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ID Title Author Corrected Date of Publication (TCP Date of Publication) STC Words Pages
A46045 Orders made and established by the Lords spirituall and temporall, and the rest of the general assembly of the Kingdome of Ireland met at the citty of Kilkenny, the foure & tvventith day of October Anno Domini 1642 and in the 18 yeare of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lord King Charles, by the grace of God King of Great Brittaine, France, and Ireland &c. Ireland. Parliament. 1642 (1642) Wing I426A; ESTC R16395 7,839 24

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Orders made and established by the Lords Spirituall and Temporall and the rest of the general Assembly of the Kingdome of Ireland met at the Citty of Kilkenny the foure tvventith day of October Anno Domini 1642. and in the 18. yeare of the raigne of our Soueraigne Lord King Charles by the Grace of God King of Great Brittaine France and Ireland c. INPRIMIS that the Roman Catholike Church in Ireland shall haue enioy its priuiledges immunities according to the Great Charter enacted or declared within the Realme of England in the ninth yeare of the raigne of King Henry the third sometymes King of England and Lord of Ireland and afterwards enacted and confirmed in this Realme of Ireland and that the common Law of England and all the Statutes of force in this Kingdome which are not against the Catholike Roman Religion or the liberty of the Natiues and other subiects of this Kingdome shal be obserued throughout the whole Kingdome and that all proceedings in Ciuill or Criminall causes shal be according to the said Lawes 2. Item that all and euery person and persons within this Realme shall beare faith and true Alleagiance vnto our said Soueraigne Lord King Charles by the grace of God King of Great Brittaine France and Ireland his Heires and lawfull Successours shall vphould and maintaine his and their rights and lawfull prerogatiues with the vttermost skill power of euery such person and persons against all manner of persons whatsoeuer 3. Item that the Common Lawes of England and Ireland and the said Statute called the Great Charter and euery clause braunch and article thereof and all other Statutes confirming expounding or declaring the same shal be punctually obserued within this Realme so farforth as the condition of the present tymes during this warre can by possibility giue way thereunto and after the warre is ended the same to be obserued without any limitation or restriction whatsoeuer 4. Item For as much as the Citty of Dublin the vsuall and principall seate of sustice of this Kingdome where the Parliaments and ordinary Courts were held and some other places where the Prouinciall Councels were sometimes kept are as yet possessed commaunded by the malignant Party who are enemyes to God their King and all his Maiesties well affected subiects this Assembly is necessitated during this warre in some formalities and circumstances to deuiate from the proceedings prescribed by the said Lawes and Statutes yet neuerthelesse retayning the substance and essence thereof so farforth as the endlesse malice and cruelty of their Enemies the said malignant Party doth permit who shut vp the said places and all other passages and wayes to his Maiesties iustice mercy from his Maiesties well affected subiects of this Kingdome For the exaltation therfore of the Holy Roman Catholicke Church for the aduancement of his Maiesties seruice the preseruation of the liues estates liberties of his Maiesties true subiects of this Kingdome against the iniustice murders massacres rapes depredations robberies burnings frequent breaches of publicke fayth and quarter and destruction daily acted and perpetrated vpon his Maiesties said subiects and aduised contriued continually executed by the said malignant Party some of them managing the Gouerment and affaires of Estate in Dublin and in some other partes of this Kingdome to his Highnes greatest disseruice complying with their confederats the malignant Party in England and elswhere who as it is manifest to all the world doe complot and practise to dishonour and destroy his Maiesty his Royall Consort the Queene their Children and Monarchicke Gouerment which is of most dangerous consequence to all the Monarckes and Princes of Christendome The said Assembly doth order and establish a Councell by the name of Supreme Councell of the confederate Catholiks of Ireland who are to consist of the number of foure and twenty to be forthwith named by this Assembly wherof twelue at the least to be forthwith named shal reside in this Citty or where else within this Kingdom they shall thinke expedient and the members of the said Councell are to haue equall votes and two partes of three or more concurring present votes to conclude and no fewer to sit in Councell then nyne wherof seauen at the least are to concurre And of the foure and twenty a President shal be named by this Assembly who is to be one of the said twelue resident and in case of his death absence or sicknes the rest of those who shal be resident may name a Vice-president of the foure and twenty and this Assembly is forthwith to name a Secretary and Clarke of the said Councell the Secretary to be of the said foure and twenty and the said Councell shall haue the powers and preheminences following vz. That Lords-Generalls and all other Commaunders of Armies and Ciuill Magistrates and Officers in the seuerall Prouinces shall obserue their Orders and Decrees and shall do nothing contrary to their directions and shall giue them speedy aduertisment and account of their proceedings and actions with as much expedition as may be That the said Councell shall haue power to order and determine all such matters as by this Assembly shal be left vndetermined and shal be recommended vnto them and their orders therin to be of force vntill the next Assembly and after vntill the same be reuoked That the said Councell shall haue power and Authority to question and inflict condigne punishment vpon all Commaunders of Armies exempted from the powers of Generalls and vpon the Generalls themselues and vpon all Gouernours Magistrats and other persons of what degree or quality soeuer and vpon any of themselues in case of delinquency That the said Councell shall haue Power Authority to doe and execute all manner of acts and things conducing to the aduancement of the Catholicke Cause and Good of this Kingdome and concerning this warre as if done by this Assembly and shall haue power to heare and determine all matters Capitall Criminall or Ciuill excepting the right or Title of Land That the Generalls and other Commaunders of Armies and all Gouernours and Ciuill Magistrats and all other person within this Realme shall obey the orders and decrees of the said Councell touching the present seruice That the said Councell shall haue for their guarde the number of fiue hundred foote and two hundred horse to be equally extracted out of the Armies of the foure Prouinces 5. It is further ordered and established that in euery Prouince of this Kingdome there shal be a Prouinciall Councell and in euery County a County-Councell the Prouinciall Councell to be composed of the number of two of ech County and the said Prouinciall Councell shall choose a President of themselues 6. That the Prouinciall Councell shall sit foure tymes a yeare and oftener if there be cause for it That they shall haue power and authority to reuiew or reuerse the Iudgments or Decrees of the County-Councells the party complayning entring security