of England in nay they usually send chests and vessels with money place and goods beyond Sea with passes from the two Speakers to let them passe without searching the Navy is in their power to accommodate their flight and by their instruments called Spirits they have taken up many Children and sent them before to be Slaves and drudges to the Godly in their schismatical Plantations as the Turk takes up Tribute Children from the Christians to furnish his nursary of Janisaries and so they have their Agents that buy up all the Gold they can get Cromwell not long since offered 11000 l. in silver for the 1000 l. in gold besides he is well furnished with the Kings Jewels taken in his Cabinet at Nazeby many of them known Jewels as the Harry and the Elizabeth 6. The vulgar Independents but props and properties to the Grandees 6. Nor shall the vulgar sort of Independents either in Parliament Army or City fare better than the rest of the Kingdom The Grandees both of Parliament and Army endevouring to adjourn the Parliament and draw all the power of both Houses into the Committee of Derby-house consisting but of 30. or 40. the rest of the Independent Members will find their power dissolved in the Adjournment and swallowed up by that Committee and their services forgotten nor shall they have any power in the Militia which is the only quarrel between them and the King the Grandees disdaining to have so many Partners in that which they have got by their own wits for know that the Grandees have always been winnowing the Parliament First they winnowed out the moderate men under the notion of the Kings party then the Presbyterians and now they will winnow forth the lighter and more chaffy sort of Independents who stand for the Liberty of the People a thing which Cromwel now calleth A fancy not to be engaged for and so they will bring all power into their own hands Thus having contracted the Parliament into a Committee of safety they will adjourn themselves though the Parliament cannot to Oxford or some other place which they more confide in than London and this is the settling the Kingdom without the King they so much aim at and which they had rather the people should be brought practically and by insensible degrees than by Declarations held forth to them before-hand or by politick Lectures in the Pulpit Thus it is decreed that this Cabal of Godly men at Derby-house shall with military Aristocracy or rather Oligarchy rule this Nation with a rod of Iron and break them in pieces like a Potters Vessel Observe that the Ordinance by which the Committee of Derby-house is revived and the addition of Power to it are purposely penned in such ambiguous terms that He that hath the Sword in his hands may make what construction of them he pleaseth neither were they clearly penned Is it in the power of the Houses being but the Trustees of the people to transfer or delegate their trust to a lesser number of men a trust not being transferrable by Law and the people having chosen a Parliament not a Committee to look to their safety and peace 7. 7. The Army hinder Peace and Settlement The Grandees of the Parliament and Army have brought the Kingdom to so miserable a condition that they have left no Authority in England able to settle peace The KING is a close Prisoner to the Army therefore all he shall do will be clearly void in Law by reason of Dures The Parliament is in Wardship to them who keep armed Guards upon them Garrisons round about them and by illegal Accusations Blanck Impeachments threatning Remonstrances and Declarations c. fright away many Members and compell the rest to Vote and un-Vote what they please whereby all the Parliament doth is void and null in Law ab initio it being no free Parliament but a Sub-committee to the Army and living as the Egyptians did under vassalage to their own Mamaluchi or Mercenaries The people thefore must resolve either to have no Army or no Peace 8. They have put out the eyes of the Kingdom 8. The two Universities destroyed the two Universities of Oxford and Cambridge and have brought the whole Land to make sport before them knowing that Learning and Religion as well as Laws and Liberties 9. Many honest men seduced by fair pretences took part with them never intending to leave their first principles and enslave King and Kingdom are enemies to their barbarous irrational and Russian way of Government 9. Many honest men took part with this Parliament seduced by those fair pretences of defending Religion Laws and Liberties which they first held forth to the People and being unwilling to have a Parliament conquered by the Sword not thinking it possible that a prevailing Faction in Parliament should so far prevaricate as to conspire to enslave King Parliament and Kingdom to subvert the Laws Liberties and fundamental Government of the Land under which they and their Posterity were and were likely to be so happily governed and betray Religion unto Hereticks and Schismaticks and share the spoils of the Commonwealth between them and think of enriching themselves with them in forein Lands yet many at the beginning much disliked that Religion should be used an as ingredient to the carrying on of a Civil War and that Schismaticks should have so great a stroak in managing the business yet were pacified with this consideration that we must refuse no helps in our defence if a man be assaulted by Thieves on the high-way he will not refuse to joyn with Schismaticks or Turks in a common defence the same authority that then countenanced those Schismaticks it was hoped would be able to discountenance them again when the work was done But the Grandees of the Houses having other designs had so often purged the Houses that
of the Army and Houses of Parliament to purchase their compliance and Votes in all matters agitated in the Houses of Parliament by reason whereof all motions for His Majesties return to his Parliament the first step to our desired Peace have been either totally rejected or by them politickly delayed because Peace would determine both their power and profit 7. The Estates of Delinquents the Lands of Bishops Deans and Chapters designed by several Ordinances for discharge of publique Debts are by the Houses and power of the Army shared and divided amongst themselves while the publique debts be unsatisfied the common Souldier unpayed the mained unrelieved the Widdows and Children of the slain unprovided for and all left burdens to the Commonwealth 8. That the Army consisting of mean ignorant and illiterate men only gilt with hypocrisie divine and civil under pretence of tender Consciences the better to induce and tolerate all Heresies have expelled and supprest all learned Orthodox Divines and Church Government and crying Liberty Liberty have subjected our Persons and Estates to arbitrary Law and tyranny and by Rape imbracing the Legislative power cuckolds the body Politick giving Laws to the whole Kingdom and yet by Petitions and Remonstrances make both Houses father as their own the adulterous issue 9. That this Army assuming to themselves the modelling and settlement both of Church and State at Windsor in April last in their Council did consult these 3. Questions First Whether shall we joyn with the Levellers and new model both Church and State Next Whether with the moderate Party Treat and receive the KING with more qualified and limited Power Thirdly Whether Depose the KING Dis-inherit the PRINCE Crown the DUKE of YORK and appoint a Protector The first was held to promise most of liberty and profit but threatned greatest danger in effecting and difficulty in continuing The second was said to be easiest obtained and continued because nighest to the present frame and constitution already setled but would bring them little of profit and less of Soveraignty The third like Benjamin last in birth but first in the Parents affections was held not difficult to be acted but to be maintained for it would require both the expence of much blood and money and the Kingdom to re-act York and Lancaster under the names of Wales and York To this Lieut. Gen. Cromwel answered It was the better for that would necessitate the continuance of our Army which secures our persons will enforce our reasons make just our demands and facilitate their grant For the bloud that will flow from the cheapveins of Common Souldiers whereof England hath plenty and we will not want For the money London is our bank and from their Purses it shall drain to our Coffers Commissary Ireton L. Gen. Cromwel's Son-in-law said The work was half done for we have already Voted no Addresses to be made to the King and Him guilty of crimes enough to Depose Him and by Imprisoning His Person have fitted Him for a private life and by it taught the people that He is subject to the dispose of both Houses of Parliament whole Ordinances are only powerful by our Swords and therefore our Actions shall be legal by their Vote Further the Prince said he is link'd with his Father in crime and therefore cannot be severed in punishment he hath been General in a Western Army warring as his Father against the Parliament a crime that as it rendred the Father fit to be Deposed so doth it the Son unfit to succeed in the Government And that the descent of the Crown purge not him as it did Hen. 7. let us in the Fathers life time Crown the Duke of York now in our power whose tender years have preserved him innocent and presents him fitter for protection and our design and should any blame our severity towards the King and Prince others will commend our clemency towards the Duke of York Upon the result of this Council L. Gen. Cromwel in the House of Commons tels Mr. Speaker That it was time to set on foot our great design and that such as should not concur in Votes with us be not continued of us The motion being mis-timed and divers of his party absent it was only wondred at by Master Knightly and died with the words The Scene now alters from Westminster to Carisbrook-Castle and the King that could not be removed by Votes must now by Poyson the Actor Col. Hammond Major Rolf c. all Members of the Army yet must we by cursed Excise that insensibly devours the poor by insupportable Monthly Taxes that impoverish the rich contrary to Law and our Allegiance contrary to our Protestation and Covenant inforced upon us we must traiterously maintain and pay this Army that traiterously contrive and endeavour the deposal and murder of our Soveraign Lord the King the subversion of our Protestant Church our Fundamental and known Laws We therefore declare to the World that God blessing us we will with hazard of our lives and fortunes disband and dissipate this Army the Suppressors of the pure Protestant Religion the Imprisoners and would be the Murtherers of their Soveraign Lord the King and grand Oppressors of the Common-wealth then free from Imprisonment our said Soveraign and him God-willing restore to his lawfull Government just Rights and Throne in Parliament this done we shall joyfully and readily deposite our justly assumed Arms and on our knees beg what his Majesty hath often most graciously offered and will undoubtedly grant his most Royal and gracious pardon to all his mis-led Subjects will return to their Allegiance and forward to bring the King back to his own house We therefore hereby earnestly desire and request all loyal and wel-affected Subjects as well Members of both Houses of Parliament as others to be herein aiding and assisting to us First by not recruiting the Forces of the Lord Fairfax Next by withdrawing all aid and assistance from his Army by with-holding Excise and Monthly Taxes allotted for their pay and support and to give us with their prayers such assistance as their Allegiance and opportunity shall advise and we trust that the God that judgeth rightly will crown our loyal action with happy successe and our successe with a glorious peace which is heartily prayed for and shall God willing be resolutely fought for by us His Majecties loyal and faithfull Subjects in Colchester A List of the Names of the Members of the House of Commons Observing which are Officers of the Army contrary to the self-denying Ordinance Together with such summes of Money Offices and Lands as they have given to themselves for service done and to be done against the KING and Kingdom Corrected and augmented Note Reader that such as have this mark * comming immediately before their Names are Recruiters illegally elected by colour of the new Seal the power of the Army and voices of the Souldiers and are unduly returned and serve accordingly The first Century 1. WIlliam Lenthall
that you may take a short view of his proceedings as you have done of Argile's by comparing them you will find who doth deserve the Title of the most Religious Duke Hamilton suffered his worthy Mother to enjoy besides her own Joynture all his Estate whereby indeed he lost nothing she improving it much to his advantage hath helpt his Brother to a great estate with Titles and Places of Honour and profit suitable to his birth and worth his Sisters and now some of his Neices matched in the Noblest and best Families of the Kingdom 1. Whereas Argile did in his Fathers life time bring him to a Pension outed his Brother of his Estate Kintyre and ruined his Sisters by cheating them of their portions and so enforcing them to go to Cloysters The Duke had no quarrel with any save Montrosse the ground you heard for crossing his first intention for the Invasion of Scotland to prevent the misery and bloudshed that he did foresee was like to follow 2. Argile for private quarrels betwixt him and Montrosse Culkettough and the Athol men the Earl of Airely and other hath drawn much misery and bloudshed upon the Kingdom whom he enforced to espouse his quarrels The Duke had no spoyls nor gifts given him since ever he signed the Covenant save the Title of DVKE but hath been spoyled both himself and friends by those that followed Montrosse 3. Argile had enrich'd his Country with the spoyls of the Kingdom and himself with the great treasure bestowed on him both by Scotland and England which is well secured without the reach of an Impeachment The Duke stands firm to his Covenant for the established religion loyal to his Prince for Monarchical Government faithfull to his Country against all forein Invasion 4. Argile hath contrary to his Covenant Duty and Allegiance conspired to extirpate Monarchical Government to introduce forein forces of Sectaries to the utter overthrow of the established Religion The Duke acts nothing but according to the Laws established according to the Covenant and the duty of every good Subject 5. Argile hath overthrown all Laws tyrannizing over the Lives Liberties and Estates of the Subjects Duke Hamilton hath been of that temper to mediate for a wel-grounded Peace his Majesties deliverance and the Personal Treaty being the only probable waies for setling the three Kingdoms and setling the power where it ought to be for the Honour and safety both of King and Subjects 6. Argile opposeth all wayes of the Peace settlement of the three Kingdoms His Majesties deliverance and being brought to a Personal Treaty lest the power should be taken out of his and his Confederates hands whereby they oppress and ruine both King and Subject The Duke hath used and is using all endeavours to Vindicate the oppressed Subjects in both Kingdoms never changing Interests being alwaies faithfull to all those to whom he did profess love and friendship 7. Lastly Argile hath betrayed his old friends the Presbyterian party in both Kingdoms especially the Presbyterians in the Parliament of England and City of London not only suffering them to be made a prey to their enemies but obstructing their relief Let the impartial Reader now judge which of the two is most religious As this opposition betwixt Duke Hamilton and Argile makes them both to appear what they are so this following Parallel betwixt the Argathelian Faction and the Independent Junto will serve for an eye-salve to cure the eye-sight of both Kingdoms and let them see clearly how near they are to the brink of an intolerable and perpetual slavery Argile and his Faction stiled by the Independents the Godly party in Scotland the rest all Malignants 1. The Army of Sectaries in England however formerly Preached and wrote against now called by Argile's faction the hope of their safety The like in England by the Army of Sectaries and Independent Junto above twenty millions shared amongst them whereof the Kingdom can never get accompt all places of Honour and Trust of England still in the hands of those that are engaged for and with the Army of Sectaries 2. The heavy Taxes imposed and continued upon Scotland by Argile and his Faction and all the benefit thereof and most part of the monies got from England shared amongst them and no satisfactory accompt given to the Kingdom thereof Cromwell and the army for the King in their first ingagements but having inslaved the City inforced the Parliament to the dethroning Votes and as not formerly acquainted therewith gave thanks for them and sent their Emissaries to some seduced Counties and Corporations to do the like 3. All places of Honour and trust usurped by Argathelians till of late and the Army modelled to maintnin their Interest 4. Argile formerly yet but seemingly for Monarchy now really against it and all that desire to assert it Cromwell contributes a Passe to His Guides slacking the guards as he did the second time when he frighted him with a Plot from Hampton-Court to the Isle of Wight where he remains close Prisoner 5. That Faction first betrays the King to come to the Scots Army promising protection and then most persidiously delivered Him up to the mercy of His most cruel Enemies The blood shed in England under colour of justice in cold blood calls aloud for vengeance and the persidious breaches of the Army of their promises to King Parliament and Country is too too evident 6. Argile and his Faction have been most cruel to those they call their Enemies especially in cold bloud and perfidious to their friends deserting and betraying them What the insolent Army did comming with Bayes in their hats when they inslaved the Parliament and riding in triumph through the City by whose bounty they were made and maintained an Army will to their perpetual infamy be registred to all posterity 7. Argile when he had done mischief must have both thanks and reward and like a Conquerour march through the Kingdom in triumph a thing never granted amongst the noble Romans to triumph for a Victory in a Civil War The Army and some others by their instigation petition that the Kingdome may be setled without the King and that Army continued to e●slave the Kingdom especially the Presbyterian party their Army being for Toleration 8. Argile's Faction petitions That the Army intended for His Majesties inlargement and the relief of our Presbyterian Brethren shall not come in Cromwell was ready to comply but got some other work for the time and if God prevent it not will now speedily be able to obey Argile's desires but if that fail Argile shall have money and send David Lesley to levy Forces abroad to work Argile's ends 9. Argile and his Faction desires but five thousand Horse to assist them to subdue Scotland which must be turned a Province to the Kingdom of the Saints Let this serve for a Caveat to the mis-led and deluded Protestants of the three Kingdomes not to trust the fair promises or pretences of these
seeming Saints who have made the solemn League and Covenant intended for preservation of Religion His Majesties Honour and the just Liberties of the Subject to be the ruine of Religion the dishonour so far as in them lieth of His Majesty and the most absolute enslaving of all free Subjects not to Kings or Princes to Great men or Good men but to the very scum and off-scouring of both Kingdoms it being no● small grief to all that truly feared God that so many of the reputed honest Presbyterian party should out of base fear or other by-respects comply so long with these Stare-Juglers the Clergy being most active hastning thereby their own and the Kingdoms misery for they may be well assured if these Saints prevail they must as some of them have done already turn their Coats once more and become the Hirelings and tongue-tied Tenants at will to their Brethren of the Independency or be kicked out of their fat Benefices and possibly out of the Kingdom to prevent new Insurrections against them which they are cunning to procure having the power in their hand to repress all that dare appear against them may be ruined others by their example terrified and their Saints may enjoy the fatness of England but I would ask these violent Clergy-men of the Presbyterian Party that are unwilling His Majesty should be brought speedily to a Personal Treaty what their Assemblies of Divines have been doing for if that Confession of Faith set out in England approved of in Scotland be agreeable to the truth of Gods word as I know nothing to the contrary why should the chief Magistrate our dread Soveraign be any longer debard of his just dues is He worse than Infidel that you will assist those that deny His sacred Majesty that which they allow to Infidel Magistrates blush for shame and repent in time lest as they change their Votes every day according as the tide of their power ebbs and flows so they may soon force you to repeal that Article concerning the chief Magistrate or like the gloss of Orleans put an exposition upon it which destroyeth the text God send us peace and truth and preserve His sacred Majesty and his Posterity and confound the wicked counsels of all such as are enemies to Peace Truth and Monarchy Si quid novistirectius istis Candidus imperti Si non his utere mecum THE END ANARCHIA ANGLICANA OR THE HISTORY OF Independency THE SECOND PART BEING A Continuation of Relations and Observations Historicall and Politique upon this present PARLIAMENT Begun Anno 16. CAROLI PRIMI By THEODORUS VERAX PSAL. 8.8 Virum sanguinum dolosum abominabitur Dominus Printed in the Year M.DC.XL IX THE PROTESTATION AND DECLARATION THe premises considered I do hereby in the name and behalf of my selfe and of all the Free People of England Declare and protest That the Generall Councel of Warre and officers of the Army by their said violent and treasonable force upon the farre major more honest and moderate part of the House of Commons being above 250. and leaving only 50. or 60. Schismaticks of their own engaged party sitting and voting under their Command and almost all of them such as have and do make a prey of the Commonwealth to enrich themselves and their Faction have broken discontinued and waged War against this Parliament have forfeited their Commissions And the remaining Faction in the House of Commons by abetting aiding and concurring with the said Councel of War in the said rebellious Force by setting up new illegal and arbitrary Courts of Judicature to murder King Charles the First our Lawful King and Governour who by his Writ according to the Law summoned and authorized this Parliament to meet sit Principium Caput finis Parliamenti Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and Advise with Him and was the Fountain Head and Conclusion or consummatory End of the Parliament and Supreme Governour over all Persons and in all Causes of this Kingdom and by Abolishing the House of Peers and the Kingly Office and dis-inheriting the Kings Children and Usurping to themselves the Supreme Authority and Legislative Power of this Nation in order to make and establish themselves a Councel of State Hogen Mogens or Lords States General and translate the said Supreme Power and Authority into the said Councel of State and then Dissolve this Parliament and perpetuate their said Tyranny and this Army and Govern Arbitrarily by the power of the Sword and raise what illegal Taxes they please and eat out consume and destroy whosoever will not basely submit to their Domination See 1. part sect 105 106. and the Conclusions 15 16 17 18. and returne to sect 79 109 110. Stat. of Recognition 1. Iac. Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy have by the aforesaid ways and means totally subverted this Kingdome and destroyed the fundamental Laws Authority and Government thereof Dissolved and Abolished this and all future Parliaments so that there is now no visible lawful Authority left in England but the Authority of King CHARLS the Second who is actually KING of all his Dominions presently upon the Decease of the King his Father before any Proclamation made or Coronation solemnized notwithstanding that by his unjust Banishment caus●d by the interposition of the said traiterous combined Antimonarchical Faction He be eclipsed for the present and not suffered to perform any Acts of Government to his three Kingdoms and restore peace plenty justice mercy Religion Laws and Liberties to them again which no Hand but his own can bestow and therefore in vain do the people long for expect Figs from thistles Grapes from thornes This Kingdom of the Brambles now set up being only able to Scratch and Tear not to Protect and Govern them I farther Declare and Protest That this combined traiterous Faction have forced an Interregnum and a Justitium upon us an utter suspension of all lawful Government Magistracy Lawes and Judicatories so that we have not de jure any Laws in force to be executed any Magistrates or Judges lawfully constituted to execute them any Court of Justice wherin they can be judicially executed any such Instrument of the Law as a lawful Great Seal nor any Authority in England that can lawfully Condemn and Execute a Thief Murderer or other Offender without being themselves called Murderers by the Law all legal proceedings being now coram non Judice nor can this remaining Faction in the House of Commons shew any one President Law Reason or Authority whatsoever for their aforesaid doing but only their own irrational tyrannical Votes and the Swords of their Army Wherefore I do further Declare and Protest before God and the World That all free-born subjects of the Kingdom of England and Ireland are bound by the Stat. of Recognition 1. Jac. and by all our Lawes and Statutes By their Oathes of Allegiance Obedience and Supremacy the Protestation and National Covenant by very many Declarations Remonstrances Petitions and Votes
take in them whose miseries we foresee but cannot help When I consider the intricacy of this my undertaking how perplexed it is how intangled with various changings counterchangings revolutions revoltings and betrayings of Parties such are all Civil Wars but especially those where the most uncivil and barbarous sort of men the dregs and lees of the People swim a top how full of divisions and subdivisions insomuch that they who are Friends and hold together in one Interest or Faction are Opposites in another Methinks my labour is as vain as his that attempted to take the Picture of Proteus or his that endeavoured to shape a Garment for the Moon When God brought a confusion but of Lips and Tongues upon Babel what man was able to reduce them into order again But God hath brought upon us a Confusion a Babel not onely of Lips and Tongues but of Heads Hearts Hands c. What Historian can finde a method in so universal a Chaos can draw light out of so palpable a darkness Besides I foresee my reward to be envy hatred malice contempt slanders sequestration beggery imprisonment and at last an Arbitrary death without any legal trial proceedings Jury Judges or Court or any known established Law to judge by Obsequium amicos veritas odium parit I have already followed truth so near at the heels although but a private retainer to her that almost all my teeth are secretly stricken out what dare they not now do openly against me since by murdering our King dis-inheriting his Posterity subverting Monarchical Government abolishing the House of Lords and perverting the House of Commons setting up new Representatives with Supreme and Legislative Power and new Courts and Jurisdictions against all Laws they Proclaim themselves Conquerours of King Parliament and Kingdome Victors of our Religion Laws Liberties and Properties and Triumphers over our Persons Wives Children and Estates since they profess their will and power to be the onely Laws and Rules of their doings and our sufferings But when I consider that as no mans inncency so no mans reservedness can protect him but that some men must dye according to Catilines rule to make up the number others to multiply confiscations others to satisfie private suspicions malice and revenge and they must dye to cement and foment this new erected Tyranny with their blood I thought it as easie and more honourable to dye waking and working for my God my King and Country than to dye sleeping and have my throat cut in a Lethargy I know these Schismaticks thirst as much after blood as they hunger after money and I am sure to be involved in the common and inevitable ruine of my Country why should I not rather perish for it now then with it hereafter It is more manly more noble more Christian Dulce decorum est pro patria mori was the saying of an Heathen why not of a Christian Religion Laws and Liberties lye now at stake why should not I come in for a Gamester It is a mixt cause and he that dyes for it is a Martyr He that fears Death must be a slave to those Tyrants that carry the Sword he that fears Poverty must be a Villain to those Judasses that bear the Purse but hee that fears God will borrow strength from him to contemn them both Thus putting my trust in God I put Pen to Paper and put my life into the scales where God I know holds the ballance he whose providence takes notice of a Sparrow falling from the house-top will watch over me and either protect me against them or receive me from them 2 An Introductory Repetition See my 1 Part of the History of Independency sect 7 8 9 10 11 13 14. Cromwel and Ireton by advice of their thriving Junto of Independents in the two Houses having mutinied the Army against their Masters the Parliament found that crime could not be defended but by committing greater wherefore they seized the Kings person at Holdenby to gain Authority with the People that they might the better subdue the Parliament to their lusts for the better expediting whereof Sect. 18 119. they courted the City of London to sit Neuters and let them work their wills with the Parliament which Myne not taking fire they united the schismatical party of the City and Country to them and all such as being guilty of publick cheats and sp●●ls desired the protection of the Sword to make good their rapines and accounted all men else as Enemies applying themselves to wooe and cajole the People easily wrought upon as being weary of the War and of the mis-government Factions confusions and oppressions of their new Masters the Parliament which indeed were very great but aggravated by them and their Agitators beyond the truth and the whole weight of them charged upon the more moderate and innocent party onely because they were their Opposites whereas had they set the saddle upon the right horse as sure as Judas bore the Bag the Independents must have rid before the Cloakbag they being the Publicans and Sinners that handled most publick treasure The Layers on Exactors Treasurers c. of Taxes the far more numerous and busie party in all Mony-Committees and gainful imployments Engrossers of all great Offices and the greatest sharers of publick money amongst themselves for Compensations for Losses and Rewards for Services pretended and consequently that Faction were the greatest Dilapidators of the Commonwealth Oppressors of the People and Authors of confusion though according to custome by an impudent fallacy called Translatio criminis the Independent Faction lay their Bastards at other mens doors making a shew to redress those faults in other men which themselves are chiefly guilty of wherefore the better to ingratiate themselves with King and People they printed and published Ingagements Declarations Remonstrances Manifestoes Proposals and Petitions of their own penning and sent them by their Agitators and sectary Priests into all Counties for concurrence and Subscriptions the better to steal the respects of the People from the Parliament to themselves like Absolom they flattered the People to make Addresses and Complaints against publick Grievances to them onely Boasting themselves for the sole Arbitrators of Peace Restorers of Laws Liberty and Property Setlers of Religion Maintainers of the Privileges of Parliament Reformers and Callers to Account of all Committees Sequestrators Treasurers c. Deliverers of the People from that intolerable Excise and other Taxes But above all Preservers of all just Interests and Restorers of the King to his just Rights and Prerogatives with honour freedome and safety to his Person originally their own words Book of Declarations of the Army pag. 112. Represent of the Army at S. Albons June 23. 1647. B Decl. again p 64. Sir Tho. Fairfaxs Letter to the Houses from Reading July 6. 1647. B. Decl. again p. 75. Proposals of the Army Aug. 1. 1647. Putney Projects p. 13 14 43. and my Animadversions upon the Armies
quandarumque poenes Rempublicam non unum aliquem Magistratum esse debet potestas nulla enim in re gravius peccatum admittitur nusquam graviores turbae minantur quàm hisce de rebus That is the best forme of Government where the King can doe most good and least evill 1. Let Him be disabled to raise new Taxes and lay on new Tribute 2. Let Him not have the sole power to make or repeale Lawes which ought to belong to the Common-wealth not any one Magistrate for no power is more hurtfull to the people nor stirres more Commotions then these two such is the Kingdome of England the King hath neither the power of our Purses nor the changing of our Lawes in His hands and if he give away his Sword he will be such a King of clouts as can do neither good nor evill like Rex Sacrificulis at Rome ea summa potestas dicitur quâ secundum Leges non est major neque par such was the Dictator at Rome he had no equall there Papyp cursor dictator adjudged to death his Generall of the Horse Fabius for fighting against his command though prosperously and rejected all appeale to the Senate and Tribunes of the People yeilding at last onely to their prayers with this saying Vicit tandem imperii majestas such is the King of England the Common-wealth cannot compell him to grant a Pardon or dispense justice or mercy as they please the Oath of Supremacy calls Him Supreame Governour in all Causes over all Persons so doe all our Statutes to whom in Parliament which is his highest sphere of majestie is the last appeale by Writ of Error who is Principium caput finis Parliamenti the beginning head and end of the Parliament and therefore he onely calls the Parliament to advise with him and dissolves it when he is satisfied He makes Warre and Peaee See the 1. part of this History Prolegomena 1. and is Protector of the Lawes and of all just interests onely the policy of the Law disables him to make repeale or alter Lawes or raise Monies without consent of both Houses by Bill passed which is but an Embrio until he quickens it by his Royal Assent because this way the King may doe most hurt and wrong to his people as I have already said it being the wisdome of our Lawes to keep the Sword in one hand and the purse in another The 1. 15. The 1. Proposition for j●stifying the Parliaments and condemning His owne quarrell proemial Proposition for justifying the Parliaments Cause and Quarrell and condemning his owne Cause and Party was a bitter pill but an earnest desire of peace sweetned it and guilded it over and invited him to swallow it without chawing or ruminating upon it but how devilish unchristian and illegal a use the Faction hath made of this extorted confession let God judge Their insisting upon it that the King should take the Covenant 16. The Covenant endeavoured to be put upon the King was an errour in Policy whereof the rigid Presbyterians are guilty they supposing the King would take it at last stood upon it and intended thereby to joyne the King to their Interest and Party The more subtile Independent knew the King would not nor could not take it and therefore complyed with the Presbyterians in obtruding it upon him to break off the Treaty many things in the Covenant were vaine in the Person of His Majesty as that He should swear to maintain his owne Person c. which the Law of nature binds him to without an Oath which in this case is idle and a prophaning of Gods name some things in the Oath were contradictory to what the Parliaments Propositions desired of him as to maintain His own Authority in defence of Religion Lawes and Liberties which was impossible for Him to doe unlesse he kept the Militia in his owne hands and his Negative Voice also which that clause in the Bill of Militia That all Bills for leavying Forces should have the power of Acts of Parliament without the Royall Assent c. would have deprived him of by making their Ordinances Acts of Parliament in effect binding to the Persons and Estates of the People in an Arbitrary way to their utter enslaving To sweare to Abolish Bishops c. was against his Coronation-Oath To sware to extirpate Heresies Schismes c is more then the Independents would permit To sweare to maintaine the Vnion between the two Nations which the Parliament declare already to be broken by the Scots Invasion is vaine besides how unjust a thing was it to impose that Oath upon the King when most Members of the Parliament Army and others are left at large not to take it The Parliaments Demands That the King should declare against the Marquesse of Ormonds proceedings to unite all the Interests of Ireland for the service of his Majesty was no part of the Propositions upon which the Treaty was begun but a subsequent request upon an emergent occasion and therefore I see no reason why the King should have given any answer to it but onely have held himselfe to the original Propositions yet he did Answer That the whole businesse of Ireland was included in the Treaty and therefore a happy Agreement thereupon would set an end to all differences there which being voted unsatisfactory and moved that a new Declaration might be published against him the King was inforced to put a stand to the Marquesses proceedings by his Letter to his great prejudice yet these Declarers against him do now comply with Owen Roe Oneale and have entertained O Realy the Popes Irish-Vicar-general in England to negotiate for the Irish massacring Rebels with the Parliament These things considered prove what I finde in our late King Charles the 1. most excellent Book Chap. 18. That it is a Maxime to those that are Enemies of peace to ask something which in Reason and Honour must be denied that they might have some colour to refuse all the rest that is granted More observations upon this unlucky Treaty I will not trouble my Reader with these being enough to shew the vanity of those Propositions by these he may take a scantling of the rest ex pede Herculem I cannot but blame the indiscretion if not the indisposition of those Commissioners who cavilled away so much time in the Treaty 17. Jones complaines by Letters that Ireland was like to be lost until Cromwell had done his work in the North and marched up to Towne to make the Treaty ineffectuall About the latter end of Octob. 1648. Col. Jones sent whining Letters from Dublin to the Steersmen at Derby-house complaining that all Ireland was like to unite and prosecute the Kings Interest and therefore he cried for help but neither the said Committee in their consultations nor the Army in execution of what was resolved could agree amongst themselves the Engrossers and Monopolizers of Oligarchy into a few hands desiring to make themselves
let the Saints now voting in the House examine their pockets for I am confident their consciences had no hand in the businesse Resolved c. That the matters contained in these Papers are destructive to the beings of Parliaments and to the fundamental Government of the Kingdome Resolved c. That a Letter should be sent to the General and those Papers inclosed together with the Vote of this House upon them and that he be desired to examine the proceedings of this businesse in the Army and returne an Account thereof to this House The General and Councel of Warre in pursuance of this Vote 37. The said Agreement damned by the General and Councel of War and a Souldier shot by sentence for promoting it condemned one of the Agitators who promoted it and shot him to death at Ware you see what it is to do a thing unseasonably this Designe of the Army and their Party was not yet ripe wherewith they acquainted the House yet they kept in the same fire in the City still where some of their Confederates 23. of the same Novem. sent the same Agreement c. inclosed in a Letter with a Petition into the House of Commons whereupon the House giving thanks to the General for the execution done at Ware and desiring him to examine that businesse to the bottome unanimously passed these Votes Die Martis 23. Nov. 1647. A Petition directed to the Supreme Authority of England 38. The said Agreement condemned by the House a second time 23. Nov. 1647. the Commons in Parliament assembled and entituled The humble Petition of many Free-borne People of England sent in a Letter directed to Mr. Speaker and opened by a Committee thereunto appointed was read the first and second time Resolved c. That this Petition is a seditious and contemptuous avowing and prosecution of a former Petition and Paper annexed stiled An Agreement of the People formerly adjudged by this House to be destructive to the being of Parliaments and fundamentall Government of the Kingdome c. Resolved c. That Tho. Prince Cheese-monger and Sam. Chidley be forthwith committed Prisoners to the Prison of the Gate-house there to remaine Prisoners during the pleasure of this House for a seditious and contemptuous avowing and prosecution of a former Petition and Paper annexed stiled An Agreement of the People formerly adjudged by this House destructive to the being of Parliaments and fundamental Government of the Kingdome Resolved c. That Jeremy Ives Tho. Taylor and Will Larner be forthwith committed Prisoners to the Prison at New-gate c. as last aforesaid in Terminis Afterwards by an Ordinance Decemb. 17. 1647. for Electing Common-Councel-men and other Officers in London they expresly ordained That no Person who hath contrived abetted perswaded or entred into that engagement entituled The Agreement of the People declared to be destructive to the being of Parliaments and fundamental Government of the Kingdome be elected chosen or put into the Office of the Lord Major of the City of London Sheriffe Alderman Deputy of a Ward or Common-Councel-man of the said City or shall have any voice in the election of any such Officers for the space of one whole yeare and be uncapable of any of the said Places yet now these petty Fellowes keep the whole City in awe 39. Yet this Agreement since inserted into the Remonstrance of the Army owned by the Generall and Councell of Warre and Nov. 20. 1648. obtruded upon the House These multiplied Votes and Ordinance laid this Agreement of the People asleep until the beginning of November 1648. when to hinder the peace of this Kingdome and reliefe of Ireland the Jesuits and Agitators prosecuted it againe in the Army and inserted it againe verbatim in the Remonstrance of the Army Novemb 20. 1648. to break off the Treaty with the King bring him to capitall punishment and cast the odium of all upon the Parliament And the General and his Councel of Officers though they had formerly shot a Souldier to death for prosecuting it unanimously approved it at Saint Albons November 16. 1648. and obtruded it upon the House the 20. Novemb. and when they found the House so resolute in the Treaty as to proceed they first seized the Person of the King and carried Him to Hurst-Castle as aforesaid and when the House at last closed up the Treaty with this Vote That the Kings Answers to the Propositions of both Houses were a ground for the Houses to proceed upon towards a settlement 40. Why they purged the House They seized upon 41. Members of Parliament secured them and villanously treated them secluded above 160. and frighted away at least 40. or 50. more leaving onely their owne Somerset-house Junto of 40. or 50. thriving Members sitting to unvote in a thin House under a force what had been voted in a full and free House To vote down the Kingly Office and House of Peers to vote the Supreme Authority to be in the People and in the House of Commons as their Representative clean contrary to their three last recited Votes To bring the King to capital punishment before a new invented illegal mixed Court consisting of engaged persons erected for that purpose that hath neither foundation by Prescription nor Law and to erect a Councel or Committee of States out of their number in the nature of Lords States General or Hogen Mogens with an unknown and therefore unlimited Authority to continue in being after the dissolution of this Parllament So farewel Kings Lords and Commons Religion Laws and Liberties and all Votes Declarations Remonstrances Protestation and Covenant made heretofore onely to gull the People and carry on their designe About 19. Decemb. 41. Diverse Lords doe homage to the General and wave their honours divers Lords went to do homage to the General to expresse their good affections to him and their concurrence with him for the Common good and their readinesse to wave their priviledges and Titles if they shall be found burdensome to the liberty of the People and had a gracious nod for their paines About this time the Lords and Commons passed an Ordinance for electing Common-Councel-men and Officers in London for the yeare following to this effect 42. An Ordinance to curb the City in electing Officers That no Person that hath been imprisoned or sequestred rightfully or wrongfully or hath assisted the King against the Parliament in the first or second Warre or hath been aiding or assisting in bringing in the Scots Army to invade this Kingdome or did subscribe or abett the treasonable Engagement 1647. or that did ayde assist or abett the late Tumult within the Cities of London and Westminster or the Counties of Kent Essex Middlesex or Surrey shall be elected chosen or put into the Office or Place of Lord Mayor of London Alderman Aldermans Deputy Common-Councel-man or into any office or place of trust within the City for the yeare ensuing or be capable to give
Houses Propositions See Mr. Pryn's said Speech in the House 2 Decemb. 1648. more at large and the Kings Answers and see whether the King did not grant all those Propositions in which the main security of the Kingdom resteth He granted the first Proposition for taking off all Declarations as was desired And the third Proposition for the Militia as was desired He assented to the Proposition for Ireland limiting the time of the Parliaments disposing Officers there to 20 years He consented to such Acts for publique Debts and Publique Uses as should be presented within 2. years and incurred within that time He granted the Proposition concerning Peers as was desired He granted the Disposing Offices in England to the Parliament for 20. years He granted the taking away the Court of Wards having 100000 l. per ann in lieu thereof to be raised as the Parliament should think fit He granted to declare against the Marquess of Ormond's power and proceedings after an Agreement with the Parliament The onely difference therefore remained upon two Propositions 1. Delinquents 2. The Church For Delinquents though He doth not grant all His Majesty consented they shall submit to moderate Compositions according to such Proportions as they and the two Houses shall agree 2. He disableth them to bear Offices of publike Trust and removes them from the Kings Queens and Princes Court 3. For such as the Houses propounded to proceed capitally against He leaves them to a Legal Tryal and declares He will not interpose to hinder it which satisfies the main complaint of the Parliament which was in the beginning of the War That the King protected Delinquents from justice And all that the House desired in the Propositions presented to him at Oxford Febr. 1642. was That His Majesty would leave Delinquents to a Legal Tryal and judgement of Parliament But that his Majestie should joyn in an Act for taking away the Lives or Estates of any that have adhered to Him He truly professeth He cannot with Justice and Honour agree thereto 4. Nor do we see how Delinquents being left to the Law can escape justice the King having granted the 1. proemial Proposition and so by a Law acknowledged the Parliaments Cause and War to be just For the Church The Houses propound the utter abolishing of Archbishops Bishops c. The sale of their Lands that Reformation of Religion be setled by Act of Parliament as both Houses have or shall agree The Kings Answer takes away Church-Government by Arch-bishops Bishops c. by taking away their Courts and Officers and so far takes away their power of Ordination that it can never be revived again but by Act of Parliament so that Episcopacy is divested of any actual being by the Law of the Land and instead thereof the Presbyterian Government setled for three years by a Law which is for so long a time as the Houses formerly in their Ordinances presented to Him at New-castle did themselves think fit to settle it For the Sale of Bishops Lands upon the publike F●ith Every cheating Saint of the Faction must have the Publike Faith exactly kept though he bought the Lands but at 2 or 3. years just value and with such monies as he had formerly cheated the State of when other men who have lost the best part of their Estates by and for the Pa li●ment for compensation whereof they have the publike Faith engaged by Ordinances are consumed by Taxes and repaied with reproaches onely we say That although the Purchasers might well have afforded to have given the same rates for their Purchases which they now give if they might have had them assured by Act of Parliament for 99 years and such moderate Rents reserved as the King intimates in his Answer yet in His Answer he expresseth a farther satisfaction to be given them upon which we should have insis●ed n●●with● anding the said Vote 5. Decemb. 1648. We farther alledge That the King having granted the rest of the Propositions ●●d ●o much in these 2. Delinquents and the Church the Natio●●l Covenant doth not oblige us to make War upon this poi●● nothing can make Presbytery nor the Purchasers of Bishops L●● is more odious nor endanger them more than to make them the sole obstacle of Peace nor could any thing more work the King to comply with our desires herein than for us to draw a little neerer Him The Considerations leading us to pass the said Vote 5 Dec. 1648. come next to be considered 1. The saving of Ireland 2. The regaining the revolted Navy and freedom of the Seas 3. The support of the Ancient Government of the Kingdome 4. The putting the people into a secure possession of their Laws and Liberties 5. The avoiding such evill consequences as were apparently to follow a breach with the King As 1. the Deposing the King if not the depriving Him of life Return to Sect. 71. whereupon floods of misery will follow and scandal to the Protestant Religion which we from our hearts detest and abhor See the many Declarations of Parliament against it 2. The necessitating of the Prince to cast himself into the Armes of Forreign Popish Princes and embrace Popish Alliances for his succour 3. It may beget a change of Government and a laying aside of Monarchy here and so a Breach with Scotland and this Kingdome being the more rich likely to be the Seat of the War 4. The vast Debts of this Kingdom upon the publike Faith will never be paid in War but increased and multiplied multitudes of Sufferers by and for the Parliament like to be repayed onely with new sufferings and every years War destroies more Families and makes more Malignants through discontenting pressures until at last the Souldier seeing no hope of pay the People no hope of peace and ease fall together into a general and desperate tumultuousness the power of the Sword apparently threatning a dissolution of Government both in Church and Common-wealth To that scandalous Objection which saith The corrupt majority will not l●nd an ear to admit a thought towards the laying down their own power or rendring it back to the People from whom they received it We say this Objection is unreasonable from men who endeavour to perpetuate an Army upon the Kingdome nor is the continuance of this Parliament singly objected but that they will not render it back to the People Viz. To a new Representative invented and made by the Army that is We will not render our power into the hands of the Army Another Objection is That whatsoever the King granted He might plead Force to break it and spoil us by policy This Objection might have been made against all our Treaties If there be any Force it is from the Army for spoiling us by policy The Kings of this Land could never encroach upon our good Laws but by corrupt Judges and Ministers who though they could not abrogate the Law made it speak against it self and the intended good of the
Christendome with vast summes raised by publick Theft and Rapines Pressings and Leavying of Souldiers Sequestrations Plundering of Houses and Horse and many other oppressions more than the Turke Russe or Tartar ever heard of of all which our Grandees are free and lay them upon others as partially as they please purposely to consume them To make Religion but a stalking horse to their Designs and the Ministers thereof but Hostlers to rub down curry and dress it for their riding to whom they send Commands what they shall and shall not preach to the people as if preaching were the Ordinance of man not of God At last by way of preparative to their machinations they pass these following Votes 1. That all Supreme power is in the people 2. That the Supreme Authority under them is in the peoples Representatives or delegates in Parliament assembled Meaning themselves you may be sure the Quintessence and Elixar of the House of Commons extracted by those learned Chimcks Doctour Fairfax Doctour Cromwel and the rest graduated at that degraded University of Oxford Here note they voted the Supreme power to be in the people that they might use those Gulles as Conduit pipes or Trunks to convey the Supreme Authority into themselves the better to enslave the people And tickle them whilest they fasten about their necks the Iron yoke of a Military Oligarchy wearing the Mask of a perpetual Parliament 3. That whatsoever the Commons in Parliament shall enact shall have the power and force of an Act of Parliament or Law without the consent of the House of Lords or the Kings Royal Assent any statute law custome or usage to the contrary notwithstanding they might have said all our statutes laws customes c. notwithstanding This one vote hath more of Dissolution and more of Vsurpation and Innovation in it than any I yet ever read of This is universally Arbitrary and layes the Ax to the root of all our Laws Liberties Lives and properties at once What these men will they vote What they vote is Law Therefore what they will is Law 4. That to wage war or to bear Arms against the Representative body of the People or Parliament is high Treason By the Law all Treasons are committed against the King his Crown and Dignity 5. That the King hath taken up Arms against this Parliament and is therefore guilty of all the blood shed this War and should expiate those crimes with his blood If the King were not guilty these men are And therefore they passed this Vote Se defendendo Yet observe that herein they became Judges in their own cause and forejudged his Majesty before his Trial if that may be called a Trial that was carried on by men who were both Accusers Prosecuters parties and Judges and had neither Law president formality of proceedings nor any other foundation of Justice or Reason to warrant them nor were delegated by any lawful Authority These Votes thus passed and by this kinde of men were the foundation upon which they built their great Engine to destroy the King and Kingly Government together with the Religion Laws Liberties Lives and properties of the people all condemned in that deadly sentence given against the King For having as aforesaid created by their own Votes themselves as absolute a power as they pleased and cast the people and all they have into that bottomless Chaos of their Arbitrary Domination They erect an Extrajudicial unpresidented High Court of Justice to Try or rather to condemn without Trial the King consisting of 150. Commissioners Souldiers Parliament men Trades men the most violent engaged and factious incendiaries of all the Antimonarchical faction Amongst whom were many low conditioned Mechanicks and Banquerouts whose Fortunes are since repaired out of the Kings Estate and other publick Lands Goods and Offices See Stat. Recognition 1 Jac. The Oaths of Algiance Obedience and Supremacy and all our Law-books as a reward for that Royal Blood they spilt The King the Fountain of Law Justice Mercy Honour War and Peace the Head of the Parliament and Supreme Governour over all persons and in all causes thus violently removed presently as if the Mounds and banks of the Sea had been overturned an impetuous inundation of bloody thievish Tyranny and Oppression brake in upon us So that no man can call his life liberty house lands goods or any other his Rights or Franchises his own longer than the gracious aspect of some of our Grandees shine favourably upon him In the next place contrary to their own Declarations of the 9. Feb. and 17. March 1648. Wherein they promise that in all things concerning the lives liberties and properties of the people they will observe the known laws of the Land with all things incident thereto They pass misbegotten Acts of Parliament This Stat. 25 Ed. 3. c. 2. S. Johns against Strafford cals the security of the people And the Stat. 1 Hen. 4. cap. 10. Ed. 6. cap. 12. 1. Mariae 1. ratifie and highly commend one of the 14. of May another of the 17. of July 1649. whereby in derogation and annihilation of that excellent Stat. 25 Ed. 3. Chap. 2. Ascertaining Treasons and reducing them to a small number and leaving nothing to the interpretation of the Judges that the people might not be ensnared they exceeding by multiplying Treasons bringing bare words as well as deeds within the compass of that offence and making many duties to which the laws of God the land the Protestation Covenant the oaths of allegiance obedience supremacy oblige us to be high treason these new acts of treason penned in obscure ambiguous terms purposely to leave a latitude of Interpretation in their own creatures the Judges that the People may be ensnared The King thus taken out of their way They passe pretended Acts. 1. To Disinherit his Children 2. To abolish Kingly Government for ever 3. To convert our ancient well-tempered Monarchy into that which they call a Common-wealth They have converted our ancient Monarchy into a Free-state and tell us they are the State They tell us they have bestowed Liberty upon the people but they and their faction onely are the people All the rest of the English Nation are annihilated and reduced to nothing that these fellows may become all things Meer ciphers serving onely to make them of more account And this gross fallacy must not be disputed against lest their New Acts of Parliament call it Treason or Free-State although nothing be therein free but their lusts nor hath it any form or face of Civil and just Government wherein a confused Multitude rule by their own Wills without Law and for their own benefit no consideration being had of the good and happinesse of the people in general 4. They Constitute a Senate or Councel of State of 40 men amongst which some Trades-men Souldiers illiterate Lawyers Parliament-Members men already engaged over head and eares in sin therefore to be confided in to these
I leave you therefore to Pharaohs destiny to be drowned in your own Red sea as he was in his Thus far I adventured to vindicate our Religion Laws and Liberties with my pen Resolution scope of the Author in discharge of my Conscience and pursuance of our National Covenant which obligeth us to defend them against whosoever to our power neither knowing nor caring whether in so wicked an age wherein vice is honoured and vertue contemned I may be thought worthy of punishment for being more righteous than my superiors I know an honest man is wondred at like a monster and the innocency of his life and conversation suspected as a Libel against the State yet if I perish I perish pereundum in licitis nor am I less provided of a safe retreat than our Grandees my grave is open for me and one foot in it already Contempsit omnes ille qui mortem prius He that contemns Death scorns both Hope and Fear which are the only affections that make Knaves Fools and Cowards of all the World The world is a goodly Theater we are the actors God is Poet and chief spectator we must not choose our own parts that is at Gods appointment one man he appoints to play the King another the Begger one a Comick another a Tragick part whatsoever part God hath appointed for me in this remainder of my life I will have a care to personate it ingenuously and aptly not doubting but my Exit shall be accompanied with an applause into my Tyring-room my Tombe nor will I refuse the meanest part that may draw a plaudit from so excellent a spectator but will prepare my self for the worst of evills in this worst of times and pray to God to Reform our Reformers Amen THE END THE HISTORY OF INDEPENDENCY WITH The Rise Growth and Practices of that powerfull and restlesse FACTION D. AMBROSIUS Nec nobis ignominiosum est pati quod passus est Christus nec vobis gloriosum est facere quod fecit Judas TACIT Scelera sceleribus tuenda VIRGILIUS sua cuique Deus fit dira libido 1 St. JOHN c. 2. v. 16. Quicquid est in mundo est concupiscentia oculorum concupiscentia carnis aut superbia vitae LONDON Printed in the Year 1648. Reader GEntle or ungentle I write to all knowing that all have now got almost an equall share and interest in this Gallimaufry or Hotchpot which our Grandee Pseudo-Politicians with their negative and demolishing Councils have made both of Church and Commonwealth and therefore I write in a mixed stile in which I dare say there are some things fit to hold the judgements of the Gravest some things fit to catch the fancies of the Lightest and some things of a middle nature applying my self to all capacities as far as truth will permit because I fore-see the Catastrophe of this Tragedy is more likely to be consummated by multitude of hands than wisedome of heads I have been a curious observer and diligent inquirer after not only the Actions but the Counsels of these times and I here present the result of my indeavours to thee In a time of mis-apprehensions it is good to avoid mistakings and therefore I advise thee not to apply what I say to the Parliment or Army in generall if any phrase that hath dropped from my pen in hast for this is a work of hast seem to look asquint upon them No it is the Grandees the Junto-men the Hocas-Pocasses the state-Mountebanks with their Zanyes and Jack-puddings Committee-men Sequestrators Treasurers and Agitators under them that are here historified were the Parliament the major part whereof is in bondage to the minor part and their Janisaries and the Army freed from these usurping and engaged Grandees who betrayed the Honour and Priviledges of Parliament the Army to their own lusts both would stand right and be serviceable to the setling of a firm lasting Peace under the King upon our first Principles Religion Laws and Liberties which are now so far laid by that whosoever will not joyn with the Grandees in subverting them is termed a Malignant as heretofore he that would not adhere to the Parliament in supporting them was accounted so that the definition of a Malignant is turned the wrong side outward The body of the Parliament and Army in the midst of these distempers is yet healthy sound serviceable my endeavour is therefore to play the part of a friendly Physitian and preserve the body by purging peccant humors Were the Army under commanders and officers of better Principles who had not defiled their fingers with publick monies their consciences by complying with and cheating all interests King Parliament People City and Scots for their own private ends I should think that they carried the Sword of the Lord and of Gideon but clean contrary to the Image presented to Nebuchadnezzar in a dream the head and upper parts of this aggregate body are part of Clay part of Iron the lower parts of better metall I cannot reform I can but admonish God must be both the Aesculapius and Prometheus and amend all and though we receive never so many denials never so many repulses from him let us take heed how we vote even in the private corners of our hearts no Addresses no Applications to Him Let us take heed of multiplying sins against God lest he permit our Schismatical Grandees to multiply Armies and Forces upon us to war against Heaven as well as against our Religion Laws Liberties and Properties upon earth and keep us and our estates under the perpetual bondage of the Sword which hath been several ways attempted in the Houses these 2 last weeks both for the raising and keeping of a new Army of 30000. or 40000. men in the seven Northern Associate Counties upon established pay besides this Army in the South and also for the raising of men in each County of England and all to be engrossed into the hands of his Excellency and such Commanders and Officers as he shall set over them and this work may chance be carried on by the Grandees of Derby-house and the Army if not prevented for the Generall notwithstanding this power was denyed him in the House of Commons hath sent warrants into most Counties to raise Horse and Foot yea to that basenesse of Slavery hath our Generall and Army with their under-Tyrants the Grandees brought us that although themselves did heretofore set the rascality of the Kingdom on work in great multitudes especially the Schismaticall party to clamour upon the Parliament with scandalous Petitions and make peremptory demands to the Houses destructive to the Religion Laws Liberties and Properties of the Land and the very foundation of Parliaments to which they extorted what answers they pleased and got a generall vote That it was the undoubted right of the Subject to Petition and afterwards to acquiesce in the wisedome and justice of the two Houses Yet when upon 16 of May 1648. the whole County
of Surry in effect came in so civill a posture to deliver a petition to the house that they were Armed for the most part but with sticks in which Petition there is nothing contained which the Parliament is not bound to make good by their many Declarations and Remonstrances to the people or by the Oathes of Allegiance Supremacy or Nationall Covenant or by the known Laws of this Land Yet were they 1. Abused by the Souldiers of White-hall as they passed by where some of them were pulled in and beaten 2. When those Gentlemen of quality that carried the Petition came to Westminster-hall they found a Guard of Souldiers at the door uncivilly opposing their entrance to make their addresses to the House 3. When they pressed into the Hall and got up to the Commons door they were there reviled by the Guard 4. The Multitude which stood in the new Palace because some of them did but whoop as others did who were purposely set on work as is conceived to mix with them disorder them were suddenly surrounded with a strong party of horse from the Mews It is reported by some that Sir H. Mildmay Col. Purefoy the Speaker doubting the Hou would give too good an answer to their Petition sent for these Horse and Foot and some more Companies of Foot from White-hall who by the appointment of the Committee of Schismaticks at Derby-House were ready prepared for this design and catched them as it were in a Toyle and with barbarous and schismatical rage fell upon these naked unarmed Petitioners slew and wounded many without distinction telling them They were appointed to give an answer to their Petition and they should have no other as indeed they had not though the Lieut. Colonell that did all the mischief was called into the House of Commons and had publick thanks given him at the Bar took many of them Prisoners Plundred their Pockets Cloaks Hats Swords Horses some of them even Gentlemen of as good quality as their General were stripped of their doublets those Gentlemen of quality who where in the Lobby before the Commons door civily expecting an answer were abused and violently driven out by the Guard to take their fortune among the Rabble what Tyrants ever in the World refused to heare the Petitions and grievances of their people before The most Tyranicall government of the world is that of Russia and Jo. Vasilowich was the greatest Tyrant of that Nation yet shall this Tyrant rise up in judgement at the latter day against these Monsters Behold what entertainment your Petitioners shall have hereafter if publick Peace be the end of their desires yet many Petitions ready drawn are sent up and down in most Counties by Committee-men and Sequestrators to enforce men to give thanks for the four votes against the King and many Petitions from Schismaticks destructive to Religion Laws Liberties and Property have been obtruded upon the Houses and received encouragement and thanks because they tend to subvert the fundamental Government of Church and Common-wealth and cast all into the Chaos of confusion whereby the Grandees may have occasion to keep up this Army and perpetuate their Tyranny and our burdens And from these Tumults of their own raising the grandees pretend a necessity to keep this Army about this Town to watch advantages against it Cromwell having often said This Town must be brought to more absolute obedience or laid in the dust in order to which the Souldiers are now disarming the Country and then the City is next who being once disarmed must prostitute their mony-baggs to these fellows or be Plundered Reader having spoken my sense to thee I leave thee to thy own sense submitting my self to as much Charity as God hath endowed thee withall God that made all preserve and amend all This shall be the daily prayer of him that had rather die for his Country than share with these Godly Thieves in eating out the bowels of his Country and enriching himself with publick spoyls The History of INDEPENDENCY YOU have in The mystery of the two Juntoes The Prea●ble Presbyterian and Independent presented to your view these two Factions as it were in a Cockpit pecking at one another which rising originally from the two Houses and Synod have so much disturbed and dislocated in every joynt both Church and Common-wealth I must now set before you Independency Triumphant rousing it self upon its Legs clapping its wings and crowing in the midst of the Pit with its enemy under its feet though not yet well resolved what use it can or may make of its Victory But before I go any farther it is fit I tell you what Independency is It is Genus generalissimum of all Errors Heresies Blasphemies 1 What Independency is and Schisms a general Name and Title under which they are all united as Sampson's Foxes were by the Tails And though they have several opinions and fancies which make their vertiginous heads turn different wayes yet profit and preferment being their Tails their last and ultimate end by which they are governed like a Ship by his Rudder and wherein they mutually correspond the rest of their differences being but circumstantial are easily plaister'd over with the untempered Morter of hypocricy by their Rabbies of the Assembly and their Grandees of the two Houses and Army in whom they have an implicite faith As Mahomet's Alchoran was the Gallemaufry of Jew and Christian so are they a Composition of Jew Christian and Turk Independen●● is compoun●ed of Judaism with the Jew they arrogate to be the peculiar people of God the Godly the Saints who only have right unto the Creatures and should possess the good things of this World all others being Usurpers a Tenent so destructive to humane society and civil Government that by vertue hereof they may and do by fraud or force Tax eat up with Free-quarter cozen and plunder the whole Kingdom and count it but robbing the Egyptians To this purpose they overthrow all the Judicatures Laws and Liberties of the Land and set up Arbitrary Committees Martial-Law and Weather-cock Ordinances in their room made and unmade by their own over-powring faction in Parliament at pleasure with the help and terror of their Janisaries attending at their doors ●ristianism With the Christian some of them but not all acknowledge the Scriptures but so far only as they will serve their turns to Pharise themselves and Publican all the World besides men filled with spiritual pride meer Enthusiastiques of a speculative and high flying Religion too high for Earth and too low for Heaven whereas a true and fruitful Religion like Jacob's Ladder Stat pede in terris caput inter nubila condit must have one end upon earth as well as the other in Heaven He that acknowledgeth the duties of the first table to God and neglecteth the duty of the second table to Man is an Hypocrite both against God and Man ●rcism With the
continued in pay for safety of this Kingdom and some of them to be sent for Ireland for which purpose they borrowed 200000 l. of the City being the same sum which disbanded the Scots and for the rest of their Arrears they were to have Debenters and Security without all exceptions such terms of advantage as no other disbanded Souldiers have had the like neither are these like to attain to again so that they have brought the Souldiers into a loss as well as into a labyrinth their continuing in arms without nay against lawful Authority being a manifest act of Treason and Rebellion and so it is looked upon by the whole Kingdom nor can the Parliaments subsequent Ordinances which all men know to be extorted by force as hereafter shall appear help them To the passing of this Ordinance Cromwels Protestation in the House with his hand upon his brest In the presence of Almighty God before whom he stood that he knew the Army would disband and lay down tbeir Arms at their door whensoever they should command them conduced much this was maliciously done of Cromwel to set the Army at a greater distance with the Presbyterian Party and bring them and the Independent party neerer together he knew the Army abominated nothing more than Disbanding and returning to their old Trades and would hate the Authors thereof 8. Agitators raised by Cromw And at the same time when he made these protests in the House he had his Agitators Spirits of his and his Son Ireton's conjuring up in the Army 9. The beginning of the project to purge the Houses though since conjured down by them without requital to animate them against the major part of the House under the notion of Royalists a Malignant party and Enemies to the Army to engage them against Disbanding and going for Ireland and to make a Traiterous Comment upon the said Ordinance 10. The Army put into mutiny against the Parliament wherby Cromwell monopolizeth the Army to demand an Act of Indemnity and relie upon the advice of Judge Jenkins for the validity of it and to insist upon many o●her high demands some private as Souldiers some publique as States-men Cromwell having thus by mutinying the Army against the Parliament made them his own and monopolized them as he did formerly his Brew-house at Ely which he might easily do 11. Cromwel's family in the Army having before-hand filled most of the chief Officers in the Army with his own kindred allyes and friends of whose numerous family 12. Cromwel and Ireton usurp Offices in the Army Lievt Col. Lilburn gives you a list in one of his Books he now flies to the Army doubting his practises discoverd he might be imprisoned where he and Ireton assuming Offices to themselves acted without Commission having not only been ousted by the self-denying Ordinance if it be of any power against the godly but also their several Commissions being then expired and Sir Thomas Fairfax having no authority to make General Officers as appears by his Commission if he make any account of it and therefore Sprig alias Nathaniel Fines in his Legend or Romance of this Army called Anglia Rediviva sets down two Letters sent from Sir Thomas Fairfax to the Speaker William Lenthal one to desire Cromwel's continuance in the Army another of thanks for so long forbearing him from the House see Ang. Red. p. 10 11 29. which needed not had he been an Officer of the Army And now both of them bare-faced and openly joyn with the Army at Newmarket in trayterous Engagements Declarations Remonstrances and Manifesto's and Petitions penn'd by Cromwel himself were sent to some Counties to be subscribed against supposed Obstructors of justice and Invaders of the Peoples Liberties in Parliament and the Army at Newmarket and Triplo-Heath prompted to cry justice justice against them and high and treasonable demands destructive to the fundamental priviledges of Parliament were publickly insisted upon many of which for quietnesse sake and out of compassion to bleeding Ireland were granted yet these restless spirits hurried on to further designs made one impudent demand beget another and when by Letters and otherwise they had promised That if their then present demands were granted they would there stop and acquiesce yet when they seemed to have done they had not done but deluded and evaded all hopes of Peace by mis-apprehension and mis-construction of the Parliaments concessions making the mis-interpretations of one grant the generation of another demand so that almost ever since the Parliament hath nothing else to do but encounter this Hydra and roll this stone Having thus debauched the Army Securing Oxford plundring the King from Holdenby he plotted in his own Chamber the securing the Garison Magazine and Train of Artilery at Oxford and surprizing the Kings person at Holdenby which by his Instrument Coronet Joyce with a commanded party of Horse he effected and when Joyce giving Cromwel an account of that action told him He had now the King in his power well replied Cromwel I have then the Parliament in my Pocket O insolent Slave O slavish English thus to suffer your King and Parliament together with your Wives and Children Religion Laws Liberties and Properties to be Captivated by so contemptible a Varlet If our Noble Ancestors who vindicated their Liberties and got Magna Charta by the Sword shall look down from Heaven and see their Posterity so cowardly resign them to a handfull of bloody cheating Shismaticks they will not own us but take us for Russian Slaves French Peasants and cry out that we are a Bastard brood Servi natura born for bondage yet afterwards having recourse to his usual familiarity with Almighty God Cromwel used his Name to protest his ignorance and innocence in that businesse both to the King and Parliament adding an execration upon his Wife and Children to his protestation yet Joyce is so free from punishment that he is since preferred and his Arrears paid by their means and though both Houses required the Army to send his Royal Person to Richmond to be there left in the hands of the Parliaments Commissioners whereby both Kingdoms might freely make addresses to him for they had formerly excluded and abused the Scots Commissioners contrary to the law of Nations and Votes of both Houses and yet then granted free access to the most desperate persons of the Kings Party yet they could obtain no better answer from these Rebellious Saints than That they desired no place might be proposed for his Majesties residence nearer London Manifesto of the Army June 27. 1647 than where they would allow the Quarters of the Army to be This was according to their old threats of marching up to London frequently used when any thing went contrary to their desires they knew what dangerous and troublesome guests we should find them here How much is this Army degenerated since Cromwel and his demure white-livered Son-in-law Ireton poysoned their
and legal way of proceeding put him upon it to answer ex tempore He confessed and avoided some things but denied the most material He denied he was more frequent at their meetings than ordinary For his silence he alleged he was but the Cities servant and had no voice amongst them but when his opinion was demanded That he gave thanks to the Apprentices as a servant by command yet had mixed some admonitions and reprehensions in his Speech to them So the Recorder withdrew And presently Haslerig according to his custom moved judgment might be given against him To which was answered that the Recorder denied the principal parts of his Charge and offered proofs by Witnesses you must give him that leave or take all parts of his speech for granted as well that makes for him as against him Two or three days more will make this business ripe for judgment let him have one judgment for all If you judge him now to be expelled the House he is already fore judged and that will be a leading case to a farther judgment for who dares acquit where you have condemned A man ought to be but once judged upon one accusation The dishonour of expulsion is a punishment exceeding death If you judge now upon one part of the Accusation and hereafter upon another part of the Accusation he will be twice condemned upon one Accusation and shall never know when he hath sati fied the Law an endless vexation Yet Haslerig moved he might receive judgment now for what was already proved or confessed to be expelled the House saying The Lords went on without obstruction in their businesses because they had purged their House and that he might be farther impeached hereafter upon farther hearing So he was adjudged to be discharged the House committed to the Tower and farther impeached hereafter Against S John Maynard Sir John Maynnrd the same day was called to Answer He desired a copy of his Charge with leave to Answer in writing by advice of Counsel as the 11. Members formerly did to examine Witnesses on his part and cross examine their Witnesses But these requests were denied and he commanded to Answer ex tempore He gave no particular Answer but denied all in general as Col. Pride whom he cited for his president had formerly done at their Bar. He was adjudged to be discharged the House committed to the Tower and farther impeached The like for Commissary General Copley whose case differed little Against the 7. Lords The 8. of Sept. the Earls of Suffolk Lincoln Middlesex the Lords Berkley Willioughby Hunsdon and Maynard were impeached of High Treason in the name of the Commons of England for leavying War against the King Parliament and Kingdom The Earl of Pembroke then sent to Hampton Court with the Propositions on purpose to avoid the storm was omitted untill Wednesday following and so had the favour to be thought not worth remembring Sir John Evelin the younger sent up to the Lords with the Impeachment and a desire they might be committed They were committed to the Black Rod and so the engaged Lords had their House to themselves according to their desires 50. Schismatical Petitions The 14. Sept. A Petition from divers Schismaticks in Essex came to the Houses bearing this Title To the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled distinct from the Lords and Commons that sate in absence of the two Speakers 16. Sept. a Petition from divers Sectaries of Ox fordshi Bucks Berksh was delivered to the House against divers Members sitting in the House Enemies to God and Godliness Enemies to the Kingdom c. Usurpers of Parliamentary authority who endeavoured to bring in the King upon his own Tearms They desired a free Parliament and that according to the desires of the Army those that sate when the Parliament was suspended in absence of Tythes c. in it Such another Petition came but the day before from Southwark These Petitions were all penned by the engaged party of the Houses and Army The aym of these Petitions and sent abroad by Agitators to get subscriptions The design was to put the two parties in the House into heights one against another to make the lesser party in the House viz. the ingaged party but 59. to expel the greater party being about 140. whereby the House might be low and base in the opinion of the people and no Parliament and so leave all to the power of the Sword The Army dayly recruiting and thereby giving hopes to all loose people that the Army should be their common Receptacle as the sea is the common Receptacle of all waters because those who had no hopes to be Members of Parliament might become Members of this Army Besides their plausible way of prompting the people to Petition against Tythes Enclosures and Copy-hold fines uncertain was to encourage them to side with the Army against all the Nobility Gentry and Clergy of the Land from whom the Army did most fear an opposition and to destroy Monarchy it self since it is impossible for any Prince to be a King only of Beggers Tinkers and Coblers But these interlopping discourses omitted Against the Lord Major Aldermen and Citizens let us again return to these prodigious Impeachments The next in order comes in the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Citizens with whom short work was made Impeachments were sent to the Lords against them and they sent to the Tower upon a bare report of the Inquisitor-general Corbet and the reading of some depositions the Witnesses names for the most part concealed and none of them so much as called to the Commons Bar to see what they could say for themselves contrary to Magna Charta 29. ch and contrary to 28. Edw. 3. enacting That no man shall be put out of his Land c. nor taken nor Imprisoned c. or put to death c. without being brought to answer by due process of Law That is according to the Stat. 42. Ed. 3. c. 3. That no man be brought to answer without presentment before Justices or matter of Record or by due process or writ o●iginal according to the old Law of the Land not according to new invented Articles of Impeachment but according to those Laws that were well known and old in Edw. 3. time See Stat. 37. Ed. 3. 1. Ed. 6. ch 12. 6. Ed. 6. c. 11. and the Stat. 25. E. 3. saith No man shall be taken by Petition or suggestion made to the King or his Counsel c. and the House of Peers is no more but the Kings Counsel as anon I shall make evident 51. Arguments against impeachments before the Lords It was moved by divers that these Gent. might be tryed according to Law at the Kings Bench by a Jury of twelve men de vicineto their Peers and Equals to judg of matter of fact alleging that the Common Law was the Birthright of all the free People of England which was one of the 3.
Principles for which the Parliament so often declared in print that they fought and for defence whereof they had entered into a covenant with their hands lifted up to God the other two principles were Religion and L●berties 1. The Lords were not Peers to the Commoners At the common Law they shall have sworn Judges for matter of Law of whom they may ask questions in doubtfull points nor can they be Judges in their own cases 2. They have sworn Jurors of the Neighbourhood for matter of fact whom they may challenge 3. The known Laws and Statutes for Rules to judg by which in case of Treason in the Stat. 25. Ed. 3. you cannot Vote nor declare a new Treason And if you could to do it Ex post facto is contraty to all rules of justice The Apostle saith sin is a breach of a Commandment or Law I had not known sin but by the Law the Law therefore must go before the Sin 4. At the Common Law They have Witnesses openly and newly examined upon Oath before the accused's face who may except against them and cross examine them 5. Even in Star-chamber and Chancery where only hearings are upon Testimonies the Examiners are sworn Officers 6. A man hath but one Tryal and Judgment upon one accusation so that he knows when he hath satisfied the Law In this way of proceeding all these necessary legalities are laid by and these Gentlemen have not so much fair play for their Lives and Estates as Naboth had for his Vineyard he had all the formalities of the Law yea he had Law it self yet he had not justice because they were the sons of Belial that were set before him what shall we conceive these Witnesses are that do not appear nay whose very names are concealed yet Naboth was murdered by the sword of Justice for the honour of Parliaments give not the people cause to suspect these Gentlemen shall be so too non recurrendum ad extraordinaria quando fieri potest per ordinaria But all this was but to charm a deaf Adder 52. Arguments proving the Lords to have no power of Judicature over the Commons the nine or ten engaged Lords that then possessed the House were thought to be fitter than a Jury of Middlesex to make work for the hang-man and yet they have no Judicature over the Commons as appears by the President of Sir Simon de Berisford William Talboys and the City of Cambridge Note that one president against the Jurisdiction of a Court is more valued than a hundred for it because the Court cannot be supposed ignorant of the Law and its own rights but a particular man or Client may see Sir John Maynard's Royal quarrel and his Laws subversion Lieutenant Col. Lilburn's Whip for the present House of Lords and Judge Jenkins Remonstrance to the Lords and Commons of the two Houses of Parliament dated 21 Feb. 1647. As for the cases of Weston Gomenes and Hall cited by Mr. Pryn they were for facts done beyond Sea and before the Stat. 1. Hen. 4. ch 14. whereof the Common Law could then have no connusance and therefore an extraordinary way of proceeding before the Lords was requisit and by the Kings special authority it was done without which I dare boldly affirm the Lords have no Judicature at all which thus I make appear 1. The King by delivering the Great Seal to the Lord Keeper 53. The House of Peers no Court of Judicature at all properly and per se makes him Keeper of his conscience for matter of equity By His Brevia patentia to the Judges of the two Benehes and the Exchequer the King makes them administrators and interpreters of his Laws But he never trust any but himself with the power of pardoning and dispensing with the rigor of the Law in Criminal cases And though the Lord Keeper is Speaker of the Lords House of course yet he is no Member of the Lords House virtute Officii the Judges are not Members but assistants only so that no man in the House of Peers as he is simply a Peer is trusted by the King either with dispensation of Law or Equity 2. When a Peer of Parliament or any man else is tried before the Lords in Parliament criminally he cannot be tryed by his Peers only because in acts of judicature there must be a Judge Superior who must have his inferiors ministerial to him therefore in the trial of the Earl of Strafford as in all other trials upon life and death in the Lords House the King grants his Commission to a Lord high Steward to sit as Judge and the rest of the Lords are but in the nature of Jurors So that it is the Kings Commission that Authoriseth and Distinguisheth them 3. When a Writ of Error issueth out of the Chancery to the House of Peers they derive their Authority meerly from that Writ For the three Reasons aforesaid the House of Peers is no Court of Judicature without the Kings special Authority granted to them either by his Writ or his Commission and the Lords by their four Votes having denied all further address or application to the King have cut off from themselves that fountain from which they derived all their power and all trials by Commission must be upon Bills or Acts of Attainder not by Articles of Impeachment a way never heard of before this Parliament and invented to carry on the designs of a restless impetuous faction Had the Faction had but so much wit as to try the Gentlemen by Commission of Oyer and Terminer before Sergeant Wild he would have borrowed a point of Law to hang a hundred of them for his own preferment Observe that almost all the cases cited by Mr. Pryn concerning the Peers trials of Commissioners were Authorised by the King upon the special instance of the House of Commons as for the House of Commons they never pretended to any power of Judicature and have not so much Authority as to Administer an Oath which every Court of Pye-Poulders hath 54. Blank Impeachments dormant But this way of tryal before the pre-ingaged Lords and upon Articles of Impeachment which they keep by them of all sorts and sizes fit for every man as in Birchin-lane they have suits ready made to fit every body was the apter means to bring men to death whom they feared living had not a doubt of the Scots comming in taught them more moderation than their nature is usually acquainted with and to fright away at least put to silence the rest of the Members with fear of having their names put in blank Impeachments and that it might be so apprehended Miles Corbet moved openly in the House of Commons that they should proceed with the Impeachments which were ready nothing wanted but to fill up the Blanks they might put in what names they pleased This Inquisitor General this Prologue to the Hang-man that looks more like a Hang-man than the Hang-man himself hath since gotten a
graciously granted Yet now we are ten thousand times more oppressed with them and if these quarterers offer violence or villanous usage to any man in his house or family or commit murder or felony they are protected against the Laws and Justice of the Land and Triable only by a Council of War at the Head-quarters where a man can neither obtain justice nor seek it with safety 59. Martial Law So that we live under the burthen of a perpetual Army of 30000. or 40000. men exempt from all but Martial Law which frequently oppresseth seldom righteth any man witness Oliver Cromwel's taking of Tompson being no Souldier from the House of Commons door with Souldiers imprisoning and condemning him at a Council of War where he sate Judg in his own cause there being a quarrel between them yet it was held Treason in the Earl of Strafford to condemn the Lord of Valentia so being a Member of his Army because it was in time of Peace as this was Many other examples we have of the like nature and of this Army enough to perswade us that these vindicative Saints will not govern by the known Laws of the Land for which they have made us spend our money and blood but by Martial Law and Committee Law grounded upon Arbitrary Ordinances of Parliament which themselves in the first part of exact Collections p. 727. confess are not laws without the Royal assent This Army hath been dayly recruited without any Authority far beyond the said number or pay established the supernumeraries living upon free-quarter and when complaints have been made thereof in the House the Army being quartered in several Brigades supernumeraries have been disbanded in one brigade their Arms taken by their Officers 60. Cheats put upon the State and shortly after they have been listed again in another Brigade and their Arms sold again to the State after a while to new Arm them And of this sort were those Arms which being found in a Magazin in Town by some Zealots and rumoured to belong to the City for the arming of Reformado's were upon examination found to belong to Oliver Cromwel so the business was buried in silence for though the Kings over sights must be tragically published to the world yet the haynous crimes of the godly must lye hid under the mask of Religion And though they have usually taken free-quarter in one place 61. Arrears secur'd although the State ows them nothing and taken Composition money for free-quarter in another place some of them in two or three places at once 3 s. a day some of them 5 s. for a Trooper and 1 s a day and 1 s. 6 d. for a foot souldier whereby no arrears are due to them but they owe money to the State yet they have compelled the Houses to settle upon them for pretended Arrears 1. The moity of the Excise that they may have the Souldiers help in leavying it although to flatter the peope the Army had formerly declared against the Excise 2. The moity of Goldsmiths-hall 3. Remainder of Bishops Lands 4. The Customes of some Garrisons 5. Forrest Lands This Army brags They are the Saviours nay Conquerours of the Kingdom Let them say when they saved it whether at the Fight at Nazeby or taking in of Oxford and we will pay them according to the then list And for all the recuits taken in since the reducing of Oxford it is fit they be disbanded without pay having been taken in without nay against Authority to drive on wicked designs and enthrall King Parliment City and Kingdom 24. Decemb. 1647. The two Houses by their Commissioners presented to the King at Carisbrook-Castle 4. 62 4. Dethroning Bils presented to the King at Carisbrook Castle Bills to be passed as Acts of Parliament and divers Propositions to be assented to They are all printed so is his Majestis Answers to them wherefore I shall need to say the less of them only a word or two to two of the Bills 1. The Act for raising setling 63. Acts for the Militia and maintaining Forces by Sea and Land within the Kingdoms of England and Ireland Wales c. though it seems to be but for 20. years devests the King his Heirs and Successors of the power of the Militia for ever without hope of recovery but by repealing the said Act which will never be in his nor in their power for First it saith That neither the King nor His Heirs or Successors nor any other shall exercise any power over the Militia by land or sea but such as shall Act by authority and approbation of the said Lords and Commons That is a Committee of State of twenty or thirty Grandees to whom the two Houses shall transfer this trust being over-awed by the Army for the ground-work of this Committee was laid by these words though the Committee be erected since And Secondly it prohibiteh the King His Heirs and Successors c. after the expiration of the said 20. years to exercise any of the said powers without the consent of the said Lords and Commons and in all cases wherein the said Lords and Commons shall declare the safety of the Kingdom to be concerned after the said 20. years expired and shall pass any Bills for raising Arming c. Forces by Land or Sea or concerning Leavying of Money c. if the Royal assent to such Bills shall not be given by such a time c. then such Bills so passed by the Lords and Commons shall have the force of Acts of Parliament without the Royal assent Lo here a foundation laid to make an Ordinance of both Houses equal to an Act of Parliament take away the King 's Negative Voice if this be granted in one case it will be taken in another and then these subverters of our Religion Laws and Liberties will turn their usurpations into a legal Tyranny 2. It gives an unlimited Power to the two Houses to raise what Forces and what numbers for Land and Sea and of what persons without exceptions they please and to imploy them as they shall judge fit 3. To raise what Money they please for maintaining them and in what sort they think fit out of any mans Estate This is a Tax far more Arbitrary and unlimited than Ship-money and the more terrible because it depends upon the will and pleasure of a multitude who to support their own tyranny and satisfie their own hunger after other mens goods may and do create a necessity and then make that necessity the law and rule of their actions and our sufferings besides they are but our fellow subjects that usurp this Dominion over us which aggravates the indignity If the 24 Conservators of the Peace in Hen. 3. time were thought a burden to the Commons and called totidem tyranni what will our Grandees prove when the Power of the sword is theirs by Act of Parliament Besides if the King give them his Sword they may take all
excluding the two Houses and for a time indefinite * The Members of this Committee are now the E. of Northumberland Robert E. of Warwick the E. of Kent Ed. E. of Manchester Wil. L. Say and Seal Phil. L. Wharton Jo. L. Roberts Wil. Pierrepoint Sir Hen. Vane sen Sr. Gilbert G rrard Sr. Wil Armine Sr. Ar. Haslerig Sr. Hen Vane jun. Jo. Crew Rob. Wallope Oliver St. Johns Sol. O. Cromwel St. Brown Natha Fiennes Sr. Jo. Evelin jun. There were then added to this Committee Nathaniel Fiennes in place of Sir Phil. Stapleton Sir John Evelin junior in place of M. Recorder and the Earl of Kent instead of the Earl of Essex 22 Jan. following the Lords sent down a Message for a farther power to this Committee which was granted in these words Power to suppress Tumults and Insurrections in England c. and at Barwick and for that purpose the Committee to have power to give Orders and Directions to all the Militia and Forces of the Kingdom The addition of four Lords and eight Commoners likewise to this Committee was desired but denyed 68. Whitehall and the Mews Garrisoned Friday 14 January after a long debate it was ordered that Sir Lewis Dives Sir John Stowel and David Jenkins be tryed as Traytors at the Kings Bench the Grand Jury had found the Bill against Jenkins Mr. Solicitor c. appointed to manage this business * See Judge Jenkins's Remonstrance to the Lords and Commons of Parliament 21. Feb. 1647. but Jenkins is so great a Lawyer that the Solicitor durst not venture upon him the long sword being more powerfull in his mouth than the Law wherefore the Solicitor found an Errour in the indictment turned him back again upon the House to be impeached before the Lords to whose Jurisdiction he pleaded so the Solicitor put the affront from himself upon the Houses It was now twelve of the clock and many of the Independent party began to cry Rise rise The Presbyterians thinking all had been done many went to Dinner yet the Independents sate still and finding the House for their turn moved That a Letter might be forthwith sent to Sir Thomas Fairfax to send a convenient number of Foot to Garrison White-hall and a party of Horse to quarter in the Mews The Lords concurrence was not desired to this Vote but the Letters immediately drawn and sent Observe that before this Vote passed divers forces were upon their March towards the Town and came to White-hall Saturday following by eight of the Clock in the morning Saturday 15. Jan. The Army sent a Declaration to the House of Commons Thanking them for their 4. Votes against the King 69. The Armies Declaration thanking the Commons for their 4. Votes 70. The Lords pass the 4. Votes promising them to live and die with the Commons in defence of them against all Opponents Many of the Lords had argued very hotly against the said four Votes insomuch that it was 10. Lords to 10. but this engagement of the Army and the unexpected garrisoning of White-hall and the Mews turned the scales so that they passed the said 4. Votes only adding a short preamble little to the purpose holding forth some reasons for passing them to which the Commons when they came down assented When presently about twelve of the clock the House being thin Dennis Bond moved That whosoever should act against those 4. Votes or incite other to act against them should be imprisoned and sequestred Three or four days after the Lords had passed the said 4. Votes 71. The Army thanks the Lords the Army vouchsafed to spit thanks in their mouthes and make much of them These 4. Votes were generally sinisterly taken and filled mens minds with suspicion what form of Government the Grandees would set up now they had laid by the King and every mans mind presaged a new War which they conceived the Independent Grandees were willing to have to colour their keeping up this Army and raising money to maintain them and every man began to lay the project of a new war at their door notwithstanding by way of prevention they had Impeached divers Members and Citizens of London for endeavouring a new War when they did but raise men for their self-defence To shew the people therefore the reasons of these 4. Votes 72. The Declaration against the King the Independent Grandees appointed a Committee to search into the Kings conversation and errors of his Government and publish them in a Declaration to the World wherein they objected many high crimes against Him concerning His Fathers death the loss of Rochel and the Massacre and Rebellion in Ireland which upon debate in the House were very much moderated by the Presbyterians of which Declaration I will only say that they have set forth no new matter therein which they have not formerly published in parcels since which time they have taken and caused others to take the National Covenant whereby they vow to maintain the Kings Person Crown and Dignity in defence of Religion Laws and Liberties and therefore to reprint only the same things as arguments to lay by the King savours more of design than justice I will wade no farther in the censure of the said Declaration lest I imitate the Authors of it and as they by a feeble accusation have done the King much right so I by a weak defence should do him much wrong 73. Tho. Haslerig's Letter concerning the King The people were as ill satisfied with this Declaration as with the 4. Votes wherefore 24. Feb. Mr. Speaker with much seriousness presented to the House a Letter out of Leicester-shire from Thomas Haslerig brother to Sir Arthur which was read to this purpose That there was one Mr. Smalling a Committee-man of Leicester-shire who had been a Deputy examiner in the Star-Chamber and affirmed that above twenty years since there being a sute in Star-Chamber between the Earl of Bristol Complainant and the Duke of Buckingham Defendant concerning Physick presumptuously administred by the said Duke to King James the said Smalling took many Depositions therein and was farther proceeding in the Examinations until a Warrant signed by the King was brought him commanding him to surcease and to send him the Depositions already taken which Smalling did yet kept notes by him of the Principal passages doubting what farther proceedings might be hereafter in a business of such importance Sir Henry Mildmay moved that Smalling be sent for and examined upon Oath by the Committee that penned the said Declaration but upon motion of the Presbyterians he was Ordered to be examined at the Commons Bar. Smalling came produced the Warrant but no Notes so this Chimaera vanished What the said Committee would have made of this who knows God bless us all from clandestine examinations especially when they are taken by parties pre-ingaged 3. Caroli This business had been ventilated and examined against the Duke and no mention made of poysoning or killing
Laws can lay no hold on him Lieutenant Colonel Lilburn in a verbal Charge delivered at the Commons Bar accused him of many Treasonable Acts which he avowed to make good and in his Book called A Plea for a Habeas Corpus But as if Cromwel were a Traytor cum privilegio the House of Commons being under their Armed Guards dares take no notice of it But the Roman Tribune said to Scipio Africanus in Livy Qui jus aequum ferre non potest in eum vim haud injustam fore he that exalts himself above the Law ought not to be protected by the Law To conclude Cromwel hath lately had private conference at Tarnham with Hammond The Earl of Southampton hath been courted to negotiate with the King and offered the two Speakers hands for his warrant Capt. Titus taken into favour and imployed that way The Grandees have brought themselves into a mist and now wander from one foolish design to another The Spaniard is said to forecast in his debates what will happen forty years after But these purblind Politicians do not foresee the event of their Council forty days nay hours beforehand but it is a curse laid upon wicked men to grope at noon day About 5 or 6 of Jan. 1647. the Scots Commissioners had written certain Letters to the House of Commons 76. Debates in the Hou of Commons upon the Scots Letters 1 Concerning the said 4 Votes one whereof repeating the four Votes against the King propounded to know whether the Houses by their Votes That no person whatsoever do presume to make or receive any Application or address to or from the King would debar the Scots to make or receive any Addresses to or from Him and so put an incapacity upon Him to perform acts of Government towards them In the debate the Independents called to mind a more antient Vote whereby it was Ordered That the Scots might be admitted to the King Against which was alleged That these latter Votes being made general without exception Repealed that former Vote At last by an interpretative Vote it was concluded That notwithstanding the said four latter Votes the former Vote That the Scots Commissioners might make Addresses to the King was still in force Observe that this was done four or five days after the Scots Commissioners were on their way towards Scotland 2 Concerning 100000 l. due to the Scots The second Letter was concerning 100000 l. due by contract to the Scots from the Parliament whereof 50000 l. was payable by assignment to divers Scots Gentlemen who had advanced money to hasten the Scots Army to our relief whereof 10000 l. was payable to the Earl of Argyle Sir Henry Milmay made a long Speech in praise of Argyle saying That he and his party and the Scotish Clergy were the onely men that upheld the English interest in Scotland and were better friends to us than all Scotland besides wherefore he moved that Argyle might be paid his 10000 l. and the rest continued at interest at 8 l. per cent Presently the whole Independent gang with much zeal and little discretion ran that way untill more moderate men stopping them in full cry minded them what dishonour and danger they might bring their friend into by laying him open to suspition After this it was resolved to send four Commons and 2 Lords into Scotland as Commissioners with instructions 77. Six Commissioners sent into Scotland To send all Independents would not be acceptable 2. Presbyterian Commoners therefore were sent one whereof was sweetned with the gift of 1000 l. and an Office before they would trust him with them were sent Mr. Hearl and Mr. Marshal Marshal when he saw Independency prevail 78. Mr. Marshal had secretly turned his coat the wrong side outward and joyned interest with Mr. Nye but before he declared himself he was to do some service for his new party wherefore when the Army looked with a threatning posture upon the Parliament and City before they marched through London the common Souldiers being in such discontent for want of pay that they were ready to mutiny and disband and their Officers scarce daring to Govern them the first fruits of Marshal's service to his new friends was to perswade the City to lend the Parliament 50000 l. to pacifie the Souldiers assuring them by Letters that the Army had nothing but good thoughts toward the City onely the common Souldiers were troubled for want of pay After the City had laid down the said 50000 l. his next labour was to perswade the Citizens to let the Army march through the City without opposition for avoiding of blood-shed and firing and to let them possess the Tower and Line of Communication After these services the Grandees of the Parliament and Army finding him suitable to them received him into an avowed favour and then four Independents and four Presbyterian Divines conjoyning their Interests were sent to season the Army and new tune them according to the more modern design Marshal was one where after he had preached according to the Dictates of the Grandees of the two Houses and Army for divers weeks Marshal was thought fit to attend the Commissioners into Scotland He and Master Nye had been sent to Carisbroke Castle formerly with those Commissioners that carried the 4 Bils to the King and had 500 l. a piece given them for their journey Scotland a longer journey promised a larger reward it is good being a Postilion of the Gospel at such rates The Sunday before he went he preached at Margarets Westminster and as much cried up Presbytery and the Covenant there as he had before slighted them in the Army This was a Preparation Sermon to make him acceptable to Scots that he might cajole them the easier Before he went he sent his Agents from house to house at Westminster to beg mens good wills towards his journey He was willing upon this pretence to get what he could from St. Margarets Parish where he found the people to grow cold in their affections and contributions to him Wherefore having made his bargain before he went to leave S. Margarets and officiate in the Abby where he is to have 300 l. per annum certain allowance he would rob the Aegyptians at Saint Margarets for a parting blow This Priest married his own Daughter with the Book of Common prayer and a Ring and gave for reason that the Statute establishing that Liturgy was not yet repealed and he was loath to have his Daughter whored and turned back upon him for want of a Legal Marriage Yet he can declare against all use of it by others He hath so long cursed Meroz and neutrality that he hath brought Gods curse upon the Land and hath put Church and Commonwealth into a flame but himself and his Brats have warmed their fingers at it as Monies are decried or enhaunsed by the Kings Authority so is every mans Religion cryed up or down by Marshal's authority and stamp 76. The
the whole House of Peers of that Committee so the whole House of Peers and twenty six of the ablest and best spoken Commons being ingaged in that Committee that Committee would sway the Houses which way they pleased draw by degrees all power and authority from the Parliament to themselves cause the House to adjourn at pleasure or leave them so evirtuated and enervated that they should no longer keep the dignity nor Authority of a Parliament contrary to the trust reposed in them by those that chose them and contrary to the tenor of the Writ of Election It were more for the service of the Common-wealth to examine what the powers of that Committee are and to set a short time to its continuance and not leave it indefinite as now it is After more than an hours debate the Speaker instead of putting the question whether an addition or no called to have the names read first of the Lords who were Voted one by one and then the Commons were named who are almost all Independents Weaver excepted against the naming of Major Gen. Brown to be of that Committee for being disaffected to the Army to which Major Gen. Brown gave a discreet and honest Answer in reply to which Weaver concluded That the Parliament in the posture it was in was not likely to save the Kingdom but the Committee of Safety and the Army must save it whereupon satisfaction was demanded against Weaver for dishonouring the Parliament and alleged that the Honour of the Parliament was more considerable than the Honour of the Army and ought to be vindicated before the Honour of the Army whatsoever their Agents and Servants in the House who gained by them thought to the contrary unlesse they would acknowledg the Parliament to be subordinate to the Army It was farther said that if the Parliament should relinquish the work of setling Peace Religion Laws and Liberties in the Kingdome to the Committee of Safety as the Gentleman that spake last seems to intimate that in order thereto the said Committee is enlarged the Parliament should forsake their trust and be no longer a Parliament and all they had done and should doe in that way even the erecting empowering and enlarging of that Committee is void in law Note that several Orders have been made appointing set days to examine the powers of this Committee and limit a time for its determination but always upon the appointed days either some Letters of news or some new invented Plots have been cast like stumbling blocks in the way to put it off The like for setling the general Militia of the Counties all which are now left sine die Thurday 15. June Mr. Solicitor reported to the House 94. 20. Royalists sent to the General in lieut of 10. Committee-men in Colchester That Sir William Masham and the rest of the Committee were carried up and down in the head of Goring's Army hardly used and threatned to be in the front of the battel whem they came to fight and moved that 20. of the Kings party should be seised and sent to the General to be used in the like manner But Gourdon moved That the Lady Capell and her Children and the Lady Norwich might be sent to to General with the same directions saying their Husbands would be carefull of their safety and when divers opposed so barbarous a motion and alleged the Lady Capell was great with child near her time Gourdon pressed it the more eagerly as if he had taken the General for a Man-midwife he was seconded by Ven Sir Hen. Mildmay Tho. Scot Blackstone Hill of Haberdashers-hall Purefoy Miles Corbet c. Note that Rushworth Secretary to the General reported at the Commons Bar The Committee were well used and wanted nothing And though they have had many Fights and Sallies they did never put any of the Committee in the Front so that it should seem this is only a fabulous pretence to carry 20. of the Kings party in Front before them to facilitate and secure their Approaches against the Enemies shot which is the more credible because the sense of the House was not to exchange these for the Committee This is to cheat the Enemy of a Town not to conquer it Behold the Saints way of getting Victories and Cromwell practi●eth the same in Wales as I hear And that it may farther appear this Saint-like Army neither Conquers by Miracle nor the Sword but by the battery of Angels I can assure you that lately one of the setting-bitches of these States as they now call themselves in their foreign negotiations the hogen mogens of Derby-house the Lady Norton Wife to bul-headed Sir Grig offered a large sum of money to a Gentlewoman to procure her Husband to yield up a Hold he keepes for the KING using this argument to perswade it That most of the good Towns they seemed to conquer were purchased of men that had wit enough to respect themselves for you must know that this virtuous Lady trucks as well for strong Townes and Forts as for Plackets and other weaker pieces but the motion was contemned And the General having gotten together the Trained men of Suffolk and Essex to assist him putteth them in the Forlorne Hope in all his stormings of the Town of Colchester and drives them on with his Horse using them as the Turk useth his Asapi to dead the first fury and edge of the Enemy that his Janisaries may at last come on with the more safety and carry the businesse 95. The National Covenant Saturday 17. June It was moved that no Commissions might be granted to any Commanders or Officers until they had taken the National Covenant against which it was argued That the Covenant was become the pretence of all Rebellions and Insurrections that most of them that had Rebelled in Wales Kent Essex had taken it but those that refused it were true friends to the Parliament and had done them gallant service That the Covenant had so many various interpretations put upon it that no man knew what to make of it or how with a safe Conscience to take it thus argued the Independent as if the Covenant were malum in se To which was answered that by this last reason they might lay aside the Scriptures which were frequently and variously mis-interpreted by Hereticks and Shismaticks If the Covenant in its own nature were the cause of Insurrections it was unwisely done of the Parliament to impose it upon men and to tie them by Vow to defend it and one another in defence of it with their lives and fortunes whatsoever number of Armed men should gather together in defence of the Kings Person Crown and Dignity or of Religion Laws Liberties or of Privileges of Parliament according to the said Covenant they have the authority of Parliament nay of Heaven where their Vow is recorded for what they do and cannot be said to Rebell or War against the Parliament but against a Faction who having
Common-wealth to a Watch which they had taken in pieces and advised them to keep every piece and pin safe and put all in their right places again but now all the principal pieces are either broken or lost God grant them to number their houres better hereafter and to cloze well with our Master Work-man for though this Kingdom hath alwaies been Ruled by King Lords and Commons yet by the KING architectonicè and by the other Two organicè the King as the Architect the Lords and Commons as His Instruments each in his proper sphere of Activity without interfering and till this again come in use look for no peace The Independent Grandees of the Parliament and Army are much offended with the City and their adherents 107. The Armies Aspect upon the City and personal Treaty in Petitioning for a Personal Treaty with the King and give out That when they have done with Colchester they will humble the City and bring it to better obedience for which purpose they have already taken all the Block-houses upon the River East of the City Windsor-Castle West of the City and are now fortifying Gyddy-tall neer Rumford in Essex South from the City the like they intend at Hampton Court and to build a Fort upon the Isle of Dogs to keep under the Sea-men whereby possessing the principall ways and Avenues to the City they shall neither feed nor Trade but at the discretion of the Army In the mean time the Cities desires of a Personal Treaty are delayed and made frustrate by a tedious Conference between a Committee of Parliament and a Committee of Common-Council And Counter-Petitions against a Personal Treaty are sent about by Alderman Gybs Foukes Estwicke Wollaston Andrewes Nye the Independent Priest and others who hold rich Offices by favour of the Grandees to be subscribed even by Apprentice Boyes whereby it appears the Independents have no intent to make peace with the King but to engage in a new War thereby to contiune their Army and our Slavery The yearly Income they raise upon the people under colour of this War besides the Kings Revenue Sequestrations and Compositions amounts to three Millions sterling per annum being six times as much as ever the most greedy and burdensom of our Kings raised where our Stewards hide these our Talents publick Debts and Arrears being unpaid were worth finding out if any but the Devil could give an Account thereof But this is an unsoundable Gulf here my plumb-line faileth me 108. Major Gen. Skippon's complaint The 10. of July Major General Skippon complained in the House of Commons of a printed Paper called A Motive to all loyal Subjects to endeavour the preservation of his Majasties Person wherein he pretended he was falsly and scandalously slandered for speaking some words in the House to divert the Examination of Mr. Osborn's Charge against Rolf. The House that is the Independents were as diligent to become his Compurgators and vindicate his credit by passing and Printing 5. Votes for him as they had formerly been to ruine the KING'S Honour by passing a Declaration against Him This fellow Skippon was heretofore Waggoner in the Low-Countries to Sir Francis Vere after that came over into England a poor forlorn Commander and obtained of the King his Letters of Commendation to keep a kinde of Fencing School in the City Military yard and teach the Citizens the postures of the Pike and Musket and Train them where he wore the mask of Religion so handsomly that he soon insinuated into their favours and found them very bountifull Patrons to him there he got his fat belly and full purse from the City he became Major Generall to the new-modelled Army and observing some discontents arising between the City and Army and being willing to keep two strings to his bow that he might uphold his credit with the City he voluntarily submitted himself to some affronts purposely and politickly put upon him in the Army and yet that the Army might understand him to be their creature he marched with the Army in their Triumph through the City still carrying himself as a moderate reconciling man and sweetning the insolencies of the Army by making milde and fair interpretations of their Actions yet still so much magnified the power of the Army as if he would perswade the City they were beholding to the Army for making no worse use of their strength against them Thus as many other moderate prudential men do he lay a good while undescried in the bosome of the City and there as a Spie and Intelligencer kept Centry for the Army untill such time as the City petitioning the Commons for restoring of their own Militia to them again the Council of the Army to mock them with an uneffectuall Militia by their engaged party in the House and the Committee of Derby-house of which Cabal Skippon is one caused their confiding man Skippon not only to be named of the Committee of the Militia although no Citizen but to be obtruded upon the City as their Major General Commander in Chief of all their Forces without whom nothing is to be acted This being resented and opposed as contrary to the Cities Charter and Liberties Skippon found he was discovered and then taking advantage of the Earle of Holland's going forth into Arms upon a Report from the Committee of Derby-house the Commons ordered that a Party of Horse should be raised and listed under Skippon Skippon by vertue of this Order granted Commissions to divers schismaticall Apprentices to raise men underhand and authorized the said Commissioned Apprentices to grant Sub-commmissions again to other Apprentices under them for the like purpose This was pretended to prevent Tumults and Insurrections but indeed it was to joyne with the Independent party of the City and the army when they have done their work at Colchester in purging the Presbyterians out of the Common-Council and Parliament in reference whereto the Army have resolved not to march Northwards against the Scots untill they have brought this City to more absolute obedience or laid it in the dust according to Cromwel's advice as a preparative to which design the prevailing party in the House Yet they knew they came in by Authority of the Parl. of Scotland July 15. hand over head Voted All such Scots as are come into England in hostile manner without consent of both Houses of Parliament of England Enemies to the State and all such English as do or shall adhere to aid or assist them Traitors and the next day following Weaver o●enly in the House affirmed that the Scotish design of D. Hamilton the Colchester design and that of the Earl of Holland were all begun and carried on in the City of London to which Ven the two Ashes Harvy Scot Miles Corbet Blackstone Sir Peter Wentworth and others gave applause loe here a foundation laid for a new Charge against the City when the Army are at leasure to make use of it This Hypocrite
Duke Hamilton and a few dis-affected persons who were not likely to send any of the honest Godly party to Treat whereby the Treaty would be carried on to the disadvantage and ruine of the Godly and of the Church our only friends there And Mr. Ashurst related That the major part of the past Parliament of Scotland over-powred the minor part by an Army and so got the Engagement and other Acts and the Committee of Estates passed against which the Assembly of the Kirk consisting of 400 persons declared with one Voice I know not what he meant by saying the major part in Scotland over-powred the minor when I consider that major pars obtinet rationem totius the major part is virtually the Parliament to which the minor part must submit although here in England the lesser part of the Parliament engaging and conspiring with an Army whom themselves in a full and free Parliament had formerly declared Enemies to the State overpowred the greater part contrary to reason and practice This question seemed to agree with the sense of the Independents reasonably well because it leaves it onely to the pleasure of the King to Treat dis-junctively with the Scots upon the sole Interest of Scotland as men no ways concerned in the settlement of Peace in England whereby it is tacitely inferred that the Treaties Covenant and Union between the two Kingdoms is dissolved so the question aforesaid was put with this addition That if the King shall be pleased to invite the Scots to send some Persons Authorized c. the Parliament will give them safe conduct The fifth Vote of the Lords was That Newport in the Island of Wight should be the place of Treaty to which the Commons concurred With these debates ended this Week the 19 day of August About this time came forth a Book entituled 133. A pestilent Book called The necessity of the absolute power of Kings c. The necessity of the absolute power of all Kings and in particular of the King of England concerning which I am to admonish the Reader that it is conceived to be a Cockatrice hatched by the Antimonarchical Faction to envenome the people against the KING and PRINCE The next Week begins with Monday 21 August of whose proceedings I can give you only an imperfect scambling relation and so shall surcease all farther endeavours in this kind because I have already delivered enough for your Instruction if God have not appointed you to be led blindfold into the pit digged for your destruction but principally because my good Genius that furnished me with Intelligence hath now retired himself from acting without hope to praying with faith for his Country being tired out with hearing and seeing so much sinne and folly as now raigns at Westminster and I love not much to take news upon trust from the vulgar Peripateticks of the Hall 134. Mr. Martyns levelling practises and principles The chief things of note were More Complaints of Henry Martyn who now declares himself for a Community of Wealth as well as of Women and protests against King Lords Gentry Lawyers and Clergy nay against the Parliament it self in whose bosome this Viper hath been fostered and against all Magistrates like a second Wat Tyler all Pen and Inkhorn-men must down His Levelling Doctrine is conteined in a Pamphlet called Englands Troubler Troubled wherein All Rich men whatsoever are declared Enemies to the Mean men of England and in effect War denounced against them 135. Skippon's Listings Next the Ordinance for transferring over to the Militia of London Skippon's power of listing men in London was passed in the House of Commons with this Coloquintida in it That Skippon should name and appoint Commanders and Officers for the Forces listed to be approved of by the Militia of London 136. Cromwel's laureat letters 20 Aug. 1648 A Letter from Oliver Cromwel was read in the House of Commons relating his easie victory over Duke Hamilton and Major Gen. Bayly which puts me in mind of Ovid's Victory over Corinna of whom he saith Victa est nou aegrè proditione sua and conteining an admonition not to hate Gods people who are as the apple of his eye and for whom even Kings shall be reproved and exhorting the Speaker to whom it was written to fullfill the end of his Magistracy that all that will live peaceably and quietly viz. in Vassalage to Oliver and his Faction and neglect Religion Laws and Liberties may have countenance from him God blesse all honest men from the light of Oliver's countenance lest in an ignis fatuus mislead them from the duties of their Oaths of Allegiance Supremacy Potestation and Covenant and they that are implacable may speedily be destroyed out of the Land 137. Martial Law in London To prepare the way to whose destruction it was Ordered That an Ordinance be penned and brought into the House of Commons to try all such by Martial Law in the City of London as shall be found to plot design or contrive any thing to endanger the Parliament or City And yet London is no Garrison now as it was when Tomkims and Challoner were tried not is there any Enemy considerable in the Field whereby the known Laws of the Land may not passe currently through the Kingdom but our known Laws are not written in blood nor are they so flexible as to make all Traytors the Faction pleaseth to call such Yet as cruel as these Caco fuegos of the Faction are to some 138. Rolf's Bayl again pressed they have mercy enough for Rolf whose Bayl was again exceedingly pressed and that his two Prosecutors Osburn and Dowcet should be under restraint in his stead whom they have forejudged out of the King's Letter to the Houses not to be able to prove their information whereas it may be discretion in the King not to encrease his danger by acknowledging it Saturday 26. August 139. The KINGS Letter to the States of Scotland taken from Haly-burton The King's Letter to the Committee of States in Scotland c. in Answer to their Letter sent to Him by Haly-burton which Letter was taken from Haly-burton although a publique Minister of State and allowed by Parliament to carry their Letter to the King was read in the House of Commons I hear in general that it was excellently well penned and a very just honest and peaceable Letter Yet it was Voted neither to be sent to the Lords nor to be restored to Haly-burton but damned to close imprisonment in a Box under Seal lest the people should know how truly zealous his Majesty is to settle Peace in the Land a mystery their understandings must not be trusted withall Prolegomena Promises Protestations and Covenants made by this Parliament in behalf of the King and People AFter a repetition of many good Acts and Concessions obtained by this Parliament of the King for the ease of the People Remonstrance 15. December 1642. Exact Collect. p. 15. they
of their own making but when the King had neither Army nor Garrison in the Kingdom and thereby this necessity was removed why did they not to prevent Tumults Insurrections and a new war content the People and return all things into their old Chanel and restore to the people their Religion Laws and Liberties being their first principles for which they engaged them to spend their blood and treasure and for defence whereof they engaged themselves and us in a Covenant with Hands lifted up to the High God Why did they then provoke the Scots to a new War but that they might have occasion to keep up their Army still and inthrall the Kingdom look upon their Doctrine as well as their aforesaid practices and you will find that all they do is but to carry on a fore-laid design to lay by the King and enslave the People under the new erected Kingdom of the Saints the Grandees of Derby-house and the Army In the Declaration against the Scots Papers p. 67. They have adjudged the King unfit to Govern and p. 70. they say the power of the Militia was the principal cause of their War and quarrel with the King and in their Declaration against the King they say they cannot confide in Him It hath been commonly spoken in the House of Commons that the two Houses nay the House of Commons alone is the Supreme power of this Nation under God 16. Mach 1642. Both Houses Voted it a High Breach of Privilege of Parliament for any Person not excepting King or Judge to oppose their Commands or to deny that to be Law which the two Houses declared to be so In their Declaration against the Scots Papers p. 63. The Members say That in all matters either concerning Church or State we have no Judge upon Earth but themselves Who will account the Popes plenitude of power monstrous hereafter that shall observe this Doctrine and practice of Subjects in Parliaments claiming and exercising a Supreme Government whereof the Militia is a part a Legislative and Judicative power over the Consciences Lives Liberties and estates of their Fellow Subjects And all this under colour of a necessity raised by themselves out of a dispute they set on foot against the King which they have affirmatively adjudged and determine for themselves against Him without consulting the Laws Statues and usages of the Realm Nay the very Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance which all with one voice speak against them Who would think that a faction in Parliament or any pest lesse than an Earth-quake or Deluge should in seven years time reduce so well-formed a Common-wealth into such a Chaos Yet even now the People are promised to be governed by the known Laws and Judges are appointed to determine sutes according to the Laws Surely There never was Tyrant that deprived his Vassals of a known Law amongst themselves this were to disable them to acquire wealth and so lose his own benefit of Taxes and Confiscations By the Laws of England a villain was protected in his goods against all men his Lord excepted The Turkish Vassals heap up much wealth and are protected against their fellow slaves though not against their Grand Seigneor who may seize their estates and take their lives at pleasure And this is all the protection the people of England have now by the Laws We have the benefit of Law one against another unless some Powerfull Member interpose but against the two Houses or either of them or any Grandee what Law what Justice can protect our lives liberties or estates and yet we were allowed heretofore to make our defence in Law against the King And until the King be again restored to his Right expect no better Right to be done you by this heedless head-strong Faction in Parliament The summe of all their endeavours is no more but this 18. The final scope of the Grandees endeavours The Grandees of Derby-house and the Army have already by their Votes of No Addresses and their scandalous Declaration laid by the King and in Him Monarchy notwithstanding they delay and fool the people with tedious debates of a Personall Treaty And when this innovation is digested by the people their next step will be to make use of the Schismatical Antimonarchical party in the House of Commons Army and City to cast off the House of Peers as Prerogative creatures and rags of Royalty some Schismatical Plebeian Lords excepted who shall recruit the Power they lose in the House of Lords by being of the Committee of Derby-house and when the people are well inured to this change and the grievance of it worn out by custom then to lay by the House of Commons and usurp the full Power of the King and Parliament into the Committee of safety at Derby-house who by way of preparation doe already stile themselves in all forein Negotiations The STATES Nay they doe already act all matters of moment at home and assume unto themselves all the properties of a State the Parliament being but a Sub-Committee to them upon whom they put what Impositions and Injunctions they please witnesse the design put upon the House of Commons for every Member to subscribe what number of Horse he would maintain for a Guard I know not whether to the Parliament or to the Committee of Derby-house This disease being now come to its Crisis 19. The Prognostick of this Disease it is no hard matter to pronosticat That nature that is the King our natural liege Lord must inevitably prevail at last against this Antimonarchical Faction for these reasons 1. The King can never want a Party the Parliament or rather Antimonarchical faction in Parliament can never manage a party without faction and confusion 2. The King may hushand his treasure to His best advantage the faction in Parliament cannot but must necessarily be cheated that they may be followed and befriended since only common crimes and common profit glues and cements them together and only such are found to be confiding men to them 3. The King is now discovered to every common capacity to have all the known Laws on His side the Parliament all known Laws against them and the people will no longer be governed without Law by new Arbitrary inventions 4. The King hath recovered all the peoples affections the Parliament hath lost them a privation which can never be reduced into habit again 5. The King is allyed both in Consanguinity of Blood and affinity of Cause with all the Princes of Christendom the faction in Parliament are terrae filii faterculi Gigantum Mushromes 6. The Kings Army will obey Him and His Interest the Parliaments Army will command them and their Interests besides they are men of different Principles and Interests only held together by profit and when that fails they fall in sunder Nothing therefore but a free Personal Treaty in London can prevent a Conquest whatsoever desperate forlorn people say to the contrary The Epilogue I Am not Ignorant
which of the two he should take in hand but the constant assurance they had from Argile and those accursed Clergy-men that were bribed by Stephen Marshal That there was no fear of danger from Scotland in hast made them hasten to finish the enslaving of England and Wales and then they resolve to conquer Scotland which they conceive may be quickly done having Argile and his Faction so firm to them that although he would neither he nor his Partners dare revolt from them having received so much of their money lest they should reveal more than he desires should be known and as the Independents sent their Emissaries through all Counties and Corporations to get hands to Petitions for thanks to the House for their dethroning Votes so Argile and Marshal's Hirelings have been very active to get hands to Petitions in many Shires Corporations and Provincial Assemblies for hindering the engagement against the rebellious Army of Sectaries and the Independent Junto their Confederates whereas there is no intention against the Parliament or Body of England but to comply with all religious honest hearted and loyal Subjects who desire that His Majesty may be enlarged and brought to a Personal Treatie whereby Peace and Truth may be setled in the three Kingdoms their chief pretences being that Religion is not secured the Religion now established in Scotland was by Act of Parliament His Majesty present so well secured as the most religious Church-men and most skilfull Lawyers could devise if you have got New Lights and desire any other Religion to be established vindicate His Majesties Honour and put up your Petitions to Him in an orderly way and He may possibly vindicate you from the Yoke of Slavery which some of your tyrannizing Clergy desire to put upon you The next is a wonderfull increase of your fears by the great Trusts put upon such persons of whom you have just cause of jealousie to this Kingdom and the Cause of God though you do not speak plain your Pamphletters do and your Pulpit Incendiaries to some purpose you mean Duke Hamilton now General of the Forces des gned by the Kingdom and Parliament of Scotland for vindicating the Honour of the Nation and revenging His Majesties Captivity upon that perfidious rebellious Army of Sectaries and their adherents what he did before the subscribing of the Covenant ought not to be objected his moderation even then deserving the honour and love of his Country and since his subscribing malice it self cannot tax him that he hath done any thing contrary to his Covenant or his Country what Montrosse doth asperse him with that he hindred his intended invasion of Scotland and so consequently His Majesties Service none of those who stand for the Covenant who did think Montrosse an enemy to the Covenant and to his Country ought to object this to my Lord Duke whose tender care of the safety and welfare of his Country may evidently appear even in the relation of one of his most deadly enemies and whereas his good advice for moderation was misconstrued by Argile and his prevailing Faction on the one side as if he had done things contrary to the Covenant and by Montrosse and his Confederates at Court on the other side as if he had connived or been accessary to those violent courses against his Majesty which God knows he was not able at that time to hinder his intentions being still for Peace and such a Peace as might consist with the safety of Religion and His Majesties honour whereof he was very hopeful being confident of His Majesties propensnesse to Peace and the interest he had in His Majesties favour but the watchfull malice of his enemies and the enemies of Peace did cunningly prevent his going about so good a work making him Prisoner without His Majesties knowledg hindring by all means a meeting betwixt them knowing that his Majesties justice and the Dukes innocency would quickly make their calumnies to vanish what a sad imprisonment did he indure much heightned by the then impossibility of clearing his innocency to his Sovereign the losse of whose favour would be more bitter than a thousand deaths and his real intentions for the good of his Country for whose cause he hazarded and suffered so much misery and imprisonment Yet this noble Dukes implacable and malicious enemies do further asperse him as a man of no Religion a meer Polititian and one that seeketh the ruine of his Soveraign by the aspiring to the Crown of Scotland It would trouble the best Politicians and the most Religious upon earth in these distracting and distracted times to distinguish rightly betwixt the duty we owe to Religion and the duty we owe to our Prince supposing them enemies but the falsity of this supposition which hath misled many thousands and been the ground of all our miseries being evident to the Duke who had the honor to be educated and intimate with his Majesty from his youth knowing his Majesty to be a lover and honourer of the true Protestant Religion a lover of justice and mercy and a practiser of all Christian and moral virtues and with a most munificent hand a royal Benefactor to himself and his Family It may be asked if it had been either piety or policy in the Duke to have kick'd off so loving and so liberal a Lord and Master although he had not been his Soveraign or to have ingaged against his Country with any Party that for their own ends more than the good of their Soveraigns were disturbers of all moderate Counsels so long as he had any hopes of Peace especially seeing so many sad presidents in both Kingdoms where many powerfull Subjects lovers of the true Protestant Religion not joyning prudence with their loyalty and innocence have crush'd them under the Load and nothing easeth His Majesties burthen but rather increaseth the same all their wealth and power being now made instrumental to enslave both KING and Kingdoms the Duke's prudence having vindicated him from the ruine intended against him by his enemies and reserved him through Gods blessing to vindicate his Loyalty by re-enthroning his Majesty so soon as God hath enabled him with any power to do it As for his Religion it is known he is neither Popishly affected nor a Sectary but who hath ever been a professor of the true Protestant Religion a lover and Patron of all Godly men and honest Ministers even in the time of Episcopacy when few or none but himself durst appear for them if his judgement had not been overswayed in some Star-Chamber sentences before he had that wisdom and experience which he now hath and long before he did take the Covenant if he had been ambitious of popular applause he had been more renown'd for his Religion than for his Princes royall bounty but wishing rather to be religious than seem so his favours were given in secret to many godly Ministers and his Majesties honour and good chiefly aimed at in the bestowing of them and
of this Parliament and all Souldiers are engaged also by their own Declarations Remonstrances and Proposals to defend assert and vindicate with their Lives and Fortunes the Person Authority Title of our aforesaid Lawful KING and Suprem Governour the undoubtful Heire of all his late Fathers Dominions CHARLS the Second by the Grace of God King of Great Britaine France and Ireland c. against all opposites and pretended Authorities whatsoever unlesse they will be guilty of the fowlest sinnes of Treason Rebellion Perjury and Perfidiousnesse against their God their King and Countrey and of prostituting the Religion Laws and Liberties of the Land their Wives Children and Estates to the lusts of an Armed Faction usurping a farre more Arbitrary and Tyrannical Power over our Consciences Persons Liberties and Estates then ever was known in England before or then is now used by the Russe Turk or Tartar or any the most enslaving and lawlesse Tyrants under Heaven An Exhortatory CONCLUSION to the English NATION Compare the Date of the K. Commissions with those of the Parliament and their Declarations on both sides TO conclude the series of Affaires and Action on both Parties especially of late rightly compared it appeareth by the sequel That KING CHARLES the First from the beginning took up Defensive Armes to maintain Religion Lawes Liberties and the Antient fundamental Being of Parliaments and this Kingdome and that there alwayes was and now especially is a predominant Faction in Parliament notwithstanding their frequent Declarations Remonstrances Petitions Protestations Covenant and Votes to the contrary conspiring with a Party especially of Commissioned Officers of the Army without the Houses to change the Fundamental Lawes and Government of the Church and Common-wealth to usurp into a few hands the Supreme Authority to enslave the People with an Oligarchical Military and Arb trary Government to raise what illegal Taxes they please to establish their Tyranny and enrich themselves and their Party to oppresse consume and devoure all Men of a judgement contrary to their Interest to Murder them by new declared arbitrary Treasons contrary to the Stat. 25. Edw. 3. for ascertaining Treasons to Disfranchise them of their birth-rights and make them Adscriptios Glebae Villains Regardante to their owne Lands which the Nobility Gentry and Yeomanry plough sowe and reap whilest Brewers Dray-men and Coblers eate drink and play upon the sweat of their Labours and are the Usufructuaries of their Estates All which they have lately brought to passe wherefore let all true Engl shmen as becomes good Christians good Patriots and gallant Men claim their Birth-rights and with one voice cry out 1. We will not Change our Ancient setled and well-approved Lawes to which we are sworne 2. We will not Change our Ancient and well-tempered Monarchy to wh ch we are sworne 3. We will not change our old Religion for New Lights and Inventions 4. We will not subject our selves to an eighth part of one Estate or House of Parliament sitting under a force and having expelled two hundred and fifty of their Fellows more Righteous then themselves by force and usurping to themselves the Supreme Authority 5. We will not be subjected to a new Supreme Authority usurped by fourty ambitious covetous Tyrants arrogating to themselves to be a Councel of State and designed to supply the room of Parliaments under what name or title soever they shall mask themselves 6. We will not submit our selves to a Military Government or Councel of Officers 7. We must and will have A KING See the Star of Recognition 1. Iac. and the Oaths of Allegiance Obedience and Supremacy and The KING whom the Lawes of God and this Land have designed to us we being by the Oaths of Allegiance Obedience and Supremacy sworne to beare faith and true Allegiance to KING CHARLES the First his lawful Heires and Successors Hic telum infigam moriarque in vulnere Postscript REader at the latter end of my First part of The History of Independency I have presented to thy consideration some General Conclusions arising out of the Premises the same Conclusions does naturally arise out of the Premises of this Second Part of the History and do as aptly serve to illustrate this Second as that First part wherefore to that First Part I send thee for opening thy understanding When our old Lawes run again into their Ancient Channel and the Sword of Murder is sheathed and the Sword of Justice drawn the Author engageth to publish his Name and Apology and shew what he hath done and suffered for the Parliament and Kingdom THE END TO THE READER READER having spoken to thee in the First Part I might have forborn thee in this Second did I not feare to seem guilty of the fullennesse and malignity of these times The subject-matter of my Book is a Combination or Faction of Pseudo-Polititians and Pseudo-Theologicians Hereticks and Schismaticks both in Divinity and Policy who having sacrificed to their Fancies Lusts Ambition and Avarice both their God and Religion their King and Country our Laws Liberties and Properties all duties Divine and Humane are grown so far in love with their prosperous Sins as to entitle God himself to be Father and Author of them from whose written Word and revealed Will held forth to us in the Scriptures as the only North Pole and Cynosure of our Actions where they find no warrant for their doing they appeal to the secret Will and Providence of God to which they most Turkishly and Heathenishly ascribe all their enormities only because they succeed and from that Abysse of Gods Providence draw secondary principles of Necessity and Honest Intentions to build the Babel of their confused Designes and Actions upon not considering that wicked Men perform the secret Will a God to their Damnition as good Men do the known Will of their Father to their Salvation If a Man lie sick to death and his Son wish him dead this is Sin in the Son although his desire concur with the Secret Will of God because the Son ought to desire the preservation of his Fathers life whereto the Will of God revealed in his Word obligeth him and vivendum secundùm Praecepta non secundùm Decreta Dei The secret Will and Providence of God can be no rule and law of our Actions because we know it not nor can search into it without presumption We must not therefore altum sapere think our selves too wise and well-gifted to tie our selves to the Scripture of God and lust after Revelations and Inspirations expecting God should rain Bread from Heaven for us Manna Exod 16.4 but be wise unto Sobriety But prosperum scelus virtus vocatur Thus casting off the written Word of God unless where by an enforced Interpretation they can squeeze Atheisme and Blasphemy out of it as they do somtimes rack Treason Murder and Non-sense out of our Laws and Parliament-Priviledges conducible to their ends they insensibly cast off God himself and make themselves both the
supreme cause and final end the Alpha and Omega of all their doings whilest they use the hidden and unsearchable Providence of God but as a Disguise and Vizard to mask under like Caelius the Atheist in Martial Prosperity is become a snare to them and a Topick place out of which they draw Arguments to satisfie themselves there is no God no Religion but a prudential one to fool the people with Nullos esse Deos inane Coelum Affirmat Caelius probatque Quòd se videt dum negat haec beatum But O wretched unholied men What are they that thus commit Burglary in the Sanctum Sanctorum of Gods Providence That presume not only to pry into but to thrust their hands polluted with blood and rapine into Gods mysterious Ark Thus much for the subject-matter For the manner of my writing I confesse as to the Stile it is not aequabile scribendi Genus all of one weaving and contexture It is a History writ with a Satyrique style and veine Nam quis iniqui Tam patiens orbis tam ferreus ut teneat se It is a virtue to hate and prosecute vice The Scripture tells us there is a perfect hatred a Holy Anger And our Chaucer tells us The werds must be of kynne unto the deeds otherwise how can they be expressive enough I detest vitia pulcherrimè mangonizata vice trick't up in virtues raiment and prostituted under her modest dresse to stir up Adulteries Quicquid agunt homines nostri est farrago libelli An huge Gallimaufry an Oglio of all villanies I here set before thee it cannot be all of one dressing and seasoning it must be a mixture a Hogo of all Relishes like Manna in the Wildernesse it must be applicable to all palates wherfore according to the variety of every present subject-matter vel ridenti rideo vel flenti fleo I become all things to all Men I assimilate my affections and humours to every Mans humour as well as to the present Theme that I may take every Man by the right hand and lead him out of this Ur of the Chaldeans this Land of Egypt this House of Bondage in judgement and conscience though not in person and estate which must only be the mighty handy-work of that God who is able to divide the Red Sea and give us a safe march through it upon dry Land Which that he would vouchsafe to do let us all joyne our hearty prayers and that we may instrumentally serve him in it let us all joyne our heads hearts and hands together since God neglects faint-hearted and cowardly prayers Let us not lie in the Ditch and cry God help us But let us help God to help us and keep cor unum viam unam in the doing of it The Ordinance passed 20. Aug. 1647. To null and void all Acts c. passed under the force of the Apprentices Die Veneris 20. Aug. 1647. An Ordinance for Declaring all Votes Orders and Ordinances passed in one or both Houses since the Force on both Houses July ●6 until the 6. of this present August 1647. to be null and void VVHereas there was a visible horrid insolent and actual force upon the Houses of Parliament on Monday 26. July last whereupon the Speakers and many Members of both Houses of Parliament were forced to ab●ent themselves from the service of the Parliament and whereas those Members of the House could not return to sit in safety before Friday the 6. August It is therefore Declared by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled that the Ordinance of Monday 26. July for the Repealing and making void of the Ordinance of the 23. of the said July for setling of the Militia of the City of London being gained by force and violence and all Votes Orders Ordinances passed in either or both Houses of Parliament since the said Ordinance of the 26. of July to the said 6. of August are null and void and were so at the making thereof and are hereby Declared so to be the Parliament being under a force and not free Provided alwayes and be it Ordered That no Person or Persons shall be impeached or punished for his or their Actions by or upon or according to the aforesaid Votes Orders or Ordinances unlesse he or they shall be found guilty of contriving acting or abetting the aforesaid visible and actual force or being present at or knowing of the said force did afterwards act upon the Votes so forced or were guilty of entring into or promoting the late Engagement for bringing the KING to the City upon the Termes and Conditions expressed in his Majesties Letter of the 12. of May last John Browne Cler. Parl. THE SECOND PART OF The History of Independency MY first Part of Relations and Observations Historical and Politick upon this present Parliament 1 The Proeme begun Anno Dom. 1640. Anno Car. primi 16. is divided into two Parts or Books The Mystery of the two Juntoes Presbyterian and Independent wherein I shew with what art to advance their designs the Grandees divided the Houses into the said two Factions which Factions entertaining the Quarrel in earnest their respective Grandees were forced to turn their jest into earnest too for upholding their Authority with their several Parties not unlike Butchers who in a Country Market set their Dogs together by the ears in sport and at last own their Dogs quarrel themselves in earnest The second Book is The History of Independency wherein I shew the Rise Growth and Fractises of that Party which being full of schimatical quick-silver restless and stirring and tenable by no Oaths Principles Promises Declarations nor by any obligations or Laws Divine or Humane doth now enjoy the fruits of their perfidiousness and treachery a Conquest gotten over their Adversaries by pretending protesting and false promising which they attribute to the bounties and Mercies of God and from the success of their villanies argue most Turkishly his blessings over them and as Jewishly arrogate to themselves to be the peculiar People and Saints of God although hee useth them but as a Rod in his hand to scourge the sins of the other Party and of the whole Kingdome It is the usual method of Gods justice not onely to punish one sin by another but one Sinner by another nay a lesser Sinner by a greater and at last to receive the humble and corrected Sinner into Abrahams bosome and cast the insulting Executioner of his wrath into the fiery furnace of his anger In my aforesaid History of Independency you have that Faction conquering In this Continuation or Supplement of the said History I represent them to you triumphing using and abusing their Victories to the dishonour of God destruction of the King beggering and enslaving of the Kingdome depriving us of our Religion Laws Liberties and Estates and consequently making our Wives and Children the objects of our fear despair and ill boding doubts not the objects of any comfort and joy we can
we could enjoy nothing but as the will of any number of men that shall call themselves The People And upon the same ground that those that shall subscribe this Agreement may call themselves the People may those that shall refuse to subscribe call themselves the People and upon far better grounds as being farre the more numerous and standing for defence of those ancient Lawes which do constitute the People and Common-wealth of England which will breed infinite confusions and divisions and what those that call themselves the People now agree to they may alter upon the next change of humour or interest 2. The inconveniences of the present Government have not yet been plainly discovered nor no Trial hath been made by the present knowne legal power of England whether those inconveniences may not be removed without subverting the present Government and introducing so totall a change as will be very dangerous and grievous to all sorts and conditions of men 3. In the Protestation May 5. 1641. and the Covenant Septemb. 27. 1643. we are bound to defend Parliaments and to oppose and bring to punishment all such as shall endeavour the subversion of Parliaments which this Agreement cleerly doth 4. This Agreement encroacheth desperately upon the liberty of the People of England in the Election of this Representative depriving them that have constantly adhered to this Parliament as wel as the Kings Party if they cannot in conscience subscribe it from Electing or being Elected yet they shall have Laws and Taxes imposed upon them by Subscribers who are the least and the least considerable party of the Kingdome and upon whom they conferre no trust which is to disfranchise the Nonsubscribers and reduce them to the condition of Conquered Slaves It is a knowne Maxime in Law Quod omnes tangit ab omnibus tractaeni debet what concernes all men must be debated and agreed to by all men either personally or representatively 5. It will raise factions and feuds between the Subscribers and Non-subscribers of the Parliament party 6. It takes away Magistracy and Government not onely by placing such a Supreme power over them as is disputable nay apparently illegal But by making the heady multitude the People supreme Judges over the said Representative for although it inflicts the penalty of death upon the Resisters of their Orders yet is with this salvo except such Representative shall expresly violate this Agreement which makes every man or number of men that shall get power into their hands Judges of it nor is there any other Judge designed and if there were who shall judge that Judge sic in infinitum the legal supreme Trust of all publique interests being taken away our vagabond thoughts wander in a circle not knowing where to repose our trust all Judges all Councels may erre but the rascal multitude are the very sinke of errors and corruptions If therefore the Supreme the Representative have so unstable an authority what shall the subordinate Magistrate acting under them have 7. It smels so much of the Jesuite that it tolerateth Popery in private Houses contrary to the knowne Lawes of the Land Popery like the old Serpent if it once get in the head will soon insinuate the whole body being so well backed by Potent Princes and Councels from beyond Sea And truly I know not what to say against Popery where Heresie Schisme Atheisme and Blasphemie are openly tolerated and exempted from the power of the civil Magistrate as in this Agreement 8. It will lose Ireland the managing of the Warre there being legally in this Parliament by Act passed not in this newfangled Representative 9. It divides us from Scotland 10. It destroyes the Cause for which the Parliament so often Declared Voted Protested and Covenanted that they fought viz. Defence of Parliaments Religion Lawes and Liberties and bestowes the Cause upon the King as if He only from the beginning had fought for them which all men have reason to believe when they shall see the Parliament make such ill use of their Victory as to root them all up And this and all other Parliament-Armies were Commissioned to preserve this Parliament by this Authority they have their Pay and Indemnity without which they are Thieves Rebels and Murderers 11. It demands that there be no Lawyers nor Lawes but new Rules in English to be made from time to time by the new Representative who are to be chosen and trusted onely by a small faction of Subscribers as hath been said according to which justice shall be administred not by Mayors Sheriffs Justices of the peace Officers alwaies ready but by hundred Courts who are to supply the roome of all the Judges and Lawyers of the Kingdome and all this to lie in the brests of 12. Men in every Hundred of the Tribe of the Godly be sure who peradventure can neither write nor read nor have responsible Estates to satisfie wrongs done these shall doe justice by providence and revelation 12. It destroyeth all great and publique Interests and therefore cannot stand Kings Lords Souldiers Magistrates Parliaments Lawyers Ministers who will oppose it because it confounds and destroyes Religion and depriveth the Ministery of its lot Tythes stopping their mouthes with famine purposely to cast them off and generally all men of quality and discretion will withstand it because it gives no security for enjoyment of liberty and property nor for increase of learning civility and piety who then are left to owne and subscribe it but desperate forlorne Persons who because they cannot bring their actions under the protection of our present Laws and Government will bring the Laws and Government to their own corrupt wills and interests and therefore will signe this Agreement no obedience being given to this Representative but upon condition that they kept this Agreement and their being no other Judges of their keeping it but the Subscribers who in the result of all hath the Law in their owne Wills 36. This Agreement of the People was condemned by the House of Commons 9. Nov. 1647. This Agreement of the People is the same which was subscribed by 9. Regiments of Horse and 7. of Foot and presented with a Petition to the House of Commons Novemb. 5. 1647 by the Agitators Gifforde the Jesuite being then in the Lobby with them and very active therein Upon reading and debate hereof the House then declared their judgements against it by passing these Votes Die Martis 9. Nov. 1647. A Paper directed to the Supreme Authority of the Nation the Commons in Parliament assembled The just and earnest Petition of those whose Names are subscribed in behalfe of themselves and all the Free-borne people of England Together with a Paper annexed intituled An Agreement of the people for present and future peace upon grounds of Common Right avowed How these Papers come now to be owned those that oppose them violenrly secured by the Army by the connivance at least of the dregs of the House now sitting
could not be carried on by any private designe in Conventicles and corners as are all the bloudy Petitions for justice justice against capital Delinquents and the most High which being penned and solicited by the Army or sectary Committee-men 48. Somersetshire encouraged by the House to associate all the wel-affected i. e. all the Anarchists and Cheaters and subscribed and prosecuted by some few beggerly Schismaticks without Cloaks in the Names of whole Counties whom they had the impudence to belie were entertained in state and they and that wel-affected County though they abhorred the villany thanked for their paines * 25. Decemb. The House voted a Letter to be sent by way of encouragement to the County of Somerset to go on with setling their association with the wel-affected and forces of the Counties adjacent this is to associate and Arme all the Schismaticks Committee-men guilty and desperate Persons Antimonarchists and Anarchists against all the peaceable and honest men of the Kingdome 26. Decemb. Mr. Pryn sent a Letter to the General 49. Mr. Pryns Letter to the General demanding his liberty demanding his liberty and seconded it with a Declaration as followeth Mr. Pryn's Demand of his Liberty to the Generall Decemb. 26. 1648. with his Answer thereto And his Declaration and Protestation thereupon For the Honourable Lord Fairfax Generall of the present Army THese are to acquaint your Lordship 50. Mr. Pryns Declaration seconding his said Letter That I being a Member of the Commons House of Parliament a Free-man of England a great Sufferer for and an Assertor of the Subjects Liberties against all Regal and Prelatical tyranny and no way subject to your owne your Councel of Warrs or Officers military power or jurisdiction going to the House to discharge my duty on the 6 of this instant December was on the staires next the Commons House door forcibly kept back entring the House seized on and carried away thence without any pretext of Lawfull Authority therto assigned by Colonel Pride and other Officers and Souldiers of the Army under your Command And notwithstanding the Houses demand of my enlargement both by their Sergeant and otherwise ever since unjustly detained under your Marshals custody and tossed from place to place contrary to the known Priviledges of Parliament the Liberty of the Subject and fundamental Laws of the Land which you are engaged to maintaine against all violation And therefore do hereby demand from your Lordship my present enlargement and just liberty with your Answer hereunto From the Kings-head in the Strand Decemb. 26. 1648. William Pryn. This was delivered to the Generals own hands at his House in Queen-street about three of the clock the same day it beares date by Doctor Bastwijcke VVho returned this Answer by him upon the reading therof THat he knew not but Mr. Pryn was already released and that he would send to his Officers to know what they had against him VVho it seems act all things without his privity and steer all the Armies present counsels and designes according to their absolute wills The Publique Declaration and Protestation of William Pryn of Lincolnes Inne Esquire Against his present Restraint and the present destructive Councels and Jesuiticall proceedings of the Generall Officers and Army I VVilliam Pryn a Member of the House of Commons and Freeman of England who have formerly suffer'd 8. years Imprisonment four of them close three in exile three Pillories the losse of my Ears Calling Estate for the vindicating of the Subjects just Rights and Liberties against the arbitrary tyranny injustice of King and Prelats and defence of the Protestant Religion here established spent most of my strength and studies in asserting the Peoples just freedom and the power and priviledges of Parliament against all Opposers and never received one farthing by way of damages gift or recompence or the smallest benefit or preferment whatsoever for all my sufferings and publicke services Do here solemnly declare before the most just and righteous God of Heaven and Earth the Searcher of all hearts the whole Kingdome English Nation and the World that having according to the best of my skill and judgment faithfully discharged my trust and duty in the Commons House upon real grounds of Religion Conscience Justice Law prudence and right reason for the speedy and effectual setlement of the peace and safety of our three distracted bleeding dying Kingdoms on Monday Dec. 4. I was on Wednesday morning following the 6 of this instant going to the House to discharoe my duty on the Parliament staires next the Commons door forcibly seized upon by Col. Pride Sir Hardress VValler and other Officers of the Army who had then beset the House with strong Guards and whole Reg of Horse and Foote haled violently thence into Queens Court notwithstanding my Protestation of breach of priviledge both as a Member and a Freeman by a meere usurped tyrannicall power without any lawfull Authority or cause assigned and there forceibly detained Prisoner with other Members there restrained by them notwithstanding the Houses double demand of my present enlargement to attend its service by the Sergeant and that night contrary to faith and promise carried Prisoner to Hell and there shut up all night with 40. other Members without any lodging or any other accommodations contrary to the known Priviledges of Parl. the fundamental Laws of the Realm and Liberty of the subject which both Houses the 3. Kingdoms the General with all Officers and Soldiers of the Army are by solemn Covenant and duty obliged inviolably to maintain Since which I have without any lawful power or authority bin removed and kept prisoner in several places put to great expences debar'd the liberty of my person calling denied that hereditary freedom which belongs to me of right both as a Freeman a Member an eminent sufferer for the publick and a Christian by these who have not the least shadow of authority or justice to restrain me and never yet objected the least cause for this my unjust restraint I do therfore hereby publickly protest against all these their proceedings as the highest usurpation of an arbitrary and tyrannical power the greatest breach of faith trust Covenant priviledges of Parl. and most dangerous encroachment on the Subjects liberties and Laws of the Land ever practised in this Kingdome by any King or Tyrant especially by pretended Saints who hold forth nothing but justice righteousnesse liberty of conscience and publick freedom in all their Remonstrances whils they are triumphantly trampling them all under their armed iron feet And do further herby appeal to summon them before all the Tribunals and powers in heaven and earth for exemplary justice against them who cry out so much for it against others less tyrannical oppressive unjust and fedifragus to God and men than themselves And do moreover remonstrat that all their present exorbitant actings against the King Parl. present Government and their new modled representative are nothing else
but the designs projects of Jesuits Popish Priests and Recusants who bear chief sway in their Councels to destroy and subvert our Religion Laws Liberties Government Magistracy Ministry the present and all future Parl. the King his Posterity and our 3. Kingdoms yea the Generall Officers and Army themselves and that with speedy and inevitable certaint● to betray them all to our forreign Popish Enemies and give a just occasion to the Prince and Duke now in the Papists power to alter their Religion and engage them and all forreign Princes and Estates to exert all their power to suppresse and extirpate the Protestant Religion and Professors of it through all the world which these unchristian scandalous treacherous rebellious tyrannicall Jesuitical disloyall bloudy present Councels and exorbitances of this Army of Saints so much pretending to piety and justice have so deeply wounded scandalized and rendred detestable to all pious carnall morall men of all conditions All which I am and shall alwaies be ready to make good before God Angels Men and our whole three Kingdoms in a free and full Parliament upon all just occasions and seale the truth of it with the last drop of my dearest bloud In witnesse whereof I have hereunto subscribed my Name at the Signe of the Kings-head in the Strand Decemb. 26. 1648. William Pryn. 51. The Councell of War forbid all state and ceremony to the King From Dec. 25. to 1. January Num. 283. 27. Decemb. The Councel of VVarr who manage the businesse in relation to the King saith the Diurnal ordered That all state and ceremony should be forborne to the King and his Attendants lessened to mortifie him by degrees and work Him to their desires VVhen it was first moved in the House of Commons to proceed capitally against the King 52. Cromwels Sp. in the Ho. when it was first propounded to try the King Cromwell stood up and told them That if any man moved this up●n d●signe he should think him the greatest Traytour in the world but since providence and necessity had cast them upon it he should pray God to blesse their Councels though he were not provided on the suddaine to give them counsel this blessing of his proved a curse to the King 53. The Ordinance for electing Com Councel men confi●med 28. Decemb. was brought into and read in the House an Ordinance explaining the former Ordinance for electing Common-Councel-men which confirmed the former Ordinance It was referred back againe to the said Committee to consider of taking away the illegal as they please to miscall them Oaths of Allegiance Supremacy and other Oaths usually administred to Officers Free-men c. of the City The 28. Decemb. Tho. Scot brought in the Ordinance for Trial of the King it was read and recommitted three severall times 54. The Ordinance for Trial of His Majesty passed the Commons and the Commissioners Names inserted consisting of diverse Lords Commons Aldermen Citizens Country Gentlemen and Souldiers that the more persons of all sorts might be engaged in so damnable and treasonable a designe and because this Ordinance and the proceedings thereupon had no foundation in Divinity Law reason nor practice The Commons to give it a foundation and ground from the authority of their Votes declared as followeth Resolved c. Diurnall from 1. Ian. to the 8. of Ian. 1648. Numb 286. That the Lords and Commons assembled in Parliament doe declare and adjudge That by the fundamental Laws of the Realme it is Treason in the King of England for the time to come to levie War against the Parliament and Kingdom of England So together with this declaratory Vote the said Ordinance was carried up to the Lords by that Renegado Lord Gray of Grooby Jan. 2. 1648. 55. And sent up to the Lords The Lords met that day farre more than ordinary 16. in number and promising to send an Answer by Messengers of their owne The first Question started by some Lords who had rather have had a thinner House was 56. And Debated Whether it should be presently debated which passed Affirmatively The first Debate was upon the said Declaratory Vote The Earle of Manchester told them The Parliament of England by the fundamentall Laws of England consisted of three Estates 1. King 2. Lords 3. Commons the King is the first and chief Estate He calls and dissolves Parliaments and confirmes all their Acts and without him there can be no Parliament therefore it is absurd to say The King can be a Traitour against the Parliament The Earle of Northumberland said The greatest part at least twenty to one of the people of England were not yet satisfied whether the King levied war first against the Houses or the Houses against Him 57. The Zealots of the H. of Com offended with the Lords for casting forth the Ordin for Triall of the King And if the King did levie Warr first against the Houses we have no Law to make it Treason in Him so to doe And for us to declare Treason by an Ordinance when the matter of fact is not yet proved nor any Law extant to judge it by is very unreasonable so the Lords cast off the Debate and cast out the Ordinance and adjourned for seven dayes Jan. 3. The Zealots of the Commons were very angry at the Lords and threatned to clap a Pad-lock on the Door of their House but at last they sent up some of their Members to examine the Lords Book and see what they have done who brought word back that their Lordships had passed 2. Votes 1. That they doe not concurre to the said Declaratory Vote 2. That they had rejected the Ordinance for Triall of the King 58. Votes passed by them therupon Hereupon the Commons resolved to rid their hands of King and Lords together and presently they voted That all Members of the House of Commons and others appointed by order of that House or Ordinances of both Houses of Parliament to act in any Ordinance wherin the Lords are joyned shall be impowred and enjoyned to sit and act and execute in the said several Committees of themselves notwithstanding the House of Peers joyne not with them therein Upon the debate many hot-brain'd men insisted upon it That the Lords who rejected the Ordinance should be themselves Impeached for favouring the grand Delinquent of England you see the King was likely to have much justice when his Judges must either condemne Him or be condemned others thought it more prudence to touch their Priviledges and let alone their Persons Die Iovis 4. Jan. 1648. The Commons passed these 3. Votes A question in Divinity voted in Parliament never agreed to by Divines This we find de fact● in the subversion of our Religion Lawes Liberties and Properties though not de Jure You see that since both Houses ravished the Supremacy from the King and a petty faction from the Houses our Lawes are first shrunk into arbitrary Ordinances of
a force consulting in the House without their fellow Members advice or concurrence about speedie Deposing and executing CHARLES their lawfull Soveraign to please the Generall Officers and Counsell of the Army who have usurped to themselves the Supreme Authoritie both of King and Parliament or rather the Jesuits and Popish Priests among them 1. By the Common Law the Stat. 25. Edw. 3. Cok. 5. Inst 4. 1. Stamf. Pleas of the Crown l. 1. c. 1 2. and all other Acts concerning Treason It is High Treason for any man by overt act to compass the death of the King or his eldest Son though never executed and so adjudged by Parliament in the Earl of Arundels Case 21 Ric. 2. Plac. Coronae n. 4 6 7. 2. In the Oath of Allegiance which every man takes before he sits in Parliament you acknowledge him to be lawful and rightful King of this Realm and that the Pope neither of himself nor by any authority of the See of Rome or by any other means with any other hath any Power or Authority to depose the King c. Exact Collect. p. 16 19 21 59 66 83 102 103 118 123 125 141 142 143 173 180 195 219 259 281 307 380 312 360 376 457. A Collect c. p. 13 18 41 43 44 49 51 61 64 96 181 182 340 341 424 425 499 599 623 696 806 807 879. Appendix p. 15. 3. Your selves amongst other Members in above one hundred Remonstrances Declarations Petitions Ordinances c. in the name of the Parliament have professed You never intended the least hurt injury or violence to the Kings Person Crown Dignity or Posterity but intended to Him and His Posterity more Honour Happiness Glory and Greatness than ever any of His predecessors enjoyed That you would make good to the uttermost with your Lives and Fortunes the Faith and Allegiance you have alwaies born to him That all Contributions Loans should be imploied onely to maintain the Protestant Religion the Kings Authoritie Person Royal Dignitie Laws of the Land Peace of the Kingdome and Priviledges of Parliament That the Forces raised by the Parliament were for defence of the Kings Person and of both Houses That the Parliament will ever have a care to prevent any danger to his Person That they are resolved to expose their lives and fortunes for maintenance of the Kings Person Honour and Estate and the Power and Priviledges of Parliament when the King taxed the Houses for insinuating Exact Collect. p. 298 695 696 657 658 991. That if they should make the highest Presidents of other Parliaments their pattern that is depose the King there could be no cause to complain of them Both Houses by two Declarations protested against it saying That such thoughts never entred nor should enter into their loyal hearts Collect. of all Orders p. 8 13 41 43 44 49 51 61 64 96 99 623 696 879. Appendix p. 15. 4. By the Protestation They declare in the presence of God to defend the Kings Person and Estate and that their Armies under Essex and Fairfax were raised for that purpose inter alia 5. By the National Covenant They vowed to defend the Kings Person and Authoritie in preservation of true Religion and Liberties of the Kingdom and that they will all the daies of their lives continue in this Covenant against all opposition 6. You monopolize the Supreme power into your own hands robbing both King Lords and the rest of your fellow Members thereof whom you are content should be violently shut out by your Army who have leavied War against the Parliament to dissolve it till the removall of which force and restoring your Members with freedom and safety Also 15. E. 3. n. 5. 17 E. 3. n. 2 6. 18. E. 3 n 1. 2. 5. c. 1. R. 2. n. 1. 2. R. 2. n. 1. 3. R. 2. n. 1. 4. R. 2. n. 1. 5. R. 2. Parl. 1. n. 1. Parl. 2. n. 1. 8. H. 4. n. 28. you ought not to sit or Act in your Armies own doctrine in their Remonstrance Aug. 18. and by the Declaration and Ordinances of both Houses Aug. 20. 1647. Sec 21. R. 2. c. 12. 1. H. 4. c. 3. 31. H. 6. c. 1. 39. H. 6 c. 1. See the memorable Record 6. E. 3. Parl. apud Ebor. n. 1 2 dorso clauso 6. E. 3. m. 4. 6. E. apud Westm. Parl. 2. n. 1. 13. E. 3. Parl. 2. n. 4. many more Rolls where Parliaments when any considerable number of Members of either House were absent refused to sit though under no force till the House were full You have neither Law nor president for what you do Edw. 2. Rich. 2. were forced by Mortimer and H. 4. to resign their Crowns in a formall way one to his Son the other to his conquering Successor neither of them to the Parliament and at last Deposed by a subsequent Sentence of Parliament as unfit to Reign without any formall Triall * 72. The Armies party in the H approve the matter of the Co of Officers accusatory Ans against the secured Memb with out hearing them See Mr. Io Geerees Ans to that silly Sophister Io Goodwin called Might overcoming right Jan. 11. 1648. The House read the Answer of the Generall Counsell of the Army concerning the secured and secluded Members and as I have formerly said without hearing what the said Members could say for themselves approved the matter of it whereupon the secured and secluded Members 20. Jan. 1648. with much ado got printed their Vindication against the Aspersion cast upon them in The humble Answer of the Generall Counsell of the Officers of the Army concerning the securing secluding of the said Members The sum whereof is as followeth 73. The sec and secl Memb. Defence against the scandalous An of the C of W By the Preamble of this Answer and by the Proposals of the 6. Decemb. and the late Declaration and Remonstrance therein cited it appears this Design to break the House by force hath been long since plotted and contrived with action The Generall Councell of the Army in their said Answer say Is a course in it self irregular and not justifiable but by honest intentions and extraordinarie necessitie the weakness of which Answer we must examine but first must state the case b tween us They are an Army raised by Ordinance of Parliament of 15. Febr. 1644. for defence of King and Parliament the true Protestant Religion the Lawes and Liberties of the Kingdom and to be from time to time subject to such Orders and Directions as they shall receive from both Houses of Parliament and to this end they stand commissioned by them and receive pay from them to this day And besides this trust thus lying upon them they are under the obligation of a solemn Covenant sworn to God That they will in their place and callings with sincerity reality and constancy with their estates and lives preserve the Rights and Priviledges of
the Parliament and the Liberties of the Kingdom and defend the Kings Person and Authority in defence of the true Religion and Liberties of the Kingdom they being under the said trusts and Oath march up to Westminster contrary to order in a hostile way forcibly secured secluded and drove away many of the Members the Question is Whether this Action be Justifiable upon pretence of Honest intentions and Necessity Their good intentions cannot be known but by their expressions and actions and they referre us to their Proposals Declarations and Remonstrances where we find their desires are 1. To take away the Kings life 2. To take away the lives of the Prince and the Duke of Yorke at least to dis-inherit both them and all the Kings Children 3. To put a period to thi● Parliament 4. To set up a new Representative of their own which takes away all Parliaments 5. To have an Elective King if any These are their Honest intentions for publick good which must come in to justice their waging warre against their Masters this Parliament To name them is to confute them as being apparently against the Laws of God and the Land under which they live and which they are engaged to maintain we shall produce no other Witnesses to prove this but themselves On the 15. of Novemb. 1647. The agreeement of the People which is lower in demands than these which they call Honest intentions for publick good was condemned by the Army The promoting it in the Army judged mutinous and capital Col. Rainsborough and Major Scot complained of in the House for appearing in it and-the Paper it self adjudged by the House destructive to Government and the being of Parliaments The second pretence or principle is Extraordinarie Necessity for the same end To this we say 1. The Armie made the same plea of necessity in their Remon●●rance June 23. 1647. upon quite contrary grounds to what they exp ess now and both to justifie the same viol nt proceedings against the Parliament then when the King was seized upon by a party of the Armie without Order from the House and the Army advanced against the Parliament They say in their Letter to the House July 8. 1647. There have been several Officers of the Army upon several occasions sent to his Majestie The first to present to Him a Copie of the Representations and after that some others to tender Him a Copie of the Remonstrance Vpon both which the Officers sent were appointed to clear the sence and intentions of any thing in either paper Turn back to sect 2. and see my Animadvers upon the Army 20 Nov. 1648. p. 4 5 6 7. whereupon his Majestie might make any Question There the Army treated with the King yet now they offer violence to the Parliament for treating with the King Then in their Remonstrance 25 June 1647. they say We clearly profess we do not see how there can be any peace to this Kingdom firm and lasting without a due consideration of and provision for the rights quiet and immunities of His Majesties Royall Family and his late partakers now they judge the majority of the House corrupt for moving one step towards a peace with the King The Parliament thought it not reasonable the King should be sole Judge of publike necessity in case of shipmony Return to sect 18. where I set down six of their Principles though he hath now granted more to them then all the Armies Proposals then demanded of Him Thus they make this general plea of Necessity serve to justifie the considerations which they are put to by making themselves Judges of those things they have no calling to meddle with for by what Authority are they Judges of publike Necessity 2. This principle Necessity is destructive to all Government for as the General Officer urgeth necessity for acting against the Commands and Persons of his Superiours and arrogates to be Judge of that Necessity the Inferiour may urge the same Necessity in his judgement to act against the Commands of his General The Souldiers ' gainst their Officers any other 20000. men in this Kingdom against this Army and this Army as against this Parliament so against any other Representative or Government and so in infinitum 3. The Commons have their Authority from the Writ of Election though their election from the people See the Writ Cromton's Jurisdict of Court Tit Parliamen The Commons in Parliament are not accountable for the use of their trust to any but the House being Trustees of the People not by Delegation but by translation all the power of the people being transferred to them for advising voting and assenting according to their judgements not according to the judgements of those that sent them for otherwise the parties electing and those elected differing in judgement one might protest against what the other had done and so make void all Acts of Parliament But if their Acts were valid or void at the Electors judgements yet were the Members onely accountable to them that sent them not to Strangers and in no case to the Army who are themselves but in subordinate trust to the Parliament for their defence 4. This violence upon the Members is not onely contrary to the Armies trust but against their Covenant and Protestation the breach whereof being a morrall evill cannot be made good by honest intentions and necessity The particulars of the said Generall Officers Answer upon which this pretended Necessity is grounded are six but we must first take notice what is said from the end of the 2. pag. to the end of the 5 before we enter upon them the summe is In all new Elections there were 2. Independents chosen for one of any other principles Independents were then Commissioners for the Great Seal and delivered Writs to men of their own Party who had the advantage to keep them and chuse their own time to deliver them and Souldiers under colour of keeping the peace became great Sticklers in Elections That by the endeavours of some old Malignant Members and by practises used in new Elections there came in a floud of new Burgesses that either are Malignant or Neuters To this we say what is done by the majority is the Act of the whole House and what is done against the majority is done against the whole House nor was the Ordinance for New Elections carried on by old Malignants unless the major part of the House were alwaies such and before the new Elections It is not hard to shew that many of the Officers of the Army came in upon the last Elections and were chosen by those places where they are scarce known upon what influence therefore they came in let the world judge And now for the said 6. particulars objected The Army betrayed Ireland by their disobedience They would neither go for Ireland themselves nor suffer others to go 1 part sect 16. 55.57 1. The betraying of Ireland into the Enemies hands by
People or else by the power of Courtiers stopping the course of Justice at the Councel Table and in other Arbitrary Courts both which are taken away by the Kings Concessions 1. That the Nomination of Judges and Officers be in the Parliament 2. That the King make no new Parliament Lords for the future to Vote there For this you must take the faith of the misty brained Penman who had this as well as many other gross Lies by Revelation The Army had had the King in h●ir power and had the Parliament adjourned the sole power of the Kingdom had been left in the Army which is a thing aimed at by them Another Objection is That they had intelligence that had they been suffered to meet all in the House once more it was designed to have passed some higher Resolutions to lay farther foundations of a new quarrel so as to carry therein the name and countenance of Parliamentary Authori●y together with the Kings upon an acceptable pretence of Peace to draw men in and then to have adjourned the Parliament for a long time excluding all remedy in this case but by another War To this we say the House immediately upon passing the Vote 5. Decemb sent a Committee to the General to confer with him and his Officers and keep a good correspondency with them To which the General promised his readiness howsoever it was hindred afterwards And then they seized upon one of the Commissioners appointed to Treat affronted another and left no way free for a Conference which shews they were resolved to doe what they had designed The last Obj. is That those Members that are yet detained in Custodie are either such as have been formerly Impeached and in part judged by the House for Treason and other Crimes and never acquitted and against whom they can and very shortly will produce new matter of no less crime or else such who have appeared most active and united in Councels with them against whom also they are preparing and shall shortly give matter of particular Impeachment To this we say that when it appears what those crimes are and what persons are charged with them we doubt not but they will sufficiently acquit themselves if things may be legally carried in a judicial way by competent Judges not preingaged In the mean time we conclude That Souldiers whose advantages arise by War are not fit to judge of the Peace of the Nation 74. A Declaration by Mr. Walker and Mr. Pryn The 19. Jan. 1648. Mr. Pryn and Mr. Walker two of the secured Members published in print their Declaration and Protestation against the actings and proceedings of the Army and their Faction now remaining in the House of Commons as followeth A Declaration and Protestation of Will Pryn and Clem Walker Esquires Members of the House of Commons Against the present Actings and Proceedings of the Generall and Generall Councell of the Army and their Election now remaining and sitting in the said House WHereas long since for ease of the People both Houses in a full and free Parliament Voted the Disbanding of this Army in opposition to which some great Officers of the said Army to continue their rich Commands with some Members of the House of Commons who daily inrich themselves by the troubles of the times secretly mutinied the Army against the Parliament And whereas lately the farre major part of the House of Commons pittying the bleeding condition and tears of the oppressed People Voted and entred into a Personall Treaty with the King without which by the Armies own confession in their Remonstrance at Saint Albons p. 64. there can be no peace which the Army interrupted by obtruding upon the Commons a treasonable Remonstrance 20. Novemb. 1648. tending to destroy the King and His Posterity and wholly to subvert all Parliaments Religion Laws and Liberties for ever whereby the Commons in Parliament found it absolutely necessary to prevent such pernitious innovations by concluding a safe peace with His Majesty whereupon after mature debate the House of Commons the 5. Decemb. 1648. Voted That the Kings Answer to the Propositions of both Houses upon the Treaty were a ground for the Houses to proceed to the settlement of a safe and well-grounded Peace Upon which the Generall and Councell of Warre Wednesday morning 6. December 1648. Seized and Imprisoned 41 of the Members going to the House of Commons to do their Duty secluded above 160. other Members besidss 40. or 50. Members who voluntarily withdrew themselves to avoid their violence leaving onely their own engaged party of 40. or 50. Members sitting who now pass Acts of Parliament of the House of Commons as they call them without the Lords and comply with the said Councell of Warre to carry on the said Remonstrance To which purpose this present remnant of the Commons have unvoted in a thin House under the force of the Army what was deliberately Voted in a full and free House whereas by their own Ordinance passed upon the Tumult of Apprentices 20. August 1647. to null and make void ab initio all Acts Orders Votes c. passed under the said force This remaining Party ought not to sit act nor take upon them the style of a House under so visible actuall and horrid a Force The premises considered We whose names are hereunto subscribed Members of the House of Commons do declare and protest That the said Generall Commissioned Officers and Generall Councell of the Army by the said act of violence upon the major part of the House which legally and virtually is the whole House have waged War and Rebelled against the Parliament their Masters who raised them to defend the Priviledges of Parliament and the Kings Person and Authority in defence of Religion Laws and Liberties and have thereby forfeited their Commissions and have broken and dis-continued this Parliament so that untill this force be removed punished the Honour of the Parliament and their wronged Members vindicated and all the Members resummoned all the Votes Orders and Actings passed and to be passed by this nominall House of Commons are and will be void ab initio and all such as do or shall obey them are and will be punishable both by the Armies own judgment in their Remonstrance August 18. and by the Houses Declaration and the said Ordinance 20. August 1647. We do farther declare and protest against this present House of Commons illegall Acts Order or Ordinance for erecting a High Court of Justice and usurping a power without any Law or president to Trie Depose and bring to capitall punishment the King and to Dis-inherit His Posterity or any of them and against the said Generall Councell of Officers aiding and abetting them therein as highly impious against the Law of God Nations and the Protestant Profession Traitors against the Stat. of Treason 25. Edw. 3. and against all Laws and our Statutes perjurious and perfidious against the Oaths of Allegiance Supremacy Nationall Covenant and Protestation
weather-cock John Goodwin of Coleman-sireet the Balaam of the Army that curseth and blesseth for Hire to be Superintendent both over King and Bishop so that they could hardly speak a word together without being over-heard by the long-schismaticall-eares of black-mouthed John Besides I hear that for some nights a-Guard of Souldiers was kept within His Chamber who with talking clinking of Pots opening and shutting of the door and taking Tobacco there a thing very offensive to the Kings nature should keep Him watching that so by distempering and amazing Him with want of sleep they might the easier bring Him to their bent 28. January being the last Sabbath the King kept in this life 90. A Paper-book of Demands tendered to be Subscribed by the King the Sunday before He died See sect 94. some of the Grandees of the Army and Parliament tendered to the King a Paper-book with promise of Life and some shadow of Regality as I hear if He subscribed it It contained many particulars destructive to the fundamental Government Religion Lawes Liberties and Property of the People One whereof was instanced to Me viz. That the King should amongst many other demands passe an Act of Parliament for keeping on foot the Militia of this Army during the pleasure of the Grandees who should be trusted with that Militia and with power from time to time to recruit and continue them to the number of 40000. Horse and Foot under the same General and Officers with power notwithstanding in the Councel of Warre to chuse new Officers and Generals from time to time as occasion shall happen and they think fit and to settle a very great Tax upon the people by a Land-Rate for an established Pay for the Army to be collected and levied by the Army themselves and a Court-Martial of an exorbitant extent and latitude His Majesty as I hear read some few of the propositions and throwing them aside told them He would rather becom a Sacrifice for His People then betray their Lawes and Liberties Lives and Estates together with the Church and Commonwealth and the Honour of his Crown to so intolerable a bondage of an Armed faction 91. The S●ile and Title of Custodes libertatis Angliae voted to be used in legal proceedings in stead of the sty●e of the King These Goalers of the Liberties of England are Individuum vagum not yet named See a Continuation of this madness in an Act for better setling proceedings in Courts of Justice according to the present Government Dated 17. Feb. 1648. Monday 29. Jan. 1648. The Legislative half-quarter of the House of Commons voted as followeth hearken with admiration Gentlemen be it enacted by this present Parliament and by Anthority of the same that in all Courts of Law Justice and Equity and in all Writs Grants Patents Commissions Indictments Informations Suits Returns of Writs and in all Fines Recoveries Exemplifications Recognizances Processe and Proceedings of Law Justice or Equity within the Kingdoms of England or Ireland Dominion of Wales c. in stead of the Name Stile Teste or Title of the KING heretofore used that from henceforth the Name Stile Teste or Title Custodes libertatis Angliae authoritate Parliamenti shall be used and no other and the Date of the year of the Lord and none other and that all Duties Profits Penalties Fines Amerciaments Issues and Forfeitures whatsoever which heretofore were sued for in the name of the KING shall from henceforth be sued for in the name of Custodes libertatis Angliae authoritate Parliamenti and where the words were Juratores pro Domino Rege they shall be Juratores pro Republica and where the words are contra pacem dignitatem coronam nostram the words from henceforth shall be contra pacem Publican All Judges Justices Ministers and Officers are to take notice thereof c. and whatsoever henceforth shall be done contrary to this Act shall be and is hereby declared to be null and void the death of the King or any Law usage or custom to the contrary notwithstanding Another device to mortifie the King c. The King lay in White-hall Saturday the day of his Sentence and Sunday night so near the place appointed for the separation of his Soul and Body that He might heare every stroak the Workmen gave upon the Scaffold where they wrought all night this is a new device to mortifie him but it would not do Tuesday 30. Jan. 1648. was the day appointed for the Kings Death He came on Foot from Saint James's to White-hall that morning His Majesty coming upon the Scaffold made a Speech to the People which could only be heard by some few Souldiers and Schismaticks of the Faction who were suffered to possesse the Scaffold and all parts near it and from their Pennes only we have our Informations His Majesties Speech upon the Scaffold and his Death or Apotheosis The KING told them THat all the world knew He never began the Warre with the two Houses of Parliament and He called God to witnesse to whom He must shortly give an account He never intended to encroach upon their priviledges They began upon Me it was the Militia they began with they confessed the Militia was Mine but they thought fit to have it from Me and to be short if any body will look to the Dates of the Commissions Theirs and Mine and likewise to the Declarations will see clearly that they began these unhappy Troubles And a little after He said I pray God they may take the right way to the peace of the Kingdom Souldiers Rebelling against their Master or Sovereign though they prevail cannot claim by Conquest because their quarrel was perfidious base and sinful from the beginning But I must first show you how you are out of the way and then put you into the right way First you are out of the way for all the way you ever had yet by any thing I could ever finde was the way of Conquest which is a very ill way for Conquest is never just except there be a good just Cause either for matter of wrong or just Title and then if you go beyond the first Quarrel that you have that makes it unjust in the end that was just in the Beginning But if it be only matter of Conquest then it is a great Robbery as the Pyrate said to Alexander and so I think the way that you are in hath much of that way Now Sirs to put you in the way believe it you will never do right nor God will never prosper you untill you give him his due the King that is My Successor his due and the People for whom I am as much as any of you their due 1. You must give God his due by regulating rightly his Church according to his Scripture which is now out of order to set you in a way particularly now I cannot but only a National Synod freely called freely debating amongst themselves must settle
this when that every opinion is freely and clearly heard 2. For the King the Lawes of the Land will freely instruct you and because it concernes My self I will only give you a touch of it 3. For the people and truly I desire their Liberty and Freedom as much as any man whatsoever I must tell you their Liberty and Freedom consists in having such a Government whereby their Lives and Goods may be most their own it lies not in having a Share in the Government that is nothing pertinent to them a Subject and a Soveraign are clean different things and therefore until you restore the People to such a Liberty they will never enjoy themselves Sirs it was for this I now come hither if I would have given way to an Arbitrary sway to have all Lawes changed according to the power of the Sword I needed not to have come here See Sect. 90. and therefore I tell you and I pray God it be not laid to your charge that I am the Martyr of the People c. The House had the Impudence to answer the Dutch Ambassadours that what they had done to the King was according to the Law of the Land They mean that their Lusts are the Laws of the Land for other Law they can shew none This was the effect of his Majesties Speech who shewed much Magnanimity and Christian patience during all the time of His Trial and Death notwithstanding many barbarous affronts put by way of tentation upon Him He had his Head severed from his Body at one stroak the Souldiers and Schismaticks giving a great shout presently Thus this noble Prince a Gentleman sanctified by many afflictions after He had escaped Pistoll Poyson and Pestilent ayre could not escape the more venemous tongues of Lawyers and Pettyfoggers Bra●shaw Cooke Steele Aske and Dorislaus thus the Shepherd is smitten and the Sheep scattered THe said High Court of Justice with the downfall of King CHARLES the I. thereby and in Him of the Regall Government Religion Lawes and Liberties of this ancient Kingdom is Emblematically presented to the Readers view See the Figure before the Title page Presently after this dissolution of the King 94. Proclamations published against proclaiming the King the Commons sent abroad Proclamations into London and all England over reciting That whereas severall pretences might be made to this Crown and Title to the Kingly Office set on foot to the apparent hazard of the publique peace Be it enacted and ordained by this present Parliament and by the Authority of the same that no Person whatsoever do presume to proclaime declare publish or any waies to promote Charles Stuart Sonne of the said Charles commonly called Prince of Wales or any other Person to be King or Chief Magistrate of England or Ireland or of any Dominions belonging to them by colour of Inheritance Succession Election or any other claime whatsoever without the free consent of the people in Parliament first had and signified by a particular Act or Ordinance for that purpose any Law Stat Usage or custome to the contrary notwithstanding Who shall judg● when these Fellows will be thought free and when not and whosoever shall contrary to this Act Proclaim c. Shall be deemed and adjudged a Traytor and suffer accordingly 95. A Proclamation privately printed and scattered proclaiming CHARLS the second Notwithstanding which inhibition the 2. February 1648. was printed and scattered about London-streets this following Proclamation * A Proclamation proclaiming CHARLES Prince of Wales King of Great Britaine France and Ireland VVEE the Noblemen Judges Knights Lawyers Gentlemen Freeholders Merchants Citizens Yeomen Seamen and other freemen of England do according to our Allegiance and Covenant by these presents heartily joyfully and unanimously acknowledge and proclaim the Illustrious CHARLES Prince of Wales next heir of the blood Royall to his Father King CHARLES whose late wicked and trayterous murther we do from our souls abominate and all parties consenters thereunto to be by herditary Birthright and lawfull succession rightfull and undoubted King of Great Britaine France and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging And that we will faithfully constantly and sincerely in our severall places and callings defend and maintaine his Royal Person Crown and Dignity with our Estates Lives and last drop of our Bloods against all Opposers thereof whom we do hereby declare to be Traytours and Enemies to his Majesty and his Kingdoms In testimony whereof we have caused these to be published and proclaimed throughout all Counties and Corporations of this Realm the first day of February in the first year of His Majesties Reign God save King CHARLES the Second The fag end of the House of Commons Febr. 1. 1648. 96. A V●te that such Members a● had assented to the Vote 5. Dec shall sit no more others to enter their d s●e●● and disappro all passed a thing they call an Act That such Members as had assented to the Vote 5. Decemb. 1648. That the Kings Concessions were a ground for the House to proceed to a settlement should not be re-admitted to sit as Members such as were then in the House and voted in the negative should first enter their dissent to the said Vote such as were ab●ent should declare their disapprovall before they sit You see the cheating Godly are resolved to keep all to themselves This day their tame Lordships sent a Message to the House of Commons but they were too surly to call the Messengers in 97. The Lords send a Message to the Commons but the messenger not called in the substance of the Message was That their Lordships had appointed 7. of their House to joyn with a proportionable number of Commons to consider of a way how to settle this Nation Munday 5. Febr. 1648. 98. The house of Lords voted down The Commons debated whether they should continue the House of Lords as a Court Judicatory or Consultory onely And the day following they put this Question Whether this House shall take the advise of the House of Lords in the exercise of the Legislative power of the Kingdom in pur●uance of the Votes of this House 4 Janu last This was carried in the Negative by many Voices in farther pursuance of which Vote they farther voted That the House of Peers in Parliament is useless and dangerous and ought to be abolished and that an Act be brought in for that purpose and voted down their Priviledge of being exempt from Arrests yet they graciously condescended they shall be capable of being elected knights of Shires and Burgesses if any will be so mad as to chuse them yet my Lord of Pembroke is as much overjoyed with gay Priviledge as if they had bestowed a new Cap with a Bell and a Bable upon him who will not now conclude that the Votes of this Legislative this supreme piece of the House of Commons is the onely Law and reason of the Land which leads all our Laws
People of England And whereas the said confederated Commons have likewise tyrannically and audaciously presumed contrary to their Oathes and Engagements aforesaid to take upon them to make Acts of Parliament as they terme them without our privity or assents or the joynt consent of the King and House of Lords contrary to the Use and Priviledges of Parliament and knowne Lawes of the Land and by pretext thereof have trayterously and wickedly endeavoured to Dis-inherit the Illustrious CHARLES Prince of Wales next Heire to the Crowne and actuall KING of England Scotland France and Ireland immediately after His said Royall Fathers barbarous Murther by Right of descent and proclaimed it Treason for any Person to Proclaime him KING whereas it is high Treason in them thus to prohibit His proclaiming and have likewise trayterously and impudently encroached a tyrannicall and lawlesse power to themselves to Vote down our antient Kingly and Monarchicall Government and the House of Peers and to make a new Great Seale of England without the Kings Portraicture or Stile and to alter the antient Regall and Legall Stile of Writs and proceedings in the Courts of Justice and to create new Judges and Commissioners of the Great Seale and to dispense with their Oaths of Supremacy and Allegiance and to prescribe new Oaths unto them contrary to Law though they have no Authority by any Law Statute or custome to administer or injoyne an Oath to any man and thereby have trayterously attempted to alter the fundamentall Laws and Government of this Kingdome and to subvert the freedome priviledges and being of Parliaments for which Treasons Strafford and Canterbury though least criminall lost their Heads this last Parliament by some of their owne prosecutions and the judgment of both Houses We in discharge of our respective duties and obligations both to God the King our owne Consciences our bleeding dying Kingdomes and the severall Counties Cities and Burrroughs for which we serve do by this present Writing in our owne Names and in the Names of all the Counties Cities and Burroughs which we represented in Parliament publickly declare and solemnly protest before the all-seeing God the whole Kingdomes of England Scotland and Ireland and the world that We do from the bottome of our hearts abominate renounce and disclaime all the said pretended Acts Votes and proceedings of the said confederate Members acted under the Armies power against our consents as treasonable wicked illegall unparliamentary tyrannical and pernitious both to the King Parliament Kingdomes and all the free-borne People of this Realme extreamly disadvantagious and dishonourable to our Nation scandalous to our Religion and meer forcible Usurpations and Nullities void in Law to all intents and purposes which we and all the Freemen of this Kingdome and all the Kingdomes and Dominions thereto belonging are bound openly to disavow oppugne and resist as such with our purses armes lives to the last drop of our blouds and to which neither We nor any other can ought or dare to submit or assent in the least degree without incurring the guilt of High Treason and the highest perjury infamy and disloyalty And in case the said confederates shall not speedily retract and desist from those their treasonable practises and tyrannicall usurpations which We cordially desire and entreat them by all obligations of love and respect they have to God Religion their King Country and Posterity timely to do We do hereby denounce and declare them to be Traytors and publique Enemies both to the King and Kingdome and shall esteem and prosecute them with all their wilfull Adherents and voluntary Assistants as such and endeavour to bring them to speedy and condigne Punishment according to the Solemne League and Covenant wherein We trust the whole Kingdome all those for whom We serve and the Lord of Hosts himself to whom We have sworne and lifted up our hands hearts and fervent prayers will be aiding and assisting to us and all our Bretheren of Scotland and Ireland who are united and conjoyned with us in covenant to our GOD and Allegiance to our Soveraigne King CHARLES the Second who we trust will make good all His destroyed Fathers concessions which really concerne our peace or safety and secure Us against all force and tyranny of our Fellow-subjects who now contrary to their Trusts and former Engagements endeavour by the meer power of that Sword which was purposely raised for the protection of our Persons Government Religion Laws Liberties the KING 's Royall Person and Posterity and the Priviledges of Parliament to Lord it over Us at their pleasure and enthrall and enslave Us to their armed violence and lawlesse martial wills which we can no longer tolerate nor undergoe after so long fruitlesse and abused patience in hope of their repentance About the same time came out another Paper entituled 109. A Paper entituled Foure true Positions c. ¶ Foure true and considerable Positions for the sitting Members the new Courts of Justice and new Judges Sheriffs Officers Lawyers Justices and others to ruminate upon 1. THat the whole House of Commons in no Age had any Power Right or Lawfull Authority to make any Valid or binding Act or Ordinance of Parliament or to impose any Tax Oath Forfeiture or capitall punishment upon any Person or Free-men of this Realme without the Lords or Kings concurrent assents much lesse then can a small remnant onely of the Members of that House do it sitting under an armed force which nulls and vacates all their Votes and proceedings as the Ordinance of 20. August 1647. declares whilst most of their Fellow-Members are forcibly detained and driven thence as Mr. St. John proves in his Speech concerning Ship-mony p. 33. and in his Argument concerning the Earle of Strafford's Attainder p. 70 71 76 77 78. and Sir Edw. Coke in his 4. Instit c. 1. 2. That the few Members now sitting in and the House of Commons being no Court of Justice of it selfe and having no power to hear and determine any civill or criminall causes nor to give an Oath in any case whatsoever cannot by the Lawes and Statutes of the Realm nor by any pretext of authority whatsover erect any new Court of Justice nor give power or authority to any new Judges Justices or Commissioners to arraigne try condemn or execute any Subject of meanest quality for any reall or pretended crime whatsoever much less their own Soveraign Lord the King or any Peers of this Realme who ought to be tryed by their Peers and by the Law of the Land alone and not otherwise And that the condemning and executing the King or any Peere or other Subject by pretext of such an illegall Authority is no lesse than High Treason and wilfull Murther both in the Members and Commissioners Judges or Justices giving and executing Sentence of Death in any such arbitrary and lawlesse void Court or by vertue of any such void and illegall Commissions 3. That the House of Commons and Members now sitting
afteroon they having already in their wills and power to dispose of the Kings Queens Princes Dukes and the rest of the Childrens Revenue Deanes and Chapters Land Bishops Lands Sequestred Delinquents Lands Sequestred Papists Lands Compositions of all sorts amounting to Millions of money besides Excise and Customes yet this is not enough although if rightly husbanded it would constantly pay above one hundred thousand men and furnish an answerable Navy thereunto But the people must now after their Trade● are lost and their Estates spent to procure their Liberties and Freedoms be Assessed about 100000 l. a Moneth Master Boon a Member of the House lately a Tapster hath 6000 l. given him Sir Arth Hazelrig 3 great Manours Bishops-Aukland Ev●r-wood and another Col. B●rkstead the pitiful Thimble and Bodkin Gold-smith bought as much Bishops Lands as cost 10000 l. at two or three years purchase and hath already raised his money that so they may be able like so many Cheaters and State-thieves to give six eight ten twelve fourteen sixteen thousand pounds a piece over again to one another as they have done already to divers of themselves to buy the Common-wealths Lands one of another contrary to the duty of Trustees who by Law nor equity can neither give nor sell to one another at two or three years Purchase the true and valuable rate considered as they have already done and to give 4 or 5000 l. per annum over again to King Cromwell as they have done already out of the Earl of Worcesters Estate c. besides about 4 or 5 l. a day he hath by his Places of Lieu. Generall and Colonel of Horse in the Army although he were at the beginning of this Parliament but a poor Man yea little better than a Beggar to what he is now as well as others of his Neighbours 147. A Petition in behalf of Io Lylburn and his company 2. Aprill 1649. A Petition subscribed by divers Persons in behalf of John Lilburn and his company was presented to the Commons wherein amongst other things are contained these three just demands 1. That no man be censured condemned or molested but for the breach of some Law first made and published to the People whereby is avoided that uncertainty and howerly hazard that otherwise every man is subject to both in respect of his Estate Liberty and Life 2. That every crime have not onely its penaltie annexed hut together therewith the manner and method of proceedings ascertained 3. That the execution of Laws be referred to ordinary Magistrates and Officers by Law deputed thereto and that the Military power be not used but where the Civil is so resisted as that of its own strength it is deficient to enforce obedience 148. Itinerant Ministers an invention to undermine our Orthodox setled Ministers and infect the people with Schismes and Anarchicall principles sutable to the many-headed tyranny of the Grandees Aprill 12. 1649. It was referred to a Committee to consider of a way how to raise Pensions and Allowances out of Deans and Chapters Lands to maintain supernumeracy Itinerant Ministers who should be Authorized to go up and down compassing the earth and adulterate other Mens Pulpits and Congregations and put affronts and raise factions and scandals upon such orthodox and conscientious Ministers in order to their Sequestration as cannot frame their Doctrine to the damnable practises and Anarchicall principles of the times These wandering Apostles are to preach Antimonarchicall seditious doctrine to the people sutable to that they call the present Government to raise the rascall multitude and schismaticall rabble against all men of best quality in the Kingdom to draw them into Associations and Combinations with one another in every County and with the Army against all Lords Gentry Ministers Lawyers rich and peaceable men and all that are Lovers of the old Laws and Government for the better rooting of them out that themselves alone may inhabite the earth and establish their new tyranny or Kingdom of the Saints upon the ruines of our ancient Monarchy These men like Balaam shall bless and curse for hire and vent State-news State-doctrine and poison the people with such changeable and various principles as from time to time shall be dictated to them by those Pseudo-polititians as now sit at the Helm they shall cousen the people with pretended Illuminations Revelations and Inspirations and pour out all the Vials of Gods wrath amongst them Cromwel and Ireton and their Faction 149. A fraudulent Reconciliation and uniting of Interests attempted with a mock-fast for that purpose having formerly deluded all the Interests and Parties of this Kingdom were arrived to that height of impudence as to endeavour to cheat them all over again they had by murthering the King abolishing the House of Lords putting an execrable force upon the far major part of the House of Commons making themselves and their Party a tyrannical Councel of State to usurp the Supreme power and Government endeavouring a Toleration of all Religions attempting to take away Tithes See a Paper called Arguments against all Accommodation between the City of London and the engaged Grandees of the Parl. and Army And A seasonable Caution to the City of London printed at the latter end of Relation and Observations Hist and Pol. c. mocking and then tyrannizing over that part of the Army they please to miscall Levellers distracted and discontented all Parties within the Kingdom and stirred up all the Princes of Christendom to defend the common Interest of Kings now controverted in England This cloud threatned to pour down a new War upon them to provide a remedy therefore for this sore Cromwel moved in the House of Commons That the Presbyterian Government might be setled promising his endeavors thereto but whether he meant a Classical or Congregational Presbytery which differs little or nothing from Independency he did not declare● and here lyeth the fallacy he likewise moved That the secured and secluded Members might again be invited into the House they sent their Agents both Lay-men and Ministers amongst whom Mr. Marshal Nye Carrell Goodwin and Hugh Peters were chief to cajole and decoy the Ministers Citizens and the expulsed Members with discourses and propositions they told them The Presbyterians had differed from the King in point of civil Interest which was more irreconcileable than that Interest of Church-Government whatsoever shew was made to the contrary They will not endure to hear of the KING' 's exemplary patience and Christian charity to all nor of His precepts and strict injunctions to His Son of clemency and abstinency from revenge contained in His last Book The Pourtraicture of His Majestie These things will both apologize for our young King and condemn our bloody vindicative Saints That the Presbyterians as well as the Independents made War against the late King brought Him low and prepared Him to receive his late deadly Blow from the Independents and therefore the King would look upon
what Spirit Haslerigge is known That some Northern Counties having petitioned the Commons for relief against the miserable famine raging there Haslerigge opposed their request saying The want of food would best defend those Counties from Scottish Invasions What man that had any sense of Christianity Courage Honesty or Iustice would have been the Authour of so barbarous and unjust a motion That six Gentlemen no way conscious nor privie to the fact should be offered up a sacrifice to revenge and malice nay to guilty fears and base cowardic● to keep off the like attempts from Haslerigge and his Party I wish this Gentleman would reade the Alcharon or new Independent Bible of the new Translation and from thence gather precepts of more Humanity Justice Honesty and Courage since he hath Read the Old and New Testament of Moses and Christ to so little purpose Yet the House 18. of May passed a Declaration That if more Acts of the like nature happened hereafter it should be retaliated upon such Gentlemen of the Kings Party as had not yet Compounded But this is but a device to fright them to Compound unlesse it be a forerunner to a Massacre heretofore taken into consideration at a Councell of Warre See Sect. 117. 161. An act declaring more new Treasons About this time came forth that prodigious Act declaring four new Treasons with many complicated Treasons in their bellies the like never heard of before in our Law nor in any Kingdom or Republike of Christendom Because I have formerly spoken of it the Act it self printed publisht and dreadfully notorious throughout the whole Kingdom I will refer you to the printed Copie onely one clause formerly debated was omitted in the Act viz. That to kill the Generall Lieuten Gen. any Members of this present Parl. or Counsel of State to be declared Treason this would have discovered their guilty cowardize so much they were ashamed of it besides it was thought fit to make the People take a new Oath of Allegiance to the new State First I will only give you some few Observations thereupon This Act declares to be Treason unto death and confiscation of Lands all Deeds Plots and Words 1. Against this present fagge end of a Parliament and against their never before heard-of Supream Authority and Government for when was this Kingdome ever governed by a Parliament or by any power constituted by them 2. All endeavours to subvert the Keepers of the Liberty of England and Councell of State constituted and to be from time to time constituted by Authority of Parliament who are to be under the said Representatives in Parliament if they please and not otherwise for the Sword and the Purse trusted in the power of the Councell of State yet the Keepers of the Liberties of England and the Councell of State of England to be hereafter constituted by Parliament are Individua vaga ayrie notions not yet named nor known and when they are known we owe them no Allegiance without which no Treason by the known Lawes of the Land which is onely due to the King His lawfull Heires and Successours thereto sworn nor any the particular Powers and Authorities granted to this Parliament by the said Keepers of the Liberties of England and Councell of State yet any where authentically published and made known to us by any one avowed Act unlesse we shall account their Licensed New Books to be such and therefore they may usurp what powers they please So that these men who involved us in a miserable Warre against the late Murdered KING pretending He would enslave us and they would set us free have brought us so far below the condition of the basest Slaves that they abuse us like brute Beasts and having deprived us of our Religion Lawes and Liberties and drawn from us our money and bloud they now deny us the use of reason and common sence belonging to us as Men and Govern us by Arbitrary irrationall Votes with which they bait Traps to catch us Woe be to that people whose Rulers set snares to catch them and are amari venatores contra Dominum Men-hunters against God nay to move any Person to stir up the People against their Authority is hereby declared Treason mark the ambiguity of these words like the Devils Oracles which he that hath Power and the Sword in his hands will interpret as he please If the Keeper of the Liberties of England or Councell of State shall extend too farre or abuse their Authority never so much contrary to the Lawes of the Land Reason Justice or the Lawes of God as hath been lately done in this Case of Lylburne Walwyn c. no Lawyer no Friend shall dare to performe that Christian duty of giving councell or help to the oppressed here Fathers and Children Husbands and Wives Brothers and all relations must forsake nay betray one another lest these Tyrants interpret these duties to be A moving of them to stirre up the People against their Authority 3. All endeavours to withdraw any Souldier or Officer from their obedience to their Superior Officer or from the present Government as aforesaid By which words it is Treason First if any mans Child or Servant be inticed into this Army and the Father or Master endeavour to withdraw him from so plundering and roguing a kinde of life back to his profession Secondly If any Commander or Officer shall command his Souldiers to violate wrong or rob any man for the party so aymed at or some wel-meaning Friend to set before the said Souldiers the sinne and shame of such actions and disswade them from obeying such unlawfull commands 4. If any man shall presume to counterfeit their counterfeit Great Seale It is declared Treason I wonder it is not Treason to counterfeit their counterfeit coyne Behold here new minted Treasons current in no time and place but this afflicted Age and Nation Edw. 3. anno 25. regni ch 2. passed an excellent Act to secure the People by reducing Treasons to a certainty as our New Legislative Tyrants labour to ensnare the People by making Treasons uncertaine and arbitrary Sic volo sic ju beo it shall be Treason be cause they will call and Vote it so what they please to call Treason shall be Treason though our knowne Lawes call it otherwise we have long held our Estates and Liberties and must now hold our Lives at the will of those Grand Seigniours one Vote of 40. or 50. factious Commons Servants and Members of the Army vacates all our Lawes Liberties Properties and destroys our Lives Behold here a short veiw of that Act which hath no Additions by any Act subsequent See stat 1. Mariae c. 10. Whereas diverse opinions have been before this time in what cases Treason shall be said and in what not The King at the request of the Lords and Commons Declares See 1. H. 4. c. 10. 11. H. 7. c. 1. 1. That to compasse or imagine the Death of the KING how
to persecute and execute such Members of the Army as retain any sense or memory of their old Engagements and Principles * 182. The pretended Parliaments Councel of State and Officers confederated with Oneale See An After-game at Irish c. 1649. and the Propositions p●inted at Cork and reprinted at London From June 6. 1649. June 8. 1649. I formerly told you of an underhand combination between the domineering Independent party here and Owen Roe Oneale which is now openly declared and avowed by their own licenced News-books Owen Roe and Colonel Monk are joyned saith the M●dest Narrative our Party have permitted 300. of Oneals own Regiment to Quarter in our parts amongst the Creats within two miles of Dundalke saith the Scout Owen Roe and Berne are come towards Col. Jones and Col. M nks Quarters he is so fair as to pay Contribution his Quarters are to the Scots side of Dublin to prevent their giving aid to Ormond in his attempt upon Dublin Moderate Intelligencer from June 7. to 14. 1649. num 221. who can blame necessity nor doe our Grandees now deny this Confederacy with the bloody Popish massacring Rebels although they had the impudence to make the only supposition thereof one of the principal Charges against the late King and to raise a great out-cry against the Marquess of Ormond and Lord Inchiquine for their conjunction with Pr ston yet they joyned but to prevent the Cromwelists who offered to associate with him upon conditions much more prejudicial to the Protestant Religion and English Interests than Ormond hath given them They have offered this Oneale all the Lands in Vlster forfeited by his Grandfather Tyrone Shane Oneale and others attainted thereby destroying the British Planters there and this is the reason they imploy so few old Irish Commanders into those parts lest the Oneals should doubt they came to recover their own lands again But our Atheistical Saints account themselves loose when other men are bound nothing but a halter can hold them all obligations to men all duties and vowes to God See the Councel of Wars Answer concerning the secured and secluded Members from 6. June to 13. num 3. they break upon pretended necessity and honest intentions Their Metropolitan Nuntio Judas Haclet tells you Their Party will not joyn with the bloody Irish until they are brought to such a pinch as to say Flectere sinequeo superos Acheronta movebo If God will not be the Author and Patron of their Designs the Devil shall you see these Independents hang between God and the Devil Michael and the Dragon not resolved which part to take Be it known unto all men by these presents 183. Parker the Observator that Harry Parker the Observator is returned from Hamborough and highly preferred to be Brewers Clerk alias Secretary to Cromw●l to whose Designs he hath prostituted his pen. There is lately come forth a Book of John Meltons a Libertine that thinketh his Wife a Manacle 184. Meltons Book the Tenure of Kings and Magistrates c. and his very Garters to be Shackles and Fetters to him one that after the Independent fashion will be tied to no obligation to God or man wherein he undertaketh to prove That it is lawful for any that have power to call to account Depose and put to Death wicked Kings and Tyrants after due c●nviction if the ordinary Magistrate neglect it I hope then it is lawful to put to death wicked Cromwels Councels of State corrupt Factions in Parliament for I know no prerogative that usurpation can bestow upon them He likewise asserteth That those who of late so much blame Deposing are the men that did it themselves meaning the Presbyterians I shall invite some man of more leisure and abilities than my self to Answer these two Paradoxes But shall first give him these cautions 1. That for the Polemick part he turn all his Arguments into Syllogismes and then he will find them to be all Fallacie● the froth of wit and fancy not the D●ctates of true and solid Reason 2. That for the Historical or narrative part he would throughly examine them and he will find few of them consonant to the plumb-line of truth 3. That he would consider that from the beginning of this Parliament there were three Parties or Factions in it 1. The Royalists 2. The Presbyterians 3. The Independents For though they were not then notorious by their name yet the Persons confederated were then extant and active being a complication of all Antimonarchical Anarchical heresies and s●hismes Anabaptists See the Mystery of the two Junto's Presbyterian and Independent Brownists Barrowists Adamites Familists Libertines of all sorts the true Heires and Successors of John of Leyden and Knipperdolling in all their principles aad practices united under the general Title of Independent and these were originally the men that by their close insinuations solicitations and actings began and carried on the War against the KING with an intent from the beginning to pull down Monarchy and set up Anarchy notwithstanding the many Declarations Remonstrances abortive Treaties Protestations and Covenants to the contrary which were Obligations from time to time extorted from them by the Presbyterians although not strong enough to hold such subtile Sampsons whose strengths to break such Withes lay not in their Bushes of Hair but in the Ambushes of their Hearts wherein there always lay hid some evasion equivocation or mental reservation which like a back-door gave them leave to make an escape In the beginning almost of this Parl. the Independents that is the Schismaticks in the Parliament insisted openly upon it to have the Papists in Ireland rooted out and their Lands sold to Adventurers and passing an Act to that purpose necessitated the Irish Papists to massacre the English Protestants which was purposely done by the Independents that both Papists and Protestants might destroy one another there that they might the better subvert Protestancy in England which is now in hand And though it be true that the first General the Earle of Essex was a Presbyterian yet he was acted by Independents as the L. Sa● and others of the like stamp and had a clause in his Commission to forbear the King's Person which clause upon the Independents new Modelling the Army under Fairfax was omitted at their especial instance Monday 18. June 185. L.C. Lilburns Book The Legal fundamental Liberties of the People c. 1649. came forth that most useful Book of John Lilburns called The Legal fundamental Liberties of the People of England Revived c. wherein he excellently well sets forth the new usurped tyranny of that Hydra of Nimrods now subverting our Laws Liberties and Property consuming us with illegal Taxes Excise Free-quarter Monopolies and sharing Land Money Goods and Offices amongst themselves perpetuating an Army to enslave us and overthrow the fundamental Government of this Nation in order to which they have complied with and cheated all Interests broken all
themselves though they prohibit others But Gold and Silver are drawn out of Mines Royal and belong to the Saints by their Prerogative 5. An Act to be passed for punishment of Revolted Sea-men and Mariners None against traiterous tyrannous theevish Saints 6. An Act for relief of wel-affected Tenants against Malignant Land-lords who have compounded for their Estates rack their Tenants Rents or turn them out of doors This is a device First to make work for such Members as not being of the Councel of State would become as contemptible as they are hateful being devested of all power to play the Tyrants after Adjournment And secondly to stir up all the Tenants of England especially Schismaticks to combine with them against their Land-lords and deprive them of the legal use of their Estates and the benefit of their Compositions for to what purpose shall Gentlemen compound for their Estates when they must let and set them at the discretion of domineering Committees or Commissioners conspiring with the high Shoos to oppress make a prey of enslave and unspirit all the Nobility and Gentry of England here aimed at under the general Title of Malignants Oh perfidious Tyrants keep your money Gentlemen or turn it into Iron and Gun-powder 7. An Act to suppress Malignant Pamphlets aspersing the present proceedings of the Parliament Councel of State and the Army and prevent Printing as much as may be This is to set truth in the pillory whilst her counterfeit impudent lying and slandering sits in state in Parliament Councel of State and Councel of Officers and rides triumphantly Coached into the City to Thansgiving Devotions and Dinners 8. That the Pulpits being as scandalous as the Press against their proceedings they enjoyn that a more strict course be taken to stop the mouthes of the Preachers hereafter You see how Ahab-like these Subverters of Church and Common-wealth 1 King 18.17 accuse our Prophets for troubling our Israel being their own sin and seek occasion to bring a spiritual as well as a corporal famine upon the Land cutting off the staff of bread as well from our souls as bodies by stopping the mouths of Gods Ministers But I hope they will remember the duty they owe to the honour of him that sent them upon his Embassage to his people and fearing God more than Man every man cry out to his own soul and conscience with S. Paul 1 Cor. 9.16 Vae mihi si non praedicavero Woe be to me if I do not Preach 9. That an Act be passed that that clause of the Stat. 23. Eliz. 25. Eliz. 1 Jac. against Sectaries should be repealed that none may be questioned thereby in the vacancy of Parl. What is this but to pray in aid of Turks Jewes Anabaptists of Munster nay the Devil himself to joyn with them as they have already joyned with Owen Roe Oneale and his bloody massacring Irish Papists against the Protestant Religion which was part of the designe of the schismatical Party in Parliament in waging war against the King from the beginning See Sect. 184. the Marginal notes there This impious Liberty of Conscience to destroy the Protestant Religion is all the liberty we are like to enjoy under the Kingdom of these bloody cheating Saints in all things else we are meer and absolute slaves 10. That an Act for a General Pardon be passed to all Persons except such as are particularly named therein and declaring no Pardon to any that shall for the future raise War in this Nation against the present Authority thereof This is a project 1. To pardon themselves and their Party for their transcendent villanies and to stop the mouthes of the Countrey from complaining of them after their Adjournment and this shall be effectually done 2. To befool silly weak-spirited people with general words of a Pardon which shall be made ineffectual by many exceptions and limitations 3. This is principally intended to fright men from attempting any thing against the usurped Supremacy and Tyranny of the Councel of State and therefore all Pardons to such Attemptors are before-hand declared against This with them is as a sin against the Holy Ghost unpardonable to deny their Supreme Arbitrary Authority 11. That the Act for relief of poor Prisoners for Debt may be passed Though I can with as much Charity as any Man wish a relief to them yet I like not that Charity should be made a cloak to ambitious Knavery and all the Creditors of the Kingdom be made liable to the vexation of a covetous Committee who under colour of Charity shall raise up all the indebted Men of the Kingdom against all the monied Men if they will not sacrifice their purses to the Foh-Gods of the new State and be bountiful to the Committee which is the full scope of this Proposition 12. That the Souldiers may be secured their Arreares out of the late Kings Lands This is to tie all the Souldiery by the purse-strings which is Saints Tenure to make good that horrid trayterous Murther 13. That an Act be passed for Probate of Wills Granting Administrations and investing of Ministers presented These lunatique Saints should have thought upon a new way to be set up before they throw down the old one and not have left men in an uncertainty how to dispose of their Estates and a Justitium a vacancy of Justice upon the Kingdom you see what Mountebanks our new State-Juglers are The good Boyes began to learn these Lessons upon Monday 25. June 190. Things undertaken by the Councel of State during the Recess The Councel of State likewise reported to their said Free-School of Commons several things which they in order to their future greatness would put into a way during the Recess against the Houses next meeting when two Sundays come together 1. That Commissioners be appointed in every County to make an estimate of all Tythes to the end they may be taken away for the future and some other provision designed for Ministers This is a whip and a Bell to lash Ministers to Preach State-Divinity 2. That the Councel of State consider of setling future Parliaments and the constant time of their calling sitting and ending after this Parliament shal think fit to dissolve themselves If they are not dissolved already which is the constant opinion of many great learned Lawyers well-affected to the Parl. they will never be dissolved without the help of a Hangman But I would gladly know by what Authority a Pack of forty Knaves calling themselves a Councel of State and usurping Regal power shall take upon them to abolish our ancient form of Parliaments contrary to the fundamental Laws of the Land their own Declarations Protestations and Covenants and to pack and shuffle new Parliaments to dispose of our Religion Laws Liberties Lives and Estates against the consent of the far major part of the people 3. That they shall consider of an Act for regulating proceedings in Law and prevent tediousness of Suits There are too many
Part. 2. chap. 5. pag. 735. Seconded by Cooks 4. Instit pag. 1 4 5 46 47 49. As he should admit those to be lawful Members so he should assent to ex post facto some particulars against his Knowledge and against the Oathes of Allegiance Supremacy Protestation Solemn League and Covenant taken in the presence of God with a sincere heart and real intention to perform the same and persevere therein all the dayes of his life without suffering himself directly or indirectly by whatsoever Combination Perswasion or Terrour to be withdrawn therefrom As for example he should thereby acknowledge contrary to his knowledge and the said Oathes and Covenant 1. That there may be and now is a lawful Parliament of England actually in being and legally continuing after the Kings Death consisting only of a few late Members of the Commons House without either King Lords or most of their fellow Members 2. That this Parliament sitting under a force and so unduly Constituted and packed by power of an Army combining with them hath just and lawful Authority 1. To violate the Priviledges Rights Freedomes Customes and alter the Constitution of our Parliaments themselves 2. To Imprison Seclude and Expel most of their fellow Members the far major part of the House for Voting and according to their Consciences in favour of Peace and settlement of the Commonwealth 3. To Repeal all Votes Ordinances and Acts of Parliament they please 4. To Erect new Arbitrary Courts of War and Justice 5. To Arrain Condemn and Execute the King himself with the Peers and Commons of this Realm by a new kinde of Martial Law contrary to Magna Charta The Petition of Right 3. Car. and the known Laws of the Land 6. To Dis-inherit the Kings Posterity of the Crown 7. To extirpate Monarchy and the whole House of Peers 8. To Change and Subvert the Ancient Government Seals Laws Writs Legal proceedings Courts and Coyn of the Kingdome 9. To Sell and Dispose of all the Lands Revenues Jewels Goods of the Crown with the Lands of Deans and Chapters for thir own advantage not the easing of the people from Taxes 10. To absolve themselves by a Papal kinde of power and all the Subjects of England and Ireland from all the Oaths and Engagements they have made to the Kings Majesty His Heirs and Successours yea from the very Oath of Allegiance notwithstanding this express Clause in it fit to be laid to heart by all conscientious Christians I do beleeve and in conscience am resolved That neither the Pope nor any person whatsoever hath power to absolve me of this Oath or any part thereof which I acknowledge by good and full Authority to be lawfully Ministred to me and do renounce all Pardons and Dispensations to the contrary 11. To dispence with our Protestation and Covenant so Zealously enjoyned by both Houses on all sorts of people 12. To dispose of the Forts Ships Forces Offices and places of Honour Power Trust or Profit to whom they please to their own party 13. To Displace and Remove whom they please from their Offices Trusts Pensions Callings and Franchises at their pleasures without any Legal cause or Trial. 14. To make what New Acts Laws and Reverse what Old ones they think meet to insnare and inthral our Consciences Estates Liberties and Lives 15. To create new monstrous Treasons never heard of before and to declare Real Treasons against the King Kingdome and Parliament to be no Treasons and Loyalty Allegiance due obedience to our known Laws and a conscientious observing our Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and the Covenant to be no less than High Treason for which they may take away our Lives and confiscate our Estates to their new Exchequer Thereby at once repealing Magna Charta c. 29. 5 Edw. 3. c. 6. 25 Edw. 3. c. 4. 28 Edw. 3. c. 3. 37 Edw. 3. c. 18. 42 Edw. 3. c. 3. 25 Edw. 3 c. 2. 11 Rich. 2. c. 4. 1 Hen. 4. c. 10. 2 Hen. 4. Rot. Parl. 11. n. 60. 1 Edw. 6. c. 12. 1 M. c. 1. The Petition of Right 3 Car. So much commended this Parliament and laying all our Laws Liberties Estates and Lives waste after they have drawn so much Blood and Treasure from us in defence of them 16. To raise and keep up what forces by Land and Sea they please and impose what Taxes they please and renew increase and perpetuate them to support their more than Regal or Parliamentary power 17. To pack and shuffle themselves into a Councel of Lords This 17. is added by the Abridger States General without any provincial States forty Hogens Mogens with Supream Regal and Arbitrary power in absence of Parliaments which are Abolished by these Usurpations as well as Monarchy 4. The principal ends proposed in the pretended Act for imposing this 90000 l. a months Tax oblige all men not to pay it viz. The keeping up this Army under the Lord Fairfax 1. Because this Army by rebelling against their Masters the Parliament and waging War upon them and by conspiring with their own party of the sitting Commons have occasioned all the Mischiefs last mentioned to the ruine of King Parliament and Kingdome Religion Laws Liberty and Property and daily threaten an utter dissolution both in their Deeds and Words Both Officers and Souldiers Boasting That the whole Kingdome and all we have is theirs by Conquest That we are but their conquered Slaves and Vassals and they Lords of the Kingdome That our Lives are at their Mercy and Courtesie That when they have gotten all we have from us by Taxes and Free-quarter they will seize our Lands and turn Vs and our Families out of Doors That there is no Law in England but the Sword as Hugh Peters the Rebels Apostle saith The present power must be obeyed saith parasitical John Goodwin that is the power of the Sword still More hath been raised by Taxes these last eight years than in all the Kings Reigns since the Conquest and no account given 2. No Tax ought to be imposed but upon necessity for good of the people 25 Edw. 1. chap. 6. Cooks 2. Instit pag. 528. But the keeping up this Army is the Bane of the people 1. Because they are already exhausted with war Plunder Taxes Free-quarter c. 2. Because the Souldiers have decayed Trade and brought a Dearth upon the Land 3. This Tax of 90000 l. a month destroyed Trade by Forestalling and Engrossing most of the Money now left in the Kingdome 4. There is no Enemy in the Kingdome visible nor no fear of any if we will beleeve our Grandees 5. When the King had two Armies in the Field and many Garrisons this whole Army consisted but of 22000. Men and had an Established pay but of 45000 l. a month See Ordinances 15. Feb. 1644. and 6. April 1646. Exact Collect. pag. 599 876. But when the Army by confederacy with their party in the House took the boldness to increase their number
actions increase in horror and beget new afflictions to all honest English hearts So praying you to forbear further writing to me because I mean speedily to see you I rest Dundalk May 20. 1649. Your assured Friend and Servant Upon which Propositions so corrected by Monke and the close carriage of this business I shall trouble my Reader with these following Observations 1. Article You see the Counterfeit Alchymy Saints are content to joyn covertly with Massacring Irish Parpists to carry on their Antimonarchical Designs and to make a false Religion and corrupt worship of God the wages and hyre of righteousness 2. Article You see those Men that are so bloodily zealous to bring Protestant Delinquents nay the King himself under the notion of the Grand Delinquent the Man of Blood to punishment and pretend themselves engaged by Oath so to do can dispense with the Massacre of two hundred thousand English Protestants barbarously and inhumanely slaughtered in Ireland in time of full peace and can grant an Act of Oblivion to whole Armies of their Murderers thereby at once making their Antimonarchical interest the price for which they sell the innocent blood of their Brethren and defrauding the Irish Adventurers of that Money which the Parliament perswaded them to lay forth to purchase Rebels Lands in Ireland for which they have an Act of this Sessions of Parliament The like may be said of the 4. and 7. Articles whereby Rebels attainted and convict are restored to their confiscated Lands and the English Protestant planters that purchased them of the Crown are expelled out of their Inheritance what is this but a design to root out Protestancy as well as Monarchy 5. Article Taketh off all Incapacity Inability and distrust from O Neal and his party at that very time when with much counterfeit zeal they pretend great severity against the English Papists I think because they are not so very Rebels as the Schismaticks According to their usual custome to accuse other Men of their own Crimes they charged King CHARLES the First upon light surmises with complying with the bloody Irish Papists and do themselves actually combine with them to root out Monarchy and Protestancy giving them a Toleration of their Religion and the possession of the English Protestants Etates for their Hyre And it now appears by Letters newly come to London the 24. August notwithstanding the said Votes of the Commons against all association with the Irish Murderers That Sir Charles Coote and O Neale are associated See the Perfect Occurrences nu 17. 138. from Aug. 17. to the 24. 1649. and that the Siege from Londonderry was raised by O Neales help which plainly proves that the Treaty and Conjunction was not only between Monke and O Neale but between O Neale and the Parliament or Councel of State and that the said Propositions so altered by Monke are confirmed by the Parliament or Councel of State 206. Cromwell's Souldiers desert him at Milford-haven and upon his complain his House of Commons vote their Debentures void and do still serve for a foundation for O Neale to assist the Parliament upon who have turned out O Neale at the Fore-door to gull the People and taken him in again at the Back-door Many of K. Olivers Officers and Souldiers abhorring the said Association with O Neale deserted him at Milford-haven as I have related and came to London whither they were pursued at the heels by a Letter from his Mushrome Majesty directed to his Vice-Royes at Westminster willing his Parliament that since to encourage the Souldiers to undertake the Irish expedition onely their Accounts had been Audited and Debentures granted for their Arrears they should recall and null their said Debentures In obedience to which Command a thing like an Act of Parliament is drawn up and order taken that the Commissioners that attend Cromwel into Ireland should certifie the Names of them all to the Parliament that they may be punished in purse for not prostituting their Consciences and shedding more innocent blood with an implicite faith and blinde obedience to K. Olivers unquestionable commands in maintenance of usurpation and lawless tyranny The rest of the Army may see by this precedent they may as well hope to recover a damned Soul out of Hell as their Arrears out of this bottomless Gulph the New State notwithstanding all their fair promises Orders weather-cock Acts and Debentures which are all written in waste-paper and as changeable as Tickets and Securities for the Publick Faith It being their constant resolution and best policy to feed them from time to time with vain hopes and a little spending-mony for which they are never the better now a bit of mony and then a bob of Martial Law and alwaies to promise never to pay their Arrears thereby to keep them together from Disbanding and going to their own homes and callings whilst the Councel of Officers who only are accounted the rational part of the Army receive duly the hire of unrighteousness and whatsoever else they can shark from the private Souldiers who are looked upon but as the Brutish part of the Army in whom it is become a capital Crime to question whether their Superiors deal justly with them or no as is proved to Lockyer The Common Souldiers as well as the Common People paying for the Ryot of their Colonels and superior Officers who Lord it in their gilt Coaches rich Apparel costly Feastings though some of them led Dray-horses wore Leather-pelts and were never able to name their own fathers or mothers I and for the Lands they purchase too yet the Officers have one device more to keep the Souldiers together which is They make them believe they are so generally hated they cannot with safety Disband and go home whereas it is the Superiours onely that are looked upon with hatred as the Authors of Tyranny and Oppression The Private Souldier being esteemed but their Instruments and such as in their kind and way are sufferers under the hand of oppression as well as other men many Souldiers have been purged out of the Army others have voluntarily quitted the Army and returned to their callings without being endangered or injured after their retirement which shewes this objection is but a Scar-crow For the clear manifestation of the Association between O Neale and the Parliament 207. A League Defensive Offensive concluded between O Neal and Sir Charls Coote Governour of Connaught for the Parliament See the last Section save one there are lately come to the Councel of State two Letters out of Connaught from Sir Charls Coote one Dated the 14. the other the 15. of August 1649. informing them with how much zeal to the Parliaments Interest Owen O Neale had freely raised the Siege of London-Derry Upon which Letters and the Votes and proceedings of Col. Pride's Parliament thereupon I shall commend to my Readers observation these following particulars 1. The 15. August Letters inform that O Neale freely offered his assistance
or Coronation solemnized notwithstanding that by his unjust Banishment caused by the interposition of the said trayterous combined Antimonarchical Faction He be eclipsed for the present and not suffered to perform any Acts of Government to his three Kingdomes and restore Peace Plenty Justice Mercy Religion Laws and Liberties to them again which no hand but his own can bestow and therefore in vain do the people long for and expect Figgs from Thistles Grapes from Thorns This Kingdome of the Brambles now set up being onely able to Scrath and Tear not to Protect and Govern them I farther Declare and Protest That this combined trayterous Faction have forced an Interregnum and a Justitium upon us an utter suspension of all Lawful Government Magistracy Laws and Judicatories so that we have not de jure any Laws in force to be executed any Magistrates or Judges Lawfully constituted to execute them any Court of Justice wherein they can be judicially executed any such Instrument of the Law as a lawful Great Seal nor any Authority in England that can lawfully Condemn and Execute a Thief Murderer or other Offender without being themselves called Murtherers by the Law all legal proceedings being now coram non Judice nor can this remaining Faction in the House of Commons shew any one President Law Reason or Authority whatsoever for their aforesaid doings but onely their own tyrannical Votes and the Swords of their Army Wherefore I do further Declare and Protest before God and the World That all Free-born Subjects of the Kingdomes of England and Ireland are bound by the Stat. of Recognition 1 Jac. and by all our Laws and Statutes By their Oaths of Allegiance Obedience and Supremacy the Protestation and National Covenant by very many Declarations Remonstrances Petitions and Votes of this Parliament and all Souldiers are engaged also by their own Declarations Remonstrances and Proposals to defend assert and vindicate with their lives and fortunes the Person Authority and Title of our aforesaid lawful KING and Supreme Governour the undoubted Heir of all His late Fathers Dominions CHARLES the Second by the Grace of God King of Great Britain France and Ireland c. against all Opposites and pretended Authorities whatsoever unless they will be guilty of the fowlest sins of Treason Rebellion Perjury and perfidiousness against their God their King and Country and of prostituting the Religion Laws and Liberties of the Land their Wives Children and Estates to the lusts of an Armed Faction usurping a far more Arbitrary and Tyrannical power over our Consciences Persons Liberties and Estates than ever was known in England before or then is now used by the Russe Turk or Tartar or any the most enslaving and lawless Tyrants under Heaven 223. Compare the date of the K. Commissions with those of the Parliament and their Declarations on both sides An Exhortatory Conclusion to the English Nation TO conclude the series of Affairs and Action on both Parties especially of late rightly compared it appeareth by the sequel That King CHARLES the First from the beginning took up defensive Armes to maintain Religion Lawes Liberties and the antient fundamental being of Parliaments and this Kingdom and that there alwayes was and now especially is a predominant Faction in Parliament notwithstanding their frequent Declarations Remonstrances Petitions Protestations Covenant and Votes to the contrary conspiring with a Party especially of Commissioned Officers of the Army without the Houses to Change the fundamental Lawes and Government of the Church and Common-wealth to usurp into a few hands the Supream Authority to enslave the People with an Olygarchical Military and Arbitrary Government to raise what illegal Taxes they please to establish their tyranny and enrich themselves and their Party to oppresse consume and devour all men of a judgment contrary to their Interest to Murder them by new-declared arbitrary Treasons contrary to the Stat. 25 Edw. 3. for ascertaining Treasons to Disfranchise them of their Birth-rights and make them Adscriptios Glebae Villains Regardant to their own Lands which the Nobility Gentry and Yeomanry plough sow and reap whilst Brewers Dray-men and Coblers eat drink and play upon the sweat of their labours and are the Usufructuaries of their Estates All which they have lately brought to pass wherefore let all true Englishmen as becomes good Christians good Patriots and gallant Men claim their Birth-rights and with own voice cry out 1. We will not Change our Antient setled and well approved Laws to which we are Sworn 2. We will not Change our Antient and well-tempered Monarchy to which we are Sworn 3. We will not Change our old Religion for New Lights and Inventions 4. We will not subject our selves to an eighth part of one Estate or House of Parliament sitting under a force and having expelled two hundred and fifty of their Fellows more Righteous than themselves by force and usurping to themselves the Supreme Authority 5. We will not be subjected to a new Supreme Authority usurped by forty ambitious covetous Tyrants arrogating to themselves to be a Councel of State and designed to supply the room of Parliaments under what name or Title soever they mask themselves 6. We will not submit our selves to a Military Government or Councel of Officers 7. We must and will have A KING and The KING whom the Lawes of God and this Land have Designed to us See the Stat. of Recognition 1 Jac. and the Oaths of Allegiance Obedience and Supremacy we being by the Oaths of Allegiance Obedience and Supremacy sworn to ●ear Faith and true Allegiance to King CHARLES the First his lawful Heirs and Successors Hic telum infigam moriarque in vulnere Postscript REader at the latter end of my First part of The Historie of Independency I have presented to thy consideration some General Conclusions arising out of the Premises the same Conclusions do as naturally arise out of the Premises of this Second part of the History and doe as aptly serve to illustrate this Second as that First part wherefore to that First part I send thee for opening thy understanding When our old Lawes run again into their Antient Channel and the Sword of Murder is sheathed and the Sword of Justice drawn the Author engageth to publish his Name and Apologie and shew what he hath done and suffered for the Parliament and Kingdome THE END THE High Court OF JUSTICE OR CROMWELS New Slaughter-House in ENGLAND With the Authority that Constituted and Ordained it Arraigned Convicted and Condemned FOR Usurpation Treason Tyranny Theft and Murther Being the Third Part of the History of INDEPENDENCY Written by the same Authour Printed Anno Domini 1660. In the second Year of the States Liberty and the Peoples Slavery Plin. Paneg. ad Trajanum Olim criminibus jam legibus laboratur metuendum est ne legibus fundata Respublica sit legibus eversa Isaiah 59. vers 3 4. Your hands are defiled with blood and your fingers with iniquity your lips have
Injustice of the Self-created power that obtrudeth it hath been handled by many good pens especially by the Cheshire and Lancashire Ministers in their plea for Non-subscribers Therefore I pass on to my principal scope The second Engine appointed to root out all such as are of a different party the High Court of Justice A formidable Monster upon which no pen that I know of hath yet adventured 4. In treating of the High Court of Justice 4. The High Court of Justice I must consider 1. By what persons and Authority this new erected unpresidented Court is constituted 2. Of what persons it is constituted 3. The way and manner of their proceedings What Formalities and Laws they observe therein How suitable to the known Laws of the Land and the Parliaments Declarations Protestations and Covenant they are 4. To what end this Court is constituted 1. The Persons constituting this extrajudicial Court are the present pretended Parliament consisting of forty or fifty thriving Commons only who conspired with Cromwel and the Army to expel seven parts of eighth of their Fellow-Members without any cause shewn abolished the House of Peers erected this High Court of Justice in nature of a Court Martial to murther the King abolished Kingly Government turned it into a thing they call a Free State disinherited the Royal Family and now usurp to themselves without any calling from God or the People more than a Regal Legal or Parliamentary Authority wherewith they have subverted the Fundamental Government Religion Laws Liberties and Property of the Nation and envassallised and enslaved them to their Arbitrary Domination the Authority by which they erect this extrajudicial Court is The usurped Legislative power by colour of which they passed an Act dated 26. March 1650. establishing the said High Court of Justice Yet their own creature Master St. Johns in his Argument against the E. of Strafford in a Book called Speeches and Passages of this great and happy Parliament printed by William Cooke 1641. pag. 24. saith The Parliament is the Representative of the whole Kingdome wherein the King as head The Lords are the more Noble and the Commons the other Members are knit together as one body politick The Laws are the Arteries and Ligaments that hold the body together And a little after Its Treason to embesel a Judicial Record Strafford swept them all away It s Treason to counterfeit a 20 s. peece here is a counterfeiting of Law so in these counterfeit new Acts we can call neither the counterfeit nor true one our own It s treason to counterfeit the great Seal for an acre of land no property hereby is left to any land at all no more is there by the votes and practise of our new Supremists thus far Mr. St. Johns But that the Parliament doth necessarily consist of the King and the two Houses assembled by his Writ can pass no Act without their joint consent See the preambles of all our Statutes all our Parliament Records all our Law books Modus tenendi Parliamentum Hackwels manner of passing Bills Sir Tho. Smith de Repub. Anglorum Cambdeni Britania All our Historians Polititians and the uninterrupted practise of all Ages That it is now lately otherwise practised is not by any Law of the Land but by the will of lawless power and Rebellion that hath cancelled all our Laws Liberties and Properties and subverted our Fundamental Government and disfranchised and disinherited the whole Nation Yet Master St. Johns in his said Argument against Strafford pag. 38. was then of opinion That to subvert the Laws and Government and make a Kingdome no Kingdome was Treason at the Common Law This Act 26. Mar. 1650. is a new modelled Commission of Oyer and Terminer and all the people of the Land are by the consequence thereof disfranchised and proscribed The illegality and tyranny thereof they have introduced who in this Parliament so zealously complained against the Court of the President and Counsel of York or of the North as an intollerable grievance notwithstanding it had been of as long continuance as from 41 H. 8. as appeares by a worthy Members Speech or Argument against it in the said Book of Speeches and Passages p. 409. made by order of the House of Commons in April 1649. I find not one Exception there made against the Court of York to which this upstart High Court is not more liable than it 1. The Commissioners of this High Court are not appointed to enquire per Sacramentum proborum legalium hominum that is by Juries as by Magna Charta and above 30. Statutes confirming it all Commissions ought to run 2. They are not appointed nor sworn to hear and determine Secundùm Leges Angliae according to the known Laws as they ought to be but according to certain Articles and powers given in the said Act 26. March 1650. 3. The said Act 26 March leaves a dangerous latude to the interpretation and discretion of the Commissioners contrary to what is done in the Act 25 Edw. 3. chap. 2. namely It hath one Clause enabling them to inflict upon Offenders such punishment either by death or otherwise corporally as the said Commissioners or the major part of them present shall judge to appertain to Justice This leaves it in the brests of the Commissioners without any Law or rule to walk by to inflict what torments and ignominious punishments they please although not used in our Nation and arbitrary corporal pains are proper to slaves not to subjests Here after the loss of all but their bodies the people may see their bodies subject to the lawless wills of our Grandees And by another clause this Act impowereth the Commissioners To examine witnesses upon oath or otherwise if need be This word or otherwise c. gives them power to examine witnesses without oath if they cannot procure witnesses so far the sons of Belial and cauterised in conscience as to adventure upon an oath even in case of life and death and mutilation of members contrary to the current of all our Lawes and practise of all our Courts of Law and of all Nations See Stat. 1 Edw. VI. chap. 12. 5 Edw. VI. chap. 11. Cooks 3. Inst p. .24 25 26. Deut. 17.6 Ex ore duorum vel trium peribit qui occidetur Deut. 17.6 Matth. 18.16 John 18.23 2 Cor. 13.1 Heb. 10.28 This is the most arbitrary and destroying liberty that ever was given to Judges And such as none but professed thieves and murderers will accept or make use of The Scripture saith An oath is the end of controversy between man and man How then can they end and determine a controversie without oath But the end of all controversies before this Butcher-row of Judges is cutting of throats and confiscation of estates And by the same clause of the said Act To examine witnesses they may and I hear do examine witnesses clandestinely and proceed upon bare Depositions read in Court whereas they ought to produce
matter of invitation into the kingdom he referred himself to the Declaration then in Print and setting forth how ready and willing he was ever to serve the English wishing happinesse and peace to them and praying that his blood might be the last that should be drawn heartily forgiving all saying I carry no rancour along with me to the grave That his Religion was such as he spoke of before whose Tenets he needed not to expresse as being known to all and himself not of a rigid opinion being not troubled with other mens differing judgments with which words and forgiving all that he might have even the greatest animosity against he kneeled down with Dr. Sibbald and prayed with much earnestnesse and devotion which pious exercise performed and some short ejaculations passing between himself and the Doctor the Earl turning to the Executioner said Shall I put on another cap and turn up my hair Which way is it that you would have me lye Sir The Executioner pointing to the front of the Scaffold the Earl replyed What my head this way Then the Undersheriffs son said My Lord the Order is that you lay your head toward the High Court of Justice Then the Earl after some private discourse with his servants kneeled down on the side of the Scaffold and prayed a while to himself afterwards with a smiling and cheerful countenance he embraced the Doctor in his Arms and then his servants saying to them Ye have been very faithful to me and the Lord blesse you then turning to the Executioner said I shall say a very short prayer while I lie down there and when I stretch out my hand my right hand then Sir do your duty and I do freely forgive you and so I do all the World So lying down and having fitted himself Hamilton executed devoutly praying to himself a short space he stretched out his right hand whereupon the Executioner at one blow severed his head from his body which was received by two of his Servants then kneeling by him into a Crimson Taffeta scarfe and that with the body immediately put into the Coffin brought thither for that purpose and so carried to Sr. John Hambletons house at the Mewes This Execution done the Sheriffs guard went immediately to ●●tch the Earl of Holland whom they met in the midway where the under Sheriffs son having received him into his charge conducted him to the Scaffold Mr. Bolton passing all the way hand in hand with him Being come upon the same and observing he could not spake aloud enough to be heard by the People by reason of the numerousness of the Souldiery that encompassed him he said Hollands speech on the Scaffold I think it is to no purpose to say any thing then proceeded That his breeding had been in a good family that had ever been faithfull to the true Protestant Religion in which he had ever lived and now resolved by Gods grace to dye That he hoped God would forgive him his sins though he acknowledged his Justice in bringing him thither for punishment of them in this World He observed that he was looked on as one that had ill designs against the State Truly saith he I look upon it as a judgement not having offended the Parliament in any thing save an extreme vanity in serving them very extraordinarily That his affections had been ever known to be faithfull and without wavering where the Parliament wrought changes beyond and against reason and Religion there He left them That he ever sought the peace of the Kingdom and that made him do what he did That he knew not how to judge of the then present affairs but should pray that the Kingdome might be again governed by the King by the Lords by the Commons and that the People may look upon the Posterity of the King with that affection they owe that they may be called again without bloodshed and admitted into that power and glory that God in their birth intended to them That he wisheth happiness even to the causers of his death praying heartily to God to forgive them And as Chancellor of Cambridge really praying that that University might flourish and be a continuall Nursery both to Learning and Religion Then mentioning again his Religion and family relating something to his own behaviour and his being a great sinner yet that he hoped God would hear his prayers and give him faith to trust in him with his prayers for the People he ended Then turning to the side he prayed for a good space of time after which by the instigation of Mr. Bolton he said That he was the less troubled with his violent death when he remembred how his Saviour suffered for him and again when he considered the King his Master not long before passed the same way with others at this time with himself with a serious and pithy justification of his said Master the late Kings Majesty a short recapitulation of his first speech concerning his Actions Religion breeding and sufferings After all wholly casting himself on the merits and mercies of Jesus Christ forgiving his Enemies praying for peace and that their blood might be the last which was shed strangely the tryall being as extraordinary as any thing in the Kingdom but he owned it as Gods hand then having some divine conference with Mr. Bolton for neer a quarter of an hour and spoken to a Souldier that took him prisoner and others he embraced Lievtenant Collonel Beecher and took his leave of him After which he came to Mr. Bolton and having embraced him and returned him many thanks for his great pains and affection to his soul he prepared himself to the block whereupon turning to the Executioner he said here my friend let my Cloaths and my body alone there is ten pounds for thee that is better than my cloaths His behaviour I am sure of it And when you take up my head do not take off my cap then taking his farewell of his Servants he kneeled down and prayed for a pretty space with much earnestness Then going to the front of the Scaffold he said to the People God bless you all God give all happiness to this Kingdom to this People to this Nation Then laying himself down he seemed to pray with much affection for a short space and then lifting up his head seeing the Executioner by him he said stay while I give the signe and presently after stretching out his hand and saying now now just as the words were coming out of his mouth the Executioner at one blow severed his head from his body E. of H●ll death The Execution of the Earl of Holland being thus performed the Lord Capell was brought to the Scaffold as the former and as he passed along he put off his hat to the People on both sides looking about him with a very stern countenance when mounting on the Scaffold having before taken his leave of his Chaplain and bidding his Servants that were
lies if not answered did from their several and respective Counties as also in the Cities of London and Westminster declare The Gentry declare that they were far from any thoughts of revenge it belonging to God alone alluding to that text of Scripture Vengeance is mine I will repay saith the Lord but as for Justice they would acquiesce in the judgment of the approaching Parliament This being done and the whole Parliament at the appointed time The Parliament begins beginning first with their duty to God they follow that golden Pythagorean rule 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 giving him hearty thanks for that their freedome of meeting which when they had cordially done they fell in order to their Governour First They fear God then honour the King As the same Pythagoras goes on 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 〈◊〉 The very Heathen we see by the meer light of Nature could dictate that which our Grand Enthusiasts of Religion would not for these many years by the ignis fatuus of their new lighted notion walk after But the Parliament were better principled for after their devotions regularly paid to God they in the very next place own their duty to their Prince upon the first day of May a happy day to be remembred to posterity voting the Government to be by King Kingly government voted Lords and Commons a constitution so incomparably mixed that it may rather be admired then envied neither were they satisfied to rest there but on the Eighth day of the same May caused his Majesty to be proclaimed King of England King proclaimed Scotland France and Ireland which was performed with so much Solemnity and Joy as I presume England I dare say hardly any Kingdome in the World ever saw or were sensible of the like the shouts and acclamations of the pleased people rending the very skies as a token of their extraordinary Thankfulnesse to Heaven and at night by the multitude of their bonfires turning the Darknesse into a kind of lightsome day This hapy beginning thus owned by the general consent of all honest men made the Parliament resolute to prosecute their begun endeavours which the more orderly to do for order befitteth men best both as Subjects and Christians they immediately prepared Commissioners Commissioners sent to the King who were persons choyce for their integrity and wisedome like those heads of the children of Issachar which were men that had understanding of the times to know what Israel ought to do being intrusted to wait on his Majesty and to desire him to come to his Parliament and People with all convenient speed Before whose arrival his Majesty had withdrawn himself from Bruxels not upon any account as was by the ignorant and malicious insinuated but out of a design of safe guard to his own sacred Person as knowing those two principles of the Romanists si violandum est jus Regni causa violandum est and nulla fides servanda est haereticis might prove dangerous if not fatal to his interest as affairs then stood He well remembred Richard the first his case sirnamed Caeur-du-Lion and what his detention once cost England and therefore had no reason to cast himself into the like hazard Therefore having discharged all Accounts whatsosoever at Bruxels he as I said removes his Court to Breda As that first he might hold the more certain and quick intelligence with his friends in England where there hardly wanted any thing to complete his Restoration and the Kingdomes satisfaction but his Personal presence so in the second place he there knew himself safe being within the jurisdiction of his beloved sister the Princesse Royal Mary Princesse of Orange King at Breda whose tender love and zeal to him in his affliction deserves to be written in brasse and graven with the point of a Diamond During the time of his residence there to shew himself to be a second Solomon a Prince of Peace and not onely so but the most pious and merciful of Princes who was wise as a Serpent yet innocent as a Dove by the Honourable the Lord Viscount Mordant and Sir Richard Grenvile since by his Majesties special grace created Earl of Bath Gentleman of his Majesties Bedchamber He sent a most gracious Declaration with respective Letters to the Lords to the Commons to the City and to the Army Whetein His Majesties Declaration layes Independency dead His Majesty first offers a Pardon for all miscarriages and misdemeanors against his Father or himself to all persons such onely excepted as shall be excepted by the Parliament promising likewise securitie to all whose guilt might otherwise endanger them so as they laid hold on his Majesties Pardon within 40. dayes after the publication thereof 2. He refers the purchasers of Kings Queens and Bishops Lands to Justice to the Law and to the Parliament 3. He assures the Souldiery of their Arrears for past services although done against him and of incouragement and pay for the future under him This Declaration was received with no ordinary joy and solemnity the messenger Sr. Iohn Greenvil being rewarded with 500. pounds ro buy him a Jewell and upon reading thereof and a conference had with the Lords who had now reassumed their Native right by taking their places in the higher House they agree unanimously each in their several house That a Letter be sent in answer to his Majesties gracious Letter and Declaration superscribed To his most Excellent Majestie which were since more immediately drawn up and sent by Commissioners before prepared as is already mentioned sixe from each House who were in the name of both Houses 1. To give his Majesty most humble and hearty thanks for his gracious Letter and Declaration 2. To desire his Majesty to return to the exercise of his Regal Office and come to his Parliament and people with all speed possible And thirdly to that purpose to desire him to appoint a place for the Navy to attend him the Commissioners that went from the house of Peeres were these The Earl of Oxford Earl of VVarwick Earl of Middlesex Lord Brook Lord Berckley Commissioners names that went to the King Lord Visc Hereford Of the House of Commons were selected these following Lord Charleton Lord Bruce Lord Falkland Lord Mandevile Lord Herbert Lord Fairefax Sir George Booth Sir Iohn Holland Sir Antho. Ashly-Cooper Sir Horatio Townsend Sir Henry Cholmly Mr. Hollis The City of London having also received the like Letters and Declarations the Lord Mayor Aldermen and Common-Council appoint a loyal and humble answer to be returned wherein they give his Majesty thanks for his tender care grace and favour to their ancient and renowned City which was sent by these worthy Gentlemen For the City of London Alderman Adams Recorder VVilde Alderman Robinson Alderman Bateman Theophilus Biddolph Richard Ford Alderman Vincent Alderman Frederick Alderman VVale John Lewis Esquire William Bateman Esq Alderman Bludworth Major
Birkhead by Dures of Imprisonment with the connivance of the Commons Col. Bromfield Hooker Cox and Baynes Citizens who the last year were committed upon suspition of High Treason to which every offence against this new Babel-state is now wrested notwithstanding the Stat. 25 Edw. 3. for limitation of Treasons as in an infectious season all diseases turn to the plague and were then discharged for want of matter to make good the Charge are now again imprisoned in the first year of Englands Liberty at the request of Birkhead Sergeant at Armes to the Commons until they pay such unreasonable Fees as he pleases to exact from them This had been great Extortion and Tyranny in the KINGS time when this Nation enjoyed so much freedome as to call a Spade a Spade an Extortioner an Extortioner and a Tyrant a Tyrant And reason good for if such Fees be legally due Birkhead hath Legal means to recover them if not Legally due it is Extortion in him to demand them in so violent a way and Tyranny in his Masters the Commons to maintain him in it Sir Henry Mildmay lately coming to the Tower and perceiving the Countess of Carlisles window had some prospect to Col. Lilborns Grates out of his parasitical diligence told the Lievtenant of the Tower 219. Sir Har. Mildmay's Politick Observations Chaste Conversation and first initiation at Court That notwithstanding the distance was such as they could not communicate by speech yet they might signifie their intentions by signs upon their fingers to the prejudice of the tender infant State and accompanying this admonition with some grave and politick Nods hasted away to the Councel of State and being both out of breath and sense unloaded himself of his Observations there and was seconded by Tho. Scot the Demolisher of old Palaces and Deflowrer of young Mayden-heads before they are ripe who much aggravated the danger and applauded the Observator Sure Sir Henry hath not yet forgot the bawdy Language of the hand and fingers since he first in Court began to be Ambassadour of Love Procuror Pimp or Pandor to the Duke of Buckingham and laboured to betray the honour of a fair Lady his nearest Ally to his Lust had not she been as Vertuous as he is Vitious if it be possible for any Woman to be so and did actually betray others to him I can tell you that very lately Sir Harry pretending himself taken with the Wind-collick got an opportunity to insinuate himself into a Citizens house in Cheapside and tempted his Wife but had a shameful repulse but more of this I will not speak lest his Wife beat him and give an ill example to other Women to the prejudice of our other New States-men 220. Felons fetched out of Newgate to inform against Merchants for not paying Customes and their New erected Sodomes and Spintries at the Mulbury-garden at St. Jamses Master Gybs Master of a Ship having caused three fellows to be committed to New-gate upon Felony for Robbing him These Fellows sent to Col. Harvey That if he would procure their Liberty they would discover to him several Merchants who had lately stoln Customes Whereupon Harvey sends for those Rogues out of New-gate hears their Accusation approves it prosecutes the Merchants upon the Information of those Villains discharges them of their Imprisonment by his own power and recommends them to Col. Deane to be imployed in the Navy And one Master Lovel a Silk-man in Saint Lawrence-lane is committed to the Gate-house Prisoner because he refuseth to swear how many Bayl 's of Silk he hath come over If the first year of our Liberty make such presidents what Monsters will the Sixth and Seventh year produce All Princes begin with moderation The Elders gave good Councel to Rehoboam Serve the People one day and they will serve thee for ever hereafter Nero had a commendable Quinquennium But our Novice Statists are Tyrants ab incunabilis Oppressors with shels upon their heads from the Nest before they are fledge what will they be hereafter 221. Sommer-hill given to Bradshaw A sop for Cerberus Sommerhil a pleasant Seat worth 1000 l. a year belonging to the Earle of Saint Albans is given by the Juncto to their Blood-hound Bradshaw so he hath warned the Countess of Leicester who formerly had it in possession to raise a Debt of 3000 l. pretended due to her from the said Earle which she hath already raised four-fold to quit the possession against our Lady-day next The Protestation and Declaration THe Premises considered I do hereby in the name and behalf of my self and of all the Free people of England Declare and Protest That the General Councel of War and Officers of the Army by their said violent and treasonable force upon the far major more honest and moderate part of the House of Commons being above 250. and leaving only fifty or sixty Schimaticks of their own engaged Party sitting and voting under their Command and almost all of them such as have and do make a prey of the Commonwealth to enrich themselves and their Faction have broken discontinued and waged War against this Parliament and have forfeited their Commissions And the remaining Faction in the House of Commons by abetting ayding and concurring with the said Councel of War in the said rebellious Force and by setting up new illegal and arbitrary Courts of Judicature to Murther King CHARLES the First our lawful King and Governour who by his Writ according to the Law summoned and authorised this Parliament to meet sit Principium Caput fini● Parliamenti Oaths of Allegiance and Supremacy and advise with him and was the Fountain Head and conclusion or su●matory end of the Parliament and Supreme Governour over all Persons and in all Causes of this Kingdome and by Abolishing the House of Peers and the Kingly Office and Dis-inheriting the Kings Children and Vsurping to themselves the Supreme Authority and Legislative P●wer of this Nation in order to make and establish themselves a Councel of State Hogen Mogens or Lords States General and translate the said Supreme Power and Authority into the said Councel of State and then Dissolve this Parliament and perpetute their said Tyranny and this Army and Govern Arbitrarily by the Power of the Sword and raise what illegal Taxes they please and eat out consume and destroy whosoever will not basely submit to their Domination See 1. part sect 105 106. and the Conclusions 15 16 17 18. and return to sect 79 109 110. Stat. of Recognition 1 Jac. Oaths of Algiance and Supremacy Have by the aforesaid wayes and means totally subverted this Common-wealth and destroyed the fundamental Laws Authority and Government thereof Dissolved and Abolished this and all future Parliaments so that there is now no visible lawful Authority left in England but the Authority of King CHARLES the Second who is actually KING of all his Dominions presently upon the Decease of the King his Father before any Proclamation made