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A50324 Nevv-England pesecutors [sic] mauled vvith their own vveapons giving some account of the bloody laws made at Boston against the kings subjects that dissented from their way of worship : together with a brief account of the imprisonment and tryal of Thomas Maule of Salem, for publishing a book entituled Truth held forth and maintained, &c. / by Tho. Philathes. Maule, Thomas, 1645-1724. 1697 (1697) Wing M1353; ESTC W42979 40,656 69

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of this nature by imprisonment and paying three hundred pounds apiece was Dr. Child Samuel Maverick and other Merchants in Boston kept from being hanged for their being taken with a Petition to send to England as aforesaid Of which when I come to give an account of the English Church being persecuted by these New-England Free-men to do what they saw most pleasing to their Priests shall the more speak relating to the aforesaid suffering of Dr. Child Samuell Maverick and others of the Church of England as aforesaid From all Bloody Free-men pray God deliver me They are for Hanging all that one with them not be The Persecutors Law against the Kings good Subjects And if after this he or she shall return again then to be proceeded against as Ineorrigible Rogues and Enemies to the common Peace and shall immediately be apprehended and committed to the common Goal of the County and the next Court of Assistants shall be brought to the Tryal and proceeded against according to the former Law made 1658. for their punishment on Pain of Death Psalm 94.20 21. Obs You may understand that of this nature it hath been in all Ages to the People of God for as it is written He that is born after the f●esh persecuteth him that is born after the Spirit even so it is now Gal. 4 2● and that the People are great sufferers as by these Laws when they fall into the hands of Hypocrites which pretend so much to Religion as did the wicked Jews to destroy the righteous in that day which work as we read in the holy Scriptures Books of Martyrs and the like true Histories ever did as now it doth begin at the house of the persecuting Priests who would have none live save those that are one with them in all things that tend to the upholding them with Money for preaching which is made up with other mens words whose Life and experience they witness nothing of but at random make a sixt days Image with stolen words with which they fright the People that know no better then to buy of their Ware which further then they write it down lose it before the next market day such like is the preaching and teaching of every Hypocritical Hireling and Persecuting Priest whose Doctrine does leaven every Persecutor of their Church to follow them in the like covetous practice through whose Hypocrisie and Deceit many have been horribly cheated Now if New-Englands Churches be not highly guilty of these things as well as persecuting People to Death for Religion then the People in Forreign Countries are the more to blame to cry out at the sight of New-England Vessels so much as they do against Persecutors Deceit Hypocrisie false Doctrine Surfeited Horses and the like of stinking Fish and other Cheats with which it is common for Hypocrites and Persecutors to trade Hypocrisie Deceit is cloaked with Religion By men whose wicked Laws for Blood do make provision No men more wicked then Persecuters be To find it true in Scripture may it see Mat. 23.32 New-England Persecutors Laws against the King Subjects And for such Quakers as shall arise from amongst our selves they shall be proceeded against as the former Law Anno 1658. doth provide until they have been convicted by the Court of Assistants and being convicted he or she shall then be banished the Jurisdiction and il after that they shall return and be found in any part of this Jurisdiction then he or she so sentenced to banishment shall be proceeded against as those that are strangers and Vagabond Quakers in manner as before expressed Obs The Reader may hence understand that as their Laws were bloody the cruel nature of their unbelieving hard hearts was in the execution of their Laws agreeable thereunto who being bewitched by a Company of hi●eling Priests not to obey the Truth were through obedience to wicked Spirits mad after the Blood of the Innocent that the devout Members of their Antichristian Church did Act with that fury to the Quakers as if they could never use too much Cruelty upon them which was the more by the Priest-ridden Executioners through the Priests pronouncing Woes and bitter Curses against all such as should fail in the neglect of their work for the Devil against both Quakers Baptists and them of the Church of England as well as against all other Dissenters which Curses they still back't with Scripture words as aforesaid Judg. 5.23 Jer. 48.10 which work as the wicked did so these pretended was done by them for the honour of God and glory of his Name and that their Church was the purest Reformed Church of all other Christian Churches in the World But if the pureity of a Church consist in such wicked works as they have done by virtue of unrighteous Laws against the People of God and the Kings Subjects then it is manifest by the length of time in the like cruel bloody Work that their Mother Church of Rome is more purer then theirs But if Persecution be the work of the Devil as by Scripture it is manifest so to be then according to Christs own words they are Children of him whose work they do then it must consequently follow that Romes Church being the first under the Name Christian found to persecute that all under that name found to persecute are her children whom so often they call the great Whore The Devil 's Work not only done to Quakers But all Dissenters were in par● Pertakers New-England Persecutors Law against the Kings Subjects And it is further Ordered That whatsoever charge shall arise about apprehending whipping conveying or otherwise about the Quakers to be laid out by the Constable of such Town where it is expended and to be repaid by the Treasurer out of the next County Levy And further ordered That the Constables of their several Towns are hereby impowered ●rom time to time to impress Cart Oxen and other Assistance for the Execution of this Order 1661. Obs The Reader may hence understand That for the cloaking of the Devils Work they made all their unrighteous Warrants run in the Kings Name as if he was the Author of their cruel Work against Dissenters whenas it manifestly appears both by the holy Scriptures and also by the Kings Letter a Copy of which will follow That they had no Warrant Precept or Command either from God or the King but did wholly act and do according to their own Wills which still remain the same to work Mischief against both Quakers Baptists and the Church of England also as will hereafter evidently appear but their Horns at present are shortened and their Cloak begins to appear threed-bare and now their Hypocris●e and Deceit will no longer hide their Wickedness from the King and People whose Money out of the Treasury must serve to defray the Charge of the Devil's Work against the Kings good Subjects who had taken from them by the persecuting Churches in New-England to the value of Twenty Thousand
GOD or KING as is manifested by their Works Priests Rulers Masts for Ships D●ceis and Lyes withall Poor People made to pay for Presents to White-hall New-England Persecutors Laws against the Kings good Subjects upon Complaint of the Priests put into Execution again NOW forasmuch as new Complaints are made to this Court of such Persons abounding especially in the Eastern parts endeavouring to draw away others to that wicked Opinion it is Ordered That the last Law Tit. Vagabond Quakers May 1661. be hence-forth in force in all respects provided their Whipping be but through three Towns and the Magistrate or Commissioner signing the Warrant shall appoint both the Towns and number of Stripes in each Town to be given 1662. Obs Here by comparing this their Date to their Law with the date of the Kings Letter how little regard they had to the Kings Mind and Will therein contained which was whether condemned to suffer Death or Imprisoned or to suffer corporal Punishment to forbear to proceed any further therein but forthwith to send the said Persons over into the Nation of England with the respective Crimes or Offences laid to their Charge to the end such course might be taken with them according to the Nature of the Offence as should be agreeable to the English Laws Which express command of the King was but a small time minded by them for upon their considering the cause some small time proposed to themselves that by virtue of their Idol Charter they had as much Power in New-England as the King had in Old-England and had they the like strength of Men and Shipping would no doubt with stand all Kings and Princes that should adventure to oppose their way now had not I my self heard some of them say these things durst not have charg'd it here upon them to publick view and for a further evidence of the same witness their Proclaiming with a Trumpet before them against the Kings Commissioners in Boston perswading the People as near as as they could That their Commissions were made under a Hedge with much 〈◊〉 of the like Nature too ●orge here to● relate Priests Rulerr bloody Work on People hath brought Wo With their consent that silent were to have it so They 'r Works of him that is of Hell ' Gainst God and King all such Rebell New-England Persecutors Law against the Kings Subjects Whereas it may be found amongst us that mens Thresholds are set up by Gods Thresholds and mens Posts by Gods Posts especially in open Meetings of the QVAKERS whose damnable Heresies and abominable Idolatries are hereby promoted imbraced ând practised to the Scandal of Religion hazard of Souls and provocation of divine Jealousie against this People For Prevention and Reformation whereof it is Ordered by this Court and the Authority thereof That every Person found at a Quakers Meeting shall be apprehended ex Officio by the Constable and by Warrant from a Magistrate or Commissioner shall be committed to the House of Correction and there to have the Discipline of the House applyed unto them and to be kept to work with Bread and Water for three days together and then to be released or else shall pay a fine of five Pounds in Money to the Country for every such Offence and all Constables neglecting their Duty in not faithfully executing this Order shall incur the Penalty of 5 l. upon conviction one third part whereof to the Informer Obs The Reader may here take Notice of one of these Persecutors many horrid and wicked Lyes so proved by their Contradiction who in their Preambles to their Laws accuse the Quakers with keeping their Meetings private yet at unawares in their Bridewell Law they charge the contrary and though they pretend the sin is great yet it may be bought off for five Pounds in Money as often as they please but the said Sum not being paid them by any one they were much enraged thereat finding their covetous design in making said Law disappointed because it reach no further than to punish them that were not free to pay 5 l. for being at a Quakers Meeting as aforesaid the Penalty of which Law several Merchants in Boston suffered rather than to disobey God by satisfying the lust of such covetous Priests and Rulers who prefer the love of Money before punishing for that which themselves account so great sins as by the Preamble of their Laws they pretend these above-mentioned to be Their bloody Laws are almost done Which Work the Priests at first begun New-England Persecutors Preamble to their Laws against provoking Evils as they call them Whereas the most wise holy God for these several years past hath not only warned us by his word but chastized us with his Rod inflicting upon us many general Judgments but we have neither heard the word nor rod as we ought to be effectually humbled for our sins to repent of them hence it is the righteous God hath hightened our Calamity and given Commission to the barbarous Heathen to rise up against us and become a smart Rod and severe Scourge to us in burning and depopulating several hopeful Plantations murdering many of our Inhabitants of all sorts and seeming as it were to cast us off and putting us to shame and not going forth with our Arms hereby speaking aloud to us to search and try our ways and turn again unto the Lord our God from whom we have departed with great back-sliding Obs That to acknowledge the Truth is well and well would it be indeed if they were found acknowledging the whole Truth and to repent of shedding innocent Blood which is the great sin of New-England Priests and Rulers as also of the consenting Church Members thereof but of this there is no mention made in their Preamble-confession of words without Works of Truth and Righteousness to God and People according as is at large manifest by their afore-mentioned Laws the neglect of which Execution was by their Priests imputed to be the main cause of general Judgment to come upon them But they use to say If all the Quakers were hanged and all other Dissenters clear'd out of their Jurisdiction then would their Land enjoy Peace Unto which Work the Rulers were bewitched so far as the Devil was permitted to drive them who were as willing to run and to work they went against all Dissenters and set forth a Book against the Baptists entituled The Rise and Foundation of the cursed Sect of Annabaptists in which was as many Lyes as they use to gather for their Pulpit Work on the first Day against the Quakers which Lyes to hear also costs the People Money None are more blind than those that will not see The cause for which Gods general Judgments be New-England Persecutors Law against Provoking Evils as they call them 1. This Court apprehending there is too great a neglect of Discipline in the Churches and especially respecting those that are their Children through the non acknowledgment of them
which with the Book is now committed to your hands who have taken a solemn Oath to do the thing that is right in the sight of Gods as near as you can therefore you ought well to consider the horrid Wickedness of Thomas Maules setting forth the Book now ●e●ore you in which there is contained a great a●al of blasphemous matter against the Churches and Government of this Province You weak 〈◊〉 that when the Husband-man hath take● great care and labour to f●nce in his f●●ld of Wheat and there comes a ravenous Creature and makes a Gap through the Fence for other like Creatures to go through and spo●l the Corn and to trample down and lay waste the H●sband-mans Field will he not use his utmost endeavour to destroy such a ravenous Creature that doe● so how much the more are we to preserve the H●dge of the good H●sband-man with which he hat● by his Ordinances and good Government fenced and hedged his Churches and People in this Pr●●gi●●● against which the wicked work of Thomas Maule doth wholly tend to overt●●ow all good in Church and Common-wealth which Go● hath planted amongst his People in this Province w●ich ●ause with the saide Maules Book is now before you to do that which is right relating thereu● 〈◊〉 near as God shall inable In answer to which Speech Thomas Maule made this R●ply to the Jury and said Jury look well to the work which you are now going to do the Cause is now committed to you who are to be Governed by the Kings Law no Law of our Nation have I broken as to you will appear the Book has no evidence in Law against me further then to you it doth appear I have writ or caused to be printed any thing contrary to sound Doctrine and Inconsistant to the holy Scriptures of Truth which if you take up with any part of these Judges unjust Charge against me and say there is such like matter in my Book as they charge me with you may seek to the Printer for satisfaction for of any such like matter in the Book I know not and my hand is only to my Copy which now is in another Government in the hands of the Printer and my Name to my Book made by the Printer does not in Law evidence to prove the same to be Thomas Maule no more then the Spector Evidence in Law is of force or validity to prove the person accused by said evidence to be the Witch but rather conclude the Spector to be the Witch therefore Jury look well to your Work for you have sworn True Tryal to make and just Verdict give which if you miss of doing me Justice the fault will lie on your part for these my Accusers on the beach are but as Clerks to ●onclude your Work with Amen In some small time the Jury brought in their Verdict for the Prisoner whom they found not Guilty At which the Judges seemed much disatisfied therewith and ass● the Jury how that could be having the Book before them w●o answered That the Book was not suffic●ent Evidence for that Thomas Maules Name was there unto set by the Printer and the matrer therein contained not cognizable before them they not being a Jury of divines which this case ought to be Then Judg Danford made this Sp●ech That tho Thomas Maule had escaped the hands of Men yet he had not escaped the hand of God who would find out all his Evils and Blasphemies against his Church and People and for which Wickedness God did reserve him or further Ja●gm●●o come upon him In answer to which said Maule replyed That he was no way guilty of their Charge but had great cause to praise God ●or his di●●●erance by the Jury who were made Instruments of freeing him out of the hands of them who had manifested their unrighteous Works against the People of God and the Kings Subjects as their Fathers be●ore had done In which time of the said Reply Judge Danford called out Take him away take him away The Reader may hence understand that the distance of these Persecutors from the King and much further froms Gods Truth is the cause that by them many of the People of God and the Kings Subjects suffer more then they would do were they where their complaint could readily be heard by the King who would not suffer his Subjects to be persecuted under the Anti-christian Power of the New-England Church who yet continue the old stroke according to their Power against the Qua●●rs at this very t●me of liberty of Conscience respecting to Religion now allowed by the King and Powers of England as for instance they now do suffer in their Jurisdiction especially in the Town of Linn where for the Priests maintenance they compell the Quakers Oxen their Pots and Platters with the of other Houshould goods more worse in that respect then of the first two wiked Priests we read Sam. 2.12 13 14 15 16 17. For which sin God will reward the wick●● Priests FINIS